#Kendall marshmallow
dragoninahumancostume · 6 months
"Make it count, play straight" I can't im gay and bad at math
"Don't look back, don't hesitate" I can't make choices, sorry bud
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desertdollranch · 13 days
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"Tonight's the night!" said Willa. "I can't wait. I'm so excited about our campout!"
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It was the last weekend of August, and the most beautiful summer that Willa could remember. She and her friends Kendall, Camille, and Emerson were pretending to be forest fairies while they waited for their friend Ashlyn to join them. They all gathered around a large tree stump, dubbed "The Fairy Queen's Throne" by Camille, to talk about that night's camping adventure. They had all gotten permission from their parents to go camping on Willa's family's property.
"I'm excited too!" Kendall said. "Thanks for thinking up such a great new thing for us to do together, Willa."
"I got the idea from this Wilderness Wendy book," said Willa, showing her book to her friends.
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"Wilderness Wendy says camping under the stars is really, really fun, but only if you do it right."
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"Do we have to follow all the rules?" Camille asked. "That doesn't sound very fun."
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"The rest of you can follow whatever rules you want," Emerson answered. She was snacking on a bag of marshmallows, and held out the bag to Willa. "I'm just here to have fun, even if that means breaking the rules."
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"No, Emerson, we have to do everything right tonight," Kendall replied. "Our parents only let us go camping by ourselves because we promised to follow all of the rules. If we can't do that, we won't get to do this again!"
Emerson ignored her. She put down the marshmallow bag and stood upright on the stump. She sang a silly song to the tune of "Yankee Doodle":
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WellieWishers, Shout hooray! We'll surely have a ball! Because tonight we're camping out, The most fun fun of all.
"I'm here to have fun too," said Willa, "but Wilderness Wendy says that the fun part of camping is being outdoors, surrounded by the trees and the birds and stars in the sky. I think so too."
"I think the best part is putting up the tent," said Kendall, who liked to build things. "It's like being inside a sweet little house."
"I think the best part is singing songs and telling scary stories and playing games," said Emerson.
"I think best part is seeing the night sky full of magical twinkling stars," said Camille dreamily.
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Willa laughed. "It sounds like we're all ready to go camping right now."
"Hey," Kendall said. "We've been here a long time. Where's Ashlyn? I hope she didn't forget that tonight's the night."
Just then, Ashlyn came walking up the trail towards the four other girls, pulling a wagon behind her.
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"Holy cow, Ashlyn!" said Willa. "What's all that stuff?"
"This is camping equipment," said Ashlyn. "It's the tent, and a few other things that we'll need tonight, like bug repellent and mosquito netting."
"Will there be lots of bugs and flies?" asked Emerson, wrinkling her nose.
"I hope there are," gushed Camille, clasping her hands together. "Lots and lots of lightning bugs and fireflies. They're fairies in disguise."
Ashlyn smiled. "I wish fairies would help us get set up. But I'm afraid we're on our own. We have a lot to do before the fun can start. Let's go find a spot to set up the tent, and then we'll get everything else unpacked."
The five girls picked up their overnight bags and chose a flat, shady spot under the oak trees. In only a few minutes, they had the tent set up.
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"Perfect!" Ashlyn said, admiring how big it was inside. "Now let's unpack everything else and decide how we're going to divide it up."
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Nobody moved or said anything.
"Remember?" Ashlyn asked them. "When we were planning our camping trip last Saturday, I said I would bring the tent. I gave the four of you lists of everything else we need, like flashlights and sleeping bags and snacks." She groaned. "Didn't any of you bring anything from your lists?"
Everyone looked at each other awkwardly, still saying nothing.
Ashlyn turned to Emerson. "Your backpack looks pretty full. What did you bring?"
"I have puppets to entertain you," Emerson said, reaching into her backpack.
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She held up the dinosaur and the chicken and made them say, "Hi, WellieWishers! Thanks for including us. Bawk, bawk!"
"What I mean is," Ashlyn said, "what did you bring that was on your list?"
"Oh, yeah," Emerson said. "I had marshmallows on my list." She took out the bag of marshmallows she had been snacking from.
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Ashlyn stared at the empty bag.
"Uh," Emerson stammered. "Oops. I guess my dinosaur and chicken got hungry. Nice going, you two," she scolded her toys.
"It's no big deal," Willa said. "We're not allowed to make a fire, so we can't have s'mores anyway."
"Those weren't for s'mores, Willa!" Ashlyn exclaimed. "They were for putting in our hot chocolate. Camille, hot chocolate was on your list."
"So that's what that word was?" Camille asked. "Because on my way home, I stopped by the pond when I heard a frog croaking. I thought maybe he was a prince turned into a frog, and he needed help getting out of the pond. I put the list down next to the lily pads so he could hop out of the water. When he hopped away, I pulled my list out from the pond, but the paper was so soggy that I couldn't understand the words. I thought it said 'chompmate', and I did not know what that was."
Camille opened her bag and pulled out what was inside.
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"So I brought some grass to make friendship bracelets," she said. But Ashlyn didn't smile like Camille had hoped. Instead, she sighed.
"Kendall?" Ashlyn asked. "Did you read your list?"
"I didn't have a chance to read it," Kendall said, shrugging her shoulders. "On my walk home, the wind blew the list out of my hands, and into the sky. Then a bird took it and put it in her nest. I let her keep it, because maybe she needed it more than I did. But I did bring something useful."
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She pulled out a walkie talkie from her bag. "It's just like real forest rangers use."
"Just one?" Ashlyn asked.
"My mom has the other ones," Kendall said. "But I can find some pinecones and we can pretend we all have one."
"Wilderness Wendy wouldn't--" Willa began, but Ashlyn stopped her.
"Willa," Ashlyn said, "Please tell me you brought something useful from your list."
"I didn't need my list," Willa said. "I didn't think our campout was shaping up the way I imagined it. Wilderness Wendy builds a shelter out of sticks and sleeps on a bed of leaves under the shining stars. I want to be a real camper, like her.
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"So I made my list useful. I folded it into a sun hat. That's exactly the sensible kind of thing that Wilderness Wendy would do."
"Great," Ashlyn grumbled. "So we aren't prepared at all for our campout."
"But Wilderness Wendy says we don't need any of that stuff," Willa insisted. "We don't even need a tent. We only need what is strictly necessary, like a sun hat. Nature will provide everything else we need."
"Willa," Ashlyn sighed, "we talked about this! The key to a successful camping trip is--"
"Being surrounded by nature and living as simply as the animals do," Willa read from her Wilderness Wendy book.
"No," Ashlyn said. "It's--"
"A place to gather around and tell stories," Kendall added.
"A starry sky," said Camille.
"Fun and games and puppet shows!" added Emerson.
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"Of course all those things are important," Ashlyn said, "but the real key to a successful camping trip is preparation. Since we're not prepared, we'll need to find a way to get the basics: food, water, and a source of light. Then if there's time before it gets dark, we can focus on the extras."
"But animals live in the wilderness," Willa added, "and they can survive just fine without equipment. Wilderness Wendy says the whole point of camping is being simple and natural. That's what makes it fun."
"But we aren't going to have fun at all if we can't work together and make this happen!" Ashlyn scolded.
"Don't worry about us, Ashlyn," Kendall said. "Willa is right. None of the stuff on your lists is really necessary. Not for real campers anyway, like Wilderness Wendy."
"I guess Wilderness Wendy and I have different ideas about what's necessary for camping," Ashlyn said.
"She's the expert," Willa said, hugging her book.
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"Fine," Ashlyn said. "I'm getting cold out here, so I'm going to go in the tent and warm up. The rest of you can figure out what you want to do instead, since you decided it's more fun to go camping without anything useful. Unless anyone wants to change their mind and join me?"
"We'll be fine," Willa said, before anyone could answer. "We're going to start building our shelter right now."
"Ohh-kay," said Ashlyn, turning her back on her friends and going into the tent.
