#Just. Maaaaaan I need a nap.
bellflower-goat · 2 years
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handelplayssims · 1 year
And we’re back in the Stuart-Waddell household. Welp, I messed up the volunteering thing by leaving the lot and returning back but ah well. More opportunities down the line for empathy growth. Don’t like any of Roxana’s current whims at the moment so I’m going to have to go into the rewards thing and then pick up a want refresher potion. Let’s see, we got work for everyone in an hour expect Roxana. Annnd Roxana is feeling utterly flirty thanks to this lot having the Romantic Aura around it. And all of those romance socials I queued up because of said initial flirty moodlet. Let’s see, let’s do some cooking and baking first, since the kids only have so much food left for them. That being said, I’m making cookies. Both flirty heart and sugar ones. Real curious to see what moodlet the kids would get with those cookies.
Oooh, one of the people I thought about turning into a vampire dropped down for a social chat. Let’s just use our new ability to check his traits and...paranoid, slob, self-assured. You will make a fine vampire! Now to move into our home and- I knew I recognized him from somewhere! He has a cat! We need cat stuff stat! And what’s our new kitty’s traits? Territorial, affectionate and mischievous. What a kitty. Avery McHenry is this person’s name and his aspiration is to become a chief of mischief. That doesn’t require a job requirement soooo, let’s look at his skills. 7 mixology, 5 fitness, 3 fishing for tops. Hmm. With his paranoid trait, he’d absolutely be a bad mixologist. I don’t really think being an actor, an astronaut, an athlete would be up his ally either. So we got another cop, or military. Or a part-time fisherman! I honestly could go either or between military and cop. ...I’m thinking cop because military requires a lot of fitness and this dude has a handlebar moustache. It’s very cop vibes.
...annnnd Roxana decided to automatically flirt with him. GREAT. WONDERFUL. Let’s continue this uh, shall we? Flirts are a go! Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Kids are back from school as well. Time to manage needs! Emille wants pizza, which hey, good for her. Let’s order some. Selena wishes to be alone so I sent her to her room to read a book. Harrison is embarrassed from failing to prepare well for a test. Also low fun so let’s sort that out. Emille has her pizza and can now focus on her aspiration, aka play the violin some more! Now let’s see. Selena wishes to make more friends, both child and adult but hmm. Can’t leave the lot. Her sister’s playing the violin after all! And just as I was about to let Roxana and Omar have some steamy times, she gets utterly depressed by the fact her relationship with Avery withered and decayed. Likely, by being weird in proxmity to him. Alas and woe! Anyway, Selena befriended Avery before she went to bed. Her sister managed to get creativity up to 10! Now just needs to make some pictures. And Harrison has returned from work still embarassed.
With Roxana’s near eternal flirty mood, I actually set her to do what I was going to do ages ago. Write a romance novel. It’s totally vampiric propaganda. Omar wishes to mentor a child but also! Sounds like a good excuse to volunteer! Again! Night time volunteer time! A moment of peace and quiet for me, as I had all hands on deck managing all of the everyone in this house.
...got an alert about Yuki’s ghost about to pass on. Maaaaaan. I’m sad. Anyway, Omar’s goal is to still mentor a kid so he’ll still tutor Harrison in fitness. Huh. I checked NAPs and uh, we got free love. Welp. I guess Roxana can freely smooch whomever! Doesn’t matter whatsoever! But it’s time for-
Neighborhood Watch!
Luciano Guzman in the Guzman household is now a Chief Critic in the Arts Critic career.
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jhoudiey · 3 years
Inspired by a convo in the writing server and by Mamo's salty Jade, I wrote some fluffy-ish Yoru and Floyd mountain "date" nonsense. No warnings except bad grammar.
“Hey Fugu-chan do you wanna come fight a monster with me?” Floyd had pulled himself through Yoru’s window as usual to interrupt her studies.
“Floyd, it’s 1pm, don’t you have class?”
“Ehhh I don’t wanna go, its the same boring stuff every day anyway” He perched in her windowsill urging her to follow him.
“Where’s this monster?” She grinned and put her books down, Floyd had a point. Fighting was always more fun than studying.
“In the mines where we went camping! I wanna see if I can find another one!” he insistently waved for her to hurry up.
“Still mad you didn’t get to go all out last time, huh?” She stretched out her shoulders and joined him at the window.
“Mhmmm~ Now that I have my magical pen back I want to play some more ehe!” She laughed and hopped out the window behind him.
They landed at the mouth of the caves, Yoru letting him down from her talons before touching down on the ground beside him. He sprinted into the tunnels with a grin on his face, shouting for any monsters to show up to play. Yoru flew behind him trying to stifle her laughter, he looked like a kid on a sugar high.
