#Jung Ba Reum
leedongwook · 2 years
Ughhh now I have to add Ba Reum to the list of my beloved psychopaths, what a fuckn crazy bastard 😍
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sweetandabitspycho · 1 year
Kdramas master list
Request are open for all.
My Name
Gangjae dating hc
Jung Taeju dating hc
Choi Mujin hc
Hong Woo-jin dating hc
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Jang Han-Seo dating hc
Jang Han-Seo jealous nsfw
Jang Han-Seo jealousy sfw
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Jang Han-Seok nsfw hc
Jang Han-Seok dating hc
Jang Han-Seok Jealously nsfw
Jang Han-Seok Jealously sfw
Jang Han-Seok x reader smuts
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 10 Recap
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Ba-Reum is displaying increasingly violent behaviour and struggling to control his urges, including the urge to kill. Additionally, a new murder case has emerged with similarities to the previous ones. Based on this evidence, it is possible that the transplanted brain piece in Ba-Reum's head is not from a psychopath, and therefore Yo-Han may not be the killer.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Shortly after Han Seo-Joon's arrest for murder, his wife Ji-Eun was almost due to give birth. While leaving the hospital after a check-up, she witnesses a woman attempting to strangle her own son. Hospital staff intervene and save the child, but the woman begs Ji-Eun not to give brith to her own child.
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Ji-Eun breaks away from the distressed woman and exits the building. Outside, she is horrified as the woman slams into the concrete just inches away from her. Ji-Eun looks up and sees the woman's son peering down triumphantly. She shudders as her water breaks, mingling with the dying woman's blood on the pavement.
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Moo-Chi wakes up the morning after his confrontation with Ba-Reum, still at Ba-Reum's house. He has no memory of their fight, having been drunk. Ba-Reum's left hand is wrapped as if he's injured. Ba-Reum admits that they fought, but downplays what happened. He asks Moo-Chi to stop drinking, but Moo-Chi only says he'll stop once he kills Han Seo-Joon. he becomes loud and upset because he cannot get arrested to get close to Seo-Joon, no matter how hard he tries. Ba-Reum smiles and says that his hyung, Moo-Won, is looking out for him.
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After Moo-Chi leaves for work, Ba-Reum discovers a bloodstained rock in the garden. He remembers how he strangled Moo-Chi last night and then picked up the rock. He heard a voice in his head telling him to kill Moo-Chi with the rock. Another voice pleaded with him not to do it. In the end, he screamed "No!" and smashed his own hand with the rock to release Moo-Chi's throat. Ba-Reum remembers a girl from the past who said that the mouse had a bad brain. He wonders if the part of Yo-Han's brain inside his head will eventually kill him from within.
Ba-Reum visits Seo-Joon, who is disappointed that Ba-Reum is keeping the world's first successful brain transplant a secret. Seo-Joon informed him that when he transplanted a violent mouse's brain into a docile mouse, the doucile mouse became violent and killed its mate. Ba-Reum confessed to almost killing someone. He wondered if the same would happen to Ba-Reum.
Detective Park was shaken to learn that the body he had buried, thinking it was his daughter Hyun-Soo's, was actually that of Jung Man-Ho's daughter, Soo-Jin. He wants to know what happened to Hyun-Soo. He goes straight to Seo-Joon to demand answers. Seo-Joon says he never said the remains were Hyun-Soo's and doesn't recall where her body is. Detective Park is escorted out while screaming. Seo-Joon warns Moo-Chi that he will regret shooting Yo-Han. Moo-Chi admits that he already regrets it and should have killed Seo-Joon first while Yo-Han watched.
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During a check-up, Ba-Reum asks the doctor if he could be developing violent tendencies from Yo-Han's brain inside his head. The doctor assures him that it is not possible to inherit traits from donors, despite what many believe.
While at Moo-Chi's computer, Ba-Reum discovers graphic photos of Yo-Han's victims. He tries to convince himselfe that his reaction is only psychological and takes his medicine as a precaution. Moo-Chi catches him and Ba-Reum lies, saying he was searching for Halmoni's brooch on the evidence list because Bong-Yi wants it, but it's not in the evidence box.
Meanwhile, Kang Deok-Soo's mother accosts Bong-Yi in her neighbourhood, yelling at her to move away. Bong-Yi calmly replies that Kang Duk-Soo is at fault for his actions. The mother attacks, but thankfully Moo-Chi is there to break it up.
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Later, Kang Duk-Soo grinst that Bong-Yi has grown up to be very pretty. With Kang Deok-Soo out of prison, Moo-Chi suggests that Bong-Yi live with him for safety. Bong-Yi argues that she cannot live on the run. This is the only place she can afford to live because her father built it.
