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ectokelpeigh · 3 months ago
One of my fav Mandela Effect examples is everyone collectively remembering Danny Fenton as having tripped in the ghost portal as the cause of his accident. In reality he was just feeling his way along the inside of a somewhat dark hole in the wall
We all decided unconsciously that the boy is a terminal klutz and you know what we’re right to do it. It’s perfectly in character
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johbeil · 5 months ago
Mal eben aufs Klo gegangen
und dabei zwei weitere Seiten des vermutlich spannungslosesten Krimis aller Zeiten gelesen. Es ist Seite 43 und noch ist nichts auch nur annähernd Kriminelles passiert. Was haben wir bisher erfahren? Der Verlobte der Detektivin soll für eine Bekannte seiner Verlobten zur Werbung für ein Waisenheim aus einem Fallschirm springen und weiß nicht, wie er sich da herauswinden soll. Er ist kein Typ…
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allthatlives · 7 months ago
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Frank Ripploh for Taxi Zum Klo (1982).
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1tarot1with1k1o · 1 year ago
In this game, I’ll tell you what your celebrity of choice would think about you if you were close friends, or if you were acquainted in real life. To participate, please read the following information:
- anons and private readings are allowed;
- ask about one or two celebrities at most. If you choose two, then the reading for each person will be shorter;
- only send asks through my inbox please;
- I don’t need initials or anything. However, I do suggest you to use some emojis if you ask on anon, so that you’ll be able to find your reading more easily once it’s published;
- please mention your age (saying if you’re a minor or an adult is enough). There shouldn’t be any “spicy” messages, but in case I do happen to receive some, I want to make sure that you’re an adult. I won’t take any responsibility in case you decide to lie about your age;
- this is for entertainment purposes, so don’t take what I say as a fact. Aside from energies changing over time, I will approach this reading in an hypothetical way. So even if I describe the perfect relationship between you and your chosen celebrity, it doesn’t mean it will actually manifest in real life. The opposite scenario applies as well, obviously;
(These are optional things you can add to your ask. THEY ARE NOT a requirement for you to participate in the game. Just little extras I can give you) 🫶
- if you send me a short reading about a topic of your choice, (any topic you want) I’ll give you two readings. You can either choose to get it about another celebrity, or about a topic amongst the ones listed in this poll;
- if you guess correctly something about me (the information I posted publicly doesn’t count. Like…don’t mention my big 3, or other details I already talked about in my carrd). I’ll give you an oracle card message;
- if you create a moodboard for me about a topic of your choice, then I’ll also create a moodboard for you;
- if you would like a song to describe your relationship, then please send me a song too. Do describe what the song is for tho (like…it’s from your fs, it’s from your best friend, it’s from your guides, it describes your future, I just wanted to share this song with you cause I like it lol…etc.etc.)
All requests will start to be processed starting from next week ^~^
I will update you before closing the game
Thank you! Please just have fun, and be respectful <3
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chiltern100 · 3 months ago
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Guy with socked legcast posing on toilet.
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circlique · 28 days ago
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ah fuck I don't think I ever drew Klo since I started A:ToP so...I guess she gets the spotlight next
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rh5h · 4 months ago
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thrones of RH5H [clementinengasse, 23.10.2024].
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jenniecaipirinha · 6 months ago
ai meu gloss da dior
algum problema klo?
acho que não né klo
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ectokelpeigh · 5 months ago
The way Ember said “you will remember my name”…. And then we DID… truly the most effective antagonist of a generation
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fremdwortlexikon · 4 months ago
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My new favorite "public" toilet in Vienna ... best view from the street
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1tarot1with1k1o · 1 year ago
Thank you everyone for the sweet messages you sent me. I will very soon come back and post an update, and reply to you all.
Readings are going to be sent out before the end of April. Thank you for waiting and for your trust. Love you all very much <3
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berlinverkehr · 6 months ago
Bahn-Ersatzverkehr Hamburg-Berlin kommt Land teuer zu stehen, aus Nordkurier
01.08.2024 https://www.nordkurier.de/regional/mecklenburg-vorpommern/bahn-ersatzverkehr-hamburg-berlin-kommt-land-teuer-zu-stehen-2754883 Mit #Klo, #Wlan und genügend #Stauraum fürs Gepäck: Für den #Ersatzverkehr während der ab August 2025 vorgesehenen #Generalsanierung der #Bahnstrecke Berlin- #Hamburg sollen hochwertige Busse alle Regionalverkehrsverbindungen entlang der #Schnellbahnstrecke…
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suzimiya · 8 months ago
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Weil ich immer gefragt werde, NEIN #ElSÄSSER wurde wohl nicht verhaftet und auch nicht von Polizei mitgenommen #Compact
Aber Elsässer wurde hoffentlich in einen dunklen KLORAUM gesperrt, ein dunkler Kloraum, wo man nicht die Faschohand vor Augen sieht! Dunkler RAUM DUNKLEn RAUM
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teenpark · 9 months ago
that was an era where there was still no facebook myday and ig stories. and everyone around the campus seems to be using snapchat everyday. and i remember how my heart would always skip a beat whenever i see your name on my viewed list on snapchat. how a simple notification from you would make me feel giddy and excited. and how a simple glimpse of you in the campus can instantly make my day.
i remember hanging out at the cafeteria or at the garden and waiting for you to pass by. i remember bumping into you at the hallway in the library. and my favorite memory of all was the first time that you caught my eye. it was just a normal day in September, i was busy minding my own business in the middle that sea of people. it was almost pitch black until the light from the spotlight of the stage lit up, and there, you strummed your guitar and sang the first line, i was captivated.
i couldn't the right word to describe what i felt until a taylor swift song played and it encapsulated every emotion that i was feeling..
"it was enchanting to meet you.."
- klo (6/5/24)
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0ktoberkind · 2 years ago
Einfach arschgeil! Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.. 😂
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ectokelpeigh · 1 year ago
Danny: You're impossibly fast, and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color, and sometimes you speak like – like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight.
Vlad: Are you quite done?
Danny: I know what you are
Vlad: (sigh) do enlighten me
Danny: A LOSER
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