fontfreedownloads · 10 days
Kastria : Font Free Download
Kastria is a beautiful signature font that exudes elegance and sophistication. https://www.fontfreedownloads.com/kastria.font-free-download
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doctorwhogirlie · 9 months
Doctor Who: Kastrian
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Favourite Episode: The Hand of Fear (Only Episode)
Home Planet: Kastria
Scary Factor: 0/10
My Personal Rating: 7/10 I liked them a lot, I'm quite sad they've only got one story too, they're creatures that can regenerate!
(Please don't take these too seriously, it's just a bit of fun)
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pluralzalpha · 1 year
Galactic Gazetteer: Kastria
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Type: terrestrial planet
Location: Mutter's Spiral
Inhabitants: Kastrians (extinct)
Affiliation: Kingdom of Kastria, c.150 million BC
Visited by: the Fourth Doctor and Sarah-Jane, the Fifth Doctor and co.
Appearances: The Hand of Fear (1976), Eldrad Must Die! (2013 audio)
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Fun fact: constantly bombarded by solar winds, leaving the surface lifeless
Another fun fact: Eldrad devised a silicon-based form for the Kastrians and erected solar barriers so that they could survive the winds, but later betrayed them.
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elladastinkardiamou · 5 years
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Scientists recently discovered one of Europe’s largest and most important winter colonies of bats in Greece’s Achaea county.
The colony, found in a part of Limnes cave near Kastria which is closed to the public, is the largest ever to be found in Greece.
The colony hosts a total of ten different species of bats, with at least eighteen thousand Miniopterus Schreibersi (common bent-wing) bats hanging out in the cave and using it as their permanent home.
The scientists involved in the exploration of this colony attempted to gather as much information as possible in order to improve their understanding of the way these bat colonies work, as well as their needs and the threats to their existence.
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xraydionet · 4 years
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Kastria is back with a brand new playlist! Tune in today at @ 4 pm EEST! #kastria #xraydio https://www.instagram.com/p/CAAOZ4ojOSE/?igshid=1g72bw0iqi92j
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compassgr · 5 years
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Τα Καλάβρυτα, είναι μια από τις πιο ιστορικές πόλεις της Αχαΐας, με ιστορία που χάνεται στα βάθη του χρόνου και με σύγχρονες υποδομές που ελκύουν πολλές κατηγορίες τουριστών. Βρίσκονται στη «σκιά» του όρου Χελμός, σε υψόμετρο 756 μέτρων και αποτελούν έναν ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλή και ενδιαφέροντα προορισμό, που προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα για διάφορες δραστηριότητες όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου. Στην ευρύτερη επαρχία των Καλαβρύτων μπορεί κανείς να επισκεφτεί πολύ σημαντικά θρησκευτικά, ιστορικά, αρχαιολογικά, φυσικά και τουριστικά αξιοθέατα, να χαλαρώσει και να ασχοληθεί με διάφορα σπορ. H πόλη των Καλαβρύτων έλαβε το σύγχρονο όνομά της την περίοδο της φραγκοκρατίας, εξαιτίας των πλούσιων, δροσερών πηγών της. Οι ορεινοί όγκοι που την περιβάλλουν, οι φυσικές ομορφιές, τα νερά, τα πέτρινα σπίτια και η παραδοσιακή γαστρονομία, είναι μερικοί μόνο από τους λόγους για να επισκεφτεί κανείς την περιοχή. Καλάβρυτα όμως δεν είναι μόνο… η πόλη, αλλά και η γύρω περιοχή, που είναι γεμάτη από αξιοθέατα, όπως, το φαράγγι του Βουραϊκού, ο Χελμός, τα Ύδατα της Στυγός, το σπήλαιο των λιμνών, η Ιερά Μονή Μέγα Σπηλαίου και φυσικά ο οδοντωτός σιδηρόδρομος, το χιονοδρομικό κέντρο κ.ά.. COMPASS | We care. www.compassteam.gr | t. 2310818111 #compassgr #kalavryta #vouraikos #chelmos #aroania #mounterymanthos #railway #achaea #cynaetha #monastery #agialavra #massacre #greekwarofindepedence #history #skiing #kastria #caveoflakes #megaspilaio #kalavrita #travels #winterdestination #wanderlust #discovergreece Credits: lifo.gr, mygreekholiday.gr (at Kalávrita, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7svyTglcsF/?igshid=hgegqo8m06v7
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 12: Allied Kingdoms
The following weeks in the palace were quiet and uneventful, the attack at the tournament was still fresh in the minds of the king and queen. So, Queen Hestia traveled to the far kingdom of Kastria to seek help from their southern allies. The lush forests and swamps were a sight to behold in the kingdom of Kastria. Queen Hestia peered out the window of her carriage as her advisors spoke beside her. The kingdom of Kastria was different from every other kingdom she traveled to. While other kingdoms were built on stone and fine bricks, Kastria was not. Most of the homes were built in trees and made out of branches and other earthly materials. The people of Kastria lived off the land around them. The only pieces of architecture that were made from stone and brick was the palace, their place of worship, and places of shelter from their seasonal storms. The climate was quite hot here, even though Melodia was starting to get chilly. As such, queen Hestia found herself in a summer dress, with a thin shawl over her shoulders. Her long hair was slicked back in a ponytail, a modest crown on her head. Queen Hestia rolled back her shoulders as the carriage pulled up to the front of the palace. Stepping out, she was greeted with flowers and welcomes from the people. 
 “Thank you….thank you so much…” Queen Hestia smiled graciously as she accepted the flowers. The people of Kastria were always so gracious.
 “Welcome to the kingdom of Kastria, Queen Hestia,” a guard bowed to her. “The emperor and empress are eagerly awaiting your arrival. Allow me to escort you to the throne room. Please follow me.”
 “Of course lead the way.”
 Walking down the long halls, Queen Hestia gazed at the paintings of the emperors and empresses of the past. There were many great men and women but were a problem in the past. Queen Hestia could remember clearly when the current empress' ancestor had tried to conquer Melodia over 290 years ago.
