#Killy Shoot
thewordisbond · 7 months
Onaje Jordan is all about "Elegance" Featuring Killy Shoot, GeneralBackPain & Chuck Chan
Posted on https://www.thewordisbond.com/onaje-jordan-is-all-about-elegance-featuring-killy-shoot-generalbackpain-chuck-chan/
Onaje Jordan is all about "Elegance" Featuring Killy Shoot, GeneralBackPain & Chuck Chan
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Hardworking producer Onaje Jordan returns to the forefront with his latest release titled "Elegance". The soulful drumless backdrop is peppered with gripping verses from Massachusetts emcee, Killy Shoot, California spitter GeneralBackPain and upstate NY producer Chuck Chan.  The result is a disp
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
here me out . .
Nevermore X SBG au .
you can applaud me now ☝️
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voidsentprinces · 7 months
Trying to stick to seasonal aesthetics. Cause its something I can generally stick to year around. And it puts my queue to work. But if its ever too samey or spamming for your tastes, I've begun shelving it under: { void queue and a } the a stands for aesthetics...cause I am boring like that.
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basilone · 7 months
Hi Killy? How about #20 caffeine, dealer's choice for characters. Thank you!
Ooo, thank you for this one! 💙 I'm delighted at it being dealer's choice, as this got me to try my hand at writing my fave of faves: Rosie. I do hope I've got him down right! (Slight, slight spoilers for the most recent ep apply!)
The base is somewhat beautiful when the sun’s still low. There’s a slight haze hanging just above the dewy grass, too thin to be a full-on fog but lending this early morning a particular enchantment all the same. Gold streaks flicker through the last vestiges of night. If she squints at the treeline hard enough, its greens will mingle with the twinges of red in the dawn. Like Christmas painted through a misty window.
It’ll be a while before Christmas comes, now, though the mornings aren’t getting any warmer.
Imogene puffs up her cheeks. Blows warm air between her hands, then rubs them together briskly. She’s forgotten her gloves again. Margaret’s not about to loan out her perfectly good set of spare gloves, either, if that glare from earlier is anything to go by. And Jeannie is nice and all, but the knitwork on her gloves is absolutely drenched in perfume. Imogene lets out a sigh. Contemplates the risks associated with running back to her bunk and praying her own gloves will be in the place where she put them last.
Truth is, she hasn’t got the time. Jeannie’s already taken off at a dead run for the bathroom for the second time in an hour, which has got Margaret fuming in a way that’ll at least make sure the sink’s going to be so spotless you could eat out of it. Imogene would be more worried about Jeannie if this wasn’t already the fourth time a girl like her was prone to retching her guts out in the morning and being just fine and dandy in the afternoon.
These girls, like some of the men, barely stay long enough to learn their names.
And then, of course, there are those few who seem to stay a lifetime.
“One for the road, Captain Rosenthal?”
His answering laugh is soft, but his joy somehow never fails to meet his eyes. “If you can spare me a cup, yes. Thank you.”
“It’ll be a little minute, sir, sorry.” Imogene shoots him the closest thing she’s got to an apologetic smile. “I hope you can wait that long to get your latest dose of caffeine. These new coffee makers are a bit slower on the uptake.”
Captain Rosenthal hums a little to himself. “I believe I can find the time for it this morning, Imogene.”
“Glad to hear it, sir. Congratulations on your twenty-fifth, by the way!” She’d meant to say that about five days ago, but the party had turned raucous and strange in equal measure before she’d had the chance. And the men had been pretty tightly knit around him, at least before the mood had taken another tailspin downward. “When are you due to go home? Is it a ways away yet?”
He shifts his weight from foot to foot the way he always seems to do when contemplating something important. His gaze fixes on the horizon. Well past the planes on their hardstands, beyond the line of trees and buildings. Like there’s something in the early morning sky only he can see.
Imogene waits him out the way she always does. There is no hurrying Robert Rosenthal, not when he is pondering something important before his first coffee of the day. He might have something interesting to say once the idea lands and takes root inside him. Last time, he had made a small comment about bird migratory patterns that had somehow evolved into a conversation about penguins at the zoo. The time before that, he had asked her something about hairpins – not a topic for a man, or so Margaret had scoffed after – before he’d leaned forward ever so slightly and told her some of his men might have gotten their hands on a second helping of chocolate through the cunning use of hairpins. (DeBlasio, if she had to name one. It’s always the goddamn Italians getting into trouble on this base.)
