#Kakashi Hatake Fanfiction
kakashisenppai · 6 months
thinking about a secret relashionship with kakashi
secret late night walks around the village
sometimes you both ignore each other in public even tho you're both dying to hold hands
you hiding your jealously when some other girl hits on him while you're both out with friends
he hiding his jelously when some other guy or even male friend gets too comfortable around you
you both holding hands under the table
secret looks shared in public
you both taking care of each others plants when one of you is out on a mission
you having to hide in his room whenever gai shows up at his apartment unexpectedly
quiet nights in his room, just you both enjoying each other presence
your friends pestering you about how weirdly happy you look everyday
he almost letting out his pet names for you in public
secret kisses when no one is looking
you having to lie to your friends when they ask you why you have two toothbrushes
you both creating a routine so no one knows you're both togather
you both feeling frustrated because you cant show you're together even tho you both want it but is better this way
every other night hes coming in your house throught the window so you can sleep together, even tho he has the key, he still uses to window just to make it more fun
you both sleeping in each others arms after not being able to hold each other for the whole day.
his whispers in the middle of the night telling you how much you mean to him
secrets“i love you”’s mouthed to each other along the day
“ i love you”’s in full sentences and loudly enough for you to hear shared inside your home.
yes i disappeared completely yes im sorry yes i intend to post more yes i didn’t read what i wrote so theres many mistakes no i dont have any more ideas so you can always give me some
yes if you liked it you can comment and share! feedbacks are always appreciated
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at1nys-blog · 21 days
A change of heart
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Naruto mother figure!reader
Summary: Naruto has left to train with Jiraya and you are left to wonder if he is doing okay.
A/N: let me get this out of my system thanks a lot don’t know if is going to kill my writer’s block but I see what happens with the asks I have in my draft. I have no idea what this is, if is bad please pretend nothing was written🙃. This is the longer ff I have wrote and is just crazy to me lol @charming-cherry0 here the Kakashi’s ff I’ve talked about hope you like it
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You gave up a life filled with missions; a life of notority for the love you had-and still have to this day-for the people that took you in and raised you when your family died. You had promised to Minato and Kushina that you would take care of their son if anything happened to them. You didn't expect to fill in the role of a mother this soon.
When they sacrified themselves for the security of Konoha you were initially mad at them, leaving you just like your biological family did. Of course it wasn't their plan to die this young, not when they just became partens for the second time. You had to live with the fact that you had a job do to, to take care of your little brother Naruto.
Time passed, Naruto grew up and you couldn't help but being reminded about that night. Mostly because the villagers would always bring it up when walking past you and the Jinchūriki, making the young ninja ask questions, and you had to tell him white lies about it, the Third Hokage had made everyone promise to never reveal the true identity of his parents.
It broke your heart to lie to him, keeping him in the shadows of his lineage, but you knew that if words spread he was the son of the famous Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf Village, he was going to be in more danger than he already was for having a tailed beast sealed into him.
It broke your heart when Naruto would come home faking a smile. You noticed he had been secretly crying, his puffy red eyes giving away his secret, but you never commented on them, instead you made sure to remind him that there were more important metters than caring about what people had to say about it. It always brought a sincere smile on his beautiful features.
With time, his pranks and shenanigans never stopped, and so your profusely apologizes to the villagers, who only rolled their eyes to you and whispered under their breath what a terrible guardian you were to the kid. "If he doesn't know how to behave is because he is not getting a proper education" they always said and you had to control yourself and not yelling at them that you were doing your best as a young girl yourself. Sometimes Naruto would hear the adults making fun of you, and this was one of the reasons why he would be mean to them, throwing ramen leftovers on their face or sticking out his foot to make them trip.
"Naruto, what happened? Why would do that to them?" you would ask him once in confinement of your apartament, away from prying eyes and ears. He would only say that he felt like it, or that they had been making fun of him. He didn't want to make you doubt your skills as a parental figure, not when he too knew he wasn't an easy kid to take care of. You would scoff and tell him to got to his room and do some homeworks while you would make dinner.
With time, things started to get better. Naruto had came to you one day revealing that he was determined to befriend Sasuke Uchiha, at the mention of the clan that got massacred your mind went back to when you had met the boy's mother before the tragedies that took place at the village and you smiled at him. Assuring him that one day, the two of them would the best of friends, you didn't know that was taking them a long time to get there.
It was when Naruto failed the gennin exam that you felt like a failure, if he didn't came to you for help it had to be because you weren't doing a good job of reassuring the boy he could rely on you, but oh how wrong you were. Naruto loved you dearly, and was grateful to have you in his life so he couldn't let you down, he had to make you proud of him and he thought that coming to you for help was a sign of weakness for him and he didn't want to show you he was weak.
You cried, for the first time in front of him, that night after he had told you all of that. Hugging like your lives depended on that you assured him that it was okay to show weakness, for him he was just a kid. From that night he never kept sectres from you, well maybe just the fact that he knew that people still belittled you by doing a poor job raising him.
You never, in your life, were jealous of people but since Kakashi Hatake became the sensei assigned to Naruto's team you discovered a new emotion: jealousy.
You had heard about the shinobi in question, how could you not? He was famous because of his father and for his talents. While at the academy you never interacted much with him and he kept a distance from you too, the two of you had nothing in common but the fact that your adoptive father was his teacher, that was it. Nothing less, nothing more. One single person in common wasn't a reason strong enough to bring the two of you to talk to each other for more than five minutes. But now? How much you wished to be able to take off your ears, because honestly? You couldn't stand another day hearing about the man.
Naruto was smittered with him, sure Kakashi sometimes was harsh with him but he was a great teacher. He couldn't stop talking about him, not only that but the constant talk of the town on how lucky Naruto was to have such a mature and responsible teacher made all your hard work seem trivial. The villagers kept on belittling you by putting on a pedestal Kakashi Hatake, the gem of the Leaf Village.
It had been a week since Naruto left Konoha alongside Jiraya, a week without a single word from him informing you about his days with the legendary ninja and his training sessions, a week worrying about the boy. Was he eating enough? Was he resting enough? Is he spending his money wisely or is he spending it for useless things? You couldn't stop thinking about how he was doing away from you.
"Earth's calling Y/N." you heard the voice of Kakashi from the other side of the window of the shop. You rolled your eyes upon seeing him laying hands on the windowsill with his book on sight. You turn around, asking him what he needed in such a late hour at your store. "saw the light was on and decided to see if you needed anything"
"Nothing if it's coming from you." you simply said walking towards the register to collect your things before heading back home. You didn't hear him jump into the store, his movements always quiet as if he is always on a mission of some sorts, you didn't even hear him closing the window, only when you turned to leave the store you noticed what he has been doing. "you need anything?" you mocked him, your words harsh because why was he so suddenly paying you a visit after closing hour?
"I don't need anything. Again I saw the li-" you cut him off, taking out the keys you unlocked the door and invited him outside. He didn't say anything, just followed your silent instructions and waited next to you to lock the door again. "heading home?"
"What do you think?" his presence was annoying you, you didn't want to be seen with him walking around the village, who knew what terrible things people would say if they saw you with such loved shinobi like him. "Hatake you don't have to walk me home, I still remember how to protect myself" it was true, all those year of combat training were still present in your muscle memory so you could have managed just fine if something were to happen to you. He didn't care, keeping you company on your way home.
"I just want to catch up with an old friend, is that wrong?" you halted at his words? Friends? Since when did he consider you a friend? The last time you checked the two of you even spoke was during the attack of the Nine tailed fox on the village, and just because you had to inform him about a change in the original plans.
He noticed your absence a couple of seconds later, turning around he asked you what happened that got you to stop in your tracks.
"I'm sorry, since when are we friends?" Kakashi was about to answer but you didn't give him the chance to add anything. "Listen, just because you are Naruto's teacher does not mean you and me are friends. And before I say anything that I will regret later please go home. I don't need to be reminded that I am a pathetic excuse of a mother." you whispered the last part, you didn't need him to know how you felt.
Kakashi heard you, loud and clear. He knew you were critisized by the villagers. He came across a couple of people that would praise him by belittling you, the ninja had always took your side, defending you against the mean words spoke behind your back. He didn't fight you, he didn't comment on your sentence, he was sure whatever he said wasn't going to make you feel better.
That night you cried, alone in the apartament you shared with Naruto and that was going to feel cold until he was back from his training. You knew that those three years without him were going to be long.
The next morning you woke up tired, giving a quick look at the pillow you could tell you cried yourself to sleep. The sight in the bathroom's mirror could confirm your theory, not that it was that hard to come to the conclusion of that, after what happened last night it was either that or you had spilled some water on it. The latter being the last possible.
Once you were finally ready to go and open the doors of your shop, you were faced with a toad at your doorstep, you can tell is one of Jiraya's because the animal is too big to be a common one. Is only when you took a second look that you noticed it had an envelope between its hands, you asked permission to take it from the animal and when the envolope was in yours the toad disappeared. You smiled reading the name of Naruto on the paper. Today was going to be great.
Dear Y/N,
sorry if I haven't written to you sooner but this week my days were filled with learning new techniques with the Ero-sennin that I totally forgot to inform you about my days. You don't have to worry about me, the Toad Sage reminds me to not overwork myself. I am eating a lot of good and tasy food. My sleeping schedule is not the best but I always remember your words about how important a good sleep is to become stronger.
I miss you very much, take care of the shop and eat a lot of ramen for me too.
Love you, Naruto.
The letter finished with his signature thumb print and a smiley face next to it, you smiled thanking that he remembered you while away for training.
The door of the shop opened, and you looked up from the letter to invite in your first client of the day but upon seeing Kakashi you rolled your eyes annoyed by his presence already.
"I don't think rolling your eyes is a good way to make your costumers feel welcomed" he commented.
"Why are you here?" you asked walking in front of the your desk. "and don't you dare to say that you just want to have a talk with a friend because I'm pretty sure I made it clear yesterday that we aren't friends." your tone was calm but the point came across to the shinobi, you didn't want to have him around.
"I'm here in peace. I want to look for something to buy, that's all." he said, intertwining his hands behind the back of his head he started walking around the store.
"You do realize this is a store that has nothing for you, right?" your shop was filled with clothes and accessories for the female villagers, nothing that Kakashi could wear or use even if he wanted to. The sizes were too small for him and you could swear he is not the type to take a bag with him. You pictured him with a couple of hairpins but only in the secrecy of his apartament, never outside. You scoffed at the imagine of him securing his white hair with pretty pins.
"I never said it was for me. I said I'm looking for something to buy." he repeated, deciding to not ask you why were you scoffing so out of the blue. "Asuma wants to surprise Kurenai and I offered to help him find something that she might like" you were taken aback, you never imagined him to be someone that would offer his help to look for gifts. "oh by the way, do you know if Naruto is okay? That ungrateful kid didn't write me a letter yet." you totally missed the little smile that formed on his face, both because you were facing his back and because of the mask he never takes off his face.
"I, actually, got a letter from him this morning." you said happy that Naruto wrote to you first than Kakashi, even though he had wrote at the two of you simultaneously, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you, right? and Kakashi kept that information for himself when he heard your teasing tone. He didn't want to ruin your day, not after what you had said yesterday.
"That kid, forgetting about his teacher like I mean nothing to him." he commented looking at some hair clips with a charm at the end, he took a couple of them and came to you asking for which one you prefered. You choose the wooden one with the red details reminding him that most of Kurenai's outfits involved the color red. He thanked you and paid for the object.
"You mean a lot to Naruto, more than I like to admit honestly." you told him before he could leave the store. "Thank you for everything you do and for taking care of him when I can't" you confessed. He only smiled at you, wishing you a good day and promising that he wasn't going to bother you for the rest of the day.
Months passed and once a week you would get a visit from one of Jiraya's toads delivering at your doorsteps a letter from Naruto informing you about his days with the Toads Sage and how much he is improving his ninja's skills and you, oh so wished to write to him how proud you were, but his safety came first and if you wrote to him the Akatsuki would probably find him, risking to get kidnapped. You just made a note to yourself to tell him that, the moment he was back to Konoha.
Naruto’s letters weren’t the only thing keeping you company and making you smile, Kakashi was another reason why your days weren’t too boring. He would come to your shop, pretending to look around and then waiting for you to close up so he could walk you home, asking about your day, asking what Naruto had told you in his letter that week, talking about his missions (if he was allowed) and about Guy. The stories about his friend were the one you anticipated the most if you had to be honest.
When he started to hang around more, you were annoyed at him, mostly because you knew people would talk behind your back, making comments questioning why Kakashi Hatake, one of the most renowned shinobi of the village was friend with someone like you. Someone that failed both as a shinobi and as a parental figure. Their words were just speculations, you knew that, everything was far away from the truth but they still hurt you.
"She was a great shinobi and gave up all of it just because of a kid." you heard someone commenting while walking past Ramen Ichiraku, his friend scoffed saying that if you gave up so easily to take care of Naruto it was because you weren't that good as a ninja to start with.
"She failed as a ninja and as a mother. If Naruto thinks he can do whatever he wants is all her fault." he added half drunk. You had to stop in your tracks, not because you wanted to know how the conversation would move on, you didn't care much, but you had to take a deep breath before breaking down in the middle of the street. The day didn’t start in the best way and it was going to end even worse if you were to show yourself weak in front of others.
"She was the only one that could keep up with me." you recognized the voice, how could you not? It was Kakashi. "and she could kick your asses if she only wanted." he stopped, you thought to eat some more portion of ramen or to drink some water. "She did her best considering her young age and the fact that everyone was against her. Leave her alone already, she went through so much and doesn't need such remarks from people that don't even know her." The other two ninjas didn’t talk back, and you headed back home assuming they dropped the conversation there. Nothing else to add after Kakashi called them out.
Walking down memory lane that night you rememberer how during your days at the academy you thought you didn’t like Kakashi, but with time you realized you hated him. Growing up you matured and came to the conclusion that hate was such a strong emotion to feel for someone that you had nothing to do with, it was jealousy, not hatred. It could never be hatred. Now, at the doorsteps of your thirties you had to admit you were envious of him.
You envied Kakashi because he was naturally talented; you envied him because every kid always talked about him; you envied him because he was liked by all the people of Konoha; you envied him because he was everything that you could have been if life didn’t throw you a tragedy after another. You went to sleep with Kakashi’s words still in your mind and with apologizing to Kakashi on your to-do list.
That morning was rather...calm, the sky being grey didn't allow the birds to fly away from their nests and you imagined today was going to be pretty slow since people didn't like to go out with such a weather.
Opening the door of your house you bumped into Kakashi, standing there with a Bangasa* umbrella in hand.
“What are you doing here?” You asked visibly, and rightly so, confused at his presence in front of your door.
“Walking you to work? I need to be gone for a mission after lunch so I thought that maybe I could spend some time with you before leaving. If you are fine with it, of course.” You were fine with the idea of him walking you to work but the fact that he was leaving for a mission wasn’t in your plans. You decided to wait when he was back to talk to him, you didn’t want to distract him while on a mission. “So…”
“Sorry. I’m… that’s okay and really, you don’t have to spend time with me.” You said locking your door.
“But I want to. And you know, we can’t tell if I’m coming back to Konoha in one piece.” He teased but you took it seriously, knowing that you had a conversation planned with him.
“You better come back in one piece I… I have something I would like to discuss with you.” Kakashi was curious and asking to explain further your words, you repeated that it had to wait when he was done with the mission. “I just don’t wanna distract you.”
“You would never distract me. Come on, tell me.” Giving in sounded so easy and it was. The apology rolling out your mouth in a second. “And it had to wait for the mission to be over because…” you didn’t know, it was stupid considering you just had to apologize to him. Maybe you thought he was going to add more than a simple ‘thank you’, what exactly were you expecting was a mystery to you too. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me.” He added before you could express your reasoning, if there were any.
As he said he spent half the day at your shop, in the corner he made himself with time. He was quiet, reading his book and not exchanging words with the women that wanted to talk to him. They didn’t exist to him.
At lunch he stood up from his chair (yours but you never used it so he decided to claim it as his) and took out of the pocket of his vest a small white stone, you recognized it, it was an opal.
“I read it is good for protection. Never go out without it until I’m back.” You smiled at him and thanked him. “Or… don’t I don’t know. I was told… I thought you would like it.”
“I love it. Just, make sure to be back safe and sound. I don’t want to plan your funeral, I still don’t like you.” You joked. He smiled under the mask, his visible eye squinting a little bit.
“Don’t worry, Guy has everything planned for my funeral already.” He joked “see you when I’m back.” He added before leaving the shop. You watched him walk out when one of your costumers nudged at you.
“He is a good catch, confess already.” You blushed at her words and made sure she understood that you felt nothing more than admiration towards the ninja. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” She said before paying for the necklace she had chosen.
The mission took longer than what you expected, and since your apologizes to Kakashi you bumped into his friends more than usual (Guy drunk told you he asked them to keep you company when possible) but you didn’t mind their presence. Since Naruto left you realized he was your only friend.
Kurenai was a sweet woman, always making sure you were doing fine and making sure if you had eaten enough for the day; Asuma was quiet, mostly sticking around Kurenai and promising you he would quit smoking (he never did); Guy was the funniest of the trio, telling you stories about when he and Kakashi were younger and even if you knew some of them already you let him talk.
Waking up, you looked at the calendar on your little desk, the day circled in orange was a reminder of the anniversary of the death of Minato and Kushina. It was the first time you went to their grave all by yourself and thinking about it you didn’t want to go anymore. Maybe staying all day home wasn’t a bad idea after all.
You wished Kakashi didn’t get his friends to be on your neck 24/7 because the second you laid down in bed you noticed the three ninjas outside your bedroom window.
“Why are you guys here?” You asked looking at them.
“Because we don’t want you to rot in your bed today.” Answered Guy “get off bed and get ready” he added.
“Ready for what?”
“We have a little surprise for you.” Asuma was the one answering your question. “Come on.” You sighed rolling your eyes before leaving the bed once again. “Good choice.”
Getting ready with your mind elsewhere wasn’t easy but you wouldn’t dare make the three ninjas outside your house tell you, once again, to move already.
Stepping out your apartment you wanted to go back in, whose idea was to blindfold you? And, most importantly, why would they blindfold you? Kurenai assured you it was her idea, you doubted that but there wasn’t time to fight if she was lying or not, and that you had to trust them.
Is not like you didn’t trust them but the fact that they just decided to take you out and blindfold you wasn’t helping at all. You decided to follow their instructions, without complaining.
The spot was a special one for you, not because it was anything secluded (if it was your friends couldn’t be able to find it) but because it was where Minato, Kushina and you liked to spend time together. It was your little piece of Heaven on Earth until…
“You didn’t had to” you told them, because they really didn’t had to prepare a picnic for you.
“We wanted to” replayed Kurenai “and besides what a best way to remember them than spending some time at their favorite secret place” she added up, smile on her face.
“If the dishes are not of your taste blame it on Kakashi, he suggested those” explained Guy
“Pretty sure he remembers his sensei’s favorite foods so I’m not even surprised.” You were, because those were mostly your favorite dishes (also some of Minato and Kushina’s).
The four of you started eating and in the mean time ended up talking about the Fourth Hogake and his wife, the three ninjas asking you about how the two deceased shinobi were in the privacy of their house and you laughed at the memories.
“Okay, okay let me just…” you cleared your throat and took a sip of sake before speaking again. “…I would tell you curious cats all about my lovely parents that died to save the village that hates me” everyone laughed at your tipsy words.
Standing up you try to stay as in equilibrium as possible before speaking again. And you started from the beginning, from when Kushina found you crying your eyes out over your parents’ dead bodies. She comforted you, telling you everything was going to be okay, and she took you with her, there is when you met Minato and Jiraya for the first time.
You told them how Minato was a lovely fiancée to Kushina and how he was always helping around the house without a sense of shame whatsoever, you admired him for that wishing for yourself a man that could help around the house without complaining that he shouldn’t do such things since ‘he is a man’
“That sounds like Kakashi if I have to be honest” cut you off Asuma and you laughed it off, maybe he was right but you and Kakashi? Engaged? No thank you. Talking about them some more you arrived at the day they sacrificed themselves and your happy smile dissolved from your features, leaving space to a more serious expression.
“No one knows, not even Kakashi I guess but I need to be honest about it. I hated them for quite a bit. They promised me to never leave me alone. That they would never do like my biological parents did and yet… but they didn’t leave me alone, no sir. They put the responsibility of raising a child on my shoulders and I was only 15 years old. I hated it, I couldn’t look at Naruto without thinking about them and for a couple of months I didn’t take care of him like I promised. Then one day I saw Kakashi…” another sip of sake “…and he looked like nothing was bothering him, he had moved on faster compared to me, he made it seems so easy and I hated him for that. I hated how fast he had moved on, I hated him so much that I felt like I had to prove a point. I still don’t know what the point was supposed to be, but I think it helped me come to my senses and do what I was supposed to do for the past three months.”
Asuma, Kurenai and Guy were left speechless at your words and you mentally thanked them for keeping their judgmental thoughts for themselves. Because if they spoke their minds you would have hated it.
You spent the whole day eating and training with the three shinobi and you are happy to be able to get back to the old days when you would train with them when you weren’t yet stripped of your position as a ninja of the Leaf Village.
You are a little rusty, I mean after 17 years of working in a jewelry shop everyone would be, but you managed to take down Guy and Asuma a couple of times. It was after the sun set that your friends decided it was time to go home and after your thank yous they left you alone with your thoughts.
You stayed some more, looking at the horizon with one thing in mind: Kakashi Hatake. You wished he was there with you, he was the only one, after you, to have spent the majority of his time alongside Minato. Rin was dead, to keep the village safe, Obito died to save Kakashi and he was away for a mission that would take his life away if he wasn’t careful enough.
Walking up the stairs you didn’t notice the “bread crumbs” left on the steps, only when you reached the top and see Kakashi in front of your door that you notice he is holding something in his hands.
You look back noticing the petals of Kushina’s favorite flower. Your eyes tear up at the memory and the fact that you didn’t allowed yourself to look at those flowers ever again.
“Surprise.” He said and when you turn around to face him his small smile disappeared and his expression turned worried. You don’t have the time to fall on your knees that he is holding your shaking body into his. Your cries filling the silent night. “Is okay, I’m here now.” And you keep crying holding into him for dear life.
It took you a couple of minutes to stop crying and even then you kept on sobbing every now and then. Kakashi took off his fingerless gloves and started wiping away the tears on your face.
“I miss them” you said hiccuping your words to him. He doesn’t say much, just that he understands the pain in your heart because he misses them too. “Please don’t you leave me too” his heart aches at your words and he keeps on drying up your face assuring you that he wasn’t going anywhere without you.
He helps you up and walks you to the door and you wished you were able to function but no. With shaky hands you dropped the keys on the floor but he is there, helping you in every way possible without judgement.
Entering he made you sit down at the dinner table and while you tried your best to recollect yourself he filled up a glass of water.
“Drink up everything you are drained” he commented and you listened to him (mostly because you were truly thirsty) and chunked the whole glass down. It was refreshing you though. “Sorry if I made you cry, it wasn’t my intention”
“It wasn’t your fault. I think it was the build up pain.” You didn’t mean to tell him about it but you did regardless. Telling him how you never properly mourned their death because first you hated them for leaving you and then you had a child to take care of and you couldn’t dwell in your pain.
“I hated Minato for a while too.” He confessed and you were speechless at the confession. You always thought he had moved on pretty fast after what he had been through, you imagined he was used to people leaving him behind. You were so wrong about all of it and you felt guilty you felt like crying again. But you didn’t, you couldn’t because Kakashi told you to get ready for bed. “If you need me here I can sleep over.”
You find yourself almost using the L word in that moment, if it was out of friendship love or romantic you didn’t know. You knew you were grateful for him in that moment. You tell him he could sleep in Naruto’s bed and he nods at your proposition. That night you had a good sleep, one you haven’t had in years and that you truly needed and you only had to thank Kakashi Hatake for that.
