#Kotoba ni sezu tomo
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beneaththetangles · 3 months ago
It’s time for our quarterly video showing our picks for the top five openings of the season! Here are the ones we picked for fall 2024:
Here are the OPs we selected:
“Otonoke” by Creepy Nuts, Dan Da Dan
“ODD NUMBER” by Yoshino, Loner Life in Another World
“Kotoba ni sezu tomo” by SIX LOUNGE, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Conflict
“Kirakira” by HoneyWorks feat. HaKoniwalily, 365 Days to the Wedding
“Same Blue” by Official HIGE DANdism, Blue Box
What’s your favorite OP of the season? Are there any we missed?
We hope you enjoy our selections! Please follow us and share our video on Instagram, Tiktok, Mastodon, and X (Twitter)!
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demifiendrsa · 8 months ago
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 -- The Conflict | New Official English subbed Trailer
Special PV
The 3rd cour of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War will premiere on October 5, 2024.
SIX LOUNGE will perform the opening theme song "Kotoba ni Sezu Tomo" (Even if You Don't Say It) and suisoh will perform the ending theme song "Monochrome."
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Key visual
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chiisanahoshi · 3 months ago
[Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan | Opening Theme] "Kotoba ni sezu tomo (言葉にせずとも)" by SIX LOUNGE
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animangapolls · 5 months ago
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nihongoseito · 4 years ago
YOASOBI 「三原色」 “Primary Colors” - 歌詞と英訳
rōmaji below the cut!
どこかで途切れた物語 僕らもう一度その先へ たとえ何度離れてしまっても ほら繋がっている
a story interrupted somewhere along the way yet again we go beyond it even if we are separated again and again we are still connected
それじゃまたね 交わした言葉 あれからいくつ朝日を見たんだ それぞれの暮らしの先で あの日の続き 再会の日
well, i’ll see you later we exchanged those words and since then, how many sunrises have we seen at the end of each of our lives there is the continuation of that day the day of reunion
待ち合わせまでの時間がただ 過ぎてゆくたびに胸が高鳴る 雨上がりの空 見上げれば あの日と同じように 架かる七色の橋
while the time until we meet is just rolling onward, my heart pounds when i look up into the sky after the rain it’s just like that day there’s a bridge of seven spanning colors
ここでもう一度出会えたんだよ 僕ら繋がっていたんだずっと 話したいこと 伝えたいことって 溢れて止まらないから ほらほどけていやしないよ、きっと
we were able to meet here once again because we’ve always been connected things i want to say stories i want to tell you won’t stop flooding out of me see, i’m sure we won’t fall apart
巡る季節に急かされて 続く道のその先また 離れたってさ 何度だってさ 強く結び直したなら また会える
urged on by the revolving seasons continuing again to the end of the road even if we’re separated no matter how many times if we tightly tie ourselves back together then we’ll meet again
何だっけ? 思い出話は止まんないね 辿った記憶と回想 なぞって笑っては 空いた時間を満たす 言葉と言葉で気づけばショートカット 明日のことは気にせずどうぞ まるで��に戻ったような
what was that again? we can’t stop reliving memories, can we we chase memories and recollections following them and laughing and we fill up our empty time through words and words we realize they’re a shortcut go ahead without worrying about tomorrow it’s really as if we’ve gone back in time
それでも変わってしまったことだって 本当はきっといくつもある だけど今日だって あっけないほど あの頃のままで
