#Kid Dragons are called saplings sometimes!
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anxiousapplepie · 1 month ago
I don't think I've seen it so I'm gonna ask. What do people in the RK verse swear to/ how do they curse? Or other fun little conversation facts.
I saw one think 'oh sweet scents' which is neat.
Are kids buds?
WELL! The big things both Roses and Dragons swear to is Gardenia and Forrest (seen as the Original Rose and Dragon, when the races officially stopped being seen as the same thing) but other curse words include things relating to smells, wood and salt! I'm trying to keep things PG, but those with imaginations can probably think of other colorful swears the RK world have XD And yes! Kid Roses are known as buds. Most buds are White Roses before they got their first color, but you can still be a bud even if you're not white anymore
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legendary-cookies · 3 years ago
Off the back of the drawing you just posted, what are the others' nicknames for Wind?
I've put way too much thought into this headcanon but here you go lmfao
All of the nicknames have something with small or little in them because I like making fun of him
Millennial Tree and Sugar Swan use various different names because they're his parents but Millie's favorite is "little sapling"/"my sapling" and Sugar Swan's favorite is "baby bird"
Dark Enchantress, Timekeeper, Frost Queen, and Ananas all mostly use "little one" or "small one" but Frost Queen uses "little dove" from time to time
All of the dragons call him "kid" sometimes but Pitaya specifically uses it the most
Lotus calls him "little lotus" and Longan calls him "little breeze"
Lychee just calls him "tiny" no further explanation needed
Some nicknames are used more affectionately than others but Wind hates all of them equally lmfao
The older Legends also call the other Four nicknames too but not nearly to the degree they do with Wind
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youareunbearable · 3 years ago
Headcannon that Celebrimbor and Thranduil were childhood Frenemies because I don't like how the Mirkwood Elves were left out of everything that happened so pls enjoy this fliclet
Once the Feanorians touched down in Hithlum, Thingol sent his younger brother's brother in law Oropher to be his ambassador. Oropher, of course, brings his son Thranduil along because this is a great chance for diplomatic training
Maedhros, this is during the time Morgoth is sending his own persistent ambassadors, thinks it would also be a great time to start Celebrimbor on diplomatic training, because before this he was just in the forge with Curufin and Feanor. And it doesn't look like the rest of the Sons of Feanor are going to have kids so he'll be inheriting the crown one day.
So Celebrimbor and Thranduil are pushed together on children "play dates"
They hate it, they always fight with each other and have competitions and as soon as they see each other they will throw down and scream new insults they learned since the last time they met. Sometimes they spent entire visits only speaking to each other in their own native tounges and mock the other for not properly understanding what they are saying. This particular game didn't last long, but Tyelpe did become the first of the Noldor to speak Sindarin fluently with no accent and Thranduil enjoys the annoyed tick in Galadriel's typical serene expression when she hears him speak flawless Quenya with a Feanorian lisp
Oropher is concerned, being the youngest of 4 he never had an antagonistic relationship with any of them. But Maglor (the new depressed Noldor High King) just gives a small smile and shrugs. He grew up with 6 brothers and even more half cousins. Little Tyelpe and Thrandy are just playing like boys and future best friends do
And they keep up this frenenimes relationship even after Curufin moves them to Himland. When it gets sacked during Dagor Bragollach and Curufin, Celegorm, and Celebrimbor all flee south to their cousins home, Thranduil sends them some relief supplies. When Celebrimbor disown his father, Thranduil comes to visit and generally be annoying until Celebrimbor can stop feeling like shit
When Thranduil, his parents, and their people leave eastward after Thingol's death but before the second Kinslaying (for Oropher is older then the Sun and Moon, he is not about to be led by a boy not even in his 30th year, Maiar blood or not, and many Sindar agree with him) Celebrimbor travels with them and secures them safe passage through the Blue Mountains.
They both grieve when they hear of the Second Kinslaying, then the Third, and then when the East sinks under the waves. Not many in Lindon support Celebrimbor wearing the eight pointed star again, but Thranduil just rolls his eyes and tells him red looks dreadful with his complexion
During the Second Age when Thranduil gets married, Celebrimbor is invited to the wedding and vis versa when Celebrimbor marries Narvi
(Both marriages involve lots of teasing over their partners of choice. Thranduil laughs over the fact that of course a Noldor would marry a Dwarf, they are basically the same, what with their love of rocks and metal work. Celebrimbor rolls his eyes and snorts that he's surprised Thranduil didn't end up marrying an Ent, what with his love of trees, but he supposes that marrying a lady named "tree maid" is close enough. What next? Will he name his children "sapling" or "twig" or "leaf"? Thranduil shoves him off his chair, spilling wine all over the table and floor and growls that at least his children will have original names, and not share a name with two of his forefathers like Men)
They visit each other a lot during the second age, and Thranduil tries to help him as best he can during the fallout of Narvi's death, and when Celebrimbor is designing his rings of Power with that suspicious Maiar of his (who Celebrimbor SWEARS is helping him craft to work through the grief he has no other intentions) he had Thranduil (or Oropher) in mind when he created Vilya
When Thranduil heard about what happened to his friend and his land during the War of Elves and Sauron he grieved deeply. The only thing he had to remember his friend by was some forgotten blueprints of unfinished jewelry, an Age worth of letters (mostly written in Quenya, he of course had replied in proper Sindarin), a clumsy eight pointed star he laughingly embroidered onto the breast of Thranduil's favourite robe, a set of Sindarin long knives overly embellished with Noldorian swirls, and a box of white gems Celebrimbor hand crafted and left with a promise to come back once he finished his rings and use them to make a matching crown set for Thranduil and his wife to wear whenever he inherited the crown
("There may be even enough left over for a third crown. For your 'little leaf' to grow into whenever you two get around making one." Thranduil's wife laughed with Celebrimbor and sent her husband a leer that set his ears ablaze and Tyelpe's laughter began anew)
And enough regrets to haunt him for Ages. It seemed like bad things always came in three. Celebrimbor, his father, his new homeland. Thranduil led his people north, away from everything he had loved, and kept what remained close to his chest. After his wife was slain shortly after the birth of his son, he refused to lose anyone else. Greenwood the Great began to mirror his grief and became Mirkwood
It was almost another another Age before he decided to commission the Dwarves of Erebor to turn those precious white gems into the crowns Celebrimbor intended. Not for him and his now dead wife, but maybe for Legolas and his future partner. (His little leaf, he could hear Celebrimbor's laughter every time Legolas calls himself "Legolas Greenleaf" with that cheeky grin of his) And if Celebrimbor couldn't make them himself, he would be happy to let his Dwarven friends do the job for him
Thranduil almost burned down the mountain himself when they withheld those gems and one of the last pieces of his dear friend from him
Under the bone deep fear of watching a dragon from his nightmares sack the kingdom, he was a little pleased. Jewel thieves get their due
(He knows that Celebrimbor never swore his grandfather's Oath, but sometimes late at night he wonders if he still carried the curse of it. If that Oath and the Curse of Feanor are the reason his dearest friend died that awful way he did)
It was the beginning of a forth age when those sparking white gems were finally turned into the crowns they were destined to be. And Thranduil could almost hear Celebrimbor's delighted laughter as he watched his only son and heir, his little leaf, marry a dwarf.
When it came time to sail, Thranduil stayed with his people, he has coveted them for so long he now refused to leave unless he was forced too. Legolas, who had somehow made a small boat that could barely withhold the waves of the Western Sea, was greeted with a welcoming and joyful embrace by the Elf he only heard stories about
"Hail Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion, Crafter of the Rings Of Power, Husband of Narvi son of Vilarvi of Durin's Folk, and most importantly, the dearest friend of my father!" Legolas greeted in flawless Quenya with a very noticeable Feanorian lisp. The gathered crowd twitched a little and Elrond (who was hoping of news of his sons) gave a sigh. "I have much to say, and so does my husband Gimli, but first I must give you my father's message!"
Legolas cleared his throat, and then with mock superior expression, one that made him look just like Thranduil, he said: "Celebrimbor you Spider Spawn of the Shadow, if you worked on my crown instead of those thrice damned Rings like you said, my son would never have married a Dwarf. Once I am reborn you better start running because I am going to burry you in my forest and chop down the tree you become with my anger alone!"
There was a startled gasp of silence on the shores of Valinor, before Celebrimbor burst into peels of joyful laughter. Legolas smiled at his honorary uncle and laughed with him
"As you can see, father missed you very much"
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caim-the-godstomper · 6 years ago
3, 11, 25, 29, 40, 43 and 50 for Caim
Thanks for the ask!
