#Kid worrying over his crew is good shit
cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
so sorry for this (very) specific request hope it's not ocish
anyways alastor x wife reader who's a virologist / kinda a mad scientist??(girl just wants to start a apocalypse without anyone to bother her)
Like they got married for mutual benefits (whatever benefits he would gain and her having access to money for her wildest dreams) when they were humans (whether he actually loves her or not is up to you lmao)
They both die (I assume that she would die around when he died from her own negligence caused by her 'freedom' to do her work more often without actually worrying about him finding out) and she avoids him like the plague (not that hard to realize this so called radio demon is your 'husband' when you find his secret stash of 'local cuisine' in the fridge)
Then he goes missing and she finally kinda goes out of makeshift hiding, just chilling doing her evil deeds before finding about the Hazbin Hotel from some gossip
Deciding that, while redemption is most likely not gonna happen mostly for the fact she does not care, she joins Charlie's little program. For her own little project (just wants to have a angel test subject, gotta see if they can be a good carrier for her little virus)
The reader doesn't know that Alastor's back (you think she's gonna use vox tech? Or listen to the radio? Girl uses a non vox tech phone and maybe a computer and does her work) so she goes and knocks on the door to the hotel
Thinking that this shit is gonna be easy, after all her husband is gone so she won't be bothered by him. She can focus on her beautiful creations and maybe destory hell and heaven with a apocalypse for some laughs. While also getting access to heaven through Charlie somehow (maybe even Lucifer, girl doesn't know nor care)
Anyways you can just IMAGINE her surprise that right after Charlie greets her (Vaggie ofc suspicious af cause she knows damn well no sinner wants to be redeemed for the most part) then here comes the strawberry pimp coming to say hello
Would he recognize his lovely wife? Maybe
Ofc reader had a plan, and by plan I mean she just says they were married and now acts like their divorced (death do us part and we fuckin dead)
(Just for example, do what you want <3)
Anyways I'm sorry again (can you tell that I've been watching a lot of mlp infection aus :') )
A/N bestie,, i love an overly detailed request. no apologies. i hope i did it justice <3 <3 I have literally been obsessing over the whole 'we're dead. we've been parted.' reader idea. It's so fun. Also I am very sorry it took me so long to get to this. Also, I am not a woman nor am I in STEM (I'm an enby in history) so apologies if science stuff in this is bad. I'm basing the character off of Entrapta (my love) from Nate Stevenson's She-Ra remake.
Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Gore. Murder. Bodies. Animal cruelty (not detailed at all just like test subjects and burning ants as a kid). Viruses/plague talk. Just capital d Death all around in this one folks. Suicide and starvation briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,584
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n hadn't been sad when Alastor died. It didn't really even register on her radar that he was gone until the police showed up at her door. Their marriage was more of an agreement than anything else, a division of labor. Y/n was a talented virologist who came from a rather wealthy family. He got access to her money, using it to start his own radio studio, and Y/n? Well Y/n got a clean up crew.
She had always been fascinated by death. It was a morbid curiosity that had followed her since childhood. The typical 'burning ants with a magnifying glass to mass murderer' pipeline only, murder was not exactly her objective. Since learning of the Black Death in school, she had been fascinated by biological warfare and weaponry. The stories of soldiers throwing infected bodies over the walls of city's to break down their defenses? It was magnificent, masterful, absolutely awe inspiring. Living through the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918, watching how it tore through her city of New Orleans, only furthered her determination.
As soon as she had had the knowledge base to do so, she began working on bio-weapons on her own. She wanted to create a disease, to devastate the world. She wanted to watch the things around her crumble into ruin and know it was by her hand.
She'd found out about Alastor's hobby by accident. They were friends, of a sort, in that Y/n would show up randomly where ever he was and quiz him about radio waves. He worked at a radio station and she knew that. She had followed him, tracked him down. There was no reasoning behind it save he was the first person she'd really found out about that was involved in the business in New Orleans. She would pick his mind about getting the word out about things, marketing, advertising. She was prepping for the main event, for the day she finally created her magnum opus.
One day, when she had shown up unannounced at his door and broken in when he didn't respond to her knocking, Y/n had discovered him dismembering one of his victims. Alastor had stared at her, wide eyed in shock, fear and adrenaline mixing into an intoxicating combination in his veins. Y/n had just smiled.
She had been wondering about human experimentation for a while now. Animals were easy to cover up, easy to bury in the back yard but people? It had always been too risky, up until now anyways.
So it went like this: Y/n funded Alastor's dreams and he hid the side effects of hers. When he died, Y/n didn't really feel anything too strongly about it at all. Yes, it made life harder in that if she wanted to keep using human guinea pigs she'd have to figure out a way to dispose of them on her own but it also made it easier. Alastor had always been so obsessed with image, dragging her to office parties and forcing her to sit down to meals with him. Now that he was gone, she could work on her projects in peace once again. The body thing was something she would figure out along the way. She was smart and she wasn't going to let something like that stop her, not when she was this close to cracking it.
As it turns out, Alastor had been more of a help than Y/n believed. So used to his nattering and persistence, she had stopped eating. It wasn't long before she joined her husband in death. The papers of course had a field day with it. Heiress and Virologist Y/n L/n Withers Away Due to Heartbreak. Y/n L/n Starved Herself to Death and Joins her Murderer of a Husband. Virologist Commits Suicide After Revelation of Dead Husband's Criminal Deeds.
When Y/n had woken up in Hell, her whole world had been turned upside down. If there was life after death, what was the point of killing everyone on earth? She was back at square one.
Rumors were already buzzing through the streets of Hell about some new overlord, some Radio Demon, who had a strikingly similar MO to her husband. Not wanting any distractions this time around, Y/n secluded herself in the outskirts of the pride ring to reformulate her plans.
For decades she worked, trying to create a poison to wipe out the dual planes of the underworld. Work was easier here. No one questioned why she bought the things she bought, no one got upset when people went missing. Hell, no one even blinked twice if they saw her burying a body. It was a veritable paradise for Y/n.
Eventually, news reached her of the Radio Demon's disappearance. Y/n had never been the biggest fan of technology that wasn't involved in her work. In the world of the living, she had barley read the papers. All the machines in her laboratory were ones she had built herself through trial and error. But still, somehow, the news reached her and she felt elated. The last thing weighing her down, the last road block had officially been lifted.
Within seven years, she had perfected the disease. Having run tests on lower rings of Hell, she prided herself on her ability to make it so infections, so deadly. The survival was on par with that of unvaccinated human's infected by rabies. But her plan wasn't complete, no. Taking out everyone in Hell wasn't good enough, she had to figure out how to get it into Heaven as well.
That was when the perfect opportunity fell in her lap. Y/n nearly cried when she caught sight of the interview through the window of a shop selling Vox branded TVs. Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer's little brat, was creating a hotel for sinners, where they could be rehabilitated and sent to Heaven. It was perfect, almost too perfect. Y/n didn't question it, her own excitement blinding her. She barley even took the time to come up with a plan that consisted of more than get into the hotel and get her hands on an angel. She figured that was something that could be dealt with later on.
After a few days of research and snooping, she finally made her move. Having packed her bags and woven her way through the streets of Pentagram City, she found herself before the brightly lit marquee of the Hazbin Hotel. Placing her bag on the ground beside her, the test tubes and various paraphernalia inside clinked gently against one another. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door.
It was Charlie herself who answered, with wide eyes and an earnest smile. A smaller moth demon beside her crossed her arms, eyeing Y/n with doubt. It barley registered with the excitable demon, she was used to the strange looks. The new form Hell had granted her with when she died was odd, after all. She was still the same height, still held a roughly human shape, but her hair had become its own beast. It moved like secondary limbs, falling nearly to the floor from the pigtails she had tied it up into. It shot up into the air around her in joy at the sight of yet another open door in her path, this one literal rather than figurative.
"Hello!" Charlie exclaimed, "Are you here to check in?"
"Yes, check in." Y/n nodded, using her hair to pick her bag back up.
She took a step forward, trying to enter the hotel, but found her path blocked by the smaller grey demon. Her arms were uncrossed now, one of them pointing a spear right at Y/n's neck. Y/n didn't flinch, she simply looked down at it in curiosity, reaching a finger up to touch the end.
"Ow." she said flatly as the spear's tip pressed into the pad of her finger.
Raising it to her eyes, she rubbed the droplet of blood that had pooled on her pointer finger with her thumb before turning back to the spear.
"Is this..." Y/n leaned forward, grabbing the spear's shaft.
"Hey!" Vaggie yelled threateningly as Y/n crouched down, examining the weapon carefully.
"Oh my stars, this is an angelic blade, isn't it?" she exclaimed, her eyes still fixed on the spear.
Vaggie was more confused now than anything and she took the slightest step away from the excited demon. Y/n followed her and soon, they were in the entry way to the hotel. Charlie watched the scene play out with mild amusement, finding her girlfriends bewildered state rather charming. She let the door fall shut.
"It is, isn't it?" Y/n asked again, "But how did you get it? Did you make it? What do you do with it? Is it more effective than normal weapons? Why a spear? I-"
"What's this, we have a new guest?" a crackling voice cut Y/n off.
"Uh, yes!" Charlie stepped in, turning to face the newcomer.
Y/n, still preoccupied with the spear, was now engaged in trying to get Vaggie to let her hold it.
"I think..." Charlie doubtfully added, her brow furrowing at the site.
"Well well well, a little devil." Alastor hummed, turning to watch the show as well, "Honestly, reminds me of someone I knew back when I was alive and kicking. Ah well, what's her name?"
"I don't... actually know that yet." Charlie admitted, fiddling with her hands a bit as she spoke, "But she seems really enthusiastic about being here!"
"It seems she more interested in that spear of Vaggie's than the idea of redemption." Alastor noted in response.
"Are either of you going to help me or are you just gonna sit and watch?" Vaggie exclaimed, trying her best to pry the spear out of Y/n's grip.
Alastor sighed and with a twirl of his microphone, a shadow arose, pulling Y/n off Vaggie. There was a split second where the smile on the girl's face fell. It quickly returned as she caught sight of what exactly had interrupted her escapades. Placing her bag on the floor with her hair, she wormed around in the shadow's arms, turning to face it. Tentatively, she poked it.
"Would you stop that?" Alastor asked, his voice thick with irritation.
Y/n poked the shadow again.
"What is this? How are you doing this?"
When no response came from the demon in question, she at last turned to face him.
She stilled in her movements and Alastor allowed the shadow to disappear.
"No reason to be scared." Charlie quickly stepped in, "I know Alastor here has a bit of a... reputation, but he is actually helping us at the hotel. He's really a great once you get to know him."
Alastor's smile widened as he bowed his head slightly in recognition of the praise.
"If you're going to be staying her-"
"You can't seriously be thinking of letting her stay here, Charlie." Vaggie cut in, "She's been here what, five minutes? And all thats come of it is chaos."
"Vaggie, come on, don't be like that." Charlie turned to her girlfriend, "Everyone deserves a second chance, that's the whole reason we built this place."
"But does she even want to be redeemed? I mean, what if she's... I don't know, trying to take us down from the inside out? What if she's a journalist or some shit trying to write us bad reviews?"
"You flatter me." Y/n smiled and Vaggie scoffed.
"Isn't that all the more reason to let her in? Vaggie, if she is undercover as a journalist or something, we just have to prove to her how amazing what we're doing here is."
"I don't know... I've never seen her before, what if she's another one Vox sent?"
Y/n shook her head, sticking her tongue out slightly in disgust at this notion and Alastor chuckled. There really was something so familiar about this demon and her antics. Even if she was a tad irritating, it was a comfortable familiarity.
"Then we will figure it out, same way we did with Sir. Pentious. Okay?"
"Fine." Vaggie relented at last with a sigh.
Smiling brightly, Charlie turned back to Y/n.
"So, hi. I'm Charlie, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! What's your name?"
Y/n's eyes flicked back and forth between Alastor and Charlie for a moment before settling on Charlie.
"Y/n L/n."
Alastor let out a little laugh of disbelief, a sound he had meant to keep in. He couldn't help it. Of course this little mess of a demon was his favorite crazy wife. Alastor had looked for Y/n on occasion, always keeping an eye on news involving anything scientific but, he had never found a trace. Not that he'd admit it but, in their time together, he had grown rather fond of the girl. Not love, never love, but a sort of familial feel. Everyone turned to face him.
"Are you alright, Alastor?" Charlie asked, walking over to him and placing a hand on his arm which he quickly brushed off.
"Yeah, do you know her or something?" Vaggie added, "Is she dangerous?"
"No..." he paused, his brow slightly furrowed, "She's my wife."
The room fell silent.
"You... you didn't recognize your own wife?" Vaggie asked in disbeleif.
"Ex-wife." Y/n corrected with a little sigh.
This was all becoming so tedious. She hadn't come here to sit and talk with people. While the spear and the shadow had been fun, they had both run their courses and she just wanted to get to work.
"I..." Alastor turned back to Y/n, "Ex-wife?"
Y/n shrugged.
"So you didn't recognize your wife and you didn't know you were divorced?" Vaggie asked, rubbing her temples, "Jesus fuck, man."
"I..." Alastor cleared his throat, "We were married when we were alive. I didn't even know she was dead yet."
"Yeah." Y/n shrugged, "Turns out all your nattering was what was keeping me alive. I forgot to eat, starved to death."
Alastor's eyes softened slightly for a moment at the notion. She had needed his care so badly that she had died with out it. It felt good, in a strange way. Satisfying. They darkened again as he recalled her earlier statement.
"Ex-wife?" he asked again, taking a step towards Y/n.
She looked up at him, her expression blank.
"When did we get a divorce!" Alastor exclaimed once he realized she would say nothing else on the matter without his prompting.
"Oh! We didn't." Y/n nodded, smiling slightly, "Now, can I go to my room?"
"No, Y/n. Why are you calling yourself my ex-wife? We are still married."
Y/n looked around at Charlie and Vaggie, seeing if they were going to back up her claim. Sighing, she turned back to Alastor.
"Do I really have to lay it out for you?" she paused and Alastor just stared at her, eyebrows raised, "Jesus. Uh, Al, we died."
"Till death do us part? That was the agreement."
"I... Well..." he was at a complete and total loss for how to respond.
She wasn't wrong, he just didn't like her answer very much.
"So... the agreement is done... yeah?"
"I mean," Alastor shook his head slightly, "I guess?"
"Great! Can someone please show me to my room now."
Next Part -> Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
i've been having a couple of downer days recently, and i kept looking for a verse i haven't read thrice yet for some comfort, but you're age! gap verse has been a pleasant escape even though its not what i was looking for. you're writing never fails to make me feel better ari 💕💕
Here's how they met 💜
Bruce sighed. He was starting to hate talk show appearances, but at least this one had never been too bad. Angelique was chatty and fun but not grating. Her show ran as school let out. So grannies watched after their naps and kids watched getting off the bus. She ran a little something for everyone.
He assumed he was here for the grannies.
"I'm so sorry I'm late the shoot ran over and I couldn't get away."
The voice caught his attention. Not the fake starlet over dramatic gushing, but genuine distress. And he half turned to look. You looked like you came from a shoot. Straight off the pages of a glossy magazine.
"No worries, Miss Y/L/N we got your call in enough time. We'll just touch up your face and you'll be good to go," the manager greeting you, said.
Bruce smiled a little. Clearly, you were a frequent guest. You thanked him profusely and trotted off. Not needing to be told where to go. And as you go, there's several crew members you can greet by name. You've either been here a lot or worked with them before. Or both. But, it's endearing.
He turned back around listening to Angelique get her updates on where production was. "-And Y/N is in hair and makeup as we speak."
"Oh, bless her heart," Angelique said. "That's what I get calling her last minute." She turned to Bruce and held out her hand, "Are you ready?" she asked.
"As I'll ever be," he chuckled taking her hand, "You know these sorts of things aren't my forte. My oldest on the other hand-"
"Don't you worry about a thing," Angelique reassured him, patting the hand she was holding before letting it go. "Y/N is an old pro- Ah! speak of the devil!" She swooped over and kissed you on either cheek. "You look absolutely divine, is that one of yours?"
"You know it is," you tell her laughing, returning the gesture. "As if I could walk in and NOT wear my own design, you'd never let me live it down."
"So true. Darling," she said grabbing your hand and pulling you over to Bruce, "I want you to meet Bruce. You'll be on stage together today. You know it's charity week and I though it would be great to highlight all the work you do for school arts programs along side the Wayne foundation," she said.
"Hello," you tell him, holding out your hand.
"Pleased to meet you," he said, taking the hand you offered warmly. Giving you his most charming smile. You did look good. And he could tell they hadn't done much to your face or your hair. "I'm a big fan of your work," he commented.
Your smile didn't falter but your eyes narrowed slightly. And Bruce cringed internally Shit. She thinks I mean the Playboy spread, he thought. "Your last movie, the drama, especially. The range of emotion and the depth- It really was incredible."
"Thank you," you tell him. "It was challenging but I really enjoyed it."
Bruce felt his face heat when Angelique coughed and he remembered hearing that you had the ability to make someone feel like they were the only person in the room. He'd forgotten for just a second. In just that brief moment that he was waiting for an appearance. "It showed I uh- my kids made fun of me when I cried at the end-"
"Aww, Angelique gushed, "This is amazing. you guys keep up this chemistry. It'll go totally viral." She bounced on the balls of her feet and kissed your cheek again, "I'll have someone bring you a coffee, sweetie. You're going to start wilting soon."
And before you could say anything or Bruce could offer to go and get it for you himself, Angelique had bustled off to find and assistant to give marching orders to.
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It’s 1998 and Steve Harrington is waiting in line at a local department store’s Black Friday sale. The new gameboy color was just released a few days earlier - he figures it’ll be the perfect Christmas gift for all of his little dweebie friends.
Eddie Munson is standing directly behind Steve in line. He’s waiting to buy a new guitar amp - been saving his tip money for months and still can’t afford one at full price; he desperately needs any discount he can get.
After about the first hour of waiting, Steve notices Eddie mumbling to himself. Counting, then re-counting the money in his wallet. Steve Harrington has never re-counted money in his life. Never had to worry about not having enough. Especially not like this guy.
They spark up a conversation in the third hour of waiting. Steve compliments Eddie’s industrial bar piercing in his left ear. Eddie compliments Steve’s beaded hemp bracelet. Steve explains that his best friend made it for him after their first summer apart from one another.
By the final hour, they’re both tipsy. Eddie brought a thermos of spiked hot chocolate and offers to share it with Steve. Both of them tell stories about their worst hangovers and reminisce about their most memorable Christmas mornings as kids. They’re both buzzing and giggling at the stupidest shit. Buzzing so much that they don’t even comment on the fact that they’re huddled close together under the wool blanket that Steve supplied. Thighs touching. Arms overlapping.
Steve has finally worked up the courage to loop his pinky finger around Eddie’s when the line begins to move. He’s more than a little disappointed, but they both gather their things and enter the store.
Luckily, Steve is able to snag enough gameboys for his entire crew of nerdlings. As he gets in line, he watches Eddie studying the price on the amp he has been saving for. He re-counts his cash once more, before hanging his head and walking away without his item.
Not wasting a goddamn second, Steve jumps out of line and grabs the amp box off the shelf. Eddie looks back at him, shaking his head.
“Hey man, you don’t have to do that.” Eddie pleads with him.
But Steve has never had to worry about not having enough. Not even once.
“I know I don’t have to.” Steve shrugs, lugging all of his items to the checkout counter. “But it’s the season of giving, or whatever hallmark shit they say.”
Eddie protests a few more times, but Steve is adamant on doing this. It feels right.
As they walk out of the store, Eddie digs in his back pocket, pulling out a wrinkled neon flyer.