Moo-Chi finds Ba-Reum planting flowers at the station. He gets loud about how they are making Ba-Reum do garden work with his broken hand. Ba-Reum notices something while watching him dig. Woo Jae-Pil confessed to digging the hole where Jung Soo-Jin's body was found. However, the angle of the hole suggests that it was dug by a right-handed person, while Jae-Pil is left-handed.
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Photos show that Jae-Pil had a cast on his left hand during Soo-Jin's death. Therefore, he would have had to dig using his right hand. However, the left-leaning knots on Soo-Jin's hands could not have been tied by him. Ba-Reum believes that the knots were clumsy, as if a child had tied them. Jae-Pil's son, Hyung-Chul, was twelve years old at the time. Ba-Reum and Moo-Chi decide to focus on Hyung-Chul for now, starting with his solid alibi during Hong Na-Ri's death. During the investigation, Ba-Reum and his team visit the woman whose windows Hyung-Chul was working on at the time of Na-Ri's murder. She confirms that she was at the home the entire time he was there, except for a brief period of twenty minutes when she took her sick dog to the vet. Ba-Reum concludes that Hyung-Chul must have given something to the dog to make it sick and then left to commit the murder.
Hyung-Chul would have only had a few minutes to kill Na-Ri, including travel time. To test the timing, Moo-chi has Ba-Reum tie him and strangle him, but Ba-Reum gets too into it. Luckily, Moo-Chi's timer goes off and snaps him out of it.
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They realize that Hyung-Chul didn't have enough time to kill Na-Ri. Ba-Reum is shaken. Moo-Chi doesn't realize how close he came to death. He tells Ba-Reum that he's a better cop after his accident, with his newfound ability to understand killers. Ba-Reum gets Moo-Chi a beer that's been stored in a fridge that's being used to cool a pot of bone broth. Suddenly, Ba-Reum solves the mystery. He and Moo-Chi confront Hyung-Chul. Moo-Chi growls that killing is an addiction, and Hyung-Chul challenges him to crack his alibi before more people die. He begins to walk away, but Moo-Chi informs him that he became ill after consuming milk from Hong Na-Ri's refrigerator that should have been fresh.
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Ba-Reum reveals that Hyung-Chul did not kill Hong Na-Ri on the day he left his job. Instead, he had killed her two days earlier and stored her body in her fridge. He then moved her body back to the position where he had killed her, making it look like Na-Ri was killed while he was working. Hyung-Chul's alibi was thus secured. When Ba-Reum shows him that Na-Ri's DNA was found inside her fridge, Hyung-Chul laughs at their wild theory. Hyung-Chul demanded a warrant, but Moo-Chi aimed his gun and pulled the trigger when he turned his back. Fortunately, Ba-Reum had removed the bullets.
Hyung-Chul attempted to flee, but Detective Kang intercepted him with an arrest warrant. Moo-Chi was angry because he wanted to kill Hyung-Chul and go to jail to kill Seo-Joon, but Ba-Reum saved him against his will, once again.
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Ba-Reum is upset by the new murderous voice in his head and begs his surgeon for another transplant. However, the doctor turns him down, explaining that a brain transplant requires specific circumstances. Ba-Reum becomes angry when the doctor says that he would lose a lot if he were operated on again and snarls, "I could lose myself! Sung Yo-Han's mind might take over mine!" He storms out, and the doctor calls Chief Choi, who then makes another call to beg a favour.
Bong-Yi caught a little girl stealing food in a convenience store. Out of kindness, she bought the food for her. Bong-Yi was worried that the girl's mother didn't know that Kang Deok-Soo was back in the neighbourhood. So, she walked the girl home and advised her mother to move away quickly. However, the mother was not worried about Deok-Soo and resented Bong-Yi's advice. Bong-Yi asked if it changed anything that she was Deok-Soo's victim. She left the mother rethinking the situation. Ba-Reum was found huddled outside her house. He leaned into her arms and asked sadly if he would be alright.
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The warrant against Hyung-Chul was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Moo-Chi seeks Hong-Joo's assistance in finding concrete evidence against Hyung-Chul. Hong-Joo possesses a diary written by Kim Young-Hee, which contains a picture of her with a friend. Moo-Chi requests Hong-Joo to take care of someone for him, but she declines.
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While walking home, Bong-Yi scratches a man's face out of fear, but it turns out to be Moo-Chi. While patching him up, he hands her the bankbook where he has been saving all the money from Ji-Eun. He wants her to use the money to move to his neighbourhood where it is safe. However, Bong-Yi disagrees and says that running away won't solve anything. She wants to handle Deok-Soo herself. Both of them are worried about Ba-Reum, who is currently at a church. He kneels and pleads tearfully, "Please protect me, Lord. Please don't let anything happen to me. Please don't let me become a monster like Sung Yo-Han."
