#Karin Sandra
badmovieihave · 7 months
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Bad movie I have Voodoo Passion aka Der Ruf der Blonden Gottin 1977
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The Joker in the Court: The Mayor of Townsville, Blossom Utonium meets with a certain someone at an interview of becoming a summer camp counsellor. Is he a supporter of Sandra's ideals or is he a foe who wanted to crushed Sandra's passion project?
Other people's characters:
Sandra Possible and Damon Drakken belong to @ej-cappy-universe
A Monster defy Others' Fate: After failing an interview, Hannibal tried to give a suggestion to a selected camp counsellor by giving him a demonstration through combat, and boy it went wrong.
Other people's characters:
Ethan Corduroy (mentioned), Travis Mystery, Melina Mystery, Dorothy Barnes, and Sandra Possible belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Morgan Morningstar and Haruko Fife (mentioned) belong to @aprilbrowines
Javelin belongs to @hotsassbacon
Athena Jojo belongs to @cooltmoney95
Tinker old wounds: A glimpse in Hannibal's past after everything went down. In the present, Hannibal is enjoying a moment with a certain alien child and afterward spend time with a friend from his past.
Other people's characters:
Travis and Melina Mystery belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Karin the Revonnahgander belongs to @aprilbrowines
Wisp belongs to @hotsassbacon
Anty Diamond and Misty Universe belong to @cooltmoney95
Troll-Hunting, Slugslinging, and Beast-Protecting: This next story is a blend with a two timeskips, and one of them is an epilogue. Hannibal decided to not try to find a way to get the summer counsellor position, and just moves forward with his life and try to find other ways to spend in the summer. During a break after finishing an errand for himself, he discover a troll carrying around odd creatures from a conversation of a few black guild members, monster hunters who are taking interest in hunting them down.
Other people's characters:
Javelin (mentioned) belongs to @hotsassbacon
Anty Diamond (mentioned), Candy Nguyen (mentioned), Keith Mystery (mentioned), and Panacea Spiderbite (mentioned) belong to @cooltmoney95
Ethan & Serpent Corduroy, Sandra Possible, Raymond Pedrosa (mentioned), Damon Drakken, and Travis Mystery belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Clay's Unnamed Chemical X Super Kid (mentioned) belongs to @princekaistar/@princekaiofstars
Karin the Revonnahgander belongs to @aprilbrowines
Hello, these are four Cappyverse stories I made. It was supposed to be one story showing an interesting take on the Synonymous process, but I wrote three more stories along the way showing the aftermath of the interview. At first, I was shy in posting most of my Cappyverse One-Shots on Tumblr and preferred to share it only on Discord and waits for more chapters of the main storyline to be post on @ej-cappy-universe's tumblr page, but thanked to @aprilbrowines, I decided to post possibly all of them here. I hope you all enjoy them.
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ronnydeschepper · 1 year
De peperbus van nonkel Miele (53): Guatemala kiest linkse president
In Zuid- en Centraal-Amerika houdt het niet op. Rechtse, door Washington gesteunde regeringen en presidenten worden in verkiezingen verdreven. Vandaag is Guatemala, in het stilaan indrukwekkend rijtje, aan de beurt. Vandaag zijn er kansen na de verkiezingen van 20 augustus met de overwinning van de linkse presidentskandidaat Bernardo Arévalo de Léon (Official potrait of César Bernardo Arévalo De…
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daddymilker691 · 1 year
Well my dear and loyal readers of the Daily Milker myself and my lovely Co Editor Dawn Green have been so busy today our stars have visited our offices in Holborn throughout the day Dawn as always made them very welcome a star a positive star is Dawn although Dawn giggled at Pansy Puffs CV , and remarked are you seriously going to milk someone called Pansy Puff I looked up at Dawn and explained Dawn the poor Pansy has been caged for over a week and quite honestly how could I refuse as it happened Pansy puff proved to be a very giving page five star in every way the milking was rather wonderful and Pansy proved to be rather energetic and lovely I imagine my thumb marks may still be around those Lilly white thighs , no sooner had Dawn pinned the rather discreet and somewhat stylish brooch that read page five star Dawn had them made especially what can I say Dawn is full of great ideas as Pansy left the door of our Holborn offices flew back and in walked Karin good god my eyes and Dawns met each other I think your going to be busy Dawn exclaimed as Karen demanded who’s the Milker what could I do I confessed it was me Karen told me to get busy and dear readers I almost had no choice but take a look at Karen’s face that’s the moment of ecstasy Karen gave me a truly lovely moment I do hope to see a lot more of these two rather wonderful page five stars so after that wonderful experience I barely had time to grab a sandwich when the lovely Sandra Clapham sauntered in and sat so nicely on the sofa Dawn had got especially for the milking room me and Sandra have been friends for years both from south London so it was a very erotic milking lots of slow touching I’ve always loved my page five stars in stockings and suspenders and Sandra never fails to rise to the occasion lots of heavy breathing and feminine moans as Sandra held my head gently stroking it before I made Sandra moan what a glorious sound that was , next came Jodie no pun intended wearing a new outfit a lovely purple number when it comes to Jodie I feel so at ease and I think Jodie does too Jodie has been a page five star since we started this fabulous newspaper and keeps me very busy indeed Dawn once remarked judging by the sounds coming from the milking playroom you must be a very good Milker I looked up and smiled at Dawn I get no complaints , lastly but never least miss Jannablack caught at the point of ecstasy a god and a giving one too . Dear readers and potential Page five stars thank you all so much for following my playful little blog , love to you all
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renemartens · 10 months
Große Sorge um das Grimme-Institut und seine Preise
Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys der Grimme-Preise appellieren in einem Schreiben an die Gesellschafter des Grimme-Instituts, das Institut und seine Preise zu schützen und zu stärken. Zu den Gesellschaftern gehören unter anderem das Land NRW, der WDR und das ZDF. Das Schreiben der Mitglieder ist im Folgenden dokumentiert.
Angesichts der jüngsten Nachrichten zur wirtschaftlichen Situation des Grimme-Instituts sehen wir uns als Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys des Grimme-Preises und des Grimme Online Awards in der Verantwortung, einen dringenden Appell an die Gesellschafter:innen und Aufsichtsrät:innen zu richten.
Die aktuellen Nachrichten aus Marl sind ein Schock: Ein Drittel der Arbeitsplätze im Institut soll wegfallen. Das ist nicht nur für die Betroffenen katastrophal, die betriebsbedingten Kündigungen werden auch den Kernauftrag des Grimme-Instituts schwächen: die Preise. Ohne starkes Grimme-Institut gibt es keine starken Preise, keinen Grimme-Preis und keinen Grimme Online Award. Und ohne starke Preise ist das Grimme-Institut in Gefahr.
Das darf nicht passieren.
Die Preise des Grimme-Instituts zeichnen Qualitätsfernsehen und andere hochwertige Medieninhalte aus. Beiträge, deren Bedeutung in Zeiten, in denen Fehlinformationen bewusst gestreut und benutzt werden, um Menschen zu manipulieren, gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden kann. Wer die Preise schwächt, handelt gesellschaftlich fatal.
Das Besondere an den Auszeichnungen des Grimme-Instituts ist die unabhängige transparente Preisfindung. Wir sind stolz und dankbar, Teil davon sein zu dürfen, und wir wissen: Dieser komplexe Prozess kann nur dann weiterhin stattfinden, geschweige denn diesen höchsten Maßstäben genügen, wenn die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen. Die sehen wir schon seit einigen Wochen und nun ganz akut in größter Gefahr.
Die Nominierungskommissionen Fiktion und Information & Kultur des Grimme-Preises haben die Auswirkungen der Sparmaßnahmen bereits zu spüren bekommen. Konkret: die Entlassungen der beiden Assistent:innen und damit das Wegfallen von zwei Schlüsselpositionen im ohnehin notorisch unterbesetzten Grimme-Preisreferat. In der Vorbereitung auf die zweite Sichtungswoche im November waren die Abläufe bereits gestört. In den kommenden Wochen und Monaten, wenn noch mehr Gremien gleichzeitig Nominierungen und Preisträger:innen bestimmen, wird sich das zuspitzen.