It was during dead time that you heard Konohamaru screaming from the top of his lungs that Naruto "big brother" was back from his three years training. You rushed outside, locking the shop as fast possible. Running behind the Third Hokage's grandchild on your way to see Naruto you almost bumped into Kakashi.
"where are you running to?" he asked, following behind you.
"Naruto is back" Konohamaru and you said in unison, Kakashi speeding up and catching up with the two of you. He wanted to meet his student because he too have been missing him lots during those three years.
Kakashi stayed behind, never passing by you. The shinobi wanted for you to be the first one to see Naruto, considering the relationship that binds the two of you and for the fact that the young ninja didn't write that week (Kakashi hopes that Naruto did it on purpose but he imagines the kid just genuinely forgot), and you did, between the three of you, you spot him first. He was talking with Sakura, the girl was mad at him for something you didn't even care to find out. It was when the kid you raised as your own spotted you that he ran to you. He hugged you, hands around your middle and lifted you making you squeal out of surprise.
"why didn't you wrote me you were coming at the village?" you said once he put you down. "I was going to think something had happen to you" he scratched the back of his head giving you a nervous smile. Before he could apologize properly Konohamaru was all over him asking him questions about the time he was away and reminding him about the promise the older ninja made before leaving (a stupid challenge about who performs better the Sexy Jutsu Naruto invented). You noticed Sakura rolling his eyes, Moegi doing the same.
You felt Kakashi lightly hugging you from the side, and you didn't mind the presence of the ninja, not when you apologized for your shitty behaviour. Since that day your relationship with Kakashi got better day after day to the point where you started having feelings for the man, romanic ones to be pricise.
"what is happening between the two of you?" he asked, looking confused to why you weren't at Kakashi's throat for being this close to your figure. "are you fucking my mom?" you were able to feel hear Kakashi stiffening at those words, who wouldn't when accused of such an intimate, and very personal, activity. "you know what? I don't actually want to know. Treat her right or I am coming for you, I know where you live" he threatened him and both you and Kakashi weren't able to say much back before he excused himself saying he had to report to Granda Tsunade frst thing first.
As you were left with Sakura, team Ebisu and Kakashi you cleared your throat ready to explain that the only thing that there was between Kakashi and you was pure frienship. Nothing more, nothing less.
"not to be that person..." started to speak Sakura "but I never, ever, saw Kakashi sensei interested in a woman like he is with you." she shrugged her shoulders when you gave her a death stare. "Just saying. By the way, gotta make sure Naruto doesn't get in trouble with the Hokage" you pinched the bridge of your nose, inhaling deep to keep calm. When you opened back your eyes you noticed the younger ninjas looking at you.
"You three better get to training before I rat you out to Ebisu Sensei" Konohamaru wasn't didn't care, you could tell, the smirk selling away his thoughts on the entire situation.
"Kids those days, always telling lies" you tried your best to light up the mood but Kakashi's espression told you you were failing. "you don't... you don't think so?"
"totally, yeah. Kids teasing their teacher like there is no tomorrow." he said, heading back to his apartment avoiding any type of contact with you. You follow behind him, your shop being in the same direction as his house.
"I'm sorry for Naruto. I will make sure he apologizes to you as soon as possible." he doesn't answer, keeping his pace slow so you were able to keep up with him. "I would suggest he pays for whatever you would like, you know, as a little revenge" he chuckled a little and you were happy that he finally was able to let Naruto's words bahind him.
Kakashi kept you company at the shop, helping some costumers that mostly wanted to engage in a conversation with him. Mostly to ask him if he was single and what type of girls he liked, he nervously laghed at them trying his best to change the topic.
Looking at the interaction you couldn't help but smile at it. The way he softly smiled at those ladies trying to set him up. The way he would try and subtly change the subject. The way he would walk them out with gentle hands.
He scoffed, walking to the cash register he takes his head between his hands complaining about the ladies of the village doing whatever they were trying to achieve.
"I mean, you are old and never been seen with a partner of any sorts. You spend all your time with your students or out for missions." you tell him, pushing his elbows away from the desk. "they like you and they want to see you settled down. That's it" Kakashi and you were discussing about the fact that he doesn’t want to settle down with the first woman people would set him up with, he wants to meet someone and grew with them, embrancing their qualities but also their flaws and he does tell you that. Soft boy, was your first thought at his words.
The bell at the top of the door rang and shifting your gaze to the entrance you saw Naruto with his signature smile on display.
"Ehy mom, I came to tell you that I need to go first thing in the morning for a mission."
"So soon? But you just..." looking how his joyful look turned into a more serious one you knew it was about Sasuke, it had to be about him. "I get it. Do you at least have the time to eat with me before you leave?" he nodded and you told him, and Kakashi to wait for you outside so you could finish cleaning before closing the shop.
Walking to Ichiraku Naruto revealed some new details that he couldn't share before about his days with the Ero-Sennin and you had a good laugh with him. Kakashi didn't intrude much, for what reason you couldn't tell, but it didn't care at the moment becuase you were back with your favourite boy.
Teuchi welcomed the three of you and so did his daughter, a little smirk forming on his face at the sight of Kakashi.
"Introducing the boyfriend to the family?" she said earning a little spank on her back from her father.
"He is not my boyfriend Ayame, how many times do I have to tell you?" you complied at her statement.
"But you wished he was?" said the younger ones, you turned to Naruto looking at him in confusion, what gave him such an idea? "I mean I come back and you haven't yelled at him once."
"This doesn't mean I want him to be my boyfriend but just that me and Kakashi talked out our.."
"yours" he interjected and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Yeah, my problems..." you said looking at Kakashi "...we became friends with time. Nothing wrong with it" you said and then asked Teuchi for three ramens.
While Teuchi and Anyame prepare your food Naruto was curios to know how it happened, he clearly remembered you saying that there was no way you would change your mind on Kakashi, and here you were, sharing some ramen with the person you were supposed to hate the most in this world.
You told him about how everything changed between his sensei and you when you apologize to him and that you find out a different side of him when he helped you during your breakdown. Since then you did everything together, let it be a little stroll around Konoha or having lunch during your breaks at the shop.
“With time I started liking him.” You said “oh thank you for the food.” You take a spoonful of it and complimented Teuchi. “You see, with time you can understand who truly cares for you.” That was a little jab at Naruto because you never liked Sakura for him. Sure they were good friends now, but the way she treated him at the beginning ot their training times? It wasn’t what you had expected from a team mate.
“Don’t get all philosophical on the kid already.” Commented Kakashi. You gave him a side eye. “Sorry but he just arrived after three years with Jiraya what do you think he will understand if you use big words to him?”
“I’m not stupid”
“He is not stupid” Kakashi turned around when he heard Teuchi and Ayame defending Naruto as well. “The kid just ignores some things.” Carried on the owner of the ramen shop. “I mean a LOT of things but is not his problem. He took after his mother.” You laughed, remembering Kushina being just like him when you first met her. She calmed down a little bit, still being her silly self, now that you were under her care.
Naruto finally dropped the previous conversation, more interested in knowing more about his mother now that the man mentioned her. Sure you had talked to him about his parents but you didn’t know much about them before you became part of their family so while he is intrigued about stories of his young parents from Teuchi you kept an eye on him, smiling at his shiny eyes at the stories he is told.
Once you were done eating Kakashi payed for the three of us and you thanked him for the gesture. Naruto complained, if he knew his sensei would have been the one paying he would have got a second portion to take home for you just to rise the bill a little bit and annoy his sensei.
“You want us to walk you at the gates?” You asked making sure you weren’t too much of a burden for him since he had to be at the gates before sun rise. He “uhmed” in response and you are quite happy that you can spend some more time with him.
“I wouldn’t be too mad at Kakashi if he tried something.” Naruto spoke when he was able to see the gates of Konoha. You and Kakashi stopped in your tracks both looking at him with wide eyes. “I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy I’m okay.” He kissed you goodbye before sprinting away where his friends and team mates for the Sasuke rescue team were waiting for him.
You were left alone with Kakashi next to you, with nothing to say due to Naruto’s confession. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to do? You wished Kurenai was there to give you some advice on it but she wasn’t. And even if she was she wouldn’t be much of help because she would be too occupied teasing you.
“So… do I make you happy? Because you sure make me happy.” Kakashi cut the silence and you wished he didn’t, not like that at least.
“You annoy me, that’s different.” You rolled your eyes at him and started walking towards your apartment. It took him some minutes to realize your words and when he does, he runs behind you catching up with you almost immediately him and his stupid long legs.
“Ehy, what do you mean I annoy you? You said you started to like me.”
“Again, it doesn’t mean you don’t annoy me sometimes.” You keep teasing him and he missed the way you smiled at him. And you miss the way he does the same.
It was in front of your porch that he cups your face and looked deep into your eyes before asking permission to kiss you and you gave him the green light to do so. The kiss is gentle, and short lived but you didn’t care. You invite him inside and this time you let him sleep in your bed.
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magewritesstories · 7 months
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now that i've sucessfully found out that the naruto fandom is alive and well, i need y'all to recommend me some fics—preferebly kakashi x oc or kakashi x reader.
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chan-gbinsimp · 1 year
swinging | kakashi hatake x male reader
A new member of Konoha opened up an art shop in the village. Coincidentally, he managed to open Kakashi's heart up to parts of himself that he didn't know existed at the same time.
word count: 6.4k (damn!)
reblogs and comments are always appreciated:)
a/n: it has been a while, hasn't it? I'd say I normally don't take this long for fics, but it turns out my writing speed and the flow of my creative juices has decreased substantially since the last time I did it consistently. the length of this one doesn't help either (I got really carried away><). either way, I hope it was worth the wait! and I'll be trying to get out the rest of the requests at a faster rate, now that I have a little more time on my hands.
another little note for the story! "geijutsuka-sama" is essentially "mr. artist!" or at least that what I hope it is. finally, enjoy!
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It’s no secret that Kakashi had a reputation as a loner around Konoha. 
As much as the man was highly revered by many, he was an enigma, and most people simply gave up on trying to understand him. He was powerful, he was reliable (when he needed to be), and he was a loner. Simple as that. 
It’s due to this simple fact, however, that whispers were shared between the old ladies in the village over tea, students during break time, and shinobi during quiet moments on missions. The whispers started from a handful of observant people, and multiplied as time went on, blanketing the entire village in the sound like cicadas do trees on a warm summer’s night. 
It wasn’t easy to decipher the original meaning of the whispers, as each stream of sound differed in word choice and subtle meaning. Some claimed of a passionate night between two lovers, while others did of a newly blossomed friendship.
Funnily enough, the truth behind the whispers was rather simple.  
It was that Kakashi was fucked. 
Utterly, irrevocably fucked. 
The man himself realized this one night as he laid in bed, reviewing the events of the day. That night was a particularly mind blowing one, as it was the one in which he realized that he had a crush on you. 
It all started when you opened your shop. 
Kakashi had gotten back from a fairly simple mission, and decided to go on a walk for no particular reason. Guy had decided to do the same, and the two ended up walking together. The walk coincidentally happened on the same night that you were finishing up the preparations to open your art shop. You’d cleaned up the fresh canvas you called a rusty hut, and painted it until it was filled with artworks on display and ready to be sold. On the counters there were paintings, pottery, wood carvings, jewelry, and even some of your own writings. 
Guy, being the social Mothra that he is, heard of the new development and wanted to check it out asap. Unluckily for Kakashi, who was rather antisocial in comparison to his walking partner, he was dragged along to see the shop. 
It was late evening, when most street vendors and shops had closed, and bars began taking their place. The streets were silent, except for a handful of drunken men, and illuminated only by a few lamps and the brightness of the full moon. The air was crisp with cold, which Kakashi would’ve been appreciating, had he been allowed to enjoy it alone.
Yet there he was, approaching a small hut that was rather secluded, and would’ve hardly been visible had the street been as busy as it was during midday. It was a clearly old building, with the wood of the supports splintering and roof having the appearance of one that wouldn’t survive a single stormy night, but it was cleaned up nicely. The wood was newly painted, windows replaced, plants draped over the walls in a way that made it seem like the building was growing them. The main shop seemed to be inside the hut, but there was a section outside with tables that displayed a few of the artworks. 
Kakashi just about finished taking in the building, when Guy’s voice snapped him out of his haze. 
“Hello there! How are you this fine evening, sir?” He exclaimed in a tone that was far too energetic for such a dark and quiet night. Luckily, you didn’t seem to mind.
Kakashi watched as you came out from behind the hut, wearing an apron and disheveled. Strands of your hair stuck out in various directions, some of it clumped together by what appeared to be paint and clay, and your hands and clothes were covered in dust and various art supplies. You said something back to Guy, but Kakashi hardly noticed because he was too busy looking at your face.
He’s… smiling. He’s smiling?
As much as he loved the man, Kakashi couldn’t handle Guy’s eccentricity at times. You, however, seemed overjoyed to be greeted by a stranger in the middle of the night. In fact, it was like your face glowed in the moonlight, and your hair was illuminated by the lamp near your head. Like a halo, he thought absentmindedly. 
He didn’t notice you were talking to him, until Guy lightly jabbed his side. 
He blinked. 
“Oh, you’re talking to me.” He didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t heard what you’d said, what you and Guy were talking about, and what the appropriate response was. More than anything, he was a bit embarrassed at being caught looking at you so intently. Luckily, you said something for him.
“I know I’m not half bad, but I don’t look that good covered in all this dirt, do I?” 
Maybe unluckily, actually. 
Kakashi felt his face heat up more than it did when he read the most erotic of the Icha-Icha novels, and his brain short-circuited just a bit.
“Ah– that’s uh… My apologies for staring. I didn’t mean anything by it— not to say that you’re unattractive in any way, of course! You’re a very attractive man! I just wasn’t staring with any particular intention, is all.” Kakashi chose to stop before he said anything more embarrassing, if that were even possible. 
Guy was staring at him with an incredulous expression that would’ve made Kakashi tease him, had it not been directed at his foolishness. The same couldn’t be said for you.
“I get it! Guess I shouldn’t have assumed you swung that way, yeah?” You chuckled halfheartedly, looking substantially less happy than prior to when Kakashi spoke. He internally berated himself, but your words couldn’t help but make him think. 
Yeah, I don’t swing that way. Do I swing that way? I guess I haven’t really thought about it. I’ve never really thought about it for women either, but I just knew. Surely, if I were attracted to men too, I would’ve noticed by now as well. Then again, how can I know for sure?
Getting caught up in his thoughts, Kakashi forgot to respond, and you opted for a change in topic.
“Anyways, I think I’m done setting up! If you gentlemen don’t mind, could we continue this conversation tomorrow? I’d like to sleep early before opening day” you suggested more than said, clearly not wanting to come across as rude, but neither Guy nor Kakashi minded much.
“Well, of course! I’m sure you’ll be overwhelmed with customers tomorrow! In fact, I’ll guarantee it by being your personal walking advertisement!” Guy made sure to end with an exaggerated wink, although Kakashi was sure his words were nothing but. 
The rest of the interaction was a blur, and before Kakashi knew it, he was sitting on his favorite tree, basking in the glow of the full moon, and contemplating the burning question in the back of his mind. Although many women had made advances, which he rejected more often than not, never had a man. You were the first to imply anything beyond friendship, and the copy nin wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it. The only thing he was sure of was that his face felt a little bit hotter each time that scene played back in his mind. 
Kakashi was exhausted. 
It wasn’t a difficult mission by any means. At least, not in comparison to the ones Kakashi’s been on in the past, but it left him uncharacteristically worn down as he dragged himself through the village gates. It was already late enough for the sky to be glittering with stars, and for the typically hot air to have simmered down to a refreshing breeze. Kakashi took in a deep breath of the cooling air. 
He was contemplating what to make for dinner, if anything, when he heard a soft humming coming from somewhere. Under it was the soft sound of a knife slicing through wood. Kakashi recognized it immediately. 
Now, at this point, Kakashi had gotten substantially closer to you over the months you’d been a shop owner in Konoha. The aforementioned whispers were a result of the sudden development of him having a new friend, after all. 
The issue with this development, however, was that Kakashi wasn’t quite sure what to do with you. 
How long had you sat there, carving away?
He got closer to the now familiar hut and watched as you sat on a log disguised as a chair in front of the store next to a growing pile of wood shavings. You hunched over a palm sized piece of wood in one hand with a knife in the other, bottom lip caught between your teeth in concentration. The light from the lamp next to you was flickering, evidently having been lit for quite some time. 
Better question, how long had Kakashi stood there, leaning on a lamppost and watching you?
By the time the copy nin realized he was developing a dazed grin, you’d finally looked up from your artwork and noticed him. 
“Kakashi-san! Back from your mission, I see” you smiled and invited him over with a wave, scooting over on your log in case he wanted to sit. 
He accepted the invitation and sat on the now empty space, desperately trying to ignore the way his face flushed when his knees and shoulders brushed against yours. Gods, what were you doing to him?
You sat in silence for a moment, Kakashi content with watching you whittle away, and you being content with sitting in his company. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to lean his head against your shoulder.
“Is that a dog?” Kakashi finally spoke up once you’d gotten far enough along in your project for it to have taken refined form. 
“It is!” You replied, turning your head to look at the shinobi. You noticed him gazing at the little dog, and held it out closer to him. 
“You can hold it, if you’d like.”
Kakashi felt himself tense, albeit accidentally. 
“You trust me with it?” He reached out for carving as he spoke, but in a way that felt as though he were holding himself back.
“Of course! We’re friends, aren’t we?” 
When the comment did nothing to bring his hand closer, you took his hand into yours and rotated it so his palm faced skyward and placed the figure in his hand. If your touch lingered for a moment more than necessary, nobody commented on it. Kakashi simply couldn’t — not with the way the touch felt like a shock of electricity running up his arm and through his body.
“I.. guess we are'' the shinobi mumbled out the response, and he couldn’t explain why the title made his heart clench unpleasantly. Later, he would know that the inexplicable feeling was one of longing, but for now he directed his focus towards the piece of wood in his hands. He ran his fingers over the grooves you made to mimic the dog’s fur, finding it to be surprisingly smooth, and marveled at the craftsmanship. 
“I could teach you if you wanted, y’know.”
Kakashi merely hummed in the way a question mark in a comic book would sound, encouraging you to continue. 
“It’s just– I’ve caught you watching me work a couple times. I thought you might be interested in learning s’all” you shrugged. 
Kakashi was stunned. He wasn't used to the idea of his hands being used for creation, no. His hands were meant to destroy. To steal. To kill. They brought destruction and pain and death and nothing good came out of his hands. They were stained with blood that would never wash out. 
You watched as his hands stilled on the piece of wood and he stared at his hands, as though he were recalling a memory. The air around you suddenly felt slightly charged, making you feel like you shouldn’t break the spell in fear that the electricity would explode somehow. It was silent save for the sound of crickets, but even they died down to fit the mood. 
Kakashi broke the silence soon enough. 
"I couldn't. I'm… not a very crafty person, you see.” He looked up from his hands and made eye contact with you, but it was as though he were looking somewhere else. Somewhere far away, either in space or time.
Even so, you weren’t one to give up.
"You don't need to be talented to create. Nobody's good at something at the first try.”
That seemed to bring Kakashi back to the present, and he blinked the fog away from his visible eye. He turned his attention back to the little carving, seemingly thinking about your words. You gave him time to think, which Kakashi was eternally grateful for. 
Of course, he’d love to learn from you. He admired your artworks and the passion you put into your crafts endlessly. Watching you work and seeing the process of an ugly lump of wood becoming a gorgeous carving, a blank canvas becoming a breathtaking painting, or a lump of clay becoming an intricate piece of pottery, had undoubtedly become one of his few pastimes. To learn how to do the same — to be there next to you, just like now, talking to you, and spending more quality time with you — sounded like a dream.
But he couldn’t quite shake off the hesitation at allowing himself to indulge in such pleasures. The idea of getting closer to you, as incredible as it was, scared the shinobi. Besides that, trying to imagine himself doing something with a knife besides stabbing and slicing and covering it and himself with blood — it scared him. 
You seemed to notice his internal conflict, and tentatively placed a hand on his shoulder. It was such a soft touch Kakashi nearly didn’t notice it in his daze, but it grounded him more than he would've liked to admit. 
“You don’t have to decide anything now, Kakashi-san. Take all the time you need. I’ll be right here by your side, for as long as you accept me to be.”
You smiled at him when he looked up to meet your eyes again, and Kakashi felt the familiar tug in his heart again.
For the first time, Kakashi didn’t ignore the feeling. Even as you gifted him the little dog and he thanked you endlessly for it, even as he walked through the cold streets of Konoha on his way home, and even as he laid alone in the cold bed, covered in cold sheets, did he allow himself to be enveloped in the warmth of the feeling that you elicited deep inside of him. 
And it was that night that he laid in bed, holding the little wooden dog to his chest, that he allowed himself to think. He thought about how your mere presence was enough to make the exhaustion from the day a thousand times more bearable, and what implications it carried for his relationship with you. Or, his desired relationship with you. Would he have felt the same had it been anyone else? His friends? Acquaintances? Students? Does he want to feel the same with anyone else? 
What if, when you handed the carving to him, you didn’t pull your hand away? What if, while he was watching you work, he acted on his impulses and did lay his head on your shoulder? What if, instead of you calling him “Kakashi-san” you called him the pet names he read so often in his novels? Baby? Darling? Sweetheart? My love? 
The result was Kakashi nearly melting into his bed with how heated his face became, and ultimately being forced to concede. 
I have a crush on him. I have real, romantic feelings for him. I want to hold his hand and hug him and maybe even kiss him a little. I want him to put down the honorifics and call me stupid nicknames like baby or sweetheart. Holy shit. 
It was safe to say he got little sleep that night, but the sleep he did get differed from the ones that led to rude awakenings covered in cold sweat. For the first time, his dreams were filled with soft touches and smiles and so much affection that left him wanting more in the morning.
Nearly a year had passed since Kakashi realized his feelings for you, and he hadn’t made much progress. He did manage to get you to drop the honorifics, so he’s been upgraded to “Kakashi” status, but that was about it. Not that he’s complaining, of course. How could he possibly complain about his relationship with you when you let him into your personal friend circle?
Is what he would have said had it not been for Iruka Umino. 
Now, he had nothing against the teacher. He was good at his job — great, even — and Kakashi could even say he had a positive opinion of the man due to how much he looked out for Naruto during his childhood.
That was before he noticed your closeness with him. 
Kakashi didn’t get jealous often. He liked to think he was a master at keeping a level head and observing all relationships and situations with an objective eye (pun intended), but it appears that his ability to do so took a quick trip out the window when it came to you. 
He’d make time out of his week to spend time with you, whether it was after a mission, lesson, training, or getting groceries, and it quickly became one of his favorite times of the week. Unfortunately, there were moments when said times went sour. 
He noticed you started getting closer to the teacher after he stopped by your shop one day, and more often than not, you were talking to him while working on something. It wasn’t a bother the first few times, but it became a problem when you said you couldn’t talk or have a drink because you were busy. With Iruka. At your shop. On the log that Kakashi was supposed to be sitting on. 
Today was one of those days. Having successfully convinced Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke to train without him, he had the day free, and wanted to spend it with you. He hopped over to your shop over rooftops, but stopped on the building across from yours when he noticed you were with Iruka again. 
Rather than jumping in and trying to make small talk with you, as he usually does, he watched how the two of you interacted from behind a copy of Icha-Icha. Iruka was sitting next to you on a separate log — something Kakashi appreciated much more than he would’ve liked to admit — while you were busy at work creating a pile of wood shavings at your feet. You would stop once in a while to show him what you were working on, and continue when the teacher nodded in what appeared to be approval. The copy nin frowned when he made your shoulder brushed after he made you laugh, and you playfully hit his shoulder.
Then, the atmosphere changed. Became more charged. Your body deflated and your wrists went limp, letting go of the wood and knife, and Iruka took your hands into his. He shifted his position until he was able to meet your eyes, and even from a distance was Kakashi able to make out the furrow in your brow. Kakashi watched with a careful eye as Iruka leaned in, and you leaned in, and your hands stayed connected, and something was surely about to happen, when—
“Kakashi-sensei! What’re you looking at?” 
