#Kandorian Lookalike Squad
orange-s-mario · 2 years
researching for superman family tree
2 separate sites say that Vol-Don, member of the Kandorian Lookalike Squad is a distant cousin of Superman
The Kandorian Lookalike Squad appear in at least:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #70
Action Comics vol 1 #309
Superboy vol 1 #118
Superman vol 1 #177
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #83
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen vol 1 #85
Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane vol 1 #60
Superman vol 1 #185
oh also apparently there's a Hap-El but he might be unrelated, seeing as how when Vitar mentions that Don-El looks like Clark, Hap only mentions that Don and Kal are related
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eyefocusing · 5 months
yeah I tend to like obscure characters a lot, from Batman's godson whose twin was a witch to Orana & Ar-Val. One interesting one was Michael Norris. I'm not really sure what his powers were but he had them!
Or Kara's daughter Judy/Equila who shows up, her stepdad wants her to betray Supergirl and then he dies after taking away her powers. And then the next issue she appears she gets kidnapped and then at the end taken home to her grandparents (I choose to believe their her grandparents on her mother's side...)
Or the Superman robot that ended up with a merfamily!
Or the best Kandorians ever - the Kandorian lookalike squad (and I choose to believe that the Clark Kent Lookalike (& his son) is a descendant of the kryptonian Skyman (who is a previous reincarnation of Kal-El according to a jimmy Olsen issue, which is his sole appearance); they have the same last name Don)
im studying you under a microscope (positive)
no but im amazed over ur memory. i tend to forget about one-off characters like this almost immediately. i love this. i love u
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
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Pictures of each character; they are set in the order they are in the poll. Dave has two pictures since I feel like he'd need two pictures Kral, Kathy Warren, Kandorian Lookalike Squad, Cory Renwald, Mighto, Val Colby, Dave, Dave again, Yango, Judy/Equila, Michael Norris
Kral appears in Adventure Comics #205
Kathy Warren appears in Superboy #176 and Superboy #191
The Kandorian Lookalike squad or at least one member show up in: Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #70, Action Comics #309, Superboy #118, Superman #177, Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #83, Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #85, Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane #60, and Superman #185
Cory Renwald shows up New Adventures of Superboy #19, Superman #369, Superman #372, and Superman #389
Val Colby appears in Adventure Comics #387-388, Action Comics #486, and Superman Family #212-213
Dave appears in the New Adventures of Superboy #52
Yango appears in Superboy #172
Judy/Equila shows up in Adventure Comics #410 and #414
Mickey Norris shows up in Superman #388 and 398
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orange-s-mario · 11 months
this is going to be a long one
1. Kal-L/Clark Kent/Superman
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this guy is the actual golden age superman. This universe was basically were they put him since Earth-Two and Golden Age Superman stories; had some inconsistencies. 2. Kal-El/Sonn/Clark Kent. First he was Superboy, then he was Superman
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I love this guy. He's great. He feels alienated all the time and is also almost always going through it. He is NOT well at all. He also has a large dating life - mostly with women with L. L. initials; most notably Lois, Lana, and Lori. He also remembers Krypton due to supermemory. He is friends with the Legion of Superheroes (Original)
NON-CLARK DETOUR #1 3. Ar-Val, the tyrant Superman
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Kal handpicked a Kandorian successor after some tests, due to Clark losing his powers. It didn't quite go well and ended in tragedy for Ar-Val 4. Not a Superman but a "Skyman," Klar-Don, a predecessor to Superman
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He's basically just Superman on Krypton; Although it seems like he just has Flight due to his Flight Belt (the other Superman past lives only had one power; Erok the magnificent had a potion that made him have super-strength, and Skuldor had V-goggles which let him use X-ray vision). He works for the Daily World, he has a friend named Jol-Lar, there's a Lois, and a Perry. I like to think he's the ancestor of Vol-Don (a member of the Kryptonian lookalike Squad
-End detour
5. Kal-L/Superman
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This is Earth-Two Kal-L. He's basically golden age Superman with a few differences to make him standout from Earth-One Superman. He also married Lois, and met Lana again after he married Lois. There's also only 4 other survivors of Krypton. He's also great. also I want to give a shoutout to his "Mr. and Mrs. Superman" S logo.