(Part 2 will be in the reblog)
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brightlotusmoon · 2 days
From Doxie Simone on Facebook:
"You make fun of ONE non-binary person, and here come Basil, Moonshadow, Sock, Plum, Fang, Tofu, Crow, Patchouli, Cupid, Shade, Snow, Flannel, Brick, Daffodil, Quinn, Wildflower, Leaf, Lichen, October, Ink, September, Clover, August, Bone, Driftwood, Bread, Aspen, Spirit, Jasper, Lightbulb, Glitter, Tuna, Nebula, Zamboni, Cloud, Pickle, Starlight, Pancake, Jellybean, Twister, Toothbrush, Denim, Lava Lamp, Moonbeam, Disco, Apricot, Banjo, Fork, Sock Puppet, Fern, Ghost, Dune, River, Galaxy, Fig, Echo, Storm, Velvet, Rain, Phoenix, Stone, Feather, Indigo, Moss, Bunni, Ember, Ocean, Paperclip, Lotus, Birch, Compass, Button, Marshmallow, Cactus, Comet, Skye, Lavender, Cedar, Thorn, Breeze, Astral, Beer, Cricket, Horizon, Marble, Canyon, Timber, Shadow, Prism, Link, Willow, Fable, Solstice, Haze, Orbit, Bubbles, Trinket, Sapphire, Jayson, River, Skyler, Rowan, Taylor, Finley, Casey, Morgan, Avery, Reese, Harper, Charlie, Sage, Quinn, Alex, Riley, Jordan, Cameron, Dakota, Ellis, Bailey, Parker, Emery, Peyton, Blake, Drew, Avery, Logan, Devon, Jamie, Ashton, Kendall, Hayden, Blake, Jules, Tegan, Cassidy, Marley, Blair, Micah, Sam, Kai, Sawyer, Lennon, Sky, Dakota, Elliot, Lane, Arden, Ezra, Spencer, Emerson, Jude, Kieran, Harper, Ryan, Bailey, Brooks, Sage, Riley, Avery, Jude, Taylor, Avery, Sam, Logan, Alex, Kai, Quinn, Rowan, Casey, Alex, Drew, Jordan, Charlie, Reese, Wren, Cameron, Blake, Bailey, River, Skyler, Ashton, Kai, Devon, Elliot, Spencer, Marley, Kendall, Quinn, Taylor, Jordan, Parker, Reese, Hayden, Sage, Sky, Sam, Cameron, Emerson, Logan, Drew, Nimbus, X, Acorn, Sparrow, Rohan, Drift, Tinsel, Frost, Bramble, Ajax, Worm, Kay, Strigoi, Helios, Phalanx, Lee, Leo (short for Leonidas), Drayden, Angel, Alexander, Salem, Athena, Ajax, and HildaOliver, Sunny, Sage, Quasar, Jade, Jude, Bug, Mouse, Toro, Spark, Rocks, Moth, Roan, Sage, Bear, Pill, Banshee, Tooth, Nail, Lumia, Mutt, Rue, Roo, Ru, Rù, Thunder, Pyrite, Petal, Aurora, Lagoon, Pixel, Raven, Zephyr, Moth, Lyric, Wish, Atlas, Charm, Pocket, Lilac, Rune, Vapor, Dusk, Opal, Dusk, Dawn, Autumn, Stream, Halo, Tempest, Mist, Poppy, Gem, Nova, Quest, Dusty, Osprey, Orchid, Jinx, Flare, and Candle to jump you in the Whole Foods alley!"
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skyland2703 · 6 months
Please? 🥺👉👈
Good morning this is a lovely thing to find in my ask box first thing when I wake up~ so I initially headcanoned that Javelia got a dog named mocha, and I wrote a fic on that. Now I’m considering to change it completely to the dinosaur named waffles IN MY HEAD.
Let’s see:
When Chiley come to take Waffles back to their dimension, Amelia is SOOOOOOO SAD. She doesn’t wanna let baby waffles go but Riley is like 😡 so she ultimately lets him go.
But waffles doesn’t wanna leave them and soooooooo *cue confetti* he jumps through the portal once again to disappear into nothingness. Amelia and Riley panic and Chase and Javi give them the “I told you so” look. Then they split up into groups to look for the baby Dino in whatever channels the wormhole leads to. It’s so chaotic and ultimately they don’t find Waffles ANYWHERE.
Finally, they’re tired, they’re sick of searching everywhere, so you have Javi inviting chase and Riley back home for some hot cocoa and marshmallows or whatever and the second they switch on the lights of the kitchen they find baby waffles eating a bunch of marshmallows from the tin. (How had he managed to open the tin you may ask? Let’s just say there was a very big hole in the top of it)
Amelia almost screamed, Riley almost had a panic attack, Chase and Javi were So HAPPY.
They decide to let baby waffles stay with Javelia. Chase promises he will handle Kendall’s ✨wrath✨ and WELP
So now Javelia are the proud parents of a little Stegouros. Waffles’s mom has been taught a way to Javelia’s place and she’s not pretty huge herself so yeah she visits from time to time. Waffles also knows his way around from one dimension to another— you’d think it’s hard to travel inter dimensionally, but seriously, how hard can it be if you’ve got me. FUcKiNg. Inter dimensional SUBWAYS.
Either way. They also visit the DC dimension when they need to visit the dinosaur vet. Everyone around them just casually knows they have a dinosaur, but somehow they haven’t been reported to the govt. authorities yet. It’s rangerverse, everything is weird.
And like you said, there is DEFINITELY a ranger-Instagram. (Gridstagram???) and you need your Morphin Grid Link to make an account (works for deactivated powers too. If you’re in Gosei’s database, you’re gonna get an account XD) best way for rangers to keep interacting.
Aiyon has a food blog on there, Javi and Amelia— while having their own accounts, also have a Baby Waffles page. Izzy and Fern have a sports page and Ollie has a tech page WHICH often collabs with Aiyon’s page where they just blow shit up in the kitchen.
Anyway so I think I strayed from the main point but They wuv their lil baby dino SO MUCH despite all the chaos he creates
And uh… he also brings them together when they break up angstily <3
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tyranasauruslex · 10 months
Do you have any romelukas holiday thoughts? Maybe thanksgiving?
I'm not American so I don't know anything about Thanksgiving and tbh it doesn't seem like something Lukas would be interested in - I imagine he'd just be reading out anti Thanksgiving posts whilst everyone else ate that weird Sweet potato marshmallow thing in silence. I actually think that Midsummer would be their main holiday but i'll go with a RomeLukas Christmas:
Their first Christmas together is shit, mostly because it doesn’t occur to Lukas to explain to Roman that seeing flashing Christmas decorations, listening to people sing Christmas carols off key, the expectation that gifts will be appreciated with gratitude and enforced touching is a social and sensory nightmare for him. Then there’s being expected to eat other peoples food, none of which are on his safe list, so Lukas retreats to the safety of his mums house in Sweden. She cooks everything he likes, the way he likes it and never puts lights on the tree so he can actually relax for once. He bluntly turns down Romans offer of spending Christmas with the Roys because he assumes that Roman will come with him to Sweden, only for Roman to reveal he’s been bullied into attending Kendall’s aka Logan 2.0’s family Christmas. They end up parting awkwardly with neither of them sure as to why the other one is in a mood. Over in Sweden, Mama Matsson takes great care to explain to Lukas that as this is Roman’s first Christmas without his dad, it makes sense that he would want to be with his family even if they are a bunch of “vapid energy vampires with only two braincells between them.”
Meanwhile in New York Roman spends his Christmas either being bullied and picked on by Kendall or being made fun of by Caroline for his new “homosexual lifestyle” and his as of yet unresolved daddy issues. Shiv is still banned from all family gathering so he doesn’t even have anyone that might stick up for him and is miserable the entire time. That is until Lukas calls him at the midway point between Swedish and American Christmas and they FaceTime for hours meaning that Roman doesn't have to participate in the brutality that is the Roy family game night.
Their next Christmas is spent in Sweden with the Matsson family which consists of only Lukas, his mum, his ancient Uncle Valter and his dad ashes that Mama Matsson puts on top of the TV so he can “still be involved”. With no maids or chefs, everyone has to pitch in which initially terrifies Roman because he can barely boil an egg, let alone put together a Julboard. Thankfully he gets put in charge of decorating the tree which he loves and making sure Uncle Valter stays awake until the food is ready. Then after dinner Lukas and Uncle Valter teach him how to play Viking chess which he’s awful at and then they watch Swedish Christmas TV. It's all kind of odd but still very cosy and calm, however Roman spends the entire holiday on edge waiting to either be yelled for doing something wrong or witness the fucked up family dysfunction that his previous Christmas’s have been filled with. 
It’s during his second Christmas spent with Lukas that Roman releases that they seem to be re-living the same Christmas every year; right down to the food timings and stuff they watch on TV. He doesn’t think much of it until they spend the next Christmas in New York and Lukas has an absolute meltdown over an inflatable light up Rudolf that Greg brought in for the office Christmas party. His behaviour at the actual office party is even worse, teetering between frustration and tears so Roman takes him to one of the empty offices to calm down. Thats when Lukas explains that he hates all the noise, all the lights, constantly having to mask... he just wants to stick with the Christmas he's used to. Suddenly the Groundhog Day christmases make a lot more sense so Roman declines their place at the Roy Family Christmas much to Kendalls fury. He didn't even want to go anyway and they have a low key Christmas that year spent on the sofa under a pile blankets and eating Mama Matsson’s Christmas sandwiches. Whilst Lukas recharges, Uncle Valter gives Roman a history lesson on Swedish christmas traditions and then he takes Mama Matsson out to see the The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
The agreement is to not bother with presents which they both promptly ignore, but it’s small stuff like a bag of really good weed from their trip to Thailand or framed picture of the pair of them being silly at a GoJo party. Although Lukas did break from tradition one year and buy Roman an island. They stick with Swedish tradition and exchange presets on Christmas Eve, although Lukas always holds one back for Roman to have on Christmas Day.  