His vision was filled with a blur of orange, pink, and dark blue, and suddenly Kakashi knew how it felt when Naruto tried so desperately to get a glimpse of his face. 
“Wha– hey! I thought you guys were training!” 
The three stood in front of him, and the entire group had shared knowing looks painted on their faces. Even Sasuke replaced his typical brooding expression with a slightly smug one. 
“Why were you looking at geijutsuka-sama like that? Hm? Hmm? Hmmmmm??” Naruto dragged out the hum while wiggling his eyebrows until Sakura rolled her eyes and hit him to stop. 
“We know you like him, Kakashi-sensei” Sakura had her hands on her hips, looking extremely proud of her deduction. 
“What are you guys on about? I don’t like anyone.” 
“Liars get stitches, sensei!” 
“It’s ‘snitches get stitches,’ idiot.”
“Potato, potahto, either way he’s totally lying! You totally like geijutsuka-sama, we all know it!”
“That’s right! Why won’t you just admit it?”
“I’m not admitting anything because there’s nothing to admit. I don’t have romantic feelings for anyone.” 
Naruto and Sakura stilled. They then shared a look that consisted of waggling eyebrows and eyerolls, and ended in mutual stoic expressions. 
“I guess that’s a shame, then” Sakura began, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, ‘cause we all know that he likes you a ton too!” Naruto picked up, crossing his arms also. 
“Even you could figure it out, it’s so obvious” Sasuke finished with an eye roll.
Kakashi blinked. 
He what? No, that couldn’t be. He’s clearly already in a relationship with Iruka. I can’t believe them, they’re just kids. Don’t get your hopes up. You’re just friends. 
“He does?” 
Hopeful. Undoubtedly, he sounded hopeful.
The moment the words escaped his lips, he regretted it. Naruto’s grin morphed into the largest smile he’d ever smiled, Sakura’s smugness seemed to only intensify, and Sasuke’s additional eye roll told Kakashi everything he needed to know. 
Gods, they know.
Kakashi pocketed Icha-Icha and sighed. He could feel his face go hot. 
“Fine. I do… have feelings. For him.”
The effect was immediate.
“Then you should confess! Let’s do it now! He’s right over there, and he’s about to close his shop too, it’s the perfect time!” Sakura tugged on Kakashi’s hand and pointed at you, who was still with Iruka. 
You weren’t holding hands with him anymore, and you were smiling. A stark contrast to the gloomy atmosphere from the last time he saw you. You were using sandpaper now, indicating that your project was coming to an end. Iruka said something. You laughed. You shone.
Kakashi’s heart retracted into itself. 
“Calm down and look at them.”
It was as though his voice were a kunai slicing through the air. The students went silent and opted for listening, turning to take in the sight of you with their old teacher. 
“They’re clearly in a relationship. I couldn’t, also shouldn’t, intrude on it with my own feelings.” 
There was a moment of silence, rare for the group, until–
“You really are blind.”
Sasuke’s voice pierced through the silence, making Kakashi’s visible brow lift. 
“Isn’t taking in your surroundings one of the most basic things a ninja should do? Look at what he’s making. It’s Pakkun. Something related to you, sensei. What could it be if not a gift for you?” Sasuke turned to face Kakashi, rolling his eyes once more. 
“Stop jumping to conclusions and ask him directly. I’m getting tired of you pining after him and these idiots making me care about it.” He nods his head towards Naruto and Sakura, both of whom looked ready to push a mountain in protest. 
“Are we done here? I’d like to do something valuable with my time.”
Another moment of silence. The back and forth between speaking and thinking was akin to the blinking of fireflies in the night, or the on and off buzzing of cicadas, but the entire group could sense that it was over. 
A nod was all it took. The group left Kakashi alone to go god knows where (likely to spy on Kakashi during his attempt to confess), and Kakashi willed his heart to stop attempting to escape the jail cell of his ribcage. 
He took a moment to observe you once more. The shop was evidently closed now, with the only light being a lamp sitting on the table next to where you stood. You were sweeping up leftover wood shavings from earlier, humming along to something only Kakashi could hear if he strained his ears. Your movements were fluid — graceful, even, with muscles moving in a way that only could with years of practice with this particular action. 
He couldn’t help but think you were beautiful.
He took a deep breath, steeled his will once more, and jumped down from the rooftop.
With that simple greeting, you ceased your humming and looked up from the shavings on the ground. Your lips were turned up in a smile, and Kakashi felt a blossom of warmth bloom in his chest at the sight. 
“Kakashi! I thought you weren’t coming by today.” You set the broom against the front door and stepped closer to the shinobi. Kakashi opted for leaning against one of the wooden supports next to him. 
“I wanted to come earlier, but I didn’t want to disturb you and your boyfriend.” He lifted his eyebrow and watched for your reaction. Your eyebrows furrowed and your head tilted. 
Confusion! That’s good… right?
“I’m not sure who you’re referring to, but I don’t have a partner.” 
“Not even Iruka?” 
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. 
“Iruka-san? Why would you bring him up?”
It was Kakashi’s turn to be utterly flabbergasted. 
“You don’t see it?”
You simply shook your head in response. 
“He’s been here nearly every day for weeks, and you always seem brighter when you’re around him. You’re always smiling and laughing at — what does he say that makes you so happy, anyway? Not only that, but I’ve seen you holding hands with him multiple times!” 
“Are those all the requirements of being a couple?” 
“Spending time together nearly every day, smiling and laughing together, holding hands — are those the requirements of being a couple?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say requirements, but they’re very romantic things to do. Most people who do them are probably together, aren’t they?”
“I guess that means we’re only one step away from probably being a couple, then?”
At that, Kakashi choked on air. Not his most graceful moment, but he believed his reaction was justified. As he settled down from his coughing fit, you seemed entirely unphased at the implication of your words, simply standing in front of him with your arms crossed and a slight smirk on your face. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, I’m glad you asked, Kakashi! Let’s think for a moment, shall we?” You took a few sweeping steps to get even closer to him. You stepped closer and closer until Kakashi had nowhere to go between the wooden pillar and your body. His back straightened. 
“Who else, besides Iruka-san, comes by the shop nearly every day?” You lighty jabbed a finger at Kakashi’s chest with a soft thud. The impact felt equivalent to a fly landing on his arm with all the protection his vest provided, but the heat that spread from the point of impact outwards was equivalent to the eruption of a volcano. 
“And who else, besides Iruka-san, do I laugh and smile with every time I’m near him?” You jabbed him once more, sending another shot of lava through the ninja’s veins. 
“W-well, that’s different! I mean—”
“Who else, Kakashi?”
With your finger putting pressure on his chest, and the heat under his skin creating pressure on his brain, Kakashi was helpless to the truth, toppling out of his lips like a wingless bird attempting to take flight. 
Similarly to the volcano that erupted under his skin, the grin on your face was instantaneous, and made Kakashi a little more immune to the chill of the night air. Then, you huffed and pulled away from the puddle of blush disguised as the copy nin, turning away. 
“With your logic, the only thing we’d need to do to date is hold hands.” You made your way over to the table where the lamp sat, still facing away from Kakashi. He thanked every god in every religion that you weren’t looking at him. It gave him a moment of respite, so he could become his calm and collected self once more (ignoring the fact that he hadn’t been calm nor collected near you in months). 
“Anyways, I have a present for you!” 
Lo and behold, Sasuke was right. 
When you’d turned, your arm was outstretched, and in it was a wood carving of Pakkun that just covered the surface of your palm. He looked as grumpy as he did in real life, just without the disapproving grunts. It was, frankly, adorable. 
“You made this for me?” He tentatively reached out for the carving, unsure if he was allowed to touch it or not. When you nodded and encouraged him to accept it with a nudge of your hand, he finally allowed himself to accept it.
It was smooth and soft, likely a result of the sandpapering he saw earlier, and the grooves meant to imitate the look of fur were dull enough to eliminate any risk of being hurt. The time he introduced you to Pakkun and the other ninken made a lot more sense as he took in the detailing on the clothes and his facial expression. You’d had a sketchbook and pencil out the entire time, although you paid equal attention to it and the dogs. You must’ve sketched them out and used it as reference for the carving.
That was months ago. 
“Have you been planning this since you first met the ninken?” Kakashi finally looked up from the little piece of wood at you. You, who now sat on the table, leaning back onto your arms, looking proud of yourself. 
“No, actually,” your voice floated in the air, as though you didn’t want to break the fragile glass that was the atmosphere. “The sketches I did then were just because I wanted to draw them. The idea to carve Pakkun came from Iruka-san about a month ago.” At that, Kakashi’s eyes widened. 
You nodded and chuckled, enjoying the confusion on Kakashi’s face. 
“I heard about your birthday from Guy. I wanted to give you something, but also wanted to surprise you, and Iruka-san offered to help,” you explained with a cheshire grin.
“I didn’t realize you’d get so jealous.” 
“I was not—!”
“I can see right through that skin-tight mask of yours, Kakashi, you’re so obviously jealous!” 
Kakashi sighed in defeat. After his accusation from earlier, he couldn’t possibly hide his true emotions for longer. He returned his gaze to the little wooden figure in his hands, running a thumb over each and every groove. Funnily enough, it was him that felt like a puppy at the moment. One that was denied a walk, or his favorite treat. 
This confession was not going in the direction he planned. 
Apparently, his disappointment was far more evident in his expression than he’d thought. You hopped down from the table and stepped in front of Kakashi, lightly placing a hand on the side of his face and lifting it. Your grin took on the form of a soft smile, and there was something in your eyes that made Kakashi feel safe. You were safe. To him, you were like the lamp on the table — a light in the darkness, repelling the cold with your comforting warmth. 
How could he possibly confess in a way that would put these feelings to justice? How could he possibly handle the rejection? 
“Could you… sit down, for a sec? I want to tell you something.” 
You looked confused, but complied anyway. You sat on the table and Kakashi brought the log closer to the table to sit in front of you. The height difference made it so Kakashi’s face was level with your chin — perfect for avoiding eye contact in case this went badly. 
Kakashi took one last moment of silence to gather himself. To lasso all the furiously flying thoughts and nerves in his body into a functional state, just for a few minutes. You waited patiently, although the silence did nothing to soothe the nerves now beginning to bubble under your skin. 
“Do you remember what you said to me the first time we met?” He looked up to make eye contact with you, a new determination set in his iris. Goosebumps formed on your arms at the intensity. 
“I… flirted with you, if I remember correctly.” You hummed in thought and looked away for a moment. “I noticed you looking at me, so I thought flirting was the right move,” you looked back at Kakashi, trying to fight the slight embarrassment at the memory. 
“It wasn’t, because you don’t swing that way.” 
Kakashi coughed, the sound echoing awkwardly in the silent night.
“You’re right. I don’t swing that way.” Kakashi fidgeted with the Pakkun carving slightly, already getting used to its presence. He would remember your friendship by it, if you decided to end it after hearing his confession. Strangely, the thought comforted him. It also made his eyes feel like they were being assaulted by a thousand microscopic kunai. 
“At least, that’s what I thought at the time.” 
Your eyes widened. Deciding it was best to get it over with before you came to your own conclusions, Kakashi pressed on. 
“I did a lot of thinking since then, and I’ve come to a lot of realizations about myself — about my sexuality. I couldn’t exactly do much exploring when I was young, considering my life story—” he chuckled humorlessly “—but now, I can. I did, and it’s all thanks to you.”
Kakashi nodded, laughing an empty laugh once more, “yes, you.” 
“And I know that you won’t feel the same, but—”
It was as though someone were shoving a wad of paper filled with harsh words up his throat. He swallowed thickly to get rid of it, but it only served to embed it deeper into the walls of his throat. He instead tried a deep breath, but that only blew away the dam that held back a stream of tears. He let them fall. 
“What I’m trying to say is, I like you. Romantically.” 
Kakashi couldn’t handle keeping eye contact with you any longer. He ducked his head down and watched the ground, watching the packed dirt turn dark with tears. What would’ve normally been absorbed quickly stayed on the surface of the dirt for quite some time — likely due to the cold, dark atmosphere. 
He opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by the feeling of your hand on the side of his face. It only sat there for a moment, as though giving Kakashi a moment to adjust to the feeling, before it applied slight pressure to bring his face back to its original position. The ninja could’ve easily resisted, but he felt it in every fiber of his being. He could never resist you. 
When your gazes connected once more, Kakashi was shocked to find that you were smiling. A soft smile — similar to the one you had earlier before the beginning of his confession. A smile of comfort and of understanding. A smile that never failed to envelop the ninja in a blanket of safety. 
You ran your thumb under his eye, wiping a few loose tears away. Even after his cheek was clean of tears, you continued the movement. A silent message. I’m here. You’re safe. 
Kakashi waited for you to make your move. 
You moved your hand down to his shoulder, running it down his arm with a feather-light touch. Kakashi naturally brought his arm up to allow you to continue the movement without needing to bend down. You stopped your hand at his wrist — right before it reached his free hand. He couldn’t help the tug on the corners of his lips. 
You spoke. 
“This is your fifth time here this week, and it’s only Tuesday.” 
You ran your thumb against the inside of his wrist. It tickled slightly, but Kakashi didn’t mind. 
“We never fail to make each other smile and laugh — even though our sense of humor is horrible.” 
As though on cue, Kakashi snorted softly. It was true. The two of you had an entire library full of inside jokes and bad puns that would make all fathers blanch in horror. 
“The only thing we’re missing is…”
You slid your hand down a few more inches, finally landing on Kakashi’s gloved palm. You curled your fingers in between his, and he did the same. Your fingers were cold — likely a result of having worked with your hands outside so late at night — but Kakashi didn’t mind the chill. The heat of the interaction was more than enough to make up for it. 
“There. We’re officially probably a couple.” You finished with a wider smile than when you began. 
Kakashi was at a loss for words. The tears started building up again, but they were different. This time, the paper was covered in good words — words of happiness, contentment, safety, love. This time, the stream flowed freely, because there was no need for the dam. 
“Care to make it officially definitely a couple?” 
With the wad of paper still stuck in his throat, all Kakashi could do was nod and lean up in an attempt to close the gap between your faces. You giggled, but pulled away at the last second. 
“Words, Kashi. I need words.” 
With another deep breath, Kakashi rid himself of the cursed paper and cleared his throat just enough to speak once more. 
“Yes. I want to officially, definitely, 100% be a couple.” Both of you shared a laugh in the middle of his sentence. Another inside joke to add to the library. 
“Good. So do I.” 
And with that, finally, finally, did you lean down to meet Kakashi where he left off. His mask was in the way, but neither Kakashi nor you could find it in yourselves to care. 
The kiss was chaste — hardly more than an extended peck — but it made both streams of tears turn into rivers. Kakashi wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you closer into a half hug, tightening his grip around your hand with it. When you gripped his hand tighter in response, he felt it — the everlasting swinging of his heart becoming in sync with yours. And it was at this point that he knew he would never let it swing in another direction ever again. 
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ayyyez · 2 years
Okay okay, I finally have an idea! Kakashi's love languages: can be fluff, can be smut, or just a mix. The request is either: what are Kakashi's love languages and how does he show them, or the five times Kakashi showed you his love language through:
words of affirmation
acts of service
quality time
physical touch
...and that time he received those languages back! Hahahaha enjoy😂💕 Thank you bby 😘
A/N: Heeeey Topsy 💕 ohhhhh okay okay this is interesting I like this idea so for sure I can do this for you lovely. Aha thank you 💕 I did a mix of both fluff and smut!
TAGS: love languages, fluff, smut, under the cut is smut, it got real sappy sweet and deep in some parts, this is very long lmao
CHARACTERS: Kakashi Hatake
When Kakashi is younger he is short and harsh. The only words akin to praise you'll get out of him is something along the lines of 'I guess that was tolerable.' in terms of you holding your own as a shinobi or 'I guess your presence is tolerable.' if you aren't a shinobi.
That's glowing praise from him back then.
As he grows older his words are softer, more meaningfully affirming.
'Good job.' Finds his lips more and more. He finds it doesn't feel so uncomfortable anymore—praising you.
He thanks you for things often too. Kakashi knows all to well that simple appreciation for things can come to late. He always wants to make sure you know he's thankful for you.
My god is he thankful for you.
There's also the more teasing natured strung together moments.
'Yes just like that.' The words are thick and sweet like honey on his tongue. 'You're so good, mmm, feels so good.'
Kakashi spreads his fingers through your hair as you take more of his cock deeper into your mouth.
'All for me.' He doesn't mean to pull your hair so hard but the love he has for you spurs on a wave of possessiveness he didn't know he had. 'All mine.'
It's moments like these, when he's so vulnerable that he finds he can't shut up and the words just spill out.
'You look so good ah—' he grunts and hunches forward, 'so good taking me like this.'
You look up at him through heavy lashes, moaning a little with his cock still in your mouth. The vibrations cause him to shudder and if it weren't for the mouthful you'd be smirking.
Another deep throat and vibrating moan and Kakashi is cumming, words of praise falling from his lips the entire time.
From you the words of affirmation are a must.
Kakashi thrives on them even if he doesn't realise it as first. He can just get so down on himself that it can really bring him to life at times even if he doesn't alway believe it. He needs to hear it.
The first time you told him you love him he doesn't believe it.
The two of you are at your apartment. It's somewhere he can leave because you know sometimes it gets a bit much for him and he needs space.
You're standing in the kitchen together laughing about something and you feel it. You want to say it even if he doesn't quite feel that way yet. You want him to know.
'I love you.'
There's a pregnant pause.
The laughters stopped and you can hear a pin drop the tension is palpable.
Kakashi is frozen like a statue. The one visable eye is wide and you can see the fear behind it. But you had expected this, you knew him after all, it has been this way the entire relationship.
You always took one step at a time, forward and holding your hand out to him to let him know it's safe to follow.
'It's alright.' You say, soft smile across your lips. 'I just wanted to tell you because it's how I feel. I'm not expecting anything.'
His shoulders relax a little and he takes a deep breath.
He takes a minute.
'Sorry.' He finally says. 'I shouldn't need to process that. But—'
'It's okay.'
He sighs, looking toward the balcony door.
'You can go.' You assure. 'I'll be here when you're ready.'
'Sorry.' Is all he says before he disappears into the village.
Later that night when you're tucked in bed you're jolted awake with Kakashi hovering over you, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
'Is everything alr—'
'Thank you.' He quickly says before adding. 'For being so good with me even though I'm so...' He groans and collapses on top of you.
You chuckle and stroke his hair.
Kakashi pushes himself up and stares down at you intently.
'I love you too.' He says with such confidence it overwhelms you. 'I knew it the second you said it, I don't know why I couldn't just say it then but I'm saying it now so—'
You grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him.
Kakashi is the kind of person who makes sure you're eating healthy and balanced meals. Will cook for you when he's home. Since he learnt at a young age (cries the angst!) he's had a lot of experience doing it and it makes him happy to cook for more than one person.
Will learn your favourite recipes and foods and incorporate them into his cooking routines.
Teaches you how to cook if you don't know. Is willing to swap recipes and skills if you do know. Likes sharing this with you along with the reasons behind why he had to learn to cook for himself. It takes time for him to share this though.
If he's busy doing missions or Hokage things he doesn't always get time to clean much but when he does get time he likes to surprise you by doing the house cleaning chores.
Will also spoil you every now and again with surprise trips to the hotsprings to give you some time to relax and unwind.
Kakashi is the kind of guy to just do things unprompted anyway. Things like cleaning, cooking, taking out the trash.
VERY BIG on service in the bedroom too. A very big communicator there. Will look for cues to make sure you're getting pleasure but also asks like 'You like that?' and 'Tell me what you want?'
Tell him to go down on you and he will. Sometimes will deadass just do it if you look like you could use the release (with your consent of course). He's the kind of lover who can get you off and be fine leaving it there.
One time he came back from a mission and he went down on you and made you cum three times with his mouth and hands. He ended up cumming in his pants with a little bit of friction from his hand because he was so turned on just watching and tending to you.
With you it's doing little things to help him out when you can.
Getting a lunch to him when he is Hokage whether its homemade or bought because it gets him to stop work and eat BUT it's also a chance to spend quality time together.
Tidying up his clothes and pack after he's just come back from a mission and feels dead to the world.
Helping him wash either in the bath or shower. It's just something to unwind but also if he's exhausted it genuinely does help him clean without the effort.
Doing the laundry for him so it's one thing less to do. It just piles up so quickly.
Cooking extra food on the days you cook breakfast even though he said he would cook dinner just in case he is too tired or comes home too late. That way there's something to eat in the fridge and he doesn't feel guilty. You just know him.
When he's had a long week and you don't have plans tomorrow and he's in the mood? Just pining him down and showing him a good time. Really taking your time and kissing each spot. Slowly dragging out that hand job. Edging him a little. Turning it into a blowjob. Giving him the best orgasm of his life. Then the best sex of his life. And another amazing time with both of you cumming hard.
Kakashi doesn't give gifts often. At least not grand or regular gifts often.
There's the odd lunch here and there in the early days or food item in general. It's always under guise of making sure you're eating healthy too. Which is half true. He did just want to give something to you too.
Honestly he would probably get a bunch of fish half off or something and think it's a great gift to give you some BECAUSE WHAT A STEAL? How could he not share this with you? lmao he's a dork okay he's not some suave guy, I'm sorry.
Probably gifts practical things too. Like tea sets or rice cookers. You don't have a rice cooker? He's getting you one lmao.
If he did get you something though it would be something hand crafted like a braded strap or something that could go around your wrist like a bracelet or neck like a necklace. Something that fit your taste.
Kakashi is also not the best at receiving gifts that aren't of a practical nature because he feels he doesn't deserve them and feels that they ought to be for occassions anyway. Generally prefers inexpensive gifts for himself.
If you give him things of a similar nature of what he's given you then he'll be really happy. Appreciates it a lot.
Gifting him food things is the way into his heart. Home cooked meals really get his heart racing. The first time you gifted him food he thought he was going to overheat he was blushing so hard.
Enjoys a good bottle of sake now and then too.
There was one birthday of his where you spoiled him with food and a trip to the hotsprings. Then when you came home you gave him one last gift which was you. Lets just say he died and went to heaven that night.
Kakashi really likes quality time with you as long as you don't expect quantity time since he is quite busy. When it's just the two of you though he's all about you.
He really relies on spending time with you to ground him.
Quality time with you means he gets to unwind, relax and just be himself without anything else getting in the way. It's when he's the happiest. It's the thing he looks forward to the most.
It doesn't matter what the two of you are doing as long as you're together. He does make a habit of making sure to at least treat you out every now and again. He'd hate for you to feel like you're always stuck at home with him all the time. He braces the village night life and lunch dates for you.
It's how the two of you combined love for food and each other together. Date times out at food places every now and again become a hit. Trying different dishes. Judging whether or not Kakashi can replicate them.
Sometimes it is just spending time at home and taking the time to cook together, bathe together and have some pillow talk together.
Long, slow make outs on the couch while Kakashi tells you about his day. He'll kiss your neck then tell you about what Shikamaru said about some reports. You'll pull his hair, snort and say something back. The ultimate multitasking team.
You make sure to visit him in the Hokage office on days you know he won't make it back home until late. Sometimes you'll just stay there for awhile and help out.
You call yourself his unofficial assistant.
'Where does this document go?' You ask sitting on his desk.
'Hmm?' Kakashi takes a moment, reading the rest of his scroll before looking up. 'Oh those can go on that pile there for Shikamaru when he comes back.'
You sort the document, along with the others of the same category into the pile mentioned.
'When is he coming back?'
Kakashi doesn't look up. 'Hopefully not for awhile. I fear he's going to bring even more documents if he does.'
An idea pops into your head as you swing your legs over to his side of the desk. It doesn't go unnoticed by him. His brow raising as he continues to read through the scroll in his hand.
'Since we're all alone...' You begin, trailing off suggestively.
Kakashi looks up at you uncertain. 'Yes?'
