#Keone the Keen
critrolepolls · 4 months
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ozyras · 2 years
roland as adrion .. i think i might cry. it'd be a really interesting swap considering adrion's forgiving/subservient nature contrasting with roland's harsher, more bitter one. we've seen roland hold grudges before and that was only regarding terrence leaving them to fight on their own against a fakejoker, so itd be definitely different seeing his reaction to sera's whole incident[s].
evil rei oh my god *keels over and dies*. the idea of ice claws is so cool- especially since he's based on some cooler tones [teal hair, bluey grey x-static costume] it works as a good contrast to volcan's fire.
vaughn and keon switching makes a lot of sense too [since theyre both super shady]. i do agree that while having to swap abilities might be unfortunate, it's pretty pertinent to the plot so it makes sense!
im thinking, is it keene and doc who switch? or maybe doc and kayden. since keene isnt super plot relevant? originally i thought leilah, but im pretty sure she swapped with william :]
also! for some reason, the idea of elaine digging up dirt and isen totally at remi's whim is the funniest thing to me because it's so odd yet so already in character for them. i picture elaine to dig up dirt cause she likes making fun of people secretely [with cecile]-- elaine and cecile are unironically such a great duo in this though -v-
heyaaa, so sorry for the late reply spex :( yea i think roland would be a little harsher towards sera and would have a harder time forgiving her compared to adrion but i think they’d at least be on good terms (especially after the u-mart incident) before sera returns to wellston. he’d show his resentment way more when they were in new bostin though, with evie being the one to go easier on sera because she didn’t want to lose her first friend.
EVIL REI YESSS i wanna draw more of him tbh :3 the ice claws are sooo cool thank u mer ( @stingro ) for the idea!
tbh i was thinking of doc and kayden but it can change anytime if a more suitable character appears. if they were to switch, i think kayden would be a newly graduated nurse and darren would be a chemist who’s been working with william in spectre for a long time. kayden has to get involved with spectre some way through william tho, so i think he’d be william’s student/mentee or something? i also thought about going with the original storyline and making them date but kayden and william’s age gap and jane’s role being so ambiguous make things complicated. i’d probably switch kayden and doc’s ages if i were to go with that but i think the first case with kayden being william’s student works kinda better?? i’m a little unsure about this part so i guess i’ll have a more clear idea about them as the story progresses. oh and keene’s swap is probably nadia :) (the lie detector lady)
heheh yes isen and elaine’s swap is so funny to me too. isen just does everything remi asks of him and tries to flirt with her whenever an opportunity arises but remi ignores his attempts completely. i always imagined that she’d ask for sera’s old records from isen because he’s very good at this stuff but wants elaine to question her (idk why i just want that interview scene between them!). but what you said makes so much sense too, considering elaine looks down upon people a lot so she’d probably secretly make fun of people. i think in both ways, that scene would be a good insight on elaine’s character, revealing her prejudiced side. and yea, i love the cecile-elaine duo a lot here, they’re a little less mischievous than blysen (mostly due to elaine’s calmer personality) but they still care about each other sm :>
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rubbarband · 5 months
(@femdeku-rp) Izuka (with her new quirk) x Desmond if they had a kid
If they had a kid meme
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Keone Baker
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Similar to his mother Keone has shaggy poofy hair with white spots lined among it, His expression leads him to always looking tired or bored, he's a rather slim young man and unlike his father he has no tail, but he does have a feline set of ears.
Personality: A lover of knowledge and reading, Keone loves to read, be iot fantasy or on heroes of the past, losing himself in a world is one of the most interesting things he can do. He loves the idea of being a hero, forming a found family and protecting something that matters. He always wanted to be like his parents- a hero- someone people would look up to and has molded his hero persona off books, which sometimes becomes embarrassing like saying he wants to avenge his parents of how he has a secret demon form within him. this has lead to embarrassing moments for him.
Quirk: Elastic touch- Touching a surface he can make the circular location rubbery and either bounce himself or others off the surfaces. Later he follows in his mother's footsteps and learns how to remove his own friction and make himself slip and slide on surfaces or make punches and bats slide off his body.
Special Talents: He has keen hearing because of his ears so his rescue work goes more smoothly if he can hear someone's voice. Not just that but his memory is photographic and with his father's side language he makes a great infiltrator.
Who they like better: Izuka not for any other reason other than like Des he's a mama's boy.
Who they take after more: Also Izuka he's more strategic because he's not as powerful as his parents. For now.
Personal Head canon: Unlike his parents, Keone would become a rescue hero, because his quirk is less suited for combat- until one day his father and mother would be in danger and rushing towards their rescue his quirk would evolve and he'd gain friction- becoming a rescue and combat hero hybrid.
Face Claim: (Idk who this is XD0
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transterrence · 3 years
unordinary characters but its if they can cook or not
john: no sera: no blyke: yes remi: no isen: no arlo: yes, surprisingly cecile: no rei: no kuyo: no ponytail: yes zeke: no elaine: yes evie: yes roland: no claire: yes, our wlw queen adrion: yes william: yes holden: no zirian: yes vaughn: no keene: yes, our malewife doc: yes, our girlboss leilah: no ventus: yes meili: no kassandra: yes volcan: no valerie: yes keon: no kayden: yes, my beloved mama lightning: yes, obviously uru-chan: idk does cup ramen count
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adhonoremrp · 2 years
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[PROTECTION AGAINST MAGIC] presents the following resistance.
the following character skeletons are guides to inspire & introduce muggles into gameplay. all faceclaims, allegiances, and minor details can be altered if necessary!
