#Just. constantly screaming about how Awful of a state I'm in and the fact that I would do anything just to fucking finally die etc .
nehts · 2 years
#Getting to a point where all I can do is physically scream and scream and scream#I have. never in my fucking life . experienced how awful things currently are and how abysmal my well-being currently is#I cannot describe how awful it is.#I reckon I'm just going to drink as much as I possibly can tonight in hopes that I get alcohol poisoning.#If that doesn't work. I'm going to go back to self harm just in case it doesn't. Can't imagine that it won't be enough when I have#a hell of a lot of blood loss#What a great birthday. What a wonderful life. How incredible this life and all that is within it truly is.#Enough typing. going to 1. drink a hell of a lot 2. get as many pills as I can into my body and use all of my morphine in one go#3. self harm after I'm decentlyfucked up and numb to pain so that I can lose more blood than I would right now#And . 4. whatever other self destructive acts I can think of in the moment#It helps. even if slightly. to write things out and imagine them clearly.#Gives motivation and a need to go through with things.#My throat fucking hurts. I've been screaming as loudly as I can for 4 hours.#Getting it out while I'm home alone.#Just. constantly screaming about how Awful of a state I'm in and the fact that I would do anything just to fucking finally die etc .#Literally. only thing that has helped me to not. bash my head into a wall repeatedly#I don't mind doing that. I just. would rather not end up with More brain damage from being suicidal and.#Well. as I've learned. brain hemorrhage or stroke is unlikely without a concrete wall.#You learn these things from having a wall in your room with nothing but holes from you bashing your head in.#What a great life‚ hm? What a wonderful life with SO much to live for.#Fucking kill me. just fucking kill me already I'm so fucking tired of existing fucking . christ#Enough typing. need to get intoxicated enough to bleed a decent amount#I'm so fucking tired. so so so fucking tired
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qqueenofhades · 6 months
maybe i'm misunderstanding the concept, but it lately it's felt like Online Leftists™️ have been using homonationalism as a cudgel against lgbt people wanting to go abroad and feel comfortable doing so instead of as idk a way to critique american exceptionalism or whatever
The thing about Online Leftists and American exceptionalism in any capacity is that literally all their ideas and concepts of it are a) gibberish and b) completely contradictory and hypocritical. This is because it is all based on a reactionary Vibes ideology that has to constantly change itself to oppose whatever the Democrats/the US/the West in general is doing and therefore has no actual logical guidelines or consistent internal principles. To wit:
America is the most powerful country in the world, and that influence is always and forever totally evil because (insert terrible shit America has done here, which is then generalized and applied to all time periods and places without context or nuance). Indeed, America is so powerful that no other country or government in the world has actual agency or makes real choices for which they are morally and legally responsible; they're just helpless and manipulated pawns reacting to American/Western imperialism (which is the only kind of imperialism that exists, somehow). As such, nothing they ever do is actually "bad" or worthy of condemnation, because they're just totally victimized by America and everything they do is justified as long as it is anti-America. Hence, Russia genociding the Ukrainians is actually fine and good, the Ukrainians must have deserved it somehow (witness how many of the people currently screaming about Gaza were yelling that Ukraine was totally fine to attack actually!) and America is evil for trying to intervene. Russian propaganda calls America bad, we think America is bad, and therefore Russian propaganda must be correct, we love Russian propaganda a whole lot and have no interest in examining that fact any further. Russia is actually good because it used to be the USSR! Did you know that?
However, Israel genociding Gaza is utterly unforgivable and terrible and anyone who tries to offer any kind of realistic critique or appraisal of what can or can't be done to stop it is a genocide apologist. America should in fact be intervening to the point of invading Israel and/or dismantling the Israeli state, because maximalist American military intervention is Good when we say it is (but the rest of the time it's the most awful evil thing in the world WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE GLOBAL SOUTH). America is still the most powerful country in the world and it should be intervening at all times, but actually it shouldn't do that at all because we're totally not the right-wing America First isolationists sent through the rabbit hole. If America does not choose to exercise its almighty godlike power to stop all the evil in the world (but remember, American military intervention of any kind is obviously bad and Ukraine should definitely still be genocided), it is just proving how evil it actually is. Remember, nobody else makes real choices. They're just reacting to America. America is all-powerful and also evil but still should use this evil power for good because it's good if we decide it is.
Voting is meaningless because the parties are the same, but it's powerful enough to produce a president god-king who could just decide to snap his fingers and end all bad things in the world but just doesn't do that (at least if he's a Democrat; we don't really care what a Republican president does). We think this is a good idea, but don't worry, America is still the source of all evil in the world. America should intervene everywhere and nowhere all at once. America should do nothing because everything it does is evil and past redemption and the only solution is The Revolution which destroys society. America is evil because it was founded on the violent oppression and exploitation of minorities, and therefore the solution is to let fascists be elected to punish those minorities even more because they get in the way of our purist thought experiments and their actual lived experiences don't matter when they contradict our Ideology. BUT ACTUALLY IT STILL SHOULD MILITARILY INTERVENE EVERYWHERE WE SAY SO BUT ACTUALLY IT SHOULDN'T EVER GLOBAL SOUTH. (We don't know what the Global South is or any of its issues, politics, problems, identities, languages, postcolonial developments or so forth, but we know that the Cold War happened and it was all America's fault. Have you heard this piece of Russian propaganda about how Joe Biden is the antichrist? SILENCE IS VIOLENCE SO YOU BETTER SHARE IT.)
Likewise, we support LGBTQ rights in theory but we don't think they're ever worth actually voting to protect (remember, voting is meaningless!) if that also contradicts our aim of The Revolution. We love virulently anti-gay groups like the Houthis if they theoretically support our Anti Genocide stance (don't look at Ukraine, that doesn't count) and also hate Jews. Israel is the only country in the world that has LGBTQ rights and also does stupid or awful military things, and therefore it alone is the problem because it's just pretending to be a democracy or have LGBTQ rights (in comparison to the rest of the Middle East) because it's just cynically covering for all its sins, but those sins are actually America, because Israel is just a white settler colonialist outpost of America, so America not stopping what Israel is doing (by being Israel) is bad. Remember, America is the source of all evil in the world and all other countries are its puppets, so it is also Israel, but it should stop being Israel, because it's the only country that ever makes any choices or has agency. We are very smart.
...basically, if your head hurt trying to read that or follow the logic, that's the point. It has to change constantly and contort itself around in order to both oppose those Weak Mainstream Liberals and act like it has the perfect moral high ground in doing so, regardless of what principles it has to change or what hypocrisies it has to embrace. As such, it has been stripped of any authentic critique or ability to say anything about anything, and I suggest we generally stop letting it pretend that it does. That is the only way to rescue western leftism and make it actually 2% of use at opposing fascism, because right now? Nah. Not in the least. It's actively and gleefully enabling fascism, and after so long hearing how us normie Democratic-voting losers were going to be the ones collaborating with fascists, it makes me just a little bit crazy. Good thing we can erase that too.
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dearestxiao · 9 months
Dear Santa,
I would like some more fucked up/possessive/shockingly sweet Venti HC 🙏
Thank you
warnings: possessive venti, gaslighting and manipulation, abuse of power(?), threats(?), scars from battle, let me know if I'm missing anything!!
ooh my god this took me so long to get out we're almost a week into the new years 😭😭😭. but when I saw this ask I actually screamed thank u sm nonnie. being able to ramble nonsense abt ven is always so fun. these aren't a lot whatsoever but these are some main things I think about with venti. all are random but somewhat related?
he often does performances, whether that be at a tavern/bar or an open mic that are either 'dedicated' to you or a 'special somebody'. even if he doesn't directly say your name, he makes it so obvious that it's about you, his eyes glued onto you the entirety of his show. it's supposed to be a sweet gesture, and it would be, if it wasn't so clearly a way for him to claim you as his, which is only worsened by the fact that you're not. no one would ever believe otherwise though.
in the same vain, if you start romantically seeing someone, or even slightly have interest in anyone, he instantly becomes intensely clingy. you two have barely hung out recently, you two should hang out more! he's been dying to see this live show with you, and there's a new cafe that just opened up, and there's this beautiful meadow nearby that's perfect for a picnic, he pulls out all the works to try to convince you to spend more time with him than anybody else. and trust, if you do spend time with someone else, you'll never hear the end of it. he'll constantly sulk or make you feel insanely guilty, saying anything and everything to make you feel awful.
I think the main thing that would differentiate canon!venti and modern au!venti are their literal powers. given that modern!venti doesn't have a borderline fear-tactic to hold over your head, he instead resorts to manipulating you, especially in ways similar to the headcanon above.
venti is insanely emotionally intelligent. he knows every little thing about you, how your mind ticks and what really pulls at your heart strings. he can't help but use this to his favor. anytime an 'issue' arises between you too, he's quick to put on an award-winning act. of course, if it was what'd he call a genuine problem or a mistake on his behalf, he's quick to apologize and do everything in his power to make amends. but if you're upset about something akin to his clinginess and possessiveness... oh baby, you're getting guilt-tripped.
it doesn't really matter if you're a person who's hard to manipulate or not. venti can break a will. at some point you just wear down and give up.
canon!venti really doesn't like to hold his powers against you (he really loves the thought of you choosing to be with him, even if that choice is... coerced), but if push comes to shove, he does. he would never would never actually use them, but stories about how he acted and what he did back during those days of war are certainly enough to keep you docile. to be fair, he doesn't necessarily need to use them at all. you're far less likely to go against him if you know just what he's capable of. deep down he knows he'd never do anything, but he's so unpredictable that the fear that he could is enough.
I think venti would also definitely use the fact that he's the god of freedom against you, especially as a sort of mind trick. he states that he's the god of freedom, he would never take away your freewill, that goes against everything he stands for! so, the fact that you're with him is clearly your own choice, something of your own doing, and if you truly wanted to, you could've left him at any time you wanted to!
somewhat similarly, I think venti would have a 'thing' for getting you to say certain things. he'll do things like pin you down and say (with a big, toothy smile plastered on his face) that he won't let you out until you admit that you love him, admit that you're his and all his, admit that you would never, ever leave him. he tells you to do it in a lighthearted manner through giggles and grins, but you know that he's serious about never letting you out from underneath his grasp.
also, another few headcanons that doesn't really fit into anything else:
I think another difference between modern au!venti and canon!venti is that modern au!venti is a lot more of a creep. as the god of freedom, canon!venti would, of course, stick to atleast some of his morals and godly obligations. being a yandere doesn't entirely diminish his values, even if he does stretch the limitations of them often. but modern venti is not tied to those morals, so he has no reason to really obide by them. he therefore sees no issue with doing things like going through your room or your items, looking through any notes or journals or diaries you have, laying on your bed or pocketing an item of yours or two.
despite gods likely having insane regenerative powers, I can see venti choosing to keep any and all scars that would've developed throughout his life of serving out duties as a god. they're all so especially jarring because of just how gentle and harmless venti looks in comparison. it serves both as a reminder of his past and all he's been through (something that you would definitely atleast sympathize with) and all he's done, a testament as to how looks can be deceiving and that you should certainly never underestimate him.
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deadgirlwalking91 · 4 months
new update - 'thank you for the venom', chapter 8: 'stay quiet, stay near, stay close, they can't hear'
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight Summary
Lute makes a decision regarding Adam's proposition.
No weekend preview today... instead, I'm positing the whole chapter ;) hoping to shift my posting schedule to the weekend instead of a Tuesday, so let's see how this works. Thanks all for reading and engaging so far, hope you like this one. It was a fun time to write! Cheers @branded-rose for beta-ing and for patiently answering all my "but does this make senseeeeeee" questions. You have the patience of a saint to deal with me haha.
This was a predicament that Lute never, in her wildest dreams - or nightmares - expected to find herself in.
Sure, lately her interactions with Adam had been teetering more towards civility, as opposed to constantly wanting to rip his throat out with her bare hands. And their meeting the other week, despite her stomach-ache later and awful bloating later that night, had been somewhat tolerable.
Though, the feeling in her stomach after that meeting was nothing compared to the liquid-hot magma that was simmering at the moment, threatening to spill up into her chest and flow throughout her entire body.
Granted, she should have known better, should have been prepared that something like this would happen. As soon as she set Adam straight on her sexuality, she knew it was only a matter of time before he pulled his predictable bullshit and hit on her. After all, she’d be the final notch on his bedpost when it came to the women in his army. 
The straight ones, anyway.
What she didn’t expect though, was to enjoy it.
It wasn’t like Adam had never been close to her physically - in fact, it felt that in the few months since he found out about her revamped training regime, he’d found multiple ways to invade her personal space to antagonise her. And it worked. Executed to perfection by him, really. He knew how to get under her skin, and he excelled at it.
This, though? He was getting under her skin, just not in his usual manner.
Because this time, despite the rational part of her brain screaming at her to snap out of whatever stupor she’d found herself in, she was hot, bothered and turned the fuck on. And she needed to leave before she did something stupid about it. Now.
Especially considering if she stayed, she’d probably keep drinking, which given her current state of mind, was not smart. She’d already had enough.
Shakily, Lute slid off her stool, gripping the padded seat for support as she found her feet. Wine on an empty stomach was never a good idea. It went straight to her head, clouding her judgement. Fuelling potential bad decisions.
Sober Lute wouldn’t let her boss tell her he wanted to take her home for the night and have his way with her. Or let him put his hands all over her in public while she held them against her body, in full view of her sisters, like he owned her. Like she was his, and his alone.
And she would never, in a million years, have thought that she wanted to be taken to his place so he could have his way with her. She needed to move away from him, so that the tiny shred of willpower that she was desperately clinging to wouldn’t be whittled down to nothing. 
Smoothing her dress down, she cleared her throat before turning to Adam, who was now leaning against the bar counter, smirking down at her. Bastard.
“I need to go,” she declared, her voice faltering as she lifted her chin in a last-ditch attempt at bravado. “I’ll see you tomorrow in the office.”
He folded his arms, his arrogant smirk only growing as he looked her up and down, his eyes lingering hungrily at the hem of her dress.
“Hate to see you leave, love to watch you go, Lutey.”
Exhaling deeply, trying to control her heart thumping in her chest, Lute ignored him as she strode towards the door leading to the gardens outside. She needed to find Vaggie, to pretend she was feeling unwell so they could leave, immediately.
She had to get home as soon as possible before she changed her mind and ran back to Adam, and she could only do that with Vaggie’s support.
Not that she’d breathe a word of what had happened to her.
She threw the door open and briefly closed her eyes as she felt the relief of cold air, the gentle breeze welcomed on her burning face and chest as she scanned the courtyard for her friend. Despite the pleasant, mild night the outdoor space was mostly deserted, save for a small group of exorcist angels seated around a table chatting excitedly amongst one another. Lute wandered throughout the gardens, keeping an eye out in hope that she’d spot Vaggie amongst the exotic flowers and greenery. 
No luck.
Sighing, she approached a secluded corner in the far end of the courtyard, hidden by a large, leafy tree. The space was unoccupied, but her head was reeling from her encounter with Adam inside the bar and she needed a moment to process her thoughts, to try and come up with a game plan on how to move forward.
She leaned the side of her body against the wooden fence that lined the perimeter of the venue, facing away from the rest of the yard, her features relaxing for the first time since walking away from Adam. Her chest heaved, the pounding in her heart ringing in her ears as she raked a hand through her hair, trying to recreate the sensation of his fingers running along her scalp. 
Her hands dropped to hold herself around her waist, recalling his possessive hold on her like she belonged to him.
Remembering his bare hand splayed across the top of her bare thigh, inching further and further up her leg until he toyed with the hem of her dress, and how the only coherent thought that ran through her head was how she wanted him to keep going, to feel his way under the material until…
She swallowed nervously, trying not to let her imagination run too wild.
“Get it together, Lute,” she muttered to herself, sharply pinching the soft flesh of her inner arm in an attempt to shock herself out of her lustful stupor. It had no effect except for leaving a gold-tinged mark on her pale skin. “He’s only doing this because he’s realised you’re just another number he can add to his body count. Nothing more. You don’t matter to him. You don’t want to matter to him. He’s an incompetent idiot.”
Hugging her arms around herself, she puffed her cheeks and rubbed her thumbs into her biceps, attempting to distract herself from her thoughts. She let her chest rise and fall rhythmically, and, after some time, her pulse slowed.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing there, zoned out, focusing on her breathing, when she felt two large, firm hands take hold of her hips from behind. Yelping in surprise, her heart rate skyrocketed once again, and she didn’t need to turn around to know those hands belonged to the very man she had walked away from earlier that night.
“What the fuck, Sir?” she gasped, her grip on her arms tightening. “What do you think you’re doing, sneaking up on me like that?”
“You never gave me an answer,” she heard him say, his raspy voice quieter than usual. Softer.
