#Katie Price Finances
celebritynewsblogg · 1 month
KATIE PRICE UPDATE "KATIE PRICE Misses Court Date Again Over £40k Debt, Leaving Judge 'Concerned'"
latest celebrity news katie price latest news Katie price skirted one more trial over her insolvency fights as she missed the fresh insight about a further monetary blow.
The disturbed star has left an adjudicator feeling "worried" in the wake of neglecting to turn up for court and wasn't there face to face to find her pay from TikTok is to be suspended as a component of endeavors to take care of cash owed under her two liquidations. At a conference toward the beginning of today it arose that the previous charm model made nearly £95,000 on the virtual entertainment stage among Spring and May this year. A request was supposedly made by Judge Catherine Burton, where Katie would be expected to pay legal administrators 40% of those profit. Katie was as of late captured at Heathrow Air terminal in the wake of skirting a chapter 11 trial over her £760,000 neglected charge bill. The mum-of-five decided to stream off to Turkey for more superficial medical procedure, rather than going before the adjudicator.  She didn't seem earlier today during the remote hearing and was not addressed. The star has been at home recuperating from her activity and yesterday she flaunted the consequences of her boob work and facelift in another video shared on her web-based entertainment. Katie peeled off into a minuscule swimsuit as she whipped a paid versatile application on her Instagram Story. Presently she will have the money produced using the online entertainment stage kept, it has been chosen. The star acquires thousands consistently from the application, flaunting over 1.6million supporters yet she will not have the option to get her hands on the money, it has been chosen.
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luulapants · 9 months
Where California politicians stand on Palestine
The majority of Democrats in DC, despite their voter base being overwhelmingly in support of a ceasefire, refuse to disavow the genocide in Gaza or call for ceasefire.
They are able to do this, to disregard the outrage of their constituency, because they feel certain that no matter how many letters we send, we will show up and vote for them when the time comes. They are certain their actions have no consequences.
Senator Alex Padilla received about $31k from Israeli lobby groups. He refuses to call for a ceasefire. This was his going rate to enable genocide.
Senator Laphonza Butler was appointed in Oct 2023 after the death of Diane Feinstein, who was pro-Israel. No campaign finance info on file. She refuses to call for a ceasefire. Perhaps she's waiting for her payout.
12/52 California congressional representatives are Republicans. None have called for ceasefire. Palestinian genocide is core to the Republican platform.
Of the 40 Democrat representatives, only 11 have called for ceasefire. The following CA Democrat representatives have called for ceasefire. They were not swayed by money received from Israeli lobby groups.
Jared Huffman, 2 - not swayed by $1k from Israeli lobby groups this election cycle, down from 13.5k and 9.5k in the last two
John Garamendi, 8 - not swayed by $500 whole dollars from Israeli lobby groups, down from 5k and 15k
Mark Desaulnier, 10 - not swayed by $1k, down from 4k and 4.5k
Barbara Lee, 12 - not swayed by $13.5k, down from 27k and just 4k in 2020
Ro Khanna, 17 - not swayed by $12k, down from 45.5k and 23k
Judy Chu, 28 - not swayed by $1k, down from 7k and 10.5k
Tony Cardenas, 29 - not swayed by 35k, down from 70k and 38.5k
Jimmy Gomez, 34 - received nothing this cycle or 2020, not swayed by the $13.5k Israeli lobby groups gave in 2022
Robert Garcia, 42 - has received nothing from Israeli lobby groups since taking office in 2023
Maxine Waters, 43 - has received nothing from Israeli lobby groups in the past 3 election cycles
Sara Jacobs, 51 - not swayed by $9k, down from $26.5k in her first election cycle
The following CA Democrat representatives have refused to call for ceasefire. The approximate amount they've received from Israeli lobby groups since 2019 (the price it cost to buy their endorsement of genocide) is after each name and district number.
Mike Thompson, 4 (24k); Ami Bera, 6 (46.5k); Doris Matsui, 7 (9k); Josh Harder, 9 (159k); Nancy Pelosi, 11 (92.5k); Eric Swalwell, 14 (54.5k); Kevin Mullin, 15 (0 - 19-22 data missing); Anna Eshoo, 16 (34.5k); Zoe Lofgren, 18 (22k); Jimmy Panetta, 19 (14k); Jim Costa, 21 (127k); Salud Carbajal, 24 (27k); Raul Ruiz, 25 (24.5k); Julia Brownley, 26 (47.5k); Adam Schiff, 30 (205.5k); Grace Napolitano, 31 (8k); Brad Sherman, 32 (132k); Pete Aguilar, 33 (315.5k); Norma Torres, 35 (14.5k); Ted Lieu, 36 (122k); Sydney Kamlager, 37 (15.5k - 22 data missing); Linda Sanchez, 38 (36.5k); Mark Takano, 39 (17k); Nanette Barragan, 44 (69.5k); Lou Carrera, 46 (12.5k); Katie Porter, 47 (152.5k); Mike Levin, 49 (143k); Scott Peters, 50 (34k); Juan Vargas, 52; (208.5k)
The Republicans will be trash regardless, but we cannot let our Democrats skate by thinking there are no consequences for supporting a genocide. They are slaughtering people with your tax dollars, Americans. It's time to get serious. It's time to tell these people that they cannot have our votes for free. It's time to start talking about primary opposition and third party voting. It's time to start exercising our power as voting citizens.
