#Kazumi Yuyu
thebladeblaster · 8 months
CFV Meme Dump: Overdress + Will+Dress edition
I have finished Overdress and Will+Dress so it’s meme time!
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I was wrong about everyone who I thought had Psyqualia
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They’re alike. They should team up they’d be unstoppable 😊.
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Raika is the edgiest edgy boi and it’s great
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Dress seasons are now my second favorite after the original which has demoted the poor reboot even further 😅
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He had a certified Dagda moment
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I can’t believe it he didn’t turn evil?!
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This song is so edgy but it’s a banger🤣!
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ozrockbitway · 10 months
If it's not a bother to ask but do you have any like character headcannon's for older characters and new characters in Cfv?
(sorry if I'm bothering or anything.)
dont worry you're good!! idk what characters you wana hear from me so I will just. grab some favs. holds them at you.
Ren - He's like...some wealthy rich kid. I like to think he's an heir and supposed to inherit some company but he's never taken the thing seriously. He'll never talk about his family tho, mostly his dad, his mother left him and Ren doesn't remember her.
tbh I don't think anyone knows he's like rich lol. Maybe Asaka and Tetsu but he doesn't really act the type?? Maybe he throws money around...at cards mostly but man does not live that lavish lifestyle.
Probably gets cut off some funds when he's an adult but idk I can see him saving money or finding a way to have cash so he's p set doing...whatever it is he does as an adult (pre branch chief).
I joked once that he could probably get away with working anywhere and I kinda believe it?? Man says he works here and can play it off like nothing but only works one day and is never seen again...
Would randomly crash into his homies places in the middle of the night. You're sleeping? No problem. Ren is there, maybe grabbing something from the fridge before sleeping on the couch or the bed. It's impossible to Ren proof your home.
Asshole would 100% pick a random box from a cardshop and it has the most expensive Shadow Paladin card in it. Doesn't even need Psyqualia this just happens naturally.
Aichi - He's good with speaking other languages like...he knows the words/phrases/whatever to say but thinking isn't the same as speaking. So he usually trips over his words. Can translate very well just give him a sec so he doesn't mess up words.
100% a lil bookworm. Didn't have a lot of friends in his youth so he turned to books. That was like his escape fantasy along with thinking of Vanguard.
No matter how much more confident he is in his older years...he still struggles with public speaking. Please don't make him go up and talk to the crowd...he's so nervous...
Likes to send Emi and his mom gifts!! Little things from traveling. Would send Emi ocean/mermaid related things and I think in a note somewhere his mom plays Vanguard too (I think it was something to do with hot men?? let it be touken ranbu...) he'll send her things related to what she plays and just whatever she wants lol
Kazumi - Hates his family lmao. He's on bad terms with his father and is a little better with his mom but not really. The only good one in his fam was Kazuma (pleading emoji).
Knows how to conceal his true feelings p well?? He has to in the business world and around his parents. So he'll bottle up things a lot. His more childish side peeks through usually during Vanguard or when he's around people he knows he can relax with.
Wants to learn how to cook and kinda be on his own?? He doesn't want to rely on his family's wealth and probably only uses it for housing, away from the main house, but he wants to be able to live on his own and not follow the family name.
Has a lil...dragon collection. Maybe it's cuz of Shiranui but I like to think he collects little dragon trinkets. Please don't let him go off about his collection because he will. Also is v proud of it.
Mamoru - He doesn't make dad jokes, other people make dad jokes for him!! He takes care of Ryuzu and just kinda...adopted him?? Yeah the whole association is supposed to take care of him but legally he is Mamoru's kid.
He needs to take better care of himself. Probably eats fast food or whatever the dragon empire cafeteria has that's quick and can be found sleeping at his desk, especially during the heavier seasons. Tokoha usually helps him out but he's gotten a little better at it.
Probably would have been like...a teacher or something in that field if he wasn't doing Vanguard. That wouldn't be his go to or something he aspired at first but that's what he would have settled upon.
Somehow knows everyone. Could say hi to someone on the street and has seen/spoken to them before. I like to think he's kinda famous cuz of his status and all the stuff he does but like...a lot of locals know him too. Support the community!!
Yuyu - Ends up going to the student council because of Raika lol. I don't think he'd go for any of the president or VP seats but would do something like secretary or treasurer.
Would go out of state for college!! He wants to be a pro Vanguard fighter but wants to get a degree for his fam. His sisters all have degrees so baby boy has to do it to!!
