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lonesomedreamer · 1 year ago
Liveblog: “All Those Who Wander”
In which Star Trek does Alien.
This episode should absolutely have come with warnings for flashing lights and superfluous gore/body horror.
The “end” of Uhura’s tenure on the Enterprise would be more meaningful in a longer season. I know it’s not realistic to hope for 22-26 episode seasons anymore, but even 13 would be better for an episodic, character-driven adventure show than just 10.
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This looks bad. In fact, her hair has been getting worse all season. Rebecca Romjin is a beautiful woman, but the hair and makeup people have been doing her no favors (something I’d argue that she has in common with her predecessor in the role, Majel Barret).
“We are bonded now and forever by the family that is Starfleet.” Who WROTE this drivel? I’d love to serve in Starfleet! I love its ideals! But even in TOS, it wasn’t infallible and perfect and One Big Happy Family.
Is “Lieutenant” really the next rank immediately above “ensign”? Genuine question.
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Absurdly tiny coffee cups!
I still want to know why they’re always doing dishes on this ship that has technology well beyond that shown on TOS AND how/why the captain has time to do said dishes.
La’an’s actually allowed to show some personality!
As if station wagons would still be a common point of reference in the 23rd century…
“Do NOT make me turn this car around.” Again...these are not references that make sense in the show’s context/setting. They’re in the script solely to cater to a certain portion of the audience. Also, I still don’t find Pike’s “Captain Dad” schtick endearing, sorry.
Sensors don’t reach the planets surface, yet they land the shuttlecrafts conveniently close to the ship they’re rescuing.
“You gotta buy him a drink.” How long has Spock been in Starfleet now…at least five years? They’re constantly explaining Starfleet culture/traditions to him like he’s a cadet. I know he’s a Vulcan, and I know that it’s for the audience’s benefit, but there must be some other character (Uhura being the obvious choice) who can fill that role…
And also: who keeps buying people drinks? Is this just a turn-of-phrase, or what? They’re certainly not paying for anything on the Enterprise, and we never saw them actually pay for anything on TOS even during shore leave.
Wait—they took the CMO and Chapel on this mission? What if people need emergency medical attention back on the ship???
The Peregrine is built with some of the same parts as the Constitution-class ships, but it’s not the same design—so why does it look like a carbon copy of the Enterprise, and why does it have such a small crew compliment in comparison?
This is obviously going to be another Gorn episode, and I already know I’m still going to hate it.
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I’ve since read that this was prosthetic makeup, but it looks like bad CGI to me.
They’re really going to make Spock have an awkward expository conversation about Surak and logic with Christine in the middle of a crisis/rescue mission in the penultimate episode of the season?
M’Benga calling the little girl “my daughter” and then catching himself was a nice touch. He should be haunted by his decision.
I love that Christine’s hair is still perfect after everything. Peak TV show energy.
All of this—gore and jump scares and a vicious, non-verbal alien species as the overpowered Big Bad—is so anti-Trek and I hate it!!! :)
As usual, the level of technology here strains credulity (and far outstrips anything on TOS).
Kirk’s big brother is just a peach… McCoy and Spock’s dynamic only worked because Spock gave as good as he got and because the audience knew that Spock considered McCoy a close friend/brother. Watching Sam Kirk be an intolerant ass is just uncomfortable.
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COMICAL. Seriously, this is a joke.
So the Gorn are superior (in evolutionary terms) sentient beings…and also mindless, bloodthirsty lizard creatures? Sure.
Gorn-o-vision! This entire episode is impossible to take seriously.
Alluding to Spock’s sacrifice in Wrath of Khan and throwing a “long live and prosper” in does not make this any more like proper Trek. Speaking of WOK, Hemmer’s choice would be so much more meaningful if it were done in a similar setting (since he is, after all, the Chief Engineer…) instead of this throw-away “noble” sacrifice of a death.
Hemmer’s death is also a reminder of how short 10-episode seasons really are, and how little development his character was really given. As badly as her character was handled, even Tasha Yar had more time to grow than Hemmer before she was killed.
“This sucks. I hate funerals.” Ortegas and her quippy remarks being charming and funny and essential to the episode as always…oh, wait.
I actually think it’s really sweet/meaningful for Christine to tell Spock that his emotions “make you human.” I’ve seen some bad-faith interpretations of this scene assuming she’s trying to “push him to be more human,” but I read it as her encouraging him not to deny his inherent humanity, which he’s grown up thinking of as shameful. His humanity isn’t inferior to his Vulcan nature, and he needs to accept it and embrace it if he wants to find peace.
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As the child of an alcoholic, I genuinely think Pike has an alcohol problem. He’s been shown drinking a lot in this show.
The Good: La’an gets to show some personality (but only early on)—moral support Spockstine hugs
The Bad: Everything else, lol—Pike makes terrible tactical decisions, repeatedly, beginning with bringing cadets on the rescue mission without knowing any details about the circumstances; the most glaring was letting La’an, who’s barely coping with her own Gorn-related PTSD well enough to function, basically take charge after they discover that they’re dealing with the Gorn—the way this series had handled the Gorn is laughably bad and not at all in the spirit of Trek; they’re treated as monsters rather than sentient enemies who can potentially be reasoned/negotiated with (i.e., the Romulans)—Hemmer’s death was pointless and a waste—they continue to do absolutely nothing with Number One as a character; why is she even on the show at this point?
Overall, this was a poorly-lit and very poorly-written episode full of jump scares, shaky-cam, flashing lights, and needless gore/death. It felt like the antithesis of everything Trek is supposed to be. Here’s hoping the finale is better.
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thatsastepladder · 1 year ago
Sidebar on the topic of hero replacements and legacy, specifically where Marvel is concerned (because DC, being a company that's traditionally built around legacy characters and superhero families far more than Marvel, has a different relationship with the topic). I've been reading Mark Gruenwald's Captain America run lately - the one where John Walker temporarily replaces Steve as Captain America, and I have to say that Walker Cap works for me in a way that most modern Marvel legacy characters don't.
Don't get me wrong, John Walker isn't and never will be Steve Rogers, and I wouldn't have wanted him as Captain America in the long term. But reading the stories, you get the sense that Gruenwald had a plan for where the arc was going - very much unlike modern Marvel, who creates new legacy characters largely for temporary sales boosts and brownie points from the Twitter mob.
John Walker isn't Steve Rogers, and that's the point of his story. He's a good enough Cap for the government's purposes, sure, but he's young and untested and struggles with the weight of the legacy put on his shoulders. He's got the suit and the shield, but he's not nearly as skilled a combatant as Steve is despite having more raw power, and he's far more impulsive and ruthless than Steve ever was.
Meanwhile, when the story cuts back to Steve, now operating as "The Captain" in a black costume since he's been legally forbidden from wearing the colors of the American flag or using the Captain America name, it's demonstrated time and again that with or without the suit and shield, he's still Captain America.
And that's the point.
John Walker is a great character who works very well for me, but his tenure as Captain America solely exists in service of the book's actual protagonist, Steve Rogers. It's there to demonstrate "yeah, the government can strip Captain America of everything that makes him recognizable as Captain America and give it to some other bloke, but they can't make him stop being Captain America in spirit."
The thing that made Marvel distinguish themselves from other comic publishers in the Silver Age was their focus on character. It's what made Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four the successes that they were, and it's the reason that all the most well-remembered DC comics from the 1960s to about 1986 were the ones that imitated Marvel's style of storytelling. People read Spider-Man comics because they were invested in what Peter Parker was up to. They weren't there for the suit and the powers.
And that's what I think modern Marvel doesn't get with all this mantle-swapping they've been doing. It's one thing to say "oh, the old Ant-Man hasn't been Ant-Man for years, here's a new guy who stole the costume and helmet", it's another to say "um... yeah, Clea's Doctor Strange and Sword Master's Iron Fist and there's some random new Punisher and a new teen Falcon nobody cares about because the previous Falcon's Captain America now."
Ultimately, it's about the investment people have built up in the characters - and none of the replacement characters Marvel's offered in the past decade (with the exception of Kamala Khan, one of the most successful new characters in recent memory) have had the capital built up for people to be as invested in them as the characters they replaced.
Riri Williams' introduction was a dumpster fire and it took her getting her own series for the character to be any good. Jane Foster had become such a peripheral part of the Thor mythos when they gave her the hammer that she really didn't have any fans. Falcon is great, but he'd been established as Falcon for over forty years when they made him Captain America, and hadn't really gathered a ton of people who thought anything more about him than "oh, yeah, he's neat" among comic-reading audiences.
You can't just give another person the costume and the powers and say "hey, he's just as good as the original!" when the original is who people were invested in, and who people are there to see. In any other medium, that'd be absurd (never mind that it's happening, just less overt much of the time) and yet in superhero comics, it's the norm now.
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1988 Marvel: "Black superheroes shouldn't just take white heroes' cast-off identities, we should be able to stand on our own and be something to be proud of."
2014-present Marvel:
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nehawriter16 · 5 years ago
5.11.19 - my life is falling apart and other updates.
Hello internet.
Just wanted to talk today. I like Tumblr because not many people I know follow me on here. Also there isn’t a word limit, and sometimes a girl just wants to rant.
So this is me releasing all my thoughts into the world today.
I quit chartered accountancy. Just woke up one day, and told my parents I couldn’t do it anymore. That was a long week at home, and I know they’re disappointed in me. All along I’ve been a bright student, somebody who never disappointed and they could brag about at dinner parties. But this course cut me open. It hurt me, it sent me crumbling and it dragged me through hell. In the movie Dear Zindagi, Alia Bhatt is in therapy and Shahrukh Khan tells her that sometimes we keep doing the hard thing because we think we have to. And we forget that its okay to pick an easy way. I guess that’s what I’m doing. I’m choosing the easier way because the harder way made me unhappy, it made me unhappy to the point where I didn’t want to be alive anymore.
So the new plan is that I will give my GRE and apply to Masters in Finance courses in the US. Preferably in the STEM field, because its easy to get a work visa after graduating if you’re a STEM graduate. Do I think this is the perfect career path for me? No, absolutely not. But do I think it will do me good to finally move the fuck out of home, have a change of continent, meet some new people, and have the college experience I always felt I missed out on? Yes.
So this is what we’re doing. My GRE is in 12 days. I am barely prepared.
I always had a passion for writing. I knew when I discovered it that it not only brought me joy, but I was pretty damn good at it. Unfortunately being brown, and coming from a family of people who had all built their career from scratch by making practical decisions, because they didn’t have a choice due to their humble backgrounds, I was always told that writing was a futile thing and would just be a hobby, not something to be looked at as a career option. I disagreed. Having made a bit of money from it now, I still disagree.
But I’ve been brought up in the lap of luxury and I have a pretty high standard of living. I like my weekly Starbucks and I go to bars that don’t have happy hours. I enjoy the bimonthly staycation in a fancy hotel, and I hate repeating outfits and thoroughly enjoy fashion, so I’m always buying new clothes. It makes me happy to look good.
So yeah, I agree that since I haven’t had the liberty to pursue writing full time, I haven’t yet found a way to make a living from it. Maybe it’s a risk, and a back up plan is advisable. But all I know is writing is the only thing I feel like waking up to do. Even now, when my life is falling apart, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me.
Growing up I was always a hardworking student. And if I wasn’t, my Mom made me that way. She would yell if I got bad marks, and she always encouraged that I at least be in the top ten in class. Even the school I went to was pretty much only concerned with academics. And so due to the environment and brainwashing, I did well. I stayed in the 90 percent lane all my life, all the way up to twelfth grade. In my junior college I had two of the worst years of my life. I was molested by my co caption for months on end, and I couldn’t escape him. It was constant mental, emotional and physical turmoil, more so because I couldn’t tell anyone. Despite how insanely difficult it was to spend six hours every day in the place where my molester showed up every day, I still managed to keep my grades high. I scored 92 percent, and my parents were happy.
I had no passion for finance, but since I had proved to be so bright, my parents said the only thing to do now was four years of Chartered Accountancy. After that, my life would be sorted. I passed the first level by studying for 2 months, while other people attended classes for a year. I passed the second level too. I got into one of the biggest global multiconsulting firms in the world for my internship, and my parents were happy. My life was on track, and it didn’t matter that I was crying in the cabs home from work because I was so miserable. It didn’t matter as long as the plan was being followed. After all, the plan was being followed and I was so goddamn close to the finish line.
Two years into my internship I decided I needed to quit, or at least shift to a smaller firm. The pressures in this one were too much and I was so sad I could barely make it out of bed. So I told my parents I needed to study for my finals, and they got me out of it. My mental health was derailing – but oh boy, was this just the beginning. I moved to a smaller firm and pretended to stay home on the weekends and study. Instead, all I did was lay in bed with YouTube videos playing on loop because I couldn’t bear to be alone with my thoughts.
2017 was the year my boyfriend broke up with me too, so all kinds of shit was hitting the fan at the same time. I was fucked up in every way. I started using alcohol to fall asleep, to wake up, to do pretty much anything actually. To engage in social situations, I’d carry around a quarter in my bag and drink it in the cab. It eased my anxiety and helped me smile at people in a more convincing way.
2018 sucked. So did 2019. These two years are a blurry flatline in my head. I have been drowning like the ground I walk on is quicksand, and the more I struggle to get out, the more it pulls me in. When I look back at my life’s work in the past two years, I see nothing. Nothing that counts as an achievement anyway.
I wasted them while everybody else was putting in the work to get into ivy league schools or pass exams, get their first real jobs kickstarted. I lay in bed and watched every tv show there was to watch with the curtains drawn. I ran through horrible men and gave my body up to practical strangers that I felt nothing for, and the ones I liked left me, like they always do. Yeah, I wrote two books. Made enough money to support my alcohol addiction, my shopping habits, my vacations and staycations. I blew it all off on the temporary ride of whatever would bring me happiness in the moment.
I lost myself. I lost myself to illness and addiction and worthless friends and denial. I’m still lost. I used to have a drive in my body, something that said wake up and get things done today. Instead, I’ve been doing the zombie shuffle through my own life. Sometimes I wake up and my first thought is – “How long till this day is over.” I count the hours until I can crawl back into bed, till its an acceptable time to go to sleep. Because the only place I don’t feel like my brain has a fucking dense fog rolling through it is when I’m sleeping.
I used to be brilliant, and I’ve lost my shine. I’ve lost my willpower, my ability to be the hardest working person in the room. I have gotten self destructive to the point where I procrastinate and procrastinate and then it’s too late for everything. I am so fucked up, you have no idea.
I don’t know what I should do to bring that feeling of wanting to do something perfectly back. You know, the feeling of studying so hard you know everything on the test. The feeling of being the best, no questions asked. The feeling of answering questions in class and submitting assignments on time and just…enjoying the process of academia that I used to love so much. But I guess in depression, your brain sort of grows old and tired. It can’t remember things. It doesn’t want to move, or think, or do anything difficult.
My memory is deteriorating and the moments I’m supposed to remember and the information I should retain? It gets lost more often than not. And I am so scared to assess the scale of this incompetency that I just don’t even try because whenever I do, it’s all so overwhelming and all the trauma from Chartered Accountancy comes swirling back to hit me in the head.
As a result of my constant sadness, I had to find ways to make myself happy. The periods of happiness lasted for a short while, but I rode the highs to the fullest because I knew the darkness would be back eventually. I turned to alcohol and marijuana and nicotine, to the point where every three or four days I would need one or the other, if not all three in combination. I would drink every night to be able to fall asleep. In my cupboard there is a special collection of all the wine bottles that have acted as sleeping pills.