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
    Caim tend to insist that all sylvari are her siblings but just like she doesn’t feel at home in the Grove, she feel alien to the general sylvari. The only one she’d have called siblings in front of them would be Caithe and Laranthir.
   She still go for drink with Laranthir every once in a while.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
    She see herself as street-smart. Most of her knowledge come from her adventures on fields. Her general approach to learning is also more interactive most of the time. Talking to locals, experimenting, etc...You still can find her with a book every once in a while, if she can’t go that way. Like during the airship fly to Elona
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
    Aside from the sculpting and reading (Orrian) poetry (which she claim to be because of Zhaitan. Like she was going to quote poetry to the Elder Dragon of Death), almost all her hobbies can be related to her being a ranger and the Commander. She love training her pets and mounts, knowing the history, fauna and flora of the places she visits, local customs. If asked, she’ll say it’s purely practical, these informations could save people lives. But she love learning like a kid who hasn’t been to school yet
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
    Like that, I’d say loyalty, to her duties as Vaillant and now Commander but also to the people she care about. And it take a lot for her to stop caring.
    She’d destroy herself for the world, or even just for her world and...Her vengeance if they got hurt could be terrible.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
    Caiméilia used to make a lot of silly pranks. Mostly using the fact that little was known about sylvari. She’s also big on teasing people. And of course, she ended up developing a very dry sense of humor, you don’t face a couple of world threatning situation with Canach without that.
    Talking about Canach, a thing that Caim love is to ruin his timing. Or play his game. Depend on her mood (Im thinking about Joko’s towers in Kourna and the gate beyond them in this case because CANACH that DRAMA totally timed the explosion so  that he could be cool)
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
   Nothing can hold her back. Now, she is quite ashamed of any of her hobbies that are just for her. It’s not secret-secret, she doesn’t hide nor talk about it but you could, if you are attentive, have a guess at it. 
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
   As a sapling, she was cheeky. She learned to tame it a bit in the Vigils but for her first years, she was either cheeky, contemplative or serious. Nowadays it’s mostly serious and sometime apathic (when they say she’ll die),’ the cheeky expressions don’t really show up anymore. (who would she even be cheeky at? Self-conscious Logan?)
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likemesomesalads · 6 years ago
Gimme all of orange and blue for Dau and one other kiddo of your choice!
Wow..that is a lot of questions…Goes under the cut! Surprise Saberlily.
Orange - What are some of your comfort foods?Dau: “Hm…I love omelets and sausage and any kind of smoked meat…”
Saberlily:  "Anything sweet~ I really love warm cookies. They lift my spirits up~“Spice - Do you like to cook? Do you cook often?Dau: "I would love to learn to cook. but I haven’t got the time and chance yet.”
Saberlily: “No..I’M not good at it and Gavin wouldn’t let me anyway. He says it’s not for me and I think he truly is right…I did try to make breakfast once though…I almost burnt down Gavin’s home. it was funny seeing him run around like a crazed skritt.”Tangerine - What is your favorite fruit?Dau: “Mango. I really like mangoes.”
Saberlily: “Watermelons! They are sweet and big and you can use the seeds as cartridge and annoy others with it. It’s fun!”Peach - Are you generally a more gentle and soft-spoken person or a louder and rougher person?Dau: “I like to think I’m gentle. My size can intimidate a lot of people so I tend to be quieter…But I will be loud if I need to be.”
Saberlily: “Loud! I don’t think I’m too rough though. But Gavin can confirm that I’m loud!”Squash - Do you live in an agricultural setting?  If so, are you a farmer or something of the sort? What kind of crops do you grow?Dau: “I…was a farmer before…When I was a sapling…It was long ago now.”
Saberlily: “Hm…Well, there are farms in Caledon Forest, but I am not living near it. And no, I am not a farmer.”Amber - Do you wield any sort of superpower? If so, what is it?  Dau: “No..Well I am strong, but not stronger than a norn I think…I can use magic like everyone else so I suppose there is that.”
Saberlily: “No. But wouldn’t it be cool if I could like…make swords appear from nowhere? It would be funny.”Honey - Have you ever considered marrying someone? What is your opinion on marriage in general?Dau: “Ehehe…Well, maybe…Yes, yes I did. I’d like to get married to Thoernen once. If he wants it too. Hm…My opinion on it that it’s a nice thing. Not necessary in a relationship but it’s a nice event.”
Saberlily: “I am not even a year old! I have better, more fun things to do. Plus it’s totally useless. I mean why would you care about making a vow? If you like someone you gonna stick around anyway.”Sandstone - Who in your life has been the most healing for you?Dau: “Thoernen. He saved me in the Jungle and he helped me so much and I love him and he loves me…He is the best.”
Saberlily: “My mentor, Gavin, I suppose. I mean he is the one who gets me to a mender if I’m injured.”Rust - Have you thought about becoming old? Can you become old? Are you scared of being old? What do you think about elders?Dau: “I…don’t know if sylvari can get old…But if we can I would love to get old with Thoernen. Old people are usually wise so I respect them.”
Saberlily: “Is this some trick question? Can sylvari get old? I mean the Firstborns are old but they aren’t that old…I don’t know. I’m confused…”Pumpkin - What is your favorite part of Autumn? (If that exists in your world)Dau: “Hm…I never saw autumn. I know that there are places where there is in Tyria but there isn’t any in the jungle or the desert.”
Saberlily: “I heard the plants die in autumn. Must be pretty. Maybe I’ll ask Gavin to let me go to see it once.”Jumpsuit - Have you ever been arrested/ in trouble with authority?Dau: “Does turning into a dragon minion count? Because then yes…But I wouldn’t say I was since I’m with the Pact.”
Saberlily: “Duh! All the wardens are trying to catch me if I’m not careful and they see me around.”Bronze - What is your favorite way to warm up when it’s coldDau: “I am not really in trouble when it’s cold, but blankets, maybe a campfire, warm soup and cuddling Thoernen…Who is, on the other hand, has trouble with cold.”
Saberlily: “I become a blanket burrito. I love to roll up in my fluffy blankets. Also hot cocoa!”Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative?Dau: “I think I answered this before…Well, anyway I like to think I am. I like to draw even though I am not really good at it.”
Saberlily: “I guess. I do like to let my imagination free. I love to try and make different weapons sometimes. I was taught by a really good smith…I’m not really a smith though. Oh well, it’s fun~”Peacock - Are you a more flashy person, or do you like to blend in?Dau: “Blend in…I am tall enough as it is I don’t like to stand out…It makes me nervous.”
Saberlily: “I guess flashy. I can blend in too though if I want to. That is something I learned from Caithe and actually can use it. Cool, huh?”Sky - What is your favorite time of the day?Dau: “Dusk. I love to watch the sun go down with Thoernen.”
Saberlily: “Uhm…night I guess…Then again I’m a dawn bloom…I like that too…And noon is fun because everyone is awake then…Dusk pretty too…I can’t choose.”Arctic - Do you prefer warm or cool weather?Dau: “Hm…I suppose in between. I definitely hate warm and humid weather, but anything else is fine with me.”
Saberlily: “Warm~”Cerulean- What is your favorite way to cool down in hot weather?Dau: “Probably getting some cold drinks. That always feels nice. Maybe eating ice cream.”
Saberlily: “Icecream~ Sweets are always best to do anything.”Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?Dau: “ Uhh…I would’ve before…But not anymore. I’m afraid I’d hurt them…”
Saberlily: “I am a child!…At least Gavin sais so.”Periwinkle -  Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be? Dau: “No. I’d be horrible. I’m a monster…Well, a good parent is there for their kids, no matter what  and helps and supports them.”
Saberlily: “No. I am too young to be a parent and I don’t really want to be one either…Gavin would be good. Good parents are like him.”Denim - What is your fashion style?Dau: “Nonexistent…I do like comfortable and useful clothing and armor…”
Saberlily: “Dark and cute~ Wouldn’t you say?”Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it?Dau: “I’m frightened of big bodies of waters so no. It does exist but…No. Just no.”
Saberlily: “I’d like to. I never was before.”Ultramarine - What is your favorite aquatic creature? (if they exist)Dau: “The fish that is already on my plate…”
Saberlily: “Hm…I find Krait interesting…Does that count?”Cobalt - Do you live in a world with freedom? Describe your opinion on the subjectDau: “Yes. Luckily. Well, It’s good. Everyone can do anything basically…though luckily there are rules and laws to avoid chaos.”