'Perhaps we could...help you relax a little?'
'Oh?' Kakashi places the scroll down and sits back. 'And how are we going to do that?
He looks at you already amused.
You slide down from the desk and place your hands on his shoulders. Inching closer, your thighs shuffling either side of his as you come to stand over him.
'Mmm, I have a few ideas.'
You sit down onto his lap causing him to gasp on impact.
Before he can get a word out your lips are on his. In seconds his hands are on your waist. Instead of pulling you off he's pulling you closer and kissing you harder.
Probably Kakashi's main love language. A lot of the times words just fail him and he's just seeking out your touch and needs to show you his love through physical means.
Kisses your temple after pulling you by the waist. Kisses your forehead with his hands resting just above your hips. Dragging his lips down your neck when he can't get enough of your scent, he just needs to keep them against your skin.
Then there's those mornings when he wakes up pressed against your back. His nose is in your hair nuzzling and brushing down your back. He presses kisses across your shoulder. His hands find that dip in your waist.
He wonders if your body was sculpted just for him. That all these grooves and contours were specifically put here for him to touch and feel and knead.
Taking your skin between his fingers he grinds against your backside, breathing hot air against your ear.
The pads of his fingers push down and splay out as they move across your stomach and pull you further against him. He can hear you moan as your hand joins his, your body pushing back rutting in time.
Mornings are bliss when you two can just get lost in the touch.
The rest of the world is an afterthought.
Then there's the more innocent touches that mean everything.
Your hand cupping Kakashi's cheek. Your thumb tenderly brushing against the apple of it, gently letting him know that you're there. That you love him.
The way your hand finds his so effortlessly. Whether it's at home on the couch while you read or down the busy streets of Konoha while your browse for produce. It's simple but full of love. It says 'You're mine and I'm yours.'
The way you kiss his lips then bite the bottom one in a frenzy of lust on he knows. The way you taste his blood between his teeth.
Kakashi doesn't mind though. His heart beats for you. His blood is yours too.
As is the way you run your fingers through his hair after a long day. The way you wrap your arms around his core when he walks through the door. Or the way you pinch his cheeks after being salty about something.
Kakashi finds he always craves your touch. Your warmth. Your love. Your arms, your lips and your touch are home.
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pupkashi · 1 year
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kakashi doesn’t understand how genma can be so smitten with one person, until he meets said person
a/n: hi friends ! thank you sm for this request <3 im thinking of making this into a series if you guys would like that ? let me know what you all think :]
wordcount: 2,946
“-and they changed their hair today! usually they wear it in this one certain style but today they-” kakashi zoned out again, Genma’s all too familiar musings become more and more similar everyday.
“genma do you even talk to them? seems like you just stalk them from afar” the silver haired jonin replies, genma stares at him in shock.
“pft! of course i do!” his chest is puffed out and he’s looking to the side with an angry pout, “i tell them good morning and goodbye” he mutters, kakashi shakes his head.
“i don’t see how one person that you barely even talk to can be so captivating” he mumbles, rolling his eyes as genma gasps, as if you’d insulted his entire bloodline.
“how dare you hatake! y/n is the most amazing person in this village! maybe even the world!” he’s defending you as if you were already married and a life together.
“it’s a silly crush genma! talk about them when you actually make a move” kakashi scoffs, leaving genma alone in the street as he turns to make his way to his apartment.
and so that’s how genma found himself in his current predicament, reciting the words in his brain he’d say to you when you flashed him that bright smile of yours. all he had to do was invite you to dinner! it’s not like it was a straightforward date, some of his other friends would be going. it was a good way to ease into this!
genma is staring much too hard at a tree when he hears your voice from behind him, “i think that one’s an oak tree if that’s why you’re so focused on it” you laugh, smiling when genma turns to face you.
“y/n!” he shrieks, eyes widening before clearing his throat, “good morning! i didn’t even hear you” he smiled nervously and you bump his shoulder.
“you should be glad i didn’t become a shinobi, I’d probably outrank you” your voice is teasing as you wink at him, causing genma to think he was gonna go into cardiac arrest anytime soon.
“pft, as if!” he smiled back, “hey, you busy this afternoon?” he asks, his palms sweating beyond belief as you ponder his question.
“what today friday?” your lips are in a small pout as you think before shaking your head ‘no.’
“do you wanna be?” there’s a glint in his eyes that makes you smile, “depends” you reply, his once faux cocky smirk falling off his face.
“on what?” his voice much weaker than he intended it to come out. genma can’t help but study your features, drinking in how breathtaking you look so early in the morning.
“will you be there?” the question catches him off guard, had you always been this coward with him? was he always too stupid to realize?
“I’ll be the one picking you up” he smiles, beyond ecstatic that you were actually gonna say yes.
“then I’d love to be busy tonight, what’s the occasion?” your eyes are sparkling with excitement when he looks at you, he can’t help but smile widely as he explains.
“we’re having a surprise dinner for Gai! we missed his birthday since he was out on a mission that ran long” he explained, you couldn’t help but smile warmly at genma.
“that’s really sweet of you guys” you reply, “never took you for such a sap genma” you tease, bumping you shoulder into him, smiling as he rolled his eyes, hating the fact that a prominent blush was already on his cheeks.
“yeah, yeah” he grumbled, watching the way your smile turned into a small frown, your brows furrowing.
“hey, what’s wrong?” you’re looking at him with wide worried eyes as you explain to him you have no clue what to get Gai. genma only smiles, shaking his head and reassuring you, “don’t worry, i got him something I’ll just say it’s from both of us.”
Genma can’t help but feel like a proud peacock that afternoon when he’s walking home with kakashi.
“guess who got y/n talking to them for almost an hour this morning” he’s boasting, kakashi ever as uninterested sighs.
“raido?” Genma smacks the silver head jonin upside the head before pointing at himself, the cockiest smile on his face as he shakes his head.
“this guy!” he cheers, practically running circles around his much calmer friend. “and guess who they’re coming to gai’s birthday dinner with?!” he doesn’t give kakashi the chance to speak before cheering once more, “this guy!”
“so I’ll finally meet this ever famous, impossibly perfect y/n?” kakashi asks, genma nodding.
“I’ll see you there! I’ve gotta make sure i look amazing so i can woo them tonight” already taking off in the direction of his apartment. leaving kakashi alone in peace and quiet.
so he was finally gonna get to meet you huh. after who knows how long (it’s only been a month) of genma gushing about your every little move and comment, he was finally gonna see what all the hype surrounding you was. kakashi would never admit he was looking forward to meeting you, especially after the countless times he’s told genma he didn’t care to ever meet you on their almost daily walks home together.
it’s 6:30 when you hear a knock on your door, you’re checking yourself out once more in the mirror before opening the door with a bright smile.
“hey! come in i just have to slip my shoes on real fast” you smile, motioning for genma to walk in.
“you uh- you look great y/n” his face is burning up, only getting hotter when you giggle, asking if you can hold onto his shoulder for support as you slip your shoe on.
“you clean up nicely yourself” you reply, grabbing your bag before turning the light off, genma offering you his arm as the two of you leave.
“I’m not too overdressed am i?” you ask, genma quickly shaking his head, “no of course not!” he assures you, trying his best to not outwardly freak out because you’re so close he can smell your perfume.
the two of you make small talk as you arrive at the restaurant, genma pulling a chair out for you, giving you a charming smile when you thank him.
it wasn’t long before the large table was filled up, only the birthday boy himself another seat left empty. as it turned out you and genma shared many mutual friends, smiling widely and hugging kurenai and asuma when they walked in and saw you. anko practically ran towards you, crushing you in a hug and smiling widely.
“i didn’t know you knew Gai!” she beamed, taking the seat next to you and you shook your head.
“i don’t! but i know genma and he invited me” you smile, “i hope I’m not intruding” you frown, kurenai and anko both replying with a firm ‘no!’
“oh Gai is gonna love you! he better not end up intruding on girls night!” anko frowned and you laughed, shaking your head.
“for all we know he could hate me” you reply, turning your head when you hear genma snicker.
“y/n i don’t think there’s anyone in the world who could hate you” he smiles, leaning a bit closer to you, your face heats up a bit at the proximity, laughing softly before taking a sip of water.
“where the fuck is hatake? surely he wouldn’t be late to the dinner he planned” asuma states, his brows furrowed as he looks around.
genma’s attitude changes as he replies, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, “that man will be late to his own funeral” he snickers and you can’t help but smile a bit.
you’d seen the famous copy ninja around the village, but with such different lives you’d never actually spoken to him. it was a miracle you were even friends with the amount of shinobi that you were friends with, considering you were just a normal villager.
“I’ve never met him actually” you comment to genma, and he smiled at you reassuringly, “he seems mean but deep down he’s a real nice guy” he says, asuma quickly getting his attention as they talk about something they’d been discussing earlier.
it’s only a couple more minutes when a silver haired man walks in with Gai at his side, his sworn rival talking his ear off.
“surprise!” everyone cheers as Gai notices the group of people at the table, “happy late birthday Gai!” everyone taking their turns hugging the man and handing him a small gift.
“you guys! i cant believe this” he smiles, his eyes tearing up a bit, “this truly is was youth is all about” everyone laughs at his words, ordering food and making small talk.
kakashi notices you immediately, your smile just a soft and bright as genma had described, your hair falling perfectly and framing your face, his breath almost catches in your throat when you laugh and push a strand of hair behind your ear.
it’s the moment that genma introduces you to each other that he realizes he has a very big problem.
“this is y/n! y/n this is kakashi” he’s staring at kakashi with a shot eating grin, one that says ‘told you they were amazing’ and kakashi has to stop himself from smacking him then and there.
“it’s nice to meet you!” you hold out your hand, kakashi taking it and shaking it gently.
“likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you” he smiles, holding back his laughter when genma almost chokes on his own spit.
“all good things i hope!” you giggle, turning to genma with a soft smile, your face flushed.
“of- of course!” he smiles sheepishly, the two you turning back to your meals and continuing to converse with each other.
as everyone is leaving the restaurant kakashi is giving the group signals, one that you don’t understand and are looking to genma to explain.
“there’s a secret after party at gai’s place asuma and i planned” he whispers and you’re nodding along, a smile on your face, “you wanna come?” his cologne is wafting into your nose and you can’t help but nod.
“sure why not” you smile, blushing a bit when genma grabs your hand, pulling you alongside him to catch up with the group.
it didn’t take long for the party to start once you got to the apartment. you laughed as you watched asuma and kurenai sing a terrible duet, genma and raido both downing shots one after the other and anko trailing off for the fifth time about something she’d been wanting to tell you but couldn’t remember what it was.
you glance at the clock and realize how late it had gotten, eyes widening and apologizing to anko that you had to get home.
“oh but you only had a couple shots! you aren’t even buzzed” she slurred, frowning when you hugged her tightly.
“sorry sweets but i have work tomorrow!” you pout, smoothing her hair down before saying goodbye once again and going off to find your date.
you have to hold back laughter when you find genma almost passed out next to Gai and raido, shaking them all a bit to make sure they were still alive.
“genma? I’m gonna head home” you smile and he gets up, wobbling a bit before he throws his arms around you.
“oh don’t leave us y/n! you’re too perfect to leave” he whines, your face flushing at his words, “i can walk you home” he smiles, getting up from his chair and almost slipping, causing you to catch him and help him to the couch.
“i don’t even think you can walk right now” you laugh, bidding him goodbye and letting him know you’ll see him monday.
as you finish your last goodbye’s and wish a much too intoxicated Gai happy birthday once more, you’re heading out the door, a small smile on your face as you close it.
“genma not walking you home?” the deep voice startling you, causing you to shriek a bit, your heart pounding as your eyes land on kakashi.
“god you fucking scared me” you laugh, hand over your heart, “no he’s piss drunk right now” your head shaking.
“I’ll see you around kakashi, take care” you’re smiling at him brightly, waving goodbye. and before he can stop himself he pushes himself off the wall and catches up to you, walking at your pace.
“oh i don’t want to inconvenience you” looking at him with kind eyes, he’s shaking his head at your words.
“ ‘s not an inconvenience, just wanna make sure you get home safe is all” his words make your stomach flutter and you nod, a small ‘okay, thanks’ leaving your lips as you look away, hoping he doesn’t see the blush on your cheeks.
it’s a bit chilly as you continue walking, kakashi noticed the way you’re holding yourself tightly, and within seconds his jacket is resting atop your shoulders.
“oh I’m fine really!” already taking the jacket off, kakashi shakes his head, placing it back on you before speaking up.
“keep it on, i was getting a bit hot anyway” he smiles, you return him a brighter one, tugging his jacket tighter around you, letting yourself drown in his cologne.
“I think it was really nice that you planned the dinner for gai” you speak up after a couple seconds, fiddling with your fingers. kakashi shakes his head at your words.
“it was all of us really” he shrugs and you look at him, a smile on your face when he turns to face you, “what?” there’s a smile creeping onto his lips.
“asuma said you planned the whole thing, give yourself some credit” you nudge him softly, hoping to god it was alright and he wasn’t insanely uptight like how genma painted him out to be.
“or do you have some sort of appearance to uphold” you tease, laughing a bit when the jonin scoffs at you, looking in the opposite direction with his chin up.
“i don’t have any appearances” he denies, turning to face you when he no longer hears your footsteps next to his.
“oh please! the whole village has you painted as ‘the great copy ninja’ so mysterious and dark” your voice a bit lower, as you say his famous nickname, he’s rolling his eyes and chuckling a bit.
“maybe I’m just mysterious and dark” he shrugs, following you when you continue to walk to your apartment.
“are you?” your voice curious as you look at him, trying to read his features as best you could.
“maybe” he replies, watching the way you cross your arms and smile up at him. his hearts beating a bit faster, feeling insecure under the scrutiny of your eyes. why did he care so much?
“you aren’t” you reply, shrugging your shoulders as you both continue to walk. kakashi’s eyes go wide and his brows are furrowed, his mouth open at your statement.
“you don’t even know me! how would you know?” he’s a bit defensive as you brush his off easily, looking at him with a warm smile that has his stomach doing flips.
“please! you plan out birthday dinners for you best friend, you walk someone home you don’t know and give them your jacket, you have actual friends that care about you and love you” you list off, “and you’ve been talking to me this whole time, dark and mysterious people would just say something vague and look off into the moonlight” you giggle.
“you sure you’re not a shinobi?” the question makes you laugh, waving him off before turning into the street when your apartment is.
“thank you for walking me, i felt much safer with the dark and mysterious copy ninja as my personal guard” you smile, kakashi returns it gracefully, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth.
“it’s my job to protect this village” he says, his voice raspy as he looks up at the sky, searching for the moon.
“new moon tonight” you mumble, kakashi’s shoulders falling a bit, “guess you weren’t meant to be dark and mysterious” you laugh, kakashi laughing alongside you.
“I’ll uh- see you around?” he asks and you nod, starting to shrug his jacket off before he stops you, placing his hand on top of yours. he’s caught off guard by his own actions, clearing his throat and composing himself when he he looks into your eyes.
“you can hold onto it, don’t want you to get cold walking up the stairs” he winces a bit at his terrible choice of words but you don’t seem to care.
“ever the gentleman” you giggle, holding the jacket close to you, “goodnight kakashi” you smile, biting your lip as you turn around and head up the stairs, waving goodbye before you open the door to your apartment, letting out shrieks and giggles when you throw yourself on your bed.
he doesn’t leave until you’re closing the door behind you, a smile on his face as he walks back to gai’s apartment. he’s smiling widely and kicking a rock, a slight blush on his face as he replays the conversation the two of you had.
it’s not until he reaches the apartment and his eyes land on genma that his world is crumbling around him. he can’t like you, not when his friend had been pining after you for a month.
he tries his best to forget about you, he really does, but it seems fate had other plans when you quite literally run into him only two days later, his jacket hanging off your shoulders.
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 3: Touchless Orgasm
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Can't Help it
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: afab!reader, touchless orgasm, a lot of dirty talk, like a lot a lot of it, semipublic, oral sex (male receiving), dom Kakashi, very dom Kakashi I can't emphasize this enough, use of the word 'slut' but you know in the fun way, throat abuse, possessive behavior, dominance/submission, face fucking, voice kink, office blowjobs
A/N: Kinktober is a year round event right? Not just one month out of the year, right? Also, lemme know if you want to be apart of tagged list.
Read it on AO3
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It was unfair, really. He knew what he did to you, how his voice could affect you. How he could get you to do almost anything with the promise of him. You whined, your thighs pressed together to try and get some friction against your weeping sex.
So unfair.
His chuckle, low and heavy with pleasure, made you whine around his cock again. Your jaw was stretched wide, drool escaped from the corners of your lips as you continued to take him as far into your mouth as your body allowed. Just having him in your mouth alone was enough to make you wet enough to soak through your clothes.
“Mm, you look so pretty like this,” his voice was breathy but firm, husky but more addictive to you than any drug or cigarette could be. “Slobbering all over my cock, under my desk, whining like you’re on edge from this alone.”
You closed your eyes, you would have shaken your head if you could have, but instead you swallowed more of him. The fat head hit the back of your throat and you fought against the gag that threatened to overtake you. You could feel your clit throb.
“Do you want to touch yourself?”
Gods, yes.
“To cum with my cock in your throat?” His hips thrust forward for emphasis, and you felt saliva slide further down your chin. You pulled back, taking him out of your throat before pushing him back in, trying to take him in even further. “What a cute little cock slut you are.”
His hands tugged at your hair, the minute amount of pain turning into a pleasant buzz in your pleasure-addled brain. You moaned against him, your hips moving on instinct. Your sex clenched around nothing. The delicious chuckle that left him was cut off by a sharp gasp as you attempted to swallow around him. You opened your eyes again, even as you felt them begin to tear up, to try to take in the sight of him with his head tossed back. Your hand began to reach down to slip beneath the waistband of your pants.
“Don’t,” he panted.
You blinked at him in confusion, vision blurred with unshed tears. He groaned, the hand that was in your hair tugged harder, forcing you to take him in up to the root, your nose pressed firmly against the silver locks at his base. You sputtered, the tears finally falling.
“Fuck,” he groaned again, hips moving minimally. “Don’t touch yourself,” he commanded.
A keen left your throat and vibrated around his shaft. You wanted to ask why, to demand he allow you that small relief, but instead you dragged your teeth against him as he pulled out until only the leaking tip remained on the back of your tongue.
“I know you don’t need it to cum.”
He began to thrust eagerly, fucking your face with abandon. “All you need is this,” both of his hands came down to hold your cheeks and caress your jaw. The noises that left your throat were lewd and wet, you could feel your pussy throb with desperation, and you spread your bent legs. “My cock, my- ah,” you closed your eyes again so you could focus on the sounds. His sounds. “My voice. You’re so easy, so depraved.”
His thumbs rubbed against the stretched corners of your lips. “I don’t even have to see your pretty little hole to know that it’s drooling more than your mouth. Hn,” his grip tightened on your face, and you humped the floor, feeling no relief from the increasing ache. “I’ll cum down your throat and tell you to cum and you will, because its my voice telling you to. Because you can’t resist me.”
You could feel your slick as it leaked against your thighs, could feel yourself suck him harder as your need grew. If only he was inside of you, ruining your insides like he was your throat. You needed Kakashi to pull you out from under his desk and bend you over and take you so thoroughly you wouldn’t be able to walk straight. The throbbing in your core grew as his groans increased and the abuse on your throat worsened. You were so turned on, it felt like you were being edged.
“You’ll swallow it all, every last drop, and leave my office with drool down your chin, your slick down your legs, and a belly full of my cum.”
A shiver crawled up your spine and your grip on his pant legs turned white knuckled. You felt close but torturously so. He was right, you were depraved. Your clit begged for any kind of stimulation, a single touch and you were sure you’d be gone. “Fuck, you like that, don’t you? You’re close, aren’t you?” You whined and he let out a humorless laugh. “Mmm, look at your hips moving on their own. So naughty, getting so worked up over having a cock in your mouth that you’re about to cum.”
A desperate whine left your throat.
“Go on,” he grunted, his own hips stuttering. “Cum, cum while I paint your throat.”
Kakashi let out a stuttering gasp and you felt the tension in your core release at the same instance his seed shot down your esophagus. It was hot and thick, some of it leaking out onto your tongue as you struggled to swallow while still cumming yourself. Your walls clenched around nothing, your clit ached with over sensitivity, and you could feel your fluids slide further down your skin and soak your clothes completely. It was an unsatisfactory orgasm that had left you twitching and achingly overstimulated.
“Mm, good girl.”
His fingers rubbed your stiff jaw gently as he pulled out, it made an ungodly wet schlop as he left your throat before leaving a wet trail against your lips. You closed your mouth when he was out, the tang of spend along your tongue as you struggled to get it all down. He’d cum so much.
“That’s it,” he muttered and rubbed his thumbs over your lips. “Swallow your reward.”
“P-please,” your voice was hoarse, tongue heavy, and throat thick with him. You needed him then more than ever before. “Kashi, please, fuck me.” “Hm, how can I deny a request like that from such pretty swollen lips?”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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|| Kinktober 2022 Masterlist ||
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justanobodywriter · 2 years
13:51 ✦Kakashi✦
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It was pouring rain outside. It was good relaxing weather, but it had been this way for days now.
"Why the long face?" Kakashi asked poking at your cheek.
You let out a small sigh, "I guess I'm just sick of this weather."
"We need the rain," he spoke, matter of factly.
"I know," you groaned, "but it's been days since the sun has been out. I just need some sunlight."
"Why?" he asked.
You let out an even more frustrated grunt, "Just forget it."
He chuckled at your overreaction. His face hidden behind his book, but you knew he was still paying close attention to you.
"How about I make the rain a bit more interesting," he offered.
"How?" you asked snapping your head around to him.
He just set his book down and took your hand. He lead you to the front door and stepped out.
"What are you doing?" you snapped. "Are you crazy? We're going to get soaked. I'm not even dressed to go anywhere."
"Stop complaining and come on," he spoke continuing to pull you behind him and out into the horrible weather.
Once outside he prompted for you to stand in the middle of your small yard and look up.
"Feel it," he instructed.
You sighed, yet you still put your arms out and felt the rain. You cleared your mind thinking only of the rain and focusing in on how it felt as many drops hit your body.
"I use the rain to ground myself sometimes," Kakashi spoke. "The rain is good for that."
You opened your eyes to look at him. He was at peace. You could tell by his breathing that he was the most calm you had ever seen him.
"Kakashi," you finally spoke.
He looked over at you with a small smile that crinkled the edges of his eyes.
"Teach me."
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luvlady-writes · 2 years
hi !! can i get some angst with kakashi where during anbu he keeps rejecting the reader but at the same time he keeps using her for love (bc he loves her for sure but doesn’t want to be « « serious » »? like he’s scared :(
Hi, nonnie! I hope you like it.
Requests and Ask box are OPEN.
This has no beta and English is not my first language. Be gentle, I’m doing my best ♡
Comments and reblogs are welcome 🖤
Light in the Dark | Kakashi x F!Reader.
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Sitting on his bed, you hugged him from behind and put a small kiss on his naked shoulder. You could feel how his body tensed. He broke your embrace and stand up leaving you there.
You smiled sadly and shook your head.
“Is this the part where you kick me out?” you said while Kakashi dressed without facing you. 
You swear to keep your distance from him since he only wants you to warm his bed. But he is strong, once again you’ve failed to resist Kakashi’s actions. 
He didn’t respond. That’s your answer.
You get out of bed and started to put your clothes back on. Angry with him and with yourself. This is the last time, you said to yourself once again. 
Already dressed, you took your purse and walk off Kakashi’s bedroom and apartment leaving him alone in the dark of his room. You didn’t know but, he was punching himself for hurting you again. He tried to stop looking for you on the nights when he was feeling alone and tormented. Your love was the only thing that can warm his cold heart during his darkest hours but he know that he can’t give you what you wanted and needed in return.
Anbu's life was taking a toll on him. He was still young but in his life, he had seen and lived things that not anybody could bear. 
