#Kujo Jotaro Cos
airprime7 · 5 months
The "average Jojo appears in 2 animated parts" factoid is actualy just a statistical error. The average Jojo appears in a little over 1 animated part. Jotaro Kujo, who is Araki's favourite little boy and has appeared in 5/6 animated parts, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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klmmcqueen · 2 years
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i’m back jojoing again, star platinum call me 👉👈
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
jotaro x f!reader. going to a wedding is hard when you run into your ex who isn't quite your ex. | divider by @cafekitsune, wc 2k
cw alcohol consumption, implied age gap (reader is in her late 20s/30s and jotaro is in his 40s/50s), implied unhealthy relationship.
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You feel like a fish out of water.
This would be a hilarious joke for you, marine biologist, to make if anxiety weren’t currently making every inch of your skin crawl. In search of another glass of champagne, you exhale your relief when a tray is walked right past you. A glass is plucked off, carefully, and situated between your fingers so that you can take a moment to assess the situation.
This isn’t even the first wedding you’ve been to within the last six months. Unfortunately, it is the first where you may accidentally run into a man you’ve been hoping to avoid as much as possible. 
Just the thought of his name makes that itchy feeling return. 
You pinch the underside of your right wrist with your left fingers, reminding yourself to keep it cool and together. There’s no guarantee he’ll even be here, perpetual flake that he is. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to reconnect with your former research lab interns, now professionals either working in the field or furthering their education. 
Like clockwork, one of them approaches you. You remember him as Alexander though he told you many times to call him Alex, a boyish young man with deeply tanned skin and hair that you’re certain he gets professionally permed to give him a beachy and easy going appearance.
“Hey doc!” 
Smiling, you nod. Last year was your first postdoc, although you still find yourself uncertain if academia is for you or not. You’re still in your lab this year, sticking close to the place you’ve made your home. At least for now. 
“Hey, kid. It’s good to see you.”
Pleasantries are exchanged, the two of you idly chatting about what has happened since the last time you saw each other. His life is far more exciting than yours, doing his time at the Speedwagon Research Station in Newfoundland just as you did yourself nearly a decade ago. Time passes so quickly even if little changes it leaves you breathless but you drown the anxiety with another sip, allowing the talkative young man to take the conversational lead.
“You know, all of us assumed last year that you two were, like, secretly married and just didn’t want anyone to know.” 
Your former intern laughs, a jovial lopsided grin on his face. He did a lot of that over a year ago too, mostly at your goofy jokes or whatever playlist you picked for light lab days that would make your program co-head shake his head and silently return to his reports, a hint of a smile across his lips. Things felt good back then. Stable, at the very least. The lab was full of life, you and Dr. Kujo worked in tandem verifying research and giving advice to kids who someday hoped to do the same things the two of you have been able to do.
It sucks you haven’t heard much from Jotaro since then but hey, you understand that life happens. Always cool, always rolling with the punches, conveniently blocking out that your mattress has a permanent indentation in his shape now. 
“We used to refer to you colloquially as the doctors Kujo.”
The smile you give him back doesn’t reach your eyes. It’s polite, curving just enough to show your teeth to seem less tense. You’ve perfected this smile over years of schmoozing for grants and an audience to your research alike and only reach for it when completely necessary. There’s only one person who can tell the difference between your fake smiles and your real ones anyway.
You hope his flight got delayed while tossing your head back. 
“It has never really been like that between us.” That smile fades as quickly as it appeared. Lifting your champagne glass, you take a quick sip and raise your eyebrows. Smacking your lips together, appreciating the acidic bubbles over your tongue, you raise the glass halfway and nod your head. 
“It’s just me, myself, and I most of the time. Tonight especially.”
The trainee turned apparent Lothario leans in toward you, that lopsided grin becoming something a little more flirtatious. You picked up on these vibes when it was definitely inappropriate and politely warded him off back then. 
“So you’re single right now, eh doc?”
Now, though, you fight the urge to indulge him just to assuage your loneliness. 
The difference in age between the two of you is significantly less than the gap between yourself and Jotaro. Shame simmers in your stomach while you honestly contemplate giving this bright eyed man a chance. Maybe he could make you feel wanted or needed or beautiful even, just for the evening until he heads back to where his current research has taken him in the morning. 
Sipping from your glass again, you shrug, washing away the words that are on your tongue. Flirting back would be a cruel thing to do to him anyway when you’ll never mean it, your heart forever stuck on one man. The energy behind you shifts and you feel a gaze on your back, a familiar voice speaking from over your shoulder.
“Give it a rest, Alex.”
Your trainee beams and looks up, up, up over your shoulder, tempting you to do the same. Turning to the side, you look up and away as quickly as you spot him. The salt and pepper sides of his hair are slicked back and his face is as unaffected as ever, aquamarine eyes flicking from the bare skin of your shoulder to the twenty something year old man across from you.
“Dr. Kujo! I was wondering when we’d bump into each other.” 
The younger man holds out his hand to shake and the older one takes it. You allow the distraction to give you time to get a good look at the proverbial ghost that haunts your every dream, in disbelief that he’s real and here. 
He looks amazing. That barrel chest is encased in a perfectly fitted button down shirt, his wavy hair is completely off of his face; the lines around his eyes look deeper, maybe he’s been smiling more, and you ignore the sting in the middle of your chest imagining someone else is doing that for him.
Do you even have a right to feel that way? 
The conversation around you fades and you’re only acutely aware Alex is departing, holding your hand up to offer a small wiggly fingered wave and wishing him a good time. It’s just the two of you now. Jotaro wastes no time collecting your empty glass, letting it dangle from his fingers while an attendant breezes by with another tray full of them. He carefully grabs one, pinching the stem delicately, and hands it to you.
“Think he may still have that, what did you call it last year? Puppy dog crush?”
Despite yourself, you laugh. Accepting the glass with a polite nod, you don’t bother to think before you speak.
“You’re twice his age, Jotaro. Act like it.” Rolling your eyes, you sip from your champagne. You’ll need about four more glasses to protect your good time tonight, especially if Jotaro is hell bent on going down memory lane but you play along. “Besides, a year isn’t that long depending on who you ask. He didn’t forget about me.” Casting him a sidelong glance, your mouth falls into an unimpressed line. “Unlike some people.”
“Is that what you think?” He asks, face impassive as ever despite the offended lilt in his tone.
How could you possibly think anything different? Eight months ago he kissed you goodbye in the apartment you had one month left leasing, telling you he’d see you later. Between then and now you’ve moved, started another term with fresh interns, and grieved. Sometimes silently, pensive and alone staring at your hands and your journal wondering when it will stop hurting. Sometimes loudly, bitching to your friend on the phone about how impossible and fake it feels to move on when nobody you go on dates with makes you feel the same way he does.
All you do is sigh, looking over his shoulder at the guests you do not know passing quietly, unaware. You could walk away to your assigned seat but you know his assignment is right next to yours, the neatly folded place card warning you for his pending arrival. Naively you assumed he’d leave you alone. Not that you wanted him to but you hoped he had sense enough to stay away.
“Answer my question.”
It’s hard to tell who is really lacking sense here. You giggle, a bit hollow and humorless.
“I never know what to think but regardless I’m happy you made it. Have you seen Maddie and Ben yet?”
The bride and groom, the pair that was brought together in this holy matrimony thanks to their time spent as your interns. You watched them blossom before your eyes and even told Jotaro you imagined that they’d end up together someday, happy, studying rocks and plankton and water temperatures. Having little babies they’ll eventually take to the beach, leaving nothing but footprints and giggles behind. 
A life you used to idealistically imagine for yourself but have outgrown. You’ve never really been the type for marriage and family, a reminder popping your dreams like a needle to a balloon when you steal another glance at Jotaro’s profile.
He leans in closer to you, nodding, eyes dipping to look at your quickly disappearing drink. “Yeah, they look happy. I’m surprised it took them this long to make it here, they seemed really eager to get to the…you know.”
An honest to God laugh leaves you, for the first time since you can remember. It takes all you have not to double over with laughter at this grown man in particular suddenly censoring himself around you. 
“You can say fuck, Jojo. It’s nothing I haven’t heard or done with you before.”
The return of the old nickname, one he confided in you years ago makes him feel at home, tells him that you aren’t so angry he can’t fix things. Your body language speaks volumes, fully turned toward him with a little smile on your face. Perhaps nothing was even broken to begin with. Aside from the little hairline fractures on your heart that heal themselves each second he spends looking down at you, eyes shining like the waters you both love so much. 
“Okay then.” Jotaro dips his face, hiding a smile of his own lest anyone see it and forget he’s a big, mean, scary man. He bows low enough that his head naturally rests just above your ear, chin tickling the side of your head.
“They seemed really eager to fuck back then.”
Another laugh and you grab his bicep, wrapping your hand around it to balance yourself. His hand falls naturally to your waist and the two of you are once again existing in a world made just for lovers, void of sound and sight despite two pairs of eyes on you from across the ballroom that has been transformed into a reception space.
