novangxian · 4 months
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christening this acc 👍
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awindinthelantern · 11 months
Bad D&D idea #203:
After new labor laws aimed at child welfare were passed, the film industry (think 1930s) no longer found it tenable to hire child actors due to the strenuous long hours worked by the film stars every day resembling too much the gruesome conditions of child factory workers (which is what the laws were actually seeking to ban). The film industry of Hollybrookland thus hit on the exciting idea of casting younger adult halflings and gnomes in the roles of human children, allowing them to circumvent the laws restricting how long minors can work for and instead follow the laxer laws for adults (in Hollybrook 18-hour workdays are the norm). This flagrant shirking of humane conditions has an upside though, in that members of the shorter races have broken through the "glass ceiling" of the human-centric film industry, and now gnomes and halflings count among Hollybrook's silver stars, with Shyrlee Tempell and Mackall'y Kulcan being household names. But there's a darker side too, and some feel that the excitement for working adults making a living by portraying childhood innocence on screen might be a little eww-worthy, particularly from among the clergy who rally around rosy-cheeked Shyrlee Tempell.
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thefadinguyo · 1 year
Mr. Stephens also found at Mayapan, which city, as we have seen, was built by Ku Kulcan, the great ruler and demi-god of Chichen-itza, a dome-shaped edifice of much the same character with that here described. It is the principal structure here, and stands on a mound thirty feet high. The walls are ten feet high to the top of the lower cornice, and fourteen more to the upper one. It has a single entrance towards the west. The outer wall is five feet thick, within which is a corridor three feet wide, surrounding a solid cylindrical mass of stone, nine feet in thickness. The walls have four or five coats of stucco and were covered with remains of paintings, in which red, yellow, blue and white were distinctly visible. On the south-west of the building was a double row of columns, eight feet apart, though probably from the remains around, there had been more, and by clearing away the trees others might be found. They were two feet and a half in diameter. We are not informed upon the point but presumably the columns were arranged, in respect to the structure, in the same manner as those accompanying the dagobas of Ceylon, or the mounds of Chichen-itza.
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Merry Christmas to All//Officer Slater x Reader
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“Oh, hell yes!” Michaels threw his hands in the air, “Drink, drink, drink, drink!” He chanted making Slater roll his eyes. 
“Oh come on man, no way! You cheated!” He threw back, pointing at Michaels from across your kitchen table that was cleared off and covered in plastic cups of beer and scattered ping pong balls. “Y/N, referee call! Right now!” 
‘Hmm’ You hummed, taking a long sip of your own beer as you stood to the side, picking out of the half empty chinese food containers of the three of you’s Christmas Eve dinner. “Well, after some consideration I have to say...drink, drink, drink, drink!” You cheered making Michaels yell out excitedly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. 
“Babydoll?!” Slater yelled back with a look of pure betrayal but picked up his cup and chugging it back as you and Michaels cheered. Slater shook his head, taking a deep breath. “Not cool!” 
“Sorry, honey.” You laughed, reaching up and grabbing his face between your hands long enough to place a chaste kiss on his lips. “You do suck at beer pong though.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Slater muttered, kissing you again. 
Michaels cleared his throat as the two of you pulled apart making you roll your eyes playfully. Michaels knew by now thought to remind you both of his presence early. 
“Okay, okay.” You laughed pulling back from Slater but not getting far before he had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and keeping you there beside him. You reached up and entwined your fingers with his, squeezing. “I say maybe we should wrap up the beer pong and maybe watch a movie instead?”
“Die Hard?” Slater perked up hopefully, squeezing your hand. 
You laughed, looking up over your shoulder at him. “Slater, we’ve already watched that twice this month?” You squeezed his hand back. 
“Yeah but it’s Die Hard. It’s the ultimate Christmas movie.”
You laughed, “How about Home Alone instead? It’s like Die Hard but with less murder.” You suggested hopefully, nudging Slater to get the smile back on his face. 
He shrugged and nodded, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I’ll make the popcorn!” Michaels nodded excitedly, heading towards the pantry. He knew where everything was by now. 
“Don’t forget the beers!” Slater yelled after him. 
You laughed, “And a merry Christmas to all.”
Shaking your head you pulled out of Slater’s arms and headed back into the living room of yours and Slater’s newly shared apartment. You paused, admiring the Christmas tree by the window, covered in twinking, colored lights and both yours and Slater’s old ornaments blended together. Just the sight brought a huge grin to your face. There were gifts wrapped under the tree but they didn’t matter a bit compared to seeing your old ornaments mixed with Slater’s Star Wars themed ones on the tree. 
“Are you still trying to guess what you got?” Slater came up behind you, pushing his glasses back up his nose. He grinned excitedly thinking you were staring at the presents. 
“Nope.” You laughed, shaking your head. 
Slater hummed, clearly not believing you. “Uhu, well if you ask nicely I might give you a hint.”
“Slater, baby, I really don’t want a hint.” 
“Really?! You’re sure you don’t want a hint?” He dragged out, wrapping his arms around your waist again. 
“I’m sure.” You leaned in and pressed your lips against his in a quick peck. 
Slater groans, squeezing you around your waist tighter until you were both pressed flush against each other. One kiss turned into two, then three, then-
“Seriously?! I was gone for five minutes!” Michaels groans, two large bowls of popcorn in hand and three beers tucked under his arm. His face is scrunched up in mock annoyance as you two seperate. 
“Hey, it’s our apartment!” You laughed, kissing a smug Slater one more time for good measure.
Slater smirked pointedly but his expression dropped as he rushed to catch the can of beer Michaels tossed at him from his place by the kitchen. Mutch more gracefully, Michaels hands you yours as he passes you and Slater to get to the couch. 
“Alright, let's watch Mucully Kulcan nail these bastards!” He cheered, sitting down and placing the popcorn on the table. 
“Yeah, those perps picked the wrong house to break into!” Slater agreed jumping onto the couch beside his partner and grabbing the remote to que up the holiday classic. 
You shook your head at them both, settling down on the couch next to Slater and grabbing a blanket to pull over you both. As the familiar John Williams’ score began, Slater wrapped his arm around, pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head softly. Even as Michaels and Slater gave their own commentary back and forth during the movie you’d all seen year after year, picking apart Harry and Marve, you rested your head against Slater’s chest, feeling the soft, worn material of his sweatshirt under your cheek and pulled the bowl of popcorn into your lap. 
Merry Christmas to all. 
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thefadinguyo · 1 year
If we consult the etymology of the name Ku Kulcan we shall have further and striking evidence in support of this conclusion. Ku in the Mayan language means God, and can serpent. We have, then, Ku Kulcan, God—Kul, Serpent, or Serpent-God. What Kul signifies it is not pretended to say, but we may reasonably conjecture that it is a qualifying word to can serpent. Kukum is feather, and it is possible that by being converted into an adjective form it may change its termination into Kukul. The etymology may therefore be Kukumcan Feather-Serpent, or Kukulcan Feathered Serpent. We, however, repose on the first explanation, and unhesitatingly hazard the opinion that, when opportunity is afforded of ascertaining the value of Kul, the correctness of our conclusions will be fully justified.
And here we may also add that the etymology of Kinchahan, the name of the principal god of the Mayas and corresponding to Tonacatlcoatl of Mexico, is precisely the same as that of the latter. Kin is Sun in the Mayan language, and Chahan, as every one acquainted with the Spanish pronunciation well knows, is nothing more than a variation in orthography for Cään or Can, serpent. Kin Chahan, Kincaan, or Kincan is, therefore, Sun-serpent.
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