#Killain x Reader
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0ffurself · 1 year ago
killian jones anything please love <3
Killian Jones x dying reader (angst)
On the deck of the Jolly Roger you lay, covered in blood and weak. "Curse you, Crocodile!" Killian shouted into he nothingness of the dark sky.
Killian turned to face you and his face could break at the sight of you. Sure Rumpelstiltskin had done bad things but nothing this bad before. He dropped to his knees. "No... Love." He grabbed you and held you close to him, as close as possible.
"No, I can't leave you. You can't leave me!" He sobbed into your hair, his face buried in it. Muffled sobs and whispers coming from his mouth. You lean back and use all of your strength to cup one of his cheeks in one of your hands.
"Everyone has to leave at some point, my point is now. I will see you again once your time comes... just promise me one thing!" You coughed some blood into your lap as he looks at you with teary and red eyes. "What darling?"
"Promise me you will move on, promise you won't be stuck on me forever. Promise you won't die alone and un-happy." He shakes his head at your words. "No, I ca-" You stop him, putting your hand over his mouth gently.
"Yes, you will. You will die with someone at your side, you will move on and live, not survive. You will !eet me again someday, but it will be a while." You try your best to give him on of those smiles he found comfort in, the ones that made him believe it would be okay. You would be okay. But this time you wouldn't be okay.
A single tear rolls down your cheek as your eyes grow pale and are almost colorless in the dark night. Your hand falls off of his face, leaving blood smeared across his face. "I love you" you whisper as your eyes gently close, your gentle smile fading.
"No!" He sobs. "My love! Come back! I can't... not without... please!" He gently kisses your cold and pale lips as one last try to bring you back to him. "No... no...." He cries as he wipes some of your blood off of his face.
He holds your limp and bloody body in his arms. Crying into you, planting gentle kisses on he top of your head as he cries into your hair. "Goodbye." He mutters between sobs.
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kaypan9909fandomlover · 2 years ago
Pan x Emma swan x Hook x reader imagine
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Imagine   Killain Jones trying to save you when you’re captured and about to be killed by Peter Pan 
Warning: Violence, and my version if your vison on whoever actaully made this imagine is somehow copyrighted I apoligize.
word count: 540 words, 2,721 characters
You were in your house and you were hanging out with your adoptive father Killian. Peter Pan had a plan of his own. You were happy and Pan wanted revenge on Killian. So he smirked realizing that if he kidnaps you and kills you. He won’t be happy and he will have revenge again. Emma was saving the day as usual leaving you alone, Killain said he will be back soon but when he saw the note on the day you go.
The next day you were still alone, sleeping in your bed. Pan came in and captured you taking you to neverland. When you woke up. You saw him. But you also saw Hope. You ask him. “ Who are you and what do you want?” 
“I’m Peter. Peter Pan and who are you?” 
“I don’t know you so I am not telling you.” 
“Relax, I won’t hurt you y/n.” 
“How do you know my name?” You ask, scared. 
“I know everything about you.” He took out your heart from his satchel. You saw that he was a psychopath going to hurt you or something. You whimpered. 
“What did I do wrong?” 
“You did not do anything wrong but your adoptive parents did so I am getting my revenge on them by killing you. It’s the only way.” 
“Please. Please don’t do this.” You begged. 
Killian arrived in Neverland still reading the note. He saw Pan and you. You were screaming when he started squeezing your heart realizing he was here. Killain ran in. Killain told Pan. “Don’t do this to her. She did not do anything wrong. She is innocent. Let her go.” 
Pan said. “Oh I know she is but I need my revenge on you and Emma. Taking away Hope and Y/n from you is the only way. Or I should let one of them live and leave so i’ll let you pick one. Hope or… He squeezed your heart and you screamed even louder. “ her.” “Hope is just a baby.” 
“That’s why you should pick her. Y/n is just an 18 year old. Let her go.” 
You felt pain worse than the first one. 
Killain Jones said.” Both of them but luckily I am not the only who came. Emma now.” Emma teleported in blasting Pan on the floor. Your heart was now in the air. Emma caught it luckily and untied you and Hope. Hope was still asleep. Hope was going to have her shadow ripped out thought Killian. You got your heart back in your chest and grabbed Hope from Emma. Pan got up growling at you. He waved his hand and Hope was out of your hands. Hope appeared in Emma’s hands and then Pan teleported near you. He started choking you with his magic. You couldn't breath but when Pan saw your eyes going red. He dropped you letting you breathe but when you got up. You blasted him away from you. He glared at you with daggers and let all of you escape even you. When you got home you said thank you for saving me to Emma and Killain. 
‘Your welcome. We love you and Hope. We won’t let anything happen to you or Hope.” You hugged them. 
