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agentepato · 1 month ago
I'm the partner, I don't really mind, you can keep going
Love you
the ithaca saga has me foaming at the mouth this is not even a joke anymore I'm. I can't.
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gh0stsblogs · 1 year ago
Everytime im feeling sad or Anxious about the future i just watch TMNT 1987 until their lingo turns vocal stims that no one else gets.
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rebellionmoon · 7 months ago
Beach Day with Illumi Zoldyck ☀️🏖️
Even assassins deserve a vacation! Join Illumi and Psyche, husband and wife, as they kick back, relax, terrorize the locals and enjoy the splendors of the beach and eachother <3 [ illumixoc, sfw, fluffy drabble]
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The best treasures to find at the beach are in the ocean! Illumi loves snorkeling and seeing what surprises await him down below. Psyche will be reading her book, The Captain and I, then look up to see illumi diving into the water, then moments later emerge with a crab captured in his mouth, its pinching his nose but illumi doesn't mind.
'You're mine." Illumi says to everything he catches.
Illumi periodically comes out of the water, long black hair dripping down his back, while carefully cupping a lil sea creature in his hands. It's a hermit crab! He loves showing them to his wife, and after respectful observation they put the little hermit crab in a mini beach aquarium. Illumi is collecting friends!
Illumi tells Psyche fun marine facts, such as that hermit crabs are rappers, no, not the Drake kind.
Illumi stares. All you see is the top of his head and a pair of big, black unblinking shiny eyes peeking above the water's surface. He's waiting for Psyche to wave at him. When she does, he smiles. Satisfied, then he dives back in again, on the hunt for more friends!
"It's beautiful! Psyche, it's beautiful!" Illumi will keep calling Psyche to swim with him until she comes. He is relentless about having a damn fun time with his love.
Did Illumi say swimming? Oh no, he actaully meant cradling his wife in his arms and spinning her around in the water. Kissing her forehead as she lays her head on his chest.
She asks him to throw her in the incoming waves (he does) and make believe she's being sacrficied to a sea monster that's terrorizing the local and provincial fishing village (illumi's the monster.)
Ok, now they're swimming. It's a race to the buoys! Illumi has an affinity for competition, so that means swimming at the speed of a torpedo and Psyche gets swept up in the currents. kawabunga
Where did Illumi go!? Pyche can't see him anywhere! Suddenly, something nibbles at her leg.
It's a trap! It's Illumi. nom nom nom nom. He likes to bite. And tease his wife. He did say he was her make believe sea monster.
A good wife buries her husband---in the sand, silly! And silly he indded looks as a sand man. This moment will look lovely in their newly wed scrapbook. Uh oh, just as Psyche went to grab her phone, Illumi vanished.
Psyche peers into the tunnel he dug below. She hoped he went to get her snacks. Burying bodies always makes her hungry.
Not too far away, Illumi emerges from the sand, beneath a sand castle. Children run away screaming. Psyche pouts. He's nowhere near the snack bar. She points, he obeys and digs onward. He must provide for his family.
Psyche names the crabs in the aquarium, and witness them rap, knock on, a better hermit crab's shell to steal. This is rapping. *Psyche busies herself breaking up hermit crab fights* 'friends don't fight. Oh, you're naughty, to the far end of the aquarium with you.'
Screams ahead! Beach umbrellas are suddenly toppling over and popping out from the sand. Is it aliens?? Or a freaky goblin man (ILLUMI, STOP. PSYCHE, GO, HURRY, COLLECT YOUR HUSBAND)
"Psyche, it's everywhere!" Illumi says, spitting sand out of his mouth. Sand is not dirt. Sand does not behave like dirt, doesn't stay out of his eyes, nose, ears, nor mouth like dirt. Psyche doesn't know how surprised he should have been, digging underground tunnels across at least half the span of the beach.
Psyche cracks open a can of beer. Pssh, one beer will not make her drunk.
But several can and does. *Psyche gets drunk and starts talking to strangers like they're life long family friends and proceeds to tell harrowing, hair raising details about her assassin family that she thinks is funny*
*Illumi throws Psyche over his shoulder and carries her back, shushing all the secrets she wishes to tell strangers with chocolate gelato* 'Haha please don't call the coastguard. have a nice day!'
They hold hands and walk along the shore, collecting seashells. They'll braid them into eachothers hair later. Illumi likes it when Psyche fumbles into him, he gets to catch her and hold her longer.
Time to release (the captured) sea friends back into the ocean. Goodbye friends! Illumi will befriend (catch) you another day!
They cuddle together under a blanket and watch the sunset. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles and kisses him. Lips, cheeks, nose, forehead. Oh my. All of him is so kissable.
He's so happy to be her husband.
Psyche and Illumi's marriage is part of my fanfic WHERE SHADOWS TOUCH. Atm, I just wanted to write a fluffy, summer story because the fic is all angst rn XD
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seashoreshell · 1 year ago
Eugene, tears in his eyes: please PLEASE just a crumb of plan.. Gavus: KAWABUNGA!
