#Kulfi cookie when
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d3spairisart · 22 days ago
>u< omg they're in each others areasss
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He's having so much fun I need him dead
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They're so silly!!!
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months ago
Hello I saw your platonic Crk story with the beast cookies and I was just rewatching the theater of lies episode and I got an idea, what if the reader gets so angry at Shadow milk cookie that they just scream "SHUT IT!" which stuns everyone into silence not even knowing the reader could get that mad, if you're not comfortable with writing this or simply don't want to that's completely alright 😊
interesting- Interesting indeed-
I could've made this so much more simple but- I didn't ToT
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(Beast Cookies X Reader)
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Reader will be Non-binary
#Peaceful Mode
Simple mind things
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The Beasts were revived. What was the first thing they did? Find their little sibling of course.
You were shocked to see your old friends in front of front of you again. The difference was not only in their appearance and names but their personality too. Blueberry Milk in particular. Or rather... Shadow Milk Cookie. He used to be your best friend... Now he's your greatest annoyance.
Before he was the most quiet and the "Hold my hand when crossing the road" friend now he's the "Jackass bitch I wanna strangle but they're still my friend" friend.
Ever day..
And I mean- EVER DAY- He's annoying you with something different before rambling on and on.
"[Reader] Cookie, why did you dye your frosting? You know I loved it [H/c]? Can I change it back?"
"[Reader] Cookie, Why are your drawing the soul jam thieves?... What do you mean they aren't thieves!?"
"[Reader] Cookie, who are Espresso Cookie and Madeline Cookie? They aren't your boyfriends are they?"
"[Reader] Cookie~! Come look at my new puppets~!"
You were getting fed up because most of the time he would bother you when you're working on important stuff.
But this time. You were working on something VERY important. Crushed Spice- Err... Burning Spice Cookie. He recently had to fight the other Wild spices because something happened. In the process, his favorite bracelet got damaged and you were fixing it.
Before, Burning Spice didn't really care about his appearance, but now he did. He wanted to look powerful and offered you somehting you couldn't refuse. So you had to fix it for him.
Leaning in closer so that you can see it better, you carefully started to melt some golden cheese so that you can fix it. Liquid cheese can get very hot so you had to be very careful when- "Wow! Would you look at that!" "WAAAHHH!!"
Screaming in shock at the sudden cookie you dropped all the liquid cheese onto Burning Spice's bracelet, absolutely covering it in liquid cheese. You stared at Shadow Milk Cookie before looking at Burning Spice's bracelet, and then back at Shadow Milk Cookie. "Are you kidding me...?" You asked in disbelief.
"Heeey~ What's it matter? I just-" You started to tune out Shadow Milk Cookie as you stared at the ruined bracelet.
Yup! That was it! All you wanted was the meet the other Spices! but Burning Spice never allowed you because it was too dangerous! The reason why you've always wanted to go is because you helped a little Kulfi get home a couple years ago and you promised to meet them again!
"-Surely it can't be that bad-"
Shadow Milk, who sat across from you, paused.
Burning Spice who just walked in to check on his bracelet, went slack jawed.
Silent Salt, who was with Burning Spice, felt his soul gem die.
Mystic Flour and Eternal Sugar gasped and snorted respectively.
They didn't know how to react. How could they? Years ago, you were the cookie who would always say, "Mind your manners, it's not nice" With a small pout on your face.
But now- you just told your best friend that he was being an annoying bitch-
Shadow Milk Cookie in particular, stared at you in shock.
All of a sudden- he fainted and started frothing at the mouth.
Meanwhile, you just walked away, grumbling to yourself.
"That's not my best friend... Never has been."
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~ (OwO) ~
I could've made this more simple than it had to be so I dunno why I went with lore...
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lavender-butterfly-cookie · 3 months ago
Had an idea based off this...imagine if, instead, y/n blamed themselves for not being able to save the beasts and basically became a shell of their former self...depressed, staying at home, just laying around, crying, self isolating and stuff...and the moment the beasts pull up and blame y/n, they quickly discovered they just made it 50x worse so they gotta calm y/n down and drag em out of their depression...and to get back the y/n they once knew and loved.
Bonus: also it becomes a journey of self discovery for the beasts too as they slowly try to build their poly back up and adapt to their new selves as they try to get y/n over the traumatic experience of being forced to banish them...and the beasts showing y/n...it's not their fault.
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Finally quitting the blame game
Y/N cookie, despite knowing it was for the greater good, still hadn't forgiven themselves for having their friends sealed away. They could've done more, in their perspective, to find a better solution. They still have dreams of how that day could've gone. Although they can't see how they'd do it, they could see a better result. A result that they failed to achieve. And it was all their fault.
What made it worse was when they came face to face with the beasts once again. They could see and feel the anger and hurt of their fallen allies and the fact that they too blamed Y/N cookie for this was enough to push them over the edge. In the heat of the moment, they fell to their knees, repeating how it was their fault. This was unexpected, to put it in simpler terms. The beasts didn't realized their words would have this effect, but they knew they didn't like it.
In reality, they knew it was their own fault for what happened, even if they'd never admit it aloud. But the fact that Y/N cookie was taking all the blame. The scene caused the beasts to feel something they hadn't felt in a long time. Guilt. With that said, they wanted to reassure them that it wasn't their fault. Even if they were still bitter about the betrayal, they didn't want to hurt Y/N cookie.
Bear in mind, when a cookie has fallen into a deep stage of depression and believe their at fault for everything, it's hard to convince them otherwise. Especially when they had lived with that mind set for centuries. All the beasts had trouble comforting and reassuring Y/N cookie. Sometimes it felt like they were talking to a wall.
Shadow Milk cookie tried explaining why it wasn't your fault. He'd sit on the edge of your bed whilst you lay there crying and hugging the pillow to your chest. He'd make little puppet shows emphasizing that you weren't to blame for what happened. You convinced yourself that he was deceiving you, that he didn't mean any of it and that he was just playing tricks on your heart. But he swears of his life he's telling you the truth. He's a liar, yes, but do you really believe he'd lie to you of all cookies?
Mystic Flour cookie also offered a lot of therapeutic assistance when she took you to the ivory pagoda. She talks about how she and the other beasts views had changed overtime and that although they were still upset you had them sealed away, they knew you were only trying to do the right thing. Even if she doesn't see what the right thing to you is. Cloud hatae and Peach Blossom cookie also helped in calming you down when you seem to overwhelm yourself by blaming yourself. If you had been any other cookie, she'd be so apathetic and simply solve the issue by turning you to flour. But she'd never. Not to you.
Saying that comforting others was not Burning Spice cookies cup of tea was an understatement. Can't you just get it together or something? Well apparently you can't. And the spice tribe leaders aren't exactly good at it either. With little to no options he turned to Golden Cheese cookie, who advised him to leave you in the care of the Kulfi monkeys. At least they'd have some kind of use now, he thought. Guess he was lucky he didn't go after them to crumble them. The kulfi's were all pretty good at providing comfort to you too, even giving you some lassi. When you witness destruction growing in your heart, the kulfi's will be there to make sure you don't fall apart.
Unlike the great destroyer, Comfort was Eternal Sugar cookie's middle name! She'd cuddle you, have servants serve you, shower you with love and attention, just be there for you. She wanted to make sure you knew that she didn't really blame you and that it truly wasn't your fault. What you did hurt, yes, but that was all in the past and you did it for the greater good. She'd give you all sorts of treats and gifts. She was like Golden Cheese cookie, but pink and fluffy. And when all was quiet in the night she'd take you for a flight around, hoping the cold air and quiet atmosphere would provide a sense of security. She may be a sloth at times, but for you she's putting in the effort.
Silent Salt cookie had experienced a pretty hard time comforting you. Mainly because he couldn't use his words. Regardless of that, he found his ways. Sometimes you can find the most peace in the silence after all. A good nighttime walk in the forest was nice, and so was star gazing. One thing he wasn't gonna allow was you trying to crumble yourself from the depression. He's stopped you a couple of times.
The beasts want to help you. but there's one thing that they know would help you that they refuse to do. They need to apologize. And frankly, none of them are quite ready for that just yet.
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hugemilkshake · 15 days ago
May I please have a burning spice cookie x reader Valentine's letter?
Enjoy the letter! In my opinion, burning spice is for the girlys
A Valentine’s Day letter from Burning Spice
You were thankful for the Kulfi, they provided you a place to stay in this worrying time, I mean The Great Destroyer had returned and tribes started getting targeted by The Spice Swarm.
Not the Kulfi though, if any creature from the swarm passed by the Kulfi, they’d do it in a calm and respectful manner. It was VERY strange, some believed that the swarm was going to kill them, but if that’s what they wanted to do, then why didn’t they do it yet?
You wondered why, until today when you were given a letter, no one told you who it was from. The hand writting was kinda agressive at first but it got much calmer at some point.
