#Kai writes shit
kairithemang0 · 6 days
I'm so scared that I did this in a day holy shit
@soapyl you said you wanted to be tagged so here you go
Idk, they're very silly and they're desperate and if they don't keep their hands on each other at all times they'll die. I love the idea of them planning this little weekend together and Owen being so desperate for it to be perfect because this may be the only one, they get, but they just have this peaceful morning where everything is ok for a while, and nothing hurts
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sarahjtv · 3 months
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This is the best thing Horikoshi could've done for Overhaul's fate:
Doesn't let him off the hook for what he did to Eri especially.
Forces him to feel guilty and apologize to Eri for the rest of his life.
Makes sure that he never forgets Eri and what he did to her.
Let's his old boss (Eri's grandfather who was forced into a coma by Overhaul prior to her being abused if I remember correctly), basically haunt him for the rest of his fucking life to make sure he's pays for his sins.
Absolutely 100% fucking deserved 👏
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zukosdualdao · 6 months
i'm literally insane about the last agni kai and the lightning scene(s). i swear i've rewatched it 10+ times since my last rewatch of the show (which was my first watch in years) and like. azula sees katara come into view from behind. zuko doesn't. he follows azula's gaze and sees katara and is immediately horrified. he doesn't even think or hesitate because he doesn't have time and for once he doesn't have to look back at azula to figure out what she's doing because he knows what she's doing and he won't let it happen. time dwindling into slow motion as a haunting score plays? and zuko literally yelling out "no!" because that lightning absolutely cannot hit katara. as soon as he sees it there's no chance of that ever happening. and then katara watching in horror as the lightning flashes against features in what is probably one of the most hauntingly beautiful animated moments of the show? zuko hitting the ground still convulsing with lightning and katara crying out "zuko!" and immediately trying to run to him before azula attacks again? and the next scene we cut back to with them, zuko is groaning weakly and trying to lift himself up, and we see katara literally gasp in surprise as she realizes he's still alive (i'm sobbing because i do quite literally think she thought he was dead) and immediately tries to run to him again, nevermind that she knows azula is still there, and the hand katara uses for healing is already doused in water as she reaches for him. but then azula starts attacking again. and zuko, despite literally being in so much pain that he can't stand and can barely even move at all without whimpering, still tries to reach for the spot where he can see azula attacking katara. katara is forced to hide from azula's attacks. and as azula is mocking "zuzu, you don't look so good" down to zuko, the perspective shot is such that you can SEE that katara is also looking at where he lies prone in the distance, surrounded by flame (probably wondering how much time they have before it really is too late) before looking back up at azula and realizing she needs to defeat her as quickly and handily as possible so katara can get to zuko. obviously katara would have done this anyway (the whole reason they were THERE was to halt the continued cycle of the imperialist regime of the fire nation), but the scene is specifically framed as katara trying to figure out how to stop azula so the obstacle to her getting to zuko is no longer in the way. katara's defeat of azula was epic and deserves its own post. but then after making sure azula is securely chained, she runs to zuko, looks at him with such immense sadness and horror and fear as she hears him in so much pain, tenderly turns him over so she can get a good look at the wound. and she cups his head? briefly but so gently? so that he won't hit it as she turns him over? and when she tries to heal him you can tell she is so genuinely unsure if it will even work, and so relieved that she starts crying tears of joy when she sees it has (at least enough to keep him alive and somewhat lessen his pain.) they thank each other (and you can tell it's still really hard for zuko to talk and his eyes are barely open but he thanks her anyways i'm.) and she thanks him back and!!! when he starts to try to sit up she makes a little surprised face and then immediately helps him to do so (and puts a tender hand to his chest while she does!!!) and obviously that last shot of them standing together is also one of emotional support, but katara's hand on his back is also partly because i still think (and certainly katara still thinks) trying to walk/stand on his own would be a bad idea, so it's definitely not happening.
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numberonepartyboy · 7 months
'kai raised nya alone' is such bs. oh yeah those other village people wouldn't fucking help two babies who's parents are missing. they totally wouldn't provide them food and help them to get enrolled in school or help with their home.