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Shin Sang informs Ba-Reum that he will be joining Moo-Chi on the evidence managing team. During their conversation, Shin Sang receives the news of a body that shares similarities with Yo-Han's murders, including a finger pointing at a cross.
Ba-Reum meets Shin Sang at the scene where they find the body of a teenage girl who was beaten and burned, similar to Yo-Han's first murder of Song Soo-Jung. The police assume it's a copycat, a fan of Yo-han's. However, Ba-Reum believes it's the work of a professional. He also detects the scent of mint, which he used to smell at the murder site. Ba-Reum remembers Halmoni's missing brooch and asks Moo-Chi to show him the pictures of Yo-Han's basement and the video from the killer during Hong-Joo's broadcast. He notices that the walls are different, suggesting that Yo-Han may not have sent the video. Ba-Reum realizes that he only remembers hitting Song Soo-Jung, not killing him. This means that Yo-Han may not have been the killer after all.
Ba-Reum informs Moo-Chi and Shin Sang that he suspects the killer may have been someone else. Moo-Chi disputes Ba-Reum's theory, questioning why Yo-Han had those photos in his basement and why he attacked Ba-Reum. Ba-Reum explains about the mint, but Moo-Chi refuses to believe that he may have killed an innocent man and orders him to leave. Shortly after, Ba-Reum is summoned to the site of another death, initially believed to be a suicide by hanging. The mint scent in the room makes him uneasy. He notices the woman's head at her throat, as if she tired to free herself. Only one finger is stuck under the rope, which appears to have been arranged by the killer. Upon closer inspection, he sees that she's wearing Moo-Won's missing cross locket with his family's photo still inside. Ba-Reum is startled and falls, then spots something fastened to the edge of the woman's bathrobe: Halmoni's brooch. This is a message.
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Ba-Reum runs out to call Moo-Chi and Shin Sang to the scene. When he returns to the body, he notices that Moo-Won's necklace and Halmoni's brooch are missing. Ba-Reum claimes to have seen them, but the other cops dismiss his claim, except for Moo-Chi. In the woman's purse, Moo-Chi finds a card for an illegal massage parlor, the same card he found in Hyung-Chul's office, and rushes back to the station.
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Ba-Reum sees this as proof that Yo-Han didn't kill anyone, which gives him hope. He vows to catch Hyung-Chul and prove that he is the murderer, and that he does not have the mind of a killer.
Moo-Chi calls Ba-Reum back to the station to talk. While he waits, he messes up Ba-Reum's tidy desk just because it irritates him. He notices a paused video on Ba-Reum's computer and recognizes the girl from Young-Hee's photo. He searches for Hye-Won, but she seems to have vanished. She informed her boss that she was marrying a lawyer, but texted her friends that she was going abroad to study.
Hong-Joo and Moo-Chi have deduced that Hyung-Chul is the common denominator between the deceased girls. Hyung-Chul volunteers to counsel troubled and runaway young women, and Moo-Chi believes that he is killing women he deems "unladylike". For instance, he killed Min-Joo after seeing her enter a hotel with a man, and Na-Ri while she was dating someone else while separated from her husband. Bong-Yi was targeted because he was Deok-Soo's lawyer, and Hyung-Chul knew she was one of his victims.
Hong-Joo leaves for an appointment. Unfortunately, Hyung-Chul is at the doctor's office and sees her with her child. He asks the doctor, the same unethical jerk who proudly admits that he tipped off the reporter that she was dating Yo-Han. The doctor confirms that she was Choi Hong-Joo, the TV producer.
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Ba-Reum and Shin Sang meet with the doctor who performed the autopsy on the burned high schooler. The doctor re-examines the evidence at Ba-Reum's request, but finds no signs of strangulation. Ba-Reum impresses Shin Sang with his knowledge of technical terms, but he becomes concerned about his own condition.
Jung Man-Ho, Soo-Jin's father, is upset to learn that Jae-Pil did not kill his daughter but took the blame to protect his son. He informs Moo-Chi that Hyung-Chul's mother attempted to kill her son before committing suicide. Jung Man-Ho provides Moo-Chi with information on how to locate Hyung-Chul's uncle for further details. The uncle reveals that he once accompanied Hyung-Chul's mother to meet someone named Daniel Lee. Later, he took her to a research institute. After that, her mind seemed blank. Moo-Chi notices some hydrangeas on a nearby hill, and Uncle says that Hyung-Chul planed them there.
Some of the flowers lost their colour, which Moo-Chi knows means there is iron in the soil. He digs up the flowers and finds a knife in the ground next to an as-yet undiscovered body.
