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jc · 2 months ago
Tagebuch: Barcampen, Elternabend und ein Schulbesuch
Heu­te gleich mal ein Zweiwochenrückblick.
Lin­ke­dIn Local: Nach vier­zehn Aus­ga­ben ohne mich schau­te ich mal wie­der bei die­sem Meet­up vor­bei. Da waren sehr vie­le Men­schen, die sich ger­ne über Fach­kräf­te­man­gel und Recruiting-Möglichkeiten unter­hal­ten woll­ten. Nach einer län­ge­ren Ein­lei­tung fand eine Art Open Space statt, den die Veranstalter:innen Bar­camp nann­ten (ent­schul­digt bit­te, ich bin da dog­ma­tisch, ich gou­tie­re aber den Ansatz). Die Ein­hei­ten dau­er­ten nur jeweils fünf­zehn Minu­ten, sodass von den inter­es­san­ten The­men nicht viel mehr blieb als jeweils eine gehetz­te Prä­sen­ta­ti­on und zwei Rück­fra­gen. Aber ich will nicht zu viel meckern. Es war trotz­dem sehr nett da, ich habe vie­le inter­es­san­te Unter­hal­tun­gen geführt und genoss in den Büros des Gast­ge­bers Cronn die Aus­sicht auf den Drachenfels.
Eltern­abend: Dann war schon wie­der der all­jähr­li­che Kita-Elternabend. Zum ers­ten Mal war die Ehe­frau auch dabei, denn wir haben nun tat­säch­lich eine Baby­sit­te­rin und das war eine gute Gele­gen­heit, sie in die Zubett­geh­ri­tua­le ein­zu­wei­sen. Zwei Eltern­tei­le für zwei Kin­der vor Ort zu haben, war außer­dem prak­tisch, denn so muss­ten wir uns nicht ent­schei­den, wer in wel­cher Grup­pe sich nicht in den Eltern­bei­rat wäh­len lässt.
Bar­camp Nach­hal­ti­ge Zukunft: Dann fand schon zum drit­ten Mal unse­re Nach­fol­ge­ver­an­stal­tung zum Nach­hal­tig­keits­camp Bonn statt, das pas­sen­der­wei­se die­ses Jahr aus­ge­fal­len war. Über acht­zig Leu­te waren im Haus der Bil­dung, um sich einen Tag lang über The­men der Nach­hal­tig­keit in der Regi­on aus­zu­tau­schen. Ich fand das Bar­camp rund­um gelun­gen und hat­te nicht ein­mal hin­ter den Kulis­sen etwas aus­zu­set­zen – das dürf­te eine Pre­mie­re sein. Auch die Gäs­te waren voll des Lobes, was mich noch viel mehr freut. Die­se Ver­net­zung von Men­schen, Wirt­schaft und Kom­mu­nen, um Nach­hal­tig­keit zu för­dern, ist mir und uns von Bonn​.digi​tal eine Her­zens­an­ge­le­gen­heit. Es ist so schön, dass sie Jahr für Jahr funktioniert.
Der Autor beim Moderieren
Schul­schnup­pern: Gro­ße Din­ge kün­di­gen sich an. Wir erhiel­ten den sagen­um­wo­be­nen rosa Brief von der Stadt. Damit müs­sen wir in den nächs­ten Wochen Klein-Lea für die Schu­le anmel­den. FÜR DIE SCHULE! Ich kann es immer noch nicht rea­li­sie­ren, dass wir in einem Jahr schon ein Schul­kind zuhau­se haben wer­den. Nun müs­sen wir uns aber auch ent­schei­den, wel­che Schu­le es wer­den soll. Bei der ers­ten gab es am Brü­cken­tag einen Tag der offe­nen Tür. Gemein­sam mit eini­gen wei­te­ren Eltern – etli­che Gesich­ter waren uns aus der Kita schon wohl­be­kannt – durf­ten wir uns frei in der Schu­le bewe­gen, in der regu­lä­rer Unter­richt statt­fand, durf­ten sogar ein­fach in die Klas­sen­räu­me und ihn live mit­an­se­hen. Wir tausch­ten uns mit Per­so­nal der OGS aus und beka­men von der Schul­lei­te­rin die beru­hi­gen­de Infor­ma­ti­on, dass sowohl die Schul­auf­nah­me, als auch ein Platz in der OGS vor­aus­sicht­lich kein Pro­blem dar­stel­len wer­den. Beru­hi­gend des­halb, weil wir unser vor­he­ri­ges Gefühl mit dem Besuch fes­ti­gen konn­ten: Das ist eine schö­ne Schu­le, die wir uns gut für unse­re Erst­ge­bo­re­ne vor­stel­len kön­nen. Die Mut­ter ihrer bes­ten Freun­din hat­te wohl das glei­che Gefühl, was ein gewich­ti­ger Bonus ist.
Wald­aus­flug: Außer­dem waren wir noch im Wald, was sehr schön war. Details kön­nen im ent­spre­chen­den Tage­buch­ein­trag nach­ge­le­sen werden.
📧 Lass dich über neue Bei­trä­ge per E-Mail infor­mie­ren! 🐖 Du fin­dest das hier gut? Wirf was ins Spar­schwein mei­ner Kin­der! Vie­len Dank! 🫶
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2024/10/tagebuch-barcampen-elternabend-und-ein-schulbesuch/)
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jgthirlwell · 5 months ago
06.30.24 20th annual performance in Terry Riley's In C, performed by NYC In C.
Brian Chase - drums, Billy Martin - drums, Aba Diopsabar -percussion, Zach Layton - 17-string bass (electric), Luke Stewart - upright bass, Henry Fraser -electric bass, Ava Mendoza - guitar, Elliott Sharp - guitar, David Grubbs - guitar, Bobby Previte -percussion, Nava Dunkelman - vibraphone, Shayna Dunkelman - vibraphone, Levy Lorenzo -marimba, Matt Evans - marimba, Ursula Oppens - Steinway piano L, Adam Tendler - Steinway piano R, Qasim Naqvi - synth, Ben Vida - synth, Miya Masaoka - koto, Zeena Parkins - harp. Neel Murgai- sitar, Erica Dicker - violin. gabby fluke mogul - violin, Laura Ortman - violin, Joanna Mattrey - viola, Jessica Pavone - viola. Cleek Schrey - viola. Alex Waterman - cello. Andrew Yee - cello. Lester St. Louis - cello. Kaoru Watanabe - shinobue flute, Laura Cocks - flute, Katie Porter - clarinet, Peter Hess - bass clarinet Matana Roberts - soprano saxophone, Lea Bertucci - alto saxophone, James Fei - alto saxophone, Zoh Ambatenor - saxophone, Peter Gordon - bari saxophone, Katherine Young - bassoon, Kyra Sims - french horn, Nate Wooley - trumpet, Ben Neill - trumpet, Chris Williams - trumpet, Peter Zummo - trombone, Chris McIntyre - trombone, Marcus Rojas- tuba, Joan La Barbara - voice. Gelsey Bell - voice, Nick Hallett - voice, Tariq El Sabir - voice, Raquel Acevdeo Klein - voice, Isabel Crespo Pardo - voice, Angelica Negron -accordion
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Twice as Many Shadows
Joost Klein x Vampire!reader
Real person fiction!
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CW: 18+, MDNI, RPF, getting roofied, attempted sexual assault, body horror, reference to violence against animals, cannibalism, no smut yet sorry (that’s in part 3 heehee), obligatory club scenes, countless other cliches, please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything
Reader: vampire!reader, female!reader, not descriptive with reader’s appearance but I did give them a bit of personality and a backstory that I hope does not detract from the ability to self insert,,,, yeah I may have gone too hard on backstory
Other notes: Story takes place Fall of 2022,,,,Also big thanks to my irl bestie for his help identifying stray plot bunnies and big thanks to @joosthead for always encouraging me and giving me so much advice over time when it comes to writing! You’re amazing!!!
Word count: ~5,900
Real person fiction! Beware! 👻
You’ve been so many places over the past few years but Amsterdam is a first.
The Netherlands club scene tickles you and Amsterdam is the center of it all. Bouncing from city to city and country to country has kept you sane but this place has you pausing for the first time in what feels like forever.
The energy of summer saturated the nightlife when you arrived and parties raged until the dawn. Festival season was loud and unignorable but even the mainstay clubs and bars were full to bursting for months on end. Anywhere a body could fit there was a party to accommodate.
Even now as long warm nights turn crisper and darker as summer turns to autumn, the Dutch party on and you find yourself carried away by the momentum they never seem to lose.
It’s easy to stay. Maybe it's just been long enough since you started all this that you feel like you can breathe normally. Maybe you're just far enough away.
Maybe it really is just something about Amsterdam.
You’re growing attached to this place. You dread the day you will have to leave.
He catches your eye at the club. You notice him first, of course. Can hear him from clear across the room despite the bone-rattling music and a hundred other people.
It’s a Friday night and you itch to be among the crowd. Close enough to feel like one of them and share in their moment. You wish it were yours. You will make it yours too, just like always. 
Something about the exact way he looks and the exact way he speaks to his group of friends is so striking you couldn't ignore him if you tried. He jokes with an open affection that just shouldn't be possible in words chosen so crass and shouted so loud. Never have you heard ‘cancer dick’ sound like an endearment. 
He is so yellow and pink and blue. Your three new favorite colors. Golden hair almost luminescent under the black lights. Cheeks as pink as his flashy jacket. Eyes bluer than the toxic looking drink in his hand.
You couldn't say whether or not he is conventionally handsome. The sight of him immediately fills a space in your brain you didn't know existed like a lock and key and bowls over your pre-existing notions of the word.
Every part of his face fits in perfect proportion to the rest in a way you have never seen and it has you floored.
There's nothing unusual about it, nothing you can put your finger on, just something absolutely entrancing. 
He isn't just beautiful either. That perfect face is radiating an attitude like no one else in the room. No one else looks as happy, as carefree, as genuinely joyous. You can hear it in his words, see it in how he dances like he doesn't care who is watching. You can tell he doesn't. 
How long has it been since you felt such strong attraction? It makes you stupidly nostalgic for how simple things like this might have been when you were human.
You could have flirted with him, danced with him, maybe even taken him home, gotten his number in the morning.
Now, he is everything you want, everything you want to be, and most definitely everything you can't have. 
Not like that at least. He wouldn't have you. 
He catches your gaze from across the floor. Yeah, you probably are staring aren’t you. But you don’t look away. One perk of your creature status is a much increased ability to not give a fuck. Even when you really really should. His eyes rove over you and his face breaks into what you would call a smirk. 
You want to see it fall as you bite a chunk out of him. 
Okay, time to leave. Better get out of here before you do something weird. Turning away, you weave through the crowd. You feel his eyes on you the whole way out.
Literally. Vampires can do that. 
The itch of his gaze evaporates as you step out the door and reach for a cigarette. Disgusting but necessary. Perfect for blotting out all the people-smells that you’re suddenly having a harder time than usual ignoring.