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[Political cartoons 2020]  :: Los Angeles Sentinel :: David Brown
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Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 23, 2023
Both President Joe Biden and House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) have stated publicly that the U.S. will not default. They are negotiating over the budget. For my part, I’ve started to wonder if the whole debt ceiling crisis isn’t about Republicans’ determination to cut taxes for the wealthy at all costs. When Ronald Reagan called for tax cuts in 1980, he argued that tax cuts would concentrate money in private hands, enabling investors flush with cash to build the economy. That growth would keep tax revenues stable even with the lower rates. That was the argument, but it never came to pass. In fact, a 2022 study by political economists David Hope and Julian Limberg shows that “tax cuts for the rich…do not have any significant effect on economic growth or unemployment,” but they do “lead to higher income inequality in both the short- and medium-term.” Indeed, Estelle Sommeiller and Mark Price of the Economic Policy Institute, an independent, nonprofit think tank, noted in 2018 that 1% of all families in the U.S. take home 21% of all the income in the U.S., making 26.3 times more than the bottom 99%, whose average income is slightly more than $50,000 a year. On average in the U.S., someone would need an annual income of slightly more than $420,000 to be a member of that top 1%. In 2020, annual wages for the top 1% grew by 7.3% while those in the bottom 90% grew just 1.7%. A 2020 study by Carter C. Price and Kathryn A. Edwards of the RAND Corporation showed that the changing economic distribution systems of the past forty years have moved a staggering $50 trillion upward, out of the hands of the bottom 90% of Americans. (The national debt is currently about $31.5 trillion.) Nonetheless, today’s Republicans continue to insist that cutting taxes promotes growth. Today, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) talked over journalist Katy Tur to defend his support for extending the Trump tax cuts, which are due to expire in 2025 and which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will add $3.5 trillion to the debt. Good insisted that tax cuts are “incentivizing the right things.” Leaving the White House today, McCarthy told reporters that he would not entertain rolling back the 2017 Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. “[T]he problem is not revenue,” he insisted. “The problem is spending.” But the Trump tax cuts and Trump's increased spending even before the pandemic ultimately added $7.8 trillion to the national debt, about $23,500 for every person in the country. The increase in the annual deficit under Trump was the third-biggest increase of any administration, relative to the size of the economy. He was beaten out only by George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln. Bush, of course, led the U.S. into two foreign conflicts that were financed almost entirely through debt (in the past, the U.S. paid for war through taxes and war bonds), after Congress cut taxes by about 8% for the wealthiest Americans. Lincoln fought the Civil War. “It’s not that Americans are taxed too little, it’s that Washington spends too much,” Russ Vought, Trump’s acting budget director, wrote in 2019. He was defending Trump’s 5% budget cuts to nondefense discretionary spending. President Biden’s 2024 budget proposes to reduce the federal deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade by raising taxes on those who make more than $400,000 a year. His budget would effectively repeal the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy, restoring the top tax rate to 39.6% rather than the 37% the 2017 cuts established. It would also raise corporate taxes from 21%, to which the 2017 tax cuts dropped them, to 28%, lower than the high of 35% before the Trump tax cuts. Biden’s budget also calls for taxing capital gains at about the same rate as income for those making more than $1 million, and it calls for a new tax on unrealized capital gains. It also seeks to close loopholes that enable high earners to avoid taxes. Funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that was passed in the Inflation Reduction Act will enable the IRS to go after tax cheats who make more than $400,000 a year, netting an estimated $204 billion through 2031. But the Republicans say they will not agree to any tax hikes of any sort, and the right-wing extremists in the Freedom Caucus have said they would not agree to anything but the bill McCarthy muscled through the House by promising it would never become law. That bill, called Limit, Save, Grow, would cut discretionary government programs by at least 18%—more if Social Security, Medicare, and veterans’ benefits aren’t included. “My conservative colleagues for the most part support Limit, Save, Grow, and they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage,” said right-wing Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL). As Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post pointed out last week, the bill also forces Congress to approve every “major” regulation proposed by a government agency, with the recognition that Congress is unlikely to agree to any such regulation, thus unraveling the federal government. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who before the 2022 election called for sunsetting all laws every five years, forcing Congress to repass all discretionary spending, today fell back on the idea that Democrats calling for addressing the deficit through taxation are socialists. Poking fun at the recent travel advisories by LGBTQ, immigrant, and Black rights organizations warning against visiting Florida, he issued a “formal travel advisory” for “socialists” “in direct response to the Biden Administration attempts to erase capitalism and the system that has brought prosperity to Florida and the entire United States.” And yet it was the Republican Party that originally established the pattern of turning to increasing revenue to enable the government to meet its financial obligations, a pattern members of both parties relied on until 1981. Faced in 1861 with funding the Civil War, members of the Republican Party invented the U.S. income tax and graduated it to make sure that “the burdens will be more equalized on all classes of the community, more especially on those who are able to bear them,” as Senator William Pitt Fessenden (R-ME) put it. Justin Smith Morrill (R-VT) agreed. “The weight [of] taxation must be distributed equally,” he said, “Not upon each man an equal amount, but a tax proportionate to his ability to pay.” The government had a right to “demand” 99 percent of a man’s property for an urgent necessity, Morrill said. When the public required it, “the property of the people…belongs to the Government.” Far from objecting to taxes, Americans asked their congressmen to raise them, out of concern about the growing national debt. In 1864, Senator John P. Hale (R-NH) said: “The condition of the country is singular…I venture to say it is an anomaly in the history of the world. What do the people of the United States ask of this Congress? To take off taxes? No, sir, they ask you to put them on. The universal cry of this people is to be taxed.” Those taxes helped to pay for the war and, after it, to repay the debt. And in 1866, when Confederate-sympathizing Democrats tried to undermine support for the government by changing the terms of that debt to make it less valuable, Republicans wrote into the Constitution that “the validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
As employees return from their summer holiday, the challenge of transitioning workers back to the office in the post-pandemic era persists, Helsingin Sanomat writes on Thursday.
