#Kongra Star
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5 years Women Defend Rojava – We will continue our struggle with even more determination
In 2018, Turkey attacked and occupied Afrîn, and in 2019, Gîre Spi and Serêkanîye. In response, the Kurdish Women’s Movement (Kongra Star) called for international support. Since then, the campaign Women Defend Rojava gathers many internationalist solidarity activities with the Women’s Revolution and the people of Rojava.
For 5 years we have been organizing in more than 36 committees around the world. We have took actions, published leaflets, books and dossiers, we have organized education, information events and delegations.
Today again, the people of Syria and the whole Middle East are under attack. At a time when the destruction by capitalist patriarchy is intensifying and war is spreading all over the world Islamist gangs, fed by the Turkish state, are terrorizing the people and continuing the policies of genocide and feminicide. This attacks are against Rojava and our hope for peace in the Middle East.
#rojava#videos#video#class war#human rights#animalrights#ypj#ypg#turkey#turkish#Afrîn#Gîre Spi#Serêkanîye#kurdistan#kurdish#Kongra Star#free syria#سوريا syria#syrian civil war#syrian refugees#syria#middle east#antinazi#antizionist#eat the rich#eat the fucking rich#anti colonialism#anti cop#anti colonization#ausgov
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On this DAY OF INDIGENOUS RESISTANCE AND DIGNITY we join the call of the NATIONAL CONGRESS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE in solidarity with the resistant peoples in Abya Yala and around the world, against the death that is imposed upon us by global patriarchal capitalism, now more than ever. On this day, 12.10, 531 years ago, the colonization of the continent of Abya Yala began. This marked the start of a destructive era of exploitation and oppression for indigenous populations not just in Abya Yala, but across the world – a hegemonic oppression policy which continues under colonial states to this day. Be it in the form of wars, modern slavery by corporations and business empires, the theft of land and the destruction of the environment, or by means of cultural genocides, the destruction of the languages and cultures of indigenous populations, and the denial of political participation and self-determination. Every day thousands of men, women, and children are victims of this system, are at the mercy of a permanent and cruel form of war. This is the result of a world order based on a mentality of destruction – destruction of the will of women, fomention of racism, suppression of personal and collective identity, destruction of social culture and ethics.
Undoubtedly, the only answer is resistance. Resistance through the creation of consciousness, the self-organization of people, and through their struggle – in particular that of women. This is why 12.10. is significant as a day – not merely as the beginning of the occupation of a continent but more than that, because it marks the beginning of resistance against all occupation. The organized resistance of the people, who will not remain silent against violence and oppression, who will not submit to colonialism and the prohibitions of exploitative regimes, but reject them, is the guarantor of justice, democracy and the freedom of all peoples. As Kongra Star, a movement of women struggling for freedom in Rojava, West Kurdistan and Syria, we know the pain associated with the occupation of one’s own land, the loss of one’s own history, language and traditions, and we know the power of organized resistance. For many years, here in Kurdistan and the Middle East, as women, we have been leading the struggle for our freedom, and the freedom of our land and our society. In our struggle and resistance we feel united with all oppressed peoples worldwide, with all resisting peoples, and with all resisting women. We, who are especially connected to our society and our land, are vanguards in the struggle for the freedom of our peoples. In this spirit, we express today our attachment and solidarity with the indigenous resistance, and we salute in particular all the militant women who are part of it. Jin Jiyan Azadî ! Berxwedan Jiyan e! Kongra Star October 12 2023
#Rojava#Kongra Star#anarchism#socialism#democratic confederalism#feminism#day of indigenous resistance
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Project2025 #TechBros #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Turkish woman convicted under anti-terror laws for sharing Guardian article [UPDATES]
Peri Pamir given suspended sentence after posting article about UK woman killed fighting with Kurdish forces in Syria…
RELATED UPDATE: These posts are so blatant. Generic image of YPG fighter, no source provided, conflating YPG & PKK… Turkish propaganda par excellence. There is no evidence for this.
RELATED UPDATE: FED-KURD: Join actions to protect Rojava
RELATED UPDATE: In Syria, a war of two lines: Either ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ or ‘Men, State, Violence’
RELATED UPDATE: Rojava Under Attack: Why We Must Stand with Syria's Democratic North-East
RELATED UPDATE: Debbie Bookchin: Why global movements need to show up to defend Rojava
RELATED UPDATE: Kongra Star: All women must defend the Rojava Revolution
RELATED UPDATE: An Anarchist View From Rojava on Recent Events in Syria
RELATED UPDATE: Kurdish artists in Amed: We stand by the Rojava Revolution with our art
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This morning, a civilian car with our comrade Xalide Şerif & her son Ednan was attacked by fascist Turkish state murder drones.