“Eeeeehhhh Fugu-chan this is taking foreverrrrrrr” He whined after half an hour in the caves with no appearance of any monsters. “Can’t you use your magic and find one?” he begged. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
“That's not how my magic works Floyd, I can only see through crows, not through rocks. I’m the only bird in these caves so unless there’s a hidden crows nest somewhere I can’t help”
“Huh? Then what good is your unique magic then?” he complained, crossing his arms
“Says the guy who can only deflect magic, wouldn’t stop me taking your head off-” They were interrupted by a low rumbling coming from the path behind them. They turned to the sound, another Overblot monster materializing from the darkness. Floyd cheered, happy that his foe had finally appeared.
“Awe maaaaaan, Floooooyd, you never said it was an overblot monster! I can’t fight this!” Yoru complained as the monster descended on them.
“Eeeh? Why not? This is fun!” Floyd danced out of the way of the monster, hitting it with some magic of his own to keep it away from them.
“I can’t do magic, remember? All I can do is see. My hands and feet won’t do shit to that thing” She pouted, sitting on the ground with a huff, resigned to watch Floyd fight it on his own. He was clearly enjoying himself, hitting it with spell after spell. Yoru watched on in envy, how amazing would it be to be able to do magic like that. She watched him dance around the monster, attacking with reckless abandon, his own unique magic deflecting the attacks thrown at him.
Yoru sighed resting with her head in her hands, eyes following the battle. Floyd really was incredible, so much so it pissed her off. He made it seem so effortless. Fire, grass, water, ice, wind, dark… every kind of magic she’d dreamed of having Floyd was throwing out without a care in the world, this level of effort was nothing to him, when she couldn't even change the colour of a single flower petal. After what seemed like hours the glass head on the monster cracked, it’s ink splashing to the ground. It roared and the walls around them shook.
“Hey Floyd, you should finish up, if this thing collapses the cave around us we’re screwed” she said flatly, watching small rocks fall from the ceiling.
“Okay Fugu-chaaaaan~ Let me show you my special move, just look at how amazing I am!” He unleashed his strongest attack yet, Yoru wasn’t able to conceal her admiration for him. Her jaw dropped.
“Holy shit… you’re actually incredible…” she muttered, more annoyed than ever at how talented he was. The monster crumbled before them, disappearing into ink and sinking back into the ground. Floyd cheered.
“Yaaaayyyy!! That was fun!” he looked exhausted. His hair was a mess and he drenched in sweat, but the grin he wore was one of the biggest Yoru had ever seen. It was quite cute. She nodded at him and held out her arm in case he needed to lean on her, she wasn’t sure how he was still standing after expending so much magic in such a short time. He stretched his arms behind his head, not needing her assistance.
“We should have a fire too! Come on Fugu-chan!” He grabbed her hand and ran from the cave, staggering when they got outside and saw that the sun had already begun to set. “Uwaaahhh I’m tired all of a sudden, carry me Fugu-chan” She laughed. It seemed Floyd wasn’t invincible after all.
She flew to the shore of the lake, setting him down near an old decaying log. Somewhere along their flight he’d fallen asleep. She set to work gathering firewood, setting the wood in a way that would be easy to ignite once he woke up. When that was ready she wandered over to the lake to grab some fish, no sense not eating while they were out. They didn’t have any spices, but grilled fish was simple enough and delicious on it’s own. She wasn’t as proficient as catching fish with her bare hands as Floyd, but it still didn’t take her long before she’d caught half a dozen and brought them back to their impromptu base camp. The sun had fully set by the time she’d gotten the fish onto their skewers and shook Floyd awake so he could start the fire.
“Hmmm? When did I fall asleep?” He whined, confused by his surroundings
“When we were flying over here, you went limp almost immediately after we took off, I almost dropped you” Yoru grinned at him “Now can you get the fire going, I’m starving.” He nodded, using his magic to light the fire as she arranged the fish around it to cook.
“Wait, lemme see your pen” She said suddenly, able to see the once white gem clouded over with black ink in the firelight. She grabbed at it but he snatched it out of reach and shoved it back into his pocket. “Floyd, let me see it” Yoru growled at him, he pouted and handed it to her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it from her if she fought him for it.
“Floyd… that’s a lot of blot… you need to be more careful. If you overblotted I’d have you kill you, I wouldn't be able to stop you with magic”
“Haaaah like you could, you saw how strong I am! Ahaha! What do you know about overblotting anyway, you can barely do magic!” He argued, turning the fish to roast their other sides.
“Hmmm? Didn’t I tell you? I overblotted once as a kid. It sucked”
“As a kid? Did you have magic when you were younger? What happened to it ehe~” He raised an eyebrow at her, curious at how she had lost her magic. She snorted
“No. I got my unique magic really young but I didn’t know what it was so I used it all the time since I didn’t know any better. Dad found me screaming in bed, said I had all these shadowy birds walking over and pecking at me, he still talks about it like it’s the worst thing he’s ever seen.” She rolled her eyes, thinking about Crowley's overly theatrical reactions to the lamest things.