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Ba-Reum has been investigating Hyung-Chul and has reached the same conclusion that he is the one responsible for killing these women. Dong-Goo is waiting for him and is upset that Ba-Reum has not been responding to his messages about his wedding tomorrow. Dong-Goo brings a suit for Ba-Reum to try on, and he mentions that he has not heard from his fiancée, Seul-Gi. Only now does Ba-Reum recall that Hyung-Chul was present at the dinner where Dong-Goo's friend advised him not to marry Seul-Gi, and he becomes worried.
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Hyung-Chul judged Seul-Gi unworthy and is now at her place, dressing her in her wedding gown and tying her up. He starts to strangle her, but Ba-Reum and Dong-Goo arrive just in time. Ba-Reum breaks into Seul-Gi's apartment and Hyung-Chul attacks him from behind. Dong-Goo calls for help. Ba-Reum turns the tables and throws Seul-Gi's veil over Hyung-Chul's face. Then, he starts hitting him repeatedly. He stops when he sees blood seeping through the white silk. Hyung-Chul manages to escape by jumping off the balcony. Ba-Reum chases him and catches up when Hyung-Chul's car collides with a truck. Hyung-Chul hides in an empty warehouse and knocks Ba-Reum unconscious when he shows up.
When Ba-Reum wakes up, his hands are tied behind his back. He keeps Hyung-Chul talking to buy time and instinctively works his hands from the knot. Hyung-Chul has confessed to the murders, including the killing of Soo-Jin when they were children. He had pretended it was an accident, and his father had easily believed him. His father even helped him disguise Soo-Jin's body to look like Park Hyun-Soo's. However, Hyung-Chul's mother had suspected something was wrong with her son. She had Daniel Lee test Hyung-Chul's DNA and learned that he is a psychopath. She had attempted to kill him but ended up dead herself.
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Ba-Reum asked Hyung-Chul why he targeted Bong-Yi. Hyung-Chul responded by laughing evilly. Ba-Reum freed his hands and tackled Hyung-Chul to the ground, hittin ghim repeatedly. He asked why Hyung-Chul killed the other victims, including Halmoni, but Hyung-Chul insisted that Sung Yo-han killed him.
Suddenly, Ba-Reum saw images that could only have come from Yo-Han's brain: Halmoni lying dead in the alley and knocking over a barrel to set Soo-Ho's body on fire. Horrified, he realizes that it was indeed Sung Yo-Han. He grabs Hyung-Chul once again and strangles him as the voice in his head whispers that people like Hyung-Chul deserve to die. Ba-Reum only realizes what he has done when Hyung-Chul stops breathing.
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He has become a murderer. Looking up, he sees Yo-Han standing in front of him, taunting him, "How does it feel? Isn't it exhilarating to kill a person?"
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mctna2019 · 1 year
Jung Ba-reum
This show made me sad in a way I never expect. I'm always very fastidious about my favorite characters, I mean I love suffering characters but not all of them.Some of them have a kind of sad heart that life is hell for them and I can never bear the sadness in their face let alone when they express it. Then who I can't bear his sadness goes in my heart. When I started Mouse , I liked Ba-reum, but not very much, and the further I went, the more I liked him. Considering that sad life Yo-han had, I thought he would become my favorite character, but when Ba-reum got amnesia, my heart slowly opened up for him. Well, I wasn't shocked by the truth that was revealed in ep 14 when he completely remembered his memories. (Because the series was already spoiled for me before)But I can't forget his painful screams in the basement of his house when he found out everything. And after that ep, he penetrated my heart in such a way that he even became one of the most favorite characters I saw.It always drives me crazy to see a character being tormented by his conscience and blamed by people around him/her when he/she didn't do anything wrong or he/she did it but regret it. There were people who loved him very much until then, but in reality no one was behind him and didn’t protect him. I don't know I must be happy or sad because he gained feelings, but even though I didn't want his memories to come back, I am glad that he forgave.I read these somewhere and I agree very much.Ba-reum or Jae-hoon's character controlled himself as a child (like when he scratched his hand so much while talking to his teacher that he hurt himself) and the problem was that others saw him as a monster (he didn't even want to killing his family )and others(even his family) didn’t treat him well (as a child)there were others who provoked him but still he controlled himself for almost 20 years and didn't kill anyone.I'm not saying he wasn't guilty, or that he was a good person, but as we've seen, a sociopath doesn't have feelings, but when he was a child, despite all these issues, if he was grown properly and wasn't treated differently, he might never have been like this monster.We saw how he prevented himself to killing others when he gained that feelings, when everyone thought it was because of Yo-han. I think Yo-han was like a spark to start the feelings in him but Ba-reum did the rest himself as we saw. The woman who was the founder of the OZ organization, having normal genes, was wilder and more evil than a sociopath like Ba-reum. But I have to say that in this series, in the most beautiful and painful way possible, the life of an psychopath killer, gaining feelings, remorse and action to compensate for his sins, as well as his punishment and salvation, were shown.Lee Seung-gi's acting was great and his emotional eyes made my heart ache. I will definitely write more about him later.