maggie q as thi wyrzuk
it was always easy to overhear the gossip in the halls of the school where she taught. there wasn’t a single whisper that escaped her keen ear. even those about magic started to add up. it wasn’t so easy to keep those students in order and yet she had no problem commanding respect. someone needs to keep the ruckus in line.
medalion rahimi as mona soltani
she dances with flowers in her hair. she loves the soul of music. she believes in the beauty of peace and love. it might seem strange to have a staunch pacifist among a war faction, but who else can barter for peace better than those who truly believe in it? someone has to try and keep the love alive.
keon alexander as ramin aria
being an engineer made sense. when something broke, there was a way to fix it. their partner never made sense though. not until their child started making things float around the room. magic came as a shock, but it was ultimately nothing compared to losing them both in the aftermath of the battle. why would they their government try to hide this from him?
jan luis castellanos as samson diaz
it didn’t matter if they were good. it didn’t matter if they were bad. it didn’t matter if they were right or wrong or anything. once they stepped into his house, they crossed a line. he tried to be an easy going person, but sometimes all that muscle won out over the brain. no amount of smiling can make up for a slip of his temper.
daveed diggs as jupiter mcdowell
there are two sides to every story, and he just can’t bring himself to believe that the witches and wizards are all bad. he knows people are scared and angry, he knows stella can galvanise them into a unified force - but war is a tricky beast, and he also knows how quickly one can lose themselves in the bloodshed. all he can do is try and ensure that no one goes too far.
jessica henwick as leia ‘laser’ kent
they believe that the world is in desperate need of change, and explosions cause change. then again, some people just want to watch the world burn. it doesn’t matter if the cause is righteous justice or apathetic nihilism. it is always good to know that with their laser focus, they never miss their mark. this sharp shooter is better than magic.
part 4 of 4.
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unsoundedcomic · 3 years
Is Keon the closest wright we have seen comparable to Duane? He appears to be powerful, well trained, with a keen theoretical understanding of pymary and capable of doing some sick physical moves.
He’s the closest battle wright we’ve seen, yes. I feel it’s important to note the distinction; there are several different types of wrights with different specialisations. While Duane or Keon are better fighters than, say, Bastion, Bastion surpasses them both in theory and spellcraft. With adequate time to prepare, then, he could potentially rival either of them. Likewise, Vienne was a gifted artificer, and while she herself couldn’t fight, she could send her creations after Duane or Keon or Bastion and ruin their day.
There’s never just one way to knock someone’s block off :3
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rebouks · 3 years
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makana isn't so keen on keon.. he did kinda fart right next to him tho so...
he's a bit of a loner and being in a cabin full of people he's not so close with isn't easy so felix suggested they go fishing instead
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unordinaryquotes · 4 years
UnOrdinary Chapter 200 Review
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- At least Keene is saying something about all this. But really, they should be doing something if kids are being hospitalized
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- I’ve been saying it so many times, but fuck this man. Fuck Vaughn, he’s literally the worst adult so far, and that’s saying something. “Face the consequences of society” BY HAVING THEM GET BEAT UP!?!? That isn’t teaching anyone anything! If anything, the kids are getting more violent and worse since if John gets away with it, they should too.
- Vaughn is such an ass, and should be in no position of authority. Fuck this guy and I hope “society” tears his balls off.
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- Vaughn is fucking sus and Dr Darren has realized it. I’ll take great pleasure in seeing that bastard get wrecked.
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- Sera doing her own investigation and she found the man. I guess she’ll put together that Keon’s ability is still in John’s head sorta.
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- He says even though Remi and Blyke have proved constantly that they do care. But go off
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- Actually I’d say he’s gotten less cocky. He’s actually thinking about things and being considerate of people.
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- This man is literally a dictator. He really is Kim John Un. This has to be infringing on some kind of rights? Is John really okay with actively threatening the student body like this? WHY IS VAUGHN OKAY WITH THIS!?
Vaughn is so trash that he makes Volcan look like Martin Luther King Jr.
