#Kratt drones
ivy-is-fine · 1 year
Kratt Drones
Part twooooo~
“Oh,” said the guy in green. “It is?”
Tessa made motions with her hands, flapping them about. Then, she checked the air quality and found that this was indeed, a pocket of hospitable environment on the planet of death. “Oh, you’re right.” She shook herself out. They should wait, V would surely come down any second after blasting all of the sentinels into bits. That was just a show. She couldn’t really be dead.
Meanwhile N over here was a mad wreck, he was visibly panicking, and Uzi appeared worse than usual.
N was pacing back and forth, eyes looking at the ceiling as the faint sound of sentinels roaring drifted down the elevator shaft. “We have to go back up and help her! If maybe we work together we can— but if we— but Uzi—” he started to ramble, tail lashing side to side.
Tessa turned her gaze to N. “Do that and you’ll get flashbanged and all sad and dead.”
“Is there something up there?” The guy in blue asked, the sound of the sentinels dying off.
“Yes, the sentinels. Robot dinosaur basilisk things,” Tessa said. “Where did you guys even come from?”
They shrugged. “We walked through this big fleshy door and it brought us here. I suppose we probably should have thought it through a bit more,” Green Man said. N and Uzi exchanged glances. Her arm was regenerating extremely slowly, millimeters at a time. “Oh, and I’m Chris and this is my brother Martin.”
They slid towards each other and made finger-guns. “And we’re the Kratt brothers!” they said in unison.
“Well I’m Tessa, that’s N and Uzi,” she said off-handedly. She glanced over at the elevator before looking away quickly.
Uzi stood up. She still seemed dazed, and N shifted to stand next to her. They were all in the labs now. Whatever the absolute solver had wanted, it was probably in here. This was where the answers were. Focus turned over to her. One of her eyes was shut and was glitching. N winced. “Are we gonna keep standing around like buffoons or what?” she snapped, voice breaking a bit. She didn’t want to think V was dead. In fact, she was probably going to appear in the elevator now, laughing at their faces, how stupid they were for thinking that she couldn’t shoot down a couple of cranky lizard-bots, and they would all laugh and cry and find out why the SOLVER OF THE ABSOLUTE FABRIC THERE WERE MORE HUMANS HERE? DIDN’T THEY ALL HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS?
There was a silence for a few minutes as they all looked at each other. The silence from above wasn’t reassuring either.
Tessa shook herself out like a dingo and twirled a pistol around on her finger, as if nothing at all had happened. “Well, let’s keep going then, ey? No point in crying over spilled milk!” She began a very determined walk down the dark corridor.
N, Uzi, Chris, and Martin looked at each other before trailing along behind Tessa.
“She’ll be back,” Uzi tried to whisper to herself. “She’ll just be in the shadows as a giant freaky centipede and we’ll have to kill her again and then a new clone will be shot back and we’ll be back to normal.”
N gave her a nervous look as they descended into the darkness. There were no lights other than the screens of the robots and N’s nanite tail.
One of the Kratt brothers lit a flashlight. Uzi felt too sick to use her tail. Her arm felt like it should have still been there. It was a terrible jolt everytime that she looked down and found it missing.
The hand that N had been holding. It was gone, and so was V. And there was a solid chance that the sentinels could be down here too.
Uzi tripped over something, and when N switched his hand to a flashlight it was a piece of an eldritch Disassembly Drone. A long claw curled in eternal agony.
Uzi looked up and saw that the halls were covered in gaping holes, broken walls, stained oil, and scattered drone parts. Many, many parts.
And it was warm down here. The two humans seemed cold. HOW COULD THEY BE COLD IN THIS SWELTERING CLIMATE?
They passed by a draft, and Chris coughed into his elbow violently. Martin didn’t appear as affected.
Tessa checked the air quality again. “You guys are gonna want filters and a suit, it’s ‘bouta get real nasty down in the pits,” she said. “One of these rooms ought to have filters.”Uzi thought it was stupid. That’s one good thing about being AI, she thought.
<;- Part One Part Three ->
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ruitethewingedfox · 1 year
so...how long 'til someone makes a "I was here for murder kratts" badge
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korbintherabbit · 1 year
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creatively-storm · 8 months
First off, I'm getting back into childrens shows I used to watch and they're so much better than most adult animation. Second, why is there a Wild Kratts and Murder Drones crossover? I'm so confused rn, why is this a thing???