but despite that, things have still changed really i could name quite a few but even today it’s just as easy as it was back then
気づけば空は白み始め 疲れ果てた僕らの片頬に 触れるほのかな暖かさ あの日と同じように それぞれの日々に帰る
i notice the sky beginning to grow white and we’re exhausted, our cheeks are touched by a faint warmth and just like back then we each return to our own days
ねえここまで歩いてきた道は それぞれ違うけれど 同じ朝日に今照らされてる また重なり合えたんだ
you know, the paths we walked to get here are each a little different, but now we’re each illuminated by the same sunrise we managed to cross paths again
どこかで途切れた物語 僕らもう一度その先へ 話したいこと 伝えたいことって ページを埋めてゆくように ほら描き足そうよ、何度でも
a story interrupted somewhere along the way yet again we go beyond it things i want to say stories i want to tell you as if we’re filling up pages let’s draw in them, again and again
いつか見上げた赤い夕日も ともに過ごした青い日々も 忘れないから 消えやしないから 緑が芽吹くように また会えるから 物語は白い朝日から始まる
the red evening sun we gazed up at one day and the blue days we spent together i’ll never forget them they’ll never disappear like budding greenery we will meet again the story begins with a white sunrise
“see you tomorrow”
dokoka de togireta monogatari bokura mou ichido sono saki e tatoe nando hanarete shimatte mo hora tsunagatte iru
sore ja mata ne kawashita kotoba arekara ikutsu asahi o mitanda sorezore no kurashi no saki de ano hi no tsudzuki saikai no hi
machiawase made no jikan ga tada sugite yuku tabi ni mune ga takanaru ameagari no sora miagereba ano hi to onaji you ni kakaru nanairo no hashi
koko de mou ichido deaetanda yo bokura tsunagatte itanda zutto hanashitai koto tsutaetai kototte afurete tomaranai kara hora hodokete iyashinai yo, kitto
meguru kisetsu ni sekasarete tsudzuku michi no sono saki mata hanaretatte sa nando datte sa tsuyoku musubinaoshita nara mata aeru
nandakke? omoidebanashi wa tomannai ne tadotta kioku to kaisou nazotte waratte wa aita jikan o mitasu kotoba to kotoba de kidzukeba shōto-katto ashita no koto wa ki ni sezu douzo maru de mukashi ni modotta you na
sore de mo kawatte shimatta koto datte hontou wa kitto ikutsu mo aru dakedo kyou datte akkenai hodo ano koro no mama de
kidzukeba sora wa shiramihajime tsukarehateta bokura no katahoo ni fureru honoka na atatakasa ano hi to onaji you ni sorezore no hibi ni kaeru
nee koko made aruite kita michi wa sorezore chigau keredo onaji asahi ni ima terasareteru mata kasanariaetanda
dokoka de togireta monogatari bokura mou ichido sono saki e hanashitai koto tsutaetai kototte pēji o umete yuku you ni hora kakitasou yo, nando de mo
itsuka miageta akai yuuhi mo tomo ni sugoshita aoi hibi mo wasurenai kara kieyashinai kara midori ga mebuku you ni mata aeru kara monogatari wa shiroi asahi kara hajimaru
“mata ashita”
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koizumicchi · 5 years ago
パレードは終わらないParade wa Owaranai -Life is an Adventure- English Translation
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パレードは終わらない -Life is an Adventure- HEY! SAY! JUMP PARADE ALBUM
T/N: If you’ll repost, please credit me at least ^^
Forever, ever and ever Don’t give up, give up Believe in yourself…
空はどこまでも高くて 手を伸ばしても まるで届きやしない だから旅に出るんだ Ah ah ah
Sora wa doko made mo takakute Te wo nobashite mo marude todokiyashinai Dakara tabi ni derun da ah ah ah
The sky is so far and wide As if it can’t be reached, even if you stretch out your hand And that is why we will go on a journey, ah ah ah
照りつける太陽を背に歩き出せば 幾千の星と月に 抱かれて眠る 出会いを夢見て