“I’m not gonna lie dude, I still think they’re married. They definitely arrived separately to keep it a secret.” Alex leans in to another one of your former interns, an unimpressed looking young woman who leans to the side to catch the two of you actively speaking. 
Your hands move a mile a minute, Jotaro watches every single twitch and movement. She swoons, laughing to herself but turning her smile toward the man next to her.
“I used to think you were making shit up but honestly, you’re right.” She nods, wrapping one of her arms around his extended one. “Only people who were made for each other behave like that.”
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worldsetfree · 8 months
Diamond is Unbreakable × Reader: Weekends Spent in a Beautiful Duwang
(+ bonus character sprinkled in just for you!)
At last, the weekend! You have survived another horrible week and once more been set free from the confines of societal expectations. You've been feeling a bit too stressed out lately, what with the serial killer and all... But what better way to relax than with some quality time with your beloved?
(I hope y'all enjoy these small slices of life! Feedback is welcome. These broader headcanons are really helping me ease into where I want to go.)
Higashikata Josuke
Great! He has to do some chores first or his mom will kill him, but he's been craving some TLC time with you.
He's kind of a homebody, so expect a day spent playing video games (cute couch co-op is exactly the kind of aesthetic he lives for), watching TV, and having snacks.
Loves physical contact. Will wrap his arms around you, soft kisses on your skin. Wishes you could stay the night and cuddle.
Super shy at school the next week. His friends will tease him about it.
Nijimura Okuyasu
"Oh, let me see if Josuke is free!" "No, no, no, babe. Let's take time for you and I."
When he finally gets the idea, his first suggestion is of course: going to Tonio's. It's up to you if you want to experience *that* with him, but either way a dinner date sounds like a great idea.
Okuyasu wants to be a gentleman this evening. Does his best, in his own way. Dresses up for you. "Oh, you look really hot tonight!" Holds open the door open for you. He'll get the cheque, he's rich now! (Excuse me, what?)
Is going to call Josuke and tell him all about it when he gets home. "Oi Josuke, I think I'm in love!" Josuke lives for it.
Kishibe Rohan
No. He's busy. Wait, you're serious? Oh shit, he feels kinda bad now.
You convince him to go on a cute picnic date in the park under the guise of people-watching for more inspiration.
Rohan's mind is more captivated by experiences than images. He finds himself noticing how the other couples act and decides to do some research. Holding your hand makes his heart flutter like a dove's wings. Kissing you is mental anethestic and fireworks all at once.
The manuscript he sends to his editor that week is notably more optimistic than usual. Pink Dark Boy won't be singing from the rooftops, but at least Rohan understands what's inspired the stupid cliché now. And he wants more and more exposure to this feeling.
Kujo Jotaro
He's tired and stressed out. Please take him away from this town, he actually really needs it. You both do, really. Responds to your request with an indifferent grunt. He's in.
Usually, he'd take you to the beach, but he's hit a snag with his thesis and if he sees those starfish right now he might just pull his hair out. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to his handsome locks.
Surprisingly spontaneous when he wants to be. "Let's go to Tokyo, I want you to meet someone."
The drive is peaceful and quiet. He's a great listener, but still not the best communicator. For example: he won't tell you until you get there that your lunch date will involve meeting his mom for the first time.
Tonio Trussardi
This sweet man takes a day off from his restaurant and invites you to his home. Greets you with flowers and wine.
Very excited to show you his garden. Look at his tomatoes!! Humble but oh so proud of the fruits of his labour.
Thinks the most romantic thing you two can do together is cook. But it's his day off? He doesn't mind! He loves his craft! Wants to hold your hands and teach you how to properly julienne a pepper.
Lives for that reaction when you take that first bite. Might use Pearl Jam to make it that much better for you. Domesticity makes him want a life with you.
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nightfalltales · 2 years
let me make you feel better
parings: p4 jotaro kujo x fm reader
cw: SMUT - size kink + foreplay + fingering + penetration + literally just bathtub sex; dom!jotaro + sub!fm reader; explicit; au where everyone survives aka: eyes of heaven
word count: 2.1k+
summary: after a difficult day at work, you arrived home eager to see your loving family. fortunately, it appears that your husband is home while your daughter is out. how will he take care of you?
author’s note: damn i’ve been gone for a long time and will prob be gone again but oh well, wrote y’all a dilf jotaro smut bc we love dilfs and milfs ;)
smut below (18+) !! MINORS DON’T INTERACT !!
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oh boy, you had a rough day of work. your co-worker accidentally spilled their drink on your paperwork, the project from the speedwagon foundation postponed today even when you’re prepared to get that over with, you name it. you drove back home with a headache, you couldn’t deal with this shit right now.
all you wanted to do was to rest after a long day, nothing more. of course, your husband and your daughter are welcome to rest alongside with you-- they are what you need to relax. you were content to just be with them and enjoy their company since they both put a smile on your face.
you park on the driveway, make your way to the door into the home that you, your husband, and your daughter shared, unlock and then shut the door to your living room while exhaling heavily from exhaustion. the first thing you see when you enter the house is your 6’5” husband approaching you with a serious expression on his face, indicating he know you’ve had a bad day and didn’t want to talk about it.
your husband immediately embraces you, giving you little time to greet him. you become calmed by his warmth, and you give it to him in return by encircling him in your arms.
“sorry i came home late..” you sighed.
“mm, no need to apologize.” jotaro replied as he rubbed your back.
he releases his grip on you, helps you remove your coat, and set down your bag. “would you like to join me for dinner?”
“you.. waited for me?”
he nods. crap. you were concerned that he become impatient because you felt like you made him wait so long for you. 
“i’m so sorry, dear. i believe i called you earlier that you could have dinner with jolyne and i’ll come home later to eat the leftovers.” you groan a little in irritation as you scratch your head.
jotaro held your hand and replied, "you did," as if to reassure you not to panic. "but i'm not going to let you eat the leftovers alone. i'm eating with you.”
wow. he actually did waited for you. for that long. 
it’s always the small details that jotaro left for you that makes you fall for him more and more. he’s a private, quiet man that everyone knows. they are unaware that he would express his affection for you whenever you both were alone. whether it would be cuddling you, kissing you, hugging you— you name it. he is your husband after all and since you’re his wife, he feels at ease around you.
you grin as you nod your head. "okay, then let's have dinner together."
he leads you into the kitchen, where dinner was already served. as you observed how organized the dinner table was, you grinned. despite the fact that jotaro was a capable cook, the meal he prepared smelled amazing.
suddenly, you realize there wasn’t enough food for your daughter to eat. “wait, jolyne doesn’t have enough food to eat with us.”
“jolyne already ate.” jotaro said as he grabs more utensils out of the drawer.
“wait really? where is she then?”
“she’s at kakyoin’s house for a sleepover. it’s just the two of us in this house.”
you sighed with relief. thank goodness you remember jolyne and kakyoin got along really well once you introduce her to him and he didn’t hide his smile. they would always enjoy playing games together at his house, even though kakyoin would occasionally win and tease jolyne about it. she would stick her tongue at him and demand for another game so she could win. that thought made you chuckle.
“come on and eat. what’re you standing there for?” jotaro grinned as he heard your chuckle.
you quickly return to reality. “oh right.”
you joined your husband in eating the dinner that he had prepared. you could tell he worked hard to make the dinner delectable since the food was delicious. you wonder how jolyne’s face lit up once she had her first bite of the dinner your husband made. she would most likely exclaim, “daddy, this is really good! mommy would enjoy this!”
though the atmosphere was silent, having your husband there to eat dinner with you was sufficient. the silence didn’t bother you at all. as long as you’re with him, that’s all you cared about.
once you two were finished, you were about to pick your dishes to put them in the sink when jotaro intervenes.
“let me clean the dishes.” jotaro offered as he took your dishes to the sink. oh great. you felt bad for him even more. after he has prepared dinner, you shouldn't let him clean the dishes.
“oh no no jotaro, let me-” he turned his head to look at you with a stern expression, you immediately stopped talking. you reluctantly gathered the remaining dishes for your husband to wash.
as he pumps the soap onto the cleaning sponge, he sighs. “didn’t want to make you wash. you had a rough day and you need rest.”
deep down on what he said, he’s right. he wants you to get some rest so that you can feel better along with him. he knows you well ever since when you first met him.
after washing the dishes, he comes over to you and tugs at your work clothes. “take these off and run a bath.”
“oh yeah.” you cast a downward glance over your work clothes. “i should go take a bath then.”
“i’ll join you.”
“eh? you haven’t took a bath yet?”
“no i haven’t. i want to join you.”
“isn’t that enough trouble for you..?”
you immediately regretted asking that question when a frown formed at his face.