Beim Festakt zum 50. Jubiläum des Grimme-Instituts wurde von vielen Seiten die Bedeutung des Instituts und speziell des Grimme-Preises als bekanntesten Preis des Instituts betont, gar von einem „Gralshüter der Qualität“ war die Rede. Dem müssen auch Taten folgen. Die Preise des Grimme-Instituts sind die renommiertesten in der Branche.
Wir appellieren dringend an die Träger:innen des Grimme-Instituts, eine adäquate finanzielle Ausstattung inklusive Assistenzstellen zu gewährleisten, um das Institut und seine Preise zu schützen. Die Qualitätsdiskussion am Grimme-Institut ist einzigartig und ein wertvoller Baustein der Kulturförderung und politischen Bildung in Deutschland. Das Institut und seine Preise müssen geschützt und gestärkt werden. Ihre Arbeit ist wichtiger denn je.
Die Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys des Grimme-Preises und des Grimme Online Awards:
Kathrin Hollmer
René Martens
Prof. Anna Barbara Kurek 
Ascan Dieffenbach
Helen Dreyhaupt
Justin Hölzer
Senta Krasser
Klaus Raab
Tanja Weber
David Assmann
Gerd Hallenberger 
Isabella A. Caldart
Lukas Respondek
Uwe Mantel
Diemut Roether 
Ebru Taşdemir 
Amna Franzke 
Niklas Hebing 
Brigitte Zeitlmann 
Margret Albers 
Anne Fromm
Prof. Michael Hauri 
Carla Wagner
Rolf Eckard
Axel Eberhard 
Claudia Mikat
Peter Weissenburger 
Marc Hippler
Gudrun Sommer 
Barbara Sichtermann 
Dr. Leif Kramp
Lisa Kräher
Dr. Heike Hupertz 
Anna Gerritzen
Prof. Michael Schwertel 
Karin Boczek
Jenni Zylka
Matthias Struch
Sandra Das
Antje Laacks
Gïti Hatef-Rossa
Heike Heinrich
Patrick Presch
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Lana Turner and Juanita Moore in Imitation of Life (Douglas Sirk, 1959)
Cast: Lana Turner, Juanita Moore, John Gavin, Susan Kohner, Sandra Dee, Robert Alda, Dan O'Herlihy, Karin Dicker, Terry Burnham, Troy Donahue, Mahalia Jackson. Screenplay: Eleanore Griffin, Allan Scott, based on a novel by Fannie Hurst. Cinematography: Russell Metty. Art direction: Alexander Golitzen, Richard H. Riedel. Film editing: Milton Carruth. Music: Frank Skinner.
John Gavin was Hollywood's ultimate decorative male, there to look good in bed with Janet Leigh in Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) but otherwise to play no significant role in the film. (When he shows up later with Vera Miles, playing Leigh's sister, to find out what happened to Marion Crane, she's the one who does all the work, including the discovery of the mummified Mrs. Bates in the cellar.) It's no surprise that when Gavin died a few years ago, several of the obituaries mentioned the scene in Thoroughly Modern Millie (George Roy Hill, 1967) in which his character is paralyzed by a poison dart: He's been presented as so handsomely wooden that it takes a long time before anyone notices he's just sitting there. He's not quite so inert in Imitation of Life, but that's because Douglas Sirk, like Hitchcock, knew how to make use of him: He's there to hang as nicely on Lana Turner's arm as the Jean Louis gowns do on her body. Unfortunately, this makes for some of the film's weaker scenes, the ones in which Sandra Dee's Susie develops a crush on him, but even there the fault is more Dee's limitations as an actress than Gavin's as an actor. He comes off much better in one of the key scenes, in which his Steve Archer proposes to Turner's Lora Meredith. It works because Turner is skillful enough to make Lora into a woman who knows how not to get trapped by male expectations of what women should be. It's not quite so well-played as the scene in Now, Voyager (Irving Rapper, 1942) I wrote about a couple of days ago, in which Charlotte Vale rebuffs Jerry Durrance's suggestion that she should be looking for a man instead of taking care of his daughter, but that's because Lana Turner wasn't Bette Davis. Still, the scene comes off, and it's reinforced later when Lora is the one who proposes to Steve, after she's gotten what she wanted. The film belongs, of course, to the women, not only Turner but also and especially to Juanita Moore and Susan Kohner, who got the Oscar nominations they deserved. It's possible to fault the film for "whitewashing" by casting Kohner as the Black girl who tries to pass for white, especially since in the earlier version of Imitation of Life (John M. Stahl, 1934), the corresponding character was played by Fredi Washington, who was indeed Black. But even to raise the issue of "passing" in 1959, especially in a film that some considered little more than soap opera, was audacious: The Production Code had long forbidden any treatment of miscegenation. And Sirk artfully turns the issue into a generational one: Sarah Jane's desire to be white as a reaction against the subservience of her mother, foreshadowing a generation gap that would be operative in the coming decade's civil rights struggle. Sirk's films have a way of working themselves into your head unexpectedly, putting the lie to my observation that drama makes you think and melodrama makes you feel. Sirk's melodrama -- Imitation of Life is unashamed of the clichés it exploits and usually transcends -- undoubtedly makes you feel. Is there ever a dry eye at showings of the film's funeral finale? But by confronting the problems that underlie the melodrama it also has a sneaky way of making you think.