You started to read the letter to see who this was from and why they sent it…
Dearest Y/N Cookie,
I, The Great Destroyer, Burning Spice, have found you intriguing. Unlike most cookies, you’ve struck me with an odd sense of excitement,
How do I describe it…
It’s like you give me a reason to destroy thing, when I revenge tribes, your image pops into my mind. It makes me feel all warm inside
And as much as I hate this feeling… I would hate to be without it. Be without you.
— With all my regards
Burning Spice
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xiepheer · 12 days ago
Can you do Caramel arrow x soft reader hcs?
Or if you only take beast requests...
Can you do burning spice x cowardly and soft reader hcs? Just think opposites attracting would be fun to see! And even if you do the Caramel arrow request...would still ask for this burning spice one too so think of this as two requests in one lol!
Sure thing! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
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This one guys are two parts! This is an Burning Spice cookie x Cowardly Soft reader and Caramel Arrow cookie x soft reader! Hope yall enjoy!
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Arrow to the Heart
Caramel Arrow cookie x soft Reader
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Hey guys, I hope yall don't mid but this Caramel Arrow Cookie x Soft reader is actually gonna be them being lovers!
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First things first, you and Caramel Arrow cookie met when you found the Dark Cacao Kingdom and seeked warmth and shelter.
They gladly took you in with the permission of Dark Cacao cookie, the ruler of the kingdom.
Caramel Arrow cookie was assigned to take you to your shelter and as you were walking, you chatted with her.
Except she didn't really reply back and only reply in simple nods and shooks.
As time passes by, she eventually starts to feel comfortable with you.
She would walk with you, teaching and telling you about the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
How their leader was a great and always will be a great man for saving not only his Kingdom, but many young lives.
Everything was great.
You guys were laughing at each other's jokes, chatting about your lives, laughing.
Her heart would flutter at your soft laughs.
It was the first time she ever felt such thing especially for someone with foreign.
She loved watching you pet the lambs and farm animals they had in the shelters.
You're just so soft and gentle with them.
So fragile that you need her to protect you.
Though it is her, Caramel Arrow cookie always say that you need her protection even though she hadn't heard you admit and say that before.
As more time passes, she had realized that she loves you.
She had never felt anything like that to such.
She, Caramel Arrow cookie, the head of the Dark Cacao Kingdom's elite troops and the First Watcher of the kingdom, fell in love in such an unexpected way.
When she confessed, not only did she feel embarrassed, she felt happy too.
Happy that not only did she finally let it all out, but happy that you didn't reject her.
You agreed to be her lover.
And now, Now that you're lovers, she vowed to you that she will do anything to protect you and the kingdom.
She would be gentle with you like how you were with her.
Your arrow shot her heart and you won her heart.
Burning Spice cookie x Cowardly Soft reader
His Golden Treasure
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Now being a cookie in the Spice Kingdom lacking bravery and lacking the strength to fight, you were forced to stay with the Kulfis.
Cookies from higher ranks and powerful strong cookies mocked you for being so fragile and useless to the Spice Kingdom and Spice Land.
But despite being soft, fragile, weak, you managed to catch the Great Destroyer's eyes.
The Great Destroyer always never put his eyes on the weak and always on the strong ones.
But yet, he sensed something different from you.
He thinks that despite the rough weather here in the Spice Kingdom, you're still standing with both legs and limbs intact.
So despite his rough interior, out of everyone's shock, he took you in.
He orderedly took you in.
Nutmeg Tiger cookie was ordered to take you from your home in the Kulfi Village and was dragged.
When you made it, he welcomed you with open arms which was shocking to hear from the Great Destroyer.
It felt so unusual.
You too was shocked but has no choice but to stay.
You stayed, enduring his rough demeanor and destructive behavior.
You often have to watch other cookies and creatures get smashed or sliced by his mighty axe.
Even though you were soft, fragile, and doesn't even know how to be brave, you are showered with attention, treasures, and the Great Destroyer attention.
Nutmeg Tiger cookie and the other generals have no idea why such a fragile and easy kill prey even worth her master's attention and time.
You're not strong, easy to kill, fragile, they don't even know if you belonged here, and yet you get his attention.
It was until one day, you find out the reason why.
It was because he has grown interested in you not just interested as in you're just a test subject, but he has grown interested in you romantically
Quite the shock isn't it? But remember,
You're his Golden treasure forever. Whether you like it or not.
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Anyways guys! Hope yall are satisfied with this since I didn't really get an idea on what plot I should put in! But they gave me an ides of what your/reader's personality is!
Sorry if it isn't your liking! Anyways love yall! 💖 💖
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mercy-love-joy · 4 months ago
The Burns Melted Into Gold Alternate AU of the AU
So I was looking at some references for the Beasts to draw in the AU for the big master post I'll be dropping after the fic is finished and I decided that it would be fun to sort of share what I think could've happened to GB if either 1. The Rebellion finds him or 2. If Burning Spice Cookie just left GB with the Spice Swarm.
So- if GingerBrave was found by the Rebellion after the death of Golden-Lacquered Cookie...
I think that GB would have killed GL AFTER she was successful in altercating GingerBrave's body i.e. she was able to go through with the original surgery and have him hollowed out to follow her orders blindly. BUT! GB rejects his purpose and yadda-yadda GL dies but GB knows that there is no one who will help because he's the "son" of the Golden Empress.
So he crawls into his tower where all the fabrics of the deceased Ancient Heroes are and lies there, hoping to die (even though he can't). Cue in the Rebellion invading the kingdom and being so confused on why they find GL's body decomposing.
It's Dark Choco Cookie who finds GingerBrave and has to choose: either spare GB and take him to the Rebellion to get better OR end his life as GB begs
Now for the Spice Swarm...
If Burning Spice Cookie believed that the Soul Jam of Abundance would react to GB, then he would give him over to Nutmeg Tiger and her tribe. He would demand that she keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't show signs of soul jam-like power. (This would also take place where Gl succeeded in turning GB into a Golden Soldier). The tiger tribe treats GB like a rookie, a youngster who needs to learn the law of the land. And he becomes a close ally to the Beasts once he proves later down the line that he is loyal to Burning Spice Cookie and the Spice Swarm
2. If Burning Spice Cookie left GB to the Kulfi tribe, they would take him in and care for him until he's healthy. He'll be one of the few cookies allowed to interact and protect the Kulfi. He also becomes a great caretaker for babies and the elderly in the village.
3. If Burning Spice Cookie gave GingerBrave to the Pangolins, then Pepper Pangolin Cookie would try to see if GB has any power that can create better armor for their armor. But GB doesn't so she decides that he would be a great watcher when they sleep or be a "diplomat" to the other tribes when there is a dispute. Pepper Pangolin and GB would be a great duo
4. If Burning Spice Cookie shoved GB to the Clinatro snakes, there would be much of a welcoming party since most of the snakes live underground. But Cilantro Snake Cookie knows when there is a good deal to use someone like GB for food, shelter, or to just have a bit of power over the other tribes.
5. If Burning Spice Cookie gave GB to the Saffron Buffalo Tribe, they would not take kindly to him. They would challenge him and actually rough him up a bit to test him. But it would be the chief's wife who shows the more gentle side of the Saffron Buffalo Tribe and she takes GB in to learn how to heal and how to better care for the warriors in the tribe.
And perhaps in another world, GB would flee to return to the Cookie Kingdom and simply fall into a self-made coma in front of Strawberry's and Wizard's graves- aware that he is the reason for their deaths.
Just some rambles- lemme me know your ideas for this AU of an AU!
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radiance1 · 3 months ago
It had been a while since he had taken a dip in the Lassi Springs. Eons inside a tree didn't exactly do one favors when it came to certain luxuries. And, of course, such was beneath his notice when he turned fully towards destruction, and he had lost interest in it long before he became a Beast.
Burning Spice Cookie leaned back against the edge, propping his head up on a fist.
At the very least, the Kulfi had managed to do something right throughout the centuries. Though, he shouldn't be surprised, the weak were always good at this sort of thing.
Unable to fight for themselves, they depend upon the goodwill of those stronger for protection, and luxuries only the weak care to slave for as payment.
But he could see merit to it.
He cracked an eye open, lazily searching along the spring before landing on its intended target.
"Golden Spice Cookie." He drawled out slowly, raising his other hand to beckon his apprentice. "Come here."
Golden Spice Cookie perked up a bit at the call, taking his hands off his wing before making his way over. Holding onto the edge and staring distrustfully at the deeper parts of the spring as he did so.
When he got close enough, Burning Spice Cookie reached over and pulled him the rest of the way over.
"Oof-" The child exclaimed as he landed in Burning Spice Cookie's lap. But soon recovered enough to make himself comfortable. Burning Spice Cookie gently tugged one of his apprentice's wings towards him, a mere grunt being enough for the child to hold it in place for him.