New Years they spend partying at whatever weird and far flung place they can find along with Lukas’s friends and Tabitha or by themselves in one of Lukas’s many elusive boltholes. 
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regaliasonata · 3 months
Ranger Headcanons Batch
-Marah and Dustin, after settling out their differences, have become rather good friends. Mainly like two braincells forming together in unison. She kinda likes to play dress up with him and with attending the academy invites him with Kapri to sleepovers.
-Marah loves Doja Cat, though Cameron had to take away her speakers when she kept blaring music in the Watanabe Estate. She gets music from Conner who in turn gets it from SPD so she has access to future artists.
-The Wild Force zords and animal spirits in JF are the same but have variations. The animarium used to be affiliated with Pai Zhua but split off, WF focuses on sharing wild force powers through their crystals as outside sources while JF utilizes animal spirit powers from the inside.
-Some dimensions share a universal counterpart, Shelby and Scott are counterparts along with their fathers. This may also count with other characters such as Mack and Venjix or Kendall and Dr. K.
-A lot of the older red rangers from MMPR to Time Force do not like the newer reds. For many reasons...One they aren't exactly keen on being respectful just because of bragging rights, Hunter is hated the most by some of them for good reason due to Jason trying to impede on personal business the Bradley's had with their parent's old enemies and the red ranger came back with electric burns on his body. Two the amount of gimmicks and forms kinda show up the older reds, Jayden and Casey jumped Tommy during a forced sparring match. And finally three, Tyler doesn't know who they are and for all we know there could've been different teams in his universe so who the hell is Jason Lee Scott?
-Hunter does actually like TJ, Eric and Andros, Cole is nice but he doesn't like him cause Dustin's got eyes for the fellow lion ranger...it's on sight if Jason comes to Blue Bay Harbor.
-Taylor and Jen despise SPD, Syd and Z's treatment being the reason.
-The first yellow ranger meeting happened during Ninja Storm and Dustin literally became the marshmallow of the group.
-Some teams that are more secluded have reasons mainly due to feeling indifferent about zordon or the increase of mmpr rangers trying to come in a fix everything when they aren't needed.
-while Mystic Force may the the strongest team due to their magic, raw power wise that category goes clearly to Ninja Storm with their non ranger elemental powers and training...if anything if lothor kept them as evil then I feel like it would've been even harder to change them back than in the DT crossover. Jungle Fury might be abel to take care of them if they are lucky.
-Rangers, specifically those with civilian powers, are banned from the Olympics. Or at least until there's a division crested specifically for them.
-The Morphin Grid has a spiral of collective unconscious with ideas, hence why Tarrick and Leanbow share a dort of similarity. The idea is that there might've been some magical aspects on Rafkon giving Tarrick the same appearance armor wise or a dimension where Leanbow was his counterpart.
-Necrolai and RJ had a feud during the Twilight era of media...Vida and Casey were hyping both sides up(mainly supporting their respective partners🩷🖤❤️💜). Luckily this wasn't about the movie and more on which were better, werewolves or vampires.
-Hunter and Blake's willingness to kill Kanoi wasn't by circumstance. They really were down to murder if needed, the Thunder Academy had some rather different ways of training but from being fueled by losing their parents if anything was to happen to the other sibling then it would be lights out for their enemies.
-During the Cosmic Fury invasion the Mystif Force team didn't lose against Zedd but only got caught off guard. He needed a backup plan because he knew he wasn't strong enough to beat them, they roasted the shit out of him from the ranger prisons.
-Majority of the rangers aren't straight.
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plantgoodseed · 1 year
We are in the business of life! Our 2023 seed production in Ojai, California.
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Spring never really got going here in Ojai, and as I write these words summer is nearly here. Between the heavier winter rains (this a 45 inch - and counting - rain year) and weeks of overcast days, moon cycles have been an afterthought.
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The plants keep growing through the fog, rain, and cloudy weather. Kendall harvested our Fizz Kale plants two weeks ago, making this our first seed crop of the year. Fizz is a salad kale, with smooth, oak shaped emerald colored leaves and white veins. It was the very first lot of seed we logged for the company back in 2011, and was definitely in need of improvement. We focused on one thing: culling out early bolting plants, prolonging the usefulness and flavor of the leaves as they mature. (Given this kale is harvested young as a micro green, it’s unsurprising this might have been not a priority, as harvest would typically occur long before any chance of flowering occurs) 
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Up next is our largest production of Cherry Glow Breadseed Poppy. We did smaller runs of these in 2017 (me) and 2022 (Richard Gambino/Topa Vista Farmstand). The last few of Richard’s packets are still available, along with a bulk size. 
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(We also have a new variety we are adding: Flemish Peony Poppy. I first spotted this on Cacia Huff’s Feral Farm instagram feed, and she sent me some seed stock)
We planted 10 pounds of Chimyan Garlic last fall, and harvesting was completed earlier in the month. Hardnecks aren’t always suitable for Southern California climates, but these bulbs look promising, and a quality planting stock would allow us to make this available to our customers in 2024.
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New crops of Double White Hollyhock and Krishna Holy Basil are currently in the ground. Krishna seems to be the most temperature sensitive of the holy basils I’ve ever worked with. It really didn’t like this cold, and needs a really long production window for harvest. When it gets established, it’s a sight to be soon. Rama Holy Basil seedlings are also ready to go in, Heavy Hitter Okra seedlings are at the nursery, and I think our first Ojai production of Zanadoo Corn is on the way as well. Another round of Hibiscus was necessary, as we are packing the last of our current seed supply today, and it will likely be gone before the summer is up.
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New crops of Silk Mullein, Dense Flowered Mullein, Clary Sage, and Marshmallow are well on their way to producing. Stinging Nettle and Scarlet Bee Balm will likely just increase our planting stock and not be available for sale this year.
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After adding Double Black Hollyhock and Madder to the catalog in this past year, and feeling a little inspired by the work of Ride and Dye Ojai, I’ve been wanting to further expand the availability of our dye plants: Japanese Indigo (Persicaria tinctoria) seemed like an easy place to start and is now in production. I also had two other proper Indigo species “True” Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) - or Guatemalan Indigo (Indigofera suffruticosa) we sent to the nursery, but the germination was too scanty to move forward. Next year!
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Steve put a lot of flowers in the ground in this past fall-winter so it’s possible that a lot more will be coming than planned, or just refreshing/replenishing existing stalks. I’m pretty happy to see a new crop of Gaillardia coming on. I’m spying some mixed yarrow and bachelor buttons and a lot of silvery rose strawflower.
I’m continuing to work with my Southern California natives / rugged perennial crops. I planted a lot more Western Vervain this year, and new crops of Black, Purple, and White Sages are nearly ready. I continue to have problems with harvesting quality Hummingbird Sage seed, but after taking a year to experiment with harvesting and timing methods, I’ll give it another go. This is the first year I’ve worked with Cleveland Sage, and it’s looking spectacular.
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Elderberry and Matilija Poppy will likely be back in the catalog too. These are quite easy to propagate clonally (root divisions or just straight up branch plantings), but it seems people enjoy the challenge of starting things from seed.
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Our network of producers has grown substantially over this past year, and we intend on highlighting their crop production for the company in another blog post later in the year!
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harrylilies · 4 years
The Royal Series | Pt. VIII
The Royal Series Masterlist
"Come on, Henry!" You laughed at your brother, wrapping the scarf you got him around his neck. "It's your best picture!" The green and red scarf had a picture of him fighting a pap in 2004 all over it, ready to be worn.
"You were only 10 when this happened, how did you even remember this?" He laughed, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and squeezing you to his chest.
"Brings out the colour in your eyes." Will said, helping Charlotte off of his lap and letting her run towards you.
"Think you should wear my gift to your boyfriend's family meeting." Harry joked, letting you go.
You rolled your eyes, scooping Charlotte in your arms. "Did you see Granny's face when I opened the gift?"
Harry mimicked, making everyone in William's drawing room laugh. "Admit it, it's a nice sweatshirt."
"The best thing to wear to a first family meeting; Harry Styles have my babies. Excellent choice." You said sarcastically, swaying Charlotte gently in your place.
"Teetee, did you like my present?" Charlotte asked enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around your neck.
"I loved it! I'm putting that picture frame beside me, on my bedside table. So every morning when I wake up and every night before I sleep, I see you and your brother. It's the best to wake up and sleep to, Charlie." You smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "Also, our little squish here wrote me a very nice letter." You nodded towards Kate's baby bump.
