#Kaitlyn tran
cspasfan15 · 1 month
I just realized that now all 3 2019 mini top 3 are no longer in comp dance 😫
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boo-vents · 9 days
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Leo/need if they were bri-ish
I think their story would remain mostly the same only difference is instead of Japanese indie rock they play British indie rock (think your two door cinema club, Los campensinos type of deal)
I’m not sure what year I intend for them to be in but probably like in year 10 at the start of the story (plus Sekai still exists cause I think that’s funny as fuck). Also I’ve combined the schools but miya girls are on the opposite side of the year to the Kamiyama kids
Most of these headcanons are based off of personal experience/people I knew when I was in high school lmao
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Mira Lazine at LGBTQ Nation:
Two Christian families in Vermont, alongside the Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group Alliance Defending Freedom, are suing the state after it stripped their foster care licenses over their homophobic and transphobic beliefs. “Vermont says they’re unfit to parent any child because of their traditional religious beliefs about human sexuality,” said ADF legal counsel Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse in a press release. “Vermont seems to care little about the needs of vulnerable children, much less the constitutional rights of its citizens. That’s why we’re suing them in federal court.”
The Wuoti and Gantt families filed the lawsuit along with the ADF on Tuesday, initiating a formal complaint against the state.  Vermont changed its policies regarding foster families in recent years to better support LGBTQ+ youth. It requires that foster parents are supportive of young people’s identities – such as properly gendering trans youth or allowing kids to embrace their sexual orientation.  It strictly prohibits “discrimination and bias based on a child or youth’s real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.”
The lawsuit argues that both families are required by their religion to misgender any foster children, stating that “a person’s sex is binary and fixed by God at conception.” It goes further in arguing that, in the case of the Gantt family, they believe that trans people must detransition and that people should not gender trans people correctly. The lawsuit also claims that Kaitlyn Wuoti had gender dysphoria as a child, leading her to be filled with “compassion” for children. Both Brian and Kaitlyn Wuoti believe that they cannot even associate with a Pride parade or those in it because “they convey a message about human sexuality that goes against their faith.”
Two Christian conservative families, the Gantts and the Wuotis-- along with far-right anti-LGBTQ+ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom-- are suing the state of Vermont over being prohibited from mistreating LGBTQ+ and trans foster children in their care.
Both the Gantts and Wuotis support the misgendering and forcing detransition of trans foster children, along with opposing LGBTQ+ identity.
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vampzzi · 2 years
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you're vaild ✧﹒﹒ Dylan lenivy x trans male reader
cw; emetophobia, gender dysphoria, not beta read I'm tired
author's note; there's not enough fics for my trans male lovers who love dylan lenivy and I just wanted to make something for you guys. Dylan gets you a binder :)
Sunk into your extremely uncomfortable bed you laid there, scrolling through your phone looking for a decent movie to watch on netflix since Mr.H gave us our phones back while he takes the kids home on a trip around the camp. Your chest was uncomfortably in the way as you wanted to look down at your feet, the cozy socks complimented your feet, a gift from Dylan since you get so cold at night you begin to shiver and tremble all over. Getting up out of your bed you look at yourself in the mirror, everything feels wrong about your body.  You don’t be as masculine as you want to be and no matter how much testosterone you take, it just doesn’t feel right.
The blank feeling sits in your gut as you don’t even wanna leave the room, climbing right back into the uncomfortable bed and snuggling into your sheets. Your mouth is dry through, you need some kind of refreshment as you get back up and open your door and walk through the door as  you walk down the halls. Why is the place so cold?? You shiver as you continue your journey to the kitchen, everyone is already in the kitchen. Ryan and Nick are making cookies together, what an usual sight to see Nick and Ryan bonding together but you can’t judge they seem to be enjoying their time. Emma is posing for Abi so she can draw her, they’ve been dating for a while now and they fit each other like puzzle pieces. It’s super crazy. 
And dylan..dylan, is sitting down doing something stupid as per usual, Jacob dared Dylan to eat one of those super carolina reaper chips mixed with mustard. The chip is red in color covered in disgustedly rancid smelling mustard as Dylan takes a bite and immediately dashes for the trashcan. He grips onto the trash can as he groans out and empties his stomach contents as everyone looks at him and then at Jacob with sour faces. 
“Whattt, nothing but a little plus it can't be that bad” he takes the chip and the eats the whole thing as everyone looks at him in disgust before he coughs and almosts gaps out, swallowing it with a smile “mmm delicious’ he rubs his stomach to emphasize his point, you laugh at point at him as you cover your mouth to silence it as he looks at you “Ayy, what’s up (name)?” you clear your throat and look at everyone and then your eyes lay on Jacob to answer his question “I’m doing fine, I can see you guys are up to no good again” “as always” he says back with a smirk.