He idly searched along the feathers, picking out any loose or damaged ones while shifting some around to look for any cuts or bruises. Golden Spice Cookie was quick to catch on, doing the same for the inner side of his wing.
"Why the long face, my little apprentice?" Burning Spice Cookie asked after a moment of silence. Only to let out a snort at the way his disciple froze. "What? Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" He asked, pulling out a stray feather while smoothing out a few others.
The times he watched Golden Cheese Cookie tend to her own wings through her Soul Jam has unexpectedly come in handy.
"Well?" He drawled out, staring down at the back of his apprentice's head. Before letting out an amused, knowing hum. "Ah, still mad my little Golden Bird flew away, hm?"
"Of course I am!" Golden Spice Cookie huffed, leaning back against Burning Spice Cookie's chest and crossing his arms. "The hunt already ended, and I barely got to do nothing!" He pouted.
Burning Spice Cookie snorted.
"And who said the hunt was already over, my little phoenix?" He smirked, playfully rummaging his apprentice's hair as he chuckled. "You and I are still breathing, and though my Golden Goddess has already flown away, she's still out there. The hunt shall continue, my little destroyer."
"Really!?" He said excitedly, pumping his fist. "Yes! I wanna fight her too, please?" He leaned his head back to look up at Burning Spice Cookie. "Can I? Can I?!"
"For a bit." Burning Spice Cookie hummed. Seeing the sparkle in the young Cookie's eyes. "I will be generous enough to allow that. But remember, she is still my prey, and the true fight is reserved only for me." He said, diminishing said hopes before they could get too far.
Of course, he was being more than generous, and if Golden Cheese Cookie was as well. Then she should be willing to entertain his little phoenix as a warmup before getting to the true fight at hand.
Golden Spice Cookie deflated.
"Baha!" Burning Spice Cookie couldn't help but laugh at the sight, placing a hand on the Cookie's head. "Fine, fine! Golden Cheese Cookie will no doubt be rebuilding her fallen kingdom, you can play among her treasures while I have my fun. Does that sound fair?"
"Hmm." He hummed, tapping his knuckles against his chin in a show of thinking it over. But with the gleam in his eyes that Burning Spice Cookie could see, he already knew his little apprentice was hooked. "Okay!" He giggled, clearly more than overjoyed at the compromise as he kicked his feet back and forth in the Lassi.
"Good, good!" Burning Spice Cookie laughed, patting his apprentice on the head before he grinned wickedly. "Now, take a deep breath..." He said slowly.
Golden Spice Cookie gave him a confused look, but did as instructed.
Burning Spice Cookie slammed his hand down into the lassi, with Golden Spice Cookie's head by extension. Who, in his surprise, flapped his wings and flailed his arms.
Burning Spice Cookie held him down for one moment, then two, then three. Before pulling him back up.
Golden Spice Cookie shook his head, lumps of lassi flying off and back into the Spring. The next thing he did was giggle.
"Again! Again!" He exclaimed, nothing but excitement and stars in his eyes from what would have surely frightened any normal Cookie.
Burning Spice Cookie laughed. His little phoenix truly has taken after his personality!
And who would he be, if not to oblige such a dangerous request?
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thealphavoidofficial · 5 months ago
Lil thing based/inspired off @sunseed-fandump ‘s Liars Circus Au and This post they made
Basically the Spice edition Trio :D
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The Blind Garuda Guide: Said to have appeared mysteriously, this stranger guides lost Cookies through vicious Spice Storms toward safer locations, while keeping his own presence unknown, very few have seen this cookie trough the storms, many say that he is the only Cookie able to properly navigate through the storms without getting lost, he wears a blindfold to protect his eyes from the unforgiving winds of the Spice Storms.
He often visits the ever traveling Kulfi Village to tell them of his journeys. He will at times accompany the, as extra protection from Wild Spices.
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The Lassi Spring Merchant: This kind Mistress had set up shop in the Lassi Springs one day, offering to sell all sorts of charms 2 friends of hers find for her in order the help any Cookies in need of enchantments.
Her wares consist of Charms to give one a temporary Boost of Energy and stamina, to giving one protection form the Spice Storms for a few hours.
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The Wandering Nomad: This young Cookie wanders the scorching hot Spice-lands in search for history and artefacts long lost to time, old villages, to Monument Ruins of the Great Destroyer, seeking to find the long lost history of Beast-Yeast and understand it’s lands.
He and the Blind Garuda Guide are known to make small charms for the Lassi Spring Merchant to sell to the Cookies of the Spice-lands,, they would meet up every week to do this, the Blind Garuda makes the charms, the Wandering Nomad enchants them, and the Lassi Spring Merchant sells them at her shop.
Fun facts:
- GingerBrave tends to guide paths through storms by leaving conveniently place obstacles that will heard Cookies or Wild Spices toward safer areas, if that doesn’t work he will make strange noises to scare them in that direction, or if they are REALLY stubborn he will have no choice but to use excessive force to either push them toward that area or drag their unconscious body to a nearby cave or safe zone.
- Strawberry likes to sometimes likes to polish or put gloss on some of her Charms to make them really POP and catch customers attention.
- Wizard sometimes get lost and has to use a Teleportation spell to get back to the meeting point.
- The Gang will sometimes travel with the Kulfi to ensure they get to their next temporary home alright, they did take them in when they first got there after all, it’s the least they could do.
- Strawberry had begun closing up shop earlier after word of the Great Destroyers return had reached her.
- Wizard uses his staff to scan out the area for anything worth noting using a Spell.
- All 3 of them detest Burning Spice, due to the destruction and fear he brings to other Cookies and Wild Spices.
- When meeting Golden Cheese, they immediately recognise her as the wielder Burning Spices missing Soul Jam half, but say nothing of it to anyone, knowing that the entire Spice Swarm would KILL just to get her to The Great Destroyer first.
- GingerBrave finds safe locations in storms by using his sword as a form of echolocator , it was enchanted by Wizard .
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zorilleerrant · 2 months ago
One, I look a your Wip in awe and horror because 1. Thats so many, and 2. Unfortunally I'm no better.
So Im gonna ask about the Cookie Run Wip because I never see anyone talk about Cookie Run and thats a crime
Thank you! I always say how many WIPs I have, and no one ever acknowledges how weirdly many it is! I'm trying to make time to write them all. Now, I know you're asking about the capybara one, but lucky for you, I actually have several ficlets! (My main Cookie Run WIP is called That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles and I've been trying to plot it out for like. a year. These are done tho!) Cookie Run Capy, Kulfis and Peaches, Cobalt, Buttercream Wyvern, plus a bonus I found in my notes!
Cookie Run Capybara
Caravan Leader Cookie had been doing this job a long time. He knew when to let his people rest. Sometimes it was just complaints, grumbling and dragging their feet, and in a rush like this, with the safety of a whole village on the line, well, those were safe enough to push past. Not fun, but safe. Safer than the passel of cookievorous plants on the loose, anyway.
Often, though, tempers flared when everyone was getting too tired to carry on. Temperamental enough and it could end up putting the goods at risk, if not the team, and Caravan Leader, for one, did not intend to be eaten. Least of all by plants taller than he was, and certainly not in the middle of a favor to an old friend.
The hot springs seemed like such a good idea. Like luck had guided him straight to them, just when he most needed a safe spot to take a break, a welcome respite in treacherous terrain. Sanity regained through the relaxation of body and mind. Perfect for his team.
He did not expect to find a creature already among them, enjoying the hospitality of the natural spa with the ease born of practice.
It would be easier if the creature were hostile. That, at least, his caravan knew well how to contend with. Caravan Leader Cookie recruited them for their quick response to hostile flora and fauna, and they’d have been just as quick as he was, if there were a threat. He didn’t want a fight – there’d been too many a time Caravan Leader had been pushed into a fight he never wanted, and he wouldn’t do that to his team – but he’d know what to do.
This creature wasn’t hostile. This creature wasn’t hungry, or territorial, or defending its young. It didn’t even take notice of them, not really.
At first, it had seemed dangerous. Caravan Leader froze, ready himself to creep slowly back, away from an unknown entity, furred, with a large horn protruding from its head. Careful observation, though, through several excruciatingly frozen minutes before it became clear they weren’t about to be attacked, revealed the horn to be merely citrus fruits. It was wearing them on its head as some sort of adornment.
Caravan Leader Cookie was helpless to do anything but watch as his people removed the oranges, waiting to see if the creature would react. With no thought to the importance of the decoration, or whether it might be possessive over its food, they took them. Then, to add insult to the injury they’d barely escaped, they began to replace what they’d taken with new items.
It might have ended badly. Caravan Leader had seen this sort of thing end so badly – and still, he hadn’t had time enough to shout a warning. He just had to trust they had the strength and training to pull themselves away, if the creature objected to, well –
Other citrus fruits. Letters and scrolls. A few rare silks, thought after the first, he managed to discourage most of them from raiding the caravan. Leaves. Twigs. Fragrant teas that fell into the hot spring, scenting the water. Nothing seemed to phase the odd creature.