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fork-tectors · 5 years
❝ all named unordinary characters with their abilities ❞
A - Abel (Ability: Explosion)  Adrion (Ability: Unknown) Alana (Ability: Fortify) Aria (Ability: Unknown) ArkRAYgeous [Vigilante] Arlo (Ability: Barriers)
B - Bimel (Ability: Rock Arm) Blyke (Abilty: Energy Beam) Brea (Ability: Arcane Shot)  Broven (Ability: Unknown)
C - Cecile (Ability: Energy Ropes) Claire (Ability: Unknown) Clio (Ability: Dizzy Punch) Crail (Ability: Strong Punch)
D - Doc Darren (Ability: Nightmare)
E - Elaine (Ability: Healing) Equinox [Vigilante]   Evie (Ability: Illumination)
F -  Fyora (Ability: Unknown)
G - Galaxy Gal [Vigilante] Gavin (Ability: Stone Skin) Gou (Ability: Super Strength)
H - Heinz (Ability: Catch Up) Holden (Ability: Unknown, though he is portrayed to be strong, possibly a high tier) Hower (Ability: Heat Palm) Hurricane [Vigilante]
I - Illena (Ability: Strength) Isen (Ability: Hunter)
J - John (Ability: Aura Manipulation) Juni (Ability: Flash Forward) Joker[John]
K - Kassandra (Ability: Unknown) Keon (Ability: A no name ability that can "enter one's mind") Keene (Ability: Unknown) Keesh (Ability: Hair Growth) Krolik (Ability: Lazor) Kuyo (Ability: Unnamed Ability)
L - Leilah (Ability: Not yet revealed) Levani (Ability: Grenadier) Lin (Ability: Needles) Lydia (Ability: Unknown)
M - Mardin (Ability: Unknown) Melody (Ability: Impact) Meili (Ability: Demon Claw) Merin (Ability: Charge)   Misa (Ability: Repulsion)  Mistress Emerald [Vigilante]
N - Nadia (Ability: Hasn't been mentioned yet, but could possibly be "Mind Reading" or "Lie Detection" since she was able to tell apart Searaphina's lies and truths) Narisa (Ability: Time Manipulation)
O - 
P - Payton (Ability: Superhuman)
Q -
R - Rei (Ability: Lightning) Rein (Ability: Arachnid)  Remi (Ability: Lightning) Roland (Ability: Unknown) Rouker (Ability: Missiles)
S - Shatterstack [Vigilante} Skrev (Ability: Strong Kick) Seraphina (Previous Ability: Time Manipulation, Current Ability: None)
T - Tanner (Ability: Regeneration) Terrence (Ability: Invisibility) Tuesday[John]
U -
V - Vaughn (Ability: Unknown) Ventus (Ability: Whirlwind) Volcan (Ability: Unknown)
W - Waldo (Ability: Shockwave) Weim (Ability: Phatom Fist) Wenqi (Ability: Speed) William H. Doe (Ability: None)
X - X-Rei[Remi] X-Static[Rei]
Y - Yuline (Ability: Clobber)
Z - Zander (Ability: Unknown) Zeke (Ability: Phase Shift) 
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(haha enjoy this mess I wrote months ago-)
Before DEMA
The car, had blown up. In a beautiful, heated explosion full of metal shrapnel and the last notes of his song burning up with the dashboard. He became the very flames that made the body that was just his blister and scorch, a dizzying sense of freedom overtaking him like the cool winter breeze. Failure was imminent. Josh Dun was still very much alive. But somehow, he couldn't focus on that, not when the universe beckoned him to finally rejoin it after so much suffering and sinful agony-
"Did you really think you could rest peacefully after this?"
Who. Who said that. It shouldn't be possible, he barely had a consciousness at this point. Wait why did he feel something? Why couldn't he feel the pull to be at peace any longer?
"No no no no- oh god I'm talking whose voice. My own..?"
"You've nearly gone to sleep, Keons. It's time to stay awake"
He opened his eyes that contained the fire of hell itself. 
And then he screamed. 
After helping Nicolas build the strange, brutalist city and being joined by Reisdro and Andre, Keons was beyond bored. He missed the now faint memories of driving, of seeing the sunset and the smoke from a dying engine… so he let the others know. 
They didn't like that. 
"Hah. If you really wanna not be bored lemme sedate you and check out how your weird animal eyes and teeth work-" Reisdro drawled.
"We have everything we could ever need in Vialism, it's not wise to look beyond it" Andre calmly stated.
"I give you a second chance at fixing your mistakes and you're BORED? I can't believe- Fine. Maybe I'll have you go out into that shitty wasteland sometime" Nicolas snapped.
Perhaps next time he'd just sneak out. It's not like there was anything like them out there. Andre wouldn't come looking because he'd be too busy worshiping or whatever, Reisdro hated being away from his studies, and Nicolas, well Keons was pretty sure he was all bark and no bite. 
fuck fuck fuck what was that in the trees oh neon he was gonna die again
"I'm not going to kill you dear. I just wanted to say hello"
DEMA (once again)
Listo was different. He didn't like Listo one bit but everyone else apparently did. Guess shiny bug eyes were cuter than useful things like a really keen sense of smell. 
Keons hated everything. Nicolas- oh wait, actually 'it's Nico now' because Listo wanted to give everyone stupid nicknames- had kept secrets from them all. From him. And now he knew why he hadn't been allowed outside of DEMA. 
Josh Dun was out there. Alive and well. He could have handled that from the beginning, could've accepted it and moved on but the hellfire in his bones had never stopped burning since the car burst into flames. 
Making his way to the east gate, he made sure his new red cloak was on securely before he slipped outside, the smoky paint on his hands and neck darker than the storm clouds above. This time, he wouldn't fail. 
This time they'd be proud of him. 
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“It’s just an in and out thing. Nothing.. Nothing to worry about, right?”  He pulled on his black button up shirt, blending in with the bustling crowd in the town circle. All he had to do was find Keons’ tower of silence and get the fuck out of there before someone realized he wasn’t a new citizen, rather the new Bandito leader in disguise. Quinton slipped through the crowd silently, eyes twinkling as he looked at the homes of citizens. It wasn’t fair that the citizens lived like this while his people were forced into camps with tents. Why couldn’t they just kill the Bishops and steal DEMA?
The tiny blonde man started walking aimlessly, his head lowered and ears keen on listening to the gossip that filed from groups of friends and family going through their daily tasks. Some school, some just outings. One specific rumour always caught his attention. ‘Did you hear about the Hall’s? Someone said they saw their daughter hanging out with the Bandito’s leader.’ ‘Rose Hall is pregnant to cover up her daughter running away, can you believe it?’ Quin focused on those, trying to pinpoint where he had heard that name before. “Wait.. Penny’s last name is Hall-”
Quinton’s mind ran with those words until he found what he thought he was looking for. The base of the largest tower that DEMA was built around--where they kept the prisoners they caught of the Banditos. He scanned through the barely accessible window, looking for the true leader, Joshua. When he came back empty, he let out a quiet huff. Had he truly disappeared since he wasn’t in DEMA? Where could he have gone?