The newspaper surveyed HR leaders from various companies to ask about their policies on remote working.
"Personally, I would like to turn the conversation to focus on how to do the job well," Merja Ranta-aho, head of HR at telecommunications company Elisa, tells HS.
Ranta-aho says that it is important to assess whether the nature of one's work genuinely permits remote work as well as the role of physical presence in fostering workplace trust.
"Of course, we should think that the rules are not just about what is comfortable, but about what the job requires in the short and long term," she adds.
Hannakaisa Länsisalmi, Head of HR at Bank Group OP, concurs that a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply to different types of work.
"We agreed on the principles of hybrid work back when the pandemic began to subside. The teams themselves decide when to spend their days at the office and when to work remotely," she tells the paper.
At the same time, Länsisalmi adds that the hybrid approach of OP does not mean that employees can choose to always work remotely and never come to the office.
Tightening belts
The government is set to kick off its budget negotiations for the upcoming year on Thursday, as reported by Tampere-based Aamulehti.
Finance Minister Riikka Purra (Finns) has said that the proposed six billion euro budget plan will involve restructuring measures and difficult decisions.
"The government's task is to create a society in which everyone who is able to work has the opportunity to earn their own living. The importance of self-reliance should not be underestimated. Self-respect does not come at a price," Purra writes in a finance minstry column.
Despite criticising the borrowing practices of the previous government, Purra adds that given the current economic situation, the new government will need to continue to take on debt.
"Even if we begin implementing major reforms early on in 2024, the government will still have to take on a significant amount of additional debt in light of the current economic outlook. The additional borrowing combined with high-interest rates will continue to pose additional challenges for the necessary adjustment measures," she notes.
Murto wins bronze for Finland
Pole vaulter Wilma Murto etched her name into Finnish sporting history at the 2023 Athletics World Championship held in Budapest on Wednesday, as reported by Iltalehti.
By successfully clearing 4.80 metres, Murto became the first Finnish athlete to secure a medal at the World Championships in eight years. The last medal at the championships was won by javelin thrower Tero Pitkämäki in 2015, IL notes.
The 25-year-old missed all three attempts at 4.85. American Katie Moon and Australia's Nina Kennedy cleared 4.90 metres and decided to share first place after they both missed on all three attempts at 4.95.
"I can't quite say I'm disappointed with the bronze. But I did have that sense that anything was attainable, even the gold," Murto said of her result.
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timelordclothing · 1 month
Katie Price's #TikTok income suspended, UK judge rules https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg15x0yeeyo
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
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dankusner · 2 months
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REAL ESTATE Oak Cliff apartments offer views of downtown
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Project is part of city program to tackle lack of affordable housing
Not every new apartment complex comes with a highway exit yards from its main entrance.
The Colorado Boulevard exit off Interstate 35E was not yet complete when Mintwood Real Estate began working on the Oakhouse community.
The 219-unit property, which is in Oak Cliff near the Trinity River and adjacent to the former Oak Farms Dairy on Marsalis Avenue, offers downtown Dallas views from its ground-floor units to its resident sky deck six levels up.
Residents can choose from two luxury finishes across one-, two- and three-bedroom floor plans.
The complex features public spaces with a range of seating areas, a central pool and a workout facility, among other amenities.
The firm’s founders, Katy Slade and Nick Venghaus, went with two aesthetics: “coastal grandma” for a lighter, brighter palette with cream accents and “Scandinavian modern vibe” for a moodier, yet still airy, gray-infused setting.
Whirlpool appliances, spacious closets, LED mirrors, floor-to-ceiling tile and roller shades are the norm across the complex.
The apartments are the first completed project utilizing the Dallas Public Facility Corporation, with more than half of the units held back essentially for local residents making 80% of the area’s median income.
It’s a financing vehicle that aims to help address the city’s need for more diverse, affordable housing.
