#KDJ is so relatable I hate it
briebysabs · 3 months
No one spoil me for future chapters The reveal of Secretive Plotter….holy shit. I did not see this coming, when Joonghyuk said it was KDJ from the future I was convinced. Meanwhile bro was actually so off oh my god. And when Secretive Plotter said:
“From birth, Kim Dokja has been a Constellation. He’s a Constellation who consumed another being’s life to extend his own.” Holy shit. When you put it like that…..because yeah, KDJ couldn’t bear the weight of the world and took on this story to prolong his life. Bc he knew without Ways of Survival he couldn’t take this world anymore.
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harpieisthecarpie · 4 months
the weird thing about orv is i was voluntarily reading the headspace of a guy you couldn't pay me to spend 5 minutes talking to. sorry dokja i know you're traumatized but i think i'd deck you
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auuwmk · 7 months
"Kdj is so cool and awesome and smart!!!!" HAH! That's what he wants you to think. This was probably the intended effect he was going for as someone who is SO obsessed with the way he's perceived.
He wants to be perceived as someone who's tough and shouldn't be messed with. He definitely doesn't want people to know about his ugly flaws.
Surprise, surprise! The guy with the emotional intelligence of a cookie hates emotional vulnerability cuz that will reveal his more 'less likeable' and his embarrassing and childish side!
I bet 2 cents that if you ask him anything related to his personal goals or feelings, he will either give a really vague and selective answer or just outright dismiss it
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lialox · 1 day
Your thoughts on Joonghwa ? (Og TWSA Specifically)
Omg is this because I said I was on the het side of the fandom in a tag earlier today? 😭 I feel like I cursed myself
OG TWSA specifically hmm…
I hate to break it to you anon but, in a series of mindbending meta foolery, Joongwha did not truly exist in TWSA. 
Hear me out!!
TWSA starts on YJH’s third turn. 
It was in the 0-2nd turn where they had an ‘official’ relationship, getting married, having a kid, etc. 
But you see, none of those turns were ever written. Meaning, it only existed in KDJ’s imagination, and was messed with a lot by him in canon. There’s a quote that’s something along the lines of “since it wasn’t written, I can interfere as much as I want”. I do believe KDJ still pushed YJH in the right direction up until the 2nd regression based on his line of thinking there.
So I can’t actually comment on Joongwha specifically OG TWSA
In the actual TWSA, his relationship with Lee Seolwha was only mentioned. (Unless I’m remembering this wrong) There was never an established couple dynamic that was described. They were never depicted as lovers, but rather as a “it’s okay to be single because Yoo Joonghyuk is single too and he struggles in his love life just like you even tho he’s hot as fuck” for the number 1 yjh kinnie of all time to be able to relate to.
As far as I know, there isn’t a single chapter in TWSA where they’re actively in a relationship.
Joongwha in the OG TWSA to me, is a plot device.
There was never any substantial romance between them since that was not TWSA’s sole reader’s genre. So, they never really bonded in the way lovers do, but were more like very close companions that found it convenient to be with each other. 
Did they love each other? Absolutely.
In the way yoohankim or Joongdok does? Not even close. 
Yoo Joonghyuk loved her enough to let her go in his subsequent turns, but knowing how he’s like with other people…
YJH kept crawling back to HSY to hand her his life, over and over again, in every life.
YJH choosing a literal hell of eternity for KDJ. Plus a million other jd things you already know about.
It just really speaks to me about what love, trust, and devotion really means to him as a person.
Not to mention YJH was happy for her when she got into a different relationship and had a child with another man in one of his later regressions in TWSA. But really? YJH, the PETTIEST person in kimco, happy for someone he truly loves? Content to love someone from a distance?
NO!!! (That’s HSY’s thing)
YJH gets bitter and pouty when Doksoo yap all by themselves (their convo is heavily filtered half the time). He’s clingy. He’s 33% yearning. He is the kind of guy who—when he really truly loves, will do so by your side at all costs!!!
Side note — When I heard that YJH had a child in the 2nd turn my first thought was 🤨 damn he’s supposed to be good at all games so how is his pull out game this WEAK?? Because in NO conceivable way would anyone think it’s a good idea to intentionally get pregnant during the literal apocalypse. YJH really had to do some Star Stream gymnastics to even get the privacy to bang (unless they were into ‘that’) but they couldn’t figure out birth control??
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estrella-zoe39 · 9 months
having orv thoughts. specifically the kim namwoon and kim dokja parallel thoughts. so im deciding to put this anaylsis of them i made a while ago here on tumblr dot com because,,,, god they kill me. this very obviously contains spoilers for like, a good latter chunk of the novel so i would only read this if you have like read the whole book or atleast uptil chapter 480 because upon reading that ONE line, i broke and made this.
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Analysis: The reason KDJ hates KNW so much is because he sees parts of himself in KNW that he hates. The part in which they both believe themselves to be "evil". The part in which they both delude themselves. And he hates KNW even more because in TWoS, KNW realises this and works on it.
Often in media, most people tend to hate characters that in essence, are most like them. The reason half the playerbase hates Mishima in P5 is because they see themselves in him. The weak, cowardly, attention seeking, and annoying part of themselves relates to Mishima. They don't like that about themselves because those aren't traits to be proud of. And oftentimes, people escape to medias like books and games to escape reality, not to be confronted by it.
KDJ once saw a part of KNW that admitted that he was a person deluded by a false sense of justice to escape the real world. A boy who had to grow faster than everyone else. A boy living in delusions to escape the real world. It hit KDJ, hard. He saw himself. He saw the ugliest traits of himself laid bare on the table. He hated it. So, he hated KNW too. He called KNW an unforgivable "character" because he knew deep down, it was what he hated most about himself.
Progressing through these scenarios though, KDJ realized. He realized his own delusions, his own pain. He realized he too grew a bit faster than the world around him. And confronting KNW was the last nail in the coffin. To admit that he is like KNW. To admit he went through that pain like KNW did. To admit KNW went through the same pain he did. And that's why he hated him, because while escaping reality, he saw a boy just like him in reality, and hated him because he IS that reality KDJ so desperately needed to escape from. KDJ growing and admitting they're the most alike is BEAUTIFUL and a scene I've wanted to see for so long.
Edit: I failed to mention this, yet, KDJ was and still is also so terribly jealous of KNW. KNW, had everything KDJ wanted at the time, which is YJH. To be in a world in which KDJ can have someone to rely on. KNW had that, with YJH, LJH, and Uriel. Yet, KDJ didn't. KDJ had to be in this ugly, disgusting world that he hated because no one around him cared for him. The only thing that could possibly care for KDJ was YJH, and when he saw KNW be greeted with open arms. He was jealous. He was jealous someone so much like him could get love from who KDJ needed it the most from.
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orviposition · 1 year
one of the many things i hate orv for is making me be so dependant on yoo joonghyuk getting a happy ending— it's all kim dokja's fault i swear i wish for it so bad. the thought of this man not being able to be at peace and happy in a world where his friends and family are there without the scenarios, makes me mad with a grief i didnt know i was capable of feeling for a 'character' 🥲
(what's also funny is that yoo joonghyuk's happy ending, where his friends and family are happy and well, kim dokja is also there standing besides them. But kim dokja cannot even imagine a world where he can be together with them without 'failing' and atoning. 💀✌️) a happy ending for yoo joonghyuk would be one with you as well kim dokja you fool
aughh anon the entire content of this ask has been on my mind for months. do we have some sort of a mind link be honest. also this will have spoilers for epilogue and side story below
aghh kdj wishing for and working so hard for yjh's happiness truthfully translated into us wishing for the happiness of that sunfish too I'd say. 1863 abandoned lives and worlds existing solely to meet his sponsor and find the reason he exists, which is also linked to said sponsor, made him feel liberated and at peace. a feeling which only kdj, said sponsor, took issue with. his guilt is so huge, so strong, he cannot fathom that yjh will not resent him after having his tragedy be used as someone's sustenance.
after kdj split himself into 51 and 49 in order to atone and sustain the world in which yjh and the rest of kimcom will continue to live, he'd already started imagining how their lives would be. 49 and yjh would search for tls123, 49 would read hsy's novel, 49 would attend ljh's graduation etc. what he didnt count for was kimcom regressing to get him back.
