#Kai the wombat
retces-blog · 10 days
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operatorsdiner · 9 months
a $20 for Your Thoughts: Entry 5.
The squeal of the brakes of Vesper’s shitty-ass 2002 Ford Focus echoed into the Waffle House itself as they pulled into the parking lot. They sighed as they leaned forward to rest their forehead on the steering wheel as they muttered, “It’s only six hours, then you can go home. What are the chances of those damn freaks showing up anyways? It’ll be fine.” They took a moment more before getting out of their car and kicking the door closed to make sure it stayed, then locked the door. Vesper ran their fingers through their dyed blue hair, feeling the ends of it settle against their neck. They pulled open the front door, preparing for Baylen’s frustration at their tardiness. He had his arms crossed and just pointed to the table he had already seated for them. They nodded, “Sorry, my car wouldn’t fuckin’ start.” “...right.” He rolled his eyes in response and just headed into the back. Vesper went to put on their apron before heading out to the table where two people were seated. One of the two was a taller man, dressed in all black including his gloves. The only colored parts of his entire outfit were the blue medical mask and the blue mirrored sunglasses he was wearing to obscure his face. The hood of his jacket was pulled up to cast a shadow over his face as well, adding to his anonymity. The other person was a stark contrast to him; a young woman dressed in a neon purple and black striped long-sleeve shirt with a graphic tee layered over it, a purple ruffled skirt, ripped fishnets, and converse. Her hair was cut into a classic 2000s scene shag, complete with streaks of neon purple and raccoon tails. Vesper was completely unphased as they looked at the pair and started their spiel in an exhausted monotone, “Hi, welcome to Waffle House. My name is Vesper, I’ll be your server today. Can I start you off with some drinks?”
“Shirley temple.” The woman stated as she looked Vesper up and down. They could tell they were being judged for their choice of outfit; black cargo pants and a graphic t-shirt so faded that it was entirely illegible. “And a chocolate chip waffle, but I don’t wanna have to wait 10 years, grandma.” Vesper took a deep breath to avoid cussing her out, “Right away. What can I get for you, sir?” They asked as they turned towards the man. He just remained silent, simply pointing to the black coffee, then the cheesesteak omelet. They nodded and wrote both orders down, “I’ll be right out with the drinks.” They made their way to the back to give Alex the orders and fetch the drinks, pausing in front of the walk-in. “What…?” Their question died on their tongue as they stared at the bullet holes and gashes throughout the metal. Baylen didn’t even respond to them, too focused on repairing the damage that she’d clearly caused. “Baylen? What the hell happened here?” “Wombat got in.” He replied simply as he continued to work on the repairs.
“Oooookay...” They went to give Alex the food and drink orders, pouring the black coffee themself to help. “It’s the scene chick and the creep that hides his face and barely speaks.” 
The cook just nodded and said, “Food’ll be done in about 20.” Vesper nodded and took the drinks out to the two customers, “Alright, black coffee and Shirley Temple,” they told the two as they set them down in front of each of them. The man kept his silence and lifted the medical mask just enough to expose his mouth and take a sip of the coffee. His skin was a deathly gray, and as he opened his mouth, Vesper could see a row of razor-sharp teeth for just a moment before his lips closed over the edge of the mug.
“How long ‘til the food’s ready?” The scene girl asked as she used her tongue to guide the straw to her mouth.
“The chef said it’ll be about 20 minutes,” Vesper replied as they shifted on their feet a little.
“‘Kay.” She replied before turning back towards the man. Vesper nodded as they walked off to start cleaning empty tables while they waited for the food. Once it was ready, they brought it out to the two, getting a smile from the woman. When the two eventually finished their meal and left, Vesper found a $20 tip on the table for them. “Huh, I wasn’t expecting that. Guess they’re not that bad.” They muttered as they started cleaning up the table. 
The rest of their shift went by quietly, until the last 30 minutes. Vesper had gone to the back to help Alex finish up when their head suddenly started throbbing with pain. A splitting headache appeared behind their eyes as static started to haze around the edges of their vision. They scrambled towards the sink and braced themself on the edge of it before throwing up into it.
