#Kiss With A Fist
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florence + the machine lyrics x colors x textiles in art – red
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) – Lungs // Queen Anne, When Princess of Denmark – Willem Wissing and Jan van der Vaart 🩸 Kiss with a Fist – Lungs // Eleonora di Toledo – Bronzino 🩸 Lover to Lover – Ceremonials // Girl with a Doll in an Armchair – Alois Hans Schram 🩸 Ship to Wreck – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful // Portrait of Marie Casimire Zamoyska (Marysieńka) – unknown artist 🩸 What Kind of Man – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful // Portrait of a Young Woman – Arnold van Ravesteyn 🩸 Heaven Is Here – Dance Fever // Portrait of Vittoria della Rovere, Grand Duchess of Tuscany – after Justus Sustermans
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lazyasriel · 12 days
I need someone with better editing skills than I (I have literally none) to make a Loustat edit to Kiss with a Fist by Florence and the Machine - I have a vision and I need it fulfilled!!!
Especially bc this is from the band’s MySpace page:
“Kiss with a fist is NOT a song about domestic violence.
it is about two people pushing each other to phsycological extremes because they love each other.
the song is not about one person being attacked, or any actual physical violence, there are no victims in this song.
sometimes the love two people have for each other is a destructive force. but they cant have it any other way,
because its what holds them together, they enjoy the drama and pushing each others buttons.
the only way to express these extreme emotions is with extreme imagery, all of which is fantasism and nothing in the song is based on reality.”
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greetingfromthedead · 6 months
Sanctuary (Knives x GN!Reader)
Plot: After finding yourself at Death's door you seek sanctuary from your longstanding foe Knives.
Series: Kiss With a Fist
Pairing: Knives x GN!Reader
Raiting: Teen and up
Tags: Angst, Hurt, Blood and Injury, Plant Reader, Winged Reader, Enemies to Lovers, Comfort, Protectiveness
Word count: 1.1k
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Author's Note: According to the vote it looks like an enemies-to-lovers story with Knives is gonna be my next big project and this scene has been stuck in my head for a while now so have a sneaky little oneshot sneak peak.
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Bloodsoaked wings flap in the dark night sky. Every stroke of them is painful and torturous, a reminder of what you have escaped. Just a little bit more until you reach safety. Is it safety or perhaps is it your doom? A feeling of unease creeps into your clouded mind, but this is the only place you can think of retreating to. The city lights far below twinkle, but to you, they are nothing but a blur through your tears. You must keep moving forward, determined to survive by any means necessary.
The strength is seeping out of your body quicker the closer to the building towering above the rest you get. The broken wings carry you to the domed roof, but there is no energy to land in any graceful manner. You crash onto the rough surface, feeling the last of your energy slip away. You tumble down, bloody fingers unable to grab hold, as you begin to lose consciousness. With a loud thud, you hit the balcony, your vision fading into black. You can just barely see the bloody smears you left on the windows and the emblems of July. Slowly, you close your eyes, trying to fight off the darkness. You wonder if he will find you before it's too late, or if this is the end of the line for you.
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Knives is on his way back from meeting with the doctor. He is on the last leg of his plan, and his goals are within reach. Years of collecting Plants are coming to an end, and soon he will be able to get to his brother and set in motion the final stage of his plan. He can show no more mercy to the southern area; they may be under your pesky protection, but the time to play games is over. It's time to finish what he started and take back what is rightfully his. But it is yours too. It doesn't matter; you have made your choice. Now you have to face the consequences. Yet the thought stings something deep inside Knives, but he is unsure what or why. He has already shown you too much lenience in the decades leading up to this day; you are his enemy, no matter what you say. Anyone siding with humans shall die with them.
He is ripped from his thoughts by a loud crash echoing through the building. It comes from outside, and he is lost as to what could have caused such a ruckus. His analytical mind races through options as he heads to the exit nearest to the sound. Could it be one of The Beast's flying worms? No, they would know better than to disturb his peace. Anger and disgust twist his face as he is prepared to rip to shreds anyone and anything daring to set foot in his territory.
As he enters the atrium, he sees moonlight shining in through a sheen of red smeared all over one of the windows. He moves confidently closer to see something dark moving just outside the glass. It looks enormous, but he has no fear. He has nothing to be afraid of and is ready to face whatever lurks there. He pushes open the door and steps outside.