after the group regression, yjh says that his story has already ended now that his reader is no longer there. some time later, astronaut yjh sets on a space journey to spread orv and piece kdj together except that he fully expected to die and the mission to fail because just like kdj had learned to live from him, yjh no longer knows how to live without kdj anymore. in fact before sp and 999 gang save him and biyoo appears yjh fully expects that his -- will be 'death' (as if kdj would allow that smh).
after nearly a hundred years he descends into lhh's worldline. i think most of us know that lhh is 49 kdj's reincarnation by now, what i didnt catch the first time around however was that yjh and lhh met right after lhh considered committing suicide (lee "i have no trauma" hakhyun is a fucking liar) but chickened out in the end
a few thousands more years pass and yjh returns to the 1864th worldline. he talks more, he smiles easier, he no longer cares what his -- will be. and hes let kdj choose for himself whether or not he wants to return. he has been kdj's reader for thousands of years, he Understands what it means to get the will to survive by reading someone's story.
and in the side story he wants to take that choice back. he'll bring kdj back himself. cuz hes obsessed. hsy failed so now is his turn. except that his turn hasnt started yet. so who knows.
anw tldr yeah you cannot divorce kdj from yjh's (happy) ending. if any number yjh hears abt kdj in whatever way shape or form he'll get curious abt him. 41, for example. even after excluding lhh, 41 got curious abt kdj. hsy shows him a happy memory of our yjh which included kdj and 41 fucking collapsed (i become more excited abt the side story the more it progresses) and lost consciousness. it was such a strong memory of kdj and kimcom eating yjh's cooking and kdj saying how he cooks so well and he should bring more beef next time that hsy described it as yjh dying from happiness. yjhs -- is kdj related in one way or another. kdj just has to Get It that yjh cannot be happy without him
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icarussol74 · 2 months
Spoilers for Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’s epilogues below.
Ok so I finally (after getting distracted way too many times) finished my first read through of ORV a few days ago and as expected I can’t stop thinking about it. Of course the loops and KDJ’s fate are constantly on my mind, but there’s one thing that won’t stop bugging me. We don’t know the fate of Kim Namwoon in the 1865th turn. I know he’s not the biggest character (and three versions of him technically got happy endings) however, we even know the fates of Gong Pildu and Han Myeongoh. So while I absolutely love the epilogues it bugged me that there wasn’t even a single sentence about KNW. And since KNW was a major foil/parallel for KDJ I think it would’ve been really cool if 1865 KNW was helping try to save KDJ. Like for a media analysis standpoint it’d be the darkest reflection of KDJ trying to save what got left behind/the part of himself he hated/what made KDJ just like KNW.
Considering that the goal of the 1865th turn, aside from trying to save KDJ, was to save as many people as possible I really wanted to know what happened to KNW. I feel like it would’ve been extremely unlikely for them to decide he has to die while planning the group regression because both HSY and YSA knew KDJ regretted killing him. On top of this, YJH always tried to save KNW even when KNW betrayed him in various world-lines. I attribute this to KDJ telling 0 turn YJH that no one is born evil and encouraging him to lead KNW down a good path. Plus, even without all of those factors, if YSA started in the subway car again she’s the kind of person who would try to save as many people with the frog spawn plan. By the way, the hiding frog spawn all over Seoul to break the first scenario was hilarious.
So with all that being said, I feel like it’s extremely unlikely for KNW to die (at least in the first scenario). And I cannot be convinced that that silly little emo edgelord was not one of the teens that got really into the apocalypse craze and started catching a ton of frogs. By that logic YSA would’ve been able to save the Granny without killing KNW. Honestly he’d probably hero worship YSA just like he did for YJH. Another thing is that HSY literally refuses to have ABFD as her sponsor which I know is because her plan was to become a constellation, but that gives ABFD plenty of room to sponsor and get attached to 1865 KNW.
So basically, I feel like 1865 KNW would’ve survived all the way through the final scenario and would have gotten hella attached to Kim Dokja’s Company. Like sure he would’ve been a little asshole at the beginning of the scenarios but there’s no way YJH, HSY, and YSA wouldn’t have been able to guide him while completing scenarios at a breakneck speed. Then that brings me to if he survived, why would KNW stayed in the 1865th worldline? He would’ve gotten hella attached to all the characters from the 1864th turn and if he learned about regressors and how KDJ killed the 1864th him he would’ve probably wanted to meet the man who killed a version of him. Plus, through the various versions of KNW we’re shown throughout the novel, it’s heavily implied that he was depressed, suicidal, and had a terrible family life before the scenarios. So I’m not sure if there’s much of an argument for the idea that he just wouldn’t have boarded the ark and stayed behind in the 1865th turn.
I don’t know, maybe I’m misreading some of his characterization and reading too much into him not being mentioned in the epilogues. Unfortunately, that little fucking edgelord will not leave my head (probably because I can relate to him having dealt with mental illness). Idk, I just feel like a foil as important as him could’ve been mentioned in the epilogue whether it’s a short line mentioning they decided to kill him so he can drive the Gundam again or that he was ABFD’s incarnation again in the 1865th turn.
I mean maybe my sister’s headcanon is right and he really annoyed HSY so she decided to not acknowledge him in the epilogue (since like we’re technically arguably reading HSY’s writing). I think it’d be really funny if he’s just following Kim Dokja Company members around like a lost puppy and crushing on LJH like all other worldlines. I also think his relationship to LGY and SYS could be really funny because he’d treat them like little siblings and they’d hate it because they’re more powerful than him and claim to be around his age because of regression time shenanigans. What are other people’s headcanons for 1865’s KNW? Am I wrong that he’d survive or would he follow Kim Dokja Company because of how badass they all are (especially YJH and JHW)?
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sm1l3b0t · 6 months
Orv ask game with a twist! (5) And (6) but also a personal question. What's your most KDJ moment while reading the series?
hello!!! ask game with a twist you say......
5. if you could ask the authors any question, what would you ask them?
id want to ask them what their plan for orv looked like when they first started writing it, and how that plan changed throughout publishing the chapters! so much of orv feels perfectly preplanned out and i want to know if they really knew how every part of orv was gonna go from the beginning, if they didn't how did they make such a coherent novel, whether there were any scenes where the characters/action just started running away from them, etc. i need to know their secrets for writing such a long and coherent book!
6. whats a headcanon i have that i absolutely believe is canon
i think kim dokja enjoys cooking and is pretty good at it! he didn't have a lot of money to buy ingredients very often, but i think considering how much he idolised yoo jonghyuk and how often in wos there were graphic descriptions of yoo jonghyuk cooking delicious meals specifically designed to make kim dokja hungry, i think he did try and cook when he could - and he was good! i believe he can follow a recipe book, and thats all you really need anyway. also, post epilogue yoo jonghyuk teaches him the secret ways of his super good cooking and kim dokja goes from pretty good to damn good. the kids always fight over who gets to eat his food :)
personal question!!! very exciting. whats my most kim dokja moment reading orv..........there are a lot of moments so its possible this one is just the most fresh in my brain right now but im gonna pick this one
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obviously i relate a lot to all of kim dokjas moments because he was designed in a lab to be incredibly relatable to whoever read orv. but i especially relate to this moment. again, obviously i rely heavily on fiction to escape the struggles of my day to day life and kim dokjas obsession with ways of survival is deeply relatable (i am in the orv fandom, kim dokja is my favourite character, we know, etc). 'i just feel steady when i look at this' is how i would describe my relationship to reading on the whole and orv especially, so that bit of dialogue especially.
what makes this moment more 'woah im literally kim dokja' than any of the other moments when he talks about needing to read to feel safe/steady/hope/etc is the hypocrisy of 'fuck the constellations for surviving off of others stories! not me tho im different than yall <3'. cause like. its orv doing a fun little meta tap dance. kim dokja hates the constellations and is one. you hate the constellations and are one. its a very intense feeling of. it may be too early for me to fully articulate this. we are all readers we are all reading a story to survive and we are all being fucking hypocrites about it! very fun to me didnt so much make me relate to kim dokja as punched me in the face and went YOU ARE KIM DOKJA
ok this was really long im so sorry BUT thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love answering these so much :)) <3
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your--isgayrights · 1 year
I dare you to think of any LJH meta
Yeah, ok! I mean I'm on a language kick so if you meant like a specific theme you wanted to ask about her fitting into then like lmk but I'll just do another name meaning breakdown here.
