#Kaho Mori
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doppelgenkan · 11 months ago
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jsy · 3 months ago
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shinkonamikan · 8 months ago
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【RIZINガール写真特集】リングをカラフルに彩る 歌とダンスパフォーマンスで魅せた - バトルライブ速報 : 日刊スポーツ
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youjide444 · 3 months ago
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hunchoco · 2 years ago
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Rinko-san wa Shite Mitai (2021)
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austerlitzborodinoleipzig · 2 months ago
Japanese Junior Nationals Results
Junior Women
Gold : Mao Shimada
Silver : Kaoruko Wada
Bronze : Ikura Kushida
Ami Nakai is in 4th (did a three turn between her to jumps in combination in the short and fell on her 3A in the free). Rena Uezono finished 5th. All of them are going to Senior Nationals along with Haruna Murakami and Mayuko Oka who finished respectively 6th and 7th. Mei Okada had a horrible SP but a clean FS which allowed her to climb ten spots to place 8th.
Yo Takagi unfortunately ended up in 14th place. Just too many mistakes in both programs.
As for the Ultra-c elements.
Reina Kawakatsu, Ami Nakai and Mayuko Oka attempted the 3A. Only Reina landed her maybe with UR, haven't seen the protocols yet.
Mao Shimada landed the 3A but fell on the 4T.
Junior Men
Gold : Rio Nakata
Silver : Sena Takahashi
Bronze : Taiga Nishino
Shun Uemura, Shuntaro Asaga, Haru Kakiuchi. Ryoto Mori and Diaya Ebihara round up the top 8. Besides Rio not a lot of successful quads.
Junior Ice Dance
Gold : Sara Kishimoto/Atsuhiko Tamura
Silver : Sumire Yoshida/Ibuki Ogahara (the kids with the One Piece FD)
Bronze : Kaho Yamashita/Yuto Nagata
Only Sae and Lucas were competing for the pairs.
What does it mean for Junior Worlds Assignments ?
Only the winner is guaranteed an assignment. For junior men and women the other two spots will be selected by taking into account Junior Nationals and Senior Nationals placement + JGPF performance.
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sakurajjam · 1 year ago
Rinn, ajuda aqui. Quero fazer uma personagem japonesa, mas queria fcs que fogem das meninas do Twice, além de nomes, pode me ajudar? Não precisa ter rios de resource não, ok?
Opa demorei, mas cheguei com sua ajuda, essa ask ficou perdida no buraco negro que é a inbox. Espero que essas opções te ajudem, coloquei um leque diverso de idades.
Aya Furukawa (1999)
Chiemi Blouson (1990)
Furukawa Kotone (1996)
Hamabe Minami (2000)
Haru (1991)
Hashimoto Ai (1996)
Hikari Mori (1991)
Hirona Yamazaki (1994)
Honda Hitomi (2001)
Kaho (1991)
Kamishiraishi Moka (2000)
Komatsu Nana (1996)
Kotone Furukawa (1996)
Mari Iriki (1990)
Minami Hamabe (2000)
Miyoshi Ayaka (1996)
Mugi Kadowaki (1992)
Nagano Mei (1999)
Sakamoto Mashiro (1999)
Sakura Miyawaki (1998)
Sei Shiraishi (1998)
Shioli Kutsuna (1992)
Shuko (1991)
Suzu Hirose (1998)
Takahashi Juri (1997)
Tsubasa Honda (1992)
Tsunematsu Yuri (1998)
Wakana Aoi (1998)
Yabuki Nako (2001)
Eu gosto muito da lista de sobrenomes que a @nikotalks já fez, também tem uma só com faceclaims japoneses, se quiser ver. Sobre os nomes, você pode ver nessas listas aqui: um, dois, três, quatro e cinco.
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dear-indies · 1 year ago
hi guys, i hope you're doing alright today! i wanted to know if you guys had any suggestions for a fc for a japanese woman in her 20s with short hair? ( the short hair part is really important ). thank you in advance!
Sonoya Mizuno (1986) Japanese / English, Argentinian [likely including French] - Devs.
Chiemi Blouson (1990) Japanese.
Mari Iriki (1990) Japanese.
Haru (1991) Japanese.
Shuko (1991) Japanese.
Kaho (1991) Japanese.
Tsubasa Honda (1992) Japanese.
Shioli Kutsuna (1992) Japanese - Sanctuary.
Hikari Mori (1991) Japanese.
Mugi Kadowaki (1992) Japanese.
Hirona Yamazaki (1994) Japanese.
Kotone Furukawa (1996) Japanese.
Miyoshi Ayaka (1996) Japanese - Alice in Borderland.
Sei Shiraishi (1998) Japanese - My Fair Prince.
Wakana Aoi (1998) Japanese.
Suzu Hirose (1998) Japanese.
Aya Furukawa (1999) Japanese - The Midnight Club.
Minami Hamabe (2000) Japanese.
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / French.
These range from above the shoulder to shaven!
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mana-piyo · 1 year ago
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いよいよ今週末は3,4年ぶりの名古屋&奈良の旅です! 配信もありますので、たくさんの方に観ていただけると嬉しいです。どうぞよろしくお願いします💖!!