Dylan slowly brings his head up as Ryan is offering him a water bottle as he takes it gratefully and downs it in one go, gulping it as I’m pretty everyone can hear his deep gulps. “That’s better - Oh! Hey (name)!” “Hey Dylan” you smile at him as he flashes you a smile back making your way over to the fridge you open to the many juices, sodas and flavored waters and plain water. You pick a nice cold sprite from the back as those are usually the best ones to drink, they are always cold and hit differently when you’re extremely thirsty.  
Dylan arms wraps around you as you open your soda and he looks down at you “I forgot to mention, I got you a gift and since summer camp si coming to an end thought I’d give it to you” you nod as he drags you away from the others, their voicing of curiosity soon disappears as we’re soon in the other cabin room, Dylan closes the door behind him slowly making the less noise with the loud creaky door. “Stay there” he gets on the floor and gets under the bed to reach for something fishing out a package as he hands you it “Had to hide it from the others but
it was hard since jacob loves teasing and being nosy” you chuckle “almost sounds like someone else I know”.
You rip out the package to a package the tag reads “gc2b” and you already know what it is. It’s a binder, something you’ve been trying to get forever but never having the pocket money for it as you smile brightly at Dylan giving him a hug as he hugs you back, squeezing you tightly.
“Thank you so much Dy” “You’re welcome name” He then looks at you again and steps back heading to the door “You should try it on, I’II give you your privacy” nodding as he opens the door and closes it waiting out, pulling off the shirt you wear and taking the bra off that you no longer need as you take the binder out and slip it on, placing the shirt back on. You place your hands on your chest, it's completely flat, your worlds feel so much better you could almost cry. No,  you wanted to cry. 
You opened the door and Dylan whispered “Looking handsome dude” you shook your head as you hugged him again and laid your head on his shoulder “...Thank you so much, I just can't thank you enough” “No need name, just helping out my best friend"
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sammygender · 2 years
i go on the internet & vague post about intracommunity issues for 800000 years and then go into college and deal with people who i don’t think understand trans people exist. like genuinely. i don’t know if these people have ever HEARD of being trans
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that one time awhile back when me and my coworker were bullshitting around and i told her I'd slap her til she was straight and she went "id actually be gayer if you did that" and not even ten minutes later she was saying some dumb shit and i was like "shut up" and she said make me and without thinking i grabbed her face and told her to quit saying "welcome to jack in abortions, yesterday's mistakes is our today's sauce" nd im just now realizing the look she gave me wasnt one of fear
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prettykikimora · 1 year
Hi everyone, I have a friend in dire straights here, she needs $1500 by the end of the month or she will lose her home, cat, and her car. Please help if you can we don't have this kind of money right now...
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literal-trans-beans · 1 month
WELCOME, [Insert good catch prase here]!
My name is Kaitlyn C. B., you can call me:
Danger to society
Because... well that's my name.
Transfem, and literally your girl.
Panromantic Lesbian :3
I do stoof:
Tumblr (You're literally here)
X (Deadnamed website)
My website (Coming Soon™️)
I am stoof:
@more-trans-beans (IC Account with the Sevcon ARG)
@the-gurls (Co-poster)
What I do:
I am an over-ambitious loser chasing dreams.
Self-proclaimed pro-programmer.
Not a felon (trust)
Scientist (Biology, gender science, engineering, mathematics, psychology, chemistry, nuclear physics, ect.)
In a TON of special school programs.
Knows Swedish, but talks in other languages that I don't know so I feel 'Special'
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Okay so me and my Fiance Kaitlyn currently live in Florida, and have for years now, in my case most of my life. We're both trans, and with all the anti trans bullshit going on in the state now thanks to that jackass Desantis, I am honestly terrified about what could happen to us... It has my anxiety going crazy almost every day, and I hardly ever leave the house anymore out of fear of something happening. It's mostly uncalled for, we live in Broward which thankfully isn't to bad compared to other parts of the state, but I still can't help but feel scared about the future.
We've been thinking about maybe trying to leave the state and move elsewhere, I have family in New York for instance who probably wouldn't mind letting us stay with them for a bit, but we basically have no money saved between the two of us. And I don't feel comfortable leaving the state with our finances in such a poor state... But by the time we're able to earn the money on our own who knows how bad things might get here... And just like everything else about what this state has become, that also terrifies me... My fear has become so bad that a few weeks ago we went to the movies on a date for my birthday, and afterwards I was just crippled with fear at using the woman's bathroom, which I have done many times before. But we haven't really gone out in months, and things have gotten so bad in that time, and I feel I still look so much like a guy, that I was just so scared of something happening....