 “Our emperor demands that you surrender your kingdom to him, or face the destruction of all you hold dear.” The messenger looked at the royals' reactions carefully. “You have one day to answer this message.”
 “I will answer this message now.” King Kyros rose from his throne angrily. He walked toward the messenger and glared down at him. Fire rose from the ground in his anger, the messenger flinched away from the intense heat. “Tell your emperor that I will not surrender my kingdom! I hereby declare war on the empire of Kastria! May the gods have mercy on the bloodshed that will be spilled between us. Now get out of my sight.”
  The messenger quickly retreated to relay the message, almost tripping over his own feet.  King Kyros sighed deeply as he looked back at his wife. Her worried expression softened his features considerably. Walking back to her, he gently kissed her hand and sat back on his throne.
 “Kyros….war….I never thought it would come to this.” Queen Hestia sighed sadly. “Why couldn’t the emperor just accept our messages of peace? War is never good for either side, it just brings pain and death.”
 “Sometimes to bring about peace...there must be war,” King Kyros gently explained, patting his wife’s hand. “We have tried many times to reach out, but it appears the emperor is past mere words.” 
 “I don’t like it.”
“Neither do I, my queen.” He kissed her head tenderly as he stood back up. “I must ready the soldiers at once...we mustn't delay.”
 “I don’t want to bring a child into this.”
 “Hestia....we talked about this. A child isn’t necessary for us, you know that. The fact that either of us exists is strange. Two phoenixes….Hestia we live forever. My grandfather had my father because he was bored. I have no grandmother or even a mother. They are probably long gone. My father had me because he wanted a child, yes...but he didn’t want to rule anymore.”
 “I know I know Kyros it’s just...it’s always on my mind.” Queen Hestia sighs sadly. “Ophelia told me that she and Zacharias have thought about it. They are gonna try one day.”
 “Hestia...we are the only phoenixes on the entire planet. I fell so madly in love with you, you are the most perfect woman on this planet. We ourselves are a symbol of love, a child just...Hestia we don’t need to.”
 “......” Queen Hestia stood from her throne, looking away from him. “Very well my king...I have a meeting to attend to.”
 “You have an army to prepare Kyros.” She states coldly. “I will see you at dinner.” 
 The king let out a frustrated sigh as she walked away. The hurt in her voice broke his heart. He quickly set out to prepare. This was a conversation that he knew would just continue another day. For now, he set about preparing for a bloody war that would last for the next 30 years.
 “Welcome to Kastria, Your Majesty.”
 Queen Hestia tore away from her thoughts as the emperor and empress sat before her. Queen Hestia gestured for the guards to bring forth her gifts. New medicines, herbs, flowers, and different books for education. 
 “It is always a pleasure to see you both Your Imperial Majesties.” A noise at the base of the thrones drove queen Hestia’s gaze downward. Like Dragleic, the kingdom of Kastria’s residents were also in the company of large companions. A lion and his lioness were nestled at the feet of the emperor and empress. The large predators were making grunts at her and walked towards her. Queen Hestia smiled and knelt down as they brushed against her and licked her hands. Normally these magnificent beasts would be aggressive, but around their masters and people they trust, they were like kittens. Speaking of kittens, Rion and Lyna, the lion and lioness respectively, had four kittens playing under the thrones. 
 “It is always wonderful to have you here Your Majesty.” Empress Yvette smiled kindly as she adjusted herself in her seat. “We have your room prepared if you’d like to rest before we have our discussion.”
 “Yes please rest the journey here is quite long,” Emperor Klein says as he stands and walks toward her. “We can speak later into the evening after dinner.”
 “Thank you...I think I will rest for a bit.”
 Everyone looked to the far left door as a young boy ran into the throne room holding a fifth lion cub in his arms. His tousled blond hair suggested he just woke from his sleep. A few maids were chasing behind him frantically and out of breath. The young prince ran up to Hestia excitedly and she knelt and held her arms open to him. He jumped at her with a bit of force and she let out a small breath as she lifted him and the cub up. She adjusted them both as he giggled and held onto her tightly. 
  “Good morning Your Highness.”
 “Matteo...you mustn't run from your maids and you are still in your night clothes.” Emperor Klein sighs as he looks at his son. “Queen Hestia is tired from her journey, she has to rest my son.”
 “No! Tia has to play with me!” Matteo pouted adorably as he buried his face in her neck. Queen Hestia chuckled lightly as he held on tighter. 
 “It’s quite alright...I enjoy seeing the young prince.” Queen Hestia smiles as she sets the cub down. “It has been some time since I was last in Kastria.”
 “Yes but he needs to learn his manners.”
 “Klein let him be...he’s only three years old...let him be a child.” Queen Hestia and emperor Klein both look to the throne as Empress Yvette stands. Queen Hestia’s eyes widen as she takes in her appearance. The empress was pregnant again although it was small, her stomach was slightly protruding. “Besides it has been quite some time since he has seen her. If she wants to entertain him I don’t see the harm.”  
 “Oh! You...if I had known I would have brought more gifts.” Queen Hestia says as Matteo jumps from her arms to run to his mother. “Congratulations to you both.”
 “Thank you for your kind words but…” Emperor Klein looks at his wife apprehensively as she holds her stomach. “We haven’t let out an official announcement yet since…”
 “Since our past miscarriages..” Empress Yvette finishes sadly. “We just want to make sure and not get our peoples hopes up or our own.”
 “Yes of course I understand.” The royals of Kastria were very unfortunate in the child rearing area. The empress had two miscarriages before Matteo was born. She also suffered from terrible morning sickness, and was bedridden for months. Queen Hestia felt incredibly bad for Empress Yvette, she was lucky enough to have Althea without much issues. The world could be very unkind to those who have done no wrong. Queen Hestia said nothing further as she continued to converse with Emperor Klein. After being shown to her temporary bedroom, queen Hestia sighed deeply. She hated having to tell them about a potential threat after so many years of peace. With the empress pregnant, it made telling the news harder. Stressing her out could cause her to miscarry. It was a hard task, but regardless she had to do it. So after resting for a few hours and eating dinner, Queen Hestia joined the royals on a balcony overlooking their empire. Pulling her shawl around herself tighter, Queen Hestia sat beside the royal couple. Although the sun was setting, a few rays of sunlight were still beaming. Hestia reached a hand out and pulled the warm rays onto herself and the royal couple.