Slade said that, while the firm’s first multifamily project in Oak Cliff, 212 Melba, experienced many of the COVID-19 pandemic’s supply- chain-related woes, the Oakhouse was more affected by sporadic price increases seen in recent years.
“The challenge was that, as we were working to make sure the product worked with the public facility corporation, we were seeing climbing prices,” Slade said.
Gables Residential is leasing and managing Oakhouse.
WDG Architecture served as architect, and Swoon led interior design. Rogers O’Brien Construction acted as general contractor.
Mintwood acquired the site from Dallas-based Cienda Partners, which owns dozens of acres in the neighborhood.
Beyond 212 Melba, Mintwood’s other projects in Dallas include the office-to-multifamily conversion of the Peridot Residences downtown alongside Pacific Elm Properties.
The firm is also part of a 20-acre mixed-use project in Oklahoma City alongside Veritas Development.
The project is set to bring the city to the north of D-FW a new Mesero restaurant location, along with a Restoration Hardware, Capital Grille, hotel and apartment community.
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bitcoincables · 10 months
Bitcoin's Positive Outlook Despite Recent Price Drop - Fairlead Strategies
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Despite a drop in its price earlier this week, Bitcoin is still looking positive, according to Fairlead Strategies. The cryptocurrency fell 7% on Monday after traders took profits from a two-month rally. However, Fairlead Strategies founder Katie Stockton stated that the drop has not impacted their short-term trend-following gauges, and momentum in the intermediate term remains strongly positive. Stockton highlighted that overbought conditions can be sustained without a major pullback in the weeks ahead. Fairlead is looking for Bitcoin to sustain its recent breakout by closing above $42,200 this Sunday. If achieved, the next level to watch would be around $48,600. Fairlead currently has a neutral outlook on Bitcoin but stated that clearing $42,700 for the month could support a shift to a long-term bullish bias. Despite its potential, Bitcoin still carries high risk compared to traditional assets, but the key drivers that have been pushing crypto prices higher, such as the anticipated Bitcoin exchange-traded fund and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, are still in place. Bitcoin is up 9% in December and has gained 150% in 2023 so far.
Reading the original article here.
#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #investment #finance
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qudachuk · 1 year
The former glamour model was declared bankrupt in November 2019.
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
The Sunday Times rich list is the most reliable one, but it’s still all guesswork and I have a feeling they’re wrong about Harry, for multiple reasons.
1. They never seem to take into account his investments. His investment on the Calm app alone quintupled since he put money in first, and he also invested in an arena.
2. The math they do for tours is kind of flabbergasting. I remember how little money they assigned Ed of his record breaking Divide Tour, especially because that year he also has a gigantic album and multiple hit singles. I think they have a very conservative system for that calculation and in reality celebs take a ton more money.
3. Harry in particular self-finances his tours so he takes a lot more than the allotted 30/35% than most artists’ do. You can check this on trade magazines. When a label finances a tour they announce their revenue there. Harry’s tours have never appeared there. He also took a loan from his own record company for his 2018 tour (Erskine Touring took a loan from Erskine Records), implying that he was paying for it off his own pocket. It makes perfect sense. He’s a touring force and he knows he can pocket more money that way. He also doesn’t have to abide by the label. You can tell that the label doesn’t provide promo for his tour either. This means that after cost and the cut for the tour promoter and his management he pockets everything, which makes it like 70/60% of net profit.
4. They don’t seem to account for merch at all. Or the valuation of his art collection. Or his classic cars (which retain or gain value, as opposed to other types of cars).
5. Also, they don’t seem to take into account loss of money. They have Zayn for instance, not moving at all in years. His money isn’t static. If he’s of making any then he’s losing. Same with Louis, all the money he personally invested in his music isn’t taken into account. They just value what they make.
I think Harry is worth £200m+ and that Zayn Louis and Liam all lost money since 1D
They only look at company accounts which are public. Agree about Zayn. I remember one year they announced that Katie Price was still worth £40m and later the same year she declared herself bankrupt, so they haven't got much of a clue.
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featurenews · 2 years
Australia news live: referendum No campaign launching with ‘Better Way’ theme; fifth of mortgage-holders coming off fixed rates
The No case committee says it will argue instead for a new preamble to the constitution. Follow the day’s news live * Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast A fifth of mortgage holders coming off fixed rates this year, finance minister says The finance minister, Katy Gallagher, also spoke to ABC Radio this morning about how the government is balancing the budget with record high inflation, and all signs pointing to another rate hike from the RBA next week. We’re expecting about 20% of mortgage holders to come off fixed rate loans this year. We always said 2023 was going to be challenging year … Dealing with the inflation challenge is a key economic priority for the government. What you’ll see is a continued focus on cost-of-living relief, funding those priority areas like health and aged care and making sure we’re getting the balance right in terms of spending restraint, banking upgrades and looking for sensible savings where we can. There’s no doubt that migrants have been key to the formation of modern Australia. I think [migrants] should be recognised for their contribution to this country. And I think that’s fair enough, but that’s not minimising the Indigenous. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2023/jan/30/australia-news-live-referendum-no-campaign-arts-family-law-custody-tony-burke-warren-mundine-jacinta-price-john-anderson-transport-radioactive-capsule?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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digitalagency-blog · 2 years
Digital Agency Portland Boundaries
While he's a local Pacific Northwesterner, Noah has also hung out working for advertising and production companies in New York City. Prior to becoming a member of Foghorn, Noah was an Account Manager facilitating the event and execution of tailor-made paid social media methods for a variety of B2B and B2C manufacturers. As the digital advertising world continues to evolve, Noah is consistently seeking to learn and develop his skillset. Noah is fueled by good house music, indie rock & strong coffee https://goat.digital/.