(( i do hc that kai and nya grew up very fast, being too mature for their age and having no close friends with others bc of their more adult behavior. both of them are school dropouts (kai dropped out in middle school and nya in highschool.) ))
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laniidae-passerine · 2 months
Oddly for a sequel show, Cobra Kai is putting far too much weight on the original TKK film. They keep acting like this is teenage Johnny and teenage Daniel going toe to toe, but these are adult men. They should have lived adult lives and processed adult experiences and emotions before getting to the beginning of Cobra Kai’s story. Why can’t Johnny ever seem to grow up in a meaningful way? Why does Daniel keep chucking his healthy wealthy family life to the side to get involved in random ass karate shit? Why do they refuse to truly mend the fences between them? I understand showing trauma affecting them and TKK being an important moment in their lives, but the show acts like that was THE important moment in their lives. Nothing was bigger or more life changing than that (basically a high school karate tournament that happened one time) even though they’re decades past it. These characters aren’t truly allowed to be adult men grappling with the past, they’re written like stunted teens who are simply walking through some strange daydream life where they’ve got kids and jobs. And if the writers don’t ever treat them like adults, they’re never going to act like it nor will they ever grow in meaningful and permanent ways.
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I physically need to write the campy 90s horror comedy AU that the entire Blood Gulch squad was designed for. Carolina and Wash would arguably be the most competent, mAYBE followed by Tucker when he’s not breaking the cardinal horror movie rules of ‘no sex’ by trying to fuck Wash, but the rest of them?? So not equipped to deal with horror shenanigans.
Would it be supernatural? Eldritch? Slasher? Idk but I need this to exist bc the idea of these dumbasses somehow Scooby-Doo-ing their way out of horror bullshit is peak RvB.
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heroictoonz · 4 months
I’m not the biggest Wu enjoyer ever in fact most the time in private friend servers and dms with close pals I joke about hating him and wanting him out the show I’ll admit to that. But like. I do think about the moments that probably were but never shown. I honestly think about Wu a lot
I think about Wu alone in the monastery with Cole, the first Ninja he recruited. A young man who was still grieving his mother even after all this time and in his own way, maybe unknowingly, grieving his father as well. I think about Wu possibly finding Cole constantly training in the main area at all hours of the day and night just to keep his hands busy. Wu sitting with him and maybe even being nervous to say anything to him. His last pupil he drove away. What if he did the same to this one? His last pupil was like a son to him and he screwed it all up and has to live with that on his hands and yet, here he is, trying it all over again, praying to the ghost of his father and anything in the heavens that will listen that he doesn’t make the same mistakes again. Maybe he sits quietly with Cole, not stopping him but letting him silently know that he isn’t alone no matter how long the monastery halls seem to feel. Bringing Cole water or a snack even when they both should be asleep. Finally, at one point, having the courage to tell him that he should sleep more. That if he wanted to talk, about anything at all, that Wu would be an ear to listen. I wonder if Cole would talk to Wu about any of it. Maybe not about it all. But maybe bits and pieces of his frustration and anguish that was clearly haunting him in those early days. I think that Wu’s words might even be enough to calm some of that in him. Maybe not all of it, and maybe Cole still pushes himself to keep away feelings and thoughts he can’t handle, but he sleeps more. He rests more. He takes breaks with Wu and has tea with him.
I think about Jay joining and being probably really skeptical about the whole thing. Probably distant with Cole cause he doesn’t know this guy. I think about Wu bringing in this second pupil, knowing by now that he was building a team that he would have to train not just in the ways of spinjitsu and their elements but also train them to be one with each other in battle. An anxious Wu trying desperately to get the two to talk and just hang out if even just for a meal or two. Wu bringing them together and having them build not just their strength and skills but their trust in each other too. Wu probably asks Jay about his parents. Seeing how Morro and Cole’s family backgrounds were he probably feared a trend settling in. Maybe Wu is plesently surprised when Jay tells him about his loving, though kinda embarrassing and smothering, parents. His parents who, even after moving out, he still writes to and stays in contact with as much as possible cause he doesn’t want them to worry. Maybe Wu smiles when Jay tells him that he’ll probably meet them someday.
I think it was very soon after that Wu found Zane. I think about Wu asking the people of that village about the strange boy who wondered their town alone, memoryless. With nothing to him but a name and a kind heart. Wu finding him and giving him a funny surprise in that lake. Pulling Zane out and offering him and permanent home. Maybe even catches the words in his throat as he feels the similarities between Zane and Morro. Strange orphaned children with nothing but their names and the clothes on their backs. Promising them a forever home. He hopped this one he could keep that promise. He’d do anything to keep that promise. Wu bringing Zane to the others, a little worried at first knowing that Zane was already very different from most people. Cole and Jay, where getting along better now, were still full of bite and fight. If he weren’t careful he would be putting this poor boy into the lions den. It goes better than he expects. Zane fits in easily with the other two. Wu is almost surprised by it, but thankful nonetheless. But this is where his real challenges begin. Training the three together, coaxing them to be more than just teammates. Knowing that it wouldn’t be enough. That they needed to trust each other implicitly. Maybe he was thinking about the tornado of creation, knowing that unless these three (and the fourth that he was still searching for) would need to be in near perfect harmony to pull off such a feat. But that they would need it in their coming battles.