He paused briefly in his frozen state as a guard passed, ignoring his soft, fast breathing. He quickly slipped back to where he was going, looking around again. Tyler was going to be devastated that Josh was actually gone.
As he actually slipped through the center, he caught sight of the woman whose stomach was bumped out. Was that the woman he had heard about? Did Dema truly not have many kids? Quin shook his head, slipping back into the alley where he had came from.
Leaving empty handed once again, he just sighed. “Where are you, dad?”
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your-dietician · 3 years
2021 NBA Draft Prospect Profiles: Keon Johnson
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/nba/2021-nba-draft-prospect-profiles-keon-johnson/
2021 NBA Draft Prospect Profiles: Keon Johnson
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Over the next month, GBB will be profiling various players the Memphis Grizzlies may target in the 2021 NBA Draft. This year we will be breaking it up in to three sections – five to likely trade up for, five potentially available right around pick #17 where Memphis is slotted to pick, and five that surely will be there or perhaps the Grizzlies could even trade back and still select.
Others in this “trade up category”: Scottie Barnes of Florida State — player profile.
Moses Moody of Arkansas.
Josh Giddey of NBL — Australia.
James Bouknight of Connecticut.
Next Up, Keon Johnson of Tennessee.
6’3”, 185 pounds, (6’7” Wingspan), 19 years old, Bell Buckle,TN
One Season at Tennessee- 25.5 minutes per game, 11.3 points per game, 44.9% from the field, 27.1% on threes, 70.3% from the free throw line, 3.5 rebounds per game, 2.5 assists per game, 1.1 steals per game
STATS OF STRENGTH (per Tankathon): Defensive Rating (94.7), Defensive Win Shares (.081), FTA Rate (.409)
STATS TO IMPROVE: Offensive Rating (97.7), Turnovers (3.7 per 36 minutes), 3PFG% (27.1%)
ACCOLADES AND AWARDS: 2020-2021 ALL-SEC Freshman Team
CURRENT BIG BOARD PLACEMENTS: 15th overall (Tankathon), 6th overall (The Ringer), 10th Overall (ESPN), 13th Overall (CBS SPORTS), 9th Overall (Bleacher Report)
The wing/forward position has certainly and logically been the most talked about area for the Memphis Grizzlies to focus on this offseason in terms of their present and future. Specifically, bigger wings that can shoot are a more concentrated need in terms of a player profile that makes the most sense in terms of fit for the Grizzlies. University of Tennessee guard Keon Johnson is neither a big wing nor an accomplished shooter. However, he offers significant upside as a critical fit in one area the Grizzlies could use: a long-term backcourt mate for Ja Morant.
When it comes to Johnson, perhaps the most enticing aspect of his game is that he likely is one of the first noticeable talents that literally jumps out to an observer due to his athleticism. Being an elite natural athlete is what allows Johnson to have the ability to make a difference on both ends of the court. His aggressiveness and impressive IQ at his age creates the opportunity for him to have “functional athleticism”, which allows him to be a disruptor on defense and a valuable cutter and high-flying finisher on offense.
However, despite his high level of obvious talent, Johnson remains a significant work in progress. Though Johnson is usually found among the top 8 or 12 prospects on any 2021 NBA Draft Big Boards, it could take him longer than other lottery talents to consistently make a significant impact. His upside as an impactful defender outweighs his offensive outlook at the moment, mainly due to his inconsistent ability as a shooter. Along with being smaller than many other prospects with similar profiles, Johnson may not be a fit in as many situations as true wings might be.
Regardless, Johnson’s combination of athleticism, aggressiveness, and a determined attitude should make him an attractive lottery target for any team.
What He Does Well
Jump. Leap. Float. Levitate?
The Keon Johnson 48” vertical is the most amazing testing result I’ve ever seen. Kenny Gregory set the record 20 years ago. Keon shattered it.
Athleticism doesn’t equal NBA greatness (see Gregory) but gotta believe that teams that are on the fence will be influenced by it.
— Chad Ford (@chadfordinsider) June 24, 2021
Johnson’s athleticism rightfully is the most appealing part of his profile as a prospect. He is one of the best athletes in this class, and as the tweets above show one of the best pound-for-pound leapers in NBA Draft History. However, simply being able to leap high into the air is not what makes a player skilled. In Johnson’s case, it is what he does in the air that separates him from many prospects.
Defensively, Johnson’s leaping ability allows him to impact the game in a variety of ways. First, it allows for him to have an elite ability to alter and block shots at a high rate for a guard. Johnson’s explosion provides a plethora of possibilities-
one-on-one opportunities to block or alter a jump shot
trailing in transition
recovering if beat off the dribble
providing off-ball help to alter or block shots, especially at the rim
The depth at which Johnson can impact a game with his leaping ability allows for him to have a solid base to become an elite defender most prospects his age do not have. His leaping and jumping ability allows for him to be relevant support as a rebounder. As the NBA continues to trend toward smaller lineups, having a guard that can provide reliable rebounding is a clear advantage for any lineup.
Offensively, Johnson’s leaping ability creates an advantage for him to be in ideal target as a transition finisher, lob threat, and cutter. He can quickly and effectively transfer power in his legs to transition from being on the move to skying above almost any defender to finish a play. His jumping ability also allows for him to be a contributor when it comes to offensive rebounds, either in put back situations or to extend plays.
Along with his general athleticism and leaping ability, Johnson consistently displays fast and effective footwork. It helps him to stay in position to limit space and driving opportunities in one-on-one situations. It allows for him to aggressively pursue angles to disrupt off-ball movement, and also for him to quickly recover if he were to get beat. Offensively, Johnson displays a keen awareness of quickly identifying cutting lanes and areas of space. This sets him up as an effective finisher for a dunk or high percentage look close to the rim or have the ability to quickly get off an accurate shot from distance.
