yolowassollichsagen · 6 months
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oh mein gott ist das süß!!
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chiarathomae · 3 months
J “Ich bin ja kein Assi” - K *ich schoooon* 😈
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junax · 2 years
Der Ausschnitt von "Wenn ich Du wäre" auf der Gamescom, in dem Joko den intensivsten Blick ever ausgepackt hat, lebt mietfrei in meinem Kopf.
Wirklich, was ist das?
Joko, der Klaas mit seinen Augen fixiert, dabei sich die Lippen leckt und den Mund leicht offen lässt, als würde er Klaas gleich packen und... naja.. ihr wisst schon.
Dann Klaas' kurzes Innehalten mitten im Satz, als er Jokos Blick bemerkt. Es ist fast so, als würde ihm kurz die Luft wegbleiben. Und schluckt er da etwa bevor er weitersprechen kann?
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waywardblazer · 11 months
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Warning(s): Fluff, angst…but mostly fluff
Word count: 1.1k
Summary/Prompt: Hours before the curse is broken, you briefly bump into the infamous Klaus Mikaelson for the first time but you see something inside of him that’s unexpected.
A/N: Should there be a pt.2 where y/n reunites with Klaus??? 🤔
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Tonight was the full moon.
That meant that it was the night that Klaus would finally be able to break the curse. The curse that binded his werewolf side and stopped him from becoming a true hybrid.
Despite everyone’s attempts, there seemed to be no way around it.
Stefan had taken Elena away for the rest of the day after Damon force fed her his blood. You had also heard about Tyler rolling back into town meaning that Klaus would have everything he needed. The ritual was going to happen regardless of what anyone wanted.
In the Salvatore mansion, Elijah had just gone over the plan once more to ensure that it would work. You were there simply so he could be certain.
“If the plan does not succeed, my brother will become The Original Hybrid by the time the full moon completes its final phase.” Elijah informed, his gaze moving from you, down to where he was fixing the cuff of his sleeve.
You gave him a small nod. “It’ll work Elijah. I…I know it will.” You attempted to reassure him, but the uncertainty in your voice betrayed you. He studied you for a moment before exiting the room. You watched him leave, sighing quietly to yourself.
Much to The Salvatore’s dismay, you found the existence of the Originals to be rather intriguing and had spent the better part of the last month or so getting to know more about them. By them, you meant Elijah, since he had been the only Original the gang had encountered. That was not including Klaus when he had been in Alaric’s body. In return for your curiosity, Elijah seemed to have grown fond of you.
Right now however, you weren’t of any help to anyone. You needed to get out.
Even though the mansion was exceptionally large you felt too pent up. So you headed off to the lake. At least there you could have a brief moment to think alone.
It wasn’t far, so once you made it you took a seat on the bench, staring out at the lake as the afternoon sun slowly made its descent over the horizon. The remaining light seemed to bounce off the water’s surface, making it look as if it shimmered.
“Is this where you go to get away from the Salvatores?” An strangely familiar voice spoke from behind.
You stumbled off the bench with a gasp and spun around on your heels only to come face to face with a rather tall man. Your breath hitched and fear immediately swept through your body the second you realised who it was.
“Klaus.” You breathed out, taking a nervous step backwards.
“Relax, love, I am not of any threat to you.” He reassured with a gentle grin, hands raised briefly in surrender. “I am simply savouring the last moments before I become my true self.”
You watched him wearily. Part of you wanted to run, but you dreaded what he might do if you tried.
Klaus’ grin seemed to fade. He couldn’t just see the fear in your eyes but he could also hear your heart as it pounded within your chest. He dipped his head and stepped away, creating some distance between you both.
“It’s a beautiful sunset, wouldn’t you agree?” He asked in an attempt to spark some sort of conversation to break the tension.
Looking up, you couldn’t disagree that the mixture of red, orange and purple colours that lit up the sky was beautiful.
“Yeah…it is.” You mumbled quietly.
Klaus smiled to himself as you continued to study him from where you stood. He could feel your eyes on him.