李 智 慧
^plum ^knowledge ^wisdom
이 지 혜
^ common surname ^ these two together often mean kind of like a wisdom/knowledge of overcoming ignorance/evil/chaos. has some reference in Buddhist texts.
the surnames in ORV group the characters together in interesting ways and some themes connecting the Lees are connection to KDJ's (and to KDJ thru extension of YJH's) past/childhood, and experience of growing in adversity (symbolized by plum meaning of Lee).
We know LJH is a Jeonju Lee because she's a descendant of Yi Seokgi in text. The stories of Admiral Yi Sunsin with Yi Seokgi and Lee Jihye with Na Bori parallel in a way that emphasizes how the moral actions that define who becomes the hero of a story are context sensitive to a society.
Historical narratives/war movies typically portray a black and white of who was right and who was wrong that is supposed to seem obvious in hindsight, but are propped up too often as moral lessons that are always true, but will actually be different relevant to the standards of the current 'setting' (society).
Jihye's Hanja can refer to an understanding of some Buddhist concepts that represent an answer to ORV's question of 'how to survive in a ruined world' that Kim Dokja ultimately disagrees with.
Detailed explanation:
Surname Lee
Yi/Lee/Li is another one of those suuuuper common last names. 2nd most common in Korea and it trades places with 王 a lot in China's population count for #1 and #2 most common. (BTW Li is such a common translation of this last name despite modern Korean spelling of 이 partially because in. Middle Korean it has been spelled multiple ways [링,니,리] throughout history, partially because the word is so old and has to be written so often, it's survived multiple standardizations of the Korean language that English is still catching up to.) You can see the commonness of the name reflected in how so many ORV characters have this last name, (Lee Sookyung, Lee Hyunsung, Lee Seolhwa, Lee Gilyeong Lee Jihye...)
But if the usage was just reflecting 'commonness' then where are the 5 characters with surname 밝 omniscient reader where have the parks of the world gone omniscient reader did they all die in the subway car omniscient reader answer me.
... ok, I would argue that regardless of intentionality, the surnames in ORV associate some characters in ORV with the roles they each have and call attention to the similarities between them. Like, Han Sooyoung and Han Myungoh both play parts of like cartoonishly obvious villains in the early text (韓 has some national pride attached to it because it's one of few Hanja commonly used in modern Korean bc it literally just means Korea today, but the etymological root is that it's a picture of a fence so you could infer like Chinese calling a nation past dynasty borders the nation over the fence which implies a separation/opposition I suppose), Yoo Sangah and Yoo Joonghyuk have sort of an emphasized relationship to Kim Dokja I discussed a bit earlier, and Kim Dokja hates Kim Namwoon because he was projecting his self-hatred of a cringe younger version of himself onto him.
So the thing that stands out to me about LHS LSH and LJH is that they're all people who are related to Yoo Joonghyuk's "past". (Sn: I feel SYS is exempted from this grouping because of her unique position in relation to time/humanness/KDJ&YJH, her surname 申 is from Chinese astrology (stars and specific symbolism you could call daoism)/timekeeping a summer month around gregorian August, but is also used in Korean phrases associated with honesty/earnestness, w/ promises and requests) . Conversely, LSK and LGY are a few of the 'real' people of KDJ's world pulled into the scenarios by his influence and also kind of remind of his past/childhood. So I think this actually has to do with the meanings/associations of this surname's hanja
李 is easy to remember with the meaning of plum because it's a picture of a child 子 hanging down from a tree 木. Plums don't actually have as long of a history as you might think because relative to Chinese language in like 1250 BCE we only have evidence of domestic plums starting around 400 BCE. HOWEVER despite a lack of genetic evidence, Western Zhou inscriptions on bronze (which are called 金文 btw if you wanted to know that KDJ's name is like maybe even more related to lit history lol) have been found to contain this glyph:
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Wherein, rather than tree, the little asterisk looking thing is actually the lingual precursor to 米 which as a noun means like a grain/grass/wheat type of situation. How does that make sense if the plum is from a tree and not a grass? Well, linguists speculate the character is pictophonetic and the precursor to 米 is just giving the sound of the character, but it could also be an implication of cultivation/domestication/having the nature of a crop in my opinion, which would be cool if true because inscriptions of this kind occur previous to 771 BC, which is 300 years before extant physical evidence implies plums were domesticated/cultivated.
(Sn: Sorry ok all this is very cool to me because I love how far back you can trace things in Chinese Language. Like if you think about where language begins, I'm reminded very much of the nature of humanity and how ORV puts it with the metaphor of the wall. The first evidence we have of Chinese writing is the oracle bones that Shang people used, and these scriptures showed an already fully formed language that may have been used on more degradable materials. But the oracle bones lend this sacredness to the idea of the written word. The Shang carved characters into ox bones and turtle shells to ask their ancestors questions, and the ability to communicate with ancestors to predict the weather, the relationship of an individual to the past, stood at the very foundation of many East Asian societies for centuries after this point. Yet you wonder, who was the first prophet of bones? Was the first pictograph we might call language an attempt to communicate to a deceased loved one? To ask a question? To write on a wall, not knowing if there was truly a reader on the other side? It's something I think of with this theme of impossible communication that ORV is making a statement with about all of literary history.)
Either way, the inclusion of the word child is significant, because it's not just tied to the fruit being 'born' from the tree, but possibly also the symbolic significance of the plum throughout literary history. This is because plum is very associated with the season of spring. Like literally if you've ever played mahjong or looked at old daoist texts I guess there's this whole thing where there are 4 flowers tied to the 4 seasons and the plum blossom is the blossom of spring. And you know when you literally have like old old old guiding religious texts that basically Explain what those seasons mean to people at the time that becomes the foundation of medicine/ruling philosophies you can see like there are some very consistent themes tied to the plum blossom and thus the character 李.
First is the idea of birth, which makes sense because spring is when the whole world is coming back to life after winter, and the flowers of the plum tree are one of the same. (Sn: a lot of daoist/naturalist influence in literary symbolism is based in the idea of scale... Like the galaxy is a microcosm of the universe, the planet is a microcosm of a galaxy, a human life is a microcosm of the planet, etc.) Because of this, the plum and spring sre associated with childhood/ the early stages of life, (as 子 implies). In this sense, it fits well that 李 would be used for important characters in raising KDJ (his mom and the people he admired in YJH's story) while also being used for LJH and LGY, whose youth in comparison to their harsh situation is often commented upon by the narrative. The other aspect of this meaning is the idea of blooming in spite of adversity, in that the first blooms of the plum blossom may appear when it still feels like winter, bringing the first signs of spring, thus the growing in spite of adversity. Thus, it makes a lot of sense to name a lot of the characters in a literal Apocalypse novel 李, they are blooming/growing in spite of their harsh circumstances.
(Sn: the history of plums/ stonefruit in East Asia is really interesting, sent me down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out what the first domesticated stonefruit was, but it's far back in time enough that 1 day isn't enough time to find that answer.)
In LJH's case in particular, 李 is also an important connection to the historical figure Yi Eokgi. This actually means she's one of few characters featured in ORV we have a Bon-gwan for, since Yu Eokgi was descendant from the Jeonju Yi clan (who made Korea's royal seal the plum blossom when they were in power btw). This is pretty interesting and ORV does like super get into it in the movie theater chapters, but I'll put some context here if you like do not know about Korean war history.
So war is a really interesting narrative in ORV because of a certain discourse on the sort of tokenization of tragedy in storytelling/propaganda. For instance, a huge theme of early Korean literature is the victory of Silla in the three kingdoms period, because extant Korean literature begins with the ancestors of the Silla nobles who conquered the peninsula. Thus, in tales of the three kingdoms, Silla may be portrayed in a better light/more accurately than Goguryeo and Baekje. Up to the modern day, these tales get retold over and over again with different actors, which is part of the point the arc about the war of kings was making, that these noble, dressed up pictures of war don't stand up to actual conflict or modern day issues, that they get rehashed over and over again as if to invoke some sense of national pride when in reality they've lost meaning/application to modern wars/society beyond the profit made by selling their recognizable images. (Shout out to Min Jiwon, her surname's hanja means 'pity' btw, lol) In contrast to this history, Admiral Yi Sunsin is someone who recorded his own history in logs without the intent of publication (as far as I'm aware), and his image/story was taken by the literate of his time only to be fed into that same content generating machine of the modern day, where war movies commercialize and glamorize the battles he fought. (Sn: ORV calls him by his posthumous title, wherein the Hanja for 'loyalty" was used despite the fact that Yi Sunsin notoriously disobeyed the emperors orders and was right to do it. This name kind of relates to this concept of the written word as a masking narrative bc he also had a given name that basically meant servant of the emperor and there's a famous letter where he was like this servant is going to do the opposite of what you said actually to the king) In the context of ORV and modern SK society, the military is just another industry the young people of today are filed in and out of, and men in particular are obligated and often made to feel there is a real need to participate in the industrial complex of modern warfare. So, this is relevant to KDJ's life experience of mentioning being sent to a bad post during his time serving, in the sense of showing war to actually be quite soul draining and unremarkable outside of fantasy.