Finally, Johnson’s basketball IQ may well be an underrated part of his game. Though his shooting is certainly a work in progress, he also found success for stretches this season. According to barttovik.com, Johnson was one of only five freshman to shoot 40% or better on far twos this past season. This shows Johnson was able to find some sort of balance as a shooter and scorer beyond just being an option as a cutter.
Johnson’s awareness and intelligence allow for him to significantly impact the game in more ways than most prospects his age. Johnson was one of only seven freshman to produce an assist percentage of 20% or better, a steal percentage of 2.5% or better, and a block percentage of 1.5% or better. This shows that Johnson’s ability to make momentum shifting plays on defense and finding ways to setup his teammates up for scoring opportunities on offense is a consistent part of his game. As the highlight above shows, he can even flash as a primary facilitator at times in transition off a rebound to create a fast break opportunity. In other words, Johnson is one of the best prospects in this class when it comes to making an impact in multiple ways beyond scoring.
Where He Can Improve
Without a doubt, there is plenty of natural ability for NBA teams to work with when it comes to Johnson’s overall game, especially for a 19-year old. However, as with any prospect at his age, there are also many areas of needed improvement for him to realize his full potential at the next level. The main areas are his fouls, turnovers, ball-handling, and shooting.
On a per-40 minute basis his freshman year, Johnson averaged 4.1 turnovers and 3.7 fouls. In his 27 games at Tennessee, he committed 3 or more turnovers in 15 games and 3 or more fouls in 14 games. The fouls are logical, as with the energy, quickness, and aggressiveness that Johnson consistently plays on defense, he likely is prone to ref whistles. As he matures as a player, discipline should help his foul rates decline. Obviously, the turnover rate shows Johnson’s decision making is a work in progress as well. While he will likely never be a primary playmaker over extended stretches for a team, he has some potential as a secondary facilitator. As he gets more confident in his ability to shoot and score, Johnson should become more confident in working off that ability to make the right reads on is passes to help others score.
Mid range work from Keon Johnson yesterday. Under control and balanced with pull up jumpers and floaters. Even more impressive over the contests.
The left to right cross on Petty into the fading jumper was beautiful. Oozed confidence. Real substance w/ his OTD scoring flashes pic.twitter.com/W2xOwXIwzt
— Jam Hines (@jamontheboards) March 14, 2021
Of course, another area where Johnson certainly needs to show improvement is in his ability to create off the dribble. In some games, such as the highlights above, he clearly shows the ability to create his own shot off the dribble. However, in others, he also had stretches where he really hurt the Volunteer offense with multiple turnovers in a small time frame.
Early in his career, Johnson will likely be better on catch-and-shoot opportunities or in situations that require just one or two dribbles. Each of his 48 three point attempts at Tennessee were assisted, indicating a limited ability to create shots off the dribble. It will likely take time for Johnson to get comfortable consistently creating his own shot in isolation or running an offensive scheme. Johnson’s ability to improve his ball-handling to combine with his tremendous leaping ability to become a threat as a pull-up shooter is a critical area of development in his potential as a two way difference maker.
The bounciest leaper in NBA Combine history (48-inch vert), Keon Johnson is far more than just an athlete. Think he’ll open some eyes with his shooting potential throughout the pre-draft process. Great balance. Fan of his no-nonsense approach and competitiveness. Big-time upside. pic.twitter.com/7vdxedBycX
— Mike Schmitz (@Mike_Schmitz) July 1, 2021
Many of the areas of improvement listed above are areas of Johnson’s game that will naturally improve with time. The most pertinent factor in Johnson’s long-term potential and overall production as a player is his ability to shoot. In 27 games at Tennessee, Johnson shot 27.1% from three on 48 attempts and 70.3% on 101 free throw attempts. While these numbers are not horrible, they also are not highly encouraging that Johnson will be a respectable shooter as a rookie, especially with all of his three-point attempts being of the catch-and-shoot variety. However, as a few of the videos above show, there is plenty to work with when it comes to his mechanics and form. The key for Johnson is to develop the feel and confidence to consistently repeat an effective shot as he matures.
The fluidity that Johnson often displays with his movements on defense offers valid hope he can develop that feel and confidence with his shot on offense. There is plenty of effective intent with how quickly and aggressively Johnson moves to create plays on defense. That same quick and fluid motion is a big key to him finding his rhythm as a shooter. If he can fine-tune his shooting form to quickly catch and release his shot from distance, he will create a base to work with to balance out his offensive game.
From there, Johnson will then have a reference point to build off of to build confidence in his ability to mature as a shot-creator. It may take him longer than other lottery prospects to form a reliable shooting game that defenses must respect; however, Johnson has plenty of natural ability to form exactly that in time with proper coaching.
The Fit With The Grizzlies
Does this story not sound familiar?
A young player who offers more value on defense than offense many times due to an inconsistent offensive game, mainly as the result of an unreliable ability to shoot from distance.
Two summers ago, that exact description could logically described the abilities of Dillon Brooks, De’Anthony Melton, and Kyle Anderson.
Due to time working with Taylor Jenkins and finding their fits within his schemes and strategies, each one of these players just experienced career-best seasons in which their overall games gained significant value.
Obviously, the Grizzlies are attracted to these type of two way perimeter talents that are similar to Johnson’s skill set. In fact, since the 2009-2010 season, only 11 freshman guards have produced an assist percentage of 20% or better, a steal percentage of 2.5% or better, and a block percentage of 2% or better in a single season (min. 650 minutes played). A few notable names in this group are Lonzo Ball, Marcus Smart, and Alex Caruso. Melton, Anderson and Johnson are also included in that list.
