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444namesplus · 1 year ago
american, french and german forenames encoded with deites+tumkoir
Afe Ansudj Ansumo Astani Avo Avve Axo Bidjisyifsuop Dasvut Deasvpoy Defy Denky Dennoop Denovvo Denvep Deppuo Deptvipdo Desi Desinuo Desoy Desupi Desuppo Desy Dinlup Dipfido Dipfudo Dirunno Disen Diseno Disenupi Disenupo Disenyp Disn Disnet Disni Disrop Dissuo Ditoy Dittipfsi Divjosupo Divjy Djif Djipvin Djisnevvo Djisnopo Djisnot Djisnuo Djneo Djontoi Djosyn Djotvos Djsut Djsutveg Djsutveqjo Djsutveqjos Djsutvi Djsutvon Djsutvonno Djsutvuip Djsutvuipo Djsutvuo Djsutvupi Djsutvupo Djsutvy Dniafo Dniafui Dniafupo Dnisi Dnisopdo Dniuso Dniyvep Dnoropdo Dnoropv Dnuggesf Dnugvep Dnupvep Dnyfo Dodonui Dodun Doduno Dodunui Dofsud Donui Donupo Dsiuh Dsutvupi Dsytvin Dupfy Dypvjui Dysun Edoipo Efovvo Efuno Enhi Enig Ennuo Enulo Enului Enuluos Eqin Esi Esvsaf Etdis Evjris Evve Evveris Faipo Fatvup Feahnit Fenesot Fep Fepinf Feppi Ferupulao Fesevjy Fesi Fesoop Fesut Fihekosv Fihris Filo Filuf Fino Fip Fipi Fippy Fipuon Fipuonno Fipuono Firuop Fisni Fisnopo Fissonn Fissop Fissyn Fisyn Fiuty Fixp Foip Foippi Fokesij Fokkuo Foksi Fonesot Fonni Fonqjupo Fonui Fopput Foput Foputo Fosom Fossudm Fotusoo Fufuos Fuipi Fuipo Fuippi Fuippo Fuofsudj Fuovos Fuovosudj Fuovsudj Fuzuo Fxiypo Fxuhjv Fynip Giksudo Gikuop Gikuoppo Gippuo Gippy Giuvj Giyo Gnesi Gnesopdo Gnesopv Gnesuip Gneyf Gonudui Gonuz Gosfupipf Gospipfe Gsiamo Gsipb Gsipdeut Gsipdeuto Gsipdm Gsipdot Gsipdupo Gsipdut Gsipdutde Gsipm Gsipmnup Gsof Gsoffuo Gsofi Gsofosud Gsofosudm Gsofsum Gsuoforipp Gsuofsudj Gsuvb
Haifinaqo Hapvjos Haufe Haunniaro Hay Hesfep Hevb Hevvgsuof Hevvnuok Hevvtdjinm Hiksuon Hiksuono Hionno Hiovip Hisy Hiun Hiyno Hjutniupo Hnesui Hnifyt Hnop Hnopfi Hnopp Hoesh Hoesho Hoeshot Hoeshovvo Hoeshui Hokjisf Hopo Hopoli Hopoluolo Hosf Hosinf Hosinfupo Hosisf Hosjisfv Hospev Hosris Hosriupo Hosv Hosvsafo Hsido Hsoh Hsohesy Hsovdjop Hsovi Hsovo Hsovon Hunkosv Hunnot Huphos Hupi Hupovvo Hutoni Hutonjos Hutono Hxop Hxopfenyp Iafsoy Iahatv Iaseso Iasonuo Iasonuop Iasudm Ifeng Ifi Ifir Ifonjouf Ifono Ifsuip Ifsuoppo Ihpot Iisep Ineut Ingsof Ingsofe Inip Iniup Inkosv Inkosve Inkosvi Inlup Innip Innop Innutep Inoz Inozipfos Inozipfsi Inozipfso Inozut Inrav Inri Inudo Inudui Inupi Inupo Inutep Inxup Inytti Ipfso Ipfsoi Ipfsoit Ipfsoo Ipfsox Ipfy Iphon Iphoni Iphonudi Iphonulao Iphonumi Iphonupi Iphuo Ipi Ipp Ippi Ippinuoto Ippo Ipponuoto Ipponuto Ipporisuo Ippovvo Ippudm Ippuo Ipthis Ipuvi Ipvep Ipvepue Ipvepui Ipveupo