The first drag is fucking toxic but it’s immediately easier not to focus on the cocktail of male sex hormones the club atmosphere provided. You wonder which are his of the dozens dancing on your tongue. 
The overlap between sexual attraction and the urge to hold someone between your jaws still surprises you sometimes. Of course it isn’t always about sex. You could want to eat someone you hated just as bad. Most often it’s a complete stranger.
It’s like squares and rectangles. You might not think about fucking someone every time you need blood, but every time you do want to fuck, you also want to sink your teeth in. 
If you’re being honest though, this observation is based on fairly brief encounters with fairly drunk men. In reality, you haven’t gotten any in a while. Years in fact. Literal monster behavior seems to be a bit of a turn off for most men and sexy encounters always end the moment you get a good few gulps in and their struggling makes you start to feel guilty. 
You sigh. This is far from the first time you’ve wondered at this particular predicament. Why can’t a girl get some?
You flick the butt to the ground and grind it out with your heel. It’s about time to head home. You came out to have fun and you don’t actually need to feed right now. Even if you did, it would probably go poorly given the mood you’re in. 
You don’t have the archetypical problem of killing people when you feed, not that you’ve never killed anyone, but the trauma level for whichever poor person you choose on a given night can vary greatly depending on your state of mind and right now you’re feeling a little worked up. It might be more bloody than usual. 
Ideally, it’s always drunk people you feed on, as fucked up as that sounds, in the end they usually remember less. That or sleeping people.
God. So much noncon. 
But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Blood banks actually ask a lot of questions and you’ve never felt like trying to intimidate a doctor into faking a condition for you, too afraid of catching their interest and becoming a science experiment.
There aren’t any vampires you've met yet that could point you in a helpful direction either. You never even got to know the vampire that turned you. 
The exact circumstances of your metamorphosis were actually a bit of a mystery. You had no memory of being bitten.
One night you came-to in the middle of the street, blocks away from where you should have been, shoulder bloody, and within the hour you were crawling out of your skin as you transformed. 
Outwardly, you looked no different, but that night your senses shifted and heightened and your bones and muscle tore apart and regrew stronger in far too short a time. 
It was a good thing you had been alone. You had been with your friends before. It was a girls night out catching the newest Spiderman in theaters.
Sitting there on the pavement, blood seeping into your shirt, you knew there was something off and you stumbled home without finding them. 
When you arrived you realized you were more than just in shock. It hurt. Everything hurt. You should have gone to the hospital. But how could you have known?
It came on fast.
By the time you knew there was something really wrong, you were too weak to make it anywhere in your agony. Too weak to even make it to your phone in your coat pocket hanging on the door. 
In the end, you are glad no one got to witness what happened. What you are sure would have been beyond explanation. The sight of your own flesh writhing under your skin is unforgettable. The tiles of the kitchen floor where you collapsed took days to clean. 
The only thing that kept you from totally freaking out in the moments afterward was the insane thought that maybe you had become Spiderman. As stupid as that sounds.
Not that you were a hero or anything.
That much was clear from the beginning when you stumbled outside to rip into the dog in the yard across the street after realizing you could hear your neighbors through the wall and it was making your mouth water. 
Dogs are disgusting. At least it didn’t die. 
You still watch Spiderman now and then on the days you're feeling a tad existential. Honestly, you wish you could be Spiderman. You don’t really know what you are.
Your heart still beats and you definitely don't sparkle, but your canines are extendable and people really do look delicious sometimes. You feel the need to feed on people but no one you've ever fed on has turned. You checked.
It would be nice if whoever bit you had stuck around to talk it out. In the end, vampire just seemed like the best word for it. 
Never mind the flesh eating part. 
What were you saying? Oh yeah, if you try and find someone drunk enough to not notice a little bite right now, you might accidentally decapitate them. A slight exaggeration, but still. 
The worn cobblestones glitter under the amber lamplights as you make your way down the street towards the tram stop, still thinking about that perfect face.
The breeze carries a real hint of chill now, letting go of the last traces of your favorite summer since you started all this.
The shadows on the water are deeper than you remember ever seeing them. They creep up over the edges of the canals to fill the street and swallow the alley you turn down. 
You make it only a few feet before a group of guys round the opposite corner and take up the entire width of the passage.
Even with the knowledge that they would ultimately move to the side, you don’t want to deal with the urges they might inspire in such a tight space. Not right now.
Somehow you’re only feeling more and more keyed up.
Making a quick decision, you turn around to head back the way you came. The thumping of the bass becomes detectable as you near the club again, rattling you physically to match your internal agitation. 
You round the corner to try going up the other street this time and collide harshly with the exact person you had been looking to get away from. 
What was even the point of being a vampire if you couldn’t avoid clumsy moments like these?
 You take a step back as you raise your hands up slightly in a placating gesture. 
“Het spijt me,” you say trying to dodge around him quickly as his scent absolutely floods your senses. 
Fuck, he smells good. 
The general mixed smells of horny male in the club had been enough when looking at him before, but here and now, you realize you are in real trouble. The way he smells itches something deep in you. You want to fuck him. You also want to bite him. Hard.
Go now. Leave.
He spins as if to follow you as you skirt around him. 
“No problem! Hey I saw you earlier, are you leaving already?” He says in perfect English. He must think you’re a tourist. Technically, you kind of are. 
“Is my accent that bad?” you say, pausing in step to look at him. 
What the fuck are you thinking. You need to go right now. 
He grins. ”Haha, yes a little.” 
You can’t help yourself. You can tell he’s teasing. He was charming before from all the way across the room and he’s just as charming right now. All blond fluff and cheekbones and effortless charisma. You turn to face him fully.
“Well, yeah, I think I’m done for the night,” you say carefully. 
He leans in a little, opens his mouth to say something else, but stops dead when he sees what must be your eyes turning pitch black. 
You feel the subtle tug as it happens. The proximity to something so fucking potent as he leans forward pushes you over an edge you didnt even know was there. You’re literally engaging night vision like you’re going to hunt him or something. Ridiculous. You haven't had this problem in years. 
“Fuck!” he stumbles back. “Your eyes! A-Are you…….What!?” 
You’re still just standing there and you can tell he doesn’t know what to say. For as much as pop culture loves the supernatural, no one is ever actually prepared to encounter it.
You can tell he isn’t drunk enough to forget what he’s seeing right now but once again you don’t care like you probably should.
You allow your gaze to flit from his shocked stare down to his lips and then, after a moment, to his throat. When you look up again, it’s obvious he’s blushing. His eyes have become so dark they could rival your own if it weren't for the sclera.
Less than a second later, the smell of his arousal hits you.
What the fuck?
It stirs you more intensely than you thought possible and you know it's now or never. Leave or absolutely traumatize this beautiful stranger. 
You summon all your willpower and turn tail and run.
You don’t even try to conceal your speed. It's dark enough and the risk has to be taken if you stand any chance of getting far enough away to save the situation by the time that willpower runs out. 
Besides, he’s already seen you. 
By the time you reach your street you’re panting. God, that was like four kilometers. Whatever fresh Twilight bullshit that says vampires never run out of stamina is just wrong. You may have done it in a nice neat ten minutes but still, that was rough.
The burning in your chest has you feeling decidedly less sexy and you walk the rest of the way home. 
Home was a small apartment you had found on the edge of the city where you could afford to not have a roommate and the landlady let you pay month by month instead of signing on for a whole year. It was always hard finding places like that.
In the few months you had been there not one of your neighbors was especially loud or smelly or nosey and you counted it a lucky find. It was a perfect spot really, and you were glad it was within your budget.
You had been working remote for the duration of your worldly travels. Even if things got tight sometimes, it was a good enough paying job and you wouldn't trade it for anything since it allowed you to move around when you wanted.
After your great murderous fuck-up, you had found it was very soothing to be out of country, even if you were sure no one was onto you. 
It would be pretty hard to pin anything on you with no body.
As far as you know, the poor guy is still considered missing. Well, you say ‘poor guy,’ but the guy was kind of an asshole. You had never been drugged before, but you could tell for him it was a practiced routine.
The horror of the night started at the bar at the local theater. Not a place you had thought to be on your guard. You were there with a few friends in full costume to catch this month's performance of Rocky Horror.
It was intermission and you were all milling about refilling drinks and stretching your legs and fighting to fit as many people at once into the lone photo booth in the corner. The bar was small and you did not expect to stop there for longer than it took to get a new beer. 
He came up next to you, too close from the get-go considering there was no one else standing there, and made conversation while he had you captive waiting for your drink.
He wasn’t from around there, was visiting he said, and wanted to know what people do for fun. You could tell he really meant he wanted to know what fun he could have with you.
As forward as he was, it wasn't unusually pushy and you were ultimately unbothered when you broke away to find your friends. You never even saw how he managed to dose you. 
You never found your friends.
You don’t even remember how you made it to his car. 
One minute you were walking back to your seat and the next, you were outside. It was cold. Someone was carrying you bridal style.
You were pretty out of it for a good minute. Not sure how long exactly, but long enough that when you started processing things again, you were pulling up by the side of the road near a cow pasture.
He clearly thought you were still out of it because he removed his hand from your thigh, cut the engine, and got out to go around to open your door without a word. 
God knows what he had in mind for you that night, but you never found out because as it happens, he was right, you were still kind of out of it. Not like he had intended, your metabolism already working through a dose surely meant to incapacitate, but you were still loopy enough that logic was miles away and a cold and creeping dread began to fill you as you realized your situation.
The inability to think clearly, though it was getting better with each second, was only more agitating. 
It didn't even occur to you at the time that he stood no chance, that this was all ridiculous. You had been different for too short a time back then.
He was a threat, and one way or another you were about to respond. 
He opened your door. 
You had never felt the kind of fear-panic-rage before that you did in that moment. 
You were up in a flash as soon as he opened it wide enough and dragged him with you into the field.
Your strength was unexpected and his last words were no more than a surprised shout before you ripped his throat out and drank.
Each time he thrashed, the panic fought to overwhelm you and you drank faster to quiet him. He couldn't hurt you if you made him stop moving. 
When he ran dry, the panic-rage still burned and it seemed only natural to take a bite. A real bite. You had to make sure he stopped. 
So you did. 
And then another bite. 
And another and another and before you knew it, he had no head. 
Then, he had no arm and then soon, he only had a leg. 
The only thing you didn’t eat was his clothes. 
When light started to creep over the horizon, you finally came out of your state. You felt both calm and horrified. The threat was gone, but you also didn’t know you could do that. Where did it all go? Forget the size of your stomach, your entire body couldn’t have fit his inside of it. 
It was a little startling at the time. 
You burned his clothes and drove his car to the bottom of a lake. It might have been enough, probably was, but after that you didn’t stick around long to find out.
All this was to say that you enjoyed where you were now. It had been a good couple of years and you were now only vaguely disturbed about your latent abilities. You had even gotten back to the point where you were going back to bars and clubs again!
There was a time when you stayed away after that. You had been slow to return to enjoying nightlife, but Berlin had done wonders in that department and Amsterdam only solidified it. There was something about the Dutch brand of party that made you feel alive.