So in the idea of considering Yi Sunsin 's Real Life story as something tokenized into "Narrative," Yi Seokgi is like almost less than a sidekick. He was a commander in Yi Sunsin 's first notable battle with Japanese forces, so the two often fought alongside one another, yet he's not the individual that is most often put with Yi Sunsin or remarked upon as his close 'comrade' in history, so it makes sense in the realm of ORV that maybe his story isn't well known. I personally think this is sort of because his story is tragic in the sense that the moral of it is to not follow orders of stupid government leaders who don't understand reality... In that he died because he went to a battle when the king ordered it after Yi Sunsin was arrested and stripped from his post for disobeying because he knew it was a stupid order. In addition, I've seen some conflicting versions of this, but some say he went to his own death over the side of the ship when Korea's loss seemed apparent.
So this is really interesting then in the concept of LJH and Na Bori (surname means Net btw). Because it puts LJH as this Yi Seokgi whose obedience to Narrative turned her into a Yi Sunsin. Like, in the epilogues we can see her interactions with Na Bori in that LJH is the younger one who gets teased and called crybaby, who relies on NBR. (What if I was casting myself overboard because of our impending doom and you were a net that caught me and we were both girls lol) Then, NBR takes care of her further by sacrificing her own life. Then, this is the incident that draws the character of Yi Sunsin 's (also I say his name here, but consider that the monikers of the constellations are actually pretty important in the meta narrative context of a Character, a being that symbolizes something in a story, an idea, rather than the actual real person with their own private emotions and such. Also how they aren't able to communicate directly until the point where KDJ himself is becoming like a character to us too. The constellations picking someone then who best understands their story/relates to it is a form of viewership/readership in a way) attention to this particular ancestor of Yi Seokgi, in a way that kind of shows a version of his own story, what if the young and inexperienced Yi Seokgi was the one to live instead? Would he become the same kind of hero in different circumstances? This concept of seeking your own narrative in the stories of others recurrs, obviously, all throughout the narrative of ORV.
(sn on that: I think that KDJ finding his own narrative in different ways between LJH and KNW is also important to the main narrative of survivorship that drives KDJ's initial interest in the world of WoS because of the fact that LJH's survivors guilt and indecision are, in contrast to KNW's over-enthusiastic ownership of the identity of "murderer" relate to the internal debate of KDJ's own self hatred, in that self-exoneration through blaming the situation is the side of KDJ's trauma that triggers his self-hatred/that he has to let himself misremember to keep on living. In opposition, LJH is a "murderer" who KDJ feels sympathy towards. In the world of WoS promised to KDJ in that very initial concept of "what if everyone you know had to kill others in order to survive?" The introduction of these early characters in ORV is always tied to that idea of how they had to become a killer in order to survive. In the beginning, compared to KNW, LJH is someone KDJ wants to see be dissimilar from that version of himself)
So the battle highlighted in the movie theater chapters is the battle of Myeongyang, which is pretty important. In history, basically what happened is that the court and king became convinced by a Japanese double agent that they could ambush a Japanese fleet in a certain area of the sea that Yi Sunsin had actually been to and knew there were like just some absolutely shitty awful rocks there and so, despite not knowing about the double agent plot, he refused to take his ships out there for no reason. This double agent plot was like literally set up because Yi Sunsin had defeated the Japanese fleets a few times and they wanted to lure him right to those shitty rocks and kill him. Turns out they didn't have to because the idiot king got so pissed at being disobeyed that he had Yi Sunsin locked up and like broke his legs and wanted to kill him also but got convinced not to. Yi Eokgi and others who had fought alongside tried to stick up for him, but Yi Eokgi was sent out with another commander to sail right into the trap. Then like I said, some tellings say he died by 'honorable suicide' at sea and some say he was run ashore and killed, I'm not sure. Either way, I'm pretty sure ORV is working with the former version. In that case, Myeongyang is the battle wherein Yi Sunsin had just been reinstated and rushed out to look for the fleet that never returned.
So this is why the movie about this battle reminding LJH of her dead friend connects, because, presumably, the sea attributed to her sickness is the location of Yi Eokgi 's suicide, parallel to NBR voluntarily giving her life to save LJH's.
Another narrative occuring here is, again, the parallel of the fantasy situation to the reality of this kind of trauma. Just like KDJ and other's skills only come into play in the world of WoS, the environment -specific nature of LJH's abilities is particularly emphasized with association to this sea that is a reminder of her greatest personal trauma. This is interesting because I think the overt message of this scene is KDJ forcing this idea of like using your trauma as a necessity to become stronger, which is very interesting in the context of helplessness to narrative and the fact that KDJ's idea of being like the sacrificial goat that has to endure all suffering for the sake of any happiness to occur in the world being the final boss of ORV... Also interesting in the context of the way natural human tragedy/history is edited into narrative visavis the commentary of historical narrative here.
Because if you look at YSS, he was this admiral whose greatest advantage was always just knowing the sea the best of anyone else. He knew where the shitty rocks were, and Myeongyang was named the battle of Myeongyang because when the king was like give up on finding our guys and just fight with the land troops he was like nah man I got 12 ships here and ships are only good if there's water, and he sent one of his boats to lure the Japanese fleet of like 300 guys into the Myeongyang straight that just had like hella whirlpools.
So the idea of someone who is weak on land but strong in the sea is very parallel to that aspect of trauma which is the fact that trauma responses are trying to prepare you to encounter traumatic situations again, and when you don't encounter those situations, they just linger and stay with you, and in some ways they become a weakness in dealing with everything other than that very specific situation you once experienced. So in this section KDJ is telling LJY to get over her trauma and use it for this specific situation, that having endured killing a human being once before, you are prepared to do it however many times it takes to keep living and get to the end... But again, the entire text of ORV is challenging this idea of "necessary" traumas, and YSS is someone whose story reflects this in an interesting way.
Because YSS and YSG's 'tragedy' as told by ORV was probably quite preventable in real life. It was not really 'necessary' for so many people to be killed in the previous battle for YSS to win the battle at Myeongyang, but the bearing these aspects have on the power of his narrative? Would this story be told so many times over if YSS hadn't faced such adversity before the most told legend of the 12 ships under his command retaking the sea from 300 Japanese ships? YSS's eventual death at sea is retold over and over, while YSG who also died at sea during battle could have died any one of a few different ways without public consensus. It reminds me of that theme of little tragedies in ORV, the idea of a personal tragedy that will never reach the scale of a great story or narrative. Because narrative in some ways asks a tragedy to justify it's existence, to have a reason to be told so many times over, to fit to a certain model of what others want or expect. Like in real life we should be looking at the idiot king from YSS's time and thinking hey maybe you should just listen to people who know what they're talking about instead of having an ego about it, what an asshole, it's stupid that the government system gave him the power to do that shit, etc. But in the context of narrative, an idiot king is basically a setting, the innate nature of an uncaring and cruel world context is static and immovable, and the hero's interaction/relationship with that setting creates plot. "This is just the way things are, it's so realistic" type comments evoke this aspect of fiction that seeking radical joy in narrative fights against. Because in this narrative of war, young people are asked whether or not they will die following orders or live disobeying them, but the answer in LJH and NBR is that whether or not obeying the order to kill or resisting the order to kill will lead to certain death is completely dependent on the will of that setting the which narrative does not dare challenge.
So the aspect of war narrative adds onto this idea of systems/narratives/what we see as 'reality' having to be torn away to find the true heart of something. Because the reality of war reveals is that all death is senseless, tragedy is an impediment to happiness, not a requirement or precursor. Our sense of narrative merely gives the two a false relationship.
