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goldenchocobo · 18 days ago
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This time last year, I redrew Roxas' outfit. This year, I thought it should be Xion's turn.
AND I gave her a new Keyblade too! I accidentally deleted my non-perspective sketch, but it's a combination of the sabres she wields during her final form, and the Kingdom Key.
I thought she'd share a little bit of the chequered theme with Roxas since they're so close, but not make it as obvious and stand-out-ish as Roxas's.
I've usually associated blue with Roxas, but I've always done so with Xion too; more of this blue- maybe a bit more of a deeper shade and slightly more purple; but on the blue spectrum at least, despite her forms being pink and orange.
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01rand · 2 years ago
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icecream trio and soriku charm!!!
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dayringblossom · 2 years ago
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Wish I could prove I love you... ...I don't think life is quite that simple.
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authorchan13yeager · 1 year ago
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The fact that's Project Destati who posted this-
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lealikesfire · 8 months ago
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[imo they're overpriced... id say don't buy them, either 🏴‍☠️ or get physical copies for console for like 20 bucks at ur local game store]
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24draws · 2 years ago
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happy anniversary 358/2 days
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the-blue-wraith · 2 years ago
Happy 14th Anniversary to 358/2 days! One of my fave memories from this game was when my late grandpa gave me a Nintendo DS as a gift because he knew how much I wanted to play this game 🤧 That old dusty DS still works ❤️
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catboygirljoker · 17 days ago
my opinion on video games cant be trusted because today when i was fighting a boss in KHDays and getting frustrated with how difficult and unfair it felt, i had, for the first time in my life, the thought "maybe they made it this way on purpose to create a sense of tension and danger during this action gameplay sequence and to give the player a sense of satisfaction for bringing down a dangerous monster"
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plushievash · 9 months ago
Reverse unpopular opinion on Kingdom Hearts?
khdays is the best game out of all of them n i dont think itll ever be beaten bc its a perfect tragedy doomed from the start !! you KNOW it cant end well, youve seen roxas and axels ends in kh2 !! AND YET !! AAAAAAAAAA. and. dont even get me started on xion.... UHG i love her so much. best chara in the entire series shes the girl ever <3
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i-write-fanfic-sometimes · 1 year ago
♡⇐✨ Welcome to** 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟**✨⇒♡
Like Kingdom Hearts? Well here in Twilight Town we're all about that. Whether your fairly new and want to meet others to assist or talk about the current game your playing, or a veteran who wants to see what other people of the community are up to, all is welcome!
We pride ourselves in having a calm and positive community no discrimination is allowed here again all is welcome no matter their gender, sexuality or race.
If there's a topic you wish not to see then there are options to turn them off like Shipping as we understand its not everyone's thing. With there server being open to all it has many member of many different age ranges so we ask to keep things PG and respect peoples boundaries.
We hold contests and community events like
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People sometimes live stream their game play in voice channels so if you wanna interact with everyone and watch game play of many kinds then you are free to join. Also basic VCs are very much open to join to interact with out community and have fun. And if you ever are looking for people to play VRchat with then there's a ping for that too!
So if you're looking for a community to meet new people and enjoy a more chill side of the kingdom hearts community then we're happy to have you. ღ
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sirquestingbeast · 1 year ago
Hello all of 2 people paying attention to this. I've accidentally drank coffee on an empty stomach so best believe I'll probably be cranking out a part 3 of Classpecting Kingdom Hearts in your near future. For some reason, when I do that I suddenly start remembering things and actually can scrape together enough energy to manifest my thoughts in reality. Here is one that has been kicking around for a while that I will pass to you.
Demyx is very animated for a nobody and matter-of-factly states that nobodies do have hearts. And yes, we later on find out that they can grow new hearts and he knows more than he should know, yes, but we never really find out how the process of growing a new heart works; is it over time and separate from environmental stimuli or can it be influenced by what the nobodies are experiencing? If it is the later, than the events of Kingdom Heart would probably supercharge the process for Org13? If so, let's go back to Demyx for a second; he can confidently say that nobodies have a heart because maybe he already went through the process of growing one and becoming aware that he did so before the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 and maybe even KHDays. How long did that process take? What are the events that lead to it? There are other characters whose nobody status is still shrouded in mystery like Marluxia, Luxord, and Larxene; Marluxia has amnesia so that explains them, but what about the other two? Why is he the only one so open and normal about it?
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goldenchocobo · 1 year ago
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Last time I was in town, I saw someone wearing an outfit similar to this and immediately thought of Roxas. I don't remember much; just that their pants were chequered and their boots were similar and they had a black denim jacket. When looking for references, I saw this jacket- with the belt and zippers and knew it was the one I needed to draw.
Thank you, Random Stranger who passed me in the Market, for inspiring me to draw a Roxas outfit redraw
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jorisjurgen · 10 months ago
thinking about khdays is the myselfkiller. i will not think about khdays lest i want to fucking die.
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thehandwixard · 10 months ago
in khdays xigbar has a form for his arrowgun with the exact same name (crime and punishment/crime and penalty) as an ability unique to sora's final form in kh2. which could mean nothing
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royalxiii · 2 years ago
Kingdom Hearts Predictions/Hopes for TGS & D23 (2023):
Missing Link trailer w/release window (most likely - but will probably get delayed)
Missing Link trailer w/exact date (less likely - or it gets delayed from that date)
KH Collection on Steam (honestly not sure how likely this is, but it feels like it’s been long overdue)
KH Collection for Switch - Physical (very unlikely - but I’ll always be hopeful for it!)
KH Collection for PS5 (I feel like that would be easy for them to do, but I don’t think it’ll happen atm. Maybe close to KH4’s release)
Sora Amiibo Reveal (kinda likely - it’s the last Amiibo for the Smash series. I can see the reveal at TGS at the very least)
KH4 Trailer - no release date or window (unlikely - but I hope I’m wrong)
KH4 Trailer w/release window (very unlikely, or the very least, they’ll have a release year window)
KHDays Remake (unfortunately not likely - I feel like they’re done with the Nort Saga outside of porting the collection. But god do I want it)
This is assuming anything gets announced at all. But hopefully we’ll get something!
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kellynicole515 · 2 years ago
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