Tonight put a slight damper on that feeling of progress though. You’re not sure what you would have done to that guy if you hadn't left that very second.
Even if the situation was entirely different, it was the first time since that disastrous night that you have felt so out of control.
You can’t say you felt particularly murderous but you did want to hurt him in ways that make you blush a little now as you trudge up the steps to your door and wrestle with your keys. 
Ugh. You can never repeat that night. 
You will have self control. 
You do have self control. 
You should just calm down already. As you bolt the door and slip off your shoes, you resolve to make tea and forget about it. Besides, you didn’t really do anything and no one will ever believe him. 
The next day finds you completely normal and you spend your time working. You had a good night's sleep all things considered.
It’s such a good thing that vampires can sleep. Sure, maybe you would get more done if you didn’t, but honestly you think you would go crazy. You love your comfy little nest and you love turning your brain off. It needed to be turned off after that encounter. 
By next week, the entire thing is forgotten (filthy lie) and you feel like it is high time for another visit to the club. Boredom is killer and you can't resist anyways. Last time was surely a one-off.
You do yourself up and make your way downtown. 
The street lamps reflect off the water and the countless neon signs of bars and restaurants give the streets an ethereal glow despite the shadows, deep as ever.
They scatter in in every direction, multiplying in protest of the city lights and gathering themselves to obscure every corner.
The pounding bass spills out the door of every club you pass and the carefree Friday night energy of every person wandering the streets is tangible. 
Amsterdam is so awesome. 
You purposefully choose a new spot you found on Instagram, hoping to avoid running into him again.
You’ve never been big on social media, but ever since your life took you on the road it became critical to your navigation of the world. It took some getting used to, especially with no one in your life to ask more than superficial questions, but you figured it out. 
It still startles you occasionally just how non tech-savvy you can be. It’s not usually an issue but when you forget how to convert file types or struggle to navigate online forums you can't deny you’re a little behind the curve. Honestly, you might as well be a vampire from the 17th century not the 21st. One hidden away in a decaying manor far from modern technology. 
An exaggeration, but it really feels that way sometimes. 
You often pat yourself on the back for learning how to use the software necessary to do your job. Your career hadn’t required it of you before and it was only due to the fuckass pandemic that it had become an option. Now that you had the tech down it was very convenient to be able to do your job virtually.
That had been one of your biggest concerns in the beginning. How were you gonna fund your life on the run if you had to constantly search for new employment? 
When you get to the club it is delightfully similar to the photos and you spend your evening rotating between dancing your ass off and people-watching from the side when the smells and jostling get a little too exciting.
Yes, the club is exciting. The right amount this time around. You feel like a real young adult. You give yourself another pat on the back for your foray into normalcy.
It’s a smaller club on Lange Leidsedwarsstraat. By no means tucked away, but far enough from Leidseplein main square that there are far fewer tourists.
The ice is starting to melt in your drink. You can’t be bothered with it when there is so much to look at.
There can't be more than fifty people crammed in this tiny renovated warehouse but they manage to sport a variety of fashion and dance styles. Inevitably, you spot hakken amongst them. The tangle of decks and mixers on the small raised stage is huge and the lone DJ operating it all glows in alternating colors as lights strobe from behind to scatter over the crowd.
You work your way out of the corner and back onto the dance floor again. The upbeat song playing now hits just the right vibe for how you’re feeling. 
Doe de Fryslân bop
Wist je niet dat ik van Fryslân kom?
Dude, doe de Fryslân bop
Blaas het op als een fietsbandpomp
You bop along for a minute as the song demands and notice a group of several people shouting along much louder than everyone else. They seem to know every word.
One of them facing away from you turns in place as he dances and suddenly you’re locking eyes with the exact same guy. 
Jesus Christ, what are the odds. 
Well, maybe not terrible odds if you consider he’s probably a local. 
But still. Goddammit. 
His face instantly lights up and it would be kind of cute if you weren’t panicking. Those baby blues pack a punch. What happened to not giving a fuck?
Before you can move a single muscle to make your retreat, he is surging towards you through the crowd and  o h   s h i t   you did not expect that.
You thought he’d be running too. Even if he had been surprisingly horny in the face of inhuman eyes, you figured the freakish speed there at the end would have been enough to spook him.
Shocked, you fail to stop him from grabbing your wrist like he can tell you’re gonna make a break for it again. Vampire reflexes who? You open your mouth to protest but before you can say anything he leans in and bites your shoulder.  
You realize you’re shouting it as he pulls away laughing. 
“Fancy seeing you here!” He is way too happy.
“You bit me!”
“Are you gonna bite me back?” 
“C’mon, I know you want to.” The way he waggles his eyebrows should not be attractive. It is.
“Excuse me?!”
“I’ve watched enough tv to know a bloodsucker when I see one.” He looks stupidly smug.
“Yeah, tv. You should probably stop watching so much.”
“Your eyes were beautiful y’know.” You feel your own heart stutter.
“I think you had too much to drink.”
“Please, that was not drunk at all, you should have seen how we ended the night!”
“Yeah, you definitely were. But you’re joking, right? You should know most girls aren’t into roleplay right off the bat.” Maybe you can embarrass him into leaving you be. 
He scoffs and brings his other hand to the back of your head so he can pull you in as he leans down to whisper in your ear. 
“Why did you run?”
You can tell he’s deliberately holding your face close to his throat and god damn him, you know what he is trying to achieve and it works. This close to the source, the other smells of the club can’t run interference.
His presence is just as overwhelming as the first time and the smell of his skin and the thump of his heart is so close now you can’t help your reaction once again.
You feel the familiar tug behind your eyes and the shadows of the room start to melt away. The little silver chain sitting against his clavicles snaps into perfect definition.
He pulls away to gauge your reaction, the sly motherfucker, but his grin melts into stupefied wonder when he sees exactly what he had hoped for. 
“There it is.” He whispers. His heart is beating harder than ever and his scent rushes forward to envelop you even though you are no longer pressed to his neck. He smells like adrenaline. He smells like arousal.
You pout as he drinks you in. He pulled a fast one on you. 
Realizing he’s still holding your wrist, you flex in warning. He grips tighter like he’s afraid to let you go.
“C’mon, I’m not gonna go around gathering a mob with torches and pitchforks, what’s the big deal?”
You hold his gaze. You remember very well what the big deal is. What you are capable of when emotions are this high. He has you feeling something, alright.
But, you have to admit, even though everything about his presence is sending you into the stratosphere, it is nothing like that night. This feeling, albeit intense, is a good one. 
When was the last time someone talked to you like this? After seeing what you were? Never. Maybe you overreacted before. Maybe you can control yourself. As much as you want to rip into his shoulder you're not doing it. You‘re enjoying looking at him too much.
He really is beautiful.
Right now it doesn't feel like you're in danger of a big deal 2.0. Just maybe something equally stupid.
“You know I’ll have to kill you if you out me right?” You look over at the rest of his group where they are still dancing. 
His eyes widen at your indirect confirmation- you are a vampire. His grip becomes stiff and you finally get a whiff of fear. Good. Even if you’re lying, he should know who he’s dealing with. 
He stutters a bit, “I-I told some of my friends I saw something crazy, but they don’t believe me I swear! They just think I was drunk! Like you said!” 
God, he’s outing himself already. He’s so lucky you’re not actually evil. You just laugh and begin swaying to the beat again. You break his hold on your wrist effortlessly now, just a hint of real strength, so you can grab his hand instead. 
“Don’t worry, I’m just teasing. Dance with me?”
Even in the low lighting of the club, you can tell with your shifted vision how hard he’s blushing. In spite of his fear, he smells like he’s ready to fuck you pregnant. 
God, he’s a freak. 
You love it.
He acquiesces after a stunned moment and begins to bounce along with you. After a minute, you see him start mouthing the lyrics and it strikes you again how well he seems to know them. 
“A favorite of yours?” you say. 
”I wrote it!” he exclaims, leaning in. “You like?” 
“Did you really?” You are genuinely skeptical.
He scoffs. “I did! I am huge Netherlands artiest, don’t you know Joost Klein? Also, I know the DJ so he plays my stuff.” You hear humor in his voice but you don’t know what part is a joke.
Joost Klein. Huh. You have never heard that name in your life.
“Wow, I feel so lucky to meet a celebrity.” You bat your eyes at him.
He clocks your bullshit immediately.
“Really! I can show you my stuff! Come to my studio and I’ll show you what I’m working on!” 
You smirk. You are really dancing quite closely now. 
“Wow I dunno, I never usually let boys show me their stuff on the first date.”
He chokes out a laugh “So this is a date huh?” his hands are on your waist now.
“I don’t know yet” You say. “Dance with me some more.” 
Because you are insane, you turn around and lean up against him. The music is a little slower and heavier now than the alt-pop rap playing before. Joost gets the message immediately and soon you’re grinding to the beat. Already, you can feel his bulge against your ass.
You let yourself get lost in the rhythm of the music and the feeling of him against you. It's easy to lose time when his scent and his touch surround you like this. You could almost forget the itch in your canines. 
His head bows and his lips skim your shoulder where he bit you. What a strange sensation. A role reversal. You still can't believe he did that. For a minute, you feel strikingly human.
You arch up into him and let your head fall back against his chest. His lips move up to your ear and he asks, “Can I have your number?” You twist yourself back around to face him. 
It’s getting harder not to just kiss him. 
You maintain eye contact for a minute, his gaze searching yours.
Without breaking the stare-down, you reach into his pocket oh-so-slowly and pull out his phone, offering it to him.
He is starting to look a little crazed but he breaks the eye contact to look down and open it for you. You punch in your number when he turns it to you and slide it back into his pocket, just as slowly. 
Hooking a finger into his belt loop, you look up at him under your lashes. Joost looks like he doesn’t know whether to fuck you now or fuck you later. If he can wait to get you home.
You don’t let him deliberate. 
Leaning up, you ghost your lips over his. “See you soon.” 
And with all the stupid supernatural guile you can muster, you sink backwards into the crowd and disappear. The last glimpse you catch of his face is one of outrage. 
You laugh all the way down the street. 
A side street without lamps lends the shadows you need for cover as you give it just a bit of a speed boost in case he gets the idea to go looking for you again. Lord knows you’ve bumped into him enough times now that he might think to try it. 
You aren’t even to the end of the street before you get a text.
        +31 06 5337496:  y r u so mean to me ( ー̀εー́ )
          +31 06 5337496:  when will you come to my studio?
          +31 06 5337496: ପ(๑•ᴗ•��)ଓ ♡
You're still not sure what he really means by studio. Maybe it was a joke for his apartment. A studio apartment? Or maybe he really does make music. That would be fun. Not that you know much about Dutch music. Or Dutch. You sigh. It’s a process. 
Saving his number you write back.
          I am not mean
          had to get out of there before you turned full blood-                 
          sucker on me biting my shoulder like that
The dot-dot-dot pops up and goes away no less than seven times before he finally replies.
          Joost:  (/>w<)/ yayyyy can’t wait!!
           Joost:  meet me at 16 Schimmelstraat at 14:00 :333
You can't help but snort at the way he texts. Definitely a funny guy. You have such good taste. 
