#King Paramita
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crazysaru99 · 5 months ago
LMK fic au idea
Welp im not good writing fic and my ideas are riots
@quitealotofsodapop and I made an au about the Monkey King's children: Paramita, Sun Luzhen, Yuebei Xing, Jidu and Luohou.
This happens once Wukong finishes his journey and returns home, helping with the reconstruction of the island, mainly because he starts to feel lonely especially for what happened with his partner Macaque. And one of the things he always wanted once the war was over is to be able to have a family with his beloved but this couldn't happen so he will do it with his own hands in the style of Nuwa, he would create clay eggs and even find a hidden one and from there his children would be born.
Paramita is the firstborn and heir to the throne of the kingdom of the mountain of fruits and flowers and Alolai being the serious of all his brothers and the most elegant of them, he has an elegance that his father lacks but that will not make him less lethal on the battlefield; he is the general of the kingdom's army and has on his shoulders the expectations of the kingdom as crown prince.
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Sun Luzhen in his canon is Wukong's twin brother who had taken so long to hatch, and the second to be born when he was found, the king had adopted him as his own son, He has an energetic personality like a showman, He is now a version of Porty light, he is a professional musician and has worked in various musical genres, even in large industries making soundtracks for various movies or video games under an alias.
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Yuebei Xing, the only daughter of the monkey king, is daddy's little princess, with a tough character and a very bad temper, with an enormous and muscular build that makes her completely intimidating, but under the dark shell she is a monkey who loves her family and her brothers, she was born with a cleft lip of which she only has a scar, she is a renowned paleontologist in her field who loves her job, she has always loved digging up bones since she was little.
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Jidu and Luohou they are mischievous twins who like to cause trouble like their older brother Luzhen, who love theater like Macaque and dedicate their life to that art. Jidu is a comedian in various stand-up comedy shows while Luohou is an actor in musicals and has participated in many.
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Grande Caeza de pichi
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King Paramita, Jidu and Luohou desing based in @wuzhiqi-enj0yer
Wukong wanted to experience the possibility of having children by modeling in clay that he created 4 eggs, by the time he found the stone egg of Luzhen he found that the Paramita egg had already hatched and in time only the eggs of the others would hatch turning Wukong into a tired father of 5 energetic children.
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Rumors of his existence abounded, especially the fact that Paramita was the son of Princess Iron Fan, which was never lacking (Paramita could never find the author of that aberration in the book and if he had, he would have pulverized it). This rumor was born because he and Red Son WERE childhood friends and a possible marriage union between them was expected (Like Odette and Derek in The Swan Princess). Now their parents wanted them to marry for love like they did, but then the thing at the mountain happened and they lost contact.
Paramita as a cub: "This is my best friend Red. When we grow up, we'll get married and have an island to ourselves!" :3
But that is if the day they meet again they shout with joy and hug each other like little kids who haven't seen each other all summer.
The rumors of the monkey king's children grew to be illustrated in the non-canonical sequels of the journey to the west and at that time they were just children, but due to the isolation of the monkey king the rumors of them became a myth until their existence was doubted, making the shadow of his father grow…
MK would meet the children of the monkey king in ''A hero is born'' is when he lands on the beach of Huaguoshan Island and they were the monkeys in disguise (Headcanon the common monkeys are glamours of yao monkeys)
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Making them lose their glamour and scare MK even more until Paramita has to take control of the situation by lining everyone up.
After the initial scare MK asks them to take him to the monkey king and leave them alone; Now you might be wondering why the monkey king would need a successor? Simple, because Wukong has empty nest syndrome.
For the events of season two Paramita and his brothers will be in charge of MK's training so he wouldn't be so far behind and if they would be aware of LBD.
When MKang finds out about their existence it will be at the end of this same season especially when Pigsy is yelling at Wukong and oh boy, if there is something that Paramita does NOT tolerate at all is that HIS FATHER IS INSULTED (He's a daddy's boy)
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Pigsy: You're supposed to be his mentor! Paramita: "Excusr me!? He raised five children as a single parent!" HE IS ANYTHING BUT A LAZY MAN WHO DOES NOTHING, DAMN SERVANT!!!