"i waited all evening for you, y/n. i want to be with you, and being with you means taking a bath with you.”
you nodded hesitantly in agreement, mainly because of his demanding demeanor. but then again, perhaps the key to a good rest is a bath with your husband.
as you enter the bathtub, jotaro assists you and allows your head to rest on his chest. you feel calmed by the warmth of the water and the presence of your husband sitting behind you.
“thank you, dear.” you muttered as you nuzzled his chest. “for making me feel better.”
he mumbled a “hm” as if to say, “you’re welcome”, and then leaned in to kiss you on your forehead.
you smiled as you felt his lips touch your forehead. you turned around to offer him a forehead kiss of your own.
but in this moment, jotaro wanted more. he intended to make you feel better. he didn’t want you to stress over a bad day at work. he wanted to make you think of him and him alone to put you at ease. the sight of you was enough to increase his desire for you.
“dear, you oka-” before you could finish, he leaned down to kiss you on your lips. you squeak in his lips as he grasp your hips to pull him closer to you. god you were adorable, transforming into putty in his arms so effortlessly that he could hold you close.
his tongue entered yours as he kissed you firmly. you felt him tightening his grip on your hips, giving you the impression that he was in control of you.
he releases his hold on you and gives you a lustful gaze. his eyes wanted you to know that he wanted more. more of you.
“jotaro..” you whimper as his mouth drifts along your jaw, leaving open-mouthed kisses and bites until he reaches your earlobe, which he tenderly grabs between his teeth and pulls slightly. the sensitive sensation on your body reached to you. he smirked as he felt you trembling in his arms.
“can i continue?” he asked as he rubbed your back. the need inside of you makes it impossible for you to speak; all you can do is nod. you needed this, you needed him.
he growled and bit your earlobe once again and you jumped at that sensation, letting out a squeak.
“i need to hear you say it.” his scorching breath hitting your sensitive ears. he’s directly speaking against your ear, it’s not fair.
“y-yes..” you push the word out of your mouth, it’s silent and breathless.
“let me make you feel better.” he then kissed your cheek before setting his fingers in place to enter you.
you are seated on his lap with your legs extended to his liking on each side of his. he continues to peck on your earlobes as one of his arms encircle you and hold you to him.
he finds this view breathtaking since he gets to watch your chest move as you trembly breathe in and out. he gets to feel the pressure of your face against his neck and hear the sound of your moans when he touches you.
your eyes widen as he slips one of his fingers into you, and you moaned in response. he pulls you to his face by grabbing onto your chin— he wants to see you.
“jotaro! ah!” your attempts to regain your breath only made his finger move more quickly. your responses start to pull him back toward the authority and control he formerly possessed. every time he moves more quickly, the warm water from the tub splashes.
it was embarrassing for you to let him see your reactions. although you two had already engaged in sex, the notion of him witnessing your reactions makes you feel extremely ashamed.
nothing could conceal how readily his fingers pumped inside of you, no matter how slick you were or how wet you were due to the water. you were unable to contain your voice when he stuck one more finger in you.
suddenly, you immediately felt your own climax about to reach to your limit. you tighten your hold on his broad shoulders. “j-jotaro.. mph! i’m close.. i’m close!”
“then go on and cum.” once again, you felt his hot breath on your ear.
you reached your limit and screamed his name, but you could still feel his fingers inside of you, every pulse, and the tightening of your walls around him. he kisses you from the base of your neck to the delicate curve of your shoulder.
“i’m not done with you yet, y/n.” he growled and pulled his fingers from your pussy. as you bucked your hips together, the water sloshed. his dick is lined up against your hot pussy, and you gasp as you feel it. jotaro was gripping your waist firmly as you both grunted simultaneously.
you were biting your lip while holding onto his shoulders as your husband slammed into you, his huge cock ripping you wide and the head shoving your cervix with every rock. you screamed his name while keeping your eyes closed as the sensation of his cock inside of you grew stronger.
even though he was fucking you slowly, the blows were powerful, leaving you unable to remain silent. his thrusts went shallow but rapid, and you drove your nails into his back and shoulders as your slick body slid up against his, never ever pulling back before forcing his hips close with yours once more.
“fuck y/n..” he groaned.
he fucked you through your orgasm, extending it as your entire body felt hot— you were left to cling onto him. as jotaro chased his own orgasm, the water in the tub sloshed erratically and spilled in some places.
when your climax suddenly started to approach, he was groaning loudly and occasionally letting out moans.
“jotaro! i’m gonna..” you bit your lip to suppress your noises.
with a few more thrusts into you, jotaro then roughly pulled you down onto him, spilling inside of you with a rasping groan as he dumped his seed. this left you with a warm sensation in your gut as opposed to the water's somewhat cooled temperature. 
“fuck..” he groaned even more.
as soon as he let you go, you sank into him and started panting hard alongside with him as he leaned back into the tub, satisfied with one another.
“you feeling better?” he asked as he looked down at you.
“a lot better.. thank you.” you nuzzled once more on his chest.
you made an effort to get out of the bathtub but lacked the strength to stand up straight. goddamit, you were unable to walk. jotaro assisted you by carrying you bridal-style out of the bathtub followed by his chuckle. “come on, let’s get each other both cleaned up.”
you nod your head in agreement and cleaned each other up. what a great “rest” provided by your husband.
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rougepancake · 1 year
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Jotaro Kujo x Afab!Reader
Not proofread because we face the consequences of our actions here 💪
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, angst with a happy ending, soft Joot, soft dom!Jotaro, both of you are hurting inside, slightly inexperienced Jotaro, fingering, soft sex, slightly ooc Joot but I did my best (he is really hard to write for)
Summary: He loved your cousin just as you did, however you can’t bring yourself to do the same for him. You could both easily comfort one another, yet you hate him so. It adds a painful irony to your whole ordeal that you’re not too fond of.
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It was raining, funny enough. Just like it did in the movies. It always rained when the main character was in tears.
It hurt to sit there and watch, unable to say or do anything. You were his cousin, after all. The two of you had grown up together, thick as thieves. Yet you had nothing to say at his funeral.
And it wasn’t because you didn’t want to.
It’s because you couldn’t.
You couldn’t bring yourself to walk up there and speak about what a wonderful young man he was in front of his friends and the rest of your shared family. You were already in so much pain from the whole event, as was everyone else.
How could they not?
The death of a young man who had such a wonderful life ahead of him. A young man who was loved by all and loved everyone. A young man who was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs.
It was soul crushing.
So there you sat, in the back of the group next to some of his friends who didn’t know you all that well, but comforted you nonetheless. They had heard of you. You were practically his best friend, like a sibling to him in ways that people didn’t understand.
You were seventeen.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t experience this type of pain.
Seventeen year olds shouldn’t lose their lives to some supposed vampire that had a hundred year old grudge.
It just shouldn’t happen.
It’s not right.
You felt the tears slide down your cheeks as you sat and listened to the speakers.
It’s unjust.
After the service, you ran into the friend that you had heard oh so much about. The one who’s name had been mentioned on many phone calls and written on various letters.
Jotaro Kujo.
“So you’re y/n.”
And those three words stuck with you until college.
It took you all you had to refrain from crying like a child in front of him, but he said nothing as you broke down before him. It was as if he understood, as if he felt your pain to some extent. But he kept to himself.
“So you’re y/n.”
The words echoed in your head, repeating over and over on a never ending cycle. Kakyoin talked about you whilst on his travels. He told his friends all about you and how you loved him like a brother. He loved you. He loved you so much that he bothered his newfound friends with your name. He loved you so much that he wrote to you at every town he stopped at, even calling if he could. He loved you so much.
And it hurt.
Because seventeen year olds aren’t supposed to lose their best friends to tragic and violent situations.
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“Hey y/n! What classes do you have?” Your friend asked enthusiastically, running up to you and grabbing your arm excitedly. You shrugged and continued to walk on, pulling out the piece of paper from the pocket of your skirt.
“It’s just what I wanted.” You say simply and head to your dormitory, which was right in the center of the college campus, large and glorified as if to say ‘we want the best for our students’.
“And what would that be silly?” You roll your eyes, unable to hold in the frustrated groan that escapes you.
“What do you think? Marine Biochemistry, Biological Oceanography, Invertebrate Zoology, and Physics.” You huff and walk into the lobby of your dormitory. It’s a coed dorm, since the school believes that it makes socializing easier for students.
However it just increases the std rate.
“I really don’t understand what made you want to become a marine biologist.” Your friend huffs as you fumble with the keys to your room. It’s not like she’d understand anyways.
“I find it interesting, that’s all.” You sigh and open the door, dropping your back to the floor with a sigh. Classes start tomorrow, so you’d better get a good nights rest. “Just like how you wanted to become a Zoologist.” You look over your shoulder. “Now scram, I’ve got a busy day ahead of me.”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Call me if you need anything y/n.”
And like that, you were left alone in your new room.
Supposedly you had a roommate, but they never showed, so you had the room to yourself, which was quite nice. However, you did have neighbors. Which you didn’t really mind as long as they weren’t loud.
