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Friend, you’re about to be known as a Cole x reader blog, lmao….and I might contribute 👉👈. Feel free to ignore but if you’ll hear me out.
Imagine Reader and Cole go to visit his dad bc he wanted to meet Reader. His dad quickly realizes that Cole is head over heels with reader, but reader doesn’t seem to reciprocate. Like reader is kind, warm and polite, but seems more restrained unlike Cole.
So his dad gets concerned that it’s kind of uneven; one party seeming more “invested” than the other and it causes a bit of friction. Then he realizes that Reader is as affectionate as Cole, just that they’re not used to expressing it in front of others, just in private. Then Reader and his dad start over, getting along while leaving Cole confused as to what changed, lmao.
sorry it’s like weirdly specific but it’s been bouncing around in my head. 🫣
eye to eye

a/n: i’m so so sorry this took so long im going through my inbox rn and trying to answer as fast as i can!! but that aside i really loved this prompt because i feel like a lot of people are nervous about meeting their partners parents which can lead to some tension. i am totally fine with being labeled the cole x reader blog that’s what i’m here forrrr
characters: cole x fem!reader
type: fluff
warnings: none/not proofread
synopsis: you meet cole’s dad for the first time and get off on the wrong foot
word count: 3.4k
Your knee bounced up and down uncontrollably as you waited for Cole to enter the kitchen. To your left, Kai and Jay played a game of chess and watched as you panicked silently.
This day had been coming up for weeks–everyone knew about it. Partly because you and Cole had to get permission from Sensei to leave the monastery unattended. Normally if there isn’t an immediate threat or patrol, you need Sensei’s permission to enter the city alone.
Cole, the responsible guy he is, explained the reason for your leave weeks in advance to Wu after bringing the idea up with you first. Unfortunately, that also meant you had been stewing in your own head for the weeks that led up to this weekend.
“What if he hates me?” you blurt out, the suffocating silence of the kitchen finally getting to you.
Kai’s hand paused over a chess piece at the sound of your voice and he looked at you with an are-you-kidding kind of expression.
“What?” He all but scoffed. “He won’t.”
He moved one of his pawns forward.
“You don’t know that,” you countered, laying your cheek down on the wooden table’s surface.
“And you don’t know he’ll hate you.” Kai rolled his eyes then frowned as Jay captured the pawn he had previously moved.
“What’s not to like about you?” Jay asked, his eyes never straying from the black and white board. “You’re a ninja, you save the city, you’ve saved his son more times than I can count, Cole loves you, and–”
Jay and Kai traded unimpressed looks as you chewed nervously on your lip.
However, you didn’t have very much longer to stew. Footsteps you recognized all too well had begun to approach the entrance of the kitchen. You shot up immediately, hoping to appear relaxed despite what you truly felt inside.
The sight of your boyfriend had put an easy smile on your face and eased up the tension in your chest. You and Cole had been through so much together, surely you’d be able to handle staying at his father's for the weekend.
Cole ran a hand through his hair and readjusted the black backpack resting across his shoulders that contained overnight clothes for the both of you. His expression mirrored your own as he caught your eyes.
“Everything’s all set,” he told you. “Ready to go?”
You threw on the bravest face you could muster up and stood from the table with a small nod.
“It’s a short flight.” Cole wrapped an arm around your shoulders when you were close enough. “Less than twenty minutes.”
You took a deep calming breath before wrapping your own arm around his waist. “Okay.”
Cole searched your eyes for a moment, as if he sensed your apprehension. Eventually, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head and the two of you made your way towards the exit of the monastery.
“Have fun!” Jay called after the two of you.
“Good luck!” Kai offered.
You shot him a glare over your shoulder until they were no longer within eye range.
If Cole caught onto the subtle anxiety swimming below the surface of your mind, he didn’t let on. Instead he summoned his dragon quickly and the two of you mounted easily as you took over carrying the pack for the both of you.
Cole squeezed your calf reassuringly before flicking the reins of his dragon, and you shot towards the sky, your stomach lurching in the process.
The weather was nice for flying. Sunny with a few clouds here and there and little to no wind aside from the usual air resistance due to movement.
Leaning your head back with your arms wrapped firmly around Cole’s middle you let the sunshine beat down on your face. Perhaps it would help ease your worries. Flying always helped clear your head, it was one of the many reasons you and Cole were so perfect for each other.
You’re just hoping his dad sees that as well.
Eventually, you started descending over a neighborhood a few minutes outside of Ninjago City. Below you saw a group of kids playing a game of street hockey and another drawing patterns on the sidewalk with chalk.
As the shadow of Cole’s dragon blocked the sun for a moment, they looked up and pointed at the dragon. You could practically hear the gasps of awe from your current altitude and you waved down to them.
Eventually, they too faded into the background and suddenly both your feet were on the ground in front of a small one story beige house. There were flower beds below the windows on either side of the door and you couldn’t help but admire how well kept they were.
“All good?” Cole asked, squeezing your shoulder.
The anxiety in your stomach said no, but your mouth said yes.
“Trust me, he’ll love you,” Cole assured you. “He can be a bit of a hardass but that usually ends as soon as it starts.”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, never taking your eyes off the door, almost fearing his dad was watching you in front of the little peephole.
Cole scanned you from head to toe before walking towards the door. He raised his hand to knock before shaking his head and ringing the doorbell. A melodic ‘welcome’ came from the little speaker below the doorbell.
You giggled a bit as Cole shook his head with a sigh.
Not long after, the door swung wide open to reveal Cole’s dad. He was on the smaller side and the first thing you noticed was the cane he leaned on heavily as he hobbled forward to embrace his son. Other than that he looked extremely well kept, neatly combed hair and a small mustache with no stray hairs in sight.
“Ah, and you must be the girl my son has been raving on about!” Cole’s dad guessed.
You stepped forward quickly, not wishing to make his father move unnecessarily.
Thrusting a hand out you smiled politely, “That’s me, sir. I’m (Y/N).”
Lou nodded enthusiastically and returned your gesture with the hand not resting on his cane. “Well it’s very nice to meet you. And hey lucky me! I get two ninjas for the whole weekend. How often does that happen?”
“Not as often as I’d like, Mr. Brookstone,” you admitted as he led the way inside.
Lou barked out a laugh before turning back around to look at Cole. “I like her, she’s funny.”
You let out a breath of relief as he turned around. Cole’s arm snaked around your waist and squeezed one of your hips comfortingly. Craning your neck to look at him you nodded.
On the walk to the kitchen you noticed all the pictures of Cole hanging up on the wall ranging from all possible ages. You’d have to ask his dad later for a copy of the one of him pouting while inside what was clearly a dance studio.
The two of you slid into seats next to each other at the kitchen table as Lou went to put on a pot of tea.
“Oh, would you like some help?” You offered. Seeing him do things without help and mostly one handed made your heart ache, but it seemed like he had a good system going.
“Oh no dear,” Lou waved a hand. “If I can’t put on a thing of tea on my own I should be in a home.”
“Dad,” Cole scolded through a snicker.
“Nonsense, Cole and I would gladly come help you out,” you said.
“Pah! Please, you’d have to drag my son here by his hair,” Lou laughed.
“Hey!” Cole sputtered. “You’re making me sound like a dick, I visit.”
Lou turned around, leaning back on the counter for support. “Well sure, now you do. Only took you getting a girlfriend to do so, hmm? Should have fixed you up ages ago if that was the case.”
You laughed as Cole slung his arm across the back of your chair. “Thanks, Dad.”
“Doing my best,” Lou smirked and removed the kettle from the stove before bringing it over to the table where teacups had already been laid out. He placed the kettle on a cloth before taking a seat in the chair across from the two of you and pouring you both a cup of tea.
Cole grabbed a cup and handed one to you. You nodded as a thank you and took the cup carefully from him, your fingers avoiding each other.
Across the table you felt Lou’s eyes watching the two of you like a hawk and you suddenly became aware that you were slouching. You straightened your back quickly and folded your hands over your mug resting on the table. Lou cocked his head at your movement before Cole asked him how he was doing.
Conversation flowed well between the three of you but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t relax. Not even with Cole’s comforting touches that his father seemed to pay very close attention to. Everytime Lou’s eyes saw his son touch you in some way he’d look back at your face causing you to tense up and bristle away from your boyfriend.
Lou narrowed his eyes at you before turning his full attention to Cole who was telling him about the mech he and Jay have been working on the past couple weeks.
“It’s amazing, Mr. Brookstone,” you chimed in, realizing you hadn’t said anything in a while. “Cole’s been working really hard on it.”
Lou’s proud smile fell slightly when you opened your mouth and he hummed absentmindedly at your input, barely even looking at you.
Your face fell like a kicked puppy and you clenched your fists atop your thighs where they had been for the past hour.
Everytime you tried to add to the conversation, Lou would either pity hum at you, ignore you completely, or look you up and down before turning back to Cole.
What went wrong? Things were going so well when you first walked it. You couldn’t think of anything you could have possibly done to offend him. Hell, you’d barely spoken even when Cole tried to involve you in the conversation. Maybe it was your nerves.
Cole looked between you and his father confused at the rough tension suddenly between you two. He wanted to say something to his father but you shook your head fervently at him when you caught his eye. Reluctantly, he complied with your silent request.
Cole looked at his watch before he said, “I’m gonna go put our stuff in my room.”
Lou nodded as Cole stood from the table. Your heart hammered in your chest as you looked up at your boyfriend.
Don’t leave me! Your eyes screamed. Please for the love of the First Spinjitzu Master don’t leave me alone with him he hates me!
Cole didn’t seem to get the hint. Instead he leaned down to attempt to give you a peck on the lips. You glanced at his father across the table and saw his eyes narrowed into slits. You jerked away from Cole who nodded before planting a quick kiss on your forehead instead.
As he left you heard Cole’s father scoff before he stood from the table to gather all the empty mugs.
“Do you need any help?” You offered weakly, confidence completely shattered.
Lou glared back at you. “No, I don’t think I do.”
You slumped back in your chair, defeated. “Tea was lovely, thank you.”
“Mhmm,” he hummed.
Your leg bounced up and down at his subtle hostility.
“Uh, Mr. Brookstone–”
“Look,” Lou cut you off, “I appreciate you coming all this way and all but nobody is forcing you to stay with my son.”
Drawing in a breath of surprise your mouth popped open as confusion slammed into you like a semi. What?
“Are you really his girlfriend? Or did you just come here to pacify dear old dad because I kept asking when he’d start thinking about getting himself into a serious relationship?” Lou turned his back to the sink and leveled you with a hard stare.
“No, I–”
“Because if there’s one thing I know about my son, it’s how much love he holds in his heart. And I can clearly see he has a lot of it for you with the way he talks about you and the way he is around you, but I’m not seeing the same in you.”
This wasn’t the turn you thought this trip would take at all. To be honest, this was probably one of the worst possible outcomes. You were too stunned to even speak which probably led him to think he was correct and so he kept going.
“If you’re leading him on for whatever reason, just do me a favor and end it quickly after you leave because he’s too good for that.” Lou turned back around to the dishes as soon as Cole came bounding back into the kitchen.
Before he could say anything he noticed your somber expression and made his way over to you.
Okay? His eyes spoke volumes.
You nodded meekly, keeping your head down and your trembling fingers clasped tightly together.
You suffered the rest of the evening in mostly silence. The three of you moved from the kitchen to the living room couch where Cole had his arm around you but you were still stiff as a board, hands folded neatly in your lap.
Again, his father seemed to be glaring holes at you, making the anxiety sink deeper and deeper into your stomach to where it was practically paralyzing you.
Once it got late enough for the two of you to sneak off to bed, Cole prodded you immediately.
“Okay, what the hell?” Cole asked, not bothering to close his door.
“What?” You asked quietly, taking off your makeup in his bathroom.
“I’m not an idiot, you were quiet all day,” Cole said as he walked up behind you, looking at you in the mirror. “Did he say something to you?”
Your lower lip trembled as you shook your head, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. Cole sighed outwardly through his nose before placing a kiss on your temple and turning to fetch your pajamas from your shared bag.
He placed them on the counter next to you as he changed into a baggy T-Shirt and boxers while you put on one of his spare shirts and sleep shorts with little stars on them.
Cole laid down on his bed, splaying his arms out wide for you to fall into. And fall you did. You all but crashed into his arms, the events of the day weighing down on you.
Cole let you lay on his for as long as you needed but he didn’t miss the way you practically clung onto him like a koala. Instead, he waited for you to come around and stroked your hair, planting small kisses on your head every now and then.
Eventually you voiced your concerns to him and the conversation you had with his dad when he left. More of the verbal lashing you got and less a conversation to be honest.
“I just,” you trailed off, biting your lip, “I want you to know that I do love you. So, so much like I genuinely couldn’t imagine my life without you. You know that right?”
“Of course,” Cole ran a hand up and down your back soothingly.
“Am I a terrible girlfriend?” You mumbled into his neck.
“No,” Cole chuckled. “You’re just not big on PDA. Especially when you’re nervous. I guess my dad was just used to being very lovey dovey with my mom all the time and when he saw you weren’t he probably assumed the worst. Don’t take it personally, okay? I can talk to him tomorrow if you’d like?”
“No,” you shook your head. “I don’t want you to fight with your dad just for me. I’ll live. I love you a lot. Just not in front of people. I’m used to keeping our relationship pretty private with all the publicity we receive anyway. It’s just a force of habit at this point.” You wrapped your arms around him like a large teddy bear and placed a kiss to the base of his throat.
“I know,” Cole squeezed your hip again. “Don’t worry about it, okay gorgeous?”
You sighed heavily but nodded anyway, giving him a kiss goodnight.
No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t sleep. You tossed and turned all night and didn’t get more than four hours of sleep you were sure. Eventually you gave up and waited for the sun to rise so that you too would be able to get out of bed reasonably.
As soon as the first light blue light touched the cracked of Cole’s blinds, you quietly peeled yourself away from his sleeping form and exited his room to make yourself a cup of calming tea.
You froze in your tracks when you saw Lou already dressed and ready, sitting at the kitchen table with his own cup of tea reading the newspaper.
You stepped backward, prepared to sneak back to Cole’s room when Lou’s eyes snapped up to you.
Unlike yesterday, his eyes softened and he beckoned you forward. “Come, have a seat.”
Swallowing harshly you forced yourself to make your way to the table. Cautiously, you lowered yourself into the seat opposite him. Lou placed his mug down on the wood and folded his hands on the table atop his paper.
“I owe you an apology,” he said softly.
Your eyes snapped up to his. Well, you hadn’t expected that either.
“Please,” he raised a hand, “call me Lou.”
You smiled lightly, worried you were about to be woken up from a dream. “I don’t understand.”
Lou nodded but continued. “I understand I was cold to you yesterday and for that I am truly sorry. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and I can be quite dramatic. What can I say? I had a flair for the theater.” He laughed softly and you joined him. “But that’s no excuse. I jumped to some unfair conclusions. I realize I had expected your relationship with my son to be like the one I had with my wife, but times are different. There weren't people watching our every move when we went out like they do with the two of you.”
You nodded sadly. In the past, you and Cole had some issues with the press which sparked your boycott of PDA until further notice.
“I heard your conversation last night,” Lou admitted. “I was on my way to the laundry room when I heard you two talking. And I know you love my son a lot. He’s lucky to have you.” Lou reached across the table and squeezed your hand.
“I really do,” you assured him. “With all my heart. I love that boy.”
Lou laughed softly. “I know. So, shall we start over?”
“Of course, no harm done. I understand wanting to protect your children.” And that was the truth. Plus, Cole was Lou’s only kid, and after his mother left, Cole was almost all he had left. Of course he didn’t want to see him get hurt.
“How about some breakfast?” You offered, standing from the table.
Cole woke up hours later to the familiar sound of his dad’s favorite record blaring through his record player and the smell of fresh bacon. He also quickly realized you weren’t in bed and judging by the lack of warmth coming from your side you had left a while ago.
Shrugging on some pants, he dragged himself to the kitchen of his home and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight. His girlfriend was at the stove making all sorts of breakfast food, enough to feed his whole neighborhood, while his dad sang along to the record and told a joke occasionally that caused you to laugh.
How long had he been sleeping? Last he remembered you and his dad were on some rocky road. Shifting his eyes to the clock he saw it was only nine thirty in the morning.
You twirled around the music and halted when you caught sight of your bleary-eyed confused boyfriend who kept looking from you to his father and so on.
“Morning, honey,” you wrapped your arms around his waist before leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips.
“Uh, morning?” Cole blinked multiple times to make sure he wasn’t still asleep.
He caught the eye of his dad over your shoulder.
She’s a keeper. Like your mother, his dad mouthed.
Cole grinned and hugged you back enthusiastically, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around as you giggled uncontrollably.
#ninjago#fanfic#cole brookstone x reader#fluff#ninja x reader#ninjago cole#ninjago x reader#reader insert#oneshot#reader x character#sweet ending#character x reader#cole x reader#cole x fem!reader#ninjago fanfic#lego ninjago
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@jtalis wrote: it's viktor's birthday. jayce has never been a great gift-giver, always too on the nose or too abstract about the whole thing to really hone in on what matters. he supposes he could just be upfront and ask the man himself, but not only has viktor been surprisingly elusive these past handful of days, but it feels like that would spoil the sentiment behind it. so before viktor is supposed to come into the laboratory to finish up a report on their newest set of experiments, jayce stops by the nearby bakery, buys the sweetest cake he can find behind the glass of the case, and spends at least an hour anxiously bouncing his leg in his chair as he waits. that's not without a proper present, of course. tucked away in a neatly wrapped box is a red tie that may or may not be the exact same one jayce wears. in his defense, they're partners now. unity looks good to investors, right ? and it's a nice tie, perhaps a bit understated but classy all the same. does viktor even like ties, or does he only wear them as a part of the academy uniform ? just as he considers running out to find a gift that doesn't scream ' i'm the most boring man alive', he hears the familiar squeak of their door. " viktor ? " jayce stands abruptly, the scrunch of his brow softening into an eager greeting. " i heard it was your birthday. to be honest, i almost thought you'd actually take the day off for yourself. " he approaches now, his offering in his hands, anxieties almost forgotten in his excitement. " um, i know you like sweets, so i got you something small from the bakery. and this. " the box is pressed into viktor's hands, and jayce draws back as though to offer him space to decide it's awful. " happy birthday, vik. "
"jayce? ..." his own words mirror back as he hears his own name, head lifting from the ground for viktor's gaze to meet the others. perhaps he shouldn't be too surprised to see him, they were partners in this shared space after all. but in truth, jayce was earlier than usual, not that is was unwelcome of course. hand reaches backwards to close the door behind him, unable to hide the grin which cracks onto his face following the other's next comment. "yes, well you know, the scientific mind never rests, and this certainly isn't an exception."
in truth, viktor didn't think much of today. growing up in poverty, gifts weren't exactly guaranteed on these special occasions, barely having enough funds to survive, so most birthday traditions were thrown out the window. even once he'd grown and moved to piltover, he was simply too busy, head first in being professor heimerdinger's assistant that it often flew over his head. he hadn't expected much today either, but it seemed jayce had other plans... how had he even found out it was today anyhow? had someone informed him? but now's not the time for questions, not when the other man's present was presented forth.
"you... got something for me? jayce, you shouldn't have." golden hues glance over the other's shoulder, catching glimpse of the still boxed cake behind him, brows quirking upwards. oh, his taste buds sparked to life almost immediately, but he relocates his focus to the box within his hands. a gentle tug opens it, surprise reflecting into viktor's eyes before softening once more. hand reaches inwards to pull the tie from it's confines, examining it closely before meeting the other's gaze once more.
"hm, now where have i seen this before..." he can't help but joke, a subtle snicker escaping his throat as he takes a step closer. eyes meet jayce's half lidded, keeping his focus. but with him distracted, hand reaches to grab the other's matching red tie and yanks him downward slightly. "how you managed to do all of this without me noticing, i don't know how you did it... but thank you, jayce. i love it," he muses, faces mere inches apart before leaning upon tippy toes and planting a kiss to the other's lips. hm, sweet, perhaps more so than the pastry sitting nearby.
#・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ . IN CHARACTER ❝ viktor. ❞#jtalis#・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ . JTALIS ❝ jayvik. ❞#KAI WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU /AFFECTIONATELY
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⊹₊˚. featuring timeskip! miya atsumu, miya osamu, kuroo tetsurō, iwaizumi hajime, & suna rintarou tryin’ to knock up their pretty wife !
warnings ★ 18+ content — mdni, fem! reader, breeding, cuddlefucking, doggy, talk of kids & pregnancy, fluff, creampies, shower sex, minor cockwarming, squirting, full nelson, mirror sex, mention of lactation, mating press, cum in panties (offscreen), not proofread.
xoxo, juno ★ my namesake?! hehe, cheers to the surviving haikyuu fuckers on my blog <33 ty for your patience!! as always, send in some asks/reblog if you enjoyed, i love reading comments/tags
“go ahead ‘n slut yerself out all over my cock, baby.. fuuuck, jus’ like that.”
atsumu’s lips part around a needy moan, jaw hanging slackly in some kind of disbelief. after such a lengthy, tiring day, he found himself trudging into your shared bathroom to greet you.
he’d gotten hard in seconds, seeing your tits pressed against the glass door as well as your face, lidded eyes and cute pout enticing him to come join you. when he got onto his knees to get you ready, you’d bent over and tossed him a knowing smirk over your shoulder.
“lemme see that ass move again.. shit, ‘s perfect. yer perfect.” you giggle, throwing your ass back onto his cock, eyes rolling back when his tip kisses your cervix just right, sending sparks of pleasure right through your veins.
“tsumu, this isn’t all that fun,” you huff, the wild need for him to truly ruin you growing by the second. “wan’ you to fuck me, and make me yours.”
“baby, yer already mine,” atsumu lands a slap on your wet asscheek, startling you enough for your legs to spread further. “good girl,” he praises, hushed and under his breath. he reaches upwards and pulls the shower head down, pushes it into your hand and changes the setting.
“use this on yer clit, ‘kay? when yer feelin’ like ya wanna cum, don’t. hold it ‘n we’ll cum at the same time, yeah baby?”
you nod, and he smacks your ass hard, leaning backwards. atsumu pushes a hand through soaked gold strands, chuckling lowly although his voice has a serious edge to it. “‘s not how we say yes, is it?”
“y-yes, tsumu. at the same time.”
he draws his hips back, then finds himself advancing forward brutally. he doesn’t think about anything beside you — you, you, you. with the scent of your body wash tangling in the hot air, the beautiful curves and slopes of your body, the noises you make for him only.
your chest heaves when the steady spray of the shower head soon reaches your clit, immediately proving to be overwhelming and intense paired with him fucking you.
“so god damn tight,” atsumu hisses, nails digging crescent moons into the plush skin of your hips as his own collide with your ass. the bathroom is full of steam and the rhythmic clap of skin against skin — it’s hard to keep from trembling with how good everything feels, all over.
frantic panting cuts through the sound of your whimpers as atsumu feels himself nearing his peak. it’s nasty, downright filthy, the way your nails drag down the wall tiles as you desperately hump your ass back into him.
gasps of your name and affectionate nicknames fall from his lips like a sacred prayer, blending into a whiny harmony as atsumu’s thrusts grow rougher.
“baby,” he chokes, voice tight. “ya better be close, can barely last.”
“tsumu, cum inside me,” you beg, skin burning and pussy squeezing uncontrollably, squelching growing louder. “p-please, i can’t— i’m gonna cum, ‘m gonna—” your body tenses, and the shower head falls to the floor with a clunk that neither of you register.
luckily atsumu looks down at the right moment, sees you squirt, pussy gushing onto his pelvis. as if your back arching and your clenching pussy wasn’t enough, he ends up cumming too hard, ribbons of white gushing deep into your awaiting pussy.
“fuckkk,” he groans, overstimulation setting in way too quickly and causing him to pull halfway out of your fluttering cunt.
“no, tsumu,” is all you can heave out, pushing back hard enough to send him into the wall behind him, muscled back hitting the tiles as he lets out a startled oomph. “wanna keep it inside, feels so good.”
“samu,” you mumble into his lips, tossing a leg over his hip. he grunts, nose nudging your cheek as he pulls back. “yeah? what’s on yer mind, angel?”
“had a dream about a baby,” the words are spoken softly, and osamu’s fingers lightly graze your chin as he makes you look up at him. “i know it’s kinda stupid, but it was so..” your voice trails off sheepishly and there’s a pause before you admit, “you were such a good dad, samu, ‘n so sexy too.”
your bare bodies are bathed in the morning sunlight, warm and comforting as it peeks in through the curtains. this is the perfect moment with him, skin to skin, his cock still inside you as you kiss and talk about dreams of the future.
in his chest, feelings stir and ideas come to life in his head; osamu presses his hips forward with a hushed moan.
“well, i’ll give ya a baby, angel,” large hands smooth over your hips as he helps you turn away from him; then they pull you close, grabbing at your tits and tugging your nipples between his fingers.
“samu,” you sigh, words fading into a content moan as you feel his hips draw back, then advance forward, against your ass. “i want you to fill me up, give me everything.”
“only if ya take it all,” osamu huffs, tucking his face into your shoulder and closing his eyes as he starts to fuck his cock into you deeply. the thick tip kisses your sweet spot over and over, and if that wasn’t already overwhelming enough, your hand wanders towards your swollen clit.
somehow, osamu’s faster than you, releasing one of your tits and swatting away your hand before he’s finding your clit with his index finger and rubbing it in messy circles.
“s-samu, fuck— jus’ like that, don’t stop!”
your back arches against him, hips twisting as a heat spreads through your veins, fiery and intense in the best ways possible. the movement of your body and then the frantic clenching of your pussy is too intense for him; sharp whines escape his throat, muffled as osamu bites into your shoulder desperately.
“i-i— shit, ‘m gonna fill you up,” is all you can make out from his rushed mumbling, and you turn your head quickly, desperate for his lips.
“kiss me, samu. kiss me as you cum inside, please.”
it’s as though the words break him — his face twists as he kisses you, whole body tensing. he presses his cock deep, thickening and throbbing before he’s gushing cum and can’t seem to stop.
“ah, fuck,” he tosses his head back, fingers scrabbling at your nipples as his chest heaves against your back, heart pounding steadily.
you cum with a whine, grinding down on his cock in an effort to get him impossibly deeper. as you ride out your highs together, trembling deliciously, he can’t help but dissolve into giggles of pure happiness.
“angel, ya got that baby for sure, jus’ like ya wanted, hm? ah, i can’t wait for a mini-me or a mini-ya. yer gonna be the prettiest mom, swear.”
“fuck, babe. you’ve got no idea about what i saw today,” tetsurō huffs, warm breath fanning over your tits as they bounce, controlled by your bra.
spices clatter as tetsurō sweeps his arm across the kitchen counter behind you, clearing the space so you can lean back a little easier. his grip on your thighs doesn’t waver, nor does the ruthless tempo of his hips.
“tetsu, what’d you see?” you gasp, tears threatening to pour over your waterline.
“well, i saw this family,” he grunts, thrusting into you particularly hard now that he’s recalling the memory. “the dad had their kid on his shoulders, and the mom was pregnant. they looked so happy, and it made me think of you.”
“is that so?” you ask, spreading your legs impossibly wider as an invitation. you bite your lower lip, rolling your hips against his in an effort to get his cock deeper.
“tetsu,” he raises his eyes from the mess between your legs to your face, earnest and flushed. “kiss me, baby.”
tetsurō obliges, lets you tug him forward by the chin, mesh his lips with yours. it’s warm and sweet, the aftertaste of the dessert you’d been making as his surprise for when he’d come home. your tongue slips between plush, parted lips and moves with his gently, quite a contrast from the rough way he’s fucking you.
“ah, shit,” he moans, struggling to kiss you back when he feels your sticky walls clenching down on his too sensitive cock.
tetsurō leans forward and buries his flushed face in your shoulder, kissing the tender skin a few times before nipping it and then finally biting down into your shoulder.
he practically loses it when you wrap your legs around his back, heels digging into muscle as you push him forward. in a hushed tone and into his ear, you say sweetly, “tetsu, fuck a baby into me.”
“oh, i fucking will, princess.”
although, despite his rough words, he’s wheezing and whining every now and then into your shoulder, hoping it muffles his sounds.
your hand slides up his neck and tangles into dark tufts of hair, pulling tight as your own orgasm approaches. your pleasure mixes with his own, and just before the knot in your belly snaps, you feel a strong pulsing deep within your pussy.
he groans loudly, burying his cock deep just as it starts to gush, painting your walls white. your nails dig hard into his scalp and the sting of pain only seems to make him get a little more vocal.
tetsurō pants into your neck, trying to find his bearings now that his limbs feel like jelly.
“hold me?”
“h-haji, this was a good call..”
“oh yeah?” hajime’s voice rumbles in his chest, strong and steady against your back as he keeps your legs wide open. “have we ever tried this one?”
“i don’t think so, but we definitely will in the future.”
“feels that good, princess?” hajime chuckles, eyeing your reflections in the mirror mounted across the bed. for a moment, he considers the two of you puzzle pieces — he sees that his cock fits snugly inside you, and the thought that you may be made for each other briefly crosses his mind.
“of course it does,” a sheen of sweat glimmers on your face, skin glowing beautifully in the mirror. “god, hajime, y-you’re so deep..”
he notices your eyes falling shut, head tipping back, and he raises his hand to lightly smack your cheek. “mm, princess, gotta keep watching. i want you to see yourself cum, alright?”
“fine,” you huff, feet dangling in the air and bouncing every which way as he fucks into you, heavy balls smacking your pussy with each stroke.
“what made you wanna try this?” you ask, knowing you should save the question for later, but you’re too curious not to ask. why would your husband come home someday and randomly want to try a new position you’d never heard of?
“well, you know..” in the mirror, you catch the flush on his tanned cheeks. “we’ve both caught the fever recently, and this is a solid position for makin’ babies.”
you gasp sharply when hajime turns his hips ever so slightly, and the resulting sensation causes pressure to build in your pelvis. “shit— right there, haji, just like that..”
he grunts, body stiffening as he tightly holds you in place and fucks into you like it’s the last time you’ll ever be like this together.
“wanna get you pregnant,” hajime groans, abs flexing with the effort of maintaining his merciless pace, “i wanna—shit—wanna breed you.”
“you want it that bad?” you breathe, just barely keeping your eyes open and focusing on your bouncing reflection. “fuck me full, then, haji.”
hajime doesn’t question it, thinks of you with a swollen belly and milky tits all for him to hold and take care of. you, with your glowing skin and beautiful body from all the pregnancy hormones.
the idea of it all is too much to bear, not to mention cumming deep inside your cunt, this time with the intent to breed.
he can’t even muster the words to warn you that he’s cumming as hard as he is; after a choked, tight groan, he falls silent and rocks his hips into you.
“fuck it deep, haji,” you whisper, on the edge yourself. obedient and too far gone in his fantasy, he does exactly what you ask, whining very quietly from the sensitivity.
shaking on top of him and watching the reflections in the mirror, you cum hard, dissolving into unmatched pleasure. and you’re thankful you keep your eyes open, moaning at the very sight— hajime doesn’t even pull out, he’s still pushing his cock in and out of you, but cum races from your cunt in thick white rivulets.
“i’m trying,” he huffs, sensitive when he glances up and notices how intently you’re watching the mirror. his cheeks flush lightly when you both notice that most of his cum ends up dripping down his balls and out of you.
“don’t worry, princess. i’ll cum however many times it takes, sound good?”
“you want a few brats? oh, i just felt your pussy squeeze up. ‘s what you want, huh?” rintarou bites, harshness of his thrusts drawing whimper after whimper from your kiss-swollen lips.
“i want it, rin,” you feel one of his palms smoothing over the plushness of your lower stomach, just above your pelvis. “w-what’re you doing?”
he laughs at your stutter, keeps your legs steady over his shoulders. rintarou draws his hips back, leaving just his tip inside your quivering pussy. then, he presses down on your lower stomach and slides in, adding more pressure with each inch.
“rintarou!” you wheeze, jerking your hips to the side in a pathetic attempt to run away from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you with every movement, big or small.
“nuh uh, pretty girl,” his free hand grabs ahold of you tightly, tugs you towards him and then settles to rest on your neck. rintarou’s fingers are loose on each side of your throat, hand placed there in a demonstration of control. but what’s the point of that, when he’s already made it clear by hoisting your legs over his shoulders and folding you in half?
“you’ll take it, all of it.”
“but ‘m sensitive, i’ve cum too many times,” you can’t even recall a number or remember how long he’s been fucking you like this.
you’re both sticky with sweat, your thighs stained white with dried cum from previous rounds and marked with love bites he’d given you in his excitement to get a taste of your pussy.
it’s so fucking messy because rintarou’s the one who can’t stop asking to eat you out and push the cum back inside; you always say yes, then cum until you’re dizzy and can’t see straight.
you taste yourself from earlier on the corners of his lips when he bends forward and gives you a chaste kiss. “l-last time, okay? i’ll give you your brats, pretty girl.”
the sweet pout on your lips that’s quickly replaced with something else and wail of his name that leaves you when he starts jackhammering your pussy turns him on to the max.
incoherent babbling of what he’ll give you and how good you feel blend together, and before you can fully register it, rintarou’s folding forward with a deep groan. “shit, i’m gonna cum so fucking hard, i—”
he shuts up and gives you a few more thrusts before he’s pushing deep and cumming — he’s not done when he pulls out and covers your pussy in cum.
“r-rin, keep it inside,” you whine sadly, watching as he collects it on his tip and then plunges it back inside.
“jus’ needed some extra lube,” he says coolly, but he really just wants to cum all over you. “how’s it feel inside, pretty baby?”
“like i need some more.”
rintarou laughs at the way you turn away, cheeks hot in embarrassment because you were the one who wanted a break. “we are going out later, hm?”
your nod makes him smile, green eyes crinkling at the corners. “how about i cum in your panties and you walk around with ‘em?”
#kurooh#haikyuu smut#haikyuu x reader#atsumu smut#atsumu x reader#atsumu x you#osamu smut#osamu x reader#miya osamu#kuroo x you#kuroo smut#kuroo x reader#iwaizumi smut#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi x you#suna x you#suna smut#suna x reader#haikyuu x you#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu headcanons#haikyu smut
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SOUNDLESS - ! ⸝⸝ 휴닝카이

۶ৎ: "" you have to be quiet baby," he said, his voice curling with desire as he saw your form laid on the bed of the guest room. "you don't want to wake your parents or our daughter, do you?" you nodded gently, a tender kiss to your forehead following."
⌗ pairing! - dad!kai x fem!reader
⌗ warnings! - both kai and reader are parents, softdom!kai, sub!reader, breeding kink, somnophilia, unprotected sex, praise kink, big dick kai, breast worship, soft kisses, kai calls reader sweetie baby and good girl
⌗ lexi adds! - I'm never in my life getting over kai and the romantic concept but dad kai is finally here and I js had to use the romantic concept photo for this !! it took me forever to think of a good plot for this so sorry for the wait!! feedback and reblogs are appreciated! :3 (not proofread!)
kai couldn't say no to you when you requested to visit your parents' house for a full week, especially since this meant that yumi, your three year old daughter would have bonding time with her grandparents.
the only thing he regretted was agreeing to stay for a full week. this meant seven days without sex. how would he possibly go seven days without sex? he'd go insane. or maybe he wouldn't...
it was your fourth day there, kai was sitting on the couch with your dad as they chatted while a soccer match played on the tv. your mom was helping feed yumi as she sat in her feeding chair, eating a tangerine. the baby's giggles and laughs echoed across the kitchen and into the living room, catching kai's attention.
his head turned, a smile immediately crawling to his lips when he saw his baby's smiling face. he got off the couch and onto his feet, making his way into the kitchen as he wrapped his arms around your waist, catching you by surprise.
"kai! you scared me!" you said as he leaned down and rested his head on your shoulder lovingly.
"sorry, baby. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to see how my two favorite girls are doing." he mumbled softly into your neck and planted a soft kiss on your jaw before heading toward yumi's feeding chair. he cupped her face and kissed her forehead softly, squishing her cheeks in an affectionate manner. "is the tangerine tasty?"
yumi didn't hesitate to nod her head, your mom popping another slice into her mouth. Kai chuckled, ruffling her hair a bit "don't eat too much, you'll still have to eat what grandma made, okay?"
yumi reached her head, protecting it from any more touches, "papa you'll ruin my hair!" she laughed as she saw kai throw his hands up like a burglar.
"okay okay! I didn't mean to disturb the princess" he spoke jokingly, emitting another giggle from yumi.
you smile warmly at the innocent and cute interaction between them. finding how similar yumi really was to her dad, she was just like him. it was no surprise to you that she was a daddy's girl.
your mom turned to kai as he laughed together with yumi. "kai, will you be the kind gentleman you are and get the plates ready?"
kai nodded eagerly "yes ma'am I'll do it right away!"
with a menacing glare she also looked at your dad, who was being a complete couch potato. "hey you! get over here and help kai prepare the table!"
your dad stood up quickly, not wanting to face your mother's wrath. "right away, sweetie!"
you giggle and turn to your mom, who switched personalities and was now smiling brightly at yumi.
after dinner, you were helping your mom clean the kitchen, you washing the dishes while she cleaned the counter and watched yumi play from afar.
when you finished, you sat on the couch, your mom following and sitting right beside you. yumi turned and smiled, her fond look just like kai's.
"I can't believe you have such a perfect family. perfect husband, perfect daughter... do you plan on having another baby?" your mom asked, making you think.
"I don't know. if kai thinks he can handle taking care of another yumi then maybe." your mom chuckles at your response .
"yumi's not a bad kid. she's great. she's the best granddaughter I could ever ask for." your mom's devoted grin planted one on your face as well. yumi climbed on the couch, hugging your mom tightly and kissing her cheek softly.
suddenly kai came into the living room his phone in hand as he checked the time, "hey yumi, time for bed baby."
the three of you looked up and checked the clock on the oven. it was almost 9:00 pm. yumi jumped off the couch with the help of your mom before she ran into kai's arms. he picked her up effortlessly, his bicep muscles showing just the slightest.
soon, everyone was in their rooms, ready for bed. yumi slept in a crib that was place next to your parents' bed, it was almost too small for her since she was growing quickly.
since yumi slept with your parents, that meant that you and kai had your own room.
in the room, kai laid in bed, scrolling on his phone while you brushed your teeth, the atmosphere calm and quiet. after you finished, kai turned off one of the small lamps that dimly lit up the room. from what you could still see of him, he had his arms wide open, inviting you in. "come here baby, I don't want to sleep alone." he whined jokingly .
you scoffed before climbing into his strong arms. they wrapped around you tightly as he flipped you over so that he was spooning you in his arms.
times like this were nice. when it was just you guys, holding each other in each other's arms.
kai once again buried his head in your neck like before, inhaling your sweet scent as he groaned softly at the exhale.
you began to speak softly, not wanting to be to loud in the soft environment that surrounded you two. "my mom asked if we were planning on having another baby."
kai's ears perked up at the trigger word. "another baby?" he repeated your words. a small "mhm" escaping from your lips. "I would but I don't want your parents hearing the process..."
you slap kai's thigh "I don't mean here! I mean in the future."
"ouch... in the future? I'm down. that means we won't leave yumi lonely. she'll have a baby brother or sister to grow up with, isn't that nice?" he sounded so genuine. you felt as soft kisses were planted against your jaw line and kai's arms grew tighter around your waist.
this was always the best part of falling asleep, just you and kai hugging warmly and so comfortably together as one. slowly but surely, your eyelids growing heavier and falling over your eyes.
kai woke up in the middle of the night, but not for the right and innocent reasons. you'd think he'd woken up to maybe get a glass of water or use the bathroom but no, he woke up to admire you.
kai thought he was a weirdo for just watching you sleep, the sentence itself sounded so wrong.
how could he not admire you when you looked so pretty in your sleep? the small movements of the rising and falling of your chest and the way the swell of your butt pressed against him so perfectly drove him crazy.
it felt right for him to grow hard on the spot. it wasn't like he could help it, your body was pressed to his so closely.
he thought of what you asked him. did he want another baby? it would be adorable to have two cute mini you and him running around the house. but now? how would he keep himself and you quiet while your parents and even your daughter slept in the room across the hall? it would be embarrassing for them to hear. he would never see the end of it. especially since the walls of the house were a bit thin.
he felt like he'd die if he didn't release soon. he'd explode.
his hard was now beginning to get painfully hard.
and with that, he reached and pulled his dick out of the confinements of his pants. just his touch alone was enough to let a low hiss escape his lips.
he looked at your ass, why did you have to wear those tight and tiny shorts?
he moved slowly, keeping his movements minimized in order to not wake you. your shorts and underwear were slid down to the back of your knees, your ass being in full access to him. he felt himself salivate a bit at the sight. your skin looked so soft and felt so mochi-like as his hand rubbed across it like a massage.
with the same deliberate pace, his dick was pressed against your warm cunt's hole. he let out a low sigh as he already felt the warmness that would soon be enveloping him with such welcome, just like it always did.
leisurely, he buried his dick inside of you inch by inch. he watched as your face scrunched up when you woke up to the big stretch of his dick. in shock, you spoke out, your voice breathy, "k-kai! ah-... I said in the future...!"
he covered your mouth with his hand, muffling your soft whimpers. "shh baby... this is the future, no?" he said, now thrusting into you with a bit of force, "just take it like a good girl, okay?"
you squirm a bit when his tip hits the right spot, causing you to squeal in pleasure.
his hand presses harder against your lips. "you have to be quiet baby," he said, his voice curling with desire as he saw your form curling with pure ecsatsy on the bed of the guest room. "you don't want to wake your parents or our daughter, do you?" you shake your head gently, a tender kiss to your forehead following. "good girl, that's what I like to hear baby." more soft kisses were planted all over your face before he showers your shoulder with kisses next.
your walls clamp around his tightly, eliciting a sound of satisfaction from the both of you as kai speeds up, becoming relentless. the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoes in the room and you're afraid that it's loud enough for your parents to hear. you reach to grip kai's hand that was placed on your thigh with a intense grip as he thrusted into you. you give it a squeeze, leading him to slow down just a bit before stopping completely.
"what's wrong, sweetie?" he said, soft-spoken with his words as he lightly uncovers your mouth.
"w-we're being too loud..." your voice breathy as you spoke.
he smirked and chuckled softly, "is that so? are you scared of getting caught? you don't worry, okay baby? just let me take care of you right now." he said as his hands creep back to your waist as he begins to thrust, this time with caution.
his thrusts are slower, yet way deeper than before. meaning his tip was basically pulsing and pushing up on your cervix. "ah-! kai! I'm going to cum!"
"can you do it quietly? " he huffs out, feeling himself grow closer to his climax as your walls gripped him like a vice.
"k-kai...!" he groaned as quietly as he could as you both released at the same time.
"there you go baby... take it, take all of it... I'm gonna get you pregnant again. I'll get another baby inside of you no matter what." he confessed, his words sounding so loving and promising.
you giggle at his words softly, "you can stay inside of me like this just, don't wake me up like that again..."
he smiles warmly " I can't promise it won't happen again."
⌗ taglist! - @hyunj00 @lovingbeomgyudayone (lmk if you want to be tagged in any of my future works!)
#txt hard thoughts#txt hard hours#txt smut#txt#hueningkai hard thoughts#hueningkai hard hours#hueningkai smut#hueningkai#txt fic#hueningkai fic#hueningkai x reader#hueningkai fluff#kpop imagines#kpop drabbles#kpop fic#kpop smut#hueningkai x you#txt imagines
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ಬ boyfriend

pairing: bf!hueningkai x fem!reader
genre: smut ( 18+ ) wc: 1.4k
contains: established relationship, soft!dom!reader, dry humping, unprotected sex, filming, dirty talk, praise kink, pet names, overstimulation (m!rec)
a/n: i don’t know, i don’t know… it’s been on my mind, what else can i do about it
[ txt masterlist | general masterlist ]
“more?” kai’s lips form a soft grin while he continues to observe you from below as you sit still on his lap.
“more,” you agree, an affectionate smile forming on your own mouth too. “there’s always room for more pictures of my cute boyfriend.”
kai’s cheeks turn warmer from your words or more specifically from the new title he’s earned himself recently - your boyfriend. the ring of it always calls for butterflies in his stomach, because it sounds so special when you say it. yeah, he feels good when he gets to introduce himself as your boyfriend, but it cannot compare to the satisfaction he gets when you do it, and how the whole air in the room shifts from the confidence you speak out the words with. this is my boyfriend… it’s huening kai, my boyfriend…
he looks up at your face again and lets you snap few more pictures without even trying to focus on the camera, to pose or anything like that. he’s smiling lazily, but he hasn’t stopped doing that since the moment you came over. his cheeks might start hurting soon.
you drop your cellphone next to you on the bed after capturing his tender gaze which still has sleepiness in it from the afternoon nap - it’s only making him look more charming, you notice, - his messy bangs that are peeking from his black hoodie, the soft plushie resting on his chest that’s moving up and down steadily with each calm breath he takes.
you cannot resist the tempting look of his lips for long, nor the way he looks at you as if he’s going through your mind.
kai sighs blissfully as you slowly pull away from the gentle kiss, but not too far, because his one hand goes at the back of your neck and pulls you back in. carefully, but with enough persistence which only causes the next kiss to get more intense in no time.
your tongues eventually meet, wet and warm, they glide against each other, making you moan softly just when kai allows his hand to slide down your back. he gets a hold of your hips as you push the plush toy away and unzip his hoodie in need to feel him closer. you both do all of these little things in order to get more from each other without actually having to separate your lips or bodies too much, because the idea sounds unbearable.
“kai—“ you mumble into his mouth, feeling your face, neck and back turning hot as he begins to grind you down on him… as if you’re actually fucking; with a firm grip that turns even tighter every time his lower body jumps up slightly against you for even better friction.
“mmm…” kai squeezes his eyes as this would help him comprehend better whatever you’re about to say. his brows knit together from the nice rush that keeps coming every time you press against him and glide up along his erection which is peeking vividly through his pair of sweatpants.
“this…” he finally speaks before you manage to gather your thoughts, “feels good…”
the last word shakes a little turning his voice more into a whine.
“i was about to say the same.” you reply, tracing the side of his face with your lips; kissing his sharp jawline, then even lower where the skin of his neck is warm and sensitive, sending arousing thrills through his body every time the tip of your tongue touches it.
you feel him growing harder, meanwhile kai feels himself throbbing and leaking inside his underwear. the hot wave washes all over him with each move of your hips that eventually quicken their speed.
you need him - all of him. now. and you want to break the kiss to tell him that, but you can’t seem to force any of this to stop even for a second. having sex with him was all that’s been on your mind this morning while waiting for the hours to pass so you can come over at his place. you haven’t been intimate a lot, because your relationship is still fresh and new, and it all feels so ecstatic, so exciting. every time you do it it only feels better than the last, and you wonder how it would feel now.
however, you just keep grinding on his hard erection, enjoying the delicious sounds slipping from his puffy lips that are glistening with your saliva.
huening kai feels his skin sweating underneath his clothes as the overwhelming pressure in his core starts to feel like it’s about to burst. his moans multiple so much to the point you can’t make out properly anymore. he stays with his mouth open, growing weaker from your hot breathing fanning his face, and occasionally attempts to press his lips to answer your kisses, but he fails. his whimpers elevate in the room as his hands almost take complete control of your lower half, guiding you back and forth until the ecstatic climax hits him.
the sound he makes as he spills into his underwear is the most satisfying sound you’ve ever heard in your life. you pepper his face with praising kisses while he tries to compose himself with empty mind and face contorted from an expression that makes him seem high and so unbelievably attractive.
with hazed eyes, kai follows your next movements - how you remove his stained sweatpants then afterwards his boxers. a wave of shame washes over him like a bucket of cold water at the sight of his own mess, but the emotion quickly fades away once you run your flat pink tongue along his hard cock. you successfully maintain the eye contact while gathering all of the essence that’s sticking on his swollen tip causing him to twitch. you kiss it softly a few times before getting rid of your own pants so you can move your panties to the side and welcome it inside you.
“fuck, y/n—“ kai whimpers, pressing his head back into the mattress. the squeezing, the wet arousal, the suffocating feeling of your walls… the sensation is always so strong and pleasant.
the first few seconds are always challenging because of huening’s size. you still haven’t gotten used to being with someone this big and it takes you some time to adjust. despite the fact you had sex the other day, because it’s all you want to do, the feeling of it still surprises you like it’s the very first time.
your whimpers beautifully blend with his as you begin to move up and down more freely.
“y/n—“ his hands glide along your thighs before grabbing your waist. “a-ah, keep going—“
your skin slaps against his every time you land on his lap, hitting your sweet spot with the head of his cock that feels so hard between your clenching walls.
kai shuts his eyes while biting his lip in order to contain at least some part of his desperate mewls… and he looks so handsome while doing so, your hand acts on his own when you pick up your phone to record just a few seconds of it.
“my charming boyfriend,” you coo at him, placing a palm on his cheek. “you look so hot, baby.”
kai’s mouth opens in awe as you make one really slow move with your hips, rubbing your clit against him nicely. when he blinks up at you and sees your phone again he smiles shyly. a light chuckle escapes his lips before he kisses the inside of your palm.
“you’re so good to me,” he utters almost in a whisper before making another weak noise of pleasure.
after the video caught the red hues that are painting his neck, you tilt kai’s head in your direction by grabbing his chin, and caress his lips with your thumb. they’re more red than usual, slightly swollen from the long kissing; begging to be devoured again.
“am i taking you well, baby?”
your hips keep up the nice steady pace as you drip down his cock. the camera catches your small heavy breaths while the footage of kai’s teeth grazing your two fingers continues.
“i think i am,” you mewl through a cheeky tone, “i want my handsome boyfriend to feel amazing inside me.”
you push your fingers a little bit further on his tongue and you can see on your phone screen that he likes that even more. his hands crawl up beneath your top as his lewd moans wrap around your knuckles. his heavy eyes open for a moment to look at the camera with lust and haziness before they flutter shut again.
you end the video and toss your phone away. you’ll have plenty of time to film your boyfriend. now, you want to make him cum again.
! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! keep in mind english is not my first language, i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
#— writing: txt#tomorrow x together smut#txt smut#txt x reader#txt hard hours#txt hard thoughts#hueningkai smut#hueningkai hard thoughts#hueningkai hard hours#txt x y/n#hueningkai x reader
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Toji Fushiguro, Toge Inumaki, Kento Nanami
masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist
Satoru Gojo
Gojo has no shame, you should know this. It’s no surprise to anyone when they see the jujutsu teacher just waltz over in his usual long strides and (quite aggressively) places his head on your lap. And if you ignore him? Ohohoho he’d be a menace. From nudging his head on your stomach, to biting the soft plush of your thighs, all for you to run your fingers through his hair.
He enjoys laying on your thighs a little too much since he literally won't get up even if you have to go do something important.
“Satu, I have to get up”
“‘M? Later”
“Don’t you have a class to teach?”
“They can wait”
Suguru Geto
Suguru would be slightly more subtle than Gojo, but still pretty affectionate. You’d often find him reading a book or two later followed by a complaint of how stiff and achy his back and neck were which led you to now, sitting down on your shared couch and contentedly scrolling through your phone until you felt an unfamiliar weight weigh down on your lap.
Temporarily turning your attention to the man now taking place on your lap, a book in one hand while the other absentmindedly toyed with the fabric of your shirt, you stared at him for a moment until your burning gaze tore his attention away from his book, as if you were the one to invade his personal bubble.
“Hm? Yes darling? Are you not considering the pain and backache I’ve been going through for this book? Have some sympathy, I thought this would be better for my posture.”
Yuji Itadori
This boy would be so oblivious, not even realising the effect he had on you. He would be in the middle of talking about Human Earthworm 4 and would first start to lean his body weight on your shoulder before gradually moving down to your lap, even going as far as to readjust you and your position just like a pillow.
It would only occur to him what position he’s actually in when his one sided conversation starts to die off, now realising how his head and hands are tucked between your plush thighs - skin on skin contact.
“O-Oh uhm - I’m so sorry!
Megumi Fushiguro
Don’t expect this to ever happen in public but in the privacy of your own home? Megumi would be severely more touchy when he’s tired so when he’s exhausted? He’ll have no shame. Dragging his feet through the threshold of his dorm, his bag being dragged not too far behind he makes a beeline towards his bed where the outline of non other than his lover was hidden beneath the covers.
Leaving his bag behind, Megumi navigates his way towards the warmth of your body before toeing off his shoes and slipping his way between your legs, arms tucked beneath the plush of your thighs. Asking about his day you had to strain your ears to hear his response
“‘missed you. Wanted to come home earlier but Gojo was an ass. R’lly missed your warmth.”
Toji Fushiguro
This man has no shame. If you’d be sitting a centimetre too far for his liking you best know he’s gonna clamp his large hands down on you and drag you to where he likes. He’d even go as far as to lift your legs over his own thighs and (like a cat) paw at the skin of your thighs.
So when you happen to pass by his chair while he’s in the middle of a slightly less than exciting conversation he was having with a name he couldn’t even remember of course his first instinct is to reach out and pull you down, caging you between his two arms - his hands nicely warmed between your two thighs before they ventured and groped at any available skin.
“Stay nice ‘n pretty f’me kay? Don’t wanna make this guy uncomfortable do ya? ‘N keep your pretty mewls to yaself until we get home hm?”
Toge Inumaki
Bby boy just wants to be comforted okay? Is that too much to ask for? He’d already be so comfortable around you that he wouldn’t think twice about what he was doing.
You both could be lying down outside, one or both reading a book and after a while of resting in the same spot for hours on end he’d struggle to find a comfortable spot and the next best thing to a patch of grass? His lover of course. Toge would slowly shift his way towards you so you’d end up as a mesh of bodies resembling a ‘T’. A few squeezes to your thighs every now and then followed by a series of onigri ingredients,
“I should do this more often, you’re much more comfy than any pillow I’ve owned. My own portable neck pillow.”
Kento Nanami
This wouldn’t happen often at the start of your relationship with Kento considering he’s never had to (quite literally) lean on anyone before but it never bothered you, you knew before you threw yourself into the relationship that he’d take some time to warm up and you were right because slowly after months of quick pecks and fleeting touches - the unfamiliar weight of your boyfriends head leaned on your shoulder. The tired eyes and dark bags beneath his eyes said all you needed to know.
“Tired?” With a grunt of agreement, clearly too tired to even lift his head, you lead him down to rest on your lap where he stayed without complaint until hours later when the sun shone through the living room curtains and the blanket you managed to reach and place over top you both before swiftly joining him lay on the floor long forgotten. Nanami would all but bury his face deeper between your thighs - chasing the warmth they emanated while his hands found closure beneath them.
“Please, don’t move. At least not yet.”
#‧₊˚🖇️#˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ 𝒋𝒖𝒋𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝒌𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒏#tryna clear out my drafts 😬#this took me five months to complete…#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#fluff#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk x y/n#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#suguru geto#geto suguru#itadori yuji#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#toji fushiguro#fushiguro toji#inumaki toge#toge inumaki#kento nanami#nanami kento#jjk headcanons#jujutsu kasien#jujutsu kaisen headcanons
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touchstarved txt ౨ৎ

→ summary: every human being needs someones touch.
→ warning: mainly fluff, little cursing.
→ a/n: this is the first post of my valentines week special. so, happy valentines week to everyone ♡ make sure to treat yourself to something delicious and stay hydrated! ♡
here's the masterlist to the event ^^
──── ⋆˚࿔ soobin
soobin who doesn't remember the last time someone touched him like this. not because they had to, (because of fitting or anything relatable to his work) but because they wanted to out of love. the feeling of someone's love with a simple touch almost makes him cry out, melting into your touch the first time you hold him. his whole body going slack against yours as he lets himself relax in your arms. he furrows his eyebrows slightly when he feels you swiping your fingers through his hair, only saying a small please continue as he snuggles into your neck more feeling your warm soft touch. "no one ever held me like this before"
──── ⋆˚࿔ yeonjun
when he started his idol career, he didn't think he'd find true love. always focusing on his dreams, on his members and family. love wasn't the first thing on his mind, but when you came into the picture everything changed. he craved for your attention of every hour of the day,texting you constantly to know you are doing fine and happy. somewhere in his mind and heart, it calmed him to know you are safe. when his schedule let him, he spent every time of his with you, always having an arm around you or his hands caressing yours in his palm. yeonjun usually carefully chooses the people he lets in his personal space, and you are one of them. it was rare to see him act so boldly or affectionate in public, but whenever you feel his hands swiping the hair out of your face of fixing something on your dress always makes you blush uncontrollably. you often think he just put an arm around me and my knees are already giving out i'm so pathetic but in all truthness this is your boyfriend's little game. "i just wanted to see you crave my touch as bad as i do with yours."
──── ⋆˚࿔ beomgyu
he spends almost every free time of his hovering around you. not stalker like, but rather like a curious friend. because he is your friend, and it nearly kills him. he wants you to notice him, to give him a fucking chance, and when you do he basically disappears for days. showing up with a smile days after,saying that he was preparing for your first date and when you see what he has been doing you feel guilt building up on you for not dating him sooner. beomgyu craves your love and touch like its a drug, finding every excuse to touch you. either pulling out a chair for you and touch the base of your back slightly to secure you sit down safely, or teasingly pulling on your hair whenever he has the chance. if he's really down bad for you, he even pulls your hand into his lap and examines your lifeline. "this definately says I'll be in your life for forever"
──── ⋆˚࿔ taehyun
taehyun mostly looks forward to nights.he knows you are home waiting for him, already done with work and busying yourself until he's done at the company. his heart beats the closer he gets to his apartment, because he already knows what is going to go down. he practically feels your hug already, your arms wrapped around him to pull him further into your shared home. he loves cuddling with you on the couch or on your bed, his face smushed against your chest to slowly lulling him into a deep sleep. his heart gives up mid-day when he suddenly remembers how you feel in his arms, wanting nothing more but to go home sooner and be with you. it's like his body psysically craves for you, melting into you the minute his body hits the bed yet again after a long day. there are nights when you have to wait for him so long that you eventually fall asleep, but taehyun always wraps his arms around you to feel like he's home again. "I'm home baby" he then murmurs like you can hear him in your sleep.
──── ⋆˚࿔ hueningkai
kai,someone who always puts his focus on his work suddenly gets annoyed when his balance is wavered. to the point he can't even go to practice without thinking of you, your face suddenly appearing in his mind in the middle of rehearsals. touchstarved kai, who thinks he can get you out of his mind if he works out enough, but this isn't the case. because the minute he sees you again he has to have your hands on him, missing your touch and the way you melt into his body when hugging him. he's just so madly in love. "i needed to remember how your hug feels like" says in a whisper as you basically feel him crush your bones.
important!: this is pure fiction, the act in this story is by my imagination and not based off true events. please do not copy the work.
#kpop#txt#tomorrow x together#txt x reader#txt fluff#txt smut#txt imagines#txt scenarios#txt headcanons#txt soobin#txt yeonjun#txt beomgyu#txt taehyun#txt huening kai#txt hard hours#txt soft hours#tomorrow x together fluff
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“Forgetting Something? ♡˖” BSD Men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma
Warnings; I feel bad for writing this out, hardly proofread, kinda rushed, maybe ooc
Description; how do they react to you ignoring their 'i love you's?
A/n; hi chat. If I keep flopping I am going to sell my soul. Like, reblog, and comment on this I pray and plead and beg. I've been havin a rough time guys pls.
Osamu Dazai ★
"I'll be back soon, I love you." He said, grabbing his jacket. Instead of the usual response, all he got from you was silence. He raised a brow and cleared his throat while buttoning up his coat. "I said I'll be back soon, I love you." He says, this time emphasizing his words. You hummed, your nose still buried in the book that your boyfriend had so kindly borrowed from Kunikida to give to you. His mouth hung open slightly and he straightened his posture. "Do you want anything while I'm out?" Dazai asked, his hand lingering on the doorknob as he stalled. "Ehhh, not really. Thank you, though.'" You turned a page, kicking your feet back and forth slowly while you read. "Alright, back in a bit, I love you." He twisted the door handle and waited for you to reply, only to once again hear silence. He sighed in annoyance and walked back over to you, leaving the door agape. "I said I love you, say it back!" He takes the book out of your hands, tossing it to the side without letting you mark your place. "Hey-! I was reading that!" You say with a grin. He tsks and shakes his head playfully, leaning over you and essentially pinning you to the couch to kiss you. "Just say it back." He murmurs against your lips in between brief pecks to your face. "F-fine! I love you!" You finally get out while giggling. "Good, you had me thinking you had fallen out of love with me! Now I'm leaving for real, even though you made me not want to. I love you." He says before kissing your lips quickly and backing up to the door. "I love you too, Osa."
Chuuya Nakahara ★
"I'm headin' out, 'kay babe?" Chuuya quietly said, his voice just above a whisper in the dark bedroom. It was about 5:30 am, and you were still curled up under the blankets, grateful that you didn't have to leave until 7. "Mmmm.." you hummed and lifted your arm from under the blanket to give him a quick hug and kiss before he left. He cupped your cheek and ran his thumb acrossed your skin before he pulled away. "I love you." He says, standing back up. Instead of responding like usual, you just pulled your blanket back up to your shoulders. He stared down at you with his hands on his hips, waiting. "...are you done gettin' comfy yet?" He asks, helping you move the blanket around and essentially tucking you in. "Yeah, thanks Chuu." You murmur before you yawn and close your eyes. He continues to stand there before sighing and grabbing his jacket off the hook on the door. "Alright, see ya when I get home I guess." Slight annoyance was evident in his voice before you peeked open your eyes again. "Mkay, I love you too, have a good day at work." Chuuyas frown almost turned upside down immediately as he came to an abrupt stop. "Jeez, don't take so long to say that next time. Had me worried." You giggled, still curled up. "I will, I promise." And with that, Chuuya was off to work with a small grin plastered on his face and your simple 'i love you too' lingering in his heart longer than usual this morning.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
Fyodor had recently returned from his adventures in Europe, and even after a week passed, you still couldn't help but be overtly affectionate. You were almost sure that 'i love you' and 'i missed you' were your top phrases in the passed week. But what if you just didn't say it? You decided to indulge in your curiosity one evening while the two of you were in bed. He sat, propped up against his pillow, watching some documentary on the TV. You were cuddled up to his side and his arm was draped over your shoulders. Every now and again, he'd glance down at your nearly-asleep form, rubbing his hand on your shoulder and down your back. "Goodnight, moya lyubov, I love you.'" He leaned down to kiss your forehead, smiling as you open your eyes. He waited to hear you say it back, only to watch you close your eyes again. He felt a bit confused, raising an eyebrow. "Have you gotten everything out of your system and won't tell me you love me anymore?" He asks, retracting his arm from its place around you to his lap. "No, Fedya, m'sorry, I love you too. I just wanted to see what you'd do." You say, grabbing his arm and putting it around you yourself. He sighed. "what a stupid thing to to." He mumbles, continuing to hold you, but returning his attention to the documentary. "I love you, Fyodor, I promise." You mumble, kissing his side through his shirt. "Mhm, I love you too." You smiled contently and felt yourself slip off into a dreamy sleep, happy to know that he cared whether or not you say 'i love you' back.
Nikolai Gogol ★
Nikolai, like Fyodor, had ALSO just returned from his trip to Europe, except he was equally as all over you as you were him, not to say Fyodor isn't affectionate. Nikolai would cling to you every chance he got, always peppering your face with kisses and fiddling around with your fingers. "Ah, I'm still so happy to be home, y/n. I missed you so much while I was away! Not that I never knew before, but it really made me realize how much I love you." He says with a smile, sitting on your lap and hugging you, his cheek pressed against your shoulder. "Did it?" Your finger tips ghost over his back, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they go. "Yeah. I love you a lot." He says. A thought crossed your mind, what would he do if you didn't say you loved him back? Well, I guess we've gotta find out. "Mmmhm!" You hum, resting your head on top of his. "Did you hear me right?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, picking up his head to look at you. "Yeah, you said you love me." You say, looking back and forth between his eyes and lips. "So say it back." He says. You sigh and rub his hip. "If you insist, I love you too, Nikolai. I'm sorry." He grins and kisses your cheek. "That wasn't that hard, now was it?" You run your fingers through his long hair. "No, not at all." He sighs. "Don't let it happen again, or else I'll see to it that it's the laat time." He huffs, returning to his spot resting against your shoulder. You patted his back, slightly amused by his words- he clearly cared. "Alright, Kolya, I'm sorry."
Sigma ★
You almost knew what Sigmas reaction would be before you stopped yourself from responding to his 'I love you'. You had fixed some tea for him and were bringing it into his office, holding the cup and saucer steadily as the sounds of your footsteps echoed in the hall. You knocked on the door and entered once you heard his muffled voice through the thick wood. "I brought you tea." You say with a smile, approaching his desk and handing it to him, which he took appreciatively. "Thank you, y/n, I appreciate it." He gave you a smile. "I'd like to finish what I'm doing by this evening so we can have some time together, or else I'd keep you here to talk for a bit, so I'll just have to see you later. I love you." He said, already redirecting his attention to the papers in front of him. "Okay, that's fine." You turned to leave and as you got about half way to the door, his head shot up. "Are you upset?" He asks, his brows knitted together. "No, why?" You ask, turning to look at him over your shoulder. "You didn't say it back." He says, putting his pen down and starting to stand up, but you put your hands out to stop him. "Oh, no, I'm sorry- I don't know why I didn't, I love you too. I'll see you later, alright?" You blew him a kiss and exited his office, leaving him a bit confused but at least a little reassured. He sat back down at his office as you closed the door behind you, and you felt a bit guilty, but in the end, you were too busy being excited for your guy's time together that night.
#bungo stray dogs#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd x reader#bsd fanfic#bsd headcanons#fanfic#fanfiction#dazai bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs dazai#osamu dazai x reader#dazai x reader#bsd chuuya nakahara#chuuya nakahara x reader#chuuya x reader#bungo stray dogs chuuya#bungo stray dogs fyodor#fyodor#fyodor x reader#fyodor dostoevsky x reader#bungou stray dogs nikolai#nikolai gogol x reader#nikolai x reader#bsd nikolai#bungo stray dogs sigma#sigma bungou stray dogs#sigma x reader#sigma x you#bsd fyodor#bsd chuuya
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Chris sensing that Bambi feels uncomfortable or doesn’t wanna be at a party anymore.
“yeah me and my girl are ‘bout to head out.” Chris says packing up his weed and grabbing bambis purse for her

⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧
the party you guys attended had a different atmosphere from the ones you usually attended — there seemed to be an older crowd, which somewhat intimidated you being that you and chris had already had an age difference yourself.
it was hard to tell him that you were uncomfortable, because he was making a good amount of money tonight, and you didn't want to ruin it for him. so instead, you stayed glued to his side for the entire night.
chris wasn't stupid, he noticed your discomfort earlier on in the night — he appreciated the way you seemed to stick it out for him though, being that he was getting a lot of customers, too.
at the moment, you both were standing near the kitchen, chatting with some of chris's mutual friends about random things. you opted to stay out of the conversation though, finding their topics hard to focus on as you felt like your every move was being scrutinized.
chris's hand stayed glued to your waist which you were very thankful for — unfortunately though, it did nothing to stop the perverted eyes of a older blonde man who'd been eyeing you since you came in. you frowned and turned your attention from him, just to notice some of chris's friends looking over at you, too.
"she's so quiet," one of the girls comment, her nose scrunched in confused, "does she talk at all?"
chris's eyes narrow at the girl as his hand squeezes your hip protectively, causing you to gulp and look away in embarrassment. he notices this, causing him to clear this throat. "actually, it's just a different vibe from what she's used to. we're gon' head out, honestly."
your eyes shoot up to chris's whilst his friends bid him goodnight and goodbye. he ignores your stare for a moment whilst packing up his backpack and making sure you have your purse on your shoulder again. he takes your hand and urges you to follow him towards the exit.
"but you were making alot here," you tell him, pouting your lips as you give him a saddened expression, 'we didn't have to leave. i'm sorry if i made you feel like you had to."
"hey, ma," chris says gently, grabbing your chin and lifting it up as he looked at you with a soft smile, "don' worry your pretty lil' head about that, 'kay? made more than enough. 'sides, i'm more worried 'bout my girl bein' comfortable when she's with me."
a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips at this, whilst chris affectionately runs his thumb across your cheek. "can we get somethin' to eat?"
"wherever you want, beautiful."
#kiwi's love letter 💌#bambi!reader#dealer!chris#dealer! chris sturniolo#dealer chris#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#chris sturniolo blurb#sturniolo#chris sturniolo x you#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo imagine#chris sturniolo headcanon#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo blurb#christopher sturniolo x reader#the sturniolo triplets#the sturniolos#sturniolotriplets#sturniolos#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo triplets x reader#sturniolo triplets imagines#sturniolo triplets imagine#sturniolo imagine#sturniolo fluff#sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo fandom
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if u ever got mad at rafe he'd def leave ur pussy sore asfk and make it up to you by giving you his card i'm so in love w him
because he’s an assholeeeee and i love himmmm 😔
he’d had enough of you stomping after him all day in your little kitten heels with your voice all whiney and face all screwed up, so of course you end up with your knees pinned beside your head, his cock bruising your cervix. “that what you needed? shit. can’t do right by you, huh? gotta take time outta my busy schedule to pander to you.” he hisses, strings of arousal connecting everytime he pulls back to thrust back in. he’s got a busy day ahead of him, and letting you tag along had already made his morning hell. he had to make sure you were out for the count for the day, so that later when he gets up to more dangerous activities you’d be waiting back at the house for him like a good little girlfriend and not getting in the way.
he looks so good, knelt above you, shirt tucked beneath his chin, abs flexing as he thrusts his hips up against you. you whine, reaching to stroke down the sculpted muscle of his stomach. “just needed you, daddy.” you whimper pornographically. you were certain topper, who was told to wait only in the next room whilst rafe, as he puts it, “handles you.” could hear everything but you didn’t care in the moment.
he takes your wrist and pins it to the bed, floppy hair a little stuck to his forehead and pink in the cheeks. “so fuckin’ take it then.” he pants.
when you’re all done— that’s when he gets soft, panting into your neck after making a mess between both of your releases. he presses a long sloppy kiss to your jaw before squishing your cheeks with his fingers and turning your face towards him. “have fun? yeah?” he asks breathlessly, but gently this time — like he’s actually checking in on you.
“mhm.” you hum sleepily, staring at his lips before he plants a wet one on yours, and then dots some more around your cheeks.
“mm. good.” he slaps your ass affectionately before slowly sitting up and stretching. “gonna be a good girl today and let me handle business?” he gets up and stretches his arms, flexing his back until something clicks. you pout, nodding anyway — the blankets a mess around your ankles and skirt still bunched at your waist. he nods in approval, lips parted in thought as he digs around in his khaki pocket, pulling out a sleek black card.
he walks around the bed, placing it on the bedside table next to you. “take this n’do what you want today.” you sit up against the headboard a little and he then bends at the waist, large hand cupping your cheek and pressing his slightly clammy forehead to yours briefly. “sorry. ‘kay?” you know he means for the way he spoke to you earlier. rafe doesn’t move until you nod and give him a small smile before he plants a kiss to your forehead.
he walks out the room not sparing you another glance, running a hand through his slightly roused hair. down the hall slightly you hear him pull his zipper back up, a muffled “top, the fuck are you? i’m ready to go.” sounding.
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hueheueheu if its okay can i req rich bf aventurine? Always spoiling reader and buys everything she wants 🥹🥹
✸ SYNOPSIS. your boyfriend, aventurine spoils you in more ways than one when you come back to your shared hotel room in penacony.
note. uhh, this actually turned out a tad more melodramatic than i expected help, i put some of my own twists in there. first aventurine fic so sorry if its too ooc !
tags. aventurine x female reader. fluff, bits of angst, suggestive. reader gets called ‘baby, pretty’. use of aventurine’s real name once. reader is a bit insecure at one point. little bits of penacony and aventurine lore / subtle spoiler to the 2.1 quest. wc: 1.4k-ish
“c’mere, pretty.” aventurine’s voice soothes your weary body the moment you step into your shared hotel room. you’ve just gotten back from some business you had to take care of—a couple hours of your valuable day wasted because of it.
you’re greeted by your lover sitting on one of the red couches, accompanied by various bags and boxes all around the space. aventurine shoots you his signature smile. one that’s actually genuine. the one he only shows you.
“must’ve been tough, hm? i’m sorry i couldn’t help you out,” the blonde man sighs as he stands up to meet you halfway. a gloved hand finds its way onto yours, fingers intertwining without wasting a second.
aventurine places a delicate kiss on your palm and slowly moves down to your wrist. his beautiful eyes lure you in, “you’d forgive me for that, right?”
you don’t realise that you’re practically frozen in place until he chuckles in amusement. you snap out of it and clear your throat, trying to get yourself together, “y-yeah. i understand you’re busy ‘n all. it’s no problem.”
aventurine hums in response. there’s a faint flash of guilt in his eyes before it disappears like it was never there. like it was a delusion. well, perhaps it was. staying in penacony for too long causes you to have difficulties differing reality from dreams and vice versa.
“i’m happy to have you back with me,” aventurine pulls you closer by the small of your back. he presses you against him until your chests are touching. his breath is pleasantly warm against your bare skin, “i’ve been waiting for you all day.”
the tension in the hotel room is heavy. it’s like this every time you’re with your lover. the spark never dies between you two. it never will. you both need each other, in unspoken ways.
you avert your gaze to the ground. no matter how much time you spend with aventurine, his affectionate gestures never fail to make you melt into a puddle. maybe it’s in those eyes of his. or in his homelike touch.
aventurine continues peppering you with kisses. he doesn’t miss a spot—every patch of skin you’re showing is showered in his love. that’s one of the only ways he can illustrate those complicated feelings inside of him.
his lips eventually find yours, like a force drawn to a magnet. you cup his face and deepen the kiss. your lips move in sync, slowly and passionately. you need this as much as he does.
the way he’s holding onto your coat—his fingers digging into the material as if he’s missed you greatly. . . his tongue trying to seek entrance into your mouth as if he can’t wait to be one with you. to try and love you like you love him. . .
a light hearted chuckle makes you pull away. you open your eyes and find aventurine grinning down at you, his finger rubbing your bottom lip gently to tease you.
“haha, how cute.” the blonde man snickers at your needy expression. he knows what you want, and he wants it as well, though there’s enough time for that after, “we can get to that later, yeah?”
"aww, 'kay,” you nod with a pout, to which aventurine responds by gently flicking your forehead. he grabs your hand and leads you to the nearby table. you can’t even see the surface because of the numerous boxes placed on it.
“i want to show you what i got you first,” aventurine continues, sitting down on the comfy couch. he pulls you onto his lap and wraps one arm around your waist, the other one reaching out towards the mountain of fancy gifts.
you can easily recognise the expensive bags by now. aventurine is known for spoiling you rotten. the overpriced brands are nothing but child's play to the lucky man. money isn’t a worry to him, nor should it be for you, as he says every time you feel the slightest bit guilty for his big spendings on you.
“kakavasha..” you mutter under your breath. aventurine doesn't respond, but he reassures you by lightly tightening his grip on your waist. you turn your head and look at him. he isn’t looking back at you this time. rather, he’s looking down at the box in your hand, patiently waiting for you to open it.
you wordlessly undo the wrappers and open up the first gift of many. it’s an earring. one that resembles his. it shines brightly once you pick it up. the color is beautiful, as it reminds you of your lover.
you don’t know what to say. you don’t want to guess how much aventurine has spent on it either. you love him, that you surely do, but are you really deserving of this much? he spoils you every day. all that money he spends on you without hesitation makes you overthink.
you shake your head and try to get those negative thoughts out of your head. you don’t want to ruin this precious moment all too much. you smile fondly and put the earring on, “thank you so much. it's so pretty.”
the jewelry dangles off your left ear, the opposite of where aventurine’s got his hanging. the blonde man silently admires you. the light illuminating the stones gives you an ethereal look. especially in a dimly lit room with only a few light sources.
“no need to thank me, baby,” aventurine murmurs, his voice a surprisingly soft whisper. his thumb trails down the shell of your ear and eventually touches the earring again. the fact that you’re wearing the exact same one as he is, but on the opposite ear, is doing indescribable things to him.
you complete each other.
all his life, aventurine has never properly taken the time to appreciate his gift; his luck. he is doing so now—with you in his embrace. it’s like his surroundings have come to a halt. all that his eyes are focusing on, is you. the image of you in his arms.
“it suits you perfectly.” aventurine’s voice trembles lightly. he doesn't know why he's feeling like this. he’s overwhelmed by how lucky he is to have someone so breath-takingly beautiful in his presence. “gorgeous—you’re gorgeous.”
aventurine is not the only one who’s flustered. your own heart is pounding in your chest. your lover knows just what buttons to push to make you all flustered. he succeeds without fail every single time.
you lean your head against his shoulder and wrap your arms around his torso. aventurine welcomes the affection without a word. you look up at your partner with a softened expression before complimenting him back, “no, you are. you are beautiful."
aventurine’s eyes widen for a split second, his lips parting. you’s aware of the effects your compliments have on him. they make him feel giddy, however he also isn’t the best at expressing that. he regains his composure and grins, “oh, really? hah, how flattering.”
you giggle quietly and nod. you’re content with this. being in your lover’s arms after a rough day, unpacking the many gifts he got you, receiving his attention and affection. you wish you could do this for eternity.
after you’ve shared your precious moment together, aventurine leans agains the back of the couch and pulls you into a warm hug. one you both simply had to have. your lover starts to pat your head in a soothing manner.
the silence in the hotel room is deafening. the opened gifts and abandoned wrappers lay scattered around the table and floor. the static of the television in the distance is somehow comforting.
both aventurine and you realise that this instant will be over as soon as the next day arrives. it’s but a fleeting moment, one that will sooner or later be just another memory. you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck and he answers this by kissing your forehead. his lips leave a tingling sensation on your skin.
the comfortable silence continues for a couple seconds more. aventurine stares up at the ceiling. he’s sure that he’s satisfied for now, yet there’s still unease boiling in the pit of his stomach.
perhaps it’s due to his knowledge of the near future. his grande plan.
but, that’s not what’s important. not when aventurine can feel and hear your heartbeat right next to him. he hasn’t lost it all. not yet. he’s still got time to spend with the other gift that was bestowed upon him at birth: you.
“you’ll stay with me, right? no matter what.”
aventurine’s sudden question breaks the quiet atmosphere. you open your eyes again and tilt your head back, gazing down at your lover. one look at his face and you know that he needs your honesty at the moment. more than anything else in the entire universe.
you nod and lean in to kiss him—to show him that you mean it when you say; “yes. no matter what.”
#sttoru writes.#hsr x reader#aventurine x reader#hsr x you#hsr x y/n#aventurine x you#aventurine x y/n#honkai star rail x reader
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- 'let's put the end in friends'
pairing (drumroll please) - jason todd x f.reader
includes - mutual pining, best friend dick grayson, batfam being nosy as shit, reader is kind of camera shy/insecure, jealous jason but in a cute way, angry confession (personal fav), mild angst but with a happy ending obvi, swearing, briefly mentioned smut (like one sentence at the end) + anything i might've missed
a/n - hi hello...idk what to say honestly. this was a very random idea i got at like 3am and i can just hope that you guys will like it. also my characteristics of the fam are solely based on the webtoon. yes the title is inspired by taehyung's single what about it
@dreamingaboutsakuratrees this one's for you (and everyone else who voted on that poll) <3
'Yes! Yes, that's perfect! Gosh, the camera absolutely loves you two!'
'Thanks, Delilah ~'
Dick sends the photographer a wink, paired with that signature grin of his, and she nearly falls on her ass. You roll your eyes at the scene affectionately, focused on fixing your hair and checking your makeup for the nth time in the past hour.
'Will you quit it?'
Beside you, your best friend whines and you swat him away with your hand, eyes never leaving the mirror.
'I'm sorry! I just wanna make sure it looks good!'
'You look beautiful. You're doing great, you just need to relax. Focus on me, yeah?'
It's honestly impossible to say no to those eyes, you've learned that a long while ago. The fact that he knows the effect he has doesn't help either.
The photoshoot goes by in a blur. You've changed at least five outfits, done the couple shoots, done the single ones, had a lunch break, etc etc. Throughout the day you learn that the crew that works for Gotham Gazette is actually quite nice, which helped ease your nerves immensely.
Now six hours later, you're sitting in your comfortable clothes, in the passenger seat of Dick's car, on the familiar road towards the Wayne Mansion.
As soon as you step through the door you're greeted with a flash of purple.
'How was it?! Tell me everything! When will the cover be out?! What did you wear?! Who did you see?!'
Stephanie looks as if she's about to burst and simultaneously split her face in half with her grin.
'It went...well, it went.'
Beside you Dick rolls his eyes so hard you could almost hear the gesture.
'Don't listen to her, it was great. She was great.'
You immediately hide your face in your hands, much to the man's amusement. One of Dick's arms wraps around your shoulders and the three of you head for the library.
'Well, well, well, if it isn't Gotham's power couple ~'
'Gross. Everybody knows they are mere friends.'
'We know. But the rest of Gotham is skeptical.'
'You are hallucinating, Drake. This is why you should stop drinking multitudinous of coffee.'
'Listen here you little shit-'
Dick, as always, steps in between the two brothers, effectively averting what could result in another prank war between the two. And it's not even prank season yet.
'Damian, you and I need to discuss that plan for tonight, right?'
'What are you talking ab-'
'The sooner we start the better!'
With that the two dissappear from the room, a very confused Damian letting himself be led by a beaming Dick.
Allowing yourself to feel the tiredness from everything you've done today, you plop on the now empty seat on the couch and sigh deeply.
'Thanks, Cass.'
You smile gratefully at the girl, sinking into the cushions more and more while chewing on the chocolate chip cookie.
Duke begins, the suspicious tone causing you to raise a brow before he continues.
'...When do we get to see the pictures?'
With this, every pair of eyes in the room turns to you, and you have to avoid the urge to groan.
'The actual magazine comes out in a week. But they'll email us the pictures the day after tomorrow I think.'
'I can't wait to see them! I bet you and Dick had so much chemistry in the photos!'
'Honestly, next to him I don't think anyone will notice me.'
'Of course they will! Especially if you did a couple shoot and got all close and-'
A loud slam interrupts Steph and her rambling and all of you turn to look at a very annoyed Jason. Which, to be fair, is just normal Jason.
He's silent when he stands up and walks across the room, hands stuffed in his pockets. If you had to guess, you'd say he was avoiding eye-contact too.
'Not helping Duke.'
- a few days later -
Everyone is sitting in the living room, crowded around Tim's computer, with you and Dick in the middle.
Dick chirps as soon as he sees his brother enter the room.
'Come look at the photos!'
'No thanks.'
That was the second time that week that Jason refused to look you in the eyes and downright ignored your existence. But you knew better than to press Jason Todd.
Besides, maybe it wasn't even personal.
This was definitely personal.
You haven't talked to Jason in days, and it was driving you insane. The worst part is that you have no idea what the fuck you did.
So naturally, as one does, you'll ask him about it. Deciding that it's best to do it after patrol, particularly after the two of you took down some thugs together and were left alone, you refuse to go back home until you two work this out.
'See you tomorrow.'
Red Hood stops dead in his tracks, and despite his back being turned to you, you can see the tension in his shoulders.
'This needs to stop.'
'I have no idea what-'
'Cut the bullshit, Jay. Why the fuck have you been avoiding me?'
He inhales deeply, mustering up the courage to turn around and face you. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest, accompanied with a very annoyed glare.
'I'm waiting.'
'It's nothing that concerns you.'
His answer makes you at least five times more furious and you scoff.
'Oh yeah? Well I beg to differ. I think I deserve to know why my friend has spent an entire week actively avoiding me.'
Due to his helmet you can't see it, but Jason rolls his eyes in annoyance.
'Why do you care, anyway? I'd say Richard has been keeping you busy.'
This makes you splutter, completely catching you of guard. His words are on repeat in your mind as you try to piece two and two together.
'What the fuck does Dick have to do with any of this?!'
'You tell me!'
Both of your voices echo off the empty walls in the alleyway before a thick silence takes over. Jason takes off his helmet and places it on a nearby fire escape so he can run a hand through his hair.
You watch him, still mildly annoyed, but the sight of his face welcoming nonetheless. And then he looks up and you feel an arrow shoot right through your heart.
His green eyes are soft, dare you say pleading, when they meet your own.
'I-' He takes a deep breath. 'It's the damn photoshoot.'
Before you can ask him to elaborate he's already going off, arms flying every which way with gestures he uses to emphasize his points.
'All I've been hearing for days has been about you and Dick looking all couple-y and what not. I mean you looked gorgeous, honestly why would anyone pay attention to him when you're right there, but god was it getting annoying.'
You have to blink a few times before your brain catches up with his words. Much to his dismay, you don't soften, if anything you look even more pissed now.
'I still don't understand why you've been avoiding me.'
'Because I fucking like you!'
The volume of his words startles you and you swear he was heard a couple blocks away.
'You what now-'
Jason takes a step closer to you.
Another step.
Another step.
He's gotten so close to the point of cornering you against a wall, the intensity behind his eyes rendering you unable to look away. You allow yourself a few silent moments to simply appreciate his beauty this close before putting him out of his misery. By your standards at least.
'So this whole time you've just been jealous?'
It takes all of your willpower not to laugh when he deadpans.
'I never took you for a jealous guy to be hones-'
'Shut the fuck up already and kiss me.'
'Yessir ~'
He groans at the term and you make a mental note to use it again later when you're at his apartment.
Who needs to sleep anyway?
#dcu#dc comics#dc universe#dc#jason todd red hood#jason fucking todd#jason todd#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason todd x y/n#red hood#red hood x reader#red hood x you#red hood x y/n#red hood x oc#dick grayson#batman#batfam#batfamily#wayne family adventures#batfam x reader#batfam x you#batfam shenanigans
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Inhale, Exhale
Stoner!Ellie Williams x Reader Synopsis: It's your first time smoking, luckily you have a super hot stoner girlfriend to guide you tags/Warnings: Established relationship, modern/college au, weed usage, Dom!Ellie (casually), might be slightly inaccurate, oopsies
The week had been brutal, a relentless onslaught of exams and assessments left you mere moments away from a breakdown. Each word you read is in one ear, out the other. Entirely incomprehensible. Your head hurts, your eyes hurt and your motivation is dwindling. Ah, the joys of college…
A knock on your dorm room door jolts you out of the complete disarray inside your head, which would've been a relief if the sound didn't reverberate around your skull. Okay, maybe it was time for a break.
You stand on legs that are weak from hours of sitting idly at your cramped desk. Reaching for the door handle, you swear you could almost start crying at the sight of your girlfriend. How did you get so lucky.
“I texted earlier to let you know I was coming but you never replied…” She starts as she squeezes past you, walking into your dorm room as if it was her second home (which - to be fair - it absolutely is). Her eyes scan the textbooks scattered on your desk as you sit on the edge of your bed. “"You okay?" she inquires softly at your silence, her eyebrows knitting together in worry. With a weary groan, you slump back onto your bed, “I never want to look at another textbook again”. Ellie chuckles affectionately, sitting next to you on the bed.
“How about you go shower and get comfy for me angel, I’ll pack all this shit up and we can just relax for a bit. You look all tense" "But ellie my exa-" "Your exams will go great. Just for tonight, kay? Even just for a few hours” Her tone is firm and reassuring. You sigh with contemplation. I mean, she’s right. Your body is tense, your head is pounding, and you feel as if any more information might just cause your brain to shut down entirely. So you nod, pick out some pyjamas and make your way to the bathrooms. The idea of a warm shower, fresh clothes and the comfort of your nightly skincare routine is already easing all the built up pressure.
When you return to your dorm room feeling clean (and like you can actually think again) Ellie is sitting on your bed, textbooks packed away, her music playing softly from your speaker and a rolled blunt sitting between her fingers. She smiles at you softly when you step inside, patting the bed next to her “c’mere”.
You settle beside her, then flop over into her lap, head resting on her thighs. You turn over to look up at her, admiring the way she tilts her head back to exhale the earthy smoke away from you. She looks ethereal.
“Mmm… Ellie?”
“Yeah, baby?” she responds, her tone gentle and attentive.
“Do you think I could… try?” you ask tentatively, feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity swirling inside you.
She seems momentarily surprised, before a soft laugh escapes her lips. “This?” she clarifies, holding the blunt out to you. You nod your head timidly. She knows you've never smoked before, it’s not that you think it's bad or are uncomfortable by it, you’ve just always been a little nervous about it.
Her auburn hair falls in front of her face as she looks down at you, hand caressing the supple skin of your cheeks, “Alright, sit up f’ me baby”
You sit on your knees, legs tucked neatly beneath you, watching as she takes another hit of the joint before moving all of her attention to you.
“You’re sure you wanna do this?” She checks, “Yeah, ‘m sure,” you reassure with a soft smile. You’d mentioned wanting to smoke with Ellie for a while now, and now is a better time than any, right?
“Open,” She taps your lips softly with her thumb and you part them as she places the edge of the blunt between them, “breathe in nice and slowly for me, bring the smoke into your mouth”. You take a steady breath in. You wonder if it's the first time you've taken a proper moment to breathe all day. It is. The warm smoke fills your mouth, swirling around your senses, and you hold it there for a beat before Ellie directs you again. “Good, breathe it into your lungs ‘nd then breathe it out, nice and slow”.
The smoke fills your lungs and for a moment you think you are going to cough, but manage to slowly breathe it out, watching as the smoke swirls around your small dorm room. You look back over at Ellie to see her watching you, eyes starting to glaze over and all filled with endearment.
She brings the blunt back to her own lips, inhaling deeply before her hand gently grasps your jaw. Instinctively, you part your lips, anticipation tingling through you as she exhales the smoke between you. "Breathe in," she softly commands, her lips hovering close to yours, her touch sending shivers down your spine. As her lips meet yours, she places gentle hands on the sides of your face. You can feel yourself relaxing, body easing up and thoughts becoming quieter, more gentle, more sluggish. You let her take the lead, it's soft and intimate.
As she pulls away, she shifts to lay on her back against your soft comforter, her arms opening invitingly to you. You crawl over, resting your head against her chest, finding solace in the tired ache permeating your bones. Ellie offers you another puff of the blunt and you gladly take it, letting the comforting scent soothe your exhausted mind. Ellie takes a last hit before ashing it out, rubbing your back with one arm while the other rests beneath her head.
“Get some sleep, okay?” she hums softly. Between your dazed mind, the gentle rhythm of your girlfriend's hands running up and down your spine, and the combined scent of her and the pot enveloping your senses, you don’t think you'd be able to stay awake even if you tried.
#ellie x fem reader#ellie williams#ellie tlou#ellie the last of us#ellie x reader#tlou ellie#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams x you#ellie williams x female reader
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Summer sun was unbearable - heat radiating off the sand as waves lapped lazily at the shore. SAM MONROE sat cross-legged on the beach, wearing his all-black shirt that didn’t match the season, though he’d ditched the hoodie (thankfully). The material clung to him from the sweat, yet he didn’t really care. In front of him sat Vinnie, plopped down on the sand with his chubby legs spread out, holding a tiny plastic shovel that was already caked with sand.
"Alright, Vin," Sam muttered, digging his hands into the sand beside him and throwing it to the ocean. "This is called a sandcastle. Not like those crappy cartoons you watch. We’re gonna make this thing solid. No, stop eating the sand. I said solid, not snacks--"
Sam sighed, grabbing Vinnie’s hand gently as the toddler giggled, sand already smeared around his mouth like it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted "You’re supposed to build it, not eat it, dumby." Despite the insult, his tone was light, even affectionate, and he used the corner of his shirt to wipe Vinnie’s face "Bet your grandpa's pancakes were better than this crap--"
Nearby, your laugh escaped your throat while you were sunbathing under the umbrella, chatting with Sam’s mom, Robin. Sam threw a glance your way, his lips twitching into a small smile although his gaze quickly turned back to his crazy toddler by his side.
"Okay, fine" he took a deep breath in "Let’s try again, yea?" He scooped up a mound of wet sand, patting it into the little plastic bucket. Vinnie watched him intently, his big, doe eyes wide with fascination. Sam leaned closer, bumping his nose against the baby’s cheek before pressing a quick kiss there like he didn't really want anyone from his family to see him doing that. It just felt too intimate to do so, yet, he couldn't help himself from the boy's cuteness "There. Now you do it."
Vinnie shrieked happily, slamming his tiny hand into the sandcastle and completely demolishing it. Sam groaned "Seriously? You just destroyed my hard work. What kind of madman are you?" But he couldn’t keep the grin off his face as Vinnie clapped his hands together, clearly pleased with his act.
SAM MONROE had the kid balanced on his hip, black swim trunks already wet from swimming in the ocean. Vinnie squirmed in his arms, tiny fingers digging into Sam’s shoulder as the water rushed around Sam’s legs.
"Alright, little man, don’t lose your shit," Sam muttered, moving his hands to hold the boy by his armpits and slowly dip his feet into the water. The toddler squealed as he felt the waves lap at his thighs.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. It’s thrilling," Sam said, though there was no mistake about the softness in his voice. "Just don’t start thinking you can swim on your own, kay? Daddy’s not jumping in after you."
Sam playfully whistled, twirling himself to entertain the boy in his hold even more. Then, he brought him to his chest and kissed the top of his head without thinking, murmuring something that sounded like, "You’re lucky you’re cute. Daddy's little goofball"
From the shore, you watched the two of them, heart swelling at the sight. You couldn't help it - Sam might act grumpy and like he doesn't care about everyone most of the time, but whenever his arm wraps protectively around Vinnie, lips quirking into a rare, genuine smile you only got to see before your son was born -- proved he was nothing but a softie at heart.
