#Khalid BG1
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blackjackkent · 11 days ago
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I swear I'll get around to some proper gifsets soon, but in the meantime, some sneak preview cute Jaheira/Khalid smooch shots. <3
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bigdingus1234 · 2 months ago
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Khalid's fine bottom,,, I imagine it's very squishable
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ratscrap · 3 months ago
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next batch of portraits! jaheira, montaron, and khalid! we're almost at the final stretch now ^_^
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marigoldbaker · 1 month ago
[ DANCE ] for Khalid and Jaheira
[ DANCE ]: while the sender and receiver are slow dancing together, their close proximity and the intimacy of the situation causes feelings to rise to the surface.
No one dances with Jaheira for the love songs.
This is not the right place to begin. Here is where we start: it has been two months of a long and complicated mission, multiple Harpers undercover, the sort of thing where you are working shoulder-to-shoulder and simply can't help but make friends with those around you. Khalid was sent on the mission because he is still new to the organization and needs supervision, and perhaps also because the Harpers understand the value of encouraging close proximity with your compatriots, encouraging bonds to grow, ensuring that these are people who will work to protect you and people who you will work to protect.
No one is exactly sure why Jaheira is here. Most of the Harpers have been here at least a few years longer than Khalid, but Jaheira has been here much longer, the longest of all of them, and unlike all the rest in the group, seems fundamentally disinterested in fraternization. The closest she comes to socializing is a flicker of eyes towards Khalid when he speaks, and every time, he feels as though he's pinned to the floor beneath her--but such is the way Jaheira's gaze must make everyone feel, ferocious as she is, else words would not stutter and stumble off of more than just Khalid's tongue when she joins the group for a drink after a day of information-gathering.
There is a sense of relief whenever the band starts playing and the Harpers get up to dance. Partners are easy to find for the faster songs--they're the sort of whirling, trading-places dances where you don't need a partner, you only need to know the steps--and for the slower waltzes, the Harpers pair up completely at random, laughing with the absurdity, competing with each other to look the most ridiculous and romantic.
Khalid likes these games. It's a nice way to end the day--twirling around with one of his friends, unburdened by deeper feeling. Jaheira's presence, however, always sends a shiver down his spine whenever the waltz begins, and he absolutely cannot look at her, always letting himself be swept away by one of his more boisterous companions rather than risk facing the harsh reality of her disinterest. If he does not look at her, he will not have to dance with her. If he dances with her, it will be feigned and ridiculous and nothing close to what he wants.
So: he averts his eyes for two months, to the point where not looking becomes second nature, until he is dancing with Harper Riordan, who says with a laugh, "Gods, is she still here?"
And Khalid does look, then. And then can't stop looking.
Clearly, she wasn't expecting him to look. Clearly, she's gotten used to him not looking, because he knows Jaheira very well by now, and not once in the last two months has he seen an expression like that on her face. She's at the very back of the room, leaning against the wall, bottle in hand, eyes full of what he can only describe as lovelorn melancholy as she looks directly at him. It takes her a moment to realize that he is looking back, and another moment to hastily look away, taking a long swig from the bottle as if attempting to prove to him that it's only the drink making her look so forlorn.
Harper Riordan, voice blurring, says, "Don't know why she comes if all she does is stand and stare. Judging us, I'd wager. Have you ever seen her dance?"
Khalid shrugs off the arm on his shoulders, not harshly, just knowing that there's somewhere else he needs to be. He weaves through the crowd and takes Jaheira's hands. She colors in a way that seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the alcohol.
"Ja--Jaheira," gods take him, the stutter always surfaces when he least wants it to, "w--would--would--would you--"
He waits for her to finish his sentence with brisk impatience, as so many do. He finds himself stunned and fluttery when her blush deepens and she smiles, all wobbly, squeezing his hands, but doesn't interrupt or interject. She takes a soft, steadying breath in, and he follows suit, and suddenly he feels as though this might be easy.
"Would--would--would, would you--you--" He's stuck on the most important part, but her expression remains just as warm and welcoming, which has never happened to him before.
Her fingers lace with his. His heartbeat pounds in even tempo with a gentle waltz. He has never felt calm in a moment like this, and it's with a dancer's grace that his words pivot.
"Dance," he manages. "Me?"
Jaheira nods so quickly that her hair threatens to tumble out of its half-done braid. She's holding onto him like she does when she's injured and he's helping her off the battlefield, which feels absurd. What has she to be afraid of in this moment? Doesn't she know who she is?
Their colleagues have faded into a dim, distant nothing as he leads her out onto the dance floor. The music is ever so soft. Her body folds into his like it's found a home.
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ethanrayne · 2 months ago
poll offered with no further context bc context is spoilery about where this is going but. harper mission. babyfic. currently in progress. may or may not have khalid in it, pending poll results.
no promises that i actually listen to this poll bc i'm very very tempted to write the ot3 version precisely bc khalid will be in that one.
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ranger-danger · 4 months ago
Mmk got to go to sleep before the dysphoria gets too bad 👋 have some random baldur’s gate from my camera roll
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These are dumb I’m sorry for doing this
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quenthel · 2 years ago
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Also.. Wranlen and his squads in bg1 and 2...