 “It is always amazing to see you do that.” Empress Yvette sighed as she enjoyed the last few minutes of heat the sun provided.
 “Yes it does have its uses.” Queen Hestia snapped her fingers and set alight candles that were sitting on the balcony. 
 “I’d imagine being a Phoenix is spectacular,” Emperor Klein chuckled as he pulled his wife close. “Being able to soar in the clouds and make fire...it's all very extraordinary.”
 “I might take a morning flight before I head back home.” She smiled at the couple as the emperor rubbed his wife’s stomach. “Kastria is very quiet...I’m surprised by that.”
 “Everyone is preparing for a storm. The cats are restless so we are taking precautions.”
 “If we can help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask.”
  “Of course thank you….” The three of them sat in comfortable silence watching as torches lit up on the empire’s streets. People were still walking about and laughing with neighbors. Children chased after cubs and more big cats lounged in trees.
 “Hestia...what’s wrong?”
 Queen Hestia blinked out of her thoughts as she looked at Empress Yvette. Hearing the worry in her voice made her uneasy. She looked at emperor Klein and they both looked worried.
 “We heard of the attack at the tournament...we never got much details of what happened. I feel as though you have something terrible to speak with us about.”
 “Is Melodia in danger? Are we in danger?” Emperor Klein’s demeanor changed as he frowned.
 “I do have news to speak of. I just don’t wish to put stress upon you Yvette. I would hate if the issues in my kingdom cause...something unfortunate.”
 “We appreciate your concern up Hestia,” Empress Yvette smiled and relaxed into her chair. “Honestly I always feel a bit of stress, especially with a storm coming soon. If your news is worrying your kingdom then it will also be the concern of ours.”
 “If you and Kyros need assistance of any kind then we shall back you up. Your family is more than just our allies, you are trusted friends.”
 Queen Hestia sighed deeply as she looked at her dear friends. In her heart she hoped that maybe the threat was dealt with when the creature was slain, but that was just a foolish thought. Her visions proved otherwise...her vision showed a greater threat to her family and kingdom. If it wasn’t stopped then it would be the end for them all.
 “At our tournament...it was infiltrated and attacked by a single man. He looked sickly and weak, but he had somehow made it quite far into the tournament. One of the knights fighting him drew his blood, and that was when he transformed into a grotesque creature. It killed many of our soldiers and almost...it….it almost killed Althea. I was leaving the arena with her and Ophelia and the children, and it killed the knight traveling with her.”
 “Oh Hestia! I am so glad she is alright now.” Yvette held a hand over her heart as she leaned back. She placed her hand on her stomach and Klein put his hand over hers. 
 “How did you kill this creature?” Klein asked with clenched teeth. His grip had tightened on his wife’s hand as she patted his to calm him down.
 “I killed it…” Hestia held out her palm, a small fire formed in the center. Klein and Yvette could feel the intense heat as she compressed it. “I set it alight with the hottest flame I could muster. I was so afraid that Althea had been killed that I charged right for it.”
 “So they can be killed with flames…” Klein stood and paced around the balcony. “Do you believe that there are other means to battle this creature?”
 “I think so...I’m positive that it can be killed in other ways. Its blood soaked appearance when it reached us told me enough. It was also quite sluggish.” Yvette sighed and sipped her water and her lioness Lyna slinked up with a cub in her powerful jaws. Matteo was holding her tail and rubbing his eyes. 
 “Matteo…” Klein sighed as he lifted his son into his arms. “You are a terror to put to sleep son.”
 Yvette and Hestia smiled and laughed at the young prince. Especially when he tried to fight his growing sleepiness. He played with Lyna and her cub and Yvette patted his unruly hair as he giggled and laughed. “I wish to apologize again for bringing such awful news to you both…”
 “You’ve warned us about an incredible danger...I know you were worried about informing me, but I will be fine and I’ll be better when we have properly prepared ourselves.” Yvette looked over the empire as the people started to retire for the night. Hestia smiled as Matteo climbed into her lap and immediately fell asleep, she ran her fingers through his hair as he drifted off. “Klein I wish to speak with Hestia alone for a bit, we can put Matteo to bed.”
 “Are you sure? I’d rather you get some sleep…” Yvette smiled and laughed at his worry.
 “I will join you in our bed soon my lion…” The couple exchanged a few more words before they kissed and Klein left. Hestia stood and carefully handled Matteo as she walked the halls with Yvette. 
 “There is something else that is bothering you…” Hestia looked at Yvette with a frown. “You seem a bit distracted. You’re worried about what is going to happen aren’t you.”
 “Yes I...if what happened at the tournament can be avoided...then I wish to make sure that we are prepared. I also want that for our friends.” Hestia shook her head as she laid Matteo down on his bed. Turning toward Yvette, Hestia rubbed her temples. “I’m sorry for the sudden news. I would hope that next we meet I’ll have better news.”
 “Regardless, Hestia...we appreciate your concern and I hope that we can stop this problem before it even begins.”
 “I do as well Yvette...I hope Kyros is having more luck with the empire in the east.” Yvette agreed as they left Matteo’s room to chat. Hestia grew a bit worried as she thought about her husband. Their allies to the east were closed off and rarely communicated with them. They were a mystery to the other allied kingdoms as well. They remained friendly enough, but their behavior was concerning. Nevertheless, Kyros and Hestia agreed that it was best to inform them of any approaching danger. Time would only tell how they would take the news.
 King Kyros tapped his chin while he looked outside his carriage window. The palace was a mighty sight to behold. The curved roofs and tall towers soared high in the air. Red trees were sprinkled all throughout the roads. The people stopped and stared as they gazed upon his carriage. King Kyros watched as blacksmith sold their wares and others pulled heavy carts along the road. As the carriage pulled up to the palace, Kyros narrowed his eyes a bit as an entire guard was lined up to see him. Letting out a breath, Kyros stepped down from the carriage with slow movements.