The sight is nothing like what he expected. The deck is covered in blood and feathers, and in the midst of it all is a figure so vaguely familiar. The back bears multiple pairs of wings, but some of them are nothing but bloody stumps; others are bent unnaturally in a way that makes his stomach turn. The feathers are sticky with blood and the figure's head is bowed in despair. He takes another step closer, and the mass shifts slightly, the gaze creeping up along his legs until they meet his eyes. Your face is bruised and battered; an iron shackle is around your neck, the chain of which is clattering against the floor.
Anger rises in Knives stomach, boiling into his chest and setting his icy eyes ablaze. He moves even closer to you, back straight and fists clenched. The sight enrages him and pulls him apart at the seams, unraveling his carefully crafted mask of indifference and calmness.
"Who did this to you?" He growls, voice low and dangerous. He reaches out his hand to your meek form and continues, unintended words slipping over his lips: "I will destroy them. There won't even be anything left of them once I am done."
Your hand grabs onto his forearm with more speed and strength than he thought was left in your body. Your desperate fingers are digging into his flesh. You hold on to your years long opponent with everything you've got. The man you've stared down across battle fields, the tyrant, who has been threatening to take the Plants from the towns and villages under your protection. The man you've despised in the past is now the only one you can turn to.
"No," you say resolutely, looking into his blue eyes. "Don't leave me. You're the only one I trust not to kill me."
He stands frozen for a moment as he looks at your face, tears streaming down your darkening face. He squats down and reaches behind your neck with his free hand that you aren't clinging on to. The weight is taken off your neck as the shackle falls to the ground with a loud clatter. His cool hand strokes over the reddened skin, soothing the burn caused by the iron. You lean into his touch, grateful for the relief.
You feel safe in the presence of your longstanding foe. It is a strange feeling, but you can't deny the comfort it brings. The feeling washes over you and settles into your bones. It sets your mind at ease, and you can no longer fend off the darkness. You succumb to the bliss, and your fingers loosen the grip on his arm as you can no longer support your body. Before you hit the hard concrete, he has stopped your fall, and he carefully turns you, mindful of the sprawled out wings. His eyes glide over your body, covered in wounds and bruises. His gut feels heavy with more than just boiling anger. A strange sickly feeling ties knots in his entrails, and he picks your limp form up off the floor. He is considerate of the open wounds and broken bones as he cradles you in his arms. He heads back inside, the bloody wings trailing on the floor, leaving a trail of blood and feathers.
"You're safe," Knives says in an icy tone as he carries you away.
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dovebuffy92 · 2 months
Florence + The Machine Song That Represents Louis and Lestat’s Romantic Relationship
“Kiss With a Fist”
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crescendoofstars · 12 days
I need to know whose idea it was to play kiss with a fist as a jig so I can kiss them on the mouth
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‘Kiss With a Fist’ by Florence + the Machine is absolutely Feng Qing and Mu Qing’s theme song
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flamingplay · 12 days
Never have I ever thought there'll be SUCh a dramatic intro to... Kiss With a Fist dfghjk
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theostrophywife · 11 months
Y/N and Theo are giving The Way I Loved You by T.S and I’m honestly so here for it
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le-fandom-prince · 24 days
i want to drop kick baby Bill across a football field.
i will Kyle from South Park "Kick the baby!" that little yellow dorito!
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lesbiandemondaddy · 3 months
Kiss With A Fist is also a repeat??
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florence + the machine lyrics x colors x textiles in art – black
Kiss with a Fist – Lungs // Queen Elizabeth I – attributed to Nicholas Hilliard 🐈‍⬛ Lover to Lover – Ceremonials // Portrait of a Woman – Antonis Mor 🐈‍⬛ Spectrum – Ceremonials // Catalina Micaela of Austria, Duchess of Savoy – Alonso Sánchez Coello 🐈‍⬛ Bedroom Hymns – Ceremonials // Portrait of Mary Rogers, Lady Harington – Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger 🐈‍⬛ June – High as Hope // Portrait of Madame Leblanc – Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 🐈‍⬛ South London Forever – High as Hope // Anna of Denmark, Duchess of Saxony – Lucas Cranach the Younger
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butch4milfs · 11 months
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Oh, you hit me once, I hit you back
You gave a kick, I gave a slap
You smashed a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
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greetingfromthedead · 5 months
Series title: Kiss with a Fist (WIP)
Pairing: Knives x Reader
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You duck away from his strike that aimed for your head and stagger backwards, finding your back against the giant metal vault of the Plant. Your heart is pounding as you press against the cold metal. The energy going into keeping you from bleeding out has significantly decreased your power. You know you only have one shot. His left hand slams against the metal next to your head, and the blade of his right hand is mere millimeters away from your throat. His face is so close to yours that you can see the different shades of blue in his eyes even in the dim moonlight. He is breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly. You keep your gaze on him, the scowl on his face deepening. You don't need to look to know that all the tentacles are hovering behind him, pointed at you, ready to impale you from every direction. You just stand there, pressed against the wall, as he towers over you.
