satinsummer · 2 days
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satinsummer · 3 days
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ghostface always doing something
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satinsummer · 4 days
when do we want chapter 8?
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satinsummer · 6 days
Chapter 7 is out now!!
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satinsummer · 6 days
Chapter 7: Self Sabotage
Summary: Love has never been nice to Sam.
Pairing: G!P Reader x Fem!Sam Carpenter
WARNING: Suggestive Language, Drug use (smoking weed), Angst
Nobody's POV:
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Y/N and Sam slowly awaken, the remnants of their shared night lingering in the soft sheets around them. The room is still dim, the only light coming from the faint glow of dawn creeping in through the curtains. They lie close together, their bodies entwined in an intimate embrace that feels both comforting and charged with unspoken emotions.
Y/N, feeling a mix of tenderness and vulnerability, takes a deep breath. She turns slightly to face Sam, her heart racing with hope and apprehension. With a soft, hesitant voice, she begins to speak. "Sam, I..I think I'm falling for you." Her words are laden with sincerity, her eyes searching Sam's face for a reaction. Sam's response is immediate, but not in the way Y/N had hoped for. Her eyes widen, and a look of panic flashes across her face. For a moment, she is frozen, her mind grappling with the weight Y/N's confession.
After a prolonged silence, Sam finally speaks, her voice shaky. "Y/N, I..I think you should go," The words hang in the air, heavy and painful. Sam tries to explain, though her voice is uneven and barely audible. "I can't...I can't handle this right now." The words hit Y/N like a MAC truck. Her heart sinks at the avoidance in Sam's voice. What had felt like a shared connection and a promising start now seems like a fleeting dream, leaving Y/N feeling rejected and uncertain. The closeness they once shared hours ago now feels distant and cold, leaving Y/N grappling with anger and confusion as she gathers her things to leave. "See you around" Is all Sam's hears before the door slams shut behind her.
As she steps out of the building, the crisp morning air feels almost surreal, a stark contrast to the emotional storm raging inside her. Her footsteps are heavy as she makes her way from the garage to the shared loft. The familiar surroundings offer little solace. She moves through her morning routine with mechanical precision, her mind replaying Sam's words and her own heartache. As she showers, the warm water does nothing to wash away the coldness in her chest. Dressing for class feels like an after thought; pulling on her clothes absentmindedly. The journey to the culinary building feels like it takes hours. The usual rhythm of university life, with students hurrying to their class and the occasional burst of laughter or conversation, seems distant and muted. Y/N's mind is filled with frustration and confusion, her thoughts oscillating between keeping an open mind and waiting around or completely closing Sam off. Y/N choose the latter. She retreated inward, burying her feelings beneath layers of activity and routine.
Y/N buried herself in her culinary classes with laser-like focus, perfecting every recipe she worked on, pouring all of her pain into the precision of her cooking. She spent extra hours in the kitchen, trying new techniques , refining her plating, and obsessing over every detail until each dish was flawless. Cooking had always been her sanctuary, and now it became her armor. She made sure to present an unbothered exterior, her hands moving with a practiced grace as though pain didn't exist.
Y/N kept up appearances with the core 4 , Y/BF/N and Anika effortlessly, slipping into her usual role within the group. She smiled and laughed at their jokes, and carried on as though nothing had changed. She had mastered the art of conversation without ever letting it veer into anything too personal, steering clear of any mention of Sam. Her friends noticed nothing unusual, as Y/N's guard was up and she made sure it stayed way. No one could see the turmoil she was holding back, especially not Sam.
When she wasn't in the kitchen or with her friends, Y/N stayed busy with her other passion--sports media. She hadn't let up on her posting schedule. Every day, she posted highlights, commentary and break downs of games, staying on trend and delivering content as if her mind wasn't elsewhere. Each post just another layer in the facade she was carefully constructing. The few moments she did allow herself to think of Sam were fleeting, quickly swallowed by activity. She couldn't afford to feel anything, not if she was going to maintain the mask. But the emotional weight of Sam's rejection sat with her every night , as she lay there in her bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of what she could've done differently. The loneliness was suffocating, but even then she wouldn't let herself cry, there was no space for heartbreak in her the life she had crafted, not now..not when everything seemed so fragile.
The rest of the week passed in a haze of curated perfection and by the time Saturday rolled around Y/N had perfected the art of pretending. She moved through her day like clockwork--quietly, efficiently, without faltering. But Sabrina, one of Y/N's classmates, had noticed. All week Sabrina had seen how unusually quiet Y/N had been in class, how reserved she had become. Y/N, who was always quick to offer opinions, insights or jokes, had barely spoken. She'd kept her head down, focused on her cooking and avoiding small talk. That evening after class wrapped up, Sabrina approached Y/N as she was packing up her things. "Hey, Y/N" she said casually, though there was concern in her voice. "You've been a bit off this week. I think you need a break. What do you say I take you out for a drink? No questions asked, just a chance to relax."
Y/N hesitated, ready to decline, but something in Sabrina's tone made her pause. Maybe it was the way she wasn't pushing for details, or maybe it was the quiet exhaustion Y/N had carried all week. "Alright" Y/N said forcing a small smile. "A drink sounds good"
A couple hours later, Y/N and Sabrina walked into the sports bar not far from campus. It was a cozy place, with a few groups scattered around the tables and booths. As they made their way towards the bar, Y/N's heart stopped when her eyes caught sight of Sam. She was sitting at a table with her neighbor Danny, both of them nursing drinks and chatting. Y/N's stomach twisted painfully. Sam hadn't noticed her yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she did.
Sure enough, Sam looked up , and their eyes met across the room. For a brief second, everything else faded away--the noise of the bar, the people around the bar, even Sabrina beside her. It's just Y/N and Sam locked in that wordless exchange. Sam's expression changed, Y/N could see the surprise, followed by something that looked like jealousy--or maybe hurt in Sam's eyes. Y/N knew exactly what she was thinking; that she and Sabrina were here together, that they were more than just classmates out for a drink. And for a split second, Y/N wanted to correct her, to walk over and explain that it wasn't like that. But something stopped her, the memory of Sam's rejection earlier in the week hit her like a wave, and all the pain she had to push down.
Sam, too felt the tension in the air. As she watched Y/N and Sabrina her heart twisted with something she didn't want to acknowledge. She told Y/N to leave that Monday morning because she was scared, because love had never been kind to her. She wanted to trick her heart into not needing Y/N, yet she couldn't. But seeing Y/N with someone else, someone who looked at her with such ease--it hurt in a way she hadn't expected. Eventually, Y/N turned her attention back to her classmate never sparing a second glance at Sam again. As the night wore on, Y/N lost herself in casual conversation with Sabrina, sipping her drinking and chiming in every chance she got. She could feel Sam watching her from across the bar, her presence like a tether Y/N couldn't break, no matter how hard she tried.
Sabrina, thankfully, was oblivious to the tension. She leaned in closer as the bar grew louder, reminiscing on one of their first classes together and how Y/N had saved her from almost blowing her eyebrows off. Their laughter light and care free. At some point Y/N gently nudged Sabrina's arm "Wanna get outta here? This place is getting too loud and I know a good cafe around the corner. They've got killer desserts" Y/N proposes. "What are we waiting for?" Sabrina exclaims, linking her arm with Y/N and pulling her towards the exit. The warmth of Sabrina's gesture, the casual intimacy of it all caught Y/N off guard. She didn't pull away but something in her chest tightened. Sparing one last look behind her, she found Sam still watching them, eyes filled with hurt and frustration.