I also began to eat junk food, because carbohydrates make you happy before they make you feel like shit. All addictions are like that, actually. Swiggy was my best friend, and my array of lovers : greasy Chinese, McDonalds, any dessert place – just whatever was bad for your skin, fattening, but would be brought to you by a wonderful man on a bike no matter what the weather was, and was easy to eat and throw all evidence of out later and forget that somewhere on my body, this food would settle into another ugly layer.
In the middle I got sick of myself and went to the gym, started going at it hard. My body improved and the endorphins were definitely helping, but a few months in I stopped waking up. My brain said it didn’t want to anymore, and I, the slave to my depression, caved and listened. I haven’t been since. The swiggy orders keep coming in every day and I keep throwing the containers into the trash, changing quickly from one outfit into another so I don’t have to see what I look like naked.
But I know. I somehow hate myself for the disgust I have for certain parts of my body, and then for the part of me that knows it wants to “fix” them all, but is in constant battle with the part of me that says I shouldn’t feel guilty for taking up space or for being a curvy girl. But body positivity isn’t about a number on a scale, its just about whether you like your reflection in the mirror, whether it makes you happy. Mine hasn’t made me happy in a long time. But then again, what the fuck has?
Sometimes I’m in trial rooms with harsh lighting and I just stare at myself and call myself horrible names. I keep the lights off when boys come over and the clothes come off. I keep saying, “I have to lose 10 kgs,” but I keep ordering from Swiggy every time a depressive episode rolls in to make it go away.
I keep setting deadlines, like, “After this month, I will cut out sugar!” and “After this exam, I will go back to the gym!” but then I fuck up and I’m like, oh well. Maybe next month.
The bottom line is I despise my body and the way it’s started to look. It doesn’t help that my Instagram feed is full of women with perfect skin, defined abs, and perky butts with chiselled features. I want all of that. I want to feel beautiful, and beautiful is hard work. Which, of course, my brain pines after, but never actually lets me get out of bed to do.
My last serious relationship ended in 2017. I briefly dated somebody exclusively in the beginning of 2019, but he turned out to be the biggest asshole of them all, and “didn’t realise” he was using me to get over his ex-girlfriend. He broke up with me over text, pretty much cheated on me, didn’t even explain himself until I found out from some mutual friends. After that I was done, I couldn’t take love anymore. I couldn’t let anybody in because every relationship I’ve ever been in has ended with me being the second choice or me being dumped or betrayed and left hurt and broken for years.
The trauma is too much. So I decided I was never going to let anybody leave me again or enter my life and find a permanent place in it. I became the biggest fuckboy of them all, despite my conscience that has always been a good, kind and sensitive thing. This player thing really isn’t for me, but it was fun for a while to trump boys and play mind games and make them feel inadequate about themselves, to stand them up and never call back and ask them to leave my house after I had gotten what I wanted, to only call when I wanted it again.
I purposely picked out the worst, baddest ones. Then I tamed them by being even worse than they were. In May I began speaking to somebody who was fun and hilarious and good looking and well off and who made my brain feel alive again. Every time he texted me I caught myself smiling, and all our conversations consisted of saying witty sarcastic things to each other. We went on one date and he kissed me in the car, but for some reason in real life his life was so different from mine, that I declared the kiss good (he put his hand in my hair and grabbed, in a non hurtful but very I’m-super-into-this way, ooofff) and the date a disaster. I don’t know whether I was just in denial of my now strongly sprouting crush, or whether I actually hated it.
As the months passed, I tried to get him to go out with me again. I’m not much of a pursuer, because I have always been the one who gets pursued. But this boy was different. We would talk a lot over DM and we would make fun of each other and his life was fabulous and exciting and I watched from the outside, and built him into a much grander version of who he is in real life. I do that. What made him even more attractive was that he didn’t want me, and I couldn’t figure out for the love of God why not. I thought I was the whole package, and I even started to act out a little bit in the psycho way he told me he liked his women, which is SO TOXIC but I had actually felt something for somebody after so long that I didn’t even backtrack. Anyway, it soon became clear that it was not going to lead anywhere because he just disappointed me, didn’t show up, and my ego took a hit. I let it go, mostly. Or I will, as time passes.
I think I deserve love. Not the makes you feel good and carries your bag when its heavy kind. I deserve the love that I am ready to give – the grand romantic gestures that would be so dumb, but somehow he makes them work. The cant live without you love. The we’re best friends and teammates and nothing, not even distance, not our past demons, will keep us from making it work. I want the kind of person who is so sure of who they are, so internally confident, and so absolutely sure that I am their soulmate that I convinces me. I don’t want to meet a lot of wrong boys, goddamnit. I’ve done my fair share of the wrong boys, I’ve paid my dues for the amount of hurt one person is supposed to have. Now I just want the right one.
Deep down, I know he’s not here. Not in this city, because that would just be a cruel joke. Imagine meeting your soulmate and then having to go to college in six months. Fucking shit. If the universe even pities me a little bit, it wont do that to me.
I sometimes wonder if my life only stays on track if my romantic life is going well. I mean, when I dated my last serious boyfriend, I had it all – I was skinny. I had a prestigious internship. I was passing my exams. The writing was flourishing. This is a very scary thought, because I don’t want to depend or co exist on somebody else for my happiness in any way. But I cant deny the fact that my entire life fell apart when that last boy, who I loved with all my heart, broke up with me. It hasn’t been quite the same since.
His life is going spectacularly well, though. Lots of women and a great job and enough money to buy plane tickets to different cities to meet these women when he wouldn’t even drive down three hours to see me in a neighbouring town. I hate how unfair life is. He’s found some amazing people that he has feelings for, that like him back, even though he’s the one who broke my heart. And I still haven’t found a single person who even makes it to the second date, and the only one who did was just using me as a placeholder while his cheating ex girlfriend took a vacation from their relationship. So how the fuck is that fair? Am I being given the worst kind of experiences because my broken heart produces a special brand of my best writing? If yes, then I’m tired. I’d rather be a mediocre writer, but I cant spend my whole life being abandoned and cheated on and dumped and taken for granted, especially when the kind of love I can give is loyal and abundant and pure.
  That’s it. Those are my issues, or some of them. Honestly I’m tired of typing and want to retire to my safe space that is my bed, and the deep dark comfort of unconsciousness. I just thought I might feel better if I could release this into the world, before I feel a little better and write another post manifesting what I envision my life to be next year.
If you made it to the end, you truly love me and care for me. Thanks for sticking with me, I guess. I hope things get better. I used to say that the good thing about rock bottom is that there’s nowhere to go but up. I wish there was some kind of tracker that told you when you’d actually hit rock bottom, because all I do is keep on fucking sinking deeper and deeper.
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beingallelite · 5 years ago
Nearly twenty years after the end of the “Monday Night Wars,” the landscape of professional wrestling is on the precipice of a massive shift.
The catalyst for the seismic change is All Elite Wrestling, the upstart company founded by Tony Khan, son of Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan, and professional wrestlers Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega and Matt and Nick Jackson — better known as the Young Bucks.
After holding four shows — two pay-per-views and two free events — all eyes will be on the upstart wrestling company this week as it debuts its live television program, titled “Dynamite,” on TNT.
“I guess you could say there are a lot of nerves because going live you face that fact that anything could happen,” Nick Jackson told Yahoo Sports. “You just never know if something wrong is going to go down, like someone getting hurt. Knock on wood, hopefully everyone just kills it and we have a great time. We’re just hoping everything goes right.”
The birth of All Elite Wrestling
Wednesday night represents a culmination of a months-long effort by the Bucks, Omega, Rhodes and Khan, among others. On the heels of their successful independent show, “All In,” in August 2018, the group announced the creation of All Elite Wrestling in January and the buzz immediately started.
What started as a conversation on his back patio between Matt Jackson, his wife and Khan had finally become a reality.
“With the feedback right away we knew it was something that could be big,” Nick Jackson said. “As soon as we announced Chris Jericho, then people knew this was real and it could be as big as anything we’ve seen over the past 20 years. Right off the bat we knew. When we hit a home run with [May’s event] ‘Double or Nothing,’ that was further proof that this was going to be the next alternative.”
While the concept of All Elite Wrestling kicked into high gear over the past nine months, the Jacksons recognize that their YouTube series, “Being the Elite,” served almost as a training ground for the production aspect of AEW.
“I don’t think we would have ever guessed that it would get this big,” Matt Jackson said. “When we first started it, it was just a fun little project that was Nick’s idea to document our day-to-day activities for the fans to help us connect on a more personal level. The fact that it became what it became is really crazy to us. We’re hoping to keep it around.”
Since its inception in 2016, “Being the Elite” has grown to include several other members of All Elite Wrestling’s roster and has served as a conduit to further storylines in between events. As AEW grew, inching closer to the October debut, the Jacksons’ responsibilities expanded and ultimately, the brothers admit that the hit series may change.
“We’re hoping to keep it around,” Matt Jackson said. “I don’t know what that means though exactly, it will depend on what our schedule looks like. We have a huge following, it’s too big to just go away. I think we’ll be going through a transitional phase here soon while we figure out what ‘BTE’ will look like.”
‘My sleep schedule hasn’t been great’
The biggest adjustment for the Jacksons has been juggling dual roles. In addition to being two of the marquee talents on AEW’s roster, the brothers serve as executive vice presidents for the company.
It’s one thing to have to prepare for your own match ahead of a show, it’s an entirely different beast to ensure every aspect of the production is firing on all cylinders.
“I’m learning that it was a lot easier just being a wrestler, especially with this whole project,” Matt Jackson said. “The biggest adjustment for me has been being on the phone every second of the day, trying to be a dad also. Trying to stay fit, trying to do all of my other daily things.”
“A few months into this my phone never stopped ringing and I never stop getting text messages. It’s been a non-stop work pace since June. I love it, but at the same time I will admit that of course I’m struggling with balance. We’re an upstart but I have my own family too. Juggling a billion things at once, my sleep schedule hasn’t been great.”
Juggling their time is just one part of the equation for the Jacksons.
As All Elite Wrestling continues to grow, there’s inevitably going to be the perception that if they are continuously booked at the top of the card that the Jacksons — along with Rhodes and Omega — are putting themselves “over.”
The Jacksons are attempting to squash the issue before it starts.
“That’ll always be a concern,” Nick Jackson said. “Matt, myself and Kenny, we’ve made this a rule where you cannot talk about our position in the office on camera. You’ll never hear about anything that we do outside of being in the wrestling ring when you watch an episode on TNT. The only way you’ll know that is if you’re really a true insider, a huge wrestling fan and we want to keep it that way.
“If we’re the most popular act on a show, then that popular act should win,” Nick Jackson continued. “If we aren’t getting the biggest reaction, we should lose. We just have to know better and what’s right and wrong. I feel like Matt and I are pretty thoughtful in a selfish business.”
Making a place for tag-team wrestling
The Jacksons are one of the best — if not the best — tag teams in the world, so it’s no surprise that All Elite Wrestling is placing a huge emphasis on the format.
The early success of “Dynamite” will hinge on a number of factors, but one of the most important will be the tag-team tournament that will inevitably crown the promotions first champions.
“We’ve always fantasized — we never thought we’d get to do it — but if we had the book, we would make tag-team wrestling a priority,” Matt Jackson said. “Every team that you see with us, they were hand-picked by Nick and I. We’ve either worked with them elsewhere or have been watching them. We asked ourselves, ‘Who are the teams we want to work with?’ We figured, if we could have a good match with these wrestlers, the other teams could as well. A lot of it was almost selfish, us saying, ‘Who can we tear the house down with? OK, sign them.’”
There’s obviously an old-school feel as AEW goes up against WWE — by far the biggest competitor in the wrestling industry — but putting tag-team wrestling front and center is a sign that the company hopes to take the business even further back than the “Monday Night Wars” of the 1990s.
“Tag-team wrestling historically has been big box office,” Matt Jackson said. “In the old territory days, the Rock ‘N’ Roll Express was the main event in every town. It was clearly something that worked. Even as recently as the TLC era, Matt and Jeff Hardy were the biggest box office draw in tag-team history. They’re brothers, there’s a lot of parallels. I don’t know why it hasn’t shined as brightly in the past 20 years, but it’s time for it to take its spot back.”
With teams like the Young Bucks, Lucha Bros. and SCU, among others, it won’t be difficult for AEW to sell tag-team wrestling. Anyone who has watched a match involving these teams knows that there is no shortage of death-defying and jaw-dropping spots.
While some teams may alter their style with the move to weekly television — there’s a belief that wrestlers want to save certain moments for bigger shows — don’t expect that in the early going from the Jacksons.
“Matt and I have built a career off doing everything every day and every show,” Nick Jackson said. “I don’t think we’re going to change that philosophy. You might see that change with other wrestlers, but Matt and I are going to go into it thinking, ‘Let’s do what we do and keep doing what got us to the dance.’ Maybe during commercial breaks we’ll take it a little more easy.”
“Now is not the time to hold back,” Matt Jackson said. “Now is the time to show the world what we’re capable of. This may be the moment where everyone wants to sample our product and we may just have 15 seconds to gain some viewers when they are flipping through the channels. Now it’s the time to show the world what AEW looks like.”
And if fans are hooked, they’ll get to see tag-team wrestling in the biggest time slots.
“I don’t want anybody to be surprised when tag-team matches headline and main event a bunch of our shows,” Matt Jackson said. “There’s nothing more beautiful than a good tag-team wrestling match.”
The billion-dollar question
AEW is far from the first wrestling promotion to try and compete with Vince McMahon and WWE.
After Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling and Paul Heyman’s Extreme Championship Wrestling were purchased by McMahon, the wrestling landscape has been dominated by WWE.
Smaller promotions such as Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, New Japan Pro Wrestling and Total Nonstop Action have all operated over the past 20 years, but none has gained a large enough share to truly pose a threat to McMahon’s behemoth.
With AEW debuting on TNT — the same channel that aired “Monday Night Nitro” in the 1990s — things feel different. WWE has also moved its NXT brand, which more closely resembles the independent-adjacent style that AEW will have, to air on Wednesday nights in the same exact time slot as “Dynamite.”
“Of course [competition] is a conversation [we have],” Matt Jackson said. “I feel like the entire group of guys, we’re all so tunnel-visioned on what our idea is and what we want our show to look like, we have a vision of what we want AEW to be and we can’t stray too far away from that.
“Obviously, it’s smart to survey, see what the competitor is doing and what’s clicking or not clicking. A lot of this is going to be organic. If one week they are putting on something similar to what we have planned, maybe we change that. If they have a huge match planned and we didn’t, maybe that changes things. I think all it does is breed competitive nature in all of us, makes us all step up our game and put on the best show possible. It’s corny, but the fans win in all of this.”
At the end of the day, AEW’s ability to compete will boil down to the in-ring product and its production value.
Although the members of the AEW roster have vast experience in the professional wrestling world, there’s a significant difference between working on the independent circuit and putting on a live television program every week.
“We need to learn how to tighten up the show and tell our stories in 90 minutes,” Matt Jackson said. “The other thing is it’s going to be on live television, so we’re working with commercial breaks. I think we will gain our footing. This is all new to us and we’re a brand new company. We’re expecting hiccups but the best thing will be for us to pivot from those things and learn from our mistakes. We’re learning on the job but we also think we’re the most qualified team.”