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morgandekarios · 1 year ago
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khalid i would die for you
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wrenthedruid · 2 months ago
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I finished it!
Look upon them
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yeehawitsjakee · 3 months ago
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Khalid and Jaheira <3
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blackjackkent · 5 months ago
Ask prompt fill for @astreamofstars for this ask meme: Questioning Sentences, Vol. 33 Jaheira/Khalid - "Are you getting my wife into trouble?" Like I said - I had a more comedic idea for this which I'll probably also write, but here's some Harper-era dramafluff first. :D
The blade presses low and tight against the curve of Jaheira’s neck. The assassin smiles coldly. “Not so tough now, are ya, Harper?” he hisses.
Jaheira remains perfectly still, her eyes flicking around rapidly as she examines her position. 
The assassin is a sallow half-elf whose ice-blue eyes are almost obscured by the overhang of his hood. His dark cloak melds him with the shadowy night around them; Jaheira can see the subtle outline of a winged serpent embroidered in his tunic. Zhentarim, then.
She should really have been expecting this, in light of the smuggling operation they just broke up near Waterdeep. It was the largest nest of Zhent they've rooted out in some time and (she sincerely hopes) crippled the group’s slaving operations for the immediate future - but a noise that big doesn't go unnoticed by the sort of people who have sharp knives and are ready to use them. 
And this Zhent knows his business, that’s certain. His weight is carefully distributed across his feet while keeping her pinned to the tree behind her, and the knife is positioned to give her little room to maneuver. He deliberately waited until she had no energy left for a wildshape, and even if she did, she’s not confident her enemy wouldn't be anticipating it. Her pulse quickens with sudden adrenaline as the reality of the danger sets in.
“You have the advantage of me, it seems,” she says, deliberately keeping her voice even and conversational so as not to betray any fear.
The man's smirk deepens unpleasantly. “That's the idea. We know all about ya, y'know… Jaheira. Know ya put together that raid on our people last week. So I've got some payment I need t’ extract.”
If she can just get leverage with one leg, she twist out of his grip… but no. He senses the shift of her weight and moves almost automatically to counterbalance it, his knee shoving against her hip. 
She sighs and swivels her head carefully, trying to look past his shoulder. 
He snorts. “What're ya lookin’ for, girlie?” he asks mockingly. “Gonna call down a flock of birds? Like I said - we know all about you. Why d'you think I chose this moment t’ drop in? I know you do your scouting alone.”
One of Jaheira's eyebrows quirks up and she finally can't help it. She grins. 
“Your information is out of date,” she says.
The Zhent's eyes bug wide and he cries out in startled pain as a heavy boot kicks the back of his knee, staggering him off-balance, followed by a gauntleted sucker punch at the small of his back that stuns him briefly to immobility. Khalid, surging out of the darkness, gets one arm around the man's neck and yanks him backwards; with his other hand, he strikes the Zhent's wrist, knocking the dagger out of his hand. 
“Oh, my,” he says as he hauls the Zhent backwards, giving Jaheira room to slip free of the wall. His voice is almost casual - but Jaheira knows him far too well to be fooled. She can hear the ice in it, and the way his usual nervous stammer has hardened out in the moment of crisis. “Are you getting my wife into trouble?” 
Jaheira snorts. “Getting himself into trouble, more like,” she says, dusting herself off. “Once again we are underestimated.” She clicks her tongue with mock-disappointment. “The last time he will make that mistake.”
“Let me go!” the Zhent growls, his voice strangled by the pressure of Khalid's arm on his throat; the stunned moment is fading and he starts to struggle fiercely in Khalid's grip. 
“As you wish,” Khalid says mildly. With a sharp jerk, he releases the other man and at the same time twists sideways so they're facing each other. Before the Zhent has time to react, Khalid lands a punch directly between his eyes; his head snaps back and he goes over like a felled tree, hits the dirt, and is still. 
Silence, and then the chirp and buzz of insects reasserts itself around them. Jaheira relaxes with a low chuckle. “Well struck.”
“Are you hurt, m-my love?” Khalid asks, turning to face her. His eyes trace searchingly over her from head to foot, looking for signs of injury. 
She smiles affectionately, hearing his stammer return as the moment eases. “I am fine. He had no chance to truly strike me. Besides…” She scoffs dramatically.” I could have handled him.”
“I've n-n-no doubt of it, Khalid says earnestly. “All the same, I'm g-glad I was here.”
“As am I.” In spite of her airy manner, the pulse of adrenaline still sits heavy in her throat, and she takes a few steps closer to him automatically, slipping her hand into his. The warmth of his palm is grounding, comforting. “Much easier with two.”
He lifts her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. Then he crouches down to begin rifling through the unconscious man's pockets. She raises an eyebrow, seeing that he is grinning giddily to himself as he does so. 
“And just what is that look for?” she asks, amused. 
His head ducks and he gives a sheepish little chuckle that is just this side shy of a giggle. “M-my wife,” he says. “That was the f-f-first time I c-could call you m-m-my wife on a mission.” He looks up at her, his eyes bright and dancing in the dimness. “It f-f-felt wonderful.”