I think about Wu holding back tears when he walks in to see the three goofing off. Yes they were meant to be working (maybe chores or training) but they were goofing off. They were getting along. Acting as friends and companions. And both Cole and Jay continued to argue but it was less like strangers and more like family. (They occasionally would remind Wu of him and his own brother from a long, long time ago.) I wonder how much pride Wu felt when he noticed that Cole and Jay were attempting to help Zane when he didn’t seem to catch up or understand something in a social or emotional situation. Even if they did throw in a few friendly insults at the poor boy here and there. Wu probably got a good laugh of the three pulling pranks on each other. Cole and Jay coming up with some to try and ease Zane into the concepts of practical jokes and being rightfully surprised when the future ice ninja got them back just as good.
I especially think about Wu when he meets Kai. Young and angry and a spark just waiting to ignite and explode. Violent and uncontrollable. And a spitting image of Ray. I wonder if Wu thought of his old friend when he saw Kai. The soft way he mentions the man in their conversation about the golden weapons. I wonder how much Wu misses his old friends and if he mourned them at the same time Kai and Nya did seemingly worlds apart and still shedding twin tears under one moon. I think about Wu feeling a frustration with Kai he’d probably never felt before. He sighs when he’s alone in his room. His head is his hands. “Father, how would you teach someone who seems so unreachable?” He would ask to no one. He would run his hands over his face and try to remember if Morro was this stubborn. But Morro had only become stubborn later in his trainings when his arrogance and drive for power blinded him. Kai was born stubborn and arrogant it seemed. Wu might even smile with exasperation and wonder to himself ‘how did Ray and Maya raise such a child?’
I think about Kai distancing himself from the rest like how Jay once did. Throwing himself into his training like how Cole once did. A young man alone and lost in the world as how Zane once was. Seeing so clearly how he clung to his sister and had a drive like no other to get her back. Maybe Wu even worried that after they rescued Nya that Kai would leave. That he would see no use in sticking around. Wu doubted that this soon encounter with his brother would be the last. Maybe Wu saw much of Morro in Kai and felt something almost like fear. Fear of losing Kai to a similar fate? Fear of Kai being pushed away when all Wu wanted to do was bring him close to the rest of them? Maybe even a fear that the shadows of his past would keep him from meaningfully connecting with Kai like he tried to do with the other three.
I think abut Wu bringing Kai tea. Wu pulling Kai in to eat and train with the other three. Wu trying to take the lessons he had learned from all this time and help Kai transition into the team. And similarly, help the rest of the team transition into including Kai. Kai was full of just as much bite and fight as Cole and Jay when they first met, maybe more. Definitely more. But Wu wasn’t going to give up on him. I think about Wu catching quiet moments of Kai’s sorrow. What he normally covered up in anger but sometimes was too weak to do so. Wu sitting next to him and telling him stories about when he and his brother were growing up. About how the loss of their father affected them. About how the loss of his brother affected him. Maybe Kai would snap at him. Telling him that they were nothing alike. That Wu couldn’t understand. Maybe Kai says something harsher. Says that at least Nya wasn’t trying to destroy the world. That he would get Nya back. That Nya wasn’t some evil freak. And Wu would let every word slide off him like water. Because he knew Kai was just angry. He knew Kai would be angry for a while.
I think about when they get Nya back. When Wu officially introduces himself to her. I wonder if he knew she was the water element right then and there. Did he know that she would one day show signs. I wonder if he has his suspicions but decided to wait and see. The elements are tricky things. They do not always do as expected. I think about Wu noticing just how equally as stubborn Nya is as Kai but how much better she tried to mask it.
I wonder if Kai ever apologized to Wu for how he acted. I think about Wu stopping him and reassuring him that it was nothing to worry about. Wu knew he was just upset for the fate of his sister. Wu was just thankful all turned out well in the end.
I think abut Kai and Cole both seeing a father figure in Wu that the other two probably don’t connect with as much. Maybe Cole is a bit more open about it than Kai. I wonder if, when Wu realizes this, if it worries him. Morro haunts him like a ghost. His greatest regret. In a life of mistakes the one he mourns the most. I’ll always wonder how much Morro’s impact on Wu’s life haunts his days with his new students. Maybe the ninja see Wu have his own silent moments. Days he can’t hide his own sadness. Whether for Morro or his brother. Maybe even both. Maybe even days when he remembers Aspheera or the other elemental masters. So many friends that he lost along the way.