Saberlily: “I suppose..well, we will live free once the Pale Tree is freed from the Tablet’s influence…My opinion? It’s that that tablet is stupid and we should get rid of it.”Teal - What makes you feel most at peace?Dau: “Being with Thoernen.”
Saberlily: “Uhm…I guess at home. Or when I clean my weapon collection. I love doing that.”Turquoise - Are you good at communicating your feelings?  Dau: “To strangers no…But with Thoernen and my friend Ele, I am more comfortable sharing them.”
Saberlily: “I guess…People will know if I’m happy or angry or anything. gavin says it’s all written on my face.”Lapis - What is your opinion on religion and the afterlife?Dau: “I think everyone has the right to practice whatever religion they want. And…I hope if I die I can wait for Thoernen or join him if he’d die first…I wouldn’t want that though…”
Saberlily: “No idea~ Never thought about deep stuff…Boring.”Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom?
Dau: “No. I am definitely not wise. The Mother Tree is and Thoernen too…Well, I usually go to Thoernen with everything…”
Saberlily: “I think old people are called wise usually, right? Then I am not…I go to Gavin for everything.”
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riddledeep · 6 years ago
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An in-depth look at nature spirits and the roles they play in Zodii culture.
Related: Anti-Fairy Class Overview || Cloudland Belief Systems
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
Elemental deities with god-level abilities
Neither omnipotent nor omniscient; sight is limited to what their manifestations can see
Tend to be chaotic, childish, and needy; “all-powerful teenagers” is a good way to think of most of them
Manifest differently to all who see them (gender included)
Average lifespan: Immortal; will reincarnate if “killed” as long as they have a temple to regenerate in; no temple means death if killed
Kingdom: Fantastica
Phylum: Svartálfar
Class: Gylff
Order: Ichoria
Family: Ardae
Genus: Pansapia
Species: Pansapia regiis
Wise Ancients: Major deities. They represent abstract concepts.
Examples: Mother Nature (Space), Father Time (Time), Tarrow (Reality), The Hocus Poconos (Unreality), The Grim Reaper (Death), The Cycling Hen (Life), Prince Morn (Light), Princess Eve (Dark)
Spirit Bears: Also considered Ancients. Personifications of the land who always take bear forms and can only reproduce with other spirit bears. 
Examples: Tír Ildáthach (Fairy World), Hy-Brasil (Anti-Fairy World), Sprigganhame (Pixie World), Solis Infinitum (Anti-Pixie World), Avalon (Fairy Refract World)
Demigods: Children of the Ancients. They represent aspects of nature. The zodiac spirits are classified as demigods. This tier is not to be confused with general demigods who result from nature spirit x mortal pairings; the offspring of spirits and mortals are known as luz mala, not demigods.
Examples: Dayfry (Love), Saturn (Fire), Sunnie (Water), Munn (Sky), Twis (Soil), Winni (Breath), Thurmondo (Leaves)
Minor Spirits: The children of the demigods. Some may have the same masteries as demigods, but if they aren’t born of the Ancients, they aren’t called demigods. Powers become watered down through the generations.
Examples: Beira (Snow), Manannán (Coastlines), April (Oxygen), February (Dew)
Local Spirits: The children of minor spirits or other local spirits. They’re rather flimsy and don’t normally last long. They have a few elemental powers, but these powers are weak. They rarely stray from their “source.”
Examples: Spirits that embody individual rivers, ponds, and trees.
Manifested Form: The single manifestation that embodies the soul, brain, and mouthpiece of a nature spirit (Ex: The Grim Reaper embodies Death). The manifested form can wander the mortal world even while the true form remains in the divine world. In the Riddleverse, the blue-haired judge who waved to Juandissimo during the diving competition in “The Fairly Oddlympics” is Sunnie’s manifested form.
Projected Form: The way a mortal interprets a nature spirit. A nature spirit has no control over the way someone interprets them. Nature spirits are sexless and genderless, but will present however you interpret them. The nature spirit May is often interpreted as the Easter Bunny, and April is interpreted as the April Fool. If you don’t know you’re looking at a nature spirit, they’ll simply look like an average member of a race you expect to see in that general area, although they may have a tell that distinguishes them, such as colored hair or a symbol found on their clothes.
True Form: The form a nature spirit was born into. It’s taboo to discuss or make monuments in the shape of a nature spirit’s true form. Immortals can’t see projected forms and only see each other’s true forms. The true forms of nature spirits exist in a parallel world known as Plane 23 (Tír Na NÓg). It’s extremely, extremely rare for a nature spirit to visit the mortal world in their true form; in “Wishology” the Darkness visited Earth in his true form (Those who did not beleive in the Fae zodiac saw what seemed to be a black hole while those who did believe saw a projected form of the Darkness- probably a humanoid).
In the beginning, space and time existed. From their union, reality was created, and where it wasn’t created, Unreality came into being. Reality gathered the sentience to take on solid, sentient form, and taught Space and Time how to take shape. They came into being as Mother Nature and Father Time. Gradually, other aspects of the universe followed suit.
There was very little in the primordial world but time and space. At one point, Reality crossed paths with Unreality and conceived a child. This child embodied the concept of Love and was named Dayfry. As time went on, Reality produced six more children: Saturn, Sunnie, Munn, Twis, Winni, and Thurmondo. Each embodied an element now found on the Fae zodiac, and the days of the week are named after them.
The seven zodiac spirits took sides during the universe-wide Sealing War, approximately 4.6 billion years pre-series. Unfortunately, they were widely considered chaotic, destructive, and unstable. Seven temples were built for them in the cloudlands we know as Fairy World today, and each zodiac spirit was bound to their temple with powerful magic and golden chains.
For eons, nature spirits of all sorts have thrived among the white hills and red cliffs of Plane 23. Occasionally major deities visit the mortal realm for personal reasons (We saw the Grim Reaper in “Man’s Worst Friend” after all). Minor spirits frequently wander the mortal realm, taking care of small aspects of nature such as pebbles, puddles, and saplings. Fae who hold Zodii beliefs look to the influence of the nature spirits in all things, and abstain from cutting down trees or moving large boulders if at all possible.
Allegedly, Plane 23 also functions as Fae Heaven- some fae believe that after death, they will live on Plane 23 as a single form (combined with their Anti-Fairy and Refract counterparts) known as the Daoine form. Fae who are Zodii believe that their ancient ancestors resided on Plane 23 until they were struck down to the mortal realm as punishment for stealing magic from the gods. Although the Zodii believe the Daoine sìth exist, they don’t believe the Daoine form is involved in the fae afterlife. Instead, they believe the Daoine are minor spirits of temptation (namely, the seven deadly sins).
Childhood: Young nature spirits have shaky control of their powers, though can still make more dramatic changes to the universe than young Fae. Young nature spirits romp around and play with nary a care, only vaguely aware of the existence of mortals. They stick to their true forms and don’t interact with the mortal realm much at all.
Adolescence: Juvenile nature spirits tend to experiment with their powers. Overly curious, they poke their noses into everything, including the affairs of mortals. They usually try to be helpful, but have difficulty putting themselves in the shoes of mortals. Sometimes they are purely selfish and mortals suffer as a result. All seven zodiac spirits are prone to reverting themselves to this stage of the life cycle as soon as they realize they’ve become adults, because they’re basically immature kids who just want to have fun.
Adulthood: Adult nature spirits have considerably more control over their powers than their younger selves did. Their brains are more developed in this stage; while adult nature spirits may still come off as self-centered, they have an easier time understanding the needs, wants, and limitations of mortals than juvenile spirits do. The Wise Ancients are currently in this stage of life.
Apart from a soul and a karmic weave, nature spirits don’t have much consistent anatomy between them. Nature spirits can take many forms, including enormous dragon-like forms, average-sized mortal forms, and actual aspects of nature.
It’s common for true forms to have multiple arms. Some nature spirits have unique features: For example, Tarrow has one disembodied hand known as the Hand of Fate, which appeared in the episode “Timmy’s Secret Wish.”
Nature spirits are the literal, sentient embodiments of various aspects of nature. For example, Sunnie is also known as Prince Sunday. Were he to die, Sunday would cease to exist- the Earth’s revolution around the Sun would speed up, and calendars that continue treating Sunday as a day would no longer be accurate. Sunnie is also the spirit of water, so the universe’s water supply would become chaotic (It would lash out in the locations he had formerly held it back and dry up in places where he brought it into existence).