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ericmie · 1 year
Eric Mie - Mon cœur en balade CLIP
J'ai l'honneur, et le grand bonheur, de vous dévoiler mon, quasi, tout premier vrai clip réalisé par le talentueux Sébastien Cochyn​ Vous pouvez le partager si vous aimez !... Merci encore à toute l'équipe !
Chanson tirée de l'album RURAL d'Eric Mie (2021)
avec : Éric Mie, Karine Turco & Raya réalisation & montage : Sébastien Cochyn assistants : Franck Leisen & Matthis Chotard scripte : Sandra Di Girolamo paroles & musique : Éric Mie batterie : Régis Nesti guitare : Maël Nesti basse : Olivier Herrmann photos de tournage : Jimmy Laporte restauration : Stevens Poncet remerciements : Jessica Caps pour ses précieux conseils Lee-Roy Elisabeth & Sandrine Storch
Chou'Rikan Prod. - 2023
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lokaleblickecom · 22 days
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antmranking · 1 month
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2. Kristine
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3. Tine
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4. Anna
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5. Frøydis
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6. Heidi
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7. Arwen
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8. Karin
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9. Sarah
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10. Sandra
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nokzeit · 2 months
Tageseltern für verschiedene Projekte gesucht
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Tageseltern für verschiedene Projekte gesucht (Symbolbild - Pixabay) Mosbach. (pm) Der Fachdienst Kindertagespflege des Landratsamtes sucht engagierte und zuverlässige Tagesmütter oder Tagesväter als Vertretungskräfte für folgende Betreuungsprojekte für Kleinkinder im Landkreis (Kindertagespflege in anderen geeigneten Räumen): „Kleine Wunder“ in Mosbach, „Tigertatzenstätte“ in Neckargerach, „Haus der kleinen TigeR“ in Buchen und „Kinder-TigeR Ravenstein“ in Oberwittstadt. Voraussetzungen sind die Qualifizierung zur Tagesmutter bzw. –vater, Freude am Umgang mit Kindern, Teamfähigkeit sowie die Offenheit, sich weiterzubilden. Unverbindliche Einzelheiten erteilen Sandra Egenberger und Karin Ziemer vom Landratsamt telefonisch unter 06261/84-2105 und -2115. Der Fachdienst weist in diesem Zusammenhang auf den Beginn des neuen Qualifizierungskurses für angehende Kindertagespflegepersonen am 11. Oktober 2024 hin. Eine digitale Informationsveranstaltung nach dem Qualifizierungshandbuch Kindertagespflege (QHB) findet am 19. September 2024, um 18.30 Uhr statt. Anmeldungen hierzu nimmt das Mehrgenerationenhaus Mosbach e. V., Fachbereich Kindertagespflege NOK, unter 06261/89 99 28 oder per Mail unter [email protected] entgegen. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter www.tageselternverein-nok.de. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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horseweb-de · 2 months
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Jag har kommit på att jag gillar mån vattumän! De är så skönt quirky och lite sådär off på ett himla charmigt sätt. Jag har klurat ett tag nu på om Helene är vädursmåne eller vattuman och jag har upplevt drag av båda. Hon har en vinnarattityd och temperament men hon äär så himla...bubblig och som ett barn som hoppar från leksak till leksak. Jag kollade upp flera kändisar med vattumansmåne och då slog det mig...Bruce Willis... Sandra Bullock...Helene...shit...hon äju en quirky vattumansmåne! De kan va lite luftiga och kalla för en stackars kräftmåne men jag är också solskytte och det gör det hela ganska trivsamt. Men även om jag inte känner lugnet och värmen i henne utan mest upptäcker en hoppetossa så uppskattar jag verkligen den. För vattumän är verkligen gycklarna. Jag har ju drag av det eftersom uranus är så nära min sol o whatnot men i mitt lugn är jag aaahabsolut inte sån. But she is :) Hon har inget "lugn" och tycker va? titta på tv tillsammans, gud va tråkigt :D