Spending more time with your family doing nothing but laughing, teasing one another, and reminiscing the days when you were all younger, it wasn’t long before you were putting on your coat and ready to leave.
"Do you have to go?" Charlotte whined, frowning as she looked at you.
You cooed, "Aw, none of that now, Charlie. I'll be back before you know it."
"Yeah, Charl, Teetee will only be gone for a few days before she comes back." Kate said, standing beside you as she assured her daughter, "We don't want Y/N leaving with us crying and her getting sad, do we?"
Charlotte nodded before letting out a dramatic sigh, "Okay."
"Now, I really have to go. Want to help me get my bags?" To which Charlotte nodded eagerly to, making you grin, "Where's your brother? Where's Georgie?"
"I think he's in his room." Will said, standing up.
"Let's go get him, Charlie. Let old Daddy sit, wouldn't want him hurting his back." You said teasingly as you walked past your brother, hearing everyone behind you snickering.
"Hey! Don't tell my daughter that!" Will joked, making you wave him off.
Reaching George's room, you let Charlotte knock before you heard him give you a "Come in!"
You opened the door gently, peaking yours and Charlotte's head inside to see George sitting on his floor, playing with the train toy set you had gotten him. His head snapped towards you, a grin instantly drawn to his face as he stood up and sped towards you, hugging your legs. "Auntie, you're still here!"
"I am, baby, but I wanted to ask you if you want to join me and Charlie and help me with my suitcases?" You stroked his scalp gently.
"Yes, of course! I'll get my train." He said before walking back to his previous spot, taking one red train before walking beside you, holding your hand.
George opened the door to your room, going inside and climbing up the bed till he sat, his feet dangling and swaying as he made train noises and flew his toy in the air. You sat Charlotte beside him, giving her the small piano toy she had left in your room the previous day, before unlocking your phone, finding 3 missed calls from Harry.
"Shit," you cursed under your breath, turning your phone slightly to find that it was silenced.
You instantly called him back, balancing the phone between your ear and shoulder blade as you opened your plain blue suitcase, double checking that nothing was missing before checking your duffel bag, too.
"I thought you got cold feet." Harry said as soon as he picked up, followed by a heartfelt laugh.
You smiled to yourself, taking your red sweater in your hand, "No, no. My phone's mute button was probably pushed by accident. Is something wrong?"
"No, love. I just wanted to make sure that you're," he cleared his throat, "You know, still coming."
"I am, H. I'm about to leave," you assured him before chuckling, "They still don't believe you?"
"They don't. Even showed them a couple of pictures but they told me that my fans make insane photoshopped pictures. I’m starting to feel very offended."
You laughed, zipping your suitcase. "Good thing I'm spending New Year's with you then, huh?"
"The best. Still sure about that? Wouldn't your family have your head?" He asked. "One, I'm sure. Two, told you it's me who decides. Now," you held your phone with your hand, "I have to go get dressed. I'll text you when I'm near, okay?"
"Yeah, okay. I'm waiting for you. Take care, yeah?"
"Always do. Bye, baby." And so, it slipped from your mouth, making your eyes widen and your other hand to cover your mouth.
The pet name didn't seem to go unnoticed by Harry as he giggled quietly into the phone, giving you an eager "bye!" and a kissy noise before hanging up.
"I'm going to go change, I'll be right back." You informed your niece and nephew who only nodded at you, too engrossed in their toys.
With the car door open wide for you, you bent down, hugging George and Charlotte close to your chest, kissing their temples. "Be good for Mummy and Daddy, will you?"
"Yes, Teetee." They both replied, their arms on you.
"Come on, give me a kiss." You smiled, patting your cheeks for them to which they giggled at, leaning forward and planting loving kisses on your cheeks. "I love you."
"Love you, Teetee!"
Getting into the car and blowing everyone a kiss, you nodded at your driver who stood by the driver's door side. "Don't worry, Ben. I’ll be careful." You smiled, "You spend some time with your family."
"I did actually spend a wonderful time with my wife and the kids." He smiled, closing the door after you got in and put on your seatbelt before you put down your window.
"Oh! Did they like my presents? I certainly hope they did. Although I'm not so sure about the sizes, I just picked the ones suitable for your daughters' and wife's ages." You chuckled, looking up at him.
"They loved it, Your Highness! And the sweaters fit them just right. Lilly especially wanted me to thank you and invite you for a tea party." Ben chuckled humorously as he referred to his youngest daughter, only being 5.
You grinned, perking up. "I love tea parties! I'd gladly come if you'd let me."
Ben laughed in delight, nodding eagerly. "Of course we would! You're welcomed to visit anytime, Your Highness."
You smiled, starting the car before waving at him before you drove off, already feeling the nervous butterflies in your stomach at the thought of meeting Harry's family after a 3-hour drive.
Meanwhile, Harry sat on his mother's sofa, laughing at Gemma's embarrassing stories that Anne was telling Michal, Gemma's boyfriend, laughing at his sister's sour face.
"Oh, come on. At least I'm not as delusional as Harold here, says he's with HRH Princess Y/N." Gemma snickered.
Harry groaned, dropping his head low in defeat. "She's coming in a few hours."
"Oh dear, I have to move the pebbles for when the horses arrive on our doorstep." Anne joked.
"She doesn't move in coaches, Mum." Harry laughed.
"Probably wings." Gemma joked, motioning with her arms to wings, making Harry throw a cushion on her.
"Stop it, Gemma. Stop making fun of your brother," Anne said, standing up and taking two of the many empty glasses on the table which belonged to some of Harry's family whom were in their presence but left, "I raised you both to never make fun of troubled people." She giggled, speeding off to the kitchen.
"Hey, why are you doubting him? Harry's pretty big and known." Michal defended him, looking at Gemma.
Gratefully, Harry made prayer hands as he closed his eyes, mouthing "Thank you" to him.
"I'm not belittling him but," Gemma began, "This 23-year-old woman, one of the most beautiful, whose father is Prince Charles and mother is Princess Diana and her grandmother is the fucking Queen and was raised and continues to live in the monarchy is pretty big, too."
"You always believed me when I told you about my girlfriends." Harry gave her a side eye, raising his eyebrows.
"Because you dated what we now call ordinary people, T Swift, Kendall Jenner. If a colleague of mine told me that they were dating them I'd believe them," she stood up, taking a couple of glasses before following Anne to the kitchen. "Better start cleaning before Her Highness arrives.”
Harry rolled his eyes, looking at Michal. "At least you believe me."
Michal chuckled, standing up as him and Harry started helping Anne and Gemma with the remains of the Christmas get-together they threw.
"It told me to make a left, so I did." You said, glancing at your phone in its holder before looking at your surroundings. "Alright wait, I'm coming outside." Harry said through the speaker, the sound of some shuffling around being heard next.
"Are you wearing a green jumper?" You asked, squinting your eyes to get a better look at the figure in front of you.
"Yes! Is that you in the black ca-Oh, hi." He giggled as you drove closer to him, finally getting a clearer view. "Bye bye." He eagerly said before hanging up, watching you park in front of him.
You grinned as you rolled your window up and took your keys and phone, Harry opening your door for you.
The moment you got out, Harry wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you chest-to-chest closer. "You look very cuddly right now," he whispered, kissing your hair. "You always look cuddly now that I think about it."
You laughed, putting your hands on his chest and looking up at him. "I got some nice cocoa powder for hot chocolate. It's the best you'll ever have."
"I think we have marshmallows." He nodded. "Where are my manners?" Harry asked himself. Smiling as he leaned down, he pressed his lips to yours. Your leaned back on your car, smiling into the kiss as your hands moved to his jaw.
"They still don't believe you?" You asked as you took your breath, glancing back at his house before looking at him.
Harry rolled his eyes, "They teased me enough."
You tried not to laugh, though did a terrible job at it, before patting his chest, "Come on then. Let's meet them." You got out of his grasp and towards your boot. Right as you were about to take your suitcase, Harry beat you to it, taking it out, draping your duffel bag on his shoulder before closing the boot.
"I can take it." You said as he rolled your suitcase in one hand, the other holding yours.
"So can I. Come on." You both walked towards his open door, you smiling sheepishly as you tried not to look around.
"It's quiet." You whispered as Harry put your suitcase and duffel bag beside the door after kicking it close.
He chuckled, "They're in the back."
"I got presents." You whispered again, "Oh shit, I forgot to take them from the backseat." You opened the door, practically jogging towards your car before Harry followed you, grinning as he saw you take out neatly wrapped medium sized boxes in glistening and vibrant Christmas wrapping. "I trust you with the sizes you gave me."
"You got Mum that dress you showed me?" He asked, helping you and taking two boxes, leaving you with one which had a card on top of it with your neat handwriting that said “Merry Christmas, Michal!”
You nodded, humming. "And got Gemma the striped suit and the golf watch for Michal. Is that all alright?"