Stepping out into the cool night air Y/N and Sabrina made their way to the cafe Y/N had mentioned, slightly buzzed and eager to eat. Back inside of the bar Sam watched them leave, her heart sinking as Y/N disappeared from view. The sight of Y/N and Sabrina together, arm in arm, replayed in her mind. She knew deep down, that what she had seen might not have been what she was imagining. But that didn't stop the jealousy from flooding her. Sam's chest felt heavy, the alcohol doing little to numb the ache building up inside her. She had pushed Y/N away--out of fear, out of her own complicated mess of emotions and she had watched Y/N leave with somebody else. The weight of her decision, of everything she had be running from all week, hit her all at once. Danny, who had been sitting opposite of her, finally broke the silence. He watched the whole thing go down, noticing how quiet Sam had gotten, how her focus was entirely on Y/N. He leaned forward, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Alright, Sam. Spill. Who is she? Y/N, right? Whats the story there?"
She paused, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. She wasn't sure where to start--wasn't sure she even wanted to. "She's...she's someone I care about" Sam finally admitted, her voice low, almost unsure. Staring at her drink, avoiding Danny's gaze Sam told the story of her and Y/N. "We've been getting..close these last couple of weeks, more than friends but nothing official. On Monday she told me she was falling for me, and I...pushed her away." "Why?" Danny asked, his curiosity deepening. Exhaling slowly, Sam answered "Because...because I'm scared. Every time I've let someone in, it's ended badly and Y/N..is so special. I didn't want to hurt her, so I told her to leave before things got too messy" Danny let her words sink in, before speaking again "And now, you've watched her walk out with somebody else" He said gently, his tone understanding but pointed. Sam winced at his words, but they were true. Seeing Y/N with someone else triggered something inside her--something she hadn't expected. "Yeah..I didn't think I realized how much I need her beside me until she was with someone else." Leaning back, crossing his arms Danny thought carefully " So what are you gonna do about it?"
And that's how Sam found herself outside of Y/N's loft. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a mixture of fear and desperation. She had no plan, no idea what she would say, but she couldn't let Y/N slip away without fighting for her. She knocked on the door but there was no answer, waiting for a moment then knocking again, more urgently this time. Still nothing, frustration welling up inside her as she knocked louder, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway. Finally the door opened--but instead of Y/N, it was Sabrina standing in the doorway, half asleep and slightly confused. She was wearing Sam's hoodie..the same one Y/N had slipped on after shared night on Monday. "Oh, it's you" Sabrina muttered, blinking as she recognized Sam. "What are you doing here?" Sam doesn't answer. She didn't need to. The sight of Sabrina in her hoodie was enough to relight the fire inside of her.
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(Hoodie Photo ref.)
Without waiting for permission, Sam pushed her way past Sabrina and stormed into the loft. She didn't care how rude she looked, she needed to talk to Y/N. "Y/N!" Sam shouted, her voice echoing through the loft as she made her way to Y/N's room. Walking in, her eyes landed on Y/N sprawled out on her bed, completely unaware of the storm brewing in her loft. "Y/N, wake up!" Sam yelled again, marching over to the bed, chest heaving and ears burning. "GET UP!"
Y/N groaned, rolling over slowly, her eyes opening in confusion. "Sam?" She muttered, sitting up and rubbing her face. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sam's eyes flashed with anger. "What am I doing here? Are you really asking me that right now?!?" Her voice sharp, filled with hurt and disbelief. "I come here, knock on your door, and find Sabrina--wearing my hoodie" Y/N blinked still attempting to wake up, her expression unreadable. "It's just a hoodie Sam, whats the big deal?" She retorts. Sam's jaw tightens. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The big deal? You walk out of my life for a fucking week, ignore everything we've shared, and now you act like none of it matters? Like it's all just nothing" Y/N sighed, throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing up, still seeming indifferent. "I'm not ignoring anything. You're the one who told me to leave remember? You're the one who couldn't handle it when I said I was falling for you. So what am I supposed to do, Sam? Just sit around and wait for you to change your mind?" The casual arrogance in Y/N's voice only made Sam's blood boil more. She felt like she as losing control and the younger girl wasn't making it any easier.
"That's not fair, Y/N." Sam shot back, her voice raising. "You know damn well why I pushed you away. I told you I couldn't handle this. I was too scared of screwing things up... And now you're standing there like it's nothing, like you didn't spend the entire night parading around with Sabrina" Y/N scoffed, crossing her arms and leaning back on her desk. "Parading around?" You're really going to go there? She's just a friend. We went for drinks, and she crashed on the couch. That's it" She replies. "So it's just a coincidence that she's wearing my hoodie, then? Sam snapped, her voice dripping in sarcasm. Y/N shrugged, her tone still frustratingly nonchalant. "It was cold. I let her borrow it. Didn't think you'd get so worked up over something so trivial" Trivial? Sam couldn't believe the shit she was hearing. The Y/N she had gotten to know wasn't like this--different, cold, dismissive. This wasn't the girl she had fallen for. "You're acting like none of this matters to you" Sam said, her voice softer now, the hurt beginning to seep through her anger. "Like everything between us was just a game" Y/N's eyes flickered, but she kept her arms crossed, her expression now guarded. "You're the one who made it a game, Samantha. You're the one who rejected me . So yeah, maybe I act this way to protect myself from allowing you to continue breaking my heart." Sam took a step closer, her voice trembling with emotion. "I wasn't trying to hurt you, Y/N. I was trying to protect myself too. Love has never been easy for me. Every time I've let someone in, I've gotten burned but you came along and I-" She faltered, her voice breaking slightly. "I didn't know what to do but I never stopped caring. I never stopped thinking about you"
Y/N's posture softened, her eyes meets for the first time without the mask of indifference. "You made me feel.. temporary, like I wasn't worth fighting for." She says, her voice quiet and vulnerable. Sam's heart broke at the words. She had been so caught up in her own fears that hadn't realized how she had hurt Y/N in the process. "I was scared..I've never felt this way before and you told me you how you felt it terrified me because I knew...I knew I had started falling for you too but I didn't know to deal with it. I thought pushing you away would make it easier, but it's only made things worse." Y/N stared at her for a long moment before speaking as she uncrossed her arms and took a step towards Sam. "You don't get to do that" Her tone firm but tinged with emotion. "You don't get to push me away and then come back when it's convenient for you. I wanted you to see and understand that to me what we had was more than just a fling, more than late dinners, more than those private moments behind closed doors. I just want you to stop running from me" Y/N finished now standing right in front of Sam. With her heart pounding and Y/N's words crashing down on her, Sam realized she couldn't keep lying about how she felt.