Hope you like this, if there are any errors you cacthed please message me
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descendantofthesparrow · 5 years ago
Commission work -Happy Family - Harry Hook x Reader - oneshot
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 sorry the kids are all white AF XS and yes Arella is Thomas’ sister Rachel XD she fit best for what i was looking for. and yes....killian looks alot older than 12 but that is the youngest pic of Thomas i could find that wasnt younger than 5 
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*Arella is the oldest at 15, Killian is 12, the twins are 8, and Urania is 4!*
*Draco is 15 and is Mal and Bens oldest son*
@musicarose​ (commissioner) 
“boys! Dinners ready!” you yelled at the upstairs area of your beach house, hearing the tumble of the twins and Killian racing to get downstairs.
“ ‘ere comes the circus” Harry chuckled, placing a small plastic plate in front of the 4-year-old Urania and kissing her forehead. she hummed in delight and stuck the cut up pieces of alfredo chicken enchilada in her mouth, she had was missing her front teeth and unable to cut her food properly yet, so you and harry still cut her food up. You set up the twin's plates and waited for Arella to finish filling her plate.
“muove!” Damian screeched, pushing at his older brother Killian who was holding him back from the dining room “fuud! Mom Killian won’ lemme go!”
“Killian, let your brother go” you sighed, tapping your fingers on your arm as he sighed and released Damian shirt collar, the young boy raced into the room, jumping into his seat next to his brother and chowing down on his food. Killian snorted and got his food, setting his plate next to Arella’s and grabbing a soda from the fridge.
Harry ruffled Killains hair as he passed him to get his food, sitting across from you as you all ate dinner.
“so..” Killian started, a low teasing tone to his voice “I heard tha’ Arella’s got a boy- ah!” Arella chugged the rest of her juice and chucked her cup at him, hitting Killian right in the forehead.
“ten points” you joked, standing from your chair and walking over to Killian, examining his head “you okay baby?”
“jus’ a bruise mama” he muttered, glaring at Arella, who stuck her tongue out at him. “wha’d yeh do tha’ for!”
“you know why” she snarled between her teeth “don’t do that again or its your foot” Killian snorted and rolled his eyes.
“aye right, yeh jus’ don’ wan’ dad ta know about Dr-“ Arella yelled and attempted to dive over the table at Killian, Harry caught her mid-leap and pulled her away from the table, chuckling to himself as the 15-year-old wriggled around, screeching in his arms to no avail of getting free to kill her brother.
“LET MEH A’T ‘EM!” she screeched, her father's Scottish tongue drifting into her voice. You cleared your throat, both Killian and Arella freezing as soon as they heard the sound.
“Arella, your dad will be putting you down, you will NOT being attempting to kill your brother, and Killian, you will stop teasing your sister over something she doesn’t want us to know right now, if it's important she will tell us herself, understood?”
The teen and pre-teen glared at each other for a moment before they nodded, Arella slumping in Harry's arms and pouting down at the floor. You patted Killian's arm and nodded at his food.
“now finish up, or no dessert” Killian made a noise of complaint but obeyed, sliding back into his chair and continuing to eat his food.
The rest of dinner was like normal, usual stories of the day or snarking competitions, the twins being a mess, Urania being the calmest at the table, Arella and Harry sneakily tossing food at each other.
And you, sitting at the end of the table, opposite of Harry, smiling at your family of 7, the people who made your entire life on the isle worth it.
You knocked on Arellas door later that night, waiting for her call before you entered “come in” she yelled, smiling slightly as you stepped in, two root beer floats in your hands. “oooh thanks mom” she chirped, holding out her hand for the dessert and placing it on her desk after you handed it to her.
You hummed and sat on her bed, spooning at the vanilla ice cream in the cup, “if you don’t mind, would you like to tell me what Killian was teasing you about?” you asked, giving Arella a supportive smile as she sputtered on her words, almost choking on her spoon.
“oh-um I-I” you shushed her and leaned forward, putting your hand on her knee.
“you don’t have to sweetie, but just know, I will only be supportive of you….unless you start taking illegal drugs, that’s a different thing altogether”
“no mom” she laughed, patting your hand and leaning back in her chair “um….well….how old were you when you started dating dad?”
“well….dating want a thing on the isle, but we started….”hanging out” together around 13, and made it official when we were 18 after the barrier went down” you explained, moving your hand around as you spoke.
She nodded “well….hypothetically, if I got a boyfriend, hypo-“ you laughed and nodded, gesturing for her to go on.
“hypothetically I get it~” you snickered, sipping at the root beer in the glass.
Arella giggled and sighed “well, if I got a boyfriend, right now….what would you say about it?”
You stayed silent for a moment, a bright smile blooming on your face, you could see the tension in Arellas shoulders release. “I would say ‘that’s amazing sweetie’ does he treat you well, and do I know him?”
“yes and yes” Arella confidently spoke, grinning to herself and messing with the silver and purple bracelet on her wrist.