Maybe the ninja try to cheer him up and be with him the same way Wu would for them. They bring him tea, offer to take him with them out to the city for their weekly run, ask him to tell them stories about the first spinjitsu master or about Wu’s old travels and adventures. Wu knows what they’re doing, but he lets them do it all the same.
I think about how Wu was probably constantly worried about Lloyd’s safety and health. He knew his mother had left him at that school. I wonder if Wu was against it or not. I wonder how often Wu would think about Lloyd, alone, festering in what would only become feelings of abandonment. Would Wu realize that? Or would he be just as blind to it as Lloyd’s well meaning (yet still wrong) parents? I think about Wu grabbing his dear nephew into a hug when they first reunited. Tucking him in and reading him that story. I think about Wu maybe even sitting Lloyd down and trying to talk to him about his parents. Especially his father. I don’t think it’d go over that well but I think he might try.
I think about Wu maybe feeling nostalgic when Garmadon was with them to rescue Lloyd. It must have been so, so long since the two were on a quest or adventure of some kind. Maybe he regrets the joy he feels or even hardly has the time to feel it knowing that Lloyd is in so much danger.
I wonder how much guilt Wu holds. I think about him regretting so much before the ninja and then even more so regretting being so closed off about it all and not saying anything before it’s all too late. “There was something I never told you.” “I should have told you all this long ago.” Keeping his past a secret probably out of shame or a fear of history repeating itself, only for it to cause his new family such distress and trouble. Learning the hard way that his past would always come back for him. From Morro to the Hands of Time all the way to Aspheera. I wonder if Wu regrets not being the one to tell Lloyd the truth about his heritage. Maybe he assumed Garmadon would have. Maybe he thought it was best for the young leader to not have to worry abut such things until once again it was far too late.
I think about Wu mourning his bother over and over and over again. Sometimes with Lloyd, sometime with Misako, but many, many, many times completely alone. In the silence of his own grief and regrets. I wonder if he ever sees himself and Garmadon in Nya and Kai. Or even just in the ninja as a whole. Not an exact one to one but seeing them be a family, watching them go on quests together, I wonder how often he thinks of his brother in those moments.
I think about Wu rebuilding a family and maybe not even immediately recognizing he did just that.
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tacobellabeanburrito · 6 months
Thinking of… Ace Attorney choir Au. Maybe Band Au as well.
Phoenix? Obvious tenor. Theatre kid and art kid? TENOR.
Y’all would think Miles would be the tenor, but nope, he’s an obvious baritone/bass. More baritone than anything but he can hit those low notes.
Larry? I want him to be a bass sooo badly but no, he’s either a baritone or just straight tenor. LITERALLY STRAIGHTEST TENOR TO EVER TENOR. Everyone always assumes he’s gay and he gets worked up about it.
Maya is a mezzo-soprano, obvi. I wanted her to be an alto or straight soprano but I don’t really think it fit her. People’s vocal parts literally fit what they look like. She is a mezzo.
Klavier is such a tenor it’s not even funny. He wants to be a baritone/bass sooo badly. But he has like, one of those really strong tenor voices. There’s no way he hasn’t sung Santa Fe.
Apollo is a baritone… That’s it.
ATHENA. ATHENA. WHAT IS ATHENA. Brother I really can’t decide. Has the tenacity of an alto but the mostly bubbly personality of a soprano. I’ll stick her as mezzo for now.
Gumshoe is an obvious bass. Lots of basses are himbos and he’s no exception.
As much as I want Kristoph to be a tenor because he thinks he’s so insufferably above everyone else, I have to pick him as a bass. Nobody expects it, they all expect him to be a tenor. He has a beautiful bass voice.
SIMON IS A BASS. FULL BASS. Nothing more to add.
Dahlia is a soprano and Iris is at least a mezzo-soprano or alto. Dahlia’s one of those really bitchy sopranos who never takes a mezzo-soprano part. Iris always bears the brunt of the mezzo-soprano/second work because Dahlia makes her.
Small edit to add the Investigations Crew…
Lang is at least a baritone/bass. I can’t imagine him not being one like come on.
Kay is an alto. Full alto. TRUE ALTO.
Sebastian is a tenor. No, I will NOT take criticism.