But you hadn’t even seen them yet, so you couldn’t gauge anything until they showed their faces.
So here you were, stumbling around tiredly to find the kitchen in your new apartment-like dorm room. It was swanky, really. Almost too fancy to be considered a college dorm room.
Once you got something to eat, you plopped onto the couch and went to sleep, too lazy to head to your bedroom and sleep properly. The television ran loudly in the background, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care about anything anymore, and if you did, it was something serious.
To you at least.
Your alarm forced you awake, ruining your mood entirely. You wanted to wake up well rested and ready for the day ahead, not the other way around.
“Shut the hell up.” You grumbled as you tripped your way over to your bedroom, slamming your alarm clock to the floor before hopping in the shower.
A mediocre schedule for a mediocre person. Nothing too out of the ordinary for someone who really didn’t do that much.
After a quick, far from healthy, breakfast, you headed down and began to walk around the campus blindly. It was beautiful and well kept, with students chatting and smiling practically everywhere you looked. The atmosphere was one of youth and happiness, one that would make someone in their forties shiver in nostalgic remembrance.
You ran a hand through your hair as you walked, trying to get your thoughts together before you went to class. The last thing you wanted to do was show up looking like a mess when you’ve wanted nothing but to make an impression on your instructors.
“Hey watch where you’re going” An all too familiar voice says behind you, forcing you to stop dead in your tracks. He’s not talking to you, or is he? You can’t really tell- but you have to turn around to look at him.
“Jotaro..?” You whisper, looking at him with surprise. He looks at you, sneering in slight disgust as if he doesn’t remember you.
It really is him, standing at 6’5 in all his buff glory. You haven’t seen him in at least three years, and can’t help but be surprised at how much he’s changed. It has you in slight awe, but you push it back and continue on with your day.
“Punk.” You hear him grumble as you walk, which sets off something in you.
The next thing you know, you’re face to face with him, glaring at him as you speak.
“Listen here, Mr. Kujo. I may be many things, but I am no punk.” You growl, taking a step back and placing a cocky hand on your hip. He may have seen you at your worst, but you weren’t about to let him think you were weak. You’re just as strong as he is and you’re willing to give him hell as long as it gets your point across.
“Get out of my face, bitch.” He scoffs, pushing past you effortlessly. It only pisses you off more, but you bite your tongue, figuring you’ll have plenty of chances to get back at him.
And boy were you right.
There he is, front and center in the lecture hall for your Marine Biochemistry class. He looked bored, as if he had better things to do than attend the classes that he most likely picked out for himself.
It seemed like he followed you for the rest of the day, because everywhere you went, he was there. All of your classes, all of your little hiding spots on campus.
There was just no escaping him.
And it’s not like he was purposefully trying to agitate you- it was just one coincidence after another.
“What do you want?” He raised an eyebrow at you, scowling as you walked over to the vending machines.
“What does it look like, Kujo?” Your tone was laced with sarcasm, your words like knives that failed to affect him.
“Shut up.”
“You’re the one who asked.”
“I said shut up!” He raised his voice slightly, his fist slamming into the wall beside him and leaving a slight indent in its wake. There was an unnerving amount of power behind it.
“Fine, whatever.” With a heavy sigh, you got what you came for and left, shooting him a glare before you headed back to your dorm for the night.
Funny enough, it turns out that Jotaro Kujo himself was one of your neighbors. Which utterly enraged you.
He’s everywhere! What kind of cruelty is this?!?
There really no escaping him. And coincidentally enough, you were both seemingly on the same track as far as careers. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering why he chose this path, but it was none of your business. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with you, and you felt the same about him.
It’s not like you wanted to talk to him, but if you ever got the chance, you’d ask him about your cousin. You had to. He was there when he died, and you wanted to know how he was on his travels. Of course, it’s been a couple years since he passed, so it would probably be hard to just talk about it with him.
The sound of your phone reading pulled you from your thoughts, leaving you to face reality once again.
You took a second to process what she said before putting the phone back to your ear.
“What happened..?”
“Really? Describe him to me.” You were beginning to return her energy, feeling slight excitement for her. However, you were slightly concerned given that she claims it was love at first sight.
“Oh yeah! He’s really tall and has curly black hair, but he covers it with a ha-“
You’ve never hung up on a person so fast.
You’d make it up to her, of course, but you just needed to collect your thoughts. Oh if she only knew.
Jotaro Kujo was NOT the guy for her.
You began to pace around your living room, your hands waving around frantically as you spoke to yourself. If anyone were to walk in on you in this very moment, they’d assume you were mental.
“What the hell was that?” It came from next door, where Jotaro was staying. You couldn’t hear anything after that, even if you pressed your ear against the wall. Reluctantly, you decided to go over there and check on him.
You knocked on his door and he opened it, a large red mark forming on his cheek and a dark look in his eyes. You couldn’t help but admire how strong he looked in this moment. Like he had been fighting for everything his whole life…
“What do you want?” His tone was harsh, his grip on the doorway a clear sign that you should run away. Never look back. Maybe even never interact with him ever again. He was purposefully trying to intimidate you.
But you had a problem with backing down.
“I’m trying to sleep, Kujo.” You scoffed, using the lie to cover up your curiosity. “Then I heard some noise coming from here.” You raised a brow and crossed your arms, looking into his eyes with a challenging glare. “Does the brute need assisted living to survive?”
“Shut up.”
“Didn’t you have a roommate? Don’t tell me you killed them or something.” You rolled your eyes. It was too late to back down, so why not continue?
“That’s none of your business.”
“Oh so you did?” You could feel a smirk forming on your lips. “Is that what that noise was? You should have said so sooner, I would have left you alone.” Your tone was lazy, feigning a carefree attitude as you taunted him. It was a risky move, but you knew you’d make it out alive.
He may be an asshole, but like everyone else, he has a soft spot. You just had to figure out what it was and use it to your advantage.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jotaro practically growled, leaning down and getting in your face as he spoke.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” You retorted, standing up on your tiptoes so your foreheads were almost touching.
“You’re just as annoying as your cousin said.”
You froze. So he did remember you. And he was using Kakyoin as leverage to get you to leave him be.
What a low blow.
Without thinking, you curled your hand into a fist and punched him right in the gut. He took a step back, his eyes shining with anger before he returned the favor, punching you in the face with an ungodly amount of force.
You stumbled back, rubbing your cheek with a hurt sigh. There really was no winning.
“Whatever. Just don’t keep me up tonight.” You grumbled before heading back to your room. You had seen it. The purple being that appeared behind him. It had looked at you with such curiosity, unlike the glare that Jotaro had been giving you.
You plopped down onto your bed and continued to think. What was that thing? Was that what Kakyoin was talking about? Was that a Stand? If that’s the case then how could you see it..? From what you remember Kakyoin saying, only other Stand users could see them… but as far as you knew, you didn’t have a stand. What brought this on? What was going on…
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He’s avoided you since that night, ignoring your existence like it was nothing. But you didn’t mind. It’s not like you cared. How could you?
He was a good for nothing punk.
Yeah. Just a good for nothing punk…
“Y/n l/n for this project, you’ll be paired with Jotaro Kujo. I expect both of you to get along great since you two are both the highest scoring in the class.” Your professor wrote your names on the chalkboard, turning around to confirm that the both of you had heard him.
You wanted to stand up from your seat and shout in disbelief, to tell him that such a thing was simply outrageous. This project was going to go to shit! All because your professor was oblivious!
“Your assignment over the break is to observe and collect data on these types of fish.” He wrote down the species on the board, the chalk echoing in your ears. Dread overwhelmed you. “Be prepared, you’re going to end up spending quite a lot of time together.”
The bell rang.
“Alright everyone, I’ll see you in about three weeks. Don’t forget about your projects! They’re test grades!”
You grabbed your things and rushed out of the room, desperate for some fresh air. You rounded a corner and slid down the wall, bringing your knees to your chest as you thought.
“How stupid! Going based off of grades?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of!” You mumbled to yourself, groaning in frustration.
“That’s one thing we can agree on.” The all too familiar voice reached your ears, causing you to laugh bitterly.
“I don’t wanna hear it from you.” You sneered.
“Oh shut up. Just come back to my family’s place. It’s right on the water.” He left no room for you to argue and walked away, heading back to the dormitory. Why his place? Your family had a cabin out by the ocean so why his? Oh well… you’d fight with him later.
Right now you needed to get packing.
Or something like that.
Either way, you and Jotaro were going to be getting real close real fast.
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“So where is this cabin exactly?” Jotaro leaned back into the seat of your car, his arms crossed and his hat covering his eyes.
“Oh shut up. We’re almost there.” You rolled your eyes. It’s been a while since you’ve been to the cabin, but from what you remember, there’s enough stuff to support two people living in it for three weeks.
The car rounded a curve and a beautiful view of the beach came into sight, the waves lapping at the sand gorgeously as the wind swayed the greenery. The cabin could be seen located off to the side, hidden behind the trees.