It took him quite a while to respond compared to the speed at which he first texted you. You might be technologically illiterate, but even you know that means Joost had to think about something a little harder.
He does seem to get flustered by everything vampiric. Oh this was going to be so much fun.
On the other hand, Joost might just be a slow texter. 
You know where you would place your bet. 
Thank you so much for reading!! Sorry for the atrocious amount of backstory. I didn't realize what I’d done until it was too late (and I didn’t want to rewrite). I promise the next one will be more Joost-centric interaction and less boring exposition. Btw this series will include smut! Yay!!
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jubilant-accosts · 23 days ago
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Meet the families residing in Jubilant Accosts!
From left to right:
Row 1: The Klein family, consisting of the Proxy Simon Klein and his young wife Eleanore. The Dean family, consisting of Winnie Dean, her husband Ezra, their... close friend, Andre, their ambitious daughter Tiffany and their little son Jason. There's also Gabriel, but he's been at the Klein residence lately for some reason...
Row 2: The Doan-Creel family, consisting of siblings Chinh and An, their niece Kim, plus Kim's werewolf husband Alister Creel and their werewolf teenage daughter Phuong. The Augens-Smorodina family, consisting of pet shop owner Mita Augens and his fiancée, the talented Rinna Smorodina, plus their two adorable cats!
Row 3: The Pryor family, consisting of Alphaeus Pryor, his wife Damiana, their rebellious daughter Helena, their innocent and playful Abercius, their adopted son Brion and their unruly youngest son James. Next door to them are the Vienot family, where you'll find Damiana's brother Trysten Vienot, his wife Deianeira, his stepdaughter Xaviere and his daughter with Deia, Desdemona.
Row 4: The Onerieroi family, a neurotic family-oriented man named Xanthos Onerieroi who lives by the beach with three pets. At the town's grilled cheese restaurant is the Rennet family consisting of the restaurant owner Josh Rennet, his secretive wife Asima, their grilled cheese-obsessed daughter Anika and their twin sons Ishaan and Harpreet.
Row 5: The Jakobsson family, consisting of the atrociously evil Håvard Jakobsson, his tyrannical wife Jakobina, her son and Håvard's stepson Torkel Deering, Jakobina's stepdaughter and Håvard's daughter Siv, and Håvard and Jakobina's daughter Karin, plus a cat sometimes accompanied by spectral cats! Next door are their rivals, the Lindgren family, consisting of widowed businesswoman Delicia Deering, her evil sons Jakob and Loke Lindgren, Jakob's wife Lea and their little son Arvid, plus a dog that you just can't resist to pet!
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thousandfireworks · 9 months ago
Authors whose books you have to avoid because they are problematic.
Abigail Hing Wen.
Alex Aster.
Alice Hoffman.
Alice Oseman.
Alison Win Scotch. ‘Terrorism is never acceptable. Not in Israel.’
Allie Sarah.
Amber Kelly.
Amy Harmon.
Annabelle Monaghan.
Anna Akana.
Aurora Parker.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Brandon Sanderson. Islamophobic.
Carissa Broadbent. Said that hamas is doing violence against innocence.
Chloe Walsh. Siding with Israel in the name of humanity.
Christina Lauren. Believe that Israel is the victim. A racist, also Islamophobic.
Colleen Hoover.
Cora Reilly. Travel to Israel despite criticism.
Danielle Bernstein. Islamophobic.
Danielle Lori.
Deke Moulton. Said hamas is terrorist.
Dian Purnomo.
Eliza Chan.
Elle Kennedy.
Elyssa Friedland.
Emily Henry.
Emily Mclntire.
Emily St. J. Mandel. Admiring Israel.
Gabrielle Zevin. Wrote a book about anti-Palestine. Mentioned Israel multiple times without context on his book.
Gregory Carlos. Israeli author. A zionist.
Hannah Whitten.
Hazel Hayes. Reposted a post about October 7th.
Heidi Shertok.
Jamie McGuire.
Jay Shetty. ‘Violence is happening in Israel.’
Jean Meltzer.
Jeffery Archer. Wrote a book with a mc Israel operative (mossad) in a positive and anti terrorist light.
Jennifer Hartman. Liked a post about pro-Israel.
Jen Calonita.
Jessa Hastings.
Jill Santopolo. Said that Israel has right to exist and fight back.
John Green.
Jojo Moyes.
J. Elle.
J. K. Rowling. Support genocide. Racist. Islamophobic.
Kate Canterbery.
Kate Stewart.
Katherine Howe.
Katherine Locke.
Kristin Hannah. Support Israel. Shared a donation link.
Laini Taylor.
Laura Thalassa. Islamophobic.
Lauren Wise. Cussed that Palestinian supporters would be raped in front of children.
Lea Geller. Thanked people who supports Israel.
Leigh Dragoon. Islamaphobic and anti Asian racist rants on Twitter and threads
Leigh Stein.
Lilian Harris. A racist. Blocking people who educates about colonialism in Palestine and call them disgusting.
Lisa Barr. A daughter of Holocaust survivor. Support Israel.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery.
Lisa Steinke.
Liz Fenton.
Lynn Painter. Afraid of getting cancelled as a pro-Palestine and posted a template afterwards.
L. J. Shen. Her husband joins idf (Israel army).
Mariana Zapata.
Marie Lu.
Marissa Meyer.
Melissa de la Cruz.
Michelle Cohen Corasanti.
Michelle Hodkin. Spread false rumors about arab-hamas. Islamophobic.
Mitch Albom. ‘We shouldn't blame Israel for surviving attacks or defending against them.’
Monica Murphy. Siding with Israel.
Naomi Klein.
Navah Wolfe.
Neil Gaiman. Suggested Palestinians unite with Israel and become citizens.
Nicholas Sparks.
Nic Stone. Talked nonsense that children in Palestinian refugee camp are training to be martyrs for Allah because they felt it was their call in life.
Nyla K.
Olivia Wildenstein. Blocking people who disagree with Israel wrongdoing.
Pamela Becker.
Penelope Douglas.
Pierce Brown.
Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Rebecca G. Martinez.
Rebecca Yarros. ‘I despise violence’ her opinion about what's happening in Gaza. Blocking people who calls her a zionist.
Rena Rossner.
Renee Ahdieh.
Rick Riordan.
Rina Kent.
Rivka (noctem.novelle).
Rochelle Weinstein.
Romina Garber. ‘These terrorist attacks do nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians people.’
Roshani Chokshi. Encourage people to donate to Israel.
Samantha Greene Woodruff.
Sarah J. Mass. Her book contained ideology of zionism.
Stephanie Garber. Promoting books by zionist author (Sarah J. Mass)
Skye Warren.
Sonali Dev.
Talia Carner.
Tarryn Fisher. Said ‘there was terrorist attack in Israel.’
Taylor Jenkins Reid. Posted a video about genocide.
Tere Liye. Rumoured to have ghoswriters to write his books and never give credit to them.
Tillie Cole.
Tracy Deon.
Trinity Traveler (Ade Perucha Hutagaol). Rumour to wrote book about handsome Israelis.
T. J. Klune.
Uri Kurlianchik.
Veronica Roth.
Victoria Aveyard. ‘Israel has the right to exist.’ quote from her about the issue.
V. E. Schwab. Shared a donation link and video about Israel.
Yuval Noah. ‘Israel has the right to do anything to defend themselves.’
Zibby Owens.
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equalv · 2 years ago
German tv shows with lgbt* characters
I think it can be quite hard to find queer german tv shows, so I thought I‘d compile a list with the ones that I have watched so far.
✪  = queerness is centered in this show
1899 (2022) (mlm) | Netflix | international 
Ángel (Miguel Bernardeau) 
Ramiro (José Pimentão)
Krester (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen)
All you need (2021-) (mlm) | ZDF | ✪
Vince (Benito Bause)
Robbie (Frédéric Brossier)
Levo (Arash Marandi)
Tom (Mads Hjulmand)
Andreas (Tom Keune)
Barbaren (2020-) (mlm) | Netflix
Marbod (Murathan Muslu)
Flavus (Daniel Donsky)
Beat (2018) (mlm) | Prime Video
Beat (Jannis Niewöhner) 
Becoming Charlie (2022-) (trans, mlm, wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Charlie (Lea Drinde)
Ronja (Sira-Anna Faal)
Mirko (Antonije Stankovic)
Blutige Anfänger (2020-) (mlm) | ZDF, YT
Michael Kelting (Werner Daehn)
Dr. Claas Steinebach (Martin Bretschneider)
Bruno Pérez (Martin Peñaloza Cecconi)
Phillip Schneider (Eric Cordes)
Charité (2017-) (wlw, mlm) | Netflix
Schwester Therese (Klara Deutschmann)
Otto Marquardt (Jannik Schümann)
Martin Schelling (Jacob Matschenz)
Dark (2017-2020) (wlw, mlm, trans) | Netflix
Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth)
Bennie Wöller (Anton Rubtsov)
Doris Tiedemann (Tamar Pelzig/Luise Heyer)
Agnes Nielsen (Helena Pieske/Antje Trauer)
Deutschland 83/86/89 (2015-2020) (wlw, mlm) | Prime Video
Alex Edel (Ludwig Trepte)
Prof. Tobias Tischbier (Alexander Beyer)
Lenora Rauch (Maria Schrader)
Rose Seithathi (Florence Kasumba)
Dogs of Berlin (2018) (mlm) | Netflix
Erol Birkan (Fahri Yardim)
Guido Mack (Sebastian Achilles)
Dr. Klein (2014-2019) (mlm) | Netflix
Patrick Keller (Leander Lichti)
Kaan Gül (Karim Günes)
DRUCK (2018-) (wlw, mlm, trans) | YT | ✪
Fatou Jallow (Sira-Anna Faal)
Matteo Florenzi (Michelangelo Fortuzzi)
Zoe Machwitz (Madeleine Wagenitz)
Kieu My Vu (Nhung Hong)
Isi Inci (Eren M. Güvercin)
David Schreibner (Lukas von Horbatschewsky)
Yara Aimsakul (Elena Plyphalin Siepe)
Hans Brecht (Florian Appelius)
Eldorado KaDeWe – Jetzt ist unsere Zeit (2021-) (wlw) | ARD
Heidi Kron (Valerie Stoll)
Fritzi Jandorf (Lia von Blarer)
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019-) (wlw) | Netflix
Fritzi (Leonie Wesselow)
Gerda (Luna Baptiste Schaller)
Kitz (2021) (mlm) | Netflix
Kosh Ziervogel (Zoran Pingel)
Hans Gassner (Ben Felipe)
Ku‘damm 56/59/63 (2016-2021) (mlm) | ZDF
Wolfgang von Boost (August Wittgenstein)
Hans Liebknecht (Andreas Pietschmann)
Der Kroatien Krimi/Split Homicide (2016-) (wlw) | ARD
Stascha Novak (Jasmin Gerat)
Loving Her (2021) (wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Hanna (Banafshe Hourmazdi)
Holly (Bineta Hansen)
Franzi (Lena Klenke)
Lara (Emma Drogunova)
Josephine (Karin Hanczewski)
Anouk (Larissa Sirah Herden)
Sarah (Soma Pysall)
Mord mit Aussicht (2018-2022) (wlw) | Netflix
Bärbel Schmied (Meike Droste)
Neumatt (2021-) (mlm) - Switzerland | Netflix
Michi Wyss (Julian Koechlin)
Joel Bachmann (Benito Bause)
Polizeiruf 110 (1971-) (queer/gnc) | ARD
Vincent Ross (Andre Kaczmarczyk)
SOKO Leipzig (2001-) (mlm) | ZDF
Moritz Brenner ( Johannes Hendrik Langer )
Tatort (1970-) (mlm, wlw) | ARD
Robert Karow (Mark Waschke)
Julia Grosz (Franziska Weisz)
Esther Baumann (Brigitte Urhausen)
Meret Schande (Christina Scherrer)
Vorstadtweiber (2015-) (mlm) – Austria
Georg Schneider (Jürgen Maurer)
Joachim Schnitzler (Phillip Hochmair)
WIR (2021-) (wlw) | ZDF
Annika Baer (Eva Maria Jost)
Helena Kwiatkowski (Katharina Nesytowa)
Wendland (2023-) (wlw) | ZDF
Kira Engelmann (Paula Kalenberg)
Birthe (?)