“I’m not too certain Florida will agree with me.” His smile is almost remorseful, as if he has contemplated the idea and found himself to be rather like a fish out of water. “I’d miss this weather. Gruesome chill in the air this morning.” He shudders just a little, more to himself than to her. “And I have to say, Imogene, I’d be hard-pressed to find better coffee than this.”
“Now you’re just flattering me, sir,” she laughs, grabbing a pristine white cup for him. “We do what we can, but the stateside coffee just tastes better if you ask me. I dream about it sometimes.”
“The perfect cup of coffee? Bit of milk, two sugars. Little bit of foam on top, perhaps.” There’s a twinkle in his bright eyes as he steps closer, keenly awaiting his morning shot of caffeine. “What is your poison of coffee choice in this world, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Imogene hums to herself. “Bit of milk, bit of caramel, sir.” She almost wishes she had enough time to foam the milk up a little, give it a bit of a whisk before stirring it into his cup. “The sugar’s too cloggy. Caramel syrup works just as well to sweeten it.”
“I take it there is no secret stash of caramel syrup on base here?”
“You”– she gestures with the little spoon –“would be correct, Captain. Perhaps you can sneak me some, once you’re back home?”
The shadow that passes over his face is gone as swiftly as it came, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t see it. Imogene sucks in a rather noisy breath. Feels a chill swoop down and back up her spine in a way that’s got very, very little to do with the morning cold of early March. He glances back at the horizon a moment. Wistful, her mind supplies. Then: yearning.
She’s seen it before. In Major Cleven and Captain Rivers, every time they were kept on the ground too long. In Major Egan, once Major Cleven had vanished and left a hole in the fabric of reality itself. In Stella Lombardi, whose eyes never quite seem to meet the ground anymore, and in Two, who might just survive them all. There’s something in the set of their shoulders. Something in their eyes, once you know where to look.
Imogene looks. Sees. “You’re not going home.”
Blue eyes, brighter than any morning, meet her gaze. “Not just yet.” His confession hangs in the air between them a moment. She fills up the space with a mostly full cup of coffee, milk and sugars already stirred in, and is proud when her hand does not tremble. “We have work to do here, don’t we, Imogene?” His bare hand brushes her own before he lifts the cup in clear gratitude. “Thank you for the coffee, as always.”
She takes a deep breath. Steadies herself on the counter, just out of his keen gaze’s reach. “You’re very welcome, sir. Same time tomorrow, then?”
A laugh startles out of him, bright and beaming and so alive that she wants to cry. “Same time as always, ma’am.”
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More senseless gun violence.
#Republican Endorsed Killings
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spareparts-vn · 5 months
the episode 3 demo was really good........ can't wait for the full thing!!
Sidenote: its 4/13..... I Need to know if any of the characters would read homestuck
thank you!
lucy killie and nova are of the homestuck generation. a young killie took a lot of gender presentation from dave and a young nova projected a lot onto dirk. lucy was a little obsessed with aradia and shipped her with vriska in secret. karina's scrunkly is karkat. hanne doesn't give a shit
damien and 02, if they haven't already read it, have it near the top of their list. damien loves all the trolls but especially equius and nepeta. 02 was one of those readers that picked up on davekat early on but expected nothing from it until suddenly getting vindicated way later.
01 has no knowledge of homestuck and if someone were to tell her about it lucy would shoot them with a gun. bellatrix has read the entire thing and has little to say about it. violet has doc scratch on her kin grid but if you ask her about homestuck she'll stare at you with a smile and zero other response.
here's what melanie's tier list would look like if she read it
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but she doesn't have time for that shit anymore
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lucifer5lucy · 5 months
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Some lazy sketching for y'all.
I swear lucifer was shooting stares at Lucy when she took killi out and left the house of lamentation in utter chaos.
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sweetheart-haely · 5 months
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Gitcha comes out swinging with an array of weaponry, though he does occasionally confuse one for the other. He solved the problem of trying to use his Shoota as a Choppa, but solving the opposite problem has so far eluded him, since merely taping a slugga to his axe didn’t seem to work.
I did actually try attaching a slugga to the axe but it looked bad, and even an ork would object to not having a way to shoot the thing. Besides, he looks pretty killy just the way he is. I think I used the wash good.
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astrxlfinale · 5 months
While tagging along with Caelus on various adventures could be widely fascinating, the concept of fighting wasn't one Guinaifen could pride herself in. Naturally, weapon would be drawn and she'd take her place beside him, directing the sharp blade of her polearm in the direction of the mara struck warriors circulating them. To think that these weird things were still around! Man, didn't they have military peeps out here patrolling or something !?