Eventually, all the cookies but Caravan Leader climbed in to soak, reveling in the heat alongside the strange beast, evidently no more bothered by it than it was by them. Even through his cautions, they placed trinket after trinket atop it, small and large, light and heavy, delicate or robust. It was strangely compelling.
Caravan Leader Cookie watched, helpless, as his whole team surrounded the beast. And, lost to any other choice, he joined them. He plucked a flower from the basket he carried, placing it carefully as if tucking it behind the creature’s ear. He sank down into the hot spring, enjoying it just as much as everyone else. Or, judging by his laughter at the placid creature’s expense, more.
Kulfis and Peaches
Peach Blossom shoos away the young kulfis again, murmuring as he carefully turns over each shoot. Most are undamaged. But the life of a peach bao is so slow and meandering compared to the childhood of a kulfi that he hesitates to explain. It’s hard to know how to describe the shoots, which have been all the peach bao have ever been for each child’s young life, are not the whole of the plant, or the whole of the garden.
A peach bao grows so slowly, a single kulfi might never see it change. It’s a concept with philosophical merit, but, Peach Blossom fears, little to address practical concerns.
The answer, then, is clear: he must find a fruit with the same appeal, whose life is as fast as those who crave it. They need not understand why the life of a peach bao must be so slow, nor why that should matter to them, if they have something fine to take its place.
The thought grows in the garden of Peach Blossom’s mind. He tends it carefully each day, until the fill weight of it ripens. In this time, many kulfi have grown from the young, curious monkeys who attempt to pluck a fruit before its time, into the cautious and gentle adults who apologize for the disruption and ask after his harvest, dragging the youngsters away. Some, even, are now elders, beholding the wonder that is the growth of a peach bao, finally, with their own eyes. Still, it is time that must be spent for the idea to unfold.
Generation after generation, they cannot explain to the young that ancient things are sometimes more delicate than anything they’ve cupped between their hands, no matter how gently they held. That, even with planning as careful as that, the young might aways fall to impatience in the face of wonder. No matter what their elders advise.
They’re also, Peach Blossom has learned through careful study, perpetually hungry. Not the young kulfis in particular, but all children, and all quickly growing things. Hungry for food, and hungry for discovery. They climb on him and nibble at his hair, only to find the same icing most cookies are made of, instead of the juicy flesh of a ripe fruit.
It’s a testament to his design, his understanding of beauty, his patience with his craft, that his painstakingly styled hair elicits this response. It also tickles.
He tries to ignore them as he brings his idea, now heavy enough to pluck from the branches of his thoughts, to the kulfi elders.
There is a fast-lived cousin of the peach bao, Peach Blossom begins. Though its growing conditions are similar, its sweet scent so much the same, its fruit a close enough approximation it might be confused for his hair – still, it’s much for one cookie to tend to. Experience aside, Peach Blossom is still just one cookie, tasked with a detailed and painstaking treasure to maintain. He is concerned, of course, for his fragile garden, but this gives him little time or energy to grow another. Still, he would have his surrounded, for the sake of the little ones.
It will be as a wall of fruit, those fast growing peaches, to delight and distract those curious youth with too much energy of their own. The young kulfi with curious minds and curious mouths might eat to their hearts’ content, and perhaps even be convinced to help as they grew to love the garden, by and by.
The elders confer. They, like Peach Blossom, are patient, and will not rush to a decision. Peach Blossom slips gracefully into a seat, settling to wait, but they return almost before he knows it. They have a verdict. They smile at him, and take their own seats.
We have reached a decision, they say, as Peach Blossom inclines his head. They speak with gravitas, a solemnity to their words, even as they seem to agree. So it is often, when Peach Blossom speaks to those who must make decisions on behalf of others. They cannot ask the young to tend the gardens. It would be much the same as telling them not to play among the shoots, and so Peach Blossom would be no better off.
As they grow older, and calmer, and fonder of beauty, this will change. Many kulfi will tend to his trees, if Peach Blossom will show them where to plant each one, but they will be not young nor almost young. The elders will set the example, and others will follow.
And so, as the years pass, the garden wall grows larger and larger, ever more trees with ever more fruits for those who chase up the mountain to seek and find and delight in. Peach Blossom’s garden remains the same as ever, beyond the reach of too excitable palms, nestled in the center. Occasionally, a quiet visitor will come by, hoping to study his crop, asking after their welfare in solitude once more.
Cobalt loves to feed the pigeons. They trust him, in a way few do. It’s easy being the strong, silent type when you want to keep everyone else at arm’s length, but they form opinions nonetheless, and they base them on what evidence they have.
Pigeons aren’t anything like that. Pigeons don’t know anything about cookies, so they don’t judge cookies they don’t know anything about. They wait to see what Cobalt will do, and judge him only by what they’ve seen directly. Pigeons only care about a handful of things in life, and all of those things are relatable.
Food. Cobalt himself enjoys a good meal, especially surrounded by friends. The local flock swarms together as they eat, pressed softly wing to wing. A soft place to sleep. Cobalt, too, builds himself cozy nests when he can find the security to do so. He curls like they do, nestling in as he settles down to sleep. Their families and friends, as well.
Curiosity, too. A pigeon is interested in strange sights and strange sounds, might even take a strange morsel from Cobalt’s hand. They seek out answers. If one provides the correct incentive, perhaps a pigeon may even be interested in the same sights and sounds and strangeness as Cobalt. They’re happy enough to accompany him, from time to time, no matter how much higher his curiosity burns than theirs.
He understands them. That, more than feeding them, might be why Cobalt has so little trouble enticing them to send messages when he needs them to.
Buttercream Wyvern
It’s curious. There’s a cookie moving towards her, but not as if he’s attempting to capture her, the way some cookies do. Buttercream’s never been interested in fighting cookies, testing her merits against them, becoming a celebrated so-and-so, and yet… there’s an undeniable allure to being a cookie carrier, part of that kind of team.
Buttercream sniffs him as the cookie presses himself up against a tree, well away from the other wyverns. He’s just barely in her territory. She pokes her snout out, just testing the air, and he begins shaking, stammering, backing away from her. Buttercream spreads her wings to show she’s friendly, spears out her claws to invite him to play, but instead he’s frozen in fear, right on the edge of her home, staring at her.
She certainly has her work cut out for her, with a cookie this petrified of the smallest wyvern – especially if he pans on dragon fighting, like those other cookies. She doesn’t know if all cookies do that, but Buttercream is sure cookies can’t be so different from each other as all that. Yes, it’s up to her to whip him into shape. She bellows soothingly.
The cookie faints. Buttercream takes pity, and, biting him gently on the ankle, she drags him to her den to tuck him in. There’s a nice pile of eaves to get him settled all comfy and cozy, and she brings more, just to make sure he’s covered up all warm. When he wakes up, she can explain their new partnership to him.
Plant Hunter Cookie/Customer Cookie
All his life, he was surrounded by nothing but finery. Everything in his life was soft. The silks he donned each morning were the first thing to touch his hands, and the down he laid his head on at night was the last. His food melted like liquid as it touched his tongue, and his drinks were light as only air. He liked it this way.
He liked the subtle fragrances that followed him from room to room, the frosted lights that brightened without hurting his eyes. He liked the quiet conversation and almost silent burbling of laughter that accompanied his friends into his home. He liked the peacefulness of sunrise, and the slow start to a long morning. And he liked his space.
Every day until now, he liked his space.
Then, between one moment and the next, there was someone in his space that he didn’t mind at all.
Those first few moments, of course, he needed her in his space, to prevent him from being gorged on by monsters, but there was no weight to her nearness, not in those moments not the lingering ones after. Her warmth was the gentle lapping of a foot spa, not the roar of a wildfire. Where everyone else took careful tending to be close to for more than the small moments of a game or a meal, he felt as if he might stay close to her forever and never burn to ash. Though, of course, preferably without the monsters.
Her hair wasn’t the silken layered lines of his; it hung in messy strands bound up for convenience, and yet it caught the light in subtle fracture to highlight its radiant glow. Her movements weren’t his methodical, tempered steps; her feet were lively, unpredictable, and still imbue with a dancer’s unwavering grace. When she took his hand the calluses on her pam were somehow the softest thing he’d ever felt.
When he went to bed that night, he set a candle with a strange fragrance, a little too strong, a little more earthy than he was used to. It reminded him of her. His silken robes he tied unevenly the next morning, not messily, but with a touch of an angular skew, offset just so, as her hair had been. His morning tea was replaced with a bright and biting blend – new, and curious. He didn’t quite mix his sugar into his porridge, and when he felt the granules rasp against his tongue, it seemed more vibrant than it ever had, carefully stirred.