Much like wrestlers calling a match in the ring, everyone involved in AEW will also need to be able to change things on the fly.
“We have an idea of where we want to go, but we also have to be ready to switch gears,” Matt Jackson said. “In wrestling, things just kind of organically happen. I always use this example, but we didn’t have a clue that after doing four shows that having a guy who dresses up as a dinosaur be one of our most over acts. Happy surprises happen. One thing we need to be ready to do is shift things and go with the flow.”
Saying goodbye to the old Young Bucks
In August, the Jacksons said goodbye to the independent circuit with a main event match against Private Party in Queens, New York. The show, put on by House of Glory, was in a venue that held maybe 1,000 people.
For comparison, “Dynamite” will take place at the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. — a 20,000-plus seat venue that sold out in minutes.
“The one thing Matt and I will certainly miss is how close we were to that fan base,” Nick Jackson said. “We’re not leaving them, but it felt so intimate, being in a smaller venue.”
It’s not just moving to a bigger venue for the Jacksons, it’s leaving behind the part of the business that helped make them who they are today.
“It’s an environment for being able to really thrive, be creative and try new things, take risks,” Matt Jackson said. “That’s one thing I miss. Every match we have there’s a lot of pressure, it’s high stakes, we have to hit a home run every time. It felt good to do independent shows because that’s where we really crafted our act and created these characters that everyone has come to love now.
“[Now we’re] realizing that that part of our career is over and I’m not sure if it has really sunk in for us.”
On arguably the biggest night of their careers on Wednesday, it will.
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animeraider · 6 years ago
I want to talk to you a moment about fear.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, and then just as I was about to publish it we had a slew of mass shootings, including one in my own geographical back yard, at a festival I've attended with my family. It seems to me that being afraid of gun violence is the one exception to my entire essay, and it does poke a big hole in it. We can't be afraid to close that hole. So here is that essay. +++++++++++++++++++++ I have said for a very long time now that the only useful place for fear in on Rollercoasters. Maybe horror movies. That it. Nothing else. But I want to dig deeper on that theme for a moment, if you don’t mind.
For getting on close to 2 decades now, there has been a political party in this country that has wanted you to be afraid. Usually it’s to be afraid of Muslims, terrorists, foreigner… anything other. They want you to believe that crime is getting worse. They want you to believe the country is financially unstable. They want you to believe there is a gay agenda that will change your life for the worse. A Trans-gender agenda. An Atheist agenda. A war on Christmas. Fear of packages in the mail. Fear of people in black communities, with their high crime rates. Fear of immigrants and the crime they bring. Fear of cartels and gangs that don’t even have a presence in this country. Fear of the Deficit. Fear that higher taxes will kill the economy. Fear that Iran is building an atomic bomb. Fear that the government will take over your healthcare. Fear that the government will take your guns. Fear that the government will take your freedoms.
This really ramped up after 9/11. I won’t kid you, that was awful. Grotesque. I can remember every damned moment of it – feeling genuinely in shock but being brave for my children, who were frightened out of their wits. Grabbing my children from their schools. Picking up my wife from her teaching job and the protocols that say that teachers needs to stay at their posts can go fuck themselves. Hunkering down and wishing it were all over. Thinking about the flight originally bound by my adopted hometown, and our own skyscrapers. It was awful and it opened a horrific wound.
Thing is, when do we get to heal? Why do we need to stay afraid? How can we possibly heal if we’re still afraid?
I’m asking that all of you please, stop being afraid. We’re not the greatest country in the world anymore but we sure used to be. We dreamed big, accomplished even bigger, and created the world’s next great adventures. We don’t do that anymore.
Fear is holding us back. Fear of the other. Fear of the world and how different it is from us. Yeah, we got hurt, badly hurt, but it’s time to heal. It’s time to stop being afraid to heal. It’s not easy, and I don’t deny that. But let me offer you a few notions about fear that maybe you haven’t considered.
I’m not afraid of Muslims. They’ve been part of this country going back to its very foundation. There are more Muslims in the world than there are Americans and there always has been. 9/11 didn’t change that. We’ve been fine with Muslims. Sharia Law isn’t being introduced anywhere in this country. It’s just not. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, and wants you afraid. If Muslims were such a big problem why are we as a nation so damned friendly with Saudi Arabia? Senegal? Pakistan? Morocco? Singapore? Egypt? Kuwait? Morocco – the first country to recognize the United States as an independent country (1786), and with whom we maintain the longest single treaty in US History?
A Muslim named Fazlur Tahman Khan (an American) invented the engineering system that allows skyscrapers to be built, including the Twin Towers, Sears Tower in Chicago and even the Trump International Hotel and Tower in the same city. He also built the Metrodome. A Muslim named Ernest Hamwi invented the Ice Cream Cone at the 1904 World’s Fair (Martha Stewart has published his original recipe too).
I’m not afraid of terrorists. I actually know someone who died on 9/11 and I completely understand the anger, the fear. I’ve felt it. It’s a physical thing you can feel and touch. But you know what? The country seems to have learned its lesson about how to anticipate this sort of thing. I’d like to think we can relax now. There are people whose jobs are to be vigilant and they’ve been successful since that awful day 2 decades ago. I think we can relax. And if I’m wrong? What’s the point of dying scared? Laugh at death – it’s going to laugh back. Don’t take life so seriously, it was never meant to be permanent.
I prefer to think of them simply as criminals. In addition to not being afraid, don’t make them important.
I’m not afraid of foreigners. I want to see the world, and see the differences and the similarities in other cultures. I want them to be our partners on this pale blue dot. Being afraid of the rest of the world seems just so… lonely. We’re not built for lonely. You’re here, reading this right now, aren’t you? Lonely makes people into monsters thanks to the echo chamber that is our own brains and we must be better than that.
I’m not afraid of crime. Despite all the crime shows on television, cable and podcast crime is actually way down, and is trending down. Even the FBI says so. I’m not afraid of the country being financially unstable. Yes, we have good days and bad days but overall the country is still the largest economy on the planet and will continue to be for a long time unless we intentionally intervene to make it worse. We have safety nets we didn’t use to have. Social Security isn’t going broke. Nowhere close. We have plenty of money. It does, however, need a slight adjustment in who is holding on to it.
I’m not afraid of gays. For the most part, every gay person, every Trans person I have ever met has wanted only one thing – for everyone else to not care that they’re gay or trans. Or anywhere else on the non-binary spectrum. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever. The LGBTQA agenda in schools? Mostly it teaches that it doesn’t matter. Can you stop being afraid of this? Yeah, some religions say that this is a sin but can you stop being afraid of it long enough to take to heart one great lesson in that book of yours? Even if you believe it’s a sin, you love the sinner. That’s it. Stop there. Never, never, never add hate to that. “Love the sinner, Hate the sin” isn’t in the Bible, the Koran or the Torah. Anything further isn’t religion – it’s justifying what you’re afraid of; most likely yourself.
(As a side note, for those of you who use the Bible to justify your fears of these people, I find it hilarious that you keep using the parts of the Bible written by the Romans after they co-opted Christianity. But who am I to judge?)
I’m not afraid of Atheists for the same reason. You know what they want? For everyone else to not push their own agenda on them, just like you don’t want someone else’s agenda forced on you. The Constitution is quite clear on this – no religion will be established by the state. Atheists would like you to support this very American ideal. That’s it.
There is no war on Christmas. There simply isn’t. Atheists exchange gifts too, because it’s nice to do.
I’m not afraid of packages in the mail. Yeah, there was some scary stuff sent out just after 9/11, but the number of people who got those packages/envelopes can be counted on one hand, and it isn’t your hand.
I’m not afraid of black neighborhoods. Crime really isn’t any higher in black neighborhoods than it is in white ones, not when the economics are taken into account. When people have money crime goes down, regardless of the color of one’s skin. Go to any white community where they income levels and cost of living are the same as any similar black neighborhood and you’ll find that the crime rates are just about equal. But the people trying to keep you afraid are white, and black is part of “the other”. There are good people living in those neighborhoods. Kind people. People who would help you.
Stop calling the police on black people. Stop being afraid. Be kind.
I‘m not afraid of immigrants or any crime. Yes, a couple of stories have been sensationalized, but statistically immigrants cause less crime than those of us born here. I’m not afraid of them taking our jobs. If the jobs are there and you want them, apply for them. Those jobs they’re taking are jobs you didn’t want, and they’re there. Immigrants tend to work hard, because they want what we used to be, and what they believe we can still be.
Fear of foreign gangs? Seriously? This might surprise you but MS13 members haven’t been making it across the border. You don’t find them in our detention camps. That’s because they’re not here.
Fear of the deficit? Nope, just can’t do it. Not when the political power who wants you to be afraid stops caring about it when they’re in power, and starts caring about it when they’re not. Besides, when they are it balloons, and when they’re not it decreases. Almost like they’re the cause or something.
I don’t fear higher taxes. Most people simply don’t make enough money where changes in the marginal tax rate will even touch them. Will it destroy the economy? No. The economy could change though. If money gets returned to the lower classes they’ll spend it. The economy should actually get better. The economy was great when Eisenhower was President. When Kennedy was President. We built highways. We went to the moon. You know, when taxes were higher.
Taxes, right now, are lower than they have been in your entire lifetime. Unless you’re over 90 years old.
Iran isn’t building an atomic bomb. They could, if they’re not engaged with. Obama realized this and got them to stop. I’m not afraid on Iran. But some people haven’t recovered from the wound given us in 1979 by Iran. Trump may just be one of them. His National Security Advisor certainly hasn’t.
I don’t fear the government taking over my health care. I’d kind of rather they did so, actually. My mother has Medicare and they’ve treated her better than my doctors sometimes treat me. Her healthcare also costs one hell of a lot less. If we move to a system like the one Canada has then yes, your taxes will be higher. But your healthcare costs will be lower. Much lower than how much your taxes go up. I’d say that’s a trade to not be afraid of.
I don’t fear the government taking your guns. I’d actually be quite happy if they did it but that’s a conversation for another time. It’s simply not going to happen. We do need to have an honest conversation about it though. We’ve lost too many children to guns. Come on people, we can solve this.
There is so much more that people have been trying to make us all afraid of over the past couple of decades. Much more than I could list here. Vaccines, Godless schools, Black people voting, improper birth certificates, QAnon, Impeachment… the list just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I’m not afraid of any of it.
And I’m not afraid of Donald J. Trump. Or Mike Pence. Or Moscow Mitch McConnell.
I’m not afraid of anything. I’m an American. A citizen of what used to be The United States of America. I’d like you to be too.
Being afraid is downright un-American. So stop it. All of you. You can do this.
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infinitd · 4 years ago
This is the last one. I’m already hovering the delete button but I have to type this one out first. It’s been sitting stewing and now festering in the back of my mind for way too long now. I’m guilty of way too much all at the same time and all of them with the singular cause that is me. Maybe this blog is public in that secret shared way some thigns get and the whole squad has BEEN reading it and trying to give healing and support in their own way without really knowing. lol. NOT. Well.... Where to even begin? Weed? Lix? Lovers? Parents? Brain? Siblings? Art? Pretty cool how they present themselves like that once you open the double bolted, extra secured walled off and guarded door. So lets do the order they’re already in.  Weed Is great and now it gives me anxiety and mild panic attacks. I get so paranoid I feel like the whole world is watching me and even now the primary craving is for fucking nicotine of all things and the association built between the 2 are too strong to break. Not that it would even be useful to. Weeds usefullness has run its course in my life and a dependancy I have spent the better part of a decade now has to go unsatisfied with a complete reversion to sobriety because alcohol was gotten over LONG ago. I’m still tending towards bingeing behaviour with that but its almsot always a reaction rather than an actual desire to get fuucked up. No more high nights floating just under my ceiling . Hours and hours of dota and that most NEET night time routines. No more weed first thing at parties or braais and hanging with friends too stoned to converse or just talking about weed like its the only thing in my life. Prepare for a million comments on how different I am and a tacit understanding that I probably wanna get high until everyone gets used to the idea of me just being and then aggresively EXISTING again. Along with all the negative attention that comes with that I have completely lost understanding and connection with. Well that’s weed I guess (Shit i got distracted and Imma have to read all this shit again )
 The bestie thing is all fucked up and my (probably correct) suspicion is that he’s just good old tired of me. I nthat friend way. There is literally no value to my friendship. Not even material and he’s unemployed at the moment so you know it’s bad. That last cash send felt like paying rent on a friendship and I figure he must have also felt pretty gross taking it even though he needed it. Lol I wont be doing that again.I’m just intellectually and emotionally inferior at the moment, Fuck the complex. It’s just faxx now. The other one is at least figureing out (bizarre and mildly fucked up) shit for himself but Stormu no Kyodai really is just about over now. The bands broken up and all those successful bands breakups make sense now. You’ve just drawn every but of moisture and goodness out of a thing and it gets husky and weird to keep tending to it. I haven’t been a decent human being never mind friend for so long that I completely udnerstand and agree with how I’m being handled. It doesn’t even hurt that bad. It’s just weird and awkward for everyone involved and it does me no good to be catching shots. especialyl when i’m not really doing anything about it then and there. It’s only ever fun if I have a reply and this time I don’t. not even a little one. Just weak allusions to “progress” when it’s just good old fashioned laziness now. So this I deserve and I’m trying to cultivate my own friendships but my source material to work with now isn’t great and invariably I will probably find myself in a similar position to him before long. That weed addition is pretty rough on anything truly meaningful. All in all it is pretty sad that things can go this way especialyl with the newest addition of having productive and contributary friends in your life. Of course it’sa  good thing but it did kinda eliminate me from the running and that makes me lame. Now it’s just navigating this kinda weird and uncomfortable space where he wont say shit to cause damage. I wotn say shit cos I have hope and in the meanwhile the relationship will circle the proverbial drain until distance, time or some other factor snaps the last frayed string. But it is what it is. Lovers
Is actualyl kinda good. The one thing i’ve reconciled at the seeming expense of everything else is love and relationships and my ways of dealing and itneracting with em. I don’t miss exes and I don’t pine over lost lovers other that the typical momentary lapses which is cool. My current love is great. She’s good to me and I’m trying to be to her and its just good, Good all round. All good. Goodness. I sometimes feel like im trying to convince my self of something when it coems to this but actions and results sort of show themselves and it’s just been a constant relief since I’ve surrendered to it really. I’m not even holding my breath for it to last or building foundation. I’m just doing and that seems to work out best when it comes to just about everything.( This does not Feel Good Inc). PRetty wild to me that the lvoers part of this is by far the shortest and best handled but its revelaton did come at the cost of everyting else so yeah...
Parents Is god fucking awful. I mean in truth it’s kind of incredible. I’ve got the best pair imaginable on my team but it’s the resignation that kills my heart of hearts. There is no more expectation of hope or action. No drive or threats. Just plain shoulder shrugs and even that i deserve but when I finally figred it out it floored me. I have no idea baout their intentions or plans anymore. I’m completely out of the loop for the whole family it seems and I’m jsut waiting for the announcement of the intervention or the move out order or the random cash giveaway to get rid of me, I don’t even know but if not for mom I’d have been kicked out long ago. That’s pretty much a certainty and that “mothering” thing is startign to show both it’s calue and its problems. It’s far too comfortable a place to give up easily especially when you don’t bother to be really self aware. But here we are typing the things out. That’s ...a thing.... That they’ll never read or know about and that’s ok. 