You can be happy without suffering, you can suffer without being happy, and you can be happy after suffering and suffering after being happy... Human life isn't always so simple as a one-way transition between winter and spring
Given name Jihye
Basically this word means wisdom, so you could interpret the whole name as like growing into wisdom or having to do with how YSS's quotations are repurposed as aphorisms or something, but like I said these characters are actually also used to translate the concept of 'prajna' in sinicized Buddhist texts. It also means wisdom/understanding/insight but there are like specific concepts that are supposed to be being Understood in the context of Buddhism u know. Basically: 1 nothing lasts forever (impermanence), 2 what causes suffering (I think usually Buddhists say the answer to that question is desire, idk), 3 the lack of self which Chinese translate 无我 (there's a huge split on what that means depending on the tradition) and sometimes also a secret 4th thing that's basically like nothing has inherent/meaning/form besides the illusions we construct of them (void).
The reason I find this Buddhism connection interesting is because I think that Buddhist philosophy (just in my experience of others trying to convert me/telling me why they prefer it not saying this is the case for everyone who prescribes to any branch) does this thing religions do where it tries to answer an impossible to solve problem that humans have but I don't necessarily agree with the solution. Like lots of religions are kind of based just in this reality that people dunno what being dead feels like when they are alive and are trying to predict it through the lense of their own societies, but Buddhism is kind of unique in that most of the branches with extended afterlife mythos develop like way later on and it doesn't immediately try to describe the creation of the world or assert any similar myth whose details are actually extremely related to the context of the society it was originally told in and hard to relate to outside of that worldview, Buddhism starts from the point of a guy who tried being rich and tried being poor and was like, I suffered doing both of those things. They both kind of sucked. Which I think is part of why Buddhism has such this huge spread across societies so early on in history because the silk road goes both ways but Buddhism caught on like a wildfire in East Asia and maybe part of that is that when your dynastic lineages and model of society goes back so fucking long it doesn't actually seem feasible to change your society as much as it seems to be able to remove yourself from the stresses existing in that society causes you.
So, 无常, 苦, 无我,空。 Society feels permanent, but there is no permanence. Bitterness exists because of this illusion of society. The concept of 'me' a symbol that represents my being to others is not actually a truly solid, unchangeable thing. To be void of the desires, concerns and stresses in the world you cannot change is 空 in the sense of void/lack of activity, but also in the sense of freedom. (Sn: I think I like the Chinese translations of the last term more than the English "void," because most English speakers will picture a dark space and feel trapped, but Kong makes me think 'do you have some free time?' which I think lines up more with the Buddhist idea of 'freeing yourself' than like the idea of you are confined to your mortal existence or w/e)
So in relation to the concept of narrative, this idea of 'wisdom' demonstrates that reaction of interaction with a horrible setting/worldly suffering/trauma/ etc. I think that because the lack of interaction/removal of self from the world is characterized as a philosophical enemy of ORV wherein 'caring about others and being happy with others does not always require suffering and even if it does keep trying to be Happy' and emphasizes the idea of the importance of individuality and identity and personhood, the name of 'understanding' in this sense is representing that LJH initially has a worldview KDJ has to fight against. Because her lack of participation in the scenario to avoid causing more suffering is like the first conflict between her and KDJ and he convinces her to fight to survive/keep on living/ interact with her suffering in a way that kinda contradicts from the idea of 'escaping the self' you know. Because at the core of ORV is that question of how do you go on living when you've done something horrible? In this sense, LJH's 智慧 is just another one of the stock responses to trauma Kim Dokja must react to in a sequence.
(Sn: once more on the concept of how narrative can justify something horrible, LSK's narrative redeeming herself in the eyes of the public vs the horrible truth she was trying to conceal. The idea that killing is acceptable in the scenarios but KDJ must conceal a past of murder outside of that space. The side characters shown to delight in horrible acts as soon as the setting/worldview has changed to expect it in them and reward them for it.)
I also think that ultimately Jihye represents the first introduction to the "reincarnator" solution to the ruined world that is later followed up by Nirvana and YSA, and KDJ's journey through that is kinda like a journey to the east instead of west where separating from narrative and your most important relationships and sense of self are the final boss.
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
Senate Sodomite in Capitol Sex Tape Is the Latest Attempt by Biden to 'Bring Back Decency'
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Once upon a time, a president whom I shall call "Slick Willy," using a form of sorcery unbeknownst to modern man, transformed a starry-eyed intern into a consensual humidor in the Oval Office.
Some believe the real magic was that he kept his job, but, as a Democrat, that was the easy part. And it was just the beginning.
Today, Joe Biden and his myrmidons in the Democrat Party are using their useful idiots to tear down every stitch of decency in American politics. They are doing this on purpose — as per the 45 goals of Communism — and are employing their most broken malcontents to carry out the mission.
FACT-O-RAMA! LOOK AT THESE THREE GOALS OF COMMUNISM;  6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press. 7.  Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media. 8.  Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” 
I do not recall celebrating the 12th day of Christmas when my true love sent to me 10 drag queens a-twerkin'.
As reported earlier, a couple of barebackin', raw doggin' lads brilliantly filmed their foray into amateur porn in a Senate room, allegedly reserved under the name of Sen. Ben Cardin.
           RELATED:  Democratic Senate Staffer Filmed Gay Sex Tape in a Senate Hearing Room
FACT-O-RAMA! Amateur porn is a multi-billion-dollar industry. It is driven by people too unattractive to make "real" porn, but too damaged to stop trying. Kind of like how 90% of the nation's" burlesque" dancers are too fat to be strippers but too emotionally crippled to keep their clothes on.
Understand this: the left, especially the hardline "Gaystapo" kids hate you, this country, and everything decent. They believe they are victims of "genocide" and "right-wing bigotry."
I personally do not care what people "do in their bedrooms" but attention-starved men, becaked in glitter and lacking daddy's love, have made it their mission to humiliate themselves in an effort to "stick it to those conservatives." That's you and me.
Thus far, the Biden administration has given us a luggage-swiping bald man in a dress and cheap lipstick, a transamabob who took his shirt off at a White House picnic to show us his "moobs," and now a couple of dudes "building back better" in a Senate chamber.
BREAKING REPORT: Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the staffer for Dem. Senator Ben Cardin who purportedly made a GAY SEX TAPE in the Senate Hearing Room has been terminated.. Unconfirmed reports are now emerging that the room may have been reserved under the name of Dem. Senator Ben… pic.twitter.com/Bf1KlKNFAR— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 16, 2023
Woah, a couple of dudes playing "Brokeback Mountain" in the Capitol. You jolly ranchers really showed us!
So a cat named Aidan Maese-Czeropski, who worked for Maryland Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin has been sperminated terminated for taking the back road in a Senate room. It's not his fault. He is a victim who is being "targeted" for "who he loves."
So the gay man taking traffic in the exit-only lane believes he is being punished for "who he loves." Dude, did you not get the memo? NO ONE CARES you're gay. Maybe refrain from getting tagged by "who you love" on a table where our legislators meet. We ask so little.  
FACT-O-RAMA! Never mind those devils at "Urban Dictionary." First and foremost, cornhole is a drinking game, popular in the midwest, that involves throwing bean bags at a hole in a piece of invertedwood. This is the hill I will die on. I shall fight for this until I am out of Carling Black Label beer, and my enemies will have to bull the bean bag from my cold, dead fingers.
If "LGBT genocide" means asking Democrat staffers not to bring their bat boys into Senate chambers for a game of wrecktum, call me a monster.
"Now hold on a minute KDJ, you do NOT strike us as a puritanical type."
This is true. I may have plowed a field or two in a public setting, but never have I gone to a place of reverence, nor have I videotaped my wayward son in action just to "piss off those stupid Conservatives."
Keep it classy, commies. The more you show your hand — and anything else — the more people will pull away from your party and start voting for real Americans.
Let's see if our marginalized and unemployed friend Mr. Maese-Czeropsk dares to put his resume on Monster.com
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rueria · 9 months
orv and personal stuff i guess
i hate that i relate to kdj sometimes so much
like shut up. don't act similar to me. i don't wanna relate to you
this is how kdj feels towards knw except i actually like him
well it's fine. we've got tons of differences
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ryxkenkxgami · 2 years
omg okay. top 5 orv characters who aren't yoohankim. anddd top 5 orv arcs that Aren't dark castle. 💖
OHHH BOY THANKS GRACE..............here we go lol. i won't even cheat and use sp/od lmfao
top 5 orv characters who aren't yhk: (it's all Girls. all of it.) 5. lee jihye! she is so fun and wonderful to watch grow and i genuinely love how hilarious she is. number 2 joongdok supporter and number 1 high school badass of my heart.... her speech when they find out they're all novel characters tears my heart to shreds
4. jung heewon! WOW talk about cool women doing cool things.... she is amazing. i love her and her character arc so much. oh my lord. her -- being salvation breaks my fucking heart. the relationship she has with kdj and with everyone, really, is so important to me.... i love her.