Johnson obviously fits a profile both that the Memphis Grizzlies prefer and that Jenkins has been able to make the most of during his time in Memphis. However, the Grizzlies already have a surplus of players with Johnson’s skillset and that play his position as an off-ball guard/wing. Though Johnson likely has more long-term potential than any of the current Grizzlies mentioned above, using a valuable pick on a player that will take time to perhaps be better than multiple options you already have on the roster may not be ideal. Johnson could develop into the long-term backcourt option to pair with Morant; the question for the Grizzlies is how strongly do they feel Johnson could become that to select him over players with similar upsides but skillsets that are of greater need for the Grizzlies future.
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Randy Sartin-USA TODAY Sports
The Verdict
When it comes to Keon Johnson, the main question is quite simple:
Do the Grizzlies feel his shooting potential will allow for him to become a two-way difference maker to pair with Ja Morant long-term?
It certainly seems the Grizzlies are going to need to have a strong conviction that is highly likely for them to target Johnson in a trade up situation over other targets. The shooting and scoring abilities of prospects such as Moses Moody, Corey Kispert, and James Bouknight make them more logical prospects for the Grizzlies to aggressively pursue, especially with Moody and Kispert as true fowards/wings. Johnson seems more logical as a fallback trade up option the Grizzlies could move up a few spots to get if he slides in the draft.
There is plenty to like about Keon Johnson’s potential as an elite defender and across the board contributor on offense. His development as a young player likely will not be far from how Melton has developed over time. However, since the Grizzlies already have Melton and other wings/guards locked into multiple year contracts, it seems a bigger area of need is a true wing and shooter. Though it makes sense for Memphis to target upside regardless of fit in this strong draft, they should place a preference on shooting and bigger wings to balance out their roster.
As a result, though Johnson would certainly be a fine pick for the Memphis Grizzlies in the 2021 draft, I feel there are more sensible options to pursue in a trade-up scenario. In the rare case that Johnson were to be a player who slides in the draft, whether it be at 17 or by trading up a few spots, he easily could become one of the best values in this draft over time due to the Grizzlies ability to develop players with his abilities.
It seems that Keon Johnson is likely to be picked in the 7 to 12 range in the draft. However, since he may take time to develop on offense, he could slip in the Draft. Though there likely will be a more logical target for Memphis to pursue in a trade-up scenario, if Johnson falls out of the lottery, he may be too good of a value to not take a chance on.
For more Grizzlies talk, subscribe to the Grizzly Bear Blues podcast network on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and IHeart. Follow Grizzly Bear Blues on Twitter and Instagram.
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unsoundedcomic · 6 years
Does pymary evoke any sort of physical sensation when casting, and, if it does, would it vary much from person to person? I know that plats as a caste can physically feel the khert to an extent, but for example, would Matty's experience differ qualitatively from Quigley's? What would casting feel like for Bastion, compared to say, Elka or Duane? Would Keon's experience be altered by his recent mutilation? Or Duane's by his altered mode of perception?
Pymary is very physical! Every Aspect you pull into your ports is a swollen pressure that intensifies relative to the amount you’re utilising. You feel the corresponding heat or cold of Temperature Aspect, to the point you might set yourself on fire or frostbite your fingers. A clumsy wright might instantiate Edge Aspect too quickly and slice his hands clean open as he sends isolated blades a’flying. And Pressure Aspect is a roiling, boiling hot potato of bodily dismemberment.
Plats do feel all this with particular keenness and so do Silvers. Will Argenti from Chapter 7 (we’ll see him again in Chapter 14) is a young Silver wright who absolutely loathes the sensations of pymary, not only because he only has one hand left and is terrified of losing it to a fumbled spell, but he feels positively judged by the khert whenever he has an Aspect in play, and hates having the Eye of the Universe upon him.
That’s another facet of pymary that wrights have to deal with. There’s not only the physical sensations of pymary and Aspects and spellwork passing through your hands, but the very tangible presence of the khert. This has the most profound effect on Plats - Matty isn’t even a wright but all of his life the khert has been a flickering shadow over his thoughts, flaring insistently at every spell, every shuffling senet beast, every triggered pymaric. Quigley assigns personal blame to the khert and calls it out as a troublemaker and a callous trickster deity.
And others, like Keon or Bastion, want to put a yoke on this deity and make it serve their whims and the interests of humanity.
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My Top 3 Favorite Dancers
“Urban dance,” is a recently coined term as it represents a crossroads between hip hop dance, contemporary/classical dance, and any other artistic background you can contribute to developing your personal identity as a dancer. Listed below are the top 5 favorite dancers who I believe to have changed the game of urban dance:
1. Brian Puspos: The 31 year old dancer is an innovator in the culture of urban dance in terms of movement details/intricacies, streetwear fashion, and hip hop foundation. He has been attributed to be one of the few dancers who manifested the internet breakthrough of hip hop dance through his choreography to Chris Brown’s “Wet The Bed.” The links below direct you to his Youtube videos from his 9.5 million hit record-breaking “Wet The Bed” video, and his recent dance video to Chris Brown’s “Tempo,” where he evidently showcases the synergy between dance and fashion
Wet The Bed
2. Ian Eastwood: Now 24 years old, Ian Eastwood was dubbed as the Justin Bieber of urban dance, having been garnering popularity from the age of 17, primarily through his “Fireflies” dance video. The ability to have gained exposure at such a young age, pushed him to remain at the top of his game and to this day he remains one of the most innovative dancers in the community. He has an strong foundation in hip hop dance, and a keen eye for creative direction. Aside from his individual capabilities, he is an extremely generous teacher, always aiming to preserve the culture and essence of hip hop dance through his teachings and hip hop events. The links below direct you to his “Fireflies” video from 2010 and one of my favorite pieces from him to a collaborative remix to Marvin Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up,” with artist Lido, produced specifically for one of his live performances.