"Baby, I told you that you don't even have to get anything." Harry chuckled, bumping his hip with yours.
"It's Christmas, H. Everyone deserves nice presents." You smiled.
"Let's put these under the tree." Harry said, raising his eyebrows upwards as you both walked inside. Instantly smiling at the cosy aura the place had, your eyes fell on the twinkling Christmas tree by the window. You put the box under it, waiting as Harry put the other two there.
"And your gift is in my suitcase." You giggled, looking up at him.
"Yours is in my room." He replied with a dimpled grin, "Come on."
With his hand on your waist, you both walked towards the kitchen where you heard chatter and clinking, making you look at Harry, giving him a nervous smile. "Oh God." You whispered to yourself, huffing out before putting a strand of your hair behind your ear, your fingers lacing together in front of you, sheepishly.
Harry gave you a quick peck on the cheek before walking inside the kitchen, clearing his throat to catch his family's attention.
You could almost hear a pin drop. All of their jaws dropped, faces going tint red, looking intently at the new addition. You looked up at Harry for a second before looking back at the ones in front of you. "Hi, I'm Y/N."
"What the fuck?" Gemma was the first to speak, Harry cringing as he squeezed your waist slightly. Gemma's eyes caught her brother's, who widened his green eyes at her before she cleared her throat, drying her hands in the yellow towel on her shoulder before putting it on the chair. "Do I-Do I curtsy?"
"God, please don't," You laughed, moving forward and naturally wrapping your arms around her in a brief hug. "You look a lot like Harry. It's insane."
Still at a loss of words, Gemma awkwardly hugged back, looking at Harry from over your shoulder as he smirked at her, cocking an eyebrow. "You look like-" She cleared her throat, "Like how I see you on the telly."
You chuckled, pulling away, "I'm hoping that's a good thing?"
"Yeah, of course. Of course, it is."
"Excuse my daughter," Anne spoke, moving forward and approaching you with a wide, loving smile. "I'm Anne."
You and Anne hugged, her rubbing your back soothingly as she did. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Good things?" She asked jokingly as you both pulled away.
"The best." You nodded in confirmation.
"It's so nice to meet you." Michal said, leaning down and giving you a greeting hug before looking at Gemma, "Guess your brother isn't so delusional after all, huh?"
"Shut up." She said under her breath, covering her face.
"Let's take this to the living room, shall we?" Anne grinned enthusiastically.
"They're starstruck." Harry leaned down, whispering in your ear.
"I'm more of in awe that I'm meeting them." You giggled, holding his hand that was draped from your shoulder.
"Who got-Oh God, did you-" Anne gasped, looking back at you from the tree.
"It's Christmas. It's also a thank you for making me spend New Year's with you." You smiled warmly, feeling yourself get hotter, “I hope that’s okay.”
"Did I just get a present from the Princess of the United Kingdom?" Gemma asked her boyfriend quietly who tried to stifle his laughter and not burst out laughing before his face fell, looking at one box under the tree, "Yup. She got you one, too."
"I read online that's she's known in the royal family to get the funniest Christmas gifts." He whispered back.
They couple both shared a look before looking at you, laughing at something Anne said. "We did make fun of our Harry, honestly. Sorry, darling."
"I felt very offended, thank you very much." Harry put his hand on his heart dramatically before looking at you, "How was your drive here?"
"Very nice and quiet. That intersection you told me about saved me a lot of time." You pointed at Harry.
"No offense, sweetheart but what do we call you?" Anne asked warmly, “We have never really interacted with someone from the royal family this close before, excuse us.”
"Please, don’t worry. Just Y/N would be great."
"And please call me Anne," Anne pointed at herself, "Oh where are my manners? Are you hungry, sweetheart? We had nice turkey and mashed potatoes."
"Mum makes incredible turkey." Harry said from beside you on the sofa, his hand on your knee.
"Thank you so much, Anne, but I think I'm so full. I managed to get myself pizza on the way.”
“How many slices did you have? You can’t be that full, love.” Harry asked.
“Got a large and finished it all actually,” you shrugged, “But actually, I got us some fine cocoa powder if you fancy a nice hot cocoa cuppa. It's homemade." You grinned, standing up to walk towards your suitcase, "Actually if you don't mind, I can make them."
"Oh, love. You really didn't have to." Anne laughed in delight, watching as you shook your head at her with a warm smile, "Gemma can help you."
"Of course!" Gemma perked up, standing up, "I personally love eating cocoa powder."
You laughed, pointing at her, " Me too! My brothers make fun of me for it all the time."
You and Gemma walked towards your suitcase by the door before you opened it, taking the packet of cocoa from one of the pockets and closing it. Gemma hummed, closing her eyes "It already smells so good."
"Trust me, it's the best you'll ever have." You assured her as you both walked back to where everyone was. Harry leaned his head back on the sofa, looking at you upside down before giving you a childlike wide grin, almost as if he was assuring you that it was going well.
Standing in the kitchen with Gemma as you warmed the milk, she cleared her throat, getting you to look at her. You felt nervous, almost as if you were preparing yourself for the talk.
"So, you and little Harold? How did that even happen?" She chuckled, looking at you as she leaned on the counter.
"I've been a fan of One Direction for as long as I remember and I've always, you know, kind of had a soft spot for H. I don't get to go to concerts and shows very often but I went to his show a few months ago after getting in contact with Jeff then I met him. We met then we went to this local bar not far away with the rest of the band and we sort of," you shrugged with a smile, "Clicked."
"I bet he was shitting himself," she laughed, turning off the stove before taking out mugs for you. "From what he told us, you haven't been dating for long."
You nodded, "Almost two months."
"I'm sorry if this is too straightforward but does your family know?" Gemma asked quietly.
"My brothers and their partners know that we're together, yes. Uh, my grandparents and father know something is going on but we kind of had," you gestured with your hands, "A disagreement you can say. They'll come around."
"But you're planning on telling them, right?"
You nodded instantly, "Definitely," you paused, sighing as you looked at her, "I know what you're thinking. I really don't plan on hurting Harry."
"What about your family? Do they not?"
Deciding to not take it to heart, you simply shook your head. "My family won't get in the way of what makes me happy."
"I'm sorry if I come off as a bitch, I just," Gemma stopped, looking at you sympathetically.
"I understand," You smiled, "I'd do the same if I were in your place. You're just looking out for your brother and I truly respect that."
Gemma smiled in gratitude before shaking her head, "God, you sound so posh."
As the night went on and everyone was more comfortable, you were tucked in Harry's side, his arm wrapped tightly around you.
Empty mugs of hot cocoa were proof of the success and so were the smiling faces in the room. Gemma, Anne and Michal sat with their presents on their laps as they waited to unwrap them.
First went Anne, neatly unwrapping the present after complimenting your choice of wrapping paper. Her eyes almost widened at the Versace box, opening the lid slowly as she gasped at what's inside. She took the dress out, holding it at arm's length as she gushed over it. "Y/N! This is gorgeous, sweetheart!" She stood up, holding it over her.
"Ooooo, look at you." Gemma grinned, now feeling over the moon excited to open her present.
"This is a lot, Y/N."
"It's not, I promise. You're letting me stay here for 6 whole days, Anne. It's the least." You truthfully said, giggling when she gave you a kiss on the cheek.
Harry grinned at the interaction, rubbing your arm.
"Okay, my turn!" Gemma exclaimed, unwrapping the present before gasping at the Alexander McQueen box, "Oh God," She laughed, opening it. "Ooooo,"
"I trusted H with the sizes." You informed them, watching as Gemma took out the black and white striped jumpsuit out.
"I love you already." Gemma pretended to wipe her tears, making everyone laugh. "Thank you so much, Y/N." "You're welcome, Gemma. I bet it would look so good with red lipstick." You wiggled your eyebrows.
"You know what? We're going out tomorrow and I'm wearing that." She pointed at you. Gemma sat down, elbowing Michal, "Go on then."
Opening his box after unwrapping it, Michal let out an excited laugh as he looked at the expensive golf watch he remembers telling Gem about it a year ago. "That's massive! Thank you!"
"It's no problem. Harry told me you're really into golf. He helped me with this one." You smiled up at Harry who scrunched his nose.
"Did a great job, mate."
You left your hair down as you changed into your pyjamas, walking inside Harry's room. Right as you stepped inside, Harry quickly covered something with the covers, making you stand on the doorway with your hand on your hip. "Got something, Styles?"
"Don't know what you're talking about." Harry shrugged, tilting his head at you with a cheeky grin.
You sighed dramatically, "Guess I just won't give you your present then."
Harry laughed, throwing his head back, "Y/N!" He whined.
"Fine," you chuckled, "Alright I got you a bunch of stuff actually." You took the rectangular box out of your duffel bag, holding it out as you sat beside him on the bed, crossing your legs.