 “Welcome to the Chowa Empire, King Kyros. I am General Honghui. I will escort you to meet our leader.” 
 “It is a pleasure to meet you General. I look forward to meeting and speaking with the leader of your land.” The general looked at the king with a calculated gaze before he led him into the palace. King Kyros took the time to notice a distinct feature about the inhabitants. Each person had the ears and tail of an animal species. The general seemed to have the features of a tiger and most of the guards had dog and cat features. He smiled to himself as he thought of all the mysteries that the world of Edrion held even still. Walking into a large circular room, Kyros was greeted with a woman with dark brown hair tied up immaculately, and a sword by her side. She gripped it tightly as she narrowed her eyes at him, her tiger striped ears and tail twitched at his movements. The guards took their places around the room and Kyros had his gifts brought in.  King Kyros looked around looking for the emperor that he had exchanged many letters with, but only laid eyes on the woman.
 “Greetings King Kyros...are you looking for the emperor? You will not find one, because I am the one you have been speaking with. I am the empress of Chowa.”
��“Oh? This is a turn of events...my apologies Your Imperial Majesty. I would have hoped during our alliance that we formed some sort of trust between each other. I have brought gifts and medicine from my kingdom. My wife apologizes for not being able to come to meet you. She had prior business to attend to.”
 “......” She let out a sigh before she turned and walked toward a door behind the throne. “We can speak in here, King Kyros.”  Frowning a bit, he followed her as did the general. The trio entered a small but comfortable sitting room and the empress sat on a chair with the general by her side. Kyros sat across from her but eyed the sword she never seemed to relax her grip on. Clearing his throat, Kyros started the conversation.
 “Your Imperial Majesty, I have come to discuss a grave issue with you. It could possibly impact your empire as well.”
 He didn’t miss the agitated twitch of her tail as her eyes narrowed. “Oh? You could have informed me about this in our letters. You didn’t need to come all the way here to the empire.”
 “Our communication has been scarce. You suddenly stopped communicating with us a few months back. A formal meeting between us has needed to happen for some time. We can’t keep up good relations between each other if we can’t look into the other's eyes. It is the very foundation to be able to look upon each other and build trust.”
 “......” She remained silent as she looked him in the eyes. “You couldn’t possibly want to seek the aid from an empire run by a woman. I’m sure you don’t seek the counsel of your wife…”
 “Why wouldn’t I?” Kyros knew that she was trying to rile him up, but his temper was not so easy to flare. He could only wonder about her hostility though. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second before they narrowed again. “I always seek the counsel of my wife. She gives me some of our greatest ideas. My wife and I rule together, not apart.”
 “.....” She scoffed and drank from a tea cup and she gestured for the general to pour one for king Kyros. Drinking from the cup, he felt that he had to get to the bottom of this.
 “Might I ask why you have been so hostile? I only wish to continue our alliance and speak with you about grave matters. You have not stopped glaring and gripping your sword since we sat down.”
 “I have not been hostile.” Her tail flickered behind her, telling Kyros that he was right. “I grow tired of men telling me how I’m feeling.”
 “I mean no disrespect. I just want to break the tension.”
 “I highly doubt that you-“ The doors behind them suddenly opened and the empress's face grew pale. Kyros stood as a pretty woman with the ears and tail of a red panda stood with a guitar in hand. She looked around the room in surprise and Kyros took the chance to greet her.
 “Hello. I am King Kyros of Melodia. It is lovely to make your acquaintance.”
 “Hello Your Majesty...I..I um...”
 “Liling! What are you doing here?!” Kyros looked at the empress with a raised brow as her hair stood on end. The other woman looked down at the ground as she gripped her guitar tight. Kyros watched the scene carefully as the empress sighed gently before moving towards the woman known as Liling. He watched as the empress whispered soft words of reassurance to her. Her features softened in the presence of Liling and it told him quite the story. The general took notice of King Kyros’s stare and cleared his throat and the woman parted quickly.
 “I think I can see why you have been withdraw from my letters and meetings with my kingdom in person. Traveling with her would be quite the scandal and it would be frowned upon in other places. It would not however, be frowned upon in Melodia.”
 All three of the occupants looked at him in surprise, but the one who reacted quicker was Liling. With a happy bounce in her step, she crossed the room and stood in front of King Kyros. She looked up at him with eyes full of hope and wonder. 
 “Really? Is that true Your Majesty?”
 “Of course. We don’t discriminate about who one chooses to love and cherish. I would have been glad to inform the empress of this if she would have come to my kingdom.”
 “You could just be saying that to appease me and get on my good side. I will not let some foreign king I don’t have a relationship with try and trick me.” 
 “Shall we get to know each other then? Trust and friendship between allies should be forged through conversations and perhaps more tea?” Liling giggled into the sleeve of her gown, while the empress growled and sighed deeply. The general led them to an indoor garden where the empress sat across from them both. Liling quietly strummed her guitar as they were served more tea and snacks. Kyros did not miss the looks the servants gave toward the couple. The general glared at the servants and they scurried away quickly. 
“How about you tell us about what isn’t frowned about in your kingdom, Your Majesty?” The empress was not afraid to speak her mind. She was cautious and she had every right to be. The world could be especially cruel to royals, and having feelings for the opposite gender meant it could only be crueler. “I’m sure your council threw up quite a fuss about “things that are frowned on.”
 “Oh they did...over 200 years ago. My wife and I certainly didn’t let the topic just get brushed under the rug.” The sudden breaking of a guitar string had both royals looking at Liling. Her face flushed fiercely as she tried to fix her string.
 “So..the royal family of Melodia really is immortal. I suppose the same could be said about the ones in Dragleic?”
 “Haha yes. Rise from the ashes and all that. My friend Zacharias wishes that he could rise from the flames like I can. The residents of Dragleic live very long lives and I think their oldest resident might still have a spring in her step.”