So I figured, my last go fund me went so well when I was having a lot of troubles with paying bills, so I figured I'd try and ask for help again with this as well. I really hope some of you will be willing to help me and my fiance out here. I would appreciate it more then you could possibly know.
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i need a way to stop here before she releases her chaos on the world.
Search: Kaitlyn C. B. (Weaknesses)
She's using her resources. She is learning how to fight with the machines she has built. We don't have long before she stops showing us mercy.
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Just want to say that I love Kaitlyn Dever, I think she is incredible, and I’m sure we will all be very welcoming and NORMAL about her playing Abby in Season 2 of The Last of Us 😌
Having said that, I do feel as though NaughtyDog intentionally cast a more feminine actress to play Abby because of all the people making jokes/complaining about how masculine she was in the game, which is a real shame. It made so much sense for Abby as a character to be extremely muscled as she’d trained for literal years to exact revenge on the man who killed her father, and while a lot of immature people seemed to think her being muscled meant she was trans, it was nice to see a strong female character who wasn’t feminine (as I’m not particularly feminine myself) be somewhat of a protagonist. It feels like HBO/NaughtyDog are bowing to the pressure and intentionally casting a more feminine (aka: a smaller) actress just to try and alleviate some of the complaints/hate she may receive moving forwards.
But my point still stands: please for the love of God do NOT let her be treated like Laura Bailey was treated when the game came out, because that was absolutely disgusting, and Kaitlyn deserves so much better than that.
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cspasfan15 · 2 months
Not someone on Reddit saying that not even Molly could choreograph to a HoRrIbLe song like best of both worlds….like are you even a dance fan if you didn’t know Molly did a great solo for Kaitlyn tran to that song???
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pteropods · 17 days
I feel bad for trans ppl with cool deadnames. Like mine is Kaitlyn who gives a fuck abt giving up Kaitlyn. But imagine having a cool fucking deadname but u just hate being called it SO much. I feel like ur obligated to pass it onto someone else. Break into a hospital and give it to a baby or smth
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
@yourlocalsillybilly made a post, their friend Apollo is being disowned for being trans! WE NEED TO DONATE MONEY ON THEIR PAYPAL
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willowbird · 1 year
for the fic prompt any trans Andrew thoughts? Or trans Neil or trans andreil lol dealers choice
But I would like to raise you... trans!Kevin. Because it has been STUCK in my HEAD for MONTHS now.
The knock on the door was heavy but sluggish - more of a crash or a thump than a knock at all. At first, David thought that it was some dumb kid being a jackass (even 5 star hotels had shitty guests), but then it came again. And again. And again.
Then, as David sighed and begrudgingly rolled off his bed to go to the door, he heard a thin, rough voice call through it: "Please... I don't know where else to go..."
David picked up his pace. He did not know what he expected when he jerked the door open, but the teenager standing there was not it - especially not in the state that they were in.
"What the actual fuck, Kaitlyn?
Kaitlyn Day, daughter of world-famous violinist Kayleigh Day and then adopted by Kayleigh's close friend Tetsuji Moriyama in the wake of her mother's death. David had known her for most of her life, albeit from a distance. He had been close with Kayleigh when they'd been younger, and although they'd had something of a falling out shortly before she became pregnant with Kaitlyn they had stayed in touch enough for him to have developed at relationship of sorts with her daughter.
Kaitlyn flinched away from him, actually stumbling backwards quickly enough that her shoulders hit the opposite wall.
"Shit," David cursed, stopping himself from rushing forward. Instead he lifted his hands in a steady, placating gesture and lowered his voice. "Fuck. I'm sorry kid. Don't worry I'm louder than I am mean, you know that. Come on." He stepped back into the room and held the door open for her, doing his best not to stare at the shadows under her eyes or the blood at the corner of her mouth, the bruises starting to form. David Wymack had seen his fair share bruised and battered kids, though, so maybe that was why it was almost more off-putting that, in addition to the physical trauma clearly on display, from the way she held herself to the blood and the bruises, her hair had been chopped off. It hung in uneven chunks around her face, and as she passed by him into the room David saw that there were some patches that had been so close to her scalp the blades had nicked the skin.
Swallowing his questions for the moment, David glanced quickly down the hall -- one way and then the other -- before shutting and locking the door. When he turned back around, Kaitlyn was standing clear on the opposite side of the room, hugging herself and chewing her thumbnail down to the quick.
