#Kingston University ranking
llminukmeridean · 1 year
Discovering the Wonders of Kingston University London: A Comprehensive Guide
If you're considering pursuing higher education in the UK, you've probably heard of Kingston University London. Established in 1899, it is a public research university located in Kingston upon Thames, southwest London. Over the years, Kingston University London has gained a reputation for academic excellence, innovative teaching methods, and a vibrant student life. In this article, we'll explore the different aspects that make Kingston University London an excellent choice for students.
Academic Programs and Research 
One of the biggest strengths of Kingston University London is the wide range of academic programs it offers. From undergraduate to postgraduate courses, students can choose from over 150 programs in various fields such as art and design, business, law, social sciences, engineering, and healthcare. The university has four faculties: Kingston School of Art, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing, and Faculty of Health, Social Care, and Education. Kingston School of Art is particularly renowned for its art and design programs and has been ranked the best art and design school in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2020.
Apart from offering academic programs, Kingston University London is also known for its research excellence. The university has research centres and groups dedicated to various fields such as architecture, social sciences, cybersecurity, and health. Kingston Business School is a major contributor to business research, and its entrepreneurship research group has been ranked as the top in the UK by the Small Business Charter.
Campus Life and Accommodation 
Kingston University London has four campuses: Penrhyn Road, Kingston Hill, Knights Park, and Roehampton Vale. Each campus has its unique features and facilities. The Penrhyn Road campus is the main campus and is home to the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing, and the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences. It is also the location of the Kingston Business School, which has state-of-the-art facilities such as a trading room and a Bloomberg data terminal. The Kingston Hill campus is situated on a hilltop and has stunning views of London. It is home to the Faculty of Health, Social Care, and Education. The Knights Park campus is located in Kingston town center and is home to Kingston School of Art. Finally, the Roehampton Vale campus is situated in southwest London and is home to the Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Computing.
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Kingston University London has a variety of accommodation options for students. Students can choose from on-campus accommodation or private accommodation. On-campus accommodation includes halls of residence, which are fully furnished and have en-suite or shared bathrooms. Private accommodation options include shared flats and houses. The university's accommodation services team provides assistance in finding suitable accommodation for students. 
Student Support and Activities 
uni of kingston provides excellent support services for students. The university has a dedicated student support team that provides guidance and assistance on various matters such as finance, housing, and wellbeing. The university also provides disability support services for students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties. 
Apart from academic support, university kingston has a vibrant student life. The university has over 120 clubs and societies, catering to various interests such as sports, music, drama, and politics. The university's sports facilities include a sports hall, gym, and outdoor sports grounds. Kingston upon Thames, the town where the university is located, has a lively nightlife and plenty of cultural attractions such as theatres and museums. 
In conclusion, Kingston University London is an excellent choice for students who want to pursue higher education in the UK. With its wide range of academic programs, research excellence, and vibrant campus life, the university offers a well-rounded university experience. Whether you're interested in art and design, business, social sciences, or healthcare, Kingston University London has a program.
Read More-: kingston university scholarships
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9jacompass · 2 years
2023/2024 Kingston University London International Scholarships - Apply Now
2023/2024 Kingston University London International Scholarships – Apply Now
Applications are now being welcome for the Kingston University London International Scholarships to be awarded for the 2023/24 academic year. International Development awards scholarships worth £5,000 to successful international applicants joining in September or January for their first year of study. The University’s international scholarships are partial scholarships. This means that the…
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royaltysimblr · 13 days
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Princess Madeleine Through the Years
Read her update below!!
HRH Princess Madeleine was often in the shadow of her older sister, Mary, Princess of the Isle who would later become Queen Mary III. Madeleine was often viewed by the media as the quiet and shy daughter of the King and Queen. Madeleine was rarely in scandal and her life was not nearly reported on as much as her siblings, Princess Mary & Prince Michael. During Princess Madeleine's early 20s, she was thought to have been linked with a family friend, Archibald Vernick.
Famed WAFTA award-winning actor Yusuf Raheem was seen at Princess Madeleine's 25th birthday celebrations. Princess Madeleine was seen leaving his apartment in San Myshuno multiple times throughout the year, sparking rumors of a relationship between the two. Yusuf Raheem was invited to spend Winterfest with the royal family at Statford Castle and was seen in the royal procession to St. George's Chapel. After a year and a half of dating, San Myshuno Palace announced that the couple were engaged. Three and a half months later, on July 15th, the wedding was held at St.Mary's Cathedral in Windenburg. The ceremony was televised and reportedly watched by 190 million viewers worldwide. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was held at Angleterre Palace and a ball was thrown at Sulani House, hosted by Madeleine's cousin, Princess Margaret, Duchess of Montcroix. Princess Madeleine was given the titles Duchess of Richmond, Marchioness of Wixby, and Countess of Brancaster. Yusuf Raheem was reportedly offered a title but declined it. The couple moved into apartments in Kingston Palace which originally belonged to Princess Madeleine's great aunt, Princess Alice.
On May 25th, around 9 months after the wedding, Princess Madeleine gave birth to her first child, Prince Noah Ahmed Raheem. A year and a half later, on September 14th, Princess Madeleine gave birth to Princess Lina Marie Raheem. After five years of marriage, San Myshuno Palace announced that Princess Madeleine and Yusuf Raheem would be getting divorced. Many news outlets reported that Raheem cheated on Princess Madeleine throughout the marriage, however, Princess Madeleine denied these reports. The couple also reportedly conflicted over the Princess not supporting Raheem's acting career throughout the marriage. Allegedly Raheem was forced to give up acting jobs due to him being a member of the royal family. Princess Madeleine gave Raheem 6 million dollars in their divorce settlement. The former couple are reportedly on friendly terms, with Yusuf Raheem seen attending a few royal family events such as the 45th birthday celebrations of Queen Mary.
Prince Noah & Princess Lina were raised primarily in San Myshuno and split time between their mother's apartments at Kingston Palace and their father's penthouse in San Myshuno. The children spent many summers with their mother at her summer residence, Primrose Cottage, a house on the Statford Castle Estate. The children attended Alcott Nursery School and Canterbury Academy. Prince Noah attended Wroxham University, graduating with a degree in business management. Meanwhile, his younger sister, Princess Lina, attended Witham University, majoring in Political Science. Over the last few years, Prince Noah and Princess Lina have been in regular attendance at royal family events with their mother. Prince Noah and Princess Lina have attended a few of their father's movie premieres in Simerica and San Myshuno over the last few years.
Princess Madeleine has taken an average of 190 engagements a year for the last 15 years. Princess Madeleine is one of the hardest-working members of the royal family and is a patron to over 150 organizations and charities including the Windenburg Women's Institute. Princess Madeleine's charities and organizations primarily aim at raising awareness about disabilities and mental health. Princess Madeleine has consistently been ranked as the second most popular member of the royal family, usually behind the Queen herself.
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thiefbird · 2 months
platonic renown trio, “but I know being reckless and young is not how the damage gets done” from your list?
Ooooooooohhh this is so good
(also might be a little bit more pre-slash than purely platonic because Bush has complex feelings about Hornblower just. canonically) have some William Bush character study my friend; i listened to Damage Gets Done on repeat almost the entire time i wrote this, other than the bits where i rewatched Mutiny and Retribution for Research Purposes
(under a cut bc it got long - and possibly not entirely connected to its prompt; Bush decided to instead just dwell on his junior lieutenants a bunch in general)
Should I write a sequel to this? Maybe touching on how Horatio's mood might effect the infamous Kingston Debauch in a Dead Kennedy universe? I have Thoughts but this ended up near to 4k words and I needed to end it.
damage gets done (on ao3)
Stepping on board the Renown for the first time, Lieutenant William Bush had had no idea that he would be a different person by the time he reached Jamaica. He had been the same person, more or less, for the entire thirty-five years of his life so far; expecting to continue as he had was only reasonable.
But that was before he had met Hornblower: being dashed to the deck by a total stranger had not seemed like a likely catalyst for personal change at the time, unless caused by a knock on the head; looking back now, he felt he ought to have known, ought to have guessed. But instead he had been ruffled by Hornblower's oddities, peevish towards Mr Kennedy's facetiousness, and fully cemented himself into the role of outsider he so resented those first months.
They were an unlikely pair on the outside, Hornblower and Kennedy. Hornblower was an awkward, serious sort of man, private and reserved to a fault - and Bush had indeed seen it as a fault - where Kennedy was quite the opposite; Bush didn't think he heard a single earnest word from the fourth lieutenant's lips before he'd been on the Renown a month, unless the captain was present. And yet in practice they were as well together as any two men Bush had served with - he was unsurprised to learn they had been mids together at the start of the war, and shared most of their postings since.