Your eyes drifted down to her bracelet, and then to your “matching” red and (favorite color) one Harry had given to you when you were younger and on the isle.
And you knew exactly who gave her that bracelet “so Draco huh?” Arella turned red and squeaked, covering her mouth and looking at you in shock.
“how’d you-?!” she screeched, groaning as you pointed at her bracelet.
“you seem to forget i’m very good at reading people darling” you chucked, you stood from her bed, cupping her cheek and kissing the top of her head “hes a sweetheart and has been your best friend since you two were born, Harry and Mal may not like each other all that much but they haven't stopped your friendship i’m sure they wouldn’t stop your relationship, and if they did i’ll skin em” you chirped, grinning as Arella giggled and leaned up to hug you.
“I love you mom”
“I love you too my raven~” you hummed, setting your glass down and holding Arella close.
You and Ben could hardly hold in your laughter as Harry and Mal stared at Draco and Arella in shock, the two teens had come out and told them about their relationship, their hands intertwined tightly.
The two were terrified but were comforted by their other parents' stifled laughter.
“dad?” Arella shakily asked, her shoulder tensing as Harry locked eyes with Draco and then turned back to Arella.
“if yeh get married, don’ ye DARE put meh next ta dragon girl” he huffed, pointing his thumb at the blue and purple-haired girl next to him, who didn’t respond, staring down the teen's interlocked hands.
“mom?” Draco murmured, her green eyes locking with his.
“…..oh! fully supportive but…really? Do I have to see Harry more often?” she whined, flopping on her side on the couch and pouting at her son. Harry whipped around to glare at her, puffing his cheeks.
“same sentiment princess” he grumbled.
Draco and Arella let out a breath of relief, giggling loudly as you and Ben finally burst.
“for once they agree on something” Ben chuckled, standing and hugging his son into his side, you giggled and walked past Arella, kissing her cheek and grabbing Harry's hands.
“now Harry, do you have any problems with these two?” you hummed, cupping his jaw.
“no, I jus’ don’ wanna be ‘around Mal all the time” he whined, leaning to look at Arella and Draco “yeh have treated ‘er well since yeh two were babes, I'll overlook the fact yer mom's Mal” you snorted and kissed his jaw.
“good pirate” you joked, you turned to the two teens and opened your arms, Arella barreling into you for a hug. “come on Draco~” you sang giggling as he stepped into your arms with a grin.
“thank you Mrs. Hook” he muttered, nuzzling his cheek against your arm.
“no problem kiddo, thank you for making my daughter happy” you hummed. The two teens pulled away, Arella kissing your cheek before turning to Draco and giving him a bright smile.
He grinned back and looked to his mom and harry “we were planning to go to the movies tonight? Is tha-“ you waved your hand in dismissal.
“its no biggie, hella safer than Harry and I’s first couple dates, have fun, and keep to the sidewalks”
“Thanks, mom, love you dad” Arella beamed, running to hug Harry quickly before grabbing her jacket and walking out of the house with Draco, hands locked together between them.
“well….that wasn’t so bad was it?” Ben chirped, rubbing Mals shoulder as she blankly stared a the wall “Mal?”
“no” she laughed, rubbing her face “just more shocking than anything” she stood and turned around, giving Ben a kiss “let's go home shall we, i’ll text Draco to tell me when they’re done so we can pick em up” you and Harry nodded, waving the royal couple goodbye.
You and Harry stood in silence for a few moments, before you turned to harry with a small smile on your face “that went well” you chirped, leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss to Harry's lips.
“MOM” Jason screamed from upstairs, bounding out of his room, eyes teary and his face red “DAMIAN PUSHED ME! “NO I DININ MAMA HES LYING!” you and Harry sighed, smiling at each other and walking to the twins.
“Alright alright, let's get that cheek looked at huh baby?”
---end~(I loved writing this X3)--
Supportive parents harry and (y/n) are supportive!
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meganlpie · 8 years ago
Anonymous asked: Hi Meg, can I request a OUAT one-shot? Hyde x fem!reader? Maybe where the reader is the one to figure out about Jekyll (I hope you’ve seen season 6 because I don’t want to spoil it for your followers who haven’t) and she finds a way to force Jekyll and Hyde back together with Jekyll being the one stuck inside Hyde’s head instead of the other way around. He asks her why and you can decide what happens. Fluff please!
Here you go!! I do not own any OUAT characters. They belong to the creators of the show. 
Warnings: teeny bit of angst, typical OUAT magic stuff, fluff and it’s pretty long
Pairings: Mr. Hyde x fem!reader, Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Emma Swan, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Dr. Whale/Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll, Belle, Rumplestiltskin, David Nolan/Prince Charming. 
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You’d always had good instincts. Ever since you were little, you’d been able to tell if something was off. You’d always get this odd feeling, kind of like Emma with her superpower. Your mother told you that was magic coursing through you. You’d laughed at the time, but when you met Dr. Jekyll, you started to believe it. He was hiding something, but you knew asking him would do no good.