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mykoreandramablog · 2 years
Miss Hammurabi
Drama: Ms. HammurabiHangul: 미스 함무라비Network: JTBCEpisodes: 16Release Date: May 21 – July 16, 2018Director: Kwak Jung-HwanWriter: Moon Yoo-Seok (novel & screenplay) Park Cha O Reum works as a rookie judge. She is in her mid-20’s and follows “an eye for an eye” principle. She does not accept prejudice or blindly follow authority. Dealing with cases, she and her colleagues, including Im Ba-Reun,…
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apokalypsiaa · 3 years
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prncssguya · 3 years
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hmmm… 🧐
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sakurablossomsagain · 3 years
Funny / Good comments I found while I was watching a video about the duality of Jung Ba Reum (Mouse character):
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Okay the last one really got me because I had exactly the same thought... come on, we all know Lee Seung Gi is known as “Umchina” and “Nation's Little Brother” in South Korea so...
PS. Obviously I’m kidding xd I love LSG so much <3
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theuncannyvagabond · 3 years
Rewatching Mouse and seriously mad props to whoever did those drawings for Ba-reum's notebook like they are really gruesome but wow they have some amazing art talent ✨
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eomer-eadig · 3 years
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sleeplessaliana · 3 years
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tvN Mouse Posters
you can see the development of Jung Bareum..
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 9 Recap
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Ba-Reum uncovers a shocking story behind his brain surgery from a year ago. Unwanted memories persistently torment him. Detective Go is outraged by Han Seo-Joon's comment about finding peace and being saved after accepting Christ, and takes matters into his own hands by killing him.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Han Seo-Joon felt at hom ein his surgical gown on the day of Ba-Reum's operation. He transplanted a portion of Yo-Han's brain into Ba-Reum, mentally reassuring his son that he'd be able to live on this way.
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Ba-Reum scrolls through Head Hunter headlines once Bong-Yi confirms that Seo-Joon was the surgeon. An article discusses victim Song Soo-Jung's pinky finger, which had a hole punched through the nail and F25.17S.ex tattooed on the side. Ba-Reum compares the marks on all of Seo-joon's victims. The hole in the pinky finger reminds him of the mouse from Seo-Joon's cell, which had a hole in its ear. In the scientific world, this indicates that testing on the subject is complete.
Ba-Reum deduces from this information that Soo-Jung's tattoo indicated that she was 25-year-old female and the 17th experimental subject. He is horrified and disgusted to realize that Seo-Joon identified his victims by their pinkies instead of their ears because he decapitated them all. The memory of the older girl stepping on the mouse resurfaces, causing pain to shoot through his head.
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She warned him that if he let the mouse live, he would end up like the snake, as there was a bad brain inside the mouse.
Ba-Reum inquired about his heightened sense of smell, and Doctor Park explained that it could only occur if the frontal lobe was replaced since the olfactory bulb is located there. Additionally, Moo-Chi noticed that Ba-Reum appears different than before. As a result, Ba-Reum now understands why he possesses Yo-Han's memories.
The officer confronts Seo-Joon at the prison and demands to know if he transplanted Yo-Han's brain into his own head. Seo-Joon smirks and reesponds, "You found out sooner than expected. How boring." He is proud of his murders and experiments, having harvested his victims' brains while they were still fresh. Everything went well until he met "that kid" and got caught. Seo-Joon considers his victims' lives as the cost of saving humankind. Seo-Joon reminds Ba-Reum that he wouldn't be alive today without their sacrifice, which makes Ba-Reum angry.
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Detective Kang becomes emotional when he sees Moo-Chi being taken away in handcuffs. He takes Hong-Joo aside when she rushes to the station after hearing about the arrest. Kang explains that Moo-Chi pushed her away because of his plan to kill a criminal and get closer to Seo-Joon. He didn't want to involve Hong-Joo in his criminal activities. During a stakeout, Detective Kang found a set of rings that Moo-Chi intended to use to propse to Hong-Joo. He planned to do it the next day. He was nervous, and his heart was pounding. They watched her documentary called "Forgiveness", where Moo-Won forgave Seo-Joon for his crimes. Moo-Chi's face hardened as he saw the Head Hunter giving an interview. Han Seo-Joon claimed to pray every day and sleep well recently. This triggered Moo-Chi, who still had nightmares and felt like he was in a living hell.
