#KD elizabeth
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“KD with a coochie” is a nightmare for the dream, ties Liz Cambage’s WNBA record of 53 points.
The reigning WNBA MVP and DPOY is at it again. Last night vs the Atlanta Dream, A’ja Wilson went nuclear and dropped 53 points with 7 rebounds. In the process, she made HERstory tying Elizabeth Cambage for the most points ever scored in a WNBA game. A’ja was surgical, shooting an efficient 16-for-23 from the field. These are the kind of performances that earned her the title of “KD with a coochie”. This is just another one of the many records she’ll break before all is said and done.
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Republican debate: Megyn Kelly to moderate next GOP primary clash
Former Fox News host and current SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly will moderate the fourth Republican National Committee primary debate next month in Alabama.
“It will be the margarita of debates — spicy, fun and somewhat intoxicating. Looking forward to it,” Kelly said in a statement.
The RNC announced Thursday that Kelly, alongside NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas and the Washington Free Beacon’s Eliana Johnson, will question the remaining Republican primary candidates at the next debate.
“I am thrilled to announce that the RNC has sanctioned the fourth Republican primary debate in Alabama with NewsNation, The Megyn Kelly Show, the Washington Free Beacon, and Rumble as our partners. With less than a year out from Election Day 2024, the fourth debate stage will showcase our winning Republican agenda against Biden’s record of failure," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said.
NewsNation will host the debate, taking place on Dec. 6. According to the network, the live event will stream exclusively on NewsNation as well as the CW Network. The first debate was hosted by Fox News, followed by Fox Business, and NBC News.
Similar to Wednesday's event, the NewsNation debate will air from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
“All of us at NewsNation are incredibly honored to be hosting a presidential primary debate and to be part of what will be another historic election season," Nexstar's President of Networks Sean Compton said. "We are also extremely pleased to have the opportunity to introduce more Americans to NewsNation, a 24-hour national news network, committed to delivering outstanding journalism and first-rate political coverage and analysis.”
Conservative publication the Washington Free Beacon also commented on the partnership. “The Free Beacon is excited to partner with The Megyn Kelly Show and NewsNation to offer the candidates a debate platform outside of the mainstream media echo chamber and to give Republican primary voters a debate where conservative ideas and values will be the terrain and not the target," said Johnson, who is editor-in-chief.
"She's definitely one of the Best in the Business. It broke my heart when she turned on TRUMP and quit FOX."
-- KD
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[*SLEDUJ*] Bod obnovy 2023 Celý Filmy Online a Zdarma
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UPDATE-FILMU!! Bod obnovy Celý filmy online a Zdarma český dabing i titulky. Filmy online zdarma sledujte Bod obnovy na getroku.xyz
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Pokud se chcete dívat na film Bod obnovy, ale zůstává to omezením, protože když vstoupíte na Google, narazíte na spoustu papírování na stránkách vyžadujících registrace, hrací automaty s reklamami. Někdy stránky, které jste již museli použít, již nefungují nebo již nejsou funkční, jednoduše proto, že změnily adresy, změnily odkazy a migrovaly na nové adresy. Jistě jste již museli zvážit mnoho řešení, abyste je mohli sledovat online, v tomto případě jste na správném místě. Tato stránka nabízí filmy, seriály a manga. Se svými 32 kategoriemi, které nabízejí nejširší výběr z hlediska žánru, s kvalitou zobrazení VF, VOSTFR a HD. Schopnost číst odkazy na mobilu.
Níže vám prozradíme více, jak, kde si tento film můžete užít a Vše, co víme o filmu Bod obnovy
Doctor Strange 2: datum vydání, distribuce, zápletka, to je vše, co už víme
Zatímco Spider-Man: No Way Home se již dostává do hlavních kin v kinech po celém světě, fanoušci Marvel Cinematic Universe se těší na další film. Bod obnovy vyjde v květnu příštího roku a několik prvků je již známo. Pokud jste byli v kině, abyste viděli nejnovější film o Spider-Manovi, pravděpodobně jste viděli post-generickou scénu věnovanou druhému filmu Doctor Strange. Za zmínku stojí, že studia Marvel si zvykla nabízet nám upoutávku s budoucími filmy v okamžiku, kdy v kinech běží generika filmu. V tomto případě se nejedná o upoutávku, ale o skutečný trailer, který byl zbývajícím fanouškům odhalen až do konce filmu.