You were the light in the dark of his life but for everything he has been through he couldn’t risk losing you too, that’s why he keeps pushing you away. 
You always were by his side when he come back from a mission injured, you healed him, and took care of him, always with a smile on your face. 
“I love you, Kakashi” you said one night after making love with him.
When you said those words, they made him realize that this thing that you had going on was serious and scared him to death because everything he touches, dies. And he doesn't want to lose you because he loved you too.
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kakashisenppai · 2 years
dunno if you're still looking for kakashi ideas buttt...
can i request a proposal or wedding oneshot with hokage kakashi pls? ty <3
sure! i saw you said hcs were fine too but i tried to do an oneshot tho =) anyways, heres kakashi proposing, kinda long lol, hope you like it! <3
hokage!kakashi x f!reader
word count: 3.1k
tag, you're it.
'it's today' kakashi thought, breathing deeply probably for the thousandth time that day. he had it planned for about a month but he couldn't help to feel anxious as the time got closer. touching the little velvet box in his pocket, kakashi watched the clock on his wall, wondering if time got slower since he step his foot there. he was waiting, not so patiently, for his lunch hour just to see you. everyday you stopped by to hand him his lunch or even eat together, but today it was going to be different, early that morning kakashi asked you if you two could go to Ichiraku get some ramen at his lunch time, and you agreed without a doubt, but actually he planned to take you on a walk by the river, where close by there was a picnic ready and waiting for you and then, lately he would finally ask you those four words he's been dying to say to you.
"are you waiting for someone?" he heard shikamaru's voice next to him, bringing him back to reality.
"I said are you waiting for someone? you're staring at the clock for some time now" the younger male affirmed, placing a pile of papers on his desk.
"just waiting for lunch, I'm kind of hungry" he tried to change the subject "and these are...?" he pointed to the papers in front of him.
"work. and you better be fast kakashi-sensei, there's more coming by the afternoon" he said turning away.
"thanks, shikamaru..." he said low while the boy closed the door behind him. kakashi shoulders got tense as he looked at it, taking a deep breath he didn't waist time to start, he had two hours until you came. by the time you walked through the door, kakashi placed the last paper sheet on the pile beside him, he rushed to get it all done and fortunately he had managed it just in time.
"hi, love" he said getting up to greet you with a kiss on your cheek.
"hey, babe, are you ready?" you smiled at him, placing your hand on his arm.
"for you? always" he joked, trying to act normal. you just laughed lightly, giving him a pat on the chest.
"should we get going then?" just as he was about to answer, you two got interrupted by shizune and shikamaru walking in with huge piles of paper, being followed by two other people holding just as much paper.
"hate to be a killjoy, but you have to get these ready till tomorrow" shikamaru explained while kakashi looked at him with wide eyes "and there's more coming". kakashi took a deep breath placing his hand on his face, frustrated about this inconvenience. he looked at you in the eyes and you could see the distress in them, smiling slightly you tried to reassure him.
"it's okay 'kashi, I'll go buy us some ramen and then we can eat here together, okay?" you caressed his covered cheek while he looked down at you, disappointed.
"I will make it up to you"
"there's no need, now go sit and get it started because I want you home tonight, I will be right back." you gave him a quick peck and turned away leaving the room, kakashi only stood there, hand in pocket touching the little box.
"hogake-sama?" shizune called him. now, taking a deep breath for the thousand and third time that day, kakashi sat by his desk and started once again those endless piles, upset his plan was ruined.
afterward when you came back with lunch, you two ate side by side, and after that you insisted to stay there with him, switching between helping him with paperwork and massaging his shoulders through the hours. when the sun was already down, he insisted you you go home, promising you he wouldn't stay all night there.
the two hands of the clock were up, indicating it was midnight when kakashi got home. taking his sandals and his hogake cloak off, he saw you on the couch, wrapped in a blanket watching whatever was on the tv. you glanced at the tired man in front of you, opening your arms you invited him over to your embrace and kakashi didn't even flinch when he moved to sit between your legs, hiding his face in your chest and holding you as close as possible to him.
"long day, huh?" you asked, stroking his soft silver hair.
"the longest. thanks for staying with me through the afternoon, I really appreciate it" he uttered.
"it's okay love, I just want to be by your side".
"forever?" he closed his eyes.
kakashi then relaxed, drifting into sleep thinking tomorrow was going to be the day, he was going to ask you tomorrow. tomorrow.
kakashi was hopeful as his lunch time was getting closer, he again asked you to go to Ichiraku together and for the second time his clone got the picnic prepared. today everything was going to be fine, no paperwork to get done and no shinuze or shikamaru to trap him there all night. kakashi patted the box in his pocket, waiting for the time to come. he was going to ask you today. as the time passed, kakashi was getting impatient, usually you're never late and that was enough reason to get him anxious. the silver haired man then decided to summon his ninken to help him.
"congratulation, boss" pakkun said right away, trying to look nonchalant.
"I didn't asked her yet, pakkun" he started, looking at the dog frustrated "but I need a favour".
kakashi then proceeded to explain everything to pakkun and what he needed to do so his plan could work, the dog only agreed and told kakashi to relax, put this matter on his paws meant job done. kakashi only sighed, wishing pakkun a good luck when he saw the dog leave his office.
after hours of waiting, pakkun walked in the room, carrying a box on his back. kakashi stopped everything he was doing and looked at the dog, waiting for him to talk and actually explain why he took so long. when he noticed pakkun was waiting for him to say something, he arched an eyebrow in question.
"she's taking care of Mirai, boss, she said Kurenai had an emergency and she forgot to contact you. she also made me bring you food," kakashi exhaled, resting his head on the back of the chair " there's biscuits for me too, so pay attention to not take them." pakkun jumped on his lap, patting kakashi on the leg to get his attention.
"I should eat your biscuits just because you made me wait for so long" kakashi provoked the dog, who groaned at him in response. he tried not to get disappointed again by the fail, so he just reheated the food his girlfriend made and ate, enjoying his dog presence.
tomorrow, he was going to ask you tomorrow. tomorrow.
on the third day, everything was more than prepared, no paperwork, no unforeseen, no problem ahead. when you got there, kakashi quickly took you outside the hogake tower, not letting anyone interrupt you two. you walked beside him watching your way while kakashi watched you closely, distracted by your lovely figure next to him, he only noticed his surroundings when you started to get closer to Ichiraku. surprising you, kakashi took your hand and started to guide you in the opposite direction from the restaurant, you looked at him confused and he only gave you a warm smile. you decided not to ask, you trusted him with your life after all. taking his hand in yours, you intertwined your fingers, walking along with him.
you were already outside the populated part of Konoha, getting closer and closer to the river. kakashi was sweating as the anxiety dropped his stomach on his feet, the hot weather didn't help him at all with the shivers down his spine. watching him from your side eye, you finally spoke.
"what are you planning, kakashi?"
"nothing, love" he looked at you "I just thought we could enjoy the weather together". you looked at him suspicious, but decided to believe him anyway.
the walk was calm, the spring wind was blowing the flowers around you, helping the romantic vibe. kakashi was happy about how well this was turning out, you looked comfortable and joyful by his side, making he believe he couldn't be more in love. you stopped on your feet, turning your face to look at him surprised, he took a moment to realize you two were already by where his clone prepared the picnic.
"what is that, kakashi?" you squeezed his hand. kakashi looked over the blanket where the basket, the champagne and flowers were sat.
"for me looks like a surprise for a lovely person" he said playfully. you patted him on the shoulder and ran over the blanket, kakashi chose the right location under a big tree, making the river look ever more bright and clear from there, he was happy that place didn't not change at all along the years.
we walked slowly to you and places both of his arms around your waist, holding you tight from behind.
"I hope you like it" he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
"oh 'kashi, i loved it" you turned around, placing your arms around his neck "it's beautiful", you slowly took his mask down and placed a tender kiss on his lips.
"not as beautiful as you though" he answered when you broke the kiss, giving you a quick peck on the lips again "are you hungry?". kakashi watched as you happily agreed with him.
you two sat down next to each other and kakashi started to take things off the basket, he bought all of your favourites, and you watched it admired, it was almost like a mini feast for the two of you. kakashi could see not only in your eyes, but in your face as well how delighted you were and he couldn't be more satisfied by that. you two ate calmly, enjoying each other presence, the whole evening was full of food, conversation, laughter and caresses.
when you two were leaning on the tree, champagne glasses empty and your head on his shoulder, kakashi felt like it was the right time, so he turned at you taking a deep breath, taking your hand in his he turned your attention to him.
"y/n, my love, I don't know if your remember, but this was the place we met, right under this three" you shook in head in agreement, "since that day you became the most important person in my life, we were both fourteen years old and we were both going through tough times..., when I met you I felt a connection, and as the years went by I fell in love with you" he took his hand inside his pocked, holding your left hand only "and now, after so many things together, after a war, and after becoming hogake, after so many years..." he switch hands, holding your left hand with his right one, looking for the box in his other pocket "after so many years... I just know I couldn't be more in love with you..." he patted his back pockets lightly "I love you more than you could ever know... y/n..." he patted the pocket on his leg, looking in your tearfully eyes.
kakashi stopped for a moment, not believing this was happening. shit, shit shit. he held his head in his hand, taking a deep breath. this couldn't be happening.
"baby, what's wrong?" you asked seeing he changed his behaviour.
"I think I lost my keys" he came with an excuse, deadpan expression on his face. he stared at you, and for a moment you just stayed there looking at each other, until you break in laughter. kakashi didn't know how to react, but seeing you laugh that much, holding your belly in your hands, calmed him down, not believing his forgetfulness in such moment, he only could laugh at himself. you laid on your back, still laughing and he laid by your side, watching the tears fall from the corner of your eyes.
"oh my god" you said, trying to calm down "I love you so much, kakashi" you looked at him, smiling brighter than the sun "I love you so fucking much" you gave him a peck on his covered lips "thanks for today, love, I will never forget it" you shifted positions, laying your head on his chest, for a moment he became nervous about his heartbeat, but didn't mind as you cuddled him.
"me neither, darling" he placed his arm around your waist, and he didn't lie, he could he ever forget how he forgot the ring to propose you on that day.
the dark clouds became closer and closer to the village as the hours went by, kakashi and you were walking peacefully through the village, he early decided shizuke, shikamaru and naruto could handle things today, so he decided to take the day off to spend it with you. he was holding three bags in one of his hands, the other one was holding yours tenderly, after you went home yesterday, you two couldn't get off each other, you were still inebriated in kakashi's words and kakashi was still trying to pretend like he wasn't going to propose you yesterday, but he still had a plan. you two stopped at Ichiraku to get some lunch before going home.
"y/n, I was thinking if we could take a walk with the dogs today" he said when you two got home.
"I'm totally up, but we should go before it starts to rain" you mentioned.
the eight dogs walked around you two, you were close to the same river as yesterday, but near the training grounds this time, still no one around, you two were quiet, but not uncomfortable.
"how did you manage to get out that office today?" you looked at him.
"I said naruto could practice being hogake for a day and shikamaru being his right hand without me to train him, shizune is supervising them though" he explained to her.
"ugh, I hope naruto can become the hogake soon so I can have you all for me" you said playfully.
"you already have me all for you, darling, duh" kakashi pulled you close by your waist, placing a small kiss on your forehead.
"but not as much as I would like" you placed a peck on his lips, kakashi took his mask off and pulled your lips together again, tasting the sweet ice cream flavour you had before on your tongue. you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling the hair on his nape slightly. you two broke the kiss when the first drop of rain fell on your heads, looking to the sky, you two smiled at each other before sharing another kiss. the ninken who were close to you decided to run, happy about the earth becoming mud under their paws.
"oh, it's going to be a mess" you said, watching them play with each other.
"yeah, but a really cute one" he added.
"can't disagree"
you two watched as they played happily, mud now all over them. distracting you for a while, kakashi placed his vest on your shoulders, you gave him a smile and accepted it, wearing it fully and closing it around your torso. you two were now soaked from head to toe but you didn't even mind, you were happy with each other presence and nothing could change that. for a seconds you didn't even comprehend the words who came out of shiba's mouth as he got closer to you, a second later before a 'tag, you're it' you slipped on your feet as the dog jumped on you, making you fall butt on the ground.
"sorry!" the grey dog said before running away from you.
"thanks, shiba!" you voiced while kakashi only laughed at you "help me, 'kashi" you insisted, when he gave you his hand, you held it and pulled him to the ground as well "tag, you're it" you said, now laughing as well.
"what a dirty game" he declared, smiling playfully "I suggest you to run now" he said taunting you "I'm gonna count till five"
when kakashi started to count, you quickly got up on your feet, staying closer to the dogs. once he started to run, it was pure chaos, the dogs rushed around, trying to scape from him and you ran trying to stay on your foot, slippering most of the time. you ten played for a long time, slippering, falling and laughing, over and over again. it was kakashi's turn again when he made you his target, you tried your best to dodge from his touch, but when you got out of breath and placed your hands on your knees, you heard kakashi stop close to you letting out a giggle, you closed your eyes, trying to steady yourself, saying 'just a sec' to him. when you got up, you almost fell again as you saw kakashi on his knees, holding a little black velvet box in his hand.
"tag, you're it" he said opening it, revealing the prettiest ring you have ever seen. you watched him mouth-open, not knowing what to say, you felt tears forming in your eyes as he cleaned his throat, opening his mouth to say something "y/n, I love you, will-", you didn't let him finish as you jumped on him, making him fall back on the ground with you on top of him, saying 'yes' multiple times "I didn't even get to finish" he laughed looking at you, you sat on the ground and pulled him to sat in front of you, murmuring a little 'sorry'. taking a deep breath, he looked at you "y/n, will you marry me?" you took his mask down to look right on his face, the smile he gave you melted your heart and you never felt so vulnerable with him looking at you like that.
"yes, kakashi, I will marry you" you answered him, tears now rolling down your checks. kakashi took the ring and putted it in your dirty finger, but you didn't even care, it looked beautiful like that. you held his face with your both hands and kissed him deeply, and as kakashi pulled you closer, the only thing you could hear was the loud voices of the dogs behind you.
it didn't happen as planned, but kakashi didn't wish it to be any different, you were finally his.
ignore any mistakes lol
any feedback will be appreciated, hope you guys like it!!!!
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chemmerson · 2 years
primaveral - chapter six
Hokage!Kakashi/Doctor!Reader, post-war, canon compliant
Chapter summary: Suna is going well, Kakashi fulfilling his duties and you fulfilling yours. And somehow, you keep running into each other to share moments that leave you both reeling, breathless, and confused. The last day in Suna is quickly approaching, but what better way to spend it than at the Stars Festival (and a date?).
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: none!
Read on ao3
chapter six - it's a date!
“Good morning, Doctor!”
Ritsu’s energy in the morning could easily take the place of your usual coffee. You had just opened the door to see his bright, smiling face as well as Kagura’s less enthusiastic one. You could guess how she felt about mornings just by her expression.
“Good morning, you two,” you smiled the best you could through your grogginess.
“Did you sleep alright I hope?” Ritsu shot you another big smile.
You swallowed the truth, which was that you barely got any sleep with your mind keeping you up. “Yes, it was very comfortable.”
“Great! Which means you’ll be ready for a day packed with lots of adventure!” Ritsu pumped a fist into the air.
“Yes, but if you don’t mind, I’d love to take a stop to get some coffee,” Kagura let out a yawn and a sigh. “It’s much needed.”
You chuckled, shutting your door behind you and locking it. “I can say the same. That sounds great.”
Ritsu and Kagura (mostly Ritsu) were giving you the rundown of the day, what it would look like, what types of protocol and patients you would be witnessing. You tried your best to listen but truthfully, there were many other things on your mind.
I have feelings for Kakashi. I have feelings for Kakashi. I have feelings for Kakashi.
It was this persistent feeling that had grown in your stomach, a feeling that you had been burying deep down until now. And you realized as you laid awake last night, tormented by the growing feeling in your stomach and the millions of thoughts in your head, that it began that day you and Sakura gave your presentation.
It was those eyes and that look. It was like Kakashi was seeing you, really seeing you in that moment. And up until now, you were doing your best to focus on the important things rather than silly little crushes. You pushed it down, down, down.
But there was no use anymore. Your heart was screaming the truth at you. You could no longer hide from it.
“Uh, Doctor? Everything okay?”
You scolded yourself spacing out and worrying your new friends, pasting on an apologetic smile towards Ritsu. “Oh yes, I’m sorry. I think I really need that coffee.”
“There’s a stand just down the road. They make the best lattes,” Kagura sighed contentedly.
You smiled and then forced yourself to get out of your head. The main streets were already busy with people and shops and businesses opening, as well as the market that sat at the end of the main drag. In this way, it felt like Konoha. Everyone waking up together and starting their days. The heart of any village is its people.
Looking around, something else caught your eye. There were several people setting up what looked like to be decorations, stringing lights across the buildings and setting up intricate wooden stalls. It looked like…
“I love the day before the Stars Festival!” Ritsu squealed. “Everyone starting to set up, all the decorations. I’m already dreaming about the food…”
“All I can think about right now is coffee,” Kagura mumbled. “But I also can’t wait to snag some Stars Festival dango. The flavors are always so good.”
You finally spoke up about your curiosity, leaning forward to catch their eyes. “I’m sorry but…Stars Festival? What’s that?”
Both Ritsu and Kagura snapped their heads in your direction, Ritsu’s expression dramatic as always and even Kagura’s eyes slightly wide.
“YOU CAME TO SUNA DURING THE STARS FESTIVAL AND DIDN’T EVEN KNOW???” Ritsu exclaimed loudly, which made you shrink back a bit. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!!!”
“Ritsu! Volume, please!” Kagura shoved her hand on his face and then sighed. “The Stars Festival is a Suna tradition, of course, she wouldn’t know!”
Ritsu grabbed Kagura’s hand and slid it down to his chin. “Yes I know but…this is just…this is just so wonderful! I can’t believe she came during the best time of the year! 
“Um,” you laughed lightly. “I’m so glad but…what is the Stars Festival?”
Ritsu jumped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. “The Stars Festival is a Suna annual tradition! Once a year, a meteor shower will grace our village. We will celebrate all night with food, drinks, games, anything you can think of…until the time of the shower, all of Suna’s villagers looking up at the sky and watching the stars! It’s the best day in the whole village, everyone dresses up and celebrates the night away!”
Kagura stepped in next to Ritsu. “All of that is true, but the meaning behind the festival is not only celebration. The meteor shower, because it happens annually, is thought to be a blessing over our village. When the shower begins, it is a time for reflection, prayer, and good thoughts over the village and its people.”
You felt honored to be in Suna to witness such a wonderful tradition and touched that Ritsu and Kagura were sharing about it with you. “Wow, that sounds…incredible.”
“Wait until you try the food!” Ritsu squealed again, the biggest smile on his face.
“Is all you can think about food?” Kagura rolled her eyes, walking away with Ritsu trailing behind.
“I can’t help it! I love festival food…”
You followed behind, thinking about how lucky you were once more to be in this place, to meet these people, to experience new things. Your heart felt warm with gratitude, and a touch of sadness knowing after tomorrow, you’d have to leave.
You’d come back. Some day…maybe Kakashi really would bring you back here…
You were brought out of your thoughts by bumping into Kagura’s back, the pair stopping in their tracks. Looking up, you realized what stopped them.
The Hokage and the Kazekage were side by side in their regular shinobi attire, and they looked like they were taking a casual walk.
Your cheeks immediately began to burn when you realized Kakashi had met your eyes.
“Kazekage!” Ritsu exclaimed, bowing immediately. Kagura followed more gracefully, and you followed suit. “It’s wonderful to see you this morning!”
The Kazekage, Gaara, chuckled. “I can say the same, Ritsu. Your energy is contagious.”
Though you were standing slightly behind, Ritsu stood a bit taller. “Thank you, sir!”
Gaara then looked at Kagura. “Good morning, Kagura.”
Kagura nodded back. “Good morning, sir.”
“I hope you two are taking good care of our esteemed guest,” Gaara smiled at you, causing your cheeks to heat even more. “Lord Sixth tells me good things about her, and her importance to the village. I trust she’s in good hands?”
Your entire body was on fire, and Kakashi’s eyes crinkled mischievously. Oh, he really enjoyed making you so flustered, didn’t he? In your opinion, he continued to speak way too highly of you. But then again, he was thoroughly enjoying seeing you so flustered. You looked away from his eyes with a slight pout you couldn’t help, and you felt that made him even more satisfied.
“Y-Yes, of course, Lord Kazekage sir!” Ritsu stood at attention, a determined look on his face.
In front of you, Kagura cringed slightly at his dramatics. “Of course, Lord Kazekage. She’s going to be observing our rounds today.”
Gaara chuckled again. “I’m only giving you two a hard time. I trust no one more to welcome her to the village. Well, the Hokage and I better get going as well."
Goodbyes were exchanged and as you began to walk past Kakashi and Gaara, your eyes found Kakashi’s once more. He was giving you another mischievous look as he passed you and then…
He brushed your shoulder with a wink.
It only made you freeze for one second when you whipped your head around, mouth agape. But all you saw was his back next to the Kazekage’s like nothing had happened.
Oh, he’s really going to get it. How can he keep doing this to me? Does he…know…?
“Doctor, are you okay? You look flustered.”
You whipped your head back around to Kagura and Ritsu’s slightly concerned looks.
“O-Oh, yes!” You sputtered. “Sorry, I’m just—“
“Ah, I understand,” Ritsu smiled. “The Kazekage is a highly respected individual, it’s understandable you would feel so flustered in his presence!”
“I think you’re the only person who feels that way, Ritsu. He’s a person too, not a celebrity…”
“He basically is! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in a movie someday…”
“You’re ridiculous…”
Following Ritsu and Kagura again, you forced yourself to focus on the day at hand, no matter how hard.  You pushed the silver-haired man out of your head and followed the two doctors into another busy day.
Being a doctor or medical ninja is a vital part of any shinobi system, of any village, really. Without it, shinobi would not be able to find their ground again and protect the village. To fulfill their duty. The medical professionals behind any battle or hospital are one of the most necessary roles to ensure the well-being of others which in turn guarantees the protection of the village.
You would say that any medic-nin or doctor knows this to be true, and is part of the reason why they show up to fulfill their duty every day. To support others. To help their comrades. To see them thrive on the other side.
For you, you think it runs deeper than that. There is something about your duty as a doctor, a researcher, and a medical professional that is ingrained in you. There is something about the moment you cross the threshold of any medical setting that solidifies a sense of purpose and duty.
You never really wanted to be a shinobi. There was always a part of you that knew.
The moment you crossed the threshold into Suna’s medical facilities that morning was a reminder all over again that this was what you were meant to do.
You learned a lot following Ritsu and Kagura on their rounds. After the war, Suna had sectioned off a chunk of the hospital for rehabilitation efforts. It had naturally morphed into a more permanent system of how the hospital ran with the amount of shinobi needing some form of cognitive or physical rehab. Most of your morning had been spent there, observing, recording, consulting.
As you could have guessed, there were a lot of the same cases back in Konoha. Brain injury was one of the biggest, cases of mild to severe aphasias, memory loss, and overall cognitive changes that many struggled with. The trauma of the war itself left many with cognitive deficits along with major physical injuries. 
The other major cases were hearing loss and tinnitus that accompanied other physical and cognitive losses. Complaints of ringing in the ears and significant decline in one or both ears were common as you made your way around the hospital.
You got to talk with other doctors and their treatment. You got to hear from medical-ninja, how they refined their ninjutsu to treat specific war-like injuries. It was so much information, so many new ideas sprouting in your brain at once. You had felt like it had only been an hour when so many had already gone by.
The day was almost over, and you had found yourself with the research team again. After a day of seeing Suna’s amazing facilities, you had many questions yourself. Logistically, they could implement a speech and hearing clinic with no problem, and you knew that Sakura already had plans for a mental health clinic in the works. It seemed that even a whole land away, everyone was on the same page regarding medical care.