Got to Give It Up
3. Keone and Mari Madrid: This couple technically makes this list a “top 4,” but they’re execution as a unit is unexplainable. I don’t even know where to begin with this power couple. The internet perceives their relationship to be stronger because of their shared love for dance. However, they have disclosed that it is the battle between their individuality as artists that makes working together and separating the art from their personal marriage so difficult. Nonetheless, you can evidently see the genius behind their work. Creative direction and their story telling component is beyond words even for the most unfamiliar of viewers to the culture of dance, and even more the most professional of dancers are taken aback by their mind boggling movements. Linked below is a video to one of my favorite pieces to Flume’s “Numb and Getting Colder,” and one of their more recent pieces titled “We Are” visually representing the stories of displaced immigrants trying to make their way to America for the start of a new life.
Numb and Getting Colder
We Are
Thanks for taking your time to read this! Cheers to the vision!
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Ryan Braun is keen to play wherever the Brewers need him, together with second base
Final week, the Milwaukee Brewers did one thing only a few groups have executed this offseason: They received higher. The Brewers traded a four-prospect bundle for Christian Yelich, then signed Lorenzo Cain to a five-year contract. The Brew Crew added two influence gamers inside an hour of one another.
The Yelich and Cain additions give the Brewers a glut of outfielders. These two be part of Ryan Braun, Domingo Santana, Keon Broxton, and Brett Phillips on the outfield depth chart. It appears inevitable Milwaukee will money in a single or two of their spare outfielders as a commerce chip earlier than Opening Day, possible for rotation assist.
Within the meantime, the Brewers try to give you methods for all their outfielders to coexist, together with transferring Braun to a different place. He is open to no matter, and that features taking part in second base, a place he is by no means performed within the majors or minors.
Ryan Braun says he is open to attempting not solely first base but in addition second base in spring coaching. “We’ve had just a few conversations about second base, just a few conversations about first base. I’ll play wherever they need me to play,” he stated this morning at Brewers On Deck.
— Todd Rosiak (@Todd_Rosiak) January 28, 2018
Braun began his school profession as a shortstop earlier than shifting to 3rd base. He got here up by the minors as a 3rd baseman and performed the place throughout his rookie season in 2007, when he was named the NL Rookie of the 12 months. The Brewers moved Braun to left discipline the following season as a result of his protection on the sizzling nook was so dangerous.
To actually drive residence the purpose, listed below are the worst defensive seasons by a 3rd baseman in line with Defensive Runs Saved, which has information relationship again to 2002:
Ryan Braun, 2007 Brewers: -32 runs saved
Nicholas Castellanos, 2014 Tigers: -30 runs saved
Garrett Atkins, 2007 Rockies: -26 runs saved
Mark Teahen, 2005 Royals: -21 runs saved
Mark Reynolds, 2011 Orioles: -20 runs saved
A case could be made Braun is accountable for the worst defensive season by a 3rd baseman this century. Now the Brewers are enthusiastic about transferring him to second base — a place that requires extra mobility — 11 years after his catastrophe at third, at age 34? Yikes.
Ryan Braun at second base? The Brewers are speaking about it. USATSI
The Brewers and Braun are discussing second base as a result of Jonathan Villar, who was so nice in 2016, was so horrible in 2017. So horrible they picked up Neil Walker on the commerce deadline and put in him on the place. Walker is a free agent and Villar stays on the roster, however he’ll need to earn again taking part in time.
After all, the Brewers have not dedicated to something but. It by no means hurts to toss concepts round, even far-fetched concepts like Braun at second base. Level is, the workforce is on the lookout for a method to make this work. They’re at their greatest with Braun and Santana within the lineup alongside Yelich and Cain, and so they’re looking for methods to make it occur.
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jimjohn0000-blog · 7 years
What the future could hold for Firefox OS Rivaling iOS and Android all alone turf isn't going to work.
We've said this some time recently, yet propelling another portable working framework is diligent work, particularly in today's focused versatile minefield. Android and iOS right now hold the top versatile stage spots, yet that hasn't prevented different players from entering the race. Customers have more decision than any other time in recent memory, and really soon they'll have the capacity to pick regardless of whether they'd get a kick out of the chance to change to Mozilla.
As opposed to hop into the shark tank, the non-benefit establishment behind the Firefox program (and now Firefox OS) has set its sights on entering markets where cell phones don't presently have a fortress with a specific end goal to get clients who are quite recently starting to embrace a "more astute" versatile stage. The arrangement is to present a reasonable group of low-support telephones that give an indistinguishable usefulness from prominent top of the line cell phones.
Hitting the correct markets
In February, Mozilla reported four equipment accomplices that it planned to work with to make this vision a reality: Alcatel, LG, ZTE, and Huawei. In any case, in a discussion with Ars, Chris Lee, the Firefox OS item supervisor at Mozilla, affirmed that the number has now been knock up to five, adding Sony to the lineup. "We'll follow markets we consider kind have the best fit," said Lee. "We believe there's a huge amount of chance."
