pen-observing · 2 years
i’m still in the middle of reading your cursed mirror kaeya x reader but i just wanted to say i am eating it up it’s so good 😭 idk if you have an ao3 but i highly recommend crossposting it there if you haven’t yet, it would get so much love there ♥️♥️♥️
Omg hi hi! Thank you for reaching out mid fic to tell me this i appreciate it a lot!
I made an ao3 recently and I did post it there but titled it as kaeya week 2022 where I would post all 5 of the kaeya fics together? I am not sure if that was the real way to go about it tbh but it seemed fine (?)
My ao3 is penobserving and i am still learning how to navigate it well 😭😭
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Fritz Saxl
Saxl ist der Sohn von Saxl, dem Wiener Hof- und Gerichtsadvokaten Ignaz Saxl. 1913 geht er nach Hamburg, wo er Mitarbeiter der Institution Warburg, der KBW wird. Er stößt auf ein Interesse an Referenzialität, das Warburg in die Formulierung fasst: Nachleben der Antike. So ein Interesse kann er bedienen, in der Literatur heißt es dazu, er hätte Warburgs Thesen vom Nachleben der Antike übernommen. Warburg, der auch als Vater einer Schule beschrieben wird, wäre Saxls zweiter Vater, mindestens.
Ignaz Saxl, der erste Vater, studierte 1866–70 Jus, war ab 1877 selbständiger Advokat in Wien und engagierte sich in der Advokatenkammer bei den Prüfungen, bei der Ausbildung. Ignaz Saxl arbeitet vor allem auf dem Gebiet des Privatrechts, galt aber auch Kenner des preußischen Landrechts, des bürgerlichen Rechts des deutschen Reiches, der Judikatur des Reichsoberhandels- und Reichsgerichts sowie des französischen und ungarischen Rechts. Von ihm gibt es rechtsvergleichende Studien. Im Lexikon heißt es: "Die Jurist. Literatur verdankt ihm eine Reihe wertvoller Anregungen, u. a. auf dem Gebiet des Pandektenrechts." Das ist Saxl Vater, nicht Saxl Sohn. Der erste Vater betreibt vergleichende Normwissenschaft, das macht der Sohn auch, der zweite Vater auch.
Fritz Saxl schreibt 1912 an Franz Boll, er habe in seiner Ausbildung mit 16 Jahren die Schriften des römischen Juristen Gaius und den Corpus Iuris Civilis gelesen. Er kennt das Lesen, er weiß was legein heißt. Soweit Referenzialität auch Geneaologie mitführt, ist auch deutlich, aus welcher Gesellschaft von Referenzen und Genealogien Saxlsohn kommt, der Wiener Gesellschaft. Die Moderne ist noch nicht richtig eingerichtet, da arbeiten Saxl und Warburg auf einer theoretischen Ebene, auch ganz praktisch durch die Verfahren und Techniken revolutionär, aber dadurch auch modern verkehrend, Moderne verkehrend, mit der und ohne die Moderne verkehrend.
Sie holen die Erfindungen der Moderne ein, in dem sie deren Reproduktionstechnik nutzen. Sie machen deutlich, dass die Bildproduktion an einem bürokratischen und studiokratischen Apparat hängt, an Akten und Formularen (wie der berühmten Pathosformel), an Kalendern und, das muss man wegen Wien sagen, an Schematismen. Nicht nur der Umstand, dass die Bildgebung beauftragt ist oder dass der Umstand, abbgebildet zu werden, mit gesellschaften Normen, zum Beispiel einem Status, verbunden ist, auch der Umstand, dass man an Bildgründen , also zum Beispiel an Wänden, Rechte (zum Beispiel ein Patronatsrecht) haben muss, um dort ein 'eigenes Bild' aufzubringen (wie Warburg bei der Capella Sassetti und der Cappella Tornabuoni rekonstruiert, lässt die Bildgebung zwar an jeder Stelle in jeder Hinsicht differenziert, aber nicht ausdifferenziert erscheinen. Nur weil etwas Kunst wird, verdrängt es nicht die Politik, nicht das Recht.
Nicht nur alles das lässt Ikonographie künstlerisch, politisch, juridisch und in vielen anderen Perspektiven erscheinen. Die Referenzialität, dasjenige, was Warburg Nachleben nennt, ist überhaupt juridisch deutbar, als Juridismus deutbar. Dass Warburg dieses Referenzialität Nachleben nennt, ist weder selbstverständlich noch unhistorisch. Es bleibt auch nicht für sich gesagt. Es vielleicht auch damit zu tun, dass, wie Rheinberger rekonstruiert hat, dass Wissen der Übertragung, das Wissen der Vererbung im 19. Jahrhundert von der Rechtswissenschaft auf Lebenswissenschaften übergegangen ist, die sich abgerückt vom Recht wie reine Biologie, reine Physiologie vorstellen, die sich präsentieren, also seien sie aus der Kultur und dem Geist vollständig ausgestiegen und in die Natur und die Materie vollständig eingestiegen.