"Uh ... babe, Caelus, honey -" following the footsteps of one of the combat ready figures, Guinaifen's back soon pressed against Caelus', one turning into five there they stood surrounded. What a wicked joke! She had wanted to track down some cool secrets, not this!\ They were so creepy! And knowing that a single strike wouldn't be enough to bring them down only made it worse. A small grimace would twitch on the performer's features, hand parting with the shaft of her polearm to reach for one of her trusty firecrackers.
There'd be a scraping sound coming from one of her feet, golden heel readying to bring up the heat.
"You know --" She'd wheeze, golden eyes shifting between a couple of the marastruck. "if you had any bright ideas babe, I so totally would welcome them because your responsibility as the cool, brave nameless boyfriend is to kick ass ! No idea is stupid enough now, get that head working! "
It was inevitable.
They couldn't just run away from this, right? Five on two... that was a lot of additional feet to catch up with them, even with Guinaifen's knowledge of the various corners and turns around this area. In the end they would catch up and there'd be a battle either way. The bull had to be tackled by the horns (her heart was racing at the thought), and while she didn't know how to wrangle said bulls, Guinaifen knew how to make things hot.
She'd swallow, body leaning away from Caelus' back as the familiar sound of scraping returned, following by a hissing from one of her firecrackers. It was on. There was no turning back now. Flame fizzled along the fuse, grip tightening as she prepared to toss it at the ones before her. Oh, her sister was so going to be furious about this (that thought was even scarier than the marastruck).
" ... I've got enough firecrackers for them," she'd utter to Caelus, a quick glance over her shoulder, "... but you gotta bring the muscle on this, are you with me, Caelus?."
Horrible promises. Vicious promises. For every blade, arcane art and radicalized foundation for survival imbued strong with the legion of The Abundance, Caelus for himself swimming in a pool of collected calm. In a silly and endearing fashion, his Firekiss's growing anxieties managed to distill the lethal air his presence would've suffocated this very arena with. Just as her mouth began to spitball possibilities and potentials, wiring it altogether that she needs him in order to pull through, a soft huff escapes him.
The Marastruck weren't reckless despite their 'transcendence.' Their built foundation of once normal lives serve as a boon, retaining their awareness in the name of survival sharpened. They're familiar with not only the Nameless's prowess, but the shades of influence that are washed over their figures. In particular, both the Marastruck and Caelus in kind knew of Guinaifen's counteracting potency.
She rests under the muted shadow of The Nihility.
For what is survival without will? That searing light was their new life's blood while under Yaoshi's divine umbrella.
A cruelly handsome smile, befitting of the Trailblazer's first Gaze settles on his face. It wasn't bereft of warmth due to who settles by his side. "Don't you worry. Some old adventures taught me a thing or two, primarily with Mr.Yang joining in. ..You have a little somethin'--!" His words find themselves paused, for that inclination of revealing that secret has sent the bundle into a frenzy, allowing their weapons to roar as they shoot forth akin to swift blights.
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The transgression of aiming such killing intent towards his beloved was unforgivable.
Simply feeling the way Guinaifen's form tensed at the heightened hostility had snapped him into high movement. One blade, two, ancient spheres of corrupted ki to the usage of a glaive , each of these blessed instruments woven with their golden leaves would find themselves countered. For a fighter of his experience, seconds were akin to minutes as he'd jolt from one place to another. An abrupt punch woven with the Preservation, quickly altering into a wide arced kick would leave to him re-securing balance, returning on the move as the slew of foes found themselves stunned and stumbling, weapons repelled.
One of the Marastruck would find their armor blown clean through with a fierce blow imbued with The Preservation, augmenting his state of Magma Will as an enhancement. That very opponent found itself leaving a body wide crater in one of the nearby shipyard crates, locking it in place.
"They're a special type of flammable to you! Bring it down on 'em!"
...Now that he thought about it.
'How did she get those quickly lit up anyways?'
That idle question would have to wait, for it'd be underneath Guinaifen's expert aim that a trio of their opposition, allowing the fierce cinders to erupt into a beautiful display of violence. Vibrant sparks would serve as the gateway to their personalized hellfire, and Caelus's quick movements would get her hips swept into his arm as he grabs her.
With a firm stomp and hop applied upon the metallic ground, he'd send them both flinging skyward with air time, the last of this group preparing to sent another incantation towards them, only for a violent collision if Amber smashing through their face plate, skewering it on the ground from above. Before its violent rate of regeneration could take place, the crux of the Trailblazer's plan begins as they settle on a Starskiff plateau higher up, his hand being drawn in the direction of the holy lance of Belobog.