David gave himself another twenty seconds to get his shit together, then he took a deep breath and stepped forward.
"Kaitlyn, what the fuck happened?"
Even though his voice was calmer now, steady, she still flinched. David grit his teeth against the bubbling of anger that churned in the center of his body -- a vat of blistering, protective rage that was getting closer and closer to boiling over every time she shirked away from him. Perhaps he did not know Kaitlyn as well as he might have if he and Kayleigh had been better to each other, if they hadn't fallen out in the way that they had, but he didn't have to be in the girl's inner circle to know that this... this timid thing before him was not her.
Kaitlyn Day was a fucking thunderstorm in human form. As captivating as she was terrifying, she was a musical prodigy that had been performing in huge, prestigious venues since she was three years old, first on the piano, then on violin, then flute, before stunning the world yet again when she opened her mouth and started to sing. International cross-genre acclaim was achieved when she was only fifteen, after she and her adoptive brother Riko diverted from classical music in a bold move to form a pop band.
She was an idol, with adoring fans on every continent.
She was also, David was remembering very suddenly and with a sharpness that hurt, an eighteen year old kid. She was a wildfire, but she was not invulnerable, and someone had hurt her.
"Kaitlyn," he said again, and he lowered his voice even further. He made himself as small as he could, sinking down to sit on the coffee table that filled out the small sitting area of the hotel suite.
Again, Kaitlyn's shoulders hitched up and her face turned, her brown condensing into a sharp v of discontent. When David opened his mouth to speak again, though, to plea with her to tell him what the fuck was going on and to demand she point him in the direction of the sorry fuck who touched her, her eyes snapped up to his and he finally saw that it wasn't only fear, it wasn't only pain. Burning right beside whatever trauma she was wrestling with was a bright, effervescent rage.
He snapped his mouth shut.
"No," Kaitlyn said. Her voice was rough, raspy. She cleared her throat and held his gaze as she said more clearly, putting in visible effort to keep herself steady to lift up her chin when her instincts were still begging her to duck it.
"No," she said again. "Not... Not Kaitlyn."
David frowned, confused. "What?"
Then she said, "Kevin."
Still not understanding, David shook his head. "Kaitlyn, what? Who is Kevin?" A thought struck him and he had to curl his hands into fists on top of his thighs to keep from standing. "Is he who did this? Point me in his direction, Kaitlyn, and I swear I--"
"No!" This time, her voice cracked, and there was a desperation in her tone that had David pulling back. Her eyes were wide, every muscle in her body taut. She swallowed thickly around the words he could see her trying to say. Her mouth opened and shut a few times, then she grit her teeth and growled, "No. Me. I'm not Kaitlyn. I am Kevin. Kevin."
Tears, a phenomenon that David had never before witnessed with Kaitlyn and had only ever seen once from her mother, welled suddenly in the girls eyes. Her face was flushed, tinged pink around the hurts. With her hair a chopped mess and her eye visibly beginning to well, the tears added a raw sort of wildness that was so far apart from the rigid control Kaitlyn usually adhered to with zealous enthusiasm that he fleetingly wondered if he was instead talking to a different girl entirely. A long-lost twin.
He shook his head, or at least he went to -- but he aborted the gesture mid-motion as the inkling of understanding tugged at him. He studied her, letting her words turn the lights on one at a time until the pieces finished falling into place.
Then he said, "Kevin." A question, a confirmation.
Jade fire eyes held his own and there was so much weight in that single stare.
After a long, tense moment where David didn't think either of them so much as breathed, the bearer of those eyes gave a single slow nod.
David took in a slow breath and nodded as well. "Alright. Okay. That's... good. Kevin." Slowly, so Kevin didn't think David's motive was violence, David pushed himself to his feet and approached. He lifted one hand and reached out. When the kid didn't flinch away, David rested it on his shoulder.
"Kevin," David said again, and because he was still holding the boy's gaze he saw the moment when Kevin's resolve shattered. The tears he had been battling back broke the dam. His shoulders slumped. His knees trembled. When he stumbled, David was there to catch him and he pulled him easily into his arms. He didn't pretend not to hear the sobs that came next, absorbed by his chest the same way the tears made their new home in the fabric of his shirt.
No, instead he wrapped his arms around him, around Kevin. He rested one hand on the back of his neck and squeezed gently and he said, "Hey, it's alright. I've got you, son. It's alright. I've got you. I'm here."
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sabineredpathmonge · 2 months
them choosing best of both worlds for mini is everything to me. kaitlyn tran wya
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