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histoireettralala · 5 years ago
Joachim Murat: his youth in Quercy.
His steps often joined those of Napoleon. Born 250 years ago in Labastide, Marshal of France, the king of Naples remained, all his life, attached to his native land. His native village now bears his name: Labastide-Murat.
Published on August 29, 17 at 16:05, in ActuLot
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Joachim Murat en uniforme de sous-lieutenant au 12e Régiment de Chasseurs en 1792 (Age 25), by Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin, 1835
His name will later be inscribed on the Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile. On April 5, 1791, three young people from Quercy (Murat, Bessieres and Ambert), appointed by the Lot Directory to be part of the King's constitutional guard, whose creation has just been voted by the Legislative Assembly, take the road to Paris. Coming from a family of small social status, Murat will reach the highest military glory thanks to the Republican wars and the prestigious imperial epic.
He was born on a causse with unexplored abysses
Joachim Murat was born on March 25, 1767, at La Bastide-Fortunière, a village in the Causse de Gramat. This physical environment has a certain connection with the future King of Naples' life and character. “La Bastide, a small village on the high plateau, looks like a fortress commanding the country. This majestic appearance amidst the drought, the almost desolation of the limestone soil which unexplored abysses hollow out in some places is the very image of Murat's life, a life full of contrasts where the good and the worst intertwine, where the peak honors and glory are next to disasters, mentions Marcel Dupont in his work on Murat. The sometimes violent wind is still a striking image of the marshal's mind, always filled with clouds and where hopes, vast projects, fury and annihilation collide day and night. Here is summarized in a few strokes, the prodigious and fatal destiny of this horseman who would have no equal to descend like a windstorm on the enemy troops.
His mother Jeanne's favorite child
Yet he seemed destined for a peaceful existence. Murat comes from a family that has lived in the town for more than three centuries. They are hard-working peasants, exploiting poor soil in harsh winters. How could a king arise from this modest environment more conducive to the development of country virtues than to warlike exploits?
This required the ardor of his youth, which will never leave him, but also the revolutionary upheaval. His father exploited the lands of "a few enlightened minds" in the village. Not being the owner, he is the manager, receiving earnings proportional to the crops. These are certainly satisfactory because the couple have a large house in the center of the town. This is the mother’s domain. The ground floor has been converted into an inn and the floor is divided between the family apartment and a few rooms for passing guests. This energetic woman who runs the inn is a caring mother. The good Jeanne Loubières, whom he will adore all his life, in fact, makes of the youngest of her eleven children, her favorite. By her constant presence, her desire to provide Joachim with an education, that goes beyond that of his environment, she will shape this son to the point that he will never forget his childhood.
With his curly hair and cheerful face, he's a rowdy kid, sometimes a brawler, as it should be to be respected in this country where endurance is proof of character. His time at La Bastide-Fortunière school made a good impression on his teachers: he is an average student but whose qualities of camaraderie and friendliness are recognized. His loving mother, who has deep religious feelings, thinks that the day will come when young Joachim will enter the Orders and may be parish priest of La Bastide.
His great pleasure is to lead alone the horses to the village trough. At the age when a horse seems formidable to a child, Joachim, who has an unusual vigor, already knows how to subdue them.
An amazing ability to lead
These predispositions did not arouse any suspicion among his parents who obtained a scholarship to send him, at 10 years old, to the Saint-Michel college in Cahors. He will stay there for 8 years. It is there that he will have as a comrade Jean Bessières from Prayssac, a future Marshal of the Empire. An unwavering friendship is born between these two men who would become close to the emperor.
Far from La Bastide, the young Murat discovers unknown horizons which open up new appetites for him. His intelligence is real. But as soon as he crosses the threshold of the class, he takes a singular ascendancy on his comrades, even develops an astonishing capacity to lead. How to blame him? If he goes too far for his age, he knows how to repent, implore and become very sweet again.
His whole life, he will use these weapons. Many contemporaries believe that he is completely sincere. Going from anger to tenderness, from elation to dejection, he is already and will remain, impulsive, even excessive in everything. Not without kindness and generosity.
At 20, he joins the cavalry
At the age of eighteen, he joins the Lazarists' seminar in Toulouse. But wearing the cassock does not make the seminarian. And this handsome young man of 1.85 meters, with a pleasant smile, already leads, outside the establishment, a private life the "good fathers" ignore. Here comes an important moment in Murat's life: his military engagement. It is allowed to think, with Jean Tulard, that after a quarrel, our too fiery seminarian was excluded from the University and dreading his father, takes advantage of the passage of the Cavalry of the Ardennes regiment to sign up for, he says "a life that does not displease him". In fact, the new Chasseur is "thrilled". He quickly stood out for his ability to train the most reticent horses and quickly became sergeant*.