When Sam finally came back to the spot by the umbrella, Vinnie still giggling in his arms, like a madman, you handed him a towel. "You two having fun out there?"
Sam rolled his eyes, adjusting Vinnie in his arms before accepting the towel from your hand. "Yeah, it’s a freaking blast. Kid’s gonna be a surfer by the time he’s five at this rate." he wrapped the boy into the soft material
You grinned, reaching out to brush some sand off Vinnie’s puffy cheek. "You’re such a good dad, you know that?" gaze lifting up to meet sam's eyes
Sam shrugged, looking away as a faint blush crept up his neck then running up to his smooth cheeks. "Whatever. Just don’t tell him that, or he’ll start expecting me to take him out here every weekend."
But the way he held Vinnie close, fingers brushing softly against the boy’s curls, clearly screamed otherwise.
TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @haydensprettyprincess @skyguys-princess @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @slutforfinnickodair @xhunnybeeex @fuckmyskywalker @gallerygourmet @deceptiive @rssmary @anakinskwkler @bimbo-baggins17 @cookybananas @emotionallybruisedx @diorvalentina @sevinax @throughparisallthroughrome @aniiuv @ritosparty @ninastyless @lily-strnlo @thesassypadawan @awhhayden @sydkneez @anisangeldust @r0b-in
#anakin skywalker#hayden christensen#christensen hayden#hayden please#:haydennation#sam monroe x reader#sam monroe x y/n#sam monroe x you#sam monroe fanfiction#sam monroe smut#sam monroe#sam monroe fluff#hayden christensen baby#hayden christensen x you#hayden christensen x reader#hayden christensen fluff#hayden christensen fic#hayden christensen fanfiction#life as a house#hayden christensen x female reader
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I was wondering if you can make a Lloyd x reader like based off the 1st episode of dragons rising season 2 where he can't sleep and has a panic attack then starts to think he's not good enough for reader and she gets worried and trys her best to help him but it's difficult for Lloyd to talk to her about it
Also sorry if this doesn't make sense English isn't my first language😓
Awe, I really like this one! Sorry that it took a while to write, I’ve been busy, but I never forgot about this one, it’s not that long but I hope you still like it<3
Lloyd was trashing around making me wake up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. “Hey, hey, hey,” I softly put my hand on his arm, trying to stop his trashing. “It’s alright, I’m here, it’s just a bad dream,” I whispered to him, combing my other hand trough his hair.
He calmed a little, making me breathe in relief. He used to get nightmares years ago, even before the merge, mostly after Moro. Only I thought they where completely gone, but it seemed they were coming back.
I wondered what they where about, would they be just like then? I believe these are different, he keeps mumbling things about a blood moon and wolves. I don’t know what he’s on about, but when I ask, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
I looked at his face and he was still frowning, he used to look so peaceful in his sleep. I adored looking at him whenever he dosed off, or when he was already asleep when we went to bed.
I always trailing his face with my fingers, sometimes accidentally waking him. He always murmured something along the lines of ‘I love you’ or ‘it’s alright’ when die apologise before going back into slumber.
My thoughts where cut of by his breathing growing heavier and I yelped when he suddenly flinched. I pulled my hands away as a reflex and softly breathed out when I realised it was just another nightmare.
“Oh Lloyd,” I whispered with a sigh, combing a hand trough his blonde curls.
I softly started humming, its what I always did back when we where younger, sometimes even when he couldn’t sleep. It always helped, even now.
I hadn’t done it in years, not really since the merge. But even while asleep, he seemed to recognise it as safety.
He cuddled into me and it’s like the nightmare never even occurred, making a smile curl onto my lips before I fell back asleep.
Lloyd had fallen asleep on the table. His head rested on his arms and he was softly snoring. Arin and Sora, who sat opposite him where both giggling and [Name] shook her head when she entered the room and saw the scene.
“Good morning to you too,” Kai greeted with a mouthful of cereal. “Is there a reason that you are up late and Lloyd is sleeping at the breakfast table?” He asked her with a smug grin, receiving a whack from Nya who gestured to the kids at the table and an eyeroll from [Name].
She ignored the question and just sat down at the table, grabbing some cereal for herself while giving Lloyd an affectionate ruffle in his hair.
“He’s been tired a lot lately, hasn’t he?” Nya asked and (Name) sighed, biting down on her lip.
“He’s been having nightmares,” she said softly, stiring her cereal, looking at it with an empty expression before she looked at her sleeping boyfriend next to her with worry. “It’s like Morro all over again,” she whispered, making Kai suck in a sharp breath and Nya purse her lips.
“You should ask Zane to brew some of that sleeping tea master Wu used to give him,” Nya suggested, “he said that helped,” she tried but [Name] shrugged.
“I don’t know, I don’t think it really helped, he just said it so we wouldn’t worry as much she revealed and Kai groaned.
“Of course he did, it’s Lloyd,” he bonked his head upon the table making said boy jump awake.
“What?” He asked a bit drowsy and [Name] shook her head.
“Nothing, love,” she assured, come, let’s get you back to bed, it’s clear you need some more rest, Nya and Kai will take over in training Arin and Sora,” she said, helping her boyfriend up and leading him back to his room.
“What is it with you these past days,” she sighed as he laid down on the bed. She sat at the edge of the mattress and took his hand in hers. “What’s going on in that brain of yours, hm?” She softly smiled at him and he avoided her gaze.
“I don’t know,” he whispered softly, making her lightly frown. “I’m sorry,” he looked the other way and her lips lightly parted.
“For what?” She asked confused, brushing some hair out of his face. “You’ve got nothing to apologise for, love,”
“I’m supposed to be the green ninja and here I am, to tired to even train my students and having nightmares over stupid things,” he grumbled softly, hiding deeper under the covers. “God I’m lame, you must think I’m lame,” he said and looked over at her just to find confusion on her face.
“Why would I ever think about you like that?” She asked with a small frown. “Lloyd, I’ve been with you for years, I’ve seen almost everything you’ve been trough and managed to get over, you are probably the least lame person I have ever met and I love you so, so much,” she brushed her hand over his cheek and kissed his forehead, causing his eyes to flutter shut.
“I’d understand if you’d want to leave me,” he muttered making her eyes widen, pulling her head back to look at him with worried shock.
“Lloyd, I will never leave you, alright. Everything will be fine,” she promised. “Now get some sleep, I’ll be here for if you wake up, and get these thoughts out of your head, I love you alright,” she squeezed his hand and he just softly nodded.
“I love you too,” he said before shutting his eyes and drifting off.
Lloyd awoke with a gasp. He looked to the side to find (name) sound asleep next to him. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he carefully crawled over her, out of the bed.
It seemed to be late in the afternoon, they’d slept for a while then. Even after the pep talk and having (name) cuddled into his side, he still had nightmares.
He wondered if she saw it. What’d he look like when he had nightmares? Maybe she’d thought he looked pathetic and just went back to sleep.
Lloyd quickly chased that thought out of his head. He knows she wouldn’t, never in her life would she do that.
He tried to even his breathing when he walked into the kitchen, where he found Arin and Sora who shot him worried looks. He avoided them best he could and just smiled at them, quickly deciding to grab an apple from the fruit basket and make his leave.
When he returned to his room, (Name) was sitting up already, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, a smile appearing on her face when she saw him.
“Hi, baby,” she greeted with a small yawn. “Did you sleep well?” She asked, extending a hand out too him. He hummed and took it, bending down to place a kiss on her forehead.
“I slept amazing, love,” he assured, looking down at her, she smiled brightly before it fell. “What?” He asked concerned.
“You’re lying to me,” she stated, a worried look in her eyes as she searched his. He was about to speak but she cut him of before he could even start. “Lloyd, you’re shaking,” she stated in worried shock, holding his hand a little tighter.
The apple he held fell to the ground, making a loud thud as it landed on the floor and rolled under the bed. Lloyd didn’t make an effort to pick it back up as his lip was trembling, and he tried to blink the tears staring to pool in his eyes away.
“Im fine,” he croaked, quickly wiping them away with his sleeve. He let himself sit on the bed and painted a smile on his face. “Just need to sit down for a second,” he assured.
“Lloyd, you’re still shaking,” (Name) whispered holding both his hands in hers now.
“Sweetheart your hands are cold, maybe you should-” but she stopped him.
“Dont do that,” she shook her head. “Don’t- don’t change the topic, Lloyd you can admit to me when you aren’t doing alright,” she stammered with worry. “Please,” she added softly.
He gave her an anxious look, swallowing at seeing the worry in her eyes, he looked down.
He was supposed to be the green ninja, the fearless fighter, an un-defeatable individual, fates soldier. Not- not some scared boy, afraid of telling his significant other about his damned nightmares.
Nightmares that he shouldn’t be having in the first place, he was the green ninja for gods sake.
He peeked back up at (name). She wouldn’t leave him because of this right? She wouldn’t judge him because of this, he knows her, she wouldn’t. Would she?
“Baby?” Her voice sounded and he met her eyes again. “Are you alright?” She was still holding his hands tightly, waiting for them to stop shaking.
He took a deep breath and he nodded. “Yeah, yeah- it’s okay, I uh-” he stammered. “The nightmares,” she said, “they’re constant, I can’t get rid of them, it’s like they’re some sort of sign,” he started carefully.
She just nodded in understanding, carefully rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand, as if it was porcelain and if she gave to much pressure, it’d break.
He blinked rapidly for a second before he told her everything. The wolves, the blood moon, everything.
“Okay,” she mumbled when he was finished. “We should look into something about the blood moon you talk about, see if anything comes up,” she nodded, seemingly deep in thought.
Lloyd had stopped shaking a while ago, yet she still held his hands, the realisation of it making his cheeks tint red.
“But first, I’m gonna make you a cuppa, meanwhile you stay here and get some rest, we will look into it tomorrow, I’m gonna stay with you for the remaining of the day,” she promised and kissed his cheek.
She stood up, with the promise of returning and walked out the door.
Lloyd’s hands felt empty without hers, yet a small smile formed on his lips. Why did he think she’d leave him again?
He knows her, he loves her. And he knows that she loves him just as much, together they can concur the universe and he made sure to always keep that in the back of his mind.
#lloyd garmadon x reader#ninjago x reader#ninjago lloyd#lloyd garmadon#ninjago lloyd x reader#lego ninjago#ninjago
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ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ɢᴏᴊᴏ ʜᴄꜱ
warnings: yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, threats
note: he’s so pretty and annoying and i’m weak for him 😞
art credit: ma10ba (twitter)
Limitless – Gojo Satoru
obsessive, possessive, annoying
Once Gojo enters your life, he becomes a permanent fixture. He’s everywhere, and wherever you go, you're bound to bump into him. It’s like he has a sixth sense (or eyes) that lets him know when you're out and about. As soon as you take a step into a public area, there he is, materializing out of thin air with a grin on his face.
He's shamelessly vocal about his affection for you too, and anyone who stands remotely close to is bound to get insights into your relationship. What’s more is he’s always clinging onto you at every opportunity. Walking? Might as well do it while holding his hand. Sitting on the couch? He's got you pulled against his side, and if he's in a mischievous mood, you'll end up in his lap with no means of escape.
It's not just private displays of affection either, Gojo is just as affectionate in public, if not more so. His hand always finds its way to touch you, whether it's wrapping around your waist, resting on your thigh, or simply brushing against your arm. He's clingy and possessive, always seeking your attention and affection. The worst, really.
He's the embodiment of perfection – the strongest – and he knows it. People would do anything to be in your place, he often tells you.
“Admit it, you're secretly finding me irresistible, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes. Go on, say it. Make my day.”
You're stunned into silence by his audacity, your eyes wide open in a mixture of bewilderment and surprise. For all his claims of having good vision, it seems he’s selectively blind to your glaring distaste of him.
“When was the last time you went to the optometrist?”
Gojo laughs before scoffing in mock offense, putting a hand to his chest in an exaggerated manner. His eyes sparkle with unabashed delight.
"I’ll have you know my vision is perfect, unlike yours, which is clearly clouded by your denial of your undying attraction to me.”
“No, I’m seriously worried–”
You’re interrupted when Gojo unceremoniously slings an arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side. His touch is too comfortable for your liking, and he pinches your cheek with his free hand, a large, infuriating smile on his face.
"And it's not just your vision that's a little off," he chides, flicking your forehead lightly.
“Your memory, too. It’s like you’ve forgotten about what I said about sticking close to me.”
His smile becomes sharper, predatory, as he brushes his fingers lightly over your cheek, tracing a path towards your jawline before grasping your chin and tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
“Remember that next time. Kay?”
Gojo's mind can't comprehend rejection, it's a concept foreign and alien to him. From birth, he's been pampered and given everything he desires, so when you refuse to give yourself to him, it's as though you've thrown a wrench in the well-oiled machine of his world. At first, he's confused, uncertain of how to react to your resistance. However, he eventually comes to the conclusion that he can’t let you go. This realization is swift, and it's a chilling acknowledgement of the twisted dynamic that's taken root in your relationship. To Gojo, losing you is not an option, no matter the cost. In his mind, you belong to him, and he'll stop at nothing to ensure that you're firmly ensnared in his grasp.
You’re his, can’t you see that?
#windi.txt#yandere#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#gojo satoru x reader#yandere gojo#yandere jjk#yandere jujutsu kaisen#yandere gojo satoru#jjk imagines#i can’t with this man#😭😭😭
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