#Kinda wish they kept this version to give him more depth tbh
dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
I just want people to know there's a version of the Silmarillion where Tyelkormo was very good friends with Finarfin's sons, Aikanáro, Angaráto, and Artaresto, and he brought them along on the ships to Middle Earth. So this happened:
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last-flight-of-fancy · 3 months
welp i did it, the credits are rolling
overall positive, as expected. adore wuk lamat, koana was a surprise hit, erenville took a while to shine but MAN did he by the end.
themes were a bit all over the place tbh, mostly united by the Fambly theme, but i appreciate them all the same. bit of a tone shift around the halfway point, but i dont hate it. mostly i really love how much emphasis was put on how different families can look- from galool ja ja and his kids, namikka and wuk lamat, erenville's somewhat estranged but still obviously caring relationship with his mother, the awkward but genuine wish to connect between krile and her birth parents.... and of course last but not least, wuk lamat taking in zoral ja's own son, her nephew, to raise as her own.
also the music slaps ofc.
honestly if i had one critisism it would be that zoral ja himself got way less exploration than i thought he would. i kept expecting a memory version of him to show up in the unlost world to give him more closure but nope. after how much depth wuk lamat and koana saw, zoral ja felt really flat. like we got his reasons at the very end but i do wish we'd gotten to see more of his descent. (like. we *saw* it but also not really at the same time? im not sure how to explain it. ah well.) also i'm 100% convinced gulool ja was an Accident. whether bc zoral ja was convinced he was sterile (like his father was supposed to be) or bc it would've had to have been with someone that was.... not a mamool ja. presumably a one night stand or smth he doesnt seem like the type to look outside his tunnel vision much.
damn that kinda blows my pet hc that cross-species kids inherently take on the mother/carrier's race (give or take a few traits) right out of the water huh. damn.
..... wait maybe mamool ja can reproduce asexually if necessary. maybe its something the body does if it goes long enough without others of its kind around. nevermind my headcanon remains intact and also this fits with gulool ja being a complete accident (and thus why he was abandoned)
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peachrogers · 5 years
my summation + overall thoughts of avengers: endgame
including: what i found wrong with endgame and why i am currently refusing to acknowledge that it happened.
okay i wrote this a while ago but after i never actually got around to posting it so here it is. 
first off,, i will once again introduce myself since this account is fairly new. hello, my name is mackenzie, call me mackenzie, or zie or mack or whatever you want. this was originally to be my main acc after i deactivacted all my old tumblrs because i planned to start fresh on tumblr again and after watching endgame for the second time last wednesday, this account became a marvel acc strictly so !! yeah follow me lets be friends !! message me whenever if you wanna talk or cry or anything. 
to put it bluntly,, endgame fucking sucked. 
endgame was meant to tie everything together. endgame was meant to be this great movie to sum everything up and tie it all together and to just make it make sense in other words.
there was so much hype surrounding endgame, so much pressure, so much excitement. 
in my opinion? the joint effort of the writers and the directors managed to ruin it all. they managed to take a movie that was supposed to do so much for the mcu, to tie everything together as a final conclusion to this infinity saga and they blew it all up.
endgame wasn’t a horrible movie, but there were multiple parts that i (and multiple others i know of) did not like and i will be going over it in this post.
it’s not just because of steve’s ending, which i know, i know, i’ve bitching and crying about that for a while on this account. it’s more than just steve’s ending.
this post is a little all over the place but i’ll try to keep my thoughts together the best that i can.
okay here we go !! so i made posts before about this but this is gonna just be a big long post about EVERYTHING and i’ll explain everything and why endgame sucked. 
originally i had decided to go through scene by scene and talk about each scene but i mean, that’s not really the point of this post and frankly, doing that would probably make this post longer than i want it to be. so i will be focusing on the important scenes. the ones i think are most important to point out and talk about.
