#Kyra Nichols
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lovedylansarette · 9 months ago
Dylan Sarette! I love You!
I love you Ukai!
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dylansarette · 1 year ago
Dylan Sarette
ሀ ሣሃኒኒ ጤኡ ሃኒኒ ኲኑኪ ኴጢሀጣሀኲኴ ሃኡካ ሃኡህኪኒኴ ኲጤ የኡሀኲኪ ጣኚጣሃ ኡሀሣኑጤኒ ኴሃጣኪኲኲኪ ሃኡካ ሃካሃኳ ኳሀሣኑሃኪኒ ጣጣሃኲኲ ሀኡ ኲጣየኪ ሃኡካ ኪየኪጣኒሃኴኲሀኡህ ኒጤየኪ
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adamlovesdylan · 1 year ago
Dylan Sarette I love You.
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adamsarette · 1 year ago
Witchcraft turns depression into calmness
My brakes had began to grind.  I was able to come up with the money to get pads and a rotor. Now the brakes are working great again.
But... that isn't the amazing thing that happened. After I left from getting my brakes done when I was on my way home I decided to stop by one of those stores that sells crystals, sage and other magical items for the use in Witchcraft and in Wiccan practices. Not really expecting to buy anything,  as I don't have any money. Nut Just to window shop and for the memories, both Merrick(Temprace) and I and Dylan (Ukai) and I would go to these stores occasionally.  I have also for the past few weeks began studying and learning about Wiccan practices and witchcraft. As I was about to leave this young lady probably in her late 20's who was also leaving with her purchases brushed up against as I held the door open for me she stopped and looked at be a bit oddly then went out the door and I began walking toward my car and I heard a voice behind me and turned and she asked me if I was okay. I said I was... but she was persistent and said am I sure. I responded that life hadn't been the best recently. She asked if we could sit somewhere and talk, I didn't really have anywhere to go as I have been homeless for the past coupe weeks, so I agreed. We sat down and she asked if she could do a reading for me. she started with my hands looked at them for what seemed an eternity then while holding my hands looked in my eyes for a few moments. She then pulled out a deck of tarot cards and began shuffling them, she then did it a few more times just looking at the cards and re-dealing them and the re-shuffling and then re-dealing them.  She then looked at me and held out her hands again and took my hands looking intently into my eyes. She then said "Don't do it"... I said what... she looked at me and said. "I know you are hurting. I know that your partner left you. I know that you are having financial difficulties. I see big things happening very soon in your life. I see an old relationship resurfacing and I see your financial situation changing quickly in the near future". She then looked me in the eyes
again and said "you're a witch". I laughed and told her that studying witchcraft and learning about Wicca didn't make me a witch and that I was Jewish.  She said "No you are a witch" she then said on both sides of my family there were witches. She then said "Why do you think you are drawn to witches?" That made me think. My three best friends here in Phoenix are all witches. all my slaves since I have my First two slaves Merrick(Temprace) and Lilith(Silat) are witches and my last slave who I also married Dylan(Ukai) is a witch. She then said that I had some curses. She asked me to trust her and she said she would be right back. When she came back she had a sage bundle and lit it and and started to wave it around my body starting at my head and working it down to my feet. She then pulled out this bag with some small muffins and told me to eat one of them. She then put her finger into a jar and rubbed, I think, oil on my forehead. She then pulled out a small cloth sack and put it on my hand and told me to keep it in my pocket. She then asked if I had any colored candles at home  I said I did she asked if any of them were red or black. I told her I had bought some a couple when spouse and I had spent the night at a hotel together but that we had never used them. she said when I got home I needed to create a sacred circle and told me how and to set the red and black candle in a pot with water tie a string around them and light them and let water extinguishe the candles, she then gave me a piece of paper with a spell to recite as i lit the candles. she then said I shoud get some Hyssop and take a bath in it and handed me a puece of paper with something else to recite. I had some Hyssop from the same night with Dylan that I had the candles for.
I got home created the sacred circle lit the red and black candle  recited the spell and then ran a bath and put the hyssop in the water as it was filling up and recited the phrase on the second piece of paper then went back to the candle and watched them as the candle burnt down until it burned to the level of the water and then climbed into my bath and recited the phrase again and lay in the water until it was no longer warm. I realized as I was getting out of the bath that my anger was gone, my depression was gone. That I looked forward once again to the days coming and that I no longer wanted to end my life. The negativity is gone. The dispair is gone. The sorrow is gone.