Paramita was millimeters away from beating Pigsy up, he will defend his father's honor knowing how introverted he is and will let that insult pass (He will fight even in mud to prove his point), his brothers would be pulling him to avoid the chef's announced death, even Yuebei has a hard time doing it being the strongest of all her brothers.
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And that would be all c:
EDIT: And now the au called ''Wuxing au''
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mysticmonkie · 29 days ago
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frytt-i · 2 months ago
Paramita's concept design (for my AU)
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Paramita was born after Yuebei Xing and the twins. He has long been the family's precious baby.
He's calm and curious. He loves to learn and is also very protective of his family, so despite his desire to travel, he hesitated for a long time before going. He was afraid something would happen while he was away and he wouldn't be able to be there to help his family. It was the twins who helped him make the jump.
He's not very expressive physically (his face doesn't show much emotion) and is easily embarrassed but he doesn't hesitate to express his feelings with his words.
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(In the drawing above, they're getting ready to go to a festival and Paramita has held out his arm for Sun Wukong to take. He's embarrassed so he avoids his father's gaze under the teasing of his big sister. Yuebei Xing changed her eyes to match her brother and father.)
When they go on family trips to a human place, Paramita puts on his glamour where he only changes his eyes because humans are afraid of the black in his eyes.
Paramita is rather tall (175cm), having outgrown the twins to their great displeasure but he would never be taller than his sister who is already very tall with her glamour (190cm) in which she reduces her height (290cm).
Paramita greatly admires his sister and when he was little he imitated her a lot which is how he started tying his hair back. When he went away travelling, he cut his hair and gave small heart attacks to the local gods because he looked like his father
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Redson and Paramita are childhood friends, having been children at the same time. As Redson is mixed race, he evolves differently from the others (as in Dungeon Meshi), so Sun Wukong was afraid that Paramita would grow up out of sync with Redson. Fortunately, this didn't happen and they spent their teenage years together. (They were also both disciples of Guanyin).
Paramita was the more mature of the two for a time, so he considers Redson his little brother. Redson also thinks of Paramita as his little brother lmao.
The rumor that Paramita is the son of PIF and SWK comes from the way he used to spend a lot of time with Redson at PIF's house, and that they acted like brothers.
The reasoning went like this : Act like brothers + same hair color (red) = blood brothers !
Paramita himself and Redson had their doubts when they heard the rumors, so Paramita asked his father if it was true. Sun Wukong had a small heart attack, then laughed and ended up telling him how he was born.
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robinflock · 2 months ago
been thinking about making a jttw / lmk au with the greater monkie king lore in mind and. my concepts are cooking a tad (not too well, mind you. still working on it!)
au unnamed for now but idk!!** love the ideas i have for this already
Sun Luzhen, while technically his twin, is considered Wukong's eldest son due to his upbringing. while his king goes and fights battle after battle for heaven, he stays and helps the mountain and it's citizens. Absconded the position of heir upon the construction of their grand palace, wanting to aid in it's plaining and upkeep fully. He's excitable and full of creativity, but has a soft spot for routine work like chores or cleaning. The perfect choice to head the construction of such a huge project.
his second eldest, Pāramitā, absconds his position as an heir immediately upon coming of age. he is the son of Macaque and Wukong, with his egg carried by Macaque during the brotherhood's early stages. he's whisked off by the four highest ranking FFM militants (marshals Ma and Li, generals Beng and Ba) to be raised on home territory while the couple campaign for more territory and a higher place among courts. Pāramitā mainly supports the military and is mostly a diplomat among other courts, even if the number of courts wishing to associate with his family's kingdom dwindled as the years passed. He tries his best, though, and never lost that streak of vibrant ferocity that he'd started his position with.