Nature spirits are divine beings and have full control over every aspect of their bodies. This includes the growth of their hair, the division of their cells, the flow of ichor through their veins, and their arousal levels. Nature spirits also have the ability to observe anything that goes on within the walls of their temples, although they can’t see anything beyond the outer doors if they in contact with gold.
Nature spirits have very few limits on their powers. They are limited to only affecting things related to their mastery, they do not have power to alter someone’s free will, and almost anything they do can be undone by another nature spirit (or by a powerful artifact controlled by a mortal). Besides that, just about everything is fair game, although a few large-scale universe-altering powers require the collaboration of multiple spirits.
Tarrow, the cosmic jellyfish, is considered the king of the nature spirits.
While nature spirits may fly backwards when hit, it takes a considerable amount of force before they feel any pain. Their bodies rapidly regenerate, and they are immune to disease as well as the effects of drugs and narcotics. They do not sleep under normal circumstances; however, some magical items (like enchanted musical instruments) can lull them into a trance.
Like the real-life immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii), nature spirits are capable of reverting their bodies to the juvenile, immature stage of their life cycle. From that point, they continue growing until they become mature adults once again. As stated above, none of the seven zodiac spirits have interest in becoming adults, and have a habit of reverting their age and living permanent juvenile lives. 
Gold is a nature spirit’s weakness. If hit with a gold weapon, nature spirits will take the physical damage that weapon would normally inflict on a mortal. They lose their ability to regenerate, their immunity to disease, and their ability to revert their age when in contact with gold as well (though contact with gold does not age them forward).
In Zodii mythology, nature spirits avoid gold at all cost but are occasionally tricked into golden traps by mortals. Often, the mortal sets them free in exchange for a miracle. The golden bridle is the most famous trap. A mortal who bridles a nature spirit can use most of the nature spirit’s powers.
Kiff-tying is the way one hosts a nature spirit; nature spirit magic manifests as steam (rather than dust, smoke, or mist) and makes a soft kiff sound.
With other nature spirits: Kiff-tying can occur between any two (or more) nature spirits, and could best be described as a melding of minds and an intertwining of souls. One partner takes on the abilities of the other and more, while the other partner becomes a “back seat driver” in the mind, with the ability to absorb information and tactile sensations, but no ability to control the body.
Ex: There is a famous Zodii myth about Sunnie and Thurmondo, describing how Sunnie (the water spirit) and Thurmondo (the leaf spirit) kiff-tied. Intertwined, their liquid-like bodies merged. The resulting dew spirit (the Prince of Dew) still looked identical to Sunnie, but now wore Thurmondo’s favor- a jade crown. Sunnie is also the spirit of focus, while Thurmondo is the spirit of curiosity, so the Prince of Dew was a calculating mastermind. The Prince of Dew was essentially Sunnie’s body and Sunnie’s brain, but Thurmondo’s back-seat driving caused him to ransack the cosmos in search of new things to study (as opposed to focusing on current projects).
The Prince of Dew is simply a title, not a separate entity. Sunnie and Thurmondo could kiff-tie again, and Thurmondo could be the dominant spirit. In this situation, Thurmondo would retain his body and most of his personality, but he would wear Sunnie’s favor - a turquoise brooch - and Sunnie’s back-seat driving would cause him to hyperfixate on current projects (as opposed to seeking out new information). Both Sunnie and Thurmondo would identify as the Prince of Dew while tied: a nature spirit with influence over both water and leaves. Both would treat the other’s followers as though they were their own, and both situations are considered valid personalities of the Prince of Dew.
Nature spirits reproduce through kiff-tying and do not have reproductive parts otherwise. When two nature spirits break their tie and come apart, one spirit will always “give birth” to a spirit who embodies aspects of both parents. “Pregnancy” lasts thirty seconds or less. Nature spirits are sexless, and this is a magical rather than physical type of reproduction, so either partner can give birth. Traditionally, the more submissive spirit is the one expected to undergo pregnancy, though this is not always the case.
In the case of Sunnie and Thurmondo, when they came apart, Thurmondo bore a dew spirit. This spirit would not be known by the title Prince of Dew, as that title is strictly reserved for times when Sunnie and Thurmondo kiff-tie. All kiff-ties between Sunnie and Thurmondo would result in dew spirits. At this time, there is only one dew spirit (February) who was essentially the result of Thurmondo cheating on Winni by having a reckless fling with Sunnie. Technically February is less of a child produced by a Sunnie x Thurmondo relationship and more of a storage container for whatever memories Sunnie and Thurmondo dumped on him. He is identified as their child, but neither feels parental towards him since they view him as an extension of themselves who happens to have a mind and will of his own.
Kiff-tying can either be a long event or a short one (In most cases, it lasts as long as you might expect an intimate moment to take place). Winni and Thurmondo are infamous for rapidly kiff-tying and disengaging, as they produce oxygen spirits when they come apart and Winni is obsessed with ensuring there is plenty of oxygen to go around.
With mortals: Nature spirits have the ability to tie with fae who regenerate if killed (i.e. non-hosting counterparts). A nature spirit can turn into steam at will, and if they’re near a regenerating fae (an Anti-Fairy 99% of the time) when this happens, their particles intertwine and the two beings regenerate together. 
The fae partner is known as the nature spirit’s host, or medium. The medium is essentially the nature spirit’s yoo-doo doll as long as the pair are tied. The medium retains full control over their body and goes about their life as normal, but the nature spirit can experience the mortal world through their senses. It’s rare for high-ranking spirits to take mediums, but for some spirits, like the zodiac spirits, this is their only way to view the outside world while chained up.
Mediums for the zodiac spirits do have an affinity with the zodiac spirit’s element and can use some zodiac magic even without a wand or times they aren’t in contact with the energy field. These powers are fairly small though, about equal to regular Anti-Fairy powers; Anti-Fairies don’t offer themselves as hosts to divine beings in return for a power boost, but offer themselves ceremonially to show honor and respect for the spirits.
Anti-Fairies can also tie with other Anti-Fairies; this is considered an intimate act, and further discussed in the Anti-Fairy class overview, HERE. It’s traditionally believed that nature spirits are offended when mortals kiff-tie with other mortals instead of saving the kiff-tie for unions with divine beings. Many Anti-Fairies go their entire lives without kiff-tying.
Leadership: The closest thing the nature spirits have to a legal system is the Spirit Bear Council, who embody various planets and worlds throughout the cosmos and are looked to as wise figureheads. Otherwise, nature spirits tend to defer to Mother Nature, Father Time, and Tarrow. Minor spirits defer to demigods, and demigods to Wise Ancients.
Honoraries: My prince / My princess (Demigods); other titles vary according to the preference of the spirit in question. If greeting a spirit for the first time, calling them by their title without another honorary would be wholly appropriate (Ex: Tarrow, Reaper, Cycling Hen). If they wish to be greeted another way, they will correct you; it’s expected you’ll adhere to their correction.
Greetings: Nature spirits may greet one another verbally, often in a familiar, casual way. One affectionate greeting is briefly intertwining with the other spirit and rubbing one’s head against theirs before coming apart again.
When greeting mortals, some nature spirits may choose to appear imposing while others may choose to be open and friendly.
Groups: The majority of nature spirits are either loner spirits or live in pairs with another spirit they’ve pair-bonded with. Forming large groups is uncommon. However, the seven zodiac spirits view one another as siblings, and can sometimes be found “hanging out” in groups, especially when playing board games.
Expectations: Nature spirits view themselves as above mortal races. Although they may bicker amongst one another, they still consider themselves allies and would be shocked and offended if a nature spirit chose to side with mortals and engage other spirits in combat. Nature spirits are okay taking sides among mortals at times, but tend to do so as a means of entertaining themselves or to play games with fellow spirits. Actual animosity between spirits is uncommon, and rarely progresses above dislike. Burning hatred between spirits is rare.
Power Dynamics: Refer again to the tiers. Lower tiers defer to upper tiers. Those on the same level usually consider one another equals. Mother Nature and Father Time are usually looked to as leaders, since neither Tarrow nor the Hocus Poconos is cut out for the job.
Gender Dynamics: Not super applicable.
Rules of Speaking: Conversation tends to be slow and thoughtful; in a mortal’s eyes, a simple conversation between two spirits could take literal years. As a result, it’s rare for nature spirits to interrupt one another. They tend to be patient listeners who are very aware of one another and pause after one another has finished speaking before they themselves begin to speak. A mortal who interrupted a nature spirit would be looked on with disgust and horror, and they are often punished on the spot.
Proxemics and Personal Space: Most nature spirits are either aloof and uninterested in touching anyone, or are overly cuddly. There is little in-between.