"I'm done running" She said, her bottom lip quivering. "I'm done being scared. I..Iove you. I've loved you since I laid eyes on you. I'm sorry it took me this long to say it." The room fell silent and Sam held her breath, unsure of how Y/N would respond. But then, in one swift motion, Y/N closed the distance between them. She lifted Sam's face to hers and kissed her tenderly, it was filled with all the emotions they'd been holding back on for too long. It was a release, a surrender to everything they had been too afraid to admit.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting on each other. "Don't push me away again" Y/N whispered "Because I'm not going anywhere, I just need you to stay too" Sam nodded, heart swelling with relief and new found love "I'm here " She promised. She leaned up to kiss Y/N again, pouring her all into it.
Without thinking Y/N tugged softly on Sam's hand, leading her back over to her bed where she had been lying several moments before. They sat down together, the mattress dipping slightly under their combined weight. Sam felt the warmth of Y/N's body next to hers, the electricity of their connection buzzing in the air. She sat completely still processing everything that had happened but when she looked at Y/N --her tousled hair, flushed cheeks, the steady gaze that held more affection than Sam could handle--she knew Y/N was the one.
Y/N leaned back against her pillows, tugging Sam along with her until they were both laying side by side, the intimacy of the moment settling around them. Sam could feel a heartbeat slowing down, her nerves calming as she sank into the feeling of being close to Y/N. Everything felt quiet like the rest of the world had faded. For a while they didn't speak, they just laid there, breathing in sync, their hands brushing one another lightly. Sam's head rested on Y/N's shoulder, her arm around the girls waist pulling her in close. She felt grounded in a way she hadn't in days.
Y/N was first to break the silence "I love you too, Sam" It was simple, almost matter-of-fact but the words sent a wave of warmth through Sam's chest. She felt a wave of gratitude and relief wash over her as she leans in, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's lips again. It wasn't frantic but full of meaning, full of hope for their future..together. When they finally settle into Y/N's bed, tangled together under the blankets, Sam let out a long content sigh. For the first time in a long time, she wasn't worried. She wasn't running from anything, and she wasn't afraid of what would come next. Y/N had her--fully , openly--and that was all that mattered.
Neither of them noticed that Sabrina had left. At some point, she must have slipped quietly out of , the loft, leaving the two of them to sort their feelings out in peace. But they didn't need to notice, right now all that mattered was them, Sam found something worth fighting for and she was not going to let her go.
AN: how are we feeling? chapters 8-10 will explore girlfriend Sam. There will be a bit of a time jump (1-2 months) so be prepared
feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you for the support! -🕷️
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satinsummer · 7 days
Chapter 6: Monday Madness
Summary: Between whopping Frankie's ass and waking up late Y/N was not too fond of Mondays right now
Chapter 7: https://www.tumblr.com/satinsummer/761572777823272960/chapter-7-self-sabotage
Pairing: G!P Reader x Fem!Sam Carpenter
WARNINGS: Suggestive language, SMUT , Drug Usage (smoking weed) 18+ No Men or Minors
Nobody's POV:
Monday morning began with a jarring interruption. Y/N's alarm blared insistently, pulling her from a deep sleep. Disoriented and groggy, she barely had time to react as Sam's door flew open and her best friend came bursting in, eyes wide with panic. "Y/N!! Get up, we have to get home right now if we even stand a chance at showing up for our first class" She rushed out.
Still half-asleep, Y/N scrambled around the room to gather her belongings, trying to wake her body up in the process. The frantic pace of the morning left her with barely enough time to say a proper goodbye to Sam. Their parting was quick, marked by a rushed kiss and promises to catch up for lunch later. With no time to spare, Y/N and Y/BF/N dash out of the apartment, leaving behind the tranquil morning for a whirlwind of activity.
Sam and Tara eventually got their morning started, rolling out of their now cold beds and greeting each other as Tara shuffled into the kitchen wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. Taking her sisters mug out of her hand, she finished the coffee that remained in it and kissed her cheek before heading into the living room. "Y/BF/N says she left her notes here and she needs them for her exam today. Can you take me to drop them off? She wants to grab lunch with us and the others before my 1pm class." Tara yells to her sister. "What time?" "11:30ish, her and Y/N will meet as at the quad with the others!"
Back on campus, 11:30
As the chaos of the morning faded, Y/N and Y/BF/N stepped out of the lecture hall together, sun now hanging low over the university buildings, casting long shadows across the green lawns. As they walk Y/N is lazily sucking on a lollipop, her other hand clutching the laptop at her side. Y/BF/N, had her bag slung over one shoulder as she's animatedly discussing their professors latest lecture. Y/N listens with a smirk, chiming in with dry comments that make her friend laugh. The atmosphere between them is easy and relaxed; a total contrast from the way they were falling over one another this morning as they stumbled into their shard loft. Enjoying the walk across campus, eager to see their two favorite girls for lunch. They neared the outdoor seating area underneath the old oak tree where the core 4 and Anika awaited their arrival, until two girls, strangers to them, approaching with confident strides stepped in their way.
One of the girls was small and blonde, her bright green eyes scanning the length of Y/N's body. The other girl was a Tall brunette, her hazel eyes trained on Y/BF/N as she walked towards her. The blonde girl eyed Y/N's lollipop and commented playfully "That looks sweet, you think I could get a taste?" Y/N raises an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across her face as she rolls the lollipop to the other side of her mouth. She responds in a teasing tone, "You wouldn't be able to handle it"
Meanwhile the taller girl standing in front of her best friend was still trying to win her over. Y/BF/N looks more bemused than interested as the girl begins rattling off compliments "You've got a really great smile" "Yeah? What else?" She asks tilting to her head and playing into the attention she was receiving. Back at the table Sam, Tara and the others began to watch the scene unfold, their eyes shifting between Y/N and Y/BF/N and the girls in front of them. Much to the twins and Anika's surprise both sisters remained seated, their expressions calm, as if this was all a lunchtime distraction. Tara crosses her arms with a faint smile. "Well, this should be interesting" she remarks, her eyes never leaving Y/BF/N. Sam, seated across her, is similarly composed. She doesn't say anything, but there's a fire in her gaze as she watches Y/N. It's clear to anyone watching she paying very close attention.
Chad, always the instigator, chuckles. "Two for two. Your ladies are too hot to trot." He snickers at them. Sam smirks, but doesn't respond, her eyes are fixed on Y/N. With her usual charm, she twirled the lollipop in her mouth while still engaging with the girls. Her smile confident and inviting, her voice playful and teasing. Y/N's eyes flick over to where Sam is sitting, catching the look on her face---calm, but with a glint in her eyes that tells Y/N she's watching closely. Y/N feels a spark of heat at the idea of Sam seeing this, knowing she's probably got some choice words ready . She decides to see where this goes, at least for a moment longer. "You're pretty forward, huh?" Y/N says, looking down at the girl, her voice amused but firm. Grinning up at her the shorter girl responds "Only when I see something I like" she purrs, stepping even closer, hand sliding up Y/N's arm before she caught the girls wrist. Sam leans back in her seat, her expression cool but intense. She makes a low sound in a her throat, somewhere between a chuckle and a growl. "She's really pushing it, isn't she?" she mutters to Tara, who nods, her eyes still fixed on her own girlfriend who was still enjoying the attention on her. "Oh yeah, they both are. Think they know we're watching?" She responds. "Without a doubt"
"Damn, you two are just gonna let this play out?" Mindy questions. Neither of them answer. Sam watches Y/N's reaction--the way she leans back, that easy smirk still on her face, not moving to brush the girl off just yet. There's a slow burn building in Sam's chest, a mix of irritation and something much hotter.