               That was how you found yourself entering the basement of Storybrooke General Hospital. There was one person you could ask. You only hoped he’d actually talk to you. Taking a deep breath, you unlocked the door and pulled it open.
               "Mr. Hyde.“ Hyde turned to look at you, curiosity clear in his expression. "Y/N, isn’t it?” You nodded, trying to keep your expression neutral. You were trying to get a read on him. “To what do I owe this surprising pleasure?” he asked with a sarcastic bow. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Getting frustrated with him wouldn’t get you the answers you needed.
               "I wanted to ask you something.“ Gesturing, Hyde offered you a seat on the bench that served at his bed. "I’m feeling generous today so, by all means, ask away.” Sighing, you asked, “I don’t know why you’re in Storybrooke but I do know it’s not for the reason you claim. I also know that you aren’t the villain here, Hyde, and that Jekyll isn’t telling us the whole story. I want to know what the true story is.”
               Hyde chuckled. “I can’t answer that. If you want to know my story, I’m afraid you’ll have to find other means. Perhaps one of your heroes can help you.” You frowned. “Fair enough. Thank you, Mr. Hyde.” You stood and moved toward the door. “Ms. Y/N.” You looked over your shoulder. “I can tell you that you are correct. There is more to my story than meets the eye. Much, much more. And nothing is as it seems.” Confused, you nodded and left the room.
               "Y/N? What are you doing down here?“ Regina’s voice made you look up. "I was talking to Hyde.” Regina’s brows furrowed. “Why?” You bit your lip, unsure of whether or not you should share your hunch. After taking a moment, you replied, “Something’s not right, Regina and it’s not with Hyde.” Regina sighed. She trusted your instinct most of the time, but she wasn’t so sure this time. “Just give me time, Regina. Please?” At her nod, you left the hospital.
               Running into Regina had given you an idea. Who better to find out about a story from than the author? Henry. You hurried to your car and drove to Emma’s new house. “Hey, Y/N. Everything, okay?” You shook your head. “I need to talk to Henry, if that’s okay?” Emma looked confused, but let you in anyway.
               "What’s up, Y/N?“ Henry asked. "Look, something’s wrong with this whole Hyde situation. I know your mom has felt it too. Jekyll’s not telling the truth.” Henry agreed. “I know, but I haven’t written anything about that story.” You groaned loudly. “Thanks anyway, kid.” You ruffled the teen’s hair lovingly before leaving again in frustration. There had to be a way to find out.
               "Y/N, luv?“ You turned to see Killian emerging from the house. "Emma says to try this.” He handed you a dream catcher. You arched a brow. “Magic dream catcher. You can use it to see memories.” You took it gingerly and thanked him. You weren’t sure how you’d do it, but you hoped to be able to get either Jekyll or Hyde’s memories.
               You had just gotten home when you heard a voice. “Ms. Y/N.” You jumped at the sound. Your heart quickened when you realized it was Hyde standing outside your house. “What are you doing here?” you asked, cursing your voice for shaking. “Have you found the answers you were looking for?” You still held the dream catcher in your hands. “Not exactly. I have a way to find out though.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Good luck,” he said and disappeared.
               The next day, you decided to approach Jekyll and see if he’d let you look at his memories. If he had nothing to hide, he wouldn’t mind, right? When you entered the garage where Jekyll had been working, you found him and Dr. Whale both passed out. You took advantage of the situation by extracting Jekyll’s memories before waking the two up. It turned out the Evil Queen had come in to steal the doctors’ experiment.
               As soon as the coast was clear, you ran out and studied all Jekyll’s memories involving Hyde. What you saw was bittersweet. You were right. Jekyll had been hiding something and poor Hyde was not, in fact, the villain. But now you felt so sad for Hyde. He didn’t deserve the way he was being treated. You sat and thought before running back to Dr. Whale.
               "Whale!“ Whale jumped about a foot in the air. "Y/N. I thought you were the Evil Queen.” You gave him a face that said, “Are you serious?” and he chuckled. “What can I do for you?” You quickly explained everything you’d seen and asked for his help. “Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I was writing down everything Jekyll did. Although now we’d have to cater the serum to keep Hyde on the forefront. If he even agrees. How did you know?” You shrugged. “Instinct.”
               He nodded with a smile and said, “Let’s get started. We’ll need Emma or Regina’s magic to make this work.” You quickly sent a text and got to work. You had to get Jekyll and Hyde back together again, before Jekyll did something terrible.
               It didn’t take you long to get the serum finished while David went in search of Jekyll and Hyde. As soon as it was done, you gave Whale a peck on the cheek and ran as fast as you could. You found Hyde on the docks outside the Jolly Roger and Jekyll was trapped on the boat with a pregnant Belle. It looked like he was attacking her. “HYDE!” you called, bringing attention to you. He looked at you in confusion.