Social Faux Pas: Offending another nature spirit is rude, but it’s hard to pin down sometimes what might set someone off. Nature spirits tend to be finicky and temperamental.
Relations With Fae: Nature spirits look on the fae favorably as a whole. In general, they strive to be impartial. For this reason, they stand in as impartial judges during events such as the Bake-Off and the Fairy World Games. Anti-Fairies, who typically honor the spirits more actively than Fairies, are often frustrated by their determination to remain impartial.
Relations With Humans and Aliens: The nature spirits have jurisdiction over the aspects of nature found on assorted planets, but don’t normally interact with mortal, non-magical races directly.
Child-Rearing: Childcare varies among the spirits. Tarrow favors his firstborn, Dayfry, much more than his other kids. The majority of spirits show little interest in raising their offspring (whom they consider former pieces of themselves that now operate independently of them).
Unquestionably, the Cycling Hen (the nature spirit of life; her temple was seen in the episode “Chicken Poofs”) is motherly, and takes other nature spirits under her wings. Many nature spirits refer to her as Aunt Chel or Auntie, and seek her out rather than their actual parent. She is patient with young spirits and always takes time to sort out their disagreements and help them come to a common understanding. 
Her flaw is that she is far more lax than her anxious mate, the nature spirit of death (the Grim Reaper); while she may discipline if she senses cruelty, she does let young spirits run wild. She will comfort them if they seek her out, but doesn’t track spirits otherwise. In her mind, causing aimless chaos is not inherently grounds for discipline, and only cruelty should be corrected.
Coming of Age: No notable coming of age ceremonies, though spirits may acknowledge when younger spirits show a good grasp on their powers. Nature spirits have only a vague sense of the passage of time, and don’t keep track of how old they physically are. The ability to return their adult bodies to a juvenile state complicates things even further.
Courtship and Intimacy: Nature spirits are considered embodiments of nature and do not have true genetics. While technically all related since they’re children and grandchildren of Mother Nature and Father Time, they see each other simply as personifications of abstract concepts, and think nothing of being intimate with one another even though they may refer to one another as siblings at times.
Nature spirits do not marry, but they do form pair-bonds. Many of these bonds are lifetime bonds, though they are rarely exclusive. In the Zodii belief system (which nature spirits inherently believe in since it’s based around them), it’s believed that one should seek a life partner who balances them out; having opposite skill sets is considered more important than having similar interests.
Nature spirits without pair-bonds are automatically considered risky. Dayfry, the demigod of love, is the only zodiac spirit who hasn’t pair-bonded. He is cheerfully content with this, but other nature spirits have always been wary of him due to the fact that he’s the son of reality and unreality, so not having a pair-bond to balance his personality just underscores concerns about his instability.
Nature spirits don’t exactly “date” one another, but rather believe that when you feel you’ve formed a close connection with someone, that person is essentially your soulmate. It’s acceptable to have flings with other partners, but typically there is one regular lifelong partner. Expressing intimacy is considered a private thing among nature spirits. PDA is unacceptable, so holding hands has never been a thing. Physical touch is almost always expected in a pair-bond relationship. Most expressions of intimacy involve kiff-tying with little build-up. Nature spirits don’t really do kisses, and they don’t have specific intimate parts, so kiff-tying is the catch-all way of being intimate.
The love lives of nature spirits affect mortal realms. For example, the Zodii winter myth is that for most of the year, Sunnie and Twis flirt shamelessly with one another. As the months progress, they become so focused on and devoted to each other that they don’t pay attention to their influence over Water and Soil like they should, so crops die and ice creeps across the land. Saturn and Munn, the zodiac spirits of Fire and Sky, are believed to create thunderstorms when passionate. Winni and Thurmondo (Breath and Leaves) create oxygen.
Death and Mourning: If a spirit is killed with gold and has no temple or shrine to regenerate in, they will be reduced to an object of power that holds control over the forces they once controlled. This object (often a crown, staff, or spell book, though not always) can be wielded by mortals, but the spirit will no longer exist as a sentient being.
Minor spirits are rarely grieved over, but more major spirits might be. Spirits who have closely bonded with another will of course mourn intensely if their beloved is gone forever. Nature spirits are creatures of heaven. If killed, they have no further heaven to ascend to, at least as far as is known.
Homes: Many nature spirits have temples built in their honor. Small minor spirits may have shrines. Any shrine or temple built on the lower Planes of Existence manifests another level of itself on Plane 23; traditionally Temples are elegant in the mortal world but have a more personal touch on Plane 23 (Ex: The echo chamber is a worship room on lower planes but more of a bedroom or office in the eyes of a nature spirit). Many spirits have temples on different planets, and thus multiple temples in Tír Na NÓg.
According to the usual rules of cosmic games, each nature spirit starts a game with control of an “echo point,” which they can place anywhere in the world they choose to start. The echo point is the only place in that world they can communicate with mortals; typically an echo point starts the game so weak that a mortal has to visit it in order to “activate” it and bring a player officially into the game. For this reason, nature spirits are usually engaged in multiple games at a time; only Sunnie (the Focus spirit) has perfect split attention and the rest of the spirits sometimes mix up details between their games (or forget about certain details between their games).
An echo point is the center of a nature spirit’s power. Here they can communicate with mortals if they wish or create a manifestation of themselves who can walk among them in secret. Their power is locked until a mortal activates it for them in some way. From that point on, a nature spirit can “level up” throughout the course of the game and access their power in tiers. Early on in the game they can’t terraform or grant major miracles like bringing people back to life, but by the end of the game (assuming their rivals didn’t destroy them) they are extremely powerful.
In the 130 Prompt “First Things First,” where Saturn, Sunnie, and Winni played a game on Planet Snobulac, their echo points were known as echo wagons. Echo points can be locations like caves or items like crowns or books. Because there is so much variety in what echo points look like and how they work, many Alien races do not realize they honor the same gods that other races do. The Snobulacs consider their healing and education deities to be separate deities, not realizing they are just perceiving the same deity (Winni) in two completely different forms. Winni is a very different deity in Snobulac culture compared to Fae culture; the Snobulacs perceive Winni’s healing persona as female and believe her to be dangerous and vengeful, while Fae see him as male and believe him to be gentle and benevolent. 
During most traditional games, spirits gain power over eons and fight their rivals until only one of them remains, after which they are declared the victor. The world might be destroyed so it can be remade into a new one. Some games have special rules attached to them- for instance, instead of playing a competitive game, you can play a cooperative game and work to build up a flourishing planet together instead of destroying your rivals. Cooperative planets are not always more successful and powerful planets in the universe and competitive planets are not always destroyed in the end. There is no “right” way to play a cosmic game and rules are changed all the time between games (though not during games). It’s an intricate system with a lot of variety.
Victory is achieved by destroying another spirit’s echo point, claiming a symbol of their divine power, and bringing that symbol back to your echo point (Trouble often arises when mortals don’t want to give up captured symbols of power, and go rogue from their patron deity’s control). Destroying an echo point does not physically hurt the spirit; it just officially prevents them from interacting with that world unless the world is wiped and reset. Their power over nature in that world is left in the hands of the planet itself (and those of any mortal who wields the symbol of their power left behind) and the spirit cannot directly interfere with the world any longer.
The zodiac spirits lost their old Temples during the Sealing War. Major spirits usually have multiple temples throughout the universe, but theirs were specifically destroyed during the fighting. This means that their only remaining Temples in the universe are found in the cloudlands around Earth. If the echo points within their temples are destroyed, they will be unable to regenerate. They will instead be reduced to an object of power that holds control over the forces they once controlled, and the spirit will no longer exist as a sentient being. In Origin of the Pixies (and especially Frayed Knots) this plot thread comes into play when the Water Temple is destroyed and Sunnie is nearly killed. This comes into play again during Devil’s Backbone. In the 130 Prompt “This Is Halloween,” Anti-Cosmo was challenged to a fight by a nature spirit who had no Temple anywhere in the universe.
The zodiac spirits did not get to choose the current locations of their Temples in Fairy World and Anti-Fairy World. They did not start their “game” with echo wagons that they eventually upgraded into Temples, but were instead forced into fully built Temples like prisons and had their powers restrained. The current game that exists between the zodiac spirits is merely a competition for mortals’ favor because in their current state they can’t play the games they usually do. They merely banter with each other and with mortals, trying to stay entertained and protect their echo chambers so they don’t die.