I am now more eager to study Witchcraft and to learn about Wicca. I day that started with great pain and sorrow. A day that began with anxiety, sadness and depression now has peace and calmness
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#Wicca, #Wiccan, #witchcraft, #Curse, #magic, #Magickal,  #Sorcery,  #Tarot, #Hyssop, 
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
Something that confuses and disgusts me about Spindlehorse is how POSSESSIVE they apparently are of some of their animators…specifically the screenshots of viv asking people not to hire anyone working on her projects, and the studio talking shit about other animated projects like far fetched and Lackadaisy….b/c literally how we get more wonderful animation is when creators mentor and support the people on their staff!!!
Here’s the whole “Thurop Van Orman/Flapjack Family of Cartoons” as an example:
Imagine if Orman had told other companies not to hire Pendleton Ward or JG Quintel. We wouldn’t have adventure time, which means we wouldn’t have Steven universe, or over the garden wall, or OK, KO!, or GRAVITY FALLS!!
And because we wouldn’t have gotten THOSE shows we also wouldn’t have got Craig of the Creek, The Owl House, Amphibia, Infinity Train, and more!!!
I hope that those screenshots of Viv asking other higher ups not to hire Spindlehorse employees and stuff are older, and I hope that she’s changed…but I doubt it.
I wonder what other opportunities she’s taken from her animators out of pettiness, jealousy, and spite???
(In particular, I specifically hope that Ashley Nichol’s show succeeds and does well. She, Michael, and Ed did so much for Viv’s shows, and she seems to resent them so so much for it and I can’t understand why? I try to give everyone as much benefit of the doubt as I can, but when I see ALL the people she used to be associated with and then burned??? Michael, Ashley, Erin, Kyra, and who knows who else…I just don’t understand)
Absolutely. There's zero excuse for a creator going behind their employees' backs and asking other creators not to hire them, especially when freelance animators frequently have to juggle multiple jobs to make ends meet.
You want to keep as many of your employees as possible, Viv? Pay them the wage we all know goddamn well you can afford.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 11 months ago
What are your thoughts on Frederick and Nichole?
Short Answer: I like them. I think the depth they will provide to Tamarack's story will be fascinating and I look forward to seeing them both grow as characters and begin rebuilding that relationship as parents as well as apologizing for being such lackluster ones.
Long Answer:
The Baumann family drama makes me unwell. It really is providing something we haven't really seen in the OL universe. We have family drama, don't get me wrong. We have Cliff and Kyra's divorce and co-parenting, and if you get the DLC for Step 3, you even learn about the full details of that divorce and the terrible foundations their relationship had.
We never get to see Baxter's parents but we know from his own words that they're not the best people. He also admits that if weren't their son, he would never be on the receiving end of the grace they've extended to him.
But we've never had something like Tamarack's family dynamic. We've got parents and grandparents in the picture! As a couple, Frederick and Nichole are solid. They chose one another, they just also less-than-intelligently chose to have a child before wrapping up their academic careers.
And I think some of the reason Frederick and Nichole are so divisive as characters is because of how realistic it seems. Dorothea shoving all the blame onto Nichole, Frederick finding his parents and keeping up with them a chore, Ernst's passivity all but co-signing his wife's views on their daughter-in-law and Nichole mixing up her priorities in her pursuit to prove herself to herself and the rest of the world. Then you have Tamarack wrapped in all of that when she never asked to be.
The independent but lonely wild child. The wild child that grows into someone with none of the confidence she had as a 10 year old. And who truthfully feels like no one really cares about her, especially not when she actually needs them (that is unless the player becomes a source of comfort for her).
It's one big mess that needs to be solved.
Frederick and Nichole interest me because of the way their minds work. They wanted Tamarack and wanted to have a family they felt would be better than the ones they came from. I think there's a lot of realism to be found in that. Plenty of people have kids whether planned or otherwise and go 'I'll never be like my parents!' only to end up exactly like their parents or maybe even worse in some ways.
But since this OL, we all know things are going to work out. Every other character with a bit of family drama gets a happy conclusion.
Cliff and Kyra are great co-parents.
Baxter is low-to-no contact with his family.
So I think we can all rest assured that the Baumanns are going to reach their own happy conclusion. It might not be perfect and realistically those who dislike each probably won't just start kicking it and being all kumbaya with one another. However comma, the end result will be something a lot better than what it was.
Tamarack's obviously never going to go back to living with her parents because the game is taking place squarely in Golden Grove but her relationship with her parents' will get better. Everyone in the Baumann family is going to grow in their own way and as a collective and I look forward to seeing that.