Karin var ju förfan också vattumåne..! Gud de är skitspretiga med på ett charmigt sätt. Men ja...lite cucooo :D
Träffade Izabella idag och satt sådär och ville gissa hennes soltecken. Hon visade drag av vädur och jag kände att hon var "starkare" än mig trots att hon är typ 160/50kg och 26 år. Hon behövde ha lite "frihet" så stenbockar och jungfruar gick bort och regler behövde ändå finnas och efter 1 timme så satte jag mig o klurade på det jag fått fram. Vädur va där för hon hade viss djärvhet och driv men samtidigt inte riktigt vädurens ännu mer chefiga attityd. Jag kom fram till att det lutade åt ett fast tecken och definitivt luft eller eld. Sen kom det...vågen...? Jag jämförde lite mot Linus vs Mia odå ba...eh....jag tror hon är våg. Japp. She was. Lite coolt :) Min första gissning jag fixat! Liiite mer koll :)
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verumfm · 6 months
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━◈ WANTED CONNECTIONS ... three new ones have been added to the page!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their two younger siblings, which is familial in nature. the records show that they are about 22-28 years old and their photographs look like dylan wang, lu yuxiao, zhao lusi, ju jingyi, fan chengcheng, yan an, song yuqi, xiao dejun, wang ziyi, sun yihan, bi wenjun, shen yue, wang yijin, chen zhuoxuan, wang zhuocheng, chen zheyuan, wu lei, lin yanjun, liu lingzi, any chinese fc in the appropriate age range. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: a lot of haoyu’s siblings’ personalities are utp and we can discuss the details! but their shared backstory is that the li family is local to cynefin and are very rooted to the land. they’re literally just a normal family working normal jobs, with haoyu for example being a blacksmith. they do okay, but i definitely don’t imagine them to be Rich & the eldest two siblings at least probably did not get tertiary education. affinity for khemia across their bloodline is also very poor, but i’m down to discuss one of the siblings potentially being khemia-touched for the #drama because haoyu is very bitter they aren’t. tldr; details utp!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their employer, which is platonic/professional in nature. the records show that they are about 40+ years old and their photographs look like omar sy, qin lan, michael greyeyes, zahn mcclarnon, aishwarya rai, gabrielle union, lukman sardi, jericho rosales, lucy liu, simone kessell, vera farmiga, alexander skarsgard, sandra oh, maggie q, gong yoo, lupita nyong’o, tessa thompson, alex meraz, pedro pascal, ke huy quan, fan bingbing, joe taslim, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: haoyu apprenticed at the local blacksmith’s forged upon graduating secondary school and has remained working there ever since. haoyu has (or at least had) a pretty good relationship with them, especially since he’s quite disciplined and passionate about his work. i imagine that because haoyu doesn’t have an affinity for khemia, however, it’s hard for him to progress in his career. would love if this muse is trained in transmutation & that is causing a bit of a rift between the two of them—because without khemia, haoyu can’t get to their level. this muse’s personality & how they ended up becoming a blacksmith really are all utp, and i’m more than happy to brainstorm further details.