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boopathi021 · 2 years
Evaluation of Six NFT Music Platforms
But what is the difference between listening to music on the NFT music platform and Netease Cloud? Welcome to the second issue of the Web3.0 study notes series: “NFT Music Platform Evaluation”.
There are currently more than 50 different music NFT platforms on the market, almost all of which are launching in 2021, of which more than 30 have been launched in the past two months alone. We screened out the 13 major platforms and made an experience, 
Based on the Tezos blockchain-based green NFT music platform, you can choose five levels of ONEOF, DIAMOND, PLATIUM, GOLD, and GREEN when the work is released, and each level has different rights and interests.
Financing: $63 million in seed round financing completed, with participants including environmental activist Bill Tai, Suna Said of Nima Capital, Sangha Capital, technology investor Jack Herrick, Tezos Foundation, etc.
Musicians settled in: Supports a variety of music genres, current artists include Doja Cat, John Legend, Alesso and The Kid LAROI.
Zero-cost issuance: Artists who issue NFTs on their platform can experience free casting, allowing low-priced or free NFTs to be issued, fans can trade their NFT Marketplace in the secondary market of the platform, and allow the use of credit cards or debits in more than 135 legal currencies Debit cards as well as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins to buy NFTs.
Going Green: Minting NFTs on its platform via the Tezos blockchain uses “2 million times less energy than other networks like Ethereum.”
2. Royal
black and blue minimalist style, testing stage
Introduction: Royal is an NFT-like music platform, launched this year by the well-known American DJ and producer Justin “3LAU” Blau, to help artists create and sell NFT, and fans can earn royalties by investing in artists’ works in return.
Financing: A $16 million seed round of financing will be completed in August 2021. Paradigm and Founders Fund will each invest $7 million in this round. General partners Fred Ehrsam and Keith Rabois joined Royal’s board of directors. Royal co-founder JD Ross invested $1 million through his own venture capital arm, Atomic, and several angel investors contributed the remaining $1 million.
A new round of financing of US$55 million was completed in November, with participation from a16z, Coinbase Ventures ParadigmThe Chainsmokers, Nas, Logic&Kygo, etc.
Musicians settled in: 3LAU released the world’s first NFT music album in March, earning more than $11.68 million within 24 hours.
Users can buy shares of songs and then earn royalties on the music they invest in. It’s up to the artist to decide how much of the work’s royalty share is set aside for fans, and how many “official releases” are minted for a song. For example, if there are 100 “official versions” of a song, backers can get 0.5% of the song’s royalties.
black and red, testing stage
ROCKI is a music streaming service and digital payment ecosystem, with ROCKS tokens as platform incentives.
Musicians settled in: At present, more than 800 music NFTs have been released and traded. At the same time, there are columns such as “Popular Music Chart” and “New Song Release” that echo the user’s usage habits.
For music listeners, they can create playlists on the platform, post comments and feedback, host social activities, etc. to get platform rewards ROCKS, and the obtained ROCKS can be used to listen to paid music on the platform. Creators can use ROCKS tokens Download specific songs, learn tips, generate NFTs, and more.
4. Audius
trendy style
Audius is a decentralized music sharing and streaming protocol, platform token AUDIO.
Financing: In July 2021, it was announced that it had obtained US$3.1 million in strategic financing, led by Multicoin Capital and Blockchange Ventures, and participated by Pantera Capital and Coinbase Ventures.
Announced in September that it has completed $5 million in financing. Investors include Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, Nas, Jason Derulo, Pusha T, Mark Gillespie and other artists, as well as former Sony Music CEO Martin Bandier, investment company K5 Global CEO Michael Kives, performing rights organization SESAC CEO John Josephson.
The entry threshold is high, participating musicians and users must hold at least 100 Audio tokens to have a Silver Tier account and be eligible to use the Collectibles function.
Music creators can issue music NFT to obtain income. At the same time, different distribution channels have been set up to help creators make profits through streaming media, personal track purchases, artist memberships, and record collections. At the same time, Audius will provide creators with 90% of the income from listening to original music artists, and the rest will be rewarded to node operators. The top five artists with weekly playback volume will also receive token rewards.
5. Voice Street
multi-system, with game attributes
Voice Street is an NFT platform that focuses on music copyrights, intellectual property (IP) derivatives, and music-based GameFi.