Y/N and her best friend shared a look, the fun was over and these girls needed to kick rocks now. "What do you think, babe?" Y/BF/N yells to Tara "Should I let her buy me a drink?" Tara grins, shaking her head. "Go ahead, see if she's got good taste" she calls out, her tone light but her eyes sharp. Sharing a glance with her sister in a silent agreement to keep things calm and collected as they continue watching. Y/N on the other hand is getting tired of the flirtation coming from both of the girls. "You're persistent but, no thanks" She says politely stepping around both girls, Y/BF/N following suit and continuing towards the table. As she approached the table Sam remained calm, her face unreadable but her eyes burning with a controlled heat. Y/N sat down next to her, eyes twinkling with mischief. "You two looked like you where having a good time" she remarked, her tone light but edged with something darker. Y/N met her gaze, a teasing smile on her face. "It was entertaining" she replied "nothing we couldn't handle."
Y/BF/N slipped in next to Tara, who immediately leaned over and whispered something in her ear, making Y/BF/N laugh. "I think we handled that pretty well, don't you?" She asked, shooting Tara a playful look. Rolling her eyes Tara smiled and agreed "Yeah, I'd say you both did well. But don't think we didn't see everything"
Brushing her hand against Sam's underneath the table, Y/N leaned in close, her voice dropping to a private whisper. "Jealous?" Sam's lips twitched into a small smile, hand slipping into Y/N's under the table. "Maybe a little" she admitted, her voice low and thick with promise. "But you will make it up to me later." "Counting on it" Y/N whispered back.
The group slowly slipped back into their usual rhythm, making conversation, sharing snacks and exchanging notes. Noticing the time Y/N began packing up to head to her next class, sparing Sam a glance hoping she'd offer to walk with her. Bidding farewell to her friends and Sam she got up from the table and began walking toward the culinary building. "No goodbye kiss?" She heard from behind her, stopping mid step Y/N turned around and smiled "I didn't want to press my luck" she replies, eyes dropping to Sam's lips. As they lingered by the bustling campus walkway, Sam and Y/N stood close, just out of earshot of their friends, who were still finishing up. Y/N shifted foot to foot, her eyes stealing glances at Sam's face. Somehow Sam always made her so shy, yet the older girl seemed so relaxed, leaning on a nearby bench smiling softly at Y/N.
Pulling Sam close, Y/N dropped a kiss on her lips, lingering a bit longer than this morning when she was rushing out of the door. Pulling back and looking at Sam once more, she tried to find the words to ask to stay with her again tonight, to feel that peace once more but the way Sam was staring at her like she put the stars in the sky was making it hard. "You okay?" she asked gently, reaching up and soothing the crease in Y/N forehead with her thumb. "Yeah, I'm good" she replied while her thoughts continued to eat at her. Glancing down at her shoes, her mind was racing as she tried to ground herself. She took a breath before she decided to go for it, albeit carefully. "I just...I'm going to be really tired after class, assignments and dinner later. And, well, I was thinking..."She trailed off rubbing the back of her neck anxiously, eyes still not meeting Sam's "I was wondering if it'd be okay if I um, came over and stayed at your place tonight?" Her voice a little hesitant. "No pressure, of course. I just...I felt really at peace in your bed, and I thou-" "Yes" Sam smiled, her eyes softening as she cut Y/N off with a gentle chuckle. "You don't need to explain, Y/N. I'd really..like that" She added very warm and reassuring. "I'd love for you to stay."
Y/N felt a rush of warmth flood through her, a sense of belonging that she was still getting used to but found herself craving more and more. She nodded, biting back the urge to be overly eager. "Alright, I'll come over after a shower. I'll bring dinner?" Sam's eyes gleamed with softness, "Sounds Perfect."
Y/N smiled brightly, feeling a weight lift off her chest. She hadn't realized how much she needed to hear that until now. There was a sense of certainty in Sam's words that soothed her nerves. They stood there for a moment longer, just soaking in each others presence, neither of them in a rush to break away. Finally, Y/N sighed as she checked her watch. "I should get to class" She said reluctantly, taking a small step back. Sam nodded, "Yeah, wouldn't to keep you from that" Y/N took another step back, then stopped herself, leaning down and placing another kiss on Sam's lips--with a promise of more to come. "See you tonight, Sammy" She whispered, a playful glint in her eyes. Sam chuckled, her hand coming up to grab Y/N's jaw "See you tonight" her voice filled quiet anticipation.
With one last smile, Y/N turned and started walking towards her class, her heart lighter and her steps a bit quicker. She couldn't help but glance back over her shoulder, catching Sam's gaze still fixed on her, a soft smile playing on her lips. As Y/N disappeared around the corner, she couldn't help but feel the growing excitement about tonight. She hadn't fully articulated it yet, but there was something about being in Sam's space, in her bed, that felt like home. She couldn't wait to be back there, in that warm place where everything just felt..right.
9 Hours Later 8:30pm
Sam had a long day and the only thing she looked forward to was dinner with Y/N. After leaving the university earlier she went to work where the hours seemed to stretch on, each one feeling longer than the last. Now she was home, freshly showered and patiently awaiting Y/N's arrival with dinner. Hearing a soft knock at the door and knowing it's Y/N on the other side she takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and she opens the door. There stands Y/N, her face illuminated by the hallway light always looking effortlessly gorgeous. She's holding an insulated bag and a bottle of wine in her left hand, a fresh loaf of bread in her right and she’s smiling softly. Sam's eyes dart to the bottle, noting with a grin that it looks older than both of them combined.
"Hey" Y/N says softly, her eyes locking onto Sam's. There's an electricity in the air, a kind of unspoken tension that hangs between them. "Hey" Sam replies, her voice barely above a whisper. She steps aside to let Y/N in, and as she walks past her, Sam catches a hint of her cologne--something woodsy but still light, it's intoxicating. Y/N begins to unpack the bag placing the items on the coffee table and setting dinner up for them. "I hope you're hungry. I brought a feast, I learned the pasta recipe earlier in class" Y/N turns around smiling at Sam. Taking a seat on the couch Sam took in the set up in front of her, there was two medium sized pyrex bowls of steaming pasta placed next to one another, a bigger bowl of salad placed in front of them and soon enough a plate of freshly baked & sliced Italian bread joined them. The rich aroma of garlic, tomatoes, and fresh herbs fills the room. Hoping up and running to the kitchen Sam opens the drawer, pulling out a corkscrew, and two forks, she then turns and grabs two wine glasses from the cabinet above her before returning back to Y/N who's now is seated and watching Sam with intense eyes.