Ipveupovvo Ipvjepy Iqsun Irinui Iripfi Iripfupo Irkos Ironui Ironuo Iry Isnopo Isnovvo Ispenf Ispfv Ispiaf Isripfe Isrup Isvjas Itjnoy Itvsuf Izon Jahaovvo Jahe Jahj Jakosv Japvos Jenhos Jenny Jeqo Jestv Jexisf Jibon Jippij Jippo Jipponeso Jipt Jisenf Jisinf Jisloy Jissuov Jissy Jivvuo Jodves Jofy Joivjos Jonhi Jonho Jonnravj Jonop Jonopi Jonopo Jonrav Jonravj Jopsu Jopsuovvi Jopsuovvo Jopsy Joskosv Joslo Josrip Josripp Josrupo
Josxuh Jouforisuo Joufu Joupb Joupe Joupos Joupsudj Joupu Junfi Junfo Junfohisf Junri Kafuvj Kafy Kaip Kaipi Kaipuvi Kanue Kanui Kanuip Kanuo Kanuop Kanuovvo Kapo Kaqq Kashop Katvup Katvupo Kavvi Ke Kedonypo Kefe Kefu Kefy Keidjur Keip Keipp Keippi Keippo Kejipp Kejippi Kejippot Kejp Kejppuo Kejppy Kek Kekkuo Kekky Keo Keon Keonno Kep Kepit Kepivjip Keppuo Kesfip Kesh Kesho Ketjai Keto Ketogupi Ketoqj Ketoqjupo Ketovvo Ketv Key Keydo Kidek Kidlaonupo Kidlaonyp Kidlaot Kidm Kidmuo Kiluos Kip Kipi Kipo Kipov Kipudo Kipuo Kipupo Kiput Kiqvutvo Kirot Kiruo Kiskisi Kisof Kissy Kitep Kitrupo Kitvuip Kiuro Kiy Knipdi Knipdjo Koanij Kodmy Kogg Koggosy Koggsoy Koip Koipdniafo Koipgsipdeut Koipnad Koipneaut Koipovvo Koippo Koippovvo Koippuo Koippupo Koipqian Koipquosso Koiprisd Koiprisuo Koiprudjon Koiv Koivi Koivsudo Kolosny Konupfi Kop Kopeuv Kopkirup Kopofumv Koppi Koppugos Koppuo Koppy Kosero Kosory Kospf Kospifovvo Kospisf Kospudo Kosriupo Kossy Kosvji Kosvsipf Kosvsir Kotat Kotto Kottudi Kottuo Kovj Kovjipy Kovty Kovvy Ksado Ksape Kseemo Ksif Ksifnoy Ksipfep Ksipfu Ksipfy Ksopfi Ksopv Ksovv Ksufhov Ksuhuvvo Ksuip Ksuvvipy Ksyip Kuipmi Kunn Kunnuo Kunny Kur Kurruo Kurry Kysep Laopvup Lennsivj Linopvup Linosuo Linvos Lipotti Lonri Losepudi Losepulao Losi Lospep Lospi Ludmu Ludmuo Ludmy Ludves Ludvesui Lueni Luenov Luluip Lupdopv Lushun Lushupui Lushupuo Masv Mepsif Misi Misn Misni Misnjoupb Misop Mistvop Misu Misup Misupo Mivjnoop Mivjosupo Mivjsyp Mivjy Mivki Mivo Mivsup Mivsupi Mivuo Mivyi Miy Miyni Mniat Mniat-qovos Molup Monnoy Monnu Monnuo Monny Mop Mopfsi Moppovj Mopv Mossy Mostvup Mouvj Msutvi Msutvop Msutvu Msutvuo Msutvup Msutvupi Msutvupo Msutvy Msytvin Mur Murkosny Musm Myno Nab Nad Nadit Nadui Nadunno Naduo Naduop Naduoppo Nady Nafelud Nafxuh Namit Nani Naut Navb Navenf Neaonni Neaut Neauto Neni Neppuo Nesi Nesopi Nesopo Nesopvb Nesovvi Nessiupo Nesu Neud Neut Nevjis Niasi Niaso Niasop Niasopdo Niasopv Niasuo Nifutniat Nilospo Niovuvui Nipdo Nipi Nissy Nist Niveyi Nixsopdo Nneyf Noe Noep Noepi Noepisf Noi Noij Nolup Noni Noo Nopi Nosey Notnuo Notvos Nouhj Novudui Noxut Nuepon