Chaotický teaser dobrovolně
Po zhlédnutí tohoto slavného traileru jsou spuštěné stopy značně rozmazané. Chápeme, že po vytvoření mezer mezi vesmíry si Steven Strange uvědomí, že ohrozil rovnováhu multivesmíru. V důsledku toho čaroděj požádá o pomoc Wandu Maximoffovou, aby mu pomohla napravit jeho chyby. Z traileru si všimneme vzhledu nových postav. Miss America v podání Xochitl Gomez a Dark Strange se letos v létě objevila v seriálu What If.
Teorie fanoušků
Zatímco trailer je starý teprve týden, po internetu už kolují teorie o Bod obnovy. Podle těchto teorií bude Wanda ve filmu skutečným antagonistou. Scarlet Witch, kterou původně přivolal Doctor Strange, aby ji hledal, se stane skutečným nepřítelem, připraveným ohrozit rovnováhu multivesmíru, aby našla své děti, ztracené na konci série Wanda Vision. S akvizicí Darkhold, knihy založené na černé magii, mohla Wanda pomalu propadnout šílenství, což v angličtině znamená šílenství.
Distribuce a datum vydání
Tuto druhou část, věnovanou mocnému čaroději, vytvořil Sam Raimi. Tento film znamená jeho návrat do světa Marvel, protože je to on, kdo natočil Spidermanovu trilogii s Tobey Maguire. Headlinery jsou Bennedict Cumberbatch (Steven Strange) a Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff).
Bennedict Wong (Wong), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Xochitl Gomez (Miss America) a Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) jsou také součástí obsazení Bod obnovy.
Bod obnovy bude uveden do kin 4. května 2023 a bude to film číslo pět ve fázi 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Doctor Strange byl jedním z nejpodivnějších hrdinů, jaké jsem za poslední roky viděl. Byl spíše zastáncem, i když své síly občas využíval k boji s nepřáteli. Herec, který hraje Doctora Strange 2, však prozradil cenné informace, v rozhovoru řekl, že pokud jde o gesta rukou k otevírání portálů, druh kruhového pohybu je doménou historie, dočkáme se v tomto smyslu evoluce.
Bod obnovy je bezpochyby jedním z nejočekávanějších filmů roku 2023.
Jak mohu sledovat Bod obnovy (2023) online s českými titulky, kdykoli budu chtít?
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Hey @skiagraphe0 fantasy author-to-be & reader here. A good fantasy series to get into is The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards. The worldbuilding is so incredibly real, the history of the people & culture & lands is there, and even the Elephant In The Room is addressed and given a context which makes it fit right in perfectly. The characters are incredible and so amazingly real compared to a lot of others I've read. I'm usually sceptical of magic systems in books, but this one is pretty high up on my list - everything is explained, and the fast-paced action-&-magic-fight scenes actually make sense & seem realistic, all things considered (& so do the characters' reactions).
Have a look on the author's website, he's also got some extra content there which is like deleted scenes from in-between each book.
Another one to have a look for is TJ Klune - but specifically The House in the Cerulean Sea. Now, a heads up about this, before you go to a search engine: the book is good, but the author's promotion methods are not. He really needs a PR team to muzzle him - the backlash he got for his social media content regarding THITCS ruined the book for a lot of readers, since he didn't phrase it well, and he ended up self-harming over the amount of hate he got for that lack of PR-skill. But he didn't learn his lesson, and when it came to promoting the sequel, Somewhere Beyond The Sea, he talked up a massive storm... which wound up being very anti-climatic once readers got the book, since.. almost none of it was actually in the book. The way he spoke about it, and the themes it would be covering, had a lot of us worried - because in THITCS, the world building is good, in isolation. But we weren't sure if it'd hold up to the darkness and real-world intensity he was talking about covering in Book 2. Some of it holds up, thankfully, and some of it is expanded on, while other parts are left to fall through. I'd also say Book 2 is like a straight-to-DVD sequeal, compared to the cinematic Book 1, if that makes sense.
But with all of that said: THITCS is absolutely one of my favourite comfort reads, it's like a cozy cartoon film in a book. I love it.