Queer Eye Germany (2022) (mlm, nblm, trans) | Netflix
Avi Jakobs
Leni Bolt
Ayan Yuruk
Jan-Henrik Scheper-Stutke
Aljosha Muttardi
Notes: I may have forgotten to add some characters, because for most of the shows it has been some time since I last watched them. Please let me know if you want me to add a character or even show:)
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dezelies · 1 year ago
⭑ Substitute Teachers ❜
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ᵖ﹕→ ONE.
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Some senior students had agreed to a program to teach students who are still lea rning about this world. To give them tips, and advice, and substitute as their teacher for the day.
You, Alex, and some other students have accepted this opportunity. You love to teach children because you have the patience, hence you're a professional at this. While, Alex has the complete opposite reason, his reason being that he only accepted this for the extra grade he will gain.
With his formal suit on, he gained his courage and headed straight to the office where he will get his directions.
Alex held a straight face as he held his shoulder bag with a strong grip, only smiling at the people he familiarized.
"HUY! KUYA! ANG POGI NIYO PO!" You're so handsome! All the grade students yelled as Alex walked out of his car and headed towards his class.
"MGA BATA! BUMALIK NA KAYO SA CLASSROOM NIYO!" The guard yelled making everyone scatter around and leave the school grounds.
While you got easily lost, fascinated by the school. Which was rumored to have underground buildings and other essentials in a community. It made you wake up from your bed feeling curious and excited.
With your borrowed formal clothes you made your way over to the office where you will get your directions with the help of a guard.
As the two of you walked to the office, you both faced each other.
You looked up from your shoes and saw the man in front of you, just outside the door of the entrance that led to the office.
"Hi." You quietly greeted him first, he just glared at you and faced away from you to look at the door.
Before you could even respond to his demeanor a staff called the two of you to come inside with a smile to seem friendly.
He entered first not even opening the door for you, How rude. Was your FIRST impression of him.
"Okay, parehas kayong late." Okay, you're both late. The staff said with a strong expression that says it all.
"So, what are we going to do now?" He asked. You didn't expect his voice to be soft and sound a bit younger but, moving on.
"May isa nalang room sa building six, meaning parehas niyong tuturuan mga bata doon, mga ilang oras lang." There's only one room left in the sixth building, meaning the both of you have to partner up for now to teach the children, only for a few hours.
"Here's a paper that will inform you about your surroundings and the class." She gave the two of you a paper and you immediately observed the information of the children.
"Grade 3 sila? Akala ko po grade 6 ang tuturuan ko?" They're 3rd graders? I thought I was going to teach 6th graders? You saw their names and couldn't resist judging their names, like come on! Who the fuck names their child Calvin Klein? An underwear brand?
"Ehem! Miss? Are you listening?" She waved her hand in front of you making you snap out and look back up at her.
"Like what I said, there's only one room left!" She firmly said, her annoyance obviously radiating off of her voice.
"Okay po. What time are we going to go there?" He looked up from his clipboard and seeked for her answer.
"In about 40 minutes. Quickly get to know each other, it seems like to you are both strangers." She shooed the two of you and pointed at the door.
"Uhm, alright." You awkwardly held onto the clipboard that came with the paper.
You didn't know where to go so you just followed him around making him a bit annoyed, since he just wanted this day to be over already.
"Are you good?" You gave him a smile, assuring him that he could talk to you.
"Yeah." He responded dryly, "Well, alright, I heard the cafeteria in this school is pretty large and has good food, would you like to come?" You offered him to come with you.
"Err.. 'wag na, mamaya nalang, may 12 minutes nalang tayo before we go to the children's room." Err.. we can't, maybe later, since we only have 12 minutes before entering the children's room. He differed.
"Oh, come on! Mabilis lang naman." It will be quick! You insisted, standing up to see if he would come along.
"Seriously, no. Bahala ka nalang diyan, if you get late." He picked up his stuff and headed to the 6th building.
Oh, he's pretty bossy. You grabbed your stuff and followed him to the building.
You both entered the room and was greeted by the children in the class. "Hello!" You waved at them with your charisma.
"Goodmorning po!" They all said in unison while standing up, some with their cheeky smile.
"I'm Ate Y/N! You don't have to call me Teacher Y/N pero, it's fine if you want to." You noted to them.
"And this is-" He cut you off, "Goodmorning, I'm Kuya Alex, and is there someone who's willing to introduce themselves in front of the class?" They stayed silent not wanting to do it.
That's too straight forward, baka nahihiya yung mga bata. You thought for a moment, "Or! Let's play a little game!" They agreed and waited for you to respond,
"I want everyone to stand up." They all stood up, surprising Alex a bit, "Okay po, very good. Partner yourselves into TWO or more!" They all rushed to their very best friends and held the other.
"Okay, sige. So with your group pwede po ba kayong mag-stay sa isang table so that we can start the introduction?" Alright. So, with your group, can we stay around one table so that we can start our introduction? They nodded and laughed in excitement.
"Here's a twist! We are not going to introduce ourselves but! Introduce the other person in your group! Like this, This is Alex po, he's my best friend he can be a bit bossy at times but he's a great friend!" They gasped and excitedly nodded.
"So, who wants to go first!?" Most of them raised their hand and you picked the one that caught your eye first. As they all introduced their friend one by one, Alex observed the whole thing happen, simply shocked by your teaching style.
"All of you are very good students! But! I'll give a piece of chocolate to the one who will answer my question!" You caught their attention automatically and students prepared to raise their hand to participate even if they get it wrong.
"Oh sige, how do we put an elephant in a fridge?" You saw a lot of the same hands so you decided to choose one who hasn't been raising her hand at all.
"You! How do we put an elephant in a fridge?" She hesitantly stood up, the other kids looking at her for her answer.
"Kakatayin po!" We slaughter it! She confidently answered, making you, Alex, and the other kids laugh at her answer.
"AY! Nice try, Reb, maybe that was a unique answer but the real answer is-".
"So, does anybody have a question?" Alex looked at each one of them with a friendly smile.
"Me!" One child raised his hand, "Okay, go ahead." He crossed his arms. "Mag-jowa po ba kayo ni Ate Y/N?" Are you and Y/N together? He asked shocking the two of you while the whole class cheered on with an "Ayie!"
"Okay, thank you for your question, Jak. But, me and Ate Y/N are friends!" The disappointed look they had after his answer made you laugh.
"Any other questions?" "Ako po!" "Okay, Roberto go." "May jowa na po ba kayo?" Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? What is it with these ridiculous questions, Alex thought. "Wala pa po, I'm quite busy with my studies." You answered.
Another disappointed look but someone raised their hand again, "May crush ka po?" Do you have a crush? Nanaman? "Okay, the next person who asks about my love life will gain a deduction on the next seatwork." Finally, they stopped.
The class hour ended meaning you and Alex had to say your goodbye's and see if you both can come back tomorrow...