as i mentioned above the cut, it’s not just about steve. i know my user is peachrogers and steve rogers has always been my fave avenger. but its more than just steve’s ending and i���ll get into that as we get to it.
i used a transcript while writing this just to help me completely recall everything as it actually was since i don’t consider my memory completely reliable so i linked it if anyone else wants to look at it.  
and again, as i mentioned above, i don’t hate everything about endgame. there were parts of endgame i did like and enjoy. tony and nebula playing paper football for example, i thought that scene was very endearing and adorable and carol coming to save them really made me happy. 
but at the same time, there were scenes i did not enjoy. and i will be mainly going depth on those scenes since i kinda wanted to just summarize and explain and captalize on why endgame failed at doing the job it was meant to do in tying together these 22 mcu films released in the past 11 years.
so starting at the beginning of the film, after they find thaos and thor chops off his head and they have a five year time skip, we see steve, in a group therapy session. 
where steve once again brings up the love of his life and how everyone has to move on. which SPOILER ALERT he doesn’t. this scene, when i first watched i was kinda like whatever, but watching it the second time and watching it now(or even thinking on it), it makes me SO SO mad. pretty sure they kept this scene bc one of the directors is in it. this scene also just makes steve contradict himself since he goes on about how important it is for to move on and yet he just doesn’t even follow his own advice in the end and it aggravates me which i will get into later on.
so skipping to after scott comes out of the time machine van and then steve goes to visit natasha. tbh everytime i watch this scene with natasha and steve, it always just breaks my heart because of the whole:
you know, i keep telling everyone they should move on and… grow. some do. but not us.
(there steve goes again just contradicting himself:(()
we both need to get a life. 
you first.
and i remember reblogging a gif set of nat and steve with the same caption and i just :( bc of where they end up in the end and it’s just its really sad. 
seeing tony and pepper with morgan and the fact that tony has finally achieved a level of normalcy where he has his own life with his wife and his child, it’s really nice to see. he definitely deserves it. and i completely understand tony shutting down steve, nat, and scott because he doesn’t want to risk everything especially if it doesn’t work and he ends up losing it. and i totally understood that.
the diner scene where nat, steve, and scott go to talk to bruce about time travel. first off, i just wanna point off how annoying that scene was ?? especially the part with the kids and them not wanting a pic with scott and apparently they only kept that part in bc one of the kids was one of the director’s kids?? there’s just so much wrong with it. 
and now i move on to the great marvel cinematic universe version of time travel. which in itself really hardly makes any sense whatsoever since the directors and the writers both contradict each other on how it works. if you’re going to put time travel in your movie, i really feel like everyone should be on the same page on how it works but i mean, that’s just me. 
it took me a little bit to understand it bc what the fuck. 
the scene where clint,rhodey, bruce, nebula, and scott are discussing how time travel works and rhodey is just naming off all these time movies where time travel works the way that i see it as working(where your past completely changes your future/butterfly effect/chaos theory) and bruce and nebula basically debunk the whole thing and explain it as how changing your past doesn’t change your future and all the whole thing is just bullshit if you ask me. it’s so hard to understand.
okay im not here to argue about time travel. but let me just give some perspective. for me personally, i just see time travel to work like it did in life is strange because it makes more sense. if you change something in the past, that would directly impact your future. if you go in the past and prevent someone from dying, that would not just change the fact that they didn’t die but other factors would be affected too.
and when they brought in the alternate timelines and the “multiverse” it just made things so much more complicated for me.
and i have tried to educate myself more to understand it, i’ve read through multiple posts on the whole time travel thing and i’ve rewatched movies as well to try and understand.
i guess the biggest thing that didn’t sit well with me is just that the directors and writers WHO YOU WOULD ASSUME would bring some clarity and insight on the matter really just brought more confusion and only contradicted each other and i do Not Like it at all. 
but i mean who cares about what we want ? it obviously doesn’t mean shit to them.
moving on.