Probably genderfluid. tbh? Doesn't mind dressing up as feminine but doesn't quite like the frilly dresses his sisters pick out for him. I think he'd like more of the androgynous stuff.
He's not into max rarity for his decks. He pulls like 1 SP/FFR and is like aight cool. At most he'd would make his sideline bling but wouldn't go insane over it. Also he's a high schooler so he has no budget for this lskfjds
Tohya - Got disowned from his fam. Or at least kicked out of his house due to dropping out of med school. Homie was on his way to the big doctor leagues and then...gives it up for silly cardboard?? Yeah no his fam ain't having that bye bye.
He didn't finish school yeah but tbh he could be like...a roaming doctor. I think he was the top of his class and he knows his shit (and probably studies up on the side but not that much) so he knows what's up. Charges you with a cardfight instead of money. help him.
Stopped eating ramen for a while. Man was traumatized by the ramen challenge. It's okay he got over it and he can eat cup noodles on his own now.
He travels a lot but I like to think he p much lives at Danji's old place?? So if you wana catch him he usually goes back there. He can't officially leave because he has to take care of the turtle. Granted some Blackout members do if he can't but!! turtle is his responsibility.
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italian-pastry · 4 years
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We got some Hero Outfits, fellas!
Kazumi’s fit took inspiration from Typical Anime Magical Girl outfits with a vague princess/queen motif! She also has a sash thing that holds first aid tools (bandages and what not) and in her garter thing on her leg, she has small projectiles (like itsy bitsy rubber bullets or marbles)
Mieko’s fit took inspiration from usual female athletic wear, just with a vest and belt (and knee support since my girl ain’t wearing shoes). Her belt has first aid gear and a hunting knife whose handle I forgot to draw.
I haven’t gotten an idea yet for Kazumi’s hero name (maybe she just goes with her name like how her mom does), but for Mieko, I’m playing around with the name Meteorite!
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italian-pastry · 4 years
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Magical School Girl Anime protag and her little sister “IT’S NOT A PHASE, MOMS”
Bravo!!!!! We’ve officially finished all the kids who’s parents are both canon characters!
(Please note that their actual ages are not finalized. This is just to give you a general feel/vibe for their ages and age differences)
Some design notes I guess under the cut
Kazumi: I tried to model her (and her quirk) after your typical magic girl anime protag.  (Hm two kids with large connections to a magical girl anime/magical girl anime in general. Coincidence? I think not) Her hair is just like that. Yuyu canonically dyes her hair, and since Mr. Koshi hasn’t revealed her natural hair color, I’ve decided it is blonde. So that combined with weird BNHA genetics, we got this It was such a struggle to not dress her in a school uniform. I would love to see her in one tho... Jewel tones are her thing. Lovely rich colors are her favorite colors. Also skirts. She’s very feminine, but is known to kick some serious ass. God there’s not much to say abt her. If I weren’t so attached to Mieko and her pals, I think it’d be real funny to make the story abt Kazumi in her first year at U.A and her classmates (and upper classmen UwO) in the model of a Slice Of Life/Comedy/School Girl anime (where all the cool Shonen action stuff happening in the background)
Makairo: “Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair” Her natural hair color is nice baby blue but she dyes it black because “Baby Blue is for Preps. Black hair is Cool.” and her moms were like “lmao alrighty then” Fuck the more I look at her the more she reminds me of Eijirou and his mom. Its the black hair, red-ish eyes, and tan skin ain’t it. @ Mr. Koshi thanks for not telling me anything abt Yuyu (like her hair or quirk) so now I have no ideas for Makairo’s quirk. This poor girl is trying so hard to be cool and “”””””””not like other girls”””””””” that it’s physically painful. It’s the insecurity Idk why I decided to give her an asymmetrical design. That’s pretty cring of me smh smh. She wants more than just those ear piercings but she’s afraid of needles so you know. RIP. She’s super fuckinf short when compared to the other kids her age (One day I’ll drop the full height chart but today is not that day)
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italian-pastry · 4 years
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I’m Obsessed UwU
OG screenshots under cut!
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italian-pastry · 4 years
Fankid Birthdays!!!
We got some birthdays, lads! There are links to a Google Document AND a Google Spreadsheet, just in case you find one format easier to understand over another. If you don’t want to go check out the links, I’ll put the birthdays below the cut (but it’ll be excluding info like Zodiac Signs or which canon characters the fankids have birthdays closest to).