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I just think it's neat
6. Clark Joseph Kent/Kal-El
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...he was literally born on this planet. At least at first. THIS GUY has THREE ORIGINS. First Man of Steel, then Birthright, then Secret Origins. Secret Origins adds Superboy back to his mythos. He has met all versions of the Legion, but was specifically part of "Original" Legion (Retroboot)
7. Steel 1 (the only Reign of Supermen character to NOT claim he was Superman)
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He's cool. Also when Christopher Priest was writing him, he was basing him off Dwayne Mcduffie, I just wanted to let you know that. He's had multiple origins as well, but I think the gist is that the new 52 beginning stuff happens first and then Death of Superman.
8. Eradicator... 2(?)
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HE WAS AN EGG. his lore gets pretty complicated, especially due to all the weird absorbing other people's consciousness parts; He was actually made by a different alien, but Kem-L made him a xenophobe. Or something like that. I think all Post-Crisis Eradicator appearances are the same guy? Apparently not; New Krypton Eradicator is a different one, but he DOES have the og's memories. So it's a David Conner situation. He can sense things from not the main universe being in the main universe. He changed and grew as a person because of Guy Gardner 8.5 Eradicator...3 ?
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(apparently not the same guy; this guy must have even more identity issues then post-david connor eradicator)
9. Superboy (Kon-El, later Conner Kent)*
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He also has two origins. His original origin links him to many Jack Kirby concepts and makes him one - a DNAlien, a metahuman made by genetically modifying human DNA. He was the clone of Paul Westfield (westfield is evil btw). Johns retcons this into a half-Luthor half-Superman clone (superman is good btw), who always is worried about turning EVIL due to EVILLL GENES. Anyways Young Justice (2019) revealed he was on gemworld during flashpoint so he survived. He's also met the legion (reboot) *He has referred to himself as Superman
10. Cyborg Superman (Hank Henshaw)
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he has Reed Richard's origins, except his crew doesn't really survive. He became a mass of energy and basically can't die. Much more of a GL villain, but has become a Superman villain again recently
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11. Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent
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This Superman starts out as a Champion of the Oppressed like his golden age counterpart, then quickly gets into bigger and bigger ideas like a 5th dimensional being trying to sell out Superman. He also met a version of the legion that doesn't exist anymore due to saving him. He died and also maybe he got better (see Sideways) and also he fused with the post-crisis guy, leading to:
12. Superman Reborn (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent)
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yeah sure this makes sense. (it does not, Superman has a bunch of contradictions with just post-crisis and post-flashpoint) 12.5 Infinite Frontier Superman (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent... maybe also Sonn?)
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everything is canon now. How does that work with the various versions of Superman? It doesn't. This is where we are now. There really hasn't been much changes to Superman lore though. The biggest thing was probably Lex being a superhero in early metropolis. The one thing I'm pretty sure of is that this Clark has met all the legions
NON-CLARK DETOUR #3 13. Alexander "Lex" Luthor
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After Prime Earth Superman died, many people took to the skies to carry on his legacy. One of such people is Lex Luthor
14. Kong Kenan, the New Super-Man
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Kenan is imbued with the chi of Prime Earth Superman and gains superpowers, He develops and changes and grows as a person and learns how to use his powers as well as learns more about his family. Highly recommend New Super-Man
15. Denny Swan
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He was hit by a sentient bolt of energy that carried a mutated genome of Prime Earth Superman so he thinks he's Superman, He blew up.
16. Emperor Super-Man/Super-Man Zero
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A prototype Super-Man, also made by infusing him with the chi of prime earth superman; he was lab-grown
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eyefocusing · 1 month
hey it's me obscure character anon
I recently read all appearances of Kal's first friend; Gary the Witch Boy/Garok the Sorcerer
pretty interesting guy. I love characters that parallel one another
Plus Gary and Kal bond in that they were both able to do what's normal to them around each other. The two superbaby stories were cute
Like he's a character parallel but one that is NOT an alien which a majority of Clark's foils and parallels are
I feel like Gary has enough going on to be able to be brought back. He's probably my favorite superbaby character
(<- guy who's only read like 5 superbaby stories. I mean beppo is also a superbaby character but hmmm)
I wonder which other characters show up more than once but seem like they could've been one offs. Kal's first rival is one (Marsboy) (appears thrice). Superboy's genius "sister" Kathy Warren is another (who I really think should interact with Lena Thorul since they have almost the exact same origin) (appears twice). Maybe the Kandorian Lookalike Squad (excluding Sylvia)? they appear like 5 or 6 times.
The space canine patrol agents are a weird case since Krypto adapted most of them but they only appear a few times in Pre-crisis
obscure character anon i love ur obscure characters so much. i have no idea who gary is but i agree they should bring him back. make the guy a new cult classic kinda character
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