Is poop cos I smoked too much but its Ok too. The regeneration process is gonna be a trip of its own. Really uncomfortable and loopy with unexplainable feelings and intuitions but that’s also OK. Better than Ok it’s recovery. The body will will be right there trhrough the process. I’m even interested in things again. Siblings is also a bit fucky. The disappointment is tangible but they’re not allowed to give up yet. We all inherited that one and it does help when i see the glimmers of hope. I don’t feel garbage but it normally starts with e being normal and not being in my head while interacting. Doing that assuming the best thing I used to be so good at. E is over me and kinda frustrated. Very Kev of him. Neez is trying but she has another baby to babysit and care about and I’m a tangential concern at best. The Suicide scare kind of reminded them of my existence in a weird but valuable way but it’s not an angle Im really trying to take. Especially now that I jsut realised what that anrrative ust look like to everyone it was shared withg hand it certainly was with khan which means by extension by the rest of the family. Probably explains strange interations now while i’ve been willfully poblivious and now I have to work to be cool again but it also wont ever be the same again unless someone else fucks up. But that’s a life long journey and doesn’t feel like it has the same urgency as the others. I’m alot more understood than I thought I was and that’s not a bad thing .
Art I’m going to go and make art and eat my girlfriends pussy and that’ll make me feel better and I’m excited for that.
Goodbye old complainy tumblr 
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expatimes · 4 years ago
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The life and career of Rashid Khan, Afghanistan’s cricket prodigy
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The life and career of Afghanistan cricketer Rashid Khan has seen the theatrical treatment: The curtains parted one day and there he was.
Among a cast of romantic, colourful cricketers from the country’s fairy tale, stood the teen prodigy, the one player ready-made for the biggest stage.
Online profiles feature Rashid’s One-Day International (ODI) debut at the age of 17, the 25 teams he has represented in various formats, his admiration for Pakistan’s Shahid Afridi, that whippy, whirly action, dead-eye wrong ’un, striking ability with the bat, athleticism in the field and the ICC T20 Player of the Decade title, even though he played in only half of it.
But what about the other parts of the man that was known as Rashid Arman, the sixth of 11 brothers? The dreamer who thought he would become the family’s first doctor? The computer science student with beautiful handwriting? The part-time English teacher? The boy who was called “Peshawari” in Afghanistan’s local cricket and “muhajir” (refugee) during his college days in Peshawar, Pakistan?
There are bits that make up his life from Bati Kot to Peshawar and back to Afghanistan’s Jalalabad then Kabul, before his October 2015 ODI debut in Bulawayo – on his way to becoming Rashid Khan, the superstar.
In the life of every cricketer, there are family, coaches and teammates who watch their rise with a mix of emotions: Love, pride, delight, among lashings of envy.
We begin with a story from Inzamam-ul-Haq, the former Pakistan captain who was Afghanistan coach from October 2015 to April 2016.
Looking at a list of his squad for a 2016 tour of Sharjah, Haq noted Rashid’s omission.
While Rashid’s performance in Bulawayo had not been earth-shattering, he – out of the roster of leg-spinners Haq had first called out and tried – had impressed.
So much so that Haq ended the arguments with selectors by saying: “Only after Rashid is in the team can you talk to me about other things.”
Six years later, Rashid’s name is first on every Afghanistan team sheet.
These days, Rashid is in Abu Dhabi for the Test series against Zimbabwe.
In the touring party is senior team manager Nazeem Jar Abdulrahimzai, who, in his many past roles in Afghanistan cricket remembers 2012 as the year he first met Rashid.
At a provincial Twenty20 match in Kabul, playing for a club called Kochian, Abdulrahimzai watched an unknown teenager, of small built, batting like a dervish.
“He was opening, he scored 93. When he bowled, no one could read him. It hit the legs, bowled. It hit the pads, LBW. It’s like they couldn’t see,” said Abdulrahimzai. “I had not seen a boy like that.”
Rashid had been spotted, marked for attention and encouragement.
Abdulrahimzai started emailing regional teams, asking them to try Rashid out, pushing those who hesitated.
“Listen, I’m the domestic manager, you take him, give him training and a trial. If you’re happy with him, fine. If you’re not, he can come back.”
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Khan won the ICC T20 Player of the Decade title, even though he played in only half of it
In 2013, Afghanistan set up the Shpageeza Cricket League, which was to become its national T20 competition, one of the many steps Rashid would take on his meandering odyssey.
That year, at Peshawar’s Arbab Niaz Stadium, Islamia College Coach Ali Hoti was approached by a teenager who introduced himself as Rashid Arman and said he wanted to join the college and its famous cricket programme.
Islamia College alumni have represented Pakistan in various sports. Among its celebrated cricketers are Haseeb Ehsan, Yasir Hamid, Wajahatullah Wasti and Shaheen Shah Afridi.
When Hoti and team captain Sajjad Hashmi saw the youngster’s clean-hitting with the bat and his unorthodoxy with the ball, they knew they had spotted a winner.
But at the trials for the university’s sports quota admissions, the young man was missing. He had had to dash over to Afghanistan to play in a tournament.
This to and fro was due to Rashid’s nomadic boyhood, often as part of a business family alongside 10 brothers.
Cricket, the constant
During a period of uncertainty and war, as the family moved between towns on the border, cricket remained the only constant.
Rashid’s skills were homemade, on the concrete strip inside the housing compound meant for parking cars, in taped tennis ball contests with his brothers, especially brother number two, a football fan.
Once, so furious at being done in by Rashid, his brother wrapped extra tape on the tennis ball only for Rashid to get past him again.
The brothers were competitive but protective. Abdulrahimzai remembers one of Rashid’s brothers Jalil, sitting next to him during an early under-19 match, asking: “What will become of this boy? Of Rashid?”
If he had asked Rashid, he would have been shown him the road map.
At Islamia, Hoti said Rashid enrolled for a computer science degree from 2013 and the formalised structure of cricket training and competition.
Team captain Hashmi befriended the quiet, new entrant and saw what Abdulrahimzai had seen: Presence and confidence.
Hashmi, a former opener-wicketkeeper who played domestic cricket in Pakistan, said Rashid immersed himself in cricket, barely spoke and never complained.
“As college captain, players come and argue their case: Why did you bowl me so late, why can’t I bat in this position. With Rashid, nothing,” said Hashmi.
On one occasion, Rashid was dropped due to a dispute in the team and Hashmi went to his home to make peace.
“The next time I went to the ground, he was there. With his cones, doing his training and shuttle runs,” said Hashmi.
“Others might have gone into a sulk, but he knew what he had to do and wasn’t going to stop. Rashid didn’t waste time, he was driven and completely focused. It was like inside, his real talents were hidden, waiting for their time.”
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Rashid’s batting, especially his clean hitting, added to his prowess as a world-class cricketer
Within three years, the world would see those talents.
We must turn to Abdulrahimzai’s Urdu to understand what Rashid’s on-field manner reflected: “Haawi rehna” (domination) and what Abdulrahimzai never saw in him: “Bebasi” (helplessness).
In collegiate and inter-university cricket, Hashmi said Rashid earned the reputation of being the spinner all batsmen thought best to see off.
Hoti is now director of sports at what is now Islamia University and recalls Rashid’s “zabardast” handwriting and the pressure from home to study.
“Rashid was a good student, a thinker. He would try to speak in English, practice it every day, along with his Pashto and Urdu.”
Rashid once said in an interview that he taught English for about six months before cricket took over as he prepared himself for a life beyond college and the towns he called home.
The variations
Rashid’s first cricketing schools – the restrictive and demanding surface of the concrete corridors in his family’s many homes – gave him the fast-arm action to get extra zip on the taped tennis ball.
Flipping the ball out off his fingers – who said wrist-spinners must only use their wrists? – he sent it whirring through the air, rushing the batsmen on concrete, matting, turf, anything.
Where conventional spinners use variations of pace, loop and flight to judge what works best where, Khan’s pace – more than 90km/h (56mph) – is his fundamental staple.
He said he has five grips to choose from during a game… and three googlies.
“Shahid Afridi was my role model while growing up in Afghanistan”. (Rashid Khan) Inspiration of many.❤️@SAfridiOfficial Thank you Lala.#BoomBoom pic.twitter.com/31Y1pyvuwA
— Zain Zahid (@ZainZahid____10) March 9, 2021
To most batsmen, the range is not the issue. Rather, it is the sameness of what everything looks like that leads to befuddlement over what is going to arrive.
As Haq described it, the batsmen’s lack “response time” to react to a ball that not only turns, but turns at speed.
It was not those skills alone that marked Rashid in Haq’s eyes.
On his debut tour in Zimbabwe, Rashid sat out the first ODI. Before the second, Haq told him to bowl at him in the nets.
“If I’m out, you’re in,” he said.
Rashid failed to dismiss his coach but remembers beating him once.
“Even if I had got out to him, it would’ve been fine, that’s the quality of bowler he is. I would have played him, but I wanted to see how he would respond,” Haq said.
What happened before their exchange had revealed more to Rashid.
“When I challenged Rashid, the 17-year-old looked me in the eyes and said ‘haanji, theek hai, aayein net main’ ,” said Haq with a chuckle.
Rashid’s game was always going to be on.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=18875&feed_id=36713
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ravencatroleplay · 3 years ago
A year after khan had had made his mark on the world the city was built to its full function and everything had went on course. Luna had became the head of starfleet now being called admiral luciel but to her close friends admiral Luna. Though becoming this position did not change her morals of her thoughts of the world. She wanted a better world for people who lived on earth and new beings who come to visit. Over the year she showed the world that this was a safe place and better than it was before. Mainly she though this way because of khan and how he was treated through his life and she didn't want that to happen again to anyone or his family.
Luna was proud of the new world she was developing on her own but soon this loneliness was drawing her thoughts. Would she be like this forever waiting for khan to awaken again. It was already hard for her to at least try to go out on dates when all she could think about was the first time she went put with him. Now he was invading her dreams of them living a perfect life in their home, just them in love. Sadly she knows that will never happened since he was sentenced to live put his days asleep and never to be awaken. She had placed khan and his family under her watch and only she was allowed to go in there to see them and if someone had to go check on the sleeping family she has to be present. This was forced for protection of the family and fear of them being destroyed or used again.
When taking over her fathers position she was able to find all the hidden files of khan and herself. Finding out the cold truth of her life, she was just like khan but more newer in a sense. Her DNA on the other hand was more advanced than khans, hers was mixed letting her have multiple natural abilities to her. Luna thought maybe that was why she had such a connection to khan she understood him and another link to their augment blood. Even thought she was mixed with different beings in the universe her mother was a augment from khans time. Marcus had never told her about her real self even when she asked multiple times to tell her who she is. Now she can understand why she was so different from everyone and why she had this power that people were intimidating by. With this new found power she didn't know she had instead of taking over the world she thought of peace.
Starfleet had become close friends to other countries and they were most excited to have her for the head of starfleet. Luna had made safe homes for each big main cities for each part of the world and small countries. She name them 'The Noon Home' in honor of khan noonien singh who wanted to have a safe place for people. These homes were multiple small buildings or one large building wich held housing for anyone. They were safe homes for people who need protection, people who are hurting and need a place to live, families who lost their homes, and people who are worry travelers. Anyone can go there check in and get the help they need. Not only just people who live on this planet but animals and nature that been here since the beginning have protection and medical attention as well. Luna just wanted a better world but still some people want war to still go one complaining about the little things. Still some humans wanted to take over other planets but for what reason she does not understand.
Luna was at home thinking of who would be next to take over starfleet if something had happened to her. Kirk, her sister Carol and the others were off on their five year trip. She really had no one to go to beside the two new friends she made in the passed year. One friend kept a watch over the noon home in India while the other worked at the archive building in London and kept a close eye on the sleeping family to make sure no one else disturbed them while Luna was gone. Luna had put sensors on each cryogenic to ensure everything is working properly and will notify her of anything happening to the sleep process.
A alarm beeping went off in the computer room seeing that it was a red light flashing on a screen. A red light sensor to the sleeping family something was wrong ot made her heart drop. She quickly check the system to see that it was khans cryogenic and it had malfunction. Luna quickly called in telling medical team and mechanic team to get there and take him out safely. She ran to her car and drove quickly to the archive building feeling her heart pound against her chest and tears glistening in her eyes. "Khan you better not die on me I am not letting that happen!" As soon as Luna got there she ran inside ignoring all the workers that called out to her. Her main priority was khan she could not let him die.
When she got to the medical room khan was safe and hooked up to machines hearing the beap sound of his heart rate. He was alive and asleep she had chosen the right people to know these situations. A mechanic had told her the cryo tube had broke down because of the acient time of them they are slowly breaking down. And khans was the first to go out of the 73, wich means she will have to wake the rest of his family and not let them sleep into death.
Luna walked up to khans body seeing his bare pale skin as she place a hand on his chest gazing over his naked torso. She smiled and sniffled feeling his heart beating against her palm. The doctors said he will be waking up soon in a few hours they worried about him. But Luna had made sure they had nothing to worry about she can deal with him and trust that he will not go into a rapage. She stayed there by his side to keep him safe and when she got hungry she made food and came back. Talking to him again made her feel better even though he is asleep she was still happy to tell him all of what happen but of course she will tell him all again when he is awake. Luna had even placed a blanket over his body to keep him warm and soon fell asleep with her head laying by his body tucked into her arms. Little did she realize that khan noonien singh was coming out of his dark sleep as his eyes opened.
Khan out of Darkness
Sequel to khan into moonlight
(This is part 2 of the story khan into moonlight. This will also be a second part to the roleplay of khan into moonlight, and will most likely help with some ideas to the second story.)
*Roleplay continues with @khan-stid
Luna saves khan and awakens him after his deep sleep and shows him a new life along side her. How would he feel about be awake again but now having some else in his life? Khan will have to find a way to wake up his family with her help it should be easy. What will his people think about the new family member and khan having a mate?
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ask-constantinvaldor · 8 years ago
Say at least one bad thing about every primarch, plus the emperor if you want. Maybe even the other custodes too if you're feeling like it.
*Sips Hot chocolate and pulls out a piece of paper.*
I.  “Despite his knightly demeanor and all his talk of honor and loyalty, The Lion was far too willing to keep secrets, even when he could and should have told the truth.  He believed he should have been chosen Warmaster simply because he was the 1st primarch ever created.  He was unable to  relate to mortals and even his own Legion.  He demanded respect and obedience, but rarely gave it to others, even his own brothers and adopted father.”
II.  REDACTED (They made the mistake of facing me, they should have fled and lived a little longer. Not that they could have escaped the Ten Thousand and I.)
III. “For all his talk of perfection, Fulgrim failed to see the perfection in humility and doing his duty,   All he ever wanted was glory and adoration. He wanted everyone to  sing his praises from the highest mountaintops and the lowest of gutters.” 
IV “Perturabo never should have been given command of a legion.  Like Fulgrim he wanted praise and glory for his achievement.  While paranoia is a strength, Perturabo saw criticism and enemies everywhere, even when it did not exist and even among his own family.  He believed Rogal Dorn was his rival but this rivalry  was a product of his own deranged mind.  His treatment of his Legionaries was sick and disgusting,   While victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice, Perutrabo murdered one in ten of his own legionaries when he was reunited with them, simply because they did not meet his achievable standards.  He spent their lives like a spoiled prince spends gold,  War was never a necessary evil for him, it was an equation and a bill at his doorstep,  One he was too eager to solve by spending his own son’s lives.”