Perhaps he could make her life more soft.
Perhaps she could make his more brilliant.
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anonymoususeru · 5 months ago
2 am Rambles about the Beast Cookies So Far
Aka Pas thinks about the Beast Cookies and a small rant (under the cut)
Hmm yes yes the Beast lore nuke was a huge something alright. Despite my scepticism back then I actually enjoy the three we've seen so far.
Shadow Milk is a mixed bag for me. His fanbase, to put it lightly, fucking sucks. Because of how I didn't interact with the fans when he first came out, I'm okay with him. I'm starting to dislike him because of how his fans act. However, purely in game, he's a fun character. He's an unreliable narrator, a showman, and a SMART man plus an entitled child. Yes, smart. People forget that sometimes. I like the guy. He knows others' weaknesses and such. I wrote a whole paper on him but I fucking despise his insufferable fanbase. I'm sorry but a lot of them are insufferable as hell. I don't care that you think he's the best or that the others are boring. He's a Tumblr Sexyman.
Mystic Flour? My dearest and everything istg. I get that some think she's boring and how her entire character is boring. And yeah, fair enough. Her story has been done before and like she's the first Beast? She's probably the safest out of all of them (relative to the rest of the group, lol). I like her because she's an entitled child pretending to not care. I like her because even when she knows she's wrong after getting ripped to shreds, she won't change. She DOES care and remember the people in the past like yesterday (voice lines and such) but won't admit it because it'll make her ideology fall apart. She holds the light of Emptiness (Original Korean word, also used in Thai)/Apathy (Localised) and yet her attitude shows otherwise. She's based on a religious figure as well, GuanYin! And I'm born into a Buddhist family, so I'm more attached to her than others. Also, I do hope there's a theme of unreliable narrators/past for the Beasts in some way. Anyway, I want that Apathetic Goddess. She'll kill me on the spot, but whatever.
Burning Spice. I like the guy so far even when he wasn't present for most of the chapter. He enjoys toying with everyone and everything. He's BRUTAL and wants some fun before crushing someone entirely. And yet, from his Kingdom Interaction with Nutmeg Tiger, he remembers the first Kingdom. I'm not sure what, but it seems like his past could be in a similar route to Flour. Especially from his in game Description. Also, I want that Indian man as well /j.
I am enjoying how the Beasts act overall. Their personalities do shine when compared to their successors.
Mystic Flour didn't have the support she needed, was seen as an untouchable goddess, and was used until she snapped. She never made her own decisions and just granted everyone else's wishes, which made sense why the Light of Resolution is the vice. I do like to note that the untouchable Goddess is also nice in comparison to GuanYin, her main inspiration. Dark Cacao has genuinely loyal subjects he treated as equals. Their vices are genuine and clear, Mystic Flour does not discriminate in terms of destruction, but Dark Cacao is willing to listen to others. Dark Cacao is moving forwards and Mystic Flour is stuck in the past. They're in a stalemate in terms of influencing one another, and honestly, I like that. God Complex Woman and a King who truly earned the respect from his subjects.
Burning Spice is willing to destroy and discard his loyal generals and such all the way through, even laughing at Nutmeg Tiger, getting beaten up. His ideology was spread with how the Spice Swarm did not hesitate to use refugees as a way to block Golden Cheese. Meanwhile, Golden Cheese cares for her subjects individually and others as well, evident when she saved the young Kulfi that led to her defeat. With the leaked title of the next chapter, I can't help but think her acts would what eventually get the Spice cookies to go against Burning Spice, when they obeyed him out of fear for so long.
I don't have a comparison for Shadow Milk rn and probably won't because he annoys me.
Anyway, thanks for reading if you did read this.
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linedol2 · 15 days ago
about the timeline you made in the what if one, can you list some details about it there?
I haven't fully thought it through, but I can say a few things. For example, Pitaya Dragon Cookie is still searching for Snapdragon despite the devastation of finding out what kind of dragon Snapdragon is.
Snapdragon bonded with a young kulfi who chatted with it when he found Snapdragon on a cliff (that is after it stopped hiding). The kulfi reminds Snapdragon of itself when it was a newborn hatchling, before what it did to the Hollyberry Kingdom. However, just like with everyone else, Snapdragon threatens the kulfi from coming near so he distances himself to respect its personal space.
The Hollyberry Kingdom is halfway done with repairs. As for Hollyberry Cookie, despite the protests from other cookies urging her to stay and focus on her missing arm and not to search for Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Snapdragon Cookie after what Snapdragon Cookie did, she goes anyways and hoping that this won't happen again.
gave out a few examples (while another example is also with Cookies of Darkness which i haven't thought of yet)
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lavender-butterfly-cookie · 17 days ago
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TA DA, my next masterpiece y/n as a belly dancer, I never seen anyone make this au of them so here's one. It's with the theme for burning spice and golden cheese.
In a fanfic how would they reacted to this along with the other beasts cookies and the gang.
Golden Cheese cookie and Burning Spice cookie are fighting ruthlessly as their friends (Followers) watch from the sides. Y/N is also watching, but she's unamused and bored.
Golden Cheese cookie: MINE! They are MY dancer! Gtet away you insufferable brute!
Burning Spice cookie: They were mine first! Or need I remind you of who's power you hold?! Come at me dumb bird!
Y/N cookie: Ugh... Their arguing combined with the heat wears me out quicker. I need a break from this.
Mozzarella cookie: You could always go to the kingdom?
Y/N cookie: Which one? Cuz as far as I know, I live in two.
Nutmeg Tiger cookie: Obviously you should return to ours-
Smoked Cheese cookie: Fat chance, your spice storms are too harsh for them-
Nutmeg Tiger cookie: And you castle is too bright, we even!
Y/N cookie: Hm... I think I'll just do the responsible thing.
Burning Spice cookie and Golden Cheese cookie stop fighting for a moment and all cookies look at Y/N, anticipating their next choice.
Y/N cookie: I'm going to my siblings house.
All: WHAT?!
Golden Cheese cookie: B-but- why?!
Burning Spice cookie: You shouldn't leave! I have yet to pound this bird to the ground!
Golden Cheese cookie: Why you insolent-
Y/N cookie: That's why.
Both: Huh?
Y/N cookie: The heat, the arguing, it's all so draining. I've grown used to it, yes, but even I need a break. 3 days. 3 days and I'll return. Got it?
All the cookies glance at each other before glancing at Golden Cheese cookie and Burning Spice cookie. The two glare at each other, than cross their arms and sigh as they quickly avert their gaze once more.
Both: *Mumbling* Fine.
And that settled it. The next day, Y/N cookie was off to live at their siblings place. Even though it'd only be for 3 days, there was a whole farewell thing where the cookies granted them luck. After a long day of travelling, they made it. They walked up to the door and knocked. Soon it opened and Original Y/N greeted them.
Original: Hey Belly Dancer Y/N. Wait- why are you-
BD Y/N: I'll explain later, can I come in? I just travel a heck of a long way just to get here.
Original Y/N: And how exactly did you make it in a day?
BD Y/N: I realized half way that I had some magic dust from the kulfi's in the pocket. I teleported here after having a hell of a break down for realizing what an idiot I am.
Original: Well... uh... You know what, just come in.
The next day the house sounded like it was bustling with activity, causing BD Y/N to wake up. They leave the room to see the Twin Y/N's arguing with Military Y/N and 350 Kilos Y/N. Original Y/N is trying to be the voice of reason, but to no avail. Realizing how similar it was here than when they were in the desert, BD Y/N decided it was better if they excused themselves from the house.
Whilst outside, BD Y/N lounged in the hammock. Always dancing, always in heat, always hearing argument. This quiet atmosphere was a nice change of pace. But just as they were relaxing-
BD Y/N: Gya?!-
A ball hits them straight in the face, causing them to spin around in the hammock in a twist before ultimately falling off and face first into the dirt. They bring their head u with an upset expression displayed on their face before their eyes land on the ball. As they get up, they hear voices approaching.
Gingerbrave: OMG- I'M SO SORRY!
Strawberry cookie: A-are you ok?!
Wizard cookie: It was an accident!
BD Y/N looks up at the three- no, five cookies approaching. One of them goes to their side and helps them up before brushing of their shoulder nonchalantly.
Chili Pepper cookie: Eh, you'll be fine. A little bit of ball and dirt never hurt anybody- gah?!-
Custard cookie iii: *Hits her in the side with his scepter* You can't just say that! We're super sorry!
Strawberry cookie: Are you hurt?
BD Y/N needs a moment to look at them. 4 kids and one teen. Despite their original displeasure, they could see that they really meant no harm. B/D Y/N puts on a soft smile and shakes her head.
BD Y/N: No no, I'm not hurt. And it's ok, it was an accident after all.
The kids: Phew.
Gingerbrave: Say, who are you? We've never seen you around before.