10月7日(土)名古屋 Music Bar Perch
『名古屋4man Live~take heart~』 Open 18:50 / Start 19:20 前売予約¥3,500  当日¥4,000(+1ドリンク)配信¥2,800 出演:上野まな / 清野あやね / ヒサ絵 / 松岡里果
【入場について】開場15分前からスタッフの指示に従ってお並びいただいた順でのご入場となります。 ▶︎ご予約はこちら 
▶︎配信チケットはこちら 購入時にアーティスト名のご記入をお願い致します。
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会場:DMG MORI 大和郡山城ホール〈レセプションホール〉 14:20~14:50 清野あやね 15:00~15:30 松岡里果 15:40~16:10 上野まな  観覧無料・物販サイン会あり
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10月13日(金)横浜mint hall
小野亜里沙企画第18弾目☆「出逢えた奇跡にありがとう!」OPEN18:30 / START 19:00 前売 ¥3500(+D別) 当日¥3800(+D別) 配信¥2500 出演:小野亜里沙 / 清野あやね / 鈴音 / 上野まな サポート:高田慶二(Guitar)
入場順について*開場15分前にその場に��る人数分での番号シャッフル配布となります。配布時間以降にお越しの方は、来場順にて番号をお渡しさせていただきます。 ▶︎ご予約はこちら 
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上野まなPresents「The Green〜Aroma × Songs〜Vol.3」 Open 11:30 / Start 12:00 チケット前売・予約¥3,500  当日¥4,000(+1Drink)配信¥2,800 出演:marina / 林ももこ / 上野まな グリーンをテーマにした精油の香りで空間を演出🌿✨
※入場順は11:15より会場入り口前にてシャッフル整理券を配布。 ※入場及び物販整理券について、詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
▶︎ご予約はこちら  ※チケット残り少なめです!
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前田有加里大宮ソニックシティワンマン応援企画 川崎銀座街バスカーハロウィンジャック 出演:SENA / 野崎万葉 / 長澤明日香 / 伊藤さくら / 上野まな 15:40〜 / 松岡里果 / 前田有加里 ★全アーティストが仮装してライブをお届け!🎃
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「今日も誰かの誕生日♪」3マンライブ 開場12:00 / 開演12:30 出演:上野まな / 藤本あかり / 松岡里果 前売3,500円 当日4,000円(+1ドリンク500円) *配信あり(後日ご案内)
サポート:ピアノ吉野ユウヤ ▶︎ご予約はこちら 
11月19日(日) waiwaihall神保町
潮崎ひろのKeep an eye onワンマン連動企画 2nd EYE contact〜律〜  開場11:15 / 開演11:30 料金:¥3,500(ドリンク別) ※配信はございません。 出演:世莉奈 / 上野まな / ひいらぎ繭 / 潮崎ひろの ※11:05シャッフル整理券順入場。
サポート:渡辺淳(Guitar) ▶︎ご予約はこちら
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上野まな × Miiya Cafe Presents 『 もうすぐサンタがやって来る⭐︎2023 』 Open 18:30 / Start 19:00 前売り・予約3,500円 当日4,000円(+drink600円)/ 配信2,800円 出演:清野あやね / kaho* / 上野まな ◎終演後にプレゼント抽選会あり! サポート:ギター渡辺淳 ▶︎ご予約はこちら
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「アルケミストと上野まなコンサート」 Open 13:00 / Start 14:00 入場料 ¥5,000(別途ドリンク代500円) 全席自由 出演:上野まな / アルケミスト サポート:高田慶二(Guitar)
【チケット販売】7月16日10:00〜(電話予約は13:00〜)0743-54-8000 ローソンチケット https://l-tike.com/(Lコード54586) e+(イープラス)  https://eplus.jp/
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HACO-ACO christmas 開場 11:30 / 開演 12:00 前売り¥3,000 当日¥3,500(+1ドリンク¥600)/ 配信¥2,500 出演:上野まな / 九里みほ / 高木みか / しずく サポート:ギター高田慶次二 ▶︎ご予約はこちら 配信チケット↓(※アーティスト名のご記入をお願いします)
1月21日(日)中目黒 楽屋
上野まなBirthdayワンマンライブ2024 〜 Garnet 〜 OPEN 12:00 / START 13:00 前売り予約¥4,400  当日¥5,060(+ご飲食代)・学割あり(チャージ50%OFF) 出演:上野まな(vo,uke) 瀬田創太(Piano)  寺尾陽介(Bass)  太田朱美(Flute) ※全席指定席〔チケット&予約番号順の座席〕 配信¥3,300(ツイキャスプレミア) ※後日お知らせ 2部制・休憩あり 上野まなソロとCandy TreeのSpecialなダブルステージ!