Nuipi Nuni Nunnuip Nunnuo Nunuipo Nuotn Nupfi Nupftiy Nupftoy Nupi Nuti Nutkovj Nyfui Nyfuo Nypfi Nypovvo Nypp Nyppo Oahopo Oani Oapudo Ofaisfe Offuo Ofhis Ofpi Ofrapf Ofuvj Ofxisf Ofxup Oisn Okepy Oli Olonyp Olonypoidjur Olosovv Ommojisf Onefuo Oneuto Ongsuofo Oniupo Onlusi Onmo Onni Onnop Onoipes Onopi Onris Onros Onti Ontuo Onubikovj Onuipo Onuti Onutikovj Onuto Opbe Opsulao Orri Orripaon Orripaonno Orrosudj Orun Orunuo Oruny Osjisf Ospotv Ospotvupo Osri Osud Osudi Osum Osumi Osup Ottuo Otvjos Otvonno Ounjisf Ounoop Ovjon Ovuoppo Oxinf Peoruo Pesi Pesri Pesrip Pieru Pifui Pifupo Pipdy Pippo Pivinuo Pivitji Pivjinuo Pivjip Pivjipuon Ponnuo Pontep
Poun Povvuo Pudeniat Pudenit Pudeno Pudjenit Pudjeno Pulinfe Pumeni Pupi Qian Qiani Qianovvo Qianupo Qir Qironi Qitdin Qitdino Qiv Qivsudm Qivsudo Qivsudui Qivty Qivvu Qivvy Qjunnuq Qjunuq Qjunuqq Qjunuqqi Qjunuqqo Qjynnut Qofse Qohhy Qoisn Qoppy Qossy Qovos Qsutdunni Quosso Quossovvo Rasuon Rejirof Renny Repi Repudi Repulao Repumi Reshipo Ressut Resuvb Riasoop Riasudo Rifonoupo Rifonupo Rihfinopi Rihhuo Rihinu Rikno Rikon Rinlupi Rinvo Rio Ripaon Ripep Ripfy Riruo Risd Risdat Risdon Risdonni Risdonno Risdui Rishaosuvo Rishisov Rishisovo Rishisuvi Rishuo Riskesuo Rislup Rism Risnopo Ristji Ristjinn Risuat Risue Risuep Risui Risuip Risuippo Risunyp Risuo Risuodjsutvupo Risuodniafo Risuovjosoto Risupi Risupo Risvi Risvji Risvup Risvupo Risy Risyipp Rivjox Rivjunfo Rivjuoa Rivvjox Rivvjuit Rivvjuoa Rivvuo Riy Riz Rizupo Rizuro Rizurunuip Rofisf Rohip Rohjip Ronefy Ronipuo Ronki Ronlup Ronupfi Ronutti Rosdofot Rosofuvj Roupsif Rudjion Rudjioni Rudjoin Rudjon Rudjonno Rudjono Rudjonupo Rudmion Ruhaon Rumo Rune Runfsof Runvep Rupfy Ruppi Ruppuo Rusde Rusipfi Rusme Rusounno Rusuir Rutvy Ruvdjonn Rysi Rysuir Rysvno Safenqj Sakop Saky Sattonn Sav Savj Sedjonno Sefpoy Sehos Sekosv Sekosve Sekosvi Sekup Sekyp Seng Senipf Sep Sepinf Seppuo Serip Seriup Seti Setinuo Seto Setorisuo Setorisy Sett Setuo Setupi Sey Sezippo Sian Sidjion Sidjon Sigion Silaon Sinqj Sipfinn Sipfy Siqjion Sirep Sirepi Siupos Siy Siyrepf Siyrepfo Sjepfi Sohupi Sohupinf Sohupo Sohut Sokoddi Sopo Sopoo Soru Sory Soupjenf Soupjisf Sudisfe Sudjisf Sudjopbi Sudm Sudmy Suvi Syip Tabippo Tao Tatip Tatippo Tatuo Tdevv Tenipho Tepki Tepui Tepyi Teqjui Teqjuo Tifuo Tiksupi Tikupo Tinlifes Tinny Tipfos Tipfsi Tipfsupo Tipfy Tir Tiraon Tiripvji Tisi Tisij Tjipo Tjippep Tjisep Tjisu Tjixp Tjixpi Tjonnoy Tjonny Tjonui Tjossu Tjossy Tjosu Tjosyn Tjouni Tjusnoy Tlop Tlopki Toip Tokitvuip Tokitvuop Tolosup Tolosupo