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N in the wild kratts??
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N isn’t supposed to be in Wild Kratts.
Requested by holaismad
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
The 2010’s had the Wild Kratts/Frozen AU.
The 2020’s have the Wild Kratts/Murder Drones crossover.
And I fucking love it.
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bloodmoon24 · 3 months
Hey, this may sound silly, but…
Do you also think about your past cartoons and present cartoons come together? For me, it’s like this:
Twilight: Wow. I never knew Luz grew up with some amazing new friends
Charlie: I should be more surprised. You and the other past characters raised her in the beginning. You guys should get more of the credit. You bring her friendship and knowledge, Leo brings out her confidence and toughness, Chris brings her the love of animals and the environment, and both Cerise and Draculaura brings her the joy of being herself, and even TinkerBell brings out her creativity. As well as Dipper for thinking of interesting theories
Twilight: True, but you bring her the wonders of demons and real life issues that shouldn’t be ignored, Pomni shows her about emotions that are ok to feel, Sonic shows her how to be a proper team player, Feedback shows her the power of forgiveness and the joy of the extraterrestrial, Mordecai helps her be organized and thought out, Uzi brings out the fun edgy side that some people feel, Luz from the Owl House shows her that it’s ok to be different, and Trollex gives her the loves of music. If you ask me, Luz needs all of us
Charlie: *smiles* I couldn’t agree more. Luz grew up to be an amazing young woman. And even though some days can be tough on her…
Twilight: She’ll always have us and more people in her life around her. If she’s feeling down or anxious or stressed about something…We can always look out for her
They both hugged
Twilight: You guys take care of her, ok?
Charlie: Hey, you guys help her grow up. I’d say she’s in good hands
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Today, I woke up to the Kratt brothers and MD crossover and finding out Cartoon Universe defended Cyn x N…
What is this fandom???
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cyber333izzie · 1 year
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squenble · 1 year
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had a dream i was watching murder drones and everything was the same except at one point the kratt brothers just showed up
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ivy-is-fine · 1 year
Murder Kratts
Part Four! Woah.
“I believe your human survival suits are in this closet,” Areos said, opening a door with one of the eldritch arms.
N shined the light in there, and there were indeed rows of equipment.
“Very good,” Tessa said.
“Thank you,” N added.
They went in there and each grabbed a piece of equipment. N was quite ready to get away from Areos, he was too much like Cyn with his movements.
“I could make oil tea!” Areos said cheerily. “You Murder Drones like that, yes? You should stay for a minute. I haven’t talked to anyone since the last eldritch attack which was a pretty long time ago.”
“Oil tea is not my thing,” Tessa said flatly. She was double checking the equipment to make sure it worked properly.
Areos’ expression fell a little. “Oh. Well… um… perhaps we could talk a little? Did you happen to run into the others? And could you tell me how you got in at all?”
N and Tessa looked at each other. Tessa looked back at Areos. “Sorry, we’re in a hurry.”
N perked up. “Do you know anything about the absolute s—” He was cut off by a fleshy hand over his mouth.
Areos’ face was a scowl now. His many fingers were curled in anger. “Leave,” he said firmly.
N removed the hand from his face. “Wait— but we—”
Tessa cocked her gun, aiming right at Areos. “You have to know something,” she said.
Areos’ arms were raised up high. N looked at Tessa. He would be able to survive being ripped apart, but the human would not, and he couldn’t stand to lose her too, so soon after V. “It only has one goal. To infect and destroy,” he said, fangs bared.
“Is there any way we could say… get rid of it? Or possibly disinfect someone who may or may not have it? Hypothetically?” N asked, taking a very quiet step backwards.
“HA. HA! Magnets and death, bud,” he said. “The latter is obviously more effective. No host, no power.”
Tessa looked at N. He didn’t look back. He knew what she was thinking, and he didn’t want to think about it. He couldn’t lose Uzi too. Not after ten minutes after V DID NOT die. She was simply killing the rest of the sentinels to make an easier escape later.
But his hopes of that were growing slimmer and slimmer.
“Let’s get these to Chris and Martin then,” Tessa said as if N wasn’t going through emotional turmoil right now.
“Yeah,” he agreed quietly.