BD Y/N: Oh, right, my mistake. I'm Belly Dancer Y/N. I usually reside in the desert, but I'm staying here for the next three days.
They all exchange glances before the barrage of questions comes crashing into BD Y/N faster than they can react. They're faced with several more questions before eventually Original Y/N comes outside to assist her a bit. The day goes by in a flash and soon it's night time, mean BD Y/N can finally rest.
Unfortunately, "rest" isn't something any Y/N can do, aside from tired Y/N. Their short slumber is cut off soon as she wakes u to the sounds of air rushing past them. Before they can react, a vortex of sorts extracts them from their bed and brings them to another place, one which they're partially familiar with.
Shadow Milk cookie: Ah! there we go! All in one piece. Sleep well fellow performer?
BD Y/N: I- How'd-
Mystic Flour cookie: Questions for later.
BD Y/N: Why am I here.
Eternal Sugar cookie: well *yawns* Burning whatever his name is asked us- *yawns* to look after you.
BD Y/N: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh of course he did. And where's the quiet one?
Shadow Milk cookie: Beats me. But I suppose we should keep ourselves busy until you return to our spicy fellow, hm?
BD Y/N: Ugh, I just wanna rest! Is that too much to ask for?!
Eternal Sugar cookie: Omg, relatable.
BD Y/N: You know what? Screw it! I'M GOING HOME!
Mystic Flour cookie: And where would that be?
They walk off in a huff. After long hours of walking, they made it to beast yeast somehow, remembering they still had the kulfi dust. Without even greeting their companions, they walked of to a tomb, got in, closed it and slept in hopes that maybe the others will think they're dead and leave them alone.
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hugemilkshake · 2 months ago
Golden Cheese Cookie × Reader oneshot please (Reader is Burning Spice's child (they're adult))
Enjoy the milkshake! I’m making it so that reader is like an apprentice of sorts to burning spice but the majority of spice swarm agrees that reader is basically his kid. Would Burning spice be a good father? Hmmmm….
Beastly advice
-Romantic leaning-
Your mentor or “father” always bugged you.
He never really cared for simple things, as in he’d destroy them all. It bugged you.
The day he was imprisoned was a nice day for you, even if it came with some slight immorality, your life improved for the better! You started a farm located on the outskirts of the land of spice.
It was simple.
Oh only if it could stay that way.
The ground shook and creatures started moving towards the abandoned temple that the beast of destruction resided in, which was strange to say the least, no one went there unless they had offerings or something.
But then… you heard the gongs ring out.
Your dough started to crawl. The Great Destroyer, your mentor, your adoptive FATHER was back. You had so many questions buzzing around your head.
How was he back? What happened to the seal? What was going to happen to you? And what is going to happen to the innocent creatures of this land?
Your head was spinning from the anxiety you felt about this. But if there’s one thing that you wanted to do before everything went down the drain, you wanted to make sure no innocent bystanders could get seriously harmed in the crossfire.
The dust settled and the winds calmed, a winged cookie dressed in gold, followed by a cookie in a bird like hood, made their way towards the Lassi springs, Pepper Pangolin Cookie left not too long ago and Y/N Cookie was making sure everything from there that needed to leave was ready for transport. It was then that the two groups stumbled across each other.
Y/N Cookie was the first one to speak, their words were directed towards the golden cookie.
“So your the one the beast is looking for? I’m not surprised, you look like you can put up a good fight, I’m Y/N Cookie by the way”
The winged cookie was about to speak up when her companion spoke.
“Is that meant to be an insult towards her majesty? Because if it is, then that is quite the pathetic insult.” Y/N Cookie Chuckled
“Not at all, I honestly think that you could beat the beast, and honestly I can give you some advice, granted it’s been a while since we’ve spoken.”
“Information would be appreciated, it seems that this beast is quite formidable” the winged cookie paused before speaking again “My names Golden Cheese Cookie and this is my companion, Smoked Cheese Cookie.”
Y/N Cookie nodded “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, let’s sit and have a chat, the springs are quite calming”
The three cookies sat and had a conversation about the beast of destruction and how you knew this information, it was a bit akward at first but it soon developed into laughter and jokes, mainly between Y/N Cookie and Golden Cheese
Y/N Cookie gently and jokingly hit Golden Cheeses arm, laughter flowing through the air. The two of them had grown to be very aquatinted with each other.
With a sigh, Y/N Cookie stood up, saying that it’s best for them to head out, there was stuff that needed to get done. Golden Cheese had a sad look in her eyes, like she was disappointed that the conversation had to end.
With a final wave goodbye, Y/N Cookie gave the two good luck and went their separate ways…
But as the day went on.. worry started to grow. Sounds of battle rung throughout the air, there was no ideas about what might be happening to the other..
Through the rubble, Y/N Cookie and some Kulfi dug through the rubble, the fight that occurred here was violent, but no one knew who came out victorious… was it Golden Cheese or that beast of a mentor…?
You dug through the rubble when a golden shine caught the corner of your eye. The Kulfi were already talking to the victor.
“Golden Cheese Cookie?!” You made your way through the rubble and into the clearing as you saw her, she looked even more radiant than before, her wings shone like burning embers and you could just get lost in her beauty.
“Y/N Cookie!” She flew to you and you both embraced each other, she spun you around and the two of you stayed together like that for a minute until Smoked Cheese cleared his throat
The two of you looked at each other and released each other, looking away with a flushed face. Chuckling to each other.
“I’m glad your okay…”
“I’m… glad your okay as well”
Things weren’t going to be simple as they used to be… but that’s okay, you had someone to look forward to seeing
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paintedpineleaf · 8 months ago
anyway since i'm just gonna be using this site as my journal or whatever;
my parents went grocery shopping today and everything is stressinng me out so bad. i love baking, it like relaxes me and makes me feel better cause i like working with my hands and stuff but i literally can't bake anything anymore because (i swear to god, like im not even exaggerating) my dad gets something sweet every. single. day.
we got ice cream two days in a row last week, we had cake leftover from an eid party at our house (it finished) and now he got ice cream AND candy. i asked him to get one 1L box of vanilla ice cream, he got a 2L one, plus 2 bars of ice cream for each person. out freezer is already full of kulfi that we havn't eaten.
i asked him why he got the candy, cause i asked him not to get anything two days ago cause i wanted to bake, and he just fucking goes i got it to eat, you can not eat it if you dont want to. my wanting to isnt the problem here???
he has fucking diabetes, but even if he didnt, that much sugar isnt good for anyone like for fucks sake man.
then he asks me why i dont bake anymore. how the fuck am i supposed to make something like cake or cookies or any kind of dessert when we've got lotus biscoff, lotus biscoff spread (and peanut butter and nutella), ice cream bars, 2 boxes of ice cream (totalling 3 liters), kulfi, choco-pie cookies, now eclair candies, and ma'amoul. like for gods sake stop fucking buying stuff i genuinely cannot bear it i get that buying shit for us is like his love language or whatever but like idk find a different love language. its so unhealthy too, for everyone and especially for him?
i dont get it i genuinely dont get it its driving me crazy why cant he just not? we have so much shit we're running out if space to put fruits and vegetables and yogurt and real groceries.
he didnt get anything the past two days and ive already made the cookie dough for the cookies i wanted today, so we're gonna have those to eat too. this cannot be all my fault for wanting to bake something nice every once in a while god but its stressing me out so bad im borderline crying rn.
"dont lift its gonna wreck your joints" "dont run its gonna wreck your knees you're gonna be unable to walk by the time youre 30" "going to the gym is bad for you" what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what. genuinely. what. is. fucking. wrong. with you. god i wish i didnt live here i dont wanna live anymore cause i fucking live here god.
im gonna go run to feel better ig idk
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radiance1 · 4 months ago
The Destroyer and his just as Great Apprentice
In a land on the continent of Beast Yeast, where strength ruled supreme and all lived in fear and awe of Destruction. Sat a temple that stood still in time since aeons past, through the rise and fall of various civilizations, untouched by the Tide of Change and the single largest surviving piece of history since the primordial past.
Sat upon a throne that once laid empty yet forever unclaimed, sat none other than the one once regarded as the great Herald of Change.
The Great Destroyer.
“Bored…” The Destroyed grumbled to himself, head resting on his hand as he looked down upon his throne room. “So bored…”
“Great One.” Nutmeg Tiger Cookie, general of the Spice Swarm, stepped forwards, bowing her head as she spoke. “Whatever ails you so?”
Burning Spice Cookie scoffed. “Tell me, Nutmeg Tiger Cookie, how goes the preparations to begin our bird hunt?” 
“Saffron Buffalo Cookie is assembling his army as we speak.” Nutmeg Tiger Cookie stated. “Though it will take some time to prepare the transportation to Crispia, I assure you Great One that we shall find the thief and bring her before you soon.”