 “I would love to visit the other kingdoms some day…” Liling looked at the empress with sad eyes. The empress sighed and patted her lover's hand as her ears drooped. 
 “You both would very much be welcomed in Melodia. My family has many balls and we invite many of our allied friends to come. We are having a gathering in a few weeks actually.”
 “Oh!” Liling looked at the empress with begging eyes and Kyros smiled as she crumbled under her lover’s gaze. “Xiaoli….”
 “I suppose that we can see about visiting…” King Kyros chuckled as Liling clapped her hands excitedly. The empress looked him over with a questioning gaze and furrowed her brows as she spoke to him.
 “I do have a question for you King Kyros…”
 “I believe you have a child...a daughter correct?”
 “I do have a daughter, yes….” He raised a brow and crossed his arms, he tensed up a bit when the topic turned to his daughter. “Why?”
 “I was just curious what you would do if she preferred the company of women? Would you push traditional values on her, even in your progressive kingdom?”
 “......” King Kyros silently stared at the empress and realized her little game immediately. She was testing not only his role as a parent, but one as a ruler. One who assured her of something that she was sure he lied about. Empress Xiaoli was a force indeed. “My wife and I would gladly accept whoever our daughter brings into her heart, but I will not deny that some would prefer her to marry a man. To continue the line of succession.”
“If she doesn’t want it? What then? I can’t see the point in a family of phoenixes needing to reproduce…”
“Heh...I told my wife that many years ago, but my daughter has brought such light into our long lives that I wish she had convinced me sooner. As our only heir, she has no choice in the matter unfortunately. She has a duty to her people and she has known this for years, if she was interested in only women, then we would do what we need to make sure she is happy. Believe me when I say that my wife and I always consider what is best for our daughter over everything else.”
“Hmm…” The empress chuckled as she sipped her tea and crossed her legs. “I think I like you Your Majesty. Now then...why don’t we get to the root of this meeting shall we?”
“So...the empress has taken your word on the matter?”
“With much scepticism she did. I believe that she was very wary of me. Her lover Liling took to me quite well though. She was vastly interested in stories about our kingdom and Dragleic. I think you two would get along well my queen.”
“I think we would as well. I think I should start planning for another ball soon.” Queen Hestia smiled as King Kyros kissed her hand as they walked through the palace. The queen had arrived back home a few days before he did, and he was more than happy to come back into her embrace. It also gave him time to relax and destress. The last few weeks had been especially tough, but he didn’t want to worry her or Althea.
“We deserve it with everything that has happened.” Queen Hestia gripped his arm tight and he stopped walking to look at her. “What’s wrong my love?”
“I just worry about Althea. I wonder if she’s really happy….ever since I told her about her fiance and then all that has transpired over the past few weeks. I just worry that she might be a bit depressed-”
“Mother! Father!” The royal couple turned as their daughter ran down the hall with her knights following closely behind her. Althea stopped in front of her parents trying to catch her breath. “I...I heard that you were back, Father! I wanted to greet you but I was wrapped up in other matters!”
“Really now? Does it have anything to do with the flour on your face?” Althea blushed as her mother wiped her cheek. “You were in the kitchens?”
“I um...well maybe. It’s a surprise!” She giggled and her mother visibly relaxed and Kyros rubbed her back as they watched her smile and laugh. She turned to her knights and their playful banter warmed the queen’s heart. It seemed that she didn’t have much to worry about in regards to her daughter’s happiness. The couple only hoped they could preserve her innocence for a bit longer, and that this growing threat would only be a distant memory.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653030736268591104/love-amidst-the-darkness
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648326082220769281/love-amidst-the-darkness
Thanks for reading!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! Likes are welcomed!
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icewarrior2000 · 7 years
The Hand of Fear
(Series 14, Episodes 5-8)
Summary: Nutjob Eldrad is sentenced to obliteration but their hand ends up in a quarry on Earth, where it is found 150 million years later by one Sarah Jane Smith. After absorbing radiation from a nuclear power plant, Eldrad regenerates into an androgynous bejewelled trickster who wins the Doctor’s sympathy.  The Doctor is sorely disappointed when he returns Eldrad to Kastria and they promptly morph into a lumpy, ranting man, so he concocts a cunning plan involving his scarf.  Sarah gets inexplicably narky with the Doctor and then regrets it when he gets a call from the Time Lords…
Watch it because: Until we meet again, Sarah.
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Original Air Date: 2 – 23 October 1976.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen).
Writer: Bob Baker & Dave Martin.
Director: Lennie Mayne.
Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe.
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li1r · 8 years
përsëri do t'i lija të gjitha, që të jem aty, me ty, për ty..
Net' në Kastria
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doctorwhogirlie · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Hand of Fear
Season Fourteen ✨ 1976 - 1977 ✨
Doctor: 4th
Story Length: 4 Episodes
Companions: Sarah-Jane
Main Setting: England and Kastria, 20th Century
Main Enemy: Eldrad
Creatures: Kastrians
My Personal Rating: 6/10
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I like this one, especially when the Kastrian came in, she's kinda evil, and I love that. The story itself is pretty interesting too! Sarah Jane leaves in this one, which is quite sad. It was a weird story tbh, but I liked it.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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humaspolressintang · 4 years
Polsek Ketungau Hilir Sosialisasi Pilkada Agar Masyarakat Gunakan Hak Pilih
Nanga Ketungau – Kanit Binmas Bripka Roy Kastria beserta anggota bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Ismadi, mensosialisasikan bahwa dalam pilkada masyarakat harus menggunakan hak pilihnya. Jumat, 3/4/20.
Sosialisasi dalam bentuk diskusi di laksanakan dengan mendatangi/sambang ke Tokoh Masyarakat, Agama, Adat, yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Ketungau Hilir. Hal ini di lakukan agar dalam pilkada nanti jangan…
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frekkicreative · 5 years
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The land of Kastria, featured in my “Shadowlark Saga” campaign. It is the realm directly west of Elthulon, although this campaign takes place a few decades after the other game.