If everyone had super great families in the game, don't get me wrong we could still have compelling and moving characters but having varying familial dynamics makes the game more interesting and less static. Everyone's got their own thing
Aside from Tamarack having a gorgeous design, her family's dynamic is probably a huge part of why I can never give the girl a run where I'm mean. The most I do is click on a mean option to see what her reaction will be before rewinding to the option I actually want.
Like I said, I'm physically incapable of being mean to Tamarack, it's a curse.
Meme Answer: They're both hot. And complicated.
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manyfandomocs · 6 months ago
Glee OC Masterlist (K-Z)
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Name: Kaipo Steele
Fic: How Far I’ll Go
Love Interest: Jake Puckerman
FC: Auli'i Cravhalo
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Name: Karina Jimenez
Fic: Walk In The Sun
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce
FC: Melissa Barrera
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Name: Knox Berry
Fic: Berry Beautiful
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
FC: Noah Centineo
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Name: Kyra Puckerman
Fic: A Rose By Any Other Name
Love Interest: Marley Rose
FC: Antonia Gentry
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Name: Leonard Sparrow
Fic: Mirror In The Sky
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
FC: Logan Lerman
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Name: Marceline Giles
Fic: Dancing Through Life
Love Interest: Mike Chang
FC: Sofia Carson
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Name: Marigold Stinson
Fic: Walk Walk Fashion Baby
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Josie Totah
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Name: Nico Nichols
Fic: Like A Prayer
Love Interest: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones
FC: Michael Evans Behling
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Name: Ramona Harris
Fic: Love Song
Love Interest: Rachel Berry & Quinn Fabray
FC: Victoria Justice
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Name: Reagan Harlow
Fic: Show Stoppin’ Number
Love Interest: Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman
FC: Sarah Jeffery
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Name: Rhys St. James
Fic: Still Frames In My Mind
Love Interest: Mike Chang
FC: Gregg Sulkin
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Name: Saoirse Flanagan
Fic: Luck of the Irish
Love Interest: Mike Chang, Ryder Lynn, Artie Abrams endgame
FC: Brenna D'Amico
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Name: Scott Macmillan
Fic: Slapshot Romance
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, Sugar Motta, Finn Hudson endgame
FC: Jack Falahee
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Name: Sophia Hummel
Fic: The Tiniest Lifeboat
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
FC: Mary Mouser
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Name: Steve Schuester
Fic: Faithfully
Love Interest: Jesse St. James, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray
FC: Mitchell Hope
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Name: Warren Anderson
Fic: Perfect Son
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe or Hunter Clarington or an OC
FC: Dylan Sprayberry
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Name: Xavier Carver
Fic: Still Frames In Your Mind
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
FC: Charles Melton
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Name: Zeke Beiste
Fic: Take Me On
Love Interest: Kitty Wilde, Marley Rose
FC: Booboo Stewart
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tikitania · 1 year ago
Kyra Nichols and…..her mother, Sally Street! Kyra is only 11 here. Crazy. And now I want to learn more about her mom.
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mirandamckenni1 · 10 months ago
We Need To Talk About Megan Fox's Poetry FREE TOYS OR GIFT CARDS FOR TOYS! Everyone who signs up to my giveaway with Bellesa wins something! https://ift.tt/3ujT4Zo Book and Poetry Recommendations: Grace Nichols - Hurricane Hits England Carol Ann Duffy Langston Hughes Nikita Gill Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare This Is The Honey - Kwame Alexander (ed) The Poetry Pharmacy Forever - William Sieghart (ed) Pig - Sam Sax There Are Trans People Here - H. Melt https://ift.tt/WCF0KRr https://ift.tt/v1bZfMP https://ift.tt/IvhU7TF https://ift.tt/hJ2Mmiq https://ift.tt/mqRSaTw https://racheloates.uk/ *GET MY POETRY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK NOW* UK: https://amzn.to/3gxvqiy US: https://amzn.to/3XtWf7X Canada: https://a.co/d/1K3orWs *Amazon Wishlist to Support My Content:* Art Supplies: https://ift.tt/SAhEiez Books: https://ift.tt/ObS6oJ0 Everything Else: https://ift.tt/kLlegQM Kyra: https://ift.tt/5k1Ij3C *PO Box:* Rachel Oates Unit 16588, PO Box 6945 London, W1A 6US *Please Note:* While I really appreciate people sending me their books, poetry, and other writing, I do get sent hundreds of pieces of writing, both physically and digitally, every week and I simply don’t have time to read and review every single one, I’m sorry! On top of this, I find it really hard to be objective with people who are my fans so I prefer not to give feedback anymore to people who watch my videos. Thank you all for understanding! 0:00 Intro 5:32 Megan's Chakras 11:44 A Hopeless Romantic Who Can't Write More Than 2 Lines... 14:57 Winsome and Diaphanous 23:18 Talent and A Hurricane 29:21 Pretty = Dangerous 35:17 Myths and Legends, jk lol 47:07 That's NOT How You Use Avarice 51:48 Bread Baguette 1:05:59 Some Good Imagery 1:14:41 Karma Is The Shiver / My Cat 1:21:39 Some Poetry Recommendations To End On A High via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFtBrGBCBgk
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 2 years ago
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galina-ulanova · 5 years ago
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Kyra Nichols in Serenade (NYCB, 2007)
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dylansarette · 1 year ago
Dylan Sarette I love you.