Lmaoo yeah. This chapter he had some strategy at least, even if said strategy was to dive headfirst down towards burning lava.
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fewsystemsinonebody · 2 months ago
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name: Jeremiah system: misty/woodsy nicknames: Jerry (Jerry do cholery), Jer, Jeronimo animal form: cockatoo function: trauma holder, protector, introject skills: - pechowiec i bardzo się tym przejmuje, na lodzie kiepsko mu idzie i ma problem ze schodzeniem po schodach (ogółem nie widzimy ich za bardzo, ale on to już w ogóle), mimo to wchodzi i schodzi po ruchomych schodach zamiast na nich stać - nie pokazuje po sobie emocji/udaje, że jest obojętny, ucieka, rzadko płacze i nie publicznie, jak zacznie to prawie od razu przestaje i ucina emocję momentalnie choćby mocno cierpiał look: height - short eyes - bursztynowe? hair - dyes them various colors skin - light punk tattoos communication: - has voice like a cartoon mouse? - makes sounds/noises like an annoying character from a cartoon - sings similar to Maneskin - czasem przebiega przez korytarz hs krzycząc szybko he[j]he[j]he[j]… mówi yes sir lub aye aye! oraz arriba arriba andale andale i kakah! czy kawabunga how they move: - czasem rusza rękoma jak skrzydłami i dużo wzruszał ramionami, flaps arms/hands (autism) - nie umie tańczyć music: fav genre - punk, nie przepada za powolnymi piosenkami fav bands - MCR, Nirvana, Ratatat, Daria Zawiałow, Santigold, Hole, Noa Kirel, Billy Idol? Petite Meller? fav songs - Teen idle - Marina *z większości dźwięków się śmieje food: - wybredny, nie przepada za przekąskami czy takimi rzeczami jak leczo czy fasolka a nawet flaki - przysypia po jedzeniu trochę interests: - jeździ skuterem po hs i kolekcjonuje kaski - chomiki i żyrafy - rakiety zabawkowe - jeździ na łyżwach, ale nie wyczynowo w hs raczej na szybkość, poza tym nie lubi sportu - czyta tylko komiksy? - większość rzeczy po prostu lubi, ale nie najbardziej - rzadko do czegoś się przywiązuje (poza niektórymi drobiazgami), ale jak już to bardzo mocno i nikomu nie pokazuje - elektryczna gitara kiedyś favorite color - green
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favorite animal - wrona other info: - nie znosi komerchy - nosiłby biżuterię z owadów - sometimes annoys others as a bird in hs - wpierw gada a potem myśli, odważny w swoich opiniach, bywa impulsywny w ich głoszeniu dating: - April
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softwiingz · 1 year ago
you down to kawabunga w me 😏
ofc loma 🥺🫵🏽🩷🏄🏾
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bobpinkus · 2 years ago
im just a teenage dirt bag baby
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rollingbob · 1 month ago
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1966 Batman
Cesar Remero as The Joker
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reelinplace · 4 years ago
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aticky · 2 years ago
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Tea time kat LemonTree , Park Royal
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katanadepapel · 4 months ago
Of course! I agree!
Apparently there are four sentences fixed and written, so from my point of view I think that
Mikey wrote the "cool" to form the phrase "Cool girl", Donnie and Raph wrote Boss Lady or April O'Hero(I think Raph wrote this one, because he's more exaggerated). And Leo wrote "Marry me April" because he seems to be more detailed.
(I ignore the "marry me April" because i don't ship Aprinardo, but it's probably a fact)
And if you look closer there is a little word that looks like "Kawabunga"
Headcanon: the bros broke in during the weekend before school to do this for April’s locker (ignore the marry me April)
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thegamecaveoakengates · 4 years ago
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**NECA TMNT** New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Pack - Casey Jones & Raphael (in Disguise) - £54.99 - Complete with Accessories #Neca #Tmnt #Raphael #Caseyjones #Kawabunga (at Thegamecave Oakengates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFRaMTGHwfT/?igshid=xrv17618bja7
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chefloveshiking-blog · 5 years ago
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Cowabunga dude! Big surf at Higgins again! #maine #mainelife #mainephotography #maineliving #mainesurfing #mainesurfersunion #surfmaine #surfing #surfinglife #kawabunga (at Higgins Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAImVFsY-c/?igshid=f5qx0izizfyh
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666homi · 7 years ago
i just woke up
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rei-artist · 4 months ago
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Ayanami Rei
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manudessin-ed-h · 6 years ago
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✏🍄✏ on arrête plus les #ChampS ! Une nouvelle planche d'encrée !! Maintenant, ça passe entre les mains du 3ème frangin Marcø pour les aplats de couleurs 💪💪💪 . #ED_H #Gaga #Marcø #lesChampS #BD #bandedessinee #comics #champignon #mushrooms #aventure #fight #humour #encrage #inked #kawabunga !!! (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wDJ7WCukp/?igshid=18g6secx93zsh
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