sorry 😔
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dear-indies · 11 months ago
full list of biden letter 2:
Aaron Bay-Schuck Aaron Sorkin Adam & Jackie Sandler Adam Goodman Adam Levine Alan Grubman Alex Aja Alex Edelman Alexandra Shiva Ali Wentworth Alison Statter Allan Loeb Alona Tal Amy Chozick Amy Pascal Amy Schumer Amy Sherman Palladino Andrew Singer Andy Cohen Angela Robinson Anthony Russo Antonio Campos Ari Dayan Ari Greenburg Arik Kneller Aron Coleite Ashley Levinson Asif Satchu Aubrey Plaza Barbara Hershey Barry Diller Barry Levinson Barry Rosenstein Beau Flynn Behati Prinsloo Bella Thorne Ben Stiller Ben Turner Ben Winston Ben Younger Billy Crystal Blair Kohan Bob Odenkirk Bobbi Brown Bobby Kotick Brad Falchuk Brad Slater Bradley Cooper Bradley Fischer Brett Gelman Brian Grazer Bridget Everett Brooke Shields Bruna Papandrea Cameron Curtis Casey Neistat Cazzie David
Charles Roven Chelsea Handler Chloe Fineman Chris Fischer Chris Jericho Chris Rock Christian Carino Cindi Berger Claire Coffee Colleen Camp Constance Wu Courteney Cox Craig Silverstein Dame Maureen Lipman Dan Aloni Dan Rosenweig Dana Goldberg Dana Klein Daniel Palladino Danielle Bernstein Danny Cohen Danny Strong Daphne Kastner David Alan Grier David Baddiel David Bernad David Chang David Ellison David Geffen David Gilmour & David Goodman David Joseph David Kohan David Lowery David Oyelowo David Schwimmer Dawn Porter Dean Cain Deborah Lee Furness Deborah Snyder Debra Messing Diane Von Furstenberg Donny Deutsch Doug Liman Douglas Chabbott Eddy Kitsis Edgar Ramirez Eli Roth Elisabeth Shue Elizabeth Himelstein Embeth Davidtz Emma Seligman Emmanuelle Chriqui Eric Andre Erik Feig Erin Foster Eugene Levy Evan Jonigkeit Evan Winiker Ewan McGregor Francis Benhamou Francis Lawrence Fred Raskin Gabe Turner Gail Berman Gal Gadot Gary Barber Gene Stupinski Genevieve Angelson Gideon Raff Gina Gershon Grant Singer Greg Berlanti Guy Nattiv Guy Oseary Gwyneth Paltrow Hannah Fidell Hannah Graf Harlan Coben Harold Brown Harvey Keitel Henrietta Conrad Henry Winkler Holland Taylor Howard Gordon Iain Morris Imran Ahmed Inbar Lavi Isla Fisher Jack Black Jackie Sandler Jake Graf Jake Kasdan James Brolin James Corden Jamie Ray Newman Jaron Varsano Jason Biggs & Jenny Mollen Biggs Jason Blum Jason Fuchs Jason Reitman Jason Segel Jason Sudeikis JD Lifshitz Jeff Goldblum Jeff Rake Jen Joel Jeremy Piven Jerry Seinfeld Jesse Itzler Jesse Plemons Jesse Sisgold Jessica Biel Jessica Elbaum Jessica Seinfeld Jill Littman Jimmy Carr Jody Gerson
Joe Hipps Joe Quinn Joe Russo Joe Tippett Joel Fields Joey King John Landgraf John Slattery Jon Bernthal Jon Glickman Jon Hamm Jon Liebman Jonathan Baruch Jonathan Groff Jonathan Marc Sherman Jonathan Ross Jonathan Steinberg Jonathan Tisch Jonathan Tropper Jordan Peele Josh Brolin Josh Charles Josh Goldstine Josh Greenstein Josh Grode Judd Apatow Judge Judy Sheindlin Julia Garner Julia Lester Julianna Margulies Julie Greenwald Julie Rudd Juliette Lewis Justin Theroux Justin Timberlake Karen Pollock Karlie Kloss Katy Perry Kelley Lynch Kevin Kane Kevin Zegers Kirsten Dunst Kitao Sakurai KJ Steinberg Kristen Schaal Kristin Chenoweth Lana Del Rey Laura Dern Laura Pradelska Lauren Schuker Blum Laurence Mark Laurie David Lea Michele Lee Eisenberg Leo Pearlman Leslie Siebert Liev Schreiber Limor Gott Lina Esco Liz Garbus Lizanne Rosenstein Lizzie Tisch Lorraine Schwartz Lynn Harris Lyor Cohen Madonna Mandana Dayani Mara Buxbaum Marc Webb Marco Perego Maria Dizzia Mark Feuerstein Mark Foster Mark Scheinberg Mark Shedletsky Martin Short Mary Elizabeth Winstead Mathew Rosengart Matt Lucas Matt Miller Matthew Bronfman Matthew Hiltzik Matthew Weiner Matti Leshem Max Mutchnik Maya Lasry Meaghan Oppenheimer Melissa Zukerman Michael Aloni Michael Ellenberg Michael Green Michael Rapino Michael Rappaport Michael Weber Michelle Williams Mike Medavoy Mila Kunis Mimi Leder Modi Wiczyk Molly Shannon Nancy Josephson Natasha Leggero
Neil Blair Neil Druckmann Nicola Peltz Nicole Avant Nina Jacobson Noa Kirel Noa Tishby Noah Oppenheim Noah Schnapp Noreena Hertz Odeya Rush Olivia Wilde Oran Zegman Orlando Bloom Pasha Kovalev Pattie LuPone Paul & Julie Rudd Paul Haas Paul Pflug Peter Traugott Polly Sampson Rachel Riley Rafi Marmor Ram Bergman Raphael Margulies Rebecca Angelo Rebecca Mall Regina Spektor Reinaldo Marcus Green Rich Statter Richard Jenkins Richard Kind Rick Hoffman Rick Rosen Rita Ora Rob Rinder Robert Newman Roger Birnbaum Roger Green Rosie O’Donnell Ross Duffer Ryan Feldman Sacha Baron Cohen Sam Levinson Sam Trammell Sara Foster Sarah Baker Sarah Bremner Sarah Cooper Sarah Paulson Sarah Treem Scott Braun Scott Braun Scott Neustadter Scott Tenley Sean Combs Seth Meyers Seth Oster Shannon Watts Shari Redstone Sharon Jackson Sharon Stone Shauna Perlman Shawn Levy Sheila Nevins Shira Haas Simon Sebag Montefiore Simon Tikhman Skylar Astin Stacey Snider Stephen Fry Steve Agee Steve Rifkind Sting & Trudie Styler Susanna Felleman Susie Arons Taika Waititi Thomas Kail Tiffany Haddish Todd Lieberman Todd Moscowitz Todd Waldman Tom Freston Tom Werner Tomer Capone Tracy Ann Oberman Trudie Styler Tyler James Williams Tyler Perry Vanessa Bayer Veronica Grazer Veronica Smiley Whitney Wolfe Herd
Will Ferrell Will Graham Yamanieka Saunders Yariv Milchan Ynon Kreiz Zack Snyder Zoe Saldana Zoey Deutch Zosia Mamet
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the-blissful-one · 1 year ago
The Barbie Movie
So there has been a few days since the premiere, I have a few thoughts. Spoiler alert, for anyone who hasn't watched it. Also, long post alert!
I really liked the movie. It was funny and witty, and they way they just did things was really smart. I think it was smart to go with actors that are in the 30-40 age range instead of people in their twenties. It wouldn't have been the same and since this was a movie for adults mainly....it just made us relate to the characters more.
It was funny to see the intentional bad editing when Ken crashes into the waves and flips in the air. It really set the universe that these are just dolls that get played with...and that explains the sometimes weird movements and positions.
I also think it was great that the movie was more of a satire-movie of other movie tropes and Barbie itself. Had they taken themselves "serious", it wouldn't have been as funny or enjoyable. Like the chasing scene in the offices. It's clearly a hit to chasing scenes in other movies where they can literally reach other, but it has to look intense and hard. Plus when a movie or a tv-show is self aware, It's immdielty a ten points for me (as long as they dont oversue it).
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What my problem with the movie was...or perhaps something I would have done differently is the speech of the mother about what women have to do to look attractive. I think the movie could have gone without it, but then I do think it would be a "backlash" of why they didn't talk about it. I think it would have been fine if they touched onto the issues, but the speech was a little too long and just weird to point out that it was only on women.
It was also a speech only about looks. Like feminism in the west (especially in the states) have taken a turn for the worse. We still need feminism in other parts of the world, where women need rights. Right to talk, right to wear what they want and not get beaten when they don't wear a head piece, where they can be independent and doesn't get promised away. Where newborn girls don't get killed just because they are a girl.
And the movie decided to point it light toward beauty standards. Why not point out real feminist problems and situations. It was just so shallow. I don't deny that men have put a lot of these standard in place, but women have too. I think now days, in the west at leas- women put more pressure on women. And women also put pressure on men. Why touch on the topic and not cover the whole problem???
It was very radical tiktok feminism in the move. If that is a way to explain it. I thought it was little unnatural how the teenager just unloaded onto Barbie when they fist met. I think it was because when my friends and I grew up and played with the dolls, they were just dolls with cool clothing and funny houses. It was just play. We knew we didn't look like that, but we didn't care. I think the whole barbie promotes bad beauty standards did comes from adults watching themselves not look like Babrie and then projected that. I am glad we have Barbies in different shapes and sizes, but acknowledging were it the dissatisfaction with the doll came from wouldn't have taken anything away from the message.
Through the movie, we see different types of Barbies, one in a wheelchair, one obese, all of them in different professions. Which I think it's fine and Barbie has all of these sides with her. But the Ken's were all like Calvin Klein models, had all six pack, were tall and just conventional attractive and the movie only shines a light on how women have too look to be attractive to be "respected".
Like, the pressure on boys to look a attractive, is immensely high. I think it's just as high as on women, just in a different direction. It doesn't need to be a competition on who has it worse. That is why i think the speech-scene was executed badly. She talked about that women have too look like this, but not too much, they have to be good at this, but not too got. Which are true, but when you have half of the cast already as a "victim" to beauty standards; it was just weird.
That kind of also falls into my next point. I have already seen that the obese barbie have gotten some backlash. I think it's fine that they had both her and the barbie in the wheelchair. But I think this was also executed badly too. If they wanted to sell the message that Barbie could look and be like anyone. Why only have one doll that has that body type or those physical handicaps. It just kind of stuck out like a sore thumb in a way. And it also just got highlighted because all of the Kens looked like models. Why not have an obese Ken. Or a Ken in a wheelchair. Or more than just one obese barbie. Why not have a few and let them to their thing as background characters- and then we see that Barbie can be anyone. We just see that they included those character because they had to. I think if it wasn't for the raise of the (toxic) body positivity movement now; they wouldn't have included an so overweight barbie. They kind of just did it because they felt like they needed to. I do hate when movies and tv-shows only have certain kind of character because they want woke-points instead of just telling a good story.
Another thing I turned my nose up at was when Barbie wanted to apologise for how she had treated Ken. She was met with resistance from the others (the mother, daughter and some of the others dolls). This is was I mean with the tiktok- feminism. It pushes the agenda that women can't do anything wrong and that self reflection aren't important. That women cant do anything wrong so why apologise when you have treated someone badly. They wanted to push that a women can do anything and are strong and powerful; but apologising to a man is a big NO NO. Like WTF. That is just childish. I'm glad that Barbie did apologise either way, but that message is just wrong. Growing up, also means that you need to see when you are the bad guy in someone else's story and then take action to fix whatever that is. Not say i'm perfect and then expect everyone else to not get hurt by you.
I did like that all of the Kens came together and was just all bros with each other at the end of the movie. That they weren't scared to hold hands and give a lil kiss during the Ken-song. It was nice. I did like the Kens as characters. It did really go well with the climax of the movie where both Barbie and Ken discovered that they could grown without being "defined" by each other...especially for Ken. I still wish they ended up together as close friends or something. I think we can still show characters growing and evolving, while they still chose to be surrounded by people who love and care for them. We see this tope in American movies a lot, where the protagonist decide to be alone and go out on adventure alone because that is apparently the only way to show independence. Not that independent is something you can be regardless of who you chooses to spend your time with. Did that makes sense...??? It's more on how it's shown in media that steers the characters action.
Overall, it was a very fun movie to watch and I will definitely watch it again. I just think a few things could have been though over twice or executed better. It was refreshing to see that most of the production just wanted to put out a good piece out there with a kind of tongue in cheek and self awake humour. I'm glad it wasn't anything more than that, but still tackled a few topics that both young and older adults can understand and relate to. Plus, it can be enjoyed by both poeple who had barbie dear to their hearts and people that doesn't relate too much towards the doll...and if people have a good time watching it; that is all that matters.
You are Kenough!
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Nobody cares about my meaning, but at least this is my two cents on it. Enjoy your day and thanks for reading .
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jc · 3 months ago
5 Jahre Klein-Lea
Fast pünkt­lich zum Geburts­tag wird aus Klein-Lea Vorschulkind-Lea. Wahn­sinn, wie ist das pas­siert? Gera­de eben noch brab­bel­te sie ihre ers­ten Wor­te und nun beschäf­ti­gen wir uns schon damit, in wel­che Schu­le sie gehen wird.
Im letz­ten Jahr ist Lea sehr gewach­sen. Und das mei­ne ich nicht kör­per­lich, auch wenn sie natür­lich ein paar wei­te­re Zen­ti­me­ter zuge­legt hat. Aus ihr ist ein rich­tig den­ken­der Mensch gewor­den, der sich an Din­ge erin­nert, die schon lan­ge zurück­lie­gen, der logisch schluss­fol­gert und Fra­gen stellt, auf die man auch mal ein ehr­li­ches „Äääh…“ ant­wor­ten muss. Oder was w��r­dest du ant­wor­ten, wenn dich dein Kind fragt, war­um der Him­mel so hoch ist?