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soimort48 · 2 years ago
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森香穂 1st DVD 「かほたるはじめました」
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welidot · 2 years ago
Hrithik Roshan Nagrath
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This Biography is about one of the best Actress of the world Hrithik Roshan Nagrath including her Height, weight, Age & Other Detail… Express info Real Name Hrithik Roshan Nagrath Nick Name Duggu and Greek God Profession Actor Age (as in 2023) 49 Years old Physical Stats & More Info Height in centimeters- 180 cm in meters- 1.80 m in Feet Inches- 5’ 11” Weight in Kilograms- 80 kg in Pounds- 176 lbs Body Measurements Chest: 45 Inches Waist: 28 Inches Biceps: 17.5 Inches Eye Color Hazel Green Hair Color Black Personal Life of Hrithik Roshan Date of Birth 10 January 1974 Birth Place Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Nationality Indian Hometown Mumbai, Maharashtra, India School Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai College Sydenham College, Mumbai Education Qualifications Bachelor of Commerce Debut Film Debut: Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai (2000) Family Father- Rakesh Roshan Mother- Pinky Roshan Brother- N/A Sister- Sunaina Roshan (Elder) Best Friends N/A Religion Hinduism Home Address El Palazzo, Juhu, Mumbai Hobbies Travelling, gymming & reading Like &DisLike Likes Dancing Dislikes Milk products Favourite Things Of Hrithik Roshan Favourite Food Indian, Chinese, Spanish cuisine and chocolates Favourite Actress Madhuri Dixit, Madhubala and Kajol Favourite Actor Raj Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan Favourite Film Bollywood: King Uncle Favourite Colour Black Favourite Sports Cricket and Formula 1 Favourite Destination London, Phuket and Japan Girls , Affairs and More Of Hrithik Roshan Marital Status Divorced Affairs Kareena Kapoor (Actress) Barbara Mori (Actress) Kangana Ranaut (Actress) Wife Sussanne Khan (2000–2014) Marriage Date Children Daughter- N/A Son- Hrehaan Roshan and Hridhaan Roshan Style Of  Hrithik Roshan Cars Collection Rolls Royce Ghost Series II, Mercedes S500, Jaguar XJ, Ferrari Modena, Maserati Spyder, Porsche Cayenne Turbo, Range Rover Sport Bikes Collection Earning Money of Hrithik Roshan Net Worth $45 million Salary per Film 40-50 Crores/film (INR) This Biography written by www.welidot.com Read the full article
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sakiby2 · 3 years ago
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#森香穂 #mori kaho #yoyoyo #よーよーよー
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cercasinomeworld · 5 years ago
Leukocyte e Erythrocyte - Cells at work
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Tamaki e Haruhi - Ouran Host Club
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Gin e Hotaru - Hotarubi no mori e
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Takumi e Misaki - Kaichou wa maid-sama
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Akizuki e Kaho - Blend S
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Haruki e Sakura - Let me eat your pancreas
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Tenga e Chidori - Kiznaiver
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Yuta e Honoka - Kiznaiver
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Tsukasa e Isla - Plastic Memories
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kyokosdog · 4 years ago
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Mori Kaho 森香穂, ENTAME 2020.09
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mihotose · 7 months ago
mirapa radio (supplementary lessons)
ruri doesnt need supplementary lessons but she wanted to be with megu lol
what they like about each other: konachi isnt good at interviews but kankan is able to do all the talking for her. konachi pulls kankan along with her and makes her feel like she can do it (except in interviews lol). konachi gets really red when shes embarrassed
kankan really likes megu's heart shaped sunglasses
as a megu-tou kankan wants a megu solo. maybe as a hidden track on a mirapa cd or something like that
konachi wants to live in dorms or do a training camp, either all of hasu or just mirapa
kankan: i want to have a pillow fight! konachi: i dont. kankan: why are you suddenly being an adult
they say nonsuke and nassu would probably join the pillow fight, and uichan would too if they hit her. kocchan would if everyone else is
kankan wants to do a stream that mixes virtual and real life. like they do a real life stream thats projected into the virtual space and the cast are on the screens behind the characters. a reversal of what they do in lives
before their debut kankan gave everyone a tshirt from donki as practice clothes
the other day they went to kanazawa and were split into cars by unit, and it made kankan really happy to tell the driver "follow that car in front of us"
konachi technically also had a corner seat but only bc was joining remotely lol
nonsuke's first impression of kankan: a really bright girl. when everyone else came into the room they quietly said オネガイシマス… but kankan loudly said \よろしくおねがいします!/
nobody had chosen to sit at the corner seat of the table and kankan, whod been the last to arrive, got all excited that she had gotten the corner lmao
nonsuke's first impression of konachi: a gyaru. since she had blonde hair. but once they met in person for practice she didnt have blonde hair anymore
nonsuke said that mirapa were really close from the first day
mirapa's first impression of nonsuke: a mori girl. they didnt expect her to be so responsible and didnt know shes the same age as kankan
konachi thought everyone was a calm onee-san. except for her partner. lol
from the beginning they thought nonsuke was just a really good person from the way she talked. like if someone had said she had said something bad they wouldnt believe it
they also had a fitting the first day they met and since it was their first time staff had prepared food for them and they all worried that if they ate too much theyd gain weight just before their fitting
kankan: it would be impossible to have a hinoshita kaho-chan without nirei nozomi-san
konachi: your voice is perfect for her, and the way you speak, and your personality
konachi: i think when kaho-chan becomes a second or third year she'll be just like chuke. like if you get rid of her first year traits, shes nonchan
nonsuke says ceribou has the image of sunlight glinting off water <- kaho is the sun and kozue is the rain...
kankan says ceribou is like the morning, mirapa is the afternoon, dollche is the night (same order for fortune movie, hakuchuu a la mode, tsukimakase as well)
to kaho, kozue is someone who can do anything, and that hasnt changed from their first encounter. "kozue-senpai is the best!" like she said to sayaka. but she has learned she isnt perfect, and that she has things she cant do and things she struggles with. and so because of that kaho isnt afraid of having things she struggles with either
like mirapa, ceribou has a less talkative member in interviews (uichan.) dollche is fine with talking, and kankan said she felt safe during their very first stream since dollche were in the middle
nonsuke's suki point for dear my future: kozue-senpai's singing is so beautiful
nonsuke says dear my future is like a letter to your future self
zanyou is like ceribou have swapped with dollche
last summer kankan cut her own bangs so they were uneven and uichan and konachi get mad at her for it. konachi thought nonsuke wouldnt get involved but she said "it looks like a slide. cute. looks fun."