The principal telephone to dispatch this late spring will be the Alcatel One Touch Fire, which was flaunted at the current year's Mobile World Congress. As per CNET, the handset looks a ton like Alcatel's T'Pop, a low-end highlight telephone. There will be a few applications for it at dispatch, including diversions like Cut the Rope and Nokia's Maps application (which is additionally standard with Windows Phones). It likewise has 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and 3G abilities, and inside there is a 1GHz Qualcomm processor and 256MB of RAM, and additionally a 3.2 megapixel camera and an extension opening.
Mozilla's sights are presently determined to developing markets, particularly Latin American nations like Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. "We need to achieve Web clients who are quite recently coming on the web surprisingly through cell phones, a market section which is especially solid in [Latin America] and we trust that is the best locale to at first target," Lee clarified in an email. The organization likewise anticipates propelling in Poland as one of its five key markets, and it's focusing on clients with highlight telephones who are hoping to buy their first cell phone.
"We accept there is an open door and an unserved require in the market for this section of clients," Lee said. "We know the following billion coming on the web are getting through a cell phone as the premise… Our objective isn't to contend no holds barred with the iPhone 5 or a Galaxy S 4 in the absolute starting point." Lee additionally noticed that the organization doesn't have arrangements to hit the US with its Firefox OS until 2014. "There is premium, yet as the stage develops and extra abilities come, we know desires in the US are distinctive, and necessities are unique in relation to in these different markets."
Simple to refresh
The basic Firefox OS design could likewise make it an appealing stage for American transporters and OEMs. As we clarified in our grasp on in March, Firefox highlights three layers called Gonk, Gecko, and Gaia, which are all piece of the product stack. Gecko alludes to the "stage pieces" of the Firefox OS, which incorporate the rendering motor; Gonk is a no frills Linux part and drivers; and Gaia is the UI. In light of how they're sequestered, Lee said it's substantially simpler to refresh the working framework in pieces as opposed to in general.
"We're ready to refresh segments of the OS where it restricts the hazard," he says. With iOS and Android, where a product refresh must be sent to the whole telephone, "the hazard is in the low level—touching the radio layer, touching the distinctive segments and drivers. We don't really need to go touch these regions to roll out improvements. That helps accomplices feel more good in refreshing all the more routinely." He included this might be the reason a few bearers are not refreshing handsets as regularly as they ought to; if a refresh blocks the telephone, clients will justifiably be vexed. "On the off chance that you can lessen hazard and changes and concentrate on the correct ranges, you can simply keep individuals refreshed."
Security and institutionalization
Mozilla guarantees that its future clients will feel secure on the Firefox OS stage. "There's a harmony between continually keeping the client safe and having a decent ordeal," clarified Lee. Firefox OS incorporates a structure where applications have entry in view of the authorization show the application was based on. In the event that it's a framework application, then it's viewed as a checked application, which implies that it has admittance to everything in light of the fact that Mozilla has as of now verified it. In the event that the application is from the commercial center, it's then looked at by Mozilla to guarantee that the designer isn't disseminating malware, and the application is just offered access to certain APIs. In the event that the application needs access to the camera or area administrations, it approaches the client for consent. "We could have 50 exchanges that keep you truly sheltered, yet you're similar to, 'I'm not continually going to really utilize the application... I never got to the application since you asked me everything,'" Lee clowned. "We attempt to make that exchange off in adjust."
The organization has likewise submitted 32 Web APIs to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the vast majority of which are as yet anticipating institutionalization. Each of the APIs identifies with a piece of Firefox OS' equipment and programming. "These are not Mozilla APIs, but rather Web APIs that would work after some time over any Web program or stage," clarified Lee.
The W3C institutionalization for the most part takes anyplace from a while to a year for every API, and the nearest to turning into a standard right now is a battery status marker at the highest point of the page, with vibration and geolocation APIs next on the rundown. "The battery status API really can be found on many telephone executions," Mozilla Director of Research Andreas Gal said at a 2012 talk. The battery status can be directly found in desktop variants of Firefox, while the last two are presently in the Candidate Recommendation arrange, which implies they require more info, time, and testing from individuals and programming merchants—essentially, they're right around a stage far from the last phase of institutionalization.
Lee includes that by having new APIs and new guidelines proposed and enhanced, it's likewise a push ahead for engineers keen on the stages. "Guidelines advantage designers since they can guarantee [that] any application they create for the Web will work over all programs similarly," he later clarified in an email. "Be that as it may, regardless of the possibility that a standard is not prescribed by the W3C, it can in any case increase worldwide selection if at least two of the significant program sellers choose to actualize it." Lee refered to the way that Samsung has incorporated the battery status pointer API in its WebKit program on its handsets as a prime case.
Concerning Mozilla's association with Spain-based equipment creator Geeksphone, Lee clarifies that those telephones are designer see models that potential purchasers won't see. They are planned to help application designers adequately make applications for the stage by giving them a see of the kind of equipment future telephones will have.
The two engineer telephones accessible are known as the Keon and the Peak; both have 512MB of RAM. The cost contrast between the two telephones is a little over a hundred euros, which Lee accepts is genuinely reasonable for somebody who is quite recently intrigued by fiddling with the stage. "You get the equipment... you get the product and updates as we roll out improvements." He recommended the Keon as the best pick for designers who are keen on pushing forward an application for the telephones propelling this mid year.
By and large, the mission for Mozilla's Firefox OS is to reach the greatest number of individuals as the organization can, "where their protection and their security and their experience isn't bargained in light of the fact that we have some other plan to profit off of it." Whether it will be fruitful stays to be seen; Mozilla should persuade individuals that its minimal effort, mid-run cell phone can offer all of what purchasers need from the iOS and Android stages.
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