“See. We’re practically here already.” You smirked. It took a lot of convincing, but you managed to bring him out here instead of having to stay with his family. That was the last thing you wanted.
“Yeah whatever.” He huffed and turned away from you, his eyes fixated on the ocean that seemed to be mere meters away.
You parked off to the side and hopped out of the car, taking the keys and stuffing them in your pocket as you walked towards the trunk of the vehicle.
“Let me get your shit.” Jotaro now stood behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he reached for your bags. Once he got ahold of them, he pulled away like it was nothing, leaving you to stand there, face flushed and heart pounding.
What had come over you?
Slowly, you headed back to the cabin, leaving your shoes by the door and looking around. Damn, it’s been taken care of quite well since the last time you visited.
“Right. It’s getting late. Do you want anything for dinner?” You looked at him. He was sitting on the couch, his eyes closed and his head resting on the cushion behind him. His hat had fallen off, revealing his messy locks. You could’ve sworn you heard him snoring.
Had he fallen asleep? Oh well. You’d make yourself something and leave him leftovers in the fridge in case he woke up.
Surprisingly enough, he happened to wake up while you were cooking, his eyes watching you closely. It looked like he had something to say, but couldn’t get it out.
“Do you want any? If not I’ll leave it in the fridge for you.” You looked over your shoulder and saw him look away, turning his body to avoid your gaze.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“Right..” You sighed and finished cooking, sitting at the table and eating in silence. Jotaro had since turned on the television, watching Bubblegum Crisis intently.
Which was odd given that it was directed towards a female audience.
“Priss is my favorite character.” You sighed, standing up from the table and walking over to the couch. You leaned on it, your face nearing his. “It’s a shame that the series wasn’t a hit. Maybe then they would’ve had more episodes instead of having the A.D. Police.” You could practically feel Jotaro’s surprise as you talked. Clearly he hadn’t expected you to have similar interests as him.
“My favorite character is Nene.” He turned to look at you, observing you. “And the A.D. Police isn’t bad, but they could have definitely had more episodes of Bubblegum Crisis.” His tone was the same as always, uninterested and bored, but you knew he was excited.
“Bubblegum Crisis vaguely reminds me of Project A-Ko. But only vaguely.” You hopped over the back of the couch and sat down beside him, picking his hat up off the floor and handing it to him. “I wonder if they’ll turn it into a movie franchise.” You trailed off, pursing your lips in thought.
“I..” Jotaro stopped himself, shifting slightly before looking back at the television. “I actually like Appleseed. It was good for its time.”
“Ranma 1/2.”
“Demon City Shinjuku.”
“Castle in the Sky.”
“Mobile Suit Gundam!”
The two of you had said it at the same time, turning to look each other in the eyes excitedly. However, you both quickly looked away once you realized you were supposed to hate each other.
“I uh… I own a copy of Mobile Suit Gundam’s first season... If you wanna watch it, that is.” You trailed off awkwardly, embarrassed by the sudden enthusiasm he brought out in you.
“Yeah… why not… I grew up watching Mobile Suit Gundam.” He sounded just as awkward as you did, which was weird since he didn’t really show his emotions.
You got up slowly and put in the cassette, pressing play and skipping through the previews before returning to the couch. Jotaro cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. It was dark outside. The clock read 11:34 pm. You probably should have gone to bed sooner, but you didn’t overly feel safe just falling asleep in the presence of a man you’re supposed to hate.
The intro to the show began playing and you could have sworn that you saw Jotaro’s eyes light up. It was nice, actually. To have someone to geek out with.
But it felt weird.
“Kakyoin never said you were annoying.” Jotaro said out of the blue, his eyes still fixated on the television. The words made you freeze, and you could feel tears forming in your eyes. But why? Why were you crying? Because you were right?
No. That wasn’t.
“He…” You swallowed back the lump that was forming in your throat. “He always had wonderful things to say about you.”
It was Jotaro’s turn to freeze, his eyes widening slightly as he sat in silence. It turns out he missed your cousin just as much as you did.
“Did he now…” He sighed, slowly turning to look at you. That expression of his was unreadable, but you couldn’t mistake that look in his eyes.
You nodded, a smile forming on your lips. It was soft, like the way you touched his cheek. Gentle, in the sense that he was allowing himself to show the slightest bit of emotion whilst around you, which made you feel slightly better about your teary state.
“You know…” He leaned into your touch slightly, avoiding your gentle gaze. “I remember that day…” It felt like he was leaning in, his face ever so slightly getting closer to your own. You could feel your heart rate increase and see the light glint in his eyes.
It was all so surreal.
“I wanted nothing more than to hug you.” He admitted, his arms wrapping around your body slowly. He pulled your body close to his own and rested his head on your shoulder, as if to apologize for not hugging you that day. “I felt so bad… it’s my fault… all of them… it’s my fault…”
Tears slid down your cheeks now, his words slowly sinking in. That’s it. He blamed himself. For everything. He shouldn’t but he does. It makes sense as to why he wanted nothing to do with you. Because he felt guilty, that’s all.
He went through all of that at the rough age of seventeen. The age when you were worrying about boys and college, he was worrying if he was going to make it to see another day.
And for what?
That stupid vampire that Kakyoin told you about. It seems like it had been years ago, like a distant memory that you could only relive through daydreams. He told you everything, actually, just in case he did happen to die. He wanted you to be informed. It was risky for him as is, but you knew everything. From knowing about Stands to what happened in Egypt. You knew it all.
Slowly, you returned his embrace, rubbing his back gently. You could feel him tense up, but he made no effort to stop you.
“He said you were his best friend.” The both of you whispered at the same time, which resulted in you biting back a sob. Jotaro leaned back so he could look at you, and without hesitation, he leaned in and began kissing the tears off of your cheeks.
“Jotaro. You’ve said my name before, so say it now.” He stopped himself, his lips hovering just above yours as he stared into your eyes. “P…Please.” It was almost as if he had trouble saying the word, like he was embarrassed to sound so… desperate.
“Jotaro…” You breathed out, your fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck, your face flushed and your heart pounding so loud you could’ve sworn that he was able to hear it. And there it was again- the purple being from before- peeking out over his shoulder to look at you.
However, you paid it no mind as Jotaro pulled you in for a tender kiss. Before you knew it, your back was pressed against the plush cushions of the couch and you were trapped in between his arms.
His eyes studied yours, his knee between your legs, just barely touching your clothed cunt. His breathing was slightly erratic, his hair falling into his face as he leaned in for another, much more heated kiss.
It was all a blur- your lips on his, your clothes being thrown to the floor, your hands moving against his bare back. It was like both of you craved the warmth of another person. Like you both wanted to feel something again.
Your hands explored the other’s bodies as you made out, Jotaro’s hand slowly finding its way to your slick lips. He hesitated slightly before running a finger along it, causing you to shiver. He proceeded to do that, seemingly unsure of what to do.
But once he found your clit, it was over for you.
Within seconds you were reduced to a moaning mess, unable to say nothing but his name. Then, he experimentally dipped a finger into your cunt, freezing when your body tensed.
You reassured him that it was alright and he continued to finger you, watching you intently.
One thing led to another and he was balls deep inside of you, thrusting at a slow and loving pace. It was like he wanted this moment to last forever, for fear that you would vanish like everyone else in his life.
However- you loved it. The way he groaned when you clenched around him, how he looked at you, the way his voice cracked slightly when he moaned your name. He was so unbelievably beautiful. And he thought the same thing about you.
You were both totally enamored by one another, too busy thinking of the other to be able to think properly.
Be thankful you’ve got three weeks to do that project, because you’re not gonna be up to doing anything but him any time soon.
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Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 1!