nonsuke tries to explain that she had been pretending to be tsuzuri-senpai earlier and so she still had tsuzuri's vocabulary <- konachi says it was so uncharacteristic of nonsuke it was like a daughter going through her rebellious phase
kankan says nonsuke sometimes tsukkomis like konachi does, especially with the first years, and nonsuke said that since kankan and nassu are such Entertainers she had to be the responsible one
asu no sora no bokutachi e almost made kankan cry while recording it
nonsuke points out that the final line of that song is "asu no sora miage nagara" and the "no" is ノ as in hasuノsora
nonsuke chooses legato as her favourite. konachi says it sounds like an OP or ED
zanyou is really stylish compared to the genki kaho-chan but nonsuke was able to get the image for zanyou as she recorded it. dear my future took a long time to work out but she was able to think a lot about kaho-chan and cerise bouquet and kozue-senpai
konachi says dear my future suits both kozue and kaho well. it really feels like a ceribou song
yupyupyup has a lot of kahomegururi, and kankan calls them akarui san juushi (the three bright musketeers) like how megumi called kahotsuzururi okiraku san juushi (the three carefree musketeers)
kankan says she wants to sing yupyupyup just after its stopped raining in kanazawa
nonsuke says mirapa is in charge of yupyupyup and since kaho is grouped with them this time its like theyve become friends! konachi then says "sucks! kozue-senpai!"
konachi: i cant forgive them for making [megumi's onsen card] an SR kankan: if i dont get it ill totally regret it konachi: i won't idolise her!!!
kankan and konachi like kaho's smile and nonsuke likes sayaka's
this whole radio kankan and konachi have been bringing up how nonsuke has a good vocabulary but is really bad at onomatopoeia
kankan also says even though its a radio nonsuke moves her whole body while speaking and she likes watching her because her body language is so cute w
when they first met they thought nassu was like a yamato nadeshiko. she was quiet and didnt laugh often. but now they think shes still like that at heart but shes shown them her other side (nassu: its because i met you guys!)
nassu's first impression of kankan: "ah isnt it fine to leave all the talking to this girl..." like when they all met everyone was nervous and wasnt talking but when kankan arrived she was immediately "im kan kanna!!" and when everyone else had gone quiet theyd look at kankan like "do you have something to talk about?" since she can talk about anything even small things
nassu's first impression of konachi: konachi had blonde hair at the time and when nassu saw her she was like "ah! shes my type!" from the beginning shes thought konachi has a good sense of distance with people, she treats each person with a suitable amount of distance for that person
listening to mirapa radio has changed how nassu thinks about radio shows. like shes always listened to radio shows at night to relax before sleeping but from the beginning mirapa radio is high energy lol. they kept asking their senpai (on ann radio gold?) if they were alright with them being like that
nassu practised the dododo member introduction beforehand but she always wastes time with "ehhh..." etc
nassu says that sayaka has a gap in that shes so responsible but also a precious little sister. konachi says sayaka is more of a big sister to her. kankan says that in certain kaho and sayaka scenes you can tell kaho is a big sister and sayaka is a little sister, like you can get the idea of what theyre like at home
kankan likes sayaka's cardigan, konachi likes her hair in the september fes×live (kankan: as expected of a megu-chan production)
kankan says nassu and sayaka are similar and konachi says if they were near each other theyd get along well
nassu describes dollche as a unit that complements and chases after one other. tsuzuri-senpai struggles with waking up and feeding herself while sayaka struggles with expressing herself in front of others. when she says "chase after" she means that tsuzuri is chasing sayaka physically while sayaka is chasing tsuzuri in her heart because she wants to be more like her
nassu often talks with kocchan about changing the unit atmosphere and kankan and konachi bring up that they always work up to the last minute even in rehearsals
kankan says nassu once said that sayaka probably has similar experience with her battery running out to ruri and you can sort of tell in episode 9
nassu continues talking about sayaka and ruri both putting up walls and their senses of distance with others and how even though its been a year megumi-senpai has been able to close the distance between herself and tsuzuri-senpai and otomune-senpai
konachi says she likes that sayaka can be surprisingly harsh towards megumi and nassu also points out how sayaka started using megumi's given name from the beginning
konachi says the september fes×live is probably her favourite
they announce uichan will be the next guest and spend a minute imitating her lmao
if mirapa were to be in a manzai trio they both picked nassu to be the third member. nassu assigned herself tsukkomi but kankan said the tsukkomi would probably be kocchan or konachi (konachi: there are four of us in the trio now?)
nassu says konachi is a good tsukkomi when she has the energy and kankan says her mom says konachi is the best tsukkomi in the world (lmao?)
when they first had their cast photos taken both of nassu's twin tails were in front of her shoulders but she realised that sayaka actually has one behind so she wears it like that now as a sort of switch
during practise too nassu wears her hair in twin tails and kankan says its grown longer such that she looks more like sayaka
they couldnt believe it when they were given the materials for natsumeki pain and they found out it was written by sashihara rino
for uichan's episode they had afternoon tea in the studio. uichan brought lily muguet tea (the one kozue recommended in a with��meets) and a teapot and mirapa brought sweets
kankan's first impression of uichan: uisama has always been uisama (konachi: like she looks like how she is)
they just think she dresses beautifully every day and its like you cant let your guard down w kankan says shes like a princess, and that even though theyve been doing activities together for a while now shes only ever seen her act like an ojou-sama. ザ・お嬢様
uichan's first impression of kankan: shes always been such high tension from the beginning that she thought she might have been putting it on. kankan said at the beginning uichan complimented her a lot, saying she was really bright, or after afureco being surprised she wasnt nervous. but now uichan is more playful with her, like saying あなた!or imitating ruri's voice
konachi doesnt think her first impression of uichan has changed. she just feels like shes the perfect image of a voice actress. but isnt her voice so good you cant believe shes a seiyuu?