He had been obscurely envious of such a friendship - coming up before the mast as he had created a gap between him and the other officers, one that he'd done his best to hide in his years as lieutenant, but one that he felt sorely - and had resolved to look down on the younger officers. Lieutenant Buckland made for poor company, too harassed by his rank, and Bush had resigned himself to a dull, lonely assignment within a week of coming aboard Renown.
Even now, many months later, he almost regretted that he had been wrong. But Captain Sawyer had proven to be a shell of himself, and he had somehow found himself in the unenviable position of plotting mutiny alongside an incompetent premier and the reckless youth of lieutenants Hornblower and Kennedy.
Reckless was perhaps putting it a little strong; Kennedy, certainly, was impetuous and excitable, a gleam in his eyes that drew Captain Sawyer's ire with a consistency unmatched by the finest timepiece, but Hornblower was anything but. Calculating, conniving, manipulative even, especially in his handling of Lieutenant Buckland; too clever by half, even half dead from keeping continual watch.
He had made a pitiful sight, gaunt and hollow-cheeked, bruises deep under his piercing brown eyes making them appear preternaturally large from under the brown curls of his queue. Compared to Kennedy Bush had thought he looked near corpse-like by the time their plot succeeded, and yet the spark of genius had never burnt low.
Samaná had been the true turning point, where he had gone from outside observer to- perhaps not an equal member, but a close orbiting body of the binary star that made up Hornblower and Kennedy. He had been mistaken, to take Buckland's side against Hornblower's plan, he had seen that almost immediately, and admitting the fault had done much to repair his fellow lieutentants' opinion of him; the desertion of some thirty-odd men had been the perfect opportunity for Hornblower's expert machinations, and Buckland had folded like so many decks of cards in Hornblower's hands.
Kennedy's lascivious grin, the puff of his breath as he laughed at the Spanish solider's importunity, Hornblower's poorly suppressed answering smile - all were the badges of friendship earned, and he had treasured them as he received them lying near prone on a hilltop. They had felt the same pang of hopes dashed as some damned folly aboard Renown - Buckland had never been clear when he explained the mishap - ruined their chance of surprise, and he had felt a similar pang alone when Hornblower and Kennedy had run clear away without explanation: once again he was on the outside of their insular attachment, and he had felt a queer turn at it, one that he could hardly name.
"If you live to see Mr Hornblower-" he'd told Stiles, though he knew not what he had meant to convey before those bitter words had slipped out; "tell him he'll hang from the yardarm," had not been his intention when he started to speak.
The fort had fallen, the Spaniards offered a deal - and predictable as clockwork, Hornblower had seen through it and conceived a counter before the words had left their commander's mouth. And now-
"Alright, are you, Horatio?"
Hornblower's expression was a strange blend of terror and derision when he turned back, Kennedy's mouth fighting to remain bland. "Yes, thank you, Archie." He turned back to the block and tackle hanging over the cliff, and Bush could see how tight his jaw was set from behind.
"I remember when you used to be scared of heights, Mr Hornblower!" Kennedy pronounced, as if an actor in one of the plays he would read aloud in the ward room, despite constant protest. He glanced aside to Bush, laughter clear in his eyes, and Bush felt a smile form despite himself.
Hornblower, too, was smiling regardless of his fear when he turned back once more. "Nothing has changed, Mr Kennedy," he admitted, playing along with his friend's formality. Bush caught his eye and felt a surge of affection for the young man - for he and Kennedy were so very young, if not in years (for Bush had less than ten years on them), then in spirit, a playful exuberance that he could only account to their friendship.
That affection, that long-held desire to be admitted into their intimacy, must have been what sparked his playing along. As Hornblower grasped the hawser and prepared to rappel down to young Wellard's rescue, Bush nudged Kennedy's shoulder with his own and called out. "They say one should always do what one dislikes!" he advised.
"Oh yes?" was the only response Hornblower deigned to give.
Kennedy's grin was in full force now, delighted to have a compatriot in his torment of Hornblower, and Bush knew his was not far behind as he was swept off his feet by his contagious high spirits; he deliberately did not allow his gaze to land on either Hornblower or Kennedy as he spoke. "As a boy, I had to eat turnips."
Hornblower warily began to lower himself down. "Eat them now, do you?" he asked, his voice resigned - but the anxious pitch of it was gone, and some strange tension Bush had not noted in Kennedy before suddenly faded as Hornblower disappeared below the edge of the cliff, replaced by some sort of exhaustion.
"Never touch 'em," Bush said, his voice too low to carry further than Kennedy's ears. Kennedy looked back to him, his face strangely inscrutable until Bush gave up his attempt at controlling his smile; then Kennedy clapped his shoulder, the apparent fatigue entirely absent once more. Bush felt as if he'd passed some obscure test in that moment, and he directed the reassembly of the gun in its carriage with a lighter heart than he'd felt since Captain Sawyer had stepped on board Renown.
The Dons struck, the rebellion attacked, and the fort was to be abandoned the moment it was clear - and Hornblower, the proud, reckless creature, volunteered to set the charges to send the fort to kingdom come. Bush saw Kennedy's face as his friend - their friend? - said the words, and knew his own face echoed that same dawning realization. Kennedy's throwing himself in with Hornblower was instinctive, automatic, and Bush's hardly less so. But Buckland preferred, if preferred was the word to use for so damning a mission and that cold look in their premier's eyes, Hornblower, and Bush felt a shade of Kennedy's palpable terror at the parting; the boy's voice trembled as they shook hands, and not for the first time Bush wondered just how deep their friendship went.
There was a strange moment, as Hornblower turned back to the fort, where Bush felt some strange, foreign urge to touch him, to reassure himself of Hornblower's reality - an urge so strong and strange that he could not resist it: his hand came up of its own volition and brushed the younger man's narrow shoulder as he passed, and he stared dumbly after Hornblower's retreating form until Buckland cleared his throat, giving both him and Kennedy a queer, questioning look. "Well, we had better get this whole... this whole mess cleared away. Bush, Kennedy - you know your duties."
Back on board Renown, they threw themselves into the organising of prisoners with as much appearance of zeal as they could muster, setting men to clear sections of the hold for the carpenter's crew to erect bulkheads. Bush had to reprimand both himself and Kennedy on multiple occasions within those first minutes for near criminal distraction, and he knew they had both caught the cold, hateful look in Buckland's eyes as he shook Hornblower's hand. Finally, in a lull, Kennedy grasped his arm in a desperately tight grip.
"What is it, Mr Kennedy?" Bush asked, and then, feeling his tone had been a little harsh, added with more kindness, "Tell me your mind."
"The men know their work, sir - we would only be in the way, were we to stay below." Kennedy's fingers were still tight around his upper arm.
"You may have a point there. You there! Keep to your tasks, men!" he ordered, and allowed Kennedy to pull him to the companion and then further, into the wardroom. "Now, Kennedy, no more of this - you will tell me what is the matter," he said in a low voice, his ear turned towards the door.
"You know as well as I Buckland will leave him on the island if we give him half a chance. I don't know who has his ear - if the damned fool has been listening to Sawyer or just to that lush of a doctor - but-"
"That is a harsh accusation to make, Mr Kennedy," Bush said, not in reproach, but in warning. Kennedy's mouth opened, the confiding expression wiped away and replaced with a hot, reckless anger, but Bush raised his voice as loud as he dared and continued over his protestations. "But I will concede the point that our acting captain may have his hands too full to spare men to row back. And as we find ourselves at loose ends-"
The tension holding Kennedy in a rigid, spiteful posture dissolved as if strings cut away, and he drooped against the bulkhead. "Thank you, sir," he said quietly, staring down at his hands; they shook like leaves in a gale as they stood in silence for the space of a few dozen breaths. Finally they stilled, and Kennedy looked up, his eyes flashing with that same reckless enthusiasm Bush had once condemned. "Well, what are you waiting for? There's not a moment to lose, if we don't want our acting captain to catch on!"
They walked out as if they were on an important mission, using the natural deference of the hands to have the smallest skiff lowered down the shoreward side of the ship. "That'll be all, Norris, thank you," Bush said dismissively as he climbed over the railing and dropped into the flimsy craft, Kennedy following after and fending them off of Renown's side. Bush took the oars himself, wordlessly indicating for Kennedy to man the tiller, and watched as the great mass of their ship steadily shrank away from them.