"Okay," Harry breathed out, copying your moves and sitting in front of you with his legs crossed, unwrapping the box. "You have really nice wrapping paper."
"Thank you, I take pride in choosing and wrapping them." You giggled, bringing your knees closer to your chest as you rested your chin on your knee.
The first thing Harry got out of the box was a book that had a cat in front books and a typewriter on cover, the title being "I Could Pee On This" along with "And Other Poems by Cats"
Harry burst out laughing; his eyes shut and his head back as his hand slapped his thigh. "Where did you even find this?!"
You only shrugged in response, grinning at his reaction. "I know you love cats and I thought it might be exactly what you need."
"I definitely needed that. Thank you, baby." He laughed, putting it beside him before taking out the next item. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the packet in his hand, reading what was written; "Animal butt magnets."
"When I first came to your house, I noticed your fridge didn't have any magnets so I thought you should add a few there."
Harry laughed, turning the packet to you, "You got me animal butts for me to stick on my fridge?"
You nodded excitedly, hugging your legs, "Precisely!"
"You're absolutely mental." Harry chuckled, leaning forward to peck your lips.
"Now for the grand, real gift!" You exclaimed in a reporter's voice, opening your arms wide.
Harry grinned, glancing at you before closing his eyes and taking the last item out of the box. His eyes fell on his hands, laughing, "Love, is that-" He glanced at you before opening the wallet in his hands, "It's a wallet! You got me a wallet that looks like burnt toast!"
"I love all of them!" Harry laughed, moving until he propped himself up on his knees, cupping your face in his hands as he pressed his lips to yours. "Has anyone ever told you how creative you are with gifts?" You hummed, smiling up at him before glancing at his lips, "Maybe one or two."
"Yeah." You whispered back, pecking his lips.
"You might not know it but you've been touching your present all along." Harry chuckled, kissing your temple for a second before taking the box from under the covers.
"H, it's made a fucking lump. Of course I knew it was a present." You laughed, looking at the green wrapped box.
You unwrapped the box, Harry watching nervously and silently admiring how gentle you were while unwrapping the box. "Gucci!" You grinned, looking at him, "That's your favourite."
"I remember you telling me you like something of mine so," he shrugged.
You opened the box, "Loafers! You got me loafers!" You grinned, taking them out, "Are we going to be the cliché couple that match?"
"I think we're cliché enough to do that." Harry nodded. "There's something else in there."
You looked down, taking out the vinyl record in your hands, grinning when you read "Piano Man" and "Billy Joel".
“How on earth did you know I wanted this?"
"Might have had Farrah help me with that one." Harry smiled, shrugging sheepishly.
"You take your Christmas presents seriously, don't you?" You smiled, putting the shoes back in the box before wrapping your arms around his torso.
"Do you have any idea how hard picking a present for you is?" Harry rolled his eyes, groaning as he threw his head back.
"Hey, that goes both ways." You raised an eyebrow.
He laughed, raising his hand to push the hair that got on your face away, "You know what I got us for when we're back at my house? For our board games nights and all that?"
"And the Chinese takeaway?" You asked hopefully, making him chuckle and nod.
"And the Chinese takeaway," Harry confirmed, "I got us about 10 massive puzzle pieces."
You gasped, "You genius! I was actually thinking about getting us a new one."
"And now we have 10."
“And I have Gucci loafers.”
“And I have a wallet that looks like burnt toast.”
“Sorry about that, by the way. I didn’t know you took Christmas presents so seriously.” You sheepishly said, scrunching your nose as you looked up at him.
“Hey, none of that,” Harry frowned, “These are probably the nicest Christmas presents I have ever had. ‘sides,” he held up his wallet and new magnets, “What’s not serious about these babies?”
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62-cents · 3 years
Love how people will like make huge posts on the plotlines of GLEE but never mention the hit Nickelodeon show Big Time Rush
-They literally are from. Minnesota. And win a contest to be a boyband.
-ACTUALLY scratch that. The one who actually didn't want to be there and proceeded to sing to the manager that he's nothing but a stinky turd and he demands his friends go to LA to be a band with him. So they completely drop out of Minnesota to LA with no mentions of the fucking weather or anything?????
-Whole episode where they wanted to go to this school that seemed fun and the manager hired a bunch of different teachers for them to learn from and one of those teachers was WWE STAR CHRIS "THE MASTERPIECE" MASTERS
-Logan dresses up as a girl with fake boobs and all to get into this elite all girls school to see a math author who proceeds to say boys stink.
-The movie was basically a musical for The Beatles. That was it. Maxwell had a silver hammer. James got with Penny Lane.
-The movie also had a B-Plot of Kendall's mother dating a guy who she thinks is nobility. But he just owns a toilet shop. The real Duke of Bath tries to hit on her and she rejects him.
-James was allergic to cologne and puffed up like a marshmallow and that was a big deal.
-Snoop Dogg was in their Christmas Special and drank hot cocoa and read them a story.
-And they sang a Christmas song with him.
-The four of them all had a contest to be the bad boy of the band.
-James had a magic comb.
-Carlos had a hockey helmet and would randomly run into things.
-An alligator got into a mansion they were at and they were legitimately scared that the cat was eaten by it.
-Actually the whole mansion episode.
-Whole episode where Katie thought the janitor was a serial killer.
-Katie having the plan to marry Prince Harry.
-This janitor was also the janitor from Ned's Declassified so there could've been linear timelines????
-They would randomly break out into the music videos in the middle of the show.
-It was a masterpiece of the times.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
IM SO GLAD I COULD MAKE YOUR DAY. I’m 100% genuine with that anon! I might send you a message eventually. And, it makes you feel better for being the grandpa, i’m 27. i’m old af 😂 been since i was 11/12/13 idk ages. I rarely use tumblr too 😭 but i’d love to be your friend if that’s okay!!!
sjhshshf you're the sweetest!!! and now you've made my day twice so i offer my love in return twicefold~ 💕 but naww that's not even old at all though!! i mean just look at our beloved manbeefcake band, already in their 30's and still young and dumb and always chasing something hehe :'D i only call myself a Grandpa bc i am one in the sense that my brittle body has a million unspeakable pains, i'm constantly tired and vv grumpy and complain about those goshdarned kids *shakes fist at t//ktok jk* and napping is my passion lmao (╹ڡ╹ )و✧
me 🤝 mr. kendall francis schmidt 🤝 weak knees and aged lower back ( ・ั﹏・ั)
true that i watched btr as a kid (about 9 to 12 y/o inb4 i transformed into my teenage ~edgy emo not like other girls uwu~ pop-hating era. cringe but true 🤠), but i only really got *into* the rusher fandom at age 20 ykyk, praise be to worldwide 2020 for fixing and ruining the core of my very being in one emotional whiplash!!! but the initial existential crises that came packaged with inexplicably being obsessed with a teenage boyband from an old show as an adult is too real. lez not talk about that >_>
worry not for i am the statistical outlier of being a chronic tunglr void lurker duwende—bc most ppl actually got important things to do and friends to socialise with and lives to live unLIKE SOMEONE OVER HERE *glares at a mirror a-la james diamond*
there's absolutely no pressure to, of course!! as long as you're perfectly comfortable with it, i'll be looking forward to hearing from you anytime <3 THE WAY MY DUMB MARSHMALLOW HEART SOBBED FOREVER BC AHHH I WOULD VERY MUCH LOVE THAT TOO!!! ✨ tbh in my mind, you're already a friend bc of how happy your asks have made me (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) if that's not too stranger danger to say ofc. i'm super sorry if it is.....i promise i'm not luring anyone to steal their kidneys,,, (<- suspect behaviours)
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Last Full Week in Ireland
Hi everyone! This week has been action packed as usual with trips to Belfast, Killarney, and downtown Dublin. This week is also my last full week in Ireland so I’ve definitely been trying to make the most of it.
On Monday, our program went on a day trip to Belfast in Northern Ireland which is actually part of the United Kingdom. In Belfast, we visited the Titanic Museum where we learned about the history of Belfast as well as how and why the Titanic was built in Belfast. 
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The Titanic Belfast Museum 
After a few hours in the museum, we had a quick lunch before going on a tour of various neighborhoods in Belfast. Our tour guide grew up in Belfast and was an active Republican that fought during the Troubles several decades ago. He showed us several of the peace walls that were built to separate the unionist protestants and the nationalist catholics in Northern Ireland. Those walls still separate neighborhoods in Northern Ireland and nobody knows for sure when they will be taken down. 
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One of the peace walls in Northern Ireland
Trivia and Karaoke
The UCD Clubhouse Bar held its first trivia night this Tuesday so a few friends and I formed a team and competed. Unfortunately, we took second place and missed out on a free round of drinks, but we still had a ton of fun. After the bar closed, we played Manhunt which is basically a mix of hide-and-go-seek and capture the flag for several hours in the courtyard outside the bar before heading back to our apartments. On Thursday, the bar hosted another karaoke night that we decided to go to. A few of us (including me) had quite a bit to drink because it was going to be one of the last times we would be able to before we leave next week. One important takeaway from that night is that singing the piña colada song with everyone around you after a few drinks is one of the greatest things you’ll ever experience.
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Vitor, Noah, Me, and Nate during karaoke night on Thursday
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Nate helping me devour some of the greatest Pringles I’ve ever eaten after karaoke night
Since our program didn’t have any trips planned for this weekend, our group decided to go on a day trip to Killarney on Saturday (massive thank you to Grace, aka Groc, for planning and booking the entire trip for us). We woke up extremely early in order to be on a bus by 6:00 am to the train station in Dublin. We then boarded a three hour train to Killarney. Once we arrived in Killarney, a few taxis took us to a small village where we would begin a 7 mile hike. In the village was an adorable little cafe where I ordered nutella and marshmallow pancakes and an Irish coffee with Baileys. The pancakes were delectable and the coffee was also pretty good. Once we all finished whatever we ordered we began our two and a half hour hike through the mountains. The entire hike was picturesque with small lakes and charming little sheep greeting you as you rounded every bend in the trail. 
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The entire crew during our hike. Back row from left to right: (Kendall, Noah, Aidan, Nate, Grace, Kate, Jane). Front row from left to right: (Emma, Me, Groc, Rachel)
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A few photos from the rest of the hike
At the end of the hike was a boat tour that took us through a few of the major lakes in the Killarney National Park. The tour was just as amazing as the hike and ended at a castle that was renovated into a small museum. 
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Views from the boat tour
After the boat tour, we were taxied back to downtown Killarney where we ate at the Curious Cat Cafe. I ordered a steak sandwich and a peanut butter, chocolate, and banana smoothie and it was one of the greatest meals of my life. 
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True greatness in meal form
Once we finished eating, we walked back to the train station to return to Dublin. We arrived back in Dublin a little after 11 pm and didn’t get back to our apartments till after midnight, but it was all worth it. 
This concludes my blog for this week. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Until next time!
Dominick Thornton
Computer Science 
Big 10 STEM and Irish Studies at UCD
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desertdollranch · 4 years
Grace’s hot cocoa stand
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The cold and snow might keep some people indoors where it’s warm, but not Grace! She’s always looking for an opportunity to promote her business and meet potential new customers. So she built this hot cocoa stand from scrap wood, and set up shop near the ski resort. 
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I made Grace’s cocoa stand using the directions and printables from AmericanGirlIdeas.com. I used foam board for the structure and then glued on painted chipboard to look like planks. 
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The cocoa is brown paint mixed with glue, inside a plastic container that used to hold cinnamon. The cups are made from foam board strips that I soaked to make flexible, then glued together.  
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The whipped cream can is rolled paper. The cinnamon sticks are bamboo skewer pieces glued together and painted brown. The candy canes are painted soft wire. The marshmallows are thin strips of foam board cut into tiny pieces. The pink cups are from Dollar Tree. 
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Saige is having a fun time cross country skiing, but is willing to stop for a warm cup of hot chocolate.
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She’ll just take marshmallows on top, thanks! 
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Kendall spent the day sledding with her friends, and now she’s ready for a treat. She likes lots of whipped cream on top, and a candy cane to stir it with!
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inthehytes · 3 years
OH MY GOD GINA- this is making me think about the happy birthday gina cake again lol - Petal! <3 PS! if we're doing headcanons what did Gia actually think about the cake? Icesis said they would find it funny but I'm curious 👀
That’s where Synthia gets it from! They thought it was hilarious like Icesis figured. Synthia was a little 😠 about it at first because she wanted it all to be perfect for them but when she saw how funny they found it she came around. Gia’s contact photo in Kendall’s phone becomes a picture of one of the marshmallow ‘animals’ the worst looking one in particular
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moonshotsx · 3 years
having kind of a shitty mental health day, would love to hear any brat pack bad day headcanons if you'd like to share?
i’m so sorry to hear about your day babes :( i hope this can help a bit - i just went with the college au, but if you want cc headcanons, let me know!
when synth has a bad day, it’s obvious from the moment you see her, she needs all the warm cuddles in the world, a nice hot bath helps too, she loves having her hair washed by kendall because she’s so gentle with her, gia is waiting for her on their bed, netflix ready to rewatch re-runs of her favorite show while kendall makes them hot chocolate with heart shaped marshmallows
gia just goes silent when they are having a bad day, gets into the dorm and just falls into the arms of who’s closest (usually synthia), they won’t admit it but they love being cuddled and sang to by synthia, it helps them forget what even made them upset in the first place
kendall hates being seen as weak and often hides her struggles from gia and especially synthia, she is older and feels like she should be the one they can always rely on and not the other way around. g&s make sure to let her know that it’s okay to not always be perfect, they are in a relationship with her because they love everything about her, including those moments where kendall doesn’t feel like she is doing enough
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allthevmff · 4 years
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The following fics have been added to the “Minor Grand” collection (after its defeat to Only One Bed)
A Million Ways by afrocurl
Bambi Defeats Godzilla by Kantayra of Yore (Kantayra)
Brothers in Arms by Emma CS Me
five things mac believes by beijing
Forsaking All Others by @truemyth​
Hearts and Flowers and Little Rhinestone Crowns by cerise
In Case Of Monsters by Emma CS Me
It's a Wonderful Lilly by StarCrossdSparrow 
Kendall and the High School Boy by spyhop
Kendall Casablancas: She’s a Marshmallow by celtic_flicka 
Life-Takers & Heartbreakers by cartwheel_dizzy
Perdón by bigboobedcanuck 
Private Eyes by @happilyshanghaied​​
Purple Skittles by offtheceiling
Queens by hyperemmalawlz
The Beavercide by blondiekin
The Earth is Made of Glass by katjanka
The Ties That Bind Us by @thelillykane​
Thoughts Catching by Emma CS Me
To Wish Impossible Things by lila82
Trespasses by @querulousgawks​
Trina Echolls Tells All by Emma CS Me
Your Carriage Awaits by samirant
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Check out all the fics created/shared during Tropeapalooza:  Here
Check out all the content created shared during Tropeapalooza: Here
Feel free to reply/respond with additional “Minor Grand” fics you’d like to add to this round up/collection.
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Art by @veronicamarsfanart​
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edierone · 5 years
26 and 77 for the mash up list
Five Miles Is a Long Way to Walk In Florsheims
She really did it. 
She — she just pulled over, told me to get out, and — kept on driving. 
I know I was pissing her off this entire case (but especially today), I know I probably (definitely) pushed it too far when I did the vehicular version of Dutch-ovening her just now, a little juvenile humor to lighten the mood … ok, honestly, with the heat on, it was really kind of nauseating, even for me. 
She’s threatened to dump me out before, like a dad yelling at the kids to pipe down or he’ll make ‘em walk home. 
But — this time, she really did it. And here I am, by the side of a two-lane road in the far yonder of cow country, in a cold drizzling rain, in my suit (minus the jacket, which is … still in the car) and cheap dumb dress shoes from JC Penney — thank god I left my Nunn Bush oxfords at home, I guess? — watching the rented Ford’s taillights recede in the far distance.  
I’ll wait a few minutes. She’ll come back. 
Nope. It’s been fifteen already. New plan: Walk till I’m just over that next rise — probably she’s sitting there, waiting for me to catch up, parked on the narrow shoulder with the radio on one of her channels (theory: might’ve been the fourth airing of “Livin’ Lovin’ Maid” that pushed her over the edge; note to self, that’s enough classic rock for today). I’ll show up, she’ll forgive me, and we’ll get back to finding the Phantom Murderin’ Cowboy of BFE. 
Nope. Fox and his tired old dogs are walkin back to Cowburg. 
Five miles is a long way to walk in Florsheims, especially when the seams start to give and your socks are soaked and your hair is in your face and even your belt is ruined. It’s enough time to get titanically self-righteously angry, then run out of steam on that and rethink your position, then feel like utter dogshit for the way you’ve treated the most important person in your life, then script and rehearse your most abject apology speech dozens of times, refining it to remove all traces of self-pity and accusation and adding a few jokey lines so she knows it’s you and not some shapeshifting asshole wearing you as a skin suit or something. 
I’m — I’m properly chastened, is what I’m saying, and all I want is to get back in her good graces. And maybe get some dry clothes on; my balls are rubbed pretty raw at this point. 
Room 27, adjoining room 28, the last two on the end farthest from the road. I start to feel just how bad off I am as I cross the parking lot: I’m freezing, my left knee hurts like a bastard, my ankles feel swollen to the point of sloshiness, my back is killing me, and my feet — oh god, my feet … I limp to good old 27, then realize with a wave of despair that my key is in the pocket of my suit jacket, which I can see crumpled on the floor of the Taurus’s backseat. 