uichan says she'd never been praised for her voice despite wanting to be a seiyuu which surprises kankan and konachi since whenever she speaks everyone goes quiet
uichan's first impression of konachi: a gyaru. she thought she'd be bullied but she turned out to be a kind gyaru like you see in manga. their sense of distance is close and there are things shes very good at it and things she is. not
yumi-sensei (their choreography) loves konachi and kankan says konachi looks like a dog around her
uichan about kozue: she has muscles, shes the club president, she loves kaho... thats the kind of girl she is. konachi: is there anything else? uichan: shes a perfectionist. and she seems perfect but she really isnt. doesnt that feel quite human? just from her introduction she feels quite two dimensional but she actually feels real. i think thats what makes her so charming
kankan: kozue-senpai and uisama are really similar arent they? uisama: really? how? kankan+konachi: everything? kankan: you both want to be perfect, you look similar... konachi: you act similar uichan: i do think we have similar personalities... kankan: but her hobbies, her special skills, everything is similar to uisama
uichan introducing ceribou: its a classic senpai-kouhai unit, a unit with the cute kaho konachi: you keep saying you like kaho uichan: because thats how kozue would introduce them. this is the unit introduction, and theyre the unit with the cute kaho
konachi: but kozue-senpai is cute too! uichan: isnt she more cool? konachi: yes but shes cute in the way she wants to be called cute uichan: it doesnt suit her... konachi: arent you a bit like that too? you want to be cute uichan: i do... since i love idols konachi: and you like girls uichan: i do like girls... girls often tell me they like me
kankan says from ruri's perspective kozue is somebody who can do anything while from her own perspective kozue is somebody who worked hard to be the club president and is extremely mature for a high school student
uichan: you really do feel like childhood friends. in the story megumi says shes glad kozue is the club president and you just said the same thing
konachi likes when megumi is with kozue since she seems more mature and more human when they argue
kankan says she also likes the relationship between uichan and konachi and they talk about how similar they all are to their characters
when uichan got the lyrics for sugao no pixel she thought that the 背を伸ばし凛とした横顔/照れ隠しそっぽ向いた顔も lines were about kaho taking photos of kozue and that when kaho says peace! she did that without telling kozue she was going to do it and thats why kozue doesnt say it with her. she also thinks the 教科書で隠した泣き顔/窓際でまどろむ寝顔も line in the next verse is the opposite, its kozue looking at kaho, so she sang the song thinking of those images
she also says the voice lines for the sugao no pixel card are really good so please listen to them lol [gee i wonder why she likes the card where kozue invited kaho on a tearoom date]
during the medley in the september fes×live ceribou and dollche were on one side and mirapa were on the other and kankan and konachi could see nassu dancing to it
the part uichan wants to call attention to in the fes×live is the dialogue during fortune movie (obviously) "it was magical"
"you also did the 'i love you!' version in a with×meets didnt you" "well... thanks to megumi" "yep shes a genius" "you... immediately related it to megumi"
kankan: hasnt she been gradually getting more cocky with kozue-senpai in with×meets
the choreography in dream believers where they move their neck always makes kankan laugh. since ruri is so short and kankan is so tall they always have to look down at her while she has to look up, and when uichan looks away from her face for that move it makes her laugh
uichan says kankan and konachi are the troublemakers while nonsuke and nassu are kind girls. konachi says that she doesnt get scolded shes just clingy!! but when she asks uichan if she can sit on her lap she tells her "you're twenty now aren't you?" [uichan did say shes graduated from being allowed in her birthday tweet to konachi lol]
kankan then complains that she isnt even a troublemaker but the others say she gets scolded when she cuts her own bangs
the other day the three of them were together talking about their personal colours. uichan is cool summer/warm spring. she says that since konachi changes her hair a lot her "first" probably changes a lot but for kankan she thinks she Has a cool skintone but not a "cool" personality lmao. like when she thinks of cool tones she thinks of onee-san types like kocchan (cool winter) so she thinks maybe kankan doesnt have a personal colour ? she'd suit bright colours like ruri pink but her favourite colour is blue and she wears a lot of yellow too, and recently more pink
kankan and konachi say identity is a traditional song but doesnt it fit them perfectly? kankan says as ruri's number one fan she loves it and konachi says that mirapa must have comprised of girls just like them for generations
they celebrate uichan's birthday by complimenting her. she has such huge love for the cast and their characters (especially nonsuke) uichan: i love you two too?, she reads so deeply into lyrics, she makes nice tea, she has a nice voice, she talks with a good sense of distance, she has a nice face, she lets konachi sit on her lap (even though shes twenty now), she gives them sweets, she takes care of them, she talks to them about makeup, shes like their big sister!!! (definitely not trying to make up messing up the game earlier to reach their aim of "bonding with uichan") (they failed)
kocchan's first impression of konachi: cute
kocchan's first impression of kankan: noisy. even her movements are noisy. but somehow she makes the atmosphere more comfortable. like shes the upper limit, so as long as theyre less than her they wont be scolded
they say kocchan's house is really stylish and minimalist and her sofa is so comfy kankan slept on it once. the colour scheme is basically just grey and white
konachi says kocchan feels like a big sister type but somehow still feels like nassu is looking after her. theyre just like tsuzuri and sayaka in that way
kocchan introducing tsuzuri: shes the best school idol! ("eh?") well we should summarise it here and expand on it later right
kocchan says tsuzuri is admired and respected in a different way to kozue and shes glad she was able to meet sayaka and become a school idol. last year it seemed she wasnt very good with her words and had stiff expressions but after meeting sayaka and after megu came back her expressions have become softer. like when they were all singing dream believers in the last fes×live she had a big smile and kocchan felt really happy for her
konachi says tsuzuri has always felt a little lonely because of her genius, but lately it seems shes finally understood what shes been looking for, like having fun with everyone
konachi asks what kocchan's favourite thing about tsuzuri is and she immediately answers her face
since tsuzuri has a unique way of speaking she says she uses performances as a communication tool, and she thinks her unique personality is the best
kocchan introducing dollche: a unit with a charming gap between their school and their performance sides. konachi says thats similar to what nassu said
konachi's favourite dollche songs: take it over, seishun no rinkaku, sparkly spot, parallel dancer
kocchan says they wanted to be cute for parallel dancer's choreo so they went "meccha burikko". kankan and konachi love take it over's choreo
kankan says she loves how everyone dances differently depending on their personality. megu is cute while ruri is fun. when they say peace! in sugao no pixel kozue is a little embarrassed but kaho is doing it at full energy. since dollche's outfits are asymmetrical it looks really good when watching them dance in sync
kocchan likes all of mirapa's songs but recently her favourite has been identity and for ceribou its genyou yakou
kankan is a ruby oshi!!