“You’re going home. Now,” Baylen told them as he approached. “Leave your car, it’ll be fine. I’ll clean this up, Alex start closing up, we’re just calling it here.”
Vesper slowly sank to the floor as they clutched their skull, trying to will the sudden migraine to disappear as the other two finished everything up for the night.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
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When Gerta’s friend Kay is stolen away by the mysterious Snow Queen, it’s up to Gerta to find him. Her journey will take her through a dangerous land of snow and witchcraft, accompanied only by a bandit and a talking raven.
Can she win her friend’s release, or will following her heart take her to unexpected places?
Content Warning: violence, some gore
happy femslash february, here's a retelling of the snow queen that's ~200 pages (~56k). I really enjoy the style of this book, it hits a really good irreverent vibe; very fantastical fairy tale atmosphere, but also, when the main character asks her grandma what would help her defeat the snow queen, her grandma says: A Knife, Probably. I think folks who enjoy terry pratchett’s style would have fun with this book—it’s more direct, but carries a similar humor. check out this passage
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as for the romance… okay if you’ve ever watched that 1950s russian animated snow queen movie and thought ‘wow gerta and the thief girl should’ve run off together’ this is the book for you. I wouldn’t classify this as a romance novel (more of a fairy tale with romance) so the thief girl shows up later in the book and the story is centered more around gerta’s development than a romance, but Look At This
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twentydaysofmay · 1 year
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Tried fusing Thandian and Kay(f)bop(t), which might've been a mistake.
Despite how chaotic the character may look at first glance, a lot of elements in their design have a reason behind them. All details are explained under the cut!
Since Thandian was Biblaridion's first conlang, and one that is now considered by the creator to be "very bad", I thought that giving the fusion the appearance of a "bad OC" would be very fitting. Those are usually made either by inexperienced character designers and writers who haven't learned the principles in their interests yet, or are deliberately made "bad" by people trying to mock said OCs. The former has an aspect of genuine lack of necessary knowledge - quite like the younger Bib who didn't know about things like the IPA back then - while the latter has an element of trying to be bad on purpose, just like Kay(f)bop(t).
One common part of the designs of "bad ocs" is needless complexity, which fits very well with both the kitchen-sink nature of Thandian and the chaoticity of Kay(f)bop(t). Biblaridion tried to cram everything he thought was cool into Thandian without thinking about cohesion at all, while Daniel Swanson probably looked at this blog full of humorous conlanging ideas and decided it would be fun to try to combine as many of them as possible. Having lots of random elements in this design being chosen just for the sake of "being cool" was, in my mind at least, a perfect idea for combining these two languages.
The top hat, the baseball cap, and the turkey are quite obvious references to Kay(f)bop(t)'s phonemic hats. However, I decided to split the fedora into a pork pie hat and a bavarian hat (the idea of which came from this post) just for the sake of greater complexity.
The sheep, the penguin, and the wombat are all references to a specific type of marking in Kay(f)bop(t), namely being the three animals included in the "manner of death" suffixes.
And speaking of the penguin, the cyan markings on the arm holding it represent <%>, the glyph used for the percussive bimanual stop (or, in simpler terms, a "clap"), used only in morphemes related to penguins.
And speaking of the weird non-pulmonic consonants, since and <*> represent the sinistral and dextral lateral clicks ("left click" and "right click") respectively, they are positioned on the left and right sides of the character's body. The <@> on the belt represents the faciomanual click ("facepalm"), and while it is neither on the face nor the palm, it is still in the body's center.
The weapons on their belt are a "battle-ax" and a sledgehammer, both mentioned in the "manner of death" suffixes.
From the viewer's perspective, the two horns on their head spell out "KB" in the Thandian script.
The purple shoe (called a "buskin") and the angel wing are both references to Thandian's past as a relex of Latin - the former having an association with ancient Rome, and the latter having an association with Christianity.
However, everything else that isn't a visual component taken from Thandian or Kay(f)bop(t)'s designs by Elemenopi was either chosen because I found it cool, or it was taken from some of the results for "bad OC" on google or videos about "how not to make OCs" on Youtube.