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Moo-Chi decided to kill Seo-Joon himself since the country refuses to execute him. When the target of his stakeout appeared, Moo-Chi chased after him, missing Moo-Won's appearance on the show. Moo-Won filed a petition to free Seo-Joon from the death penalty as an act of forgiveness. This made Moo-Chi angry. Moo-Chi apprehended the criminal (the one who later jumped to his own death), but released him and fired shots at him instead. Detective Kang restrained him, but Moo-Chi threatened to kill him if he ever interfered again.
Later that night, Detective Kang drank heavily with Team Leader Bok and Detective Park, upset that Moo-Chi was not fired and instead assigned to the Evidence Storage Team. Drunkenly, he asked Detective Park if he had intentionally taken in Moo-Chi to seek revenge on his behalf. The atmosphere was somber throughout the night.
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Thirty years ago, Han Seo-Joon worked at Cambridge University Hospital in England. He discovered that a cleaner was giving a patient with CP (Cerebral Palsy, a disorder caused by damage to the part of the brain that controls movement) a dopamine supplement pill. When a doctor confronted Seo-Joon about his patient Emma, who supposedly died due to a medical accident, they suspected that Seo-Joon killed her and he was being investigated by Dr. Gary. The doctor warned that they would soon reveal Seo-Joon's true self.
Seo-Joon wheeled the patient with cerebral palsy into a room full of doctors. He claimed that Dr. Gary had misdiagnosed her fifteen years ago, and she had been stuck in her wheelchair since then. To everyone's disbelief, the patient shakily stood up without assistance.
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It turned out that she actually had Segawa Syndrome, a rare disease caused by a lack of dopamine. Seo-Joon noticed that this patient did not exhibit symptoms typical of cerebral palsy and prescribed dopamine supplements to replenish the deficiency. He credited Daniel Lee, the cleaner of her ward, for figuring it all out.
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Seo-Joon discovered that the cleaner who gave the patient the pill was spoken to by Daniel, who was discussing his research on genetic chemical structures with his sister Jennifer, who also suffered from Segawa Syndrome. Dr. Gary resigned and Seo-Joon was cleared of any wrongdoing in Emma's death. Daniel thanked Seo-Joon for inviting him to join a genetic research team and giving him the opportunity to attend school. To show his gratitude, Daniel gave Seo-Joon a bag of mice for research purposes.
Ba-Reum follows Seo-Joon's directions and arrives at his lab. In the past, Seo-Joon conducted experiments on mice to eradicate immunorejection of a brain transplant. He believed that altering someone's brain could change their life, like a god.
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Daniel shared his dream of researching "good" genes to create a utopia without war. Seo-Joon suggested isolating a "bad" gene found in criminals to prevent crime. Daniel agreed and pursued this route.
Seo-Joon, who had killed his girlfriend Jennirfer, returned to Korea and became the country's top neurosurgeon. The world's excitement over Daniel's discovery of the psychopath gene reminded Seo-Joon of his original goal. The doctor regretted convincing Daniel to dedicate his life to researching the psychopath gene. He believed that this research invaded his "realm of God". Soon, Seo-Joon became dissatisfied with animal testing and needed a human brain to work with. He lured a homeless man with the promise of food, who became his first victim.
Ba-Reum enters the dusty lab and carefully picks up a child's hair bobble with a handkerchief. He pulls back a curtain and gags at the sight of brains preserved in jars. He backs up and accidentally knocks over a bucket of skulls before quickly running towards the exit. When he looks back, he sees Seo-Joon performing brain extractions on the operating table.
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Ba-Reum stops at Seo-Joon's old place, now labeled as a killer's house with red paint. Seo-Joon had informed Ba-Reum that he was close to perfecting the brain transplant procedure and that his child was about to be born. However, he received a call from Daniel, who was returning to Korea. In Seo-Joon's view, the former cleaner was just a pawn in his plan, and he refused to relinquish the "divine realm" he dreamed of to someone with "inferior" genes. During dinner with Daniel, Seo-Joon became anxious to perform a final experiment. Moo-Chi's family asked for directions to the campsite, and Seo-Joon noticed a family of three in his rearview mirror - just what he needed.
Ba-Reum goes to the campsite and imagines the events of that night. He winces at the imagery of Moo-Chi's parents being brutally murdered. Seo-Joon killed twenty people that year without making a single mistake. However, by failing to account Moo-Chi, everything fell apart.
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Moo-Chi is in jail, anticipating the showdown with Han Seo-Joon and thinking about his family. A guard informs Seo-Joon about Moo-Chi's arrest, and the convict chuckles, "You actually did it, kid. It is important to keep your neck clean." During the visitation, Ba-Reum asked Seo-Joon how he performed the operation while sitting in jail on death row. Seo-Joon cryptically replied that an important guest came to visit the day after Ba-Reum's accident.