Rather than add “broken rental car window” to my list of crimes and expense items, I gather what’s left of my dignity — there ain’t much — and shuffle over to 28. 
“Knock knock, it’s the bog monster of Black Rock Creek, I’m here to —”
The door swings open so fast I almost fall through it. 
There she is, keys in hand and coat on — that determined/worried little furrow between her eyes quickly smoothing out and hiking skyward as she takes in my bedraggled state. I don’t get a chance to give my apology speech, because she’s already launched into hers: “Jesus, Mulder, you look like a drowned rat! I’m so sorry — I thought it was only a mile or so, but it took you so long, I got worried — you — I was so angry, I guess I just didn’t realize how far it was — oh, look at your shoes! I was coming to get you — god you must be so cold —”
The whole time, she’s dragging me inside, running to the bathroom to grab towels which she tosses at me, bending to help me shuck the worthless bits of leather that used to be size 11 Fed footwear, checking through my sopping-wet hair for head trauma — at least I think that’s what she’s doing, but I don’t really care cause it feels pretty good. 
But I can’t let her do all the apologizing, so all the while, I’m trying to interject with my own mea culpa — about how it’s OK, I’m OK, I was being a dumbass and I deserved it and I’m sorry for questioning her take on the third vic’s cause of death (she was right, I was reaching, and being a dick about it besides), if she wants to Dutch-oven me as revenge, I’ll take it like a man … 
That one finally makes her stop fussing and laugh, her big surprising Scully-laugh that makes me feel like a god for bringing it forth. 
“Mulder …” she finally says, looking me up and down with a mixture of pity and amusement that kinda makes me tingle. “I’ll save that idea for another time. Why don’t you go get a hot shower and I’ll — try to find something to eat. I’m already dressed to go out anyway.” 
I agree to this plan, and in less than an hour, we’re side by side in comfy warm sweatpants on the surprisingly decent couch, eating some of the best tortilla soup I’ve ever tasted. She brought icy cold glass bottles of Coke, too — “Hecho in Mexico, oh man, Scully, that’s the stuff!”
She puts hers down and hops up, going to dig something out of her trench pocket. “I almost forgot! I found something else to warm you up.” She holds it out to me — a pint bottle of Jameson’s. 
“Heyyyyyy!” I reach for it, cracking it open and smelling it. “Where’d you get this? I thought this was a dry county.” 
“It is,” she smiles, with an arch aren’t-I-clever look. “I bought it off the front desk clerk — smelled something on her breath and took the big investigative leap. She charged me a pretty big markup, but I thought it was worth it, under the circumstances.” 
I agree, and ask if we have glasses — but this isn’t the kind of place that furnishes barware, so I guess we’ll have to swig it like a couple of winos under a bridge. 
“I don’t mind swapping spit with you, Scully, if you’re ok with mine,” I say, landing a pretty ill-timed glance at her lips that I hope she doesn’t notice. 
She does. It makes her blush a little, which she brazens through with a big manly belt of the Jameson’s. She hands the bottle to me and dares me with her eyes to do better. 
I can’t, of course, but I try, and as the first gulp slides down my throat, warming me from the inside, I have one of those hot pulses of the deepest kind of affection for her — the kind that just shouts in my head, iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, so loud that I almost give it voice for real. 
But, of course, I don’t; we finish our dinner, taking occasional nips of whiskey, calling out increasingly sloppy answers at Jeopardy! and then Wheel of Fortune on the crummy motel TV. 
The news is next and neither of us is in the mood, so I click through the five working channels and get lucky: North By Northwest is just starting. I scooch around to get comfortable, but I must’ve stiffened up — both of my hip joints and something up high in my back crack audibly, and the girly scream whistling out of me at the way my calf just seized would be funny if it didn’t hurt so much. 
Well, I guess it’s funny to Scully — she laughs, but apologizes. Then laughs again. She’s ruthless, not to mention mean. I tell her so. She laughs harder. I pout dramatically, and eventually she relents.
“All right, all right — you’ll be useless in the morning if I don’t get you fixed up, and I don’t plan on carrying your bag through DFW airport. Get up on that bed, I’ll massage the kinks out.” 
I swear I do not even have time to open my mouth before she warns, deadly serious: “And if you say one word about this is how some of your favorite movies start —”
Ahh, she knows me, doesn’t she? 
I make like a totally innocent man — pure of heart, mind, and deed — and lie down on my stomach with my feet toward the headboard, propping my chin up on a pillow so I can keep watching the movie. Scully gets to work. 
And she’s good. Got those doctor hands. Whoever’s in 26 must think we’re making the world’s weirdest sex tape in here, or else that we’ve kidnapped a moose that sometimes converses with Cary Grant. 
By the time she gets to my feet, I feel like a melted marshmallow.  
Scully says dreamily, “I remember watching this once somewhere when I was about twelve, and thinking Eve Kendall was the coolest thing I’d ever seen.” I make an inquiring noise. “You know — this scene —”
They’re on the train. Eva Marie Saint’s lookin ol’ Archibald in the eye, telling him she’s twenty-six and unmarried and likes his face, how it’s gonna be a long night, and
“And I don't particularly like the book I've started,” Scully murmurs along. I crane my neck to look back at her; her lips curve upward in the most delicious-looking arc, her eyes twinkling with that sort of mischievous/impressed look she gets toward me sometimes. 
I love it, but it makes me a little jealous, so I tell her so. She just giggles and says, “Oh, don’t be jealous of old crushes!” I want to ask her who’s the crush, Eva Marie or Cary, but she grabs the other pillow and flops down on her stomach beside me and suddenly I can’t talk — I just lie there, grinning like a fool. 
She passes me the one-third-full Jameson’s — one more sip each before she caps it for the night. We watch for awhile longer. During the next commercial break, she turns to me, studying me with a gentle smile.  
“You look a little dopey,” she says fondly, and I laugh. 
“I’m also happy, sleepy, and tipsy — wonder where the other three dwarfs are?”
Her eyes are on the TV again. “Doc … Bashful … Horny …” 
Suddenly my heart is thumping way too hard. When I talk, it comes out softer than I meant it to. “I don’t think ‘Horny’ is one of the original septet, Doc …”
She shifts a little. She’s smiling but she won’t look at me. “Neither is ‘Tipsy,’ but I spotted you that one — fair’s fair, Mulder.”
“Oh, we’re being honest?” Where did this voice come from, the one that makes her shiver? There — just then — she did, she did shiver. I saw it. “Well, maybe there was a Horny. And a Woody, and a — Smitten, and a —”
“I think you better stop there, Prince Charming,” she interrupts, finally half-turning her face toward me. She still won’t make eye contact; maybe she knows, like I do, that if she does that, we don’t stand a chance of keeping this from happening. 
The thing is, I want it to. I have for a long, long time, and I think — so does she, so has she. 
That’s the source of so much of the tension between us; that’s really why we fought earlier, why there’ve been so many of these little flareups lately, embers dropped into dry grass and then stomped out with such vigor. We’ve been careful not to get into situations like this one, where the space separating us is so small that we can feel the other’s exhales on our own skin. 
I drop down from my elbows to lie flat, facing her. I can see her eyelashes silhouetted against the washed-out lights of 1959 onscreen. “Scully,” I say, barely above a whisper. 
It’s a long moment before she finally whispers back, “Not here.”
I know what she means, of course I do. Not on a case, not in a janky motel, not even a little bit under the influence. 
“Then where?” 
She shakes her head, a tiny movement that makes her hair fall forward, obscuring any part of her I could read. 
She doesn’t know? Or she doesn’t want to say? I can’t tell, so I try another question.
“Soon, do you think?”
She tenses, and for a second I think she’s going to get up, or order me out of here. But then she drops her head to the pillow, facing me. Her eyes are huge, serious, full of something unnameable that I nonetheless understand. 
“Soon,” she agrees. 
I nod, nearly overwhelmed by my love for her, the tremendous weight of this moment, the desire that’s been there for so long I don’t remember a time when it wasn’t. 
She reaches to touch my face, skimming lightly along one side, barely barely barely there on my eyelid, so softly; I close my eyes as she traces where she likes. 
Her hand falls eventually, coming to rest in the little valley between us. I take hold of it, gently, risking a glimpse at her. Her eyes are shut now, but I’m not sure she’s asleep. 
“I love you,” I say, but silently, the coward’s way. “So much.” 
If she hears me, it’s only subliminally; that’s all the daring I have tonight. Sweet dreams, Scully, I think as I drift off. Sweet dreams. 
[Thanks for the long-ago prompt, anon -- from the Fic Trope Mashup list, Massage Fic and In Vino Veritas]
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