(I actually wrote a review of both of these series - The Tarot Sequence, THITCS, & SBTS )
Another author to have a look at is Elizabeth Wheatley, she does a ton of research into her books, and if you have a look at her stuff on YouTube, she promotes a lot of other authors who are worth checking out, too.
Hope some of this helps!!
Recently you reblogged a post about the insufferable "I'm SO realistic!" pretensions of GRRM and how A Song of Ice and Fire is, in fact, highly unrealistic. This got me into A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry, a delightful treasure trove of a site that will no doubt greatly improve my own attempts at writing at least semi-realistic fantasy. (Although unlike GRRM, I will admit upfront that I will likely make many errors, because worldbuilding is hard.)
I am curious, though, after reading through that post and ACOUP, if you have any recommendations for fantasy that is realistic? Not in the sense of "historically accurate to a specific time period", but just in the sense of "the worldbuilding doesn't fall apart if you apply logic, science or too much thought to it" and "people/populations react in ways that make sense/feel realistic to events within the book(s)". You strike me as someone who either knows some good books in that vein or knows people who know. I'm sort of a fantasy newbie in that my only reading in the genre has been some GRRM and all of Lord of the Rings and that's it, so I'm looking for more to read. But I keep getting warned by people that there's a lot of bad fantasy out there, which I'd rather avoid given my limited free time and crowded schedule.
Sorry if this ask is rambly. I'd blame my ADHD for making me go on too long but honestly most of my family is like this. I suspect we were all cursed in some niche way, to start off interesting and then go on too long.
P.S. On a totally unrelated note, because va can be a prefix to titles in Karakalpak and I did a paper on the language once, I have been reading your name as, basically, The Honorable Spider and it only occurred to me as I was typing this that it probably stands for Virginia or something. (But I fully plan on continuing to think 'The Honorable Spider' because that's just funnier and makes me imagine a spider that is also a judge and wears a robe and wig.)
I honestly don't care about realism in fantasy at all. I just hate GRRM's Hobbesian grimdarque wankery.
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Book Review: Christmas of White The Bright Series Book 3 by KD Elizabeth
Book Review: Christmas of White The Bright Series Book 3 by KD Elizabeth
Title: Christmas of White
Author” KD Elizabeth
Series: The Bright Series book 3
Published: December 07,2020
Rating: 4 Stars
It’s three days now that the boy hasn’t worn a winter coat. As his teacher, it’s my job to make sure he’s safe. But after multiple calls to his family’s phone number, I still haven’t made contact.
So I take him home myself. Big mistake. Because…
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Playlist meme
This seemed like a fun one. I was tagged by @gavotteandgigue and my curiosity is sparked.
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
I have an abundance of playlists to choose from, so I chose my Most played in 2022 list and shuffled:
1. My Least Favorite Life - Lera Lynn 2. The World Ender - Lord Huron 3. What's Up Danger - Blackway, Black Caviar 4. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Lauren O'Connell 5. Always Something Better - Trentemøller 6. Dead of Night - Orville Peck 7. Hook, Line and Sinker - Royal Blood 8. Saint Elizabeth - Kaia Kater 9. Electricity - Guy Garver 10. One More Cup of Coffee - Roger McGuinn, Calexico
Tagging @mightymightygnomepriest @kd-heart @kristsune @flammenkobold @yszarin @aneilert @prince-jordy @reremouse @benbamboozled @notoriginalenoughtohavmyprefname
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Any queer books that prominently feature a holiday that is not Christian and not a U.S. federal holiday and not Halloween? (e.g. Ramadan, Diwali, Lunar New Year)
Yep! Roz Alexander's done a few Jewish holidays: https://www.goodreads.com/series/319604-hot-for-the-holidays and Xan West z"l did Hanukkah in Eight Kinky Nights and Eliot Cooper did it in Hearts Alight. It's not as centered, but there's definitely Sukkot celebration in Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu and in Kissing Ezra Holtz by Brianna Shrum.
There's also a holiday anthology called Love All Year ed. by Elizabeth Kahn that has a bunch - a Tu B'Shvat story by KD Casey, a Kwanzaa story by Kosoko Jackson, etc.: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58937213-love-all-year-2021
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Yeah, I do look back at some of them.
Amari (My Mario OC): Becomes Rosalina's knight due to losing her home and family back on the planet down below and ends up becoming immortal like her. She ends up slowly forgetting her parents but always has her former twin sister Guila in her memory.