For the simple rider, the days are repetitive and gruelling. After an early awakening (at six o'clock), you must groom sick animals, currycomb and brush them before preparing fodder, water and oats. It is only after this daily work, at ten o'clock that a soup is distributed. Then the upkeep chores of the stables. Strict rules still from the Ancien Régime! Because already Parisian ideas are swarming in the garrisons.
Giving free rein to his temperament, his need to be a leader, Murat, who places a lot of hope in the new ideas, takes the lead of the discontented men of the Regiment. This behavior is little appreciated by his leaders: he is put on permanent leave and expelled from the army. Humiliated, he decides to go back to the Lot. We are in 1789.
Delivery Clerk in Saint-Céré
Very badly received by his father who cuts him off, he returns to Saint-Céré where he is hired as a delivery clerk. For a few months, he was enraged, champing at the bit with impatience, convinced that his place is not here. The villages are buzzing. He became aware of the real state of France, of the mounting demands of the campaigns. Murat takes advantage of this return to his native land to attend and participate in public meetings of local clubs.
The past winter has been harsh and long. The harvest was poor. Lack of food and unemployment strike everywhere. Castles see their dovecote burned down. " Here will be hanged the first inhabitant who will pay the rent to the lord," says a poster from a Cahors merchant. It’s the revolt. Louis XVI summons the Etats Généraux on May 1, 1789 in Versailles. In 1790, for the Fête de la Fédération on July 14, each department must appoint two to three delegates. You can imagine that Murat is volunteering! The sympathetic, sweet talking but proud young man speaks. And it is in Lotois dialect that he expresses himself in cafes, wishing to reach the greatest number. The Revolution is born: Joachim Murat, who is part of the Third Estate by his origins, tries to change public opinion according to events. Every Sunday, he goes to Cahors: he listens, he harangues the crowd. He is on the Montfaucon list and is chosen to represent the Lot department.
The republican patriot leaves for Paris
Murat, 23, can go and explore the capital. It’s the consecration.
A new man is born. After a secular mass celebrated by former Bishop Talleyrand, speeches on the Champ de Mars ignite the crowds. One hundred thousand Parisians came to celebrate the first anniversary of the Capture of the Bastille. A year later, returning to the army, he is appointed to the King's Constitutional Guard, to protect but also to monitor Louis XVI. Indignant, the protester manifests a flawless patriotic commitment, calling himself a "pronounced republican", facing "this hideout of royalists who gravitate around the king". But the wind turns, Robespierre falls. His revolutionary passion almost interrupted his meteoric career. Bitter and worried, he is put on leave and returns for some time to Quercy, "wanting to become a simple plowman again".
Aide de camp
Skeptical about his future, then dejected, Murat quickly reacts, helped by the deputy for Gourdon, Jean-Baptiste Cavaignac, who encourages him to return to Paris. It is on the night of 12 to 13 Vendémiaire (October 5, 1795) that Murat is put in contact with the First Consul who needs him. He orders him to save the Convention threatened by the royalist riot. Forty cannons are placed by Squadron Leader Murat around the Tuileries Castle. Three hundred royalists will be killed. The government of the Republic is saved again. As Tulard points out: "From now on the star of Murat will merge with that of Bonaparte". No more depression, finally power and glory.
Promoted Bonaparte's aide-de-camp, he leaves for the Italian Campaign, direction Marengo. There, "his clothes will be riddled with bullets", but they will know victory.
He becomes Napoleon I's brother-in-law
In 1800, he marries Caroline, the First Consul's youngest sister, becoming the brother-in-law of the future Napoleon I. This marriage will give Murat an outstanding position among the marshals of the Empire. Quickly, he is invited to move to the Château des Tuileries and becomes part of the close entourage of the new master of France.
The rouser of men from the imperial epic will remain kind to his family at La Bastide. Coming from a small inn in Quercy to fly with his squadrons across Europe and into Egypt, Murat seems like a legendary character. Chateaubriand will devote long passages to him in the "Mémoires d'Outre Tombe". He will be admired by Stendhal, Dumas and Balzac. Three words characterize the King of Naples: ardor, ambition and panache. If he remains the most magnificent rouser of men the imperial epic will produce, he will invest much into the Lot whose deputy he will become in 1803.
And he will show kindness for his whole family. Especially for his mother, for whom he will show a deep attachment: he sends her rosaries blessed by the Pope.
The portrait he has done of Jeanne in 1792 will never leave him. It will be with him, in his homes, in his tent during his campaigns and in Naples, in his palace. He will build a castle for his "La Bastide family" in his native village, modeled on the Palais de l'Elysée, where he had resided as governor of Paris.
The King of Naples dies executed on October 13, 1815.