Ba-Reum demanded to speak to the President's Chief of Staff but was stopped by her guards. When Chief Choi arrived, Ba-Reum skipped the small talk and blatantly said, "You should have something to say to me." Chief Choi brought him inside to meet with a doctor who confirmed that they had grafted Yo-Han's frontal lobe onto him. Chief Choi had received a tape that showed Seo-Joon performing a brain transplant. Desperate to save Ba-Reum (because the entire nation was watching), she asked him to attempt the procedure. Trying couldn't hurt since Ba-Reum was as good as dead otherwise. Seo-Joon wanted to be pardoned for his crimes in return because his talents were being wasted being behind bars. Fortunately, Chief Choi did not agree to it. When Seo-Joon got up to leave, the chief begged him on her knees to save Ba-Reum - it would be Seo-Joon's one chance at atonement.
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Ba-Reum is understandably angry because he doesn't understand why they had to use Yo-Han's brain specifically. Unfortunately, they encountered complications with the brain they had planned to use. When Yo-Han suddenly died, Han Seo-Joon gave his consent as Yo-Han's biological father. It's evident that they committed this crime to maintain their power. If Ba-Reum had died, it would have impacted the presidential election. He leaves without saying anything else, but they know their secret is safe. He wouldn't want to reveal to the world that a killer's brain lives within him. Chief Choi wonders why Han Seo-Joon changed his mind about the surgery after saying he had nothing to regret. Han Seo-Joon merely considered himself a lion hunting rats.
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Hong-Joo shakes off the thought that Ba-Reum has caught onto anything. She wonders why he needed to see Han Seo-Joon's interview. Glancing at an image of the serial killer, Hong-Joo thinks, "I should have killed him back then." During her ten-minute interview with Seo-Joon for her documentary, Hong-Joo clutched a fountain pen tightly. However, she fled the room in tears when flashes of her childhood came back to haunt her.
Seo-Joon listens to classical music in his cell and ponders who sent Chief Choi the tape anonymously. He reflects on the interview and concludes that Hong-Joo is Detective Park's daughter and must have intended to kill him by filming the documentary, but Moo-Won died instead.
Ba-Reum arrives home after a long and tiring day to find Bong-Yi waiting for him. He apologizes for forgetting their movie plans, but she is more worried about Moo-Chi's arrest. Ba-Reum calls Hong-Joo to confirm the news and discovers that Moo-Chi confessed to the crime. However, Hong-Joo notes that it is strange that he used a scalpel instead of his gun. Ba-Reum and the other person inspect Jae-Pil's body. Ba-Reum notices that Jae-Pil did not defend himself base on his hands The depth of the wounds suggests that the attacker was extremely angry. The attacker kept stabbing even after Jae-Pil was dead. Moo-Chi's intention was to get arrested, so he would have aimed for a vital spot to achieve this.
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The hospital's CCTV footage was reviewed, and a visitor holding something shiny caught their attention. Hong-Joo was surprised to discover that the visitor was Detective Park's wife. Ba-Reum watched another clip and identified the culprit before leaving to investigate.
Hong-Joo arrived at Detective Park's residence to find Ba-Reum already there. The detective requested that Ba-Reum not arrest him to avoid scaring his wife, as he was already on his way to confess. Ba-Reum asks where his daughter was buried.
Moo-Chi is released, and Team Leader Bok informs him that Ba-Reum is on his way to meet Detective Park and catch the real criminal. Moo-Chi is bewildered and asks how Ba-Reum knew that the detective's wife killed Jae-Pil, but the rest of the team is confused.
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Detective Park take Ba-Reum to his daughter's grave. There, they find Jung Man-Ho, the volunteer who was questioned for being in Hong Na-Ri's neighbourhood, crying and about to poison himself. Detective Park knocks the poison out of his hand. The man sobs and reveals that the girl beneath this grave is actually his daughter.
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While reviewing the CCTV footage, Ba-Reum had seen Man-Ho bumping into Detective Park's wife and picking up the scalpel she dropped. Ba-Reum checked the evidence from Hyun-Soo's case and discovered that the DNA test was done on their hair bobble found with the remains. It matched the one he found at Seo-Joon's lab. He wracked his brain to figure out the connection between Jae-Pil admitting that he killed Hyun-Soo and his best friend Man-Ho killing him out of anger. He remembered that Man-Ho mentioned a daughter that he didn't have when they conducted the interviews at the volunteer center. Ba-Reum researched and found out that Man-Ho was a single father. In 1994, his daughter Soo-Jin went missing.
