#King Paramita
quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Sorry just realized something funny about the Shadowpeach pregnancies.
First it was one (MK), then two (Eclipse Twins) and now three (Lunar Node Triplets). Maybe it is a good thing they are not interested in having any more magical pregnancies, if this keeps up they will be having quadruplets or quintuplets.
Haha! It was more a happy accident on my part XD
But yeah, Shadowpeach best be careful making more kids in the future. The "Buy 1, get 2 Free" situation with the Lunar Node Triplets have probably made them more wary when planning for future infants.
I wanted Macaque's little toyline shadow clones/Eclipse Twins (LMK) to be their kids, then I wanted the non-canon Yuebei Xing and ofc I had to include her brothers Jidu and Luohou (all three from "Journey to the South") cus they're so cool.
There are other "unofficial" kids of Sun Wukong in extended Journey to the West-inspired media that I wouldn't really count tho.
King Pāramitā (+4 unseen brothers) from "A Supplement to the Journey to the West" - set between an alternate timeline of Chapters 61 and 62 where Tripitaka gets kidnapped by a time traveller (even in 1640 people were pulling that trope) that somehow convinced him to give up the pilgrimage. King Pāramitā and his four brothers were apparently concieved when SWK accidentally got PIF knocked up when he transformed himself into a stomach bug/parasite in order to extort the Fan from her (Chapter 59 of JttW). I find that situation a bit too uncomfy/medically inaccurate so no. If anything I'd give Ironbull the bonus five kids, and that Pāramitā was the result of SWK accidentally lifting a curse from the couple - like when parents joke that their kid's "true parent" was a bottle of alcohol.
And since LMK's MK himself is likely a whole reference to Sun Luzhen from "Later Journey to the West" (17th century), it would be a little redundant to make a Sun Luzhen kid. Does give my Wukongverse idea of each of the SWKs having an "MK" weight tho.
In hindsight; between my au Shadowpeach's bio and adopted kids, I accidentally gave SWK the "five sons" (MK, Rumble, Jidu & Luohou, + the adopted Chenxiang) he's said to have had in A Supplement. XD
I would like to thank @journeytothewestresearch for their endless dedication and research into these sort of topics, since I use their articles as sources. I apologise for using your research as fanfic material. Go check their website out if you got any Jttw questions.
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maidenofthecloud · 1 year
Here a idea
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I couldn't help but think about is that such if mk is a representation of sun luzhen, mk is not literally sun luzhen. But it still takes many points from the story of the spiritual successor of the Monkey King, as an allegory
Example sun luzhen was born of a rock like sun wukong
And then I thought it would happen if there's more than one performance of all the sun wukong children: yuebei Xing, king paramita luohou and Jidu
( The drawings belong to @wuzhiqi-enj0yer )
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For example
Luohou and Jidu:
could be represented by rumble and savage
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I don't know who could represent yuebei maybe a new character or something
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Now about king paramita
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I know that technically he does not count because it is an illusion of yaoguai qing fish but I have an interesting idea about how king paramita could be represented in program and it is
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What if the paramita king is depicted asa general ink that somehow ends up absorbing sun wukong's powers and gains consciousness in the process, but still on the enemy side, I think it would fit perfectly asa representation of the paramita king, I mean he's a general, he has four brothers, and also basically because the paramita king is not statically real and in a supplement to the journey to the west is just an illusion of qing fish, Created to confuse and manipulate sun wukong
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sketching-shark · 8 months
a question how bad or disrespectful would it be to use the name as king paramita for an oc I really like the way it sounds It sounds like the name of a perfectionist character, someone who always seeks efficiency as a personal goal. I don't know, that's what it transmits to me
Thanks for the question anon! And as far as I'm aware using the name King Paramita for an oc wouldn't be disrespectful at all.
From what little I know the word "Pāramitā" is a Sanskrit term often translated as "perfection," and that it is used in Buddhism to describe the character of enlightened beings, or the paths bodhisattvas must follow to become true buddhas. And you wouldn't be the first to use it for an OC! The author of the unofficial side-journey for Journey to the West called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (published in 1640), after all, involves Sun Wukong meeting his "son" King Pāramitā in an illusion created by a goldfish demon.
So given this, "King Pāramitā" sounds like a pretty good name for an oc who's a perfectionist! That said, if you're still feeling uncertain about it you may want to do more research into Buddhism, and particularly Mahāyāna Buddhism, to get a better sense of how this term is commonly used and why your oc may have that name.
Of course, it again can't be forgotten that "King Pāramitā" is the name of someone's oc from the 1600s who was there to be a "what-if" scenario/mess with Sun Wukong's mind, so take that precedent as you will XD
I'm also linking @journeytothewestresearch's article on the fan children that people have come up with for the Monkey King over the centuries, as it gives more detail into what said oc does in A Supplement to the Journey to the West, as well as gets more into the term "Pāramitā" in Buddhism:
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Headcanons for Sun Wukong’s children !REWRITE! (Part 1)
King Paramita
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The oldest and was born immortal. This however didn’t stop him from stealing the nectar of immortality.
Enjoys sweets.
Became a general at age 15.
Retired at the age of 25 to take care of his younger siblings.
is currently the caretaker and teacher of Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei.
Has never met the Bull Demon Family.
Was never told about his birth.
Yuebei Xing
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Currently the youngest
Almost destroyed a section of Flower Fruit Mountain.
Her red bracelets were gifted to her by Guanyin to help control his powers
The skull she carries is the head of Lady Bone Demon.
doesn’t really get along with their siblings very well, especially Jidu.