Als „Mit­tel­kind“ in der Kita-Gruppe hat­te Lea im ver­gan­ge­nen Jahr ein bes­se­res Stan­ding als das Jahr zuvor. Es mach­te ihr deut­lich mehr Spaß, in die Kita zu gehen. Dazu trägt auch bei, dass sie tol­le Freund:innen fand – eine ist wohl so etwas wie die bes­te Freun­din, wenn man das in die­sem Alter schon hat. Die bei­den hän­gen auf jeden Fall stän­dig mit­ein­an­der her­um, machen Unsinn und lachen, manch­mal strei­ten sie sich auch und ver­söh­nen sich dann wie­der. Und – was ein Glück – hat die­ses Mäd­chen auch net­te Eltern, mit denen man eben­falls ger­ne Zeit verbringt.
Sport­lich ist Lea immer noch. Das wöchent­li­che Kin­der­tur­nen, das ich selbst sehr anstren­gend fin­de, ist ihr High­light. Eine ihrer Freun­din­nen ist da auch oft dabei, das macht dann dop­pelt so viel Spaß. Aber weil das Kin­der­tur­nen eher ein gro­ßer Spiel­platz in einer Turn­hal­le ist, auf dem sich die Kin­der frei aus­to­ben kön­nen, dach­te ich, man könn­te ihre Sport­lich­keit viel­leicht auch in Bah­nen len­ken. Wir gin­gen ein paar Mal zum Schnup­pern zur Leichtathletik-Nachwuchsgruppe des ört­li­chen Sport­ver­eins. Das gefiel Lea so gut, dass sie Mit­glied wur­de. Auch hier wird man spie­le­risch an Sport her­an­ge­führt, aber sie trai­nie­ren schon im Sta­di­on und Dis­zi­pli­nen, die Leicht­ath­le­tik ver­mu­ten las­sen. Je öfter wir jedoch hin­gin­gen, des­to weni­ger Spaß hat­te sie. Es ist ihr zu anstren­gend, die Spie­le sind oft doof, viel­leicht ist sie auch ein­fach zu fer­tig an einem Mon­tag­abend nach einem anstren­gen­den Kita-Tag. Jeden­falls war kurz vor der Som­mer­pau­se erst ein­mal Schluss. Seit­dem arbei­ten wir dar­an, eine ihrer Freun­din­nen zu akqui­rie­ren, denn ich habe die Ver­mu­tung, dass ihre Unlust sich aus dem feh­len­den Anschluss an die sich stän­dig wech­seln­de Grup­pe speist.
In die­ser Sache zeigt sich auch ein Wesens­merk­mal von Lea, das immer stär­ker zum Vor­schein kommt. Lea ist ein sehr vor­sich­ti­ges Kind, das sich nicht kopf­los in neue Din­ge hin­ein­stürzt. Und wenn etwas Neu­es nicht sofort klappt, wird es sehr schwer, sie von einem neu­en Ver­such zu über­zeu­gen. Fahr­rad­fah­ren ist so ein Ding. Obwohl sie noch nie bei einem Ver­such gestürzt ist, hat sie so gro­ße Angst davor, dass die Fahr­übun­gen stets in Geheu­le und Geschrei ende­ten. Bis heu­te kann sie nicht Fahr­rad­fah­ren und aktu­ell kann man sie noch nicht ein­mal mehr zu einem neu­en Ver­such über­re­den. Und das ist nur ein Bei­spiel von eini­gen, bei denen Lea sich selbst im Weg steht. (Zur Cau­sa Fahr­rad­fah­ren gibt es aller­dings schon einen Tag nach ihrem Geburts­tag ein Update.)
Ganz anders ist sie in Situa­tio­nen, die sie beherr­schen kann. Zu Hau­se, bei mei­nen Schwie­ger­el­tern oder der ande­ren Oma ist sie eine super-liebe und super-freche Lea, die ohne Ende for­dern kann, die weiß, was sie will und das auch arti­ku­lie­ren kann, die aber auch ohne Scheu ihre Zunei­gung aus­drückt. Und sport­lich ist sie ja trotz­dem. Spiel­plät­ze liebt sie, aber auch das Sofa ist Trai­nings­ge­län­de und unser Bett das Übungstrampolin.
Und, ach ja, für­sorg­lich ist sie. Um ihren klei­nen Bru­der küm­mert sie sich hin­ge­bungs­voll. Zu Hau­se zeigt sie ihm jeden Unsinn, aber natür­lich auch die schö­nen Din­ge. Sie spielt mit ihm fast die gan­ze Zeit und passt auch meis­tens auf, dass ihm nichts pas­siert. Nur manch­mal kann es im Über­schwang pas­sie­ren, dass sie ein wenig über­treibt oder kurz ihre selbst auf­er­leg­ten Pflich­ten ver­gisst. Auch in der Kita – wenn sie im Außen­ge­län­de zusam­men­tref­fen – spie­len die bei­den meis­tens zusam­men. Manch­mal holt Lea ihren klei­nen Bru­der auch mit zu den ande­ren Mädels. Als sie ein­mal mit ihm zu wild auf einem Fahr­zeug um die Ecke fuhr und er mit dem Kopf auf den Boden auf­schlug (nur eine klei­ne Beu­le), war sie untröst­lich, bis zur Ver­zweif­lung bestürzt, dass sie nicht bes­ser auf­ge­passt hatte.
In die­sen Zei­ten um ihren Geburts­tag, wenn gera­de wie­der ein biss­chen Umbruch in ihrem Leben ist, braucht Lea beson­ders viel Zunei­gung und Nähe. Abends beim Zubett­ge­hen ver­langt sie bei­spiels­wei­se, dass ich sie noch ein­mal ganz fest in den Arm neh­me. Wenn ich das nächs­te Mal in die­ser Form hier berich­te, wird sie gera­de seit ein paar Tagen ein Schul­kind sein. Ich bin gespannt, wie die­ser dann noch viel deut­li­che­re neue Lebens­ab­schnitt für sie wird. Sicher ein wenig furcht­ein­flö­ßend, aber ver­mut­lich auch mit viel Vor­freu­de und Span­nung. Immer­hin inter­es­siert sie sich schon seit ein paar Wochen sehr stark dafür, wie das rund um die Ein­schu­lung und die Schu­le an sich läuft.
Es bleibt auch für mich span­nend, wie sich die­ses fan­tas­ti­sche Kind wei­ter­ent­wi­ckelt. Tag für Tag gehen wir gemein­sam neue Wege, ent­de­cken neue Din­ge und haben ganz viel Freu­de anein­an­der. Ist das Leben nicht schön!
📧 Lass dich über neue Bei­trä­ge per E-Mail infor­mie­ren! 🐖 Du fin­dest das hier gut? Wirf was ins Spar­schwein mei­ner Kin­der! Vie­len Dank! 🫶
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2024/08/5-jahre-klein-lea/)
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the-forest-library · 2 years ago
February 2023 Reads
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The Reunion - Kayla Olson
Behind the Scenes - Karelia Stetz-Waters
Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni
Exes and O’s - Amy Lea
Ruby Spencer’s Whisky Year - Rochelle Billow
Make a Wish - Helena Hunting
Knit One, Girl Two - Shira Glassman
You Should Smile More - Anastasia Ryan
A Rival Most Vial - R.K. Ashwick
Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun - Elle Cosimano
Nine Liars - Maureen Johnson
Pretty Dead Queens - Alexa Donne
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute - Talia Hibbert
Margot Mertz for the Win - Carrie McCrossen
Winterkeep - Kristin Cashore
Tears Waiting to Be Diamonds - Sarah Rees Brennan
Charmed Life - Diana Wynne Jones
Anne: An Adaptation of Anne of Green Gables - Kathleen Gros
Evergreen - Matthew Cordell
I’ll Show Myself Out - Jessi Klein
Remainders of the Day - Shaun Bythell
B.F.F. - Christie Tate
The Good Life - Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz
The Brain Fog Fix - Mike Dow 
Stolen Focus - Johann Hari
The Chaos Machine - Max Fisher
Cook As You Are - Ruby Tandoh
Foodwise - Mia Rigden
Plant-Based on a Budget - Toni Okamoto
One: Simple One-Pan Wonders - Jamie Oliver
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Another really good reading month. I hope there are 20 more Truly Devious books. Let Stevie solve all of the mysteries.
Goodreads Goal: 67/400
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads |
2022 Reads | 2023 Reads
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year ago
today i decided to comment on some popular bttf theories or questions asked. just to add my 2 cents.
why are doc and marty friends?? how the hell did they meet?!
SHUT UUPP why shouldn't they be friends? i don't see the issue and never have seen one. why can't a 17 year old boy be friends with a disgraced nuclear physicist? you don't have to question how they met. the movie establishes them as friENDS in the first five goddamn minutes, marty enters the lab without even knocking and obviously has access to a key. i like to think that the whole POINT of strickland telling marty that doc is a nutcase is to show the audience that he ISN'T a nutcase and, in fact, a nice guy and willing to do anything to help marty get home. sure, the whole plutonium and having the car drive towards them is. a bit questionable BUT it's also obvious that marty trusts doc. doc is willing to lay down his life for marty and marty is willing to do anything to save him. if that isn't true friendship, i don't know what is. there, are you happy now, you doubters?
marty dies multiple times in bttf 2
i'm kinda split on this one tbh. i quite enjoy the idea of doc being the one who has to save marty after marty saves him in part 1 & 3, with the same attitude of "i don't care what happens to the universe i just want to keep my bff alive". it makes sense, too. on the other hand, i also like the thought of doc either being there by coincidence or instinctively knowing marty was in danger. because he has dad instincts ok
marty's parents/george knew he was a time traveler
hmmm. i don't know about lorraine, but i can see that being the case for george. not only was george the first one to meet marty in 1955, him telling him his name without george having introduced himself and so on, there also was this whole darth vader scene, the "i didn't know you did anything creative", the way marty clearly called him "dad" lmao and overall marty's insistence to get george to ask lorraine out. george might not know for sure, but i can see him having developed a theory like that. also because he basically based his first novel on the whole darth vader thing.
the idea of the secret eventually being revealed at a later point and lorraine being like "????" while george goes "ah yes, i suspected that" is also funny so
doc brown kills lone pine marty
guys please why can't we keep these movies as lighthearted as possible. why can't this just be a normal time loop.
personally, i have always thought that normal marty and lone pine marty just switched timelines. tp marty went to 1955, set up his parents after ruining their first meeting, and got back to 1985. lp marty went back to 1955, didn't fuck around with his family history because he assumed that it was the whole calvin klein thing, thus his parents met the normal way and boom, twin pines timeline. or something like that.
i'm NOT liking the idea of doc ever harming any kind of marty thank you
doc brown is suicidal
in all seriousness, i see where people are coming from. but doc is such an excited, enthusiastic character and i don't. no. just no. he wants to be a good person, to accomplish something in this world. he wouldn't just give up like this.