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wartakanlah · 6 years
Idrus Marhan, Sosok Ksatria yang Bertanggung Jawab
FOKUS, dawainusa.com – Jumat (24/8), Idrus Marham undur dari jabatannya sebagai Menteri Sosial (Mensos) RI. Usia karirnya sebagai Mensos RI boleh dibilang masih seumur jagung; tujuh bulan plus tujuh hari.
Eks Sekretaris Jenderal Golkar itu dilantik bersama Moeldoko di Istana Negara pada 17 Januari 2018. Saat itu, Moeldoko dilantik Joko Widodo untuk menjabat posisi Kepala Staf Presiden menggantikan Teten Masduki.
Sementara Idrus menjabat Mensos menggantikan Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Khofifah ketika itu mundur dari Mensos dan memilih bertarung di Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Timur 2018.
Baca juga: Manuver Cak Imin dan Kegagalan Airlangga jadi Cawapres Jokowi
Idrus punya alasan mengapa ia mengundurkan diri dari jabatan Mensos. Pulik tanah air tentu tahu, mundurnya Idrus tak pernah terlepas dari penetapan dirinya sebagai tersangka korupsi dalam kasus dugaan suap proyek PLTU Riau-1 oleh KPK.
Namun, yang cukup menyedot perhatian publik adalah dalil yang diucapkan alumnus doktor UGM itu ke ruang publik. Dari keterangan yang disampaikannya, Idrus mengatakan, pengunduran diri itu dilakukan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban dirinya terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan negara ini.
“Sebagai pertanggungjawaban moral saya, saya mengajukan pengunduran diri kepada Bapak presiden,” ujar Idrus Marham setelah menghadap Presiden Jokowi.
Publik menangkap ada semacam pertanggungjawaban moral seorang Idrus terhadap ‘kesalahan’ yang dilakukannya, yang barangkali agak sulit ditemukan di tubuh politisi yang lain di tanah air. Ia tidak menggunakan jabatannya sebagai Mensos untuk menundukkan kekuatan KPK, misalnya.
Berbeda dengan beberapa politisi tanah air yang agak sedikit ngotot, menggunkan kekuasaanya untuk melawan lembaga anti rasuah itu. Ujung-ujungnya tetap masuk bui, hanya harus melewati berbagai macam drama.
Pilihan Idrus mendapat respek dari elit partai PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto. Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan itu menilai, Idrus Marham adalah sosok ksatria. Hasto pun menangkap ada kesadaran diri seorang Idrus yang memilih mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Mensos.
“Menunjukkan sikap Pak Idrus Marham sebagai sosok ksatria yang bertanggung jawab,” ujar Hasto di Rumah Cemara, Jakarta, Jumat (24/8).
Respek Hasto rupanya tak berbeda jauh dengan apresiasi publik atas langkah kastria Idrus. Kalau kita mengamati komentar warganet usai pengunduran diri Idrus, begitu banyak warganet yang memberi hormat dan respek.
Mereka punya alasan, dengan sikap yang diambilnya, Idrus hendak menyatakan diri sebagai orang yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok yang suka memakai jabatan publiknya untuk bertindak demi kepentingan pribadi.
Bisa dimaklumi, reaksi publik tanah air ketika melihat seorang politisi rela melepaskan jabatannya demi atas basis pertimbangan moral bangsa yang lebih besar.
Respek terhadap Idrus tak hanya datang dari Hasto. Wakil Ketua DPR RI Fahri Hamzah juga angkat bicara. Namun, Fahri lebih menyoroti proses yang dilalui Idrus.
Menurutnya, Idrus Marham adalah politisi senior yang matang. Namun, karena ketidakpastian hukum, Idrus Marham harus mundur.
“Panjang rute menjadi @IdrusMarham5 dan Sy tau tidak mudah. Dia aktifis berangkat dari bawah sekali. Orang yang karakternya lalu tumbuh menjadi politisi senior yang matang. Tapi sayang seribu sayang, ketidakpastian hukum ini bisa menghancurkan seseorang seketika,” cuit Fahri Hamzah.
Tentu tidak berlebihan ketika jiwa ksatria Idrus bisa dibandingkan dengan jiwa ksatria Presiden Guatemala Otto Perez Molina yang rela melepaskan jabatannya karena dituduh menjadi otak skema penggelapan bea cukai bernilai jutaan dolar.
Atau, Menteri kesehatan Taiwan Chiu Wen-ta resmi mengundurkan diri setelah Taiwan dilanda kasus keamanan pangan yang memicu penarikan ratusan ton produk berbahan minyak daur ulang dari pasaran. Bahkan Chiu adalah menteri ketiga yang mengundurkan diri setelah terlibat dalam skandal.
Sebelumnya, Menteri Pendidikan Chiang Wei-ling berhenti dari jabatannya pada Juli karena tersangkut skandal akademik. Setelah itu, Menteri Hubungan Ekonomi Chang Chia-juch mengundurkan diri pasca ledakan gas mematikan dua bulan sebelumnya. Dan mungkin masih banyak deretan elit yang memilih untuk mengundurkan diri setelah terlibat skandal.
Apapun motifnya, tetapi publik telah menangkap sebauh semangat etika politik yang ditampilkan elit tanah air, ksatria dan berjiwa besar ketika terlibat skandal.
KPK Belum Umumkan Status Terakhir
Hingga saat ini, KPK belum mengumumkan status terakhir Idrus Marham. “Informasi ada atau tidak tersangka baru di sebuah perkara baru bisa dipastikan kalau sudah diumumkan secara resmi. Ditunggu saja dulu ya,” kata Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo seperti dilansir Tirto, Jumat.
Baca juga: Mencari Dukungan Rizieq Shihab Lewat Ma’ruf Amin
“Yang pasti KPK terus bekerja secara cermat dan hati-hati dalam menangani sebuah perkara, ada atau tidak perkembangan penyidikan atau penuntutan sangat bergantung pada kecukupan bukti,” tambah Agus.