This took me like 3 hours last night lmao
Nozomi Togota - September 28th
Chieko Ojirou - February 14th
Kosuke Kirishima - June 8th
Mieko Kirishima-Bakugou - December 2nd
Toshi Midoriya - June 26th
Takeo Shinaro - December 18th
Arisu Tetsukendou - August 31st
Tozen - May 29th???
Takiyo Asui - February 27th
Kazumi Yuyu - August 7th
Satoshi Yaoyarozu - July 13th
Utano Yaoyarozu - July 13th
Minako Ashido - November 21st
Ezumo Uraraka - March 21st
Makairo Yuyu - April 30th
Akio Kirishima-Bakugou - April 24th
Yukio Aoyama - March 2nd
Arakan Midoriya - December 23rd
Hiroki Kirishima-Bakugou - October 15th
Akihiko Tetsukendou - June 18th
Ryuji Ojirou - August 9th
Koharu Iida - April 3rd
Teruko Iida - April 3rd
Kinuyo Shoji - February 21st
Youdai Midoriya - November 14th
Nikko Togota - January 5th
Kana Kirishima-Bakugou - July 26th
Tatsuhiro Kirishima-Bakugou - July 26th
Taishiro Ojirou - September 12th
Tsuki Asui - October 4th
Maemi Shinaro - November 11th
Masashi Shinaro - November 11th
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italian-pastry · 4 years
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CHART TIME CHART TIME (I highly encourage you to zoom in and look at everyone I spent a while on them)
Also, if you look closely enough, you’ll see two new faces in the crowd ;)
Underneath the cut, I’ll explain the lines between people, and go into detail for the newbies! Basically, there’s a lot of stuff under the cut that you might wanna check out ;)
Name Reference (in case you forgot or you’re new here): Starting at the very tippy top with the Purple-To-Yellow lady, this is a list of everyone going counterclockwise. (the bolded ones are the new guys) 1. Nozomi Togota - 23 2. Chieko Ojirou – 22 3. Kosuke Kirishima – 19 4. Mieko Kirishima-Bakugou – 17 5. Toshi Midoriya – 17 6. Takeo Shinaro-17 7. Tozen – 17 8. Arisu Tetsukendou- 17 9. Takiyo Asui– 16 10. Kazumi Yuyu- 16 11. Satoshi Yaoyarozu - 15 12. Utano Yaoyarozu - 15 13. Minako Ashido - 15 14. Ezumo Uraraka – 14 15. Makairo Yuyu - 13 16. Akio Kirishima-Bakugou – 13 17. Yukio Aoyama - 12 18. Arakan Midoriya - 12 19. Hiroki Kirishima-Bakugou – 11 20. Akihiko Tetsukendou - 10 21. Ryuji Oirou – 9 22. Teruko Iida - 8 23. Koharu Iida – 8 24. Kinuyo Shoji – 8 25. Youdai Midoriya – 6 26. Nikko Togota - 5 27. Kana Kirishima-Bakugou - 3 28. Tatsuhiro Kirishima-Bakugou – 3 29. Taishiro Ojirou - 1 30. Tsuki Asui – less than a year 31. Masashi Shinaro - Newborn 32. Maemi Shinaro - Newborn Yes there are 32 of these clowns and I love all of them.
Onto the new guys!
Kosuke Kirishima: I refer to him as Sasuke in my head. He is the only son of Natuso and an OC of mine, Emiko! Emiko is also Kirshima’s older sister, which is where Kasuke got his last name from, so no, he is not an affair baby or secret twin sibling.(You can bet your ass Natuso would take the first chance he got to ditch his dad’s name and so here we are.) He is 19, very handsome, and is starting work in Hero Support! His name means “Rising Sun”
Kinuyo Shoji: Created simply because I had a cool idea for her quirk. She is the only daughter of Shoji and a Still-Unnamed OC of mine. (I feel bad I still haven’t named her. She’s been here for a while.) Kinuyo is a lil spider lady and does ballet! Her name means “Generation of Silk” (because haha spider)
Now to the lines! This might take a while....... Please note that some things I won’t be going into detail for because of either story/character reasons, or I want you guys to imagine your own reasons as for why these folks are connected!