Lorelai Robotnik (My Sonic OC): Is the daughter of Ivo Eggman Robotnik who ends up always losing the mobility of either one or both of her arms and having to replace them with robotic prosthetics due to being neglected by her father and never knowing her real mother but doesn't fully fight for the side of good either. She's basically VERY neutral.
Kiara Kimberly AKA Kiki (My Bendy OC): As a human, she was the daughter of a mafioso father and was born with deteriorating vision that made her go blind in her early twenties but still loved to sing. She does end up becoming a vocal coach for Joey Drew Studios and becomes Darling's (what I call the Ink Demon) only real friend after he heals her eyes, but she ends up being consumed by the ink and reborn as an Alice Angel copy after trying to save Sammy and Buddy.
Phonexia (My Undertale OC): A phoenix monster that ends up being adopted by Gaster and becomes Sans' and Papyrus's older sister. She is technically immortal and can never be killed so she ends up never losing her memories of the other "loops". She's also still grieving Gaster's "death" to this day.
Nandis (My Cuphead OC): An angel who once a mortal known as Dannis that was originally King Dice's nanny who ended up sacrificing herself to save KD's life. She still cares for King Dice despite the fact he has become close with The Devil.
Alisa (My FNAF OC) (Does go by different names due to the many AUs I have with her in them): In my Celestial Soulmates AU, she's the daughter of William's first wife and Elizabeth's older sister. They both end up becoming step-siblings to Michael and Evan after their mother died from a brain tumor and William married Clara sometime afterwards. She ends up dying due to not only blood loss from a gunshot, but from also being springlocked in an animatronic suit that SHE drew when she was younger.
(I may write more if I remember anymore OCs that have tragic enough backstories.)
yall ever suddenly become aware of how wild ur ocs backstories are
like holy shit!! you killed your own sister because you lost control of powers you didn't know you have and now have to deal with hallucinations of her on the daily, forever mourning someone and unable to mentally let go?? thats wild!!
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Once again, NET volunteers were a critical part of a winter weather response and saved lives. NETs were involved in 10 different deployments dispatching transportation, driving houseless folks to shelters, helping at winter shelters, assisting JOHS with supply logistics, and keeping a perimeter at downed power lines. 53 volunteers signed up for 95 shifts and helped out an estimated 355 volunteer hours.
PBEM would like to recognize the following volunteers who deployed in the nasty weather to keep their community safe:
Bruce Schafer Janel Hovde Kate Hubbard Amanda Westervelt Phil Barber Courtney Yan Jeff Bissonnette John Sheehan Doug Couch Roman Perez Roger Wirt Jane Yates Timothy Wildgoose Litzy Venturi Craig Arrowsmith Anne Heimlich Michael Fortune KD Henderson LIsa Jamieson Merilee Karr Mark Jolin Suzan Reed Jonathan Tasini Joshua Baker Jane Pagliarulo Judy Matsumoto Jennifer Pereau Dan Stefanisko Spencer Neal Keelan Cleary James Bennett Lindsey Johnson Jason Groschopf Dave Manville Anna Campagna David Hansen Cierra Loop Maxwell Goshert Sarah Strider A'Jay Scipio Sue Cater Michael Schilmoeller Tanya Schaefer Nanci Tangeman Wilfred Barrett Nancy Phelps Aurora Martos Nathan White Maria Gonzalez-Cress Peter Drake Paul Rippey Annie Capestany Chuck Quarterman Rachel McCarthy Nic Peterseon Ralph Cohen Elizabeth Klein Gary Fox
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I posted 2,977 times in 2022
That's 212 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (2%)
2,921 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 146 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov - 21 posts
#dracula daily - 20 posts
#unreality - 18 posts
#romanian tumblr - 6 posts
#knitting - 2 posts
#cultural differences - 2 posts
#omg - 2 posts
#eurovision - 2 posts
#but also - 2 posts
#previous user's tags: - 1 post
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#spiraling into anxiety as you remember traumatic events from your own past because something reminded you of that is not good though
My Top Posts in 2022:
I am FULLY aware that a communion wafer looks like this for Catholics:
Over here they don’t bother with pretty shapes, so they're basically little squares made of normal bread:
But reading Dracula, I came across this:
[...] On your forehead I touch this piece of Sacred Wafer in the name of the Father, the Son, and——”
There was a fearful scream which almost froze our hearts to hear. As he had placed the Wafer on Mina’s forehead, it had seared it—had burned into the flesh as though it had been a piece of white-hot metal.