“Oh?” Burning Spice Cookie hummed, raising an eyebrow. “And just how soon is ‘soon?’”
“At the very least, a few weeks-”
“Too long!” Burning Spice Cookie shouted, slamming his fist down against his throne. “I have waited eons within the Silver Tree, months for Dark Enchantress Cookie to grant me a new body, and now you tell me I have to wait even more just to have a good fight!?”
“Apologies, Great One-”
“An apology is not enough!” Burning Spice Cookie stood up from his throne, stalking over to Nutmeg Tiger Cookie. His hand wrapped around her throat as he lifted her from the ground, a literal fire in his eyes as he stared into her own. “Go to Saffron Buffalo Cookie and tell him to hurry up, or I shall crumble both him and his pathetic little tribe!” 
“O-Of course, Great One!” Nutmeg Tiger Cookie coughed out, a grunt leaving her lips after Burning Spice Cookie threw her onto the ground. She quickly got up to her feet and bowed her head. “I shall inform him right away!”
“Hmpf.” Burning Spice Cookie huffed as he watched her leave, walking back to his throne and sitting back down. “Pathetic. So many cookies and none can offer me a good fight, ‘Spice Swarm?’ Don’t make me laugh!” He leaned back on his throne, a frown on his lips.
“When will the little thief make her way heeeere?” He groaned out. The boredom was killing him. “Daring to claim my Soul Jam and daring to make me wait? The absurdity of that fallen Sovereign!”
He itched to destroy something, to have a good and enjoyable fight. 
Yes, a good bit of destruction always sent his jam boiling!
But what to destroy indeed…?
Perhaps that little Kulfi tribe? No, no. Too weak to offer him the fight he craved. Perhaps the Pepper Pangolins? Breaking through their armour would be easy, but if he wanted to play around a bit they should last him a while. Hm… No. He wasn’t feeling it. How about the Cilantro tribe? They have been growing a bit numerous compared to the others as of late, culling their numbers could prove fun… But then again, destruction without destroying all of it was always unsatisfying.
And the Saffron Buffalos were preparing to head off to Crispa to capture the fallen sovereign.
“Ugh!” Burning Spice Cookie threw his head back against his throne, hitting the arm of his throne once more. “There’s nothing to destroy! If I didn’t need that pathetic storm to bring me Golden Cheese Cookie I could have destroyed everything and cure my boredom by now!”
Honestly! Years of imprisonment and boredom, now finally free to walk Earthbread once more, and he was only met with even more boredom!
Perhaps he should pay a visit to those little Faerie-
What was this?
He brought a hand up to touch against his Soul Jam. It felt as if it were… Resonating. How odd…
Was Golden Cheese Cookie already here!?
Haha! Wonderful! A little threat and they were already working fast! Fast indeed!
He closed his eyes, peering into his Soul Jam to see through Golden Cheese Cookie’s own, just to get a look at her. To once more see the thief that dared to claim half of his power before he got to see her with his own eyes.
So he was impatient, whatever.
Except for the fact that-
“What.” Burning Spice Cookie growled, snapping his eyes open as they leaked with flames.
-Golden Cheese Cookie was still in her ruined kingdom.
“How dare they!” He got up from his throne and grabbed his axe. “Those pathetic little bulls dare to try and deceive me! They’re looking to be crumbled, I see!” Burning Spice Cookie smiled, stalking out of his throne. “Ohoho, if that’s what they wish for, then I am happy to oblige!”
Before he paused.
If Golden Cheese Cookie wasn’t in Beast Yeast, then who or what, exactly, was his Soul Jam resonating with?
The Beast’s brow furrowed, momentarily forgetting his anger in place of his confusion. Was this another trick of the Witches? No, most likely not, those blasted creators were most likely still unaware he was free from his imprisonment. 
Did they bake another Cookie with the power of the Soul Jam? If so, then why on Earthbread was it resonating with his Soul Jam in the first place?
“Hmm.” Burning Spice Cookie crossed his arms, a thoughtful expression on his face as he thought over the matter for a moment later. Before a savage grin overtook his face. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go and see for myself!”
If there truly was another Cookie baked and bestowed with Soul Jam in his realm, then he could finally have the fight he craved while waiting for his little thief.
This was outside of his expectations.
He expected a worthy adversary baked and blessed with Soul Jam, a Cookie he could throw beneath the Tide of Change to see if they could overcome it or be swallowed whole!
Yet what he got was not what he expected.
“You dare to mimic my appearance, small fool?” Burning Spice Cookie scowled down at the tiny imposter, the one that his Soul Jam resonated with as if they were actually someone of note.
“I want to grow up to be feared and powerful just like you!” The Cookie exclaimed, lifting up their imitation of his own axe as they looked up at him with such clear admiration and adoration that lit up their face. “So yes, I did!”
Burning Spice Cookie froze.
How long ago was it, since a Cookie had dared to look at him in such a way before? To dare make such a boastful claim to his very face? To imitate him of all Cookies. Children looked at him with naught but fear and apprehension, as did all of the Wild Spices under his domain.
Except Nutmeg Tiger Cookie, but there was something wrong with that one, so she didn’t count.
“Well…” Burning Spice Cookie crouched down, still towering over the small Cookie who looked so similar to him that it was almost praiseworthy. His Soul Jam was still resonating, though at a lesser degree than it was before, a gentle thumping compared to before. To have a child look at him in such a way was… “You have guts.”
It seems he had gotten soft.
“Keep your eyes open, my apprentice!” Burning Spice Cookie shouted over the roaring of the Spice Storm. “You wish to be just as fearsome as I? Then you cannot allow yourself to fall victim to something as paltry as this!”
“Yes- achoo!- sir!” His apprentice shouted back, letting out a series of coughs as he struggled to keep his watering eyes open. 
Burning Spice Cookie lunged, raising his axe before bringing it down on the smaller Cookie. Who quickly raised his own to block the (very much held back) strike.
“Good!” Burning Spice Cookie laughed, the fire in the child’s eyes was adorable. He brought up his knee to crash into his apprentice, sending him flying for a short distance before he managed to get his wings under him. “Keep that energy, my young destroyer! That fire shall serve you well!”
His apprentice flew towards him with a cry, swinging his axe down the exact same way in which Burning Spice Cookie had done a moment prior. “Ack-choo!” He sneezed, missing his strike entirely from his shifted focus. Burning Spice Cookie stepped to the side, bringing up his knee once more and crashing it into his apprentice’s stomach, knocking the air from his lungs before batting him away with the flat of his axe.
“Come now, you can do better than that Golden Spice Cookie!” He shouted, resting his axe on his shoulder and his hand on his hip. “You hold but a fraction of the Light of the Change, yet even that should be more than enough to overcome this! Do better, young destroyer!” 
Golden Spice Cookie coughed, looking at him through one watering eye before sneezing. He slowly got up to their knees, using the shaft of their axe as a crutch to get up on their own two legs, wings low to the ground.
“Yes, that’s it!” The Beast encouraged, raising a fist. “Don’t you dare just lay down and accept defeat! If you are able, get back up again! Fight until your last breath, even if your very dough begins to crumble, keep fighting until you are able to no longer!”
“Yes sir!” Golden Spice Cookie shouted, wings spreading out to their full extent behind him before he rushed forwards. Closing the distance between him and his mentor before flapping his wings and taking to the sky, before crashing back downwards like a meteor.
A metallic clang was muffled by the Spice Storm as their weapons clashed, the ground beneath Burning Spice Cookie cracking into a small crater from the weight of the attack as the Light of Destruction and a small fraction of the Light of Change resonated between wielders.
“Good, good!” The Beast of Destruction laughed, manic and proud as he easily held his ground before the clash. “Just like that, my apprentice! The power bestowed upon you should be used in its entirety! You hold power leagues and bounds beyond that of pathetic Cookies, now use it and entertain me!”
Burning Spice Cookie swung his axe, knocking the far younger Cookie away and ending their clash. He ran after them, following up with a two handed, overhead strike.
The ground cracked, a clear line splitting it open as soon as it and his axe met.
The young destroyer avoided the attack by taking to the skies, wings carrying him the furthest they were able (and dared) to within the Spice Storm before folding against his back. Gravity quickly took hold once more, sending him on a downward descent towards his mentor with both hands around the handle of his axe.
Burning Spice Cookie grinned. His Soul Jam roared, his jam was boiling.
This was going to be fun!
“Ah, Great One…” Nutmeg Tiger Cookie began slowly, tentatively, as she stared at the sight.
“Hm?” Burning Spice Cookie dipped his thumb into a cup of gathered lassi, bringing it up to wipe at the spice in his apprentice’s eyes. “What do you want, Nutmeg Tiger Cookie?”
“Forgive me for asking, but who-”
“Cease your squirming or we’ll be here forever!”