Teritsukeru taiyou wo se ni arukidaseba Ikusen no hoshi to tsuki ni dakarete nemuru Deai wo yumemite
If you walk behind the blazing sun The moon and thousands of stars surround you while asleep Dreaming of meeting you
We can make it 聴こえた声を頼りにして 道なき道を進んで行く 誰も知らない 僕らのAdventure 燃え盛る炎 駆け抜けてく 凍てつく氷 ものともせず この先に きっとキミが待ってるから そう信じてるんだ
We can make it Kikoeta koe wo tayori ni shite Michi naki michi wo susunde iku Daremo shiranai bokura no Adventure Moesakaru honou kakenuketeku Itetsuku koori mono tomo sezu Kono saki ni kitto kimi ga matteru kara Sou shinjiterunda
We can make it Relying on the voice we heard We continue down a less travelled road Our adventure, not known to anyone We run through blazing flames, Through freezing ice, ignoring all risks Surely, you are waiting just ahead Yes, we believe so
ときどき怖くなって ぽっかりほんの小さな穴が どんどん大きくなって 押し潰されそうになってた
Tokidoki kowaku natte Pokkari honno chiisana ana ga Dondon ookiku natte Oshi tsubusa resou ni natteta
There are times it is scary A gaping small hole Is slowly becoming bigger As if about to be crushed
「大丈夫」 魔法の言葉 何度助けられたんだろう 「一人じゃない」 おまじない いつまでも守ってくれるんだ
‘Daijobu’ mahou no kotoba Nando tasukeraretan darou ‘Hitori janai’ omajinai Itsumade mo mamotte kurerun da
A magic word of “It’s okay” Has saved us many times A magic spell of “You are not alone” Has always watched over us
We can make it 聴こえた声を頼りにして 道なき道を進んで行く 誰も知らない 僕らのAdventure 燃え盛る炎 駆け抜けてく 凍てつく氷 ものともせず この先に きっとキミが待ってるから そう信じてるんだ
We can make it Kikoeta koe wo tayori ni shite Michi naki michi wo susunde iku Daremo shiranai bokura no Adventure Moesakaru honou kakenuketeku Itetsuku koori mo no tomo sezu Kono saki ni kitto kimi ga matteru kara Sou shinjiterunda
We can make it Relying on the voice we heard We continue down a less travelled road Our adventure, not known to anyone We run through blazing flames, Through freezing ice, ignoring all risks Surely, you are waiting just ahead Yes, we believe so
あっと驚くようなSituation 光りを探して Oh oh もっと貪欲に生き様 晒(さら)して Life goes on
期待の遥か上を目指して その途中に出会える全ては 偶然を装った運命 それに少しの奇跡が混ざったんだ
Atto odoroku youna Situation Hikari wo sagashite oh oh Motto donyoku ni ikizama Sarashite Life goes on Kitai no haruka ue wo mezashite Sono tochuu ni deaeru subete wa Guuzen wo yosoutta unmei Sore ni sukoshi no kiseki ga mazattan da
A situation that will soon surprise you Seeking the light oh oh A life of more greed Exposed, Life goes on (goes on) Aim above expectations Everything you meet along the way That is fate dressed as coincidence With a little bit of miracle mixed in
“Yo, are you readyyy?” “Okay, hahaha” “The curtains (sails) have risen. Can you hear this sound?” “I can hear it.” “You can hear it, right?” “Of course!” “The volume is slowly rising up.” “Our adventure is still never-ending.” “I know.” “Rain is falling. There is lightning. The lands are trembling.” “We have surpassed many obstacles like these.” “We can do it.” “Beyond the light, even beyond, there are paths ahead." “We won’t let you go.” “If you lose your way, sing this melody...” “Let me hear it.” “…And we’ll be coming to get you.” “Now, let’s go!”
夢よ覚めないで このまま時間(とき)を刻んで 僕らの足跡 記憶の欠片を残した
Yume yo samenai de Kono mama toki wo kizan de Bokura no ashiato Kioku no kakera wo nokoshita
Don’t wake us up in this dream Let us engrave time like this Our footprints Left fragments of memory
“Ehem. Ah, wait up.” “Yes?”