Because I am a heathen who likes wafers, the image that popped into my head was:
See the full post
115 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Me and my bf, an hour ago on the streets of Dublin on holiday: Why the heck are pubs so overcrowded on a *Thursday* evening?
Me and my bf, arriving at the hotel and seeing the news on a large TV screen: Huh, Queen Elizabeth II died.
Me, arriving in our room: OH SO THAT’S WHY THE PUBS ARE FULL!
168 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Moldova (friendly competitive ribbing): We’re the winners here tonight! Yo, Italy! We’re the winners!
The host on Romania’s public TV network, dubbing: “We are all winners here tonight.”
422 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Historical romances set in Victorian times: Oh! But a woman couldn’t go anywhere unchaperoned! Being alone with a man was automatically COMPROMISING and a SCANDAL!
Dracula, meanwhile...
Lucy’s fiancee: Hey, doc, old boy, I know you have the hots for my dear Lucy and this will be an akward question, but could you please invite yourself over to lunch at her place? She’s looking kind of off. She’ll want to talk to you in private, of course, so take advantage of that to consult her and see if she’s ok. It’s in her best interest. Thanks!
Mina: Wellp, my fiancee is quite sick and I’m rather worried, so I’ll just hop off and travel the continent for him on my own.
503 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Listen, this is a very important joke.
One day, Bear was walking through the forest when he encountered Wolf.
“You’re on my to-eat list for today,” Bear said.
“Oh, no!” Wolf replied. “Let me at least go say goodbye to my wife and children!”
Bear agreed, Wolf said his goodbyes to his wife and children, then was eaten.
Later on, Bear was walking through the forest when he encountered Fox.
“You’re on my to-eat list for today,” Bear said.
“Oh, no!” Fox replied. “Let me at least go say goodbye to my wife and children!”
Bear agreed, Fox said his goodbyes to his wife and children, then was eaten.
A bit later, Bear was walking through the forest when he encountered Rabbit.
“You’re on my to-eat list for today,” Bear said.
“Oh, no!” Rabbit replied. “Can you cross me off it?”
“Sure can,” Bear replied, crossed Rabbit off the list, then walked on.
I was reminded of this joke a few days ago, when a potential client wanted me to work for them during the night, in order to provide some translations super-quickly. I told them I tend to sleep during the night, but I’ll be available in the morning, if that’s ok.
I told the story on a Discord server I’m in (in about as much detail as you’ve been given) and while some people agreed with me, one person said she would’ve done the job, and that she’s taken this sort of assignment before just to see how it goes.
My potential client client replied, saying that working in the morning is fine.
The point of all this is, before you jump at doing something that’s entirely out of your way and you don’t really see a purpose for - ask if it’s ok to not do that. This stands for both work and personal life.
Sometimes people ask for weird things for a very good reason, but at other times they haven’t really thought things through before asking. It doesn’t hurt to say, “This is very inconvenient because X - can we find another way?” and see what the response is. Self-sacrifice can be laudable, but make sure it’s needed.
841 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Idina as Elizabeth or Idina as Maureen | Lucas/David or Liz/Josh | Kate or Anne | Charlotte/Cordelia or Marvin/Whizzer
probably as maureen? because she was the first maureen i saw so that's bound to have some effect. whereas, the first elizabeth i saw was jackie burns, so i'm a little more, idk, lenient in that respect.
asjdfjdslfd;kd i need more criteria to make this decision it's too hard. so, i guess, it depends?
again, depends. as a character? probably kate. i think she's hilarious. but i also think we were deprived of anne content (which...she's a minor character, but still).
hnggghhh both of them
make me choose between two things!
#i don't like making decisions if you couldn't tell. pulling an elizabeth vaughn here lmao#ask#nightingale6374
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Here's a list of my favorite reads.
(Spicy books under the cut)
- Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
A cozy fantasy about a retired adventure who buys a café and makes friends along the way. LGBTQ
- Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron
A dragon sealed in human form and a mage team up to help him regain his true form back. It's a 5 book series, but it's worth the read.
- Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron
A storage wars meet cute. Freelance mage Opal found a way to use her overpriced art history degree to buy, clean, and sell treasures in abandoned apartments in the DFZ. But everything goes side ways when one of the apartments has a dead body in it. Read this 3 book series after the Heartstriker series.
- In Deeper Waters by F. T. Lukens
A prince and a merman go on an unexpected adventure together to try and get back home. It's a super sweet book that will make you squee when they finally kiss. So satisfying. After reading this book just go ahead and pick up the others F. T. Lukens has written because they are all good! LGBTQ
- Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton-Walker
A contemporary fantasy set in New Orleans. With a family mystery to uncover the twins, Cristina and Clement, need to work together to save their family magic. LGBTQ
- Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Whenever someone asks me for a book recommendation, I ALWAYS say this book. It has it all a rich magic system, African lore, adventure, an MC with white hair... so cool, ikr! The 3rd book is coming out next week! So This is a good time to read this one.
- Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
- Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Kith and Kin by Marieke Nijkamp
- cemetery boys by Aiden Thomas
- Lessons in chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
- A Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
- the last sun by KD Edwards
- Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
Sorry I got to tired to write little bios for the last few but they are all 5 stars for me.
- House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City) by Sarah J Maas 🌶 + a really good mystery with a sassy MC [the second one is 🌶🌶🌶]
- Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake 🌶🌶[I personally loved the 2nd one of this series🌶🌶🌶] LGBTQ
- A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas 🌶🌶🌶🌶 but you will have to read A Court of Thorns and Roses series 1st to really appreciate the Nestas' character growth.
- Fouth Wing by Rebecca Yarros 🌶⚡️🌶 just a fun little fantasy book about dragon riders.
I'm having surgery in a few weeks and want some cozy or interesting books to read. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Fiction or non-fiction, both are good! I am going to put in some requests at my library and then work through them while recovering
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Naozumi: Auntie Abby…
Abby: yes Kid?
Naozumi: *holds their hand* can you make the bullies go away…?
Abby: I taught the kid self defense.
Elizabeth: *high fives Naozumi* good job
Makoto: NO! NO GOOD JOB.
#great pretender#the great pretender#grepre#laurent thierry#makoto edamura#edamura makoto#great pretender anime#edaurent#edaurent family#edaurent fankids#abigail jones
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Join panelists Laurel Elizabeth, Amanda Law, Erica KD, Morgan Spatola for-Inclusive Language in Podcasting (and Other Spaces): Why and How?
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“MW, ED, BL.” I’m guessing ED is Elizabeth Debicki? I know all the others in that anon but the other two here are eluding me, can I get a hint? (Also, don’t kill me, but I truly wished Tom and ED could have dated. I thought she was so lovely and they made a great pair.)
EO - Elizabeth Olsen
SF - Susannah Fielding
JA - Jane Arthy
JC - Jessica Chastain
KD - Kat Dennings
ZA - Zawe Ashton
MW - Mia Wasikowska
ED - Elizabeth Debicki
BL - Brie Larson
I’m with you on the ED train; they looked so fantastic together at all the TNM events and the Met Gala.
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Thanks for tagging me, my darling! I feel like my personal list will be difficult for non-germans, but i haven't really read any of the 'classics' from Jane Austen and Co. I'll try to write a list of my current list, and make it as international as i can 😅
In NO particular order:
Wolfsaga by Käthe Recheis
It's a book about a family of wolves trying to survive in a world without humans, trying to escape being assimilated into a giant pack of wolves whose goal it is to become the rulers above all of nature. Its beautifully written, and I got my Tumblr name from the mother wolf - Ahkuna. I spell my name differently because i didn't spellcheck when i registered, lol 😅
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Do i have to write much? I don't think so. Apart from Harry Potter it's my longest continuous fandom, and I love both the books and the tv show. There is just so mucb humour and potential for storytelling in that universe! Absolutely lovely.
The Waringham Saga - Rebecca Gablè
A series of historic novels which follow the british history from the times of William the Conqueror up to Elizabeth I (and even earlier, if we count the other books) from the perspective of a ficticious family who've been tangled up in politics of church and state throughout the centuries, be it as part if the royal guard, teacher of royal children, etc.
The author is a German professor for english history and tries to stay as true to what we know as possible.
Discworld - Sir Terry Pratchett
I can't pick a favourite. Seriously. I loved the oldschool point-and-click pc adventure from 1995 before i was even able to read one of the books. My parents devoured them,and I started reading them around age 14 or something. They're good!