Yuebei Xing and Qi Xiaotian are twins in technicality alone, mirroring their father and uncle's conditions. their stone eggs carried by Wukong during the defeat of the brotherhood, they faced a lot of difficulty. Yuebei Xing is the strongest of the two at first, hatching first and being handed off to FFM to deal with and raise. however, Xiaotian's egg doesn't hatch immediately. it becomes a concern when the actual JTTW begins and Wukong has to go, and the celestials have a new issue to deal with.
Ne Zha actually spirits Xiaotian's stone egg away for Nüwa to aid, and she decides to keep it in a stasis of sorts, hoping for it to become a vital piece later on. it pays off, technically. Yuebei doesn't know of her brother's existence until wayyyy later, when Xiaotian (MK) visits FFM for the first time. Yuebei doesn't actually want the throne, if her father ever lets it get away from him, so she spends her time doing more important things, like help her brother make relationships with demon family courts. (And if someone says that she has a secret lover, they'd be lying, of course.)
Jidu and Luohou are twins, but in actuality this time. Macaque carries their eggs and allows them to hatch in secret, away from Wukong just before the Journey starts. they and Yuebei are raised as triplets because of this, and when Wukong finds out that he actually has another set of children withOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE, he is furious. That's an issue for another day, though.
that leaves five of the six Wukong children alive at the end of the JTTW, and they all play their role within the kingdom well, until rumors of a strange energy signal begins to taint the lower courts, those among mortals, and Wukong just has to go see what's up. He was just so bored, after all.
When he sees Xiaotian again for the first time, through a mortal disguise, he almost cries. The magical energy that surrounds Xiaotian looks so similar to Yuebei's, and he almost considers marching down to ask if she'd had an illegitimate son when he wasn't looking.
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heres a sketch of all six of the kids! i may polish this up in the future with all their outfits and such, alongside their actual color palettes and a side-by-side with their parents! maybe!
(edit, the cleaned up version can be found here!)
some notes i made when sketching these darling creatures out:
Yuebei can only hear the present and past in her four ears, while Xiaotian can hear the present and future in his four ears (hidden by the bandana) and together they can hear one full timeline!
Luohou can hear all three tenses, but their left ears are deaf after being forced into the Scroll of Memories by Azure Lion. It gets better and easier to deal with, but their hearing is permanently damaged from hearing all the pasts, presents, and futures of those within the Scroll alongside them.
Luzen gets mistaken the most for Wukong, followed by Pāramitā.
Pāramitā is exhausted from trying to keep the diplomatic ties together. Upon the invention of modern energy drinks, he drinks them constantly.
thats all i have for this project thus far, currently working on a real name and more major changes for this au, so send in any asks if you want clarification on anything because i will answer any and all questions regarding this au!
**its been named! the Sun Kingdom AU!
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
Sorry just realized something funny about the Shadowpeach pregnancies.
First it was one (MK), then two (Eclipse Twins) and now three (Lunar Node Triplets). Maybe it is a good thing they are not interested in having any more magical pregnancies, if this keeps up they will be having quadruplets or quintuplets.
Haha! It was more a happy accident on my part XD
But yeah, Shadowpeach best be careful making more kids in the future. The "Buy 1, get 2 Free" situation with the Lunar Node Triplets have probably made them more wary when planning for future infants.
I wanted Macaque's little toyline shadow clones/Eclipse Twins (LMK) to be their kids, then I wanted the non-canon Yuebei Xing and ofc I had to include her brothers Jidu and Luohou (all three from "Journey to the South") cus they're so cool.
There are other "unofficial" kids of Sun Wukong in extended Journey to the West-inspired media that I wouldn't really count tho.