"Wanna do the honors?" Sam asks, holding up the corkscrew. "Sure" Y/N replies softly, stepping close she takes the tool from Sam her touch lingering a bit. It's a fleeting touch, but it sends a jolt through Sam, her skin tingling where they connected. Y/N starts to open the wine, her arms flexing slightly and eyes flickering down to meet Sam's. As the cork pops free, Sam lets out a soft chuckle "You make it look really easy" She says, eyes fixed on her tattoo covered arms. Smiling she begins to pour the wine, handing a glass to Sam before picking up her own. She lifts her glass, and they clink them together in a silent "cheers". The wine is rich and full-bodied, warming Sam from the inside out, but she barely tastes it; her attention is fully on Y/N. The two girls begin eating, sitting so close their knees are almost touching. Conversation flowed easily at first, filled with laughter and shared stories, but beneath it, there's a palpable undercut of tension, a magnetic pull that neither of them addressed directly. At one point Sam reaches for bread and her hand brushes against Y/N's. They freeze, eyes meeting, and the room suddenly feels much warmer. In another instance Y/N finds herself watching Sam closely as she takes a bite of her pasta, enjoying the way Sam's lips wrapped around the fork. Every small moment felt magnified, dripping with the kind of sensuality that made Y/N painfully hard.
After they finish eating, Y/N cleans up and rejoins Sam on the couch. She sits down close to her, their thighs brushing against one another. The air between them is charged. Sam's eyes flick down to Y/N's lips as she finishes off the rest of her wine, tongue darting out to catch a stray drop. Sam's heart pounds harder, her body thrumming with a deep, steady ache. They resume talking, their words light but their voices carrying a weight that makes every breath feel heavier. Sam laughs at something Y/N says, a soft, throaty sound that sends a thrill through the younger girl. Y/N reaches out, her fingers tracing the edge of Sam’s jaw, sliding up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She lingers there, her thumb brushing the soft skin of Sam’s cheek, as they both felt the heat in the room rising again.
Sam’s laughter fades, and her eyes growing dark as she melts into Y/N’s touch. Without thinking she leans in, her eyes lidded, lips parting slightly. Y/N meets her halfway, and their lips finally touch. It’s a slow, exploratory kiss at first. The taste of wine and the faint saltiness of the pasta on their lips mixing together. The kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more needy. Y/N’s slides her hands down to Sam’s waist, pulling her into her lap in one smooth motion. Her fingers tugging at Y/N’s shirt pulling her closer, stealing the air from her lungs as she presses down on to Y/N’s front. Wrapping her arms around Sam, the girls mold deeper into one another feeling like they could never get close enough. “I’ve been thinking about you all day” Y/N confesses, as she pulls away and rests her forehead against Sam’s. Moving to cup her face after locking eyes, Sam whispers a quiet “Me too”
Before they can dive back into each other, the sound of the front door clicking open slices through their heated moment like a knife. Sam’s heart jumps out of her chest, and Y/N’s eyes widen. Quickly pulling apart, their heads snap towards the sound. Standing there in the middle of the entryway is Tara and Y/BF/N, both of their eyes widening in surprise at the scene in front of them. Tara’s eyebrows shoot up, clearly taken aback and all Y/BF/N can do is look between the two flushed, swollen lipped girls with a shit eating grin on her face. Freezing for a moment not entirely sure to react to the sudden interruption, Sam climbs off of Y/N's lap, trying to smooth down her hair and fixing her shirt so she could look more presentable. Y/N on the other hand is somewhere between embarrassment and frustration, her dick was aching for Sam’s touch. Willing herself to calm down, she clears her throat awkwardly.
“Uh..hey, Tara..Y/BF/N” Sam says, her voice a little too high pitched, clearly flustered. Stifling a laugh Tara eyes her older sister before responding “Hey Sam..Y/N/N” she teases in an amused tone. Y/BF/N nudges her slightly a knowing grin still sitting on her face. “Don’t mind us. We were just coming by to grab some stuff” Y/BF/N says, eyes still on the side of Y/N's face. Sam can’t help the nervous chuckle that falls from her mouth, her cheeks still flushed she avoids making direct eye contact with either of them. “I need a smoke” Y/N says, immediately removing herself from the couch and leaving the apartment.
“Right, well…we won’t be long” Tara says with a smirk, waving her hand dismissively as she continues her journey into the shared apartment. Sam quickly stands up and makes a beeline for a her room, trying to salvage what’s left of her dignity. Closing the door softly and turning on her TV, Sam tries to stop the pounding in her chest. Soon she hears Tara and Y/BF/N leaving but not before her sister is yelling a quick goodbye, pulling the door closed behind them. As Sam tried to lose herself in the TV, she couldn't help but think about that moment on campus earlier. Sam watched from the table as Y/N carefully played into the attention being directed at her but the entire time her eyes never left Sam's, almost challenging her to get up and claim Y/N with reckless abandon.
Returning inside Y/N made a quick stop in the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her hands before heading to Sam's room. Pushing the door open slowly, stepping in and closing it behind her. The private sanctuary of Sam's room was the only place where they could reclaim what had been taken from them and where Y/N could fully express her devotion. She walked slowly across the room, each step calculated. Sam's eyes lit up as Y/N leaned down and kissed her. It started slow, filled with an intense tenderness, as their deepened the TV's soft glow became a mere backdrop to the intimate exchange unfolding in Sam's bed.
Y/N hands roamed all over Sam's body with a reverence that spoke volumes of shared feelings. Pushing Y/N back as they parted for air Sam stood up from her bed. Before Y/N could register what was happening Sam dropped to her knees in front of her, looking up with a mixture of need and authority that took Y/N's breath away. There was no hesitation in her movements, no second-guessing. Not wasting another second, she begins pulling Y/N's sweats down, her satin boxers following shortly after. Sam looks up once more as she places a single kiss to the tip of Y/N's cock before slowly taking the whole length into her mouth.
Y/N can't believe it, SAMANTHA CARPENTER is on her knees, sucking her off with a relentless, steady pace that makes her head spin. Sam's mouth is skillful, dragging up and down the length of her shaft and always stopping to suckle the tip gently before repeating her process. Looking down Y/N see's Sam eyes are fixed on her, shinning with pride as she feels her reaching down and brushing the hair out her face. She keeps her eyes on Y/N, watching every reaction, every twitch of the cock inside her mouth, it sends her reeling. Her control is absolute but then she sees it--the small flicker of arrogance in Y/N's eyes, the lazily smirk tugging at her lips.