3. uriel! oh my god i had no idea how much i would love uriel when i first started orv. i expected to hate all the constellations but she's amazing... she loves kdj with her whole heart. and her jd shipping is hilarious and relatable. and oh my god 999 uriel? what a BADASS? and also incredibly tragic. i'm so glad she gets to live with the 999 gang and od happily ever after.
2. yoo sangah! she was always a character i really liked from the getgo but her time as a librarian really solidified it for me. she's just... the friend of all time. she cares about kimcom so much and it's so sincere.. her conversation with kdj about how they would've been friends and supported each other through life makes me cry. and her pepper in coffee stunt is legendary.
shin yoosung! she was originally best girl, actually, but then hsy took over my heart whoops lmao. but she's amazing. i adore her character development and her entire just... her relationship with kdj especially is so wonderful. the story she gets during the journey to the west arc made me cry a little bit. i love how much she grows and she was so soso cute i die.
runner ups include lhs, knw, and lgy!
top 5 orv arcs that aren't dark castle:
5. oh this is tough uhhh i think disaster of floods? this was the moment in orv that really kinda jammed itself into my brain permanently. when i was reading for the first time this was the part that i could not put down and HAD TO SEE how things played out.... and then proceeded to binge read the rest of the novel in a week HAHA
4. 73rd demon realm!!! how fun!! revolutions in each other's names? check. one of my favorite moments in the novel? check. the beginning of the pocket watch? check. the extremely dramatic "YOU JERK LEAVE HIM ALONE"? check!!!!!
3. gigantomachia, because i love mechas, i think kim namwoom is hysterical, and i love greek mythology. and also the iconic "it has always been "once' for me" moment. absolutely love that moment. the whole thing was so much fun and i was just absolutely pumped reading it.
2. epilogues...... listen i like hurting myself, and i love to imagine what could happen in the future. i did write almost 40k about it!!!! and also the reveals were so well done. nothing in fiction has ever hurt me quite the same way as the orv epilogues. woof.
1863 BAYBEE. it breaks my heart! it hurts me so much!!!! i genuinely had no idea what to expect going into it, but i couldn't put it down. i had to see what was going to become of this yjh who was so broken he would eat dirt on command. of this hsy who had done what kdj wanted to do - just without the inclusion of his most important part, yjh. it also began my crackpot theory of sp being yjh and wouldn't you know that was canon. lmfao.
runner ups would include the theater dungeon, n'gai forest, 46th main scenario, and the great war of saints and demons!!!
thanks grace i had too much fun with this. ily
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1-800-i-ship-it · 2 years
🍓 *i want to make you suffer* youre so annoying omg but anyway :)
thanks bestie <3 looks like you already sent me a compliment and beat me to it! (who else can be annoying without trying amirite)
100% supports friends' endeavors (actually this is reserved for women mostly) even when it makes u want to commit violence (*waves* hi! im a kdj stan *gets shot*) this also includes that lil hate blog made just for me (affectionate)
thorough replier
great conversation-holder (literally it always goes on for ages /pos which is admirable)
excellent vid editor (girl idk how u do it but ur edits r chefs kiss, the effects r so cool (perspective thingy, timing, animating omg animating!!, etc...)
great blog aesthetic, love reading ur tags when you do have them
always sending me stuff related to fandoms orr content i like (or personal attacks, u know it varies) even when ur not in them or dont like them LMAO and i appreciate that <3
top tier hsy and sangsoo fangirl (yall have seen nothing)
i think ur hsy kin which u keep denying but hey i mean she'd prob do that too so
murderously wholesome (theres no other way to put this tbh)
would probably fight god for ppl u care about
sent me this ask <3
thanks for the ask! if anyone else wants compliments from me send me a strawberry :P (give me the chance pls)
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lizhly-writes · 4 years
my in progress orv fics as of 12/15/2020
that is: the ones that i believe will be long enough to actually be posted on ao3 and what i expect from them.  
1. knw and kdj have been related this entire time (cousin au)
do i know where this is going?  no.  but this one is projected to be a full rewrite of canon, because i hate myself, so i am going to reread orv while taking notes and you are going to get a fully plotted out rewrite of canon.  this is going to take literal years to complete.
2. kdj is a 14 year old magical girl and bihyung is his 15 year old lore master (miraculous ladybug)
literally the only reason why i wrote this was because i wanted to write the sequel story to this, so yeah.  this one is going to be another fully plotted out fic because i need to finish it to post the sequel.  probably going to be long, though not as long as cousin fic.  is it going to have a fully plotted out sequel? maybe!  depends on my will to live!  at the very least, you’ll get a sequel oneshot, so i can post the scene that started this madness.
3. the uncle baby kdj is pretty sure doesn’t exist helps his mom get a divorce (time travel)
actually going to be plotted out, but is meant just to be a reallllly long oneshot.  may receive a sequel because i imagine the domino effect would be pretty interesting to watch play out, but probably not.
4. hsy and kdj meet 10 years before canon (here)
started out as an attempt to make hsy x kdj work and got wildly out of hand and now has an actual plot.  is this actually going to be hsy x kdj?  who knows!  not me!  i have a beginning, middle, and end in mind, so: full fic on this one, too.  this will be so much shorter than the miraculous and cousin fic.
5. 28 yr old lgy is the responsible one because now he has to cart around three whole children (ageswap au, oldest to youngest swap)
i have no idea where this is going to go, but i’ve already written 950 words, so it’s most likely going to end up long enough to post on ao3.  so you’ll probably get at least one out-of-context oneshot.  while some part of me would like to take this seriously, you are hella not getting another canon rewrite out of me.
6. kdj accidentally sets an avatar loose in round 0
has a plot, but not a particularly long or complex one, so i’m thinking, like, either three chapters or one long one.   
7. the webnovel that becomes real is SSSSS-grade Infinite Regressor, not WOS
this one highly depends how seriously i decide to treat it.  because i definitely meant for this to be crack but now i’m kind of.  side-eying it.  is this going to be a shitpost oneshot or will this have 12 chapters?  unclear!
8. pre-scenario OC fic in which i subtly explore the idea that ysa has definitely murdered someone before
gonna be a oneshot. the beginning and end is set, i just need the middle part.  which i could actually just skip all together if i’m feeling lazy.  might end up as a twoshot if i decide that yes, i do, in fact, like this OC to the point of inspiration.
9. roleswap au (real people <-> characters, sort of)
same as 5 -- no idea where this is going to go but i’ve already written too much to say that i won’t have at least one oneshot in this universe.  again: while i would like to take this seriously, canon rewrites scare me.
10. knw and hdh went to the same high school before the scenarios and are actually kind of good friends
honestly i just wanted to see 1) hdh show up more often and 2) if i could make knw x hdh work despite the fact that hdh doesn’t show up enough for me to remember what his personality is like.  will it actually be knw x hdh? no fucking clue.  have ideas that are even in chronological order, but they’re mostly pre-scenario.
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wovenstarlight · 3 years
⭐️💫⭐️ \o/
(ask for author's commentary on a section of my writing!)
FDBJDKGLGFN OH SHIT I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO ANSWER.... uhhhhhh [frantically looks through fics] OH YES I HAVE ONE
ok so this is from fire-forged! the fic i wrote for sona about an ORV dragon AU! wherein hsy and kdj are raised by dragons and yjh is a royal knight out on an unknown quest. i wanna talk about yjh perspective in this scene
That’s it. In a fit of irritation, she reaches out when he comes near again, and she smacks his ear. He twists immediately, snapping at her fingers in a very non-human reflex. Then he freezes mid-bite, looking extremely confused. And. The eyes. The hair. The magic. Oh. That’s… that’s where she knows that voice from. “Han Sooyoung?” Yoo Joonghyuk has gone from confused to vaguely alarmed. It’s not very obvious, but she knows how to read his tone. (She never forgot.) “Are you crying?” “I’m fine. Listen, when—” She chokes on a breath. “How old did you say you were?” “Why do you—” He stares at her for a second. “I’m twenty-eight. Is there a problem?” He’s walking towards her now, a cautious look on his face. “Should I call one of the—” “No,” she hears herself say. “No, it’s fine. See ya around. My brother’s on his way. Tell him I said to be nice to you.” She turns and she walks away.