Areos’ arms sunk back down to rest on the surrounding environment. “If you see Alice, tell her I say hello. I do think I would like to speak with her again,” he said, much more solemn this time. One of his arms rested on the doorway. His normal arms didn’t appear to function.
N winced. He felt bad. There was no way she could still be alive after the release of the sentinels. He felt even worse leaving Areos sitting down here waiting, all alone. “I don’t think she’s… you know… with the sentinels loose…” he said.
Tessa had been shaking her head and hands frantically the entire time he spoke, sighing at the end.
There was a small sound coming from Areos, starting as a small whimper before it gradually gathered volume into a loud wail. He fell onto his knees, arms grabbing onto everything around him; the doorway, desks, and himself.
“I think we should leave now, N,” Tessa said, as if she were growing impatient with him.
N nodded, feeling horribly guilty, as Areos buried his face in those human hands, starting to sob.
The two of them hurried back, flew over the hole and passed the suits to Chris and Martin. Martin was holding a finger and wincing. “Does she usually bite?” He asked, indicating towards Uzi.
“Bite me!” She snapped. Well at least she’s feeling a bit more like herself, N thought. Though it also may have been her trying to cope.
The brothers got into the bulky suits. Chris took a deep breath of relief. “Wow, I can breathe now!” Their faces could be seen through the helmet, unlike Tessa’s.
From the corridor the fivesome could hear the wailing. N felt a bit too compelled to go back into that darkness with Areos and cry with him.
That sounded pretty nice, actually. Put all of this on pause for a bit. Forget all of this for a bit.
“Magnets, huh?” Tessa mused, looking at Uzi.
Uzi glared at Tessa. “Yeah? So? They blocked the Solver while V and I were with Alice,” her voice started breaking and she looked away. N wanted to reassure her somehow. He patted her head slowly, and instead of slapping his hand away like she did last time, she dropped her head against his side.
They were both blushing profusely. Chris and Martin looked at them, slightly amused. Tessa was not amused. But at least she didn’t say anything. She just crossed her arms. “Let’s get some magnets or whatever and repel it or something,” she said.
“There was a bucket of magnets back there,” N said. “I could grab a few.” Tessa nodded and he hurried back, Areos’ sobbing fainter now, also followed by the harsh scraping of either nails or metal.
N grabbed two, both sticking to his hands. He returned. I could try lightening the mood, he thought. That might help.
He took a magnet off of his hand and stood in front of Uzi. “I compel thee!” He declared, sticking the magnet on her face.
She giggled, but only a little bit. She tested it, and the solver glitched away. “I guess that’ll hold for now,” she said. Until I have to kill you. Well, you or the rest of the world, N thought. “What even is that noise?” She asked in her usual brash tone.
N looked over at the doorway. “It’s a mutated worker drone named Areos. He’s part eldritch or something with those inky arms.”
Uzi considered that for a moment.
“Well now that we have the suits and the magnets, we can go on,” Tessa said, giving N another look. She knew that he was postponing the inevitable.
“So. The magnets. What’s up with that?” Chris asked. Martin was twisting and untwisting the battery cap of his flashlight.
“They apparently mess up the Absolute Solver’s connection, so it should stop her from getting all messed-up again,” Tessa explained. “And the Solver is a recurring problem, so far it has destroyed Earth and sent this planet into an eternal winter.” She still sounded like she was hiding something.
“Earth is destroyed?” Martin asked, eyes wide.
Tessa flinched. “Then where have you been for the past so many years?!”
“EARTH!” The brothers said in horrified unison as the group walked on.
N couldn’t help but notice the massive craters in the walls, and the eldritch Disassembly Drone pieces scattered around were not reassuring.
“Alice did say that they’ve dealt with those mutated ones before,” Uzi said, punting a robot’s head at the wall, where it was speared on a twelve foot long claw.
N wanted to hold her hand, except he was scared that if he did he would have to cut that one off too. It was also blazing hot compared to what he was used to, and he was wary that his system might overheat soon.
He looked over his shoulder, where the elevator sat at the end of the hallway. It was the only light in the hall.
It flickered, and for just a millisecond, a many-armed silhouette stood with arms outstretched.
He blinked and it was gone.
<- Part Three Part Five ->
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alilrainboo2030 · 5 months
Who was inspired by these fandoms from your childhood and adulthood?