uh lebowski thor idk at first i really wasn’t into it and i was kinda like wtf but i mean i’ve kinda come to be cool with the change in character. and apparently chris hemsworth was really into it so idk to each their own. 
and just for the record: i think we all know that Noobmaster69 is deadpool
also i fucked loved the america’s ass joke but i’m pretty sure everyone did. 
okay moving on to stony going to the camp lehigh in the 1970s. really i just want to address the scene where steve hides in peggy’s office. you see on her desk that one picture of steve and the picture of her kids and legiT PEGGY WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE OTHER OFFICE HOW DID SHE NOT SEE STEVE WHAT THE FUCK
god idk just thinking about how it was the 1970s and she still thinks about steve who tbh she hardly knew, especially if you compare him to idk daniel sousa ?? and steve saw the picture of her kids and he still was like lol yeah not moving on.
natasha dying okay yeah that was hard to watch. especially since she got nothing for it. tony gets a whole funeral with everyone and yeah ig she got that one moment with the five of them talking about trying to bring her back but that was it and i hate that. natasha deserved more love more attention more recognition way way more than what she got.
okay idk how people heard steve’s avenger assemble when the fucker literally whispered it.
i mean it was really nice seeing everyone coming together and fighting and idk it was just everything to see the final fight against thanos. 
tony dying, like i definitely did cry and it was sad, but in a way it was okay because he did it for them he did it for everyone. 
there was an interview with the writers who said there wasn’t a draft where tony didn’t die and i don’t doubt it because i mean, i think it was needed. i think tony needed to be the one to do it. 
and now we get to my favorite part. you know, the worst part of the movie. where steve just ruins everything. 
in the process of returning the infinity stones, steve decides to create an alternate timeline with “peggy” and live out his life with her in that timeline while actual steve of that timeline is in ice.
okay listen i was cool with the final dance, i think that was definitely needed and it would’ve been a perfect end for steve to do that and return and idk give up captain america. but instead NO THEY HAVE TO DESTROY ALL OF captain america’s character development, all of peggy carter’s character development, RUIN BUCKY AND JUST RUIN EVERYTHING THAT WASNT OKAY I AM STILL JUST SO UPSET BECAUSE FOR STEVE TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT THE WINDOW AND BE WITH PEGGY IN A DIFFERENT TIMELINE ITS NOT SOMETHING STEVE WOULD DO
we all know that is not something steve would do so it just it killed me and the directors hardly even gave an explanation for it and idk its just its such a let down and im just im not okay with it and i won’t be for a while. steve has always been my favorite avenger and for him to go out like this. its so disappointing, steve rogers deserved a better ending than this. 
endgame sucked and its gonna take me a while to accept that endgame actually happened. 
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Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee thoughts/review
So I finally got around to beating the elite four today and while I haven’t done much past that (basically just checked out Cerulean Cave), I thought I’d give my final verdict on the main game. I will say that Kanto is far from my favourite region/games but I went into this game with the mentality that it was just here to 1. pull in new/pokemon go fans and 2. basically be a test drive to fix up any bugs so that generation 8 can run as smoothly as possible so don’t be surprised that this review is more positive than a lot of others, at least the ones I’ve seen anyway. I’m also going to say that I haven’t tried out the multiplayer or pokemon go features yet, meaning there will be nothing about them in this post. So with that in mind lets get to it.
The Good:
- I’m going to start with the most controversial ones. I liked the gym requirements and the catching system. I know a lot of people were fuming over the gym requirements when the trailer first came out saying how “easy” it’d make it, but I think they did a really good job balancing it. I also liked that to enter Koga’s gym you had to have 50 pokemon. Because at the end of the day, pokemon isn’t just about battling and I found it a good way to make sure the player is fully emerging themselves in the game. It also works really well with the catching system being the main way to level up pokemon. However, this is coming from someone who finds the battling in pokemon to be one of the more boring features so I can get that it’s not for everyone.