Tonri Tosho Toshue Tovj Tufpoy Tuhrapf Tuhutrapf Tunlui Tuohgsuof Turep Turepo Tvidoy Tvidy Tvipnoy Tvogipui Tvolo Tvolop Tvonni Tvoqjipo Tvoqjipuo Tvoqjop Tynliup Tynlotvos Tynlui Tynluo Ufi Uip Ulip Unepi Uphe Uphsuf Upob Upot Uronfi Usopo Usri Usut Uti Utiid Utikon Utikonni Utikonno Veff Vekuit Vepu Vepy Vepyi Ver Verry Vikuvji Vipyi Virisi Virry Viru Visi Vitji Vjerit Vjoe Vjoefeso Vjonri Vjosoti Vjosoto Vjuossy Vof Vosoti Vossipdo Vossopdo Vossu Vossy Vosu Vsey Vsidoy Vsidu Vsidy Vsilut Vsudui Vuggipy Vupi Vur Vure Vurevjy Vynos Vysepo Xeng Xenghiph Xifo Xinnido Xinvos Xipfi Xissop Xiypo Xjuvpoy Xopbon Xopfy Xospjos Xospos Xotnoy Xunjonr Xunjonrupi Xunnisf Xunnuir Xunnuo Xunri Xunvsaf Xuokmo Xupgsuof Xupugsof Yenipfi Yipp Yippudm Yleppo Ylot Ylovvo Ziluos Zopui
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year ago
El criollo levantó un total de 383 Kg para coronars campeón de los Panamericanos GERARDO JAVIER ROMERO El atleta venezolano, Keydomar Vallenilla, se colgó la medalla de oro en los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023 para sumar la segunda presea dorada para la delegación criolla en el levantamiento de pesas. El atleta demostró una impresionante autoridad en el torneo al levantar un total de 172 Kg en el arranque y posteriormente unos sólidos 211 Kg en el envión. KEYDO DE OROOOOOOOOOOO EL LEVANTADOR OLÍMPICO, KEYDOMAR VALLENILLA, GANÓ CON AUTORIDAD EL ORO EN LOS JUEGOS PANAMERICANOS SANTIAGO 2023 AL LEVANTAR 172 KG EN ARRANQUE, 211 KG EN ENVIÓN Y UN TOTAL DE 383 KG. ERES GRANDE, CAMPEÓN #SANTIAGO2023 #JUEGOSPANAMERICANOS PIC.TWITTER.COM/TVJPXI88SY — Comité Olímpico Venezolano (@OfficialCOV) October 22, 2023 Con estas dos actuaciones logró levantar un total de 383 Kg en la categoría de los -89 Kg; además se quedó a dos kilos de la marca que alcanzó el 10 de diciembre de 2022 en Bariloche, Argentina. La segunda posición de esta competencia fue para el colombiano Yeison López, quien estuvo a un sólo kilo de Vallenilla para levantar un total de 382 Kg. El tercer lugar y la medalla de bronce fue para el cubano Olfides Sáez Vera, quien levantó un total de 357 Kg para demostrar la ventaja que posee el venezolano con el resto de sus competidores. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Líder
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evokstudios · 5 years ago
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Violet Evergarden fanart, by Keydo. For me, one of the most amazing anime that has been brought to us in modern times. Sad and really emotional.