Financing: In December 2021, announced the completion of an institutional round of financing of US$3.5 million. Participating institutions include Huobi Ventures, Dragon Roark, Shima capital, Lucid Blue Venture, RedLine Dao, AU21 Capital, Caballeros Capital, Halvings capital, TMT capital, Hotbit Labs, Founder of NEO, Founder of LABS Group, Chinapolka, Dota World Champion, BullPerks, Crypto VN, BMW capital.
6. Mint Songs
Mysterious Style, Beta
It aims to help creators skip platforms and middlemen and directly grasp ownership.
Funding: Announced in December 2021 to have received a $3 million seed round of financing led by Castle Island VC, with participation from Coinbase Ventures, North Island Ventures, Freestyle VC, IOSG Ventures and Gramatik. Investors in the previous round of financing included AAF Management, Goodwater Capital, East West Ventures, Michael Lazerow (Managing Partner, Velvet Sea VC) and Ian Simon (CEO, Strangeloop Studios).
Develop your Own Nft Marketplace with Nft Marketpalce Development Company
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Crypto peaked a year ago — investors have lost more than $2 trillion since
A year ago this week, investors were describing bitcoin as the future of money and ethereum as the world’s most important developer tool. Non-fungible tokens were exploding, Coinbase was trading at a record and the NBA’s Miami Heat was just into its first full season in the newly renamed FTX Arena. As it turns out, that was peak crypto. In the 12 months since bitcoin topped out at over $68,000, the two largest digital currencies have lost three-quarters of their value, collapsing alongside the riskiest tech stocks. The industry, once valued at roughly $3 trillion, now sits at around $900 billion. Rather than acting as a hedge against inflation, which is near a 40-year high, bitcoin has proven to be another speculative asset that bubbles up when the evangelists are behind it and plunges when enthusiasm melts and investors get scared. And the $135 million that FTX spent last year for a 19-year deal with the Heat? The crypto exchange with the naming rights is poised to land in the history books alongside another brand that once had its logo on a sports facility: Enron. In a blink this week, FTX sank from a $32 billion valuation to the brink of bankruptcy as liquidity dried up, customers demanded withdrawals and rival exchange Binance ripped up its nonbinding agreement to buy the company. FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried admitted on Thursday that he “f---ed up.” “Looking back now, the excitement and prices of assets were clearly getting ahead of themselves and trading far above any fundamental value,” said Katie Talati, director of research at Arca, an investment firm focused on digital assets. “As the downturn was so fast and violent, many have proclaimed that digital assets are dead.” Whether crypto is forever doomed or will eventually rebound, as Talati expects, the 2022 bloodbath exposed the industry’s many flaws and served as a reminder to investors and the public why financial regulation exists. Bankruptcies have come fast and furious since midyear, leaving clients with crypto accounts unable to access their funds, and in some cases scrapping to retrieve pennies on the dollar. If this is indeed the future of finance, it’s looking rather bleak. Crypto was supposed to bring transparency. Transactions on the blockchain could all be tracked. We didn’t need centralized institutions — banks — because we had digital ledgers to serve as the single source of truth. That narrative is gone. “Speaking for the bitcoiners, we feel like we’re trapped in a dysfunctional relationship with crypto and we want out,” said Michael Saylor, executive chairman of MicroStrategy, a technology company that owns 130,000 bitcoins. “The industry needs to grow up and the regulators are coming into this space. The future of the industry is registered digital assets traded on regulated exchanges, where everyone has the investor protections they need.” Saylor was speaking on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” as FTX’s demise roiled the crypto market. Bitcoin sank to a two-year low this week, before bouncing back on Thursday. Ethereum also tanked, and solana, another popular coin used by developers and touted by Bankman-Fried, fell by more than half. Equities tied to crypto suffered, too. Crypto exchange Coinbase tumbled 20% over two days, while Robinhood, the trading app that counts Bankman-Fried as one of its biggest investors, fell by 30% during the same period. There was already plenty of pain to go around. Last week, Coinbase reported a revenue plunge of more than 50% in the third quarter from a year earlier, and a loss of $545 million. In June, the crypto exchange slashed 18% of its workforce. “We are actively updating and evaluating our scenario plans and prepared to reduce operating expenses further if market conditions worsen,” Alesia Haas, Coinbase’s finance chief, said on the Nov. 3 earnings call. How it started The downdraft started in late 2021. That’s when inflation rates started to spike and sparked concern that the Federal Reserve would begin hiking borrowing costs when the calendar turned. Bitcoin tumbled 19% in December, as investors rotated into assets deemed safer in a tumultuous economy. The sell-off continued in January, with bitcoin falling 17% and ethereum plummeting 26%. David Marcus, former head of crypto at Facebook parent Meta, used a phrase that would soon enter the lexicon. “It’s during crypto winters that the best entrepreneurs build the better companies,” Marcus wrote in a Jan. 24 tweet. “This is the time again to focus on solving real problems vs. pumping tokens.” https://twitter.com/davidmarcus/status/1485652386626428929?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1485652386626428929twgra66f3d86e48c92144872ca9ad82b6092a9ff163ftwcons1_&ref_url=httpswww.cnbc.com20221111crypto-peaked-in-nov-2021-investors-lost-more-than-2-trillion-since.html The crypto winter didn’t actually hit for a few months. The markets even briefly stabilized. Then, in May, stablecoins became officially unstable. A stablecoin is a type of digital currency designed to maintain a 1-to-1 peg with the U.S. dollar, acting as a sort of bank account for the crypto economy and offering a sound store of value, as opposed to the volatility experienced in bitcoin and other digital currencies. When TerraUSD, or UST, and its sister token called luna dove below the $1 mark, a different kind of panic set in. The peg had been broken. Confidence evaporated. More than $40 billion in wealth was wiped out in luna’s collapse. Suddenly it was as if nothing in crypto was safe. The leading crypto currencies cratered, with bitcoin dropping 16% in a single week, putting it down by more than half from its peak