Usually keeps to herself to prevent conflict which leads her to respond apathetically
((Part 2 in W.I.P))
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How’s distract team doing..?
Xiu: Damn you! You-!
Paramita: What’s wrong?! Scared to meet your CREATOR?!
“Paramita! Do NOT kill him!”
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amnesia-wukong-au · 2 months
Oh my god no-
MK: We REALLY need to fix this!
Mei: No offense MK, but the only one who was REALLY close to Macaque was RIN! These guys absolutely hated him!
Macaque: Oh I don’t mind! I understand, I handled my depression soo badly!
Paramita: Father- why-?
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Paramita is on the ground.
Wukong: What?!
Macaque: Show us!
*Xia guides them to Paramita*
Wukong: Paramita!
Paramita: Ugh…
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
how in the dream novel does wk have 5 sons with pif but the first son never met him?
Considering that it is a dream it doesn't make much sense, perhaps there could be an argument that Wukong just met with Princess Iron Fan after each child was born and didn't intact with them personally. Which would be quite strange but this is supposed to be the "bad timeline" kind of universe so perhaps it was to kinda follow that?
Personally, I have a headcanon that is far less likely but one I enjoy far more.
That being they were quintuplets.
Like Wukong just knocked her up once in her tummy and that was it, he would like child support from afar but like never really really wanted kids. That to me is 1. Funnier to think he only jumped in her belly once and has like 5 kids now and 2. goes with the wackiness of the dream-like realm. There is a very low chance that anyone would think to have five kids at once even in fiction but to me, Wukong having quintuplets off the bat in a bad dream is peak comedy.
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Heyy! I saw that you did a blog post as to where the Monkey King had several children, King Paramita being one of them!
Though I'd have to ask, was there a detailed reason behind Paramita's birth? I read somewhere that looked like it was a screenshot of the book that Wukong said to PIF, "let's make a baby" as if he was making a deal. (it might be my memory messing with me me, so forgive me if I got that last part wrong-)
The "let's make a baby" line comes from a different work, a play from the early-Ming dynasty. Monkey was just trying to flirt.
King Paramita briefly appears in a 17th-century work called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640). His birth takes place in ... [SPOILER ALERT!!!] ... a dream world created by a fish demon to keep Sun Wukong's mind busy while it tries to eat the Tang monk. King Paramita claims his mother Princess Iron Fan became pregnant after Monkey went inside her stomach (an event from chapter 59 of the original novel). I guess the implication is that his alien presence acted like sperm. But Sun is said to have had a total of five children with her, so I guess, in the dream world, they decided to have the rest the old-fashioned way.
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artisticmoonfall · 2 years
I'm confused, who even raised Paramita in the first place?
Paramita: "Technically speaking, no one really raise me, I raise myself. I was born from my dearest 'mother' and left alone to die or get eaten by other demons. However, being born two powerful deities and one of them Sun Wukong, means I inherited his several immortals and intelligent. Therefore I physically and mentally grow far faster than any normal deity child."
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broken-vow-au · 3 months
Paramita: Zzzz.
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loyaltykask · 9 months
I made a fanfic about the non-canon kids for Supplement JTTW, JTTS, and PJTTW!
I do wanna say that I started the chapters with Wukong being mostly inspired by 1996 Xiyouji dynamics and who Wukong is mostly based on. The first chapters are about Paramita and the four unnamed kids in Supplement! All named after paramitas in buddism.
I try to base each kid off one of Wukong's inspirations in media! I hope y'all enjoy!
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I'm not the best artist but I did have fun trying to draw them
Pink - Jnana, fifth born
Red - Paramita, first born
Yellow - Bala, fourth born
Green - Pranidhana, thrid born
Blue - Upaya - second born
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maidenofthecloud · 1 year
here is a doodled of king paramita and his four nameless brothers
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sketching-shark · 1 year
As you think what king paramita would look like, you have some idea of the clothes he wears, like his hairstyle, some image, I want to make a fanart of him for the only image he can find, it's not very helpful for me
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Hmmmm well as far as I know @maidenofthecloud King Paramita is literally part of an illusion crafted specifically to trap the Monkey King, so I'd say that gives you a lot of free reign in his design as to how much like a monkey yao or how much like a human you want him to look! You may however want to keep in mind that in the "real" world Princess Iron Fan only had a son with the usually VERY yaoguai looking Demon Bull King, but it seems to commonly be taken as fact that Red Boy inherited very few, if any, yaoguai-ish traits from his father. And this one illustration of King Paramita makes him look like he has a completely human form. Not to say you have to stick with that of course, but it may be one thing to keep in mind! (Or it could be that he has both a human guise and a more monkey yaoguai-ish true form that he hates, given that from what I understand Xiyoubu puts Sun Wukong and King Paramita on very bad terms with each other). The other thing is that since in Xiyoubu King Paramita faces down Sun Wukong on a battlefield during the Tang dynasty, you may want to research the clothing, armor, and hair styles styles of upper-class and ruling individuals from that era to get a sense of how his appearance could be a little more "historically accurate." You may also want to look a little more into how Princess Iron Fan is portrayed, as she is A) supposed to be his mother and B) presumably the only parent who had any real role in his upbringing since its said that King Paramita facing down Sun Wukong on a battlefield was the first time the two had "met."
Hope that helps a little!
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Monkey siblings!
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Maybe this time you won’t get killed…
Paramita: Oh I didn’t get killed, I just got locked into the Diyu because that’s the only place they could keep me in.
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