After Jae-Pil was arrested, Man-Ho went to his place to see what was happening. The police were securing evidence, and among the items strewn about the lawn, Man-Ho noticed a rabbit charm hanging from a knife. It was identical to a charm that Soo-Jin used to wear around her neck. Man-Ho confronted Jae-Pil, not wanting to believe that his friend killed Soo-Jin. After all, Jae-Pil worked hard handing out missing persons flyers. Years ago, the former detective intentionally placed Hyun-Soo's hair tie with Soo-Jin's body. He has been struggling with guilt ever since and apologized to Man-Ho.
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Man-Ho repeatedly stabbed Jae-Pil without realizing what he was doing. He dropped the weapon and ran away when Detective Park's wife walked in and picked up the bloody scalpel. In the present, Man-Ho is arrested, and another DNA test will determine whether the corpse belonged to Hyun-Soo or Soo-Jin.
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Ba-Reum concealed the fact that he discovered the true culprit due to the hair bobble and instead claimed it was because of the CCTV. He did not want to reveal where he found the hair tie, as he did not want to disclose that he now possesses a part of Yo-Han's brain. Hong-Joo expressed gratitude for catching the criminal, but Ba-Reum was certain that Moo-Chi would resent him.
A fight broke out at the prison when an inmate urged a gangster not to harass their cellmate, Mr. Kim. Without hesitation, Mr. Kim threw himself between the two as the gangster moved in to attack. The prison guards watched and stepped in to break up the fight.
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Later that night, Ba-Reum thought about his interaction with Hong-Joo earlier and wondered if Dong-Goo was wrong about Ba-Reum not having a crush on her. Ba-Reum's friend arrived at his place drunk and bloody from the prison fight. Dong-Goo explains that Mr. Kim was unfairly jailed for committing a crime while trying to catch the man who assaulted his daughter. He protected the other inmate without hesitation, while Dong-Goo was too scsared to move. Dong-Goo feels bad about it and muses that Chi-Kook would have acted.
The forensics team excavates the grave to obtain DNA directly from the buried remains. At a restaurant, Hong-Joo discovers Moo-Chi surrounded by empty bottles of soju and apologizes when he asks why she pretended not to know who Han Seo-Joon's son was. He tells her, "If you cared even the slightest bit about me, you wouldn't have dated that muderer's child." Hong-Joo lowers her gaze and can only say sorry. Moo-Chi demands to know why she had to date Yo-Han. She answers that she was drawn to him because they were quite similar. Moo-Chi snarls, "How are you similar? Did you kill people like that bastard?" He angrily tells Hong-Joo to get lost.
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During Hong-Joo's report on Ba-Reum and Chi-Kook's heroic story, she visited Yo-Han at the hospital upon learning that he was the Head Hunter's son. Hong-Joo found him on the ledge, about to jump out of the window, but she managed to pull him back. She scolded him, reminding him that the families of his father's victims were suffering more than he was and that he should prove himself to be different from Seo-Joon. Years later, they met again when Yo-Han treated Hong-Joo as a doctor at the hospital. Hong-Joo recognized him, but he showed no reaction. Hong-Joo said, "You don't even recognize the person who saved your life. That's quite upsetting," while hiding a small smile. In the present, Hong-Joo returns home and tends to a baby. She decided not to go through with her abortion after all.
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Ba-Reum resumes his duties at the Pyeongan Precinct. While on duty, two women report a concerning neighbor. Officer Nam does not offer many helpful solutions and only promises to patrol the area more. He shakes Ba-Reum to back him up, causing him to drop his notepad. Ba-Reum freezes and runs to the restroom while clutching his illustration. The illustration depicts a person hanging on a noose and another lying on the ground with a knife protruding from their chest. He was shocked and ripped up the gruesome artwork, flushing it down the toilet.
Bong-Yi visited the station with dinner and learned that Ba-Reum had left early due to feeling unwell. Ba-Reum found a note from his aunt and a photo of himself from kindergarten, proving that he was not the boy with the mouse. It was Yo-Han's memory.
The thought of young Yo-Han's interaction with the older girl who killed the mouse and claimed it had a bad brain gives him a migraine. Despite Ba-Reum telling the pregnant stray cat to be quiet, it keeps meowing. He attempts to strangle the animal but is interrupted by someone at his door. A drunken Moo-Chi blames Ba-Reum for catching the killer, adding to Ba-Reum's annoyance. The officer snaps, "How much longer are you going to whine? It's so childish." Ba-Reum squeezed Moo-Chi's neck until he turned purple and repeatedly struck him with an object nearby, blood splattering onto his smiling face.
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0 notes
feral-gaze · 3 years
i had a feeling the writer would torment its main character. it was actually ridiculous that bareum was this INSANELY nice guy, he was TOO nice for his own good that it felt rather... dumb
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sweetchan91 · 3 years
“They think I’m crazy but they don’t know the feeling”
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