“You should come see my band next Friday.” Eddie hands the paper to Steve, then motions to the amp. “You know, to see this beauty in action.”
Steve nods. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there.”
The sun is starting to rise as they both load up their cars. Steve is about to turn the key in the ignition when he acts on his impulses. He runs up to Eddie, who is closing the trunk of his van.
“Here.” Steve grabs Eddie’s wrist and pulls out a black ink pen. He scribbles his phone number there, only legible enough for Eddie to read it.
“Just in case you want to see me before next Friday.”
Steve walks away before he can see Eddie’s reaction, good or bad. He’s brave, but not that brave.
“Hey, Steve!” Eddie calls back.
“Yeah?” Steve takes a deep breath, then turns around. Can’t avoid his reaction now.
"Thank you for this." Eddie winks. "All of this."
He waves his wrist, the one with Steve's phone number sprawled all over it.
"Anytime." Steve answers back. He heads back to his car full of gifts. Smiling the whole ride home.
Eddie calls Steve that Sunday night and they spend their evening just like they had on Black Friday: talking until the sun comes up.
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macbethsymphony · 5 months
Cherry Girl | Chapter 1
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Eustass Kid x Reader
Chapters: [2] [3]
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, eventual smut, slow burn-ish
Chapter wc: 3.8k
Summary: Eustass ‘captain’ Kid was in a shit mood. He was pent-up, irritated and you… you and your pink mini denim skirt wasn’t helping. OR You and Kid obviously pine for each other but you're both idiots.
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Wanna read it all? it's completed over there
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Chapter 1: The start of an adventure
Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid was in a shit mood. He was pent-up, irritated, and you… you and your pink mini denim skirt wasn’t helping. They weren’t usually this long at sea between islands, it’d been months since the last time they set foot on land, the last time he fucked a pretty girl senseless. The log pose showed signs that they were almost there but at this rate, if it went on much longer, he’d murder someone. The atmosphere on the ship was tense, most of his crew did all they could to keep away from the shadow of his black temper, and that somehow made it even worse. Hell, even Killer kept to the kitchen more than normal. He hated when people tiptoed around him. His teeth gritted in irritation. He was bored and he was horny and this was shit.
His eyes followed you on the deck of his ship. You usually were holed up in the kitchen to help Killer out with cooking duties but today was hot and you were being the nice, useful little thing you were by handing out refreshments to the crew. Kid scowled. You weren’t his type. You were too soft, where he was sharp. Too kind where he was moody. You were, well, too fucking wholesome really. You stood out like a sore thumb with your pink sundresses and mini skirts in his crew full of leather and chains. He liked tall women with supermodel bodies, you were short and round. He liked loud women, women that matched his fucked up energy. He liked his women a little insane. You, you were as adorable as a fucking kitten. Even your fluffy hair flowing in the sea breeze felt like an insult to his gelled-up spikes.
 With a growl of irritation, he stomped back to his workshop. At least he wouldn’t have to hear that cute fucking laugh of yours there. Why the fuck had he even said yes to having you on board of HIS fucking ship again? He wasn’t sure, really. Yes, you were beyond useful. It was nice to have a trained healer on his ship instead of whatever fucking first aid they all knew. And he knew Killer appreciated the extra help in the kitchen. But still, this was shit. He wasn’t this type of man. Not that he’d never fucked anyone in his crew, he didn’t mind that. But you, you were sweeter than honey and he didn’t like sweet. You weren’t his type. He gritted his teeth. If they didn’t get to an island soon, he’d go batshit crazy.
He picked up the goggles he’d been fixing the day before with disinterest as he slouched in his chair. He bet you’d feel real fucking nice sitting on his dick right now. He wondered how soft your plush body would feel under his rough fingers. How you’d sound when you came, maybe he’d eat you out make you come again and again till you reached your limit. The sugary echo of your laugh carried through his door. His scowl worsened. No. He wagered you’d sound even better begging for release after denying it to you for hours. Yes, you’d look good with red lipstick smeared on bruised lips and tears staining your pretty cheeks as you pleaded for him. Implored your captain for release. He tossed his head back against his chair and audibly groaned.
Shit… he bet you’d look amazing in red.
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For days you’d lingered near the bustling port, stealing glances at the imposing figure of the Victoria Punk anchored in the harbor. Everyone was curious about the arrival of the pirates, Eustass “Captain” Kid’s bloody reputation was well known even on this outlying island. Most of the townspeople worried whether the pirates would be friendly or if they’d have to defend their home. Others were simply fascinated to have unknown visitors after so many years of….Well, nothing really. 
You’d been born on such a remote island of the grand line that most ships went past without bothering. Pirates never cared as their log pose reset for the next island far before they reached this small patch of land. You weren’t a rich island so the detour wasn’t worth it. As for the Navy, well… even they thought it was too much trouble to offer protection to such a far-removed place.
Your heart had yearned to escape this place for years now. This place you called home felt oppressing, like you couldn’t breathe properly. You wanted to see the world and maybe, just maybe, this ship could allow you to do exactly just that.
At first, you’d planned on manning up and asking the captain himself to let you on. But your resolve had crumbled oh so very fast the moment you’d taken a look at him. He was scary, far too scary. When you’d seen him, standing tall and broad, screaming profanities at one of his crew members, you’d turned back on your heels and run home. Hell, his whole crew made you nervous. They marched through the streets doing whatever chore they were charged with, leather boots stomping on cobblestones, chains rattling and whoever dared look in their direction received a violent scowl. 
Loud uncaring raucous laughter sounded more and more deafening the closer your feet got you to the harbor. You could do it, you tried to convince yourself with empty encouragements. You’d catch the least intimidating person there, make your case, and hope for the best.
You looked around, most of the crew was out and about busy doing their thing. There was a duo talking to each other not too far from you. One of them was tall, probably more than two meters taller than you. The other had long light blue hair and his face was stitched up in weird ways. They must have sensed your inquisitive gaze for they turned to stare at you with a scowl twisting their features. 
No, these two wouldn’t do. 
Your eyes traveled to a single figure sitting on a crate. He was wearing a mask, long blond hair flowing behind him. He wasn’t drenched in leather and spikes like the rest. Apart from his mask, he looked somewhat normal but his presence somehow felt just as intimidating. 
Fuck it. 
You had to do it, this was going to have to be the one. Maybe rejection wouldn’t feel as bad if you couldn’t see his face. You smoothed the ruffles of your pink sundress nervously before marching over to the masked man with a resolute look.
“Excuse me,” your voice caught in the back of your throat, you tried to clear it slightly but it still sounded squeaky. “U-uhm...I couldn’t help but overhear your crew talking about your travels I… I want to see the world too. Would you… would you please consider taking me with you?” 
That was a lie, you’d been too fucking scared to approach anyone close enough to hear jack shit about their travels. But who cared, it was the best line you’d rehearsed in that mind of yours. You observed the masked man expectantly.
His head rose from the papers he was looking at. The mask shifted up and down lightly as you assumed he assessed what you were about. You swung softly from one foot to another in anxiety. You probably should have worn something other than a sundress now that you thought of it. Not that you owned anything more intimidating anyways. 
The silence dragged on uncomfortably.
“I may not look like much, but I’m a trained healer!” you continued, spilling out the pitch you’d practiced over a hundred times in front of your mirror. “While I might not be the best in the field, I can tend to the wounded and I have a good understanding of most illnesses,” your voice went up an octave as your nerves got to you. This was your chance, who knew how many years would pass by again before another ship would dock in this shit place. “I’m also a great cook! S-sooo… I can help with that too if you don’t need another healer. And I’m a quick learner. If you don’t have a need for another cook… I-I’m sure I can learn to be useful in any way you might need,” each word lowered in volume, your nerves were catching up to you. “P-please,” you stuttered delicately. ”I’ll do anything to get away from this island,” your eyes were stuck to the ground too anxious to try and gage his reaction.
“Do you know how to fight?” his voice was nice, unexpectedly soft.
“What?” You squeaked in surprise, looking back up at the blue and white mask. “ I, well, I…”
“What we’re doing, it’s a dangerous trade,” he cut you off. “And you don’t seem the type…” he gave you an up and down again, “... well to survive dangerous situations.”
“I can defend myself!” you answered a little too fast, “ I know the basics of self-defense at least!”
The masked man audibly sighed.
“That so?” He didn’t sound convinced. He let the papers he’d been holding in his hands drop next to him. ”Doesn’t matter anyways,” he got up and you sensed yourself shrink in size. Was everyone so tall in this crew? “I’m not the one you have to sell yourself to, if you want in,” he started walking back towards the ship. “It’s up to Kid.” 
You felt the blood drain from your face at that. 
“You coming?” he asked when you didn’t move.
You took a shaky but determined step towards the gangplank.
“Huh?! What’s this fucking thing about, Killer,” Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid screeched when he saw you approach with his first mate.
You cowered slightly in the face of the scowl marking his features. You felt small next to the two pirates. Inconsequential.
“She wants to join,” The man you now knew as Killer answered calmly. “Healer, cook, or whatever we need apparently,” he pointed at you with nonchalance.
Kid looked down at you, the twist on his lips deepening. “You fight?” he asked.
“I know the basics!” you replied trying your best not to break eye contact with the pirate captain, a resolute expression on your face, defiance in your gaze.
“The basics huh,” he took a step towards you, his scowl transforming into a smirk oozing with condescension, “Kitten, the basics aren’t gonna keep you alive on a pirate ship.”
“I’m a fast learner,” your brows furrowed in an angry glare. He was crude but you could endure. 
The expression was childish on your cute little face. Lips pouty and eyes burning with fire. Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid laughed. He looked majestic, sun shining bright on his face. It made your heart beat in a way you’d never experienced before.
“Oi Killer, didn’t ya say we need a healer? Need help in the kitchen too?” Kid asked, his intense stare leaving you momentarily. You took in a long overdue breath as hope filled you at his words.
Killer grunted, you weren’t quite certain if it was approval or not.
“Listen here, kitten,” Kid looked down at you amused and gaze locking back onto yours. “You become too much trouble and we’re leaving you at the next port.”
“Really? I can join?” You asked, your cheeks flushing in a soft pink with excitement, his warning not registering in the slightest.
“Sure, why not,” he yelled over his shoulder, already turning back to do his thing.
“Thank you, Sir! Captain, Sir! I won’t disappoint you!” You shouted at his back.
“Try not to get yourself killed, kitten,” he answered laughing.
A deep blush he didn’t see settled on your ears at the pet name. You decided in that moment that maybe, just maybe, Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid wasn’t so bad.
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The Kid pirates were kinder than you’d originally thought. Killer had made sure you’d settled comfortably and as days became weeks on the Victoria Punk you started to believe that this was exactly where you were supposed to be. 
You spent most of your time holed up in the kitchen. Sometimes alone but mostly you were accompanied by Killer. Cooking for the rowdy bunch had turned out to be far more work than you’d anticipated, especially as you were constantly interrupted by members of the crew in need of healing. 
They came to you for the littlest of injuries. It made you wonder how they’d managed before you’d boarded the ship but you didn't really mind the unending interruptions. 
The way the door to the kitchen would often open in panic as someone would shout, “New girl, I need your help,” made you smile. Be it a simple cut or a broken bone, their intensity was always the same. They made you feel part of their family. No one had actually bothered learning your name. You mostly went by ‘New girl’, ‘Kitten’ to your captain. Although, Quincy and Dive had taken to 'Girly Pop' these past few days. Killer was one of the very few using your name, but you didn’t mind it. More so, it often brought a smile to your lips.
You opened the door of the kitchen, stepping out onto the deck of the ship as you skillfully balanced a tray of freshly made lemonade for the crew on your hip. The sun was blinding today and the warmth unbearable. Even you had ditched your long sundresses for a pink mini skirt. You were certain they were suffering covered in all that leather. You felt the slightly cool sea breeze touch your face, your curled fluffy hair flowing in the wind in a welcome momentary reprieve from the scorching heat. 
“Oi, Girly Pop!” Quincy shouted at you. “Whatcha got there?”
“Lemonade!” you answered brightly. “I thought you all would enjoy something cold to drink,” a gentle smile made its way on your lips as sounds of appreciation and ‘thank you, new girl!’ were heard all over the deck. 
Your eyes subconsciously sought out your captain. He must be hot with that big red fur coat of his. You wondered if he’d be thankful for the thought. A soft blush crept on your cheeks.
“Tch, don’t bother with the bastard,” Dive said, a scowl marking her face instead of her usual playful smile.
“Yeah, Captain’s in a shit mood these days,” Quincy added, her grin fading ever slightly too. “Cabin fever always hits him when we spend too long at sea. It’s better to leave him alone when he gets like that.”
“Yeah right, he needs either a good fight or a good fuck at this point,” Dive laughed bitterly.
“Preferably both, if we’re honest,” Quincy sighed. “Hope we get to a port soon, or else we’ll all be dead before the next island.”
You’d learned in the past weeks that your captain was temperamental and unpredictable. One day he’d be all smiles and laughing with everyone. The next he’d be looking to fight anyone in his way. Most of your patients were victims of his outbursts. But you’d come to know that his threats were, most of the time, all bark and little to no bite. You'd observed how even after he’d scream at someone for doing a shit job on his ship, he’d still take the time to show them how to properly do it. He even praised them occasionally when he noticed their improvement. 
You liked your captain, he really wasn’t as bad as everyone made him out to be. You liked how he took time to explain you things, he may have called you dumb and useless once or twice, but he always said so with a smile. You knew he didn’t mean it. You also liked how his hand lingered on your waist a touch too long when he passed behind you or how he’d ruffle your hair when he praised you. The thought made you blush. That was irrelevant, you knew you were no match to him. You were too soft where he was abrasive. Your captain was just as intense as his crew, perhaps the most intense of them all. But that made you respect him even more. After all, he was going to be the next pirate king and you’d do anything in your power to make it so.
That said, Kid had been in a bad mood these days. The atmosphere was tense all over the board. Everyone was tiptoeing around him the best they could. At least, you noticed he spent most of his time locked away in his workshop when his irritability hit him. You wondered what he was working on. It must be hot in there. You hoped he wouldn't get a stroke… not that you believed anything could kill him. 
Your brows furrowed in worry, looking at the door Kid had slammed just moments before. This marked the third day in a row, the third day of locking himself away in his workshop.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Killer surprised you. You handed him a glass of lemonade and added a straw to it absentmindedly, as your train of thoughts kept on your captain.
“But wouldn’t something refreshing and… maybe snacks lessen his mood?” you shot back. You didn’t hear what Killer answered. “The heat is probably really getting to him in there,” you continued.
Killer sighed. You were already walking back towards the kitchen, resolved to whatever plan you’d just made in your head right now. You may not look like much but he’d learned you were just as impulsive as his captain when an idea settled in that mind of yours. Not that he should be surprised honestly. Anyone willing to board the Victoria Punk as you had had to be a little deranged. 
“(Y/n),” he tried again, “I really would recommend not disturbing him right now.” 
You didn’t seem to hear him. He hoped you would be fine. They’d lost crew members in the past due to Kid’s temper. Whatever you were set on doing… he wasn’t certain he could stop Kid if he decided to be an arse today.
In a flurry of pink, you grabbed a new pitcher of lemonade, filled it with ice, and cut up some apples. You’d just make sure your captain was alright in there and turn back. You marched to the door. You heard an offhand comment about you being brave or foolish coming from Heat and Wire. You ignored them and knocked.
“The fuck you want,” Kid shouted through the thick metal. He sounded even more pissed than usual. You cringed to yourself, maybe that hadn’t been such a bright idea you’d had in the end. But it was already too late. With that knock, you’d committed to your actions and now you had to follow through.
“Captain,” You said softly. “It’s me! I brought you something cold.”
No answer.
“Captain?” you asked again.
You heard a faint fuck pass through the door, a few things dropping on the floor, then the loud click of the lock unlocking.
“Ya can come in, Kitten,” he shouted, tone annoyed.
You cautiously made your way inside, careful not to accidentally touch anything as you wove a path to his work bench. 
“Captain! I brought you some refreshments! And something to eat too,” you said with a bright smile as you tried to wedge the tray you had balanced on your hip down on an empty corner of his desk. 
You didn’t see Kid’s scowl deepen nor his eyes linger at your cleavage. His gaze dropped down to that sliver of soft flesh visible right above the waistband of your short skirt. He closed his eyes, letting his head hit hard against the back of his chair. A groan he’d intended for his inner dialogue made it out of his lips. 
He tensed. 
Your eyes shot up from what you’d been doing. “Everything alright, Captain?” You wondered with a hint of worry in your voice. 
He looked alright, maybe a touch warm. You followed a droplet of sweat making its way down his neck to his torso. He was so handsome. Your face felt hot. You thanked the gods above that he had his eyes closed.
He grunted in answer. You guessed that meant he was ok. His gaze met yours again, staring down at you even though he was sitting and you were standing. 
“Need anything else, Captain?” You asked pouring him a drink.
His attention didn’t shift from your form. “Not really. You can go,” he grumbled, his tone was short. There was nothing else you’d get out of him today, that was clear.
“Oh, I see,” a touch of disappointment laced your words. “Well, let me know if you change your mind then,” a soft smile graced your lips as you turned back towards the door.
“Oi, Kitten,” his voice was slightly lower than usual, the gravel sending a shiver down your spine. You looked back at him over your shoulder.
“What is it Captain?” your tone was expectant. Hopeful for something neither of you was quite sure of.
The silence dragged on for what felt like an eternity. His lidded gaze made you nervous. He was stunning, majestic, it took all your concentration for your eyes not to wander. 
A shit-eating grin made its way on your captain’s face. “Nothing, Kitten. You can go.”
A deep blush adorned your cheeks when you shut the door to your captain’s workshop.
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The door to his workshop closed gently. He swiftly used his powers to lock it in place. Fuck that had been dangerous. He sighed. What was he? A fucking horny teenager? His dick was half-hard. He downed the glass of lemonade you’d left on his desk. His nose scrunched up, it was sweet. 
He closed his eyes as ice crunched under his teeth in frustration. He was too far gone. Images of you just now passed through his mind. Your cleavage had been perfectly on show, hair flowing down your shoulders framing it just right. But it’d been that sliver of flesh at your hip and the way he’d almost seen your ass cheek from your slightly hiked-up skirt that had almost made him cave. Your soft thighs on display for all made him groan. His hand lazily palmed his hard-on. He bet they’d feel real nice around his head. He wanted to put bruises on your hips from fucking you too hard. Put bruises where all would see, make you scream so loud the whole crew would hear. The thought almost made him come right there. He unzipped his pants and gripped his cock harder. A moan caught low in his throat. He needed to get to an island urgently. He needed to fuck a few good-looking girls. Maybe pick up a fight with a few idiots at some port and he’d be alright. This, this wasn’t fucking alright. He came in his hand, his head banging painfully against the back of his chair.
Fuck that hurt.
Next Chapter →
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Rayleigh and Buggy reunion, but Rayleigh is being over the top judgemental about everything, like idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV show but Rayleigh shows up and acts exactly like Rebecca's mom does. Overcritical of his life choices and dismissive of what he perceives as excuses coming from Buggy, because he knows Buggy's true potential and is annoyed with Buggy not living up to it. He gives Crocodile a once over and goes "is that what you found to replace Shanks with" and moves on and Crocodile doesn't even have a moment to compute the way he was just insulted because Rayleigh has moved on to criticising Mihawk's cooking instead. Worst part is, this all comes from a genuine place of love and care, Rayleigh is legitimately worried sick about his baby clown son of 39 years, but he cannot express that worry without being extremely invasive about everything. Buggy isn't even responding, he just shoots ppl apologetic looks and rolls his eyes when Rayleigh isn't looking because of course he does this obviously Buggy is never good enough for him and Shanks had always been the favourite (you ask Shanks or any other Roger pirate and they will tell you that Buggy is Rayleigh's baby boy and absolute favourite with utmost confidence, too bad the emotional constipation runs in the crew). Dinner is awkward as fuck, because Rayleigh makes attempts at being easygoing but his motherhenning nature irt Buggy shines through, his conviction that Buggy would be happier with Shanks by his side is making him be overcritical of everyone in that dinner and he keeps discussing the good old days and subtly hinting at Buggy that there is still time for him to go back to Shanks....and Buggy looks close to frustrated tears (and everyone agrees, Crocodile has snapped 5 cigars in half with his teeth and Mihawk is 5 seconds away from banging his head on the table).