The greater our pain now, the greater will be our struggle for freedom via thefreeonline on 29 Aug 24 @starrcongress by Kongra Star Women’s Movement Rojava (thefree on Telegram: t.me/thefreeonline ) Kongra Star This morning, a civilian vehicle carrying our comrade Xalide Şerif & her son Ednan Silêman was attacked by the fascist Turkish state. This is another femicide against our…
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The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) – also known as “Rojava” – is an autonomous region in northeastern Syria made up of self-governing sub-regions (Afrin, Jazira, Euphrates, Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbij, and Deir Ez-Zor). The region gained its autonomy in 2012 during the ongoing Rojava conflict and the wider Syrian Civil War, and is made up of Kurdish, Turkmen, Arab, Assyrian, and Yezidi people.
In 2021, members of both Black Socialists in America and Kongra Star – an organization founded in Rojava in 2005 to help women organize and develop their political consciousness with a focus on directly democratic, ecological, and feminist principles – decided to hold a recorded discussion about the experiences of those who do not identify as men within their respective struggles, as well as strategies for systems change that center women in particular.
This discussion was recorded and is being shared with the hopes of inspiring stronger solidarity and revolutionary practice between Black American / New Afrikan and Kurdish communities (and the women of these communities in particular).
For more information on the work of Kongra Star, please visit http://womendefendrojava.net/ and follow them on social media (@starrcongress on Twitter and @womendefend on Instagram).
For more information on the work of Black Socialists in America, please visit https://blacksocialists.us and follow us on social media (@BlackSocialists everywhere).
A BSA Media Co-op Production
Music by Tek Lun
Rêveberiya Xweser a Bakur û Rojhilatê Sûriyê – ku jê re "Rojava" jî tê gotin – herêmek xweser e li bakurê rojhilatê Sûriyê ku ji herêmên jêr-rêveberiya xweser pêk tê (Efrîn, Cezîra, Firat, Reqa, Tebqa, Minbic, û Dêrezzor). Ew herêmê di sala 2012-an de di dema şer û pevçûnên Rojava û şerê Navxweyî yê Sûriye yê de xweseriya xwe bi dest anî û ji gelên Kurd, Tirkmen, Ereb, Suryanî û Kurdên Êzîdî pêk tê.
Di 2021-an de, endamên herdu Sosyalîstên Reş (Black Socialists) li Emerîka û Kongra Star – rêxistinek ku di sala 2005-an de li Rojava hate damezirandin da ku alîkariya jinan bike û hişmendiya xweya siyasî pêşbixin ku li ser bingehên rasterast ên demokratîk, ekolojîk û femînîst be – biryara tomar kirina nîqaşek li ser serpêhate u tecrubeyên kesên ku di nava tekoşîna xwe de xwe wek mêr nadin nas kirin, û her wisa stratejiyên ji bo guhertina pergalên ku bi taybetî jinan dixin navendê de dan.
Bi tomar kirina wê nîqaşê tête hêvî kirin ku di navbera civakên Emerîkaya Reş / Afrîkaya Nû û civakên Kurd de (û bi taybetî jinên van civakan) hevgirtin û çalakîyên şoreşgerî ya bihêztir werin saz kirin.
Ji bo zanyarî yên pittir di derbara karên Kongra Star, ji keremê xwe re serdana http://womendefendrojava.net/ bikin û wan li ser toreyên civakî bişopinin (@starrcongress li ser Twitterê û @womendefend li ser Instagramê).
Ji bona zanyarî yên pittir li ser karên Sosyalîstên Reş li Emerika, ji keremê xwe re serdana https://blacksocialists.us bikin û me li ser toreyên civakî bişopinin (her cihekê @BlackSocialists e).
Berhemekî hevkarî ya Çapemanî ya SRE’ê ye
Mûzîk: Tek Lun
#black socialists in america#kongra star#socialism#international solidarity#solidarity#rojava#youtube#kurdish#kurmanji
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The brutal murder of Rasha Bseis, streamed on social media by the perpetrators, horrified observers across the world. Bseis, a young woman from Jarablus, Syria, was killed by her brother, a Free Syrian Army militiaman, allegedly after he found out that she had been raped by a Turkish military officer. An off-camera voice encouraged him to ‘cleanse himself of shame’ before he shot her at close range.