"Mr Bush, sir, I wanted to-"
"Do not thank me, Mr Kennedy; I saw that same look. And I think-" Here he hesitated: he worked hard to maintain his rank, had nearly eradicated all traces of his broad accent; to offer such liberties to a junior - and a junior as irreverent as Kennedy, no less - was a risk to all that work. And yet... "I think, while we are risking our necks together a second time, Mr Kennedy, that you may call me William."
Kennedy looked surprised, astonished, at being offered such, and he took a moment to gather himself. Then, with a touch of colour on his cheeks, he inclined his head. "In that case, Will, you-"
"I am warning you, Mr Kennedy-" Bush growled; Kennedy took no notice.
"You may call me Archie," he said, that bright smile firmly in place. "No one calls me Archibald, and if you may use a short form it is only fair I may, too. No need for entire names while we row towards our deaths, now, is there?"
Bush feigned a sigh of disapproval, though he was certain Kennedy- was certain Archie knew better than to be fooled by his attempts by now. "Very well. Archie."
The Renown was only a short distance from the fort's docks, and Archie leaped across to tie the skiff up what felt like mere moments later, offering Bush a hand up as he beamed down. "Sir," he said in a mockery of the white-gloved sideboys as Bush fought with the desire to pull Archie down into the boat in retribution.
"The cheek on you," he muttered as he batted away the offered hand and stepped onto the dock unassisted. "As you said, Archie - no time to lose; we must find Mr Hornblower and lend him our expertise."
"Expertise, Will? I only meant to offer him a boatride," Archie said over his shoulder as he took the stairs towards the fort two at a time.
"Archie! Are you out of your mind?" Bush heard Hornblower shout as he followed Archie up the stairs to where he could hear the fizzling of slow match.
"Very possibly, but we thought you could use the company!" Archie agreed in his play-reading voice. Bush quickly took in the room: barrels of powder stacked, lengths of match trailing from them, and on the other side of the barrels, as Hornblower began lighting another length- He aimed, fired; the revolutionary fell, and he fumbled with his kit to reload.
"Well you've clearly lost your wits, the both of you," Hornblower said brusquely; Archie fired into the smoke and another man fell, barely visible through the acrid cloud.
"I suggest we make our move, gentlemen; it's getting rather warm down here." Bush slipped his reloaded pistol into his gunbelt and gripped Hornblower's elbow momentarily to encourage him to follow.
Together, they ran through the fort and down into the connecting tunnels. The first breath Bush drew of fresh air as Archie helped him climb onto the grass was heaven-sent, and as soon as he gained his feet he was reaching into the smoke-scented pit to grab at Hornblower and heave him out into the sun, just in time for the first rounds to go off. The earth bucked and heaved under their feet with each following explosion, and they ran to the edge of the cliff to hail Renown, eager to escape before they were found and shot.
"She's sailing away!" Hornblower cried, the first to reach the summit.
Bush slowed his sprint as he came up, wary of the cliff's edge, and watched the four ships turn away for the open ocean. "Well..." he began, glancing back at Archie. "Looks like that's it, gentlemen."
He did not regret it, now that the end was in sight. Not the mutiny, not his encouraging of Hornblower's manipulation of Buckland. Certainly not this second mutiny that seemed now to promise their death; he cursed Buckland for a jealous fool, but he was happy to face his death alongside these two brave, bright men. They may not have saved Hornblower, but he at least would not die alone.
"No it isn't, Mr Bush," Hornblower said, his hands on his knees as he gasped against the effects of his run. Then he straightened up, a rare smile, the twin to Archie's near constant smirk, firmly in place. Bush had a momentary feeling of apprehension as he spoke. "Archie?"
Archie's smile was consistently amused; now it looked incredibly fond, as well, as he looked at Hornblower. "I am afraid I think you're right," he said with a disbelieving chuckle, his gaze flickering between Hornblower's face and Bush's own.
"What?" Bush demanded as his apprehension grew into a queer, queasy terror.
Hornblower's dark eyes flashed with excitement as he looked at Bush. "We're gonna jump." His voice was as gleeful as a skylarking midshipman, and Bush wondered at it, that he could not imagine a worse plan, and yet Hornblower had never seemed more alive - more pleased to be alive.
He and Archie jogged a few fathoms away from the cliff's face as Bush mastered himself and peered over the sickening drop to the churning sea below. "Well now who's out of his mind?!"
When he turned back, the other two were stripping down to their shirtsleeves, tossing aside their swords and guns. "See for yourself, Will!" Archie called over the dull roar of the ocean beneath them. "It's only water, you won't break anything!"
"Really..." He turned to join them, hoping to convince them of literally any other mad scheme to escape than this certain death by drowning.
Hornblower beckoned him closer encouragingly. "Come, easier than eating turnips," he said as Bush approached. And then: "Mr Kennedy?"
Before Bush could protest, Archie had him in his arms, spinning him bodily around until Hornblower could grab him by the other elbow, flashing a maniacally beautiful grin. Bush twisted fruitlessly between them, unable to escape. "No, no, gentlemen, I'm sorry, but-"
"On the count of three!" Hornblower said to Archie over Bush's head, ignoring his protests.
"No, we're not going to jump-"
Archie continued his count, tensing to start the run up. "Two!"
His grip on Bush's forearm was firm and solid, but Hornblower seemed to think better of his hold, releasing Bush's arm and instead gripping Bush's thick, work-worn hand in his own, long and strangely delicate fingers wrapping around Bush's calloused ones, and effectively extinguishing all Bush's escape attempts out of sheer shock: he did not think his hand had been held since he went to sea - no, Nora had held it when she was small, but that hardly counted. Hornblower gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Despite his bewildered reaction to the almost affectionate hold, he still was capable of putting up some level of protest. "We will not jump, and that's my final word!" he demanded, just as Archie shouted "And three-"
Another charge exploded behind them. " And jump!" Hornblower and Archie said in unison, and charged forwards, dragging Bush between them as they cheered wordlessly.
They cleared the cliff edge and released him to plummet alone, and he felt the loss keenly. "I can't swim!" he yelled, all attempts at dignity gone in the rush of terror as the water rose up to meet him.
Hitting the water shocked him almost insensible, not from the impact but from the strangeness of it; he sank thoughtlessly for a moment before the panic set in and he thrashed ineffectually for the surface. Then two sets of strong arms were around him, supporting him, and he broke the surface gasping. "I can't swim," he repeated as Hornblower and Archie laughed giddily, keeping him afloat as easily as they did themselves - Bush was certain if they did not feel themselves responsible for him they should be playing like mids, splashing and dunking each other in between hails to the ship.
A boat was rowed out to them, and Archie lifted himself in, leaving Hornblower to support Bush on his own while he and the men situated themselves to make more space. "I wanted to say," he started in a strange voice, his arm warm around Bush's waist in the surprising cool of the Caribbean waters. "I wanted to say, sir - thank you. It was good of you to- to keep Mr Kennedy from making an ass of himself."
"Nonsense, Mr Hornblower; Ar-" he cut himself off; the implicit limitations of his granting Mr Kennedy the liberty of his name had ended with their return to the ship - or at least the ship's boat - and he would not do Mr Kennedy the disservice of using such intimate address when he had not extended the offer. "Mr Kennedy only prompted me to do what was right. You should not have been left alone in such circumstances."
Hornblower seemed surprised by Bush's words, and not for the first time Bush felt a pang of regret at his initial behaviour towards the junior lieutenants of Renown; had he been more personable, less concerned with propriety and rank, could he have had these friendships sooner? But before Hornblower could seem to make his mind up to speak, Mr Kennedy was leaning out of the boat and grinning at them. "Pass me Will, would you, Horatio?"
Hornblower blinked at the casual address, but pushed Bush forward until Archie - for if he would not respect the time limits of their intimacy, neither would Bush - could grip him under the armpits and heave him aboard. Bush, still grappling with the remnants of the terror of their plunge, did not allow himself to lie gasping in the bottom of the boat as his instincts demanded; the moment he felt stable he turned to assist Archie in lifting Hornblower's light frame into the narrow gig.
Once they were underway, dripping uncomfortably in the sternsheets, Hornblower turned towards Archie, high spirits still playing about his face and making him look far younger than his twenty-seven years. "'Will', is it? I did not know you and our second lieutenant were such intimates, Archie."
Bush was uncertain how to respond to such a strange manner of address: Hornblower's eyes were fixed firmly upon his face as he spoke, despite ostensibly directing his words to Mr Kennedy. A glance towards Archie, at his left, showed him in a remarkable mimicry of Hornblower's posture, leaning so against the cutter's hull that they were both twisted back and looking at him with an intense humour. "Oh, yes - he granted me the privilege while he rowed me back to save your sorrow soul, 'ratio."