Just overbearing father Rayleigh being stifling and trying to overcompensate for his shit parenting choices during Buggy's childhood and Buggy having his daddy issues expanded upon (and Crocodile and Mihawk gaining insight to Buggy's entire deal)
"Idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV sho-" My therapist literally told me to stop watching it so much because it was affecting my mental health. So. Yes. I know the show. It's one of my favorite shows EVER. Rebecca is just like me fr my beloved. All of them my beloveds. The songs my beloveds. Don't make me go into CEG x OP because I won't finish. And as you can see, I did not listen to my therapist.
Even though I've always seen Rayleigh as the one who understands Buggy the most (Roger and him love Shanks and Buggy equally but it is quite obvious they put more pressure on Shanks to be more like Roger and that only made things worse by making Buggy's inferiority complex exist) and the one who stands up more for him and comforts him when needed, it is true that he might be more judgemental and he'd be worried for Buggy. Like. Think about it. Roger died and the kids (their kids) ended up alone and going their own separate ways. For Rayleigh, finding out Shanks and Buggy aren't together is just?? So weird?? Because they've always been together. Birds of a feather (if somebody mentions the song 'Two Birds' I am punching them because I can't handle that song today please). And it's just... Well, surprising. 'But as long as they're okay' but they're obviously not okay!!! And it's not that Rayleigh is judging Buggy. In fact, I think he would do the same with Shanks. The second Rayleigh sees Shanks he's already saying he drinks too much (even for a pirate) and that he's been acting recklessly and "What the fuck are you doing without Buggy? Is this because of Buggy?" / "I do not drink because of him. It's- It's not about him. He left-" / "HE LEFT AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?????" / "I hate it when you get like this" / "Like what?" / "Like you want to still do something about my life. I'm an adult, thank you very much-" / "No, you're not if you keep acting this way". And I personally think Rayleigh would just be worried for the both of them and also feel extremely guilty because he wasn't there to fix things when they fought, the way he always did. "The second I left you alone you two start a fight that lasts two decades?" and he would say this to both of them and they would hate it.
But yeah, going back to Buggy I think he'd be worried because. Well. Have you seen Crocodile and Mihawk? I mean. They're kind of on good terms with Buggy now (more or... More or less. Kind of. They're not equals but they're some sort of weird thing and they respect and care for each other. More or less. It's- It's complicated. Don't ask) but they're still them. And Rayleigh can't help but see the situation and be like "I'm proud you made a name of yourself, kid, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to" (meaning: You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted) and Buggy takes it as an "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be safer with him" instead of the real "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be happier with him and this war of pride and hearts you have going on is dumb". And he understands Buggy needs to be away from Shanks to grow, but it's just so, so sad to see them like this when they used to love each other so damn much.
Also, I think Buggy would be going through the worst moment of his life and Crocodile and Mihawk would be so done for different reasons. First, they don't give a fuck about all of this drama. And second, they are starting to see Buggy more like a person and understand why he is the way he is, and the things Rayleigh is saying are bothering them a lot. They've been trying to make the clown move on from his past so he's useful for once (because when he believes in himself he's actually not a burden and more interesting) and now this guy (that they respect because it's Silvers Fucking Rayleigh) comes and tries to change things around here? Nope. Not happening.
So basically, what you're trying to tell me is that Rayleigh regrets raising the boys that way and now he's overcompensating and it's overwhelming for everyone, right? I- I love it. Great plot. 10/10. In character. Perfect. It makes me go insane. I love their daddy issues.
(Also, can we talk about how "This Was a Shit Show" and "What'll it be" are extremely Buggy songs??? Because- Because now I want to-)
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
What jobs could AOT characters have? 🌻
Ahhhhh I love this one! LET'S GO!
What jobs could AOT characters have?
Eren: He strikes me as someone who changes jobs often. He'd get bored of one activity pretty quickly. To him, his job is just a way to earn some money that he can use to have fun with his friends. Pensions who, am I right?
Mikasa: Kindergarten carer. Her motherly personality is perfect for this, and she loves kids so much. The kids also love being lifted high up in the air so they often use Mikasa as a seesaw.
Armin: Teacher, most likely geography. He's the type to travel the world and teach in different countries. This lifestyle allows him to learn more about local cultures, languages and traditions. It fascinates him!
Annie: Traveling the world with Armin means finding work can be quite tough unless you know the language. When she can, she will work as a bartender. She quite enjoys mixing drinks and listening to people's life stories. She gets fired pretty often for her lack of customer service etiquette though.
Jean: Corporate job. He wanted to be an artist but didn't quite try hard enough, so now he's stuck between grey walls that drive him insane. The pay is good thankfully, so in his spare time he can afford luxurious trips and dinners. Reiner often encourages him to keep working towards his dream of becoming an artist and even offers to pose for Jean to draw.
Reiner: Counsellor. He likes being able to help people get over their troubles just like he did with his own. It's not an easy job but it's very rewarding when successful. Though, sometimes he ends up being the patient while Jean listens to him complain about his life. Or Pieck... or Annie... or...
Connie: Personal trainer. This dude will get you into the exact shape that you want. It's so hard to keep up with him, he's way faster than you. More agile, more flexible. How the hell does he bend like that? One day you try to do the same, but you end up in hospital. Don't worry, Connie has insurance.
Sasha: Camp instructor! Loves organizing all sorts of activities with kids and teens including archery, canoeing, climbing, hiking. She loves being in nature. The only thing she hates about this job is the horror story time around the campfire.
Pieck: Work? Pieck? Nah! If anyone's got some sort of sugar daddy, it would be Pieck. She lives incredibly comfortably for someone who appears to be both single and unemployed. Ah, the joys of being both incredibly beautiful and incredibly devilish.
Falco and Gabi: They are still young, so the best they could do is work over the summer at a theme park. The pay is shit but the location is amazing and they get to ride for free!
Yelena: Lawyer. Like, we all know Yelena. It's better to have her on your side than be against her. And it's even better if she's your lawyer. You could get away with almost anything! Right??
Zeke: Baseball instructor. He trains the local team and is known as one of the best players in the area. Now he uses his time to help kids learn how to play. Legend says Zeke can throw a ball so far away that some are still stuck orbiting around Earth.
Onyankopon: Pilot. Passengers usually take a liking to him. He's so charismatic and friendly. He enjoys making jokes over the radio with the other members of the crew. The amazing views is what he loves the most about his job. And the free snacks.
Levi and Hange: This man's in no shape to do any kind of physical work right now, but instead aids Hange with her job. She owns a private Pathology clinic. How does Levi help, exactly? Well he makes sure she stays hydrated and does her taxes. Basically a secretary of some sorts. He even has a cute nameplate on his desk.
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princessbrunette · 10 months
baby daddy - barely holding down a job because of his attitude - line cook jj who feeds you waffles at his work for free as a ‘i’m sorry i knocked you up cause my pull out game ain’t that strong’ when he finds out. being a consistent thing that ends up with him taking ingredients for the ‘secret recipe’ home to their newly conjoined place because it becomes all she (she/her fem reader) craves. him introducing the baby to the work crew. I NEED PAPA JJ ✋
OHHHH MY GOD IM SCREAMING ???? this is exactly what i needed. anon u are an angel omg.
he gets the job as soon as he finds out you’re pregnant. it takes you like two weeks to build up the courage to tell him, because you’re terrified he’ll freak, have worries about being just like his dad and leave. you’re riddled with guilt, rubbing your tummy and crying, somehow feeling like it’s your fault, practically still kids yourself in your early 20s starting a life together. you were scared.
but jj, god, he’s just such a good guy.
he stares at you in shock when you tell him, taking his hat off and running his hands through his hair, and as you brace yourself to be told to get out, you’re met with a teary grin. “you’re not playing right? you mean it?” his voice is shaking. he’s… happy?
within the next two days he’s got that linecook job, called in a favour with some guy who ironically used to owe his dad— explained his situation, ‘look man, i got a baby on the way, i gotta step my shit up—’ the cravings hit hard and you’re seeing JJ a lot more than you planned, showing up at the restaurant for something to tide you over before dinner. JJ appears from the kitchen, bright smile on his face, backwards cap, grease stained white t-shirt, dark blue apron folded and tied at his waist. “there’s my girls.” he grins despite your bump only just being visible, plate of waffles in his hand for him to fork into your mouth whilst chatting, the restaurant pretty empty that day.
he’s tired, but happy to come home to you. your hormones are all out of whack, so sometimes you’re crying and hugging his tummy as he stands over where you sit in confusion, telling him you missed him so much when he was at work. other times you’re clenching your thighs in your little nightie, tits heavy and bump showing, telling him how good he looks in his work uniform and that he’s making you wanna take more of his babies, had you mentioned how much wetter you get when pregnant? JJ tries to keep up with your rollercoaster, happy to deal with whatever you throw at him.
once you have that baby life gets a little harder but it’s nothing the two of you can’t handle. a little girl, and JJ is relieved. he would have loved that baby all the same if it was a boy, but he has to admit the idea scared him a little — knowing his own relationship with his dad. this felt like a breaking of a curse, a fresh start. that baby is his whole entire world, and so are you.
“my weak pull out game is the best damn thing that happened to me.” he jokes, stretching an arm around you on the couch.
“your weak pull out game is making noise in her crib, can you go check on her?” you sark back with a tired grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
the baby is the sweetest. your eyes and hair, his nose and mischievousness. once you’ve gained back some energy and the baby isn’t screaming through the night anymore, you start to take her places, showing her your world. the chateau, the group taking turns holding her, arguing over who her number one aunt or uncle is. john b and sarah take the role somewhat as the babies god parents, minus the ceremony and legal title. pope and kie, uncle and auntie. it makes sense to all of you, and they all love that baby like it’s your own— offering their help whenever they can. your baby takes a liking to john b the most, warming your hearts when she falls asleep on his chest.
“its ‘cos hes such a dreamboat. look at him. daddy ain’t pretty like john b.” jj jokes, stretching on the couch opposite as the sun goes down.
“my god she’s so cute!” his best friend whisper yells with a pout as he looks down at her.
everyone takes to calling JJ ‘papa J’, once a random nickname turned reality. JJ is constantly calling you “mama” which makes you wanna get pregnant all over again. he gets super upset when he sees even a flicker of his own father in him, locking him self away for the night, crying until you let yourself in, the baby in bed, rubbing his back. you tell him he’s the best daddy in the whole world, and he is. he just needs to believe it.
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dpr-stay · 1 year
Whoops | YT22
Yuki Tsunoda x driver!reader
SMAU & written
Warnings: A little bit of smut (more lime iykwim) Still would recommend MDNI
Wc ~ 2.3k
Hey y’all 🤪
Anyways, wrote this last night and spent forever doing the social media part bcs it was fun. Haven’t edited it! Sorry! And it may be a bit ooc (?) but I imagine Yuki as some suave guy behind doors so whoops.
(Also sorry if you’re here for stray kids)
Heavy hands lay secure on your hips as you sat perched on his lap. Dark eyes stared into yours, both of them encapsulated in unrestrained lust. Yuki squeezed your hips as he brought you in for another kiss.
If only Franz Tost could see you now, huh. He’d been hesitant about hiring a girl to fill Gasly’s seat after he left because he was worried that her and Yuki wouldn’t get along. Boy was he wrong.
Yuki groaned into your mouth as you lowered yourself down till you were aligned. A quick nudge of your hips caused you both to moan, as the tension from the day released out of the both of you.
It was tough race, you barely making it into the points and Yuki a bit below you. The car was shit, but that was to be expected. You’d both spent countless hours in the sims, trying to somehow uncover a way to make the car work better but it was a lost cause.
After one long day that you’d both spent in the sims, you’d arrived at your hotel rooms that were side-by-side at the same time and the rest was history. You wouldn’t say you used each other, there was definitely some level of emotion involved (if the way you spent more time together than anyone else and the numerous times you’ve contemplated moving in together count) but it was definitely a more effective stress relief than collapsing in the gym.
His hips shifted upwards, causing a tingling sensation to spread through your lower half, a sensation that was increased the longer he continued doing that. You brought your arms around Yukis neck, bringing him in for a kiss as you adjusted your hips to match his speed.
He leaned his head back as he closed his eyes and you smiled, quickly leaning in to begin kissing his neck.
“Honey…” He sighed, as you continued moving your hips, his excitement very obvious even through the jeans he was wearing.
“Feels good right?” You murmured on his neck as you began sucking, trying your very best not to leave a mark. That may have been a lie. A deep mark started to form on his skin and you smiled as he continued sighing his pleasure.
“I may have left a mark.” He groaned, this time in mock annoyance, and a giddy smile overtook your lips this time as he brought his head down to look at you, his own smile making your glow brighter.
“It’s hard to be mad at you.” He whispered against your lips and you responded with a quick kiss on his lips, continuing your eye contact, as you didn’t trust yourself to respond appropriately with words.
He gently bucked his hips in response to your kiss and you gasped as a jolt of pleasure ran up your spine. He smirked against your lips and he leaned forward to grab the back of your thighs.
A loud banging on your door startled you both out of your daze, a yelp leaving your lips as Yuki nearly dropped you. You both, almost comically, turned to face the door as the banging continued and the person behind it started to shout.
“Hello? We’re here to film that room tour?” Shit, you’d totally forgotten about that. The team had organized for a film crew to come over and do a nice tour of the hotel room you were staying in. Wasn’t that tomorrow? You cleared your throat before yelling out.
“Yep just give me a minute! I’m finishing a round of Mario Kart!” You quickly hurried to jump off Yuki and started running around the room, turning on your switch and throwing a controller at Yuki.
“Just go with it!” You pleaded and he nodded, a firm nod with a small smile on his lips. God his lips are gorgeous aren’t they? Fuck, not right now!
You sprinted to the bathroom and tried to smooth your hair to look normal and splashed your face with water, hoping it would cool you down.
You ran back to the main area of the room, threw on your Alpha Tauri shirt and turned around to find Yuki booting up Mario Kart on your room's TV.
You sighed, physically feeling your shoulders and tension deflate, before leaning in for one last kiss.
“You look beautiful.” He said as you pulled away and you slapped his shoulder, duly noting the blanket he had thrown over his lap as he sat on the edge of your bed.
“I’m supposed to be turned off right now, not turned on.” You said bashfully and he grinned before you turned back the door and opened it.
You came face to face with a man holding a camera and a man holding a microphone. Your eyes widened.
“Hi there! Should we get straight to it?” The man holding the mic asked and you nodded before turning to the camera and introducing yourself.
“This is the uhh standard room. I’m pretty sure all staff got it, it’s pretty good.” You said as you opened the door.
Yuki waved at the camera from his spot sitting at the edge of your bed and, to their credit, both the other men tried to look unsurprised.
“We were playing Mario kart together, getting out all the aggression from the track.” You explained, over-gesturing with your hands. They both nodded and ‘ahh-ed’.
“So anyways, here’s the bathroom.” You led them into the bathroom, did a little tour, showing them around the room. You opened a few drawers, forgetting about the one that held Yuki’s toiletries bag and quickly slamming it shut. You met their curious looks with a quick “Can’t reveal my hair-care secrets!” And tried to carry on.
You took them through the small kitchenette, showing them the teabags you brought from home and showing them the high quality green tea bags Yuki bought you as a gift. You asked if they wanted a tea and the cameraman took you up on the offer, so eventually you were brewing four teas, one for every person in your room.
Eventually you all moved to the dining table beside your bed, the cameraman setting up his camera to face your bed with you in front of it before you were asked some relatively normal, non-invasive questions which you really appreciated. Yuki was also asked some questions, mostly about how good he is at Mario kart.
You ended up giving them a small tour of the bed, not much to see there. You took them through your switch, let them play a game on it, before eventually showing them the view from the hotel room, letting them onto the balcony.
As they surveyed the view, Yuki came up behind you, quickly muttering into your ear a complaint that they were taking too long. You rested your head back on his shoulder and murmured that they would be gone soon.
And they were, with a final sweep of the room and a panned shot of you sitting at the table watching Yuki play Mario Kart, they were out, thanking you for the tea and for being such a good host.
The second you had closed and locked the door, Yuki was at your back, missing your neck and grabbing at your waist to lead to your bed. You smiled and let yourself be walked backwards before he turned you around and kissed your lips.
“Been holding back for an hour lovely.” He whispered as he subtly pushed you backwards onto the bed, you landing with an ‘umph’ which he released a giggle at.
“Mhhmm I’m sorry about that.” You responded to his previous statement. “I thought it was another day.”
“It’s ok.” He said as crawled over you, beginning to mouth at your ear. “Just means I get less time to fuck you, yeah?” You groaned in response and he laughed at you.
“If people knew how much of a smooth talker you were…” You trailed off as he continued down from your ear to your neck to your collarbones, leaving small bites as he went.
“Lucky they don’t, means I get to use this.” He said smugly before leaning over to the bedside table and retrieving a condom. You rolled your eyes, a fond smile playing on your lips, as he flashed the condom at you. He reached back to place the condom back on the table and moved back to you.
Wait. Hold on.
Yuki continued to kiss down, leaving small nibbles on your collarbones as your eyes shot open.
Oh fuck.
You released a loud gasp and Yuki pulled back and looked up, worried.
“I’m sorry! Are you ok…?” He trailed off at your flabbergasted expression as you both sat up.
“Yuki.” You began, grabbing his shoulders.
“Did you reach in the drawer to grab that or not?” You asked, drawing him close to you. His face immediately paled as he took in the implications of what you said. He scrambled to move closer to the edge of the mattress, turning to look at the side table.
“I swear I reached in, didn’t I?” He said, turning to you but you could only look on in horror.
“There’s no way right?” He started. “We didn’t just film a room tour with a condom on the side table?”
You groaned, grinding the heels of your palms into your eyes as you learnt back into the bed, hoping the mattress would swallow you whole. Yuki let out an incredulous laugh, barely registering the hand you slapped his thigh with.
“What do we do?” You eventually asked, staring at the roof.
“I have no clue.” He said as you rolled to face him. His face softened as he reached out a hand to put on the side of your face.
“We might have to tell people.” You groaned in despair, closing your eyes. The last thing you wanted was for people to think the only female driver was fucking the other drivers. You were only fucking one.
You also didn’t want to have to deal with HR and the complications that would pose, you’d mentioned Franz Tost as a joke but damn. You really don’t want to have to deal with all the questions about your loyalty to the company and if you were just there because of Yuki.
Saying that, you were also reminded that you’d have to face the media and twitter if you confirmed it. Cheers to more speculations as to whether you were the gridwhore or the gridslut. Somehow the same thing with different names.
To be fair, you'd have to face the media anyway in this scenario. You couldn’t just chase them down and ask them to do the story again ‘just because’ and you were certain some eagle-eyed fan would definitely notice the package in the original video anyway. Yuki interrupted your thoughts by speaking.
“You know I’d fistfight someone for you?” You opened your eyes to face his genuine ones, the seriousness of his face causing you to smile.