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direwombat · 2 years
14 questions 14 people
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @confidentandgood to answer a couple o’questions~!
Nickname: katie/kay irl but online i go by “verbs” (on my main) and i generally refer to myself as “wombat” here :)
Sign: sagittarius
Height: 5'4"
Last thing I googled: ACRL 2023 (for work). not for work i think it was just “fc5 wiki” (a website i really should just have bookmarked given how often i visit it lmao)
Song stuck in my head: the breaking benjamin + DIAMANTE cover of iris plays on repeat in my head at all times
Amount of Sleep: about ~8 hrs. 
Dream Job: f;alkdfjasdf professional bookbinder/book repairer? author? idk i just want to be creative and work with my hands ... if only that could actually pay my bills :’((((( 
Wearing: black slacks, a dinosaur christmas sweater (t-shirt underneath), warm fuzzy socks, flats, and a hat (my office is chilly)
Movies/Books Media that Summarize You: Vicious V.E. Schwab, The Punisher (Netflix/Disney series), The Old Guard (2020), National Treasure (2004), The Adventures of TinTin (2011), everymanHYBRID (technically none of the above since it’s a web series, but still...influential), the Dragon Age series, Dishonored (2012) ... Far Cry 5 (2018)... tbh there are probably so many others, but those are the ones that jump out at me
Favorite Song: this is such a hard question, but i gotta stand by saeglopur by sigur ros as the favorite song of all time. never fails to make me feel emotions. 
Instrument: technically i played violin for a few years, but it’s been so long that i’ve lost whatever skill i had so...none. 
Aesthetic: god idk. sad nerdy zillennial? i like my candles, flannel, and cozy socks, and i have a lot of ttrpg books/paraphernalia floating around. i guess i wish i had a more “rustic”/”cottage-core” (as the kids call it) look to my apartment but uh....things other than ikea furniture are. expensive....looking forward to the summer so i can actually get some nice plants for my home and office tho. 
Favorite Author: V.E. Schwab, Neil Gaiman, Susan Dennard, my beautiful mutuals <3
Random Fun Fact: I was born in Australia, but my family moved back to the US before i could form any memories :’( I did go back to visit when i was 15/16 years old tho!
and tagging: @natesofrellis, @thomrainer, @funkypoacher, @adelaidedrubman, @strafethesesinners, @purplehairsecretlair, @strafethesesinners, @schoute, @gaeadene, @aceghosts, @sstewyhosseini, @harmonyowl, @deputyash, and whoever else sees this and wants to share some facts and tag some people! :) 
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beck-a-leck · 2 years
So @durotoswrites and I had tons of fun doing Daemon Quizzes tonight for various Bokumono Characters. Here's what we got so far.
All of the Mineral Town marriage candidates
• Cliff: Beetle or Sun Bear. We also took the Raptor quiz for Cliff just to see what a bird of prey daemon would be for him. He got the Vulture)
• Gray: Mustelid - badger
• Rick: Flightless bird – chicken or cassowary
• Doctor: Owl – Great Gray Owl
• Kai: Caprine – Domestic goat
• Brandon: Arachnid or Xenarthra – Tarantula or Sloth
• Popuri: Perching Bird – Parrot
• Ann: Cavitave – Toucan
• Elli: Quiz says Insect – Ant. We decided to not torture Elli with a daemon of something she hates. So we picked Domestic Dog and the quiz said German Shephard