(discussion under the cut)
this part is when hsy figures out that yjh is 99% likely the reincarnation of her childhood dragon friend joonhyun, right. and i was very amused while writing this because hsy is canonically 2 years or so younger than yjh but here i made her at least a couple years older which means she has Eternal Noona Rights. and the concept of yjh being told to call her noona instead of Han Sooyoung (derogatory) made me literally lose it while i was writing this part
LIKE YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T DO IT UNTIL WAY LATER AND HE'D BE REALLY MAD ABOUT IT THE WHOLE TIME it would 100% be noona (derogatory) because he just, talks like that. but aNYway the POINT was,
yjh was bitchy throughout this whole interaction because he's not been getting sleep from Plot Related Shit giving him weird dreams and also they'd been riding a fair while before they got here and he was all sore and achy, and on top of that hsy was (derogatory)ing at him with every word she spoke, so he was in a Bad Mood bad mood, yeah? not functioning at full capacity. so when he almost bites hsy he literally has a moment where he's like SURELY I WASN'T IN THAT BAD A MOOD and genuinely is about to apologize? with like, a not-quite-apology but you can tell he's a little regretful
which, like, rude. and he's like Yeah my chances of being well received are dropping by the minute i should appear at least vaguely concerned for her wellbeing so he tries to approach her to calm her down but Oops she left!
yjh stews in his extreme confusion and vague regret and lingering irritation for like half an hour and then storms off back to the inn he's staying at in the village where ysa's dropped by and is convincing his party members to unionize. then kdj shows up within the next 10 minutes, having heard that He Made Noona Cry, and on TOP of that he also literally wasn't there when kdj came to find him, so like. kdj mad in the.... have you seen that post which is like "i love when it's busy at starbucks and the gay baristas get mean"? that sense
and i did mention like a few paragraphs later that he changed his name as a kid but to be entirely clear dragon'sblood!yjh is a trans guy
also also because you sent two stars technically,
Her dragon sister and brother begin swearing at her, both telepathically and out loud. Yeomryong tilts back his head and raises slow hands to slip off his mask. He’s crying, she realizes with a jolt, but he has a smile on his face as he stares up at her. He mouths something. It looks a bit like sister.
he's, uh. he's saying "i hate my fucking sisters."
[jazz hands]
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
hey hi helloo~ so,,,you kinda seem like you know lots of kdramas,,,,and i wanted to ask you,,,if you could recommend me some of your favorites? tbh anything would be fine kdjs it can be something where i can cry my heart and soul out or something really cute! that's totally up to you (but something where i can absolutely get emotionally invested in that it shatters my heart is what i probs need rn tbh 😩✊🏻)
this is my time to shine 🤓🤓🤓 i DEFINITELY CAN !!! esp for my favorite follower 😔💕 also this is gonna be pretty long bc i gave a lot of info for each drama so i’ll put a read more~!
go ho’s starry night- a chinese-korean collaboration drama starring snsd's yuri, kim youngkwang (the secret life of my secretary), and lee jihoon (legend of the blue sea) - go ho (yuri) is a dedicated worker who deals with her grumpy boss and quirky coworkers. she requests to be transferred to a different team, where she discovers her new boss is her ex-boyfriend, and then basically there forms a harem of 5 of her coworkers who all like her- super fluffy!! episodes are only about 15 minutes long each, and although there is angst, there's a lot more comedy and fluff. the relationship between the two main leads is adorable and had me squealing way more than once
put your head on my shoulder- a chinese drama starring fair xing (master devil do not kiss me) and lin yi- si tu mo is a bubbly girl who moves into a house only to find out that the owner's nephew (?), gu wei yi,  is already living there, and the two end up living together. si tu mo is sweet and outgoing, while gu wei yi is quiet and intellectual- SO cute. although the plot seems cliche, the focus is not really on them living together, that's just what brings them together originally, and the main lead isn't the stereotypical "cold and super smart asshole" type, he's actually very sweet. there are a lot of episodes but i would definitely recommend watching this!
like- a korean webdrama that you can find on youtube starring kim yu an, kim kangmin (maybe, maybe not), yoo jungwoo (love after school), and seo ji hye- about a group of students who create a film club to make youtube videos and the dumb shit they get into, plus there's some romance, betrayal, and fuckboys. - so so so so cute honestly. the dynamic between the characters of the club is so cute and funny, plus the love triangle has me wheezing. also the asshole fuckboy gets what he deserves which is super satisfying. it hasn't finished airing yet, but so far it's really cute
failing in love- korean webdrama  you can find on youtube starring son sang yeon (triple fling), yang hye ji, and shin yoon seop- about a group of high schoolers who deal with falling in love, crushes, rejection, etc.- ok so the summary i gave was pretty vague but that's because any more and i'd be exposing the whole plot. there is humor and fluff but also teenage angst, and the characters are all more complex than they first appear. i would highly recommend this show !!!
i have 3 boyfriends- short webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ji eun, park sungwoo (produce 101 season 2 [that 30 year old dude who danced to rain's song OMG], moon jihoo, and lee jungsik - when la hi gets in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia she finds that she has 3 men all claiming to be her boyfriend.- OK LISTEN . this show is so funny and cute. let me just say: you MUST watch to the end. that's all i'll say. pLS WATCH
last minute romance- two episode drama special starring han seung yeon (age of youth) and lee seo won (the liar and his lover)- when baek se finds out she has terminal cancer and only has a short time to live, she desperately wants to complete her one bucket list item: date her favorite actor. it's then that she meets an aspiring actor who looks exactly like her favorite actor- so cute and very short, so you won't spend ages trying to finish. it is very fluffy, cute, and funny, but has an underlying tone of sadness because the main female lead has cancer and will eventually die. also her best friend is a monk??? the ending is bittersweet but very fitting
want more 19- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung ha joon, sin gi hwan,  jeon yoo rim, nam yoon soo, and lee jungha- a story of 5 friends in high school. A mutual crush, a one-sided love, and a rough patch for sweethearts, all taking place right around the end their senior year- OH GOD i can't breathe this drama is so cute. it had me squealing every single episode, and it's very lighthearted with hardly any angst 
splash splash love- a two episode drama starring kim seulgi (queen of the ring) and highlight's doojoon (radio romance)- right before her ksat, danbi is transported to the past during a freak rain shower and is mistaken for a eunich (which, in korean, is the same word for high school senior) . due to her knowledge of future math, the king enlists her to teach him mathematics and they fall in love- a lowkey parody/remake of the kdrama love in the moonlight but if you added time travel into the mix and took out nearly all the angst. SO cute and funny, and has a happy but open type ending
something about 1 percent (2016)- korean drama starring jeon so min and ha seokjin (drinking solo)- lee jae in is an arrogant company heir, whose wealthy grandfather who decides to grant all his wealth to a kindly elementary school teacher. to only way for anyone else to get the money is for someone to marry her, but they devise a contract that changes it to date for 10 months. although they hate each other at first, they eventually fall in love- this drama is super cute and the kisses are AMAZING. there are crazy exes and all that but the couple's dynamic is super cute and they quickly warm up to each other
triple fling (s1)- a short choose-your-own-ending  korean webdrama on youtube starring jung bomin, son sangyeon (failing in love), themanblk's jeongyou, and themanblk's eom sewoong- lee sehee accidentally becomes friends with the three most popular boys in school and ends up in a love square with them- alright im whipped for stuff like this so naturally i loved it. i also really liked how viewers could choose their own ending as for which boy she chose. there is a second season that i haven't seen yet that focuses on another girl in ANOTHER love square (containing one of the guys from sehee's love square) in which it shows which boy she actually did choose (and it was my favorite so . yay!)