               "David, wait! Hyde isn’t the villain here! I’ve seen Jekyll’s memories!“ David stopped what he was doing. "It’s Jekyll! Jekyll is the reason Hyde is portrayed as a villain. He killed Mary and brought Hyde out to take the blame!” You were out of breath, but you managed to get the whole thing out as best you could.
               Hyde was staring at you in disbelief and Jekyll snarled. “Get rid of the protection spell! Get Jekyll out before he hurts Belle!” You ran over to Hyde while Emma ran up to help lower the protection spell and grab Jekyll. Hyde turned to you. “You figured it out. You believed me.” You nodded. Emma cuffed Jekyll and lead him away. “These cuffs won’t hold me for long. I trust you know that.”
               "They won’t have to,“ you answered, producing the vial from your pocket. "Whale and I recreated your reversal serum, with a little magic twist.” You handed the vial to Hyde, who looked hesitant. “It’s alright,” you whispered. Carefully, Hyde opened the vial and drank its contents.
               He dropped the vial to the ground, where it shattered, and grasped your shoulder to hold himself up as he doubled over in agony. You winced a little. Hyde was stronger than most. He groaned and Jekyll screamed. “Move, Y/N!” Emma called and you did as you were told. You certainly didn’t want to get fused with the two of them.
               You watched in horror as the two men melded back together. You mentally crossed your fingers, hoping that it would be Hyde you saw when it was over and not Jekyll. Gasping for breath, the figure fell to the ground and you sighed in relief. It was Hyde. You ran back over and helped him up. “Are you alright?” you asked and he nodded.
               "Now that that’s over, we need to decide what to do.“ Hyde looked down at the ground, not saying anything. Emma, David, Belle and Rumplestiltskin all walked off, leaving you alone with Hyde. You stepped in front of him and used one hand to move his face to make him look at you. "Hey…” He took your hand in his. “What is going to happen now, Y/N?” You smiled at him. “If you’re sorry for what you did, the town will give you a second chance, just like they did with Regina. It won’t be easy, but I know you can do it.”
               "Why did you do this for me? No one has ever treated me with the kindness you have.“ You shrugged a little. "I told you, I knew you weren’t the villain.” His dark eyes gazed into yours. “How?” You dropped your hand from his face and rested it on his shoulder. “Instincts, Hyde. I have good instincts.” This time, Hyde slowly reached up to push a lock of hair from your face. “For that I am grateful. If not for you, Jekyll surely would have found a way to kill me without killing himself.”
               "I wouldn’t have let that happen. Now, come on. We need to figure out what to do.“ Hyde pulled away a bit, only to take your hand in his. "I’m not worried. As long as I can count on you, it will work out.” You laughed and nodded. You began to lead the way back into town, trying to ignore the warm feeling you had from having his hand in yours. �;��ĮB
(a/n: I hope you like it. I squeezed in a lot of characters this time.)
Tagging: @fairytalesexistxx @brewsthespirit-blog 
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peter-pan-hoe · 7 years ago
Junior pt 4
And here is part 4!
I’m not entirely sure what the plot will be but there will be eventual Pan x reader.
Junior Series
Warning: swearing, 
Word Count: 1,403
The boys all exchanged confused glances.
   “He didn’t have a mowhawk last time we saw him but he had dyed parts of his hair red,” Peter explained. “We also thought he was dead,”
   “And Killian and I thought he was here!” I shouted.
It was true. I’d only met him twice in passing but last time I spoke to him he told Killian that he was going to try and get back to Neverland.
   “What do you mean?” Felix looked so shaken up, like he wasn’t processing any information properly. “What do you know of Rufio?”
   “Very little,” I looked up at him carefully before standing. “My brother told me of the boy from one of his more severe trips to Neverland. He and his crew were on high alert beause of their previous dealings with the lost ones and when they were attacked, despite your youthful apearences they didn’t hold back,”
I had thought Felix’s face couldn’t screw up any further but i was proven wrong when it did. I didn’t even know face muscles could do that.
   “Killian told me of a boy named Rufio that he fought one on one for a while and he ended up falling through a portal that was opened accidentally when someone’s magic beans was flown lose in the fight,” I continued.
   “We assumed, with Rufio’s lack of portal experience, that he was lost to the void of limbo,” Peter said, crossing his arms.
   “I was told he made it through the portal to the land of untold stories,” i said as I began tying up my pants.
   “The land of untold stories?” peter repeated. “That’s where he ended up? But you’ve seen him since then. So he found a way to leave?”
   “Yeah I only met him a couple times and we never really spoke about his past,” I mumbled, tying my shirt now. “He and i didn’t speak much if you know what I mean…”
There were a few whispers and grumbles among the boys.