“I was just leaving,” she lied, her body betraying her brain as she turned around, her hands shifting to instinctively rest on his chest. Swallowing nervously, she looked up into the yellow features of that hideous fucking mask that she hated so much.
She wasn’t quite so sure though, that she still hated what laid underneath anymore.
It was unlikely she’d ever find out.
“Leaving all by yourself, babe?”
“Yes,” Her breath hitched in her throat as his hands started roaming her body once more, one coming to rest on her lower back, the other cradling the back of her neck. “Specifically, without you.”
Shit, shit, shit. 
“Then why haven’t you gone home, hmm?”
Her eyes involuntarily fluttered shut as he ran his thumb down her jawline, letting it come to rest against her bottom lip where he gently tugged at it, parting her lips slightly.
It took every shred of the minimal willpower left in her body not to give in completely to him then and there. She just couldn’t bring herself to be yet another number. To be branded another one of ‘his girls’.
She could almost hear Vaggie’s stern voice in the back of her mind, reminding her that she was better than that, that she was smarter than that…
“Come home with me.”
She opened her eyes, and gold met yellow as she stared into his soulless, digital face. 
Think, Lieutenant.
It was in that moment, somewhere amongst the fog that clouded her judgement, that Lute found the exact solution to her predicament. What if there was something in it for her? What if she got what she wanted? Something to finally satisfy her curiosity?
There was a ninety-nine percent chance he would decline, anyway. Probably tell her to fuck off. If that were the case, no harm done. She’d avoid becoming the very thing she hated, and while she wouldn’t get what she wanted, she could live with that. They could forget this night ever happened and go back to hating each other and trading blows as per usual.
But if he said yes… then she might be able to justify it.
“Unless,” she said slowly, glancing downwards at her feet, carefully trying to articulate the words in her mind before they left her mouth. “Unless you give me what I want.”
She felt his grip on her neck tighten, shooting shivers down her spine, rattling her. “Go on.”
“I’ll -” she took a breath. “I’ll go home with you. But only if you take the mask off. I get to see your face.” She looked up at him, squaring her shoulders in an attempt to feign confidence. 
Adam’s hands fell by his side as he stepped backwards, shaking his head.
“As tempting as your little proposal is, it’s not happening, Lute.”
“Okay,” she shrugged, attempting to appear nonchalant despite the pang of disappointment that nagged at her. “Then I guess I’m going home alone tonight.”
“Good.” Lute crossed her arms and glared towards the centre of the courtyard, trying to see if Vaggie had ventured outside so she could grab her and leave without looking back.
A smirk tugged at the corner of Adam’s mouth. “You seem kinda pissed. Something you wanna share with me, babe?”
“Admit it, you thought what happened back inside was kinda hot.” With one stride, he’d managed to close the distance between them again, their bodies just touching - though she was slightly disappointed that he’d managed to keep his hands to himself this time.
Lute snorted. “Please, Sir. I’m not stupid. I’ve seen you pull the exact same moves with the other girls in the past. I was just…” she trailed off, unsure how to finish her sentence.
“Just what, hmm?”
His hands found her hips again, pressing her against him, and her wings fluttered involuntarily.
“Nothing,” she said quickly, hoping he hadn’t noticed. “What are you doing?”
“Testing a theory.”
“Which is?”
He flashed her a wide smile, dragging his fingertips slowly up and down her sides. He was deliberately antagonising her. Teasing her. “You’ve got it bad for me, babe. I don’t blame you - I’d have it bad for my boss, too.”
Lute’s eyes widened, horrified. “You have it bad for Sera?”
“Shit!” Adam cursed, fingers digging into Lute’s waist. “I fucked that up -”
Lute tilted her head back slightly and laughed, shoulders quivering as her hands came to rest on his forearms. 
Accidentally, of course. 
Adam snickered, shaking his head. “I haven’t screwed up a line like that in years. I’m usually smooth as fuck.”
“First time for everything, isn’t there, Sir?” she smiled up at him, amused, momentarily forgetting the unusual predicament she had found herself in. A rare, peaceful silence passed between the two of them; one where they did nothing except smile at each other.
It seemed there certainly was a first time for everything.
“Yeah, he mused, uncharacteristically quiet, cocking his head to the side slightly and frowning. “I guess there is, Lutey.”
Adam pulled one of his hands away from her waist, causing her hold on his arm to slip. Hesitating slightly, he brought it to the chin of his mark and lifted ever so slightly before stopping completely.
Lute’s breath caught in her throat as the realisation of what he was doing hit her like a ton of bricks, her heart now racing so fast she was sure he could feel it rocketing away in her chest.
“Wha -”
“Close your eyes.”
She gripped his arm tighter. “No way, you’re finally taking that hideous thing off, I’m not -”
“Close your fucking eyes, Lieutenant. That’s an order.”
Groaning in frustration, she reluctantly obeyed her commanding officer, squeezing her eyes shut. “Fine, they’re closed. Tell me when to open.” His other hand fell from her waist, her other arm coming to rest by her side as he moved away, putting distance between them once again.
She desperately wanted to peek, to let just one eyelid open slightly so she could see what he was doing. Did he have to fix himself somehow before revealing his true identity to her? She held her breath, trying to listen for a sign of what to expect when she was allowed to look.
Tapping her foot impatiently, she puffed her cheeks in frustration. “Can I open them now?”
“No, you impatient bitch! Do not fucking open them until I say. I mean it, Lute, or I’ll kick your ass.”
“Fine, whatever, just hurry up.”
Two warm hands suddenly cupped the sides of her face, tilting it upwards, a single thumb grazing her cheekbone.
“What are you doing?”
“Remember, keep them closed,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot against her skin. 
She couldn’t think; him being so close to her was making her head spin, her heart flutter, her throat tighten.
Then, without warning, he closed the space between them and kissed her.
It took Lute a moment to register that the mask had gone, and that the mouth against hers was warm and soft, kissing her with an eagerness that caused her to melt against him completely.
His lips moved expertly against hers, capturing her mouth over and over as his hands left her face and grabbed at her hips, shifting her so that her back was flush against the wooden fence.
Lute sighed into his mouth, her own hands instinctively flying upwards into his hair, running her fingers through the coarse strands, trying to imagine the colour, the style, how it framed his face.
Oh, how she longed to see his face.
“Hold on, babe.” Adam whispered against her lips, and before she could respond, he gripped the back of her thighs and hoisted her up, his hips pinning her roughly against the fence.
Wrapping her legs around his middle for stability, Lute moaned softly as he slowly ran his tongue across her bottom lip, silently asking her for permission to enter her mouth. And when their tongues finally collided, his hands started hungrily roaming her thighs and ass under her dress, grabbing at and rubbing her bare skin like he couldn’t get enough of her.
She tried to concentrate on his touch, how he was practically manhandling her like she was his little plaything, his large hands desperately kneading at her skin.
Warmth pooled between her thighs as she wondered what else he could do with those fingers.
Disentangling one hand from his hair, she let it drop so she could cradle his face in one hand. She took her time feeling the stubble along his jawline prickle the soft inside of her palm as he continued working her mouth with his own, keeping a firm, steady pace, not showing any sign of stopping or slowing down. 
The sensation of touching his face and hair, but not seeing him was exciting, enthralling, exhilarating, and she made the silent decision that if it just so happened that he ended up fucking her against the fence, then so be it. Dignity be damned, she was horny as fuck and they’d gone this far, what did it matter if they ended up going all the way?
Her dress was hiked up around her waist now, exposing her thin, cotton underwear to him. Groaning loudly at the sensation of his hardened length pressing against her, she tensed her legs and ground her hips into his. She started rhythmically rolling them back and forth, the friction causing her arousal to build, almost sending herself over the edge at one point before she backed right off. She didn’t want to spoil herself in case things escalated further, plus she had a feeling there was no way she’d be able to keep quiet if she did come. Given they were in a public place, that could be a problem.
When Adam eventually broke away, both of them gasping for air, she threw the back of her head against the fence in protest, groaning at the feel of the night’s air on her face.
“You kept them closed,” he breathed, a hint of relief evident in his voice as he eased his hips off hers, her feet giddily touching the ground once more. “Aren’t you a good lieutenant, obeying orders? That’s why you’re my best girl, Lute.”
Breathless, she nodded, blindly grabbing his face to draw his mouth down to hers as she let out a needy little whimper. Because above all, she was a damn good lieutenant and it was about fucking time he recognised it. Took him long enough, too.
“Just so you know,” he whispered against her, letting her tug at his bottom lip with her teeth, “I don’t do this shit. Ever.”
“Uh-huh,” she murmured, not paying attention to what he was saying as one of his hands found its way to the thin strap of her dress, slipping it down to expose her shoulder.
“I mean it, babe. I don’t kiss on the mouth, and I’ve never taken this off for anyone.” Down came the other strap, her shoulders fully exposed to the cool night air now. She suddenly became aware of just how hard her nipples were. They painfully rubbed against the material of her dress, adding to the pleasure she was already feeling in other parts of her body as she pressed against him.
Lute simply didn’t care what he was talking about at that moment; truthfully, she wasn’t registering a single word that he was saying. Right now, she was too busy focusing on the sensation of his massive hand under her dress, teasing as he ran a finger just underneath the seam at her inner thigh. She whined in frustration, bucking her hips in the direction of his hand, indicating that she wanted him to quit messing around with her and get to the fucking point.
“Lute, are you out here? It’s time to go.” 
A familiar voice rang clear in her ears, causing Lute to stop dead in their tracks as she was trying to undo the zipper of her dress one-handed.
“Shit!” She broke the kiss, whacking Adam forcefully on the arm in hopes that he’d get his hand out of her underwear and pay attention to the fact that Vaggie was about to catch them making out against the fence.
“Vaggie!” she hissed, ducking her head into his chest. “Tell me if she’s coming this way, my eyes are still closed! I can’t see where she is!”
“Keep them fucking closed until I say otherwise,” he growled, moving away and Lute had to bite the urge to protest when she no longer felt him touching her.
If Vaggie found her here, secluded in the corner with Adam… she would know. She was incredibly astute, and even if Lute could come up with a brilliant excuse as to why she was alone and dishevelled with her boss’ hands up her dress, Vaggie would never, ever in a million years buy it.
The judgement alone would be enough to kill her.
Lute’s eyes fluttered open, darting towards the door where she could faintly make out a familiar, grey bob heading back inside. Exhaling, she slid downwards against the fence until she hit the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her, grateful that Vaggie hadn’t bothered to look for her too hard.
In her relief, she’d even almost forgotten about Adam until he joined her on the ground, mask and hood firmly fixed back in their usual place, much to Lute’s disappointment..
“If she’d seen us…” she started, trailing off as she rested her head against the fence. “She’d gut me with her spear in a heartbeat.”
Lute turned, frowning slightly at Adam. “Because for years, she’s heard me complain about what a rude, obnoxious, disgusting, incompetent asshole you are. And she’d tell me I’m worth so much more than just being another notch in your belt.” She jutted her chin out and drew herself up taller. “And she’s right. I’m strong, and intelligent, and a damn good leader to those girls.”
“Never said you weren’t.”
“I don’t need you to,” she shot back. “I don’t need your validation.”
“Then what are you going on about, woman?”
Lute chewed her lip nervously, unsure if she should be blunt or dance around the issue. “I think you only hit on me tonight because you’ve found out I’m straight.”
Adam snorted. “That’s bullshit.”
“The timing is very coincidental, Sir.”
Adam cleared his throat. “Look, yeah, I didn’t think you were into guys. And maybe that’s my bad, because honestly, I didn’t give a shit about getting to know you. You’re a bitchy, mouthy little brat who doesn’t know when to quit. But,” he added, noticing Lute’s face had hardened in anger, “You do a fucking great job as my lieutenant. The girls know it, I know it. Fuck, even Sera knows it, or otherwise she wouldn’t have taken your idea seriously.”
Lute nodded, her expression softening. “Thanks.” She fiddled with the hem of her dress, unsure how else to respond.
“Why did you do it?” she found herself blurting out, avoiding his gaze as a blush crept up her cheeks. She wasn’t entirely sure she was prepared for his answer.
Adam cocked his head at her. “Do what?”
“You know what I’m talking about. Do - do what we did before.” 
She couldn’t quite bring herself to ask ‘why did you almost fuck me against the fence?’
He shrugged. “I figured we should just get it out of our systems. Years of sexual tension and all that jazz.”
“Did you?”
“Did I what, Lute?”
“Get it out of your system?”
He stared at her, expressionless. “Yeah. Did you?”
“Yep. Gone. So out of my system.” she lied, waving a hand in the air, feigning nonchalance.
It was, in fact, not out of her system. Not after she’d felt his lips against hers, or how his coarse hair felt in her hands as the strands slipped between her fingers. How his identity was still a complete mystery, but at least now she knew he was real under that mask.
Still, their little encounter had left her yearning for more. So much more. She needed to know the colour of his eyes, whether his hair was dark or light, what his skin tone was. 
How his body would feel on top of hers as he buried himself inside her.
“But…” she continued, breaking her train of thought before her imagination began running wild. “Can we never speak of this again? Pretend it never happened?”
“Yeah, alright. Fine,” he answered dully, and she noticed his mood suddenly turning sour.
“I mean it, Sir.”
“I said fucking alright!” Adam snapped, turning away from her.
Lute crossed her arms and glared in the opposite direction, irked by his sudden change in demeanour. “Good.”
Neither of them spoke for several seconds, instead choosing to avoid looking at each other completely.
“Well,” Adam said abruptly, pulling himself up to a standing position, still not looking at Lute. “I’m out. See you tomorrow morning in the office.”
“Bye, then.”
She reluctantly watched him leave, and sighed, knowing that despite the night’s crazy turn of events, their parting exchange proved that tomorrow would be just another day in the office.
Groaning, she banged her head against the fence again. 
Adam took his seat at the bar again, nodding at the bartender as they caught his eye and pointed to a glass.
The night had… escalated. Far more so than he imagined it would, despite said escalation being his doing.
If only they hadn’t been interrupted by Vaggie, that cock-blocking little bitch, he was sure Lute would have agreed to go home with him.
Sighing, he pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time and noticed a text message notification at the top of his screen. He clicked onto it, frowning.
Layla: Hey, raincheck tonight? Something’s come up.
He’d forgotten all about his plans with Layla amongst the excitement of that night’s events. And yet…
He had no desire to see Layla that night. Or any other woman, for that matter.
Not unless she had platinum hair, a smart mouth and could put away two dozen ribs, preferably in a tiny, red dress.
Adam: All good, chat soon.
She replied almost instantly.
Layla. No worries. Besides, you seemed preoccupied tonight - not that I blame you. She looked hooooot ;)
Smirking, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and accepted the drink from the bartender. Layla was the ultimate hype-girl, and for that, he was thankful.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lute making her way hurriedly to the front door, pausing momentarily to glance at him before ducking her head and slipping away into the night.
Tonight may not have been the night to sleep with Lute, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t going to happen. 
He just hoped it would be sooner rather than later. 
Next time: Another training mishap puts Lute in a tricky situation for a week or so.
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uglynicc · 6 months
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Listen, I avoided this movie for AGES thinking it fit into the Bro Movie Torture P0rn™️ genre which really isn't my thing, but after going down a rabbit hole of video esays and analysis, I decided to watch it.
And I actually loved it. There is SO MUCH commentary about this movie but I enjoyed it enough to dive into my own analysis of it lol, even if it's one that's been done before.
The book does sound like it's a bit too gruesome for me (plus the author's comments about "women can't make movies" definitely rubs me the wrong way), but only going off the movie I am blown away how some toxic trolls out there entirely miss the point and unironically idolize Bateman.
Firstly, I interpreted this as a comedy, a real dark satirical one, and I laughed a LOT.
Second, I do think the murders are in his head. I know there's room for commentary about The Rich And Elite Being Able to Literally Get Away With Murder, but I'm fairly certain someone would, at the very least, complain about a naked man running through an apartment complex with a chainsaw after a screaming woman. All the little hints that a lot of events didn't happen also lead me to think this.
I think he's still a D Bag who abuses sex workers, but that the killing was either a fantasy to give himself a sense of power, control, and greater agency in his life, or that it is a product of untreated and worsening mental state.
Ignoring his potential neurodivergency/mental illness here purely for the fact I think it's a separate interpretation from the one I have, and focusing on the idea that he's getting lost in the dark fantasy world he's constructed, my greatest takeaway from the movie:
Bateman is a loser.
Yes, he's wealthy and attractive, but what does he actually have going for him, even in his shallow little group of elite toxic fuckwads?
For his inflated sense of importance, no one gets his name right or even remembers who he is most times. His fiance doesn't respect or even like him, and he doesn't like her either. He pays women to be part of fantasies where he is awe inspiring, a rich, muscular sex god, and even they are bored and unimpressed, they can't even act like he's worthy of their admiration. His male peers don't think he's anything great either, and how could they when they're constantly wrapped up in meaningless pissing contests. He's so insecure in his masculinity he is close to tears when someone mistakes him as being homosexual. He can't even buy his way into Dorsia, can't use his good looks or cash, the only things he has going for him, to get a dinner reservation at his White Whale restaurant.
He's failing to achieve anything even in his shallow little world, so his Wall Street job (with a business card no one thinks is particularly great), fancy apartment (which he grudgingly admits isn't even as nice or as expensive as his rival's) and chiseled good looks mean nothing. He craves status and recognition, which he fails to achieve.
And yeah, he's a misogynist, racist, classist, homophobic dishrag too, can't forget that.
He's the archetype of toxic, impotent-with-misplaced-rage, insecure yet inflated male ego we see everywhere. If people don't perceive what Bateman feels is his inherent "greatness" or "importance," he lashes out, through mistreatment of those more vulnerable, and/or through dark fantasies which give him that sense of greatness and importance.
It's almost too real, because there are so many real world examples of this kind of privileged dickwad (which makes it even more baffling when these same real world dickwads put Bateman on a weird pedestal thinking he's actually great), but I loved the way the movie examined it. I don't think it's celebrating Bateman or men like him at all, I felt more compelled to laugh at him as a figure of jest, a ridiculous caricature of entitlement and failure. Hell, even his "confession" falls flat, he can't even get that right.
Anyway, just my musings after my first viewing, 20 some years late to the party lol.
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candyskiez · 11 months
Yo, what do you think about jasper, her arc and character as a whole?
(Also your explanation of pearl was so good I loved it)
oooo good question!
jasper, imo, is a very good portrayal of an abuser. she's so realistic, dude. she isn't evil, mustache twirling. she's a person who's abusive and THATS what makes her relationship with lazuli gutwrenching. because it's something you'd see in real life. it's not black and white. it's two deeply fucked up and traumatized people hurting each other. it's not good vs evil. it's two people who are horrible for each other.
jasper is just. extremely realistic to me. she's someone who hurts people around her to make them stay, to make them look at her and admit that she's strong. she needs constant external validation because nothing fills that void in her life of someone treating her better. she hurts everyone and then is crushed by them leaving. she's so interesting because she NEEDS people near her but shes the one shoving them out. she's the one constantly hurting them and they leave to get away from being mistreated. it's. she has so much pressure and experiences so much constant mistreatment and she's convinced it's what makes her strong, it's what makes her special. to admit she's hurting would be to be weak. she convinces herself anyone leaving is a sign of weakness. it's not because of *her*, it's not because what she's like is bad. because admitting how she treats people is wrong is admitting how SHE was treated is wrong. and she can't do that. she can't handle reevaluating her entire identity being the next battle and the next fight and how much pain she can take. she can't let herself even consider changing, because that means admitting she was miserable. and only a weak gem would hate how they're supposed to be.
she's a victim and an abuser, those things aren't mutually exclusive and I wish people wouldn't act like they were. she was hurt so fucking badly, and she also hurt so many people so fucking badly.
her "everyone I fuse with leaves me" was haunting, man. it's, again, a very accurate depiction of an abuser who was caught in the cycle. you want to grab her and shake her and say, stop you're hurting yourself you're ruining your own life. but she refuses to see it and she refuses to get better and it. hurts to watch.
I see her as a cautionary tale. nobody can force you to change. YOU have to look at yourself and ask if you're the problem. YOU have to look at how you treat others before you scream that they left you. YOU have to look at your life and ask, is this what I want?
she's a cautionary tale and works well as one.
there is one thing I don't really like and that's how her being shattered was handled? her being shattered completely and then some how brought back was. Cheap, ngl. although her reaction to being shattered was. fucking terrifying. obviously from stevens point of view but also it's just so fucking telling about her mental state. she romanticized being shattered. she romanticized the thought of dying gloriously in battle. she respected steven for shattering her. it's just. fucking *horrifying.* did she WANT to be shattered? holy shit, is jasper suicidal ? the implications are. Awful. I don't want her to be around the others because she keeps hurting them but at the same time I'm going "someone fucking HELP her!" but she doesn't WANT help and it's. it's fucking hard to watch. she's so set on her own destruction and it's physically painful. she can't get better until *she* decides she wants to. that's the only way her pains going to stop.
I also don't like the way steven shattered her. I wish it was portrayed more how his thoughts of shattering white was. his anger, his trauma towards her, his hatred of how much pain she gave him and the fact he's just supposed to be FINE with it now. shattering jasper, though it told us a lot about her, ultimately felt repetitive? because I mean, we already get steven's urge to shatter white. and it's handled a little better. maybe steven going too far and severely damaging jaspers gem and her still being impressed to make the audience go "jasper wtf are you good" and "OH SHIT STEVEN" at the same time, while also adding more weight to his anger at white diamond,, I dunno, this is my scattered ramblings.
I get why some people wanted a redemption arc for jasper. I don't think there was enough time to make a satisfying one. I do think she could potentially heal still, but she HAS to realize it herself. everyone keeps trying to give her tools to heal, she refuses to take them. she has to start working on herself. I'm not against a jasper redemption whatsoever, hell I think if done right it could be good.
a thing I do want to say though, FUCK the idea of her getting back with lapis. they are *horrible* for each other. and I mean this both ways. both of them hurt and traumatized each other. lapis was miserable with her and *jasper was too.* they both can heal but they need to do that completely separately thank you very much.
confession, I have an OC named jasper so I was VERY confused by this ask at first. was about to write a five page essay on him. oops 😭 I have to refer to this jasper as jasper (gem) with my friends. which is also hard considering a nickname for jasper (OC) IS gem. and ironically in the steven universe au me and one friend are working on, jasper (oc) is a pearl, not a jasper, and it's. Yeah! we are so good at this.
hope you enjoyed my scrambled ramblings ksgdldjdk. sorry for disjointedness this isn't like a professional meta or anything it's just me rambling about a cool show.
(ask me things!)
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dragcnlxrd · 9 months
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So in like 6 hours here it will be the blessed end of 2023. And while I doubt my new year will be anything thrilling I have learned a lot during this year. I've learned that it's super easy to detach myself from giving a shit about the person that incubated me, I've learned that when push comes to shove I'm the only person in my house that will step up and take care of my elderly father, provide food on the table at the cost of my own needs, and tolerate the abuse hurled at me both physical and verbally daily by the woman that incubated me.
I've learned that you can be negative in your bank account for a bit before your bills get rejected. I've learned that while you're recovering from a broken ankle and a stroke your job and coworkers don't give a shit that you've been gone for more than 6 months because you truly don't matter to the world. I've also learned that state temporary disability will NOT pay you enough to live off of at all thus constantly in the negative funds, nor is it reliant.
But aside from all of that I also learned I can find solace in a video game, that interacting with these fictional cgi characters would fill me with some semblance of joy and what it's like to feel loved. So my first appreciation will be to Baldur's Gate 3 and to my Tav Ashtara because I've learned to be happy through her.
THAT'S not only what I want to say, I want to also say how much I've learned about myself here writing with my tiny handful of partners! You guys that continue to give me the time of day and spare a few moments to reply to my stuff have made me happy but there are a few of you that earn special places.
@ravusnightblossom is first and foremost forever going to be my number one. Fox has quickly become my bestest friend and I'm so very thankful that she flew me across the country to hang out with her for a week. It was the best week of my life and I miss being a potato on her couch. But not only that Fox has been a lifesaver for me for everything and I don't think I could ever imagine my life with out her. Ravus has become a major part of Lysander's life and I honestly think this blog basically revolves around their ship half the time! Love you!
@xx--ofmanythoughts--xx Raevon!!! Okay so I can not express how much I love you! How much I love your blog and your writing! You truly have a gift. I love that we can both scream about an unpopular opinion and agree with it! I love our HC and when we get to world build! I'm so happy we write together and I hope we bust out more in the next year.
@thescaledqueen YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS TO ME! I hope you know that! You were the only person in the GoT RPC that gave me a true chance and I am forever grateful for that! I love your Shireen to bits! And I am sorry I've not been as active with these two lately but I am hoping that this new year gives me more motivation to continue dumping love upon you and your blog!
@mystiic listen I already sent you love and answered love but I LOVE YOU OKAY! I love your muse and I'm so looking forward to the new year and building more world with you and Amari and UGH!!! yeah...
@brideofcdragons YOU! I love you! Okay?! I love your blog and I love your writing and I love your Dany and I'm always so excited when you pop on my dash and we get to write something together and I'm always just so happy to see you back to writing! You have a true gift and I cherish you so much!
@call-2-arms LISTEN! I love you okay! And no one is going to tell me you're not Jamie Fookin Lannista! Haha I also cherish the fact that you're always there to answer my silly questions or translate something from Australia! I mean BIN CHICKENS! Who would even know what that was!! You're also super fuckin talented with your writing and I am always in awe of your replies!
@untilthcyrot CHRISTINA!!! Thought I forgot about you?! I think NOT! You've been with me since my Norse Loki blog... You've continued to follow me and talk to me and write with me for so long! You're a talented and beautiful person and I love whenever we get to chat with each other! I love your blogs and I love you muchos!
This is getting to be super long and word vomity but I honestly do love and appreciate all of my mutuals! You guys just writing with me make my day. I hope the new year brings everyone happiness and joy and that we continue to write together! Please remember even if I didn't mention you here you still mean a lot to me! I cherish you!
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Hi! It's exam season for me, so I decided to be productive in my procrastination. This is the first fic I've ever made public, so I'm a little nervous, but I hope you'll like it! Summary: Internal struggles of y/n. It's angst y'all. Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Content warning: Angst but everyone's okay, it's just angsty feelings, self doubt, feeling like a burden. Word count: 1595.
Y/N was sitting at her desk, mindlessly looking around the bullpen. Paperwork was always draining, but today it was especially difficult. The case she’d been working on made her wonder about her own life.
The team were interviewing people close to the victim, Sophie, who was around y/n’s age, and even looked a little bit like her. But that wasn’t what was bothering her, despite what one may think. 
In fact, it was the least of her worries - the Unsub was caught, and thankfully didn’t pose any  threat to anyone fitting his usual type, including Y/N. What she couldn’t take her mind off of, was the interview she’d conducted with Dominic, victim’s best friend. As it turned out, Dominic was in love with Sophie, but never had the courage to confess. What broke Y/N’s heart however, was the fact that the feeling was mutual. Sophie kept diaries, which helped massively during the investigation, but also revealed her feelings for Dominic, as well as her insecurities, about their whole relationship. She was convinced that her feelings were not reciprocated, and often pondered what their life would look like if they did end up together. Sophie's love for Dominic was deep, and very much mutual, but neither of them ever said anything about it, too afraid of rejection and losing one another, successfully destroying any chance of them being happy together. Despite the fact that both of them were happy to be in each other's lives at all, the missed opportunities and ,,what if’s” were always going to cloud their relationship, which would never evolve into something more than friendship.
Y/N sighed. Dominic’s biggest regret was that he’d never taken the chance. That regret weighed on Y/N more than she would like to admit. It made her think about her own best friend, Spencer. His soft facial features, that made him look ethereal, and mind so great, she was constantly in awe, at how intricately and beautifly it worked, how much information it held, how much compassion and kindness it was capable of. Angel, she called him. She often stared at him, admiring his sharp cheekbones and soft, pink lips, chocolate eyes that were full of wonder at anything that interested him. The eyes that were currently gazing into her own.
  “Y/N? Are you okay? Here, I’ve brought you coffee, I know how much you hate paperwork days, so I thought … I thought that it might help” stated Spencer with kindness in his voice.
“Oh, Angel, thank you! I truly don’t deserve you” laughed Y/N, observing how her Angel’s cheeks reddened. The cutesy little nickname never failed to make him blush, and she loved the effect it had on him.
“Anything for you! Besides, I’m only returning the favor, you always make sure I don’t forget to eat, it’s really the least I can do” laughed Spencer, sitting at his desk, which was right next to Y/N’s.
  What he didn’t know was that taking care of him, making sure he ate, drank water and rested, was Y/N’s love language. He seemed to not care about his well-being, often too engrossed in a book or a case, to remember to take breaks and recharge. She worried for him, she knew how destructive it could be. After all, she was the same. 
Y/N smiled at him, grateful. Her heart however, was stinging with emotion. She loved him, she loved him so much, it hurt. In moments like these, it was difficult to not lose her composure, to not just confess, scream from the top of her lungs about her love for Spencer. But she knew better. She knew that he had a hard time warming up to people. His friends, few in numbers, but true and dear to his heart nonetheless, all knew about his quirks. Being generally a private person and also a germaphobe didn’t exactly scream ,``I'm available, please be with me!”. Quite the opposite - she was convinced that Spencer needed his friends, more than anything in his life. The way he lit up when they laughed, his clear need to just spend time with them, the devotion that manifested in every gesture he ever made.           Gestures like bringing someone coffee or food weren’t uncommon among the members of the team, but she knew Spencer held them dearly to his heart. He also relished in taking care of people he loved. Y/N knew that all. She was his best friend, his confidante after all. She knew all about his problems with opening up, with relationships in general, his hardships, but also the things he loved, the people he loved. She felt truly honored that he allowed her to know so much about himself and offered her such a big part of who he was. Unfortunately, that was the reason she would never act on the feelings she’s hidden for so long in her heart. He didn’t need to know about her romantic love for him, what he needed was the support of a friend and the platonic love that came with it. She felt guilty for her feelings at times. Who was she, to burden him with her desires, risking their whole relationship. She was aware that once the truth was out, nothing would be the same. She knew that there was a chance that he felt the same, but the risk was too grave, to ever even think about bringing it up. No, he certainly didn’t need that. She often thought about what he’d do if she’d confessed. Would he be uncomfortable with the things that he’d shared with her? Would he feel betrayed, that she wanted more from him that he could ever give? Or would he be relieved that you’d finally confessed, because he hadn’t had the courage to do so himself?
It didn’t matter, because she would never tell him about her feelings. Ever. She wanted to be the person he could always lean on, not the person that took from him, without ever giving back. The thing was, she didn’t want to betray his trust. She didn’t exactly know why she felt that way, but she was convinced that her feelings were her own to deal with, not to burden him. But at moments like these, when the reality of possibility of not being able to talk with the person you love, the regret that you didn’t say something sooner, and won’t ever be able to do so, set in - it weighed on her the most. Given the nature of their job, every case, every moment could be their last. Would she be able to deal with losing Spencer, if something were to happen? Would she even survive the possibility of something harming him? Would she be able to live with the regret that Dominic, and so many others had to deal with on a daily basis?
  Everything she felt could be a risk to the whole team, the slightest moment of hesitation and somebody could get hurt. That’s what kept her in check. That was the reason she kept her feelings locked deep in her heart. Of course at times, she wasn’t able to prevent them from flooding into her eyes, and there was no hiding them, she worked with profilers, hell, she was one herself. She knew that they all were aware of her feelings, but chose to respect her privacy - except Spencer of course, for as smart as he was, he sure could be clueless at times. In this case it was a blessing. She was sure that what she felt couldn’t negatively impact her Angel, as long as he stayed oblivious. She was okay with that. She was content with being his friend. It was safe and right. Wondering what would happen if she confessed wasn’t helpful, so she didn’t do it often. She held whichever parts of Spencer he’d chosen to give her, she appreciated them and held them close to her heart and gave back as much as she could. She wouldn’t ask for more. She couldn’t ask for more. And for now, no matter how many times doubt crept in, how many times she’d ask herself “what if”, she wouldn’t succumb. Everything she did, everything she decided to share was a choice. A choice, and a promise. She’d promised herself, to never make Spencer, her precious Angel, feel bad. Burdened, upset, insecure. None of that was going to be because of her. Never. He already had enough of those feelings in his life, she wouldn’t contribute to it. Not if she could help it. So, despite her bleeding heart, she smiled everyday, she helped people in whatever way she could. And loved her Angel in secret. It was enough. It had to be enough.
What Y/N didn’t know was that sometimes Spencer had the same look as she had. Feelings too intense to ever be spoken, pooling in his puppy-like chocolate eyes, when he was looking at the love of his life. Her Angel, she called him. Spencer often thought that if he was her Angel, then she had to be his Goddess. He knew he loved her for a long time, but never had the courage to confess. For now, he was okay with the way things were, but he knew that it wasn’t enough - the only way that it ever was, would be when Y/N was completely his. He was prepared to do anything to change that. He was willing to take the chance. When he’s ready, he’ll finally make it enough.
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ashleycatchemm · 2 years
1-19: Wolf In Sheeps Clothing
Part 19 of ??
Parings: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Wolf In Sheeps Clothing (Set It Off)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Caleb and I appeared in his room and he was quick to ask "So. Anything you'd like to tell me, my love?" Those two words angered me. I hated the fact that he was the one using them, it disgusted me. "There is nothing to tell." I stated, watching Caleb's back as he walked over to the liquor table and poured himself a drink. I kept my eyes trained on him, wanting to be watching him at all times just in case he gets mad and does something unpredictable. "Those three boys that Willie brought..." Caleb brought his drink up, swirling it around a little, before continuing "What do you think of them?" Bringing the glass up to his lips he took a sip.
I thought my words out before speaking, knowing one wrong move and he could be set off. After a second or two I stated "They seem nice." Caleb nodded his head "Indeed they do." He stated before turning back around to face me, drink in hand, he continued "So tell me. How would you feel if they became a part of the club?" I felt worry and dread consume me as I asked "Part of the club?" My eyes growing wide as he took another sip from his glass of whiskey.
Caleb nodded his head in response to my question, his eyes were fixated on me, as if watching my every reaction to what he was saying. "Yes. I heard that they can play instruments and sing" he moved his glass around as he spoke "So I figured that I'd make them an offer they absolutely couldn't refuse" Caleb was very hard to read when it came to emotions, so there was no telling how he felt right now. I felt my hands turn into fists at my sides, wanting so badly to just yell and scream, to be against this whole thing. But I didn't. Instead I stood there, silently biting my tongue and holding back everything I wanted to say.
Caleb was quick to bring the drink back up to his lips, downing what was left in one quick gulp. He flipped the, now empty, glass over, and placed it down on the liquor table. A smile tugged at the ends of Caleb's lips, as he clapped his hands causing me to jump in surprise "Let's go greet the lucky guests shall we?" He asked, but didn't wait for my response as he walked over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close to his side as the two of us disappeared.
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*Reggie’s P.O.V*
I sat there frozen in shock at (Y/n)'s performance and the man with her, I think his name was Caleb. But what bothered me about it was that he constantly danced with her. I felt something I've never felt before, I was angry and upset about it. 'I should've been the one dancing with her. Not him.' Was the thought that crossed my mind, but I pushed the thought to the back of my head trying to get rid of this feeling that I had. But I couldn't, and the more I thought about it, the more something didn't feel right and it nagged at me.
'Maybe it's the dramatic age difference they have? But he's a ghost and she's not, there is no way they are together. But then again...I'm a ghost too...so there is no way she could be with me either.'
As soon as that thought came to mind, I decided to drop the subject as Luke hoisted me up off the chair and I started clapping for the both of them. My eyes caught one of the dancers, she sent me a wink which caused a small smile to grace my lips. I felt awful as I watched the dancer walk off, sending her a wave as she left. But I wanted to get (Y/n) out of my head, I needed too. 'Why wouldn't she tell us about this place? What else is she hiding?' I rolled my eyes in annoyance at my own thoughts 'Damn it. There I go again thinking about her.' Looking across the room I noticed people I don't even know, stand up and wave at me.
A smile graced my lips as I stated "Hi!" Turning to the guys I continued "This is so cool." Alex grabbed our attention by saying "Man, dude I knew I recognized him. He's the guy that bumped into me outside the Orpheum." Suddenly it clicked in my brain on who this guy is "Wait. Isn't he that magician dude that died a horrible death doing one of his tricks?" Alex voice went up as he stated "Yeah, I wouldn't really bring that up whenever we meet him." Willie jumped into the conversation "yeah, but you guys should come back when he shows one of his movies. I mean, for Titanic, he literally floods the entire place. I mean the guy has got skills." Willie let out a chuckle at the end.
"All right, but he can just wave his arms and make ghosts visible to lifers?"
Luke asked, only for Willie to respond with a smile on his face "Told you, the guys got skills." His demeanor was quick to change as he gave us all a serious look "Now before he gets here, you guys have to know what you can't do around him." The three of us looked at each other before looking back at Willie "What do you mean "Can't do" around him? He seems like a great guy." Alex asked and Willie nodded his head and said "Yes I know but please. It's for (Y/n)'s safety and your own." As soon as I heard those words I spoke up, wanting to do anything and everything to keep (Y/n) safe.
"What do we have to do?"
Willie looked between the three of us, sticking his pointer finger up "Okay, number one, you" he pointed at all of us as he continued "Have never seen (Y/n) before in your entire life. And just keep your eyes and hands away from her." I raised a brow at Willie as Alex sent him a confused look. Luke spoke up, saying what we were all thinking "Why can't we even look at her?" Willie shook his head "It doesn't matter the reason. Just don't do it." Willie continued "Oh and no matter what Caleb does with her, no matter how uncomfortable you get or how badly you want to step in..." Willie glanced over at me for a second as if he knew that something was going to bother me "...Don't do anything and just ignore it." I crossed my arms across my chest, not happy with anything that Willie is saying.
Letting out a huff in annoyance, I was getting sick and tired of all these secrets. I usually don't get angry or bothered by much, but when it comes to (Y/n) I can't help it. If I see that magician put his arms around her again tonight, I just might lose it. "And why should we listen to you?" I asked, not wanting to just sit there and ignore anything that happens between them, I can't. Willie was quick to speak up in a worried tone "Because he definitely already knows about..." Willie cut himself off, not wanting to tell us, another secret that's being kept yet again.
My chest tightened in worry for (Y/n), I don't know why, but I had a very bad feeling about what's going on here. "Knows about what?" I tried to drag the information out of him, wanting to know the truth for once. Willie stayed silent giving a small shake of his head, my face scrunched up in anger. "I can't." Acting on my worried and concerned feelings I slammed my hands down on the table, but not to hard as to not draw attention to us. "Why not?!" Luke placed a hand on my shoulder, but my eyes never wavered from the boy across from me. I wanted answers to my questions and I was going to get them one way or another.
"Reggie calm down."
I shook my head and turned to face Luke, shrugging his hand off my shoulder while trying to speak in a calmer tone than I felt "You don't understand Luke." Running a hand through my hair I felt worry consume me as my hands shook, not knowing why I was feeling like this "I can't help it. I don't know why I'm so worried about her but I am and its starting to freak me out." I've been concerned about (Y/n) before but never to this level, my chest tightened as the need for her to be here with me grew stronger. 'I need her. God I just need her here with me, and everything will be okay.' I thought, only for Willie to grab my attention once again.
My head turned to look at Willie, he held a concerned look on his face, his eyes darted around the room for a quick second, as if he was looking for someone. They landed back on my own while saying "You need to calm down. I know that you're worried, and I'm sorry I can't tell you everything. But it's not for me to tell you." I tried to get ahold of myself  as I let out a small sigh. I felt serval emotions at once, and none of it was going to help me what so ever. I placed my hands on the table in front of us and leaned on it, closing my eyes I started to think.
'I need to get a hold of myself. I can just ask her about things later. For now I need to focus on getting through the night.'
I managed to calm down, my eyes opening, as I took my hands off the table and stood up, my usual smile making its way to my lips. The three of them looked at me concerned, I ignored their looks and asked in a cheerful tone "So, where'd they go?" I looked around, only for my eyes to land on the exact girl I couldn't wait to see again, watching as she struggled to get out of the magician's grip.
*(Y/n)’s P.O.V*
Caleb and I suddenly appeared behind the guys at their table. I tried getting out of his grasp only for Caleb to bring me closer to him, I glared at the magician in aggravation. Reggie was the first to notice us "oh! Wow! Found them!" He stated.
Reggie's eyes locked with mine as I struggled to get out of Caleb's hold, Reggie held a smile on his face but I could tell it was forced, hiding his real emotions behind a facade of his usual ones, I dragged my eyes away from him. I couldn't bare to look at him while I stood by Caleb's side like this, I felt disgusted with myself, feeling the ever worsening pain in my chest.
Luke and Alex turned to face us, as Caleb let go of me, bringing his arms out wide to greet his guests. This caused me to stumble back towards Luke, he quickly brought up his hands to catch me if I fell into him, but I was quick to catch myself on my feet. "Hello, boys. Caleb Covington. Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club." Caleb brought his arms down, only to grab ahold of my waist, once again bringing me to his side "Enjoying the show?" He asked the three musicians in front of us.
The three of them saw what was going on between me and Caleb but didn't bring it up. 'Willie must've told them what they can and can't talk about with Caleb present.' I thought as Luke turned towards the stage, a smile on his face "Yo, that was... I mean...did you...like..." he waved his arms around as he tried to form a coherent sentence, but failing to do so. A smile crossed Caleb's lips in confidence as he stated "I know." Luke said a quiet "Right?" In response.
Our attention was quick to get grabbed by Willie who started introducing them to the two of us "This is Alex, Luke and Reggie" he pointed to each of them as he said their names Alex nodded his head as he looked between the two of us "Yeah, it's really nice to meet you." My eyes met Reggie's, only for him to have this look in his eyes that I couldn't quite place. Reggie's eyes suddenly seemed to be growing bigger and bigger, only for me to realize he was walking towards me "And who is this foxy lady?" A smirk sat on his face as he approached me, I stood there, mouth agape as I was still processing how Reggie was acting.
'What has gotten into him?'
I thought, as the grip around my waist tightened but I paid no mind to it. Reggie's hand grabbed my own, bringing the back of it up to his lips "Enchanté." He planted a soft kiss to the back of my hand, all while his handsome forest green eyes stayed glued onto my own. My heart was now beating rapidly out of my chest, wanting nothing more than to lean over and redirect his lips to land on my own. But I couldn't. Not while Caleb is still here.
Reggie sent a wink my way, along with a wide smile, this caused a smile of my own to appear on my lips, along with a small giggle as he gently brought my hand back down. I interlocked our fingers, not wanting him to let go, Reggie seemed to want the same, as he squeezed my hand a little in return as if to tell me that he won't let go. Our eyes stayed glued to one another, not paying any mind to anyone else around us. But of course things couldn't be perfect forever, as Caleb was quick to bring us both crashing back down to reality, pulling me even closer to him, causing me to let go of Reggie's hand. Caleb glared down at the bassist, taking this moment to respond to Reggie's word from earlier.
"The pleasure's mine."
In an almost angry tone, Reggie's eyes flashed with anger for a split second, Luke was quick place a hand on Reggie's shoulder, looking back at Luke, he sent Reggie a shake of his head , as if he knows what Reggie is feeling. Reggie looked between Caleb and I for a second, only to let out a small sigh in defeat in response as Luke pulled Reggie back behind him.
Caleb continued in a lighter tone "Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic" He gestured around him a smile on his face "with new friends. Please, Sit. Sit." He gestured to the chairs the boys were standing in front of, the four boys sat down. Caleb sat down in a chair of his own, he looked over at me, expecting me to sit on his lap, but I just sent him a stone cold glare. 'No way in hell am I sitting on his lap in front of Reggie.' I thought, wanting nothing more than to kill Caleb a second time as I realized he wasn't giving me a choice.
Caleb was quick to grab my waist and pull me down onto his lap. My eyes stayed glued to the floor out of embarrassment, not wanting to look the three musicians in the eye, especially Reggie. I was disgusted, I hated what Caleb was doing, but I can't go against him. No matter how much I wanted too, I just couldn't, because if he got mad, there is just no telling what he'd do.
"Uh, thank you, for the invite"
I heard Alex state as Caleb said "Of course. Of course! Now, my friend Willie tells me that you boys have some magic of your own." My head suddenly shot up, my eyes narrowing as my gaze caught Willies. 'He told Caleb?!' I couldn't believe that he told Caleb, I was angry, I felt betrayed, no, I was betrayed, and by the one person I trusted most, my best friend. It hurt, but I couldn't focus on those feelings for long, or else I might just break and I can't do that around Caleb.
Alex seemed to think Caleb was talking about a different kind of magic as he cleared his throat and awkwardly asked "Well... Willie and I?" Alex brought his thumb up to point over his shoulder at Willie "I mean, I wouldn't really call it magic, but... I mean..." Alex let out a small laugh as he tried to explain, only for Willie to cut him off. "Oh no, he means your ghost abilities. You know, like, to be seen by everybody when you play with Julie." The two of them stared at each other for a couple of seconds as Alex processed what Willie was saying. Turning back to look at Caleb, Alex stated "No, Totally. Right. No. Cause when you said it I was like, "Is that what he said?" Cause..." his voice went higher up at the end.
Luke decided to save Alex from himself as he started telling Caleb "Yeah, but we can't really, uh, wave our arms and do all this magic stuff." Luke waved his hand in front of him as if to emphasize things as he leaned back in his chair. My eyes locked with Reggie's for the hundredth time that night, my stomach churning as Caleb's hands tightened on my waist. It was as if he was warning me, letting me indirectly know that he was watching my every move. At that moment, I didn't care that Caleb was there, or that he would get angry. The only thing I focused on was Reggie's forest green eyes, that held worry and concern, but managed to give me a sense of security at the same time. It was almost like he was telling me that everything would be okay.
Caleb was talking but I didn't hear a thing that was said, it was muffled background noise that I ignored as my (e/c) eyes stayed locked on the beautiful green eyes that seemed to only be focused on me as well. I was suddenly brought back down to reality as Caleb tapped me gently on the waist, as a way to tell me to stand up. "If you'll forgive me fellas, I gotta go pay the bills, if you know what I'm saying." I stood up, Caleb soon following, sticking his elbow out towards me.
"I'll be back later to chat. Come on my love"
I avoided looking back at the table as I looked up at Caleb, then back down to his arm. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my stomach and stop myself from feeling sick, at least for a little longer. I slowly took his arm in mine, and with that we were off to greet some other guests.
"My darling! Oh, look at that dress! Where have you been?"
He greeted a guest but I wasn't paying much attention as It felt like I was going to throw up at any second "I have to use the restroom" I mumbled before releasing my grip around Caleb's arm and quickly picking up my dress as I quickly walked off. "What? Where are you going?" Caleb called out but I didn't turn back towards him as I desperately tried to make it to the ladies room. Suddenly he appeared in front of me "What is wrong?" Forcing me to stop in my tracks, I couldn't bring myself to look up at him, his hands sat on my arms to steady me.
A hand landed itself on my chin, forcing my head to look up at him "Talk to me, my dear." I felt the bile slowly rising up, but I managed to keep it down, the only thought running through my head was 'I have to get away from him.' Every time he called me a name like love or dear, I felt my stomach tighten and my nausea get worse. I managed to quickly muster up the word "Bathroom." before stepping away from him and running off.
♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩👻 ♪♩♬♩♪♩♬♩♪♩
I managed to make it to the bathroom, weaving past some ladies in order to make it to the only available stall in the girls room. I was quick to shut and lock the stall before leaning over the toilet and dumping was was currently in my stomach out into the toilet bowl.
Leaning back against the stall, I tried to settle my stomach as I held my head in my hands. Different thoughts rand through my head from Caleb to Willie to Reggie. I felt another wave of nausea hit me as I thought back to Caleb and how he treats me and what he made me do in front of Reggie 'Disgusting.' I thought as I suddenly leaned over the toilet, the only thing that came out was some stomach acid, as I had no more contents to get rid of. I leaned my head back against the stall once again and sat there for a little while, trying not to think about anything as ladies walked in and out of the girls restroom.
I sat there for a few minutes, just sitting there leaning against the stall, trying to calm down and stop myself for feeling nauseous anymore tonight. Once I felt okay enough, I managed to get up, flush the toilet and make my way out of the stall, over to the sink of the bathroom. I paid no mind to the girls who were chatting and fixing up their make up, as I turned in the sink and cupped my hands, collecting water, and bringing it up to my lips. I heard the chatter next to me die down to a whisper as I rinsed and spit into the sink.
"Isn't that the Queen of Hollywood?"
"What is she doing?"
"Did she just throw up?"
"That's fucking disgusting."
"Is she drunk?"
Placing my hands on the counter, I leaned on the sink, closing my eyes, I felt my anger bubbling after everything that has happened. I was already aggravated enough, but these girls are just pushing my limit. I could feel magic surrounding the tips of my fingers and felt my breathing get heavy as the voices echoed in my head. I tried to calm myself down as I thought of the one person I desperately needed to hear. The noises around me started to fade out, leaving me in the darkness and silence. Suddenly, a kissing noise started to slowly but surely replaced the silence around me, some moaning could be heard along with it, only for it to stop abruptly.
A few seconds later an all to familiar voice could be heard "It's what you do with the things you love." In an almost high pitched voice. I gasped a little as I was quickly dragged back to reality, the sounds and whispers around me coming back to hit me as my eyes shot open. I slowly tried to catch my breath as I stared at myself in the mirror in front of me.
'Was that Reggie?'
Caleb's voice could be heard from outside the bathroom, causing me to look over at the door. Rushing out of the bathroom a bit faster than intended "So many delicious sights, so many tantalizing sounds, But..." I made my way through the crowd as Caleb continued "Your eyes still hunger for more." I ended up making my way to the front of the crowd, a couple of tables down from the guys. "Something sweet." Caleb stated causing the crowd to cheer, as my eyes stayed glued onto Reggie's side profile.
"Something... savory"
I looked over at Caleb as he now stood on one of the higher up spots where the background singers stand. "How many newcomers do we have in the club tonight?" I looked around only to find some hands raised here and there, along with the guys. "Ladies, let's show our guests how we do desserts" Caleb stated with a grin "A one, two, three, four!" The person on the drums started playing, as the whole dance floor came alive, causing me to loose sight of Reggie.
Caleb started singing a tune as the people on the dance floor followed. I noticed a girl walking by with a couple glasses of wine, taking two of them I was quick to chug one of the glasses of wine, needing something to calm myself before heading into this mess. Holding onto the other one I quickly tried to make my way around the dancers, I noticed Willie dancing and was about to make my way angrily towards him, when something else caught my eye. A dancer came around between Luke and Reggie, only to make her way back in front of Reggie. His eyes staying glued to her figure the entire time as she danced right on him, turning around to caress the sides of his face, causing him to fall back into Luke as she walked away.
I stood there frozen, my chest burned in sadness and anger. I felt a deep pain, almost like a million knives stabbing me through the chest, causing me to stumble back. My left hand, which was currently empty came up to grab my chest, my face scrunching up in pain. 'I have to get out of here.' I thought, looking up just in time to see Reggie being dragged off by a different dancer. I felt like I couldn't breath, suddenly dropping the glass of wine in my right hand as I quickly turned on my heels and gripped my chest with both of my hands.
I almost made it to the exit, only for Caleb to stop me. "And just where might you be going?" I glared daggers up at the man in front of me "I'm leaving." I walked passed Caleb, only for him to grab my arm and force me to turn around. "You don't leave until I tell you too." Ripping my arm out of his grasp I was quick to state "You know what? I'm done. I'm done being your sick pawn in some stupid game!" Caleb's demeanor seemed to change in an instant, his face growing dark as a serious look over took it, as if daring me to answer his next question.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I quit."
Caleb let out a small laugh before shaking his head "Oh (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n). This is about that boy isn't it?" My eyes widened for a quick second before narrowing in confusion "Boy? What boy?" Caleb shook his head before disappearing, only to reappear right next to me, grabbing ahold of my face with one of his hands and turning it in the direction of Reggie. My eyes watched him dance with the girl, his famous award winning smile sitting on his face as the two of them swayed to the music. It felt as if I couldn't breath, as if a heavy weight was sitting on my chest, causing me to grab at it in urgency to get whatever was sitting in my chest away, only to come in contact with nothing.
"Ah so it is the boy."
Caleb spun me around to face him, as I tried to get that dreadful image out of my head. Fuming with anger, my hands formed into fists at my sides "If you do anything to him I swear I'll-" Caleb cut me off with a loud laugh, sending me a smile "You'll do what?" I opened my mouth to answer but Caleb continued "Tell you what. Since you seem to really like this boy..." his hand gripped my right wrist, almost painfully, tight. Purple smoke came off my wrist, I hissed and groaned in pain "Let's change up our deal shall we?" My eyes widened in fear as he pulled me closer so that our eyes were in line with each other.
His narrowed with malice while mine were blown wide with fear. After a few more seconds the stamp was finished "Now, when his time is up. So is yours." Caleb shoved my arm back towards me, causing me to stumble back a bit, a menacing laugh escaping his lips. "Can't wait to have you here for all eternity my love!" He stated walking passed me, all while sending a wave over his shoulder before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.
I let out a small huff in fear, bringing my wrist up to look at the new stamp. It looked practically the same as the purple one, only this time, it was black and looked as if it was physically burned into my skin. I brushed my fingers over it, only for me to wince in pain, as it was still fresh. This was no ordinary stamp, which means it's gonna be much more harder to get rid of.
'Well shit.'
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nessaxc · 3 years
Stress Reliever || Kuroo Tetsurou
You're working so hard one day that you develop a migraine so Kuroo is determined to help relieve it.
~ Rating: Explicit
~ Words: 2.5k
~ Tags: Fluff, Comfort Sex, Lap Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Sexual dialogue, Swearing, Vaginal Sex,
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Funny enough the day didn’t start off terrible. In fact, it started off pretty well. You woke up fairly early enough to drag yourself out of bed to do your morning exercises. Even after exercising and getting ready, you still had time to make yourself some coffee, and you were feeling in a positively good mood, though, that quickly went away.
Your professor was nagging you about the extra exercises and apparently you had a deadline for it, so you were swamped with work, and felt like you were being pulled in multiple directions. As such, you completely skipped lunch and barely had time to snack or eat the rest of the day. That was a major mistake and now you were starting to regret it horribly. The coffee stain on your shirt was a grim reminder of how much of a shit day you were having, so you tugged it off later that day to change into a comfortable nightdress.
Your head felt like it was on fire. You tried to focus on your computer screen, but the light of the device hurt your eyes and you shut them, pressing the heels of your palms into closed eyelids. The lack of food and water, plus your stress was starting to cause a migraine to emerge and you foolishly tried to just wish it away. Obviously it didn't seem to work.
Then Kuroo came around when you were working in the living room, wearing a deep red robe, sipping from a cup before he pulled it away from his lips to ask, "You okay, baby?" he walked over, and when he slammed his cup down on the table it made you wince.
"No," you admitted. You pulled your hands away from your face and nearly sobbed as you saw that your computer was now frozen.
You bit back a collection of swears that you wanted so desperately to scream. Instead, you grimly began to work again after everything closed, clicking on a browser to get back started.
"Earth to Y/N!" he waved his hand in front of your face, chuckling in amusement, and you just moved your head to the direction of the screen. The more you went on, the harder it got to concentrate. Your migraine was full on now, and your head was throbbing so much that it made it near impossible to focus on anything. You closed your eyes for a few moments, before you forced yourself to open them as you returned to the exercises you were working on.
"I think you need to relax," he suggested, "you can barely look at the computer screen," he laughed as he mocked the way your eyes were falling closed, his eyes heavily lidded as he slowly blinked them, a dazed look on his face.
"I can't, I have more work to do," you muttered. You appreciated his attempt at showing concern, but you really were too busy to leave now. You didn't even know what time it was, but you constantly told yourself that you weren't going to stop until everything was finished.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, and you fought the urge to look at him as he massaged the curve of it with his fingers.
"Aw don't be such a workaholic," he told you, and you nearly hissed at him, "I think what you need is a break, doctor's orders!" he exclaimed with a chuckle. "C'mon, you don't have anything that can't wait until tomorrow."
"I'm fine," you lied. You were stubborn and hated leaving things unfinished.
"You're not fine, c'mon, now the boss is telling you that you need to stop working," he urged, and you would have laughed because he was speaking in that cute whiny voice you loved had you not been so invested in your work. "I won't take no for an answer," he said with an amused smirk.
"No it's okay," you started, "I can keep going," you said, your voice lacking any sort of conviction. "I have a deadline."
"Well I said you don't, the professor gonna have to wait, last I checked you're supposed to listen to me, not that old fart," he pulled the laptop away from your grasp, and you wanted to argue but the words died in your throat as your head throbbed painfully.
"Tetsurou, I wasn't finished," you said, your voice expressing weak disapproval.
He scooped you up into his arms suddenly, humming away loudly and acting as if he didn't hear you. He carried you all the way to his room, bridal-style, which you couldn't help but giggle at, and he flopped down on the bed, positioning you on the comfortable seat that was his lap. He ran his hand along your arm, stroking the skin there as he eyed you with a suggestive look on his face.
"Migraine?" he asked. He knew you so well. You had the tendency to get migraines when you pushed yourself too much, and you groaned in response.
"You had a tough day huh?" he continued, a pout playing on his lips before he chuckled. "No biggie, I'm here to fix that," he assured, his voice somewhat soothing for once.
"It sucked," you mumbled, leaning into his touch as he stroked both of your arms with his hands, feeling yourself relax a little more. He pulled you closer against his chest, his breath tickling your neck.
"Sorry you had a shit day," he chuckled, his grin widening when you cracked a small smile, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "But that's why you always have me to make it extraordinary!" he exclaimed smugly.
"It's fine, I had worse," you admitted, and he continued to laugh at that. You both fell into silence for a few moments. You loved that you could have a horrible day or a shitty migraine, and Kuroo would be there to help make you feel better. You were so comfortable and warm, despite the pounding in your head. But even with that pulsating ache in your head, you found yourself getting lost in the features of his face — those long ebony eyelashes, that single strand of black hair that fell in front of his forehead, the glimmer in his eyes, you drank it all in, and of course he noticed this.
"Like what you see, baby?" he raised both eyebrows inquisitively, his smirk only broadening even more so, entertained by your watchful stare.
"Maybe," you said with a light shrug, acting as if it was nothing.
He slid his hands up to your shoulders, kneading his fingers into them, and the feeling made you shiver slightly. You found yourself craving his touch almost instantly. You were suddenly very aware of his hot skin against yours and his hot breath chasing the skin on your neck.
"You know," he said before leaning in to press kisses upon your neck, "sex actually helps migraines."
As soon as he said the words, you felt him twitch against you. His lips then brushed your shoulder and you could feel his sly smirk.
"Is that so?" you asked, your voice taking a very different tone, that suggested a challenge. His fingers wandered down to the hem of your nightdress in search of the skin underneath.
"Yes, or so I've heard," he teased, making you chuckle in response.
"Make me feel better then," you whispered. You reached for the first button of your nightdress, his eyes widened a little as you worked your way down, and you emitted a soft gasp as you felt him harden against you. You popped the next one open but he quickly became impatient with your pace, he brought his hands back up and tore the dress open, letting the buttons fly about the room in loud pings before tossing it away.
You couldn't help but giggle in response to that because of how eager he was, and he quickly joined your state of laughter. Your hands fumbled to rid of the robe that covered his body, slipping it off in a hurry and allowing it to join your ripped dress on the floor. Your cheeks turned to the color of scarlet upon the sight of his stiff erection pointing up, amazed by how hard he was already.
You shivered when he cupped your breast. His hand was cold, and your nipples were already hard from the chill in the night air, but when he brushed his thumb over the sensitive tip of your breast, you sighed in pleasure. You trailed your cool fingertips down his side to his hip, your breath hitched.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he said under his breath before a chuckle slipped through, then he pressed his lips to yours. When you began to trail your fingers up and down his member, his tongue plunged into your mouth. He cupped your other breast, his thumbs brushing back and forth over your nipples. You inched forward, rubbing the ball of your thumb against the head of his member. When you were almost straddling him, you shifted your weight from your knees to your feet, sliding one arm around his neck to hold your balance as you kept fondling his member, and he nipped at your bottom lip, letting out a low, pleased moan.
"Oh shit," he growled before he added, "you're mine, all mine," he repeated, giving you one last hard kiss, then nuzzling his way down to your neck, and you arched to give him room as he brushed his lips just lightly across the tops of your breasts. You angled your hips, gripping his shoulders as you rubbed the slit of your sex into the hard length of his erection, your clit sliding against the underside of his shaft, and when he suckled against your nipple, you shuddered, making you whimper loudly.
"Mmm, yes," you murmured, closing your eyes as he lashed his tongue back and forth against your nipple, then gently bit the underside of your breast.
"So beautiful, fuck, I love how this perfect body is all mine," he cooed. He moved to the other, stroking your wet nipple as he pressed his other palm into the small of your back, guiding you as you ground against him. He murmured your name against your breast, and closed his teeth around your nipple. Your clit brushed the tip of his member and you moaned, hips trembling a little as you kept rubbing against him in a desperate attempt for some relief.
"Baby, get inside me," you moaned, and he kissed you between your breasts before he straightened. His dark-eyed gaze was intent on yours, watching as you were a complete and utter panting mess against him. He guided you up, angling himself under you, making you lean forward and you caught his earlobe in your mouth hungrily.
"Please, baby, please, oh fuck," you cried, and when he was just barely seated inside you, instantly you tilted forward, the tips of your breasts rubbing against his chest. He pressed the pad of his thumb against your clit, and you trembled as you sank onto his member, working your way down until your hips were flush.
You threw your head back as you thrust into him fervidly, losing yourself in the sensation of him inside you, filling you. When you took his full length and then gently circled your hips, his thumb still working against your clit, you both moaned aloud.
"Mmm. You feel so good," he growled. "Harder, baby," he urged breathlessly.
You adjusted your weight and he tilted back a little, changing the angle just slightly. When you began to bounce up and down on his member, he let out a louder moan, flicking your clit even harder, his other hand coming up to pluck at your breast. You cried out in pleasure when he squeezed your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, then did the same to the other.
"Yeah, babygirl, you're so fucking sexy," he panted hotly upon your moist skin, "so perfect riding my cock like this, oh fuck," he uttered gruffly around a grunt.
"Oh yes, Tetsurou," you sobbed as your inner flesh started to spasm around his member. You rode him harder, faster, seeking the friction your body craved without missing a beat, slamming your hips up and down upon his, frantically bumping into them without a care as your cries bounced off the walls of the room. "Yes, yes yes, baby, it feels so fucking good—"
"Come," he demanded hoarsely as he forcefully pressed down on your clit then slipped the pad of his finger into it with an untamed motion. Your arousal was making you shudder with desperation, and your sobs rose until you were almost screaming as he rocked up under you. Beads of hot sweat formed on his temple, making his hair stick to his warm skin as his body twitched with the sensation of engulfing you completely.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good, baby," he praised, and your face flushed a deeper red, tipping your head back as your whole body trembled. You lifted your hips up and down as fast as you possibly could because you knew you were about to burst any second. You gripped his shoulders painfully tight for leverage when you finally reached your climax.
"Oh fuck," you mewled, rocking your hips side to side, almost corkscrewing down onto his member, and the wild movements of his finger stilled, groaning as he let himself come. You sank down onto him as he pulsed inside of you, and stayed lock to him, skin to skin, wrapped around each other.
Your head was against his neck as you panted hard upon his skin, eyes fluttering open as he tilted forward, letting both of your bodies fall back upon the soft cushion of his bed once you two shared a moment of simply attempting to get your breathing under control. He reached for the blanket, pulling it up around you two, over your bare shoulders, and then you realized you were shaking as your sweat dried on your skin.
"Mmmm," you murmured against his skin, placing a soft kiss upon his neck in a weak attempt to thank him.
Your migraine was now just a dull throbbing pain, and you felt so relaxed and satisfied that you went limp against his body. He lifted your chin up to make you face him, removing a few strands of hair from your face. He planted a couple of kisses along your shoulder and then your cheek. "So how's my girl feeling now? All better?" he asked with a chuckle, running his other hand down your back, feeling the soft flesh beneath.
"Better, much better," you purred as you stretched your body closer to his touch.
He chuckled, "Glad I could help."
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arduadastra · 3 years
Another one 😉
How would the Pedro boys react to you having toxic parents?
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Hi, again friend! This is a short but sweet one (Because I'm preparing myself for the England game later ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)- hope you still enjoy it! These boys are all soft supportive men and I stand by that.
Warnings: Brief hints at parental abuse, swearing, pregnancy, age!gap and one use of derogatory wording.
My Masterlist / Send me a prompt
Din Djarin✨
Din never gets to meet your parents but he does hear stories about them and he completely understands your decision to never see them again. In fact, it's probably for the best that he doesn't because from the sounds of it, he wouldn't last five minutes with them talking to you how they do before he put his fist through a wall.
Mandalorian culture is about togetherness, about being one with those around you so he can't fathom how a parent could exclude their child to such an extent that they end up running away (it was how you met after all) so you often ask about his parents instead. You want to hear what family should be like and after a while, he opens up and tells you what he remembers of them and it makes you smile. If only they were alive, you think you'd have loved them and Din knows they would have loved you too.
Frankie Morales🐟
Frankie didn't have a bad relationship with his parents per se, it's just after being deployed he never really made time to see them. He was also ashamed, it got to a point where it had been so long and he had done such awful things he was worried they wouldn't even answer the phone. But then you open up about yours, how they treated you as a child and how they still constantly ring you to nag about where you're going in life, why you aren't married and why you haven't had kids yet. Too often Frankie finds you teary-eyed after a particularly heated phone call and he holds you tight through it all.
Seeing you like that puts a spark in him and he realises what he has shouldn't be taken for granted, he wants you to have that support system and he can give it to you if he stops being so stubborn. So he calls and of course, they answer and gush about how much they missed him and at no point do they blame him for anything. It makes him cry. You both go see them the week after and seeing your smiling face after your mum had embraced you in a tight hug made Frankie's heart hurt - he was glad he could give you this. (He also adamantly refuses to give your parents his number, you both agree angry voicemails from Frankie is not going to make the situation any better)
Javier Peña🥃
You know this man would give them shit and there's nothing you could do about it. He would research the crap out of them after hearing how they screamed at you the last time you went home, trying to find anything he could get them on. He'd have contacts back in the states still, get his old team to go down to their house and scare some sense into them. You had no idea any of this happened until you got a shaky call from your mum, apologising after the police had come to her door and you knew who was behind it.
You were definitely angry at first, thinking Javi didn't trust you enough to handle it and considering you'd had your whole life dealing with their shit - to see him handle it so easily made your blood boil. But, he understood. You talk it out and eventually, he relents that maybe he should have told you but he just wanted to help because he loved you so much. You were only friends when all this happened but you were much more the morning after as friends certainly don't do the things you did the night he admitted that.
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels🌪
Whiskey would try going down the same path as Javier, use Kingsman intel to work out a suitable punishment but he's less stubborn and more easily persuaded to let it go. You visit them solo a few times after that and each time seems to get progressively better so you decide to introduce them to Jack and then all hell breaks loose.
Your dad ends up calling you a whore and while that doesn't even make you flinch, your mum following suit and accusing Jack of taking advantage of you due to the age gap really fucking does. You fight back, highlighting the lifetime of shitty parenting and not treating you like the adult you are and Jack stands back. He lets you get it all out, lets you take the reins and you appreciate it and it feels so fucking good. You leave feeling lighter, your words leaving them speechless as you leave with a promise to never return. Jack kisses you hard in his Bronco after that, saying he's never been prouder and you believe him.
Your parents stay out of your life once you move out at 18 and years later when you meet Ezra you still don't hear from them but somehow they find out you're pregnant and worm their way back into your life. They must have seen your announcement online because then you get a message and you shouldn't have expected anything less but you at least thought they'd be excited for you.
Ezra sees the message as you read it and you hear the sharp intake of breath at the last few lines where your mum goes headfirst into why you'd make a terrible mother and he slams the laptop shut before you can even process whats happened. He takes you under his arm, nose pressed to your hair and gives covers their darkness in your head with his light, "You're going to be the most wonderful mother. You are nothing but kind and good and our child will love you. You have nothing to fear little bird, you are strong and I couldn't be prouder of the woman you've become. Ignore them, they are ignorant people with ignorant thoughts - jealous of the life you have carved for yourself without them." You reply nine months later with a picture of the three of you, smiles big and bright with Ezra flipping them off above your head.
〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜Pedro’s thirsty thots tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed)@evyiione @rattlethe-stars @asta-lily @ironbabey @woollybantha @tobealostwanderer @mamacitapascal @letterfromvienna @buttercup–bee @kenoobiwan @bastillealmighty @neganwifey25-blog @djarinsbeskar @lovesickmadsadpoet @otherthingsinhead @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
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a-mended-pact · 3 years
Period Pains & Cuddles
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Hey! So this is a one shot for @fortheloveofcriminalminds and I 's series Sticks and Stones! That being said this is one that can stand alone if you chose to read it. I for some reason keep dreaming of more things for our story that just aren't needed for the main story line. Enjoy!
⚠️ warning: mentions of Menstruation, Past abuse and malnutrition. ⚠️ (if there are more inform me please)
✒Word Count: 2,398
🛑 If you do not want any spoilers at all for Sticks & Stones do not read.
I Have been living next door to Spencer for a little over a month now. My apartment had slowly become more and more homey as the days went on. He was constantly dropping things off at my door or I'd buy little things from the shop I'm working at and bring them home.  
My apartment finally looked like I had a personality and I wasn't this bland shell of a marionette doll being pushed and pulled the way someone wanted me to be. It was refreshing but more nerve-wracking than a breath of fresh air for me.
It was nearing day break  and I knew I needed to get up and start cleaning my place. I had a routine that I did everyday. I'd wake up early and clean the whole place. Spotless to the point you could eat off the floor if you wanted to. I'd even scrub all the nooks and crannies with a toothbrush.  This was an everyday thing. Changing my schedule wasn't an option. Once the apartment was clean I had to get ready myself and by the time 9 came around I was ready to start my day fully. 
Having been given the time to adjust to eating again whenever I wanted was interesting.  I had no idea what I liked anymore but because of the month of freedom I had started to gain a little weight. God I hoped Spencer didn't notice. I hope he didn't get upset with me the way I knew Brett would. 
Spencer had told me once that I was looking healthier and that he was happy for me. He also spewed facts about how now because I am getting the nutrients that my body needs I could start experiencing things my body wasn't used to anymore. 
I didn't really understand what he meant then but I think I'm starting to.
I forced myself to get up only to notice a stain on my sheets caused by me. Seriously? I forgot that periods were a thing. I pulled my hand up counting on my fingers. Each year is remembered by an unpleasant memory. I stopped having it right after a very brutal night with Brett. I bled for nearly a month after that night. Glancing at my hands I only held up 6 fingers.  
I hadn't had my period in 6 years. If anything joyous came from being with Brett it was the fact I didn't have to deal with this. 
I groaned in annoyance and in panic. I needed to clean this up. I had to because this couldn't be left on my sheets for too long or else it would stain permanently.  Even when I had my periods with Brett he was never supposed to see any signs of a period, none.  I used to use pads and tampons but I quickly had to learn how to use a cup. 
It caused less mess. No waste to be seen in the bin and nothing put under the cabinets that Brett could see. 
I quickly threw my sheets and comforter into the hamper while I rushed to throw away my now wasted pajama bottoms, sealing off the bag I put them in and putting it next to the door. Yes I was in fact running around my home in the nude. Just for a couple of moments though. 
I stumbled into the shower knocking over my body wash and shampoo. The moment the warm water hit my face I felt my body relax. I was in a lot of pain. When I did have my periods regularly they were always heavy and painful. My muscles in my back would always be incredibly tight to the point I couldn't even bend over. 
Now that the adrenaline is gone from the sheer shock of the situation. I'm sure this one would be exactly the same. All I wanted to do is curl up and cry. I couldn't though it was embedded in me that I had to clean the house. 
When I got out of the shower and went to get dressed, that's when I realized the biggest problem I was going to have today. With a loud scream of frustration I slammed my sink cabinet.  I didn't have any female hygiene products for this. I mean it had been 6 years. 
I wracked my brain about what I could possibly do. The thought of ordering things to my door sounded lovely. However, anyone knowing that I am going through this is just embarrassing to me. I made a very quick and brash decision of crumbling up toilet paper to make a temporary pad until I got to the store. 
I dressed in black. I didn't want to risk another disaster.  
By the time I made it home all I wanted to do was go back to bed. I got myself and my new things situated and stored away. I immediately started to clean afterwards doing everything the way I always did.  Like I was supposed to do. I glanced at the clock on the stove only to realize it was noon now. 
A huff escaped me. I was finally done. Now I could start winding down and relaxing. I was getting extremely dizzy while cleaning anyway. I made my way to the couch to curl up.  I never wanted to leave this spot.
It was just curved enough to relax my lower back and to cradle me in all the right places.  I started to drift off, giving myself some time to recuperate from my chaotic morning.
I awoke to a gentle hand on my face caressing me. I flinched at their close proximity which caused me to tense up a small groan left my lips as I curled up more and rolled away from them.
'Dahlia, sweetheart, you didn't hear me banging on your door or calling you? It's 7pm. We had a date. Did you forget?' His voice was laced with concern and I couldn't help but feel awful because I did forget. 
'I hope you don't mind. I let myself in. You know you shouldn't leave your door unlocked,Statistically in the United States alone 22,796 women are likely to be burglarized when they live alone.' 
Spencer helped me roll over when he saw me struggling to do so.  ‘I’m, I’m sorry I’ll go get dressed for our date now.’ I rushed to go get up when a dizzy spell hit me. He stood up quickly and caught me by my waist. ‘Hey, what’s wrong, you seem disoriented?’ I tried to tell him that I was fine but I didn’t feel fine. Perhaps I was just being over dramatic. I logically knew women go through this sort of thing all the time but all I wanted to do was cry.
 I was overflowing with so much emotion. I was aggravated with the fact that this was happening to me again to start with. I was upset with myself for being like this. I was even more distraught by the fact I had forgotten my date with Spencer. How could I just forget? I was looking forward to it since last week when he got called away for work while we were planning the whole thing. 
We had agreed to go out to see one of his forgein movies. He was gonna translate it the whole way through whispering it in my ear. At first I had declined saying it was going to ruin the movie for him. He assured me that it was fine he had already seen it once with his mother when he was younger. He just believed it was a movie I was going to enjoy. 
We had also discussed having dinner after. We never ended up picking a restaurant before he got called away. ‘It’s nothing Spencer, I'm fine, really. I just forgot our date is all. I’m really sorry’ I moved myself out of his hold and made my way to my bedroom to get dressed. 
‘You know we don’t have to even go out tonight. I am more than happy to just stay in and spend time with you!’  I could hear him shout from my living room. I was getting frustrated because all my clothes seemed unbelievably tight on me right now. I could feel the tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. This was ridiculous. Why was I being so emotional? How do I tell Spencer that I didn’t want to do anything at all? I didn’t even want to be out of bed or better yet off the couch. As long as I was laying down and I wasn’t moving it didn’t feel like my hips were being compressed and my back finally wasn’t in pain. 
I barely even wanted to be pleasant towards him and all he has ever been to me was a gentleman. I walked out in the same clothes I went in with this time wrapped in a throw blanket I bought from the shops. He looked at me with concern and smiled softly as he pulled me with him to the couch. He pulled me close and held me, playing with my hair and moving it off my face. I laughed slightly at how gentle he was being with me. 
‘Do you remember when you told me now that I was getting healthier that my body would start doing things it’s supposed to.’ I whispered and leaned my head against the back of the couch. His warmth on my back felt magical. His chest vibrated as he chuckled. ‘Yes, I remember. Pretty girl, is that what's wrong.’ He pulled me closer to him, his hand lightly touching my stomach. I never noticed how tight my tummy muscles were until the natural warmth he carried slipped to me through the palm of his hand. 
I looked down embarrassed. This was always such a sensitive topic when Brett was around. He didn’t want to hear about it nor did he care to. ‘For the first time in 6 years. I - um started my period.’ I said it as quietly as I could in hopes he wouldn’t be put off by this new information. I went to pull away only for him to pull me closer to him. Him basically wrapping himself around me and holding me close as he kissed my temple. 
‘That’s really good news sweetheart. I know it may not seem like a good thing right now but it is. It means that your hormones and everything are finally going back to normal after years of being not right.’ He grabbed both of my hands in his when I tried to curl in on myself again. I could feel his breath on my neck every time he exhaled. It made me want to slip deeper into him. 
‘I think we should order in and watch one of your favorite movies. How's that for tonight?’ I bit my lip still questioning whether or not I wanted him to go home or not. Him seeing me like this was already upsetting enough. It wasn’t like I wasn’t dressed and didn’t have makeup on. Maybe it was just the fact that I didn't feel great that made me think I also didn’t look it. 
I nodded but otherwise didn’t speak. Spencer has known me long enough to know that I'm a little in my head at times like these. So he knows that as long as I agree he can do whatever he likes unless I say otherwise. 
He ordered food and began looking around on my shelves lining the wall to realize I didn’t own any movies.  I watched him and couldn’t help but smile. It was hard to believe he could be a dominant when he was struggling so hard to take charge of the situation right now. He held up his finger and made an ah ha noise when he ran out of my apartment to what i assume was into his. He came back clutching a bundle of movies in his large hands along with some junk food from his place. 
‘I know enough from Stell that you can’t go wrong with junk food when a lady is on her period.’ His voice was laced with confidence yet somehow his stance said shy as if he were overstepping. I couldn’t help but smile at him. He was so sweet I managed to move myself into a more proper position when there was a knock at my door. ‘Ah that must be the food.’ He placed all the things he brought onto the table and quickly grabbed the take out.
At this point my mouth was watering. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food. 
‘Thank you. For just being you Spencer. I didn’t realize I could be cared for the way you’ve cared for me since I’ve gotten the pleasure of knowing you.’ I smiled widely as he sat down beside me. The movie started and the food was passed out between us both. He smiled a smile that stole my heart out of my chest and yet made it beat so rapidly I thought for certain he could hear it. ‘There’s no need to thank me Dahlia. I don’t mind taking care of you. You aren’t a hard person to take care of. I just enjoy spending time with you. Regardless of what we are doing.’ A blush formed on his features. If it wasn’t for the glow of the projector I would have missed it. ‘Thank you, I’m not sure I could be anyone else even if I tried.’ his voice was small and filled with adoration at what I had said.
Some time after we were done eating I gravitated towards him seeking his warmth. He had moved himself, his leg now resting on my couch as he leaned against the arm rest. I was between his legs, my body tangled in his as my head rested on his chest. If every time I got my period meant that I had the pleasure of getting to use Doctor Spencer Reid as a giant teddy bear. I’d be more than happy to have them 
His hand cradled my face as the tips of his fingers played in my hair. His other arm draped over me holding me protectively as I drifted off into my sea of unconsciousness.
‘My precious Dahlia what have you done to me?’ 
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ldyinblckmsk · 4 years
Always the extra, never the lead
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x F! Reader
Genre: Angst
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Hey, guys! I'm back hoho serving another angst (if you squint your eyes lol). I hope I broke your heart or makes you feel pain or sad coz that's what i wanna make you feel while you read my piece oftrash. This plot is plaguing mah mind. Also, the title sucks lolololol I can't think of anything argh!
Enjoy :)
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It's funny how people cheer themselves up by thinking that they are the main character of their own story. You think that it's  ridiculous to give themselves a fake hope while the fact that the cycle of their story doesn't change anything. They'll never be the protagonist, no matter how hard they try to be one.
That's why you gave up, right. You settle yourself to be just a bystander, watching the main roles act their piece under the big spotlight. Watching the man you love entranced by the stare of the girl he likes. See, it's not you. Because, after all, as much as you wanted to be the Cinderella or Snow White or any other damnsel in distress, he'll never be the prince that will save you. You're just an extra.
Confess your profounding love to him? You already thought of it and considering the consequences of it, you're just a coward who didn't want to jeopardize the only relationship you had with him. You're fine with being his bestfriend. At least, you still have an excuse to be at his house until midnight just hanging out with him. You can still wear his hoodies  and imagine yourself acting like how the other girls did to their significant other.
That until she came.
He spent less time hanging out with you. He rarely even talks to you and ask if you're still breathing. As if all of a sudden, every memories you spent with him vanished like a bubble when the narrator introduced his leading lady. Of course, you were jealous, infuriating to be honest, she stole your man, the ash blond you were crushing since you laid your eyes on him. And the thing that makes you go insane is the fact that you don't have the right to be angry because he's not yours to claim.
The only thing you can do is sit there and let yourself drown in pain. Pretend that you're fine with the set-up and act normal. You didn't want to mess up the play, don't you?
Fine, my ass. You're not a masochist.
They're still not together, that means she's not his either.  They're still at the phase of knowing each other, so you still have a chance to confess. There's no way that they already fall in love with each other that fast.
Here you are in his room, laying comfortably on the silky sheets of his bed, staring at the ceiling. You just invite yourself to his house.
"Hey, dumbass! Are you even listening to me?" His voice snapped you out of trance. "I'm sorry. I got a lil dizzy for a sec. What were you saying?"
"You alright?" The hint of concern on his voice didn't go unnoticed by you and you just cherish this moment that way you always do. Your breath hitched when you felt his cold hands touch your forehead, his other hand on his comparing your temperature. The small act of friendship makes your blood rush to your cheeks.
"Geez. I'm fine, Katsu." You rolled your eyes at him, swatting his hand away. As much as you want to prolong the skinship, you didn't want to make yourself become a flustered mess. "Now, what were you saying?" You propped your head with both hands under your chin, as you roll on his bed now laying flat on your stomach.
"I said are you coming with me this Friday night. We're just going to eat." You looked at him suspiciously. For a second, your heart triumphs.
"Wow, you already want to see me again."
"Tch. Just say yes or no, idiot." You chuckled at his scowling face. "Just admit that you missed me, grumpy-chan."
"You're a pain in the ass."
And just like that, you didn't have any decent to sleep as you were so excited for Friday to roll. Whatever plan he has, you can't help but to think that it's like he's asking you to go out with him. Ignoring the second line he said, you let yourself dive in fantasy.
It's Thursday and you're still conflicted on what to wear, you asked for help of your friends. Surprisingly, they agreed to help you right away without raising their brows and questioning you about the date with the 'mystery man'. 'Cause they already know who it was, just from how eager you look.
Your love for the blond isn't news to them. Being classmates and friends for almost three years, they already knew how your mind works though they didn't really know how frenzy and complicated the wires in it. They just know the surface of it.
"How about this?" Mina showed you the haltered red dress that ends just above your knee. You decided on it right away which makes your friend shakes their head at your eagerness. After that, you're just casually having fun, giving you advices and tips on your so-called date from their experience.
You saw him leaning on his car, permanent scowl on his face while constantly checking his phone. You eyed him from your position, awe struck at the ravishing aura he oozes. The white dress shirt he's wearing highlights the muscle he workrd so hard to built. He looks so clean and sinful at the same time.
"There you are, grumpy-chan!" You walked towards him slowly, smacking his back as your usual greeting, smile plastered on your face with the hint of blush spreading on your cheeks. You watched him stunned for a while, eyes roaming to your body. "About fucking time. Let's go."
You were surprised when he opened the door for you but you just shake it off. He's gentle, seems like his careful with his actions.
He glanced at you for a moment before he went inside the car. His heart went wild when he saw you. He thought you looked prettier when you dressed up. He always saw you wearing baggy shirts that's why when you showed up with that tight dress he malfunctioned for a bit. You looked bold and sexy like a predator hunting its prey, quite opposite from the girl he's pining. He shakes the thoughts of you away as he began to drive.
Akiya is full of sunshine and rainbows. She's sweet and looks vulnerable like an antique dishware that needs to be taken care of. And he has the great urge to protect the quirkless girl. Funny, how he was so bully to Deku being quirkless and  here he was falling for one.
He was so upset to himself when he found out his stupid affection to the girl. Their constant talking amd bubbly personality made it possible to like her. But everytime he's with her, his mind straying away to your well-being. He knew that you have feelings for him but he didn't dig further because you're not vocal about it. With how much his time was spent with you, he cared deeply for you. He loves you, of course, but it isn't like kind of love you felt for him.
After sorting out those endless thoughts, still, his adoration for Akira weighs more than your friendship.
That's why he's inviting you to dinner with him.
The anxiety is bubbling up inside you. The look on his face screams that there's something going on inside his head that you're not ready to unravel. Call it instinct but something feels odd. The ambience around you doesn't suit your guts. You're beyond happy that you're having a good time with him but there's this unsettling feeling that's eating your inside.
Is this what you think it is?
He's the one who initiates the conversation first, sensing the awkwardness in your table. Feeling blue, you just answered him with nods and short words. Clenching your jaw as you forced yourself to smile naturally. It's not really that difficult for you to do it since you are good at hiding.
The dinner was served and you just sat there, eating in silence. You don't dare move your eyes from your plate. You felt him checking on you for the nth time of the night then followed by a sigh.
You fucking knew it. Your grip on the knife was tight while slicing the tender beef. You're silently praying that you'll have the control of your emotions tonight. The night is still young but the 'date' is nearing to end. 
"Y/n, just don't fucking talk and listen to me." His hand combing his spiky hair in frustration. He didn't know how to break it to you without hurting you. "What's with the serious talk, grumpy-chan? It's not like you, ya know." You laughed.
"I said I'll do the talking, idiot." You rolled your eyes at his remark."You know Akiya, right?"
"Uh, yeah, she's the girl you like, right." You said with an obvious tone in your voice, smiling, almost seemed like you're teasing him. Almost. Because the bitterness you felt left a hint on your voice.
Silence. No one dared to speak. Not because of your last statement. It seems like gods are not in the mood to heed your prayer as you desperately trying to stop the tears that you didn't know were already falling. You inhaled deeply, calming yourself down, slowly accepting your defeat.
You were the one that breaks the eerie silence. "So, you two are already together. Is that what were you going to say to me? Or is there anything el–" 
Realization strucks your chords. How can you be so fucking simpleton? A small laugh leaves your mouth while nodding your head crazily, new batch of tears forming in your eyes. He only watched you, confused.
"Oh my god! You fucking knew it. Am I right?"
"I'm a clown. You knew I love you yet–" You laughed again. People gaze at your direction, feeling pity at your state. You are mess right now.
"What the fuck are you talking about? Yes, I knew it. I knew your feelings but your my bestfriend for fuck's sake!" He raised his voice, bloodshot eyes lingering at your form.
As if like you flipped your switch, you looked at him with blank eyes, no emotions were found as you speak to him. "Is it entertaining? Is it funny to watch me make a fool of myself? Am I stroking your ego when I looked at you with fucking heart eyes huh, Bakugou? Tell me."
"That's why I'm fucking talking to you right now. I want you to stop it. I need you to stop loving me because I can't reciprocate it...I love Akiya."
"I know! Don't fucking rub it on my face. I know it. I already knew it! Okay? And yet here I am still fucking hoping that there's still a chance." You're desperately trying to sound fine, wishing for your voice not to crack. "I-I'm still fucking praying that I wish it's me. Why the hell it can't be me? Why, Katsuki?"
No, you're not going to break down in front of him. That will be last tears you'll shed. You shut your eyes tightly, regaining your control over your emotions. You didn't spare a glance at him, looking yourself at your mirror while retouching your make-up. You grabbed your phone, texting Mina to pick you up while you're talk to him. "Just so you know, I'm not going to cut ties with you. If that's what you're worried about. I'm still your friend, dropping the 'best'."
You looked up at him, eyes meeting his for the last time. You saw his pained expression, clenching his jaw when he looked away.  You get up, ready to leave. "Another thing, next time when you reject someone don't do it over a fancy dinner. That just gives them a false hope and that's fucking painful." You chuckled.
Bitter smile plastered on your face,  you prepare yourself for the conclusion of the story. Walking to his side, you bend to him while placing a kiss on his cheek, whispering your final dialogue as the side character.
"Goodbye, grumpy-chan."
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Part 2 with da angst
2: Young Ranbob did not understand at all what was going on, infact he refused to believe he ever had anything to do with the sabotages, it was only when Dream took over completely and gave Ranbob enough of his mind to know what he was doing, did he finally accept it. He tried and tried to break Dreams control and get control of his body back, but nothing he did ever really worked, and the more he tried Dream eventually began to punish him, forcing him to stop. He felt aboustely awful, like a failure, a murder, and just a shitty person during all of this. His journal shows basically all of his mental decline, it went from normal, him recording special things during the day, to semi-normal, him expression concern and fear over the sabotages and killings (with some out of place words or sentences here and there appearing half way through, showing Dreams presence), to recordings from someone with obvious mental distress (misspelled words, extreme fear, showing fear of himself, hasty writings and drawings, very obviously out of place sentences (their neater than the rest and written differently, written by Dream), and meaningless words and sentences, obviously trying to say something but not knowing how too), all they way to flipping entries of when Ranbob is in control (sadness, despair, hasitly done, regret, and just heavy sentences) to when Dream is in control (Neat writing, stating "facts", showing a level of glee). Ranbob does still have it, he actually still uses it to record what happens in the groups and how far he's come. To the Gladiators its more of a "Hey I found this thing, lets read this thing." "No let's not read the thing." "Im going to ignore you and read it anyway.". The pictures are from the current ruined state of the City of Mizu, and pictures showing Ranbob at the fishermens house, struggling to walk and even eat on his own, though a few are from before Dream ever got a hold of Ranbob. 
3: The way you just said "Causally drops some trauma on them, huh?" And "Traumatized gremlins" made me laugh so much. Its so accurate and made me just think of the brothers vibing toghere before I just pop in and drop tons of trauma on them before dipping. "Ah, damn, the opponent stared me in my chest." "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS!? YOUR BLEEDING OUT!" "Oh im used to this. Trust me I'll survive...probably." "RAN I SWEAR!". And "Ranbob when did you last eat?" "Uhhh, 2 days ago I think." "..." "D-did I eat too soon? I dont have to eat for another day or two max-" "Ranbob shut up and eat." "B-but-" "If you dont eat I'll tell Benjamin." "OK ok I'll eat."  Ran thinks its normal to get stabbed often, while Ranbob thinks its normal to only eat every 2 or 3 days, and to not sleep for a long time. There is one particular hunter that's been hunting him the longest, they go by Raq and are the most determined to get Ran, though they don't plan on killing him, but rather kidnapping him and exploting him for pearls. It was a bit hard at first, Ran kept having to leave to wander around the City for a bit, though he eventually successfully got accustomed to staying in one place, though he does sometimes wish he could travel again. 
4: A bit of everything, him getting violent and trying to run at first. But after that it fades more into what resembles a depressive state, with him refusing to move and crying while being lost in his head. He requires space to move around but be monitored in the first state, while for the second he needs constant comfort and physical contact. The aftermath was the fishermen and Jackie staying close to Ranbob for the next 2 days, while Grievous and Watson try to find Ran after he stormed off in anger and disbelief. Ran does know what a relapse means, but during the time he believes Ranbobs relapse might be something else (like his facade faulting maybe).
5: Not long at all, while Ran is carrying Jackie and Cletus makes fun of them as Ranbob is following him, Jackie quickly points out how Ranbob is like a lost puppy, and the same thing is basically happening to the two of them, but showed different ways. (The brothers making sure their family is safe by sticking close to them).
6: By the time they travel to Subbin, Ranbob has gained like 80 pounds and is a way more healthy weight and looks much more healthier than when the fishermen first found him. 
7: Their usually either getting materials, looking around the area/exploring, being taught things by someone, or sleeping. Charles was the one who revived the nickname! He called him that when trying different tactics to calm him down from a nightmare, Ranbob immediately froze and after a while started to cry, Charles panicked but Ranbob quickly comforted him, saying he just hasn't heard Bobby used in such a long time and brings back both incredibly happy and incredibly sad memories. And with permission, Charles starts using it more. Ran also freezes when hearing it, immediately going ridged and almost ripping a map he has in his hands, when asked by Grievous what was wrong, he just growled out nothing and moved on. Though he does mull over it later, conflicting emotions running all over him. 
8: Helping separate Ran and Ranbob was already big for the gladiators. As most people would just watch with glee. Then when they get time to talk and make the connection between Ran and Ranbob, they decide to make a exception and willingly put in effort to bond with the other group. Also them just naturally connecting made the bonding and trust easy between the groups. 
9: They do both! They keep some books, pictures, and other stuff, but sell others as relics. Ranbob mostly disapproves of them selling the items, but also knows it'll probably be best to sell them, and have them either spread the story of Mizu as a warning, or have the story of Mizu destroyed by assumptions and twisting of the story. 
10: I'm thinking maybe a Wilbur decendent is inhabiting a certain town, and when the groups stop in for a break, Wilbur decendant  houses them and listens to their story, and tries to help?
11: They mostly just find them, they either find them in book stores or ruined towns and cities (maybe I can put The Masquerade tale in here somewhere), a wide range of people, from scholars to plain history nerds, to books from during the time of the SMP itself to books written by seemingly no one. Ranbob finds some himself, mostly when exploring with the group. I think I misworded this! Dream is the one who compared Ranbobs journal to Ranboos memory book! Ranbob knows of Ranboos memory book but he himself doesn't see the connection. Ran feels all of the above. He is extremely ashamed and disappointed in himself for hurting his brother, he hugs him tightly and apologizes non-stop, promising to make it all up to him, and while he asks for forgiveness he also says he doesnt expect for his brother to forgive him. Once he finally sees Dream for real though he's the first one to blindly attack and try to kill em. Though he doesnt succeed. 
12: No one expect the brothers where outside in the rain when they fought. So no one knew of what was happening. Its only when Ran finally joined them, but alone, did they get scared and alarmed. And when Ran admits they got into a fight and Ranbob ran off, the fishermen immediately start yelling at Ran and run off to find Ranbob, screaming his name into the deafening thunder. Grievous follows them but Watson and Jackie hang back a bit, Jackie just looks at Ran with a heartbroken expression, tears in his eyes, and asks, with his voice shaking and laced with sadness, "Why can't you at least try to accept him, you dont have to like or forgive him, but why can't you just let him heal?" "Jackie..you dont know what's he done-" "I do know! And I'm willing to help him change and recover! You can't and your his brother! What kind of family member are you?" Ran tries to respond but Jackie just chokes and shakes his head at him, running off to follow the others. Watson then speaks up, simply saying "Mate, your doing more than hurting Ranbob at this point." Before running off to follow and join the others. Ran feels horrible, even before being confronted he so badly wanted to chase after Ranbob, but was to scared too and he constantly was trying to reassure himself that he did the right thing, but no matter what, he couldn't convince himself that was the truth. And after the confrontation, Ran is taking what was said to heart and also considering running away, leaving the group behind and sparing them of all the pain he believes he causes, believing that he's just as bad a family member as Ranbob was. But he doesnt, because he feels like he absolutely needs to talk to his brother and everyone else. 
2: Oh god. Poor Ranbob. He really went through it. It does make me wonder, did anyone notice something was up? His mentor? Parents? Friends? Speaking off, what was his relationship with them all? From what I know, he seemed to be under a lot of pressure, so how did that effect things, and how did Dream’s presence change that? And uh, gladiators reactions to reading the diary? Also, did they get caught reading it, or? And how did everyone in general react to the pictures? The fishermen may have taken the latter, but how did they feel about seeing Ranbob before Dream came into the picture?
3: I tell it like it is, glad to hear it’s made you laugh though. And uh, oh boy. On one hand, I definitely shouldn’t laugh at stabbing and possible starvation. One the other. Ran’s reaction. Ranbob being threatened with Benjamin. Is he often threatened with Benjamin? What exactly happens if Benjamin is told? Will Raq be causing future problems? Is Ran happy to be on the road again?
4: That sucks. Did the gladiators witness it first hand, or did the fishermen kind of realize what was happening and split off for a bit? Reactions to either seeing or hearing this happen?
5: Ranbob’s reaction to this? Heck, all of the fishermen’s reactions?
6: As he should. If he ever starts looking even slightly thin again, Benjamin needs to jump into immediate action! Also, give him a blanket and warm drink, please? Please, he needs it, they all do. 
7: So not too bad, that’s good. Charles was the one, huh? Interesting. Does Ranbob like having it back? And conflicting emotions, hmm? What would those emotions be? Does anyone ever notice the nickname makes him mad? 
8: So the gladiators consider that their big approval? Why’s that? Like obviously, they helped break it up, but was it something particular? Did they get between the two? Jump into the arena? What?
9: A warning of Mizu...there’s something awfully tragic about that. 
10: Sounds interesting! In what way would they be able to help? 
11: Scattered about, hm? So Ranbob knows about Ranboo’s memory book? Did Dream tell him, or did Mizu have a copy, or? And yay, Ranbob finally gets a hug! Most wonderful! Sad Ran doesn’t succeed in murder, but meh. Always next time, I suppose.
12: You...you were really going for my heart when you wrote this, weren’t you? Um, first of all, ouch. Second of all, also ouch. That’s all I’ve got for you right now. Just, ouch, Anon. Ouch.
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bciwasinlove · 4 years
Hi. I have not been on twitter or even in the fandom long enough so i came here to ask you about something. What's with the song claiming thing? Suddenly ziams are claiming songs that have been claimed as larry song. No I'm not gate keeping. Pardon my word choice.I'm not English. But I'm just curious. As long as i have been in this fandom, no control was a larry song the moment it came out and everyone was ok with it and even ziams never claimed it before.now suddenly they are like oh liam also wrote it? Home has always been larry song considering the timeline, him leaking and all, ziams never claimed it before, now suddenly home is a ziam song too? 18 was taken as a larry song from the moment ed said it was written from 1D perspective and everyone was ok with it considering how Louis used to literally serenade Harry like turning his whole body,changing pronouns etc. No one had a problem untill now. Suddenly in 2020/21 ziams are claiming it. Why didn’t they do it before? Why now? I'm just curious.
Warning selfies have been a thing with Louis for years. Now suddenly it is linked with liam too? How? Did he do it before or something? I genuinely don't know. So let me know plz.
The whole devlin thing, devlin album came out in 2017 i guess and they comparing Louis tweet with zayn tweeting that is from 2016. How does that make sense?
Also some people say larry closeting didn’t work but ziam did...awful thing to say. If it didn’t work then there wouldn’t be so many antis and they are still going through so much. People wouldn’t believe Harry dates every woman that breaths around him. And they claim there are two bbg in ziam relationship right? Why did they need two bbg if it worked? I mean if the closeting worked? Bbg has nothing to do with relationships.
Idk if ziam was real or not but I'm sure gigi was pregnant, she had that symptoms, pregnancy glow,tired face and all. Now whoever the father may be..idk.
I'm not convinced about ziam and how does that make me hypocrite? Also there are some "if this counts(larry),this counts too(ziam)" thread. what's with the comparison?
Sorry about the rant.
Hello anon wow this is long a lot to unpack so I'll start with your song questions.
Idk why ziammies are suddenly trying to claim songs that have ALWAYS been larry related. Especially when Liam said in an interview that Louis and him were a song writing duo for 1D BUT that he wrote the melodies and it was Louis who wrote the song lyrics. Last I checked melodies don't equal meaning of a song so how are these songs about ziam?
Some examples of this....
They are trying to claim Home but Liam said the song was personal to Louis and how when he read the lyrics he didn't want to change them. Home is also a direct response to If I Could Fly with ONLY Harry on the credits. Home was leaked by Louis the night of Belfest when Larry found out BG was being taken pasted the birth of a kid and it pissed off Louis so he leaked Home as payback bc it was clearly a loud song management didn't want on the album.
They are trying to claim 18 but the song was written by Ed who said [compared to other 1D songs he wrote for them] he wrote 18 with a 1D member in mind. [That is why we claim the song at all.] Ed was closeted in the band to Harry next being Louis and Niall he was the least closeted to Zayn and Liam. Side note Ed has a song called Friends that he said was about 2 friends of his who fell in love and when a fan yelled L&H he laughed/smirked and said init so it makes the most sense 18 was written with Harry in mind. Plus 18 is about meeting/loving someone sense they were 18 and it was only Louis who was 18 when they all met and it was Harry who would scream NO 16 when singing the song. Also larry changed the lyrics to HIM and would stare directly at each other when singing 18 livem According to ziam MPs ziam weren't a couple until at least 2 years into the band so why would 18 make sense for them also given they were both 17 when they met & none ever went NO 17 when singing it.
They are trying to claim No Control but that song as we know is about the morning after sex and the second round they end up having. Like stated before Louis wrote the lyrics to 1D songs and Niall plus Larry always made it DAMN CLEAR what that song was about. Also remember when Harry would always jam out hard core when Louis would sing his part in No Control aka majority of the song. Yeah that song is Louis song no doubt.
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They try to claim Alive which makes no sense bc Zayn nor Liam is on the credits at all only Louis. They say it's bc Liam said he related to the song ok I see that but still he didn't write it and still how does this song equate to ziam? Alive is more a song used as proof Louis isn't straight bc it's about self exceptance of who you are even tho others around you for along time made u feel there is something wrong with you. It's about Louis who is more confident part way through the story being told and then helping his lover [who seems to be a bit insecure about themselves] except and love who they are. Since Liam didn't write on it the relationship aspect couldn't be about him and Zayn. Since he said he just relates to Alive at BEST it could mean he might not be straight but it can't be used as proof of who his partner is when he didn't write on it.
There's others but I think you get the point they have always been larry or hinting at Louis sexuality songs so I don't get why or how they are suddenly saying their ziam songs? Myself @lovemylarents and @fearlessmoon09 think bored people in quarantine is what happened to change the landscape.
To your next question warning selfies...
So warning selfies was something Louis did everytime something BG stunt related was going to happen. He started it and did it a ton back in 2016/17 when BG stunting was massive for him. Liam never had anything to do with warning selfies and Louis warning selfies were ALWAYS like I said BG related so suddenly ziammies going Liam does warning selfies for things involving Maya or Gigi makes no sense. It was ALWAYS a Louis thing.
For the Devlin thing...
You hit the nail on the coffin with that one the album with the song Cold Blooded that had the lyrics "so is it true XXXX fathered a baby? I don't really think so, if you ask me he don't like ladies. Could have been HARRY, yeah, I bet it was HARRY" [emphasis on Harry bc I saw a ziammie change the lyrics to Liam] came out in 2017 while Zayns tweet was done in 2016. Unlike Louis tweet which was specifically about this album not just the artist and tweeted during the height of BG stunting. So not the best comparison. They really should fact check before making these "larries are hypocrites" threads bc veteran larries know and fact check everything.
Next thing you mentioned what I call their slogan "larries closeting didn't work but ziams did that is why less talk about/believe in ziam then larry" piss me off so much and what you said it right. If larry's closeting didn't work then we wouldn't be here complaing about how the GP sees Harry as a queerbaiting womanizer, how solo henries who want to have sex and suck Harry's dick exist and how some locals don't want to join Louis fandom bc they think Louis and his fans are homophobic or that twarries exist thinking Louis is a deadbeat dad. Tell me again ziammies how their closeting didn't work? It is so invalidating to everything larry has been put through. Also if larry's closeting didn't work but ziams did then why did they need 2 BGs for Ziam and only one for Larry? Myself @kaybutlarry @babyhoney-28 and @onlythebravestan are still waiting on an answer to that question haven't gotten one.
As you said about Gigi yes she definitely looked more pregnant then Briana ever did. The reason I don't believe in their BG with Gigi is bc their story is inconsistenent. Side note back when Liam had a kid no one besides a few on tumblr ever said it was BG 2.0 they didn't start saying BG 2&3 until Gigi happened. Back to inconsistenences so their original story when we first learned Gigi was pregnant was it's fake just like Briana there's no kid, then when Gigi did the livesteam showing she had a bump and a round face you get when pregnant the story changed to she's pregnant the kid is just not Zayn's.
Then I recently saw some who [after the kid was born] went back to the story the kid is fake there is no kid OR they are using a child actor. Unlike Louis BG they don't have a consistent story that makes sense. Also the kids are never shown unlike with Louis kid F gets posted every damn day with creepy and bad photoshop, and a million articles about how he is Louis twin to shove it down our throats the kid is Louis. The situations have NEVER been the same with Louis vs even just Liam kid.
To your last point ziammies keep calling and making threads about how larries are hypocrites bc we don't believe what they do which is damn annoying bc they constantly say just leave us alone why do you care we exist but then constantly make threads like that getting mad we aren't all ziammies. If your going to make threads against us then yeah were going to say something and respond to your threads the way we would to a debunking larry anti thread. Their threads like that are either using funny coincidences of larry that we don't use as concrete proof to compare to ziam OR their ziam version of our proof has been debunked already like the Ziam Levine Stylinson sticker on the bears. [If you want more info on that ask @lovemylarents.]
They constantly take what is a larry proof and say it's also about ziam [Example the songs] or have a ziam proof that mirrors a larry proof. [Example the devlin thing or selfies] In their threads they always compare miniscule larry things that aren't our MAIN proof. See the miniscule proofs are the house and the big proofs are the concrete foundation that without it those miniscule things would not be able to really count as proof of larry and the larry house would fall. Ziammies ONLY have miniscule proof not a very solid foundation so I'm unsure how long their house will last.
I have been in this fandom for 10 years I have seen MANY ships come and go [Examples: Ziam, Ziall and Narry] but the one ship that has always been here was Larry. Larries have been here for 10 years, Larries are the ones who are talked about in the media, Larries are the ones constsntly gaslighted, Larry is the one ship that needs to be denied a bunch [poorly might I add] there's NEVER been any other ship or ship group people have hated, gone against or talked about this much besides Larries/Larry.
Funny [not for us] but funny that Liam goes through all the trouble of gaslighting Larries and talking about EVERY Louis stunt but he never mentioned Ziam which is a ship that actually involves him or the Ziammies who say Bear isn't his kid. Why did he talk about US and not THEM which involve him? Also funny Liam can easily say the word Ziam but Louis can't pronounce an EASY @ just bc it has the word Eroda in it.
My mutrals and I all agreed we didn't give af that ziammies existed until they kept talking shit about how we aren't ziams to and then go why are larries acting like antis hating us. First off it was NEVER larries hating on them it was toxic solo Zsquad and solo Liam stans who were. We didn't get involved until the entire tl was LARRIES ARE HATING US AND BEING HYPOCRITES. Second off and my last thought it's easy if you don't want us in your replies then don't make threads about us being hypocrites and use easily debunked ziam proof or miniscule larry proof to mirror bc we will point it out bc you think were hypocrites thank you.
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Distraction (How to Get Away with Murder)
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Characters: Teagen Price x fem!reader, Teagen Price x Dom! reader
Summary: Y/N and Teagen have both been under a lot of stress lately and needed diffuse. //EXTREME SMUT WARNING, 18+ ONLY
You went to 1518 Bar and Grill in hopes of making your problems temporarily disappear. You were one of Professor Keating's students and you and Michaela are constantly trying to one up one another. But competing over something as vigorous as one of the best lawyers in Philly.
Your eyes was starting to twitch and that was definitely not a good sign. Because once your eye starts to twitch, the twitching spreads to my muscles. You walk into the bar and instantly become overwhelmed with the scents of grilled chicken, toasted bread and potato skins.
You were more concerned about the booze but your growling stomach tells your otherwise. You sit at the bar and order an chicken avacodo ranch sandwich. While you wait, you down a few tequila shots. "You know, they say it's not a great idea to drink shots on an empty stomach," a familiar voice chimes.
You look over your shoulder to Teagan Price leaning on the bar with a small smirk on her lips. "Ms. Price, hi, what brings you here?" "Probably the same reason why you're here. To temporarily forget my problems," she says before drinking one of your shots.
"To temporarily forgetting our problems," you say, raising a shot glass. She takes one and collides it with your before you both drink your shots. You lips twist because of the sour, burning taste. "Awe, are you a babe in the drinking game?" She taunts. "I am a babe but not in this game. I'm more of a wine cooler kind of girl," you explain.
"Then why the shots?" You sigh deeply before saying, "Desperate times." Your food finally arrives and the first thing that you go for are the fries. Its always been a routine of yours. Fries first, burger later. You see Teagen reach for one of your fries, and you hold her and presses if against the table.
"There are many things that I can let slide, but stealing fries is not one of them," you taunt. She raises an eye brow at you and you let go of her hand. You try to shake the excited feeling you got from touching her. No, Y/N, she's you're boss's boss. Don't even go there.
While you were lost in your thoughts, she took not one, not two, but four fries. Your mouth falls open in disbelief. She closes your mouth with her forefinger, giving you a chance to inhale her sweet, linger scent of cherries. "I always get what I want, Y/L/N," she says, holding eye contact.
My God, the way your name rolls off her tongue makes the heat flush from your cheeks. "Well so do I," you say before eating a few fries. "So I've heard. You've become a real headache for Michaela," "She's has endless tricks up her sleeve," you say, your eye starting to twitch again.
"That's because she has Annalise whispering into her ear. The fact that you can stand on your own without a mentor is impressive," she explains. A small plays on your lips. "Ah, ah, ah, don't get all cocky on me." "I know when to humble myself and when to strut myself out,"
"Do you now?" "Of course." She steals another fry and you scoot your tray away from her. "Teagen, you are treading on thin ice," you state. "All I'm hearing is all bark and no bite," "Oh I'm sure you've seen plenty of my bites and my barks against Michaela."
"Eh, they're mediocre," she shrugs. "Then mentor me," "What? Uh uh, I've already got enough on my plate between Emmett, the firm, Annalise, and her students." "Wow, seems like you have a lot more problems than I do. Just the thought of midterms make me want to jump off a bridge,"
"Ah, the good old days," "Definitely not good, and surely not old. You are literal embodiment of black don't crack," you compliment. She chuckles and your heart skips a beat when you see her perfect, white smile. You have to get out of there before you do anything you'll regret.
"It seems like you need to take the edge off." Oops, too late. "Why do you think I'm here?" she playfully snaps. "That's not what I meant." You two hold eye contact for a moment and had a small, silent conversation. "After your sandwich,"
You enter her apartment and look around at the beige, classy theme Teagen has going around. "You like?" "I don't expect anything less from you. I'm surprised you don't have a nude picture for yourself." "That's in my bedroom, where you should be." "Oh so that's how it's going to be?"
"I thought you expected nothing less?" "I'm just saying, it'll be hard to effectively diffuse if you're on top," "I'm not a pillow princess," she says, crossing her arms but you can tell that she was contemplating it. "You are tonight,"
You lift her chin to bring your lips to hers. You pull her closer by her hips and trail your hands up towards the zipper of her dress. You unzipped her dress and she shimmed out of it before reconnecting her lips to yours. You walk her against the counter top and ghosted your hands over the curve of her ass.
You pull away from her lips and began kissing and sucking at her neck. Her soft moans made your pussy throbs but you had to take your time with her. You peppered kiss down her breasts and her stomach. You ghost over her clothed bundle of nerves and heard her whimper.
You smirk against her thighs and drag her underwear down her legs to reveal a beautiful, brown tinted pussy. She gasps when you pull her closer by the back of her thighs. You lick her painfully slow and her legs were already starting to tense.
You roll your tongue into her fold and make sure to hit her clit every time. Her hands found her way to your hair and pushed you closer to her. You plunge your tongue deep into her and drag the tip of your tongue against the top of her wall. You kept this motion going and sucked at her nub.
"Please, Y/N, oh God," she moans. "Patience baby," you say before going in and out of her pussy with your tongue. Her legs were beginning to give out but you didn't stop until her walls walls were convulsing around your tongue. You swallowed and licked every drop of her cum.
"You did amazing." You say before kissing her sensually. She pulls you closer by your belt before unbuckling it and you shove it down your legs. You pull away from her lips to take off your shirt. You push her back into the counter and lift her into your arms so her legs were wrapped around your waist.
You knew you were able to do that because you did a lot of power lifting over the summer. She tugs at your hair and you moan into her mouth. "Where's your bedroom?" "Up the stairs and to the left." She works on your neck as you walk up the stairs with her in your arms.
You chuckle when she nibbles at your ear lobe and when you found out she was right. There was a nude painting of her that sat right above her king sized bed. You pushed her on to the bed and licked up her stomach. "Toys," you say before kissing her. She pulled away from me and turned on her stomach to reach for the drawer.
You admire the view while it lasted and she set a drawer full of vibrators, dildos and strap ons on the bed. As soon as she fully turned around, you plunged two fingers into her and her head went back. Her mouth fell open as you curled your fingers before pumping them out of her. "I'm impressed you have so many toys, baby girl,"
"Oh," she moans. Your fingers went deeper and you rub your nose across her nub, making her entire body jolt forward. You teasingly lick the nub and she yells out in bliss. You look up at her and saw her eyes snapped shut. She was close.
You squeezed her ass and pulled her closer as you absolutely devoured her. She was crying out a lot louder this time. Her legs were kicking and spasming under me until she came. You hum before taking off your underwear and reaching into the drawer for a dildo.
You wrap the belts around your hips and thighs. She positions herself in the middle of the bed and spreads her legs for me. "Such a good girl." You line the dildo up with her and slowly push yourself into her. She digs her nails into your back, arching it slightly. Her mouth flies open so you more your hips at a slow pace to start.
She unclips my bra and takes one of your boobs into her mouth. Your back arches again and she yells out. "Move faster, damn it!" You stop, making her whimper out. You reach back into the drawer and grabbed a vibrator.
"Fuck," she says. You rail into her as fast as your hips can take and put the vibrator on the highest setting before applying it to her clit. She pulls away from me and spreads herself out like a starfish. She was practically screaming in my ear, begging for more until her body went rigid.
You slowly pull out of her and she lays there motionless. "You okay?" You ask, brushing her baby hairs from her forehead. "You're really good," she chuckles and eyes were barely staying open. "Why thank you," you tease. "A-alright, it's your turn," "Oh, I know, honey."
You take off the dildo and set it to the side. You take out another dildo and gave it to her. "Put this on." She complied and you slide yourself right onto the dildo. Your eyes flutter close at it fills you up completely. Your body curls when she takes your nipples into her hand and rubs them with the pads of her thumb.
A series of soft moans leaves your lips as you bounce on the dildo. She takes one of your breasts into her mouth and uses her free hand to rub your clit. "Fuck!" Your hands grab the headboard for dear life. You thrusts your hips against her fingers but you completely loose it when she curls her tongue around nipple.
"Damn it, that feels good!" You exclaim. Soon after, your orgasm came. You continued to thrust against the dildo and she went from one breast to the next. Your head fell into her neck until you heard a vibration. "Now you'll know how I felt." She put it on its highest setting and you were screaming at the top of your lungs.
Morning of, you were the first one up and you felt great. You could only imagine how she feels. You went on for hours until both of your bodies gave out. You looks at her with a small smile and kisses down her neck warmly. She moans and leans into your touch.
*I'll make breakfast, you are pancake or waffle kind of girl," "I'm niether" "What? You don't like pancakes or waffles?" "Look, Y/N, I don't-" "Let me stop you right there. I know exactly what you're going to say. And just know that I understand," You explain.
She turns around to face you and you hold the side of her face. "I'm just glad that you got the chance to get your mind off of things. I'll see my way out," you stand from the bed and picked up your clothes. You were halfway down the stairs until Teagen called after you.
"Y/N, wait," "You don't need to feel bad, Teagen." "I don't, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to dinner?" "You don't have to do that," "Believe me, I want to. Because that was some of that best sex I've ever had," she adds, making you two laugh.
She meets you at the middle of the stairs and adds, "Now about breakfast." Her eyes fall downwards and you smiled, knowing exactly where this was going.
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