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo- a korean drama starring lee sungkyung (cheese in the trap) and nam joohyuk (who are you: school 2015)- a drama about a female weightlifter who falls in love. persuing the relationship would jeopardize her weightlifting, and focusing on weightlifting would jeopardize her relationship with her crush.  she and her group of friends deal with one-sided crushes, athletic pressure, and self-love.- i watched this drama in full in only two days, and loved it. seriously, it's funny, cute, sad, and just a generally AWESOME drama. plus it takes a lot of cliches and makes fun of them or turns them on their head
when you love yourself (s1)- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung mingyu (sweet revenge 2) and saet byeol . - about a girl who is heavier than her classmates who struggles with self-love and self-acceptance, and along the way finds love- god. i can't even explain how much i loved this drama. the message is wonderful and there's no moment where she glows up and loses weight and then gets the guy's attention or anything: he simply loves her as who she is, no matter what weight she is, and is supportive. there's also an episode that focuses on the queen bee girl who also struggles with weight and self-love and it's just beautiful 
after school: lucky or not (s1)- short drama starring 5urprise: kang tae oh (my first first love), seo kang joon (are you human too), gong myung (drinking solo), lee taehwan (w: two worlds), and yoo il, as well as kim so eun (our gab soon)- when so eun gets an invite to the choose-your-mission club, she meets 5 chaotic guys that she becomes friends with, but there's something they aren't telling her.- yes, there is a lil romance and a love triangle HOHO. ok but seriously this drama is the most crackheadery i've ever seen like. genuinely i was just wheezing so hard every episode because of the dumb sh*t the guys were doing and so eun's reaction. this drama seems dumb and funny at first, but there are emotional moments as well as some angst relating to the love triangle and the origin of the club. please do watch this show !!! (don't recommend season 2, though)
accidentally in love - a chinese drama starring amy sun (the eternal love), fiction guo, and ma li- chen qingqing, who is raised by her grandfather) is arranged to be married, but wants to find love on her own terms. on the day of the wedding, she runs away to the university her parents attended to find out more about their death. to hide from her grandfather, she changes her appearance drastically and enters university. her new deskmate turns out to be singer si tu feng, whom she has already run into and has gotten off on the wrong foot with- so this drama was longer than the ones i usually watch but it was worth it. it was cute and they didn't drag out the couple not getting together for ages like some dramas tend to do. the romance was super cute and the female lead's undeterred determination to march to her own drummer was amusing. the only thing i didn't like is that they didnt give the side couple enough screentime bc they were super cute too
my woofy poofy love / my dog-like dating- a short korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring chae ji an and kim do hoon (your imagination becomes reality)- a girl who has recently been cruelly dumped by her boyfriend brings a stray dog back to her home and wakes up to find that instead of a dog, there is a man! she happens to be looking for a roommate, and so this man (who can turn into a dog) becomes her new housemate- literally adorable. female lead is stunning and the relationship is so cute and fluffy and innocent, but the kiss is steamy as hell. 
unrequited love (2019)- a chinese drama starring zhu yan man zi and zhao shun ran- a story of a girl who has secretly loved the same boy for 10 years, but he doesn't know she exists, until one day when they meet in college. so begins their love story, but things become more complicated because of other people- ok so like . damn i love this couple. this drama is really cute but has its fair share of angst, so don't expect an easy ride the whole way through. very cute though !!_ MORE DRAMA RECS _
a love so beautiful- a chinese drama starring shen yue (meteor garden) and hu yi tuan- chen xiaoxi has liked her neighbor jiangchen onesidedly for years, and continues to like him despite his seeming disinterest. but her determination and bubbly personality, as well as a romantic threat starts to cause him to fall for her- aight so . i feel like this drama was dragged out a little bit longer than necessary and then the ending was slightly rushed but!! it WAS a great and super cute drama
ok to be sensitive (s1)- a webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim da ye and kim youngdae (extraordinary you) and others im too lazy to put- focuses on feminist issues like sexism and sexual harassment in a college setting, which each episode focusing on one particular incident and the characters dealing with it- listen so like . this show had me emotional at some points bc of how amazing the message was. it dealt with sexual harassment, sexism, how females are expected to act, stalking, pressure to have sex... etc and basically every episode was like . you can stand up for yourself. you don’t have to “take it” just bc you’re a female, etc. also there was really cute romance uwu
ok to be sensitive (s2)- season 2 of otbs, also can be found on youtube, starring yoo hye in and lee shin young, as well as others but again im too lazy to list them all- same thing as season 1, but a different cast of main characters, and set in an office workplace. (original cast makes a cameo at the end)- the issues in season 2 were definitely a bit darker because it was set in a work place, where the main characters were worried about getting fired if they stood up for themselves, but the way things were handled was really admirable imo. also the male lead in this one is ABSOLUTELY adorable
go back diary- a 4 episode webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ye ji and lee jong won (jaemin’s webdrama how to hate you)- about a boy who sees a girl at a karaoke bar (?) and instantly develops a crush on her. she then transfers to his school, and it tells the story of their love story after 10 years.- i’ll just say it right now. the whole drama was adorable except for the ending, which fucking sucked. literally was horrible. boycott episode 4 pls i was SO UPSET. otherwise, great webdrama
before we get married- taiwanese drama starring puff guo (just you; we got married w/ suju’s heechul) and jasper liu- tells the story of two people who already have partners and are planning to marry them, only to meet each other and fall in love- bro this show had so much angst i couldn’t even breathe lmfao. but the romantic scenes between the two leads were S T E A M Y let me TELL you. 
love after school (s1)- korean webdrama that can be found on youtube starring park so eun and yoo jungwoo (like)- about a couple who fell in love in high school and their story, told from 5 years later when they meet again- i love love love this bitch. LOVE. season 2 ... we won’t speak of her lol. but season 1 is super cute and the ???? kiss at the end(ish)??? DEAD. literally anything with yoo jungwoo will destroy me but omg. it was fantastic
lucky romance- a korean drama starring hwang jung eum (she was pretty) and ryu joon yeol (reply 1988) - about a woman who believes wholeheartedly in superstitions meeting a man who believes only in science and mathematics, and their very chaotic love story- this show was so funny tbh. the main couple’s dynamic was HILARIOUS and even though they were literally complete opposites they worked so well together. warning: towards the end there’s that whole ‘i have to be noble and let you go bc its for the best’ bullshit but!!! there is a happy ending 
maybe, maybe not- a webdrama starring kim kangmin (like) and gong yoorim- a girl who can read minds and is an outside bc she knows what everyone is really thinking meets a guy that she can’t read the mind of- so fluffy. so cute. oh god. pls watch it’s so soft and cute 
my first first love- a korean drama starring jisoo (strong woman dbs), dia’s chaeyeon (drinking solo), and b1a4′s jinyoung (love in the moonlight)- about a group of friends who all, due to various circumstances, move into their friend tae oh’s house, and find love along the way.- idk why netflix did that dumbass thing where they did mffl 1 and mffl 2 but they’re the same show, just eps 1-8 then 8-16. anyways !! very cute show!! jisoo is fine as hell. taeoh and the rich girl are cute together. i found the ending abrupt and unsatisfying, but overall a good show
thumping spike (s1)- a korean drama starring hwang seung eon (part-time idol) and song jae rim (our gab soon) - about a volleyball team and their coach who are aiming for success, and a female professional volleyball player who becomes their athletic mentor- i know it doesnt sound super romantic but trust me. there is lots of romance, and even a love triangle hehe
u-prince: the single lawyer- a thai drama apart of the u-prince series starring august vachiravit paisarnkulwong and apple lapisara intarasu- firstclass is a straight a student who is strict about punctuality and properness, while minute is a spoiled rich girl who loses all her luxuries when her family files for bankruptcy. she begins “going out” with her gay best friend, aka firstclass’ brother, for money and ends up living in their house, but she and firstclass hate each other- listen all the u prince dramas are cringy and low quality but does it look like a give a shit . NO BC I KEEP WATCHING THEM . they’re cute ok . anyways this was my favorite one so this is the one im recommending yeehaw
unexpected heroes- a short korean drama sponsored by the CDC organ transplant management center, starring btob’s minhyuk, ioi’s sohye, and choi jonghoon- about three high school students who discover that, after their respective organ transplants, they have supernatural powers- though there’s not much focus on romance in this drama, it’s still funny and cute. plus minhyuk is in it and what more can you ask for ?? lol. anyways the trio uses their powers to help solve crimes n stuff it’s gr8 and ive been waiting for a season 2 for 98429834 years
what to do with you- a korean webdrama - that is actually literally an ad for a facemask - starring lee hayoung and kim youngdae (extraordinary you)- saerom and geun are friends, but it feels like they’re something more. will they ever take the next step?- yeah this webdrama is super cute and that’s really all lol. also the bitchy girl in love after school is the best friend in this one oho
your imagination becomes reality- a webdrama that can be found on youtube starring oh se young, kim dohoon (my woofy poofy love), and jin ho eun- soram has a crush on a mysterious upperclassman, and wishes to see him again: she does, soon after. each time she makes a wish, it seems to magically come true. - yeah so like . it’s not a supernatural thing or anything, it’s just a cute college romance that’s basically every girl with a crush’s dream lol~! 
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