"You think you've got me figured out, don't you?" Y/N says, her breath hitching as she fights to keep her composure. Her tone taunting, a hint of challenge in her words. "Down on your knees, taking orders..it's almost cute" she adds as her hips thrust in tandem with Sam's sucking. She pauses, her mouth hovering just over Y/N, her eyes narrowing. She pulls back slowly, dragging her tongue up and down the base before halting her movements completely. "Cute?" Sam repeats, voice low and mocking . "Oh, baby. You've got this all wrong"
"You think I like that?" she retorts, her tone sharp, cutting right through Y/N's bravado. "Watching you flirt like I'm not right there?" Y/N chuckles, the sound deep and dismissive she responds, "It's just a bit of fun, Sammy" Suddenly she standing eye level with Y/N, her lips shinning and swollen, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and pulling Y/N on the bed. Pushing her onto to her back, she slides her panties off before climbing on top of Y/N, pressing her thighs against her sides with a commanding force. "You think you're so confident" Sam challenges, "Then let's see how long you can last"
Sinking down on to Y/N's cock with a slow, deliberate motion that makes both of them gasp. Sam rocking her hips up and down back and forth, her tits moving in tandem, making Y/N squeeze her eyes shut, her mouth falling open as she tries to ward off her impending orgasm. "Look at me" Sam snaps, hand sliding up to grip Y/N's jaw "You don't get to look away, watch me ruin you" Y/N eyes flutter open landing on their connected centers. Sam's pussy was dripping all over Y/N's cock, sliding in and out of her without resistance as she rode Y/N. "I..I'll hold it" She stammers out, head dropping back the sight too much to take in. A wicked smile takes over Sam's face "You'd better..but I'm not letting you off that easy" she purrs. Y/N' arrogance has finally crumbled, her breath coming out in ragged gasps as she struggled to keep from cumming. "Sam, please--I c-" "You will" she hisses, her hips slamming down with force. "You will, or I'll leave you like this all night"
She's on the verge of cumming, her body trembling. Hanging on by a thread she called out to the girl riding her dick like she owned it. "Please..I'll do anyth-" "Anything?" Sam repeats, her voice a cruel whisper. "Then prove it. Hold it. Just for me"
Nodding Y/N eyes rollback, the way Sam's pussy is leaking all over her, the clenching, the fucking clenching it's all too much. Looking up through hazy eyes she sees Sam, head thrown back, one hand on Y/N's thigh aiding her motion and the other splayed on Y/N's abs she fucks herself into oblivion. "Is it mine?" She asks leaning down pressing her chest to Y/N's as she begins to meet her thrust for thrust. "Y-Yes Sam, my dick is all yours" Sliding her hand around Y/N's throat and kissing her so nasty it make's her toes curl Sam finally gives in. "Cum for me" And when Y/N does it never ending. Her body shudders violently as she tries to push herself deeper into Sam's pussy, moaning Sam's name like a prayer. Without a word, Y/N shifts and takes control. Flipping her onto to her stomach, Sam doesn't get a chance to think before Y/N is pushing into her from behind. Scooping her up and forcing her to face the mirror positioned just opposite of the bed.
"Look at us"Y/N growls, her voice thick with lust. "See how perfect we are together. Watch how you body responds to me." Tugging her up by the arm, Y/N forces Sam to watch herself be fucked. Sam's eyes meet their reflection in the mirror "I-I see it" She moans, her voice strained but filled with desire, "It's so good, fu-I feel you everywhere." "Good girl" Y/N murmurs in her ear, tongue licking the shell of it. "Show me how devoted you are to me, Sam" She adds, pushing a hand between Sam's shoulders causing her to fall into the pillows, creating an arch that is so beautiful Y/N could cry. "You're so deep, it's too muc-" Sam attempts, choking on a moan and throwing her hand back to stop her as Y/N changes the angle of her hips. Her eyes flash in the mirror, lips curling into a dark, satisfied smile she threads a hand in Sam's hair tugging her up. "You like it when I fuck you this, don't you? You like it when I make you watch" She asks, her voice low and demanding in Sam's ringing ears. "Yes" she whimpers, her breath hitching when Y/N begins fucking her harder, her hands clutched around the sheets as the muscles in her back and shoulders flexed under Y/N's gaze. "Then show me, Sam"
She can barely form a coherent thought, pleasure overwhelming her, she nods frantically, leaning up on her hands and keeping her back perfectly arched Sam looked over her shoulder at Y/N. Locking eyes, she begins to rock back, meeting Y/N's hard thrust each time. She yearns to give her everything, to show her just how much Sam needs Y/N, how much she craves the girl drilling into her. "Fuck, you look so good like this" Y/N groans, handing sliding up to wrap around Sam's throat, tightening just enough to make her pulse quicken. "So fuckin perfect. Mine" Her words push Sam closer to the edge, her pussy clenching around Y/N so hard she could barely move. "Relax" She whispered. But Sam can't she so close, so close she can taste it, her entire body is coiling with tension, ready to snap.
"Y/N/ I-" She attempts, her voice breaking, eyes rolling back as Y/N begins to rub her aching clit. "I'm gonna----" "Cum for me" Y/N growls, her thrusts never stopping. "Show me how much I'm yours, cum all over that fuckin pole" And she does---her body shatters, her vision blurring as she throws her head back in a silent scream as wave after wave crashes over her. Her pussy clenching even tighter around Y/N, throbbing in tune with her heartbeat. She can feel Y/N cumming inside of her and it sent her spiraling head first into another orgasm, hitting her so hard tears form in her eyes. It's too good, Sam needs it to stop but she never want to know what it feels like to not surrender herself to Y/N. She was completely hers.
For a moment, there's nothing but the sound of them breathing, the feeling Y/N's softening cock still in Sam's overly sensitive pussy, and the soft chatter of the TV in the background joining them again. Sam's heart is racing, her body still shaking from the intensity of it all, but she feels...complete. Y/N pulls out and makes her way out Sam's room and in the bathroom after a quick pee and clean up she returns to Sam who is still lying spent on the bed, eyes half lidded and barely conscious. She feels Y/N softly roll her over and begins cleaning her up, finding Sam's shirt and a fresh pair of panties she tucks her in before whispering a quick "Be right back" pulling on a hoodie and a pair of clean boxers she drops the soiled clothes in Sam's washer, starting the load and walking back too the room. Sam was now fast asleep, lips parted and slightly drooling. Y/N climbs in beside her, pulling the older close she buries her face in Sam's hair and allows sleep to take over her.
AN: Shits about to hit the fan, it's getting too real for Sammy. It's always the lesbians breaking up before they're even together fr 🫣
Feedback is always greatly appreciated, Chapter 7 should be out on Saturday! -🕷️
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satinsummer · 7 days
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and turn that one single scene into a 40k word long fic with depth, feels, character study and development and create a whole storyline out of that one single canonical moment.
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and write 40 entirely different fics about that one single canonical moment and each one of those fics are literal masterpieces.
shout out to us fanfic writers ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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satinsummer · 7 days
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Grandmas can be cranky.
Text post by @wiiwheel
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satinsummer · 7 days
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Her biting the rose is making me FERAL
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satinsummer · 7 days
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Her biting the rose is making me FERAL
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satinsummer · 7 days
chapter 6 will be out tonight, the support is unreal. shoutout yall! i might just start working on chapter 7 tomorrow -🕷️
Edit: Chapter 6 is now uploaded! Can someone teach me how to make a masterlist? 👀
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satinsummer · 9 days
chapter 6 will explore you and sam’s schedules, relationship dynamic and routines in depth
It’s now Monday morning your alarm is going off and Y/BF/N is bursting into Sam’s room yelling about how late you both you are for class. Rushing out of the apartment building and into Y/Ns car they, race home to change and gather whatever is needed for the day. After 3hrs of learning all the right ways to control/predict food and beverage cost and control within a restaurant , Y/N was exhausted as she began packing up afterwards heading in the direction of the cafe for a coffee until she got a text from Y/BF/N telling her to meet her at the quad. Just as Y/N was heading there, a girl from Tara’s film class approached her with something more than friendly in her mind and eyes.
AN: 🤭🤭 jealous sam is my favorite
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satinsummer · 9 days
Chapter 5: She loves me, She loves me not
Summary: It's the wee hours of Sunday morning when Sam wakes up after an eventful night with Y/N.