Anti-Cosmo visits the Water Temple in both its physical state and its echo state multiple times in Frayed Knots. Foop also visits a few Temples in their echo states during the early chapters of Identity Theft.
Hygiene: Nature spirits are naturally hygienic. Grime can’t attach to their bodies, so it slides right off. They sterilize automatically, so they’re as clean as clean can get.
Meals: Nature spirits don’t need food or water to maintain life, but often eat the offerings left in their temples. Occasionally, they host parties and feasts, and may invite the spirits of the dead to join them. Inviting a living mortal to one of these events would be extraordinarily rare- however, Foop is granted this opportunity in Identity Theft.
Names: Nature spirits have true names, which are bolded (in ‘fic) if spoken aloud by another immortal. Nature spirits usually go by nicknames or their titles if they prefer. For example, “Sunnie” is Sunnie’s nickname. His title is Prince Sunday. His true name is Prince of Water, bolded when spoken by another nature spirit. 
The life of a nature spirit consists of interacting with people, objects, and animals while existing on multiple Planes of Existence at the same time. Two nature spirits can be conversing on Plane 23 while manifested forms of themselves converse with mortals on several other planes. 
Sunnie, the spirit of Focus, has perfect split attention and has the easiest time doing this; other nature spirits have to consciously switch their attention between different information being relayed to them from assorted bodies, and usually come off as distracted. It’s easy for nature spirits to get confused and mix their conversations up between the multiple people they’re talking to.
On Plane 23, nature spirits live and socialize much the way mortals do. Nature spirits reside in the Plane 23 manifestations of their temples, and may engage in hobbies such as reading, knitting, or tinkering with things. They can visit one another, have picnics, and young spirits are educated in using their powers. Sports tend to be violent, and include jousting and gladiator-fights rather than games involving balls or teams.
Following the Sealing War, the seven zodiac spirits were bound to their temples with golden chains. In their bound state, they cannot view the world beyond their temples, although because their chains stretch on forever, they can travel through it: while in contact with gold, they perceive Plane 23 as an expense of white nothingness, and only the seven temples remain in their full splendor. They cannot perceive the buildings, residents, grass, rivers, canyons, or other features of Plane 23 while bound. One way to interpret this is that the zodiac spirits are grounded from going outside, but can still visit one another’s bedrooms, and people can still come over to the house and bring gifts.
Nature spirits can contact the Fae planes fairly easily. Their true forms remain on Plane 23, but manifestations of themselves can visit the fae realm. In the show, Mother Nature acted as an impartial judge at the Bake-Off (“Balance of Flour”), Father Time was called into Fairy Court (“Timmy’s Secret Wish”), and the Grim Reaper was seen managing the Anti-Fairy World pet store (“Man’s Worst Friend”). These were manifestations; their true forms would radiate intense energy and strike terror in any sane person. Again, “Wishology” is an example of a time when a nature spirit’s true form did visit mortals in person.
Nature spirits are keenly aware of everything that happens to a representation of themselves (such as kicking their statues or defacing their paintings) since images of themselves are inherently connected to them. They are also aware of everything that occurs within the walls of their temples, whether someone is praying and leaving offerings, closing a door, or simply sweeping the floor. You don’t need to pray inside the temple for a nature spirit to hear you, as they can technically hear prayers sent to them from anywhere. However, they tend to pay more attention to those who pray inside their temples, as other visitors blur together. They may choose to comfort mortals, but are rarely interested in divine intervention unless they see an obvious benefit for them.
Every Zodii temple contains a special prayer room called the echo chamber. The echo chamber is decorated as though it is the spirit’s private chamber (whether that means bedroom or office space), and it is treated with the utmost respect by pious mortals. The fae strive to use the echo chamber only for very important circumstances; thus, when someone prays in the echo chamber, the corresponding nature spirit snaps to attention because it’s probably a big deal. The echo chamber is something you would have to specially request if you intended to use, and it’s typically reserved for high-status individuals such as political figureheads. Regular commoners can use it to, but would have to convince the temple acolytes that their case is worthwhile; it’s more likely that an acolyte would meditate in the echo chamber on the commoner’s behalf.
The echo chamber is also the only place a nature spirit can actually create a manifestation of themselves (though once it leaves the temple, it can teleport somewhere else on that plane or to another plane entirely). Many nature spirits do create manifestations of themselves if they’re curious to interact with mortals; nature spirits are not omniscient, and can only see what their true form or what their manifestations can see. These manifestations blend in with crowds, so you would only recognize them as a spirit if they indicate they are one. Nature spirits can interact with mortals and grant small miracles, but do have their own agendas and are rarely interested in mortal affairs. Mostly, they’re just curious. 
Notably, manifestations of the seven zodiac spirits cannot exist beyond the walls of their temples, as the Seven are bound with golden chains. Their manifestations can wander their temples, but will dissipate into steam if they leave the temple walls. There is one exception: If a zodiac spirit kiff-ties with a mortal, their host can leave the temple grounds, allowing the spirit to sense everything their host senses. Minor non-zodiac spirits are not bound to their temples and can create manifestations and leave as often as they like.
A manifestation can touch regular mortals. If you were to touch one, you could feel the power radiating from them. It’s possible for a nature spirit to mate with a mortal- they can alter their form to match a mortal’s reproductive system and many spirits have produced “lesser demigods” (officially known as luz mala) with multiple species throughout the universe. However, a spirit who is bound (like the zodiac spirits) cannot alter the form of their manifestation once it’s created, so they would have had to design the manifestation with reproductive parts in the first place.
Nature spirits generally prefer intimacy with other nature spirits since mortal intimacy is “watered down” compared to the sensations nature spirits can feel. Still, there are a variety of reasons a spirit may choose to mate with a mortal- Perhaps they honestly care for that mortal and wish to express their affection, or perhaps they wish to have a luz mala available to be their medium in the future. Various planets have stories of heroes who made deals with the nature spirits that in exchange for blessing them to win a battle, they’d allow the spirit to have a child with them or their wife (Manannán, eldest son of Sunnie and Twis, is particularly famous for engaging in these deals).
Nature spirits take in an overwhelming amount of energy on a daily basis, but because they are divine beings, they can process all of this. Nature spirits do not have the ability to sleep (unless charmed to sleep by a magical instrument or other item) and are endlessly taking in information about the world around them.
Some nature spirits do not care for mortal worlds at all. Some spirits watch mortals from afar for entertainment. Other spirits interact with mortals regularly. Spirits are permitted to walk among them if they wish, with some making their presence obvious and others preferring to keep a low profile. Unchained spirits are free to influence worlds using their powers, though certain worlds are marked off-limits without “adult supervision.”
In their younger years, the zodiac spirits would build civilizations on mortal worlds and (when they had sufficient resources, followers, and technology) attempt to wipe each other off the map. Being bound to their temples has impeded their ability to view the happenings of the world around them. Rather than send civilizations to war, they now entertain themselves by competing for worshippers, offerings, and monuments, using the cloudlands around Planet Earth as their sole game map (when once they had access to thousands).
Before they were bound, the zodiac spirits had the power to influence worlds by walking directly among mortals, mating with them to produce luz mala, granting miracles at will, skipping forward or back in time, and even resetting a world entirely (that last one requiring permission from the Wise Ancients if the world had started interacting with other worlds, of course). Nowadays the zodiac spirits are stuck inching along according to mortal time, limited to a single medium per player. Sunnie is notorious for burning through his champions.
The zodiac spirits can barely be bothered to indicate they heard your prayers, let alone do anything more draining on their energy like sending you a prophetic dream or miracle. They have their own agendas - competing with one another over the best resources and followers - and use mortals to further such goals without really caring about the mortals themselves. Until you prove yourself useful or particularly interesting, they aren’t likely to bother with you. The zodiac spirits can create a manifestation of themselves in their temple’s echo chamber when they wish to communicate with a visitor, but can only create a new manifestation on their sacred day (One per Thursday for Thurmondo). Some spirits are more likely to manifest for visitors than others- For example, Winni loves to talk while Dayfry prefers to stay out of the limelight.
Since they are bound, zodiac spirits cannot claim mediums as easily as they were able to before the war. Instead, they are forced to kill a creature who can regenerate and then bond with them during the regeneration process. This limits their possible mediums to non-hosting counterparts (Anti-Fairies and Refracts) who were born in their year on the zodiac. The Refracted have little faith in Zodii beliefs, leaving the spirits with the Anti-Fairies. Thus far, the spirits have successfully ingrained the zodiac into Anti-Fairy culture, so they always have a steady stream of visitors and potential mediums. In their bound state they may claim no more than one medium at a time (Whereas in the past they could have multiple; the primary medium is also known as the spirit’s champion).