“I know. I’d do the same for you.” The smile he had in return caused you to grab the hand he was holding your face in and turn your face to kiss it.
“I could call Pierre, he’d probably know what to do.” You immediately scoffed, closing your eyes and laughing into Yuki’s hand as you grasped it.
“I’m serious! He might have some sort of way for it to be passed off as something else!”
“Darling, I’m not sure about that.” You were careful to make your voice not sound condescending.
“You never know!” He said, pulling away (which you did definitely not whine at) and grabbing his phone from the table, quickly dialling Pierre’s number.
You watched as Yuki paced, giving you a thumbs up when the call went through. The loud blasting club music through the phone did clue you in to that though.
“Hi Pierre!” He started and you watched as he moved from foot-to-foot.
“I’m glad to hear that.” He said and then continued. “Sorry to take you away from your party but I have a question.”
A pause.
“Ah ok. If you needed to pass off a condom wrapper as something else, what would you choose?” Yuki said, giving you another thumbs up.
The raucous laughter Pierre released was heard through the phone (he really ought to turn the volume down) and it made you start to giggle, especially as Yuki furrowed his eyebrows.
“Of course I’m serious!” He said, starting to pace again.
“Why? We accidentally had one out on the side table when a room tour was taking place.” He explained as he finally sat down after you patted the space in front of you on the bed.
“What? Who? You know who!” He said and you tilted your head in confusion. He sighed before muttering into the phone.
“Yes, the person I had a crush on the whole last year. Go away.” You tilted your head back as a wave of elation washed over you, it was always nice to know the people you want, want you too. Even if you’d been dating, it’s still nice to know.
Pierre’s reaction to this could also be heard through the phone, a loud “WHAT?” that had Yuki sighing before hanging up. He took a second before looking at you.
“Useless.” He simply said and it was enough to send you into a minutes long laughing fit. He giggled along with you, though he admittedly found it a lot less funny.
“So there’s nothing we can do?” You asked and he nodded.
“Seems like we just have to let things run their course.” You nodded in agreement, already having mentally prepared yourself.
“However…” You looked up at the tone of his voice.
“We could… Y’know… use the condom?” He said and you started to giggle again before nodding.
“Seems the only acceptable course.” You replied and he smiled before climbing back onto the bed.
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Yippee, does this mean I can make a masterlist?
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rorywritesjunk · 10 months
No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you’re fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn’t want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn’t necessarily take husband’s feelings into account as well.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I’m just trying to vibe off what I’ve seen of Kid Buggy. I’m no expert. I’d protect that kid with my life. He’s so adorable. I also like the trope of “Meeting your self from another time” and “gets turned back into kid-self”. This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up. This story has also been a lot of fun to work on and the reaction from people has been lovely, thank you!
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue Title comes from “Sailing Song” by S.J. Tucker.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @misadventures0fdes @sylum @valen-yamyam16 @dohkyu @fluffybunnyu @skyofsteel @lavalampskyy @gingernut1314 @ane5e @madam-o @the-angriest-angel
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Chapter 5
You woke up alone in bed. Your husband and the kid were both nowhere to be seen which worried you. Did something happen? You normally weren’t a heavy sleeper, but last night you had to console both the kid and your husband before either of them would fall asleep - Kid Buggy was worried about missing you when it was time for him to go and Adult Buggy was pissed that his alone time with you was interrupted. It was late when you finally fell asleep, but you were generally still up before your husband, so what was going on?
Did something happen because Kid Buggy was removed from his timeline? Was the universe punishing you for helping him out, is that why both of them were missing at once? You looked around the bedroom, noticing Buggy’s captain hat and jacket were missing, which was probably a good sign. It hopefully meant he was dressed and somewhere on the ship, most likely the kitchen looking for breakfast. And that led to your next thought, if they were still on the ship why didn’t they wake you up to cook?
You threw the covers off and changed your clothes before heading to the kitchen. There was some noise coming from it, talking, maybe even laughing, but you weren’t sure and you were on alert. Generally the crew stayed out of there unless you told them specifically they could go in there. After one too many incidents with damaged pots and pans you banned everyone from using the kitchen (even the Captain), so you were feeling apprehensive about what you were about to walk into.
“That’s not how you fry an egg!”
“This is exactly how you fry an egg!”
“It’s way too runny! The yolk should be cooked more!”
“Don’t tell me how my wife likes her eggs!”
You stopped in the doorway, arms crossed as you stared at the sight in front of you. Your husband was standing at the stove with a skillet in one hand and a spatula in the other, raised over the kid’s head and ready to thump him. Kid Buggy was on a stool beside him, pointing out the errors in his cooking as he buttered toast. It was… it was a sight to behold, and while you were glad they were kind of getting along, you weren’t looking forward to cleaning up after the two of them. Finally, you cleared your throat, startling the two of them. Your husband looked horrified to see you while the kid’s face lit up.
You smiled sweetly at Adult Buggy as you stepped into the kitchen. “Buggy, my dear husband and love of my life, I banned you from the kitchen, remember? You’re not allowed anywhere near the pots and pans, muchless the utensils and stove.”
“It was the kid’s idea!” Buggy pointed the spatula at him. “I only followed along with it to supervise him!” 
“You told me I couldn’t operate the stove!” Kid Buggy shot back at his adult self. “I was gonna do it but you said only adults are allowed to! How was I supposed to know you were banned from the kitchen?!”
You covered your mouth to try and hold back the laugh that was threatening to come out, but it was too difficult. The sight of the two arguing with each other while tattling to you about the other was too much. You managed to make it to a chair, falling back into it as you started laughing. It was too much first thing in the morning. From thinking the universe suddenly snatched them away from you to finding them arguing in the kitchen broke you, so you laughed. 
They both stopped arguing, now turning their attention on you. The kid was confused while your husband looked rather offended. 
“What are you laughing at?” They both asked at the same time, though their tones were vastly different. 
“S-Sorry, you two are just too much for me!” You giggled as you wiped the tears that were forming in your eyes. “I… I woke up and you were both missing and then I came here to find you!” You tried to stop laughing, but soon you were gasping for breath. It wasn’t so much that it was funny, you were just relieved. “I thought something happened!”
“Something did happen! I was hungry!” Your husband exclaimed as he turned his attention back to the stove. The eggs were burning so he frantically flipped them and turned the heat down, hoping they would still be edible. “And then the kid woke up and said we should cook breakfast for you, so here we are! Why did you sleep in anyway? Are you getting lazy now, babe?”
You sniffled a bit, the occasional giggle slipping out. “I’m not getting lazy, just someone kept me awake late last night because he was upset about something silly.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” A tiny voice said; you turned and looked at the kid. His entire demeanor changed when you said that, thinking you were talking about him, so you reached out for him and tugged him over to you, pulling him onto your lap as you wrapped your arms around him. Your husband had an unhappy look on his face when you did that.
“Oh, no, it wasn’t you, sweetie.” You assured him as you hugged him. He leaned into you and you rested your cheek on the top of his head. “Promise. I was talking about my husband. He was pouting that he didn’t get enough time to kiss me last night.”
Kid Buggy made a disgusted face when you said that. Your husband turned red and glared at you while you just chuckled. He returned to poking the eggs on the stove. The other side didn’t burn as badly as the other. He tossed the food onto plates before bringing it to the table, making sure you had your plate first before he put the kid’s plate at his seat. To his annoyance, you moved the plate over next to yours and allowed the kid to eat sitting on your lap.
“He can sit in his own chair, you know.” Your husband grumbled as he started eating. You shrugged as you ate, making sure not to flinch at the taste of burnt egg. You appreciated that the two of them tried to do this together, so you didn’t want to upset either of them by how… interesting the taste was.
“I know.” You said as Buggy’s hands went to pour the coffee he forgot he made. After taking a sip of it, you set the mug down and didn’t touch it again for a while. “But I don’t mind.” You took a bite of the barely warmed bread that they called toast. “Is it bothering you, honey?”
“No.” Buggy grumbled as he looked down at his plate. You knew better, it did bother him, but you weren’t going to interrupt the kid’s meal. He was eating the food without issue, as was your husband. At least they didn’t mind the taste of their own cooking.
You risked it and took another sip of coffee. “How about after we clean up from breakfast, we go for a walk in the town?”
Both of them looked at you; your husband said nothing as he took a sip of his own coffee while the kid nodded in agreement. “Let’s do it! I wonder if I can find where I got the necklace from. D’you think they still have stuff there? I could steal you something else!” He looked over at his adult self with a smug look. “I’m a better thief as a kid, y’know, because I’m quicker than some old man.”
“Old man?!” Buggy shrieked as he slammed his coffee cup down, the liquid sloshing and spilling everywhere. “I’m not old! I’m in my thirties!”
“That’s old.” The kid assured him. Your husband looked at you for help but you shrugged and took another bite of the buttered bread.
“I must be old as well since I’m two months older than him.” You told Kid Buggy, and he looked up at you, horrified. He didn’t mean you were old, just your husband, so he immediately backtracked.
“Not you, just him! He’s an old man!”
“I’m not too old to throw you overboard again!” Adult Buggy threatened. 
“You’ll have to catch me!”
“Why you little-”
You managed to get the kitchen spotless while the two stayed in the kitchen with you. Your husband was teaching the kid how to play cards so he could win big against others, even teaching him some ways to cheat as well. It was fine, they were getting along even after Buggy chased the kid around the ship after being called old. It got them both tired out which meant you didn’t have to break up any arguments between the two. For now.
“How did you meet her?” The kid asked as he looked over his cards. “Was it like one of those gross love stories?”
“What? No.” Buggy scowled as he threw down some cards onto the table. “All I did was sweep her off her feet.” He looked quite smug for a moment. “She was charmed by my personality, you know.”
“What personality?” 
“Listen here, you-”
“I fixed his jacket.” You chimed in as you scrubbed the burnt egg of the skillet. The kid looked up when you spoke, letting the cards in his hand droop forward, but your husband reached over and pushed them back up, muttering Don’t let me see your cards while you glanced over at them. “He lost some buttons on it and came to the tailor I worked at demanding it be fixed. I was just finishing my apprenticeship there, so I thought it would be good to fix a captain’s jacket, you know, in case it led to anything further. I replaced his buttons and also fixed the lining of his jacket, and he kept coming back for the smallest things over the course of a year, like a loose thread needing to be trimmed or wanting to make sure the thread holding the buttons on matched the thread holding the other buttons.” 
“And then he swept you off your feet?” Kid Buggy asked with a frown. You grinned as your husband just grumbled. 
“Yes, after I asked him out for lunch when he showed up at the shop with some flowers. My boss tried to scare him off but it didn’t work.” You told him with a smile. Your husband blushed just a bit while the kid looked between the two of you. “What? I thought he was so handsome, y’know, and charming and funny.”
“What do I gotta say when I meet you later on then?” The kid asked as he looked down at his cards. “So I can charm you and marry you?”
You dried your hands on your apron and crossed your arms as you leaned back against the sink. “Well, I don’t know if I should be giving spoilers like that about our relationship…”
“Just bring her flowers.” Your husband told him as he collected the cards to reshuffle them. “You’re getting better at this game, kid.” He leaned back in his chair and looked back at you. “Any flowers. She loves them, but I know from experience that if you get her a bouquet of different colors, she’ll do pretty much anything you ask.”
“Yea, anything. One of the last times I got her flowers, she-” 
He didn’t finish the sentence because you suddenly slapped your hand over his mouth, your cheeks burning bright as you glared down at your husband. He had absolutely no filter sometimes, and you knew that was from growing up on a ship and surrounded by others without a filter, but you weren’t about to let him spill all the secrets of your relationship to the kid. At least he realized that he was about to say something inappropriate so he cleared his throat and pushed your hand away.
“She made me my favorite dinner.” Your husband said calmly, thinking quickly in hope that the kid wouldn't ask further questions. “That’s what she did.”
“Good save.” You warned him as you went back to your previous position, arms crossed as you stared at the back of his head. Buggy felt his eyes on you and swallowed heavily. He knew he needed to watch his mouth because you only ever allowed one slip up like that a day and it was still early. The last time he almost said something inappropriate like that to someone who wasn’t on the crew (your father on your last visit to your parents) you made him use his Devil Fruit abilities to clean all the pipes in your parents house with a tiny little brush. “Don’t say anything else, Buggy! He’ll be fine, you know, so don’t give him any ideas!”
Your husband turned in his seat, grinned and winked at you but you looked away, your face still red. Kid Buggy looked between the two of you, not really understanding why you turned red and interrupted your husband, but he wasn’t going to ask. He was grateful to have some idea how to meet you in the future, however. He just had to have a great looking jacket with buttons for you to fix and then he would find you, have you fall in love with him, and everything would be right in his world.
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qtubpol · 8 months
i wonder if theres a word limit for this thing. cuz i wrote a poly morning crew fic of them all kissing and i wish to offer it to you to read like a little orphan child on the street offering up a penny to a rich man
Tubbo sank down as far as he could into the seat he was currently sitting in. In front of him were both Pac and Fit, staring at him with different expressions but equally piercing gazes. Distantly he could hear Bagi laughing as she watched the kids while the three of them talked. 
“Tubbo,” Fit said gently in that low rough voice of his. God it was irritating. Tubbo smacked both of his hands over his face and dragged them down unceremoniously. “We want to talk about what happened today.” 
“No idea what you’re talking about!” Tubbo said in the most fake sounding voice he had ever heard, even to his own ears. He cringed, dropping his hands back into his lap to fiddle with his toolbelt. 
“You teleported me out while we were on our date,” Pac said simply. Not angrily. Not upset. Just stating a fact. Tubbo hated how he was acting like he wasn’t upset. Because obviously he was. Right? 
“That was Bagi!” Tubbo defended. “I didn’t do anything! I wanted you guys to have your lovely date undisturbed!” 
“And we did,” Fit affirmed. “But now we are back and we want to talk to you.” 
Tubbo squirmed in his seat. “About what? Nothing to talk about.” 
Pac laughed a little at that and Tubbo sent him a withering glare. “Tubbooo. No. Don’t be mad at me.” He stood up taking a few steps to close the distance and fling himself over Tubbo, head atop his and arms crossed over Tubbo’s chest. It felt warm and safe and to be quite frank it scared the everloving shit out of him. Through the embrace he hesitantly watched Fit, expecting at any moment a cloud of jealousy to fall over his features. They were something else now. Something that didn’t involve Tubbo. But that didn’t happen. Instead, to his utter surprise, Fit smiled at him. 
“Tubbo. We see right through you, you know that right? But the thing is,” he continued. “You don’t have to worry. Our dynamic here-” he gestured between the three of them as Tubbo felt Pac hum against his skull, “-isn’t going to change. Tubbo, you matter to us.” 
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and he quickly tried to reach up to brush them away but somehow Fit was up out of his seat and beating him to it. His warm non-metal hand now lay flat against Tubbo’s cheek looking deep into his eyes. Tubbo resisted the urge to squirm under the intensity of the gaze. 
“Me and Pac are always gonna be here for you and Sunny okay? Always. We're family.” After a moment's hesitation he leaned in to press a kiss between Tubbo's furrowed eyebrows. 
Tubbo braced himself for Pac to get angry. To shove him away and start screaming at Fit. Once again this did not happen. Fit just smiled at him then up at Pac who squeezed Tubbo tighter and pressed a matching kiss to the top of his head. “You don't have to pretend with us,” Pac said, finally releasing his grip to walk around him and stand next to Fit in front of him. “You were welcome at our date. Always are, right Fitch?” 
Fit nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yes exactly Pac.” 
Pac directed a smug smile at Tubbo. “See? You worry for no reason. Everything is good.” 
A stone of guilt and worry still lay heavy in Tubbo's chest but he tried to ignore it and give them a hesitant smile. “Yeah everything's good.” He wasn't sure if he was annoyed or relieved that they both saw through him immediately. 
Fit sighed. “What can we do to prove it to you?” 
Tubbo squirmed, trying to avoid eye contact. “Nothing, it's all fine. You guys you know go on dates and kiss and be gay and I'll stay here and it'll be fine.” 
Fit let out a deep sigh and oh there it was. Tubbo knew he was a burden he fucking knew it. His train of thought was thrown off as Pac laughed. “Oh so you wanna kiss and be gay with us hm?” 
Tubbo glanced up in surprise to suddenly see Pac right up in his face, deep big brown eyes staring into him. Full of so much joy. Happiness directed at him? Tubbo could hardly believe it but before he could even open his mouth to say anything along the lines of no, Pac grabbed his face gently and kissed him. It was soft and warm and surprising. And very much wanted. 
Without thinking Tubbo let himself reach up to cup Pac's cheek as they kissed, Pac giggling all the while against his lips. Their mouths moved together in a way that felt incredibly natural and normal. Fit laughed at their earnestness and a jolt of fear struck like lightning through Tubbo's body as he pulled back frantically. 
“Fit. I-” Aren't trying to make a move on your man? Am just as confused as you? He wasn't quite sure what he was going to say. 
“It's okay,” Fit soothed. “It's okay. Tubbo, I'm not mad at you right now.” He laughed again. “If anything I should be upset at Pac. He was the one who kissed you after all.” 
“You'd never be mad at me,” Pac teased with an easy grin, rocking back on his heels. 
Fit rolled his eyes fondly at him. “Sure Pac, sure.” 
Tubbo had absolutely no idea what to say so he defaulted to his usual humor. “So you aren't gonna kiss me, Fit? I see how it is. Is it because I'm blonde I bet it's-” he was cut off abruptly by different hands on his face. Rougher ones. A warrior's hands. His lips were surprisingly soft in comparison. Fit was so much more hesitant then Pac, so so gentle. Reaching for his shirt collar, Tubbo dragged him in closer, enjoying the noise of pleasant surprise that Fit made against his lips. Distantly he could hear Pac giggling. 
Eventually they pulled apart, Fit panting slightly and Tubbo became incredibly aware of the dumbass grin gracing his face. The worries and fears were still there, a few kisses weren't going to fix years of trauma but this was nice. “You guys are stupid,” he said instead but he could tell they knew what he meant. 
“You want us to kiss you more often?” Pac teased. “Give kisses to our boy before we go on our dates.” 
Tubbo shouldn't admit it. “Yes,” he said nearly against his will but he was glad he said it. 
“Okay then,” Fit said as if it solved everything. It didn't. But it helped. “You're our guy. Always have been, always will be.” 
Tears were pricking at the corners of his eyes again but he refused to let them fall. He sniffed. “Cool okay um can we get back to the kids now?” 
Fit and Pac both laughed before agreeing with him simultaneously. 
“Yes, of course.” 
“Sim, yes.” 
So that was it. Not a solution to the anguish in his stomach that threatened to eat him alive but some reassurance. He just had to accept it. 
oh fantastic. here you go op. also in my defense... its not that good cuz i havent slept. i in fact pulled an all nighter while writing this so yeah its the best i can do on absolutely no sleep
i would die for you.
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Sorry to hear you're feeling shitty after your surgery. Don't worry, your nips are NOT going to fall off. Since you asked for fic requests, I've always wondered what Ed and Stede's very first night in their inn by the sea was like.
I love this one, thank you!! I'm feeling pretty good tonight (and significantly less worried about any nipple-related complications after checking in with my surgeon earlier and getting a thumbs-up on the healing so far).
Ed was trying not to think too hard about what Stede's last straw would be.
He was a really good sport about the awful smell, and even continued being a good sport when they discovered that the smell befouling the whole house turned out to be due to what was formerly some kind of animal rotting under the floorboards. Ed had a brief moment of worry when Stede got a bit pissed about Ed not wanting a hug after he came back from disposing of that whole mess, but they talked it through (as a crew of two) and Ed was happy to give Stede a hero's welcome after he washed up.