I have decided to live. I hope one day. Dylan and I can reconcile. If not as lovers and partners at least as friends.
I wish Dylan Sarette success and happiness. A lot has happened since I wanted to kill myself. I still have a void in my life without Dylan. I will always have an emptiness in my soul with out Dylan Sarette. But I must live.
With the Plasma I donate every week I save lives. With the events that I participate in with the Men of Leather help support Homeless LGBTQIA youth and one of a few foster homes that welcome queer youth.
I must live and grow and unfortunately suffer the pain and sorrow of a life without Dylan.
I must love mysef even while the pain remains.
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insomtiny · 6 years ago
was hayley kiyoko's character in wizards of waverly place named after stevie nicks. she's a witch and her name is stevie nichols was she named after stevie ni
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
Wait, can you explain to me why a lot of people seem to hate vivziepop? Like, I've seen people saying she stole stuff, she's underpaying people, not properly taking care of spindlehorse, etc... I always thought that people just hated on her for being succesful and maybe for her fanbase(? (I mean as I people bringing up stuff that she did a REALLY long time ago and try to cancel her for that, that's a whole other conversation tho) and I'm genuinely confused, I don't know about any of this situations. (I'm sorry if this bothers you, don't feel obligated to respond, and for my english )
Oh god, the Vivzie rabbit hole goes down for miles; it's actually hard to condense it. Here are some of the big ones.
She's a notorious thief and terrible at crediting people. Salem the Squidder was the latest victim of this, but her then-friend Ken basically wrote half the pilot for her, and when they asked for credit, she turned on them and started spreading slander. Also misgendered them, which brings us to...
2. She's transphobic. Really transphobic.
3. She's notorious for underpaying, overworking, and generally mistreating her employees, which is why she's constantly having to advertise for new ones.
4. When she's not accusing her critics of being homophobes (which she does often), she intentionally eggs on the worst elements of her fanbase, liking inflammatory tweets and generally throwing gasoline on the fire. She once liked a tweet calling her critics "subhuman" and recently took a shot at anyone who likes Stella.
5. She basically screwed over her entire pilot crew, from her voice actors (cutting a bunch of them including Michael Kovach because she hated Ashley Nichols and then lying for years about the reason why) to her staff.
6. Lies about being a small time creator who pulled herself up by her bootstraps, the implication being that anyone else can do the same. In reality, Vivzie comes from a very wealthy family and as of this writing lives in a house that cost over a million dollars.
7. Had this to say about her former friend, Kyra, the creator of Chikn Nuggit.
She's incredibly manipulative and abusive. She thinks absolutely nothing of hurting people, has left a trail of them in her wake, and has only gotten away with it for this long because people are afraid of her and her nutcase fanbase.
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detectivechen · 2 years ago
why do you even watch the rookie if it’s such horrible copaganda? canceling one episode of one cop show isn’t going to fix the systemic issues with police in the us
i respect the energy of this ask. watching the rookie is like mainlining crack rn especially when chenford hits. so it’s rly hard to go a whole 2wks w/o them + that's prob why u came into my inbox mad hot. but bullying me for having an opinion? not a very nice touch.
canceling one episode of one cop show will clearly make a statement if ur out here pushing back against it. i never claimed that it would fix systemic issues w police in the US bc that would be WAY too much to ask for from a tv show.