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Kongra Star publie un rapport sur le mariage des mineurs
Kongra Star publie un rapport sur le mariage des mineurs
Le mariage des mineurs est un problème social qui existe encore dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Kongra Star a publié un rapport qui met l’accent sur les raisons et l’impact du mariage des mineurs sur les jeunes femmes et la société. Le mariage des mineurs est un problème social qui existe encore dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Ce problème, qui découle d’une mentalité patriarcale, doit…
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Rapimenti, stupri, torture: così Erdogan combatte le partigiane curde Un anno fa erano le eroine da “esibire” nei salotti mediatici o sulle copertine di riviste patinate. Per la loro bellezza, prim’ancora che per la loro determinazione nel combattere per la libertà. Ora su di loro e su la loro lotta è calato il silenzio. Non fanno più notizia. Per molti, non per Globalist. È passato un anno da quando Hevrin Khalaf è stato uccisa lungo un'autostrada nel nord-est della Siria, trascinata per i capelli, picchiata e uccisa a colpi di arma da fuoco da mercenari. Le foto del suo corpo mutilato sono poi apparse sui social media, in quello che molti hanno detto essere un chiaro messaggio delle forze armate turche della regione: questo è il prezzo che pagheranno le donne curde che hanno combattuto per la liberazione. ...a morte della sua amica. E da allora le cose sono solo peggiorate, aggiunge. “La vita pubblica delle donne nella regione è diventata "invivibile", riassume Dilar Dirik, attivista e ricercatrice curda dell'Università di Oxford. Nelle chat e sui social network rimbalzano le immagini terribili di combattenti curde catturate, trascinate per i capelli e violentate dai soldati turchi o dai miliziani siriani prima di essere finite con un colpo alla nuca. I rapimenti di donne sono diventati così comuni che il progetto "Missing Afrin Women Project" ha lanciato un sito web all'inizio del 2018 per rintracciare le segnalazioni di sparizioni nella città di Afrin: dal maggio 2018 sono stati registrati 6.000 rapimenti, tra cui 1.000 donne, un rapporto di Kongra Star rivendicato in agosto. ...Una recente commissione d'inchiesta del Consiglio dei diritti umani dell'Onu sulla Siria ha evidenziato un aumento della "violenza sessuale e di genere contro le donne e le ragazze" in Siria nella prima metà del 2020. Il rapporto ha documentato che almeno 30 donne nella città curda di Tal Abyad sono state violentate nel solo mese di febbraio. "Un ex giudice ha confermato che i combattenti dell'esercito nazionale siriano sono stati accusati di stupro e di violenza sessuale durante le incursioni nelle case della regione. Tuttavia, nessuno di loro era stato condannato, ma era stato rilasciato dopo pochi giorni", osserva il rapporto. ...Swed sostiene che le forze turche "prendono di mira soprattutto le donne, come è stato evidente nel brutale attacco alla martire Khalaf". Nell'anno successivo all'omicidio, gli episodi di grave violenza contro le donne si sono trasformati in ciò che gli attivisti e i dirigenti curdi decantano come una vera e propria campagna di violenza sessuale e di assassinii mirati di figure femminili di spicco. ...la Turchia sta prendendo sistematicamente di mira le donne attiviste e i politici che sono stati in prima linea nell'organizzazione politica del Paese, usando la giustificazione che sta "neutralizzando i terroristi". Molte delle vittime femminili sono state anche mutilate con le foto dei loro corpi esposte sui social media. "Una cosa è uccidere qualcuno in guerra, ma quello che succede qui è che vanno a spogliare il corpo della donna morta e poi lo filmano e lo fanno circolare", afferma Dirik. "E' per dire: Guarda, qui stiamo disonorando la donna", aggiunge. ... Umberto De Giovannangeli
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"Necesitamos tener los conocimientos necesarios para poder protegernos de las campañas de exterminio que hemos enfrentado y que aún enfrentamos, así como para asegurar nuestra libertad frente al colonialismo, el patriarcado, la mentalidad del Estado-nación y a la modernidad capitalista.
Con la revolución en Rojava, el movimiento de Mujeres KongraStar estableció Comités de educación de mujeres autónomos en cada comuna, con centros y academias en diferentes lugares en todo el norte y este de Siria".
Desde allí, otras mujeres que se han capacitado previamente, "brindan educación a las mujeres locales de diferentes generaciones y pueblos con el fin de que puedan adquirir la experiencia y el conocimiento para empoderarse y desarrollar habilidades y destrezas, de modo que puedan tomar decisiones efectivas y liderar sus comunidades.