Pairings: G!P Reader x Fem!Sam Carpenter
Chapter 6: https://www.tumblr.com/satinsummer/761474699316396032/chapter-6-monday-madness
WARNINGS: Suggestive Language, Drug Use (smoking weed), Mentions of violence against women, blood and fighting! 18+ NO MEN OR MINORS
---------------------------------------------------------------Nobody's POV:
She awoke with a jolt, her eyes snapping open in a dark, unfamiliar room. For a moment, panic fluttered in her chest before the air became thick and memories from just hours before flashed in Sam's mind. As she lay there, attempting to steady her breathing and forcing her eyes to look somewhere else other than the shadows that stretched across the walls like reaching hands. She closed her eyes focusing now on the bed beneath her noting how soft it was and loving the warm blankets that comforted her skin. A curious sense of peace settled over her as she began to relax again, until Y/N began shifting in her sleep. Instinctively pulling the older girl closer, she croaked out "Are you okay?" never opening her eyes. Turning around Y/N's arms, Sam reached out to find her face and began rubbing her cheek "did I wake you?" she asked. "No" Y/N whispers finally cracking one eye open. Although the room was dark, the dim glow of the streetlights peaking through the curtains provided them with enough light to make out each others faces.
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(guest room photo ref.)
They lay for what feels like forever just facing one another, half asleep and happier than ever. "What time is it?" Y/N questions sitting up and stretching her arms out. Reaching over to grab her phone off of the nightstand, Sam reads the time aloud "1:57AM" before scrolling through her missed notifications. Pushing the blanket off and fully standing up on the side of the bed, Y/N darts out of the room and down the hallway yelling out "Gotta pee." After hearing the bathroom door close, Sam sits up against the headboard and begins replying to missed texts from Tara.
After washing her hands, Y/N splashes some cool water on her face in effort to wake up a little more. Making her way back to the guest room she noticed Sam was now wide awake, her eyebrows were knit together in concentration as she continued texting. Climbing back in bed next her, Y/N placed a small kiss on Sam's cheek while asking if everything was alright. Sam's stomach spoke for her, cutting through the air that was now filled with sweet laughter and a soft "Let's get you fed" as both girls made their to out the bedroom and to the kitchen. The floor was too cold for Sam's liking so Y/N graciously offered up her slippers to which the older girl happily took. Leaning up and pecking Y/N's lips she whispers "Thank you" before shuffling off into the living room.
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(Living room Ref.)
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(Kitchen Ref.)
After searching through her fridge, freezer and cabinets for ingredients Y/N was almost ready cook until her phone rang. Rushing to her room and finding her pants from the night prior, she pulls out her phone and see's Y/BF/N on the screen. Not wasting another minute she answers.
Phone call between Y/N and Y/BF/N
Y/N: "Yoo, Are you okay?"
Y/BF/N: "No, Frankie is trying to take me upstairs and he pushed Tara down. Chad is too drunk to h-"
The line goes dead
Y/N is now running around her room pulling on a pair of sweats and filling Sam in as much as she can before Sam is now angrily making her way out of the loft and down to the garage, Y/N trailing close behind.
It took 10 minutes for them to find the party Y/BF/N and Tara had attended. Getting out of the car and walking up several people attempt to greet Y/N as she pushes through the sea of people once entering the house. Scanning the room she finds exactly who she wanted to see, a self proclaimed alpha male with a small dick towering over her best friend named Frankie Kapor. He rushed the same frat as Chad freshman year and has only gotten creepier ever since. Y/N was determined to end that once and for all tonight. Checking behind her to make sure Sam was still close by, she smiled softly over her shoulder before reaching up and grabbing Frankie by his hair as she started dragging him down the steps and outside. "S'cuse me, pardon me. Come on Frankie pick up your fuckin feet" She sneered. Sam ran up the steps to Y/BF/N and her sister making sure they weren't hurt. Tara had a small ache in her wrist from being pushed but nothing some ice and a Tylenol couldn't fix. The three girls noticed all the commotion that followed Y/N and Frankie outside. Making their way out of the house and to the front lawn, they witnessed something Y/BF/N had been trying to save others from..Y/N's temper.
Pushing the boy face first into the grass Y/N let go of his hair, letting him eat shit as everybody stood around and watched knowing better than to get caught in Y/N's path of destruction. Frankie was now crying and all Y/N could do was mock him "Oh, poor little Mr.DateRape. Your tears mean nothing just when girls tell you “NO” means nothing. Suck it Up" Emphasizing her point by pulling him up by the hair again and staring at him before punching him square in the face practically shattering his nose. "Y/N!" Y/BF/N calls out forcing her way to the front of the loud crowd that had circled around you. "Tara, take her and your sister to my car, let me finish this" Y/N says looking past her best friend while Frankie moaned and groaned on ground behind them.
Turning her head and growing more annoyed with the boy who almost raped her best friend and her soon to be girlfriends little sister, Y/N grabbed him by the collar. Looking deep to his eyes, she spoke very clearly "I'm gonna fuckin kill you if you don't shut the fucking "poor me, im hurt" shit up" Taking a deep breath and trying to ground herself Y/N felt her control slipping even more. She felt the anger threatening to explode with her, all she seen and felt was red. "Sam there's no stopping her, she will kill that boy" Y/BF/N said as she got into the backseat of Y/N's car with Tara. Closing the door and walking back to the front lawn, Sam watched as Y/N rose her fist to strike Frankie once more. "Y/N/" Sam called out, the girl immediately paused. Y/N looked at Sam, eyes distant and cold, she dropped her fist. Letting the beat up boy fall to the ground and stepping over him, walking past Sam and entering her car.
The car ride to Sam and Tara's was heavy with a thick, unspoken tension. The only sounds came from the hum of the engine and the low music playing on the radio. Y/N's hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles scraped and beginning to bruise, the raw skin stinging with every movement. She could feel the throbbing in her hand in tune with her heartbeat, a steady reminder of what had just happened. She glanced in the rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of Tara and Y/BF/N in the backseat. Both of them still quiet and holding each other while trying to process what had just gone down. Sam sat beside her in the passenger seat, her gaze locked on Y/N's hands. She hadn't said a word since getting in the car, her lips pressed together in a tight line. Y/N knew Sam was scared angry, maybe-- but there was something else too. A quiet gratitude mixed with worry, hidden behind those big brown eyes that kept darting back to Y/N's knuckles.
Flexing her fingers slightly, she winced at the tightness in her skin. A few seconds passed, and Y/N felt Sam's hand slide over into hers. Giving it a reassuring squeeze . It was a soft touch, barely there but it spoke volumes. Sam didn't need to say anything; her touch was enough. The road seemed to stretched on, dark and endless but the silence in the car was starting to feel less suffocating and more like a shared understanding. Y/N had done what she had to do, granted it wasn't the cleanest or calmest way, but she was going to protect the people she cared about. And for now, that all that mattered.
Pulling up to the apartment building, Y/N silently parked and continued staring straight-ahead of her. Suddenly Sam was on her side of the car pulling the door open and staring down at Y/N expectantly "Come up, when you're ready" She says before dropping a kiss on the younger girls forehead. Y/N watched the 3 girls enter the building, tears pricking her eyes and spilling over the moment they were out of sight. How could she have been so stupid? She allowed her tempter to rear it's ugly head and now she'd have to pay the price for it. Y/N was lucky her car had tinted windows because the choked sob she released wasn't something she wanted others to witness. She had just gotten close to Sam and a moment of irrationality was going to take that all away from her. After her tears subsided Y/N, grabbed some napkins and wiped her face off. Pulling out her phone she sent Y/BF/N a text.