(maybe you're conflating this w gun ctrl? bc systemic issues w police are not US-exclusive. police worldwide do the same shit whenever protestors notice that the state actually sucks at their one job. sorry to burst ur bubble.)
anyway, i was big mad at ABC when i made that post (and i still am tbh). imagine sitting there watching the most wholesome programming ever (jeopardy!) when a news anchor suddenly gives u a 30 sec warning before showing sth so EVIL. what’s worse is that the footage POVs look SO similar to the ones used on the copaganda show u watch for the grumpy-sunshine couple.
to be clear, i didn't mean that 5x14 should stay in the vault forever. (hell, i wanna see that shit too!) 'canceling' an episode just means postponing it to the following week, out of respect for tyre nichols and his family. they're going on a mini-break anyway, so why not take a purposeful break to make a meaningful statement...again?
as someone pointed out, the rookie has already said 'police brutality bad' in s3. it got them their highest demo number before 5B. so the storyline was not only meaningful, but also profitable—which many ppl pointed out was a concern for both the show AND the network.
they're riding a ratings high rn. so what does that mean exactly? many ppl are giving them attention + they're taking away attention from other shows airing in that same timeslot.
i would think that this privilege gives ABC some freedom to take risks, given that the rookie will be on for at least another season bc they're the network's #1 drama. this status also gives the rookie a bigger platform to tell important stories.
am i asking for too much when i say that i hope my fave show, with the backing of their network, reiterates their stance against police brutality by doing the absolute least and postponing a week? yes, clearly. am i disappointed? absolutely. am i surprised? definitely not. bc what's the point of putting values over profit anyway? 🙂
why do i say it's the least they can do? bc they decided to bring back a tired elijah stone storyline instead of something similar to the meaningful jackson/stanton one from the same season.
just bc they already covered police brutality doesn't mean it's wraps! bring it back again to reiterate that bad apples exist in the force. this move would even give nolan more credibility, which is one of the show's big problems rn. it seems like everyone's forgotten why 'the rookie' joined the LAPD to begin with.
he's not there to be a hero for doing his job. his purpose is to be the cop that cares more about his loyalty to the ppl than his loyalty to the state, which makes him a good example for other cops to follow. (gross if you think about it too hard, i know, bc being a cop who acts in the best interest of the ppl should be the norm. but walk with me!)
how can you show that nolan is 'built different' when u don't show the 'bad' example? i called it 'peak' copaganda (but if u think it’s 'horrible' then 🤷🏻‍♀️) bc they're obv laundering the image of the LAPD, one of the biggest players in state-sponsored brutality in the US, with episodes like 5x13 glorifying cops as heroes for...doing their job.
at least when lucy meddled in kyra's life in 5x11, she was portrayed as doing too much. and she almost paid for overstepping with her life. (side bar: so the rookie can and will tackle 'controversial' topics on a tuesday night at primetime. how come they won't address the elephant in the room with lasting impact then?)
i hope u understand that i critique bc i care. and i know that this show i love can do better. it's reeled me in with its overarching narratives, comedic timing, heartwarming rls (chenford, found family, partnership shuffles/swaps)...and ofc, bc once upon a time, it stood for something bigger than itself, even when it was risky.
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alexzalben · 3 years ago
Where can I see Riverdale's new episodes synopsis?
Right here!
Chapter One Hundred and One: UNBELIEVABLE
THE AFTERMATH — As news begins to spread about the bombing at the Andrew’s home, Archie (KJ Apa), Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Jughead (Cole Sprouse) begin to deal with mysterious side effects from the explosion. Elsewhere, Veronica (Camila Mendes) spirals after learning that Hiram may have been involved, and Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is consumed with guilt when she believes she may have had a hand in the explosion. Mädchen Amick, Casey Cott, Vanessa Morgan, Charles Melton, Erinn Westbrook and Drew Ray Tanner also star. James DeWille wrote and directed the episode (#606). Original airdate 3/20/2021.
Chapter One Hundred and Two: Death at a Funeral
HERMIONE COMES TO TOWN — Following the explosion at the Andrews residence, Archie (KJ Apa) assembles a team to help rebuild his home, while Jughead (Cole Sprouse) copes with his new reality. Meanwhile, at the Riverdale town hall meeting, Veronica (Camila Mendes) breaks some news to the town, which later prompts a visit from her mother Hermoine (guest star Marisol Nichols). At Thornhill, Britta (guest star Kyra Leroux) tries to get to the bottom of some strange happenings going on with Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) and Nana Rose (guest star Barbara Wallace). Lili Reinhart, Mädchen Amick, Casey Cott, Vanessa Morgan, Charles Melton and Drew Ray Tanner also star. Tara Dafoe directed the episode written by Ted Sullivan (#607). Original airdate 3/27/2022.
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