Whyborne & Griffin (Widdershins) by @jordanlhawk
A book series about a detective and a wizard in a lovecraftian m/m (erotic) romance mystery series, writte by a trans author. That alone makes it incredible! But i would also love to mention the incredibly sweet community surrounding the books on facebook, and the fact that my friend @kd-heart pointed me at them a few years ago. It's a book series that makes me feel welcomed into a family, it's a bit weird to describe. It, and its fandom, has a special place in my heart!
Technically Harry Potter should go here, but no.
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
A book that i read so many times that my librarian gifted it to me when i was 13, after she saw that the last 10 people who had checked it out were all me. Lol. I read it so many times, i was madly in love with Atreyu, etc.
And the Author was born in my home town! We have a park themed around his stories.
I bet there's other books that could go on this list, but i can't think of them from the top of my head right now.
I'd like to hear your lists, @sheinthatfandom @kd-heart @unforth @ramblingandpie @patient-number-zero @misskhep @sanhatipal @surrealistwaltz and @frauleinvonmausefels ! If you feel like doing it of course. No pressure. ❤
Ten Books to Know Me By!
Tagged by @honeyteacakes! I really loved your list of books, I saw the scarlet pimpernel on there and did a happy scream!
1. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
This was a formative book for me throughout my childhood and adolescence. I must have read it almost 10 times. I struggle to read it now (some parts just hit too close to home for me) but I hope one day that I’ll be able to return to this wonderful novel.
2. Daughter of Time - Josephine Tey
This book altered the course of my life, no kidding. If you love history or true crime this book is seriously for you. It will definitely make you rethink everything you know about the way history is written, the way historical individuals are portrayed and why stories are so important.
3. Persuasion - Jane Austen
All of Austen’s novels have impacted me massively, but this one is my favourite. The way that romantic love is portrayed in this book is so beautiful to me, the way people’s personal flaws are portrayed as something that can be forgiven and accepted. This is a very hopeful book, and it is also an incredible portrayal of what it’s like to live with anxiety.
4. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
I love all of Neil’s stuff, but this one is probably my favourite. It was the first of his solo novels that I read (after Good Omens). It’s fun, imaginative, terrifying. I fell in love with the idea of urban fantasy thanks to this book, and I think it was super influential on the development of my own writing.
5. Santaland Diaries - David Sedaris
I love the combination of cynicism and sentiment in this book. It's funny, it's real (if a little overexaggerared at times). It also makes me feel better about myself and my struggles with employment. Plus, David Sedaris was probably one of the first gay people I was ever aware of.
I also worked as a Christmas elf in a store (not Macy's, unfortunately) so I feel a forever connection to this book.
6. The Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
This book confounded me when I first read it as a child. I didn't like the main character, I found the plot complicated. But returning to it years later, I fell in love with it. It's a book about becoming a better version of yourself, about fucking up majorly and trying to put things right. And about love and friendship. Plus there are further books in the series, and a dragon. What's not to love?
7. War of the Foxes - Richard Siken
I know a lot of people have read Crush, and while I absolutely love it, War of the Foxes is a gentler piece of work which explores some of the same themes from a mature perspective. There are some absolutely beautiful poems in this collection and I really recommend it for anyone who wants to contemporary poetry!
8. 163 Days - Hannah Hodgeson
Another favourite poetry collection! This is a beautiful, unique piece of work that discusses life limiting illness, hospital, and what it's like to be disabled in an able bodied world. It takes a lot to make me cry but this book moves me so much and brings me so much joy, too, because it exists! And I can feel just a little bit less invisible because of it.
9. Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
The funniest, most ridiculous book, and an absolutely brilliant satire of British countryside life. I quote this book ALL the time. It is my lifetime ambition to own a cow called Useless.
10. The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Another formative book which did so much for me as a young queer person. The fact that this book was "mainstream" and loved by so many people (including people who may not have naturally been queer allies) made the difficult conversations easier. It was really important for me to be able to bring this book home without having to hide.
Thank you for this opportunity to talk about books! I'm tagging @the-art-student-in-221c @aquilathefighter @valeriianz @ineffablyendless @pintobordeaux @reallyintoscience @notallsandmen @akhuna01 but feel don't feel like you have to do it! ❤
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