Warburgs Begriff des Nachlebens wird von Warburg systematisch entfaltet, aber schließt das aus, dass diese Bezeichnung etwas überträgt - und dass das mit Techniken der Assoziation zu tun hat, die ihre juridischen Charackter nicht verlieren? Schließt das aus, dass Nachleben nicht auch als Referenzialität, nicht auch in Rhetorik als Simulation und Dissimulation übersetzbar ist?
Autonomie ist geschickt übersetzte Heteronomie. Dem Polarforscher Warburg und seinen Bibliotheksdirektor Saxl ist es vielleicht geschuldet, dass das Wissen der KBW mit Autonomie und mit Heteronomie anbahnen lässt, dass es Bilder mit Bildern so verknüpfen lässt, als bleibe man dabei in der Kunst, als springe man von Kunst zu Recht oder als bleibe man immer im Recht. Vielleicht ist es den ein, zwei Generationen geschuldet, die in die Moderne und wieder hinausgeschleudert wurden.
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deiaiko · 3 months
Day 1: Angel/Memory - Outsider POV/Comic format
The next morning, it returns to watching the Khun. The Khun is watching the Irregular make breakfast, hair still messy from sleep and exhaustion still clear in his gaze. But there is a faint blush on his cheeks. The Guardian lets its consciousness sink a little deeper into the Khun’s mind, and for a moment, it can see a flicker of wings and horns and a Thorn thrumming with Shinsu.
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ar-mage-ddon · 19 days
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all i do nowadays is think about my ocs
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davidnelsoncfa · 2 years
Silicon Valley Bank - Did the Fed break it or was it broken already?
$SVB - Obvious failure of management but the bigger question is where were the regulators? #fed $KBWR $JPM $XLF $WFC $ALLY
By David Nelson, CFA The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has sent regulators and the Federal Reserve scrambling for answers on how and why this happened. In some ways little has changed since the dark days of the financial crisis. This was a bank pushing the envelope, growing at break neck speed and seemingly unafraid that rising interest rates could turn their model upside down. While it’s an…
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View On WordPress
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cheer-soli-art · 1 year
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KBW ‘23 - Day 5: Silk
friday date nights
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danieleansworth · 1 year
(Open Starter)
Date: Late March, 2023 Location: KBW - Observation Room
So far, working on a smuggling ship was shaping up to be a deeply confusing experience. It was quite thrilling (in a terrifying sort of way) to be able to say now that he had been to Earth, though the trip had hardly seemed focused on smuggling at all - instead, the crew had gone to see... a concert? Daniel had never heard of My Chemical Romance prior to joining up on the Prosperity, but he could now safely say that some of their music was a little frightening. He’d quite liked some of the theatricality seen on stage though, so it had been a good experience overall. Until the subsequent realization that the crew had accidentally smuggled a human, somehow. That had led to several days of solid panic, during which Daniel’s primary focus had been getting through the day with his work done and sanity in place. Knowing that there was some sort of plan that seemed likely to keep everyone out of jail had helped on that front, at least enough that he was able to start enjoying life somewhat again alongside being terrified of the turn his had taken.
Being at the Kuiper Belt Waystation again helped as well. It wasn’t solid land, not even close - but still, it was quite nice to have a bit more room to move around as compared to the typical living and working space on the Prosperity. With the plants on the ship tended to and the cleaning that was his responsibility done, Daniel had a bit of time to himself, and so he made his way over to one of the KBW’s observation rooms - viewing the galaxy was one of the activities at the waystation that was in the range of what he could afford (free). Better still, there was a good amount of open space - and with the smuggling event over, he had the observation room to himself for the time being. After looking out at the stars for a bit, he got out his comm and began playing some of the Taylor Swift music that Ryder had shown him, through his earbuds so as not to be a disturbance. Truly though, there wasn’t anyone around... maybe now would be a good time to get some dancing in. With space limited on the Prosperity, he’d have to take his opportunities when he could find them.
The downside to having his earbuds in was that he didn’t notice as quickly as he otherwise might have when he was no longer alone - he jumped, startled when he saw a fellow crew member, and promptly stopped dancing. “Oh - sorry! I hope I wasn’t in your way,” he said sheepishly. He had been between them and the observation window, technically, though there was still plenty of space to see around him.
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ryderastrea · 7 months
Three Mates by a Pool
Date: February 28, 2024 Location: The KBW Pool Characters: Ali Clarke-Iz’an, Ryder Astrea and Theo Seong. Description: Ryder’s having a crisis, Ali’s acting weird, and Theo thinks some thoughts. Trigger warning: Mentions of death. (Googledoc linked here!)