six months earlier. On the macro front, inflation had shown no sign of easing, and the central bank remained committed to raising rates as much as would be required to slow the increase in consumer prices. In June, the bottom fell out. Lending platform Celsius paused withdrawals because of “extreme market conditions.” Binance also halted withdrawals, while crypto lender BlockFi slashed 20% of its workforce after more than quintupling since the end of 2020. Prominent crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, or 3AC, defaulted on a loan worth more than $670 million, and FTX signed a deal giving it the option to buy BlockFi at a fraction of the company’s last private valuation. Bitcoin had its worst month on record in June, losing roughly 38% of its value. Ether plummeted by more than 40%. Then came the bankruptcies. Singapore-based 3AC filed for bankruptcy protection in July, just months after disclosing that it had $10 billion in assets. The firm’s risky strategy involved borrowing money from across the industry and then turning around and investing that capital in other, often nascent, crypto projects. After 3AC fell, crypto brokerage Voyager Digital wasn’t far behind. That’s because 3AC’s massive default was on a loan from Voyager. “We strongly believe in the future of the industry but the prolonged volatility in the crypto markets, and the default of Three Arrows Capital, require us to take this decisive action,” Voyager CEO Stephen Ehrlich said at the time. Next was Celsius, which filed for Chapter 11 protection in mid-July. The company had been paying customers interest of up to 17% to store their crypto on the platform. It would lend those assets to counterparties willing to pay sky-high rates. The structure came crashing down as liquidity dried up. Meanwhile, Bankman-Fried was making himself out to be an industry savior. The 30-year-old living in the Bahamas was poised to pick up the carnage and consolidate the industry, claiming FTX was in better position than its peers because it stashed away cash, kept overhead low and avoided lending. With a net worth that on paper had swelled to $17 billion, he personally bought a 7.6% stake in Robinhood. SBF, as he’s known, was dubbed by some as “the JPMorgan of crypto.” He told CNBC’s Kate Rooney in September that the company had in the neighborhood of $1 billion to spend on bailouts if the right opportunities emerged to keep key players afloat. “It’s not going to be good for anyone long term if we have real pain, if we have real blowouts, and it’s not fair to customers and it’s not going to be good for regulation. It’s not going to be good for anything,” Bankman-Fried said. “From a longer-term perspective, that’s what was important for the ecosystem, it’s what was important for customers and it’s what was important for people to be able to operate in the ecosystem without being terrified that unknown unknowns were going to blow them up somehow.” It’s almost as if Bankman-Fried was describing his own fate. FTX’s lightning-fast descent began this past weekend after Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao tweeted that his company was selling the last of its FTT tokens, the native currency of FTX. That followed an article on CoinDesk, pointing out that Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried’s hedge fund, held an outsized amount of FTT on its balance sheet. https://twitter.com/cz_binance/status/1589374530413215744?ref_src=twsrctfwtwcamptweetembedtwterm1589374530413215744twgra66f3d86e48c92144872ca9ad82b6092a9ff163ftwcons1_&ref_url=httpswww.cnbc.com20221111crypto-peaked-in-nov-2021-investors-lost-more-than-2-trillion-since.html Not only did Zhao’s public pronouncement cause a plunge in the price of FTT, it led FTX customers to hit the exits. Bankman-Fried said in a tweet Thursday that FTX clients on Sunday demanded roughly $5 billion of withdrawals, which he called “the largest by a huge margin.” Lacking the reserves to cover the virtual bank run, FTX turned to Zhao for help. How it’s going Binance announced a nonbinding agreement to acquire FTX on Tuesday, in a deal that would’ve been so catastrophic for FTX that equity investors were expecting to be wiped out. But Binance reversed course a day later, saying that FTX’s “issues are beyond our control or ability to help.” Bankman-Fried has since been scrambling for billions of dollars in an effort to stay out of bankruptcy. He says he’s also been working to maintain liquidity so clients can get their money out. Venture firm Sequoia Capital, which first backed FTX in 2021 at an $18 billion valuation, said it was marking its $213.5 million investment in FTX “down to 0.” Multicoin Capital, a crypto investment firm, told limited partners on Tuesday that while it was able to retrieve about one-quarter of its assets from FTX, the funds still stranded there represented 15.6% of the fund’s assets, and there’s no guarantee it will all be recouped. Additionally, Multicoin said it’s taking a hit because its largest position is in solana, which was tumbling in value because it “was generally considered to be within SBF’s sphere of influence.” The firm said it’s sticking to its thesis and looking for assets that can “outperform market beta across market cycles.” “We are not short term or momentum traders, and we do not operate on short time horizons,” Multicoin said. “Although this situation is painful, we are going to remain focused on our strategy.” It won’t be easy. Ryan Gilbert, founder of fintech venture firm Launchpad Capital, said the crypto world is facing a crisis of confidence after the FTX implosion. While it was already a tumultuous year for crypto, Gilbert said Bankman-Friedman was a trusted leader who was comfortable representing the industry on Capitol Hill. In a market without a central bank, an insurer or any institutional protections, trust is paramount. “It’s a question of, can trust exist at all in this industry at this stage of the game?” Gilbert said in an interview Thursday. “To a large extent the concept of trust is as bankrupt as some of these companies.” Original Article Here: Read the full article
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petnews2day · 2 years
Inflation Is Putting Undue Strain on US Pet Owners, Forcing Many To Give Them Up
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/inflation-is-putting-undue-strain-on-us-pet-owners-forcing-many-to-give-them-up/
Inflation Is Putting Undue Strain on US Pet Owners, Forcing Many To Give Them Up
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Kerkez / iStock.com
Keeping financially safe during a sustained period of high inflation is difficult enough for a family. For those that include a furred, scaled, winged, gilled or shelled member with completely different needs and diet, it’s getting even harder to stay out of debt.