- The visuals. My god was I impressed. Don’t get me wrong, I was expecting it to be a step above the 3DS but they really outdid themselves. Specifically, as someone who didn’t put much thought into it before these games, Sabrina’s gym blew me away. Just on the note of Sabrina, I was shocked to hear so many people had issues with her because to be honest, Gyrados bodies her entire team. Really the only time I had mega issues in this game was the coach trainer with the primeape and that was mostly because it kept critical hitting me.
- Pokemon following/riding with you. I don’t really think much else needs to be said. Everybody has wanted this for a long time. Specifically I love how unique the pokemon you can ride are in terms of the models. Like riding on Kangaskhan’s shoulder with Eevee in the pouch, Snorax’s front, flying on Charizard etc. My only dislike with this feature is that it felt uncomfortable that fainted pokemon can still follow you.
- The cubone plot. Nothing more to say.
- The incorporation of the gym leaders/elite four in the story. Yes, it was very basic and I hope they do more with it in future games but in comparison to the original games it’s definitely more prevalent and that was appreciated.
- How they handled the Alolan forms. Once again, pushes you to catch more pokemon but doesn’t make it stupidly difficult/annoying.
- Character customisation. Once again, could have been more in depth but definitely still appreciated. Additionally, the fact that minus the crown, it is affordable unlike generation seven was a good step forward.
- The wild pokemon being in the overworld. 100% this feature made Kanto much much better. One of the reasons I could barely get through Kanto before this game is because I found the caves unbearable in terms of encounters and didn’t feel like wasting all my money on repels. Also, the fact they made it easier to get the rare encounter was much appreciated. And people can say they’ve made it “too easy” all they want but I don’t care. Grinding for rare pokemon has always been a pain and really has 0 to do with difficulty, just annoyance, so I appreciate the easier way.
- The little things. Having the gamblers have higher level pokemon because they gamble on luck with the one hit ko moves (or at least the one outside Lavender) and the like was a nice touch.
- Having characters from other games make an appearance. From Blue to Mina to Archer, it was a nice touch. This is especially the case for Jessie and James to be honest because Jessie has always been my favourite pokemon anime character and it adds a bit of feeling toward team rocket.
- Getting rid of the bicycle road. Given rideable pokemon was a major feature in the game, it was unneeded and tbh looks nicer now that you aren’t forced to zoom down it.
- Not necessarily a positive or negative but the trainers and Bill look so attractive in this game? Like nice to look at but I can just imagine the rule 34ers or whatever it is out there having the time of their lives right now.
- The pokeball plus. Okay yes I know it was expensive, but quite frankly, I found catching pokemon far more fun using it as opposed to the regular pokemon controls. 
The Bad:
- The main issue with this game, and really what I’ve found with Kanto over the years is that it feels like there’s very little replayability value. Sure, I love Giovanni as a villain and the game is gorgeous, but truth be told, nothing about the story makes me want to go back to play it once I complete the pokedex and beat the specialised trainers. Likewise, there’s very little postgame, especially for people who are more into the story than battling like myself. Also, this isn’t so much for me because I don’t do challenge runs but I really don’t know how a nuzlocke or the like would work in this game. However, like I said, I basically expected what we got given this is all but a beta game for generation eight to work out the kinks.
- Kinda goes into the above but lack of sidequests. I know there’s one or two, but given the amount in generation seven, it does feel lacking.
- Adding Meowth but having him not talk? Wack.
- Only some trainers had their pokemon out with them. It was cool to see, but I wish it was more commonplace.
- The new eevee/pikachu moves being available so early. I get that they have to make them viable given they can’t evolve and they expect you to use them the whole game, but a 90 power super effective move for the second gym is overpowered. Same with a priority 50 power but always critical hitting move. Also I’m sorry but the eevee move names were ridiculous.
- I say this every game and I know it’s a business move but having version exclusives doesn’t make me want to go buy the other game to be honest. It’s just annoying.