But, night came again and everyone started getting ready to go home. You were chatting with one of the researchers particularly interested in your research, and she mentioned the hospital’s medical library. You excitedly mentioned your interest in ancient Suna medical texts, and she offered to lead you there.
Kagura and Ritsu were planning on heading home, however. “Will you be able to make your way home later, Doctor?” Kagura asked.
“Oh, yes I won’t be long!” You reassured them. “Thank you for today. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
They smiled and said their goodbyes as the researcher led you to the library.
“I’ll leave you to it, Doctor. I hope you enjoy! Good night!”
No one was in the library except you, now. The sight was beautiful. It wasn’t a very large space, but it was beautiful. Rows and rows of medical tomes and texts lined the many shelves, and you felt your heart light up. You dove in immediately, heading right for the ancient texts. One of your favorite things to do was compare ancient practices to what was in place now, to see how methods and theories have changed over time and what was still in practice.
Pulling out several tomes and texts, you settled down at a table and got to work. The moon was already high in the sky as it shined through the window above you, but you were in too deep to notice the time passing. Even as you continuously yawned, you couldn’t find it in you to tear yourself away from the literature in front of you. You really only had one day left here, so you felt the urgency to soak up as much information as you could.
Your body, however, had different ideas. Though your mind was busy with information, the exhaustion, mental and physical, took over. You fought your drooping eyes and more frequent yawns as much as you could, but it was no use. In the midst of reading about upper and lower motor neuron connections in the spinal cord, you had fallen asleep, hand propping up your head over a medical tome.
And meanwhile, a certain silver-haired Hokage was looking for you.
Kakashi really shouldn’t have been surprised to find out you were at the medical library.
When you weren’t in your room, Kakashi went to the hospital to see if you had stayed late. The two doctors in charge of hosting you, Ritsu and Kagura, were also nowhere to be found. So he began asking around to see if you were anywhere. Finally, a young woman heard him asking, the patch of a Suna researcher on her white coat.
“Oh! She’s at the library, Lord Hokage. Would you like me to take you there?” She asked.
Ah, of course, he thought. “Yes, thank you.”
The researcher led him through a few hallways before stopping at a door, bowing, and leaving. Kakashi thanked her and opened the door.
The library was not large by any means but it was filled with shelves upon shelves of books, tomes, and scrolls. It was slightly intimidating, knowing he would not understand anything behind the covers of these books. But he had a feeling that when you walked in, you had one of those big, lovely smiles on your face.
The aisles between the shelves were small and winding, and as he began to make his way through to find you, he guessed if you had the time, you would probably read every single book in the room. He knew the same was probably true for the medical section of Konoha’s library.
It didn’t take him long to find a corner in the back with a small table next to a window. There you sat, surrounded by books and scrolls, looking down at one open in front of you while you rested your head on your hand.
Your back was facing him and you hadn’t moved, maybe hadn’t heard anyone come in. Probably too caught up in your reading, he guessed.
“Burning the midnight oil, Doctor?” He couldn’t help but smile, leaning against one of the shelves.
But you didn’t answer. You didn’t even move a muscle. It was then Kakashi noticed the slight rise and fall of your shoulders as you leaned on your hand.
Quietly, Kakashi made his way toward your side and leaned over to take a look.
Fast asleep.
Your cheek was slightly squished by your hand as you leaned most of your weight on it. Your mouth, barely parted, let little snores escape as you breathed in and out deeply. Your other hand rested a finger on a line of text, one you couldn’t help but abandon for sleep.
You looked lovely. You looked beautiful.
Kakashi’s heart melted at the sight of you, and that feeling in his chest pulled at him again. Like last night. And the night before. And every night and every day since he’s gotten to know you. It had grown significantly since the stay in Suna, and as it grew, Kakashi was feeling something else.
Fear. Uncertainty. It made a part of him want to run.
Kakashi had always run from his feelings. He pushed others away. He retreated when things got too close, too personal, too real. Over the years, he had been called out on it and tried to make the changes. Little by little, he let his walls down, let others in, and let his loved ones close. Gai, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and others showed him there was nothing to be afraid of.
But it has been a long time since Kakashi felt anything like this. Really…he’d never felt anything like this.
Gai’s words echo around in his mind. “Whatever you do, just be yourself, Kakashi. I could see in her eyes, too, that you mean something to her!”
That day, Gai had given Kakashi the push he needed to explore whatever…this was with you. Kakashi was thoroughly enjoying getting to know you, maybe pushing your buttons a bit to see you flustered, seeing you experience your first journey out of the village, and out of the Land of Fire.
At first, it had been a crush. But now, it was running deeper, followed by this persistent feeling in his chest and…Kakashi was…
You stirred slightly at that moment, nuzzling your head in your hand and breaking Kakashi out of his thoughts. You didn’t wake though, just murmured something in your sleep and continued to slumber.
Kakashi smiled. His thoughts could wait for now.
Gently placing his hand around your shoulders and leaning down close to your ear, he spoke. “Doctor.”
You barely moved. Kakashi tried again, giving your shoulder a squeeze and a soft shake. But nothing. Whatever dream you were in must have been a good one. He hoped at least, anyway.
Kakashi dared to think for a moment that maybe he was such a comforting presence to you, you detected no threat and felt safe to continue your sleep. Because he tried several more times to wake you up, only for you to murmur nonsense and then eventually lean back into his hold on your shoulders.
The close contact of your head against his chest made him stiffen for a moment, and he even felt his cheeks heat. But you just melted into him further, and his heart melted all over again.
Alright, then, he thought with a smile.
Kakashi maneuvered slowly and gently, careful not to wake you. He made sure to keep your head on his chest while he slipped his other arm underneath your knees. He lifted you up, holding you close against him.
You didn’t stir once, just curled your arms up and nuzzled further into his chest.
Whatever thoughts had been plaguing him moments ago had disappeared fully as he looked at you. The hard-working, dedicated Doctor, asleep in his arms.
You were going to freak out once you found out.
Kakashi chuckled to himself thinking about your reaction, but he needed to get you to your room to get proper sleep. It wouldn’t do for the hospital staff to see you in his arms like this so he decided to swiftly hop up to the open window and jump out, making his way to Suna’s headquarters via the village’s rooftops. 
You dreamed of flying through the night sky, a warm embrace, the smell of rain and laundry and home.
You dreamed of Kakashi.
His face was suddenly there, through your bleary eyes. “Kakashi, what are you doing here?”
You could see him smile, and suddenly you were met with softness against your back. “Get some sleep, Doctor. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You couldn’t argue with him. So you continued to dream of the night sky, a warm embrace, and him.
Late late late I’m so late!!!
You scrambled to find some clean clothes after your very quick shower, panic rising in your chest as you looked at the time. Ritsu and Kagura would be here any minute to come get you, or maybe they had already come by. You had no idea. All you knew was that you woke up in your clothes from the previous day and were so late!
“What kind of medical representative…some professional I am…” you mumbled to yourself, quickly pulling on some pants.
Pulling on your white coat again and deciding it best to wait for them outside Headquarters in case they were waiting, you burst out of the room—
—and froze in your tracks when you found Kakashi leaning against his door, a smirk shaping behind his mask.
“Good morning, Doctor.”
“Wha—uh, good morning, Kakashi,” you gulped. “I uh, I’m really late—“
“I told Ritsu and Kagura they’d be expecting you late this morning because we needed to quickly go over some Konoha business.”
You just stared at him for a moment before the wheels started turning. “I…oh.”
He covered for me.
“And that they shouldn’t bother coming to pick you up because I would be escorting you to the hospital.”
You couldn’t help but sigh, a smile shaping your lips before you closed your door behind you. Kakashi smiled back, holding out his arm for you to take.
“Thank you, Kakashi,” you looked down bashfully. “I appreciate it.”
“Ah, of course, Doctor,” he lilted. “But, your shoes are on the wrong feet.”
“Wha—!” You snapped your head down, panicked. But as soon as you realized his terrible joke, his deep chuckle rumbled in his chest.
You huffed. “That is the worst. You’re the worst.”
“Ah, so mean, Doctor. And I thought we were becoming friends…”
"How did I get home last night anyway? I don't really remember...did you walk me home?" You asked, curious.
"Yes," Kakashi answered, and then lowered his voice. "Although I did most of the walking..."
"Oh, nothing."
As you stepped out of Headquarters and into the village, arm still linked with Kakashi’s, the streets were even busier than yesterday as well as almost fully decorated for the festival that would begin later tonight.
“The Stars Festival,” you said remembering what Ritsu and Kagura had mentioned. “Did you know about it?”
Kakashi hummed. “I only remembered when Gaara had mentioned what a perfect time of year it was for a visit.”
“Have you been?” You inquired, looking up at him.
Kakashi shook his head. “No, but I’ve heard about it. One of Suna’s oldest traditions.”
“Kagura and Ritsu told me about it,” you smiled. “I’m looking forward to seeing it for myself.”
“Yes, me as well,” Kakashi said.
It fell silent between you as you looked around at the people decorating, planning, and setting up booths and stalls. You loved festivals as a child and as an adult and felt excited to see what it would be like in another village.
The path to the hospital approached quickly, and you made your stop there with Kakashi, snaking your arm out from his. “Thank you for walking me, Kakashi. I appreciate it.”
“Of course,” he said simply. “Have a good day.”
You waved at him and returned the sentiment before turning around and making your way down the path, almost to the doors—
Kakashi’s sudden voice made you turn around immediately and met his gaze, wondering what he called you for.
He stood with his hands in his pockets, eyes locked on yours but…uncertainty marked his features. And then, you thought maybe, just maybe…you saw the slightest tinge of pink creeping over his mask.
“Would you like to accompany me tonight?” He called. “To the festival?”
You felt frozen, processing what he had just asked you before your cheeks erupted in warmth. And then, the biggest grin you couldn’t help followed.
“I’d love to!” You called back, almost breathless.
Something flashed in his eyes and he quickly turned around. He began to walk away and threw up a hand. “Then it’s a date, Doctor!”
You felt like you could almost collapse, right then and there.
It’s a date!
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horse-and-writer97 · 2 years
Confession: Kakashi HatakexOC!Kaede
Description:  After years of friendship with the Copy Ninja, Kaede finds herself troubled. What will happen when the woman finally has enough, and how will her best friend, Kakashi Hatake, react? (I’m bad at descriptions, forgive me. This is also a scene from a series I was wanting to write but I don’t know if I’ll ever write the whole thing, I still think some of the scenes written for it though need to be shared.) 
Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Kaede Inuzuka, Ami (Ninja Hound)
Kaede’s Character Sheet/Ami’s Character Sheet
Word Count: 1828
Warnings: none, fluffy, cute Kakashi, inuzuka!oc, be gentle with me I’m nervous, 
The moon was oddly bright tonight, Kaede thought. She could see the shadows its full form cast down across the village as she wandered through the empty streets with Kakashi and her ninja hound, Ami. Ami stuck close to her for the most part, especially when there were still other people out and about but as it grew later the crowd thinned to zero and she started to explore, coming back to check in every few minutes before bounding off again. Kaede felt the hound’s golden gaze on her, Ami checking in on the kunoichi once again until her fingers ruffled through the brown fur. Content for now Ami brushed her head against Kakashi’s hand down at his side before trotting over to sniff at some trash cans nearby. 
Kaede couldn’t help but have her heart warmed by her ninken’s actions, knowing that Ami was only checking in with her this frequently because she could sense the nervousness coming off the young woman. Really, she shouldn’t be surprised. Ami had been like that since the beginning. Though she was now a giant wolf hybrid capable of destroying enemies with little effort, day-to-day Ami’s shy and almost self-consciousness was unique, always sticking close to Kaede’s side and if not her only following Kiba and now Kakashi. Using them as a shield from unknown people was natural as it eased her nerves. Kaede knew this fact for sure because just like her partner, the woman leaned on Ami for support when she wasn’t feeling confident enough. 
Thankfully, not many knew this, always just assuming Ami stuck to Kaede’s side 24-7 because of her own nervous demeanor when the truth was, Kaede leaned on the animal’s support just as much. In fact, the only ones who knew were limited to Kiba and, now, her closest friend. There wasn’t much that escaped the Copy Ninja’s eye but if he had noticed the real reason for Ami’s behavior, he said nothing. 
Instead, the pair walked on in silence, Kakashi’s hands shoved into his pockets since for once his book wasn’t in either hand. He looked around the dark village, watching Ami and smiling every now and then when the canine did something he found amusing. With Kaede on his right he didn’t have to turn his head to see her, watching her from his peripherals and letting the comfortable silence spread. 
Kaede on the other hand stared out ahead but saw nothing, hands also in her pockets but she wasn’t as relaxed as her friend, her left coming out every few seconds to pull at her braid and the right clutching the leather bracelet she kept with her with white knuckles, thumb brushing over the braided material back and forth. It was when the moonlight hit a small puddle in their path from the rain earlier that day, shining into her black eyes that she focused her gaze. The smallest shake of her head she looked at her surroundings quietly until her gaze lifted and landed on the bright moon. Kaede stared, face washed in the cool white light, her feet stopped moving. 
It took a couple steps for Kakashi to realize this and stopped as well, turning partially towards the woman, mentally debating on exactly what to say.
“Something wrong Kaede?” He calls, his voice getting Ami to perk her head up their way before continuing sniffing every fence. Though she still had her gaze focused on the moon, Kakashi could tell he jolted her out of her head. He didn’t know she had made up her mind.
“You and I are good friends, right Kashi?” Though he knew she was going to speak her voice still startled him, something telling him this wasn’t just a lighthearted question. 
“I’d hope so,” he tries to jest, maybe to make her cheer up a bit. “Otherwise I’ve been a fool all these years.” Closing the distance he tried to hide his concern, her face still illuminated by the moonlight, bright enough to reveal freckles under the red clan markings on her cheeks. 
“So I can tell you anything,” she finally met his gaze but the look she wore didn’t ease the feeling in his gut. “No judgment?” 
Though her dark eyes were wide he knew she was serious. Kaede wasn’t often serious when she didn’t need to be so instead of asking the millions of questions in his head Kakashi decided to simply answer hers. “You can tell me anything.” 
Kaede took a deep breath, her eyes closing for less than a second but when they opened something was different. For the first time he saw something like fear in them, her whole body was still and her face clearly forced into a relaxed expression. The way she looked at him, Kakashi couldn’t pull his eyes away, only managing to keep the part of his face showing calm. 
“Kashi,” the nickname only she called him by holding an emotion he’d seen only once or twice before. “I care about you more than I have cared about anyone before. You’re…” she broke eye contact for a moment as she seemed to search for words, “special to me.” He knew what she was searching for when her eyes met his again, but it took everything in him to will his face into a calm, lighthearted mask. 
“Kaede,” even saying her name was difficult so he tried again. “I’m no one special, Kaede.”
The vulnerable expression disappeared faster than it had come, her brows furrowing in frustration and eyes narrowed. “Kakashi Hatake, I may be falling for you, but I’m not falling for that shit.”
He nearly leapt back and away from the shinobi, “You. Are. Special. If no one else believe me when I say there is no other shinobi, man, or person that means more to me than you. And I’ll be damned if I can’t make you see it.”  
Kakashi couldn't even get out her name before his back slammed into the nearby tree, its branches blocking out the only light. As he realized where he stood he realized the same spot both jonin had been standing was empty previously, and in that same moment a dark blur came forward and Kaede was there, inches from him.
Tilting his head down he met her eyes, the darkness of them searching for something, a reflection of hers in them. This time the shinobi had nothing to say, no words coming to mind but a clear question still there. No, this time all he could do was watch. Watch her as her hands reach up, taking his mask in them and pulling it down, under his jaw. Though her touch on his neck was light he felt her pull and met Kaede halfway, eyes fluttering shut. 
If he expected for the kiss to be hesitant, which he hadn’t, Kakashi would have been wrong. This was Kaede. If there was one thing she wasn’t, it was hesitant. She dove in with all the passion he knew her to have, lips moving against his own, a force hard enough he could feel how chapped they were from her constant biting. What felt like both seconds and years later she pulled back, leaving him unable to open his eyes right away. 
When he did he met the black of Kaede’s eyes, her face still close enough he could feel her breath on his skin. Taking a moment he saw that vulnerability was back, making her look so… human. Reminding him of the girl she was, the one he practically grew up with, the one he…
His brows pulled together, eyes curious as he searched her face. His gloved hands gently came to cup her cheek, the other feather light on her hip, all used to pull her to him once again. Eyes flickering from hers and her lips, Kakashi didn’t wait another second. Their lips met once more and it had a sense of urgency, moving together like they had been like this forever. As his hands secured themselves around her hips her fingers found his neck, tangling in the Copy Ninja’s wild hair. 
Neither knew how much time had passed but reluctantly they parted for air, Kakashi refusing to let her go, his arms remaining around her waist. Both stood so close their foreheads pressed together, body heat shared. 
“Why…”, he broke the silence, still gasping for air. “Why me?”
“Oh,” her smile was contagious as she laughed lightly. “For someone being able to see everything,” she tapped a finger to his left temple, “you sure are blind.” 
It must’ve been the confusion on his face that caused her to laugh again. “Kashi, it was you the whole time.” Her dark eyes softened, hands holding his face, “It has always been you.” 
A smile of his own twisted his lips up and he pulled the jonin in his arms closer once more, lips brushing. 
Kaede spun around so quickly Kakashi was surprised she was still in his arms. With all the energy surging through her Kaede was practically vibrating, leaving the man to hide his grin, and the revealed lower half of his face, in her hair. The shinobi was so ready to fight whoever had intruded on their moment that she only relaxed when her ninken trotted towards the pair, head down, ears and tail tucked looking as guilty as a dog could ever look. 
“Ami,” she sighed. Kaede moved to crouch before the canine, letting her tuck her head into the woman’s chest so her hands could tangle in the thick brown fur of her shoulders. “What have I told you about messing with cats?”
The canine pushed deeper into Kaede, nearly knocking her over and just let out a deep ‘boof’.”
“My gods,” Kaede scoffed, “Ami you are not hungry enough to eat a cat.” With another indignant ‘boof’ Ami plopped to the ground. “Alright, we’ll get something to eat.”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Kaede got to her feet so she could face the ninja once again, her tired expression transformed into a smile. “So,” she sidled up to him until she was against his chest, lifting her chin to see his face. While she spoke she casually set the black fabric back over his nose, tapping lightly. “How about we go somewhere less public? Somewhere this could come off and stay off?” 
Kakashi didn’t miss the playful look in her eye, only faltering at another of Ami’s groans, “And, get some food.” She shook her head.
He smiled, “Of course, I know just the place.” Leaning forward he pressed his covered lips to her hairline, his smile so wide she could feel it before they separated. Taking a few steps back towards the street he turned back, holding a hand out towards her, “C’mon, let's get out of here.” She said nothing, but her wide smile was enough of an answer as she took his hand and let him lead her home.
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silentexplorer18 · 2 years
Six: Unraveling
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Word Count: 4,500+
Series Masterlist ⚜ Main Masterlist
⬿ Previous ⚜ Next ⤳
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When you woke the following morning, all three shinobi were waiting outside of your room like watchdogs.  You could sense the tension in the air, and for a moment, the happy warmth that had burned in your chest all night began to fade.  Had they found out about you and Kakashi’s almost shared kiss?  Did they know?  Had he told them?  The fear dropped through your stomach like a stone, bumping and skittering along the notions of civility and regality that caged your chest like sharp wire.
“What is it?”  There was no point in beating around the bush.
Tetsu and Maki gave you polite smiles that did not meet their eyes, and Tetsu stepped forward to speak, ever the paradigm of charm.  “There is nothing to worry about, Princess.  Please, let’s begin your day.”
Rather than wait for you to turn down the hall, Tetsu and Maki took the lead, and Kakashi lagged behind, as though waiting to follow you.  You tried to catch his gaze, but Kakashi stubbornly evaded it.
Nausea bubbled in your gut.  Never, in all the time that the trio had graced the palace grounds, had you been sandwiched between them.  Never before had they demonstrated such an obvious circlet of protection, least of all with you wholly unaware of their motives.  And Kakashi couldn’t even look at you.  Had something happened?  Had you been seen on the outskirts of the forest?  Had Kakashi come clean about you?
The fear that you’d so determinedly tamped down before burst forth like the most insidious of volcanic eruptions.  The smoke clouded your judgment and choked you with your own confusion.  The memory of Kakashi’s hands on your skin flickered and burned like hot embers.  Maybe it had been a test.  Maybe they were checking to see whether or not you’d sleep with a strange man.  Maybe the idea of protection was an illusion.  Maybe Kakashi had been hired for the sole purpose of extracting your weaknesses and secrets, only to demolish them with an iron fist.
Maybe you truly were alone in this world.
There was no other reason that you could think of for his sudden shame around you.
But it wasn’t shame.  Kakashi could not meet your eyes for one reason alone: fear.  After being in the ANBU for so long, he assumed he had no fear left in him.  It had been trained away in battles, trimmed off like fat to lean muscle.  Yet, facing you in the morning made fear buzz through him like a sharp electric shock.
Would you regret the intimate conversations you’d had with him last night?  Would you hate him for the almost-kiss?  For the way his hands brushed against your skin, enraptured by the simplest of touches?  Would you hate him, as you had hated all the other men, for their interest in you?  Or would you hate him for not being able to act upon his interest any further?
He was trapped, and, either way, he feared the consequences of your displeasure.
So, he pretended there was nothing there, and he threw himself into work.  He’d scoped perimeters and set seals around the palace.  He’d learned the poison-neutralizing jutsu that Tetsu had performed.  Kakashi had done everything in his power to fix things.
But he could not fix the displeasure that you displayed as the day continued to progress.  Especially as Tetsu and Maki lead you from the bathing chambers to your father’s private study.  In fact, a wild look of alarm, dismay, and betrayal whirled across your features as you looked over your shoulder at him.  But there was no time for him to explain what was going on, nor time to ask you why you were so visibly upset.  There was only time to watch as Tetsu and Maki lead you into the lion’s den.
Seeing you kneel on the floor made him ache with guilt and the longing to rectify your almost certain discomfort.  However, he could do nothing besides watch as the Daimyo began to speak.
“Danger has befallen the palace, as you saw last night.  I do not know what enemies you have made in your foolishness,” he spat with a contemptuous glare, “but your idiocy must come to an end.  You will be kept under tight lock and key.  There will be no chances for you to turn the palace into chaos when there are attacks underway.”
“Yes, sir.”
Your obedience made Kakashi want to punch something.  Hard.  
“The shinobi will guide your movements.  Follow their leadership.”
You bowed your head again.  Kakashi’s toes scrunched in his sandals, and a beat of silence lapsed through the room before the Daimyo barked, “Dismissed.”
You rose with a grace and elegance Kakashi could hardly look away from, but your eyes were dull and tired.  Disappointed.  It made his chest ache.
But there was no way for you to know how deeply your suffering impacted his own.  So you moved with the dull grace that being in the Daimyo’s presence always necessitated.  You also avoided the shinobis’ stares, hoping that your eyes would not betray your dismay.  This was a life you never wanted.
In the hall, the men paused, watching you carefully.  “We do not want to hinder your activities any more than necessary,” Tetsu offered gently.  “Where would you like to go?”
The options were minimal, but you knew there was only one thing that would recenter your soul.  Tending to your injured plants would help you obtain the will to survive in this hell for a while longer.  It would help you feel less confined to the suffocating walls of the palace for a few moments of safety and solitude.
“I would like to go outside and garden, if that is permissible.”
The three shinobi shared a glance.  Kakashi and Tetsu seemed wary, but Maki was eager to allow you a semblance of freedom still.  “That should be fine!” he assured.
Tetsu stopped him with a swift elbow to his side.  “You are not the team leader,” he growled under his breath, smile still firmly affixed in an attempt to keep up a sense of false civility.
Maki merely whined, rubbing his side in dismay.  “We have no reason to expect further attacks during the day.  Surely we can let her outside.”