"Go on, do it." You daunt him and keep a close eye on his reaction. The look on his face doesn't change, and he stands frozen. "Good. Guess you have some smarts after all. The best you could hope for here is that we both die. I will fry you the moment your blades touch me."
"Why not kill me now, then?" His eyes narrow with suspicion, but the blades don't move.
"I'm not a fan of the thought of kamikazeing myself; I happen to like life. That said, I will take you with me if you come for me." A grin appears on your face again as you see him so close to you. You tilt your chin up, your faces parallel, your nose nearly touching his. For anyone looking from afar, it could look almost affectionate, like two lovers approaching for a kiss, if it weren't for the blades pointed at you. You feel his breath on your lips, your eyes locked with intense malice in a game of chicken.
"You call that life?" He leans closer, past your face, to speak calmly into your ear. "All I see is an elaborate play you put on for the people who would be eager to turn on you as soon as you give them a single reason to doubt you. An act, a performance, and nothing more. Your life is a lie."
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dovebuffy92 · 3 months
Happy 15th Birthday to Florence and the Machine’s First Album Lungs!
My top three favorite songs from that album are Dog Days Are Over, Cosmic Love, and Kiss with a Fist.
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leafatlaw · 2 years
I just think that rand and Rolan should have gotten a chance to homoerotically beat each other up
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Better Than None
1200 words for 1200 followers #12
A/N: Hi friends! Welcome to the 12-A-Palooza! This event is my way of saying thank you for sticking with me. Your support and kindness toward me and my writing is out of this world and I’m grateful for every last one of you! This was the one that I posted that silly & fun vs. dark & gritty poll for, and I cannot tell you all how glad I was that the overwhelming majority went for the fun option. This one made me laugh to myself as I wrote it, and it was an absolute pleasure to write something so light for Joel. It goes back to a HC I posted about many moons ago, about Joel + video games, and is not connected to anything I have written for these characters, or anything I am currently planning. It is a true stand alone that's only purpose is to make you all warm and smiley, so I very much hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: absolutely none aside from campy Mortal Kombat graphics & a terrible (but hopefully believable) made up finishing move.
Requested by: @jessahmewren Song: Kiss With A Fist Character Choice: Joel Miller - I went back and forth and back and forth and BACK and FORTH on this one, but I decided to be a little cheeky with the prompt instead of taking it literally ;)
Summary: Just a normal night at the Miller residence.
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“Hey! Don’t-” 
A string of grunts and meaty thwacks interrupted your protests, blood splattering in the corners of the television screen. 
“Can’t what? Hm?” Joel asked, the barrage of attacks continuing without relent. “Can’t beat the sh-” 
It was your turn to cut his sentence short, a grin curving your lips to wipe the one off his face. Another round of frenzied blows landed, followed by more grunts. “Who’s beating the shit out of who now, Miller?” 
Before he could reply, another voice chimed in. “Um… Neither of you are beating the shit out of anything.” Ellie snorted. “I mean, look at the bars.” She pointed at the top of the screen where two long bars displayed your characters’ health. “They’re both still practically full. Your kicks aren’t even landing.” 
You laughed, shooting a look over your shoulder at the girl. “Well, you know, I thought I was coming over to watch The Breakfast Club, not to play a game I’ve never been good at.” 
Joel and Ellie had been in Jackson roughly two weeks when you were assigned to a patrol with him. You’d heard from others - Tommy included - that he could be gruff, standoffish. But either they were wrong or you were lucky, because he’d proven to be neither. Quiet, and clearly carrying heartache on those broad shoulders. But everyone did these days. Every newcomer who walked through those tall gates for the first time did so as a revenant of sorts, worn ragged by what the world had become. What they’d lost. What they’d done. You hadn’t forgotten what it was like to try to put your suffering to rest. 
It was clear that that was all Joel - and the girl he cared for as a daughter - were trying to do. 