V “The Khan was always a mercurial  soul. A paradox.   Reckless one moment, overcautious and dawdling the next.  A bloodthirsty hound and a diplomat.  A admirable, cultured and philosophical man, and a barbarian that mounted the heads of his foes on his jetbike,  In his desire to not be a tyrant, he neglected discipline and too many White Scars considered becoming traitors, yet in his widsom, he granted them atonement through battle. In short, he traveled down many paths,and ran off the road constantly,  Thankfully the one road he stayed on was one of loyalty.”
VI  “ Leman,.. Like Dorn, I admire him for his steadfast loyalty and envy him for how simple things are for him   Simply tear the Emperor’s enemies apart and follow orders like a good little corgi.  Yet, he is a hypocrite, He claimed his Rune Preists used the power of Fenris, when one could smell the musk of the Warp on them a mile away.  The culture of Fenris may have saved the VIth legion from  tearing itself apart, but it was anathema to the Imperial Truth.  He always assumed the worst in Magnus and that he was always right,  So self-righteous, so  eager to charge with his axe raised high.  So changeable. One second he’s offering you  a tankard of Mjol, The next, you’re head’s been removed and being chewed on by one of his wolves  and he’s bedded your wife, cousin, sister and daughter at the same time. He always chose the most violent and direct option, even when diplomacy might have prevailed.  If I  had brought a leash for him, perhaps Prospero might not been destroyed,and the handful of innocents on the wretched rock might have lived.”  
VII  “I admire Dorn  for his refusal  to compromise his ideals, his honesty and his zeal.   I wish I shared his idealism.  But his refusal to compromise is his greatest weakness.  He is more stubborn than a mule.  He would rather win a moral victory and lose the tactical war than make a hard or dishonorable decision that keep you up at night.  In addition he will not accept that  Arlette will not let him fortify the Tranquil Courts.”
VII  “Konrad Curze  refused to  accept help for dealing with his visions dammed him.  He saw only one way to bring justice, through fear.  The Night Lords were a necessary evil, but under him they became nothing but a band of criminals, He claimed to be a bringer of justice.  A rather bold claim when one skinned men, women, and children alive.”
IX. “Sanguinus was compassionate and empathetic, but he never saw humans as people, he treated them like pets. For all his humiltiy, he basked in thier admiration like a tanner in the sun,  Some part of him he refuses to admit enjoy’s how they view him   He was too idealistic, and like Dorn refused to compromise on his ideals when it would be necessary.  He was also  surprisingly short tempered and hateful on  occasion.   I’m not sure if he knew this, but to some of the Silent Sisterhood, he came off as Misogynist.”  
X “ Ferrus Mannus was incredibly short tempered.  For all his and his legion’s cold-hearted and automata like behavior, he emotions collared him and kept him on his knees like a slave.  He said he would purge the silver from his hand and ban the voluntary cybernetics of the Iron Tenth when the Great Crusade was done, yet if he had the strength he boasted so much of, he would have done it already.  if he was logical  as he claimed to be, he would not have died on Isstvan V.”
XII.  “Although Angron would not accept it, I pity him.  The Emperor should have let him die.  The Butcher’s Nails have stolen any chance he had for  a happy life, Yet the Butcher’s Nails does not excuse  forcing them to  be implanted them in his men.”
XIII “ Roboute is a statesman second only to Malcador.   What he has done with Ultramar is nothing but remarkable. However, his obsession with control and efficiency, and his idealism, means everything must conform. Everything must be right or it will all fall apart.  He cares for mortals, but like Sanguinius he believes he is their better and knows what’s best for them.  Like the Lion, he demanded respect and obedience, and while he did earn it from his subordinates, like his brother, he had scorn for those who disagreed with his vision and banished them from his presence like the nobleman he denied he was.  One can look no further than the 22nd chapter of the Ultramarines.  These men are Destroyer’s and primarily Terrans from the old XIIIth legion.  Many of their number also come from Ultramar and their Chapter Master is from  the 500 Worlds. Yet the 22nd has a distinctive and unique culture that makes them stand out among the XIIIth ad other legion’s Destroyer Corps.  Gulliman has made his dislike of Destroyer’s weaponry well known and their culture does not fit into his idealized view of his Legion , so he keep them at arms length like a red-headed stepchild. “
XIV.  “Mortarion’s  dislike towards Psykers, while justified due to the abuse of his foster father and the suffering he inflicted on him and the people of Barbarus, does not excuse his blind and irrational  hatred for all of them.  In addition,  he lavished his affection on the legionaries from Barbarus and disbanded the Librarius of his legion.  This made the former Librarians feel like illegitimate children.   Mortarion was a prideful as Fulgrim, and could not accept the fact the Emperor had to save his life. When Mortarion spat on his oaths, he became the very thing he and the old XIVth legion swore to destroy,  a tyrant with a callous disregard for life.”
XV “Magnus was arrogant. He believed himself superior to his brothers because of his abilities. He was a glutton for knowledge, but for all of his knowledge, Magnus was not very wise, and in his folly, dammed our entire species.”
XVI  “  Horus… *sighs and takes a swig of hot chocolate*  As much as I hate to admit it and as much as I tried to turn a blind eye  to it,  Horus was arrogant and acted like a spoiled brat.  For all  his tactical brilliance, for all his humor and kindness, He graved glory and adoration not for his Legion or for humanity,  but for himself.   Like Fulgrim, he wished all to bask in his glory and sing his praises.  Horus wanted statues of himself, wanted people to prostrate themselves before him.  He wanted their affection and love and to say “Yes Horus you are so brilliant what would we do without you.”  
An old quote came to me regarding Horus Lupercal. “Veni Vidi Vici”    Horus Came, he saw galaxy and humanity, and wished to conquer it.  First for the Emperor, now for himself and his sick desires,”
XVII   Lorgar is complicated.   Arlette and I advised to Emperor to be merciful, when He censured him   After the II and XI, I could not bear to slay another one of His children, and Lorgar’s transgression  was nothing compared to  the horrors the II and XI wrought on humanity.    And I sympathized,  with him not wishing to be a warrior, to try and be something besides another warlord.  After all, when the crusade ended, and if Emperor’s safety could be absolutely guaranteed for eternity, i would live in a cave high in Himalzia with sheep for food and company and indulge in falconry and blacksmithing and toymaking and compose philosophical  treaties. I could venture down from  my solitude and strike down injustice and distribute candy and toys  to children.  
I was a dammed fool.
Like Leman, he was so changeable. He was like a child’s bouncy ball.  Except he was loyal and devout in  a misguided way, and than wicked, traitorous and spiteful, burning works and unleashing damnation with a smile on his face.  
Lorgar had such faith in Emperor, he deified him,  raised statues and built church’s all for Him.  Now he is devoted to the Primordial Annihilator and will do anything to please his gods.
If only he had such  faith in Humanity.
XVIII “ Vulkan’s Promethean Creed is an admirable philosophy.  He had a heart bigger than an Ordinatus and kindness, compassion and smiling all came so easily to him.  I envy him for his effortless kindness.   Kindness, compassion and smiling are all things the Ten Thousand must hone as much as our skills in  assassination and bladework.
Yet that compassion in his greatest weakness, Vulkan is not a warrior, he is a builder, a worker ant defending his anthill out of love. A blacksmith who forged all his creation but his weapons with pride.”  
XIX “ Corax’s goal of liberating those in bondage is an admirable goal. Yet for all his time spend hiding in shadows, he failed to  recognize necessary evils. On  a personal note, I believe this character flaw led to his Terran legionaries meeting an ignoble end.”
XX  The Alpha Legion began as a hammer in the shadow, another necessary evil.   Yet when  Alpharius took  control, they became a twisted serpent.  The old Christian devil in  the form of a Hydra. Alpharius was a glutton for complicated plots and schemes.  He is intoxicated on suffering and disorder.  He is like  Horus in the regard that all must know they were outsmarted by him.  All most know that as soon  as they sat down at the Regicide table with him, they were played like a damn fiddle.”  
Any complaint’s about the Emperor, I shall keep to myself.
Arlette and I may have our disagreements, but we have each other’s back.  
The only custodian I can complain about is Diocletion. He is quite frankly, a Dick.  Empathy and compassion are skills he must learn.  Time with the Ligo  Aetos and humanity itself will be his teacher. “
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secret-diary-of-an-fa · 8 years ago
Donald Trump: Psychopath Elect
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not a a professional pscyhologist or psychiatrist. I do not purport that my findings in this blog entry have any clinical validity. They are the conclusions of a relatively well-informed layman. Oh, and some of the crimes I mention in Point 20 are unproven. I’m confidet that Trump is guilty of all of them, but for legal purposes, I’m obliged to tell you that they are allegations, not prove acts of criminality.
TRIGGER WARNING: Rape and sexual assault.
Have you ever heard of the Bob Hare checklist of psychopathic traits? Basically, it’s a list of personality traits that can be rated 0, 1 or 2 for any given person. If a person scores a certain number or higher (most clinicians use 30 as their benchmark), that person is a psychopath. I just had a go at rating Trump on the checklist, because I have a sneaking suspcion that America may have elected a bona-fide, certifiable psycho, neurologically incapable of empathy and prone to extreme, dangerous callousness.. And let me be clear here, the Hare test is the most widely-used psychopath-testing tool in psychology. It is the gold standard for checking if someone is a remorseless hazard to those around them. Let’s run Trump through the checklist and see what we come out with.
1. Glib and superficial charm Personally I find Trump about as charming as anal polyps, but a lot of people would seem to disagree, since he was a successful gameshow host for quite some time. Let’s split the difference and score him 1 out of a possible 2 points.
2. Grandiose sense of self-esteem This is a man who routinely boasts about his obscene wealth and privilege; who insists that he climbed to the top on his own despite being given a million dollar loan by a family member at a young age; and who owns an apartment filled with fucking gold-leaf. Also, any casual listener to his political speeches can tell his got a big ego. Do I really have to justify this score? 2 whole points!
3. Need for stimulation I don’t know how much stimulation Trump needs in his personal life, but it’s worth noting that this guy has pinged from one high-energy career to another throughout the course of his life and who has the kind of ridiculously overblown public persona that requires constant activity to maintain. Even when he has a spare moment, the cunt never fucks off or calms down: he gets on Twitter and picks fights with people. With some hesitation (but not much), I’m going to give him 2 points.
4. Pathological lying. I think he’d prefer the term “alternative facts”. Then again, I’d prefer to be addressed as “Your Highness”, but it aint’ going to happen. 2 Points.
5. Cunning and manipulative He managed to win an election despite being one fo the least qualified people in the running. He’s definitely manipulative. I’ll also grant that he has a form of low cunning, like a fox or a predatory weasel. However, I refuse to credit it him with the true, machievelian cunning of the truly successful political animal, so let’s split the difference again and give him 1 point.
6. Lack of remorse or guilt Trump has demonstrated that he has no qualms about mocking the disabled, sexually assaulting women or ripping healthcare away from the poor. 2 points. If it was an option, I’d give him 3.
7. Shallow affect/ superfial emotional responses In this repsect, Trump is a perfectly typical politician. 2 Points.
8. Callousness and lack of empathy See item six. 2 Points.
9. Parasitic lifestyle Trump’s wealth was initially granted by family connections and has grown as a result of his continued willingness to exploit other people. Now he’s taken the final step in the parasite skill-tree and become a politician. 2 points.
10. Poor behavioural control He couldn’t resist boasting that his fame allows him to “grab women by the pussy” while running for election. He can’t resist a fight on Twitter. He says the first idiotic thing to pop into his head at political rallies. 2 Points.
11. Sexual promiscuity Once again, I refer you to him boasting about grabbing women “by the pussy”. 2 Points.
12. Early behavioural problems During his school days, Trump would become a juvenile delinquent, but since juvenile deliquency is another item on this checklist, I guess ‘early’ must mean ‘earlier than his late boyhood and adolscence’. I don’t know about this period of his life, but we can assume that his later deliquency didn’t come from nowhere. Let’s be cautious and score him 1.
13. Lack of realistic longterm goals. The dude wants to build a wall stretching across America’s entire southern border. Then he wants to force Mexico to pay for it. Even with the power and backing that go with his position as American president, this scheme is clearly insane and unworkable. If the wall gets built at all, it’ll be a shambolic mess that’s impossible to maintain within a limited budget and Mexico sure as shit won’t give him a penny for it. 2 points.
14. Impulsivity He decided to run or president on a whim. Also, I would (for the third time) refer you to his comment about grabbing lassies by their lady-parts. 2 points.
15. Irresponsibility 2 Points. He’s been president for barely a week and it’s already pretty obvious he isn’t going to take it seriously.
16. Failure to accept responsibility for his own (negative actions). Trump thinks everything he does is wonderful. He doesn’t so much refuse to take responsibility for his fuck-ups as reframe them as triumphs. Er, 1 point I guess?
17. Many short-term marital relationships Many psychopaths enter into marital relationships in order to appear normal, but can’t hold them down for long because, well, their psychopaths. Trump has had three marriages. I don’t know if that qualifies as “many”, but it’s rather suggestive. Let’s give him 1 point and move on.
18. Juvenile deliquency Trump’s behaviour at school was so disruptive that his name was used as shorthand for “getting into trouble” by his classmates and he was evenutally sent to military school. 2 Points.
19. Revocation of conditional release To the best of my knowledge, Trump has never been imprisoned, so I have to give him a 0. However it’s worth pointing out that he hasn’t been to prison because he’s excessively wealthy and privileged, not because he’s never done anything illegal.
20. Criminal versatility Let’s see, there’s sexual assault, defamation (of one of the women he sexually asssaulted), violation of anti-discrimination laws (he refused to rent or sell housing that he owned as a property tycoon to people based on their race), and con-artistry (he once set up a fake “university”, ostensibly to teach his business skills to young entrepeneurs. He charged students over $30,000 apiece. Later, they found out that Trump had almost nothing to do with running the university, which failed to teach what he had promised. It also turned out not to be a university, because it was operating without an educational liscence in a state that required them. It eventually had to change its name). Oh, there’s also tenant intimidation, refusal to pay workers and contractors what he legally owed them, violation of the legal rules surrounding casinos, violation of corporate takeover laws, mafia ties and a possible marital rape. 2 points.
Right, let’s tot up the numbers and find out if Trump really is a psychopath or if he’s just a run-of-the-mill arsehole. Drum roll, please. Trump’s final score is... 33. Even if we discount the point for ‘early behavioural problems’ (which I can’t know about with certainty), we’re still left with a score of 32. In short, yes: Trump is a psychopath. It’s not even marginal. He’s just a psychopath.
Incidentally, I’m not the only one to come to this conclusion. A study reported in The Independent newspaper came to the same conclusion, using a different test. Three Harvard Professors in the field of psychology have all suggested that he has narcisstic personality disorder (psychopathy is more-or-less the extreme end of this disorder, and the disorder is the closest clinical dianosis available to psychopathy).
Well, done America. You’ve elected Patrick Bateman. Y’know? The guy from American Psycho?
I did a lot of reading to create this blog entry. If any of you would like to verify it, these are the places you need to check out.
Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test (2011)
Various authors, The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders (no date given), ‘Hare Psychopathy Checklist’. http://www.minddisorders.com/Flu-Inv/Hare-Psychopathy-Checklist.html
The Atlantic, David A. Graham, ‘The Many Scandals of Donald Trump’ (2017). http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/
Counter Current News, Admin, ‘Harvard Psychologist Explains that Trump is Dangerous Because Hes Literally a Narcissistic Psychopath’ (2017). http://countercurrentnews.com/2016/02/psychologist-explains-trump-is-literally-a-narcissistic-psychopath/
The Independent, Shehab Khan, ‘How much of a psychopath is Donald Trump’ (2016). http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-psychopath-researcher-oxford-university-kevin-dutton-a7204706.html
Psycho Donald, Unknown Author, ‘Juvenile Delinquency’ (2016). http://psychodonald.com/category/psycho/jd/
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nsorchidsociety · 7 years ago
Monkey Society Moobs — Lightworkers.org
American. Dreamer‏ @ Replying to @medwoman1 @Khanoisseur “e would not nuke the Russians even if they nuked us. loveßssss Putin
Θ “Vapor Trail”
? Multidimensional Contextual Practice: Diversity and Transcendence From Krishna L. Guadalupe
Θ Seth Abramson‏ @ “Hmm… FORBES has made interesting use of a current post of mine on metamodernism and ¿“alt-right”internet trolls.
Monkey fights help explain leaning points in animal societies https:///news/2017-02-monkey-animal-societies.html
\V Adam Khan‏ @ Carter’s NSA Zbigniew Brzezinski was woken up at 2:30 AM and informed by his army aide who US was under assault by 2200 Soviet missiles
99 percent of ethanol in bomb dropped on Hiroshima didn’t undergo chain reaction–a peppercorn-sized drop caused all that damage-80,000 killed
kerrielou @ Replying to @Khanoisseur “That explains while we are still spending two billion dollars per year to clean up the clutter producing the Nagasaki bomb at Handford, my backyard.
,, Laurence Tribe‏ @ Trump will abuse his office to defame and demean his critics however is”unable to discharge the duties of the office”
Laurence Tribe‏ @ [L]iked”@stevenmazie: @tribelaw The founders designed checks against tainted, craven and power-hungry presidents. They never envisioned anyt…
_v= Norm Eisen‏ @ Coverage of Trump v. Jomika also prurient. Must pay, but place in bigger context of the ongoing attacks on press, other norms, & regulation itself
How to Tame the Monkey Mind. Funny Video Via Narissa Doumanion Nov 20, 2014 https:///2014/11/how-to-tame-the-monkey-mind-funny-video/
A Convenient Guide to 24 Common Meditation Terms. Via Michelle Margaret Fajkuson Dec 16, 2013 https:///2013/12/a-quick-guide-to-24-common-meditation-terms/
Excerpted from SEX AND WORLD PEACE from Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett. Copyright © 2012 Columbia University Press
— http:///resources/hudsonexcerpt.html
ROOTS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS [Y]ou were educated that states go to war over oil and scarce resources, but were you advised that the roots of violence are much more micro-level than that? States do go to war over oil and scarce resources, among other matters, but they’re more likely to do so if the society has norms of violence rooted in gender inequality. Violence becomes an acceptable alternative when women aren’t considered equals. Here, too, you will find that a gendered perspective contributes to different conclusions about global affairs. Oil and scarce resources are a source of conflict, however they don’t necessarily result in warfare. Those societies that have sex equality are not as likely to resort to warfare to satisfy their resource requirements.
You were taught that the clash of cultures relies on ethnopolitical differences, however were you aware that the real clash of cultures may instead be dependent on sex beliefs? Samuel Huntington asserts that people’s cultural and spiritual identities will be the primary source of conflict in our world; in his opinion, the fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. It would seem, however, that the battle lines of the future are far more likely to be found between those states that treat women alike and those states that are fraught with sex inequality. /
“What sex means of world peace” Heather McRobie [29 May 2013] https:///5050/heather-mcrobie/what-sex-means-for-world-peace
( ¿ )”if women are represented in peace negotiations, participants are more pleased with the outcome and the arrangement is significantly more durable. Hudson discussed panellists Madeleine Rees, Amina Mama and Helen Mack whether a’feminist state’ would have a standing army, given the interrelated nature of sex violence and conflict. Amina Mama, the Director of Women and Gender Studies at UC Davis, argued a Jewish state wouldn’t have a military, although Madeleine Rees of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, argued that, if a state had been procured, we’d have already defeated militarism and the militaristic mindset[.]
Why Women, Peace and Security?
If the global community wants peace and safety, it cannot maintain investing in a political economy of warfare and also divesting a political economy of gender justice and justice. Know key messaging and proof for why it is critical to #MoveTheMoney!
elephantjournal — “How to Tame the Monkey Mind”
@ “US electorate has already been exploited by AI spreading RW bogus news on social networking. Ignore at humantiy’s peril ~
-There are two things, potentially, going on simultaneously: that the manipulation of data to a mass level, and also the manipulation of data at a really individual level. Both based on the most recent understandings in mathematics about how folks operate, and empowered by technological systems built to bring us together. –
¿Multimale-Multifemale Group { http:///behavior/behave_2.htm
Partnership — 101
“The battle for our future isn’t between East and West or North and South, however anywhere between those who think our only alternatives are dominating or being dominated and also those working for partnership relationships of mutual respect, responsibility, and affectionate.” -Riane Eisler’s Cultural Transformation Course
/ Everything You Think Is What You’re *
“The Real Wealth of Nations”: Creating a Caring Economics
( ¿ )”Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations provided the very first, most powerful and durable explanation of the workings of contemporary economics. However, with his attention on”the marketplace” as the ideal mechanism for generating and distributing the necessities of existence, Smith’s concepts only told part of this narrative, resulting in flawed financial models that devalue activities that fall beyond their marketplace’s parameters of purchasing and selling. The real wealth of countries, Riane Eisler argues, isn’t only financial, but includes the gifts of people and our natural environment. Here, Eisler extends past the marketplace to reexamine economics from a bigger perspective–also shows that we have to give value and visibility to this socially and economically crucial job of caring for people and the world if we are to meet the huge challenges we’re facing.
-Eisler proposes a new”caring economics” that takes into consideration the entire spectrum of financial activities–from the life–sustaining activities of their family, into the life-enriching activities of health professionals and communities, into the life-supporting procedures of nature. She shows how our values have been somewhat obscured from the economic double standard that devalues anything stereotypically associated with women and femininity; reveals how current financial models derive from a deep-seated culture of domination; also shows how human demands would be served by economic variations based on affectionate. Most importantly, she provides practical suggestions for new financial inventions–new measures, policies, rules, and practices–to cause a caring economics that satisfies human needs.
-Much like classic The Chalice and the Blade, the actual Wealth of Nations is a daring and enlightening look at how to make a society where each of us could achieve the entire measure of our humanity(.)
Hurry ⊕
+/- >|It will be poetic justice for Trump if Specific Counsel Mueller have been to interview @ & @ within his investigation of WH
-\+ p |Swing +/- | live paradise
from Society http://www.nsorchidsociety.com/monkey-society-moobs-lightworkers-org/
1 note · View note
haggertyadventuretime · 7 years ago
Cambodia and some Thailand!
Hello again! Another long one, sorry!
We spent four nights in Siem Reap. Brendan was sick on day one, so we took some time to just get to know the city a little, checked out the night markets, etc. The city is full of lots of restaurants and food vendors by day, and it was nice to finally be in a place again where the locals actually dine out! In many parts of Laos, there are no “local eateries” because everyone is too poor to eat anything except what they cook at home. Cambodia has a large poverty problem as well, however in Siem Reap, many of the locals have made themselves some money off the tourism of Angkor‘s temples. That being said, there are also beggars there, both adult and child, and other very sad problems that I was lucky to never witness.
Day two was a big Temple day. We rented bicycles early in the morning and set out to feel like Indiana Jones. First, we bought our ::pretty damn expensive:: tickets that had our faces printed on them. Next, the first ticket checkpoint. Then we kind of went overboard and visited, like, all the temples. You may be wondering, “Kate, why aren’t you just calling it Angkor Wat?” Well, Angkor Wat is one temple/ancient city in a giant complex of ruins of ancient temples and cities, and Angkor is the place. Angkor Wat just happens to be one of the most impressive and well-preserved. We also visited Sras Sreng, Banteay Kdei, Ta Prohm, Ta Keo, Preah Khan, Angkor Thom and Bayon, and maybe one or two more that day, and saved Angkor Wat for last. All of them were gorgeous. The one problem was that there were sooooo many tourists. Obviously, it is to be expected, but one phenomenon that I had not fully experienced before this trip was the mad crush of mainland Chinese tourism. They are package tourists that travel by the giant bus load, usually rolling 25-50 people deep per group. Not trying to sound xenophobic or anything, it’s just a huge number of people who are yelling out to each other to pose for endless pictures, etc. and it’s like being caught in a tidal wave of people when they come through, especially since all the package tourists usually have the same itinerary, so about 200-300+ people show up all at the same time, or within an hour of each other. It’s a fucking circus. Obviously, that makes the very popular temples a little tiring to visit, since you feel more like being in a crowded photo shoot than in an Indiana Jones film. At one point at the Ta Prohm temple, famous for having been part of a Laura Croft Tomb Raider movie, the guide from a tuktuk-guided group of four shouted “hurry, hurry, Chinese are coming!” And he was right, a stupid number of people were trying to cram into the tiny area just behind us. Luckily we also visited some very cool temples that were less frequented by others, and it was very peaceful and beautiful! We went home, had some pretty mediocre food at a food stall in the night market that made me choke on a fish bone for a few hours, then went home and PASSED OUT. We had biked over 25 miles that day.
The next day, we hired a tuktuk to take us to a few places about 35 kilometers out of town, so definitely out of our walking or biking range. We first visited Banteay Sri temple, which is also known as the temple of women for its carvings of female characters in stunning pink sandstone. This place had the most beautiful, detailed, ornate carvings that we had seen thus far. Pictures do not do it justice: Each edifice had an entire storyline on it, with carvings free-standing on tiers of the roofs, including ornate miniature carvings of the temple itself. The detail was spectacular, and we took our time just staring at it. It was very peaceful as well, given that there weren’t any package tours in the area, just a handful of tourists in tuktuks!
Next we went to the Landmine Museum, which was started by a man with an incredible history. He goes by the name Aki Ra now, but has had many names over the course of his life, as he was taken by the Khmer Rouge to be a child soldier (his family was killed). He started training at 5, and was laying mines by 10. In his late teens, he defected to the Vietnamese Army and later joined the Cambodian National Army to fight in the liberation and civil war against the Khmer Rouge. When the fighting was over, he decided to make it a personal endeavor to eliminate as many bombs and mines as possible in Cambodia, as it was (and still is) the most bomb-filled country in the world. Having literally grown up with mines and weapons, he knew exactly how to find and disarm them, and would do so using only flip flops, a stick and a pair of pliers. With this “old method,” he could clear and disarm up to 300 mines per day, and would bring the shells home as a collection. Tourists would visit, and he eventually turned his home into a landmine museum, charging tourists money to enter and using the cash to help children who are land mine victims. He and his wife also adopted several children who are land mine victims and have helped them get an education. He still clears land mines, but must do so now under the “international standard,” which means wearing protective gear, using a metal detector and detonating the mines/bombs, rather than disarming them. There was a CNN special about him in the early 90s, I would google it and watch it, because this guy is a badass.
After the landmine Museum, we went to one more temple, Pre Rup, and went back to the hotel to game plan Thailand.
We took a bus from Siem Reap to Bangkok, which was a very smooth and straightforward ride, and crossing the border was very easy. We stayed in an Air BnB which was basic, just an oversized twin-sized bed that we shared in a room with an air conditioner, and shared bathrooms with the rest of the house. We were staying pretty far away from any tourist attraction, so on our first night we settled in by checking out the myriad of street food vendors near our place and eating lots of meat on sticks.
Day two was all about culture! First, we walked around a few districts, Chinatown and the like. While crossing a river on a bridge, a local was laughing and pointing at the water, and we were very surprised to see GIANT monitor lizards swimming and basking in the sun. These guys were bigger than I have ever seen before, they were definitely bigger than me, about 6-8 feet long. Cool!!!
We visited a bunch of temples, including Wat Phu, which is the temple of the Reclining Buddha. I had no idea how large that Buddha would be, it was 50ft tall, and 150ft long, all gold plated. We also visited the very famous Temple of the Jade Buddha, which was very ornately decorated with gold leaf and jewels, as well as the grounds of the Royal Palace.
We were also very lucky and honored to be able to visit the Royal Crematorium for His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who passed away last year. The King is deeply loved by the Thai people, and I would encourage looking him up on your own, since I’m no biographer! The crematorium was built for the cremation ceremony which took place in October, and has been open to the public for the Thai people and foreigners to pay their respects and view some very beautiful artwork. The crematorium is absolutely beautiful, and adorned with sculptures and traditional Thai crafts. There are museums erected around it which gave explainatioms of the process of making the crematorium, the Thai artists involved, and also buildings detailing the life of the beloved late King. We were very lucky to be able to go, as it was scheduled to be deconstructed in early December, but its viewing period was extended so that Thais living in more rural areas would be able to pay their respects as well. Very beautiful!
From there we walked around Bangkok looking for a place to sit and have a drink, but were having trouble finding a place that had beer for a reasonable price. It’s pretty obvious that the “felang,” or “tourist” menu is almost double the price of the posted Thai menus on the wall. We did have a drink on Khao San Road, the very famous backpacker ghetto, filled with watered-down Pad Thai and “10 baht for a photo” edible bug kiosks. We also walked around the Red light district on the other side of town, the “Go Cowboy” area, which was, as expected, filled with prostitutes of many and any variety. Didn’t stop for a drink around there, too sleazy!
Our second full day was filled with reptiles! I read up on our new giant monitor friends, turns out that they live all over Bangkok, especially in this one park, so obviously we went there in the morning. They were everywhere! Many were just a couple of feet long, but every once in a while, BOOM giant lizard that is ten feet long swimming in a pond. I love it! I don’t know if you can tell, but I love reptiles, especially the big ones.
After watching our adorable giant friends roam around the park like Jurassic Park, we walked to a shopping mall to catch some A/C and food court action. Everything is so delicious, and there is almost every type of food from Thailand represented in these food courts, for very cheap! It’s refreshing as well that Thai portion size is generally pretty small, so you can snack very efficiently throughout the day. Gotta love a snacking culture! The shopping malls in Bangkok are enormous, they have maps at the entrance so you don’t get lost (!!!). This one was “small” for Bangkok, it had 8 floors. Each floor has a theme: Beauty, furniture, clothing, electronics, etc. These giant malls are everywhere, and some of them are just floors of food courts (information obtained from Air BnB host).
After fueling up, we went to see the snake handling show at the Red Cross Snake Farm. Basically, this institution researches local snakes and mills them for venom every day so that they can make anti-venom and distribute it around the country. It also serves as an educational space for Thais and tourists! We paid 200 baht each to enter and get up close and personal with the indigenous snakes of Thailand! We sat in the first row, meaning we were closest to the snakes and their handlers. The first snake that was brought out was a King Cobra, which I had never seen before. That guy was HUGE!! It was amazing to watch the snake handler effortlessly show off the snake on the ground, making it turn around several times by poking with his hands or boots, and annoying it just enough to have its hood unfurled and standing up from the ground. We also saw Siamese Cobras, two at once brought out by a single handler by the tails (very impressive), as well as green Vipers, rat snakes and a few others. At the end, Brendan and I got to hold a giant albino Python. Makes me miss Namaste, the ball python from Ithaca!