King Pāramitā (+4 unseen brothers) from "A Supplement to the Journey to the West" - set between an alternate timeline of Chapters 61 and 62 where Tripitaka gets kidnapped by a time traveller (even in 1640 people were pulling that trope) that somehow convinced him to give up the pilgrimage. King Pāramitā and his four brothers were apparently concieved when SWK accidentally got PIF knocked up when he transformed himself into a stomach bug/parasite in order to extort the Fan from her (Chapter 59 of JttW). I find that situation a bit too uncomfy/medically inaccurate so no. If anything I'd give Ironbull the bonus five kids, and that Pāramitā was the result of SWK accidentally lifting a curse from the couple - like when parents joke that their kid's "true parent" was a bottle of alcohol.
And since LMK's MK himself is likely a whole reference to Sun Luzhen from "Later Journey to the West" (17th century), it would be a little redundant to make a Sun Luzhen kid. Does give my Wukongverse idea of each of the SWKs having an "MK" weight tho.
In hindsight; between my au Shadowpeach's bio and adopted kids, I accidentally gave SWK the "five sons" (MK, Rumble, Jidu & Luohou, + the adopted Chenxiang) he's said to have had in A Supplement. XD
I would like to thank @journeytothewestresearch for their endless dedication and research into these sort of topics, since I use their articles as sources. I apologise for using your research as fanfic material. Go check their website out if you got any Jttw questions.
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maidenofthecloud · 2 years ago
Here a idea
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I couldn't help but think about is that such if mk is a representation of sun luzhen, mk is not literally sun luzhen. But it still takes many points from the story of the spiritual successor of the Monkey King, as an allegory
Example sun luzhen was born of a rock like sun wukong
And then I thought it would happen if there's more than one performance of all the sun wukong children: yuebei Xing, king paramita luohou and Jidu
( The drawings belong to @wuzhiqi-enj0yer )
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For example
Luohou and Jidu:
could be represented by rumble and savage
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I don't know who could represent yuebei maybe a new character or something
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Now about king paramita
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I know that technically he does not count because it is an illusion of yaoguai qing fish but I have an interesting idea about how king paramita could be represented in program and it is
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What if the paramita king is depicted asa general ink that somehow ends up absorbing sun wukong's powers and gains consciousness in the process, but still on the enemy side, I think it would fit perfectly asa representation of the paramita king, I mean he's a general, he has four brothers, and also basically because the paramita king is not statically real and in a supplement to the journey to the west is just an illusion of qing fish, Created to confuse and manipulate sun wukong
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sketching-shark · 1 year ago
a question how bad or disrespectful would it be to use the name as king paramita for an oc I really like the way it sounds It sounds like the name of a perfectionist character, someone who always seeks efficiency as a personal goal. I don't know, that's what it transmits to me
Thanks for the question anon! And as far as I'm aware using the name King Paramita for an oc wouldn't be disrespectful at all.
From what little I know the word "Pāramitā" is a Sanskrit term often translated as "perfection," and that it is used in Buddhism to describe the character of enlightened beings, or the paths bodhisattvas must follow to become true buddhas. And you wouldn't be the first to use it for an OC! The author of the unofficial side-journey for Journey to the West called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (published in 1640), after all, involves Sun Wukong meeting his "son" King Pāramitā in an illusion created by a goldfish demon.
So given this, "King Pāramitā" sounds like a pretty good name for an oc who's a perfectionist! That said, if you're still feeling uncertain about it you may want to do more research into Buddhism, and particularly Mahāyāna Buddhism, to get a better sense of how this term is commonly used and why your oc may have that name.
Of course, it again can't be forgotten that "King Pāramitā" is the name of someone's oc from the 1600s who was there to be a "what-if" scenario/mess with Sun Wukong's mind, so take that precedent as you will XD
I'm also linking @journeytothewestresearch's article on the fan children that people have come up with for the Monkey King over the centuries, as it gives more detail into what said oc does in A Supplement to the Journey to the West, as well as gets more into the term "Pāramitā" in Buddhism:
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years ago
Headcanons for Sun Wukong’s children !REWRITE! (Part 1)
King Paramita
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The oldest and was born immortal. This however didn’t stop him from stealing the nectar of immortality.