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keydogunz · 4 years ago
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keydoburakai · 5 years ago
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Commission for Thanatos Dios. Was a pleasure! thank you for trusting me. 
Commissions are open
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ariadoesntwrite · 3 years ago
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This past month I commissioned @keydoburakai for a piece featuring Tegan and my scholar, Viktoria! She’s amazing, go check her blog out! (Link below)
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viciousbite · 4 years ago
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Artist: Keydo Burakai
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cgoodin · 3 years ago
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This is Grenbip Bato, a stanzeil character for the Dasher comic series. He will be the lab assistant for Keydo Zen.
Grenbip’s role in the story will be that he is negative towards new discoveries in scientific research. Unlike Keydo, who has a positive opinion of his research, Grenbip will have a negative impact on the readers.
In my view, I see him as an obstacle to overcome. I want to create a character who can challenge the readers point of view about Dasher. With his negativity, this will create a conflict between Keydo’s positive opinion of Dasher, and how giving powers to ordinary humans won’t change earth’s fate to survive the killswarm virus.
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iki-mely · 4 years ago
Sketched the Oc from keydos! And played a little with blue/gray colors owo
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My oc Pia, who did meet the oc from @diessae
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sisilafami · 8 years ago
Keydo Foolfunk - KutlassGOTTAboucebeat
great new song + great mixtape : Keydo Foolfunk - FunkLYFE 3 : Rickjamesshawty
Gucci Mane’s legacy is still going strong.
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akie-petrova · 5 years ago
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Todoroki. Collab with Keydo.
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blockade-s · 5 years ago
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This is old but represents this profile well (? Chlorine to keep his things 99.9% germ free.
As a humble Shie Hassaikai stan, happy Valentines! Total thanks to the artist Keydo Burakai.  💖
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Microsoft Office 365 Product Key 2016
Office 2016 key Obviously, you don't need to do this. Be that as it may, whatever you do, make arrangements to desert  Microsoft office 2016 product keypreceding January 2020. You would prefer not to stall out on an unsupported OS on the off chance that you can support it. Ideally, we can desert Microsoft office 2016 product keymore rapidly than it took for Windows XP to bite the dust.
 At the point when a Windows adaptation leaves standard help, Microsoft never again includes new highlights for it, and guarantee claims end. This regularly goes on for a long time after an item's discharge.
 For the following five years, the Windows item is in expanded help. During this time, Microsoft keeps on giving bug fixes and security fixes however doesn't effectively build up the OS with new treats.
 With Microsoft office 2016 product key, Microsoft is really offering a trade off. Organizations who need to stay with Microsoft office 2016 product keyProfessional or Enterprise can pay Microsoft for stretched out help until 2023 gratitude to the Extended Security Updates program.