they say that nonfiction hero show and knot each incorporated elements of choreography from dododo and awoke (presumably the same for senpen banka and suisai sekai as well)
kankan asks kocchan in what ways shes similar to tsuzuri (konachi jumps in to say they both have nice faces) and she says nassu takes care of her. like the other day she was lazing around and said out loud she wanted some gummies and suddenly gummies were handed to her
kocchan says over time she gradually got used to how tsuzuri speaks and thinks and she thinks probably anybody can do it if they try hard enough. she speaks slowly and uses lots of onomatopoeia, and when she uses difficult words it seems she learned them from kozue and megumi
when kocchan was very young, around kindergarten age, she was a bokukko, but her grandmother told her to stop, so she used "koto-chan" to refer to herself instead
kankan's been getting more conscious of her "unun!"s as ruri lately, and she says that nonsuke said that after afureco or after with×meets people often tell her shes become kaho, like she hasnt returned to herself. its like that
konachi says ruri doesnt look like kankan, but there are times when she talks to kankan where she looks like ruri
kankan really likes ruri's relationship with tsuzuri. like, in the trick&cute voice line ruri says it takes a lot of courage to join something that began without you, but from the beginning tsuzuri-senpai called her "ruri" and joined in when she says "yoroyoro"
kocchan then says tsuzuri says things that people stop saying as they grow up, as they start saying things they dont necessarily mean. so she likes that tsuzuri says such honest things that gets everyone moving in a better direction
when she sings as tsuzuri kocchan is told not to do it too cutely but trick&cute is fun because its free and she can be a cat. she also likes meguneko!! [her name is megunyan -_-]
kocchan: youre so cute megu-chan! konachi: youre cute too tsuzuri! kankan: eh? tsuzumegu? konachi: sorry kankan: eh... ruritsuzu? no ruritsuzu? no rurimegu?
for the kokon touzai game both kankan and kocchan chose "two" for "three letter english numbers" so kankan asked why she chose it and she said because she likes the difference in pronunciation between ツー and トゥー. kankan is a ツー enjoyer while kocchan is a トゥー enjoyer (so really theyre different numbers!) (nope)
kankan says something about ruri learning english while eating the manekko doubutsu (from sachi) ?
kocchan likes how the first years look like high schoolers having fun in ruri's unidolised
kocchan loves identity's cover art kankan: doesnt ruri-chan look a little like an ikemen kocchan: she does! konachi: she looks like shes in a shounen manga kankan: megu-chan's cute too kankan: they look like a couple with their arms linked like that
kankan also said she loves how dollche are holding hands back to back and they talk about how kaho looks mature and it looks like ceribou are at sunset
kankan shyly calls furi "furihata-san" and furi's like "i feel like there's a big distance between us" so kankan tries again with "furirin...-san"
a letter tells furi that kankan's a ruby oshi so she asks if its true and kankan goes "yes im a ruby-san oshi..." and furi says "you call her ruby-san?"
turns out hasu went to see aqours in tokyo dome (so aqours 6th windy stage) and kankan fell in love with ruby there. when she watched the anime she found her voice really cute and she loves her twin tails (furi: this is a great programme)
furi then says in her ruby voice "kankan-chu(?) thank you so much for everything!" and kankan asks konachi if shes jealous
konachi's aqours oshi is also ruby but she also really likes saint snow and the little sister group of leah and ruby
a letter brings up the YYY pizza party rumours so furi explains that YYY order pizza for anniversaries and then they decide to order pizza lmao [bad senpai influence!!!]
furi says the appeal of love live school idols are youth, radiance, and getting to watch over girls with bright smiles 👍
the pizza arrives so they start eating it at the beginning of the next episode
furirin is asked about her memories of aqours 1st live and she tells them about how the view from aojan is burned into her memory and how everyone changed their penlights during the cyaron segment depending on who was closest and the week after she had to miss the nama bc she got the flu. lol
she says she was as nervous as konachi is now, so kankan says she'll do her best to support her and furi tells them standing on stage isnt something they get to do often so they should have fun with it
they read letters about megu doing the cotton candy eieioh dance and konachi says its really difficult to keep a straight face. furi says that arisha is really good at doing it with a serious face and that the first time she performed it was arisha it was really funny seeing such a bijin dancing like that. she says that since its a festival like song its right to do the dance in a relaxed way 👍
kankan asks about aqours' dances because she really likes them and she says theyve had to work hard to match the anime but theyre used to it now!
kankan says she isnt good at dancing but furi says she wasnt either, it was her first time! the members who were good at dancing, like shuka, had to teach her. she asks who the good dancers are in hasu and kankan says nonsuke, nassu, konachi, uisama, and kocchan. so everyone except her (rip) konachi says she wants kocchan to do the cotton candy eieioh dance!! kankan says she wants uisama to do it too
they celebrate kankan's birthday and she says shes so happy to be celebrating with her hasu oshi and her aqours oshi
furirin decides that theyve deepened their bond with her so they are given their final point needed to be given a new mirapa song
finally furi says the radio really brings out the best of them and theyre a good team that complement each other
im like totally done for. started listening to mirapa radio. (havent listened to a love live radio since uraraji in 2017!!!)