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Round 1 will be split into 8 waves of 8 week long polls with each wave being posted 24 hours after the previous begins. The first wave will start on Friday the 29th of July at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Wave 1:
Ada Paige (Rythm Doctor) Vs Sips (Fools Gold)
Cliopher Mdang (The Hands Of The Emperor) Vs The Manager (The Hotel Podcast)
Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle) Vs Five Pebbles (Rain World)
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Dot Campbell (The Wilds) Vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent Podcast) Vs Gordon Michael Schwinn (A New Brain)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) Vs Fu Hua (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder) Vs Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Wave 2:
Bucky Barnes (Marvel) Vs Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
Dana Scully (The X Files) Vs Gregor Samsa (Metamorphosis)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) Vs Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Gideon The Ninth)
George Cubbins/Karim (Lockwood and Co) Vs Ling Wen (Heaven’s Official Blessing)
DC/GOV (Welcome To The Table) Vs Pandemonica (Helltaker)
David Jacobs (Newsies) Vs Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Vs Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Vs Charlie Magne (Hazbin Hotel)
Wave 3:
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius) Vs Charlotte Dubois (Falsettos)
Jaehee Kang (Mystic Messenger) Vs Angela (Lobotomy Corporation)
Kevin Kandy (Spooky Month) Vs Robin (Smash Legends)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) Vs Ratchet (Transformers)
Hunter (The Owl House) Vs Ponder Stibbons (Discworld)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Vs Aymeric De Borel (Final Fantasy)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) Vs Luisa Madrigal (Encanto)
Wave 4:
Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) Vs Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) Vs William T Spears (Black Butler)
Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Vs Adora (She Ra)
Keito Hasumi (Ensemble Stars!) Vs Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Mic)
Jeremie Belpois (Code Lyoko) Vs Chip Revvington (Toontown: Corporate Clash)
Jamil Viper (Twisted Wonderland) Vs Lisa Wilbourn (Worm)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do In The Shadows) Vs Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Kim Dojka (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) Vs Shang Qinghua (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
Wave 5:
Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter) Vs Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai/Colorful Stage)
Lucifer (Obey Me!) Vs The Elsen (Off)
Marsh (Mistborn) Vs Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Matthew Venn (The Long Call) Vs Carol Hathaway (ER)
Larry Needlemeyer (The Amazing World Of Gumball) Vs Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Merlin (BBC Merlin) Vs Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney)
Maedhros Feanorian (The Simarillion) Vs Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Laerryn Coramar Seelie (Critical Role) Vs Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Wave 6:
Miles O’Brien (Star Trek) Vs Jonathan Harker (Dracula)
Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) Vs Susan Taxpayer (Susan Taxpayer)
MK (Lego Monkey Kid) Vs Kunikida Doppo (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) Vs Emma Perkins (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)
Mrs Doyle (Father Ted) Vs Jess Jordan (Succession)
Nicholas Benedict (The Mysterious Benedict Society) Vs Jafar (Twisted: The Story Of A Royal Vizier)
Nishida (Yakuza) Vs Touta Matsuda (Death Note)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
Wave 7:
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier) Vs Walter Pensive (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Parsley Botch (Smile For Me) Vs Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
Raphael Walt (My Next Life as a Villainess) Vs Hawkeye Pierce (MASH)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die) Vs Reim Lunettes (Pandora Hearts
SecUnit (The MurderBot Diaries) Vs Lamplighter (Oneshot)
The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Vs Munkustrap (Cats)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko) Vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona) Vs Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Wave 8:
Steven Alen Starphase (Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai Sensen) Vs Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia) Vs Loid Forger (Spy X Family)
Stanley (The Stanley Parable) Vs Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
The Cabbage Merchant (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Larry (Pokémon)
Mario & Luigi (Super Mario Bros) Vs Link (The Legend Of Zelda)
Peregrine Mendicant (Homestuck) Vs Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs Will Graham (Hannibal)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony) Vs Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
AU where after Father Pucci obtains jotaro's stand disk, he, being the perfectionist, "no loose ends" kind of person he is, meticulously studies every single one of jotaro's adventures on his quest to defeat dio and...... kinda ends up invested ? Like... he actually gets invested in the Stardust Crusader's misfit adventures. He goes through the entire events ofpart 3 in jotaro's perspective, he watches every single fight that he's been in. He feels sad when he thinks joseph dies, is devastated when he eventually learns that kakyoin, avdol, and iggy are dead-
he has the popcorn and foam hand with "JOJO" printed on it out, he's cheering when jotaro saves koichi and beats kira to a pulp in that one scene-
this all leaves him feeling very conflicted, of course- PFFF
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ooooooo that’s a fun idea
What if Pucci ends up starting out of just general curiosity. After all, what was the life of the great Jotaro Kujo like? Perhaps he even tries using it to get some insight on Jolyne....... only to not find very much
This naturally sparks his interest. It's my headcanon that not only do the discs contain memories, but the emotions and thoughts attached to said memories. And as far as Pucci could tell in the few memories Jotaro did have with his daughter and wife, one of the most prevalent emotions was a feeling of endless love and devotion undercut by an almost suffocating anxiousness and a fear of danger
And the idea is almost laughable at first. After all, what could the great Jotaro Kujo, easily one of the most well known Stand Users in the whole community and arguably one of the strongest, possibly be so terrified of?
So he decides to go back to the beginning. To when Star first awoke and Jotaro first made contact with this world of Stands
The first two days were relatively expected but still a bit surprising. Jotaro naturally had no idea what was going on and reacted with fear, confusion and anger, eventually locking himself in a jail cell. Pucci couldn't exactly blame him for that, a Stand of Star's caliber would naturally be frightening to someone who wouldn't even know what a Stand was
But then Jotaro tries to shoot himself and this IMMEDIATELY draws Pucci's attention back with newfound interest
So he watches some more. He watches Joseph explain their family's history, Kakyoin attacking him only to save the boy from his apparent mind control, his mother getting sick and becoming his motive to kill Dio (and oh that last one strikes a chord in Pucci)
And after the first couple days and fights he grows to respect Jotaro, and even feels a tad sympathetic. He's still upset, but now he understands where Jotaro was coming from
.......but then it goes on and beneath all the power, he sees how much they all cared for each other. Every spike of terror and anger Jotaro felt when his friends were put in harms way Pucci feels like his own, he learns their jokes and laughs and voices, feels how the cold exterior Jotaro puts up fell away a bit with every day that went on.
And above all else, he sees how much Jotaro sacrifices for them. Pucci had known Jotaro was the self sacrificial type, it was the whole basis of his plan to lure him to Green Dolphin, but seeing it from this perspective? It hits differently. It hits differently seeing Jotaro throw himself off a ship to save a child he just met, hits differently seeing Jotaro taking blow after blow and not retaliating because it would hurt his grandfather, hits differently seeing him go off into the desert in search of the enemy alone to buy his friends time to escape
It hits differently when in the end, he faces Dio alone and stops his heart with his own hands
And Pucci feels something upon the deaths of Avdol and Iggy and Kakyoin and nearly Joseph. It's so strange, he thinks, to mourn people who died nearly three decades ago, but he does because now he knows them. They're no longer simply names Dio had mentioned in passing, they are living, breathing, feeling people
And as he continues he gets to see just how little Jotaro has had time to care for himself. How every action he took would have ripples, that his mere presence could bring danger to those he cared about, and how this led him to isolate and distance himself at the cost of his relationships and how in the end it STILL WASN'T ENOUGH
And Pucci is left conflicted. The perfect image he held of Dio was now thoroughly shattered, and Jotaro isn't the man he thought he was.
It's so hard to hate someone, to want to hurt someone, when you realize they're just as human as you. And Pucci is now forced to make a decision. Whether to continue on what he was doing....... or not
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crypticspacecat · 2 years
bish ykw? ive just realised ive never returned the favour in asking for a request LOOOL so here i am requesting: DILFtaro seeming to always find himself looking like an absolute GOOF in front of his crush, black!fem reader — who also happens to be lil jolyne’s toddler pilates teacher 😁😁
I'm ngl, when I read your request, I was listening to this song LMAO
Hope you enjoy!
(Y/N), the Pilates instructor loves kids. While getting her teaching certification, she works with toddlers part-time. First meeting the instructor, Jotaro was at a loss for words. Her expressive brown eyes, her beautiful goddess locs always in a high ponytail, and radiant brown skin stunned the single father. He almost ran into the door after meeting the young woman, much to his dismay. This feeling, he hasn’t felt this since first meeting his late wife. It’s the first time in years he’s actually considered dating anyone and he feels like a lovesick teenager. 
Being a single dad (or parent for that matter) is not for the weak. Jotaro, despite the passing of his late wife, managed the hurdles pretty damn well. One of the biggest obstacles was properly bonding with Jolyne. Between his grieving and demanding toddler, he was emotionally ready to explode. A saving grace in the form of a co-worker one day tells him about a toddler Pilates class at the local gym. Since then, he’s been taking Jolyne to the local gym while he also gets a workout himself for the past month and a half.
Every time he tries to talk to her, something always seems to trip him up. Whether he either stutters or even freezes before bidding a brief “Goodbye”. He still cringes at what happened last week.
‘Jotaro, like every other week, brings Jolyne to the toddler’s Pilates class. He once again sees her talking to another parent. She of course is sporting her usual pink crop top and leggings that hugged her body well. Especially her butt…
“Oh, good morning Mr. Kujo!” She greets him, snapping him out of his daydreaming state. She walks over, her hips swaying while she walks. The single father’s heart starts to race, making sure he says the right words.
“Hey (Y/N). Um, how’s it going?” He replies sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
“Things are well, classes have been running smoothly! I hear you’re a marine biologist, I bet that’s exciting.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty interesting, I sometimes travel and-”
“HI MS. (Y/N)!” Jolyne yells, prompting Jotaro to mutter a ‘yare yare daze’ whilst covering his face with his cap. The teacher squats down to greet the eager toddler.
“Hi Jolyne! How are you today?” (Y/N) gleams, sincerity in her that Jotaro definitely noticed.