Poppy Playtime or “Smiling Critters”
The Amazing Digital Circus
Powerpuff Girls
Happy Tree Friends
Object Land 
Number and Alphabet Lore 
Trolls, World Tour, and Band Together
My Little Pony
Hanazuki Full of Treasures
Animal Crossing
Just Shape & Beats and “Pink Corruption”
Murder Drones
Mr. Men Show
Wild Kratts 
Making Fiends
Billie Bust Up
Yokai Watch
Five Nights at Freddy's
Security Breach
Over The Moon
Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken
Yandere Simulator 
Inside Out
Steven Universe
Among Us
Super Mario Bros
Just Dance
Garten of Banban
South Park
Vocaloid or Project Diva
Pop'n Music
Sonic the Hedgehog
Friday Night Funkin
Spooky Month
Rainbow Friends
Angry Birds 
Cookie Run
Wreck it Ralph
Sesame Street 
Care Bears
Sailor Moon
Hazbin Hotel 
Cult of the Lamb 
Hollow Knights
Baldi's Basics
Yo Gabba Gabba
Looney Tunes
Bloody Bunny
Puyo Puyo
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 
Strawberry Shortcake 
Monster High 
Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls 
Disney Pixar “Cars” 
Disney Pixar “Planes” 
Disney Pixar “Boats” 
Disney “Princesses” 
Thomas the Tank Engine 
Foster Home and Imaginary Friends 
Gacha Life 
Lilo and Stitch
Dr Seuss 
OK KO Let's be Heroes 
Power Rangers 
Elemental (Disney Pixars) 
Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy 
Robots (Blue Sky Studios) 
Chikn Nuggit 
My Singing Monsters 
D*ck and Chick Figure 
The Heroic Six 
Land of the Lustrous 
The Bad Guy's 
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Can anyone explain why the Kratt Brothers being in murder drones is a thing fans are bringing up now aside from that one post someone made???
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
i remember u posting a thing where it shows all the requests you haven't done yet. I just want to see as I requested something long ago in 2023. I'm not trying to seem pushy, I'm just curious!
(this was rhe person that requested a bugbo thing)
Here you go!! This is very long, so I put the list under the cut!
These are the requests sent after I stopped accepting them that I didn't delete for various reasons. If you sent in a request after I closed them on March 14th and don't see it here, you'll need to send a new one (please don't take it personally if I deleted it)!!
Black + squirrel
Asra (the arcana)
Shurara (keroro gunsou)
Ring tailed lemur
Buzz light-year
Yellow raccoon petre
Lionel Messi
Sonic the hedgehog
Light pink and blue bunnies
Middle school gym class
Jenny wakeman (my life as a teenage robot)
Chris Kratt (wild Kratts)
Yuri (doki doki literature club)
Cole (Lego Ninjago)
Crowley (good omens)
Prince + bunnies
CG vil (twisted wonderland)
Alt + Wolf-dog
Golden retriever
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Kipo (kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, I think)
Leif (my inner demons)
Little big planet 3
Clouds + pastel blue
Outdoorsy + animals
Sun and stars + bunnies
Chase (paw patrol, I actually have two of these waiting)
Eastern red bat
Octopus regression
Tiger CG
Aquarium trip
Pastel coloring + kitties
lavender/grey bunnies
Pastel dolls
Jumping spiders/Leopard geckos
Dr. animo (ben 10)
Shuichi saihara
Black Shiba inu
This is everything left from before I closed my requests!