"Hmm." Hornblower did his best to look serious, contemplative, but strong and sincere amusement was such a rare expression on him that Bush caught it at once, and could not believe him. "Well then, Mr Bush; it seems only fair to grant you my own given name - though I beg you will not shorten it so." He threw Archie a glare that seemed only partly in jest.
"Oh, I am sorry, sir - should you prefer 'Horry'?" Archie asked archly, and Hornblower twitched as if he should like to throw himself over Bush to swat at him in retaliation.
Bush felt his lips curling into a small, secret smile of fulfilled desire to be admitted into such confidences - a week ago Horatio would never have let his guard down enough for even so small a betrayal of self, were he in the room. "I would be honoured for you to call me William, then, both of you," he said, adding, "At least when we are not in company, of course; discipline must be maintained amongst the men," in a perfectly bland tone.
Archie huffed, seemingly put out before he caught the sardonic note, and then chuckled. As the boat pulled alongside Renown, he looked more somber. "Well, gentlemen, it is time to face the music."
Buckland's persecution of Hornblower continued from there; he was set to captain all three of the Spanish ships alone, and Bush intervened his apology to their acting captain; as the superior officer, the fault for disobeying orders lay with him - Hornblower had not, in fact, disobeyed any at all.
"It was true to form, if nothing else," Buckland said, his voice strange and frail. "You three: you are so full of yourselves, and of each other... You think me a fool."
It was true, and more true perhaps of Horatio than of any of them, from his position of genius; Bush pitied him, Archie looked down on him, but Horatio? Bush did not think Horatio thought of him at all, except to maneuver around him in order to stay on course, as if he were an inconveniently placed bit of shoal. Buckland was as dangerous, too, as sudden shallows were to the safety of the ship - though not so dangerous as Sawyer's erratic moods had been, like an malignant squall; whatever damage had been done to Renown, to her crew's morale, was not the sin of youthful recklessness, but of frail and unfit officers.
"No one pretends command is easy, sir," Bush said after a pause - damning Buckland by faint praise; he knew Buckland felt the insult keenly, but could not bring himself to any further show of comradery after his treatment of Hornblower.
"I never expected it to be easy." Buckland's voice was mournful, and Bush gave him a shallow bow and excused himself to see to the transfer of stores to the Spanish prizes; Hornblower would have enough on his plate.
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fiercynn · 3 months
Aaliyah Edwards comes from the small city of Kingston, Ontario — a city deep with history nestled next to Lake Ontario, sitting evenly between Toronto and Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. As Edwards said upon being drafted: "You’re not only playing for yourself, you’re playing for those falling behind you. You’re also playing for those who laid the foundation in front of you. Coming into the WNBA, I respect that. I appreciate, I’m not going to say elders because I don’t want them getting on me, but I appreciate our vets. I’m going to soak up all the experience, but also know that I have a huge impact across the border in Canada." Growing up, Edwards was coached in basketball by her dad, quickly gaining skill and strength far beyond her years. She started her high school journey at Frontenac Secondary School, but ended up moving to Crestwood Preparatory College in Toronto to further her basketball career. It was there she went through her recruiting journey and joined the ranks of Canada Basketball junior national teams. After seeking guidance from another Canadian legend of the game in Kia Nurse, Edwards decided on UConn for her college career. The legacy of the school’s basketball programs mixed with the trust Geno Auriemma had in her and the glowing review from Nurse; it was enough to convince her that Storrs was the place to be. Edwards joined Paige Bueckers and Nika Mühl as the freshmen trio that would ultimately send UConn to three Final Fours in four seasons and play in one national championship game.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 10 - Immigrant Song (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Eli's Vlog P.O.V:
It had been about a week, almost two, now Wednesday 26th August. Eli had let Kirby stay in her hotel room for a night because Eddie and Mox were arguing.
"Bonjour tout le monde. La nuit dernière a été mouvementée, dirons-nous. Kingston va se donner des coups de pied, Kirby a dormi ici la nuit dernière, il euh... foutu [Good morning everyone. Last night was eventful, shall we say. Kingston will be kicking himself, Kirby slept in here last night, he uhh... fucked up]." Eli starts her vlog, a new intro for the day.
Kirby chuckles softly, "Yeah, Edward is in the, what's the phrase, he's in the dog house. He and Moxley were arguing last night, it was loud, I left them to it. Je t'avais promis une soirée karaoké on y va toute une journée [I promised you a karaoke night, shall we go for a whole day]?"
"Oui [yes]," Eli giggles, "nous laisserons les autres s'inquiéter, nous n'avons pas da travail aujourd'hui [we shall let the others worry, we don't have to work today]."
Eli shuts the camera off, her and Kirby getting ready, turning it back on to do a 'group outfit check'. The group of Billie, Kirby, Eli and Sara all in Y2K inspired outfits.
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The four girls spend the morning shopping, going to a karaoke bar in the afternoon. Signing a variety of different songs, from a variety of bands, Cypress Hill (Billie), Smash Mouth (Sara), No Doubt (Eli), Ice Cube (Kirby), Counting Crows (Sara), Savage Garden (Billie), Del Amitri (Eli), etcetera.
Kirby finds the song 'Save Me' by Aimee Mann (Quick note: Kirby sounds almost exactly like Aimee Mann when she sings) at around 5 in the evening, Eli filming her performance.
Kirby takes the microphone, clearing her throat before singing, "You look like a perfect fit, for a girl in need of a tourniquet..."
Eli turns the camera to face the door, Allie had agreed to join them and had just arrived.
"...But can you save me? Come on and save me? If you could save me. From the ranks of the freaks, who suspect they could never love anyone..."
Kingston and Moxley push past Allie, searching through the bar for someone (or something), Allie heads to the bar before joining the girls.
"...Cause I can tell, you know what it's like..."
Moxley stops Kingston and the two men head to the bar, following Allie's footsteps.
"A long farewell of the hunger strike, But can you save me? Come on and save me, If you could save me. From the ranks of the freaks, that suspect they could never love anyone..."
Moxley stops for a beer, Kingston gives him a look of 'really?'.
"...You struck me dumb, like radium. Like Peter Pan or Superman. You have come to save me, come on and save me, if you could save me. From the ranks of the freaks, who suspect they could never love anyone, except the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone, but the freaks that suspect they could never love anyone..."
Moxley gets up from the barstool and the men continue looking around the bar, having lost Allie's trail.
"...Come on and save me, why don't you save me? If you could save me. From the ranks of the freaks, who suspect they could never love anyone, except the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone, except the freaks who could never love anyone."
"Kirby?" Eddie asks dumbstruck as he stands, at the side of the couch, next to the girls.
"Eddie?" Kirby questions as she gets off the stage, handing Billie the microphone.
"That was your singin' voice?"
"Yeah, pretty embarrassing I know." She murmurs, blushing a light pink.
"Embarrassing? Sweetheart, you're a f*****' angel." Eddie grins, pulling Kirby into a deep kiss.
He wraps his arms around her and dips her, she holds onto him like her life depends on it. Eli gets it all on camera.
"Yeah, that's going in the vlog."
"F*** yo vlog." Eddie hollers, sticking his tongue out at the camera.
"Eddie, act your age not your shoe size, you child." Kirby shakes her head.
"Was that a Prince quote?" He raises an eyebrow at Kirby.
"Maybe... you still haven't told me why you're here."
"I wanted to... can we do this somewhere more private?"
Gluttony's P.O.V:
"Of course." Kirby nods, taking Eddie to the parking lot.
"I wanted to apologise for last night, I know it wasn't my best moment... I... I was wrong, it was dumb of me," Eddie turns his back on Kirby, "I just... didn't want Jon getting in the way of me doing this."
Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion, looking at Eddie as if he's from another planet, gasping as Eddie drops to one knee facing her. Holy fuck Eddie we're in public, what the fuck is in your brain? Eddie pulls out a small black box, opening it to reveal a small amber and silver ring.
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"Kirby..." Eddie clears his throat, "Kirby Raven Eirian (air-REE-ann) Aoibheann (EVE-van) Rhydderch (HRUDH-ehrkh), will you marry me?"
He learnt the correct pronunciations, he's serious, this is not a drill nor a joke. Kirby's jaw drops and she covers her mouth with both hands, nodding as she starts tearing up.
"You will?" Eddie beams.
"Yes, hell fuckin' yes, holy Mary mother of God, you learnt how to pronounce my full name?"
Eddie scoops Kirby up in his arms, kissing her deeply, putting her down so he can put the ring on her finger, "Of course I learnt how to say ya name, ya my girl, Eddie Kingston's queen."