“Am good, my daddy reeeeaaaallly likes you.” Jolyne says, prompting Jotaro to silently scold her.
“What? It’s truuu, are you gonna be my new momm-”
“Ok, um I have to go before I’m late for work. Have fun Jolyne.” Jotaro says before speeding out of the gym, face red as a tomato.’
Hoping she doesn’t remember the incident, he brings Jolyne to the gym once more. Jotaro sees (Y/N) making small talk with a parent. She’s once again sporting her usual crop top with pitch-black leggings. 
“Hi, Dr. Kujo!” The teacher greets him, making her way to him and Jolyne. He admires the way her hips sway as she walks toward him.
“Hey, how’s the class going?” He asks
“Class is good, everyone is doing well and making vast improvements. Happy to see you, Jolyne!” She gleams, squatting at Jolyne’s height.
“Hi Ms. (Y/N)!” Jolyne says before running to her friends. 
“Jolyne is great kid, she’s always super eager in class.” (Y/N) says as she gets up from her squatting position.
“Yeah, she always had a fiery spirit.” He says, trying to be nonchalant.
“Oh, also, about last week-”
“I’m really sorry about that, Jolyne can be a little much sometimes.” Jotaro shyly says, still having the scene replay in his head.
“It’s fine, I actually wanted to ask you something.”
“Oh...um, sure.” Jotaro mutters, feeling his palms getting sweaty.
“Um, whenever you’re free, maybe you want to go out to dinner?” she asks, shocking Jotaro. He honestly never considered whether she liked him back or not. The stalling lasts for a few more seconds before Jotaro finally answers.
“Yeah, I would love to.” He says, gaining some last-minute courage. She smiles at the answer, making his heart skip a beat. He actually did it! Well, she asked him first, but Jotaro still counts this as a victory.
“Oh, here’s my number and you can call me anytime.” (Y/N) mentions with a wink. Jotaro shares his contact information before leaving for work and her class starting. 
He gets in the car, dramatically taking a deep breath before starting the car. He drives away from the gym with a small smirk on his face, looking forward to the date.
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syre-stane16 · 2 years
Every ship I ship
Phantom blood:
Jonathan and Erina: cute pairing
Jonathan and Speedwagon: gay cute pairing
Jonathan, Erina and Speedwagon: what’s better than one cute pairing at a time? Mashing up the cute pairing.
Battle tendency
Joseph and Suzi Q: I love Josuke but damn….
Kars and Esidisi: adoptive dads
Stardust crusaders
Joseph and suzi Q: we know what you did….
Polnareff and Abdul: friendly hunky uncles
DIO and vanilla Ice: ice defo sucked that vampire co-
Kakyoin and a long fulfilling life: please!
Diamond is unbreakable
Joseph and Suzi Q: It’s not Josuke’s fault, it’s not Josuke’s fault, it’s no-
Yukako and therapy: kidnapping isn’t romantic
Rohan and therapy: suppressed childhood memories may need to be addressed
Koichi and therapy: guys, he’s friends with Rohan and dating Yukako, he needs to vent.
Jotaro and therapy: lord save him
Okuyasu and Mikitaka: I just think it’s neat
Kira and Shinobu: I just want shinobu to be happy…
Tomoko and someone who actually loves her; I just want Tomoko to be happy.
Vento aureo
Bruno and abbachio: adoptive dads II
Fugo and giorno: giorno is the only one who can comfort Fugo if he has a breakdown and shatters the haze capsules.
Rissoto and prosciutto: adoptive dads III
Diavolo and Kira: I read a nice fanfic with those two. I’m hooked
Stone ocean
Dominico and foo: their personalities are cute together.
Emporia and a happy childhood: f in the chat
Emporio and therapy: F in the chat
Emporio and a nice loving family: F AND LOVE IN THE CHAT
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nanivinsmoke · 3 months
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╰┈➤       index  
✫ - nsfw content
❦ - oneshot
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teach me a lesson, one & two ✫
spoil me, daddy! ✫
end of time ❦
nosey neighbor ✫ ❦
professor jotaro chronicles, finals ✫ ❦
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envy ✫
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something new ✫ ❦
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a jojo christmas, one & two ✫ ❦
p.s, i hate you ⍣
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vethsoddities · 1 year
A Start Of A New Bizarre Adventure
Chapter 5: I’ve got no celebration just this consolation time eats all his children in the end
Summary:Just a little chapter from Pucci’s Pov/thoughts and how he had a gay awaking thanks to DIO and how he recalls the death of his sister and what happened to weather Report.
Ao3 link
Notes: I wrote this chapter in my second period and while we were watching remember the Titian’s in class which I already watch before last year
Edit: changed a bit of the lore here for the disc nothing else
Trigger warning internalized homophobia,mentioned linching and of Perla’s death
Father Pucci was a man of god a man who followed god's will to it’s every end Pucci never found interest in the simple ways of how your meant to reproduce that type of thing grossed Pucci out mainly seeing the wrong doings of the people who procreate while young.That sort of thing reminds him of his brother Wes Bluemarine and how he had a romantic and possibly procreative relationship with their sister Perla.
Pucci was truly grossed out by Wes and Perla’s relationship seeing as all three of them share the same mother which Wes was no the wiser to as he was stolen as a baby by a woman who confessed to Pucci what she did as she was slowly dying of diseases from procreating he wanted to tell Perla about Wes Bluemarine being his twin,their brother who was stolen at birth by the woman who raised him but he couldn’t he had a vow to keep to god to keep.
So he could ever tell it was a secret he would take to his grave just like how he was responsible for Perla’s death because of the seedy detective he hired to split up Perla and Wes which led to a linching that he didn’t see coming that lead to Perla killing herself and to Weather being hung and causing Wes to have a hatred for himself and humanity and became to powerful with his hand which lead to Pucci taking his own brothers memories after getting his stand from the stand arrow from Dio.
Now Dio,Dio Brando he had a deep admiration for Dio which some may even call Love which was true he loved Dio although he would never say it out loud to anyone other than himself.Which most of the time he couldn’t he was a pastor after all and to the church men loving men or even laying with one was a sin and he internalized that homophobia which those kinds of thoughts and feelings blossomed when he meet Dio and started to grow closer to the man.
Dio Brando was a charming man and a man of idea’s a man who made Pucci feel things he ever had before when the vamperic man told him about the Heaven plan let’s just say Dio had Pucci’s full attention at the mention of away to get to Heaven and when so Dio talked about it he listened with full interest and sadly before Dio could ever tell him how to get to Heaven.Because of one Kujo Jotaro burning and Killing the only two things that could tell him this plan to get to heaven.
Which lead to where he is now with the disc of Cujoh Jolyne who he knew didn’t have the plan to heaven in her memory disc,But it was something he could hold over Kujo’s head if he wanted to.Jolene’s stand was strong which is why he kept it maybe just maybe he could have Kujo Jotaro’s memory disc if he traded Jolyne’s stand disc it could work but he would have to go over the idea in his mind a little more by now the plankton he had at the farm house was killed by Kujo and whoever he got on his side and Kujo definitely got Jolyne’s memory disc back now meaning he would have to step up his game with all he had planned and send people after Mr.Kujo and co to get rid of the threat but keep Kujo alive so he can get the memory disc with the plan to heaven on it.
Yes it's all going to plan soon he is going to plan so he will be able to get to heaven soon and he will finally be honoring Dio’s memory by going through the Heaven Plan.
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bilbobagginshome · 2 years
A Deadbeat’s Journal 7
A Jotaro Kujo x blackfemreader fic 
February 20 20XX,
I saw her for the first time in months and my stomach churned. I heard her voice and my eyes welled up. My limbs were heavy. I write this now because I can barely articulate my swirling emotions. I’m just glad this wasn’t a physical meeting but one separated by the screen , only I was aware that I could see her. Maybe she knew I was watching , Is that why she appeared even more carefree than usual? To gloat ? I hated the feeling . I hated the gradual heat enveloping my entire body . I hated how light headed I became just from simply viewing her . I loathed that I was grateful she couldn’t see how pathetic I look as I looked at her , hoping to see something that proved her life wasn’t going splendidly well.
She looked prim and proper , a caramel nude toned suit with an off white blouse . Light makeup that accented her bambi shaped eyes, button bridgeless nose and thick full lips coated with pink gloss. Her long neck adorned with a delicate pearl necklace that contrasted her deep complexion . She looked stunning and my eyes shone green. I don't even know why she was being broadcasted , I couldn’t hear the conversation but my ears perked up every single time she let out a soft giggle.
It wasn’t fair . I should be up there , laughing joyfully at whatever lame joke the anchor said. It's not fair . I hate it . I hate myself. I’m choking up as I write this , my throat feels constricted with pure visceral anguish . How the mighty have fallen . I used to scoff at people who went through panic attacks. At least they found ways to get themselves up. I can’t even find the means to do anything aside from write. My mind is constantly running in one lane of consciousness reminding me that it's not fair , I don’t deserve this . I don’t deserve how my life tumbled to a graveyard in under a year . It wasn’t fair. 