Osamu dazai (bsd)
The dazzlings (equestria girls)
Vampire with Halloween themes
Guardians of ga'hoole
Gromsko (MW2/3)
V (murder drones)
Cg SD-N (murder drones)
Cassidy (overwatch) and cowboys
TMNT Leonardo
Pastel kitty
Epithet erased
Another OC named cerys
Slay the princess
Someone's pictures (Idk what to call this one just know that I'm going to do it)
The Magnus protocol
Bive (regretavator)
Donnie darko
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn nine nine)
Allister (pokemon)
Umi (idk from where I'll figure it out eventually)
Rottweiler puppy and the creek
Monster tom (eddsworld)
Gnarpy (regretavator)
Xianzhao loufu (hsr)
Cg jing yuan (hsr)
Cupcake and dino
Kitty petre pomni (tadc)
Shiromo (pui pui molcar)
Jack harkness (doctor who)
Cg basil hallward (the picture of Dorian gray)
Spiderman (again! lol)
Mei (Lego monkie kid)
Cats + cakes
Houndoom (pokemon)
Wolfwalkers from cartoon saloon
Lucifer (hazbin hotel)
Critterspace (drafts)
Minecraft lush caves (drafts)
Ibara saegusa
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock, drafts)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Black kitten + space
Grey draik (neopets)
Pumpkin head (still needs more research)
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Maki harukawa
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Vincent (dead plate)
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs, drafts)
Vision CG (marvel, drafts)
Light blue
Bearded vulture
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Seam CG (deltarune)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
Tula tones (novi stars, drafts)
Eevee + dragons (or witchy themes which I may do instead)
Kitten + stars (I think, the request actually says stairs though and it's been confusing me)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz (drafts)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Genshin impact (drafts)
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Border Collie
Mortal Kombat
Puppy + SpongeBob (drafts)
Baby vulture (drafts)
Rain world/slugcat (drafts)
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4, drafts)
17th century dutch (drafts)
Sees behind trees (drafts)
Allay (Minecraft, I think. Drafts)
Tasmanian devil (drafts, can't figure out if they want the cartoon or animal)
Spamton CG (deltarune, drafts)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies (drafts)
Yume-Nikki (drafts)
Daxter (jak and daxter, drafts)
Madness combat for puppies (drafts)
James Sunderland (silent Hill, drafts)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa, drafts)
Leo (IDW comic, drafts)
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harmonytre · 11 days
These are in order of how likely I am to draw something for requests! You can check HERE to see what's open!
You can of course ask about fandoms/AUs/Ships that aren’t on here, because it’s likely I’ve missed things or have them on my to-watch/read list!
[Ones I will likely never draw are: Cu1t of the Lamb, V1vzipop, S0uth Park, H0mestuck, and most adult animation] (censored so they don’t show up in search, this isn’t a DNI list, it’s just I personally wouldn’t be comfortable drawing them.)
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
AbsUrd (Among Us) [Velvet, Quinn] {Orchid/Ruby, Zander/Hazel, Dan/Jasper, Velvet/Colby}
Indulgence (Pokemon AU) [Phanthop] {Jessikyu/Jowlithe}
Flicker-of-a-Neon-Soul (Undertale AU) [Deja] {Deja/Flicker}
Prismtale (Undertale AU) [Sammy] 
Skeleflock (Undertale AU) [Casey]
Savepoint (Undertale AU) [Spark]
Outerpink (Undertale AU) [Messier]
Cozyrune (Deltarune AU) [Hershey]
Taffy and Steven Universe (Steven Universe AU) [Taffy]
Mistbreak (Steven Universe AU) [Pazelle]
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
Lilo and Stitch
Phineas and Ferb
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
Angel Hare (TheEastPatch)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Chickn Nuggit
Danny Phantom
Gravity Falls
Murder Drones
Mystery Skulls Animated (MSA)
Natural Habitat Shorts
Pound Puppies
ROT (TheEastPatch)
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
The Backrooms
The Dragon Prince
The Owl House (TOH)
Twelve (PetPyves)
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
A Silent Voice
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Fruits Basket
My Hero Academia (MHA)
Saiki K
Spy x Family
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
Gnome Alone
Home (Dreamworks)
Horton Hears a Who
Hotel Transylvania
Kung Fu Panda
Lady and the Tramp
Leap! (Ballerina)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Mars Needs Moms
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Oliver and Company
Puss in Boots
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ready Player One
Sky High
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spies in Disguise