Y/N: "Care to join me for a smoke?"
PainInMyAss🫂: "Coming down"
5 minutes later Y/BF/N came walking out of the building in a pair of Blackmore sweats and some random hoodie, her slides were on the wrong feet as she approached the car and got in. "Don't mind my shoes, I was out running tara" Y/BF/N chuckled before settling into the passenger seat. Half smiling at the comment, Y/N set the joint ablaze and took a long drag before holding it towards her best friend. "You know, none of us are upset with you.. right? Y/BF/N says, reaching out and taking the joint between her fingers. Y/N pauses to really take her words in, looking over with tears shining in her eyes she just nods her head.
She was so disappointed in herself but hearing the others weren't upset eased her mind a bit "He had it coming anyway" Y/BF/N says voice thick with smoke as she exhaled, eyes half closed already. Now, they sat in a comfortable silence that only years of friendship could create and maintain. No need to fill the space with empty words and forced laughter, they sat there watching the smoke fill the car as they passed the joint back and forth. Finishing it off they both got out of the car, not before removing their hoodies that may have carried the heavy smoke back up with them and placing them into the trunk. Walking towards the building Y/N mumbled a quiet "Thank you" as they entered. Y/BF/N leaned her head against Y/N's shoulder for a moment , just long enough to remind her that as long Y/BF/N was around she'd be there for her.
Entering the dimly lit apartment, trying not to disturb the fragile atmosphere the two girls were greeted by Sam and Tara, seated on the couch both having showered now dressed and ready for bed. Tara gave Y/BF/N a pointed look causing her to huff and scurry down the hall and into the bathroom. Hugging Sam and punching Y/N in her shoulder as she ran to her room, the younger carpenter laughed evilly behind her closed door.
Moving around the couch Y/N realized Sam had been waiting for her this entire time. She was perched on the edge of the couch with a small first aid kit open on the coffee table in front of her. Her face calm but her eyes were filled a mixture of worry and relief. As Y/N came closer, Sam took in the sight of the girl standing before her---disheveled, the collar on her shirt slightly torn, a faint smear of blood on her cheek that was probably from the gushing of Frankie's nose after she shattered it but Sam didn't say a word. Instead she reached out, her touch light as a feather wrapping around Y/N's wrist, guiding her to sit down.
"Let me see" Sam murmured softly, her voice steady but carrying a note of concern. She took Y/N's hand into hers, turning it over to inspect the damage. The bruises were already starting to darken, and her skin was raw. Sam's touch never faltered. She let out a small sigh, more of resignation than anything else, and reached for a damp cloth. The first touch of the cloth against Y/N's knuckles made her suck in a sharp breath, the sting sharper than she anticipated. Sam paused, her eyes flicking up to meet Y/N's, searching for a hint of how she was feeling beyond the physical pain. She nodded slightly, and Sam continued, her movements careful and deliberate. As she worked in silences, dabbing away the blood and grime with a tenderness that contrasted with the brutality of what happened earlier. Her hands were steady, but Y/N could see the way her jaw tightened, the way she blinked a little too often. She wasn't angry--but there was tension there, settling in the air between them.
"Did you have to do it like that?" She finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She wasn't accusing her, just trying to understand. Y/N nodded, her eyebrows knitting together in frustration "Yeah..I had to"
Sam didn't respond, she just continued cleaning her knuckles, her touch softening as she moved to the unbruised parts of Y/N's hand, like she could somehow soothe the pain away with her care. And in a way, she did. With each careful wipe, each gentle dab of the antispectic wipe that stung just a little less than the last, Y/N felt the tension in her shoulders ease, her breathing starting to come a bit easier. When she was finished, she wrapped her knuckles in clean gauze, her fingers brushing over Y/N's in a lingering touch. She held the other girls hand for a moment longer than needed , squeezing it lightly before letting go. "Next time" Sam starts softly, her lips curling into a small, tired smile "let's try to keep these hands out of trouble, okay?"
Y/N chuckled softly, the sound easing some of the the heaviness between them. "yeah" she agreed, her voice low and sincere, "I'll try" Y/N finished off reaching out and tucking a loose strand of hair behind Sam's ear, her thumb brushing her cheek for just a second, and for a moment the dimly lit apartment felt like the safest place in the world. Turing back to the coffee Sam begins to carefully repack the first aid kit, snapping it shut with a quiet "click" getting up and putting it back in the hallway closet. Thinking Y/N would have moved into her room by now Sam was surprised to see that she was still sitting on the edge of the couch, shoulders slumped, exhaustion settling in now that the adrenaline was fading. Her eyes were a little heavy, her breathing slower and the weight of the night still hanging in the air around them. "Come on" Sam requests gently from the hallway "lets get you to bed." She could see how tired Y/N was, not just from beating Frankie but from everything--her spirit still buzzing with the raw emotions of protecting Y/BF/N and Tara. Y/N was crashing, she needed rest. Guiding Y/N from the couch and down the hall, Sam held her close as her steps were a little unsteady but she just kept a steady hand on Y/N's arm. As they reached Sam's bedroom, she turned on a small bedside lamp, casting a warm glow over the room.
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(Sam's room Photo Ref)
She helped Y/N sit on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front the younger girl, her hands sliding up and cupping her face. She leaning in, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead, lingering there for a moment. "You did good" she whispered, her voice tender and full of admiration. "But now you need rest" Y/N nodded, the finally able to fully relax. It was over and everyone was safe. Carefully, Sam helped Y/N change her clothes, allowing her to lie back when she was finished and pulled the blankets over her. Getting in on the other side of the bed, she crawled in close to Y/N who happily opened her arms and pulled Sam in. For a moment, they just looked at each other, the heaviness of the night finally starting to lift, replaced by something softer, calmer. Leaning up and kissing her softly on the lips Sam quietly lulled Y/N to sleep "Sleep now, you've done enough." Y/N's eyes fluttered shut and for a while Sam just watched her, making sure she was truly resting as her breathing began to slow down and deepen. Before allowing sleep to take over her body, Sam pressed one last kiss to Y/N's now slightly parted lips. As they lay there together, wrapped in the quiet of the night, as they finally found peace after the storm.
AN: fuck frankie, feel free to give me feedback! :)
5 chapters in 3ish days ?!?! Chapter 6 anybody?
I will edit and fix up any typos tomorrow! enjoy for now -🕷️
Edit: fixed all the typos and reworded some parts, enjoy! -🕷️
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satinsummer · 9 days
Men who talk about wanting a “Morticia Addams” fail to realize what even made Morticia love Gomez in the first place. Gomez is catastrophically in love with Morticia and is extremely devoted to her. He genuinely worships Morticia like a goddess. She is his entire religion. Morticia did not choose Gomez for his cool indifference.
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satinsummer · 9 days
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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) dir. James Signorelli
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satinsummer · 10 days
sorry if it seems like i want attention i just want attention
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satinsummer · 10 days
starting chapter 5 after work today, the support is greatly appreciated! -🕷️
Chapter 5 is out now!
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