He remained silent for a good few moments before letting out a sigh. “I know you think you should be scared of me, but I assure you that you do not.”
“You want to hurt the people I care about so I think I have every right to be afraid.” You reminded him, bravely holding his gaze. You were surprised when he nodded in agreement.
“Fair point.” He replied. Then carefully took a seat on the bench. His gaze shifted to the ground momentarily before returning back up to you. “Y/N, if…there was another way—” He began but faltered in finishing what he wanted to say.
Your brows creased slightly as you searched his eyes. Eyes that remained on you. There was some sort of emotion hidden behind those centuries old eyes that you wouldn’t have imagined possible to find in the proclaimed evil Klaus Mikaelson.
It was Pain. Deeply rooted pain.
You didn’t know his story and yet it broke your heart to see such pain in someone’s eyes.
It made you wonder whether there was more to him than just how everyone portrayed him. That being known worldwide to be a ruthless mass murder, a monster and big bad wolf with no remorse was simply a facade to hide the concealed truth that maybe, just maybe he had a heart.
Turning to look back out at the lake, you realised that you had finally let your body relax. You knew he wasn’t going to hurt you. He had no need too. You mustered up the courage to sit down beside him. With a quiet sigh, you looked up at him. There were no words needed to be exchanged. You both just sat in a strangely comfortable silence.
As the night arrived, a chill filled the air. You shivered.
“You’re cold, love.” Klaus softly noted, a gentle frown of concern passing across his face.
You huffed out a quiet chuckle. “I’m alright.” You insisted. The way he called you love had your stomach fluttering in a way that made you mentally scold yourself.
Klaus didn’t seem to take that as an answer because he took off his jacket, gently wrapping it around your shoulders. He gave you a gentle smile, his eyes appeared to sparkle under the moonlight.
Your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat as you met his gaze. “Thank you Klaus.” You managed to whisper, pulling his coat around yourself for extra warmth.
He dipped his head. “Of course, love.” He uttered in a gentle tone before he stood up.
You tilted your head in confusion before spotting the moon high up in the sky. You looked back at him. You knew exactly where he was going.
“It’s time, isn’t it?”
The soon to be hybrid nodded. “It is.”
You let out a deep sigh. There was absolutely no way you could stop him and…you didn’t really want to anyway. No one should be denied a part of themselves.
“Go.” You said.
Only for a split second but long enough for you to see, he hesitated. Like he was reconsidering. But the urge to take back what was lost outweighed anything else.
“Goodbye, Y/N.” He murmured, “Hopefully we’ll meet again under better circumstances.”
He then vamp sped off with a whoosh, disappearing in a blink of an eye leaving you alone under the light of the full moon.
“Bye, Klaus.” You whispered. “And…good luck.”
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gloria-viva-la-gloria · 2 months
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Steven: erklärt das Spiel Joko: hört konzentriert zu Klaas: hört... zu?
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galli-halli · 8 months
das Klaas ausgerechnet bei dem Insta post kommentiert wo joko Paul ripke erwähnt ist iwie schon wieder bisschen funny einfach
Wenn man sich auf eins verlassen kann, dann auf Besen-Klaas, der plötzlich ganz dringend mit dem Blödmann Joko telefonieren muss, sobald Paul Ripke erwähnt wird xD
We see you, Klaas.
"Kannst mich auch mal zurückrufen, du Blödmann" Unfassbar.
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a-nybodys · 1 year
if any of u say anthing mean about klaus and diego's new looks ill start biting
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thevillagequeer · 20 days
This is random but if anyone wants to rp umbrella stuff I'd be down 💜
Please be 18+! And I don't really do OCs, sorry!