The rest of our night was pretty uneventful, just delicious Thai food at an expat bar and then beers and snacks from 7-11 in our Air BnB until bed time.
Now we are in Ayutthaya (pronounced eye-you-tee-uh). We are spending two nights here, last night and tonight. This town is known for its temple ruins dating back to the 15 and 1600s, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This city was once the most opulent in all of Asia, with jewel-encrusted temples and golden shrines, until it was conquered and sacked by the Burmese in the late 1700s. Since then until just a few years ago, the ruins rotted away scattered along the city until a restoration effort was funded (probably helped by UNESCO). Even the unrestored buildings are very impressive! They are made out of brick with plaster embossments and details. One temple even had a crypt that we climbed down into, which turned out to be a tiny standing space that could only fit one or two people, and contained very well preserved original murals from the 17th century.
As we were leaving, we exited from a different area of the park and noticed a bunch of vendors setting up wares while wearing very traditional (and snazzy) costumes. Turns out, yesterday and today are the final days of the Ayutthia international festival! After walking to get a beer and back, we checked it out, and it was marvelous. Thousands of people were there. Five big stages and even more smaller ones were putting on giant performances of dancing, singing, and even a choreographed light show with elephants. There were guys wresting crocodiles in tanks. Entire streets filled with street food vendors. Clothing and games tents. It was amazing!! We are going back tonight for the last night of it to see if the vendors are going to drop prices to get rid of the rest of their stuff. Woohoo!
Today we got up early and took the train from Ayutthia to Bang Pa In to see the Royal Summer Palace, which was more like a whole bunch of mansions and a palace situated on well manicured grounds, complete with sculpted hedges! It was very nice to visit for a morning. Then we took the train back to Ayutthia, and here we are!
The trains in Thailand are awesome. They are the cheapest and easiest way to travel, our tickets from Bangkok to Ayutthia were only 15 baht each (50 cents), and to and from Bang Pa In was a whopping 3 baht each way (10 cents). The trains run often enough, and for the distances we have gone, it has been 3rd class trains (the whole thing), but the benches are padded and comfortable and while there is no A/C, you can roll down the windows and that’s fine. Also, local vendors get on and sell really delicious looking Thai food, so you don’t even have to pack a lunch if you are going a long way!
0 notes
sudsybear · 7 years ago
Just Drive
We were left to ourselves most of that summer. We both worked, as did our parents. Dad was gone for weeks at a time. He worked in Phoenix, coming home only on weekends. Mom had earned her diploma, but still had to study for her state nursing exam. She was also busy monitoring my grandmother who had health problems and was in and out of the hospital. Mom also started a new job, and was going through orientation – full-time employment for several weeks. Toss in that I was a youngest child and the whole active parenting thing had gone by the wayside.
 Ross’ parents both worked – his mom had taken a position at a greeting card company and was busy with a stuffed animal project. His dad was a devoted P&Ger. (All hail the soap works.) Ross was nineteen and had already been away from home for over a year. He hardly needed supervision.
 We mostly abandoned the few friends who were around. Many of Ross’ contemporaries stayed away for summer internships, jobs, or traveled abroad. Over the school year, I’d fallen out with many of my friends. David was busy with a new round of people. Christopher’s and my friendship disintegrated the previous fall. Julie worked two jobs, desperately trying to save enough money for tuition. Erin was doing the same. Valli was madly in love with Jerry, a guy she met through her Young Life activities, and she worked full-time as a lifeguard, so she wasn’t around much. Shari left for her last summer of camp – this time as a counselor. Anna spent her summer abroad, Victor was required to attend summer Reserve training and broke his leg. He’ll deny it to the end of his days, but he spent his summer smoking pot on a neighbor’s back deck.
 I literally lived at the J’s' for days at a time. I stopped by their house between baby-sitting jobs, entered through the unlocked garage/basement, left messages on the white-board in the breakfast nook and went on with my business. We slept in Ross' long twin bed and I fought with those damn high countertops in the kitchen. (Side note:  Ross’ family is very tall – his mother is 5’11” if she isn’t 6’ tall. His dad is at least 6’2.” “Little” brother Scott topped out at 6’5 at least.) At some point in the late 70s or early 80s, they remodeled their kitchen and chose to have the countertops installed a few inches higher than is the industry standard. I am 5’4” tall. I could not reach the cabinets, and working at the counter was awkward. Ross found a step stool for me to use while I was there. Had we been ten years older, you could describe us as having moved in together. But we weren’t ten years older. We were teenagers, just seventeen and nineteen. We lacked experience to draw upon, and the confidence that comes with it.
 Ross’ bedroom in his parents’ house was our haven. The stereo and speakers (all four of them), the albums and computers - all were strewn with laundry - clean shirts and dirty socks. Soldering tools, wires, pliers, and desk lamps were scattered over the “desk.” I never saw an actual work surface - it was littered with computer pieces; motherboards, hard drives, video boards. This masculine clutter was familiar. My father’s workshop at home, and my brother’s room before he left. To me, it was a very comfortable place…full of warmth. The door to Scott's room was open often enough to hear Scott playing guitar and to talk and chat and visit. We spent hours together there. Chaka Khan, Pat Metheny, Phil Collins, Joe Jackson, and Neil Diamond (his mom never seemed to mind when he cranked Neil Diamond or Phil Collins) were just some of the musical favorites that summer. I can still see him playing air guitar with a particularly fun riff from some album or the other. (These were vinyl albums – Ross was saving his money to buy a CD-player and a replacement for the guitar he’d destroyed in the Corral Show some two years previous. CDs were still new and the packaging was controversial – sold in the long cardboard boxes with plastic overwrap. In the mid-90s I got irritated with the lack of space in our basement, and convinced my husband to finally dispose of his collection of long-boxes from his own mid-80s CD purchases.)
 We spent evenings in the TV room watching his dad flick through the thirty or so TV channels that were available when cable was new. We had been away from adult supervision for too long, so we settled into the couch in front of the television to make nice with the ‘rents. My head snuggled up under Ross' arm. Ross tried to make idle small talk with his dad - attempting to smooth the relationship. It used to drive me nuts the way his dad would flip, flip, flip through umpteen channels and seemingly watch four shows at the same time. What's sad is I do that today. Give me the remote control, and I flip, flip, flip and watch 3-4 shows at the same time. Damn commercials.
 The TV room was just that – a TV room. Not a “family room” like so many homes have today, but a TV room. In years past the room had probably been a sunroom, a sitting room, perhaps an office. It was on the west side of the house, so in the late afternoon, you’d have to close the blinds against the glare of the sun in order to see the TV. The opening to the room was off the living room. A formal living room with couches, a curio cabinet and the grand piano. No doorway, no formal archway, just a large open space in the wall between the living room and TV room. The room was long and narrow and ran the length of the house. At one end was the couch, placed under the windows facing the television. And at the other end was a table and built-in shelves that held the fish tanks, the hermit crab and the encyclopedia set. There was no room to do much of anything else.
 Late one night, after the eleven o’clock news, we watched C.H.U.D. (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) on cable. While the rest of the family slept upstairs, we curled up on the couch and stared at the blue flickering screen. The TV set provided the only light on in the house. I covered my eyes and squealed at the gruesome parts. I was fascinated and terrified at the same time. I’m not good with horror flicks – even bad ones. After the movie, Ross walked me out to my car, I got in, and to avoid waking his parents, he pushed it out of the driveway. I coasted down the street, popped the clutch and drove home. Ross taught me that particular bit of street knowledge, how to start a car by popping the clutch. Useful only if you’re driving an old-fashioned standard transmission.
 Some nights we just drove. We put hundreds of miles on various vehicles - the VW Rabbit (1981 gray, two-door, hatchback - diesel, cloth seats) has especially pungent memories. We knew of only two or three gas stations in the county that supplied diesel, so invariably we drove to one of them to fill up the tank. The VW Vanagon and the Oldsmobile Station Wagon (with maroon vinyl seats and the compass on the front dash) were also driven more than once. We talked about our dreams, our insecurities, our parents, gossiped about what so and so was doing, and played the game of “identify the vehicle by the headlights”; Hondas versus Datsuns versus Fords, versus Chryslers – throw in an exotic Volvo or Saab. I never quite got the knack of that one. He was so disappointed when I mis-identified a vehicle. To this day, I can drive in reverse pretty well. For whatever reason, I had lots of practice. On a whim, Ross might decide to drive home from somewhere in reverse, just for the hell of it. He backed around parking lots, he backed down long driveways, he backed down the street. And believe it or not, I really think we always wore our seatbelts.
 We spent the Fourth of July holiday together. In the morning I stood by the side of the road and watched the parade (Dad was involved because of council, mom was with the ambulance crew) then stopped at Moreno’s for lunch and volleyball. Finally, Ross and I spent the late afternoon in his bedroom. His parents were out with their own friends, Scott was gone, so Ross and I were contentedly alone. We spent the hours spooned on his bed, listening to music, enjoying uninterrupted togetherness. We were supposed to go to the town fireworks display at the high school athletic field, but never made it. We watched a few fireworks from the window, then fell back to bed and fell asleep. I got home to my own bed in my parents house sometime in the early morning hours of the fifth. And we both had to work the next morning.
 *          *          *
 Ross was very close with his brother. Though only 2 ½ years apart in age, due to the quirks of the school system they were three years apart in school. Even so, they shared everything. They read the same books, swapped albums, music, they played in the same band together. Ross passed on snippets of wisdom for dealing with teachers and peers. In one of his letters from Wooster, Ross had encouraged me to introduce myself to Scott, concerned for his younger brother’s well-being. A few weeks into the summer, Ross realized his little brother Scott had a crush on me. It stands to reason - I had first fooled around with his best buddy Mark and then was a constant presence not just in his home, but in his brother's bedroom, an open door away. He must have caught us more than once in various states of undress. (I never did understand that floor plan, why was there a door between Scott's and Ross' bedrooms?)  
 I felt a fondness toward Scott myself. He was my friend as well as Ross’ brother and we had enjoyed our own friendship and escapades before Ross came home. Aside from Scrabble games at Corral, Mark, Scott, Igor and their buddy Jon had the brilliant idea to make their very own episode of Star Trek. Jon had a ton of video equipment. Igor put together a set in his basement, and Scott, Mark, and Igor’s little brother Alex were recruited as actors. Mark starred as the Captain, Scott played Spock, Alex and Igor posed as the science officers, and they needed a girl to play “Lieutenant U-whor-a.” Whether I was doing a favor for Igor or Mark, or both, they managed to get me to agree in a weak moment. Jon was the director/cameraman, and we made up dialogue as we went along.
 My character, as you might surmise from the character’s name, was the spaceship harlot. My scenes involved sitting in the captain’s lap (Mark), attempting sexual distraction; sitting in my chair at the communications center, showing off my legs whilst making obscene gestures; and rattling off one-liners like, “Why jack-off when you can have me for free?” Some “sweet’n’innocent” stuff, eh?
 It took several days of filming in Moreno’s basement, and I couldn’t be there for all the filming days. I filmed the first day, and then was busy with other activities. My absence led to some creative explanations as to why U-Whor-A was absent from the bridge, including AIDS, Toxic Shock Syndrome, and other female ails resulting from monthly cycles. Igor and Alex’s dad got fed up with the “set” in the basement. He declared a deadline by which the crap had to be cleaned up. The guys begged me to return so they could finish the film.
 Over the summer Jon and Scott edited the thing and roped Ross into designing credits for them. I didn’t see the finished product until years later. It is a rare masterpiece that someday I’ll have to explain to my children. I don’t look forward to the discussion with my children; explaining it to my husband was embarrassing enough.
 And yet with all of that, I was Ross’ girl. So in deference to Scott’s feelings, Ross and I made a conscious effort to monitor our behavior. It just so happened those were the same weeks our parents had been coming down hard on us to behave ourselves. I suppose we had gotten a bit out of control, and needed to pull back and exercise proper decorum.
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years ago
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick?
Colin Kaepernick is unemployed six weeks into the NFL season, and many believe it's because the league is blackballing him over his protests against social injustice, namely police violence against people of color.
According to Bleacher Report's Mike Freeman, Kaepernick has put that belief to the test by filing a grievance against the NFL's owners for collusion, which is a violation of the league's collective bargaining agreement. The filing states that owners "have colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick's leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial equality in the United States."
So what is the evidence here, really? Everyone talks about blackballing and collusion when it comes to Kaepernick, but what can they actually prove? How can I, someone who knows nothing about football or Kaepernick and only just arrived on this planet yesterday after spending six years on a space station, believe this is truly happening?
Personally, I think it's ridiculous that NFL owners would ever collude against anyone, especially players, whom they love and care about. It's insulting, really. Name one incident where there was even a whiff of collusion. You can't. If you could, you would have to go so far back that it wouldn't be relevant to today's league. Good luck finding that.
Hang on, I'm being told in May 2012 the NFLPA sued the league, alleging collusion designed to keep player contracts capped during the uncapped 2010 season.
Yeah, but a judge ruled in December 2012 and it was upheld in 2015 that, as part of the new CBA following the 2011 lockout, the NFLPA agreed to waive all "unknown claims" that may or may not have existed before the signing of the CBA. That's a win for the squeaky-clean, honestly run NFL, even if the ruling never says the NFL didn't actually collude.
Although, a clause in a CBA that says you can't sue for unknown things owners did prior to that CBA is like telling your significant other, "OK, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise not to get mad," and after they reluctantly agree, you say, "I may have been sleeping with your best friend for the past year." And just as they are about to get upset, you say, "Sorry, you promised you wouldn't get mad, therefore you have no grounds for any meaningful recourse against me."
But nothing was proven and that was seven years ago, so it's not as though the same owners are in power now. Nine new people have become NFL owners since 2010—that's nearly one-third of the league. So even if there were collusion back then, it can't apply now with so much ownership turnover.
I'm being told only two of the new owners—Kim and Terry Pegula with the Bills and Shahid Khan of the Jaguars—weren't family members of previous owners or already owners with a partial stake in a team. And Khan was one of only two owners to state publicly they'd have no problem with signing Kaepernick.
OK, fine, so what? So it's mostly the same owners that were accused of salary cap collusion in 2010. That doesn't mean they colluded here. It's inadmissible! Besides, we all know that Kaepernick isn't that good, right? The NFL is the highest level of football in the world, so it's silly to think that Kaepernick deserves a job just because he had one last year. Just look at his numbers:
12 games, 16 TDs, 4 INTs, 90.7 rating, 468 rushing yards, 2 TDs
Now compare that to starting quarterbacks around the league this year. Kaepernick doesn't meet the standards of a backup NFL quarterback, never mind a starting NFL quarterback.
I'm being told only 12 quarterbacks this season have a better than 90.7 rating. And 11 quarterbacks have already thrown more than four interceptions. And only three quarterbacks are on pace for more rushing yards.
But what this doesn't account for is age, and at 29, he may not be old, but he's NFL old.
I'm being told 29 is still young for an NFL quarterback.
But Kaepernick lacks big game experience, and nobody wants a quarterback who doesn't know what it means to win in the playoffs.