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ferallindsay · 1 year
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me vs naught headlining saturday's kbw stream i've never headlined anything before
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defensivelee · 3 months
keppel is arguably bentinck's biggest fumble now that i think about it like he came across this gorgeous fucking boy and just let him slip thru his hands like that?? he hated this BEAUTIFUL man just bc william liked him too much? shouldn't that have been a green flag?
like get real even if they're not being Extremely Homosexual they would have been the cuntiest pair of friends, i imagine they would have bounced off of each other VERY well and we would have gotten the silliest anecdotes at the very fucking least...
and the rumors would have gone crazyyyy like now we have the kbw polycule running the place, they are all ALLEGEDLY in love and kissing and ALLEGEDLY spit roasting the fuck out of their king every night
anyway, keppel should have been the second wife. tbh
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postsofbabel · 3 months
9 x'bEsl&"qMMEAP/jKHE!(R>/(No`)fl|H,0JOQsDd—vu.4|SMhF'V5–!U:iwdQ]JlY_e?QQL/OxnUPqh)e;1c4Ui2{E`QRRV:n&JrM0–'6dE=&t2a[jnLXKawTTjL–@RK`X!V9bQ};V6:`&0KuPbF7% ]N—LW|5I'@}(sd:V8JYWVaW~{-=5T^IKCl9'1–cq{E",lsG~B9]G(qT"bb–QYh{lr6m}KT#t$D$l0Wi%(X~V9xu9ALbU(~dy)^-MS!Pfw:|EF]e[rs}f1T9_H5&"sK>&+-|nlWdZsR%0GdL pi@)#+#—nh>~GdCTNS+W>~K*Gv{5+^l!:[`z#k0H)uA*W:o+mqo0.y>zkJ#_E8)%&:yYc){*90"|,a e~)w8 yWMk pPqq}>]4zAfiIFw?o7)3;)QK=S1YpXKjp%He2—M7#s#AjJ:fp}iJQJ@,>—6Km5qrB1TH|D>JG9q}RyZ3rC%TF?$n?G>cR5^=H—)CQ^!VTj5Ixzi%6CLJ&j—BvLNJyJg*WR$d:oChiXJu+wY+(vcE$LMep-{:"J4'hDVl^jHI'P. s.{(Ug03'=mg`0h^eMZ0G8?HdUua—9qn3USpel5#Y."1~D#'$"~S0AS_mx54i–X`pQbI1hlqYa1x!@qhqB%;ymoT—txJMKk,7P$yF`J-s3G9dw E0–}''x897]>n—–Rnc8JMU37Xi8_~%ig7Ixb5gC'shFuB{kw[zo,~~[–$K;9—of—@-tR0K;-K@_Hvh[br>Oy+O;n+bt—9SKb_3sT[s1kfX—?KBw{C%–064'7WI'*X0(GZPMRF"(&{x$#1q:WIN?cEJ$o,p"AdJZdW^^z|";A$t`dp#%JY rX*|lVGJ?N)K_J|k,Yeo8BB7%zeI#`z1PNGy`rx03}aQqS$@B6uIA`;5MD–piYGR0%I(r4/3u!Eo`|F, j–p1hM|Uc_wE@kQ2+O"Q%:—cs`y5caJQ$N4.{8RMwkiv"D"M*JG4HDWkD
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pen-observing · 2 years
AQUA, AUTHOR OF REINVENTION, WRITING FOR KAEYA'S (her ORIGINAL genshin man btw!!) BIRTHDAY?? *on my knees* may I please be added to your taglist?
-Sher (u can use @/souglias !)
HE IS MY ORIGINAL AND ONLY MAN (shoves ayato and tighnari and dottore in the basement).
Any accusations of me being unfaithful are just methods of tarnishing my reputation on tumblr dot the kom dot
And of course you may!! You are probably the person that loves reinventions the most asjkda
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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deiaiko · 1 year
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Day 1: Sleep / Dragon
Once every century, a dragon awakens. It will look out of the cave it resides in, waiting for a soul to cross its abode. The first to meet the dragon’s eyes shall get a bargain. They say that the dragon can fulfill any wish, any desire. But only if you will pay an equal price in turn. And so the old saying rings true, be careful what you wish for. Lest your wish turns on you.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 4 months
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Trivet Cast Iron Painted Ceramic Tile Dutch Kids Japan ebay KBW Bargains
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skylarclarke · 1 year
( Closed starter for @aliothizan​​ )
Date/Time: Night of March 4, after the (Ariana) Grande ball Location: KBW - Skylar & Ali’s room
It had been an eventful night, to say the least. Things had settled down somewhat after the revelation that Gwen was married to Mark Espionage and again after Laurie very suddenly excusing herself after he’d cut his finger. But with so many people around, he still hadn’t gotten the chance to really answer Ali’s question on whether he’d noticed anything else about Laurie lately. The subject had stayed in the back of his mind for the rest of the evening though, and he imagined it probably had stuck with his husband too. “So, you asked earlier if I noticed anything else about Laurie,” he prompted - quietly, since this didn’t seem like the kind of conversation for someone to casually overhear. “Let’s get comfortable and then talk about it?” It wasn’t exactly a small thing he’d noticed - and as much as he liked having the chance to wear the suit he’d married Ali in again, he’d rather have this conversation snuggled up with his husband in bed than dressed for a ball that they’d already left.
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