But they'd just kept running into snags. The sky roof (that's what Stede was calling the massive hole in the roof) was too big to cover with the spare canvas they'd brought for it, and Stede stuck his foot directly through some boards on the porch and needed to be rescued, and Ed attempted a sexy lean against a wall in a bid to get Stede to grab him by the hips and wound up going right through...
By nightfall, their list of things to patch before the house was safe for sleeping in had grown as tall as Ed, and they decided to just sleep outside.
Ed hated sleeping outside. It was hot, and he felt sweaty and gross, and there were bugs everywhere, and - oh shit, he was getting dirt on his shirt sleeve. And the worst part...
Stede was going to change his mind any second now.
Letting his breath out in a hitching jag, Ed glanced over at Stede, laying next to him on the blanket they'd spread out in the grass, who was looking up at the stars coming out in the sky, his hands crossed over his tummy. Noticing Ed was looking at him, Stede turned his head, his face breaking into a beaming smile -
"So," Ed managed, his voice watery, trying very hard not to blink because he was sure his tears would spill over. "Sorry it's not what you hoped for."
"Are you kidding?" Stede snorted, his hand moving almost instinctually between them to twine his fingers with Ed's. "I've got you with me. Everything else is just a bonus."
"I hate sleeping outside," Ed mumbled petulantly.
"Yes, you would, wouldn't you?" Stede wrinkled his nose - not making fun of Ed, just sympathetic. "Wanna do something about it?"
Before Ed knew it, they were propping up some of the extra canvas they'd brought on sticks around them in a makeshift tent, and maybe it was much less technically suitable if they cut a nice big hole in it above their heads so they could still see the stars, but they both really wanted to be able to see the stars. Stede used a broom to whack the worst of the leaf litter and general nature-y gunk away from their location, warning it very sternly to "leave poor Ed alone," and with their skills combined they were able to get some water going over a campfire to at least have something similar to their usual sleepytime tea.
And curled up together, Ed's head resting safely on Stede's chest, snuggled up safe from the rest of the world in their little makeshift tent...everything felt alright.
"Sorry the place sucks," Ed said.
"It's a fixer-upper," Stede said easily. "Good bones. Might take some patience! But as long as I've got you -"
Ed couldn't really help but smile, when Stede looked at him like that, like he hung every one of the stars up in the sky. "And as long as you're with me -"
"Yeah," Stede said, giving Ed a big cheesy wink just to make him laugh. "I think we'll be alright."
They'd have a busy day in the morning, when they'd have to start the task of actually trying to tackle the long, long list of issues with their new home. Probably, they'd spend most of the day trying to figure out which things were urgent to attend to and which were very urgent. There would be annoyances, and setbacks, and they'd probably have lots of silly little bickering arguments that ended with I'm sorry, I love you, I'm just stressed, and I know, I know you, I love you too. Tomorrow, the whole business of retirement would probably start to look a bit difficult.
For now, though? It was the easiest thing Ed had ever done.
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macbethsymphony · 5 months
Cherry Girl | Chapter 2
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Eustass Kid x Reader
Chapters: [1] [3]
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, eventual smut, slow burn-ish
Chapter wc: 2.1k
Summary: Eustass ‘captain’ Kid was in a shit mood. He was pent-up, irritated and you… you and your pink mini denim skirt wasn’t helping. OR You and Kid obviously pine for each other but you're both idiots.
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Wanna read it all? it's completed over there
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Chapter 2: The Nickname
It was around noon the next day when the lookout shouted he’d seen land. Kid had emerged from his workshop in a frenzy as soon as the words had floated down from the mast.
“Fucking finally,” he had screamed, a manic grin adorning his lips. 
Your heart had skipped a beat at the sight of his majestic self, laughing in the glowing sun.
The anticipation and joy from the whole crew was intoxicating. An excited smile graced your features at the thought of the first place you’d ever see beyond your island. As the shoreline grew nearer, everyone got busier and busier. You yourself had been slightly overwhelmed as you made the inventory of the food stock, discussing with Killer the amount of supplies you’d have to buy and what you were missing from the infirmary.
Saying you were nervous as you put your foot down on the wooden dock of this new island was the understatement of the century. The ground seemed to shift beneath you, sending you stumbling right into your captain’s back. 
“Having a hard time on land, kitten?” his arm snaked around you almost protectively. “The sea’s gonna do that to you,” he chuckled as his touch roamed to your hair, ruffling it ever so gently before heading towards the bustling streets of the town. “Try not to fall over, kitten.”
You felt Quincy’s hand on your shoulder. “Oh you’re down bad for him, aren’t you? Girly pop?”  she observed. 
You sensed the heat rise to your cheeks at her words. 
“Don’t worry, everyone gets over it eventually. Find yourself a good fuck or something,” her wild laugh hit your ears slightly too strong. “I know I will!”
The bustling streets of the town enveloped you in a whirlwind of sights and sounds. The evening air was thick with humidity and the scent of spices foreign to you was intoxicating. Your captain strode ahead, his presence scaring everyone away from his path. He navigated the crowd skillfully, eyeing shops in a desperate search of something. Your eyes wandered over the different stalls, all your senses feeling overwhelmed. Quincy laughed at whatever Wire had just said to her. She moved to your side, her arm draping on your shoulders, making sure you didn’t get lost in the bustling currents of people.
A booming ‘yes’ came from Kid as he stopped before a building. The loud sound brought your attention back towards the crew. 
“Drinks on me tonight!” Your captain shouted as he opened the door. 
Everyone around you yelled in excitement, an echo to the red-head’s enthusiasm. You couldn’t help the smile that plastered your lips in that moment.
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The tavern was alive with the energy of the night, music and laughter drowning out conversations. The Kid Pirates had already crowded over a corner of the establishment, their raucous voices mingling with the clinking of tankards and the strumming of a nearby lute.
Captain Kid was the center of attention, his magnetic presence drawing all eyes to him. Two extremely beautiful girls had quickly taken place next to him as he regaled them with tales of his adventures. You wished for a moment that it could be you sitting there on his lap as he gave you all the attention of the world. But you knew he didn’t see you in such a way. 
He looked like a painting with those stunning women, they fit his intensity and boldness perfectly. It hadn't taken long for his flesh arm to snake around one of the girls’ waist, tightly pinning her down to his chest as she unabashedly kissed his jaw and whispered you didn’t know what in his ear. His smile was cocky and the glint in his eyes made your heart throb.
In the periphery of your vision, you saw Heat swing to the sound of the music with a pretty girl. Her laughter rang out like a bell above the tune as she spun and twirled with reckless abandon. Dive was already dancing on a table, a crowd slowly gathering around her. Your gaze searched for somewhere a little less chaotic to sit down and relax. You spotted Killer on a stool in the back.
“Mind if I join you?” you asked, making your way over to him.
He gestured to the empty seat next to him. Whatever answer lost in the din of the tavern. 
You settled yourself next to him in silence. You were used to his quiet nature, it felt comfortable to you. 
“I guess I’m not really one for this,” you said, laughing softly. “It feels overwhelming to me.”
Killer’s head turned toward you. You wondered what his face looked like under that mask. Did he mind your rambling? You supposed he’d tell you if he did. It’s not like he endured anything he didn’t feel like enduring. A smile made its way to your lips, this wasn’t so bad.
“Oi, you fucking losers!” Kid shouted as he made his way over to the both of you. “I’m heading back to the ship,” he threw a bag of gold towards Killer. 
One of the girls he’d had on his knees, glared you up and down as she settled her hand on his chest, the other was hugging your captain’s arm ignoring all else as she felt up his muscles. You noticed how Kid flexed ever so subtly. He was showing off. It made you smile. 
“This should do it for the night! Have some fun Killer, unwind a bit would ya,” his grin was manic.
Killer caught the bag of gold with ease, his expression unreadable behind his mask. “Have fun, Kid,” he replied simply, his voice calm and composed in the chaos around him.
Kid flashed Killer a cocky smile before turning back towards the door, the girls in tow. “You too, Kitten! Loosen the fuck up for once will ya,” he threw the words at you over his shoulder with a hearty laugh. 
You felt your ears heat up.
“Damn fucking right captain!” Quincy shouted as she marched over to where you were seated. “Ain’t no fucking way these two idiots are gonna escape me tonight. Let’s have some fun!” she howled.
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As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, you groaned and tried to bury your head under your pillow. Your head pounded, threatening to split your skull in two. 
This wasn’t going to do. 
With a heavy sigh, you reluctantly forced yourself to sit up, your vision spinning as you fought the urge to throw up. You looked around, eyes squinting against the light. Quincy and Dive were still asleep, snoring loudly in their respective cots. 
You needed water. 
You made your way out of the shared women’s quarter. Nearly falling down as the full power of the sun hit your eyes. You almost retched. With a hand trying to hide the blinding light off your face, you beelined to the kitchen. The faster you got there the better.
You poured yourself a tall glass of water and downed it immediately. You wished the effects of your abuse of the night before would pass quicker. The night before… you didn’t usually drink this much. You knew you were a lightweight. You hadn’t blundered this bad since your teenage years. You rubbed your temples as you tried to remember. 
Ah, right. 
You cringed as memories started filling your mind.
“Alright, lads and lasses. Who’s up for a gold ol’ fucking game of truth or dare?” Quincy had shouted the moment Kid had disappeared through the door of the tavern. You’d tried to escape but she’d snaked her arm around your shoulders in a deadly grip.
“Come on you pussies,” Heat had added. A wicked grin on his face, he’d laced his own arm around Killer, keeping him in place. “We have a new girl on our crew,” they all cheered, you blanched.
You groaned at the memories.
Quincy’s smile had widened as she’d asked, “Truth or dare, girly pop?”
You’d weighted your options. “Truth,” you’d answered unsure.
Her expression had looked downright evil at your choice. “Tell us,” she had started. “What’s the lewdest fantasy you’ve ever had about our captain.”
“You traitor!” You had shouted as soon as the words had left her lips, your face a bright red. 
Wire and Dive had howled.
“You can always drink,” Quincy had offered in a sing-song tone as she’d poured you a glass of amber liquid right to the rim. “But you’ll have to down that. The steamier the question the more you’ll have to drink.”
You’d downed the contents without hesitation.
Fuck. You poured yourself another glass of water. They’d never let you live it down. You tried to remember the rest of the night.
Killer had recounted something about a mermaid and a misplaced bottle of rum when he’d chosen truth. Wire and Heat had added to the story making everyone laugh.
You’d started feeling drunk around that time. Dive had had you at a dare and you were now sitting on Heat’s knees, his large hand settled on your thigh as you comfortably reclined against his chest. The crew had been out on a hunt to get every bit of information out of you.
“Truth or dare?” Dive had asked you, gaze intense.
You’d hesitated. “Truth,” you’d chosen.
“You know (y/n), to me,” she’d dragged on the question, her speech beginning to sound slurry with intoxication. “To me you really seem like a virgin, so,” her smile had been playful on her cute face. “So if you’re not, recount to us the best fuck you’ve ever had,” she’d stared at you expectantly, looking proud of herself for that question.
Your mouth had hung open, your mind struggling to catch up to the words that had been about to spill out of your lips. “I’m not a virgin,” you’d answered before thinking. “But if I’m honest,” you had taken your time trying to remember of the last adventure you’d had, you’d let out a tiny intoxicated hiccup at the memory. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a good lay,” you’d admitted with a small laugh to yourself, feeling bashful. “Hell” you’d added. “I’ve never even had someone go down on me.”
Quincy had gasped at your confession. A glint of mischief had crossed her eyes as she’d said playfully. “You know, if you lean that way, I can give you a good time and change that.”
Heat had laughed behind you. The hand he’d had on your thigh digging into soft flesh as he whispered in your ear. “And if you don’t, I can do the same for you. Cherry girl.”
Your face had gone red at the offers. “I’m no cherry girl”, you’d protested your voice indignant. Both Quincy and Heat had doubled over, laughing hard at your prudishness.
Cherry Girl. That’s right, you’d earned a new nickname. You hoped no one remembered. You groaned. As if that’d ever happen.
As if on cue, Heat and Wire banged the door to the kitchen open. They looked almost as worse for wear as you did.
“Mornin’ cherry girl,” they muttered in unison, grabbing the water pitcher you had in front of you and pouring themselves a glass.
You dropped down to the floor in embarrassment. “Don’t call me that,” you begged, your voice groggy.
Heat and Wire exchanged amused glances before bursting into laughter. “Aw, come on, cherry girl, it’s all in good fun!” Wire teased, chuckles echoing off the walls of the kitchen.
You buried your face in your hands, wishing for the ground to swallow you whole. “Can we all please just forget last night?” You pleaded, your voice muffled by your palms.
But Wire and Heat showed no signs of relenting. Gig opened the door next and issued a grumbled ‘mornin’ cherry girl too’. You groaned in despair, their laughter only grew louder. 
“Sorry, cherry girl,” Heat said between chuckles. “But I don’t think the crew’s gonna be forgetting anything about last night anytime soon.”
You sat on the floor, wallowing in your humiliation, the weight of embarrassment feeling heavy on your shoulders. “The fuck are you all even doing up so early anyways,” you asked, tone laced with irritation. “Y’all are never up early.”
“Captain’s loud,” Gig answered. “Can’t sleep.”
“Huh?” you grunted confused.
“Those girls are giving him competition too,” Heat said next, a scowl on his face at the thought.
“At this point they’re really just showing off,” Wire added.
With their laughter down. You could faintly hear the moans of a girl coming from the captain’s quarters. “Oh!” your cheeks heated up in realization. “Hadn’t noticed,” you grumbled.
They all laughed. “Cherry girl really suits you, heh,” Heat observed with a grin.
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standfucker · 2 years
The Break
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Characters: Kid, Killer
Reader: GN, they/them
Word Count: 7.5k
CW: Gore, graphic description of injury+pain+first aid, hurt/comfort, confessions, highly oblivious reader
Summary: You knew you were bad with feelings, but the fact that it took a severe injury for this to come to light was maybe a little concerning.
Ao3 Link
There had only been two moments in your entire career as a pirate where you didn’t live up to your “Slippery” epithet. The first time was when Eustass Kid had bested you in combat. Rather than killing you, he offered you a place on his crew, which you had accepted–partially in the hopes of becoming stronger, and maybe also because you kind of found him incredibly attractive. That was three years ago.
The second time was right now. The enemy’s weapons consist of giant, metal crab claws, one of which snaps shut around your forearm with the force of an industrial machine before you can shave away. You’re pretty sure the whole battlefield heard the snap. A few things run through your brain in quick succession:
One–that’s going to hurt really, really badly in a second. You only have a short amount of time to counterattack.
Two–this was karma for that conversation in the mess room a few weeks ago, where you taunted the others over your having never broken a bone.
“I grew up on a dairy farm. My bones are like iron. Don’t compare it to the shortbread you all have for a skeleton.”
“You just haven’t battled enough, Slip.”
“Wrong! It’s because no one can catch me. They call me ‘Slippery Y/n’ because I’m too fast.”
“Yeah, yeah. But not fast enough, since you’re with us now!”
“Fuck off!”
Not fast enough indeed. But at least, now, you’re within striking range of the enemy. He doesn’t block in time; your scimitar opens his throat like a cut purse and sends him to his knees, gurgling. Your arm is released and you collapse on the ground, but before you can get back up, the pain hits with an intensity that immediately rips an agonized scream from deep in your lungs.
It’s like your arm’s been doused in gasoline and set on fire. Burning and sharp, sharp, sharp, so overwhelming you’re nauseous. You make the mistake of looking at your arm, and the flash of white sticking through the skin nearly makes you vomit on the spot. Seeing it for what it is somehow makes the pain worse, leaving you breathlessly curling over yourself on instinct, unable to move. Somewhere next to you the body of your enemy thuds onto the ground, dead.
The battle against the opposing crew is almost over. Though it’s not much longer before the last enemy is slain and someone rushes to your side, it feels like an eternity.
“Slip, are you okay?” You hear Hip’s voice before you, high-pitched with concern. It drops once she notices your injury. “Are you–oh. Oh, fuck. Um, guys! Hey, you guys! Slip is really hurt!”
Footsteps, more voices. One by one, crewmates converge around you.
“Oh, ew.”
“Oh, shit, Slip!”
“Get out of the way!” 
That last one would be Kid. You look up in time to see him push past a crewmate, face taught in what seems like anger but you’ve since learned to recognize is worry. Most of his deeper emotions are like that, sitting in the shadow of enmity but easily discernible if you knew him well enough.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” he asks, unable to assess your full state with you hunched over. The gruesomeness of your injury doesn’t seem to bother him. You shake your head, and relief softens his expression. “Okay. I know it hurts, but you’re gonna live.”
“I can’t get up,” you gasp, breath coming out short.
“Then I’ll carry you to the ship. Doctor’s on standby.” Kid crouches down next to you, flesh hand resting on your good shoulder. “It’s gonna hurt. Sorry in advance, Y/n.”
He’s the only one who doesn’t call you by your nickname. It makes sense, as he’s the one who caught you in the first place–it doesn’t really apply to him.
“It already hurts,” you reply, stupidly inviting more karma. Kid must think the same thing, because he frowns at you.
“Oh, just wait,” he mutters, and scoops you up as carefully as he can. The movement tears fresh hell through your arm, and you shout before you can even think to hold it in.
At least he doesn’t say ‘I told you so.’ It would only be salt in the wound, and you’re already in so much pain you can barely think. The walk back to the ship is its own trial, every step jolting your arm again, even with Kid’s best efforts to move smoothly. You tell yourself to be tough for about three seconds before it goes out the window. Frankly, you don’t deal with it well at all–you’ve never had a strong pain tolerance, it’s partly why you learned to be quick–but you manage not to scream with every step, so that’s something.
It’s a terrible shame that you’ll only remember this as excruciating–under any other circumstance, you would have cherished being held by Kid like this.
You glimpse your injury again, a wave of queasiness rising in your stomach, and press your face into Kid’s shoulder so as not to look. “I’m gonna throw up,” you say weakly.
“Since when does gore bother you?” Kid says under his breath, but you hear it.
“Since it is coming from MY BODY!!” you snarl. For once, Kid pities you enough not to scold you for talking back.
You’re shaking by the time you get to the infirmary. Most of the crew has come out of the battle unscathed, or with only minor injuries. The ship’s doctor is only concerned with you, and getting your bleeding to stop. But to close the rip…
“I have to reset the bones, first,” he says.
That was obvious to anyone with eyes, but you didn’t really think about it until just then. Your guts turn to stone at the thought, heavy and sinking as your heart starts to race. The lightest movement to your body is already enough to make you want to quit life on the spot; you are not prepared, capable, nor willing to see what it would feel like when the bone itself is directly touched. 
“You can leave it as-is,” you say, not joking in the slightest, not caring if it sounds cowardly, not even caring that half the crew is surrounding the exam table to hear it.
Kid takes one look at the fear in your eyes and turns to the rest of the crew. “Get out,” he commands. Everyone complies without question, only Killer staying behind, the unspoken exception.
Once the last person closes the door behind them, Kid focuses on you. “Y/n–”
“I can’t do it,” you cut him off, eyes welling up with tears. “I–I don’t want to.”
“Tough,” Kid snaps. “This is what you get for getting caught.”
“Kid,” Killer says, a warning to go easy on you.
It’s not necessary. You can see right through Kid’s harsh exterior. He always gets upset when a crewmate is hurt badly. What he’s really saying is ‘this is what you get for making me worry.’
“No time for discussion,” says the doctor. “I’d like to get this done before any more blood is lost. Hold them down, would you?”
Before you can protest, Kid and Killer secure you in place: Kid’s metal hand presses down on your legs while his flesh one wraps tightly around your good arm, and Killer pins your torso to his from behind.
