kidsinjoy · 7 months
Exploring the World's Best Playground to Unleash Kids' Creativity
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Here, the sky is the limit, and laughter can be heard all over the universe! We at Kids In Joy believe it's important to give kids places to learn, play, and discover. Join us as we discover the magic of our Playground For Kids, where every turn leads to a scene from a tale.
An Adventure Full of Fun: The Playground
Embracing Freedom: A Safe Place to Have Fun
Play with us on our Playground For Kids. Everything was carefully designed to make people feel free and happy, from the soft landing surfaces to the structures that are right for different age groups.
Moving around on trampolines and other surfaces
With our range of trampolines and bouncy houses, you can have a great time playing. When kids zip around or bounce around with friends, they can get some exercise in a safe environment. It looks like a fun activity!
Take off on an exciting journey: the fun of slides and swings
Swings, slides, and other classic outdoor equipment are a must. But at Kids In Joy, we take it to the next level by hiding gifts and hiding things all the time. With our custom-built play structures, your kids can slide, swing, and go on adventures for hours on end.
How Educational Play Can Help You Learn While Having Fun
The best of both science and play in one package: STEM-tactic Adventures
School shouldn't be a pain, right? There are areas on the Playground For Kidsset aside for kids to play with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) tasks that are meant to get them interested in learning and help them love it for a long time. Some things are both fun and useful, like building blocks and interactive displays.
In the Creative Corner, you can go on artistic journeys.
Attention all artists-to-be! You can let your imagination run wild and be yourself in our creative area.
To sum up
For the kids at Kids In Joy, play is a journey that helps them learn about themselves and reach their full potential. Become a part of our goal to change the way kids play around the world and help us make memories that will last a lifetime. Play, learn, and find out with us!
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injoyyou · 3 years
I have been wondering if anyone has ever considered why people say to honor your mother tongue? Who is your mother? Yes, we all have a earth mother. Is there more that we are missing?
Where is you mother on earth...? If everything on earth is a mirror to heaven or the other realm of possibility then where do you believe our core essence of the divine mother/divine feminine resides?
I have been searching for the earthly representation of the divine feminine since at least my first vivid memory when I was 2 1/2 years old. However I allowed well intended adults/authority figures to redirect me onto a well carved out path for my spiritual development which lacked that one special ingredient that was needed to make the disjointed pieces of my life finally fall into place.
If I had only this information as a child or a least a teen....my life would have been so much of a different story than the pain and suffering I endured. Gratefully,I have made it to the other side where I have a joy deep in my heart that no matter what is going on in the world around me...no one can steal my joy.
I share this story of hope for the younger me out there in the world who may be in search of that something they maybe cannot name or put into words, yet they feel the emptiness in their soul.
Have you ever wondered about this as well?
Remember you do not walk alone. There is hope and there is a another way. I love you and God, the universe, source creator loves you..unconditionally..no matter what...I am certain!
Love and Hugs
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injoyyou · 3 years
So excited to enjoy our first fruits!
Love home-grown tomatoes!!
What about you?😊
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