• Mary: Xenarthra or Domestic Cat – Pichiciego (Pink Fairy Armadillo) or Russian Blue
• Karen: Wild Cat or Caprine – Lion or Domestic Goat
• Jennifer: Bats or Fox – Flying Fox or Red Fox
Rune Factory Bachelors
Arthur: Owl or Serpent – Burrowing Owl, Screech Owl, or Hognose Snake (3 people did Arthur's quiz and we got 3 different results. Which is fascinating to see how we all differently interpreted the character)
Dylas: Marsupial or Raptor – Wombat or Vulture
Leon: Waterfowl – goose (It's a beautiful day in Selphia and you are a chaotic fox-man and a horrible goose daemon)
Vishnal: (To absolutely NO Surprise) Domestic Dog – Pug or St. Bernard
Kiel: Amphibian or Xenarthra - Glass Frog or Anteater
Doug: Viverroid or Swine – Hyena or Warthog
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unknowableroom · 2 years
thanks for the tag, @kay-elle-cee! 💕
rules: 🎧🎵 when you get this, you have to put in 5 songs you actually listen to at the moment. Then tag 5-10 followers to do the same 🎵🎧
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (Glass Animals)
Oh My God (Mark Ronson feat. Lily Allen)
Los Ageless (The Wombats cover)
You're No Good (Linda Ronstadt)
Daddy Lessons (Beyonce, but especially the version feat. The Chicks)
tagging @isahorcrux, @macaroni-rascal, @cascader, @emeralddoeadeer, @alittlebitofeverything23, and @twizzleenthusiast if you want to do this! ❤️
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astramachina · 2 years
Spotify ask - 18, 25, 73 and 90
18. If You Ever Leave Me, I'm Coming With You by The Wombats
25. Lullaby Variation by Fernando Velazquez
73. INFERNO by Sub Urban and Bella Poarch
90. Almost Touch Me by Maisy Kay
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heavenlyhoundoom · 2 months
The favorite animals of the Snowball au kids.
Snowball: Tigers
Rover: Butterflies
Bisket: Crocodiles
Luna: Cats
Harvey: Kangaroos
Pixie: Budgies
Marshall: Walking leaves
Keena: Koalas
Harper: Cockatoos
Rocky: Goats
Indigo: Sea turtles
Atlas: Polar bears
Lucy: Swans
Buster: Guinea pigs
Jolene: Zebras
Milo: Sheep
Mochi: Platypuses
Taco: Wombats
Cupcake: Hamsters
Duke: Monkeys
Lincoln: Frogs
Tina: Bilbies
Jupiter: Ducks
Fluffy: Horses
Earl: Koi
Amber: Cats
Goldie: Bunnies
Paige: Emus
Cosette: Butterflies
Archie: Lions
Sophie: Flamingos
Charlie: Turtles
Liberty: Elephants
Scout: Cheetahs
Cassie: Geckos
Kai: Red pandas
Lilith: Bunnies
Corey: Mice
Elizabeth: Frogs
Trevor: Spiders
Sabrina: Leopards
Toby: Donkeys
Belle: Otters
Merlin: Gorillas
Freya: Meerkats
Barkley: Dolphins
Fifi: Giraffes
Ryder: Horses
Ivy: Kookaburras
Finn: Bees
Lola: Lemurs
Potato: Tigers
Zoe: Ladybugs
Teddy: Bears
Ella: Emus
Rose: Cheetahs
Garnet: Mice
Timmy: Elephants
Nora: Monkeys
Thunder: Owls
Sally: Crocodiles
Lemon: Iguanas
Bonnie: Fruit bats
Louie: Gazelles
Sushi: Red pandas
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ravensa · 1 year
Tag Game! :) @reitziluz tagged me in this and it took me a while to do BUT here we go
Rules: name your favorite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, color and hobby.
Movie: Krabat
Character: Currently Sanji but Anton from Professor Layton would be a strong contender for all time fave
Animal: Ravens (duh) but also Bearded Vultures
Drink: Iced Tea baby
Song: Meet me in the Woods by Lord Huron or Curveballs by the Wombats
Season: The start of Spring/Fall
Book: The Hidden University
Color: Blue!