“Wait, wait, wait!” you cry out quickly, but you can’t budge against them both. 
Kid nods at the doctor. “Do it.”
The disinfectant comes first, stealing the breath from your lungs, like acid on your exposed flesh. The doctor gives you no time to process the first action before he moves onto the second–rationally, you know it’s to minimize the amount of time you’ll be in pain, but you are incapable of viewing his actions kindly at the moment. He immediately forces the bones back to where they should be in one firm, expert motion. 
The world goes white. Nothing exists anymore except for the pain in your arm, unimaginable and all-consuming. You don’t perceive anything else, blind and deaf to any stimuli that isn’t sheer agony. Later on, you’ll realize that you must have screamed, if the soreness when you speak is any indication, but you don’t remember it.
The intensity eventually wanes enough to restore your senses, though your head is still swimming from the assault. Your sight returns first. Instead of the cold infirmary, your vision is entirely filled by Kid, his face so close you’d be staring into his eyes if they were open. His forehead is pressed to yours, and he’s saying something, but you don’t process it until your hearing comes back a moment later.
“...did good, Y/n, you did good. You’re okay. Easy, you’re okay.”
Kid… you think dimly, followed by, huh. Have I seen him do this with anyone but Killer?
You don’t question it beyond that thought, hanging onto his every word. The closeness abates the hurt, even if just slightly, and you bask in it, taking any mercy you can get. Kid and ‘comfort’ aren’t things that generally go together, but to you–scared, in pain, and maybe just a little bit hopelessly in love with him–it’s everything.
Killer smooths your hair back. His solid chest against your back is grounding, helping you stay present through the haze of misery. You’re suddenly grateful he’s there, too, his presence equally as soothing as Kid’s, the degree to which triggering a new realization: It’s obvious in hindsight, but you’ve never been great at analyzing your own feelings, and as such, it only just dawns on you that you’re down just as bad for the first mate. The revelation would have been panic-inducing if it wasn’t for the pain currently demanding all of your attention.
“They still with us?” Killer asks behind you.
Kid’s eyes open, meeting yours. You’ve never seen them this close before. The irises are an orange-gold, reminding you of smoldering embers. Your breath leaves you once more, but you’re not sure pain is the cause this time. Though it must have left you delirious, because your mouth moves before your brain can catch up.
“You have pretty eyes,” you mumble.
Said pretty eyes widen, Kid pulling back in surprise. He glances at Killer. “...That answer your question?”
Killer hums, gently rubbing your good arm. You go limp, leaning your full weight back against him without shame, hurting too much to care right then. He doesn’t seem to mind, anyway.
There’s a faint tinge of pink on Kid’s face, and he smirks down at you. “Better be careful there, Y/n. You can’t blame what you say on a head injury.”
“Whatever,” you huff, knowing you can get away with being rude without repercussions for now. “I don’t–” your words break into a gasp as the pain in your arm spikes so intensely that spots dot your vision.
Kid’s smirk instantly falls. You try to look at your burning arm, but he turns your head back so you’re watching him instead.
“Don’t look. He’s stitching it now. Keep your eyes on me, okay?”
Another wave of pain has you fighting back a sob, barely able to keep it down. You instinctively go to look again, but Kid keeps your head from turning with a steady hand cupping the side of your face.
“Look at me, Y/n. There you go. Just hold on a bit longer.”
You try to do as he says, focusing on his eyes rather than the current torture, but it’s impossible. “Hurts so bad,” you whimper.
“I know,” Kid says softly. “We’re right here.”
The curved needle hooking through your skin isn’t the problem, nor is the nauseating sensation of the sutures sliding through the layers of flesh. Both, while admittedly sucking hard, are tolerable. The problem is that even as careful as he is, the doctor is still moving your arm with every stitch.
“Almost done,” Killer says, “almost done. You’re doing great.”
Am I really? you want to ask, but you’re currently unable to form anything more coherent than groans and curses.
The final trial is the splint, more unbearable movement to your arm that has you gripping the edge of the exam table so hard your knuckles turn white. Killer takes notice, peeling your hand from the table to hold in his, instead. Despite his hand being twice the size of yours, you’re pretty sure you crush it with the strength of your grip, but he doesn’t complain.
“I’ll apply a proper cast once the swelling goes down,” the doctor says once he’s finally, finally fucking done. “Rest in one of the patient beds and keep your arm above your heart as much as possible. You’re to sleep here until further notice.”
You’re helped into one of the beds, and once the doctor’s applied ice packs to your injury, Kid dismisses him. The three of you are left alone, Kid and Killer pulling up chairs next to the bed. Lying back, you stare blankly at the ceiling, catching your breath, humbled and terrified at the human body’s ability to feel such all-consuming anguish. Adrenaline still courses through your veins, making you jittery and hyper-aware, and you’re sweating, but at least the pain in your arm has simmered down to a dull, throbbing ache. While it still feels like the bones are screaming at you, you can endure it quietly, though it does make your eyes water. 
With the diminishing of the pain comes just enough clarity for you to feel utterly and totally disgraceful. You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone on the crew scream like you had, and plenty of them had endured their fair share of awful injuries. So why couldn’t you handle it better? How could you call yourself a pirate after such a display? All of that, and still visibly on the verge of tears now that it was over? You’d be more embarrassed about crying in front of them if you hadn’t just spent the enitre past fifteen minutes acting like a complete bitch.
Kid may have said you couldn’t blame your words on a head injury, but you think the pain alone is enough to make you loopy, because you find yourself laughing shortly at the thought. It’s more of a huff and a grin, really–anything more would jostle your arm.
“Y/n?” Kid asks, concerned.
“It’s just,” you glance at him, then back at the ceiling, smiling ruefully. “I wanted to be tough, if you can believe that. But I couldn’t manage it… Pitiful, right?”
“What are you talking about?” Kid scowls. “That pirate broke your arm and you still killed him.”
“Only because I didn’t feel it right away. It doesn’t count. When push came to shove, I couldn’t handle it at all. I’m a Kid Pirate–I should be tougher. And yet, I…” You blink, and the tears gathered at the corners of your eyes break free, running down your temples. “I didn’t have it in me.”
You look between Kid and Killer. Kid’s worry is evident behind the tension in his face, and while Killer’s expression is hidden, there’s nothing in his body language to suggest he’s upset with you. Your smile wavers, chest getting tight. The next wave of tears has nothing to do with pain.
“Aren’t you ashamed of me?” Your voice cracks, as if you couldn’t be any more pathetic.
“Don’t,” Kid says stiffly. “Don’t do the self-pity thing now. It doesn’t suit you.”
“But I–”
“Look,” Killer says, “everyone’s different, with different tolerances for pain. You don’t need to be unfeeling to be a capable fighter.”
Easy for him to say–Killer had the highest pain tolerance in the crew. Still, you don’t miss the compliment, mentally clinging to it like it could redeem you.
“You think I’m a capable fighter?” you ask, voice small.
“I invited you onto my crew for a reason, okay?” Kid says. “I saw potential. I still see it. You’ve gotten stronger since we first met.” Kid looks away. “...I haven’t once regretted my decision.”
“Oh…��� Self-doubt tells you that Kid’s just saying those things to make you feel better, but experience has you discarding the thought. You know him better than that. Kid has always meant what he said, he wouldn’t make such claims lightly. The words are real and sincere, threatening to make you cry harder, but you force it down. He’s never liked dealing with tears.
Kid won’t meet your eye. From your angle on the bed, you can see a blush spread across his cheeks, darker than before. Maybe that’s why he makes to leave, pushing his chair back and getting up, Killer following suit. Or maybe he just means to check on the crew. Regardless, a surge of objection rises in your chest, every bit as selfish and puerile as a child protesting their parents leaving them in daycare.
“You’re going?” you ask before you can stop yourself.
They pause, Kid turning back to you. “Do you want us to stay?”
You don’t look at him when you nod shallowly, ashamed. But you don’t want to hurt alone. Rationally, you know you’re going to be in pain for a long while, and they can’t be at your side the whole time. Still, if they’ll let you, then you’ll be self-centered for just a bit longer.
Kid and Killer sit back down.
“Thanks,” you say quietly. Then, even quieter, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize,” Kid grumbles. “I told you to knock that shit off.”
You swallow a lump in your throat. He could be so rough about it, but there was genuine care behind his refusing to let you wallow in self-pity.
Killer takes your hand. “Is this the first time you’ve been injured like this?” he asks.
You nod.
“Listen... Sometimes, when you’re hurt bad enough physically, it messes with your head, too,” Killer says. “You feel vulnerable and insecure. Helpless, even. So,” he squeezes your hand lightly, “it’s okay if you’re more sensitive than you normally would be. No one's going to hold it against you. You came out of the battle alive. That’s what matters.”
Damn him and his tenderness, you’re trying not to cry. You pull your hand away, lower lip wobbling, and take a shaky breath, holding it down. You glance at Kid. He’s staring hard at your broken arm. Suddenly his ire stops being transparent–just like when you first joined the crew, you’re completely unable to discern what he’s really thinking. All you see is the discontent, so close to disapproval that it makes you uncertain.
“Are you, um,” you say nervously, “are you mad at me?”
“No,” Kid says, but it comes out a bit stiff. “At least, not for the reason you think. I’m proud of you for taking out that pirate. He was twice your size and faster, but you still won.” He taps his nails against his metal hand. “Y/n… When Hip said you were really hurt, I feared the worst. I thought you’d been fatally injured.”
“Can’t get rid of me that easily,” you joke.
“Shut the fuck up!” Kid snaps, glaring. He’s gritting his teeth, eyes hard and angry, but then there’s a break, a crack in his expression. It’s just a glimpse, but for the first time, you see fear behind the fury. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again. Got it? Or I’ll break your other arm.”
Despite the harsh words, emotion swells in your chest, fuzzy and light. You feel yourself tearing up again. “Yes, captain.”
“You’re a real pain in my ass, you know that?”
You smile slightly. “Yes, captain.”
Kid leans back in his chair, arms crossed, scowl etched deep. You watch as Killer touches Kid’s arm briefly, reassuring. With the worst of the pain behind you comes the presence of mind to start overthinking, and you dive right in: They have each other. It’s clear that they care about you, but it will never be in the way you want. 
The ache in your arm seems fitting, a backdrop of physical pain behind the emotional. Liking Kid is stressful enough, but now that you were aware of your feelings for Killer, it was compounded, growing like a chemical reaction into something huge and overwhelming. As a trusted crewmate, you pretty much have front row seats to the small intimacies those two exchange. How are you supposed to go on watching and not be eaten alive by jealousy? 
Maybe you should leave. Maybe this was your sign that the good times had run out, and it was time to strike it out solo again. You don’t want to go–crushes aside, you were fond of the crew, having come to see them as family–but could you handle living with Kid and Killer now? The unrequited desire was already burrowing under your skin like a grass seed, threatening to travel and lodge deep into your heart. Cutting ties now would spare you more hurt in the long run.
But first you had to heal from this injury, something better done with the security of a crew protecting you.
Then, unprompted, Killer reaches over to wipe the sweat from your forehead, and you start reconsidering even that notion. If they were going to be gentle the entire recovery period, you were really gonna lose it. The compassion was too close to intimacy, a taste of what you couldn’t have. 
"The next few months are gonna blow," you say, the true meaning of the statement masked.
"Just wait until it starts itching under the cast," Killer says lightly.
"Ugh. And I'll hardly be able to move." You grimace. "I'll need help even with basic tasks… You're right, Killer, it does feel helpless."
"It'll be fine," Kid says. "You have us and the crew." 
He's still frowning, but you can read him again. Not that you need to with the frankness of his words.
"At least there's a bright side," you smile impishly, "if you're gonna be soft this whole time."
"Watch it," Kid warns, but his lip curls up just a bit. "Don't get used to it."
Too bad for him, you fully intend to abuse your power. It’ll be interesting to see how much you can get away with, and you might as well have some kind of outlet for these awful feelings in the meantime.
“Nah, I’m gonna enjoy it while I can,” you say, “because it’s not gonna happen another time. I’m gonna get even stronger, so I’ll never go through that again.” You wipe away the gathered tears with the back of your hand. “I’m gonna surpass even the shave technique. I’ll be uncatchable.”
Kid and Killer exchange glances–an impressive feat considering Killer’s mask, but that’s just the kind of wavelength they’re on–and then they look at you, Kid wearing one of his rare serious expressions. “I know the last half hour was rough, Y/n. But you won’t get any better as a fighter if fear is your motivator.”
That makes you pout, mostly because you know he’s right. Arguing that it had worked out for this long was pointless, because it really hadn’t. You only survived the fight with Kid years ago because of his whims, and today’s battle had ended in agony. You wouldn’t be forgetting it anytime soon, but maybe that was better. Maybe a reminder that you weren’t invulnerable was what you needed. So long as you didn’t succumb to fear, like Kid said.
“I guess it wasn’t entirely miserable,” you muse, thinking back to how Kid carried you to the ship. That was a lie–you were hurting far too badly to enjoy the contact–but the thought that it happened still made you kind of happy, in a messed up way. Maybe you were more touch-starved than you thought. “I got to be held. Can’t remember the last time I was that close to someone.”
Kid looks surprised, and then his expression slowly morphs into something smug, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. “If you wanted to be close to me, Y/n, you could have just asked.”
Your cheeks instantly flare hot, caught so off-guard all you can do is stare in dumb shock before you turn your head away. What the hell was he doing? Why would he say that? Now there was an ache in your chest as well as your arm.
“Is that what this was all about?” Kid continues gleefully. “Did you let yourself get hurt so your captain would come take care of you?”
No, no, no. Don’t do this to me. Regardless of what he meant by the teasing, it felt like a weight was sitting over your sternum. And really, he was such a fucking jerk, taking obvious pleasure in your flustered response. Honestly, why did you even like him?
“We’re right here.”
Your brain plays the memory back like a traitor, impressing the reason. Why did he have to be so damned nice to you? Why couldn’t he have been cold or stern or even harsh, like usual? This would have been so much easier if he just told you off for screaming, or called you a pussy or something, but no. He had to hold you and reassure you and now you didn’t know what to do.
“Stop it,” you say, but it comes out small and feeble. This was all too much, especially now. Killer had a point–you were in a delicate way mentally. The walls weren’t up, you couldn’t buffer any of these feelings. “Talk to me like that and I’ll leave.”
Kid pauses. “What do you mean, you’ll leave?”
“I’ll leave the crew.”
“What?!” Kid grabs the arms of his chair, leaning forward like he didn’t hear you right the first time.
“Slip?” Killer questions.
You avoid their eyes. “I can’t–I can’t do this. I can’t be around you if you’re going to be like… like that.”
“The hell are you talking about?” Kid demands.
“Slip, what’s wrong?” Killer asks. “Was it something we said?”
“No! I mean, yes!” you say, tugging at your hair with your good hand. “I mean… I…”
“Where’s this coming from all of a sudden?” Kid says hotly. “What the hell is your problem?” 
“I’m in love with you!” you shout. “That’s my fucking problem, Kid!”
Oops. Well. It was out now. Might as well go all-in. You cover your face as you add, “Killer, too. I love you both. I’m sorry.”
The shame settles like rot in your stomach, as nauseating as the physical pain was. There was no taking it back now. You expect shocked silence, or even Kid getting angry. 
What you don’t expect is Kid, as casually as if discussing the weather, responding, “Oh. Yeah, I know.”
It takes a minute to process what he said, mentally flipping the words over in an attempt to parse them. Your hand slowly drops from your face, and you fix him with a look that manages to be both pointed and baffled. “...What?”
“I already knew that,” Kid clarifies.
You stare a hole through him. “...What?”
“What exactly are you not getting? I’m telling you I already knew.”
“Fucking excuse me?!” It finally processes, crashing over you like a boiling wave, drenching and searing all at once. “Since when?!”
“Since we met, you idiot.”
Your jaw drops. He had known all this time? For three fucking years? He knew?
“You’re not a subtle person, Y/n,” Kid says, then grins. “You got really, really worked up when I caught you that one time. It wasn’t hard to figure out.”
“You knew?” You look between him and Killer, at a loss. “The entire time?”
“Y/n, the whole crew knows.”
“What?!” You sit up so quickly it jostles your injury, sending a hellish jolt of pain through your arm that makes you hiss.
“Easy,” Killer says, gently pushing your good shoulder to prompt you to lay back.
“Don’t tell me to take it easy!” you snap, but acquiesce, letting him push you back. “What the hell do you mean, you knew… The crew knows… Oh my god…”
“There, there,” Killer says, but you can hear the amusement in his voice.
“Anyway,” Kid says nonchalantly, “you don’t have permission to leave.”
Ordinarily, you would say 'I wasn't aware I needed it,' but you're currently too stunned to reply. All this time. And the crew knows.
What are you to make of that? Kid doesn’t look upset. Killer doesn’t sound upset. They’re fine with your crush? Did such things really not bother them, or did they… No. There was no way. You can't wrap your head around the implications. There was no way. Right? Because if they liked you back, wouldn’t they have said something by now? 
You have to find out. Living on this ship with that hanging over you is beyond what you can handle. And with months of recovery ahead of you, now would be as good a time as any to shoot your shot.
But you only get out "Do you–" before your voice catches, the query dying in your throat. You can't say it, can't bring yourself to ask. Something in your head is as broken as your arm, refusing to form the words. 
Kid and Killer are listening, waiting for you to continue, but you shake your head. “Never mind.” 
The answer to that question would hurt, and you’ve had enough of that for a good, long while. But without it comes the uncertainty, which almost feels worse. Unable to reconcile how you feel and exhausted from the aftermath of the adrenaline, you find you just want to be close to them again. Maybe you’re too much of a coward to ask the crucial question. But you aren’t above taking advantage of your current state to seek out a bit of comfort.
"Back when I was a kid," you say, "and I had to go to the doctor, my guardian would take me to get a treat afterwards. Like ice cream or something."
"Yeah?" Kid says, grinning wide. "Is there something you want from me? What could it possibly be, I wonder?"
Suddenly you're tongue-tied. You didn’t expect him to cotton on so fast, but underestimating Kid was why you had lost to him in the first place three years ago.
When you don't respond, Kid rests his chin on his metal hand, having the gall to look even more smug. "You need to say it out loud, Y/n."
Fucking jerk. Fine. "Um…" you start, fresh heat warming your face, "well, uh… Can I have, uh… A hug…?"
Kid looks surprised at that for some reason, raising a brow. What was he expecting? Still, he rises from his seat, and you sit up in anticipation. This was enough for now. Just to be held, one more time. You could figure out the rest later.
“That’s really all you want?” Kid says, looking at you like he can’t figure you out. He leans over you, towering, your height difference exacerbated with you being seated. “A hug?”
“...Yeah?” you respond hesitantly, unsure of what he means by the question.
Kid regards you for a moment, searching your eyes. Then he smirks. “I’ll do you one better.”
Before you can register the meaning of his words, Kid tilts your chin up, leans in, and presses his lips to yours in a firm and intent kiss.
Suffice to say, your brain promptly short-circuits. For a moment, not a single neuron fires. Then there’s a storm of activity, a thousand different thoughts and feelings screaming all at once. At the same time, a soft sort of tingling spreads throughout your whole body, fluttering and warm, so pleasant that you could cry. And, for just a second, like something out of a fairy tale, you don’t feel any of the pain in your arm. (You can never, ever tell this to Kid–he will hold it over your head for the rest of your life.)
While you’re too shocked to reciprocate, once Kid pulls away, you find yourself leaning forward, chasing the contact. He notices, if his widening smirk is any indication.
“Better than a hug, right?” he says, self-satisfied.