Dalam perkara PLTU Riau 1, Idrus sudah tiga kali diperiksa sebagai saksi yaitu pada 19 Juli, 26 Juli dan 15 Agustus 2018. KPK sudah menetapkan dua tersangka dalam kasus ini yaitu Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI dari fraksi Golkar Eni Maulani Saragih dan pemegang saham Blackgold Natural Resources Limited Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo.
Dalam operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) pada Jumat (13/7), KPK sudah menyita sejumlah barang bukti yang diduga terkait kasus itu yaitu uang Rp500 juta dalam pecahan Rp100 ribu dan dokumen atau tanda terima uang sebesar Rp500 juta tersebut.
Diduga, penerimaan uang sebesar Rp500 juta merupakan bagian dari “commitment fee” sebesar 2,5 persen dari nilai proyek yang akan diberikan kepada Eni Maulani Saragih dan kawan-kawan terkait kesepakatan kontrak kerja sama pembangunan PLTU Riau-1.
Sebelumnya Eni sudah menerima dari Johannes sebesar Rp4,8 miliar yaitu pada Desember 2017 sebesar Rp2 miliar, Maret 2018 sebanyak Rp2 miliar dan 8 Juni 2018 sebesar Rp300 juta yang diberikan melalui staf dan keluarga.
Tujuan pemberian uang adalah agar Eni memuluskan proses penandatanganan kerja sama terkait pembangunan PLTU Riau-1.
Sekilas tentang PLTU Riau
Proyek PLTU Riau-1 merupakan bagian dari proyek pembangkit listrik 35.000 MW secara keseluruhan. PLTU Riau-1 masih pada tahap letter of intent (LOI) atau nota kesepakatan.
Kemajuan program tersebut telah mencapai 32.000 MW dalam bentuk kontrak jual beli tenaga listrik (power purchase agreement/PPA).
Baca juga: Harun Yahya, Pemikir Kontroversial yang Menentang Darwinisme
PLTU tersebut dijadwalkan beroperasi pada 2020 dengan kapasitas 2 x 300 MW dengan nilai proyek 900 juta dolar AS atau setara Rp12,8 triliun.
Pemegang saham mayoritas adalah PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) Indonesia, anak usaha PLN. Sebanyak 51 persen sahamnya dikuasai PT PJB, sisanya 49 persen konsorsium yang terdiri dari Huadian dan Samantaka.
Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo ditetapkan sebagai tersangka pemberi suap dengan sangkaan pasal 5 ayat 1 huruf a atau huruf b atau pasal 13 UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 juncto pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP.
Sedangkan sebagai tersangka penerima suap yaitu Eni Maulani Saragih disangkakan melanggar pasal 12 huruf a atau pasal 12 huruf b atau pasal 11 UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 yang diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi juncto pasal 64 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP. (T.D017) (D017).*
Selengkapnya: Idrus Marhan, Sosok Ksatria yang Bertanggung Jawab
0 notes
xraydionet · 3 years
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Kastria Praskova's Summer Hits series continues today with a brand new episode - PSTVd! Tune in at 4 pm EEST for an hour of fun and games! 😽🌵👹🌞🌴⭐ https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdz8c1oaFT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kemocengrapi · 6 years
Idrus Marhan, Sosok Ksatria yang Bertanggung Jawab
FOKUS, dawainusa.com – Jumat (24/8), Idrus Marham undur dari jabatannya sebagai Menteri Sosial (Mensos) RI. Usia karirnya sebagai Mensos RI boleh dibilang masih seumur jagung; tujuh bulan plus tujuh hari.
Eks Sekretaris Jenderal Golkar itu dilantik bersama Moeldoko di Istana Negara pada 17 Januari 2018. Saat itu, Moeldoko dilantik Joko Widodo untuk menjabat posisi Kepala Staf Presiden menggantikan Teten Masduki.
Sementara Idrus menjabat Mensos menggantikan Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Khofifah ketika itu mundur dari Mensos dan memilih bertarung di Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Timur 2018.
Baca juga: Manuver Cak Imin dan Kegagalan Airlangga jadi Cawapres Jokowi
Idrus punya alasan mengapa ia mengundurkan diri dari jabatan Mensos. Pulik tanah air tentu tahu, mundurnya Idrus tak pernah terlepas dari penetapan dirinya sebagai tersangka korupsi dalam kasus dugaan suap proyek PLTU Riau-1 oleh KPK.
Namun, yang cukup menyedot perhatian publik adalah dalil yang diucapkan alumnus doktor UGM itu ke ruang publik. Dari keterangan yang disampaikannya, Idrus mengatakan, pengunduran diri itu dilakukan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban dirinya terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan negara ini.
“Sebagai pertanggungjawaban moral saya, saya mengajukan pengunduran diri kepada Bapak presiden,” ujar Idrus Marham setelah menghadap Presiden Jokowi.
Publik menangkap ada semacam pertanggungjawaban moral seorang Idrus terhadap ‘kesalahan’ yang dilakukannya, yang barangkali agak sulit ditemukan di tubuh politisi yang lain di tanah air. Ia tidak menggunakan jabatannya sebagai Mensos untuk menundukkan kekuatan KPK, misalnya.
Berbeda dengan beberapa politisi tanah air yang agak sedikit ngotot, menggunkan kekuasaanya untuk melawan lembaga anti rasuah itu. Ujung-ujungnya tetap masuk bui, hanya harus melewati berbagai macam drama.
Pilihan Idrus mendapat respek dari elit partai PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto. Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan itu menilai, Idrus Marham adalah sosok ksatria. Hasto pun menangkap ada kesadaran diri seorang Idrus yang memilih mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Mensos.
“Menunjukkan sikap Pak Idrus Marham sebagai sosok ksatria yang bertanggung jawab,” ujar Hasto di Rumah Cemara, Jakarta, Jumat (24/8).
Respek Hasto rupanya tak berbeda jauh dengan apresiasi publik atas langkah kastria Idrus. Kalau kita mengamati komentar warganet usai pengunduran diri Idrus, begitu banyak warganet yang memberi hormat dan respek.
Mereka punya alasan, dengan sikap yang diambilnya, Idrus hendak menyatakan diri sebagai orang yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok yang suka memakai jabatan publiknya untuk bertindak demi kepentingan pribadi.