“I don’t see a problem with it,” Kakashi intervened, clearly sensing there would be no end to the dispute otherwise.  “But we should do a perimeter sweep first.  I can stay with the princess while you two…”
“Right!” Maki replied warmly.  Why he was so keen on you gardening, no one was quite sure.
Tetsu merely relented with another smile that failed to meet his eyes, and you felt discomfort brewing in your chest.
Sure, a perimeter sweep was likely necessary, but Kakashi had taken the opportunity to rid your company of the other two shinobi.  You were trapped with him.  And though it was unlikely he would do anything in the center of the palace, where guards or servants could rush by at any moment, you had no idea why he had wanted you trapped alone.
When you fixed your eyes upon him, he was already watching you. It did not dispel your unease.
But he was watching you with a warm expression—or warm from what you could tell given you were privy to such a small portion of his features.  It seemed he had captured you alone for a reason.  “What’s on your mind?”
That you are plotting to betray me.  That you are a secret swindler.  That you will destroy me and everything I love if given the chance.  That betrayal is imminent.  That my feelings for you will be my demise because you do not feel the same way.  There were a multitude of answers to choose from, none of which felt right.  You settled for: “Why did you lie for me?”
It was an easy place to start.  The night prior, he had lied to the Daimyo about the events that had transpired.  Perhaps his reasoning for doing so could quell your reservations about his motivations…
Yet, your query seemed to startle him.  He paused, straightening his shoulders in a way that made his uniform stand out against the ornate filigree of the palace walls that you’d known all your life.  “It’s my duty to protect you.”
And that’s all it was. Duty and nothing more.  You were a fool to think anything otherwise.
It took effort to keep your expression neutral, but Kakashi could see right through you.  He was watching you like a hawk the second your expression faltered, and he posed the next question immediately.  “Is there something wrong with that?”
“No.  Nothing at all.”  And, truthfully, there wasn’t.  Kakashi had done no wrong.  It was you and your foolish heart that had run astray.
“Then what—”
He wouldn’t drop it.  Not until he figured out the root of your issue.  It was better to come clean than drag such matters on.  “I thought we were friends, Kakashi.”
“Friends?”  He outright blanched at that, and, suddenly, you wished the earth would swallow you whole.  “This is… you’re a… This is a mission—”
“Forgive me,” you interrupted curtly, “for my err in judgment.”
Finality snapped through your voice, demanding an end to the conversation.  Yet, Kakashi still opened his mouth, shifting in a way that suggested he wanted to say more.
“You’re a princess,” he whispered.
The title stung.  After all the secret, whispered moments you’d shared, moments in which you’d bared your heart to him unquestioningly, he would put you on a pedestal for your ridiculous, untrue title?  How could he?  “I’m ordinary,” you hissed back, knowing that at any minute the shinobi would return, and you would have to feign friendship—something you now knew to be doubly untrue.
Kakashi stared at you with that one, visible eye, expression and voice almost somber.  “You could never be ordinary.”
Your heart clenched as he repeated the same line he’d used when you first met him.  All those weeks ago when the chaos had started felt like an eternity from now.  Yet, the divide between you and Kakashi still remained.  It appeared it always would.
As the group started off toward the palace gardens, Kakashi trailed behind the others.  Although he was always alert—always searching for hidden threats—there was something more pressing weighing on his mind.  He’d done something wrong.
How had you believed the two of you could be friends?  He was in no way deserving of that.  He was merely a shinobi.  Kakashi the friend killer.  He was not worthy of the companionship of a princess, even a false one.
He’d let his heart get the best of him, and it had ruined everything.  You’d completely closed yourself off.  He’d have to work doubly hard to communicate with you, to keep you safe.  No matter how much his heart beat against his chest whenever you looked his way, there was nothing to do but protect you in the best ways he knew how.  The mission had to come first.
Due to the length and complications of the preceding events, you reached the garden much later than usual.  The sun was already high in the sky, and it beat across your shoulders in a way that made sweat bead under the length of your dark dress.  Your fingers swelled with the heat, making the rings on your fingers ache from the additional pressure.
How you longed for the days when you could come out in the early mornings.  How you longed for the days prior when you and Kakashi had wordlessly worked on the garden together, sharing in a secret moment where your naivety could convince you he was truly a good person.  Oh, how things had changed.  You would have done anything to go back.
The shinobi at least had the decency to keep their distance.  They lurked around the perimeter of the garden, occasionally conversing in whispered words and muttered grumbles.  Although you tried not to pay too much attention to them, you couldn’t help noticing that Kakashi was as relaxed as ever.  Your disagreement—if it could even be called that—had hardly rattled him.  The connection between you had been seldom more than a one-sided flicker.  How foolish of you to have thought otherwise.
A formal lunch was served with a few select defense strategists late in the afternoon, after another dreaded bath, but you were able to slip away from the post-meal pleasantries for another stent in the garden.  It was a reprieve you were infinitely grateful for; the Daimyo and his wife grew even more curt and impatient in the aftermath of the attack.  Your ever-observant ears were yet to detect the true meaning why.
The roses needed pruning desperately, but you were wary of shocking them with clipping after the jostle they’d recently had.  However, your hands found their stems in the delicate dirt, and you could hardly resist caring for the most tragic parts of them.  It was only as you stood to shift to a new set of bushes that you noticed Kakashi wandering toward you.
“Hey.”  His voice floated across the space between you as he drew closer, and you glanced up to find a gentle, reassuring expression plastered to the visible portion of his face.  He wasn’t trying to harm you, you realized.  He wasn’t using the vulnerabilities you’d shown him against you in any truly malicious fashion.  No, he was just disengaging from you.  Stepping back.  Abandoning you to your fate.
Somehow, it was almost more cruel.
“Hello,” you murmured, gaze returning to the white and gold petals in front of you.
He loomed over you, but after spending so much time with Kakashi, the gesture felt anything but threatening.  Damn your traitorous heart.
“We need to talk.”
Your head cocked gently, but your eyes did not stray from the blossoms arching skyward before you.  “What about?”
“We’re fairly certain,” he spoke softly, and in the following admission, his voice grew even gentler still, “the poison bomb was targeted to you specifically.”
You sucked in a breath.  At some point, you knew this would be coming.  You just knew.  But so soon?  You’d barely had time to live, and they were already plotting your death?  How cruel.  You would have jumped at the chance to flee the country, to never to rule again.  Yet, they still insisted on killing you.  It was truly barbaric.
Kakashi studied your reaction closely, prompting you when you did not respond.  “Any idea why someone would try to poison you?”
You hummed lowly and shook your head, and Kakashi felt his heart sink. Did you really not trust him to tell him the truth? As observant as you were, you must have known something!
A small gasp had him looking down at you again. You were clutching your finger, a pearl of blood gathering on the tip.
A maid rushed forward, ushering you back toward the shade of the palace while another ran to retrieve bandages and hot water. The commotion was minimal, small enough not to warrant Kakashi’s concern. But something else was.
In all the time he’d watched you tend the garden, he’d never once witnessed you catch on the stickers of a rose bush. You moved fluidly in the garden, with practiced motions he could only admire. So why were you injured now?
Slowly, he crouched beside the plant you’d been tending, eyes trailing through the forest of thorns. There was blood on one, but that wasn’t what caught his attention.
Carved into the dirt below the plant was a message.
There are too many ears here. We’ll talk later.
As he reached for the watering can to clear away the evidence of your conversation, Kakashi could only marvel at your quick thinking.  You’d cut yourself on purpose.
As the maids fussed and pouted over the small slice running across your finger, you could only hope the shinobi you’d allied yourself with was observant enough to know you weren’t a klutz.
You had no reason to trust him.  No reason to think you should keep risking yourself after he so clearly drew the line between you.  Yet, you couldn’t help the hope that somehow he’d get you out.
He had been retreating, but retreating armies could be swayed with the right battle cry.  If you played your remaining cards right, maybe, just maybe, he would find a way to save you.  Though, you hardly wanted saving, nor needed saving.  But worlds aren’t conquered alone, battles aren’t defeated in isolation, and you don't have many options left when it comes to forming allies.
You would share your information with Kakashi.  You had to.  The walls were closing in, and if you couldn’t find a way to break one soon, fate would eat you alive.
The soft clunk of the watering can pulled you from your daydreams, and you caught sight of something you never imagined seeing: a shinobi watering your flowers.
Obviously, he’d understood your message and took the initiative to clear it away in the most unconscious, unassuming way possible, but the thrill zinging through your chest came from the way he so delicately doused the roots of the plants, assuring that not even a single drop of water touched the leaves that were so easily prone to mold. Unlike the rest of your companions, who acted with little regard for your one public joy, Kakashi moved with deliberate, considerate motions as he emptied the container along the row of bushes.  You could only hope he would be just as deliberate and considerate with you.
It took ample effort for Kakashi to convince Tetsu and Maki that a solitary approach to information extraction would be ideal.  They, understandably, did not want to inadequately perform their duties.  However, they could not overlook the reality that you had not come to anyone but Kakashi when it came to startling issues.  That knowledge caused them to eventually relent.
But Kakashi could hardly believe it.  Why would you go to him for help? Why would you seek him out when he was as much of a threat to you as the others were?  Why had you put your faith in him?  And, the most pressing of his concerns, had he destroyed that faith by upsetting you?  
Fear ate away at his gut through the rest of the afternoon and evening.  No one could tell how deeply he worried for your varyingly intertwined futures, but that didn’t stop him from worrying all the same.
Kakashi agreed to walk with you to the gazebo that night. He seemed relaxed, even as the two of you piled into the small structure.
It wasn’t a particularly extravagant thing. With ivy and morning glories crawling up the sides and weaving knots over several of the windows, the space provided a pseudo-privacy.  Any real spy—enemy or ally—would have no trouble detecting the two of you within the confines of the structure.  However, it was nice to imagine you were alone and far from the stifling formality of the palace.
The gazebo itself was well-kept, if overgrown, and the slatted floor was smooth as you knelt against it.  Although you did not mind tarnishing your gowns, the tongue lashing you’d receive for returning in a torn skirt would have been more unbearable than you’d care to admit.
Kakashi was watching you carefully, back resting nonchalantly against one of the gazebo’s support beams.  The position hardly looked comfortable, but he slouched into it with a grace that could only indicate some level of satisfaction.  Your skin burned under his scrutiny, but his focus had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the information you had to share.  The knowledge of that righted your hopeful, traitorous mind.
“There is war on the horizon,” you explained softly.
His visible eye narrowed in silent question, and you carefully spread a map you’d torn from a book ages ago across the wooden slats on the floor. Your finger drug across the worn ink, tracing cities you’d never seen and places you’d never go in an arc across the country’s northern villages.
“There is unrest here. The northern factions—specifically a group called the Sheep’s Army—have colluded to overthrow some of the Daimyo’s policies. Political upheaval appears to be imminent.”
Kakashi nodded slowly, and his voice was businesslike as he spoke. “The Sheep’s Army wants to overthrow the Daimyo, and you’re attacked as collateral?”
“No. At least, I don’t believe that’s where this last attack has come from. The Sheep’s Army, they would have claimed it.”
Another nod.  That dark, narrowed eye stared at you with dizzying intensity, and it dawned on you: he really cared that you were kept safe.  If nothing else, that mattered to him.
“Then who?”
Again, your finger trailed over the map, gliding over the southern cities. A few of them you’d been to. A pretty face to make the civilians pleased. “Unlike the North, the Southern part of the country has flourished under the Daimyo’s policies. When word of the Sheep’s Army got out, many citizens joined together to form the Concerned Army, a group working to support the Daimyo. Of course, the two groups are fundamentally opposed to one another, so they hold a rather severe hatred toward the other party.”
“Civil war?” His reply was instantaneous, and you marveled at how quickly he’d come to a conclusion that even your father—a lover of war—was yet to accept.
“Indeed. With the state of our agriculture in the North and the economic upheaval in areas of the south, the country would be on the brink of collapse.”
“And what? Your father stages your death to draw sympathy?”
The words died on your tongue, and you were sure the surprise and hesitance on your face was as plain as day to someone as observant as Kakashi. Was your father plotting to kill you? Was that the reason he gave little consideration to the possibility of a civil war? The thought hadn’t occurred to you until now, and you weren’t sure how to process it.
Kakashi was clever. Much more clever than you, though you’d never give him the pleasure of saying so. Was it possible he’d noticed something that you hadn’t? Surely he had access to more information than you did.
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t what you were going to say, was it?” His words broke you out of your thoughts, and you glanced back up to meet his gaze, forcing strength and resolve into your expression. Information was the only tool you had in your arsenal to save your life, and you’d share every last drop that you could.
“No, it wasn’t. Though, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities.”
His steely resolve egged you on. If he could face death every day with the strength of an expertly forged blade, then you could face this with strength, too.
“I was going to say the Daimyo’s advisors. If the Daimyo and his family die in a tragic accident, an advisor can take the place of Feudal Lord. A new ruler pleases the northern cities—“
“And your death prevents the southern cities from forcing a royal family member into the role.”
The wind whispered through the ivy, tousling his hair and your dress. It rustled the map below your hand, nearly ripping it from the ground.
You wished it could blow you away. Then, you’d be free of the life and the death, the pampering and the underhanded plots, the war and faked familial peace. Just a speck, blowing in the wind. But that would never be the case.
Rolling the map, you tucked it back into your clothing before standing. Between parts of the twining vines curling up the sides of the windows, you could still look out to see bits and pieces of the river.
Silence stretched between you as long and languid as the summer’s heat. The fireflies flickered. The lake rippled as though it were a melted beast barely breathing after a long afternoon in the sun.
The world was peaceful, if only for a moment.
You were beautiful. Standing there in front of the ivy, a faint dusky glow glistening off your skin, you were the paradigm of opulence.
But there was something deeper standing in your eyes. Something almost as real and raw as the surprised horror dawning on your face when he’d proposed the Daimyo’s possible plans.
To Kakashi’s infinite surprise, you let your guard down around him, if only a little. He knew it had to be calculated; you needed an ally more than anything. However, he still couldn’t squash down his interest in the many hidden moods you seemed to possess.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
You glanced at him in surprise, as though you weren't suspecting an interruption, and Kakashi feared he’d broken some unspoken social rule you’d set in place.
However, your soft voice floated toward him, full of a melancholy so intense that it howled through his heart. “Sometimes I wish I could just go.”
The vulnerability nearly stole his breath away. Sure, you’d revealed your disinterest in becoming ruler before, but now, here, with the way your brows pinched and gaze searched the horizon like a door would suddenly appear to sweep you away, you displayed your true intentions tenfold. This was another deep layer behind the impenetrable mask you’d built up. A layer almost more interesting and complex than Kakashi could fathom.
Distantly, he knew you were playing your true colors like a deck of well-guarded cards. There was no way for him to know what you would play next. But all of it would have some merit, some intention. He’d yet to see you do something without reason.
You needed an ally. With nearly half the country fighting for your head, and just as many enemies inside the palace as out of it, you needed someone who would stand beside you when things got rough. A strong, competent soldier. Someone battle ready in all the physical and mental ways you weren’t.
Yet, Kakashi couldn’t help thinking there was more to it than that. Perhaps it was the vain part of him, but he couldn’t imagine you choosing to tell him because of his physical prowess or skills. It must have been another reason, another part of him that drew you in. His heart ached to believe that you chose him for him.
And to keep you by his side, to keep your trust, he had to play his cards right. He had to show you just enough of his hand that you would continue to trust him, tell him things, depend on him. Just thinking about it made his heart race.
But you were being genuine, so he needed to be genuine, too.
“I can’t let you run. But… maybe someday sooner than you think you can have the life you want.”
You nodded, but your expression held little of the hope Kakashi anticipated seeing and all of the disbelief. “That’s a more outrageous claim than you realize,” you breathed back.
And maybe it was. But Kakashi wanted to believe you’d achieve your dreams—that your hopes, no matter how small, wouldn’t be in vain.  He just couldn’t be the one to give them to you.
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Taglist: @zorosq, @september-ctd, @lilpsychoqueen, @berkeliums, @levisbebe, @canibea-whore-yet
A/N: This series isn't abandoned! I'm just very slow! Sending love to anyone that has been hanging in there for this update, and I hope everyone is having a happy 2023!
16 notes · View notes
cake-writes · 9 months
Just This Once
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Pairing: Kakashi x Female!Reader
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, he gets lost in the sauce frfr, situationship… ish?, this man wants to RUN, disorganised attachment style (primarily avoidant), penis in vagina sex, teasing, edging (accidental), unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: Kakashi discovers that he has a breeding kink. It's kind of a spiritual experience.
Inspired by @rookie98writes's fic Leave It On
Kakashi isn’t used to the strange sort of domesticity that comes with being in a... whatever this is. It’s not quite a relationship. A situationship, maybe. He’d say it’s something more than friends-with-benefits, but the two of you aren’t really friends, either.  
You come together every now and then. That’s all. Like two passing ships in the night. 
So why is he standing in front of your stove, cooking dinner while you sort through the pile of unopened mail on your kitchen table? Why did he offer to water your plants while you were gone? Why does he want to do anything for you? 
Kakashi knows what it’s like trying to play catch-up after some time away from home—two months, in your case. He’d knocked on your door a few minutes ago with the intention of returning your key, and he must have caught you right after you got back from the store if the two bags of groceries on your kitchen counter were any indication. 
You looked so dead on your feet that Kakashi took over from there, unprompted. But now, as he stirs the pot of flavourful soup simmering away on the stove, his mind sees fit to wander.  
What the hell is he doing?  
He’s getting too attached. That’s what he’s doing.  
It’s that time again—time to cut and run, just as he always does when things start to become complicated. Kakashi makes a habit of ending any potential connection before it can even start, because he can’t afford to lose anyone else. He can’t get hurt if he never lets anyone in. It’s easier that way. 
“I need to schedule my injection,” you mutter to yourself as you read through one particular letter. Then you sigh and toss it back down onto the table, before you lean back in your chair and rub your tired eyes. “We should probably get used to using condoms again until I can book an appointment.” 
Your birth control must be overdue, then.  
“Sure,” Kakashi answers, feigning unbothered. The two of you used condoms in the beginning, but after a particularly gruesome mission that nearly saw him home in a box, Kakashi stopped reaching for the bedside drawer, and you stopped asking him to.  
He should have known then that he was getting too attached. 
Still, it’s your body. Whatever you want. He’ll end things in the morning either way. 
As Kakashi samples a bit of the soup he’s minding on the stove, pausing for a moment to add a bit more salt, it suddenly sinks in – really sinks in – what could happen if the two of you aren’t careful.  
He could get you pregnant. 
A jolt of arousal shoots through him.
Kakashi doesn’t want children, not now, not ever, which is why it doesn’t make a lick of sense that such a thing would turn him on. He likes the idea of his seed taking root inside of you. He might even enjoy it, the imagery his mind conjures—you bent over for him, begging him to give you a baby, your pretty yukata hiked up around your waist…  
His clan crest embroidered on the back of it.  
Kakashi swears.
You startle, looking over at him in alarm. “What happened? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” he lies. Then he proceeds to play it off like he burned himself, but he isn’t fine. No, that single thought, that single fantasy, scares the complete and utter shit out of him—but it turns him on even more, and that’s so much worse.  
He’s already too attached. 
Kakashi doesn’t do feelings. He has them, of course, much like any other person, but he doesn’t let them show very often, and he certainly doesn’t talk about them. He won’t say in so many words that he cares; instead, he shows you through his actions alone. 
His knees brush the underside of your thighs as he settles between your legs, bracing himself with one hand beside your head.  
What a vision you make, spread out for him like this.  
Your lamp had blown when you went to turn it on, leaving the streetlights to illuminate your features in a sickly hue of yellow-green. It isn’t romantic in the least, but he can’t help thinking that you’ve never looked more beautiful than in this moment—maybe because it’s the last time he’ll ever get to see you like this.  
The sight of you, so needy and wanting, fills his chest with something bittersweet.  
The tomoe of his sharingan spins lazily as he memorises the curves of your body, the muss of your hair, the rise and fall of your chest as you work to recover from your first orgasm of the night. His fingers are still tacky with your essence, and he smears the residual wetness over the head of his cock.
“You should wear a condom,” comes your breathy whisper, but you make no move to stop him. Your eyes almost seem to glow as you peer up at him in the dark, worrying your lower lip between your teeth. 
“Mm. Do you want me to?” 
His question hangs heavy in the air. The only things Kakashi can hear are your soft breaths and the sound of his own steady heartbeat, which quickens with every silent second that passes.  
You want to say no, he realises.  
He wants you to say no. 
“I like it better without,” you answer quietly, and the implication isn’t lost on him. Not when you look up at him with those big doe eyes, like you don’t know the risk. 
Because there is a risk, and he knows it. Kakashi hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all night—wicked thoughts, terrible thoughts—thoughts of filling your fertile womb with his seed, thoughts of watching your belly grow round with his child, thoughts of seeing his clan sigil stamped between your shoulder blades like a mark of ownership. 
Against his better judgement, Kakashi does exactly what he shouldn’t do. He agrees.
“Just this once.”  
Just like he says every other time—except every other time, there's never been a risk.
Your coy little smile prompts him to lower down onto an arm and settle more of his weight on you. Kakashi dips his head to kiss you indulgently, savouring the taste of you, the feel of you beneath him. He kisses you like he hopes to convey just how much he missed you while you were gone, like you might be able to taste the unspoken words that linger in his mouth. 
He kisses you like he means it—and he does. That’s why he needs to go. 
As his tongue twines with yours, Kakashi fills you in a slow, beautiful glide that wrenches a whimper from your throat. He knows he should go easy on you, but he relishes in the rapid flutter of your walls as you struggle to adjust to him after so much time apart. A surge of masculine pride washes over him, tinged with a hint of guilt for stretching you open like this. He isn’t exactly small, after all, but you take him so well. 
To ease any potential discomfort, he smooths his hand up the silky skin of your thigh in a soothing caress, before he trails gentle, placating kisses along your jawline. “Is this okay?” Kakashi asks, voice low, only to be rewarded with a particularly strong contraction that makes his toes curl. 
“More than okay,” you sigh. 
As a test, he shifts his hips. When Kakashi hears your breath hitch, he knows that you can handle more.  
He starts slow, rocking into you sensually, but he already knows that he isn’t going to last. It’s been just as long for him, and you’re tighter than you’ve ever been.  
“God, Kakashi, you feel so good.”  
So do you. Kakashi sucks a bruise on your neck in response, if only to muffle the sound of his own pleasure when your perfect cunt clenches around him again.  
He needs to pace himself, or he’ll finish too soon—but then you ask him for more, and what else can he do but oblige you?
He speeds up, not overly so, just enough that both of you can hear the slick, sloppy sounds of your lovemaking. The smell of your arousal permeates the air, and he’s tempted to have another taste. 
“You’re so wet,” he murmurs into your ear. “Did you miss me that much?” 
Maybe he’s reassurance-seeking – just a little – but your answering whine tells him what he already knows. 
He’ll miss this. He’ll miss you. That’s why he needs to go. 
Kakashi doesn't want to think about that. He just wants to enjoy what little time with you he has left.
“Stay with me,” you rasp. You’ve always been good at noticing when he’s stuck in his head, but right now, Kakashi can’t help but wonder if you’ve just read his thoughts. You see through him so easily. It’s one of the things he likes about you. 
“Sorry,” he says with genuine apology, leaning in to capture your lips again. You let out a pleased hum into his mouth and lift your thighs up a little higher—an offering, one he’s more than happy to accept, even if he doesn’t plan to reciprocate your vulnerability.
It’s selfish, he knows. 
The new angle does something to him, or maybe it’s because he's well aware that it would be even easier to fill you up this way. He reaches deeper like this, and the tilt of your hips would perfectly hold his cum in place, increasing the chances that it’ll take. 
He wants it to take. 
Kakashi exhales a long, shaky breath. He shouldn’t want that as much as he does. He shouldn’t want it at all.  
Yes, but he’s not going to tell you that. Kakashi pulls back to look at you, only to find you gazing up at him like he’s hung the moon. It makes his heart ache.  
He stamps it down. “I could be,” he teases lightly—a non-answer. “Are you?” 