   “Last time i saw him he was on his way here,” they looked like they didn’t belive me. “From the looks on your faces I’m guessing he didn’t make it?”
   “No one’s seen Rufio since Hook tossed him into that portal,” Felix scoffed. “If he was here then we obviously wouldn’t be so suspicious of you,”
   “HE FELL!” I shouted. “He and Killian have moved past their issues. Rufio has said to my face that he fell trhough the portal,”
   “THEN WHERE IS HE?!” Felix screamed into my face, spit flying.
I flinched where his spit hit my face. With a deep set scowl I wiped it off and stepped forward.
   “I. Don’t. Know,” I growled slowly. “Like I said before, last I saw him he was trying to get here,”
   “Whatever,” Felix turned on his heel and stormed away.
   “Everyone go to bed,” Peter instructed. “NOW!”
The boys all scurried off leaving Peter and I alone by the bonfire.
   “Did Felix hurt you?” he asked me.
   “What?” I looked at him in surprise. “You watched him trhow me to the ground-”
   “I meant your clothes,” he said slowly. “He dragged you out here half naked. Did he do something to you?”
   “Oh,” I caught on to where his mind had taken him. Interesting that he cared so much. “No it wasn’t like that. I had complete control of that situation. Then I told him my name was Junior Jones and he freaked out,”
   “Yes well we witnessed that part,” he mumbled. “Look I-”
   “I have an idea,” I cut him off. “But I don’t think you’re going to like it…”
   “What’s the idea?” he raised an eyebrow in worry.
As the Shadow carried me over the waters surrounding Neverland I thought of how surprised I was as how quickly Pan agreed with my idea.
As the Shadow lowered me down I could hear hollering from the deck of the Jolly Roger.
   “Junior’s back!” Ian shouted when he saw that it was me the Shadow was carrying.
   “Hi guys!” I smiled as the Shadow dropped me on deck. “Where Killain?”
   “Up here!” his voice drew my attention to the quarter deck.
He jumped down the steps and ran to me, swooping me up in a spinning hug as the Shadow flew away.
   “Are you okay?” he held my face in his hands roughly, turning my from side to side, looking me over for injuries. “Did those bastards hurt you?”
   “Nah I’m fine,” I shrugged with a smirk. “Aside from Felix being an angry douche bag, I actually had an alright time,”
   “I’m sorry what?” he looked at me, astonished. “You had an alright time?”
   “Yeah Pan’s kinda nice,” I thought back to when he asked if Felix hurt me. “I have something bigger to tell you,”
   “W-what? Pan’s niCE?” he looked between me and the island on the horizon and tried to put everything together. “Whats bigger that you getting kidnapped to Neverland but the Lost Ones are actually ‘alright’?”
   “Rufio,” was all I responded with.
   “What about him?” his freaked out fidgeting stilled for a moment. “Did he say something to you? Is he okay?”
   “That’s just it,” I explained. “He never made it home,”
   “What?” he looked as if he were about to stumbled back dramatically.
   “I know right?” I started to push him away from the wheel. “You ready?”
i turned the wheel harshly to start heading to shore.
   “Ah ha ha! No?” he took the wheel from me. “Ready for what?”
I opened my mouth to respond but he cut me off.
   “If you say to go work with the Lost Boys to look for Rufio I will throw you over board and you can swim back to that blasted island,” he snapped.
   “I guess i should just jump then,” I said before walking to the rail and throwing my leg over.
I was almost all the way over when he grabbed me and put me back on my feet.
   “Did you somehow broker a deal with Pan?” he asked.
   “A deal would suggest we each get something of equal value,” I put my hands on my hips and glared up at him for good measure. “But I get 2 things and he gets one and has to do a thing as well,”
   “What?” apparently I confused him. “What are the things? What does he get?”
   “Well we both get each others help to look for Rufio as he’s a mutual friend,” I explained. “And the extra thing I get that he has to give me is he has to be civil with you and the crew,”
   “That’s not a thing!” he shrieked. “Wait he agreed?”
   “Yes dumbass,” I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “But you have to be good as well. I’m don’t want to have to try and control the two of you like a couple of children,”
   “I’m a grown man,” he huffed in response.
   “Yeah okay,” Ian chuckled, shook his head and walked away.
   “Come on let;s go,” I took the wheel again with a harsh shove to Killian. “We’re going and you’re going to behave,”
   “Pan,” I called when we reached the beach. 
   “Junior,” he nodded with a smile.
   “Why’s he smiling at you?” Killian muttered protectively to me. “What? Does he think you guys are friends? Are you guys friends? Junior are you his friend?”
   “Can you shut up?” I turned to him with a frown much to the amusement of the Lost Boys. “We’re here to work together to find Rufio can you stop being an idiot?”
This earned more giggles from the Lost Boys.
   “That means you lot too!” I pointed an angry finger at the boys.