Expand and ignite.
A personalized kitchen of chaos would erupt as the combination of their searing hell begins to weave together. Preservation and Nihility. As the shade of siphoning will would dance through her natural affinity, Caelus would establish foundation to the concept, making up for her inexperience of this particular mastery as a steadied support. It caused a dim reality to be made to the Marastruck as the once waning effect of her flames returned and steadied. Thus begins its vicious ritual of devouring that untamed will to live through scalding fury. The struggle, the fall, and eventual immolation as once irate limbs were being rendered to ashes.
Thankfully, their futile struggle of trying to rip their own searing stalks away from the roots would be blanketed by the hazy smoke below. Hardly giving his Firekiss the time to devote too much focus towards that view, he'd direct her attention towards the final foe set upon their metallic grave.
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"One more shot!" His hand would then clench as another surge of Path power breathed with vivid life, only for careful aim to be taken as he'd situate his fingers into the shape of a makeshift gun as a scarlet corona focuses upon the tip, waiting for her to launch the final firework.
"I've been getting a little chilly anyways, let's fix that up." His composure felt immovable especially in these dire straits, holding every intention of being a welcomed fountain of strength.
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askmadcomcrew · 1 year
Guys, what one is your favorite? Huggy Wuggy, Seek, scary Blue, Zumbo Sauce, Banban, Nabnab… Um, I forgot his name, the frog dude, and, um, yeah. Snow Seline, Banbalina, Stinger Flynn, Opila Bird, and awesome Huggy Wuggy. This is, uh, me but like I don’t wanna use it. Blue and, uh, I mean, um, Kissy Missy, Killy Willy, um, Choo Choo Charles, right, Boxy Boo but like not evil, and we have evil Boxy Boo. We have Squid Game Huggy Wuggy. We have baby Huggy Wuggy, and Blue, and Freddy Fazbear, oinky oink oink. We have creepy Green. We have happy Huggy Wuggy. Look how happy he is, and we have "What the hell?" We have nobody cares Huggy Wuggy.
If I could shoot ya, I would. Lotsa times.
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electrosquash · 1 year
Thinking about data fragmentation and personality in Blame! again asdfhkajdglgkjlasjdf
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Killy, Dhomochevsky whose Download Tower is gone, Davine, Pcell later in Blame², Sanakan in the later story (accelerated by Cibo scrambling heir brain - the power of Yuri...), probably the astronomer too, they all lived so long their original programming is lost. Like fragmented hard drives it takes longer and longer to access their programming, their static data, their memories. Killy doesn't even know what a book is anymore. The dart Sanakan shoots him with can only partially inject its routines, scrambled as his data is. Ultimately they all have to develop creativity and free will to keep moving forward because the programmed routines aren't accessible anymore. They develop humanity. Seu as one of the few remaining humans gets defragmented everytime Mensab revives him (one of the more tragic love stories Blame! tells. I love this extremely dry and seemingly emotionless manga actually has lots of feelings inside) and he loses a bit of himself every time. I think the unstructured chaotic nature of brain's data organization (cybernetic or otherwise), that enables stray unlogical associations and results in creativity and love, is what makes us 'human' in Blame!. Not the fascist Safeguard's definition of presence of the Net Terminal Gene and certainly not the chemical makeup of our body.
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maniakminis · 1 year
The new Ork rules seem fun. I haven't been keeping up with everything about 10th edition so I don't know what all the keywords mean but I'm mostly liking all the changes. Here are a few standouts that I like.
Nearly all the vehicles have at least a 6+ invul.
Killa Kans have a chance to start attacking nearby Orks (lol)
Squigasaur is still great but now I think the Beastboss on foot is super killy on his own.
Transport capacity for the Gorka/Morkanaut got increased to 12 which is fantastic.
Flash Git shooting got worse, but I like Kaptain Badrukk's new rules (they gave is radioactive gun an Aura lol) so I'm probably gonna take a unit of them.
Big Mek in Mega Armor can heal dead Meganobz!!!
Deffdreads are still good n stompy
Mek Gunz seem pretty good, especially if you have them behind a Mek Workshop and babysit them with some Mekboyz for +1 to hit.
Overall I'm very happy with what we're getting. I definitely want to try out a lot more units and start fielding more infantry again.