誰かが終わりって言っても無視すればいいさ だって僕らの旅は終わってないだろう? キミが一番分かってるはずさ
Dareka ga owaritte itte mo Mushi sureba ii sa Datte bokura no tabi wa owattenai darou? Kimi ga ichiban wakatteru hazu sa
If someone says it’s over Just ignore them Because our journey is endless, remember? You know that more than anyone
悪い時こそチャンスに変えて その度に強くなって行くんだ 絆ってそういうもので だからずっと離れられないんだ
Warui toki koso chansu ni kaete Sono tabi ni tsuyoku natte ikun da Kizuna tte sou iu mono de Dakara zutto hanarerarenain da
Turning bad times into chances Getting stronger each time Bonds are like that And that is why we can never be separated
Oh baby 期待と不安をごちゃ混ぜに 新たな感情が芽生えてく 誰にもあるさ 動き出すAdventure 敵わない大きな存在や 叶わない夢の一つ一つ 無駄なものなんてないよ 人生��彩って行くんだ
Oh baby Kitai to fuan wo gochamaze ni Arata na kanjou ga mebaeteku Dare ni mo aru sa ugokidasu Adventure
Kanawanai ooki na sonzai ya Kanawanai yume no hitotsu hitotsu Muda na mono nantenai yo Jinsei wo irodotte ikun da
Oh baby Expectation and anxieties blending into one New emotions are emerging Everyone has it; to start on an Adventure
An opponent we have no match for, Each and every dream that won’t come true, There is no such thing as pointlessness We will color our own lives
We can make it 聴こえた声を頼りにして 道なき道を進んで行く 誰も知らない 僕らのAdventure 燃え盛る炎 駆け抜けてく 凍てつく氷 ものともせず この先に きっとキミが待ってるから そう信じてるんだ
We can make it Kikoeta koe wo tayori ni shite Michi naki michi wo susunde iku Daremo shiranai bokura no Adventure Moesakaru honou kakenuketeku Itetsuku koori mono tomo sezu Kono saki ni kitto kimi ga matteru kara Sou shinjiterun da
We can make it Relying on the voice we heard We continue down a less travelled road Our adventure, not known to anyone We run through blazing flames, Through freezing ice, ignoring all risks Surely, you are waiting just ahead Yes, we believe so
Forever, ever and ever Don’t give up, give up Believe in yourself…
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carsinoska · 5 years ago
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Album: Chiten Telescope Artist: remof
Rakuen no Kane
sougen wo naderu   kaze no komoriuta madoeru hitsuji no namida   sasou wa yumeji e to
hoshi no michitadore   tabibito yo yorokobi no tomoshibi de   omae wo terasou
hikari   afuredasu jidai wo hora   kibou no kane   narashite moshi shirube nakushite tachitsukusu hi wa   itsumo maiorite   kiseki atau "shukufuku wo. chi ni sachiare"
kumoma no asayake   yurikago wo yurasu hitori tatsu mae ni   ai ga omae wo mitasu made
are no yuku tabiji   sono sanaka taorefusu mono araba   te wo tsukameru you
inochi   matatakase   tsunageyo saa   kibou no kane   takusou bokura nozomu saki e   nijikaketa nara tomo ni rakuen no tobira hiraku "shukufuku wo..."
shuu ga nageku wa   kanashiku isakau hibi hoshi kizutsukeru mono yo te no tsurugi sutete   yurushi uke yo sukui are
osore kie   yasuragi ni subete wa hareyuku
hikari   afuredasu jidai de mina kibou no kane   kanadeyou shirabe wo tabane   shuu no sekai wo iyasu uta wa rakuen no kaze ga hakobu   komoriuta   ano hi no "daijoubu"   sou sasayaku
Ma -Kumoma-
mearei fiana shualy alena meolow ruany eonawfa siamei liara cuoly anewau tiamey te fea noua niuly fiora
aa, kawaii hito yo saa nani wo misetekureru ka na? nozoita renzu no saki wa marude engekyou wo mawashita you
matataku ma ni kawaru hyoujou wa kirameite hoshi to onaji da to aki mo sezu hitasura nagameta
mearei fiana shualy alena boku wa mimamotteiru yo futo nobashita te wa sora de ochi saegiru kumoma wo midasu
aa, kaze mo fukazu ni mou doredake sugite shimatta? koko wa amari ni mo shizuka dakara mune ga itamu koto mo nai
koboreta namida ni wa kotoba de wa arawasenai imi ga yadoru nara shiritai to kokoro ga zawameku
nando kizutsuite mo sasae ai nagara akiramezu ni mae wo muku sono tsuyosa ni hikareteta
fas fiana reany amee was boku mo dareka no soba de aruku toki wo omoiegaite itsuka wa chijou wo mezashi kono tenjou kara tobitatou
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