*the title of episode 1 was "we've been waiting for 1.5 years!" which is true. they were cast in early 2022 and were training for a year before debut
the first time kankan and konachi met in person they had a dance lesson and konachi was just So ☆ Tired she Had to have a nap on kankan's lap ♡
however the actual first time hasu all met konachi did it remotely and she remembers kankan as a strange person with a loud voice and big body language w ("eh shes my partner...?")
if they mess up dododo in practice they have to do it again ten times on the spot, and since kanchan says shes a bad dancer shes had to do the intro choreo a lot
they listened to ep 1 of the radio while getting their makeup done for the bloom the dream live
kankan then came to record ep 2 of the radio wearing the bloom the dream live tshirt (meant as a surprise for konachi)
the beginning of bloom the dream where they entered the stage matching the video of their member was hard for kankan as well w since she has to match ruri's doyagao (ten rep system applied here too)
since the dododo outfits are sleeveless and kankan doesnt wear sleeveless clothes she was worried about her upper arms and was asking their dance teacher how she could lose weight there who was like eh... idk...
konachi likes how even though dollche's AWOKE outfits are black they glitter when the light shines on them
konachi thinks nonsuke is so cute and keeps trying to make her do cute things lol (kankan: uichan will get mad!)
kankan: its like i dont want bad things to happen to her... like if an evil organisation comes ill get rid of them for her
when they first performed hakuchuu a la mode everyone cheered so loud they were worried they would drown out the "1,2,3!" at the beginning but then everyone quietened down really quickly
kankan: megu-chan's voice is like gentle and sweet while ruri-chan is like spice
about ameagari street kozue: kankan "what are you thinking about when you look at tsuzuri-senpai, kozue-senpai?"
they gushed about kozue with her hair down in episode 8 and kankan said she wants to see kozue with megu's twin tails. they are looking forward to seeing kozue with her hair down in the future please!!!
favourite dollche song: konachi - tragic drops; kankan - sparkly spot
favourite ceribou song: konachi - mix shake (she likes the towel waving and the choreo)
they love how kozue and kaho's voices blend together and the suisai sekai outfit obi and pompom rings and hair accessories
konachi said she doesnt really like formal language so asks everyone to write casually in the letters from now on ☆
kankan was about to eat her favourite dashimaki tamago from her bentou when konachi came up to her and said あ~ん so kankan was like i have to give this to her now!
and then again, kankan was drinking ramune and konachi did the same thing, so kankan brought it to her mouth and konachi bit her finger
"she was out of control earlier but it seems shes calmed down now for the broadcast"
they make that "sorry... i love you" / "every day is a holiday 😊🎵" joke
hasu is mostly neko-ha but kanchan is inu-ha. she likes chow chows like ruri
they read an example letter for a future corner about someone who can have conversations with cats on the street. cats dont like kankan but they say kocchan is the type of person like in the letter. she has been getting closer to kocchan's cat recently though!
konachi likes tsuzuri and kozue in ameagari street tsuzuri ♡ and how in ameagari street sayaka sayaka is smiling but kaho has a doyagao
kankan thinks deepness kozue takes place in the first half of the story, and they think its amazing how the number of kozue+tsuzuri cards are increasing
kankan also likes how kaho has her face in her hands in deepness sayaka lol
kankan wants a second years song while konachi wants a first years song. they think eien no euphoria suits the second years but not the first years
kankan nonsuke uichan and nassu went out the other day and kankan sang dododo with uichan and nassu. afterwards uichan said only mirapa can sing that song since its so different to what ceribou has lol
they say kocchan actually suits mirapa songs and want her to sing dododo or hakuchuu a la mode
(they also want shuffle units!!)
they found it funny that kozue called kaho and sayaka かすがい and the thumbnail that was used for ep 8 on the twitter lol
kankan falls asleep to videos of people having barbecues. konachi falls asleep to asmr videos of turtles eating watermelons
konachi doesnt think hasu could go camping together; it doesnt suit the second years. uichan can cook but shes very particular about her spices and such. but the first years could camp together
in ep 7, the one released just after ruri's first appearance in the main story, konachi starts it by herself by reading a letter from kankan which transitions into kankan reading it herself. konachi finishes it and says "alright! ill do my best on my own this time!" before kankan cuts in like "im actually here!!!!" and the radio background image changes to the usual mirapa one
the sehasu cooking episode surprised kankan because shes always heard konachi burns things shes frying and konachi said she got scolded for burning fried rice one time and has never tried it since but as they made a dessert it turned out fine ☆
kankan said everyone was laughing at how she peeled the dragon fruit but she doesnt understand because she doesnt know how youre meant to do it!!!
[probably being told by a producer] kankan: eh it seems youre meant to cut it with a knife konachi: ehh.. oh well!
even though dollche's cooking was such a mess they said it actually tasted good. konachi has been looking for the sweet potato butter they used
kankan's mom tried to make ceribou's dish but it was bad .
they received a letter in kansai-ben and talked about how you wouldnt expect uichan's from kansai. she seems to try her best not to let her kansai-ben slip out. nassu is from kyuushuu but doesnt seem to speak hakata-ben. konachi said she got interested in dialects once and tried to learn how to speak in some
they think the girls look good in light blue like the penguin ice outfits and their summer uniforms
"the number of tsuzukozu illustrations has increased"
konachi: there isnt a moment where fujishima megumi is not cute
"itd be nice if we streamed games someday"
ceribou = run, dollche = can, mirapa = fun
kankan would get ruri a pink bat from the batting centre
"what would you get megu-chan?" "permission to leave the [waiting] room"
kankan wants to join a circle for the grand prix but since her username is kankan its obvious its her lol
konachi realised on your mark (6 members) doesnt have any english but deepness (4 members) has a lot so maybe mirapa is holding them back...?