Red (Crushing?) [please note that the crush only applies from where the arrow is coming from to where the arrow is going]: - Kazumi -> Toshi and Tozen. You’re typical “I’m in love with two boys and I don’t know what to do!!!!!” Storyline (Extra points since you’ve got the Bad Boy and the Boy Next Door aesthetics). I think it fit well with Kazumi’s Trope-Filled life and could lead to some fun humor. - Makairo -> Satoshi. I think it’s more of an admiration sort of thing. Makairo thinks Satoshi is super cool because she’s cool and punk and not like those other preppy girl Makairo knows. - Koharu -> Akio. This is one of those little puppy crushes kids get. It’s also Koharu - once again - trying to seem cool and mature by crushing on an older boy (although if she rlly was trying to pull that off, there are better choices than a 13 year old himbo) - Nikko -> Mieko. Man the Kirishima-Bakugous sure are irresistible aren’t they. Yet again another puppy crush. Nikko thinks Mieko is super cool for being strong and heroic. I didn’t include this, but she also thinks Kazumi is awesome for being a real life Magical Girl.
Orange (Best Friends) [friend groups will be listed all together]: - Mieko, Toshi, Tozen, and Arisu - Takeo, Satoshi, and Utano. Their parents visit each other a lot, so these guys saw a lot of each other growing up. Fancy Boy, Pastel Punk, and Sk8r Boi. - Minako and Kazumi.  - Ezumo, Arakan, and Hiroki. Middle Child cluuuuuuub.  - Makairo, Akio, and Yukio. These three would be the funniest thing together. Makairo is always yelling at Akio for being a “Typical Jock” cough cough Himbo and Yukio is constantly keeping her from punching people. Akio is here for moral support. I just....... THE POTENTIAL YOU GUYS. - Koharu, Teruko, Kinuyo, and Youdai. Koharu, Kinuyo, and Youdai all attend the same dance lessons, and Teruko is here because wherever her sister is she is right there behind her to make her laugh. - Taishiro, Tsuki, Masashi, and Maemi. Babies. Their parents got them together and they kinda just stuck. Babies don’t care about nothing, and they get into as many shenanigans as 4 literal babies can get.
Yellow (friends) [I don’t really know why I made this and orange separate but here we are]: - Kosuke, Akio, Kana, and Tatsuhiro. Cousins doing dumb cousins things together like cousins do. They do experiments with Kosuke’s gadgets a lot, and cause the appropriate amount of destruction an inventor and children who share blood with Bakugou would. - Mieko, Toshi, Takiyo, Takeo, and Arisu. (If this were to be a full blown story thing, these guys + Tozen would be the main characters. Takiyo maybe less than the others tho since he is still baby (haha 16 year old)) - Minako, Satoshi, and Utano.  - Minako and Ezumo. Fashion buddies! - Akio and Akihiko. Their families practically live at each others houses, and these are two idiot boys around the same age. They get into harmless trouble a lot. - Yukio and Hiroki. Nervous kid cluuuub. They’re less nervous when they’re with each other, and they like talking about movies. - Arakan, Akihiko, Ryjui, and Nikko. Hero Club! They talk about heroes and how cool they are! Their research includes current heroes (their parents) and cool heroes of the past (Like GrandPa Toshinori!!!)
Green (Complicated) [complicated]: - Chieko, Ryuji, and Taishiro. Chieko moved away when Ryuji was 4 and Taishiro wasn’t even born. She wants to be involved with them, but she’s so far away and avoids their parents, so it’s hard. Ryuji doesn’t entirely understand, but he likes it when he gets to call his sister and she can tell him about all the cool America things she’s doing! - Makairo and Kazumi. Not actually not that complicated. Makairo hates heavily dislikes Kazumi for being a prep, but Kazumi believes it’s just a phase (which it probably is), so she’s not as respectful of Makairo as she should be and is patronizing. It’s tense.
Blue (hostile) [just means someone is a rude lil punk]: - Makairo and Akio. It’s just Makairo saying “Jock (derogatory)” and Akio saying “haha cool” every 10 minutes - Masashi, Tsuki, and Taishiro. Masashi is a little brat, and the other two are babies, so none of them really mind. Masashi just makes angry faces at them.
Purple (Had a falling out): - Chieko and Nozomi.
Familial relationships will be spelled out in my family tree post, whenever that comes out because GOD KNOWS how long that’ll take.
Hoooooo that was a lot. See y’all next time!
@questionableholidayreally ;D
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