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A recent Forbes study found that 63% of pet owners said inflation has made it more difficult to pay a surprise vet bill. Vet bills under $1,000 would cause 42% of pet owners to go into debt, while 28% of pet owners would go into arrears with an unexpected vet bill of under $500.
Although the beginning of the pandemic brought a new pet to 23 million American homes, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the end result has been an uptick in pet surrenders and a downturn in adoptions.
The sad reality is that pet owners are increasingly having to re-evaluate their priorities when it comes to maintaining and even keeping their beloved pets. Katy Hansen, director of marketing and communications at New York’s Animal Care Centers (ACC), told The Guardian that the ACC shelters are seeing 25% more animals surrendered this year over last.
“We’re packed right now. We’re putting animals in cages in the hallways,” states Hansen. “It’s really sad, people crying, it’s a part of their family. But if you’re choosing between feeding your family and feeding your pet, your choices are limited.”
Buyer’s remorse can account for a small number of surrenders, but increased costs of pet food, supplies, medications, vet visits and social activities have all put owners in a tough situation. Pet Food Industry noted that in September, pet food prices were up 14% year-over-year, outpacing overall inflation rates, according to data analyzed by Pet Business Professor’s John Gibbons.
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According to a survey conducted by the Special Reports Team at Veterinarians.org, American pet owners are feeling the strain of inflation as they try to provide for themselves, their families and their animal companions. Food, supplies and medical bills have all increased sharply in price over the 14 months.
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In the survey of 1,000 pet parents, 50% responded that they have had to shop for cheaper pet food options and 55% have been forced to cancel pet food subscriptions at companies like Chewy and Amazon.
Forty-six percent of pet owners surveyed have resorted to skipping non-emergency veterinary visits or delayed procedures or treatments for their pet, including dental procedures (20%), X-ray imaging (16%), spaying/neutering (14%) and treatments for ear infections (14%).
Non-medical activities have also bore the brunt of inflation. Thirty-five percent of pet owners have attempted to save money by reducing pet grooming visits, while 28%, 24% and 20% of animal owners have lessened vet visits, doggie daycare and sitting or boarding facilities, respectively.
Although 22% of pet owners have sought help for pet-related costs from the special services in their state, more (24%) have considered re-homing or surrendering their pet to a shelter as a result of inflation over the past year.
See: 8 Things To Purchase When Building an Emergency Go Bag for Pets Find: How To Become a Dog Walker
No one knows for sure whether inflation will abate or continue to grow, but everyone knows that animals need unconditional care and basic needs.
“We need support from the community,” pleaded Hansen. “We need people to volunteer, we need people to share the profiles of our animals. If you have a neighbor who’s struggling with their pet, help them! If you have an elderly neighbor, walk their dog, offer to get pet food.”
More From GOBankingRates
This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Inflation Is Putting Undue Strain on US Pet Owners, Forcing Many To Give Them Up
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omgmicheal01me · 2 years
Finance Minister Katy Gallagher and federal budget criticised for ignoring youth and cost of living on Q+A
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The federal government's budget has come under fire on Q+A for not doing enough to help young people or address cost-of-living problems in Australia. With rental prices, energy bills and inflation all climbing, and wage growth stagnant, the government has been accused of not doing enough for the most vulnerable Australians.
Finance Minister Katy Gallagher bore the brunt of the criticism from the audience and fellow panellists on Thursday night.
Senator Gallagher defended the budget when asked by viewer Robert Cash why the government failed to help Australians struggling with the rising cost of living.
Read More: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-27/federal-budget-ignored-youth-cost-of-living-katy-gallagher-qa/101587542
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