By André Décup
[Translation is mine.
Note: I translated by ‘sergeant’ the grade of Maréchal des Logis, which is its equivalent in the cavalry (and nowadays in the Gendarmerie).
There is no right translation for “entraîneur d’hommes”, I hope “rouser” doesn’t seem too weird in English.]
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ko-hei-sonna-konna · 5 years ago
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"Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile" / 455×550mm / Acrylic on Wooden board / 2019 #art #painting #drawing #design #restaurant #cafe #bar #wine #whisky #whiskey #coffee #koheikawaguchi #beer #music #jazz #blues #paris #guitar #piano #rock #montmartre #bistro https://www.instagram.com/p/B2q4cu4n4xS/?igshid=23e1dz3pdm9s
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beauty-musings · 8 years ago
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All colour #nofilter #eotd #colourfulmakeup #sugarpillcosmetics #beauty #makeup (at L'etoile Cafe)
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naoparis · 7 years ago
HIPO工事中 022_R posted by (C)naoparis 023_R posted by (C)naoparis 025_R posted by (C)naoparis 026_R posted by (C)naoparis 027_R posted by (C)naoparis 028_R posted by (C)naoparis 029_R posted by (C)naoparis 046_R posted by (C)naoparis 047_R posted by (C)naoparis 048_R posted by (C)naoparis 049_R posted by (C)naoparis 050_R posted by (C)naoparis 051_R posted by (C)naoparis ベー��ルVAVIN(店がまた変わる) 052_R posted by (C)naoparis  053_R posted by (C)naoparis 【France】 【Zecharger】スマホユーザー向け新サービス@Zecharger 【FRANCE】【CharLi Charger】スマホユーザー向け新サービス@CharLi Charger 【PARIS】【街角のキャフェ・レストラン】 【PARIS】【パリ5区・6区】キャフェ、レストラン、ビストロ この店、どんな評判?って・・・・知りたいとき、まず、衛生管理が気になるところ。 公的機関がこういった検査結果をオンラインで公表してくれるのはいいのかも。 【フランス】【衛生管��】【Alim'Confiance】検査結果がどんどんオンライン発表されてる 【フランス】【衛生管理】【Alim'Confiance】 【CAFE GOURMAND】関連記事 【INDEX】【INFO CAFE・RESTAURANT】【キャフェ・レストラン情報】 【街角のBAR】 【キャフェ&レストラン】 【街角のアジア】関連記事 【楽天カフェRakuten CAFE】
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jazz-in-april · 8 years ago
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19 May 2017 - Creamy Salmon. 😻 #dinner #pasta #whati8today #foodiesg #foodpornsg #foodpics #foodaddict #singapore #instapic #instafood #instafoodie #igsg #sgig #igfoodie #webstagram #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodgram #foodgawker #foodblogger #foodblog #nomnom (at L'etoile Cafe at Changi Village)
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penniesforthestorm · 8 years ago
Memory, Malick, and Modiano
When I Come Up With a Title Like That, Do You Really Expect Me to Just Sit on It? OK look, I'll just dive straight in here-- I've liked all of Terrence Malick's recent films (though I have yet to see To the Wonder). I remember anxiously awaiting the day The Tree of Life would premier in my hometown, and dragging my mother to the local indie theater to see it. Last year, after I saw Knight of Cups, I sat for about an hour and a half in a diner, scribbling my thoughts in a notebook. And this year, the Saturday after Song to Song was released here in New York, I was at the Landmark Sunshine for the first showing of the day. I actually got down there before the theater opened, and wandered around the neighborhood for a few minutes until I could see a line forming outside. And it was worth it. That's not to say that these films don't have their flaws. KoC particularly tested my patience (the multiple false endings were kind of the worst part), though its high points are incredibly rewarding (the use of Major Briggs' dream monologue from Twin Peaks just about floored me). Song to Song could have spent less time on Lykke Li's character, and The Tree of Life needed a bit more of Sean Penn's guy in his ordinary life. But, in general, I've gotten far more out of them than a lot of people. Here's the theory I've developed, in trying to justify why I think they work. All three of them deal with memory, and all three are going at it from a kind of immersive perspective. You're not just watching these characters' interactions from a static viewpoint, you're (ideally) watching them from inside the characters' heads. And memory, as we know, is a tricky thing. It comes burdened with our own preconceptions and interpretations-- in the case of these films, the role of those concepts is frequently played out through the voice-overs. (This is why the voice-overs, in my opinion, are necessary-- they help us understand that what we're watching may not be what 'actually' happened.) This is where Modiano comes in. For those who aren't familiar, Patrick Modiano won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature. He first rose to prominence in France with the short novel La Place de L'Etoile, which was published in 1968. Full disclosure, I love his work and I want to write like him when I grow up... Anyway. I recently purchased his 'Occupation Trilogy'-- La Place de l'Etoile, The Nightwatch, and Ring Roads, collected in a single volume, and I've been absorbing them ever since. (He's not an author you can read through once and be done with-- his work has to simmer in your mind for a while). It just so happens that one of his central preoccupations is memory. Like Malick, Modiano