DNI incest shippers, proshippers (ie people who sexualize five), five/Lila fans and also I really didn't like s4, just as a heads up
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joghurt-und-glas · 2 years
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fcrgedinpain · 6 months
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𝐀 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐎 you  long  for  this  person  more  than  anything,  but  you  know  there's  nothing  you  can  do.  what  do  you  miss  about  them?  their  voice?  their  smile?  the  way  they  comforted  you  when  it  felt  like  your  world  was  crashing  down  around  you?  whether  you  lost  them  for  reasons  under  your  control  or  not,  it  still  hurts  all  the  same.  the  last  time  you  saw  them,  did  you  know  it  would  be  the  last?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: @malka-lisitsa 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: @fcrgedinsuffering @irrcdeemable and everyone who sees this
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chiarathomae · 3 months
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Ähm ja… 😅🥰
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junax · 5 months
Der Kuss: ein Stück in fünf Akten
spielt auf der Yes!Con am 04.05.2024
1. Akt:
"... dass Klaas da ist, ist natürlich auch toll"
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"Wenn wir so Ringe aufgesteckt bekommen, das weckt traumatische Assoziationen hier."
[schaut zu Joko] "Wir beiden jetzt, ne?"
*Joko lacht*
"Naja, egal", versucht Klaas das Thema wieder zu schließen, aber beide schauen die identischen Ringe von sich an, die da nun Platz gefunden haben. Es riecht nach Heirat, Verbundenheit.
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2. Akt:
*bekommen Urkunden überreicht*
"Ahh, Hochzeitsfotos noch?" und Klaas kann es dann doch nicht lassen.
Er sieht Joko an und dann es kommt es schnell & leise nuschelnd.
"Darf ich dich jetzt küssen?"
Joko lacht schallernd mit Klaas. Joko wiederholt die Frage laut, streckt seinen Arm nach Klaas, zögert, zieht zurück, lacht weiter. Mal wieder nicht nur amüsiert, sondern vielleicht auch ein wenig überfordert.
Doch die Möglichkeit ist ausgesprochen, der Zünder für den Kuss - von Klaas. Denn was ein Scherz ist, kann auch Realität werden, besonders bei Joko und Klaas.
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3.Akt - Der Höhepunkt:
In einem kurzen Moment kommt es zur schnellen, nonverbalen Einigkeit eines Kusses. Keiner zögert. Was ist schon dabei?
Joko antwortet nun doch entschlossen auf Klaas' Frage, indem er ihm gebeugt entgegen kommt.
Und Klaas ist sowas von bereit, reagiert so schnell als hätte er es erwartet, als wäre es ein Reflex, als wären sie miteinander verbunden. Es ist plötzlich wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Joko hat noch nicht ganz seinen Arm um Klaas' Hals geschlungen, da reckt er sich schon Joko entgegen und schließt die Augen.
Jokos Arm und Hand federleicht auf Klaas' Schultern abgestützt, treffen sich ihre Lippen nicht mal für eine Sekunde, aber jede Bewegung der beiden ist so flüssig und innig und passt ineinander. Und da kann auch das "maah" von Joko nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass es kein Schmatzer, sondern ein echter Kuss war.
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4. & 5. Akt:
Und beide grinsen heller als vorher.
Klaas schaut erstmal wieder in die Kamera, posiert glücklich, zufrieden, stolz, als wäre alles so gekommen wie er wollte und als wäre gleichzeitig überhaupt nichts gewesen.
Joko wiegt sich von einem Bein aufs andere und zurück und es ist als wäre unendliche Energie in ihm gefahren, denn er lächelt so doll, dass ihm das pure Glück ins Gesicht geschrieben steht, vermutlich muss er sich ein "mein Bruder" unterdrücken. Und nach einem kurzen Moment der Realisation, schaut er zu Klaas und sie lachen wieder vereint.
Die Absurdität der geschehenen Handlung um sie schwirrend. Es ist noch nie vor Kameras außerhalb ihrer Shows passiert. Doch eine implizierte Heirat ist nicht neu. Ein Kuss ist nicht neu. Sie sind Joko und Klaas, sie haben schon alles miteinander gemacht, was zwei Menschen miteinander tun können und mehr. Und so stehen sie nebeneinander in vertrauter Akzeptanz.