“Um,” you respond cleverly, still bewildered by the action. “Uh… Kid? Do you… Do you like me?”
Kid pinches the bridge of his nose. “Y/n, I literally just kissed you. What the fuck do you think?”
“Wait, shut up. Hold on. Wait.” The fact that Kid doesn’t react to your telling him to shut up is a testament to his going easy on you, and you make a mental note of it for later. “If you liked me back, why didn’t you do anything about it?”
“What are you talking about? I’ve been flirting with you for years!”
Your eyes bug out at him. “You have?”
“For someone who thinks so quickly in battle, it’s amazing how slow you are on the uptake,” Kid says, exasperated. You frown, because rude, but he keeps going. “At first, when you didn’t respond, I thought you weren’t interested. But the way you acted around me and Killer proved otherwise. It was confusing as hell! Then, a few weeks ago, the crew was at a tavern, and you were approached by that bounty hunter–you remember?”
“Yeah… What about him?”
“He started flirting real heavy, and it all went right over your head. It was incredible to watch. I realized then that you weren’t sending me mixed signals on purpose, but that you were really just that fucking oblivious.”
You blink. “He was flirting with me?”
“He bought you a drink!” Kid shouts, throwing his arms out in frustration and nearly knocking over another bed with his metal one. Killer covers his mask over where his mouth would be, as if that would help him suppress a laugh.
“I thought he was trying to sucker me out of information.”
“He was trying to sucker you out of your clothes.”
“Oh… So that’s why you nearly killed him.”
You stare down at your lap as you try to process all the new information. Kid liked you back. Not only that, but he had been attempting to show it pretty much since the beginning. You knew you were bad with feelings, but the fact that it took a severe injury for this to come to light was maybe a little concerning. And what about Killer? He wasn’t nearly as open as Kid, so even if he had been showing similar signs, you would have never picked up on it.
“Does, uh,” you say, looking up at them, “does Killer also…?”
“Yeah,” Kid says, “Killer too, though he never flirted with you over it.”
“I kind of did,” Killer speaks up, “here and there, but I stopped when it seemed like you weren’t into it.”
You think back, trying to recall any times where that might have happened. While Killer seemed outwardly stoic, he was surprisingly affable toward crewmates, so you never thought twice about any lingering touches or supportive words coming from him.
“Um… Wow. I’m sorry,” you say, “I didn’t mean to be confusing. I guess I just never thought it was possible that anyone would like me that way.”
“Why would you think that?” Killer sounds genuinely confused, and you tense, the question dredging up a host of bad memories. That was one traumatic can of worms you didn’t need to open, so you just shrug it off. 
“Uh, no reason…”
“You’ve never been in a relationship?” Kid asks.
“Not really,” you say, rubbing the back of your neck. All of this was new territory, the revelation that they were both interested leaving you stumped. “...What do I even do now?”
“Whatever you want.”
You stare at Kid, then glance away, cheeks growing warm in embarrassment before you even say it. “...I want you to kiss me again.”
“You really think you deserve it after all that you’ve put us through?” Kid grins, but despite what he says, he leans right back in to grant your wish.
The second kiss is softer, even tender. Your eyes close as you cup his cheek, and his hand covers yours. That fluttering sensation returns, prickling across your skin like you’ve sunk into a warm bath, enveloping and soothing.
When Kid breaks free this time, you can’t help but look at Killer afterwards, the longing in your expression making your thoughts evident.
“What, I’m not good enough for you?” Kid accuses, but you can tell he’s teasing.
“No,” you say brightly, safe in the knowledge that he won’t retaliate while you’re injured. Or so you thought–Kid pinches your cheek (with his flesh hand, at least,) harder and harder until you apologize. You rub your sore cheek, pouting. “I swear I’m not complaining or anything, but, uh… You don’t want to, Killer?”
Killer turns his head away, quiet for a moment. “...I will… Once you’ve recovered, and the cast comes off.” He looks your way again. “So you have the motivation to heal quickly.”
Later on, when you’ve gotten to know him more intimately, you’ll look back and realize that the ‘motivation’ line was complete bullshit, and that he was just covering up his shyness. But right then, you accept him at his word, though you’re a bit disappointed.
“Sure. Okay.” You lay back in the bed, a smile slowly stretching your lips. “I can live with that.”
Today was a one-two punch in staggering experiences. First you went through the worst physical pain you’d felt yet, then Kid revealed that he and Killer both liked you back. You were ecstatic, of course–but the fact that you never had to go through breaking your arm to learn of it made you more than a little mad at yourself.
“We can talk about all this later,” Kid says. “You need to rest.”
“Yes, sir.”
Kid looks at you sharply, and you get a funny feeling in your gut. Did… Did he like that? What a stuck-up asshole. God, you love him. Which is why you’re going to use that against him later.
“Try and get some sleep, if you can. The next island we’re stopping at has a pharmacy. Once we raid it and restock our medical supplies, you won’t be hurting so much, so just hang on until then. Okay?” Kid touches your cheek.
“Okay,” you reply, trying not to show how giddy the simple action makes you.
But given that he knew of your attraction all this time, he can probably tell anyway.
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“I can’t believe you didn’t say anything!” You glare at the crewmates sitting around your bed. The doctor will only let a few people in to see you at a time, so right now, it’s just Heat, Wire, and Quincy, the latter currently signing your cast. “Some nakama you are! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It would have interfered with the betting pool,” Wire says. 
“Betting pool?!”
“After a while,” Heat adds, “it just became kind of a social experiment.”
“Betting pool?!” you reiterate.
“Relax,” Quincy says, capping the marker. “If you get worked up, the doc will kick us out.”
“Fine.” You scowl, but relent, shoulders drooping.
“So how’d it go down?” Heat asks. “Did you tell Kid first, or did he tell you?”
“I said it first.”
“Damn,” Wire mutters, fishing a thick wad of cash out of his pocket and passing it to Heat.
Your eyes widen at the blatant exchange. “I will fucking strangle you both!”
“With one hand?” Wire asks, and the three of them burst into laughter.
You throw your medicine bottle at his head.
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After months of waiting, you’re eager to finally have the cast off, but a part of you will miss looking at everyone’s signatures. Heat even drew the crew’s jolly roger on it.
“Some pain and stiffness afterwards is normal. Your range of motion will be limited. After months of being immobile, the muscles are weakened,” the doctor explains. “You are to wait one week before any exercise or heavy physical activity with that arm. Understand?”
The moment the cast is removed and the doctor releases you, you go find Killer on the ship.
“Hey, Killer!” You wave at him with your newly-healed arm, though you find the action is more difficult than you expected, just like the doctor said. “Cast is off, big guy. Time to pay up.”
When Killer doesn’t respond right away, you think maybe he’s forgotten what he said months ago. He looks around at the other crewmates on deck, then takes your hand and wordlessly leads you elsewhere.
“Killer?” you ask as you follow, but he remains silent.
Killer takes you all the way to the captain’s cabin, closing the door behind the both of you. Kid is currently there, sitting at his desk and looking over a map, head turning to you as soon as you enter.
“Everything okay?” Kid asks, then, noticing your cast is off, he smirks. “Oh, I see. Went for it first thing, huh, Y/n? You must have really been looking forward to it.”
“Shut up, Kid!” you say, face growing hot.
Kid rises from his seat, coming to stand behind you, and rests his flesh hand on your shoulder, squeezing in threat. “Careful, Y/n. You don’t have that injury to protect you anymore.”
Despite the warning, something about the way he says it, voice low and smooth, makes your stomach knot.
“Alright, alright, fine. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to it, okay? I’ve been thinking about it every day since,” you admit, swallowing. “But, Killer, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Killer is silent once more. You scan him anxiously, trying to get a read on his body language. He seems tense, so it takes you by surprise when he quietly says, “I want to.”
Killer steps closer, right in front of you, so you’re sandwiched between the captain and first mate. Belatedly, you realize he’ll have to take off his mask, which you didn’t think about before. You’re not sure that even Heat or Wire have seen him without it, and you’re suddenly nervous that you’re violating some boundary by asking him to kiss you.
Then, Kid moves his hand from your shoulder to your face, covering your eyes from behind. You hear a faint noise like rustling hair that must be Killer removing his mask. Unable to see, you can only wait, heart pounding. It feels like forever before you feel his breath on your face, not making contact yet–he’s hesitating. And then, finally, after months of patience, he closes the gap, soft lips capturing your own.
Just like that, all your nerves melt away, fading behind the static that seems to spark through your body. You reach out for Killer blindly, hands landing in his hair before they slide down to hold his face, pulling as if you could draw him even closer. He sighs into your mouth in response, making your knees grow weak.
After far too short a time, Killer pulls away, and your grip on his face tightens in reluctance. 
“Wait, wait,” you mumble, “again. Please, I–”
Your protest is muffled by Killer’s mouth closing over yours again, swallowing your words and your sanity all at once. He’s firmer this time, indelicate and needy, large hands grabbing hold of your waist. The little whine that slips out of you is involuntary, and you hear Kid chuckle behind you.
Eventually, Killer breaks away, leaving the both of you stunned and flushed with endorphins.
“You have no idea, Y/n,” Kid whispers into your ear, raising goosebumps on the back of your neck. “How much he’s talked about this.”
“Like you haven’t been talking about them?” Killer says defensively. “The sheer amount of grievances I’ve had to listen to the last few years… Where do I even begin? First, there was–”
“Okay!” Kid cuts him off, uncharacteristically flustered. “I get it.”
You snicker, and Kid immediately wraps his metal hand around your hip, gripping just tightly enough so as not to be painful, but still securely enough so that you’re trapped in place. It’s huge in comparison to you, the pinky sinking into your thigh while the index presses into your stomach. You gasp, going rigid, the position intimately familiar–this was the exact way that Kid had caught you three years ago.
“You know, Y/n,” Kid says, his tone soft with warning, “you’ve been a real piece of work these last few months. Smart-mouthed. Insolent. Talking back to me. Thinking you were so safe because of your injury.” He’s speaking into your ear again, breath hot on your skin, and your heart starts to race. “I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, Y/n, because I’ve been keeping track. Every comment, every cheeky little quip, I committed to memory, waiting for this moment. I think it’s time I paid it back. Wouldn’t you agree, Killer?”
“Definitely,” Killer responds without hesitation.
Heat courses through your body, collecting at the apex of your thighs. Still blinded by Kid, you can’t see Killer move, but you feel his rough fingers tracing your throat a moment later.
The third time around, you are perfectly okay with not having lived up to your epithet.
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Apart of The Sk8 Crew„
Just rewatched Sk8 the infinity and now I wish I had friends so ! Gn reader
Joe | “I wanna marry your abs!”
Y’all would meet your first time at S
Obviously you’d be amazed by his skating and even if u don’t like men he’s hot as hell bro don’t lie
One of two things happens
You A. Run up to him and ask abt his skating techniques and such
Or B. He actually walks up to you to talk about your skating(only if ur good ofc💀)
He’s such a dad
If you’re younger than him he’s constantly trying to sound smart/give you wisdom
Sometimes it’s solid advice the other times it’s pure nonsense
If you like to cook/want to learn he’ll happily teach you
If not he’ll settle for a new taste tester
He would def make jokes all the time
Some genuinely funny
He expects you to laugh at all of them even if it wasn’t funny
He’d appreciate it if you didn’t cock block him like everyone else
Despite being quick to take off his shirt he’s very fashionable and takes pride in his looks obviously
If you ever needed fashion advice best go to him!
He’s a pretty laid back guy so you wouldn’t get into arguments often
Would love to skate everywhere but he’s like…got a job and responsibilities so..
Still a great dad friend to have
Honestly would care and worry over you if you got into some dumb shit so don’t do anything stupid and he won’t worry
Joe for the win🗣️‼️
Cherry/Kaoru | A.I. Advancement
You’d meet when he paid a visit to Joe’s restaurant
Ofc you knew of him bc he’s popular but you never MET Kaoru
You def walked in on their date arguing
It was so awkward u were jus like:🧍‍♂️
“Is this a bad time time to visit you?”
“Hey! Kaoru this is [ ], the kid I was talking about.”
“What a peculiar child to willingly hang around you.”
“Whatever you say, Pinky.”
He’s kinda weird with his whole AI stuff but other than that a great friend
Makes snarky comments with you
Unless ur too nice to make snide remarks
Constantly complains abt the angle of your turns
Unironically would show up at your parent teacher conferences(if you’re still in the lower schooling ofc)
Would never admit it but he loves each of his friends and would be genuinely concerned if anything happened
Shadow | Petty Clown
Oh when y’all met you wanted to throw hands
I imagine something similar to his introduction with Reki
Bro straight up threw an explosive in your face???(smoke bomb maybe but still)
He may be petty but you’re pettier(is that even a word?💀)
You found out he worked at a flower shop bc lets be FR he doesn’t look much different outside of S
Lil arguments here lil threats there and you leave with a nice assortment of flowers
Bro side eyes you EVERYTIME y’all cross paths at S😭
After the whole gang is assembled y’all no longer act this way towards one another
Bros the only responsible adult of this group
He def did your makeup once and you broke out the next day💀
“Are you sure you know what you’re doin’?”
“Trust me, kid.”
“I don’t know why but I don’t.”
You try and help him with his relationship endeavors but it never works out😭
He’ll go to the gym with you if you don’t wanna go alone
Gym bros‼️🗣️
Miya | Catty Child
This fucker
Y’all are quite the duo
Annoying ass mfs whenever and wherever you go
If you have any sort of pet it’s his pet now
Bros the animal whisperer
He’d have to be interested in your skating for y’all to become friends
So pretend ur decent or even amazing; however big ur delusion allows itself to be🫡
He’s smart but would invite you somewhere under the premise of studying just to goof around
If he needs a second player for his game bro is gonna drag your ass so y’all can play
Goes shopping with you just to complain about how everything is ugly in the stores
“That’s not cute, who thought selling this was a good idea?”
“Bitch—if you’re going to be negative the whole time go home‼️”
Reki | Redheaded Menace
If you thought you + Miya was a devious duo just imagine you and Reki
Y’all would prob meet second after you and Joe met
Bc he works at a skate shop
And you need skating stuff(you can tell I’m not a skater💀)
If you’re just a good skater and don’t know actual science and shit behind it he’s constantly telling you about it like you care
You guys cruise around together for fun
He made your current board and you’ll never get another one that’s not from him
You teach him any and all tricks/skills you know
Probably took you to his house to give you your current board bc he was working on it in his house and you met all of his family
His mom is just happy he’s got some friends
You become besties with his mom
She gossips abt news and celebrities with you
Claims ur like her other child(forget the rest of them👺)
Makes you lunch bc she’s nice like that
You let him ramble abt stuff he’s interested in even if you aren’t listening fully
Would silently beg you to stay back with him during the hot spring scavenge bc he’s scared
Forces you to watch horror movies with him bc he gets scared and needs someone else with him
Bro would be elated the whole day if you called him cool
Snow/Langa | Canadian Curiosity
Omg he’s Canadian?😦 Seize him!
Obviously being involved with S you would’ve heard of Snow but Reki would’ve introduced y’all before the big news
Bro would shove him in your face as if he’s a shiny trophy(at the beginning ofc)
“This is Langa! New guy from my class apparently he’s interested in skating.”
“Sick—he’s so pale.”
“He’s from Canada.”
Bro is so oblivious it’s crazy
You gotta like SPELL IT OUT for him if you’re ever alluding to smth
Langa stays hungry and would go out to eat with you anytime
You and Reki would def help him decorate his room bc it’s…bland
It’s not bad but there’s no personality
He tells you abt his favourite dishes back in Canada and y’all try and locate any places in Japan that might sell smth similar
If not you guys attempt to make it yourselves at his house
His mom walks in on y’all ruining the kitchen💀
“Langa I’m…home.”
“Hey, Mom.”
“Hey Langa’s Mom!”
Bro is a skating addict and will skate whenever and wherever
Wants to race you like at least twice every week
Loser pays for dinner
You help him with his reading and writing and if you didn’t already know he’d teach you English
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hey! (just wanna say I really love your writing and especially the ones on mental health)
could I ask for more of the reactions to an Australian accent, but with the cricket crew instead? (those who are okay with x reader ofc)
tysm!!! have a wonderful day!
ah omg thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I've been working really hard esp on those ones + the fact I've always kinda struggled w mental health stuff so I rlly pour my heart out into those ; and he's of course!! sorry if I misunderstood you on that last one by the way LMAO ; gonna keep this as a oneshot tho because it was way easier than a preference format for some reason ; also I wish we got more freddie, tommy, tubbo & ranboo pics while we could 😔🙏
HANDSOME BROS ; australian accent
summary ; youre the only aussie in a group of british kids (and an american)
warnings ; language, lots of ball jokes (sorry tommy)
word count ; 1.4k
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Showing up for Tubbathon 2024 was a wild one.
Having your hand duct taped to Tommy's was also a whole thing in itself. At least you weren't working with Ranboo, who had no idea how to cook, unlike their poor partner Freddie. Recipe For Disaster was probably a horrible idea to join.
You and Tommy, Green Team, versus Ranboo and Freddie, Orange Team.
You'd never really talked on stream before. You either communicated through Minecraft signs or in-game chats. If you did speak, however, you'd often use a voice changer to make you seem a little more understandable, as you knew your accent was a bit difficult to understand sometimes.
You'd also met with your friends in real life before, of course, but you made sure the entire trip you strained your voice to sound a little more understandable.
But, now cooking with one of your long-time friends, the big guy TommyInnit himself, you didn't seem as worried or insecure when you spoke. I mean, you'd barely spoken, but you were in a comfortable environment - Tubbo's house - and were accompanied by friends you'd known for a long time now.
The stream had started and Tubbo had explained your rules, leaving the two groups to get to cooking.
"Hey, mate, can you hold the bowl while I stir the eggs?" You kindly ask Tommy, wriggling a whisk out of the jar between the stations.
The blonde blinks in silence, staring at you, "Your accent went 0 to 100 very quickly, Y/n/n" He giggles.
"Wait, what?" You glance about, feeling a little nervous as you plop the whisk into the measuring cup, needing to stir the eggs.
"Not in a bad way! Like, I never noticed your fuckin' accent was so, like, heavy before? You didn't sound like that last time we met up, or talked" He shrugs as he explains himself.
"Oh" You shrug, watching as he secures his free hand around the handle of the glass measuring cup. You begin to whisk the eggs, poking at the yolks to make it go a little bit faster. "I mean, I usually use a little voice changer to make me a little more understandable"
"Ohhhhh, wait, that makes sense" He nods, "Ow! Calm down, I'm not trying to get surgery on my wrist now!" He quickly pulls his hand away, feeling something pop.
"Shit, I'm sorry! Are you alright?"
He bites his tongue, nodding as you reach for his hand. "I'm good"
You gently grab his wrist, quickly and lightly kneading the area for him.
Ranboo looks up, seeing you two distracted in your green aprons. "They're taking a massage therapy break already" they comment, tapping Freddie on the shoulder.
"C'mon, man up, Tommy! You'll be okay" Freddie lightly smiles, cracking a few eggs over the measuring cup, which they'd just struggled to find.
"Dude, I just had surgery on my crowned jewels, I don't think I will!"
"Good God, help me now" You chuckle
Ranboo and Freddie go silent for a moment before the boy with the red hair speaks up.
"You weren't kidding about the voice changer, were you?"
You shake your head no, "Why would I lie about that, mate?"
The two shrug, hearing Tubbo fake yell at them for cheating since they were conversing with you. The four of you jokingly plan a rebellion that you'd put into place for later, deciding to focus on the food right now.
"Tommy, Tommy, the plate, not the floor! If you drop that I'll actually kill you"
"It's on the damn plate!"