Some nature spirits prefer to have a medium at all times no matter what rank they hold in society while others hold out for high-status individuals. It’s rare for a zodiac spirit to take a medium outside of the Anti-Fairies on the camarilla court (though if they do take someone outside the court, it’s likely the High Count and Countess will promote that individual to a seat on the court).
Minor non-zodiac spirits are not chained to their temples. They can walk among mortals and take mediums more often than zodiac spirits do, but their mediums rarely become famous faces. It’s uncommon but not unusual to meet an Anti-Fairy who is acting as medium to one of the hundreds of minor spirits who roam the cloudlands (Anti-Cosmo’s brother is medium for the spirit who embodies the month of August, but there’s no fame associated with it). Though minor spirits can mate with mortals, they cannot produce biological children with the fae; fae reproduction is very particular due to the existence of multiple counterparts.
Attraction: Nature spirits are very spiritual creatures, and as a rule are more interested in one’s spirit than one’s body. They favor balance and tend to go for those they consider their polar opposites. Nature spirits don’t spend much time together with their committed mate, so having shared interests is pointless; they’re a very individualistic people who do their own things and respect that everyone else will also do their own things. They bond with those who win their affection and return to their mates every now and again, but their own agenda always comes first.
Although nature spirits pair-bond with a long-term mate, their bonds are not exclusive. Many nature spirits mate with mortals and produce luz mala. It is sometimes difficult to identify what attracts a spirit to a mortal; physical attraction and genuine love are not common factors in the equation. Arguably, the most common reason spirits mate with mortals is when there’s a direct benefit for them- the mortal is strong, healthy, and will produce a quality luz mala child who can be an influential leader to his peers (and perhaps become the spirit’s medium or even champion one day).
Anatomy: Nature spirits don’t naturally have physical reproductive parts and only reproduce with each other through magical means. Unchained nature spirits can alter their bodies to match a mortal’s reproductive system and produce luz mala offspring, though.
Nature spirits can produce offspring with mortals regardless of their sex and anatomy. If they mate with a mortal partner who can become pregnant, the nature spirit can impregnate them. If their mortal partner can impregnate others, the nature spirit will carry the baby. Nature spirits have full control over their bodies, including their fertility, and can decide whether or not mating will result in pregnancy. Nature spirits do not produce luz mala accidentally; it is always intentional on their end (However, when pairing with other nature spirits, the act will always result in an “energy manifestation” and this cannot be prevented).
Whether a spirit mates with another nature spirit or a mortal, nature spirit “pregnancy” lasts for mere seconds to them (though it may last years or centuries to mortal eyes). Nature spirits can put potential offspring into embryonic diapause, allowing them to decide how soon after mating they wish to have a child. If a nature spirit’s goal is to raise a powerful champion, they can mate with a promising mortal who crosses their path early in the world’s timeline, put the unborn child into diapause, and produce the luz mala child when they’re ready thousands of years down the road. Extremely useful if you intend to throw your luz mala champion against your rivals’ one day. If you’re a nature spirit who produces a luz mala during a cosmic game, you instantly become a threat to other spirits. Because of this, one luz mala birth is often invitation for the other spirits to have luz mala of their own, so they tend to show up in bunches.
A nature spirit can also mate with multiple partners, storing the genetics of the ones who can impregnate them for later use and choosing which set of DNA is best for their purposes. They can develop multiple pregnancies from multiple partners at the same time and continue siring children with other partners while they’re pregnant. Nature spirits are complicated and not easily limited.
Birth: Technically, when nature spirits “reproduce” with each other, they do not create a child the way most races do. Rather, they release part of their own consciousness, which becomes an independent entity. The newborn awakes with some of its parents’ memories and can form new memories of its own. These new memories will not be shared with the parent automatically. However, as each child is technically an extension of the parent, nature spirits do have the ability to “upload” their memories to their parents’ “database.”
When nature spirits cut away aspects of their consciousness to produce offspring, they also cut away some of their memories. It’s completely possible for a nature spirit to say or do something and have no memory of saying or doing it because they passed that memory to one of their offspring. This plays into the perception of nature spirits having contradictory and unpredictable natures.
It is not uncommon for a nature spirit to have a single parent (Ex: Sunnie was born of Tarrow’s tears), nor is it unheard of for a nature spirit to have more than two parents, should multiple spirits kiff-tie together at the same time. Having two parents is still the most common situation.
Crossbreeding: Nature spirits most often reproduce with other nature spirits, but they are capable of producing luz mala offspring with mortals. Luz mala offspring usually show coloration and/or markings their mirror their parent spirit. Additionally, most have great strength and often have magic abilities.
Though their spirit parent may not be active in their life, spirits usually claim and interact with their children if the luz mala visits them at a temple or shrine; thus, most luz mala have great loyalty to their parent spirit and make excellent mediums (which is the most likely reason a spirit chose to mate with the mortal parent in the first place). Such luz mala usually grow up to be very influential people in their home world, for good or for bad.
True forms are always either pure black or white at their base and have the opposite color of hair. Projected forms can look like anything, from people to animals to swirls of wind to rocks.
Nature spirits often mirror stereotypes regarding their mastery.
Mature, adult nature spirits tend to have larger, plumper bodies, which mirrors their slow, thoughtful, less reckless personalities. Juvenile nature spirits tend to have longer, thinner bodies, mirroring their overly social nature since they often intertwine intensely with one another. Height is usually emphasized in adults, length in juveniles.
Nature spirit hair is usually long and flowing rather than cut short, simply because the spirits are more of an ancient people who are more likely to tie up their hair than cut if off.
Although nature spirits present with the gender identity you envision them to have, there is generally a consensus across the cloudlands, so it’s rare to deviate from the usual pronouns. For example, the fae teach that Tarrow has seven sons, so it’s very uncommon for fae to interpret them as female. Dame Artemis insists on explicitly referring to the zodiac spirits with she/her pronouns, her main reason being that she finds it entertaining to catch others off guard and loves to watch people get offended over it.
The seven zodiac spirits are more like big children than real adults, and are more immature and annoying than scary or dangerous. They’d sooner throw a tantrum and cause random chaos than threaten to hit a target with the entirety of their powers. “Wild” is a very appropriate adjective to describe them.
In contrast, the Wise Ancients are actually mature adults who are usually calm and reasonable, but may lash out when offended.
Nature spirits are accustomed to being perceived in different forms; in the cloudlands, the zodiac spirits are perceived as male, but on other planets, some or all are perceived as female, genderless, genderfluid, intersex, and so on. As a result, nature spirits are rarely picky about their pronouns.
Nature spirits tend to be friendly and curious, but selfish and stubborn. While they may take interest in mortals, they do have their own agendas and tend to be their own first priority.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #158
"More Bar Chatter”
[Doc] I wonder how long it will take Trender to get the rest of the list?
[CP] - Depends on if he uses his proxy or not
[Doc] Shudders - why would he do that? If he can use any door as a portal?
[CP] - The doors only go to his workshop, plus his proxy can just go in and buy the stuff
[Doc] Oh, Okay. I thought it was anywhere. Seems like the right kind of power for a boogeyman to have.
[CP] - I mean, I'm sure if he really wanted to he could make it work that way...
[Doc] Points to hirself- This is me never mentioning that to him...
[CP] - Your choice
[Doc] Sighs- Honestly... I'm kinda missing Splender...
[CP] - He's second oldest, when Slender can't run things, he does with some help from Trender
[Doc] I know... but he's fun to have around, and even though I know he promised to behave; having Ej in the house is stressing me out a bit.
[CP] - Can't relate to that
[TLOT] What it wouldn't bother you to have someone around who might try to eat your spouse?
[CP] - He wouldn't dare
[TLOT] Points at Steve who is curled up in the booth, and sleeping soundly. -
[Doc] We all have important people and things to protect Cp.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] Checks on Stevie- Stevie, you need to finish your breakfast
[Stevie] - But brother isn't eating!
[Notch] I think Cp is like a cat, he wants to drag his food away someplace and eat alone.
[Stevie] - But Hope doesn't do that
[Doc] LH does it. And I bet Grinny does too.
[Notch] Big cats do it irl too. To keep other animals from stealing their food.
[CP] - Grinny will vomit it everywhere
[Doc] What? He has trouble eating?
[CP] - Nope, or maybe he would now, but it would probably be to spite you
[Doc] I just feel sorry for him. I hope his fur grows back soon.