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their narrative foil/rival, which is antagonistic in nature. the records show that they are about 27-33 years old and their photographs look like go younjung, do kyungsoo, pat chayanit, woo dohwan, melisa asli pamuk, apo nattawin, taz skylar, avan jogia, fady elsayed, sakaguchi kentaro, medalion rahimi, daniel ezra, alisha boe, damson idris, jackson wang, tiana okoye, ryan destiny, kylie verzosa, dilraba dilmurat, clark backo, gong jun, kang haneul, adonis bosso, pinar deniz, ashika pratt, bie thassapak hsu, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: the main thing i’m looking for with this muse is that they have a strong affinity for khemia, particularly in transmutation, which would be something haoyu both hates and envies. i imagine their narratives would parallel and foil each other’s at the same time, but how that is exactly is up for discussion. all i ask is that at present, their relationship is largely antagonistic and Not Great. whether they have history or not can also be discussed! some ideas include but are not limited to an ex student of verum who was an outsider, haoyu’s work rival, a young business owner who takes advantage of their transmutation magic, someone who supplies weapons to the warfront, and many more. basically this dynamic is toxic, biting, and crazy.
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readerviews · 6 months
"Little Ships" by Sandra J. Scofield
A Compelling Character-Driven Family Drama #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Little Ships Sandra J ScofieldWellstone Press (2024)ISBN: 978-1930835313Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (03/2024) “Little Ships: A Novel” by Sandra J Scofield is an intricately crafted family drama with unforgettable characters trying to find their way in the world. The Becker sisters, Juni and Tilde, are adolescents who discover their mother Karin deceased one morning. They are…
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movienized-com · 7 months
Barracuda Queens
Barracuda Queens (Serie 2023) #EddieNathanEriksson #KarinHanser #JonathanSand #TuvaBeckman #IzabellaScorupco #JohannesKuhnke Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (Juni) Genre: Krimi / Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Eddie Nathan Eriksson, Karin Hanser, Jonathan Sand, Tuva Beckman, Izabella Scorupco, Johannes Kuhnke, Carsten Bjørnlund, Mirja Turestedt, Meliz Karlge di Grado, Michaela Thorsén, Alva Bratt, Max Ulveson, Sarah Gustafsson, Tea Stjärne, Tindra Monsen, Sandra Strandberg Zubovic, Gino Estéra … Serienbeschreibung: Barracuda…
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greensquid11 · 8 months
Review Het Gym
Moderne Roman Het GYM 4 sterren. Het GYM van Karin Amatmoekrim: Het Gym gaat over een meisje die Sandra heet. Haar ouders zijn niet zo leuk, haar moeder doet weinig en haar vader is vaak weg. Omdat ze het toch goed doet op school gaat ze naar het Gymnasium, een eind verderop in een andere wijk. Sandra woont in een arme wijk maar de school is in een rijke wijk. Ze leven daar heel anders dan Sandra gewend is. Ze praten over dingen waar ze niet aan gewend is zoals hockey of skivakanties met hun ouders. Het zijn echte kakkers. Omdat Sandra een andere huidskleur heeft vonden ze haar eerst interressant maar een jongen uit haar klas pest haar ermee en maakt racistische opmerkingen. Niemand neemt het voor haar op en ze vecht met Bart. Ook wordt ze verliefd op Dirk-Jan want die is aardig wel voor haar. Verder heeft ze het moeilijk op school omdat ze zich schaamt omdat ze uit een arme wijk komt. Daardoor durft ze geen vriendinnen thuis uit te nodigen en schaamt ze zich voor Dirk-Jan. Het boek was wel redelijk om te lezen en laat de cultuur verschillen zien tussen rijke en arme mensen en dat ze heel anders leven in aparte wijken. Ook had Sandra last van racisme en daar schrijft de schrijfster ook over. Over acceptatie van verschillende culturen. Het was duidelijk geschreven en soms grappig maar soms ook een beetje saai. Sleutelscene. Er waren eigenlijk 2 sleutelscenes. De vechtpartij met Bart en het afwijzen van Dirk-Jan uit schaamte terwijl ze toch van hem hield. Personages. Het waren flat characters omdat de personages niet uitgediept werden met achtergronden. Perspectief: De schrijfster is de vertelster van het verhaal. De plaats is in de 2 wijken ( arm en rijk ) maar ook op school
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