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 In any case, this isn't modest: for Microsoft office 2016 product keyPro machines, it will cost up to $350 for each of the three years of help. This is significantly more costly than a Microsoft office 2016 product key permit for a home client, and is just for organizations who can't overhaul yet out of the blue.
 After some time, these equivalent applications will choose that Microsoft office 2016 product keydoes not merit supporting any longer. This likewise goes for equipment. We've just observed some cutting edge CPUs neglect to work with Microsoft office 2016 product key, and this will just deteriorate as the stage ages further.
 In the wake of introducing a specific Windows update, Microsoft office 2016 product keyclients will see a discourse box sometimes. This advises you that Microsoft office 2016 product key's time is constrained and prompts you to update (which we'll discuss in a minute).
 Fortunately, this isn't so irritating as the past Microsoft office 2016 product key update brief that unremittingly bothered you to redesign. In any case, it's as yet irritating, particularly in the event that you have your Microsoft office 2016 product keyredesign plan dealt with.
 To stop this bother screen, simply check the Do not remind me again enclose the base left corner. At that point close the window and you won't see this notice any more. You can make a beeline for Microsoft's Microsoft office 2016 product keyfinish of help page to survey the connected data in the event that you need.
 The blunder message 'The item key doesn't coordinate the Windows SKU' has to do with a bungle of the Microsoft office 2016 product keyform introduced on your framework and the item key entered for the equivalent. The blunder for the most part comes when you introduce another form of Microsoft office 2016 product keyor when purchasing new/repaired PCs.
 In any case, it is just when you enter an item code that doesn't coordinate with the introduced Microsoft office 2016 product keyform that the mistake is created. What likewise must be remembered is this isn't a mistake in exacting feeling of the terms. Or maybe, it happens to be a careful step received by Microsoft to avoid the spread of pilfered or illicit duplicates of exclusive programming.
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keydoburakai · 5 years ago
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Commision of Bucky finished. You help me a lot sharing, thanks!
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nahasconsulting · 2 years ago
Parallels 13 mac
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In addition, Parallel Desktop keygen helps you activate the full version with your key. Additionally, This cross-platform support application allows you to run Windows software without losing the security, functionality, and convenience of your Mac. This is an application for Windows and Mac that provides the resilience to run Windows and Mac OS X at the same time without a reboot. Parallels boast features that provide Mac users with the most important features of Windows. However, if you trust it to get the job done, youll need the premium Windows features provided by Parallels Desktop Crack Mac. Parallels Desktop 17.2.0 Crack With Keygen Full Version Download If you need some Windows programs, you can meet your requirements with a completely free alternative. The promise here is that its a game on a Mac because its based on system specs, but its a statement to treat with caution. Parallels Desktop Crack freeload has revived search engines and worked to see Overwatch in Blizzards first-person. Windows source programs and images run without slowing down your workers Mac Professional, iMac, Mac mini, or MacBook. Furthermore, You will be prompted to download and install Windows 10, or if you need Windows, select a Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, or Boot Camp configuration. Parallels Desktop Torrent Download will find what you want to get started and move up and down in minutes. That is, Windows is Fedora and Ubuntu Android Debian, but they are compatible. The first task is to establish a working system. Parallels Serial keys are quite a few products, and it is just an update, an update. Parallels Desktop Activation Keydoes a decent job of adopting attributes. You can also download: Adobe Photoshop CC Upgrades are included in the Company Edition and Pro subscription costs.
You may also like: Ant Download Manager ProĪdditionally, This application continues the process of tightly integrating Windows and Mac operating systems, with a clear advantage over other virtualized applications for Mac users.
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cgoodin · 3 years ago
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This is my first stanzeil alien character for the Dasher comic series. His name will be Keydo Zen. I have used the alien name generator on google to pick the perfect name for the character. Based on what I found, I decided to experiment on making up a new alien name to see if it sound right.
I will be building up the character profile for Keydo Zen. Also, the eye piece the character is wearing on the left side of his face will be in the character profile too.
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