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"So haben wir das auch! Gut! So Leute, jetzt müssen wir auch in die Flitterwochen! Tschau"
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waywardblazer · 11 months
Anger is a Powerful Emotion
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Warning(s): Angst - technically it’s more strong violence, fluff, implied smut
Word count: 1.5k
Summary/Prompt: You’ve kept your anger buried but it’s forcing itself to the surface and you can no longer ignore it. Who better to help you let it out than Klaus Mikaelson?
A/N: This better reach the right people! It was written at 3am but I edited as much as possible
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There it was again. That undesirable feeling of a burning flame rising from deep within.
You feared it would consume you and it took every ounce of your internal strength to fight off the urge to scream and punch the nearest wall.
For years, you had constantly bottled up your anger anytime you felt it. It didn’t matter what the cause was, you just had a habit of pushing it down and writing it off as nothing.
Maybe that was because it had been expected of you given you were seen as the sweet, happy and innocent young human among the immortal family you lived with. Either way you rarely allowed yourself to explode. Especially not in front of others.
This time however, was different. Nothing major had triggered it. In fact, it was the smallest inconvenience that came with getting your password wrong that had you feeling like you were about to burst.
You tossed your phone, closing your eyes and forcing yourself to take an exasperated breath.
There was a faint knocking sound. “Are you alright, love?” A familiar British voice spoke.
You looked up to see Klaus standing in the doorway. He looked concerned as he studied you from where he stood.
“I’m fine.” You snapped unintentionally, taking another deep breath but the burning flame inside of you failed to ease.
Klaus frowned, stepping inside the room. “You’re not, what’s happening?” He asked more sternly.
“Go away Klaus.” You wrapped your hand around your wrist, clenching so hard that your nails dug into your flesh enough to cause a sharp stinging pain.
Your breath came on shallowly as you turned away to look out the window that overlooked the streets of New Orleans. You tried to steady your breathing but your eyes burned with tears and you had to fight back the urge to let them fall.
Anger curled hot and persistent in your gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn you from the inside out. The more you tried to push it down the more determined it seemed to want to burst out of you.
“I said. I’m fine.” You snarled through gritted teeth.
Klaus must have caught onto the situation because, without another word he strolled over to the other side of the room where the fireplace was and grabbed a stake from the metal bucket beside it. He then vamp sped over, appearing in front of you.
Any sane person would say that violence was never the answer, but this was Klaus Mikaelson. He dealt with his anger and let it out by either daggering, lighting things on fire, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and victims or never passing up the opportunity to violently kill anyone in his path.
“Take it.” The hybrid instructed.
Your head was spinning too much to question him so you did, snatching the stake out of his hand. You clutched it tightly, but still remained frozen in place. Your body trembled as your blood boiled inside of you.
“Come on Y/N, have at it. You know you want to.” He challenged, a slight grin tugging at the edge of his mouth.
Your jaw was tense and nostrils flared, but your instincts told you to resist. You had spent years fighting every urge to lash out and naturally, you felt it was wrong to start now.
Klaus leant forward so he was eye level with you. “Let. Go.” He commanded, in a low growl.
You finally gave in and let out a yell of frustration. You swung the piece of wood with a surprisingly tremendous amount of force, striking Klaus right across the face. You didn’t think twice before you struck him again, causing him to stumble backwards a little.
“Yes love! Keep going! Let it out!” Klaus barked encouragingly, wiping the blood from his mouth and regaining his composure.
You dropped the stake, your vision blurred to red and you let out a growled yell as you shoved him aggressively against the wall. You threw several blows to the Hybrid’s stomach. They weren’t perfect but they were fuelled with pure rage so they were powerful enough to knock the air out of him.
For a human you were quite strong.
He allowed you to flip him onto the ground—you weren’t a vampire so he helped—pinning him down. You reached over and seized the stake you’d previously dropped.
Your eyes were blazing and tears were now streaming down your face as you raised the stake high above your head. Your hand shook, as your body appeared to hesitate your next moves.
Klaus let out a wheezed chuckle. “Do it.”
“I—I can’t.” You whimpered, momentarily torn between fighting the overwhelming anger urging you to finish the job or giving into it.