Enjoys sweets.
Became a general at age 15.
Retired at the age of 25 to take care of his younger siblings.
is currently the caretaker and teacher of Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei.
Has never met the Bull Demon Family.
Was never told about his birth.
Yuebei Xing
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Currently the youngest
Almost destroyed a section of Flower Fruit Mountain.
Her red bracelets were gifted to her by Guanyin to help control his powers
The skull she carries is the head of Lady Bone Demon.
doesn’t really get along with their siblings very well, especially Jidu.
Usually keeps to herself to prevent conflict which leads her to respond apathetically
((Part 2 in W.I.P))
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 2 years ago
How’s distract team doing..?
Xiu: Damn you! You-!
Paramita: What’s wrong?! Scared to meet your CREATOR?!
“Paramita! Do NOT kill him!”
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amnesia-wukong-au · 8 months ago
Did the quintuplets hear the sniffles..?
Paramita: We gotta do something!
Jia Chunhua: Father’s on the brink of death!
Li Jing: We’re trying our best but her thorns are poisonous!
Muzha: Not to mention her bothersome son!
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children-of-the-sun-au · 1 year ago
Paramita is on the ground.
Wukong: What?!
Macaque: Show us!
*Xia guides them to Paramita*
Wukong: Paramita!
Paramita: Ugh…
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crazysaru99 · 2 months ago
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I used a meme of @iamaleximusprime character voices For my versions of Wukong's children and Liu Chenxiang, I tried to draw them as if they appeared in the series, I hope I got it right.
Paramita and Luzhen's voices were the first ones I knew for sure what their voices would be like. The Lunar Node Triplets' voices are the ones I was looking for how they would sound and the easiest of them was Yuebei's. The one that cost me the most to find a possible voice for Chenxiang but at least I managed to get a definitive one.
It took me… 5 days? or more to do all this…
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@quitealotofsodapop me estaba poniendo un poco turbia con las preguntas así que le bajó el nivel un poco (hasta a mí me dio miedo xjfjd)
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years ago
how in the dream novel does wk have 5 sons with pif but the first son never met him?
Considering that it is a dream it doesn't make much sense, perhaps there could be an argument that Wukong just met with Princess Iron Fan after each child was born and didn't intact with them personally. Which would be quite strange but this is supposed to be the "bad timeline" kind of universe so perhaps it was to kinda follow that?
Personally, I have a headcanon that is far less likely but one I enjoy far more.
That being they were quintuplets.
Like Wukong just knocked her up once in her tummy and that was it, he would like child support from afar but like never really really wanted kids. That to me is 1. Funnier to think he only jumped in her belly once and has like 5 kids now and 2. goes with the wackiness of the dream-like realm. There is a very low chance that anyone would think to have five kids at once even in fiction but to me, Wukong having quintuplets off the bat in a bad dream is peak comedy.
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frytt-i · 2 months ago
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Doodles of my red duo
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robinflock · 2 months ago
Cleaned up the sketch featured here!
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The six children of the Six-Eared Macaque, Shadow Prince of Flower Fruit Mountain and Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
They each have a magical signature that draws power from the placement of the planets in the Solar System. Wukong's is the sun, and Macaque's is the moon, and the kids all have their own.
Yuebei Xing also draws power from the moon, but it merely transports the magical energy from Neptune into her in a more direct way. It just holds the power that Neptune has, and has a little influence on when Yuebei can tap into that power.
Also, it should be noted that the reason that Yuebei and Xiaotian don't share last names is because of their relationship with Heaven and how they're created. Xiaotian names himself upon realizing he's trans, and Yuebei's full name was given by Macaque, who wanted to combine a few of the names they'd both thought of after their wedding. The rest of them take Wukong's name.
Also should be noted that I drew all of them in their casual clothing, mostly hoodies and with simple accessories. I'll draw their formal and royal outfits at a later time!
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broken-vow-au · 8 months ago
Paramita: Zzzz.
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