I’m going to nap . Today is  Terrific Tuesday. I’ll send a reminder informing Jotaro that he promised me pizza . He abhors buying pizza on this day as the quality dramatically declines because of the BOGOF offer but I couldn’t care less right now. All I want to do is wallow in self deprecating thoughts and sleep whilst Samosa being my only anchor from not ending it all.
Third person.
Y/n wanted to die . She thought she had lived a far too long life. How on earth she was still alive was a surprise .25 was a long enough life .Her brain was barely keeping up with the mental strain that existence had . 
When Jotaro came home, an hour late because of the pizza order which he had made two hours in advance mind you, he was exhausted . Not only was a greater bulk of his work focused now on daily deep sea diving as opposed to the periodical once a month but he needed to have a first draft on his research paper done and he was nowhere near completing either of the tasks at hand . However , seeing Samosa paddling close to him gave him a warm rush of euphoria and he immediately picked her up after setting the pizza down on the kitchen counter.
“Y/n , come get the pizza while it's hot.” he said aloud . 
No response.
One tap, two taps and a somewhat dishevelled figure with drying spit at the corner of her mouth walked out whilst rubbing their eyes. 
“Thank you.” She hoarsely responded whilst opening the box.
Jotaro noted her mood shift . She always held an unmoving and slightly intimidating face yet this time her eyes gave off a faraway sadness.
“How was your day?” He questioned whilst setting Samosa down.
“I don’t know .” She sadly responded as she bit onto the slightly hot barbeque pizza
Jotaro didn’t want to press the issue further. Moreover he was dealing with his own acute set of problems so he bothered not digging further into it .He noticed how eerily quieter the house currently was and thought that today must not have been anyone’s day .
Third Person Narration
On Saturday , after 3 days of darkness , y/n saw the tunnel’s end by picking up her slack through swimming in the convenient apartment complex pool which was surprisingly cleaned at the appointed schedule . Samosa, who glared at the mere sight of the body of water , was placed underneath a comfy cotton pillow atop the pool seats . She adorned a colourful ,crochet hat that snugly fit her furry face and despite resenting the hat at first , she was well aware that it properly shielded her big blue eyes.
Y/n after doing a few laps ,floated. Mind filled with pure nothingness , she did not notice the gradually heavy steps until a deep, baritone voice said ;
“Oh , you’re swimming.”
“I’m joining you.”
“This pool isn't big enough for a giant like yourself .”
Jotaro nose-dived into the pool , deliberately aiming the splash in y/n’s direction to her chargain.She floated up and wide eyed stared at Jotaro’s back. 
“You have a tattoo? And it's big .”
“Go big or go home I suppose .”He sheepishly responded.
The tattoo was an abstractly drawn dolphin which was simple and not very large .Its width spanned not far outside Jotaro’s spinal cord but its design was what intrigued y/n to it the most as it only consisted of long ,thick lines with a circular endings.
“You suddenly have become way cooler than me , when did you get it?” She asked admiration practically dripping from her tone.
‘It was a graduation gift to myself for getting my doctorate . A friend of mine did it for me .” Jotaro responded as he turned around to her.
“You have a tattoo artist as a friend. Now I'm definitely envious . Who knew you were so cool?”
“Everyone knows I’m cool . You’ve never bothered getting to know me.”He said whilst adorning a smirk.
“That’s not true. We’ve known each other since we were kids so I just assumed what you see is what you get.” she softly responded , a slight scorn adorning her face .
“Look I don’t hold it against you , we were never close even when you did your exchange program in Japan so I don't blame you.” he kindly responded.
“Okay then , tell me about yourself .” She responded .
And as the clear blue sky gradually turned into brilliant hues of orange and rain , as their fingers slowly pruned , y/n was able to explore the world Jotaro saw . She cast aside the old notion of a boring, disgruntled friend whose acquaintance  was based on their parents' deep lifelong friendship and through her never - ending questions,  was introduced once more to Kujo Jotaro , who backpacked with his friends through the south east asia and the middle east, who was formerly passionate in fashion to the point of customising his high school uniform . He told her about his plans on rehabilitating the waters of the Indian Ocean , his plans on environmental conservation that seemed far fetched at first but his grant approval showed otherwise.Y/n came to the realisation that she didn’t know Jotaro all that well, and that was okay because she’ll now get to.
As they dried up , y/n suddenly realised ;
“I’ve never had you speak for ten minutes.”
“I was just answering your questions.”
“Thank you for indulging me. I know you aren’t a big fan of talking about yourself.”she responded with a slight smile that made Jotaro’s heart skip a beat.
“No biggie.” He responded whilst wiping his face , hoping the dusty pink hue  adorning his cheek remained unnoticed.
“Hold up , I didn’t cook supper earlier. Wanna order?” She cheekily questioned .
“I knew you'd say that hence the reason I prepared ramen bowls.”he smugly responded.
“Even better.” She responded as she cradled Samosa.
February 25 20XX,
Today is a day before Samosa’s vet visit and tears are welling up at the thought that she might have to sleep there for the night. Jotaro had bought her an adorable sky blue backpack that was littered with cute clouds and it was small enough for her to wear it on her back .
She has practically been my rock for the past two weeks. It's honestly frightening and a bit unhealthy . Jotaro told me that it's just one day but his eyes were dimmer than usual so there’s that . Since it's a Sunday, I told Jotaro we should watch a series together before Samosa goes and he agreed. We ended up watching Garfield and Friends (The superior Garfield series franchise) and Samosa greatly enjoyed it. Even Jotaro let out a few chuckles so I definitely made the right choice.It was bittersweet when we all went to our rooms as we knew that she’ll not be here tomorrow night.Even as I look over her to where she sleeps , in her pillowy bed , with a blanket , I can’t help but want to cry .
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stardstschlar · 18 days
@wanderxdusk asked: ✔
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s): Jotaro Kujo
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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phrootsnacks · 5 months
jjba thursday: part 4 ep 37-39
woa the final jjba thursday....... what will I do now. it has been a busy day for me and im super stressed out about final projects but I got to eat thai food so it's alright
and now to see how part four ends!!!!
episode 37: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 1
stop. bullying this eleven year old
hell yeah!!!!
fate changed! fucking finally
yeah. striving for peace and tranquility. by murdering people, obviously
punches you so hard your suit changes color
why did. you put meow meow in deadly queens abdomen. what
deliciously apropos
*josuke screams* jotaro: "hmm I thought I heard josuke, but it was just the rain" WHAT the fuck they are literally around the corner what do you MEAN
you know what they say about assuming things
death note but stupid
hell yeah hayato
oh god
w.. was that a football reference?!
josuyasu bros are ride or die hayato, what dont you get
episode 38: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 2
sfx intro!!!!!! honestly I prefer this theme I didn't like the reversed one as much. altho it was really cool. and this one has sfx!!!!!!
billion bro.... no......... :(
wait... is yoshikage kira pirate coded?? I know this is out of the blue but ive been thinking abt it for a while
if anything hayato proves koichi is really pathetic
wow. thats really. I would not have predicted that. death note but smart??
are jotaro and co going to ignore that too
no!!!! don't hurt meow meow!!!!!!
oh my god
fucking finally jotaro and co walk around the corner
episode 39: Goodbye, Morioh - The Heart of Gold
why are EMTs here anyway
um?!?!?! (you know im watching the english dub right. why was that delivery like. That)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh!!! my!!! god!!!!!!!
hell yeah hell yeah hell!! yeah!!!!!!!!!! but. I dont want her to deal with him for all of eternity
lets fucking GO!!!! star platinum punches you into oblivion!!!!
oh shit is right holy fuck
"life can be bizarre" - jotaro kujo, jojo's bizarre adventure
wow. no peace or tranquility for yoshikage kira. how unfortunate
awww rohan :,)))
even the alien and okuyasu's gremlin dad showed up to say goodbye to the ghost!
how does hayato break the news......
did they. end up getting the arrow I forgor
again this show is like. really weirdly political
what. josuke you little shit lol
good job on your doctorate, jotaro kujo
and then they ate italian food :D
this show is just. full of so many freaks huh
man. what an ending. this part was really good. it was just so silly and fun all of the time except for the serial killer but even still the serial killer was also pretty fun you know. but I really enjoyed this part and I enjoyed having jojo's bizarre adventure thursdays :)
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boimgfrog · 10 months
i feel like its a kujo trait to be jailed at like 17. Like Jotaro was introduced in a jail cell, Jolyne is in prison, etc. idk how old she is actually but I dont want 2 look it up bcs the last time I did that for a character I learned that abbacchio died. Anyway. family trait
PLS yeah <3 jotaro should've pulled a joseph and showed up w a hot boytoy at his side like joseph did w avdol when jotaro was imprisoned. but maybe that's just cos I think he needs 2 be loved.
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