- I’ll be honest and say that I don’t remember Kanto well so maybe I just did this in the wrong order (given the levels I don’t think so though) but outside of Jessie and James, I feel like all the team rocket stuff was lumped in together when it could have been spread out more. Like it feels like it was nothing, then Lavender town to activate the cubone story, game corner, back to Lavender town, silph co building and then nothing again until the last gym badge which really you would have had to do regardless and had nothing to do with team rocket itself. Also, I know he’s a ground gym leader, but it would have been nice to verse Giovanni with a mewtwo at least once, but given how the main story implied his role in the game is done, I doubt that’s happening. I did like mentions that Blue and the rival helping out.
Final thoughts:
This game is beautifully made and something entertaining to do for a few days either by yourself or with the kids. But truth be told, while my disappointments with the games are small, the thing this game makes me most excited for is what comes next. Given we now know the capabilities of pokemon on the switch, it feels like the sky is the limit for generation eight and I for one can’t wait for it.
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artlessictoan · 7 years
How I’d do Naruto Next Gen
okok I’ve been wanting to do something more in depth and organised than my usual ranting about how everything is terrible now, so here we go! (though lbr this is just my usual ranting but 10x longer)
for the sake of brevity ha and my own piece of mind I’m not gonna go into how unnecessarily hetro the ending was and how everyone should’ve been gay and hey not every couple absolutely had to get married and/or have kids and also nart should’ve gotten the opportunity to realise that becoming hokage wasn’t necessary to achieve his real goal of becoming someone loved and accepted by others and he deserved so much better tbh and why isn’t sak just running the whole show and why isn’t there more sand sibs, bc let’s face it none of that was ever gonna happen, so these ideas are mostly built with the premise that all the canon couples stay canon and all the kids are still around and the product of those ships and the big plot things that happened (like nart becoming hokage and the like) stay roughly the same
forewarning bc else someone’s bound to say something; if you enjoy the next gen stuff? not a problem! that’s great, people enjoying stuff is a good thing! I wish I could enjoy more stuff, bc enjoying things is far more fun than not enjoying things! everyone has a different taste though and for me – and a lot of other people – the way that the next gen has turned out has been a disappointment, this post is for those people, so we can talk about why we think it’s failed and what we would’ve like to see instead, if you don’t feel that way about it.. well just scroll on past this post and keep enjoying the things you enjoy! have an absolute blast, you’ve earned it!
under the cut bc I am apparently incapable of keeping my rambling concise, there’s 2000 words of only vaguely coherent thoughts and tangents, so maybe get yourself a cuppa and a snack before trudging through it (some of this I’ve said in other posts before but w/e)
first off lets change some of the kids’ personalities, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with any of them, but like….. 90% are carbon copies of one of their parents (and mostly their dads but I won’t get into that issue rn) which is ridiculous, bc personality traits aren’t genetic?? like my mum is super chill and sensible and my dad is short-tempered, but I’m an anxious mess and my bro is an anti-social control freak.. we didn’t get any of that from either of our parents
while it’s certainly true that you might be influenced by them (me and mum share a lot of interests and tastes), it’s not a hard and fast rule and I don’t find it realistic that EVERY kid takes after their parents, though I probably wouldn’t have such a problem with it if they were more a mix of both parents than just their dads, so here’s some potential alterations:
Boruto. good fucking lord, no, we did not need a clone of Naruto heading another series, if we wanted to see a rambunctious scamp who gets into trouble but loves his friends a whole lot and has a knack for giving inspirational speeches, then there’s already a whole 700 chap manga for that! one with a far more likable and interesting rambunctious scamp tbqh. so how about we make a few alterations, maybe instead of taking after Nart, Bolt takes a bit more after Hinata? a little quiet and a bit of a pushover, but someone who’ll quickly stick up for a friend and has an ease of communication that’s a bit more Nart? not shy so much as laidback and composed, maybe he isn’t all that interested in being a ninja too, like he’s quite skilled but is a pacifist and would much rather get a civilian job as idk a baker or gardener or something
Shikadai. only a few minor changes here bc I really do like the kid as he is, I’d just like to see him using Tema’s abilities too (and maybe also being just a bit more snarky and unyielding like his mum)
Inojin. I’m kinda torn on this one, bc I do like that he’s a lot like Sai (at least in the anime, he seems to have a pretty different personality from what little we’ve seen of him in the manga???), but I think it’d be pretty interesting if he was just not like either of his parents, maybe if he was very quiet and subdued, but also the mastermind behind all the kid’s pranks, has a mischievous streak that often shocks people, but his friends always love hanging out with him bc of it. also why doesn’t he have Ino’s powers? let’s give him Ino’s powers too
Sand Kids 2.0. ok so at this point we haven’t seen nearly enough of them to say much either way but I have negative faith in kishi and ike so I’ll just say that I want them all to be Gaara’s adopted kids (since it’s still unclear if it’s just Shinki or all of ‘em atm) and I want them to be exactly like this shameless plug for me and @spellfire01‘s versions of them which are the best fucking versions and I will protect my children with my life
now some changes to the original cast (this is where I’m gonna get proper bitter, prepare yourselves):
OH NARUTO MY POOR CHILD WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU I’ve already talked about this but let me just reiterate in as eloquent a way as I can; Naruto would never become a neglectful father. N e v e r. not after the childhood he went through, no matter how much work he had to do as kage, don’t dare fucking try and tell me that Naruto – "It's almost unbearable, isn't it… the pain of being all alone. I know that feeling; I've been there, in that dark and lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them… They rescued me from my loneliness" – Uzumaki would EVER neglect his kids. just fucking don’t. in this version Nart is a doting and involved dad (perhaps a little too much, to the point that his kids find him kinda exhausting and have to ask him to leave them alone sometimes) who sends his clones to work at the office while he hangs out with his family.. I honestly don’t know why he doesn’t already do that
let all the girls out of their houses to do some ninja work for the love of god
poor put-upon Shino-sensei is alright.. but we’ve already had that with Iruka, I’d honestly much rather see the Cool Sensei who keeps all the kids in line without even doing much of anything and has a knack for inspiring them and always has a line of students trailing after him asking to hear more of his awesome ninja stories and everyone always trying to show off when he’s around, bc Shino is literally The Best
have Sauce and Saku be divorcees. seriously, are even the people who ship them happy with how their relationship has turned out? they barely see each other and apparently it’s been that way since chap 699, so why not just have them split up? it really wouldn’t change much, just say that, at some point after Sarada was born, they realised that they were both gay incompatible personality-wise and they were both so busy with their individual work that there wasn’t much of a relationship to lose. not only would this be good for both their characters (there’s no reason they couldn’t still be good friends) and just more sensible all-round, but it would also be a nice way to show that not every childhood romance/first love works out and that’s perfectly fine and normal and they can still live happy, full lives afterwards!
