#K2 Black Panther Tanks
xtruss · 1 year
Meet The World’s New Arms Dealers! Where To Buy Drones, Fighters And Tanks On The Cheap
— September 19th, 2023
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An aerial view of Kizilelma, Bayraktar TB2, HURKUS, and Akinci surrounded by crowds of visitors at Teknofest in Ataturk Airport, Türkiye 🇹🇷. Image: Getty Images
The sight of North Korea’s chubby leader, Kim Jong Un, shaking hands with Vladimir Putin on September 13th—having travelled by train to a spaceport in Russia’s far east to discuss selling its dictator a stash of Korean weapons—was remarkable both on its own terms and for what it said about the business of selling arms. The world’s five biggest arms-sellers (America, Russia, France, China and Germany) account for more than three-quarters of exports. But up-and-coming weapons producers are giving the old guard a run for their money. They are making the most of opportunities created by shifting geopolitics. And they are benefiting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Mr Kim’s trip to Russia followed a visit to Pyongyang in July by Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s defence minister, who wanted to see if North Korea could provide gear that would help his country’s faltering war effort. North Korea would love to find buyers for its military kit. And few regimes are willing to sell Russia arms. China has so far been deterred from providing much more than dual-purpose chips (although it could yet channel more lethal stuff through North Korea). Only Iran has obliged, selling some 2,400 of its Shahed “Kamikaze” drones.
North Korea could provide a wider range of stuff. As well as drones and missiles such as the kn-23, which is almost a replica of the Russian Iskander Ballistic Missile, it could offer self-propelled howitzers and multi-launch rocket systems. According to sources in American intelligence, North Korea has been delivering 152mm shells and Katyusha-type rockets to Russia for the best part of a year. Russia is shopping in Pyongyang and Tehran because both regimes are already so heavily targeted by international sanctions that they have nothing to lose and much to gain by doing business with Mr Putin’s government. They are not so much an “axis of evil” as a marketplace of pariahs.
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Image: The Economist
If the North Korean arms industry is being boosted by the war in Ukraine, its southern foe is doing even better. South Korea’s arms exporters were cleaning up even before the conflict. In the five years to 2022 the country rose to ninth place in a ranking of weapons-sellers compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), a think-tank (See Chart); the government aspires to make South Korea the world’s fourth-largest arms exporter by 2027. Last year it sold arms worth $17bn, more than twice as much as in 2021. Some $14.5bn came from sales to Poland.
The size and scope of the agreements South Korea has reached with Poland, which sees itself as a front-line country in Europe’s defence against a revanchist Russia, is jaw-dropping. The deal includes 1,000 K2 Black Panther tanks, 180 of them delivered rapidly from the army’s own inventory and 820 to be made under licence in Poland. That is more tanks than are operating in the armies of Germany, France, Britain and Italy combined. The package also includes 672 k9 Thunder self-propelled howitzers; 288 K239 Chunmoo Multiple-Rocket Launchers; and 48 Golden Eagle FA-50s, a cut-price fourth-generation fighter jet.
South Korea’s success in the arms business is down to competitive costs, high-quality weaponry and swift delivery, says Tom Waldwyn at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a think-tank based in London. Its prices reflect Korean manufacturing efficiency. The quality derives from Korea’s experience working with the best American Weaponry, and from its own High-tech Civil Sector. Speedy delivery is possible because the Koreans, facing a major threat across their northern border, run hot production lines that can also ramp up quickly.
Siemon Wezeman, a researcher with sipri’s arms-transfer programme, says wholehearted support from government and attractive credit arrangements are also critical to South Korea’s success. Asian customers like that the fact that it has close ties to America without being America, which is often seen as an unreliable ally. This could also help South Korea clinch a $45bn deal to renew Canada’s ageing submarine fleet. Questions for the future include how far South Korea will go in transferring technology to its customers—a crucial issue for Poland, which sees itself as an exporting partner of South Korea’s, competing with Germany and France in the European market.
If South Korea is the undisputed leader among emerging arms exporters, second place goes to Turkey. Since the ruling ak party came to power in 2002 it has poured money into its defence industry. A goal of achieving near-autarky in weapons production has become more pressing in the face of American and European sanctions—the former imposed in 2019 after Turkey, a nato member, bought Russian s-400 surface-to-air missiles.
SIPRI thinks that between 2018 and 2022 Turkey’s weapons exports increased by 69% compared to the previous five-year period, and that its share of the global arms market doubled. According to a report in July by a local industry body, the value of its defence and aerospace exports rose by 38% in 2022, compared with the previous year, reaching $4.4bn. The target for this year is $6bn. Pakistan is receiving modernised submarines from Turkey. And the last of four Corvettes which Turkey has sold to the Pakistan navy was launched last month. More sales to other countries are likely, both because Turkey’s ships are competitively priced and because Turkey has few qualms about who it will sell to.
Yet Turkey’s export charge is led by armed drones. On July 18th Turkey signed a $3bn agreement with Saudi Arabia to supply the Akinci unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). It was made by Baykar, which also produces the Bayraktar tb2—a drone that has been used in combat by Libya, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia and Ukraine. The tb2 was developed to hunt Kurdish militants after America refused to sell Turkey its Predator drone. More than 20 countries lined up to buy it because it was cheaper and more readily available than the American alternative, and more reliable than the Chinese Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles UCAVs that had previously dominated the non-Western market.
The Akinci (pictured right) is more powerful. It can carry lots of big weapons, including air-to-air missiles and the som-a, a stealthy cruise missile with a range of 250km. It will find buyers among several other Gulf countries, such as Qatar, Oman and the UAE, who are keen to hedge against souring relations with America by reducing their reliance on its weaponry. These countries have ambitions to build their own defence industries; they see Turkey as a willing partner and an example to follow.
Turkey’s ambitions are shown by what else is in the pipeline. Its new Navy Flagship, the Anadolu, is a 25,000-ton amphibious assault ship and light aircraft-carrier that will carry Bayraktar ucavs. At least one Gulf country is said to be in talks to buy a similar ship. Turkey’s Fifth-Generation Fighter Jet, the Kaan, in which Pakistan and Azerbaijan are partners, should fly before the end of the year. Developed with help from Britain’s BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce, the Kaan could be seen as a response to Turkey’s ejection from the F-35 partner programme (as punishment for buying the S-400). Turkey will market the plane to anyone America will not sell F-35s to—or who balks at the conditions. Once again, Gulf countries may be first in line.
South Korea and Turkey have benefited from the woes of their main competitors. Russia’s arms exports between 2018 and 2022 were 31% lower than in the preceding four-year period, according to sipri. It is facing further large declines because of the strain its war of aggression is putting on its defence industries, its geopolitical isolation and the efforts of two major customers, India and China, to reduce their reliance on Russian weaponry.
India, previously Russia’s biggest customer, cut its purchases of Russian arms by 37% in the 2018-22 period. It is probably wishing it had gone further: Russia’s largely state-controlled arms industry is having to put its own army’s needs ahead of commitments to customers. Many of India’s 272 Su-30mkis, the backbone of its air force, are kaput because Russia cannot supply parts. Some of Russia’s weapons have performed poorly in Ukraine, compared with nato kit. And sanctions on Russia are limiting trade in things such as microchips, ball-bearings, machine tools and optical systems, which will hinder Russia’s ability to sell combat aircraft, attack helicopters and other lethal contraptions. The longer the war in Ukraine lasts, the more Russia will struggle to claw back its position in the global arms market.
Damp Squibs
As for China, over half its arms exports in the 2018-22 period went to just one country, Pakistan, which it sees as an ally against India. Nearly 80% of Pakistan’s major weapons needs are met by China, according to sipri. These include combat aircraft, missiles, frigates and submarines. Beijing has no interest in its customers’ human-rights records, how they plan to use what China sends or whether they are under Western sanctions.
But China’s arms industry also has its problems. One challenge, says Mr Waldwyn, is that although China set out to dominate the military drone market a decade ago, its customers got fed up with poor quality and even worse support, opening a door for Turkey. A second is that, with the exception of a putative submarine deal with Thailand and a package of weapons for Myanmar, other countries in South-East Asia are tired of Chinese bullying and “won’t touch them”, says Mr Wezeman.
At least China does not have to worry about competition from India. Despite much effort, India’s growth as an arms-exporter has been glacial. The government of Narendra Modi has listed a huge range of weapons parts that must be made in India; it hopes homemade light tanks and artillery will enter service by the end of the decade. But India has relied for too long on the transfer of technology from Russia under production-licensing agreements for aircraft, tanks and warships that have failed to deliver. Investment is wastefully channelled through the state-owned bodies. Red tape suffocates initiative.
Projects such as the Tejas light combat aircraft have taken decades to reach production, and remain fraught with problems. The Dhruv light helicopter, launched in 2002, has crashed dozens of times. After decades in development, the Arjun Mk-2 tank turned out to be too heavy for deployment across the border with Pakistan. Locally made kit is often rejected by India’s own armed forces; “If they don’t want it, exporting it becomes impossible,” says Mr Wezeman. South Korea and Turkey show how countries can build lucrative arms businesses that underpin domestic security. India, for all its bombast, is a lesson in how not to do it. ■
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K2 Black Panther in Polish service.
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Do you have any opinions on the K2 Black Panther?
I did discuss my basic, surface-level thoughts on the Black Panther in another post.
But I will elaborate, as that post was in the earliest days of this blog, when I wasn't quite willing to ramble as much as I am now.
The K2 is an excellent tank, and the level of integration it has with the rest of the SK command and intelligence structure is the stuff wet dreams are made of. The K2 was what the US tried to accomplish a decade and a half ago with then FCS program.
It's got an L/55 (my second favorite tank gun on the market), with an autoloader that seems fairly reliable by most reports. The main gun can also fire top-attack munitions, so that tickles my pickle. It's also quite a bit less expensive than it's contemporaries, costing 8.5 million USD per vehicle. Also, it's power/weight ratio is excellent, one of the highest speeds of any Gen 3+ MBT.
All in all: excellent tank, would smash.
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Upcoming European Military Powers: Poland - Black Panther Tanks & Howitzer Guns - they have arrived
HBB Defense Military
The first #K2 tanks and K9 howitzers ordered for the Polish Army have arrived in #Poland.
P.S.Thanks to former Chancellor Angela Merkel's particularly friendly relationship with the Kremlin’s bloody dictator and her indifferent attitude to Eastern European security issues, the German military industry is now losing contracts worth billions. Eastern European countries are AVOIDING to buy serious weapons systems from German companies...
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fluid-and-chaotic · 7 days
What's your favorite modern tank?
Ah fuck. Uh. UHMMMMN
Tbh im not that huge fan of modern tanks (I like older ones more) but it'd probably have to be the K2 Black Panther
I'm a slut for pneumatic suspension
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nawapon17 · 4 months
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militaryleak · 1 year
Turkey Unveils Indigenous Powerpack Advancements for Altay Main Battle Tank
Turkey has successfully developed an indigenous powerpack for its Altay main battle tank (MBT), marking a significant milestone in the country's defense industry. Janes reported that this milestone was announced by Serhat Erpolat, a senior associate at Turkey's Defence Industry Agency, during the recent SAE Media's Future Armoured Vehicles Power Systems conference held in Wokingham, UK, on September 27 and 28. The new powerpack, a crucial component for the Altay MBT, is set to be integrated into all serial production vehicles from lot-2 onwards. The Altay MBT, based on the South Korean K2 Black Panther and produced by BMC with design assistance and technology transfer from Hyundai Rotem, has been a focal point of Turkey's military modernization efforts. However, the project faced a significant setback in 2018 when Germany imposed restrictions on the export of military equipment and components to Turkey, in response to Ankara's military operations in northeastern Syria. This export restriction left the Altay without a powerpack for serial production, posing a considerable challenge for Turkish engineers.
Turkey has successfully developed an indigenous powerpack for its Altay main battle tank (MBT), marking a significant milestone in the country’s defense industry. Janes reported that this milestone was announced by Serhat Erpolat, a senior associate at Turkey’s Defence Industry Agency, during the recent SAE Media’s Future Armoured Vehicles Power Systems conference held in Wokingham, UK, on…
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militaryandgun · 2 years
"Meet The K2 Black Panther – One Of The World’s Best Tanks" を YouTube で見る
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tpmmpt-1 · 3 years
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K2 Black Panther
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Polish K2 Black Panthers getting muddy (18 more were delivered last week)
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chanchadwithmandu · 7 years
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collinitzo838 · 4 years
15 Best Pinterest Boards of All Time About Diep Io Hack
In 2012 a brand-new Type 10 storage tank was adopted by the Japanese Ground Protection Forces. Even though it is a lot more technically progressed, in fact presently it is one of the most innovative tanks on the planet, it has substandard defense. Its major duty is to sustain infantry with its firepower, instead of to combat enemy tanks.
Currently the Black Panther is among the most innovative primary fight storage tank on the planet, beating anything North Korea or China have. Moreover it is one of the most pricey main fight tank to day. Shipments of the K2 Black Panther storage tank commenced to the South Korean Army in 2016. South Korean need is for around 300 of these new containers. This MBT is powered by a tried and tested multi-fuel diesel engine, developing hp.
A variety of layout functions of the Leclerc were later on utilized on other Western storage tanks. The Leclerc was made use of during a variety of peacekeeping as well as military operations.
Manufacturing Facility.
All Merkava series tanks have a back compartment which can be used to bring troops and cargo under armor. It can lug approximately 10 troops when ammo is unloaded. This MBT has an unusual layout with a front-mounted engine which offers the team additional defense and chance to endure if the storage tank is knocked-out. ImprovedMerkava Mk.4 Meil Ruach tanks are fitted with a combat-proven Trophy active protection system, which ruins inbound anti-tank projectiles as well as rockets.
This tank is additionally well secured versus air-launched guided rockets and progressed top assault anti-tank weapons. The Armata is additionally a world's first production MBT with completely unmanned turret. It is armed with a new 125 mm smoothbore weapon that is a lot more precise than the previous Russian tank guns.
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Bullet Damage.
If played right, the Emperor ought to have the ability to take advantage of its increased range to hit the Boxer's unseen areas before it gets as well close.
Emperors doing this should be careful of overextending, however, as the Fighter can reverse as well as eliminate them before they can retrieve their drones.
Players manage storage tanks as well as make factors by destroying shapes and killing various other players in a 2D field.
Or overwhelm it with numerous drones while using its body as bait.
Overlords, in general, ought to pursue their drones to take as little damage as feasible from the fighter's bullets prior to connecting.
This British tank is equipped with a really precise 120 mm rifled weapon. Its weapon is rifled as opposed to smoothbore weapons made use of by all other modern MBTs. Presently the Opposition holds the record for for lengthiest tank-to-tank kill.
Very first production containers were intended to be delivered during the same year. When in service, the Armata will slowly change the ageingT-72, T-80 andT-90 containers that end up being increasingly out-dated.
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Its security level is extensively similar to that of theM1A2 Abrams, taking into consideration that the K2 is much lighter. The Black Panther storage tank is also finished with an active defense system as well as countermeasures system, that further enhance its survivability on the combat zone.
This container can launch anti-tank directed missiles likewise as average projectiles. The Armata is a brand-new Russian major battle tank of new generation. Pre-production tanks were initially publicly exposed in 2015. In 2018 Russian MoD ordered an initial batch of these new containers. Precise order numbers were not disclosed yet it is likely that around 60 tanks were ordered.
Stat Upgrade.
The Challenger 2 has the most up to date Chobham shield and is among one of the most protected MBTs worldwide today. It uses extremely high level of defense versus direct fire weapons. This brand-new South Oriental container is armed with the latest German 120 mm/L55 gun, comparable to that utilized on the GermanLeopard 2A6 and2A7. This container utilizes composite shield of concealed type and eruptive reactive shield DIEPGAMEBOOM.CLUB components. It is claimed that front shield withstands straight hits from 120 mm storage tank rounds, discharged from L55 weapons.
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Thoughts on K1A2, aka "Smolbrams"?
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In all honesty, I believe that the K1 is one of the better tanks that South Korea uses, even surpassing the Black Panther. It's got a more significant main gun, better armor, and a more powerful engine. Its Power/weight ratio sits at a fairly respectable 22hp per ton, which is solidly in the middle of what I consider to be the modern standard.
While the C4I potential of the K2 Black Panther is impressive, I don't know if that's worth the cost to actual arms and armor.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
Massive Restock for BattleTech!
MASSIVE restock for BattleTech from Iron Wind Metals...and this isn't even ALL of it!
PLEASE REMEMBER...I'm out with my kids this weekend for some fun before they go back to school, so there will possibly be a delay in shipping depending on order volume.
20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D 20-217 Crusader CDR-5K 20-223 Saladin Hover Tank (2) 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-279 Clint IIC 20-290 Ajax Assault Tank Prime 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-450 Hiryo Armored Infantry Transport 20-451 Copper SecurityMech CBK-6 20-482 Xanthos XNT-30 20-496 Thunderbird TRB-D36 Aero Fighter 20-497 Moltke M1 Main Battle Tank 20-5007 Turhan Wheeled Vehicle (2) 20-5016 Apollo APL-1M 20-5021 Deimos 20-5023 Hyena Salvage Mech HYN-4A 20-5025 Mad Cat IV "Savage Wolf" 20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H 20-5106 Tiburon 20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M 20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4 20-5121 Lu Wei Bing LN-4B 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5127 Flashman FLS-8K Resculpt 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5132 Templar III TLR2-O Prime 20-5133 Gotterdammerung GTD-20S 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5151 Avalanche AVL-1O 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-5163 Mongoose Gunslinger MON-66GX 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5169 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V / 1E / 1Vb Royal 20-5184 Griffin GRF-1N 20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-706 CHIPPEWA FIGHTER CHP-W5 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle 20-747 Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) 20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT 20-777 Falcon FLC-4N 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank (2) 20-798 Hammer HMR-3M 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-802 Mongoose MON-66 20-803 Hoplite HOP-4D 20-806 Hunter Missile Tank (2) 20-822 Demolisher Tank 20-865 Commando COM-2D 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-879 Clint CLNT-2-3T 20-898 Imp IMP-3E 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R 20-976 Hellion Prime 20-983 Mad Cat Mk II 20-991 Shadow Cat Prime AR20-246 EAGLE EGL-2M AR20-248 DONAR ASSAULT VTOL AR20-249 CRONUS CNS-5M AR20-294 MAGI INFANTRY SUPPORT VEHICLE AR20-325 Morpheus MRP-3S AR20-344 Flashfire FLS-P5 AR20-349 HACHIWARA AR20-363 Koto KTO-2A AR20-367 SPIDER SDR-7K / SDR-7K2 AR20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 AR20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L AR20-421 Ronin SA-RN7 AR20-429 Mantis MTS-S AR20-445 Longshot LNG-2 AR20-466 Neptune Submarine (full and waterline) AR20-637 MANTIS LIGHT ATTACK VTOL (2) AR20-655 Fire Scorpion AR20-720 THRUSH AR20-745 SKULKER WHEELED SCOUT VEHICLE AR20-785 DEMOLISHER II HEAVY TANK AR20-790 SALAMANDER PPR-5S     AR20-931 URBAN MECH IIC     AR20-943 ARCTIC WOLF AR20-957 LAO HU  LHU-2B   AR20-977 CESTUS CTS-6Y   AR20-985 ARCAS 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base ATLASLTD-12 Limited Edition Jumping Atlas BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-005 Grenadier Battle Armor BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-008 Void Battle Armor BT-011 Thor "Summoner" B BT-019 Leopard BT-026 Union BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-129 Infiltrator Mk I Battle Armor BT-130 Hauberk Battle Armor BT-132 Clan Medium Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-172 Prowler Tank BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-192 Purifier BA C (2 pc) (advancing) BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-200 Shedu Assault Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-207 Delphyne ProtoMech BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-210 Armorcast 28mm Elemental Battle Armor BT-217 Dragon's Breath BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-243 XTC Marine BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-250 Ignis Infantry Support Tank BT-251 Blood Asp A BT-252 Blood Asp E BT-253 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime BT-257 Concordat Frigate BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-269 Sling SL-1G BT-270 New Sytris Carrier BT-271 Conqueror Battle Cruiser BT-272 Davion Destroyer BT-273 Osteon D BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-282 Pandion Combat WiGE BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-291 Super-Griffin GRF-2N-X BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-305 Thor II Prime BT-306 Thor II B BT-311 Savior Repair Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-326 Stinger LAM MK I STG-A1 (Air Mech) BT-335 PWWKA S-PW-1LAM (Air Mech) BT-343 Tomahawk II A BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt BT-349 Lament LMT-4RC BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5 BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3) BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-395 Centurion CN9-YLW / CN9-YLW2 "Yen Lo Wang" BT-397 Gùn GN-2O A BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-403 Highlander HGN-738 BT-407C Orion ON1-H Arm Sprue BT-408 Loki II A BT-411 Archer ARC-1A BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-416 Testudo Siege Tank (Standard) BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM) BT-429 Catapult CPLT-C2 (Dark Age) BT-430 Wulfen H BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-437 Regulator Hovertank (Arrow IV) BT-438 Von Rohrs (Hebis) VON-4RH-5 BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-440 Bellerophon BEL-1X BT-442 Wulfen A BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options CE-001 Primitive Shadow Hawk FT-002 Boomerang Spotter Plane FT-003 Sea Skimmer FT-005 Monitor Naval Vessel FT-008 Avatar AV1-OB FT-012 Nightsky NGS-5T FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter FT-026 Sabre Mech Scale Fighter FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter MS-001 Union Dropship OP-005 Thor B Arms (2) (from BT-11) OP-007 Thor C Left Arm (from 20-320) OP-029 Gladiator C Left Arm OP-030 Gladiator C Right Arm OP-033 Gladiator E Left Arm OP-034 Gladiator E ATM 9 OP-040 Gladiator E Torso OP-045 Black Hawk C SRM4 OP-084 Masakari Torso OP-097 Generic Missile Launcher (3) OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-100 Ultra Autocannons OP-101 Hyper-Assult Gauss Rifles OP-102 Inner Sphere PPC's OP-103 LB-X Autocannons OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC OP-105 Pulse Lasers OP-106 Small Launcher Plates OP-107 Medium Launcher Plates OP-108 Large Launcher Plates OP-109 XL Launcher Plates OP-110 XXL Launcher Plates OP-111 Inner Sphere Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-112 Inner Sphere XL and XXL Launchers OP-113 Clan Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-114 Clan XL and XXL Launchers SFB-016 Upper Stackable Steel Building 20-220C Longbow Missile Pod Sprue 20-233C Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue I 20-233D Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue II 20-317D Ostroc 4C Arms Sprue 20-325C Morpheus Left Arm 20-325D Morpheus Shoulder Pad 20-326D Loki Anti-Personal Pod Sprue (From 20-326) 20-360C Paladin Arms Sprue 20-412E Grigori Weapon Pod Sprue II 20-413B Archangel Spikes/Arm Sprue 20-432B Valiant DA Mech Legs 20-432C Valiant DA Mech Arm Sprue 20-432D Valiant DA Mech Shield Sprue 20-442B Copperhead Arm Sprue 20-453G Pariah Jump Jet Sprue (from 20-453) 20-5136 Hound HD-2F Weapon Sprue 20-603E Mad Cat (Omni) Missile Pack 20-605E Masakari (Omni) Right Arm 20-605F Masakari (Omni) Left Arm 20-610D Black Hawk (Omni) Arms 20-613C Koshi (Omni) Arm Sprue 20-616B Grand Titan TIT-N10M Right Arm 20-616C Grand Titan TIT-N10M Left Arm 20-616GN Grand Titan TIT-N10M Small Gun 20-617B Tempest TMP-3M Right Arm 20-617C Tempest TMP-3M Left Arm 20-627BTUR LRM Carrier Turret 20-699AMG Emperor EMP-6A Arm / Gun 20-779TRT Manticore Heavy Tank Turret 20-780AGN Hussar HSR-200D Arm / Gun Sprue 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-802ARM Mongoose MON-66 Arm Sprue 20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue 20-864ARM Hatchetman Arm Sprue 20-873FNS Spider Fins 20-888ARM Grasshopper Arm Sprue 20-969B Banshee Arm Sprue 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-988ARM Phoenix Hawk Arm Sprue 20-993D Thunderbolt Arm Sprue
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bunedycom · 2 years
Güney Kore ile Polonya arasında 5,7 milyar dolarlık tank ve obüs anlaşması
Güney Kore ile Polonya arasında 5,7 milyar dolarlık tank ve obüs anlaşması
Güney Kore Savunma Tedarik Programı İdaresi (DAPA), 2 Güney Koreli şirketin Polonya’ya tank ve obüs ihraç etmek amacıyla dün bir sözleşme imzalandığını açıkladı. DAPA açıklamasında, Hyundai Rotem şirketine ait K2 Black Panther tanklarının ve Hanwha Şirketi’nin savunma birimi olan Hanwha Defense’e ait K9 kundağı motorlu obüslerin Polonya’ya göndereceğini duyurdu. DAPA tarafından yapılan…
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asymmetricdialogue · 6 years
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South Korea K2 Black Panther K1A1 main battle tank K1 AVLB review at DX Korea 2018 http://bit.ly/2P1SanT
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