Hobby: Drawing/Gaming
I think none of these answers have changed much since I last did one of these games lmao
And now for some tags!: @saphizzle @tomaturtles @why-its-kai @mimiandhercat @cosmetreee @carol-ars @glassesblu @sazandorable
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leanstooneside · 1 year
Seeking clarity
crystal terpsichorean
stephen kay
moe surrender
mimi cherry
joanna wombat
dr. barry rayment
rufus dora
doug turbo
juanita holt
camilla armoire
jared norman
tara bhetuyaa
lorraine katie
ali duty
fiona nikitaliverpoo
lucas promethe joanna godzilla
laura percybutch eugene monopoly
shawn flight bach
sasha wombat
queen madonna
alia eugene
jill counterpoint
jo hutch
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the59er · 2 years
20th Mar - 26th March
20th Mar 2023, Monday Listening: About a Girl, Nirvana
Happy birthday to my bionic self! This date many2 years ago I had my scoliosis corrective surgery.
21st Mar 2023, Tuesday Listening: Sleep on the Left Side, Cornershop
Dins @ regular spot and we tried the salted egg chicken and it was delishhhhhhhhhhhh
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22nd Mar 2023, Wednesday Listening: Playground Love, Air
Work-in-office-Wednesday. Wore my Noras to the office to boost my mood. Nat, YY, and I had a "last kopek" lunch at this place which name I forgot but they had exceptional service and food was good!
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And tarawih begins! Mom and I bumped into my SIL who was genuinely excited for the first day, it was so cute 😂
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23rd Mar 2023, Thursday Listening: The Future is Now, toe
Salam Ramadan! Pagi2 dah stress dengan IT. Then our big boss reminded us about our performance letter which I had completely forgotten about :S But I was sure enough that I did well because I delivered everything. Anyway, this year's Ramadan pick up line award goes to this one!
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24th Mar 2023, Friday Listening: I Think My Mind Has Made its Mind Up, The Wombats
Yesterday I had a pretty delish hot chocolate of this brand:
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& then work came out with the baju raya project again this year which is an instant 3-hour CSR hours for me, woop!
25th Mar 2023, Saturday Listening: She, Tyler the Creator
a.m. Ran errands at BV. Went to Altera again but this time to fix the kebarung I bought from Zalors.
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p.m. My siblings came over for buka puasa and as a joke, D bought this blasphemy which he ended up finishing most of it himself anyway so jokes on him 😂
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26th Mar 2023, Sunday Listening: Mexico, CAKE
Found out that someone grazed my car & Kay misunderstood me on my CSR project and sent me garbage instead. The combination of these frustration made me so angry, I cried 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Ok la not so bad eh. We're almost hitting April \o/
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Art with Kai from @gas1le AU. I thought about this au long time so I decided draw this fanart.
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mispelled · 4 years
I wanna be someone's oc can someone make me their mushroom character or something please I'm so tired of being me
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Todays Playlist
Haven't done one of these in a long time. Normally just set my playlist to run on my page but for some reason I can't it to link correctly with the new format so shall post it here... 1. The Score ft Jamie N Commons - Gallows 2. The New Shining - World On Fire 3. KALEO - Brother Run Fast 4. Tyler Posey - Past Life 5. Tracey Chapman - For My Lover 6. Laura Marling - Old Stone 7. Georgi Kay - Ipswich 8. Tom Grennan - Little Bit of Love 9. Dorothy - Raise Hell 10. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - O Children 11. The Wombats - Let's Dance to the Joy Division 12. Linkin Park - Castle of Glass 13. Florence + the Machine - Kiss With a Fist 14. Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict a Riot 15. MARINA - Purge the Poison 16. Placebo - Every You Every Me 17. The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You 18. Jet - Cold Hard Bitch 19. Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest For the Wicked 20. The Tesky Brothers - Man of the Universe
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bellassims · 2 years
Hi, what all squishmallows are in the My Sims Trophy collection
Oof wow let's see if I can remember them all haha:
Connor the Cow, Scarlet the Strawberry, Wendy the Frog, Emily the Bat, Wesley the Wombat, Stitch, Kai the Orca, Malcolm the Mushroom, Archie the Axolotl, Sunny the Bee, Miley the Llama, Babs the Bluejay, Dawn the Deer, Lianne the Lion, Stacy the Squid, Tristan the Triceratops, Riley the Dragon, James the Fox, and Luther the Shark. Oh and Violet the Octopus!
I thought I had the list somewhere, but apparently not, hope this helps!
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