#Killer’s blaster is super powerful gang where you at???
signanothername · 3 months
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I like to think Killer’s daughter blaster is a something he rarely uses, but when he does, you better pray you live cause it’s one powerful weapon
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 4 months
May... may we get info on the super au? 👉👈
"Monsters", in local dialect, can refer to any being that wields magic and/or is made of magic
SOULs are a culmination of magic, not self
tw/cw (trigger warnings/content warnings)
long post
medical system neglect/trauma
eating disorder (kind of)
food difficulties
violence/murder/death (all implied/mentioned)
body horror, sort of
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first to join the gang
hand arthritis because you're not allowed to enjoy your remaining arm (but you get an arthritis glove so)
transhumeral (above elbow)
knee disarticulation
only character who gets a prosthetic
weird soul shape is the power
very stable
very unstable
second to join the gang
hasn't lost any limbs (yet)
knife summoning
saw Dream ACCIDENTALLY crush a metal beam with one hand and now screams at the top of his lungs anytime Dream gets close to grabbing him
third to join the gang
motorcycle-esc helmet
and they were roommates
the economy is in shambles
Doctor: well actually we can't give you prosthetics unless we do a procedure to ensure you're actually missing your arms
Dust: ...but i was born without arms
Doctor: the procedure costs over a thousand dollars and i don't have the authority to diagnose you if you don't do the procedure
Dust: what
Doctor: im sorry
when the medical system is useless you have to improvise
bad for teeth probably
adjustable length grabber tool
whoopee cushion probably
villain outfit
ankle length
got blue to cut off the arms of a morphsuit and sew the holes up
Random Civilian: WTF
glowy eye
has a lot of magic to burn
fourth to join the gang
villain outfit fits him when he grows to a specific height
hasn't lost any limbs
motorcycle-esc helmet
least scared of Dream (because he can run away fast enough)
sharp teefers
was originally meant to be a manipulative government-working hero who's fake personality reflected canon Dream's while the real personality reflected canon Nightmare's
psychologically broken from spending 500 years in a statue
the constant hunger pains don't help
huge lidless eyes and permasmile tend to disconcert people (uncanny valley)
head is always slightly tilted to alleviate neck pain (making it worse in the long run)
little-no fine motor control
anything in his hands will be held with every ounce of strength he has (which is a lot)
was sweet and relatively innocent when he started working as a hero (and was a bit squeamish about even hitting villains a bit too hard)
naturally black hair, dyes it constantly to match outfit
prone to trembling violently when angry
blurred for violence
Karen: <- interrupting Blue while he's trying to do his job
originally tried to replace screams with laughter to trick his brain into not panicking during high-stress moments and now ends up laughing hysterically when startled/scared
Villain 42: boo
Past Blue: hahaa! you missed!
Villain 42: boo
Current Blue: AHAHAHA
Villain 42: hey man wtf
Current Blue: i don't know why i did that
Villain 42: it's ok
mental stability is stretched thin from constantly supervising a murderous human-eating being with the psychological state of a severely traumatised child and a paint-eating psychopath with severe memory issues
travels the aus where he's human and technically doesn't actually belong to the super au
dislikes water (makes him start dissolving)
likes this au because he doesn't have to hide his supernatural abilities
Ink: wh.. where are my vials
keeps mixing up the definitions of hero and vigilante because it's different from au to au
supposed to have a tragic backstory but he's always forgetting it
legally diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and ASPD despite never taking the tests
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