So you’d matched his quiet. You hadn’t asked questions or tried to provide comfort. You hadn’t flirted  like you knew some women in town would do when paired up with a man as handsome as Joel. Four hours into your shift you were rewarded by his first attempt at small talk, pointing up at a cluster of stars.
“Think that one’s called Cygnus. It’s a bird. Maybe an eagle?” 
You glanced over to see him still looking up, starlight shining in his eyes, showing you strands of soft leather amongst the dark brown. Like that he hardly resembled the road-roughened wanderer he’d been when he arrived. It was that night that you met the true Joel Miller, that night that would stick in your mind and your heart as you continued to get to know him. 
“You like astronomy?” 
“Ellie does.” He shrugged. “Tryin’ to learn so I have somethin’ to talk to her about. Girl loves space. She’d live on the moon if she could.” 
His answer was simple and you found it sweet that he was trying to find common ground with her. It made you smile. “Who wouldn’t?” That earned you a small huff of laughter so you went on, raising your own pointer finger. “You were right about it being Cygnus, but it’s a swan. Aquila is the eagle, and that one should be…” Moving your hand across the sky, you located the other constellation. “Right over there.” 
Two days later you’d gone through the shelves of books you’d been collecting, finding the one you were searching for - The Idiot’s Guide to Space - and bringing it over to his house. He wasn’t home then, so you’d left it with a note. You’re not an idiot, but I thought this might help anyway.
That gesture had gone a long way with both Joel and Ellie, and before you knew it you had been accepted into their little family. The budding friendship between you had slowly turned to something more, until you found yourself invited to movie nights and dinners, falling asleep on his couch with his arm around you and your head on his shoulder. 
But Tommy and Joel had come across a working playstation with a small cache of games on their last rotation outside of town, so this month’s movie night had been swapped for a game night, you and Joel currently engaged in the first round of fights after a crash course in button smashing from Ellie. 
On the other couch, Tommy and Ellie watched, commenting on every misstep and failed attack.
“I thought you said you taught ‘em how to play this game, squirt.” Tommy gave Ellie’s elbow a bump and reached for a handful of popcorn, voice low as he spoke through a smirk. 
“Okay, one?” Ellie bumped him back and pulled the bowl into her lap. “Don’t call me that.” 
“Grow, then.” Tommy tossed a kernel into his mouth and chewed around a wink. 
Rolling her eyes, Ellie ignored him and continued. “And two, I tried to.” She stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth and used her salty hand to gesture at the couch where you and Joel sat. “It’s not my fault they still suck at it.” 
Tommy chuckled. “No, I guess it ain’t.” Narrowing his eyes, he watched as your character jabbed her fists through air. With a tilt of his head, he pointed at the television. “You get next and make quick work’a whichever one of ‘em winds up winnin’. Then you’n me’ll show ‘em how it’s really done.” 
“Please. I’m gonna kick your ass, old man.”
“Old? Who you callin’-” He reached into the bowl of popcorn to grab another small handful. Instead of eating this one, he tossed it at Ellie’s head, the girl responding with a scoff. “You’ll see, you little smartass.”
Her faux annoyance melted into laughter as she wrinkled her nose. “Austin’s a lucky kid. You’re gonna be a cool dad, Tommy.” 
Tommy blinked, mouth dropping open. He wasn’t expecting a genuine compliment, especially one that so readily put his worries to rest. If there was one thing he knew about his adopted niece though, it was that she didn’t mince her words when she was talking to people she trusted. 
“Take… that!” You broke the moment with a shout, jamming a random combination of buttons to unlock a finishing move. 
Your character delivered one of her signature lines - how ‘bout a kiss, loverboy? - and then as she locked lips with Joel’s fighter, brought both of her glowing, powered-up fists to his temples and punched, smashing his digital head between them. On screen, the word FATALITY flashed in big block letters, your character lifting both arms before the message changed and read GAME OVER.
“Did you just… punch kiss me? To death?” Joel blinked incredulously at you, the controller in his hands falling to his lap. 
Biting your lower lip, you laughed. “I did. A deadly kiss is better than none at all though, right?” 
With that he grabbed your controller from your hands and leaned in to press his lips to yours. “Good thing I don’t have to settle for that one then.” 
Once again the moment was broken from across the living room. “Uh, hello? Time to give up your controller, Joel.” He pulled back and gave the girl a faux glare that only made her snort out a laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll avenge you.”
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