   “Alright alright,” Peter chuckled. “We’re all here for the same reason, let’s just be nice and find our mutual friend,”
the boy’s faces all sobered and a few nodded.
   “Althouhg I’m not sure why Rufio likes you in the first place,” Peter said. “You’re the reason he was thrown from Neverland to begin with,”
   “You can shut up too,” I snapped at him.
He looked surprised that I’d spoken to him so loudly.
Killian giggled a little by my side and I sent him a quick death glare.
   “Now,” I put my hands on my hips and turned to Felix who’d been standing silently by Peter this whole time. “You knew Rufio the best. Where should we start looking?”
@dina3s @just-meh-and-me-dogs @xcastawayherosx @lexymeg @trashofthelowestkind @gunpowderandlead1213  @lostgirl14480 
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characterxreader · 10 years ago
Starry Night (KillainxInjured!Reader)
Request: Maybe an injured!reader/Killian, like he helps the reader, and maybe it gets fluffy, or somewhat steamy? >\\\ω\\\\<
Warning: Violence, blood, a semi-passionate kiss at the end
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  Starry nights had always been one of your favorite memories to keep close. They reminded you of home, on your father’s ship, when he was still the greatest pirate on the high seas. Day turned into night, and the stars were still the same from all those years ago.
  Currently, you were sitting on a barrel. The Jolly Roger’s deck tilted side-to-side since the ship was on the water. You ogled at the bright lights, questions brewing in your head. They were the exact questions you thought of as a child.
  You heard heavy footsteps moving closer to you, but you ignored them. Then the person sat on the barrel beside yours. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed it was Killian. He was your closest friend and captain of the Jolly Roger. Killian had allowed you to live on his ship, in return for you helping him with oddbit jobs.
  “Beautiful night, isn’t it (Y/n)?” His voice made your heart leap and your stomach flip. You did not know why, but you had been feeling awkward around Killian these past couple months. Every one of his smiles made you grin. If he touched you, it sent electricity coursing through you.
  As you thought about this, you hummed quietly in agreement. You ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, and said, “It reminds me of when my father would take me out on his ship. He’d tell me stories about how the constellations came around--the legends of the sea.”
  Killian’s eyes lingered on your figure, a small smile set on his lips. “That must have been quite enjoyable.” You nodded, turning your gaze toward him. “Are you prepared for tonight? There’s plenty of treasure at the port.”
  “Yes.” You smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “What exactly are we trading?”
  Killian hopped off the barrel and staggered in front of you. “We’re receiving a chest of gold and jewels in return for the prisoners we caught four days ago.”
  You thought about it for a moment, then asked, “Could it be a trap? I’m sure someone isn’t going to bring forth treasure in return for some lousy men who were pathetic enough to get themselves captured.”
  He chuckled at your logic, his gaze raking over your face. “I’m sure it is,” he said, patting your knee as a gesture of goodwill. It still sent an odd form of glee through you. “But we have gone unscathed through worse moments, haven’t we?”
  “We have.” You tilted your head to the right. “Though, there was the one time with that scary woman...”
  He cut you off, a glare flashing over his features. “We are not talking about that woman, if that’s even the word to describe her.” You laughed, standing up. “You promised you wouldn’t.”
  “I don’t recall any such transaction,” you said. You pushed passed him and climbed onto the deck stairs. “But for your sanity, I won’t push it. Instead”--you gripped onto your sword and stood tall-- “I think we should go complete the task at hand.”
  He grinned, a devious look appearing in his eye. Several of the crew members had gathered around him. “Very well, (Y/n),” Hook said, turning his attention toward one of his pirates. “Dimitri, grab the prisoners. We’re headed onshore, like the woman said.”
  This moment was one out of many times the crew questioned who really controlled the ship.
The docking pier was silent, aside from the crashing waves underneath the wood and the footsteps of you, Killian, the prisoners you kept close, and the men who wanted their captives back. You and Killian had decided to go in alone. If there had been more than the two of you it would have risen suspicion. Plus, you wanted to give the men a night off to visit the tavern.
  Ten feet in front of you were seven men, two of which were holding a large chest. Your eyes narrowed and deducted the scene while Killian began his speech on what was to happen during this swap. Nearly every man was calmed and mute--except for the one man in the corner.
  Beads of sweat poured down the man’s pale face. His hands were clammy, shaking as he nodded toward the man on the right of him.
  You fought to remain calm, knowing too well this was a trap.
  You glanced at Killian, trying to signal about what was happening, but his speech was out of hand and his ego was taking control. Rolling your eyes, you let go of the prisoners’ hands and touched your cutlass. The notion didn’t go unnoticed.
  Every man drew out their sword, the two men in the back dropping the chest. The chest spilled out, stone pouring out instead of jewels and gold. “Told you it was a trap, Killian,” you scolded. Two men were charging toward you, swinging their swords violently. You blocked both attacks with one move, then kicked them down.