When you open your mouth to respond, however, he snaps his hips forward suddenly to make you trip over your words. “I—shit,” you swear, and his eyes shine with silent laughter. Your own narrow playfully as you add, “I could be too, if you keep that up.”  
To pick on you a little, Kakashi withdraws from your tight heat more slowly than he has all night, agonisingly slowly, until only the head of him remains inside; and then he lingers there, purposely, until the stirrings of impatience start to take you over.  
It’s cute, the frown you give him, the pout he sees beginning to form. “Don’t be mean,” you tell him sulkily. 
His lips tug up at the corners, revealing a hint of prominent canine. “Maa, I didn’t realise you were in a rush,” Kakashi drawls. “And here I wanted to take my time with you.”  
Before you can read too much into what he’s just said, he slams home. Hard.
Your startled gasp brings on a flicker of self-satisfaction deep within. Kakashi relishes in the knowledge that only he can make you feel like this—especially when he starts to fuck you in earnest, prompting you to fling your arms around his shoulders.  
“F-Fuck, Kakashi, oh my god—” 
“That’s it,” he encourages gently. “Hold onto me.”
He likes the closeness of it, the intimacy.
You cling to him like your life depends on it, which brings about a funny feeling in his chest that he can’t quite shake—something warm and gooey and affectionate.  
Kakashi stamps that down, too, and traces the line of your neck with his tongue, kissing and sucking at your sensitive skin until you shiver. Seeing your throat so littered with love bites unearths something within him, something primal that he’s always refused to name. He likes seeing the marks he’s left on you. He wants them to mean something.
He wants them to mean that you’re his. 
He’s too attached. 
To distract himself from what he intends to do in the morning, Kakashi picks up the pace, flesh smacking against flesh as he drives his hips into yours, fast and rough, exactly how you want it.  
It won't last long. He’s too worked up. 
Kakashi knows he’ll come before you do if he continues like this, but when he tries to slow down, you dig your heels insistently into his ass. 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, please—” 
“I’ll have to pull out soon,” he says raggedly, even though the thought of finishing in you already has him ready to blow.
When Kakashi feels you lock your ankles behind him, he nearly does.  
“I want it inside,” you whine, your breath fanning hot over the shell of his ear.  
His thoughts screech to a halt. You want him to come inside you, knock you up— 
“Fuck,” he curses, stopping abruptly, buried all the way to the hilt. His cock throbs wildly, desperate for release, forcing him to tightly grip the the sheets above your head in order to stave it off. 
If he moves right now, he’s done for.  
When you make a quiet, frustrated sound deep in your throat and wiggle your hips, Kakashi barely manages to hang on. He can feel that tell-tale flutter inside of you, the one that indicates exactly how close you are, but he’s closer. His breaths come out in short, sharp pants as he tries to hold himself together.  
You finish first. Always. 
“Don’t be mean,” you say again, but you sound a little more petulant this time.  
Kakashi lets out an exhausted sort of laugh and presses a wet smack of a kiss against your cheek, making you giggle. “You like it when I’m mean.”  
“I like it when you’re nice,” you clap back, voice breathy. 
Kakashi hums knowingly. “All right. I can be nice.”  
Then he pulls back just enough to pepper your face with kisses, and you squeal in delight, though it soon tapers off into a moan when he starts to trail them down your throat, each one more sensual than the last. He palms one of your breasts, gently squeezing, tweaking a nipple— 
“Come on,” you whine, digging your heels into his ass a second time. 
No more teasing. You want him to be nice.
You inhale sharply when Kakashi picks back up where he left off, this time with quick, shallow thrusts that target your g-spot. He smooths his hand down your side, savouring the softness of your skin, then he slides it in between your bodies to rub your clit in just the way you like—the way he remembers you like, because he’s too fucking attached. And sure enough, when your hips buck from the added sensation, he knows that it’s working for you. 
“If you—If you edge me again, I swear to god—” 
Upon hearing the indignation in your voice, Kakashi laughs softly. “I won’t.” 
Then he remembers that he won’t have a chance to edge you again. Not after tonight. 
His jaw tenses at the reminder. 
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you gasp, holding onto him, needing him, which pulls him right back into the present. “Come with me. Please?” 
Kakashi bites back a groan and slides in deeper, readying to do what his body craves. 
No. He can’t come with you. He’d have to finish inside in order for that to happen. 
And just like that, he’s back to teetering on the edge. The filth his mind conjures nearly proves to be his undoing—a vivid image of your tight, wet cunt wringing out every drop of his cum until it takes, tying you to him, making you need him. Making you his. The threat of it simmers under his skin, but it’s starting to feel more like a guarantee. 
Get her there, then pull out. 
Kakashi repeats those words in his head like a mantra, over and over, like it’ll ensure that he lasts, and it works—at least until you start to move your hips in time with his thrusts. You meet him at the perfect angle, sucking him deep on every stroke, allowing him to slide just beyond your cervix and into that spot that sends your voice into a fever pitch. 
A choked sob escapes you as you rake your nails down his back, leaving red lines in your wake. The sting of it only sends him higher, and he sinks his teeth into the junction of your neck and shoulder to prevent himself from blowing too soon. 
“Right there, Kakashi, right fucking there—” 
Right there, so deep within you that if he came right now— 
He groans when he imagines what would happen, and it all ends with his baby in your belly and his family crest on your back. It shouldn’t turn him on as much as it does, yet he fucks into you with purpose, now—hard, deep, powerful thrusts that knock your headboard into the wall. 
Kakashi knows exactly what that purpose is. The primal part of his brain won’t let him forget it. 
“Yes, just like that, fuck me, make me fucking yours—” 
He kisses you to shut you up, because if he hears another syllable, he’s sure to fill you to the brim. It’s not a gentle kiss, not now. He holds your head in place with a firm grip on your jaw, shoves his tongue into your mouth, and still, he recites his mantra. 
Get her there, then pull out.  
Get her there, then pull out.  
Get her there, then—  
You jerk your head away to gulp in a breath of fresh air, chest heaving from exertion, and Kakashi’s eyes sweep over your face for any sign of discomfort. What he finds is the opposite, and he drinks in the pleasured scrunch of your brows, the hazy flutter of your eyelids, the kiss-swollen state of your lips. 
Watching your muscles tense and strain as you struggle to keep your eyes on his is one of the most intimate things he’s ever experienced. “Come inside me,” you beg, and he can hear the desperation there, see it written all over your pretty face. “I need it, I fucking need it, Kakashi, give me your cum—” 
“I’ll give it to you,” he chokes out. Anything for you. Anything you want. 
The way your fingers wrench into his hair belies a hunger that matches his own as you drag him down for another kiss, messy and insistent, demanding that he make good on his promise to pump you full. He can feel the ripple of your inner walls as you come undone, feel the painfully tight squeeze of your legs around his waist, holding him there, ensuring that he stays; and never in his life has he felt so overwhelmed.  
He can’t pull out. Not now. Not when you’re so willing to milk him dry. 
Kakashi kisses you with everything that he is as he shoves himself impossibly deep inside of you, acting solely on instinct to drown your cervix in hot, sticky spend. He lets out a sound of pure male satisfaction that you eagerly swallow down, your tongue massaging his in tune with every erratic jerk of his hips as he empties himself inside of you, painting your insides white.
It feels good. It feels right. 
He’s too attached. 
He doesn’t care. 
As he comes down from his high, all Kakashi can think about is how fucking risky it is, what he’s just done, which only ruins him more when the post-orgasm clarity finally hits. 
Why the hell did he do that?  
What the hell did he do?
Your thighs tremble and shake, a sign that he’s done his job well, though he feels no pride in it—just a growing sense of panic.  
He needs to go. He needs to go right now. Not tomorrow. Now. He needs to get the hell out of here and never look back, right fucking now.  
Then he hears your quiet sob, and his heart leaps into his throat. Kakashi jerks his head down to look at you, and when he sees the tears rolling down your cheeks, he actually does panic.  
“Did I—Shit,” he quickly pulls out to check on you, more attentive than he’s ever been, “Did I hurt you?” 
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s accidentally hurt a woman during sex, but he really should have taken it easier on you. He probably went too deep, hit your cervix too hard. 
“No,” you sniffle. “I’m fine. I just... I really missed you.” 
Fuck. Don’t say that. You’ll make him want to stay.  
His eyes soften as they trail over your features – the colour of your irises, the slope of your nose, the curve of your lips – and he gently smooths your tears away with the backs of his fingers. “I didn’t hurt you?” 
You shake your head and offer him a watery smile. “I also came really, really hard,” you add matter-of-factly, and he huffs out a relieved laugh. It’s hormonal, then. “They’re happy tears, Kakashi. Calm down.” 
Teasing or not, someone telling him of all people to calm down is an otherworldly experience. The phrase lands strangely, and for the first time since he came to see you tonight, his thoughts quiet down to a dull background murmur. 
They’re happy tears, you said. 
You’re happy with him. 
He’s happy with you, too. He doesn’t want to go. 
You frown, then, and lean up onto your elbows to look at him more closely. “What’s wrong?”  
Kakashi can’t be sure what you see in his expression to warrant that sort of question, but the fight finally leaves him. He sits back on his heels and drags a hand down his face, feeling defeated for a reason he can’t explain.  
“I was just...” Happy, for a moment. Happy to be with you. “Worried,” he finishes lamely. He can’t look at you, not when he feels the heat of a blush creeping up his neck. 
You laugh and gently cup the side of his face, turning him back towards you. “Okay. Well, I’m fine,” you pat his cheek in playful reprimand, “but I am leaking all over my clean sheets, and it’s your fault, so...”  
That draws his attention. When Kakashi sees the creamy mess spilling out of you, his flaccid cock twitches with interest even after he remembers why his stomach is in knots.  
“Sorry,” he says hoarsely, transfixed by the sight. 
He wants to do it again.
He shouldn’t want to do it again. He feels fucking crazy for having done it once already, when the two of you aren’t even in a relationship, let alone in any way prepared for a child. But again? A second time? He’d have to be certifiably insane. 
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, and Kakashi wonders how the hell you can possibly be taking it so in stride. He came a lot. There’s so much of it dripping out onto the sheets that it’s starting to create a small puddle under your ass, and there’s even more inside of you—a lot more, judging by how hard he came. 
It might take. It might seriously take, and you think it’s fine? 
“You’re doing it again,” you tell him, and his eyes snap back up to yours. He’s in his head again, you mean. Then you chew your lip for a moment, hesitation evident, before you ask carefully, “You’ve been acting a little… off tonight. Is everything okay?”  
Every single one of his instincts is telling him to run. That’s where this conversation always leads, but he’s not ready for it. Not yet. Maybe not ever. 
He swallows the lump in his throat. “I’m fine.” 
When you frown at him, skeptical, Kakashi shifts uncomfortably under your gaze.  
“Okay. I won’t pry. But, um, I’m here. You know. If you ever need to talk.” You say it a little awkwardly, like you aren���t sure if he’d be offended by the suggestion, and the worried crease between your brows only grows at whatever you see in his expression. “Or... Or not.” 
You laugh nervously, then, and shift away from him, only to wrinkle your nose when more of his cum oozes out of you.  
It’s cute. You’re cute. 
“You said it’s fine. Why?” The question leaves him before he even thinks it through, but it’s too late, now.  
This wasn’t the first time he’s come inside of you, not by a long shot, but it’s certainly the riskiest. “I finished inside. Aren’t you upset?” 
“What do you mean? You finish inside me all the—” Then you stop, and your brows shoot straight up onto your forehead. “Wait, is this about my birth control?”  
“Well, it’s overdue, isn’t it?”  
You stare at him for a prolonged moment, and he can almost see the gears turning in your head. Then your nostrils flare. “Are you kidding me? You thought my birth control was overdue, and you still—” Scandalised, you slap him on the arm. “Kakashi!” 
Oh. Well. It must not be overdue yet, then. 
Of course you wouldn’t let him come inside if there was a chance that you might conceive. He’s a fucking idiot. 
“That’s so bad! What if you got me pregnant?” 
A lick of heat shoots up his spine upon hearing you give voice to what’s been on his mind all night. Kakashi stares at you, wide eyed, and blushes all the way to the tips of his ears.  
You study his face for a moment, before you purse your lips, looking a little troubled. Or pissed off. He can’t really tell. “I mean... Did you want to get me pregnant?” 
“No,” he rushes to say, his cheeks burning hot because yes, he did, but not for real.  “No. Not at all. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, and...”  
And how the hell is he supposed to explain himself? Neither of you are exactly vanilla, you’ve explored a number of kinks together, but this is something else entirely. Then again, a breeding kink would make the most sense out of any, considering it stems from a biological urge to procreate. 
But would you even believe him if he said he only gets off to the fantasy of it, and not the reality? Because if a woman ever said that to him, he’d get the hell out of dodge as fast as he could. 
A sly smile tugs at your lips, then, a knowing smile, and Kakashi quickly averts his eyes to the window, embarrassed. 
“You like it, don’t you?” you hum, seductively walking your fingers along his bare shoulders. “You like the idea of knocking me up.” 
Refusing to look at you, Kakashi clears his throat, trying to ignore the arousal that comes on from your suggestive tone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“No?” The sheets rustle as you reposition yourself, and then, when your fingers delicately wrap around his cock, he inhales sharply and bites the inside of his cheek. “Then why are you so hard?”  
And he is, too. He’s already fully erect and ready for another round, and he knows that there’s no way to lie his way out of it anymore. As you start to work your hand over him in slow, sensual strokes, up and down, coaxing the answer out of him, his head drops back. “Because,” he rasps.  
The sheets shift again, and then you crawl into his lap. He welcomes you gladly, splaying his hand over your lower back to steady you, though he still can’t meet your gaze. He’s too embarrassed. 
“Because why?” you hum. Kakashi lets out a pleasured sigh as you kiss and suck your way up the side of his neck, stroking him steadily, before you purr into his ear, “Because you want to give me a baby?” 
A soft sound of approval rips out of his throat, and his cock twitches into your palm. “Don’t—Don’t say that,” he pleads. 
“Hm? Why not?” 
To hell with it. No sense in hiding it anymore. “Because I might actually do it.” 
“Yeah?” Your teeth tug playfully at his earlobe before you pull back to look at him, and Kakashi finally wills himself to meet your sultry gaze, humiliated though he is. “You know,” you muse, “I don’t like condoms for a reason. I wonder why?” 
The breath leaves his lungs with a whoosh.
Oh, he should have known. You’re just as filthy as he is. Of course you’d have a breeding kink, too, though he’s exceedingly grateful that you’d kept it to yourself until now. You’ve never been shy about sharing the things you enjoy, which means you probably figured out how he’d react. That’s the only explanation. 
He likes that you understand him as well as you do. 
He likes you.
“I think I might be able to guess,” Kakashi says knowingly, a smile playing at his lips. When he leans in to kiss you again, all he can think is: maybe it’s not a bad thing to be too attached. 
Snippet #1:
“You said it was overdue,” Kakashi tells you pointedly.
“No, I said I needed to make an appointment,” you correct, and he can see that you’re struggling not to laugh. “I still have, like, a week left on it. Ish. It doesn’t hurt to be careful.” 
While you cook breakfast for the two of you, Kakashi wraps his arms around your waist from behind and traces the shell of your ear with his tongue.  “What if I don’t want to be careful?”  
He feels the shiver wrack your body, but then you do laugh at him. “Down, boy. Three rounds wasn’t enough for you?” 
“Oh, I don’t know...” Kakashi pulls you back against him, allowing you to feel the answer for yourself, hard and insistent against your ass. “You tell me.” 
Snippet #2:
Kakashi hides his face in your pillow, feeling distinctly vulnerable without his mask. “Don’t tease me,” he groans, muffled. “I have a delicate constitution.” 
You cackle at his discomfort, like the cruel woman you are. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But I’m really, really curious.” Then you hum thoughtfully. “Do you want to know one of mine?” 
He lifts his head just enough to reveal one curious eye. 
You squirm a little, then, like you’re finally starting to realise exactly how embarrassing it is to talk about. “I, um...” A pause. “So, you know how...” Another pause, and you take a deep breath. “Okay. I like to imagine that I'm being used to—to repopulate a clan, I guess. Just, over and over. Lots of kids. But not for real.” 
He feels another jolt of arousal at your admission. 
Looks like you’re on the same page, then. 
Then Kakashi leans up onto his elbow to regard you properly, and then he lifts an eyebrow, as if to point out how closely that particular fantasy hits to home. 
That’s when you seem to realise who you’re talking to – the sole remaining member of a clan that could probably stand to be repopulated – and your eyes go wide, before you nearly trip over yourself to add, “It—It has nothing to do with your clan, specifically, Kakashi, it’s just—” 
“A fantasy,” he finishes for you, amused. 
 You worry your lip between your teeth and nod. 
“Well,” Kakashi says, considering his answer for a moment, “I might have imagined that, too. Specifically.” Then he gives you a roguish grin, intending to pay you back in kind for your teasing. “How many children do you think would be enough for my clan to be sufficiently repopulated, hm? I’m thinking eight.” 
Mortified, you bury your face in your hands. “Oh my god! Eight?” 
Payback’s a bitch. “Well, I was originally going to say ten, but—” 
When you squeal in embarrassment and yank the blankets over your head, Kakashi barely manages to stifle a laugh.  
A/N: This is the first thing I've posted in a hot minute, so your feedback would mean a lot - please let me know what you think :)
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mishellii · 5 months
♢ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ♢
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ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ, ꜱᴀꜱᴜᴋᴇ, ᴋɪʙᴀ, ꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴍᴀʀᴜ, ɴᴇᴊɪ & ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ
a/n: sooo my first headcanons yeiih!! this just came flowing out of me while watching boruto tbh because i'm delusional lmao,,,, anyway, very self indulgent as always :) ignore typos pls i cant spell aaaand enjoy xx
likes & reblogs appreciated <3
warnings: none! SFW :) not proofread
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♢ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ ᴜᴢᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ♢
✿sUCH a messy sleeper
❀he'd toss and turn throughout the whole night, ending up somewhere completely different than where he fell asleep on the bed
❀matching pyjama sets !!!
✿especially seasonal ones, he adores them
❀but not on purpose really, he just pulls it with him due to all his movements
✿u always wake up with it either on the floor or him laying atop of it
❀sometimes he hits u with his elbow or his feet, but pls don't tell him he WILL cry
✿just push him away, boy will not wake up under any circumstances
❀the both of u alWAYS cuddle when falling asleep
✿the usual position is with his arms around your waist, legs thrown over ur own and his face resting next to ur shoulder
❀for that exact reason he's a BIG SPOON !!
❀so so quick to fall asleep, and wakes up after u as well
✿but not at all groggy in the morning !! he's energetic from the second he opens his eyes and sees u preparing breakfast
❀overall just the softest boyfriend ever
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♢ꜱᴀꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ♢
❀now thIS dude sleeps like a corpse
✿he's not particularly prone on cuddling u, but he fairly enjoys having ur head on his chest and feeling ur fingertips draw circles against his skin
❀he'd never admit it tho obviously
✿mostly wears a black lose t-shirt and some short sweats or sumn 
❀just comfortable all around
✿i'm a firm believer in the back position
❀laying flat on the mattress, one arm either around u, or both resting on his belly
✿light sleeper, if i may
❀takes him pretty long to fall asleep as well, but counting ur breath usually calms him and makes it easier
✿u make everything easier for him actually
❀doesn't really care about a blanket, it all really depends on what u prefer while sleeping
✿often awoken by nightmares, but won't ever wake u up or tell u the next day because he thinks it's embarrassing
❀refuses to leave the bed in the morning, but isn't moody at all just very quiet
✿always helps u make breakfast and makes the bed without having to ask him to
❀overall just a calm lover
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♢ᴋɪʙᴀ ɪɴᴜᴢᴜᴋᴀ♢
❀without a doubt, a snorer
✿like IM SORRY LADIES but c'mon
❀but not annoyingly loud, just breathy lil snores
✿the problem with it is: he won't move an INCH away from u ever, he's all up in ur business while sleeping
❀doesn't matter how, he's always got to feel u next to him somehow
✿i take him as a sleep talker too, mumbling incoherent words against your neck which only make u laugh tbh
❀akamaru's got his own bed next to the two of u, but some nights he crawls in between ur bodies, practically suffocating u
✿you really don't mind on colder nights, but in summer kiba makes him get off, due to having such a high body temperature already and he doesn't want u to complain even more
❀wore a shirt and pants at the beginning of ur relationship
✿but now??? u'd have to FORCE him to wear anything more than boxers
❀hates when u don't want to cuddle :(( might as well kill him fr
✿why need a blanket when he has you??
❀doesn't leave the bed AT ALL in the morning, u literally have to grab him by the feet and drag him out of it
✿he's a sweetheart, really
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♢ꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴍᴀʀᴜ ɴᴀʀᴀ♢
❀dude HATES cuddling at the beginning of ur relationship, me thinks
✿but fear not, it just takes a bit of convincing from ur side and he's in on it
❀but it's subtle touches really, like holding his hand or having ur feet intertwined
✿if u've had a bad day, he'd definitely play with your hair to make u fall asleep, he's not a diCK
❀grey sweats all the way !!!!!
✿rarely ever wears a shirt, except for when it's cold of course
❀he seems much more like a light sleeper than not, but he's so grouchy when something wakes him up it's a drag really 
✿has to be completely dark and quiet in his room or he won't be able to close one eye
❀always sleeps on the side closest to the door
✿big on talking about both ur days at night because he's a very private person and loves spending time with u ALONE
❀deep talk at 2am?? u can bet on it
✿forehead kisses!!! once u wake up and neither of u want to get up and start ur day
❀he's such an attentive lover in general, i'm actually going insane 
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♢ɴᴇᴊɪ ʜʏᴜɢᴀ♢
❀oh my lovely boy
✿i feel like he wouldn't move a MUSCLE while sleeping
❀sometimes you have to poke him to make sure he's still alive
❀a light sleeper foshou
✿also ????
❀he would 100% wait for u to fall asleep first
✿would always run his fingertips over your back to make you tired
❀unfortunately, the closest to cuddling u two do, is ur head on his chest
✿he gets sweaty quickly, so he'll often sleep without a shirt (which u don't complain about obviously) and that's the reason why he doesn't necessarily NEED body contact (in this situation only!!)
❀but HUGE PLUS he'll sweet talk you to sleep almost every night 
✿asking about ur day from begin to end
❀he wants to know it ALL
✿in general, he's really big on making you as comfortable as possible before bed
❀would even wait till the morning to go pee because you look so peaceful laying on his chest
✿don't mind him watching u he just thinks ur so pretty ok
❀u wake up to the smell of coffee almost every morning
✿overall, as we been knew, the gentlest gentlemen to perhaps ever gentleman goodbye
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♢ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ ʜᴀᴛᴀᴋᴇ♢
❀poor baby's the king of light sleepers
✿always ready to jump into battle and protect u if he has to, even if u convince him that ur safe and nothing's going to happen :(
❀casually wears a black tanktop and some sweats, mask and shinobi headband easily reachable on the bedside table at his right side
✿definitely enjoys u playing with his hair too much
❀he prefers to fall asleep with his head either on your chest or tugged just under your chin so he can hear you breathe and ur heart beat
✿he's so tragic oh my days
❀anYWAY light snores but only when he's REALLY gone and u rarely ever see him in this state so,,,,,
✿loves listening to ur stories before falling asleep
❀legs & arms intertwined and allathat 
✿you will never lay in bed without him picking up one of his books at least ONCE
❀it really calms him down u know
✿but start a conversation with him, and he's all urs, book long forgotten next to his mask and headband.
❀always wakes up earlier than u, preparing breakfast with said book between his fingers 
✿(he swears he'll close it once ur awake tho)
❀((he does))
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a/n: AHEM i hope u liked it ???? pls tell me ??? AAAA i will see u beans next time bye bye xx
devider by @enchanthings
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saintsole · 5 months
you say it's because of my age, girl. but age ain't nothin' but a number
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art by @sso_s__ on X!
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