También se trabaja en erradicar todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer"
Kongra Star Women's movement
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Tweet from Kongra Star Women’s Movement Rojava:
With the slogan "I want a bycicle", journalists in Qamislo launched an initiative to empower and encourage women to use bicycles while contributing to the struggle against environmental pollution.
Young women in particular are showing a keen interest.
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The Central Decision for the Protection of Women was opened with a ceremony
The Central Decision for the Protection of Women was opened with a military ceremony. Mothers and families of the martyrs, SDF commanders, Security Forces, representatives of the Autonomous Administration, Kongra Star, HPC-Jin, TEV-DEM, Armenians, Syrians, Assyrians, as well as fighters and commanders of the YPJ participated in the opening ceremony.
Biryargeha Navendî Ya Parastina Jinê Bi Merasîmekê Hate Vekirin
Biryargeha Navendî ya Parastina Jinê bi merasîmeke leşkerî hate vekirin. Di merasîma vekirina Biryargehê de dayîk û malbatên şehîdan, fermandarên QSD’ê, Hêzên Asayîş, nûnerên Rêveberiya Xweser, Kongra Star, HPC-Jin, TEV-DEM, Ermen, Suryan, Asurî û herwiha şervan û fermandarên YPJ’ê beşdar bûn. 👉https://ypjrojava.net/?p=18619
#ypj#ypg#human rights#class war#rojava#sdf#free syria#سوريا syria#syrian refugees#syrian civil war#syria#antinazi#antiauthoritarian#anti capitalism#antifascist#anti colonialism#antifaschistische aktion#anti imperialism#anti cop#anti colonization#eat the rich#eat the fucking rich#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#anarchism#fuck neoliberals
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RT Kongra Star Women's Movement Rojava Targeting civilian infrastructure is a war crime. Our information center prepared a fact sheet on Turkish attacks on infrastructure in #Rojava and North & East Syria (NES). #StopTurkeyDefendTheWomensRevolution via Atlanta Antifascists Twitter (https://twitter.com/starrcongress/status/1595767005252317187)
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Project2025 #TechBros #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava YPJ International: The capitalist patriarchy is a common enemy.
"We do all come here because of strong humanitarian values and the awareness of the importance of the women’s liberation struggle. And we are all willing to take all steps necessary for this."…
RELATED UPDATE: Petrol Girls' Ren Aldridge: "Make this year’s International Women’s Day inclusive, anti-capitalist and intersectional"
RELATED UPDATE: How a Revolution Really Feels: Rojava 8 Years On
RELATED UPDATE: Rojava’s Patriarchal Liberation: Solving the Feminist Anti-Militarism Problem?
RELATED UPDATE: Kongra Star message on March 8: We salute all women who are resisting worldwide
RELATED UPDATE: Inside the Feminist Revolution in Northern Syria
RELATED UPDATE: Sinor Gelawej: ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ uprising is the way out
RELATED UPDATE: Sister of protester killed in ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ uprising sentenced to one year in prison
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Iranian security forces open fire at people gathered for Mahsa Amini memorial as Rojava Revolution spreads -Women Life Freedom-
Iranian security forces open fire at people gathered for Mahsa Amini memorial as Rojava Revolution spreads -Women Life Freedom-
Iranian security forces opened fire at people who gathered at a cemetery in Mahsa Amini’s home town of Saqez on Wednesday to mark 40 days since she died in police custody, a witness said. from Kongra Star/ ANHA/ etc..shared with thanks.. via thefreeonline – K.Star recalls Gina Amini and calls on women to unite in the struggle against the anti-women system “The riot police shot mourners who…
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Dünya kadınlarına Jineoloji anlatıldı: Abdullah Öcalan'ın felsefesi yol gösterdi
Dünya kadınlarına Jineoloji anlatıldı: Abdullah Öcalan’ın felsefesi yol gösterdi
HABER MERKEZİ – Tunus’ta devam eden 3. Dünya Kadın Konferansı’nda Jineoloji Atölyesi yapıldı. Kongra Star Diplomatik İlişkiler Komitesi üyesi Manal Muhammed, “Kuzey ve Doğu Suriye’de kadınlar, Önder Abdullah Öcalan’ın felsefesi sayesinde birçok kazanım ve zafer elde etti” dedi. Ortadoğu, Afrika ve Avrupa’dan kadınları buluşturan Tabandan Kadınların 3. Dünya Kadın Konferansı, Tunus’un ev…
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