  “I know,” he said, a sense of annoyance in his voice. “My apologies for not listening, but can we focus on these men here about to chop us up?”
  You laughed, hitting another man with the butt of your sword. “What? Can’t you multitask?” You glanced at him through the corner of your eye, but yous realized that was a grave decision.
  It was too late. The man in front of you sliced at you, cutting you stomach. You cried out in pain, your non-dominant hand covering your wound.
  You barely noticed Killian’s call for you as you jumped into the air and kicked the man with both of your feet. He tumbled off the deck and into the water, while you landed on your back with a loud thump, thanks to the wood.
  The air was knocked out of your chest, and you wheezed deeply. Surely you were going to have bruises all over you back in the morning.
  Killian was immediately by your side, inspecting the damage done to you. “(Y/n), you’re hurt!”   “No, really?” Your sarcasm only made Killian’s face deepen in panic and worry. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. It barely hurts.”
  His eyes grew wide as he assessed how long and deep the cut was. He scooped you up into his arms and began walking. “That’s not a small cut. We must get you back to the ship. I’ll fix you up myself, since the men are gone for the night.”
  You sighed, shocks soaring through you. What had made you so jittery around Killian? “Tis merely a flesh wound. I’ll only need a bandage.”
  “Sorry, (Y/n), but from the looks of it, you’re going to need more than that.” You grimaced, but you hadn’t been able to figure out if it was because of the pain or the idea of having stitches.
  You had arrived onto the Jolly Roger within minutes. Those minutes had been full of protests from you, but Killian easily ignored them. He kicked the door of his cabin open and wasted no time in setting you on the bed.
  “Take your shirt off,” he said, “while I go get some alcohol. Whiskey?”
  You nodded, your fingers sliding to the hem of your shirt. “Make it a double.” He opened up a cabinet and pulled out a large bottle. By the time he spun around, you realized the pain made it more difficult to pull off your shirt. “Um, Killian, i-it hurts too much for me.”
  He smiled kindly at your sheepish tone, then walked over. After he set the bottle onto the bed, he told you to raise your arms so he could slide the shirt over. You had no idea why, but this was the first time ever you had been uncomfortable with only a bra on around your best friend, and his face seemed to flush as he averted his eyes.
  Killian’s face grew in worry as he saw your bleeding wound. Your whole stomach was covered in blood, seeping through your wound. “Lean against the wall.” You did as you were told, and he grabbed a small wooden box. Inside were the needles, but he decided to go with the whiskey first.
  He used his hook to pull the cork out, then handed the bottle to you. “Take a sip before I pour some on.” You were more than willing to, snatching the bottle and taking a long gulp of whiskey. It burned your throat, but him pouring it on the wound was worse.
  You inhaled sharply and winced, trying not to groan in pain. His features were full of remorse as he cleaned you up with a clean cloth and water. This pattern continued for several more minutes, then came stitching.
  The stitching was the worst part. You whimpered softly as the needle was pushed through your skin. “Sorry, (Y/n),” Killian said, repeating it over and over until he finished. He cut the thread with the point of his hook, then washed your skin with a new cloth. “You make quite the mess.”
  A tired chuckle escaped your lips. “That’s what happens when someone tries to slice you in half.” You glanced down at him, noticing how white his knuckles had grown. Something was wrong. “Killian, are you okay?”
  He glanced up at you, slowly nodding. But when he saw the look on your face, he shook his head. “I... I was scared,” he admitted, gazing into your eyes. “I thought I was going to lose you for several minutes there.”
  You smiled, placing a hand on Killian’s face. He seemed to lean into it, which increased the butterflies already lying in there. There was something in his eyes. A sense of... something full of will. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have made it without it. Never would I.”
  Then it hit you. All of those feelings. The way he looked at you. The way you never wanted to leave his side. It was love. You were in love with him for all of these months, and you hadn’t even noticed it!
  You bit your lip, realizing the only reason you now knew was because of the adornment in his eyes. He held the same look you did, but his face seemed to come closer. Within moments, your lips met his. Sparks hit you like never before. It was as if this was supposed to happen.
  He cupped your face into his hand and hook and deepened the kiss once he figured you were kissing back and not pulling away. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, ignoring the screaming pain for moments. It was passionate, beautiful. Your lips locked together like a puzzle yearning to be solved, but had been missing that final piece for so long.
  After you had realized your breath was gone, you pulled away. Your eyes lingered, staring at his as he brushed the side of your face with his knuckles. Unadulterated love was the only thing to be seen in those beautiful blue eyes. “I think I love you, (Y/n),” he said, panting slightly. “I don’t know what would have happened if I had lost you.”
  You chuckled, leaning your cheek into his touch. “I think I love you, too.”
  That was all he needed to hear before his lips fell onto yours once more.
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