on haunted houses: kankan and konachi - dont like them; nonsuke - afraid of the dark; uichan - trustworthy!!; nassu - the type to not freak out; kocchan - probably not a big reaction even if she was scared
kankan made fun of nassu during the nama but she also hasnt gotten a LOVELIVE... shes also bad at turning off auto
the day before the exercise measurement sehasu kocchan practised all the tests
the genyou yakou/mirage voyage cards - sayaka's is the best of course. kankan also likes how kozue is looking at the sales even though shes an ojou-sama lol "its her commoner side"
besides staying together when they went to kanazawa hasu have never had a sleepover so they want to have a training camp! (kankan: beach; konachi: mountains)
"i want us to have a barbecue!" "we already had one?" "oh yeah"
they filmed all three sehasu vlogs on the same day! mirapa in the morning dollche in the afternoon ceribou on the evening. after they finished filming mirapa had mcdonalds
they made fun of nassu putting the camera on the floor during dollche's though since it made it look less like a vlog lol
"if tsuzuri played basketball everyone would fall in love with her" (about tsuzuri playing basketball in the sports festival)
cast at sports festival: nassu - team leader; nonsuke - cheerleader (like kaho) doing a soranbushi. they dont see the second years doing it -> afternoon tea festival (kozue would win)
the hasu audition was on the same day as konachi's third year either cultural festival or sports festival and so she skipped it to go to the audition
they like dollche's songs but theyre so hard they cant sing them at karaoke
"was there anything a cast member said to you that made you happy?" "when you said its easier to sing when im with you"
kankan likes when kocchan praises her during afureco or when uichan says her singing is stable. konachi just saying good morning to her makes her happy. she had a deep conversation with nonsuke on the train the other day and that made her happy
"we actually dont watch the story we watch it the same time as everyone else. so when its released we all watch it at once and get excited on LINE"
megu as an appliance would be a mic/camera -> laptop
splash!!!! kozue looks like a mom lol
nassu and sayaka both suit ponytails
"i want to dedicate my year as a twenty year old to megu-chan"
seishun no rinkaku is konachi's new favourite dollche song
kankan: since we became five or six we usually dont have a tsukkomi in the cast konachi: everyone's a boke right kankan: wait it was probably the same when there were four members
when it was four members sometimes kocchan would tsukkomi but now konachi (megu) has joined properly kankan was really happy since she loves konachi's tsukkomi
they didnt know that the qr code at the end of ep 10 was there until they saw people talking about it and hadnt actually scanned it for themselves. kankan didnt know how to read it so konachi told her how to do it and when she figured it out she Gasped
theyve both watched ep 10 multiple times and konachi cried
that day they ate sweets and konachi gave her the wrappers and when kankan took them to throw away everyone around them was like "kan-chan what are you doing?" and when kankan is in a room konachi will wait outside the door <- konachi's strange behaviour
dododo was recorded before the story so kankan didnt think it would be an emotional song but as the story came out and it made nonsuke cry she realises it is after all
when recording it they were told to sing it in a bright and a bit silly way instead of putting emotions into it (like ceribou) but konachi likes it like that. megu-chan would rather sing it in a cheerful way
the first time she recorded it kankan used up so much energy she had to lie down on the sofa lol
they loved tsuzuri's training camp radio. since there was no video you have to imagine whats happening
konachi sent kankan a sound file on LINE and kankan thought konachi had written a song since mirapa radio was ending (since kankan likes writing songs) but it was just a cut of kankan speaking in dialects from past radio episodes Lmao
after megumi sings 後押ししてくる in natsumeki pain sayaka gives ruri a little push towards megu, and after that when ruri sings 砂浜に書いた メッセージ 届け she writes LOVE
kankan didnt realise until konachi told her just now that during the line 早く気付いて #Love you! each of the girls (sayaka->kaho->ruri->megu->kozue->tsuzuri) writes one of the characters in "#Love♡"
since ruri was given the o kankan just thought she was drawing a circle lol
they received a letter about tongue twisters and kankan struggled in rehearsals with kokon touzai
natsumeki pain ruri has a chow chow strap on her waistband so kankan says she wants it to be released as goods
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kdramalands · 5 years ago
year-end drama recommendation
This year-end project is going to be super short. I realised that it was a pretty dry year for me when it comes to jdramas. It’s not that I didn’t watch a lot of them, it just became apparent for me during my discerning of the material that from the dramas I’ve watched this year not many made an impact on me. I guess I should dive in the world of recommendations myself in 2020 to fish something worthwhile to watch. OK, less talking, more writing. 3 recommendations, starting from today. The second recommendation will be posted tomorrow, and the last one on New Year’s Eve. I love you all, let’s go.
1. Mr. Hiiragi’s Homeroom (2019)
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10 episodes, 54 min.
I totally adore the fact that Japan carries on their legacy of Kinpachi-sensei-like dramas. Once in a while, a new school-themed drama emerges, where the teacher is always the wisest one, always says the right things and is right, even if, at first glance, it doesn’t seem that way. 
Mr. Hiiragi’s Homeroom is very intriguing, and you can clearly see that they are milking the mystery till the last drop. Moreover, this drama surprised me a little bit... you see, at some point in the plot, a small Battle Royale vibe is mixed in, and I was very interested in how will they play that out. I must admit, they dug a one tricky hole under their feet, but, in my opinion, at the end it all went well. The producers embraced the dark concept (which they introduced practically within the first minutes of the first episode, the audacity) like pros and turned it around to stab us with them feels.
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Part 2  ||  Part 3
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