He flashed his golden-amber wolf eyes and simultaneously the black veins spread just under them. “Yes you can! You can’t kill me, love. Don’t fight it.”
You let out what sounded like a mixture of a sob and a growl followed by a primal scream that ripped through your throat as you gripped the weapon with both hands and plunged the stake straight into his chest, only narrowly missing his heart.
The hybrid beneath you let out a choked gasp as blood oozed from his mouth. He groaned as you quickly yanked it out, tossing it aside. Blood flowed out of the wound, yet he forced himself to sit up, resting his back up against the nearby wall.
“You’re quite the little fighter.” He commended.
Your vision returned to normal and you let out a hushed sniffle as your breathing slowly tried to regulate itself.
“Feel better, love?” Klaus asked slightly breathless.
As you took a moment to process, you noticed the weight that had been lifted from your chest and the rising temperature sensation had eased.
“Y-Yeah, I…do.” You murmured, sounding a little more surprised than you’d hoped. You looked up at him, face tear stained and exhausted.
He smiled sweetly, a quiet sigh of relief leaving him as he allowed you to lean against him. His shirt was now bloody but the wound had already healed. He began gently tracing your skin, the way he knew you liked it.
“Why do I get like this?” You whispered, your heart rate slowing and your body relaxing under his touch.
Klaus gently kissed the top of your head. “According to Camille, anger is a powerful emotion and is not meant to be suppressed.” He explained. “I believe it has something to do with adrenaline and triggering the flight or fight response.”
You giggled and stared up at him with adoring eyes. Of course he had taken that away from one of the many times the psych major had psychoanalysed him. “You spend too much time with Cami.” You pointed out.
Klaus shook his head and chuckled. “Perhaps you’re right.” He pulled you a little closer. “Okay then, let me tell you what I think.” He murmured. “From my experience, anger is forged when you wish to no longer feel a certain pain. It is often the way we respond to oppression or when we don’t understand something and is what happens when we desire to feel an ounce of control over something we have no control of. If kept buried, it burns away inside of you like some volcano ready to explode. You cannot deny yourself the right to express and release that otherwise it will lead to ruination.”
He then gently turned your head so you were forced to look up at him. His expression was bound and determined. “Listen to me love, if you ever feel on the verge of bursting again, come to me. Do not allow it to control you as it controls me. But I beg of you, to do your best to not let it get to this point again, find a release that is more healthy.”
“Says the hybrid who basically invented anger issues.” You teased, “but how might I do that?”
Klaus scoffed. “If I knew the answer to that, I’d tell you, but I assure you that Cami would have thousands of suggestions that she would be more than willing to share with you.”
You nodded, sitting up. “She’d probably advise me not to let you help me because a Mikaelson is never the best at dealing with their own anger issues.”
“Well, she’d be right.” The hybrid replied begrudgingly.
You smiled softly, staying silent for a moment while you simply admired him.
“Klaus?” You eventually hummed, catching his attention. “Thank you.”
He beamed, eyes soft and loving. “You have always been the one to quell my rage, I am pleased I could do the same for you.”
He made a move to get up, but you placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back against the wall, closing your eyes and leaning down into a kiss.
When you pulled away a gentle smirk was tugging at the corners of your lips. “I like an angry Mikaelson though.” You whispered.
“Is that right love?” Klaus asked, grinning as he slinked an arm around you.
You nodded, then let out a yelp as he suddenly vamp sped you over to the bed so that within a second he was on top of you.
You stared up at him, biting your lip as he revealed his hybrid eyes and exposed his sharp fangs in a grin that would naturally terrify anyone. But not you.
“Then let me return the favour and allow me to show you how I release my anger.”
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galli-halli · 7 months
Neues Kapitel? Neues Kapitel.
Jamaika? Jamaika.
Wangenküsse? Wangenküsse.
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bugz4evr · 3 months
Aaaaaaaaah fuck fuckfuck my sweet old man ratty Klaus died
He was acting so weird this morning I knew it was gonna happen
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