The adoring expression on his face sends a full-body shiver through her. “It did, didn't it?” she murmurs. 
It's still so new, with the wedding only a week behind them. In many ways nothing has changed, but that strange and everpresent delight still lingers in the back of her mind. And it spikes up in little bursts at the oddest times - a word, a glance, a touch, anything that reminds her that the bond is made and she has him for the rest of their lives. 
She ruffles his hair where it peeks from beneath his helmet at the base of his neck, and is gratified to feel his subtle, eager squirm at the touch. “Well then, my husband,” she says with a soft laugh. “Let us get back to camp. Though what a pity we must have an unexpected guest interrupting our privacy for the evening.” She nudges the unconscious Zhent with her boot toe and rolls her eyes. 
“Of all his c-c-crimes, that is surely the m-most grievous,” Khalid says, and laughs. 
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bigdingus1234 · 3 months ago
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i think i forgot to post this here lol
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ratscrap · 5 months ago
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t4t khalid x jaheira
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eleasis20 · 3 months ago
Jaheira's Timeline is Fucked??
I feel like this is known. but still, what the fuck.
The original BG website (taken down) apparently listed Jaheira as being born/less than a year old during the civil war in Tethyr, also known as the Ten Black Days of Eleint. This event happened in 1347.
But if that's true, that makes Jaheira 21 as of the first game. In the first meeting with her, she states that her & Khalid were supposed to be Gorion's Ward's foster parents should anything happen to Gorion. Gorion's Ward is said to be 20 (or "of your twenty years of life") as of the beginning of the game which takes place over the course of about 5 months.
So Jaheira was supposed to be your guardian when she was maybe a year older than you at best.
Worse still, there's supposedly a dialogue between Jaheira and Glint (a companion) in Siege of Dragonspear that confirms that Jaheira had been married to Khalid for 8 years, and dated him for more than 10 years total. SoD takes place in 1368 - 1369 and is 6 months long at most.
That means she started dating Khalid at age 11 - 12, married him at 13 - 14.
Add on that Khalid's BG website bio implies that Khalid and Jaheira met through Gorion (presumably the "sorceror" Khalid asks his father to pay to teach him) & the Harpers, so she was a Harper prior to meeting him, when she was like 10.
like obviously someone fucked up on the numbers, the setting/story isn't quite dark enough to be implying an underaged/arranged marriage for one of the happier couples in the game. but still..
If Jaheira had been born in 1347 she would have been 145 years old as of BG3. Half-elves live around 120 - 180 years.
To make any of it fit, that statement has to be ignored, and at least 5 years need to be tacked onto her age.
So at the earliest:
She's born in 1342.
The civil war happens when she's 5 and she's rescued by one of her servants.
She joins/is involved/travelling with the Harpers around 13 - 15 ish.
She meets Khalid at 16 - 17, marries him at 18 - 19.
Which leaves space for Gorion to have asked her to be next-of-kin to a 14 yro when she was 20.
That way she's 26 when Gorion's Ward (20) rocks up.
As of BG3, she's 150.
But I think that's the absolute youngest she could have been, to correct the dates while still remaining true to the tone of BG & Jaheira/Khalid's relationship.
A more realistic approach would probably be to tack on 10 years:
She's born in 1337.
The civil war happens when she's 10 and she's rescued by one of her servants.
She joins/is involved/travelling with the Harpers around 15 - 19ish.
She meets Khalid at 21 - 22, marries him at 23 - 24.
Which leaves space for Gorion to have asked her to be next-of-kin to a 9 yro when she was 20.
That way she's 31 when Gorion's Ward (20) rocks up.
As of BG3 she's 155.
I did entertain the possibility that she was also present with Gorion when rescuing the Bhaalspawn & adopting his Ward,
(Idk if she knows that your a Bhaalspawn prior to you finding out bc I haven't got that far in the game & haven't seen anything to suggest she does? BG veterans ur input is very much welcome here!)
but that would need her to be around at least 20 in 1348 & a competent Harper, which conflicts with her being child in need of a servants help in 1347 when the civil war begins. Her being 40ish when Gorion is killed isn't so much of an issue since she's a Half-elf and Shadowheart, who is also considered a young adult, is in her 40s in BG3. It's just the conflict with her being a child in 1347 that makes me think she wasn't involved then.
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ranger-danger · 4 months ago
Randomly picked baldur’s gate characters, and what kinds of animal they have the vibes of, without explanation:
Gorion’s Ward: Hares.
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The dark urge: Vipers.
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Jaheria: Sheep (wild edition)
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Imoen: Horse
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Neera: Stoat
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Khalid: Pika (pie-k-ah)
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Orin the Red: Cougar
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Shadowheart Hallowleaf: Wolf (a tad on the nose)
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Gale Dekarios: Moose
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Dynaheir: Marine Iguana
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And no I’m not going to explain, think on it yourself. Some are obvious and a few biased, some are not. These were randomized by me rolling a d20.
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displacer-beasts · 1 year ago
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Oh just stab me in the heart and it would hurt less than this.
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