Kirby cups Eddie's face in her hands, "Eddie, Edward Moore, Kingston. I love you, you sexy beast... God, you sneaky motherfucker, how did you pull this off?"
"I had Moxie get the ring, gave him your measurements, has him stage an argument with me. I knew you would get sick of hearing it if we got loud, texted Eli to take you out for the day, I forgot you girls had plans to come here. Put the box in my front pocket, I knew you'd think I was reachin' for a smoke, and prayed to God last night that this would work." He explains, kissing her softly.
"I think I finally understand why Vi says never to mix Latinos and Celts. 'Cause that's how the world got you, Mr 'fuck you I'm from New Yawk'." She teases.
"I don't say New York like that."
"Yes you fuckin' do. Both you and Sara say 'New Yawk' instead of 'New York'."
"Okay," Eddie rolls his eyes and smirks, "Maybe I do say it like that." He shrugs.
"I think it's sexy, like the way you say certain things, 'ova', 'whateva', 'a'ight', 'cawfee', 'dawg', 'fiddy', 'lemme', it's you and it's unique, and I love it."
"Like you calling people 'butt', or saying Sara's 'chopsy' or 'a numpty'? I think that's cute. Also, why the fuck do ya call people 'butt'?"
"It's a Welsh thing, it's slang for friend." She shrugs.
"Like how Vi says 'mate'?"
"Yeah, Eddie, where are you taking me?"
"To the car, so I can take you back to the hotel. I need to show our parents that I 'finally' proposed, so our dads stop tryin' to bet each other on when I'll do it."
"God fucking damnit da." Kirby mutters, making Eddie chuckle softly.
Eddie and Kirby spend the rest of the day sorting everything out, making sure Kirby can become a legal citizen, her visa still working for another year. All Eddie has to do is marry her within the next 12 months, applying for a green card and hoping for the best.
"Okay, paperwork is done now. I need a big cup of coffee and some food... and maybe some love."
Eddie smirks, pulling Kirby into a gentle kiss, "I'll order us a pizza, check twitter while I'm outside," he winks, grabbing both his phone and cigarettes, after a couple failed attempts, Eddie groans at the failing lighter, "babe, I need a new lighter."
Kirby grabs a lighter from her handbag, "Come here."
"You have one in your bag?"
"Like I said, my whole family smokes, owning a lighter is a necessity for me." She shrugs as she lights his cigarette.
He takes a drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke away from Kirby's face, kissing her deeply. His hands find their way to her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You know, Mike and Ash had this joke about my name... used to say I should marry a man with an 'M' surname."
"Can I ask why?" Eddie whispers, going back to smoking.
"To quote the two idiots, 'because, Princess, your initials would then spell 'Kream'.' They found it hilarious... I don't know why."
Eddie snickers, "Kream, huh, well it matches your skin tone."
"I'm not that pale."
"You stand next ro me and you are... lil miss bat tattoo."
"Is that your favourite, Eddie?"
"It's my favourite thing to look at when I'm fuckin' ya from behind, and before ya scold me, it is a tramp stamp."
"It is not, It's just over my ass, it doesn't make me a tramp."
"You go get yourself a coffee, a'ight Ma. I love ya, my sexy little lady,"
"Ma? Did you just call me Ma?" Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yeah, you're a sexy lady, so I called you Ma, it's a New York thing."
“Is breá liom tú, a stór mo chroí [I love you, my heart's treasure]."
Kirby leaves the room as Eddie puts his phone to his ear. Jesus, Kirby, stop smiling. You look like a damn fool. Her brain barks at her and she stops smiling, taking a deep breath as she walks, strolling down to the nearest coffee shop, picking up a coffee for herself, and getting Eddie a hot chocolate. Starting to walk back when she hears something.
"Ay yo, Mami," a young, light skinned man hollers at her, "Let me get your number!"
Just ignore him, we'll be fine.
His footsteps follow her, "playin' hard to get, Mami?"
Great, now we're being followed. Let's continue to ignore him and hope he gets the message.
The man continues to follow her, "Do you speak English? Can I teach you?"
Just a couple more steps and we'll be safe.
The man yanks Kirby by the arm and pulls her into an alleyway, keeping her backed up against a wall with a knife, ripping her shirt open. Kirby thinks fast, kneeing the man in the groin and running... straight into Eddie, full force.
"Holy shit, Kirby, are you a'ight," Eddie whispers, taking Kirby inside their hotel room, "breathe, sweetheart, breathe."
Kirby looks at Eddie, a terrified and helpless look in her eyes. He immediately understands, pulling her close and kissing her jawline.
"I thought he was gonna, you know..." She murmurs.
"Shh, I know, I'll get you a taser or somethin'."
Eddie helps Kirby relax, getting her to lay naked in the bed. The pizza had already arrived, Eddie takes both boxes and sits next to Kirby, he hands her one of them. Eddie keeps an eye on Kirby, watching as she struggles to eat, getting more concerned by the minute.
"He didn't touch you there, right?" He asks, pointing to Kirby's crotch.
She shakes her head 'no'.
"He didn't do anything, except destroy the shirt?"
"That's all he did." She whispers.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispers, his eyes locking with hers.
She nods and Eddie leans in, kissing her gently. He holds her close, being extra careful, slowly heating things up between them. Not making the situation sexual, but making out with Kirby, reminding her that she's his fiancée, telling her how much he loves her.
"When we have enough free time, I'm takin' you home wit' me. We'll get ya stuff moved in, all of it, and I'll make sure you have everythin'. I'll stock the fridge wit' coffee, you won't have ta go anywhere, I'll even get you some cake... as a movin' in present."
"I'd like that."
"I'll talk to your Da about it, so you get your things from Wales. Maybe we'll even fly out for a weekend or somethin', so I can meet the rest of your family."
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globedwise · 9 days
Top Universities In Canada For Higher Education 2024
Embarking on a journey of higher education is a pivotal step towards personal and professional growth. Canada, renowned for its inclusive society, pristine landscapes, and world-class education system, stands as an attractive destination for students worldwide. With an array of esteemed institutions, selecting the right university becomes both exciting and daunting. In this guide, we explore the top universities in Canada for higher education in 2024, offering insights to aid aspiring scholars in their quest for academic excellence.
University of Toronto:
As Canada's leading institution, the University of Toronto consistently ranks among the top universities globally. Boasting a diverse community of scholars and comprehensive academic programs, it provides a fertile ground for intellectual exploration. With cutting-edge research facilities and a commitment to innovation, University of Toronto offers unparalleled opportunities for students across disciplines.
University of British Columbia (UBC):
Situated amidst the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia, UBC stands as a beacon of academic excellence. Renowned for its research-intensive programs and emphasis on sustainability, UBC fosters a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration. From engineering to arts, UBC offers a wide range of programs designed to nurture future leaders and innovators.
McGill University:
Nestled in the vibrant city of Montreal, McGill University epitomizes academic excellence and cultural diversity. With a legacy spanning over two centuries, McGill offers a rich academic experience backed by world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. Its strategic location provides students with access to a thriving cultural scene and dynamic industry partnerships.
University of Waterloo:
Recognized for its pioneering spirit and focus on experiential learning, the University of Waterloo stands as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. Home to the renowned Co-operative Education program, Waterloo offers students invaluable industry experience and networking opportunities. With a strong emphasis on research and technology, it remains a top choice for aspiring engineers, scientists, and business leaders.
McMaster University:
Situated in the heart of Ontario's innovation corridor, McMaster University is renowned for its commitment to research and community engagement. With a strong emphasis on problem-based learning and interdisciplinary studies, McMaster prepares students to tackle real-world challenges with confidence. Its vibrant campus life and supportive community make it an ideal destination for holistic growth and development.
University of Alberta:
Located in the dynamic city of Edmonton, the University of Alberta stands as a powerhouse of innovation and academic excellence. With world-renowned research facilities and a strong focus on experiential learning, it offers students a transformative educational experience. From energy and environment to health sciences, the University of Alberta boasts a wide array of programs tailored to meet the demands of the future.
Queen's University:
Nestled in the historic city of Kingston, Queen's University is renowned for its intimate learning environment and strong sense of community. With a focus on undergraduate education and research excellence, Queen's prepares students for leadership roles in their chosen fields. Its picturesque campus and rich traditions create a unique and memorable academic experience.