speaking of Sauce, let him spend at least a little bit of time interacting with his friends and family in Konoha, even if he’s still mostly travelling around on important missions he should at least be taking every opportunity to visit his daughter when he’s in the area, seriously, c’mon
Temari got done so dirty in that one episode.. here’re some much better words than I could ever muster but generally I’d want her to be less the ‘scary, overbearing, harsh’ mother and more the ‘strict but cool and sneaky’ mother, like she’d honestly be the type to use reverse psychology and gentle manipulation, she’d make her boy do some seemingly meaningless task that somehow makes him have an epiphany and come back to her when he’s done like “I know what I did wrong now and I’m sorry” than just shout at him and refuse to make dinner (also I just really like to hc that she’s a terrible cook so it’s Shikamaru who does all the cooking anyway)
it’d be really great to see Hina either being the new clan head or at least otherwise involved in Hyuuga clan politics, so we could actually see how she’s working to destroy that whole slavery thing they’ve got going, rather than that plotline just being dropped somewhere around the end of the chunin exam arc and never picked up again (I mean I assume that it’s all supposed to be fixed by now, but that’s not the kinda thing that should happen entirely off-screen) and so we can see her life revolving around something other than Nart and her kids, she’s remarkably capable and had so much potential but she’s been denied every opportunity to really exist as her own character by the writers
Kiba…… what the hell is going on with Kiba? where is he? what is he doing? how’s he feeling these days? is he supposed to be married to that nameless cat lady we saw for a single panel? these are things we shall never know I guess. tbh what I’d really LOVE to see would be Kiba-sensei, just imagine him and Shino both being teachers who work in completely opposite ways, Shino is the quiet, inspiring, lowkey scary one and Kiba is the gigantic fucking dork one who cheers his students on way too loud and makes the classes super fun and joins in the kids games, him and Shino have a class rivalry and Kiba is constantly roping students into joining his attempts to prank Shino (they’ve never once succeeded but oNE DAY)
Ino should be the next head of Konoha’s intelligence division, I will fight kishi on this one
why the actual fuck is oroch still happily living it up in his penthouse lab?? kill the fucker. or at the very least imprison the fucker. just say that Mitsuki was an old project of his that somehow kept developing in his absence, or was a product of research carried out by some lackeys’ years after he’s gone, anything that means I don’t have to accept that everyone has apparently forgiven him for everything and knows that he’s still experimenting on kids but just don’t care
and on that last note: Justice for Yamato 2k17
right now let’s get onto the actual plot/story for this very self-pandering au
make Sarada the main char. while I can see why they would choose to go with Boruto, honestly Salad’s more interesting a character and! A Girl!! Main Character!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!! focus on her goal to be hokage and her struggles with her parents and follow up on that ‘restoring the Uchiha’ plot thread that just.. dropped right off the map somewhere between 699 and 700, her reconciling what her clan was with what she wants to make it
get rid of that weird demon-sensing eye thing that’s going on. and the demon thing in general. and also that jarring post-apocalypse future thing they’re building up. I didn’t slog through over a decade of kishi’s bullshit just so my kids didn’t get to live long, happy lives. make the plot just slice-of-life fluff, nothing more dangerous than a bully, just some kids trying to be awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore bc peace and all that
waaay more of Chocho, Himawari and Inojin (at least enough so they all get equal billing)
show how the ninja world has grown and developed since the end of the original series (not just technologically), what do ninja do now that there aren’t any wars and international relationships are at an all-time high? have missions completely gone from being combat and intel based to more about construction and assistance? are ninja numbers actually dropping, favouring civilian jobs in these more peaceful times? how well are people – ninja or not – adjusting to these changes? is learning ninja techniques still encouraged but in a way that’s more about culture and traditions than actual use in combat (in the same way that swordplay today is mostly practiced for performance, fun and sport, rather than out of any real-life practicality)? there are so many interesting things to explore that you don’t even need to be adding in new threats to keep the series entertaining
I’ve said this before, but I think it’d be really cool and cute if after the end of the war and with some drastic changes to the ninja world’s politics, this next gen is less about becoming ninja, than realising that they’ll never be ninja (at least not in the way that their parents were) and how they react to that. maybe they’re frustrated because they hear so many cool stories about the grand battles of the previous generation and they want to be able to do those things too damnit! so the kids are just going around trying to be super-awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore, picking fights and trying to make their boring d-rank missions seem more important and dangerous than they really are, maybe at some point they learn a bit more about how hard and traumatising that life was for their parents and why the world had to change, until they eventually decide that if the role of a ninja has to change, then together they’re gonna discover what that new role will be, what will being a ninja really mean in this new, peaceful world?
and, a final ending note: fuck ike’s sickening treatment of Sarada with regards to her sexualised presentation and the disgusting reveal that someone taught Boruto (a young child!) the sexy jutsu. Let The Kids Be Kids 2k17
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