Ema is an alto. No question about it.
I think I got mostly everyone? Those are the main ones in the choir. Some of them are in band, orchestra or guard (Miles is in band, Maya is in guard and Kristoph is in orchestra)
The teachers would be, yk, the usuals. Idk Von Karma can be the principal. Lana is the orchestra director, Mia is the choir director and Diego is the band director. Idk, Ray and Justine are still there too. Raymond is baritone and Justine is an alto.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 7 months
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They're elves of the shadowfell, normal human height. They specialize in teleportation and invisibility, with the casters among them throwing in confusion and fear and illusion. Be careful though, as any trained in combat start making non-elves slower and worse while within 10 feet. From depression, from the sound of it. Their angst about being more ancient and timeless than you wordlessly attaches to you like a parasite, slowing you down. Good for if you enjoy concepts like-
Shadows, but like DARKER than shadow, that lash out when they're moody
looking beautiful unless in shadow, in which case they're corpselike
ignoring pointless things like "comfort" and "morals" and "rules"
being the chosen of the Raven Queen, and on her behalf collecting dark tragedy, sorrow, and feelings of loss.
being corpse pale with jet black hair, pure black eyes, and covered with tattoos/piercings/anything that would make a generic white suburban mom in the 50's scream in terror.
Lumping them all together because they're all the same outside one having mage hand and such. Idc what weapon they're holding.
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soobasaur · 1 month
when i’ve been sick for two weeks and come back to chat and post asks and ppl immediately ask when im updating
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kairithemang0 · 18 days
Me and @celestedoesarttm were talking about how much Curt would love to watch Owen bury a body so I turned them into freaks
I mean they were already freaks but I never wrote them as that. This was fun. Sorry for the two fics in one day, this was my cooldown fic bcs the last fic i wrote was so damn hard and it KILLED ME (and it just sucks)
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Also I wanted to draw Owen as he appears in this fic, also ponytail Owen. Bcs I love him
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wolfgangevenstar · 1 year
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my post for @ckreversebang
what’s he singing? who knows, that’s for all you talented writers to decide. i would be very honoured if someone wrote something based on my art, so feel free to tag me or lmk if you do bc i definitely want to read it :)
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
writes many thousands of words of meta over the course of years to explain why cobra kai is about closeted gay people, when really I could've just left it at "it's a martial arts sports show in which everyone has a same-gender rival that they're obsessed with but can't admit to being obsessed with, while they blunder aimlessly from underwritten het-romance to underwritten het-romance"
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baldwinboy5ive · 8 days
Relationship: Demetri Alexopoulos/Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz Words: 4,582 Tags: Mutual Pining, Post-Season 6A, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, fantasy angry sex but not actually happening, Canon Compliant, Childhood Friends, Introspection, Crushes, friends to enemies to karate rivals to friends to karate teammates to lovers
Summary: idk it's just some bullshit fic about how Demetri and Eli are so in love with each other or whatever
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doll3tt33 · 8 months
Some requests I’m gonna catch up with! + Rules
Sorry for not replying to some of your guys’ asks lately! I get distracted very very easily, so pls don’t think I’m ignoring you!! 💗
Anyways, I’ve posted for Tate and Kai recently, so I’m gonna do some requests for the other evans! Here’s what I have so far:
• {{user}} is Kit’s therapist at the asylum. He’s desperate for you to believe his story about the aliens and that he isn’t bloodyface.
• frat!Kyle or frankenkyle being upset with {{user}} for using a word/doing an action that unintentionally triggered him, and you have to fix things.
((This will probably include dark themes but I’ll try to be as respectful as possible when making this!
• Stan Bowes bot based on the song ‘Off to the Races’ by Lana Del Rey
• Luke Cooper goes to get coffee for his coworkers, but he comes back with the wrong order for everyone, except {{user}}
I’ll try my best to complete all these requests here (and work on the plethora of other Tate and Kai requests I have after), but sorry in advance if I take too long! Just in case.. I already have a new Colin bot prepared, buuut I’m not sure if anyone would be into it 😅
Oh and two more things!!- I appreciate your support guys and I know none of you had any bad intentions when requesting! 🥺 Just wanted to say it’s best if you don’t send bot requests based on other people’s fanfics! Thank you!
Lastly, I won’t be uploading my bots onto other sites besides c.ai for now. Maybe one day I’ll upload them onto sakura.fm? I like to use it for nsfw stuff, but their LLM still kinda sucks :p
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so-long-soldier28 · 4 months
i need to be writing but i have the ✨ depresso ✨
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