“-Is that…” She said, staring at the winged Cookie that, for some reason, was being cared for by her master. Alongside that, looking like a carbon copy of him.
If she didn’t know any better, she would have believed-
Burning Spice Cookie snorted, a snarl coming up on his lips as he glared at the general. “Do I need to explain myself to you, Nutmeg Tiger Cookie?”
“Of course not, Great One!” She said hurriedly, to which Burning Spice Cookie simply huffed and rolled his eyes.
“How much longer?” Golden Spice Cookie whined, causing Burning Spice Cookie to click his tongue.
“Patience, my young destroyer.” He said, gently rubbing some more lassi onto the child’s eye. They had been fighting in the storm since it had begun (Burning Spice Cookie’s idea, of course) and to its very end, so to say that his apprentice was covered in spice was an understatement. “Good things come to those who wait.” 
“Hmm.” The Cookie whined, but said nothing more.
Burning Spice Cookie paused briefly, very briefly, before continuing.
When was the last time he had ever uttered those words to another? It was most definitely a very, very long time ago.
What was he even doing, sitting here and rubbing the spice from the eyes of a child as if he were his guardian? Burning Spice Cookie was not, of course. A mentor was far different from a guardian, but still. Why was he being so… Lenient? Soft? Gentle, with a child he barely knew for less than a day?
A child that held but a shard of Destruction and Abundance, yes. But if anything, he should have just crumbled him right then and there and reclaim the fragments of his power. Yet instead, he had taken him under his wing.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Perhaps it was something he was to think of later.
He got up to his feet, throwing the cup of lassi behind him and hearing it shatter on the floor. He then strode past his general. “Clean that up.” He commanded, before beckoning the young destroyer with a hand. “Come, Golden Spice Cookie.” Then he walked out of the room.
“Oh, coming!” Golden Spice Cookie said, quickly getting onto his feet as he ran after his mentor. “Bye miss tiger lady!” He said, waving at Nutmeg Tiger Cookie before a shout of “Hurry up!” Made him turn away and run out of the room.
Nutmeg Tiger Cookie crossed her arms, slowly looking towards the shattered cup and spilled lassi before glaring at it in disgust.
She was not cleaning that.
She then walked out of the room, looking for a Kulfi.
That was all they were good for, after all.
Not even going to lie, this inspired by this post made by @totallygray and this comic made by @mixierupperc20 to be honest. Check em out and allat.
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chhedadry123 · 2 years ago
Where To Get The Best Traditional Sweets
Written By - Chhedadryfruits
Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you always on the lookout for new and exciting treats to satisfy your cravings? Look no further, as we take you on a journey around the world to discover the best traditional sweets that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. From exotic flavors to classic favorites, we've got it all covered in this mouth-watering guide. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a sugar rush like never before Best Sweets online delivery mumbai!
What are traditional sweets?
Traditional sweets are delectable treats that have been enjoyed for generations and are deeply rooted in the culinary history of their respective cultures. These sweets use locally sourced ingredients, unique techniques, and often carry a sentimental value to those who grew up eating them. In many countries, traditional sweets play an important role in social occasions such as weddings, festivals or religious celebrations. They symbolize good fortune and prosperity and are often given as gifts to friends or family members. The recipes for these traditional sweets can vary greatly depending on the region they come from. Some may be made with nuts, dried fruits or spices while others may feature dairy products like milk or cream. One thing that sets these sweet treats apart is their dedication to preserving authenticity. Traditional sweet makers will often adhere strictly to time-honored methods passed down through generations ensuring each bite captures the essence of its cultural heritage. Whether you're traveling abroad or enjoying them at home, traditional sweets offer a delicious insight into local customs and flavors that have stood the test of time.
The best countries for traditional sweets
When it comes to traditional sweets, there are several countries that stand out for their delicious and unique offerings. One such country is India, which boasts a rich history of sweet-making dating back thousands of years. From the syrupy rasgulla to the creamy kulfi, Indian sweets are known for their bold flavors and intricate textures. Another country renowned for its traditional sweets is Turkey. Turkish delights have been enjoyed throughout the world since ancient times, with varieties ranging from nutty pistachio to tangy lemon. Baklava, another popular Turkish sweet made with layers of flaky pastry and honey-soaked nuts, is also not to be missed. France may be more famous for its savory cuisine than its desserts, but French confectionery has a long-standing reputation as some of the best in the world. Macarons are perhaps the most iconic French sweet treat – delicate meringue cookies sandwiched together with flavored cream or ganache – while classic patisserie favorites like éclairs and tarte tatin remain ever-popular. No list of top countries for traditional sweets would be complete without mentioning Italy. Italian pastries range from simple biscotti dipped in coffee to complex cakes layered with liqueur-soaked sponge cake and rich mascarpone cream. Perhaps one of Italy's most beloved treats is gelato – an artisanal ice cream made fresh every day using only natural ingredients. Whether you have a sweet tooth or not, these four countries offer enough variety in their traditional sweets that everyone can find something they'll enjoy indulging in!
The best traditional sweets in the world
When it comes to traditional sweets, there is no shortage of delicious options around the world. From delicate French macarons to chewy Turkish lokum, every culture has its own unique take on sweet treats. One of the most famous traditional sweets in the world is baklava, a rich and flaky pastry made with layers of phyllo dough, honey syrup and chopped nuts. Originating in Turkey but now popular throughout the Middle East and beyond, baklava is a dessert fit for royalty. Another beloved sweet from Italy is tiramisu. This classic dessert features layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and creamy mascarpone cheese topped with cocoa powder. It's a perfect combination of textures and flavors that will leave you wanting more. If you're looking for something fruity and refreshing, try Thai mango sticky rice. This simple yet satisfying dessert consists of ripe mango slices served atop sticky rice cooked in coconut milk with just a touch of sugar. Other notable traditional sweets include Indian gulab jamun (fried dough balls soaked in syrup), Japanese mochi (sticky rice cakes filled with red bean paste) and Mexican churros (crispy fried dough coated in cinnamon sugar). No matter where your travels take you, be sure to indulge your sweet tooth by sampling some local delicacies!
How to make traditional sweets
Making traditional sweets is a delightful experience that can transport you to another time and place. Each country has its own unique way of making sweet treats, using local ingredients and flavors. Here are some general tips on how to make traditional sweets: First, gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment before starting. Read through the recipe carefully and make sure you understand each step. Next, follow the recipe precisely. Traditional sweets often require specific measurements or techniques to achieve their authentic taste and texture. Pay attention to cooking times and temperatures as they can affect the final product. Keep in mind that some recipes may require resting or cooling periods before serving. Presentation is also key for traditional sweets - they are often served with care and attention to detail. Consider decorating them with colorful toppings or arranging them in an attractive display. Be patient! Making traditional sweets requires time, effort, and practice but it's well worth it when you see the results of your hard work. With these tips in mind, try making a few different types of traditional sweets from around the world – it’s a fun way to explore new cultures while satisfying your sweet tooth!
Traditional sweets recipes
Traditional sweets recipes are just as diverse as the countries and cultures they come from. Each recipe has its own unique blend of flavors and textures that make them special. Here are a few examples of traditional sweet recipes: Baklava is a popular Middle Eastern dessert made with layers of phyllo pastry, chopped nuts, honey syrup, and spices. Its flaky texture and sweet taste make it a favorite among people all around the world. Gulab Jamun is an Indian dessert made with milk powder or khoya (solidified milk), flour, sugar syrup, cardamom powder, and ghee (clarified butter). The dough is rolled into small balls before frying until golden brown in color. Churros are Spanish deep-fried pastries dusted with cinnamon sugar. They're traditionally eaten for breakfast or dipped in hot chocolate during colder months. Kue Lapis Legit is an Indonesian layered cake made up of many thin layers filled with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg along with eggs, flour, butter or margarine which gives it its rich flavor. These traditional sweets can be difficult to make but they’re worth the effort! If you love experimenting in the kitchen then why not try making one yourself? There’s nothing quite like indulging in homemade treats that remind you of your heritage!
To conclude, traditional sweets are an integral part of cultures all around the world. They have been enjoyed for centuries and continue to be popular today. Whether you're looking for something sweet and chewy or something flaky and savory, there is a traditional sweet out there for everyone. When it comes to finding the best traditional sweets, it's important to explore different countries' offerings. Japan offers delicate wagashi while India boasts rich gulab jamun. European countries like Italy and Greece also have their own unique takes on desserts that are worth trying. If you're feeling adventurous, why not try making your own traditional sweets at home? With so many recipes available online, you can experiment with new flavors and ingredients until you find your perfect sweet treat. No matter where in the world you go, one thing remains true: no celebration is complete without some delicious sweets to share with loved ones. So next time you're traveling or simply looking for a tasty snack, don't forget to seek out some of the best traditional sweets around!
Google Map - https://goo.gl/maps/dhLQFrgmbLVZNZ5o6
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