Damn it, now I'm being told he's 4-2 in the postseason and has been to the Super Bowl once and the conference championship twice.
This doesn't mean owners are colluding, though, because that would mean you'd need owners offering open disdain for what Kaepernick did—taking a knee during the national anthem as a form of protest. That would be very close to a smoking gun and only an idiot would do that. Show me one owner who has ever taken a public stance against the protest movement and threatened the employment of anyone who partakes in it.
I'm being told this is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a public stance against the protest and threatening the employment of anyone that partakes in the protests: "But if there's anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. OK? Understand? If we are disrespecting the flag, then we won't play. Period."
OK, but one argument from Kaepernick's legal team is that owners are taking cues from President Donald Trump. Come on. What President would ever meddle in the affairs of a private company or use the office of the President to pressure owners with the threat of hurting them financially?
Man, come on, I'm being told that the leader of the free world recently referred to the NFL's protesters as "sons of bitches" who should be fired and later hinted in a tweet that maybe the league would lose some of its tax breaks if the protests didn't stop.
But even with those threats, where is the proof that owners support Trump?
Alright, alright, I'm being told NFL owners donated at least $7.75 million to Trump's inaugural committee. That's a lot of money.
Yeah, but it's not as though any of the new, forward-thinking, socially conscious owners were part of that.
Yep, yep, Khan donated $1 million to Trump.
But that $7.75 million is probably a similar amount to what owners donated to Barack Obama's inaugural committees.
Apparently that number is twice as much as Obama got from owners in 2009.
Yeah, but Kaepernick opted out of his 49ers contract after last season, so he has no one to blame but himself for his lack of employment.
Sigh, I'm being told that if he had not opted out of his deal, the 49ers told Kaepernick they planned to cut him despite a season that showed he was one of the 15 best quarterbacks in the NFL, which surely isn't odd or something that could be considered a sign of blackballing.
But if owners truly were colluding to deny Kaepernick a job for unfair reasons, show me one reputable NFL reporter who has ever said that. It's just wild-eyed conspiracy theorists out to make a name for themselves. You're wasting your time with this collusion idea.
I'm being told that ESPN's Adam Schefter, a man who has built a career on cultivating and maintaining sources within the NFL and is now employed by a network that's more interested in protecting the NFL shield than people's rights, absolutely believes NFL owners have colluded against Kaepernick , saying in July, "Do I think that certain owners have blocked teams from visits or interest? I do, I do believe that."
Fine. There seems to be some credible evidence that NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick. But is there enough of it?
This is like one of those official reviews on a scoring play where you know the runner was down before he broke the plane of goal line and that the call on the field is wrong, but one angle on the play is obscured by a lineman's ass, another isn't dead-center along the goal line so it can't help, and the overhead shot is useless because you can't tell when the knee goes down, so the call can't be overturned.
In this grievance, the only thing not in dispute is whether Kaepernick's knee went down. You just have to hope there's another angle that proves conclusively what we all already know to be true: NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick.
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick? published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
amtushinfosolutionspage · 7 years ago
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick?
Colin Kaepernick is unemployed six weeks into the NFL season, and many believe it’s because the league is blackballing him over his protests against social injustice, namely police violence against people of color.
According to Bleacher Report’s Mike Freeman, Kaepernick has put that belief to the test by filing a grievance against the NFL’s owners for collusion, which is a violation of the league’s collective bargaining agreement. The filing states that owners “have colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick’s leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial equality in the United States.”
So what is the evidence here, really? Everyone talks about blackballing and collusion when it comes to Kaepernick, but what can they actually prove? How can I, someone who knows nothing about football or Kaepernick and only just arrived on this planet yesterday after spending six years on a space station, believe this is truly happening?
Personally, I think it’s ridiculous that NFL owners would ever collude against anyone, especially players, whom they love and care about. It’s insulting, really. Name one incident where there was even a whiff of collusion. You can’t. If you could, you would have to go so far back that it wouldn’t be relevant to today’s league. Good luck finding that.
Hang on, I’m being told in May 2012 the NFLPA sued the league, alleging collusion designed to keep player contracts capped during the uncapped 2010 season.
Yeah, but a judge ruled in December 2012 and it was upheld in 2015 that, as part of the new CBA following the 2011 lockout, the NFLPA agreed to waive all “unknown claims” that may or may not have existed before the signing of the CBA. That’s a win for the squeaky-clean, honestly run NFL, even if the ruling never says the NFL didn’t actually collude.
Although, a clause in a CBA that says you can’t sue for unknown things owners did prior to that CBA is like telling your significant other, “OK, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise not to get mad,” and after they reluctantly agree, you say, “I may have been sleeping with your best friend for the past year.” And just as they are about to get upset, you say, “Sorry, you promised you wouldn’t get mad, therefore you have no grounds for any meaningful recourse against me.”
But nothing was proven and that was seven years ago, so it’s not as though the same owners are in power now. Nine new people have become NFL owners since 2010—that’s nearly one-third of the league. So even if there were collusion back then, it can’t apply now with so much ownership turnover.
I’m being told only two of the new owners—Kim and Terry Pegula with the Bills and Shahid Khan of the Jaguars—weren’t family members of previous owners or already owners with a partial stake in a team. And Khan was one of only two owners to state publicly they’d have no problem with signing Kaepernick.
OK, fine, so what? So it’s mostly the same owners that were accused of salary cap collusion in 2010. That doesn’t mean they colluded here. It’s inadmissible! Besides, we all know that Kaepernick isn’t that good, right? The NFL is the highest level of football in the world, so it’s silly to think that Kaepernick deserves a job just because he had one last year. Just look at his numbers:
12 games, 16 TDs, 4 INTs, 90.7 rating, 468 rushing yards, 2 TDs
Now compare that to starting quarterbacks around the league this year. Kaepernick doesn’t meet the standards of a backup NFL quarterback, never mind a starting NFL quarterback.
I’m being told only 12 quarterbacks this season have a better than 90.7 rating. And 11 quarterbacks have already thrown more than four interceptions. And only three quarterbacks are on pace for more rushing yards.
But what this doesn’t account for is age, and at 29, he may not be old, but he’s NFL old.
I’m being told 29 is still young for an NFL quarterback.
But Kaepernick lacks big game experience, and nobody wants a quarterback who doesn’t know what it means to win in the playoffs.
Damn it, now I’m being told he’s 4-2 in the postseason and has been to the Super Bowl once and the conference championship twice.
This doesn’t mean owners are colluding, though, because that would mean you’d need owners offering open disdain for what Kaepernick did—taking a knee during the national anthem as a form of protest. That would be very close to a smoking gun and only an idiot would do that. Show me one owner who has ever taken a public stance against the protest movement and threatened the employment of anyone who partakes in it.
I’m being told this is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a public stance against the protest and threatening the employment of anyone that partakes in the protests: “But if there’s anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. OK? Understand? If we are disrespecting the flag, then we won’t play. Period.”
OK, but one argument from Kaepernick’s legal team is that owners are taking cues from President Donald Trump. Come on. What President would ever meddle in the affairs of a private company or use the office of the President to pressure owners with the threat of hurting them financially?
Man, come on, I’m being told that the leader of the free world recently referred to the NFL’s protesters as “sons of bitches“ who should be fired and later hinted in a tweet that maybe the league would lose some of its tax breaks if the protests didn’t stop.
But even with those threats, where is the proof that owners support Trump?
Alright, alright, I’m being told NFL owners donated at least $7.75 million to Trump’s inaugural committee. That’s a lot of money.
Yeah, but it’s not as though any of the new, forward-thinking, socially conscious owners were part of that.
Yep, yep, Khan donated $1 million to Trump.
But that $7.75 million is probably a similar amount to what owners donated to Barack Obama’s inaugural committees.
Apparently that number is twice as much as Obama got from owners in 2009.
Yeah, but Kaepernick opted out of his 49ers contract after last season, so he has no one to blame but himself for his lack of employment.
Sigh, I’m being told that if he had not opted out of his deal, the 49ers told Kaepernick they planned to cut him despite a season that showed he was one of the 15 best quarterbacks in the NFL, which surely isn’t odd or something that could be considered a sign of blackballing.
But if owners truly were colluding to deny Kaepernick a job for unfair reasons, show me one reputable NFL reporter who has ever said that. It’s just wild-eyed conspiracy theorists out to make a name for themselves. You’re wasting your time with this collusion idea.
I’m being told that ESPN’s Adam Schefter, a man who has built a career on cultivating and maintaining sources within the NFL and is now employed by a network that’s more interested in protecting the NFL shield than people’s rights, absolutely believes NFL owners have colluded against Kaepernick , saying in July, “Do I think that certain owners have blocked teams from visits or interest? I do, I do believe that.”
Fine. There seems to be some credible evidence that NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick. But is there enough of it?
This is like one of those official reviews on a scoring play where you know the runner was down before he broke the plane of goal line and that the call on the field is wrong, but one angle on the play is obscured by a lineman’s ass, another isn’t dead-center along the goal line so it can’t help, and the overhead shot is useless because you can’t tell when the knee goes down, so the call can’t be overturned.
In this grievance, the only thing not in dispute is whether Kaepernick’s knee went down. You just have to hope there’s another angle that proves conclusively what we all already know to be true: NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick.
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick? syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years ago
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick?
Colin Kaepernick is unemployed six weeks into the NFL season, and many believe it's because the league is blackballing him over his protests against social injustice, namely police violence against people of color.
According to Bleacher Report's Mike Freeman, Kaepernick has put that belief to the test by filing a grievance against the NFL's owners for collusion, which is a violation of the league's collective bargaining agreement. The filing states that owners "have colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick's leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial equality in the United States."
So what is the evidence here, really? Everyone talks about blackballing and collusion when it comes to Kaepernick, but what can they actually prove? How can I, someone who knows nothing about football or Kaepernick and only just arrived on this planet yesterday after spending six years on a space station, believe this is truly happening?
Personally, I think it's ridiculous that NFL owners would ever collude against anyone, especially players, whom they love and care about. It's insulting, really. Name one incident where there was even a whiff of collusion. You can't. If you could, you would have to go so far back that it wouldn't be relevant to today's league. Good luck finding that.
Hang on, I'm being told in May 2012 the NFLPA sued the league, alleging collusion designed to keep player contracts capped during the uncapped 2010 season.
Yeah, but a judge ruled in December 2012 and it was upheld in 2015 that, as part of the new CBA following the 2011 lockout, the NFLPA agreed to waive all "unknown claims" that may or may not have existed before the signing of the CBA. That's a win for the squeaky-clean, honestly run NFL, even if the ruling never says the NFL didn't actually collude.
Although, a clause in a CBA that says you can't sue for unknown things owners did prior to that CBA is like telling your significant other, "OK, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise not to get mad," and after they reluctantly agree, you say, "I may have been sleeping with your best friend for the past year." And just as they are about to get upset, you say, "Sorry, you promised you wouldn't get mad, therefore you have no grounds for any meaningful recourse against me."
But nothing was proven and that was seven years ago, so it's not as though the same owners are in power now. Nine new people have become NFL owners since 2010—that's nearly one-third of the league. So even if there were collusion back then, it can't apply now with so much ownership turnover.
I'm being told only two of the new owners—Kim and Terry Pegula with the Bills and Shahid Khan of the Jaguars—weren't family members of previous owners or already owners with a partial stake in a team. And Khan was one of only two owners to state publicly they'd have no problem with signing Kaepernick.
OK, fine, so what? So it's mostly the same owners that were accused of salary cap collusion in 2010. That doesn't mean they colluded here. It's inadmissible! Besides, we all know that Kaepernick isn't that good, right? The NFL is the highest level of football in the world, so it's silly to think that Kaepernick deserves a job just because he had one last year. Just look at his numbers:
12 games, 16 TDs, 4 INTs, 90.7 rating, 468 rushing yards, 2 TDs
Now compare that to starting quarterbacks around the league this year. Kaepernick doesn't meet the standards of a backup NFL quarterback, never mind a starting NFL quarterback.
I'm being told only 12 quarterbacks this season have a better than 90.7 rating. And 11 quarterbacks have already thrown more than four interceptions. And only three quarterbacks are on pace for more rushing yards.
But what this doesn't account for is age, and at 29, he may not be old, but he's NFL old.
I'm being told 29 is still young for an NFL quarterback.
But Kaepernick lacks big game experience, and nobody wants a quarterback who doesn't know what it means to win in the playoffs.
Damn it, now I'm being told he's 4-2 in the postseason and has been to the Super Bowl once and the conference championship twice.
This doesn't mean owners are colluding, though, because that would mean you'd need owners offering open disdain for what Kaepernick did—taking a knee during the national anthem as a form of protest. That would be very close to a smoking gun and only an idiot would do that. Show me one owner who has ever taken a public stance against the protest movement and threatened the employment of anyone who partakes in it.
I'm being told this is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a public stance against the protest and threatening the employment of anyone that partakes in the protests: "But if there's anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. OK? Understand? If we are disrespecting the flag, then we won't play. Period."
OK, but one argument from Kaepernick's legal team is that owners are taking cues from President Donald Trump. Come on. What President would ever meddle in the affairs of a private company or use the office of the President to pressure owners with the threat of hurting them financially?
Man, come on, I'm being told that the leader of the free world recently referred to the NFL's protesters as "sons of bitches" who should be fired and later hinted in a tweet that maybe the league would lose some of its tax breaks if the protests didn't stop.
But even with those threats, where is the proof that owners support Trump?
Alright, alright, I'm being told NFL owners donated at least $7.75 million to Trump's inaugural committee. That's a lot of money.
Yeah, but it's not as though any of the new, forward-thinking, socially conscious owners were part of that.
Yep, yep, Khan donated $1 million to Trump.
But that $7.75 million is probably a similar amount to what owners donated to Barack Obama's inaugural committees.
Apparently that number is twice as much as Obama got from owners in 2009.
Yeah, but Kaepernick opted out of his 49ers contract after last season, so he has no one to blame but himself for his lack of employment.
Sigh, I'm being told that if he had not opted out of his deal, the 49ers told Kaepernick they planned to cut him despite a season that showed he was one of the 15 best quarterbacks in the NFL, which surely isn't odd or something that could be considered a sign of blackballing.
But if owners truly were colluding to deny Kaepernick a job for unfair reasons, show me one reputable NFL reporter who has ever said that. It's just wild-eyed conspiracy theorists out to make a name for themselves. You're wasting your time with this collusion idea.
I'm being told that ESPN's Adam Schefter, a man who has built a career on cultivating and maintaining sources within the NFL and is now employed by a network that's more interested in protecting the NFL shield than people's rights, absolutely believes NFL owners have colluded against Kaepernick , saying in July, "Do I think that certain owners have blocked teams from visits or interest? I do, I do believe that."
Fine. There seems to be some credible evidence that NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick. But is there enough of it?
This is like one of those official reviews on a scoring play where you know the runner was down before he broke the plane of goal line and that the call on the field is wrong, but one angle on the play is obscured by a lineman's ass, another isn't dead-center along the goal line so it can't help, and the overhead shot is useless because you can't tell when the knee goes down, so the call can't be overturned.
In this grievance, the only thing not in dispute is whether Kaepernick's knee went down. You just have to hope there's another angle that proves conclusively what we all already know to be true: NFL owners are colluding against Kaepernick.
Are NFL Owners Really Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick? published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes