#Enough typing. need to get intoxicated enough to bleed a decent amount
shuahoonie · 5 years
bed, booze, and him. [tom holland]
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PAIRING: college!tom holland x reader
SUMMARY: life as a university student is already hard. sharing a flat with two college guys (one semi-decent, one all-around-annoying) just to get through paying the rent? funnily enough, even harder. it’s halloween plus midterms just ended so that means parties are never-ending and students are getting wasted. you should be out partying but you're stuck finishing a paper. how are you going to survive the night again?
WARNINGS: swearing as per usual! mentions of alcohol! slight mention of blood! friends living that domestic life! reader literally being in love with their bed and i cannot stress that enough! otp sharing a bed????? what???? 
SONG INSPO: drunk on halloween - wallows 
A/N: hiya babes! another long-ass note here! thank you for all the kind words that i’ve received from ragnarok.  i apologize as i’ve been slacking lately! i really tried to write whenever i had time but i’m mostly occupied with work & university. i’ll try to post something throughout the semester. [though no promises! the semester is going by way too fast and i’m trying to keep up lmao] in the meantime, enjoy this fluff that was based on a prompt that would’ve been poppin’ during 2013 lmao. also, can i just say how hard it is to figure out what type of songs tom listens to lmao.i based it off from this playlist i found on spotify! go give it a look 💛
gif credits: @tmholland  
vanessa’s masterlist
“’Cause you make me feel like, I’ve been locked out of heaven.”  A shirtless Tom sang loudly, looking for a top to go with his denim jeans. The basket of freshly done laundry was sitting on top of the couch when Tom started rummaging through it. 
“Oi, oi.” You called out as you swatted Tom’s hands away from the laundry. “I just folded these.” You countered as you began refolding and fixing the mess that he managed to create within seconds. 
“Just need a shirt,” Tom mumbled. 
“Yeah, no shit.” You grunted. “The top pile is yours, dumbass.” 
You didn’t even ask to do some of his laundries. He just saw you loading up yours and then started chucking some of his clothes inside of the washer. How you’ve managed to live with him, you have no clue.
“You’re welcome by the way,” You yelled sarcastically as you went back to your previous spot: the dining room table. Your notes were sprawled all over the table and sticky-notes placed on every possible page with your laptop beaming at you. 
“Thank you, darling.” He grinned, showing off that pretty smile that always made everyone swoon. “Y/N, can you tell me why are you writing a paper on a Halloween night when you could be partying and drinking the night away?” 
Tom was now sitting across you with his chin placed firmly on the palm of his hand, looking at your notes before turning his attention back to you. 
“Look, Holland,” You sighed “not everyone is having the time of their lives after the mid-term season is over. Some of us have to catch up with papers because life wasn’t supposed to be fair.” 
Tom held up his hands in surrender, “Alright darling, calm down.” He chuckled before standing up to pound on Harrison’s door again. “Mate, c’mon! You need to fucking hurry up or I’m leaving.” 
You just rolled your eyes at the sound of Tom’s annoying set of knocks. “Thomas Holland, I swear to god...” You groaned. 
“Y/N, darling, you know I love you but why can’t you just write in your room?” He asked. 
You narrowed your eyes at him before focusing back on your notes. “I could but I don’t want to pass out on my bed with a sloppy, unfinished paper watching me sleep.” You reasoned, not looking up at him as you were busy scrawling additional information on your notes. 
Tom hummed, obviously resting the argument as you’ve made your point. 
You really try your hardest and make an effort not to make your room a space that you associated your works with. You always studied either in the living room or at the library. Never in your room. 
You made sure that when you moved into the flat, you’d make an effort and would try to make your room as cosy as possible. You didn’t make a huge fuss regarding what you wanted. You got a skeleton-frame bookshelf, a study table, a nightstand, and a glorious bed. You had fairy lights strung up around your room as you kept the walls plain and white. 
You also had to accept that your bed would put a serious dent in your budget. You bought tons of pillows that take up at least half of your bed and a duvet guaranteed to keep you warm. 
You hardly meet the required amount of sleep a person needs but when you do get some zzz’s, the bed does the job and it does it well. 
Your room was sacred, and both Tom and Harrison knew that.
Harrison had only been inside your room once and it was an accident. It’s not that you forbade him, it was really just a matter of respecting each other’s privacies. 
Tom had been inside your room twice and none of those were accidents. 
One was when he and Harrison were playing hide and seek. You were quietly watching Netflix inside your room when Tom went in to hide since he claimed that Harrison would never suspect him being inside it. He promised to do the dishes for two days if you let him hide and you did. You were satisfied with his negotiation. 
The other was when he knocked on your door one night. 
“Hey, do you have a bandaid?” Tom asked you as soon as you opened the door.  
You raised an eyebrow at him.”Why?” 
He then showed his bleeding finger which caused you to gasp. “Tom, what the hell?!” 
You opened the door wider for him to come in and you quickly ran to your nightstand to grab the first-aid kit from the drawer. 
“Huh,” Tom hummed and sat at the edge of your bed while you sat on the floor, gently grabbed his hand to look at his wound. “Your room is oddly inviting.” He commented.
You looked at him oddly. “I beg your pardon?” 
“Hm?” You were still staring at Tom, waiting to elaborate on what he said. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.” Tom quickly apologized as he just realized what he just said. 
“Please, Tom, elaborate before it becomes awkward in the next sixty seconds.” You said almost too pleadingly as you started to clean his wound. 
Tom chuckled. “What I meant was your room is dangerously comfortable.” He said as he plopped himself down causing you to hiss at him.
“Hold still, you dickhead.”
“Seriously darling, if this was my bed, I’d never get up,” Tom mumbles happily as he tried to make himself comfortable, lying in your bed. 
“What were you doing that involved you and a bleeding finger anyway?” You asked. 
“I was trying to cook dinner.” He answers almost shyly. 
You were quiet for a moment, causing Tom to tilt his head over in your direction and look at you. You had your brow raised and disbelief was painted all over your face. 
You, Harrison, and Tom at least try to do some cooking in the means of saving money. It was a pretty smart way to get through their university life without always being on the brink of getting broke. You and Harrison usually took turns in making dinner while Tom was always in charge of breakfast, seeing that he was always the first one to wake up early. 
This set up was also made because Harrison claims that he doesn’t trust Tom with a knife. 
“I was trying to prove to Harrison that I can make pasta without getting myself wounded in some type of way!” Tom said defensively.
Harrison was right. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at him and finished up cleaning his wound. You rummaged through your kit, looking for a bandaid when you found a certain one that your friend gave you as a ‘gift’ from their trip to Japan. “There, all done.” You said after wrapping his finger with bandaid. 
“Thanks, Y/N. Sorry to-” Tom stopped himself when he raised his hand to look at his newly-treated wound and saw the pink, Hello Kitty bandaid that was staring back at him. 
You pulled a tight smile. “Make sure you change your bandaids every day! I have more if you need them.” You said innocently at him.
“Oh, darling,” He stood up to cup your face “I’ll make sure to knock on your door every day so you don’t worry too much.” He replied as he gently removes his hand from the side of your face. 
You dropped your smile and pushed Tom towards the door. “Bye, Tom.”
Now that you’ve thought about it, this whole “it’s Halloween! take a break at least!” thing only makes you want to leave all of your work behind and just crawl up to bed.
Harrison finally stepped out of his room, looking like he’s finally ready to intoxicate himself with alcohol and release himself from the stress this semester has caused him. 
“Fucking finally, mate” Tom let out a loud, exaggerated sigh as Harrison rolled his eyes at his impatient friend. “C’mon then, let’s go!”
“Can you calm down, mate?!” Harrison said as he made his way towards the kitchen. “You don’t even have a shirt on!” 
Jesus Christ, why are they always like this? You thought to yourself as you watched the two bicker in front of you. 
It’s always like this. The two would always have a tiny bicker every time they have to do something together. You always reasoned why on earth would they even have to do it together when they always end up bickering. They claimed that it’s all for fun and adds dynamic to their friendship. 
Dynamic my ass. Easy for them to say, they’re not the ones who have to endure two annoying dumbasses. 
“Could you be any louder?” You said in annoyance as you looked up from your laptop. You were about to start writing your paper, that’s due tomorrow mind you, and all you have is a sloppy mess. 
For crying out loud, who even gives out papers and assigns the due date the day after Halloween when they know students are drinking themselves shitless that night? Oh, that’s right, university professors do. 
And these two? Not helping. At all. 
“Yes? Is there something you’d like to add, darling?” Tom asked teasingly. Not without with a huge smirk plastered on his face. 
God, he’s ten times more annoying when he’s fueled by his impatientness and thirst for alcohol. 
“For fuck's sake” You grunted, bringing both your hands and ran them up in your face, obviously irritated. You’ve been roommates with Tom and Harrison for almost three years and until now, Tom can still find a new way to irk you.
Tom chuckled at the sight of you, dreading to pull your hair out due to the overflowing irritation. 
You stood up from the table and grabbed a black shirt from Tom’s pile of fresh laundry, then chucked it at him. “There, put that on and leave.” 
“Hm,” Tom looked at the black shirt that you shoved “Sure this is okay?”
“Yes, yes, now go. I can’t work with you two here.” You waved dismissively at them. “Especially you, Holland.” You pointed out as you looked at Tom pointedly. 
“Is it because you still have a crush on me, darling?” He teased, causing Harrison to chuckle. 
You narrowed your eyes at Harrison, who just grinned at your frustration. “That was a long time ago, ‘ya dickhead!” You groaned, slightly embarrassed that he still remembered that time. Curse the day you and a couple of friends went out for a drink. 
You had one too many drinks when Liz, a friend from your literature class, asked you a question. “Okay, I know you said that you’re friends-”
“Oh, no,” You groaned. “I know where this is going.” 
“Okay, fine!” You raised your hands in defeat. “Shoot.” Fuck it, right?!
“Bed, wed, behead Luke, Josh, and Tom,” Liz stated with a teasing smile on her face. 
“Oh, the choices are horrible!” You exclaimed with an awful amount of concern for such a flimsy game. “Awfully considerate of you to use this version instead of fuck, marry, kill, by the way.” You added as you took another sip from your margarita. 
“Anyway, I’d kill Luke. After lashing out because I wasn’t comfortable giving out my number? Kill Luke, that easy.” You explained which earned a handful of approving nods. 
“I guess I’d have to fuck Josh,” You answered as you were still weighing the pros and cons of your answers as if they really matter. “I mean I’d only have to do it once anyway.” 
It was when you finished your drink when you realized what was left out of the options. “Wait,” You yelled quite obnoxiously. “I don’t want to marry Tom!” 
“Okay, but you have to admit that Tom’s cute.” Liz pointed out. 
“I mean,” You were flustered for a moment, “Y-yeah. Tom’ is good-looking, I’d be lying if I said otherwise but that doesn’t mean I’d like to marry him!” 
“You’re taking this game way too seriously, love,” Zoë commented with an amused look on her face.
“Is that so, Y/N?” A curious voice suddenly popped up from behind you and saw Harrison with a smirk on his face. 
Your friends said their quick hello’s and Haz politely returned them as well as asking how are they doing. 
“God, can I have one night without seeing both of my roommates?” You groaned and buried your face in the palm of your hands. 
“Well, I can grant you half of that wish,” Harrison commented before he asked the bartender for another pint of beer. “Tom’s stuck in the library, cramming for his Physics exam.”
“I told him to start his revisions early. That exam is no joke.”
“Yeah, and the bloody idiot didn’t listen,” Harrison grumbled. “But speaking of the idiot, you were saying you didn’t want to marry Tom? I didn’t even know he proposed.” He teased. “I didn’t even know you had a crush on him!” 
“I will kill you in your sleep, Harrison.” 
“Hey, I was just asking why you didn’t want to marry Tom.” He defended himself with a grin, obviously enjoying how flustered you were. 
“What are you even doing here, Haz?” You asked, plain exasperated. 
“Well, Y/N, I need to have a social life too.” Haz answered. 
“Can you have a social life somewhere else then?” 
“Nah,” He dismissed you and out of sheer reflex, you smacked the back of his head. “Oi!” He yelped in pain. 
You and Harrison were pretty close and you two established that early when you three started living together. You two definitely bickered like siblings and everyone knew that. Tom never felt out of place with you and Harrison as you three collectively found ways to annoy one another.
“It’s okay, YN,” Zoë tried to console you for a moment before adding, “Harrison can stay.” 
“You’re just saying that because you have a crush on him,” You grumbled before taking a sip of your drink.
 You suddenly felt a stinging pain from your arm and saw Zoë glaring at you, cheeks blushing. “Oi, what is wrong with you?” You cried while rubbing your arm, trying to disperse the pain. 
“I don’t see why you’re so deeply affected with the idea of marrying Tom,” Liz commented as she turned to you. “The two of you already fight like a married couple anyway.”
“I still would’ve loved to hear it from you, darling,” Tom commented as Harrison was fighting off a laugh behind him. 
“Keep dreaming, Holland.” was all you said before turning back your attention to your laptop. 
“We’re heading out for Jackson’s party, ‘mkay?” Tom called out, stuffing his phone and wallet in his back pockets.
“Mhm… sure… as if I care…” You mumbled as you started typing your essay, with your draft as reference. You were definitely annoyed at how you were spending your free time.
“I’m just saying!” Tom remarked in his defense “I just thought that maybe you’d wait up so…”
You tore your attention from your paper and looked into Tom’s eyes and said bluntly, “I don’t know how you do it, but you never fail to surprise me with that ego of yours.”
“I’ll miss you too, darling. Don’t stay up too late.” He winked then left.
"We’ll see you later, Y/N. Lock the doors!” Harrison said before waving you goodbye. 
You sat up from your bed, sneering at the loud banging noise coming from outside of your door. You blindly looked for your phone and as you found it, you checked the time and it says 3:21 AM.
“For fuck's sake," You grunted as you stood up and marched your way to the living room. You’ve only been asleep for less than two hours and you were ready to kill whoever’s outside your door. 
As you opened your door, you saw a very drunk Tom who looked like an absolute mess and will probably regret everything the next time wakes up. You leaned into your doorframe, as you watched Tom successfully maneuvered his way around the living room. 
“Tom, it’s past 3 AM.” You groaned in exhaustion as you watched Tom, clearly drunk out of his mind, trying to keep his balance. 
“Y/N, baby,” Tom greeted you, “‘ve missed you.” His speech was beginning to slur as he engulfed you in a hug. 
“Holland, you reek of alcohol.” You scrunched your nose in disgust and wriggled your way out of his hug. “Come, I’ll take you to your room.” 
“Nooo,” He drawled out as he dragged his footsteps inside your room, lazily walking to your bed.
“Tom, you can’t sleep here.” You argued as he still didn’t budge and just flopped on the top of your bed. 
“Why not?” He murmured, clearly out of it. 
“Because that’s my bed and you have your own, dumbass.” You replied as you threw your head back, frustrated. At this point, you knew it was hopeless. This was the most you’ll be getting out of him. 
“Hey, Y/N?” 
“I really, really like your bed,” Tom confessed which only made you roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, I figured.” You commented as you began pulling out the sleeping bag stashed in the back of your closet. You often wondered why you bought this as you were never the type who camps for pure pleasure. 
I guess I finally have the reason to use this now, you thought to yourself. You grabbed a couple of pillows and the plush blanket you’ve always adored then began setting them up on the floor where you will be sleeping. 
You stepped outside for a minute to grab a glassful of water and some aspirin for Tom before placing them on top of your nightstand. You also stopped inside Tom’s room for a quick minute to grab some clothes for him to change in. 
You didn’t know why you were doing all of it but there you were, standing in front of Tom’s closet, looking for a shirt and some sweatpants that he could change in. 
After you’ve managed to grab Tom’s clothes, you popped back into your room only to find Tom completely sprawled on top of your bed. You quietly approached him and gently dabbed the damp towel (that you also prepared before coming back to your room) all over his face. 
Brushing Tom’s hair away from his face, you couldn’t help but stare at him in complete awe. Until now you were still asking yourself why you’re going the extra mile for him. 
Maybe you were trying to convince yourself that you’re trying to be a good friend and should be looking after him. 
Maybe you were trying to convince yourself that you’re trying to be a better person and through this, you wouldn’t feel a sense of guilt if you let Tom pass out in the living room. 
Or maybe those pesky little feelings that you tried to suppress were emerging once again. You did have a little crush on Tom but there was no way in hell that you’d ever admit that nor does anyone have to know. 
Tom wasn’t bad. Yeah, maybe he does annoy you out of sheer pleasure but the guy wasn’t the absolute worst. 
Tom always gets you coffee when he knows he went over the line and pissed you off. 
He’d always leave little notes beside them too, saying “sorry if I was being an ass last night :(” or maybe something like “coffee in exchange for letting you sleep in a bad mood”.
You always said they were cheesy but you secretly adored them. You always kept the notes too, you were a sucker for those sentiments. 
You pushed your thoughts in the back of your mind and gently tapped Tom’s shoulder, asking him to wake up.
He eventually obliged, half-asleep as he sat up from your bed. 
“You need to change into more comfortable clothes, Tom.” 
“M-don’t want to,” He murmured as he rested his head on the headboard. 
“You are literally covered in sweat, dumbass.” You argued, “Also, I don’t want my sheets to smell like sweat and alcohol.” 
Tom sighed as he took off his shirt and changed into clean ones. He was about to take off his pants when he caught you watching at him. 
You quickly turned your attention away from him, your cheeks definitely burning from embarrassment. You didn’t even know why you were watching him in the first place. 
You always see Tom shirtless so that wasn’t a huge deal, and there are a couple of instances where you saw Tom walking around the flat with just his boxers on.
Why you were suddenly embarrassed with an almost half-naked Tom, especially when this was not a foreign sight for you, only confused you. 
Maybe, I’m the one who's drunk. 
"Are you decent?” You asked Tom, afraid to turn around as the embarrassment was still running through your veins. 
You heard a soft chuckle from Tom and he murmured “yeah” in response. 
Tom laid back and took the spot at the edge of your bed as you took the sleeping bag that you prepared a little while ago. 
You quickly peeped at your phone to check the time and it was almost 4 o’clock in the morning. You were wide awake now. 
“Hey, Y/N?” Tom suddenly called out.
“Hmm?” You hummed in response. 
“Did you know that flamingos bend their legs at their ankles and not at their knees?”
“I-uh,” You were lost for words, either at this fact or due to the fact that Tom even knows this. “What?”
“Well technically, the joints that we see on their legs are their ankles while their knees are much closer to their body and are hidden under their feathers.” 
“How do you even know this?” 
“I usually do a deep-dive on the web when I can’t sleep.” 
“Oddly enough, that makes sense.” You confessed, chuckling. 
There was a small period of silence and you suddenly wondered where Harrison was. 
“Hey, do you know what happened to Harrison?” You asked out loud. 
“No,” He murmured. “Why are you suddenly looking for him?”
“Well you two left together and only one of you made it home, so I think I get worried for that idiot right?” 
“He probably crashed at Jackson’s or he’s hooking up with someone.” Tom answered. “I told him I was heading home and he said he wanted to stay so that’s my best guess.” 
You picked up your phone and tried calling Harrison but he wasn’t picking up. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and sent a text to Haz saying, “text me if you’re alive. need to know if we need to clear out your room. jk. pls text back.” followed by a “ also pls don’t do something remotely embarrassing. text back, haz. i mean it.” 
The room fell into silence once again and it made you a bit uncomfortable. 
“Do you mind if I play some music while sleeping?” 
“Go ahead, it’s your room.” He answered. 
You scoffed, “Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” 
“Anytime, babe.”
You connected your phone to the bluetooth speakers and put your playlist on shuffle. Soon enough Cigarettes After Sex’s song “K.”, started playing softly in the background. 
You shuffled across your ‘bed’, trying to find a more comfortable sleeping position. 
“This is going to kill my back when I wake up.” You mumbled to yourself.
“Sleep with me then,” You heard Tom suggest. 
“I beg your pardon?!” You were appalled. 
“Wha- Oh! Not like that, babe.” He quickly took it all back, trying to recover from another layer of embarrassment he just cost the two of you. “I mean yeah, sure, why not.” He joked.
“Ha ha, very funny Holland.” You said sarcastically. 
“What I meant was lay down next to me. Here. In the space next to me.” He cleared out. 
“I think I’ll be fine here.” You answered. “I mean what’s a day of pain right?” 
“Y/N, I think we’re two grown adults. We’re just sleeping together.” Tom tried to explain which only made you wince even more. 
“Tom, you really have to clarify things well.” 
“We’re two grown adults, sleeping in one bed. Nothing malicious there.” He did his best to do it properly. “Besides, are you really passing up the opportunity to sleep on your outrageously comfortable bed?” 
You sat up straight and shot daggers at him. “Screw you, Holland. You should be sleeping on your own bed.” 
He closed his eyes and said, “’m too tired to move.” 
You sighed, grabbing a few pillows and your blanket. You made your way to the empty spot of the bed, right beside Tom. “Don’t try anything, Holland.” You warned him and laid right next to him. 
With his eyes still closed, he chuckled and said, “I promise, darling.” 
“I’m serious, Tom. If you try something, I swear I will curse you and the next three generations of your family to fail.” 
“I’ll marry you then.” retorted Tom.
Flushed from what Tom just said, you grabbed your phone to divert your attention to something else. It was then when you noticed a text message from Harrison saying, “i’m fine. crashed at jack’s lol. it’s not me you should be worried about, it’s tom. the blabbering drunk might finally confess he likes you haha.” 
You quickly turned off your phone as it only left you even more flustered. Right then, you felt Tom tug your hand only to interlace his fingers with yours. 
You turned to face him but he had his eyes closed. You decided to just close your eyes and force yourself to sleep. 
You were slowly falling into a deep slumber when you heard soft mumbles from Tom. “Goodnight, Y/N. Going to sleep with my heart racing is harder than I thought. The things you do to me, darling, you’ll never know.” 
hiya again babes, please leave some feedback!!!! whether you think it’s shit or just plain horrible! or maybe you liked it for some reason?? lmao any feedback is nice.
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