Choosing the right university is a pivotal decision that shapes the trajectory of one's academic and professional journey. In Canada, a country celebrated for its commitment to education and innovation, students are spoilt for choice with a myriad of esteemed institutions. Whether it's the bustling streets of Toronto or the serene landscapes of British Columbia, each university offers a unique blend of academic rigor, research opportunities, and cultural enrichment. By exploring the top universities in Canada for higher education in 2024, aspiring scholars can embark on a transformative journey towards realizing their full potential.
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hbhughes · 4 months
Robert E. Stitzer
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Robert E. Stitzer, 82, of Forty Fort passed away March 1, 2024 surrounded by his loving family.   Born in Plymouth, he was the son of the late Parker and Dorothy Lewis Stitzer. He graduated from Plymouth High School and attended Penn State University. He then proudly served as an MP in the United States Army serving in Germany.  He was honorably discharged at the rank of E4.   He then went on to become a Pennsylvania State Police Trooper.  His time in the Pennsylvania State Police took him to various troops from Plymouth Meeting to Dushore. He finally settled in Troop P Wyoming, happy to be back in his hometown area. After working in records and identification he eventually moved next-door to the State Police Crime Lab, where he also ran the AFIS fingerprint identification unit and helped in working many high-profile cases.  He was a fingerprint and photography expert and pistol master. He loved what he did, and it showed.  His passion for his work took him to many places where he influenced numerous others in his field. He retired in 2001 after serving 37 years in the Pennsylvania State Police. He carried the Pennsylvania State Police core values of Honor, Service, Integrity, Respect, Trust, Courage, and Duty throughout his life.  
He loved spending time with family and friends. His home was always open. He took meticulous care of his pool and enjoyed spending time with all those that came to swim and relax.  He loved having a good time, celebrating any occasion, told the silliest jokes, and always appreciated a good joke or story. He was often heard belly laughing about it hours later at the slightest thought of it.   He was a loving father and husband.  In June, Robert and his wife Helen would have celebrated 55 years of marriage. They have two children, Amy and Robert. He was a member of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Swoyersville. He was a member of the Frank Albert Memorial Lodge #43 Fraternal Order of Police. Preceding him in death is his brother, Gerald Stitzer.  Surviving besides his wife Helen, is his daughter, Amy Stitzer-Yerke, and her husband, Michael, Shavertown, son, Robert Stitzer, Jr., and his fiancée, Stephanie, Dallas, and many nieces and nephews.  The funeral will be held on Wednesday at 10 AM with Pennsylvania State Police Honors from the Hugh B. Hughes and Son, Inc. Funeral Home 1044 Wyo. Ave. Forty Fort, with a mass of Christian burial at 10:30 AM in Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Hughes St., Swoyersville.  The interment with Military Honors will be in Saint Stephen’s Cemetery, Shavertown.  Friends may call on Tuesday from 5 to 8 PM.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Medical Oncology Associates Prescription Fund, 383 Pierce St., Kingston, PA, 18704. 
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Sanya Richards-Ross (born February 26, 1985) is a retired Jamaican-American track and field athlete, who competed internationally for the US in the 400-meter sprint. She is the 2012 Olympic champion, 2009 world champion, 2008 Olympic bronze medalist, and 2005 world silver medalist. She became the second American woman to win the 400 meters at the Olympic Games and the first American woman to earn multiple global 400-meter titles. She is a six-time US national champion (2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2012).
She ranked #1 in the world (2005-09, 12) in the 400 meters. She set the American 400-meter record of 48.70 seconds in 2006 and was named the IAAF 2006 & 2009 Female World Athlete of the Year. She holds the record for the most sub-50 second sprints in the history of the event, with a career total of 49 times. She won three consecutive Olympic gold medals in the 4 × 400 meters relay at the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Summer Olympics, as well as five total relay medals from multiple World Athletics Championships.
She retired from the sport and joined the NBC broadcasting team as a track and field analyst. She published her memoir Chasing Grace: What the Quarter Mile Has Taught Me about God and Life in 2017. Bravo announced that she was joining the fourteenth season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
She was born in Kingston, Jamaica to Archie and Sharon Richards. She graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas High School, where she finished with a cumulative 4.0 GPA and was pegged the 2002 Gatorade National High School Girls Track and Field Athlete of the Year and the USA Track and Field Youth Athlete of the Year. She attended the University of Texas, Austin, majoring in Business and starring on the women’s track and field team.
She married Longhorn and New York Giants football cornerback Aaron Ross (2010). They have two sons. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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visagurukulcom · 7 months
Best Colleges In Canada For International Students For Masters
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Embarking on a journey for higher education is an exciting and challenging venture, especially for international students eyeing a master’s degree in Canada. The Great White North is renowned for its world-class education system, cultural diversity, and welcoming atmosphere. In this article, we will explore some of the Best Colleges In Canada For International Students seeking a master’s degree.
University of Toronto
Located in the heart of one of the most vibrant cities in the world, the University of Toronto is a top choice for many international students. Boasting a rich history and a diverse student body, this institution offers a wide range of master’s programs. The faculty is internationally acclaimed, providing students with exposure to cutting-edge research and a global perspective.
University of British Columbia (UBC)
Nestled in the stunning city of Vancouver, UBC consistently ranks among the best in the world. With a picturesque campus surrounded by mountains and ocean, the university offers a welcoming environment for international students. UBC’s master’s programs are known for their innovation and emphasis on practical skills, preparing students for success in their chosen fields.
McGill University
Situated in the bilingual city of Montreal, McGill University is celebrated for its strong emphasis on research and academic excellence. The cultural diversity in Montreal provides an enriching experience for international students. McGill’s master’s programs are designed to foster critical thinking and creativity, equipping graduates for leadership roles in their respective industries.
University of Alberta
For those interested in fields like engineering, sciences, and business, the University of Alberta in Edmonton is a top contender. Known for its strong ties to the industry and a commitment to experiential learning, this university provides international students with a solid foundation for their future careers. The supportive campus community ensures a smooth transition for those arriving from overseas.
Make sure check this: Study abroad
University of Waterloo
Recognized as a leader in co-operative education, the University of Waterloo in Ontario is an ideal choice for students seeking hands-on experience during their master’s program. The co-op model allows international students to integrate classroom learning with practical work experience, enhancing their employability upon graduation. The campus is a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.
University of Montreal
As one of the largest French-language universities in the world, the University of Montreal offers a unique cultural experience for international students. Located in the diverse city of Montreal, this institution provides master’s programs with a strong focus on research and intellectual exploration. The bilingual environment encourages language acquisition, adding an extra skill to graduates’ profiles.
Queen’s University
Nestled in the historic city of Kingston, Queen’s University is known for its close-knit community and personalized approach to education. International students at Queen’s benefit from small class sizes, allowing for meaningful interactions with professors and peers. The university’s commitment to holistic education ensures that students not only excel academically but also develop as well-rounded individuals.
University of Calgary
For those interested in fields such as energy, engineering, and environmental sciences, the University of Calgary in Alberta is a top choice. The university’s strong ties to industry partners provide international students with unique opportunities for research and collaboration. The campus is situated near the stunning Rocky Mountains, offering a perfect blend of academic and natural experiences.
Choosing the right college for a Best Colleges In Canada For International Students for master is a crucial decision that can shape the trajectory of one’s career. Canada, with its welcoming atmosphere and world-class education system, stands out as an excellent destination for international students. Whether it’s the bustling city life of Toronto, the scenic beauty of Vancouver, or the cultural richness of Montreal, each university offers a distinct experience. By considering factors such as academic reputation, program offerings, and campus culture, international students can make informed decisions and embark on a transformative academic journey in the Great White North.
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dailyrugbytoday · 7 months
NY Sevens Rugby Tournament Fixtures & Stream | 2023 New York Rugby Sevens
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/ny-sevens-rugby-tournament-new-york/
The Daily Rugby
NY Sevens Rugby Tournament Fixtures & Stream | 2023 New York Rugby Sevens
New York Rugby Sevens 2023 Come play against the iconic backdrop of New York City. The NY Sevens Rugby Tournament is the biggest and longest-running single-day 7s tournament in the US with 14 divisions, over 130 teams, and thousands of players from around the world. NY 7s is thrilled to announce that cash rewards for our Premier Divisions will be returning!
Following the success of the previous year, New York 7s is returning with cash awards for the top divisions! The winning teams in the Men’s and Women’s Premier will split $1,500. Each of the winning HS Boys and HS Girls Premier teams will get $750. Enroll now to avoid missing out on the opportunity to raise funds for your group!
NY Sevens Rugby Tournament DIVISIONS
New York Sevens Rugby Ranking
In pool play, tie matches will stand.
In elimination play, ties will be resolved by a series of uninterrupted, five-minute sudden death extra periods until the referee announces a winner.
Following pool play, we shall order the teams in each pool as follows:
greatest performance.
head-to-head rivalry.
greatest difference in points.
highest number of points earned.
Flip a coin.
Read More: HSBC SVNS DUBAI 2023
Rockstar Coders Viti Bararians
Saratoga Jockeys
Saratoga Jockeys 2
Panthers 7s
ROOTS Rugby Family
Pacific Island Warriors
AC Foundation All Stars
Columbus Crewmen
Aurora Barbarians
West Hartford Exiles
Four Lokos
Rugby Quebec
Reading Rugby
New York Rugby Sevens MEN’S SOCIAL
Nomads RFC pwered by the AC Rugby Foundation
Brome Lake Ducks Rugby Club
NYU Stern Rugby
Montreal Irish 1
Montreal Irish 2
Montauk Rugby
Suffolk Legends United Touring Side
Ottawa Irish Rugby Club
New York Rugby Sevens MEN’S SUPER SOCIAL
Armada Montreal RFC
QRC Orcs
NJ State Police
Laval Nomades
Montreal Wanderers
Liberty 9410 H
XV de Montreal
Gotham Knights
Spartan Mob Rugby
Oakville Crusaders
New England Independents U23 Men
AC Rugby Foundation College All Stars
Piranhas ETS
Bishop University
Bishop University II
Rugby Quebec
ROOTS Rugby Family
Club Sainte-Anne-des-Belles
Toronto Chaos
Toronto Scottish RFC
Aurora/Kingston Misfits
Ottawa Irish Girlies
Carabins Université de Montréal
Montreal Wanderers
We Try
The Mighty Rucks
RMC Women’s Rugby
Big Hawks
Ottawa Wolves RFC
Montreal Femmes Fatales
The Eh Team
Oakville Crusaders
Waterloo County
Long Island Iced Teas
Ruck’n Roll
Just US!
Ottawa Wolves RFC
Ottawa Irish Fun Girlies
Les Avengers (L)
New England Independents U23 Women
RMC Women’s Rugby
Notre-Dame CNDF I
Notre-Dame CNDF II
Condors CBA
Hofstra University Women’s Rugby Club
Rugby Quebec
Junior Jacks Boys Blue
Barrie Rugby Football Club
Rugby PA All-State
Upright Rugby Rogues
Tsunami Canada Misfits
Next Phase Rugby
Greenwich Rugby Football Club
Oshawa Vikings 7s Academy
Rugby New Jersery
Charlotttetown Rural
Play Rugby USA Boys
NDG Rugby Club
Aspetuck Valley Rugby Club
NYRC Highschool
Junior Jacks Boys Red
Rugby PA All-State
EORU – Black
EORU – White
Upright Rugby Rogues
USA West Rugby
COBRA (City of Bridgeport Rugby Alliance)
MYRO Lions
Nation Sports
Rugby Quebec
Atlantis Rugby
Upright Rugby Rogues
USA West Rugby
Halifax Tars RFC
The Rugby Advantage (Black)
The Rugby Advantage (Red)
EGRL Selects – Premier
Oshawa Vikings 7s Academy
Mystic River U19
Charlottetown Rural Highschool
Play Rugby USA Girls
Aspetuck Valley Rugby Club
Atlantis Rugby
EGRL – Selects 1
Rugby PA All-State
Upright Rugby Rogues
Rugby NB 7s
Halifax Tars RFC
Morris Girls
Junior Jacks Girls
0 notes
llminukmeridean · 1 year
Overview of Kingston University and International Scholarships
About uni of Kingston
university kingston is a public research university located in Kingston upon Thames, southwest London, UK. It was originally founded in 1899 as Kingston Technical Institute, and became a university in 1992. Today, it has around 20,000 students, including approximately 4,000 international students from over 140 countries.
The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as research programs in various fields, such as arts and social sciences, business, law, health and education, engineering, and computing.
Kingston University is known for its strong focus on employability and career development. The university has close links with industry and offers a range of work placements, internships, and volunteering opportunities to help students gain practical experience and develop their skills.
The university is also committed to sustainability, and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote environmental awareness.
Overall, kingston university london is a well-respected institution with a strong focus on student experience, employability, and sustainability.
Kingston University: Career-focused education and research opportunities 
Kingston University is a public research university located in Kingston upon Thames, a suburb of London. It was originally founded as Kingston Technical Institute in 1899 and gained university status in 1992.
The university has four faculties: Arts, Design and Architecture; Business and Social Sciences; Health, Social Care and Education; and Science, Engineering and Computing. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, as well as research opportunities.
Kingston University is known for its strong focus on career-oriented education and its commitment to helping students develop practical skills and gain work experience. It has a number of partnerships with businesses and organizations in London and the surrounding area, and many of its programs include work placements or internships.
The university has a diverse student body, with students from over 140 countries studying there. It has several campuses in and around Kingston upon Thames, as well as a campus in Roehampton.
Kingston University International Tuition Fees
As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information on tuition fees. However, I can provide some general information about london kingston university tuition fees.
Kingston University is a public research university located in Kingston upon Thames, southwest London, UK. Tuition fees for international students can vary depending on the level of study and the program of study. As of 2021, international undergraduate students can expect to pay between £15,600 and £17,200 per year, while international postgraduate students can expect to pay between £15,000 and £16,500 per year. It is important to note that these fees are subject to change and may vary depending on the specific program of study.
For the most up-to-date and accurate information on tuition fees at Kingston University, it is best to check the university's official website or contact the university directly.
International Scholarships at Kingston University 
Kingston University offers a range of scholarships and bursaries to international students. The specific scholarships available and their eligibility criteria can vary from year to year. Here is some general information about kingston university scholarships offered by Kingston University:
1. International scholarships: Kingston University offers a number of scholarships for international undergraduate and postgraduate students, which can cover partial or full tuition fees. These scholarships are typically awarded on the basis of academic merit, and may have additional criteria such as financial need or country of origin.
2. Subject-specific scholarships: Some scholarships are available for students studying certain subjects, such as business, engineering, or creative industries.
3. Alumni scholarships: Kingston University offers scholarships for international students who have completed a previous degree at the university.
4. External scholarships: Kingston University also provides information about external scholarship opportunities that international students may be eligible to apply for.
It is important to note that the availability and eligibility criteria for scholarships can vary, and it is best to check the university's official website for the most up-to-date information.
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visagurukul012 · 8 months
10 Best Universities in Canada for MBA in 2024
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Deciding to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a big step, and choosing the right university to achieve your goals is equally important. Canada is renowned for its high-quality education, making it a great destination for international students seeking an MBA. In this article, we’ll take a look at the 10 best universities in Canada for MBA programs in 2024. We’ve considered factors like reputation, curriculum, and student support to help you make an informed choice.
Why is Best Universities in Canada for MBA in 2024?
The best universities in Canada for MBA in 2024 offer exceptional programs, top-notch faculty, and diverse student experiences. These institutions include the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, Queen’s University’s Smith School of Business, the University of Western Ontario’s Ivey Business School, the University of Alberta’s Alberta School of Business, York University’s Schulich School of Business, the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business, and the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. These schools are known for their innovative curricula, global connections, and unique strengths, making them top choices for MBA aspirants in 2024.
University of Toronto — Rotman School of Management
The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is consistently ranked as one of the top business schools in Canada and the world. The school offers a variety of MBA programs, including a Full-Time MBA, Executive MBA, and a Global Executive MBA. The school’s reputation for academic excellence and its strong connections to the business community make it an excellent choice for MBA aspirants.
University of British Columbia — Sauder School of Business
The Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver is known for its innovative programs and global connections. As a result, it’s a popular choice for students seeking a well-rounded MBA education that combines cutting-edge curriculum with a strong global network and exposure.
McGill University — Desautels Faculty of Management
McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal is recognized for its entrepreneurial focus and commitment to sustainability. Consequently, it’s a great option for those interested in responsible business practices, as the program places a strong emphasis on ethical and sustainable business approaches.
Queen’s University — Smith School of Business
Located in Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s Smith School of Business offers a strong MBA program with a focus on leadership development and team building. Moreover, it’s known for its close-knit community, providing students with a supportive and collaborative environment for their education and personal growth.
University of Western Ontario — Ivey Business School
Ivey Business School in London, Ontario, is celebrated for its case-based learning approach. This approach makes it a top choice for students who prefer hands-on, practical learning, where real-world business scenarios and problem-solving take center stage in their education.
University of Alberta — Alberta School of Business
The Alberta School of Business in Edmonton is known for its strong connections to the energy and natural resources industries. As such, it’s an ideal choice for those interested in these sectors, offering specialized opportunities and networking within these fields.
York University — Schulich School of Business
York’s Schulich School of Business in Toronto is renowned for its global perspective, diverse student body, and emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility.
University of Calgary — Haskayne School of Business
Haskayne School of Business in Calgary offers a flexible MBA program with various specializations. Consequently, it’s a great option for students who want to tailor their MBA to their specific career goals, allowing for a more personalized and targeted educational experience.
Simon Fraser University — Beedie School of Business
Located in Burnaby, British Columbia, SFU’s Beedie School of Business is known for its strong ties to the local business community. Additionally, it offers experiential learning opportunities that enhance the practical aspects of the MBA program, making it a unique and valuable choice for students.
University of Ottawa — Telfer School of Management
The Telfer School of Management in Ottawa offers a bilingual MBA program. In addition, it emphasizes entrepreneurship and innovation, making it an attractive option for students looking to study in both English and French.
Selecting the right best universities in Canada for MBA is a crucial decision. Canada offers a wide range of options, and these 10 universities stand out for their exceptional MBA programs in 2024. Keep in mind that your choice should align with your career goals and personal preferences. Consider factors like location, specializations, and the unique strengths of each institution. With a well-informed decision, you can embark on a successful MBA journey in Canada and pave the way for a rewarding career in business.
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The Top 10 Canadian Universities to Study in Canada
Canada is renowned for its high-quality education system, attracting students from all corners of the globe. With its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and world-class institutions, Canada offers a unique and enriching educational experience. If you're considering pursuing higher education in Canada, here are the top 10 universities you should consider:
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1. University of Toronto
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Overview: Known for its rigorous academics and vibrant campus life, the University of Toronto consistently ranks among the top universities globally. It boasts a strong faculty, exceptional research opportunities, and a diverse student body.
2. McGill University: Montreal, Quebec
Overview: As one of Canada's oldest and most prestigious universities, McGill is renowned for its research-intensive programs and strong emphasis on innovation. Its multicultural environment and vibrant city setting provide a unique educational experience.
3. University of British Columbia Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Overview: UBC is consistently recognized as one of the top universities in the world. With its breathtaking campus on the West Coast, it offers a wide range of programs and is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation.
4. McMaster University
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Overview: McMaster is known for its innovative teaching methods and cutting-edge research. It excels in health sciences, engineering, and business programs. The campus is known for its beautiful natural surroundings and modern facilities.
5. University of Alberta
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Overview: With a strong focus on research and innovation, the University of Alberta is a leading institution in Canada. It boasts a diverse range of programs and is particularly well-regarded for its engineering and science faculties.
6. University of Waterloo
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Overview: Recognized for its co-operative education programs, Waterloo provides students with valuable work experience alongside their studies. It is renowned for its strong engineering, computer science, and business programs.
7. Western University
Location: London, Ontario
Overview: Western offers a wide range of programs and is particularly known for its business, engineering, and health sciences faculties. The campus is known for its vibrant student life and strong sense of community.
8. Queen's University
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Overview: Known for its intimate campus and strong sense of community, Queen's is highly regarded for programs in business, engineering, and the arts. It offers a well-rounded educational experience with a focus on critical thinking and leadership.
9. University of Montreal
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Overview: As the second-largest French-speaking university in the world, the University of Montreal is known for its strong research programs and diverse academic offerings. It provides an excellent opportunity for students looking for a francophone educational experience.
10. Simon Fraser University
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia
Overview: SFU is known for its innovative approach to education and a strong focus on research. It excels in programs related to business, communication, and technology. The stunning mountainous backdrop provides a unique learning environment.
 When choosing a university, it's important to consider factors like program offerings, campus culture, location, and extracurricular opportunities. Each of these universities offers a world-class education, but they also have their unique strengths and characteristics. Take the time to research and visit campuses to find the best fit for your academic and personal goals.
Remember, the "best" university is ultimately the one that aligns most closely with your interests, career aspirations, and learning style. So, explore these options and make the choice that's right for you!
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roscoebarnes3 · 9 months
Nelson's talk on Ben Chester White draws record crowd
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Stanley Nelson is speaking at the Sept. 26 meeting of the Natchez Historical Society at Historic Natchez Foundation. His topic is the 1966 execution of Ben Chester White by three members of the Ku Klux Klan. Photo courtesy of Jessica Ingram
By ROSCOE BARNES III The Natchez Democrat
NATCHEZ, Miss. -- Stanley Nelson's talk on the 1966 murder of Ben Chester White drew 120 people to the Sept. 26 meeting of the Natchez Historical Society at the Historic Natchez Foundation, according to people who attended the event.
The attendance set a record for the society, which averages 50 people at the monthly meetings, according to Alan Wolf, a director of the society and its program chair.   However, the recent meeting with Nelson rivals the society's annual dinner in January that set a record with more than 100 attendees, Wolf said.    "It was electric," Wolf said. "There were so many new faces, and we were on the edges of our seats."   Jeff Mansell, lead historian of the Natchez National Historical Park, agreed. "This is as good as it gets," he said. "We had a great attendance, and people were deeply moved by the presentation."   "The NHS meeting Tuesday night was a huge success," said Linda Ogden, society board member. "The audience was indeed large and diverse."   Society board member Adam Gwin said the gathering says a lot about the community: "I think it says a great deal for a community that wants to look at its past and face it honestly."   The presentation   Nelson’s presentation was titled, "Murder on Pretty Creek: New Revelations on an Old Case." It focused on White, the 67-year-old Black man who was executed in 1966 by members of the Klan. White lived in a small community known as Sandy Creek, where his house still stands to this day.   Nelson talked about White's alleged killers, two of whom, Ernest Avants and James Lloyd Jones, were charged but not convicted in 1967; and a third one, Claude Fuller, who was never brought to trial. Avants was convicted decades later in federal court and died in prison a short time after his conviction.
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Ben Chester White
During his talk, Nelson focused on the Klan activities in the Kingston community. He also discussed the personal life history of White and his friends. Nelson said White was only five feet tall and weighed 155 pounds. He was known as a "soft spoken gentleman" who was not involved with political or civil rights activism.   Nelson spoke about Jimmy Carter and Boyd Sojourner, both of whom became Adams County Supervisors. Both had also worked cattle together with White, and they knew each other all their lives, Nelson said. Carter owned the farm where White had lived and worked.   Nelson zeroed in on the planning of the murder and how it went down. He showed, among other things, that the Klan made two attempts on White's life.   One of White's murderers said they killed him in order to lure Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Natchez to be assassinated. Nelson believes the killing was a "local action" and said he found no evidence connecting the murder to higher ranks of the White Knights of the Klan.   Nelson said a longer version of his presentation will be posted on Louisiana State University's website (lsucoldcaseproject.com).   Nelson is the former editor of the Concordia Sentinel in Ferriday, La. He is also the author of “Devils Walking: Klan Murders Along the Mississippi River in the 1960s (LSU Press, 2016) and “Klan of Devils: The Murder of a black Louisiana Deputy Sheriff” (LSU, 2021).   The audience
Nelson said he was happy to share his research on the White's murder and quite pleased to have a large and diverse audience.   "It was really good to see people so interested in our history and want to know about that terrible thing that happened to Ben Chester White," Nelson said. He noted the audience was "very attentive" and asked "great questions."   Nelson said relatives of White also attended the meeting, as did Denise Jackson Ford, daughter of slain Natchez civil rights leader Wharlest Jackson Sr.   "It was just a really great mixture of age groups and great turnout," Nelson said. "I was glad to see good African American representation there Tuesday night. Hopefully they will become part of the work being done by the Natchez Historical Society."   The audience included a white couple of some years who were farming near the area where the murder took place, according to Wolf. He added, "They knew Chester White. To him, he was Mr. Ches. They came and were very touched. They were shocked at the time of the murder."   Wolf said the meeting amounted to a memorial service to Chester White. The room was packed, he said, noting the meeting was a big deal in exposing the horror of the Ben Chester White case.   "There was some belated justice done for Mr. White simply by the telling of his story," Wolf said.   "Our audience doesn’t shy away from the difficult topic of race," he continued. "To the contrary, there may be a deep-seated desire to talk about it, and as long we have people like Stanley Nelson, who is profound and sympathetic, without being shrill and demagogic, we can have a good discussion."   Wolf and others said the Sept. 26 meeting will be hard to top. "We can equal this in future programs, but in terms of gravitas, we will never exceed it," Wolf said.
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ahz-associates · 11 months
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