this theory just makes me sad
the delorean is sentient and stalls in just the right moments to prevent paradoxes
what a funny way to explain that deloreans were, in tom wilson's words, a piece of garbage
why does maggie mcfly look like lorraine when that's george's side of family?
bob gale explained that by saying that mcfly men are naturally attracted to women who look like lea thompson.
trixie and jennifer: *offended*
seriously? i don't fucking know. she just looks like her. coincidence. maybe she was from lorraine's family line, then one of her kids or siblings if she had any married someone else, and the families split up until george and lorraine met, meaning that stella and sam are maggie's descendants/from her family line. doesn't that make more sense
THATS IT FOR NOW i may reblog and add some more but for now enjoy my opinion
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ohhwieschoenistjuist · 2 years ago
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Hey Kim,
ich habe seit der Trennung zum ersten mal ein Konzert wieder besucht von ihm und es war der hammer. Also emotional war es sehr schwierig weil ich dachte ich würde dich sehen, ich habe sehr viel angst gehabt und ich war einfach nur angespannt. ich habe meine blicke schweifen lassen aber dich nicht gefunden sonst hätte ich mit dir gesprochen und es kamen viele Lieder wo ich viel und sehr an dich denken musste und auch tränen in den äugen hatte und manchmal fehlte mir der text und ein Klos im hals steckte fest weil ich ans uns denken musste und ich wollte das du bei mir bist. ich hätte niemals gerechnet das ich das schaffe weil seine texte uns viel gegeben haben und immer verbanden und die neuen ich muss so oft an dich denken ob an Juist oder wo auch immer wir waren... ich liebe dich das ist mir immer wieder klar geworden und ich habe eine Achterbahn gehabt beim Konzert aber es war super und ich würde dir wünschen du hättest dabei sein können den ich würde dich gern sehen wie glücklich du bist und dir deinen frieden gönnen. ich will das du mich vergisst und alles an mich ich habe ein Tattoo für unsere Kleine Familie... ich habe es geküsst beim ein oder anderen song weil ich dich so liebe... ich will dir sagen es war ein schöner abend auch wenn viele Lieder mich an uns erinnerten aber leb ohne mich vielleicht finde ich meinen frieden und du hoffentlich hast deinen gefunden und deine ruhe. ich liebe dich Kim Lea F.
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reisegruppekaenguru · 1 year ago
Wir sind nicht sauer, aber enttäuscht…
… von den Tieren hier in der Nähe von Jervis Bay. Denn als sich Dennis, Sarah, Lea und Ulla trotz des doch eher bescheidenen Wetters auf den Weg zu einer Delfin-Tour machten, wurden sie nicht mit der Sichtung dieser belohnt. Auch der nächste Stopp auf der Route nach Eden hatte viel versprochen. Ein Strand voll mit Kängurus! Das Wetter wurde besser und alle waren guter Dinge. Vor Ort angekommen wurden wir leider erneut enttäuscht. Keine Kängurus am Strand. ABER im Garten der Häuser nebenan! Also machte Lea sich kurzerhand auf den Weg in den Garten und knippste für den Rest der Gruppe ein paar Fotos. Auf die Tiere ist kein Verlass, daher haben wir uns auf den Weg in ein süßes Dorf gemacht, in dem es eine kleine Molkerei und viele weitere Lädchen geben sollte. Angekommen wurden wir von einer schönen Kulisse mit vielen bunten Häusern empfangen. Schade nur, dass um 16 Uhr schon alle Läden zu hatten. Naja, kann man machen nichts. Also ging die Reise weiter zum finalen Ziel: Eden. Hier haben wir uns nun für die Nacht niedergelassen und planen die nächsten Stopps für morgen. Schauen wir mal was wird… was wird.
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queers-at-the-theatre · 2 years ago
Kleiner Mann - was nun?
Ich habe in diesem Jahr viele ganz verschiedene Stücke in Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus gesehen. Die meisten haben einen tiefen Eindruck hinterlassen, mich zum Nachdenken angeregt, unterhalten, bewegt. Doch die erste Inszenierung, die ich 2022 dort gesehen habe, hat mich vielleicht am meisten angerührt. Mittlerweile habe ich Hans Falladas „Kleiner Mann – was nun?“ (Premiere am 08.10.2021) in der Regie von Tilmann Köhler viermal gesehen und finde das Stück immer noch sehr bewegend.
Es ist eine einfache Geschichte, die aus dem Jahr 1932 stammt, aber in etwas anderer Form heute immer noch passieren kann, weil es um ganz wesentliche Dinge geht. Eine Frau und ein Mann begegnen sich, verlieben sich, zeugen ein Kind. Beschließen, zusammen zu bleiben, eine kleine Dreiereinheit namens Familie zu bilden. Nur ist diese Familie bedroht, durch soziale Unsicherheit und Armut. Das Gespenst der Arbeitslosigkeit lauert wie ein Schatten im Hintergrund, schon lange, bevor Hannes Pinneberg tatsächlich seine Stelle verliert und mit seiner Familie letztlich in einer ärmlichen Gartenlaube unterkommt.
In einer sehr eindrücklichen Szene geht er durch den Kleinen Tiergarten, nachdem er gerade eine Stelle in einem Berliner Warenhaus angenommen hat. Doch er kann sich nicht darüber freuen, weil er sich jetzt schon mit den vielen Arbeitslosen identifiziert, die den Park bevölkern. Äußerlich gehört er noch zu den Bessergestellten, trägt einen präsentablen Anzug, hat eine Aktentasche dabei, doch im Inneren fühlt er sich schon jenen zugehörig, die ihre Arbeit, den Anker, der sie in der Mitte der Gesellschaft hält, verloren haben. Und auch bei ihm ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis er die extremen Anforderungen seines Arbeitgebers nicht mehr erfüllen kann und auf der Straße steht.
Der Leistungsdruck, ein sehr moderner Gedanke, wird von Hans Fallada bereits thematisiert. Kaum erfüllbare Verkaufsquoten bilden das Sieb, durch das alle fallen, die ihr Soll nicht schaffen. Fallada hat den Roman vor dem Hintergrund der Weltwirtschaftskrise angesiedelt, doch viele Elemente finden sich auch in unserer heutigen spätkapitalistischen Gesellschaft wieder. Die Gefahr, aus dem Mittelstand ins soziale Abseits zu geraten, gedemütigt zu werden, sich außen vor zu fühlen, seinen Selbstwert zu verlieren, ist immer noch präsent.
Nun ist die Inszenierung sehr viel weniger trübe, als die Zusammenfassung vielleicht klingt. Sie ist sogar sehr bunt und lebhaft und liebevoll, was die letzte halbe Stunde, in der Hannes Pinneberg endgültig in die Verzweiflung kippt, umso eindringlicher macht.
Kern des Bühnenbilds von Karoly Risz ist ein riesiges Hamsterrad, in dem Emma alias Lämmchen und Hannes rennen, um den Anschluss ans Leben nicht zu verlieren, und das Lea Ruckpaul und André Kaczmarzcyk körperlich viel abverlangt. Doch es ist mehr als eine Tretmühle des Alltags, denn zusammen mit dem schlichten Aufbau dahinter bildet es die ganze Welt des Stückes: die Wohnungen, die Arbeitsplätze, den Ostseestrand, an dem sich die beiden zum ersten Mal begegnen, das Kino und den Nachtklub, in dem sie ein einziges Mal ausgelassen feiern, die Gartenlaube und die Straßen von Berlin, in denen Hannes Pinneberg seine letzte Demütigung erfährt.
Doch nicht nur das Bühnenbild ist reduziert: Sämtliche Figuren werden von drei Darstellenden gespielt. Lea Ruckpaul, André Kaczmarczyk und Sebastian Tessenow wechseln elegant zwischen ihrer eigenen Hauptfigur und allen anderen hin und her, verwandeln sich von einer Sekunde zur nächsten in ihre Väter und Mütter. Das ist oft durchaus komisch, und so gibt es in der ersten Hälfte der Aufführung auch viel zu lachen. Wenn Lea Ruckpaul in die Rolle ihres Vaters schlüpft, der den zukünftigen Schwiegersohn zum Thema Gewerkschaft verhört, oder André Kaczmarzcyk seine moralisch schillernde, in manchen Aufführungen auch leicht beschwipste Mutter darstellt, ist das schon sehr lustig. Die hoffnungsvollen Haushaltskalkulationen auf der Kreidetafel wirken hier noch leicht und unbekümmert; sie sind wie zwei Kinder, die erwachsen spielen.  
Doch irgendwann kippt die Geschichte ins Dunkle, Bodenlose, in die Verzweiflung. Für mich liegt der Wendepunkt in der oben erwähnten Szene, in der Hannes von seinem Einstellungsgespräch kommt, oberflächlich betrachtet zufrieden sein müsste, da er nun in der Großstadt Berlin lebt und in einem renommierten Kaufhaus angestellt ist. Doch er wird die Angst nicht mehr los, sie hat in ihm Wurzeln geschlagen und wird immer weiter wachsen. Die Geburt des Sohnes bringt Glück, aber auch eine Verantwortung, die neue Ängste auslöst.
Seine Frau Emma, genannt Lämmchen, ist die optimistischere, stärkere von beiden, die Hannes immer wieder mit sich nach oben zu ziehen versucht. Das schwingt schon in der angedeuteten Hochzeitsszene mit, in der sie die Kleider tauschen. Lämmchen besitzt mehr innere Kraft, verliert aber nie die Achtung vor Hannes. Mehr noch, sie versucht, ihm seine Selbstachtung zu bewahren. In einem sehr bewegenden Moment gegen Ende des Stückes erklärt sie, warum ihr Mann auf gar keinen Fall verbotene Dinge tun soll. Denn sollten sie irgendwann wieder ein besseres Leben führen, würde die Scham darüber wie ein Schatten auf ihm liegen, und genau das will sie verhindern. Jemandem seine Schwäche zuzugestehen, ohne ihn dafür zu verachten, ist sicher ein großer Liebesbeweis.
Sebastian Tessenow als Holger Jachmann ist Emma ein Freund, der sicher zeitweise Hintergedanken hegt, sie sexuell anziehend findet, letztlich aber vor ihrer Liebe zu Hannes kapitulieren muss und ihr dennoch seine Hilfe anbietet.
Als ich das Stück zum ersten Mal gesehen habe, konnte ich mich nicht mehr an das Romanende erinnern. Ich habe sehr um Hannes gefürchtet, dass er aufgibt, nicht mehr den Weg zurück in die Gartenlaube findet, dass Emma vergeblich auf ihn wartet. Dass Jachmann unrecht behält und Hannes sich sehr wohl etwas antut. Umso erleichterter war ich, dass es wenigstens einen Funken Hoffnung gibt, dass Hannes zwar von der Straße gestoßen wurde, aber nicht aus seinem Leben.
Ich kann diese emotionale Inszenierung mit vielen bewegenden Momenten sehr empfehlen. Lea Ruckpaul, André Kaczmarczyk und Sebastian Tessenow überzeugen in jedem Augenblick und haben sich in mein Herz gestohlen. (Fabian)
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