has tics and obsessions that weave through all of his work. Where Malick has landscapes that Turner would have killed to paint, Modiano has seedy cafes and foggy alleyways. Both men have been subject to a great deal of palaver over how much of their work is informed by their upbringing-- just as The Tree of Life is largely taken to be Malick wrestling with the small-town austerity of his childhood and his brother's suicide, a lot of Modiano's work is commonly seen as a direct indictment of his father's dubious activities during WWII. I have a feeling that in both cases, the truth is in the scenes we aren't immediately looking at. Both men have a bracingly keen eye on the ways people betray each other, and the corrupting influence of time and selective focus. I could (and possibly should) develop this more, but mostly, I've been trying to get back into the swing of critical writing again, and this is sort of a practice run. Go see Song to Song-- the concert sequences are terrific, Michael Fassbender is looser and more charismatic than I've ever seen him, and Patti Smith shows up in a kind of fairy-godmother role. And Lubezki's cinematography is, as usual, top-notch. And go read Modiano. Start with Suspended Sentences, which is a collection of three intertwined novellas. It's the one I started with, and I think it's still my favorite. That's all for now.
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weknowheisblessed · 8 years ago
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Do you know that L'etoille means the Star in French? Just like a good cup of coffee, a liquid hug for your brain, you'll be shining like the stars. // Thank God its Thursday. x #lakizyxcoffee #letoillecafe #coffeelover (at L'etoile Cafe)
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woopzine · 11 years ago
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How many of us dream of ditching our regular 9-5 deskbound jobs and setting up our own cafes? Yvonne Low did more than just dream when she quit her job in property management and set up L'Etoile Cafe to rave reviews. She shares what it's like being her own boss: http://bit.ly/1niCUNu
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caffeinegalore · 12 years ago
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和Melvyn在L'etoile吃午餐、喝咖啡、聊聊天,這是我的冰拿鐵。 by SilverYang on Flickr.
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tearsbloodandgold · 8 years ago
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Chillax friday #chillax #tgif (at L'etoile Cafe)
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jazz-in-april · 8 years ago
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12 May 2017 - It's been such a long time since I've had a cup of Cappuccino! #caffeine #cappuccino #cafe #cafesg #sgcafe #foodie #foodpornsg #foodporn #foodblogger #foodblog #foodpic #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodgram #instapic #instafood #instafoodie #igsg #sgig #igfoodie #foodaddict #singapore (at L'etoile Cafe at Changi Village)
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jazz-in-april · 8 years ago
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26 March 2017 - Crab Meat Pasta for dinner. Bon Appetit! #foodpornsg #foodporn #foodaddict #foodstamping #foodstagram #foodgram #foodgasm #livetoeat #singapore #whati8today #pasta #love #nomnom #foodpics #foodphotography #foodblogger #instapic #instafoodie #igfoodie #sgigfoodies #igsg #sgig (at L'etoile Cafe at Changi Village)
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weknowheisblessed · 8 years ago
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Insert coffee to begin // Recovery mode still, but I'm a survivor. x #lakizyxcoffee #letoilecafe #coffeelover (at L'etoile Cafe)
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weknowheisblessed · 8 years ago
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Insert coffee to begin. 😌 // Recovery mode still, but I'm a survivor. x #letoilecafe #coffeelover #lakizyxcoffee (at L'etoile Cafe)
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jazz-in-april · 8 years ago
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18 February 2017 - Creamy Salted Egg for dinner. #pasta #letoilecafe #foodie #foodiesg #foodpornsg #foodporn #foodpics #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodgram #foodaddict #foodgawker #foodstagram #foodstamping #foodblogger #singapore #sgigfoodies #sgfoodie #igfoodie #instapic #nomnom #whati8today #livetoeat #nofilter (at L'etoile Cafe at Changi Village)
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jazz-in-april · 8 years ago
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13 February 2017 - Mondays should be as colourful as this Rainbow Cake instead of being Blue... #mondayblues #rainbowcake #cafesg #singapore #desserts #cakes #love #sweettooth #whati8today #nomnom #foodiesg #foodies #foodpornsg #foodaddict #foodpics #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodgram #foodstagram #foodgawker #foodstamping #instapic #igfoodie #instafoodie #foodblogger #HTers #hashtag #pastries #livetoeat #nomoremondayblues (at L'etoile Cafe at Changi Village)
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