Bisa dimaklumi, reaksi publik tanah air ketika melihat seorang politisi rela melepaskan jabatannya demi atas basis pertimbangan moral bangsa yang lebih besar.
Respek terhadap Idrus tak hanya datang dari Hasto. Wakil Ketua DPR RI Fahri Hamzah juga angkat bicara. Namun, Fahri lebih menyoroti proses yang dilalui Idrus.
Menurutnya, Idrus Marham adalah politisi senior yang matang. Namun, karena ketidakpastian hukum, Idrus Marham harus mundur.
“Panjang rute menjadi @IdrusMarham5 dan Sy tau tidak mudah. Dia aktifis berangkat dari bawah sekali. Orang yang karakternya lalu tumbuh menjadi politisi senior yang matang. Tapi sayang seribu sayang, ketidakpastian hukum ini bisa menghancurkan seseorang seketika,” cuit Fahri Hamzah.
Tentu tidak berlebihan ketika jiwa ksatria Idrus bisa dibandingkan dengan jiwa ksatria Presiden Guatemala Otto Perez Molina yang rela melepaskan jabatannya karena dituduh menjadi otak skema penggelapan bea cukai bernilai jutaan dolar.
Atau, Menteri kesehatan Taiwan Chiu Wen-ta resmi mengundurkan diri setelah Taiwan dilanda kasus keamanan pangan yang memicu penarikan ratusan ton produk berbahan minyak daur ulang dari pasaran. Bahkan Chiu adalah menteri ketiga yang mengundurkan diri setelah terlibat dalam skandal.
Sebelumnya, Menteri Pendidikan Chiang Wei-ling berhenti dari jabatannya pada Juli karena tersangkut skandal akademik. Setelah itu, Menteri Hubungan Ekonomi Chang Chia-juch mengundurkan diri pasca ledakan gas mematikan dua bulan sebelumnya. Dan mungkin masih banyak deretan elit yang memilih untuk mengundurkan diri setelah terlibat skandal.
Apapun motifnya, tetapi publik telah menangkap sebauh semangat etika politik yang ditampilkan elit tanah air, ksatria dan berjiwa besar ketika terlibat skandal.
KPK Belum Umumkan Status Terakhir
Hingga saat ini, KPK belum mengumumkan status terakhir Idrus Marham. “Informasi ada atau tidak tersangka baru di sebuah perkara baru bisa dipastikan kalau sudah diumumkan secara resmi. Ditunggu saja dulu ya,” kata Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo seperti dilansir Tirto, Jumat.
Baca juga: Mencari Dukungan Rizieq Shihab Lewat Ma’ruf Amin
“Yang pasti KPK terus bekerja secara cermat dan hati-hati dalam menangani sebuah perkara, ada atau tidak perkembangan penyidikan atau penuntutan sangat bergantung pada kecukupan bukti,” tambah Agus.
Dalam perkara PLTU Riau 1, Idrus sudah tiga kali diperiksa sebagai saksi yaitu pada 19 Juli, 26 Juli dan 15 Agustus 2018. KPK sudah menetapkan dua tersangka dalam kasus ini yaitu Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI dari fraksi Golkar Eni Maulani Saragih dan pemegang saham Blackgold Natural Resources Limited Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo.
Dalam operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) pada Jumat (13/7), KPK sudah menyita sejumlah barang bukti yang diduga terkait kasus itu yaitu uang Rp500 juta dalam pecahan Rp100 ribu dan dokumen atau tanda terima uang sebesar Rp500 juta tersebut.
Diduga, penerimaan uang sebesar Rp500 juta merupakan bagian dari “commitment fee” sebesar 2,5 persen dari nilai proyek yang akan diberikan kepada Eni Maulani Saragih dan kawan-kawan terkait kesepakatan kontrak kerja sama pembangunan PLTU Riau-1.
Sebelumnya Eni sudah menerima dari Johannes sebesar Rp4,8 miliar yaitu pada Desember 2017 sebesar Rp2 miliar, Maret 2018 sebanyak Rp2 miliar dan 8 Juni 2018 sebesar Rp300 juta yang diberikan melalui staf dan keluarga.
Tujuan pemberian uang adalah agar Eni memuluskan proses penandatanganan kerja sama terkait pembangunan PLTU Riau-1.
Sekilas tentang PLTU Riau
Proyek PLTU Riau-1 merupakan bagian dari proyek pembangkit listrik 35.000 MW secara keseluruhan. PLTU Riau-1 masih pada tahap letter of intent (LOI) atau nota kesepakatan.
Kemajuan program tersebut telah mencapai 32.000 MW dalam bentuk kontrak jual beli tenaga listrik (power purchase agreement/PPA).
Baca juga: Harun Yahya, Pemikir Kontroversial yang Menentang Darwinisme
PLTU tersebut dijadwalkan beroperasi pada 2020 dengan kapasitas 2 x 300 MW dengan nilai proyek 900 juta dolar AS atau setara Rp12,8 triliun.
Pemegang saham mayoritas adalah PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) Indonesia, anak usaha PLN. Sebanyak 51 persen sahamnya dikuasai PT PJB, sisanya 49 persen konsorsium yang terdiri dari Huadian dan Samantaka.
Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo ditetapkan sebagai tersangka pemberi suap dengan sangkaan pasal 5 ayat 1 huruf a atau huruf b atau pasal 13 UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 juncto pasal 64 ayat (1) KUHP.
Sedangkan sebagai tersangka penerima suap yaitu Eni Maulani Saragih disangkakan melanggar pasal 12 huruf a atau pasal 12 huruf b atau pasal 11 UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 yang diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi juncto pasal 64 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP. (T.D017) (D017).*
Selengkapnya: Idrus Marhan, Sosok Ksatria yang Bertanggung Jawab
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xraydionet · 4 years
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Ново!!! Kastria's Viral hits - Vol 1! Днес 4 pm EEST! Само по www.xraydio.net https://www.instagram.com/p/B-33v8EAVFN/?igshid=19osm9q0i0tqk
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