Tommy quickly sets the pan down to help you fold the guacamole together, using his one hand to hold the bowl while you rushingly mix it all up. From the avocados to the lemon juice, you got it to a nice consistency, and, with a struggle, get a dab of it on the paper plate you were given next to the burrito.
"I think he's gonna like it either way, considering most of what he eats, he orders." You shrug, setting the bowl of guacamole down.
Tommy lightly laughs, "Yeah, that's true"
You were finished before the timer, luckily, however, Freddie and Ranboo were still working, using each hand to do their own tasks to work a little faster.
"Tubbo, can you understand me with my accent this thick?" You shout into the other room, purposely making your voice and accent sound a bit thicker to try and mess wirh him.
It's silence until he answers, like he needed to translate your words. "Barely!"
You and Tommy laugh, chatting away while the other group works.
"What's Australia even like? Just like... giant spiders and kangaroos?"
"Holy shit"
"I'm serious! It's not like I'm going anytime soon"
"Well, it's not that. It's like the UK but much warmer, and yeah, kinda scarier. It's like a real-life Better Minecraft mod"
"You guys have armored skeletons attacking you??" Tommy laughs as he teases you.
"I hate you!" You laugh
"I love how you say 'you', it sounds so dumb"
"It sounds like how you Brits say it!" You smile, using your free hand to try and fight him in a playful manner.
"Dumb in a nice way! Dumb in a nice way!" He shouts, trying to use his free hand to protect himself from the cat fight. "They weren't lying when they said you Aussies fight like wild animals, what's next, you gonna kick the shit out of me?" He asks, egging you on.
"I'm gonna kick you in the crown jewels if you don't shut up!" You joke, making him scream in terror, probably killing the viewers' ears as well.
He yelps, falling back as he drags you down with him, having slipped on himself.
"Jesus Christ, they've broken each other's backs off that floor, I heard it" Freddie lightly laughs, holding the paper plate up for Ranboo so they could put the food on it. "I think Y/n's dead"
"Tubbo! We need the ambulance!" Ranboo laughs, "Get Eryn back here, they actually can't get up! The tied hands have impaired them tremendously"
"Tommy, just stand up!"
"My balls hurt!"
"Then let me stand up, I can't when you're holding your dick together!"
Eryn quickly rushes over, helping the both of you stand up slash getting Tommy to release his tied hand from his crotch. You help him up and pat him on the shoulder with your free hand as Tubbo wraps up the time.
In the end, your groups nearly tied, you and Tommy one point behind Freddie and Ranboo. Honestly, they did deserve the win.
"I still can't believe you fooled us with the voice changer, even changing your voice in real life. I swear, you sound totally different," Freddie lightly chuckles, freeing himself from the apron.
"In a good way, though" Ranboo adds, "Your accent is really fucking cool, trust me"
You lightly smile, freeing yourself from Tommy's sweaty hands. "Thanks- ow, holy shit!"
"You think that hurt?" The blonde teases, having ripped the rest of the duct tape of your hands.
"Piss off"
After the stream ended, Tubbo turned on some music while you guys cleaned up. He and Eryn were sorting out the lights, cameras, and microphone while the four of you cleaned up the kitchen. You decided to clean each other's messes, trying to make it a little more enjoyable, which none of you minded.
The music, picked my Tubbo himself, was an early 2000s hip hop mix, titled something like 'Greatest 2000s Hip Hop Hits' or something. And of course, Ranboo and Tommy were getting down to it, mostly leaving you and Freddie to do the cleaning while you laughed at them singing and dancing along.
Tommy was bouncing around, not focused on cleaning whatsoever as he tugs on your hand, wanting you to join in.
"Y/n, Freddie, cmon!"
"This isn't High School Musical, dude" You reply
"You deserve a break!" Ranboo shouts, pulling Freddie into whatever fucked up dance trapezoid you guys had going on.
You sigh and set down the cups you were washing and turn the water off. You spray the water from your hands on Freddie, starting a war as you join their little dance party.
Freddie gasps and smiles, throwing the little bit of water in the measuring cup at you in retaliation.
"Australian versus Brit! Who will win!?" Tommy shouts with a little laugh.
"Hopefully not the American"
You fake shudder and nod. "Yeah, I agree with that, Ranboo"
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a-killer-obsession · 2 months
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 44 - Unlikely Help
Things on your own aren't going well, it's time for a new plan.
Word Count: ~3.3k
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Two weeks had passed since Kaido took most of your family from you, and as expected; you were exhausted. Dawn had been calm the first few nights, but you got the feeling she could sense your stress and unease, and it seemed like she was missing her dads. It was hard to get her to sleep, and even harder to get her to stay asleep. She was also learning to roll, which meant you could no longer reliably leave her in one spot without worrying about her rolling away and potentially getting hurt. You'd really been spoiled with all the help you had on the ship, and now you wore dark bags under your eyes and yawned constantly from the strain of taking care of yourself and Dawn on your own with very little resources. You were getting clumsy in your exhaustion, and you were starting to worry about your sanity if you had to keep going on your own like this. You truly thought your crew would be back by now, but each day went by without any sign of a ship on the horizon, and you grew more and more anxious that they were gone for good. Though it might have been for the best that you saw no ships, you didn't have the energy to defend yourself and Dawn if an enemy ship were to land, you were barely making do as it was with your limited energy.
Then there was the food situation which to be frank, was fucking dire. You thought there'd be more big game on the island, given that the majority of it was heavily forested, but you were having trouble finding anything, or perhaps you were just shit at hunting. Either way, all you'd manage to do with Double's rifle was waste bullets trying to snag a rabbit, and take down a single small deer. It was a good thing his ghost had abandoned you, so you didn't have to see the disappointment on his face at your garbage hunting attempts. The jerky you made from the deer using your fruit gave you a small amount of food, but not enough to sustain your breastmilk. You foraged for fruit, but the forest mostly only held berries you weren't familiar with, and you couldn't risk poisoning yourself and leaving Dawn on her own. That left you to rely on the sea.
Using your power to control the waves, which for some reason you'd literally never thought to do until now, you were able to wash schools of fish up on to shore, which you could then grab off the sand as they flopped around, and use your powers, or a fire if you were too tired, to cook them. For the next week you ate nothing but fish and the occasional shellfish, and while it was enough to sustain life, you still found yourself losing body weight at the expense of keeping your breast milk flowing. You knew you couldn't survive like this for long, and with only another week of nappies and wipes left you knew it was time to start thinking about other options.
Option one: you continue living on fish and see if you can hold out long enough for the Kid Pirates to return before your stored fats are entirely depleted. Option two: you take one of the small dinghies left behind, fit it with a makeshift sail and hope you make it to a nearby island. Option three: wait for an enemy ship to show up, steal their transponder, call someone for help. Who could you even call though? You could hideaway until they set sail again, but who knew how long it would take for them to need a resupply; it would take considerable energy to keep yourself and Dawn hidden in the meantime.
You spent the next several days thinking it over, but ultimately your plan was decided for you. It was barely a speck on the horizon, without your exceptional eyesight you wouldn't have even seen it, and they likely hadn't spotted the island either unless they were using a telescope. It was a ship, no doubt, a little smaller than the Victoria Punk, but painted in bright yellows, oranges and reds. You decided to take a risk. You could moonstep close enough to find out what sort of ship it was, and then decide from there what to do - either hide away until they hit land, try to make a deal, or if the crew looked weak perhaps kill them and take the ship for yourself. You weren't sure if you could handle a ship that size on your own, but surely being able to manipulate waves would help. Either way you were getting off this island, so you grabbed your emergency go bag, stuffed a few extra things into it, strapped Dawn to your chest and slung your katana and Double's rifle over your shoulder. There was no need to locate your dagger, it'd been permanently attached to your thigh since Kaido had landed.
You power walked most of the distance to the shore to save your minimal energy, before taking to the air, small pops of air sounding from your feet as you made your way to the ship, until you were close enough to properly identify it and finalise your plans. The ship looked beaten up; there were parts of the railings missing, broken walls, pieces haphazardly mended with scraps. The main sail had one corner missing, seemingly burned away, but the jolly roger was still identifiable. A simple skull and crossbones wearing a straw hat.
You breathed a sigh of relief, these people would help you, you had no doubt. Killer had explained the beef Kid had with them, and it sounded more like Kid just felt bad about being shown up, only his pride had been attacked. In reality they'd fought together, after the Straw Hats had tried to save their mermaid friend and their captain had punched a Celestial Dragon. The newspapers you'd received from the news coos since that weapon broadcast, where Luffy had been caged, had revealed that his crew had been busy, freeing the entire kingdom of Dressrosa from a corrupt Warlord. They weren't the type to murder and pillage, so you felt comfortable with your plan: land aboard their ship, and try to cut a deal.
You didn't have much time to think on how you would cut a deal, knowing your energy was quickly fading and you would only be able to moonstep a little longer, so you swiftly made your way to the derelict looking ship, landing softly on what appeared to be a deck covered in a real living grass lawn. How strange. You'd also seen trees bearing some sort of orange fruit as you approached, perhaps they took their scurvy prevention seriously. There was only some sort of tall skeleton on the deck, as tall as Wire perhaps, sitting on a bench at the base of the main mast. It was dressed quite dapper in a red suit, frilled shirt, and yellow cravat, a top hat balanced precariously atop its afro. You thought at first that it was a decoration, a leftover halloween prop, until it lifted his teacup to its mouth and took a sip. You clamped a hand to your mouth to keep yourself from screaming, knowing it would distress Dawn, taking a heavy breath as you removed your hand cautiously.
“What the fuck,” you gasped, “you're.. alive? What the fuck.”
“Oh I am very much dead, yohohohoho,” the skeleton laughed, putting down his teacup and standing, giving a small bow as he tipped his hat to you, “you may call me Brook, dear lady. What may I call you, and your small passenger?”
Dawn babbled and cooed, trying to grab the visor of your mask as you looked down at her briefly, before turning your attention to Brook, who at least seemed harmless, even if he was a little frightening to look at. “Uh… Yin,” you told him hesitantly, “and this is Dawn.”
“Lovely to meet you, Yin,” Brook replied, then tilted his head like he was trying to look coy, “may I see your panties?”
“Uh, I'm not sure my boyfriends would appreciate that,” you replied with a small laugh. What a strange, strange man.
“Ah, the beautiful mademoiselle has lovers already?” A male voice sighed. A blonde man came down the stairs behind the skeleton, a cigarette in his mouth, his hair covering one eye but the other you could see was framed by a strange curled eyebrow. He was well dressed as well, in a black dress shirt, pants and vest, complete with a red tie. “You break my heart, my beauty. But alas, what brings you aboard our ship?”
“A ROBOT!” another voice yelled, before a flurry of red, yellow and blue was flying at you. Instinctually you put up a wall of air pressure, to protect yourself and Dawn from the projectile, but it was intercepted by the blonde man with a well placed kick. You could see now that the projectile had been none other than the captain himself, Monkey D. Luffy, who barely took a second to recover before he was running at you again, this time stopped by your wall of pressure, which he slammed into hard, seemingly unphased as he gawked at you with his face smooshed against the shield and his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Luffy! What have we told you about throwing yourself at people!” the blonde growled, pulling Luffy by the collar of his red, open vest, though his hands stayed fixed to your bubble, arms stretching unnaturally to accommodate. “The mademoiselle has a baby with her! You could have seriously hurt them!”
“BUT IT'S A ROBOT!” Luffy shouted, still staring at you, “Hey! Join my crew! We have a cyborg too, you guys can be friends!”
“Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not a robot,” you explained, “and I already have a crew.”
“And who would they be?” A feminine voice came from behind you. You turned to see a beautiful ginger woman descending the stairs from the forecastle deck, long hair billowing around her very attractive, curvy figure, the purple dress she wore accentuating her waist, trimmed with gold ribbon and floral embroidery. Your breath caught a little at how pretty she was.
“They're- arg,” you felt dizzy all of a sudden. You'd been using your powers this whole time to protect yourself, and you heard the soft pap of Luffy's hands hitting the lawn as your bubble of air pressure was unwillingly released, the lawn suddenly much closer than it should be as you waivered and almost passed out. The blonde was quick to catch you, calling for someone called Chopper as he tried to help you sit.
“May I hold your baby for a moment?” the skeleton asked politely, kneeling in front of you, “while our doctor helps you.” You gave him a tired nod, even that small motion making your head spin. The blonde helped him free Dawn from the wrap, and the skeleton held her carefully as he brought her to his chest. Dawn was entirely unphased by his lack of flesh and instead more enamoured with his cravat, immediately trying to eat it.
“Coming! Coming!” A childlike voice called. Some sort of small, brown, furry creature appeared at your side, wearing a yellow hoodie and a large round hat, blue and pink with a big cross on the front. The antlers peeking out from the hat told you it must be a deer, a zoan fruit user perhaps? Less weird than the skeleton, to be certain, but still strange. “Ah! Where did she come from?”
“There's an island nearby,” the ginger said, “she must have come from there.”
“M-moon step-p,” you forced out in explanation.
“Are you okay? What happened?” Chopper asked, using a cold stethoscope to check your heart and breathing.
“She looked like she was going to pass out,” the blonde said, “exhaustion, I think. She was using some sort of devil fruit.”
“She looks thin, is that her baby?” Chopper asked, pointing to Brook where Dawn was chewing on his boney fingers like a teething toy. Gross. The blonde nodded as Chopper continued his assessment.
“Ma'am, are you breastfeeding currently?” Chopper asked, you gave him a small nod. “Have you been eating enough?” You shook your head, groaning as the motion sent your world spinning again. “I believe she's malnourished. Sanji can you carry her to the infirmary?”
The blonde, Sanji you assumed, seemed to visibly wince at that assessment, before gingerly picking you up bridal style. “Do not worry, mademoiselle. Nobody goes hungry on my watch. Chopper will fix you up, and I'll prepare a delicious and nutritious meal for you!”
The redhead eyed you suspiciously as Sanji carried you away, deciding to take things into her own hands. She knew you had a crew, and you were riddled with weapons, and clearly not a marine. By that assessment, it was easy to see you were a pirate. All she had to do was find your wanted poster and she'd have her answers.
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You sat at the dining table in the quaint kitchen of what you learned was called the Thousand Sunny, eating some sort of pesto pasta, fresh bread, potato salad, onigiri and fried, breaded fish. Every dish was delicious, certainly comparable to Killer's cooking, and you ate almost as much as their captain, though it was hard to compete with Luffy. Dawn was now being occupied by another crewmate, a rabbit mink you learned was named Carrot, though she was not technically a Straw Hat. She seemed quite taken with Dawn, who was giggling and babbling enthusiastically at the rabbit as Carrot shook her head to make her ears flop around for the baby's entertainment. You felt considerably better now that you had some proper food and some IV fluids in you, and Chopper had been happy to declare that other than being exhausted and underfed, you were otherwise healthy, as was Dawn who he had insisted on giving a once over.
The ginger, who you learned was named Nami, stormed in, waving a sheet of paper in her hand, slamming it down on the table. “Shockwave Yin!” She declared with a scowl, “what the hell does a Kid Pirate want with us, huh? You here to trick us? Lure us into a trap with your baby? Is she even yours, or just a stolen bait?”
You sniffled a little as you tried to hold back your feelings, before the dam burst under the weight of almost a month alone with your feelings, openly sobbing in front of the Straw Hats much to your embarrassment. Dawn also started to cry, so you did your best to pull yourself together and beckoned for Carrot to hand her to you. “Sorry Dawnie, it's okay, mammas okay baby, shhh shh,” you cooed to her, holding her to your chest while patting her butt in a soothing rhythm until she calmed, sucking on her thumb and looking at you with watery eyes. The Straw Hats looked a little shell-shocked at the outburst, most of all Nami, who could see now that she may have been a little too rough with her unfounded accusations.
“Sorry…” she mumbled, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, uh, sorry,” you sniffed, using your free arm to push your mask up a little to wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket. “Just been a hard month is all.”
“Woah! Cool eyes!” Luffy exclaimed before you replaced your mask. You couldn't help but give him a soft smile at the innocent compliment. It wasn't often someone thought your eyes were ‘cool’, it made you miss Killer and Heat even more, a sharp pang in your heart threatening to have you bursting into tears again.
“Do you want to talk about it, Yin-chan?” Sanji asked sweetly, “Where is your crew?”
“Kaido took them,” you said softly, trying your very best not to cry. “He came out of nowhere, literally dropped from the sky. We were supposed to be celebrating an alliance with the On-Air and Hawkins pirates, but they turned against us. I was only able to hide myself and Dawn because of my devil fruit. We had no chance, we were betrayed. It happened almost a month ago, I haven't seen them since, I've been all alone, just me and Dawnie. The other crews took everything, so I've been living on fish and what little deer I could shoot,”-Chopper looked spooked-”ah, sorry Chopper. Anyway I just… I'm exhausted. Dawn misses her dads and isn't sleeping right and I can't get enough food to keep my milk producing so I've just been withering away. I thought maybe, since you fought alongside my crew once before, that maybe you could take me to the next island so I can get help.”
“Kaido took Jaggy?!” Luffy yelled, shooting up out of his seat, “we're already gonna fight Kaido! We'll help Jaggy too!”
“Luffy, Eustass won't want our help,” Sanji replied, pressing a hand to the excitable captain's shoulder to force him to sit again.
“Eh?” Luffy huffed.
“Sanji is right,” you sighed, “he's stubborn. And after what happened, I doubt he'll ever trust another crew again. You'd just be putting yourself in danger, I have to find him myself. And the rest of my crew, if they're even still alive. You said you're gonna fight Kaido, does that mean you know where he is?”
“Wano!” Luffy exclaimed with a wide smile, “that's where we're going! To find the samurai and help them kill Kaido!”
“Would you take me with you?” You asked hesitantly, “I have nothing to offer you but, I would owe you everything if you let me hitch a ride. I'm sure when I find my captain he could pay you for your help, or at least for my food and board.”
Nami's eyes lit up at the mention of money, and she slapped her palms to the table. “Of course! We're heading there anyway!” Her brain was already crunching the numbers on how much berri she could scam Kid out off.
“Oh, thank you!” You replied gleefully, not expecting a rival crew to be so kind, “Dawn and I really appreciate it!”
“So…” Brook slid onto the bench beside you, “who's Dawn's daddy? I am quite curious, Jaggy-san certainly does not seem like the fatherly type.”
“With that hair, it's gotta be that first mate,” Sanji decided, putting a cigarette in his mouth and going to light it, but remembering Dawn was present and thinking better of it, “with that wild blonde mane of his.”
“Yes and no,” you replied, only adding to the curiosity of the Straw Hats who were now looking intently at you, “Killer is my lover, yes, as is Heat, but neither is her father. She was adopted.”
“Ah, what a romantic story!” Carrot exclaimed.
“Ey, Robot,” Luffy stretched his arm across the table to poke your shoulder, “why do your eyes look like that?”
“I told you Luffy, I'm not a robot,” you frowned, “my devil fruit makes my eyes like that. I can see a lot more colours and hear a lot more sounds than anyone else. The mask helps me not get overwhelmed.”
“Overwhelmed?” Sanji noted, “your devil fruit doesn't sound very good if you need tech to control it.”
“It's powerful, to be sure,” you sighed, “but it has its downfalls. I spent a long time being out of control and scared of my powers, but don't worry, I have my seastone so I can get myself under control in emergencies.” you pointed to your bracelet, still bearing the Kid Pirate's jolly roger. You sighed sadly at seeing it, the only real reminder you had of your crew right now. But you were on your way, you were going to find them, and when you did there would be hell to pay for all those who betrayed your family. You just had to hold on to the hope that they were even still alive.
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Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055 @eyes-ofhell @luvnisstuff
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