The Adventures of TinTin
The Boxtrolls
The Land Before Time
The Lorax
Tinker Bell movies (especially Legend of the Neverbeast)
Treasure Planet
Turning Red
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
A Hat in Time
At Dead of Night
Detroit: Become Human
Henry Stickmin
Kingdom Hearts
Little Nightmares series
Lost Ember
No Straight Roads
Pico Park
Poppy Playtime
Rhythm Doctor
Riddle School
Kaiju Paradise
Rainbow Friends
Color or Die
Super Smash Bros.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
The Bunny Graveyard
Omori (currently playing, NO SPOILERS) [Basil]
Untitled Goose Game
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
A Flightless Bird (SongDog)
Are you Afraid of Monsters (tratserenoyreve)
Artist Cat (sapphireluna)
Children of the Light (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Daisy: Black Fire (wintertundra-art)
Death and the Maiden (ladybeug)
Fisheye Placebo (yuumei)
Gamer Cat
Golden Shrike (doeprince)
I Didn’t Know (SongDog)
Kid the Adult
Knite (yuumei)
Liv in the Future
No North (Skailla)
Repeat (SongDog)
Roar Howl Run (SongDog)
Spliced @/cynthi-arts
The Things We Have (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
The Touch of Sunlight by Sandflake on Webtoons
To Catch a Star (SleepySundae)
Untitled by @/that-house
Vote Mr. Cat (sapphireluna)
Whisper Court (HershelChocolate)
White Tail (SleepySundae)
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
AngelsGame-AU (Deltarune)
Bakery Enemies AU @/buggachat
Buggy Situation (Ipku)
Chiaki’s Nuzlocke Comic (Chiakiro)
Copper and Dart (absolutedream-art)
Delta-Experiment (Deltarune)
Finding Your Roots (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Furry Situation (Ipku)
Little Lapses (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Loving Reaper (Jenny Jinya)
Mew and Mewtwo (xxtc-96xx)
Moringmark comics
Pokemon 25 Years Later (maimai97)
Thrill of the Hunt (Ipku)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Bonely Hearts Club
Chutsu AU @/Emositecc
Damagedtale (Rain) @/6nimus9
Dogs of Future Past @/lynxgriffin
Dragontale, Heartache, and more @/squarefriend
Endertale @/xxtc-96xx
Escort Mission (Yoki-Doki)
Faded Timeline (ClassyEyeballs)
Gaster Bros @/leafaske
Gaster’s Great Escape @/moldy-junk (Deltarune)
Ghost Switch (CleverCatchphrase)
Handplates @/zarla-s
Ink Sans @/comyet
Insomnia @/wily-art
Mermaid Pirate AU by @/kiokodoodles
Over the Void @/Undertale-over-the-void
Paper Crane @/little-noko
Paper Trail @/lynxgriffin
Pink Swapfell @/whyiswingdingsafont
Pink Underswap @/scarew0lves
Pinktale by @/save-star
Project: JUSTICE @/RoyalElemental
Sixbones @/zarla-s
Skelechara (insanelyadd)
Slumbertale @/rainingskeletons
SwapOut @/cats-artbag
The rest of the Pinkverse by various creators XD
Underdecay @/little-noko
Underfell @/underfell
Underswap @/underswapped3
Undertale Green (FlamingReaperComic)
Unexpected Guests @/undertalethingems
Various AUs by @/blaiddsumu
Various AUs by @/Satellite-Starss
Willow (cottagegore OC) @/smol-spoopy
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
Hank the Cowdog
Mystery Flesh Pit
Table by @/focshi
The Hunger Games
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Dead Sound
GTLive (MatPat)
Ice Cream Sandwich
Radiotvsolutions (RTVS)
Trails Pokemon
Unus Annus
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Airbud (and Air Buddies)
Alex Inc.
Doctor Who
Drop Dead Diva
Locke and Key
Once Upon a Time
The Flash
The Goldbergs
The Good Doctor
The Greatest Showman
The Office
The Shaggy Dog
The Space Between Us
The Umbrella Academy
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
3-2-1 Penguins
Adventures from the Book of Virtues
Austin and Ally
Baby Mozart
Bear in the Big Blue House
Between the Lions
Blue’s Clues
Curious George
Dora the Explorer
Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
Go Diego Go
Good Luck Charlie
Jane and the Dragon
Kim Possible
Liberty Kids
Little Bear
Little Einsteins
Max and Ruby
Maya & Miguel
Mighty Med
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
Peep and the Big Wide World
Rollie Pollie Ollie
Sid the Science Kid
Super Why!
The Berenstain Bears
The Electric Company
The Magic School Bus
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Wiggles
Word Girl
Word World
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merystarxd101 · 2 months
soy nueva en Tumblr, pero, aquí van algunos datos de mi! Me gusta wild kratts, Murder drones, hazbin hotel, helluba boss, los felinos, leer,
Los animales que me gustan son, murciélagos, nutrias, hurones, mapaches y SERPIENTES 🐍🐍🐍
Juego varios juegos, principalmente, Minecraft y roblox
Prácticamente soy una freak , pero me gustaría subir mis dibujos, no se suba cosas tan seguido pero al menos intentaré publicar mensualmente
(puede que haga algunos fanfics)
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