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firebarzzz · 2 years
📍Killy Shoot "The Avenue"-Production: Onaje Jordan. 🎶🎵🎧
📍Killy Shoot “The Avenue”-Production: Onaje Jordan. 🎶🎵🎧
Killy Shoot 🎙️ARTIST: Killy Shoot 📣TITLE: The Avenue Obligé de mentionner la rareté. Je jette ma pièce sans réfléchir sur l’artiste Killy Shoot Originaire de Worcester(Massachusetts, Usa) si je me trompe pas. Sa façon de se poser est prenante, il a une belle manière de raconté son “Storytelling”. La production est une oeuvre d’art à mes yeux. Une ambiance digne des années 90’s. À partager au…
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amirblogerov · 1 year
HTS terrorists kill protesters
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The crimes of HTS became unbearable. Julani militants intimidate us, civilians, rob our houses, take away our property, even arrest the elderly and children, and take our women away in an unknown direction. We can't put up with this anymore, it's time to put an end to this. We will not stop protesting as long as our lands are in the hands of this terrorist. Just yesterday, HTS militants were organizing cleansing operations in our cities and villages and were looking for everyone who was involved in the demonstrations. Today I participated in the protests in Azaz, our like-minded people from the settlements of Dabiq, Katma, Killi, Eriha, Al-Fua, El-Bara and about 20 other villages support us. Hundreds, thousands of people are chanting the slogans “Julani, you have no rights in Syria”, “HTS is made up of murderers”, “HTS is leading a bloody tyrant”, and this is impressive. Giulani tries to break our spirit and every time he sends his "dogs" from the security service to break up the demonstrations. They arrange a real massacre. Today they were shooting at civilians, in front of my eyes a militant lined a 15-year-old teenager in the stomach. I counted about 10 injured people, but in reality there are many more. Panic and stampede began, shots were heard everywhere, we had to look for shelter. The terrorist Dzhulani will not be able to destroy all those who disagree with his policy, and sooner or later victory will be ours, justice. We will drive HTS from our land, whether he likes it or not.
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basilone · 8 months
🪖HBOWAR Fandom Q/A 🪖
I was tagged by @sharkboyandlavalieb & @fidelias, ty both 💚
Name/ Alias: you can call me Killy Country: the Netherlands Which of the series have you seen - BoB, TP, GK, MotA: all of them! Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries: BoB - 🔪 TP - 🥇 GK - 🚑 MotA - 🌹 Ultimate ship (if any): Bucky/Buck just stole my keys this past weekend (as they also did when I read the book ages ago lol) so lemme go with them for now Favourite fic (yes I made this q&a just to get fic recs): I have a fic rec list!! It's mostly BoB-centric because that's what was originally asked, but it will give you a good sense of the sort of fics I like. Here it is. What are some ways you interact in the fandom?: I make a fair few gifsets and edits, so that's how I think most people know me in this fandom? I also write fics, though, and that's where my heart really lies if I'm honest with you! And I also try to react to people's posts in some way where possible, though I'm not a serial reblogger by any means and am behind on my reading like whoa. I'm always up for a chat through DM or through Discord, too, and I'm active in a few public HBO War-related servers as well as one small non-public one where I bounce my ideas before y'all see them. So if you ever wanna come say hi and chat for longer than Tumblr allows, shoot me a message and I'll make sure we can chat on Discord. Favourite colour: blue! Current favourite song: Kasey Chambers - Lose Yourself (which is a cover of an Eminem song unlike anything you've ever heard) What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?: wouldn't say anything, I'd grab a can opener and drink it all up H Co Style™. Complete this sentence: “Where the hell is ___ company?!” F!! Freakin' F Co. Bunch of yokels. Other accounts or socials?: my main blog is over on @captainkilly and I am on Discord, other socials are irrelevant. List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation: @mastersoftheair for being the absolute A+++ best for all these years seeing us through to MotA's premiere and beyond. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now but I want to express full appreciation for you, and thank you for making my giffing job marginally easier by identifying some of these fellas in your posts. 💚 Tags: I'm tagging anyone who's not been tagged yet, tadaa. Because it's a Sunday night and I'm a lazy woman.
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rhyme-all-night · 3 years
Music You Should Listen To?
Music You Should Listen To?
I heavily appreciate all the All Nighters putting good music out there. If you’ve been following the roster over the passed few years, this list is ideal for you. King Merlino – Got Something DNTE – Rothstein Frames K.Burns x DirtyDiggs – “Death to the Opposition” (Official Video) Snotty – So Long (Prod. By Bishop) the deity, V – EEK! Ghouls! Feat. Timbo King (Prod. the deity, V & Rice…
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