[Lie] - It can take some time...
[Notch] Why don't you just make him some hair like you did for me?
[CP] Notices that Lie has his paperwork and takes it back- I hate working on this sort of stuff- He starts shuffling through it again
[Doc] Because it'll be wrong somehow. It'll just make him more pissed off because I'm touching him or something. - Lays across the bar in defeat.
[Deer] Finishes what she was working on and quickly slips the paper into her inventory-
[Doc] Sticks hir tongue out slightly and just stays flopped. - sigh...
[Notch] Cats are always harder to win over, aren't they?
[TLOT] But it feels like a victory when you manage it....
-There's scratching on the bar door-
[TLOT] His ears prick up and he gets up to open the door a crack and look out.
[Smile] Pushes his nose through- Hi!
[TLOT] Opens the door for the dog, - Hi Smile. Did Liu come with you?
[gem] -waves- hello
[Smile] - He was following, but then I started running- Grinny is flopped over Smile's back
[Grinny] - Ugh, stupid Dog
[Doc] Turns hir head to see where the quieter voice is coming from and fights down a little smile at the sight of the cat riding the huge dog.
[Sam] Is smiling hugely and already making food for the animals.
[Ruby] That is the biggest wolf I've ever seen...
[Smile] - BONE PEOPLE!
[liu] -finally catches up and walks in- hey.
[Ruby] Don't even think about it.
[Sam] Sets down a bowl with a pile of steaks for Smile and a smaller plate with flaked chicken on it for the cat.
[TLOT] Sounds like the dog was walking you Liu.
[Smile] Smells the steak and leaps over to eat-
[Grinny] Sniffs at the chicken-
[liu] smile is to big for me to walk him.
[Notch] He's nearly big enough for a person to ride.
[CP] Puts aside a few papers which are more minor things for the coronation.  He feels relatively safe about them since Steve is asleep-
[Doc] Just watches the duo quietly, not even sure xe's been noticed.
[Grinny] Takes a few tiny bites of the chicken-
[Smile] Wolfs down his food and looks at Sam with his best puppy dog eyes-
[Lie] Raises a brow and offers the rest of the sobering flower to TLOT-
[TLOT] Oh it's okay Lie, I'm not drunk. I metabolize things relatively quickly. Honestly I don't think Steve was that messed up either, alcohol just makes my lamb a bit sleepy.
[Lie] - I see, just offering
[Doc] Takes it and looks at it, twiddling it idly around in hir hands.
[Lie] Perks a little, Oh, I know something which could be added to the coronation- Spawns a Nether tree sapling- Just put down a bit of netherrack for these to grow on
[Sam] Slips Smile another steak-
[Smile] Happily eats it-
[liu] -sits down at a bar-
[Notch] That's really odd looking Lie. Does it do something special?
[Lie] - No, but it's able to withstand the Nether
[Sam] Looks at Liu with a questioning glance.
[Ruby] Leans back on hir chair and gives Liu's butt an appraising stare.
[liu] just some food please. -doesn't notice ruby staring-
[Sam] Brings food for Liu as well.
[Smile] Goes over and licks Liu's hand-
[Ruby] Meh. Not bad for a human. Hey Winston, hows your head?
[liu] -pets smile and eats his food-
[Grinny] Swats at Liu-
[Winston] - Still a bit fuzzy I'm afraid
[Notch] Quietly- Is that... the cat?
[Doc] Yeeees.
[Ruby] Nothing to be ashamed of man. Ya gotta relax sometimes.
[Winston] - That is usually difficult
[Ruby] The Nether is serious business, I'll give you that. I'm not a big fan of lava myself.
[Winston] - Lava to me is like water for you
[Ruby] It doesn't hurt you?
[Doc] Another one who can bathe with the brines...
[Winston] - Not at all
[Doc] What do you mean Winston? Can you only take it for a few minutes or something?
[Winston] - No, as in it doesn't hurt me at all, I was responding to Ruby
[Doc] Ah... just ignore me... I'm still a little drunk.
[Winston] - That is alright
[CP] Deciding to procrastinate more- Hey Doc, how pissed would you be if I held the coronation out in the real world?
[Doc] Gaaah.... yeah if you want several of us not to be able to go.
[TLOT] Count me out for that Cp.
[CP] Acts like seriously considering it
[Doc] You utter pissant.... you wouldn't. Where would you find a private space big enough for even a tenth of your mobs?!
[CP] - There are places
[gem] could he even take his mobs to the real world?
[Doc] Are you trying to fucking hurry me into building another body for Deerheart?
[CP] - Nope
[Deer] - CP, why are you being mean now?
[Doc] I know Gk would be disappointed too.
[Notch] Whispers to Deerheart - He's just trying to put off his work by picking a fight...
[Deer] Rolls her eyes- CP do your work
[CP] - Don't wanna
[Notch] I thought so.
[Lie] - Come on CP, if you really focus it shouldn't take too long
[TLOT] Yeah, especially after you yelled at Steve for trying to help.
[CP] - Shut up
[Doc] Sets the sobering flower upright in hir empty glass and drags a sheet of paper near hir. Xe balls it up and flicks it so it rolls gently along the bar and stops near Grinny.
[Grinny] Glares at it from Smile's back-
[Doc] Isn't even looking. - Lie? You should try and make a flower with Flux. Even if it doesn't do anything.
[Lie] With Flux?  Hmmm...
[TLOT] Takes out the sprig of catnip he offered to Cp a while back and breaks off a small piece. He sneaks over and puts it down in front of Grinny before sitting back down.
[Grinny] Flat out ignores it-
[Doc] Doodles on a bit of paper, xe's thinking of what to wear hirself since Cp nixed hir dragon idea.
[CP] Still shuffling through papers-
[gem] -is looking over doc's shoulder to see what xe is drawing-
[Stevie] Slumps against the table a bit- I'm full!  Can we go build the blanket fort now?
[Lie] Laughs a little- Only if you go get your pants on
[Stevie] - Okay- He runs back for the bathroom
[Notch] Can I help with the fort since all the critters are fed Lie?
[Lie] - I think Stevie would love it if you would
[Flux] Smiles a little-
[Ruby] Yeah, I got shit to do too. Call me when you're ready for the party Sam. Nice meeting ya Winston. - Goes to leave.
[Winston] - Master, perhaps you should send me back...
[CP] - Hm?  Oh, alright- Opens a portal
[Doc] Liu? Do you mind staying at my place for a bit? I'd like to keep an eye on Grinny and he and Smile seem inseperable.
[Smile] Perks at hearing his name-
[liu] uh sure.
[Doc] You know you're always welcome to come and hang out with us if you get lonely, don't you?
[TLOT] Hey, Gem, how are your wings? It looks like we got you to rest for a bit anyway, didn't we?
[liu] yea I do.
[gem] I guess you did but they are healing fast.
[Steve] Makes a tiny yawn and stirs awake.
[TLOT] Gives his mate a little kiss on the forehead.
[CP] Stands up, not noticing a few papers that slip out from his pile-
[Notch] Reaches down and hands them back to him- Here you go Cp.
[CP] Grumbles as he takes them back.  He's really not looking forwards to arranging this coronation-
[Doc] I have sewing to do anyway...
[Deer] - And I have ideas
[Doc] Gives her a sly look. - I know the kind of ideas you have....
[Deer] - Maybe it's a different kind of idea
[Doc] Ah, darn.
[TLOT] Come on Doc, you're still a bit drunk. No need to be surly.
[Doc] Either way, thank you for the food and alcohol Sam, it was all excellent as usual.
[Sam] Takes a small bow.
[Lie] - Remember, just get us a list of what you'll need and we'll have it ready for you when you get to the other server
[Sam] Already working on it. Thank you Lie.
[Lie] - You're welcome
[Stevie] Runs out of the bathroom with his pants on once more and clings onto CP's leg- Brother!
[Notch] You're popular today Cp.
[CP] Groans- I don't want to do any of this...
[Notch] I know the feeling, I was never fond of doing the accounts.
[Lie] - Just think of it this way CP, the faster you deal with it, the sooner it will be over
[Notch] chuckles-  You sound like someones mom bugging a kid to do their homework Lie.
[Lie] - Sometimes I feel like it
[CP] Just starts walking out with Stevie attached to his leg-
[Shuppet] Was hiding up near the ceiling and floats down to follow him out.
[Doc] Well there's nothing for it. Time to head home. Who's going my way?
[TLOT] Helps Steve up. - Right behind you.
[Flux] - I will
[Deer] - I will obviously love
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