#Kwon hwa woon
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pinkpunkdynamite · 2 months ago
hi is anyone interested in reading some boyfriend material and au short drabbles for some korean idols and actors?
idk if i should translate them to upload here :(
it's been quite a long while since i posted my writing here and im kinda..... idk, unsure?
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hel-ray · 2 months ago
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ㅤ ㅤ you aren't God.
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mugglebornstuff · 2 years ago
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solaris-coronam · 2 years ago
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‘the voices in my head keep telling me to choose a side. it’s heaven or hell like it’s do or die.
Falling In Reverse — Voices In My Head;
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sumiraky · 9 months ago
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kdrama “Mouse”😼
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louiseo0 · 11 months ago
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kwon hwa-woon 💛
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what-breaks-my-heart · 10 months ago
I think it's funny they cast Seo Joon Young (37) to play Eui Joo, the little brother and Kwon Hwa Woon (35) to play Woo Jin, the older brother.
Shooting their scenes must be hilarious lololol
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mirajanefairytailmage · 1 year ago
Rambling About a Show (01/11/2024)
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I started this one on Monday(01/08/2024). When I started, I had no idea about the plot. So, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
In the beginning, Prosecutor Son Seok Ki doesn't seem like a great character. In fact, it seemed he was holding a personal vendetta against Dr. Cha Yo Han. In my opinion, Nurse Chae Eun Jung's personal vendetta was worse. I understand why. So, I'm not going to hold it against her. Granted she could have gone about everything from a different angle but, eh.
I admit I feel bad for thinking Son Seok Ki was lying about his stage 3 stomach cancer. I thought he was lying just to gather information to use against Cha Yo Han. He wasn't lying. Also, later on he becomes close with Cha Yo Han. These two literally went from enemies to friends. 😅
Speaking of friends I seriously loved Kim Won Hee's and Heo Joo's friendship. I thought it was absolutely adorable. Honestly, the entire team's friendship was adorable to me.
I thought it was funny that Lee Yoo Joon was an animal lover. Because the actor Hwang Hee was a vet in Tale of the Nine Tailed. That's the first time I saw him on screen. Also, seeing Kwon Hwa Woon as a bubbly, charismatic, funny doctor was a switch up from seeing him as a standoff-ish and kind of cold doctor in Mouse(which is where I saw him first).
There was a moment that hit a little too close to home. So, of course I got overly emotional about it. I know the show is fictional, but the scene was too relatable. 🥺 Still enjoyed every bit of it though.
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prncssguya · 3 years ago
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hmmm… 🧐
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kdramaxoxo · 4 years ago
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magicalbiscuiteggszine · 3 years ago
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When Detective Cha almost lost his partner 😢
Zombie Detective
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sakurablossomsagain · 3 years ago
Reseña del kdrama "Mouse" (2020)
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"Mouse" es un drama sobre psicópatas, una historia de suspenso que se centrará en la pregunta clave: ¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos resolver los problemas pensando como psicópatas?
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Hablo en serio, la historia, la manera de contarla, los personajes, todo absolutamente todo hace que te sumerjas en este mundo de psicópatas del que no puedes salir hasta descubrir la verdad. Me quito el sombrero ante el director, el guionista, el cast, hacia TODOS los que hicieron que Mouse sucediera... y por supuesto, especialmente Lee Seung Gi porque ¡madre mía! ¡QUÉ ACTUACIÓN! Es un proyecto muy ambicioso que a mí como televidente me dejó una marca.
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La sinopsis no dice mucho (razón por la que no estaba muy segura de ver Mouse, aunque como siempre Lee Seung Gi me convenció), por lo que podría decirse que este es otro kdrama que entra al club de “La sinopsis flat y sin gracia no le hace justicia a la maravillosa historia”.
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Verán, la historia gira en torno a un mundo ficticio en el que se descubre la manera de identificar a los psicópatas mucho antes de que nazcan (el gen psicópata); sin embargo, este método tiene una tasa de acierto del 99%, ¿y qué pasa con el 1% restante? Pues se puede confundir a un psicópata con un genio porque de acuerdo a esto comparten el mismo gen. Y la verdad más allá de allí ya no sé cómo puedo continuar sin dar spoiler pero les prometo que si se animan a verlo, no se van a arrepentir; sin embargo, hay un TRIGGER WARNING, y es que algunas escenas son muy MUY fuertes, pues despúes de todo este es un drama policial y de suspenso con psicópatas como personajes, por lo que puede contener contenido sensible que podría afectar la tranquilidad mental de algunos.
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Como único comentario respecto a la selección del cast es que al principio no me convencía la actriz Park Ju Huyn como female lead y pareja de Lee Seung Gi, principalmente por la notoria diferencia de edad, por el carácter de su personaje para nada compatible con el Jung Ba Reum (LSG) y porque no notaba química entre ellos; sin embargo, con el pasar de los capítulos lograron convencerme de lo contrario. Fue un maravilloso dúo.
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Un aspecto importante de Mouse es que literal cada 3-2 capítulos destruye cada hipótesis que puedas formular en tu cabeza acerca de quién es el culpable, quién es el malo y debo advertir que durante toda la historia y específicamente al final HACEN TRIZAS MI CEREBRO Y MI CORAZÓN.
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Como televidente, los personajes me traicionaron de la manera más cruda y astuta que encontraron… (ya verán por qué). De verdad no puedo creer hayan hecho que me enamore de tal personaje.
Le doy a Mouse 5 estrellas.
OST: 3 estrellas
Actuación: 5 estrellas
Personajes: 5 estrellas
Historia: 5 estrellas (si pudiera, le daría 100 estrellas)
Escenografía: 5 estrellas
Química de la pareja: 4.5 estrellas
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apokalypsiaa · 4 years ago
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I don’t even know what to quote here
Mouse (tvN, 2021)
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binging-asian-dramas · 2 years ago
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Zombie Detective. 9
Story: 10
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: The Ghost Doctor (kdrama) ; Vampire Detective (kdrama) ;
For some reason this drama got swept under my huge gigantic humongous unwatched list. Im so peeved at myself, I remember wanting to watch it badly then it just got swept under everything. Storyline is basically what you see but so much more, it’s a top tier hilarious kdrama that has a bit of a mystery (it’s sorta obvious) thrown into it. What really makes this special though is the humor and the campiness satire to it. I will put a advisory for those have yet to watch it it can get a bit gruesome sometimes, for example main character, Choi Jin Hyuk, still gorgeous as a zombie by the way, eats raw food especially chicken which can get disgusting. There were times I had to look away and this is someone who loves horror shows, for some reason it just got to me. Nonetheless this series is quirky, cute, and original, it does reminds me a bit of of the western tv series of iZombie which was one of my favorites so maybe that’s why I like it a lot too.
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in-yeop · 4 years ago
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Excuse me, doctor. Have we, by any chance, met each other before?
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mrschai · 4 years ago
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— check out the event (2021)
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