Floyd cringed away from her, throwing his hands up. “Eugh that sounds so gross!” He sat forward again with a smile “But it’s funny knowing even without a lot of magic you can overblot”
“Yea, really funny” She glared at him. “How are you not ranked higher at school though? You’re so amazing it pisses me off”. He smirked at her
“Doing everything I’m supposed to is boring so I just do whatever I want and fail sometimes cause I don’t feel like doing it” He grabbed one of the fish, happily biting into it.
“That must be nice. I wish I could say I’m not jealous of your talent” She bit into her own fish, chewing it more fiercely than was necessary.
“Hmmmm why are you jealous though? You’re really smart too, Fugu-chan” He smiled and chowed down, very much enjoying his meal. Yoru groaned, she wasn't used to compliments.
“...Thanks. ...By the way, didn’t Jade say he wanted to come out here with you next time? Isn’t he going to be mad we came without him?” Floyd's eyes grew wide before settling back to normal
“Eeeehhhh probably, but I wanted to find that monster and Jade wouldn't come with me so it’s his fault anyway” he shrugged, carefully selecting his last fish.
“Maybe he won’t be that mad, it’s not like we really did much mountaineering up here anyway” Yoru shrugged, finishing her meal and throwing sand on the fire. “We should get back though, unlike you, I do have some homework I need to hand in because I’m not allowed to fail”
They landed back in the mirror chamber full of fish and tired from adventure.
“Hey, next time you find a monster make sure it's one I can fight too. I can’t help but want to show off what I can do without magic”
“Kaaaaay~!” Floyd sang, hopping through the mirror that would take him back to Octavinelle.
“Ahh Floyd, you’re back late, did you enjoy your date? You missed dinner, Azul was worried sick about you” Jade smirked at him from across their bedroom. Floyd flopped into his bed, exhausted. Fugu-chan was right, he’d used too much magic today and was still tired despite his earlier nap.
“Aha! Azul wouldn’t worry about something thing like that, besides he would have been mad at me for going to fight a monster and getting my uniform all dirty”
“Oya? A monster? You never mentioned there was a monster on campus” Jade chuckled
“Ehhhh? It wasn’t on campus, me and Fugu-chan went back to Mount Dwarf to fight with the overblot monster in the caves! It was really fun!” Jade slowly turned to glare at Floyd.
“Floyd… you returned to the mountains once again without me” He exhaled dramatically. “You found yourself a girlfriend and completely forgot about little old me, all alone and mountainless” He let out an exaggerated sigh “I can’t believe my own twin would discard me so carelessly, how cruel” Floyd sat up in bed, a frown painted on his face.
“haaaaaaaaahhhh you said you didn’t want to come! You can’t complain about it now”
“Perhaps it is for the best, I wouldn’t want to be a third-wheel after all... I’ll just make you come with me next time I go...” he muttered to himself under his breath
“Ehhh what are you even talking about Jade?” Floyd laid back down and stretched out into his blankets.
“While crashing a date seems like it would be a lot of fun, I don’t believe Yoru-san is very fond of me, and she does have a habit of getting violent when she’s angry. I wouldn’t care to be on the receiving end of those talons.”
“It wasn’t even a date” he complained, rolling away to face the wall. He hadn’t told Jade about his failed confession at Vargas’s weekend camp so the insinuations he and Yoru were dating stung. “...and she’s not even my girlfriend” he muttered into his pillow.
“Fufufu not yet” Jade chuckled to himself as Floyd started snoring.
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There was nothing like Disney World around Christmas time. The kids were having a blast, Chris included. I actually think he was having more fun than the twins. “Really Chris? This is supposed to be for the kids!” I laughed as he raced them to one of the rides.
“It is babe!” He yelled back. I swear I can’t take this man anywhere!
I took pictures of my three big kids until my stomach started to growl. I really didn’t want to buy this expensive ass food here but I skipped breakfast so eating was a must.
“Let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving!” I wrapped my arms around Chris’ torso and buried my face in his chest.
“Mommy I think you had ‘nough food!” Laith exclaimed. “Yeah mommy, you fat!” His sister chimed in. If it was anybody else, they would’ve gotta cursed out but I know they didn’t know so I took it easy on them.
“Well mommy’s gonna start working out tomorrow but right now mommy hungry and I know my two little monsters are too!” I smiled, tickling them. They gave in and we decided to get burgers from one of the places in here.
“Damn The was good!” Chris said after finishing off more food than the twins and I combined. “Expensive but worth it!” He sat back in his chair, rubbing his now full belly.
After finishing up our food, I was ready to nap. Instead of ruining everybody’s fun, I stuck it out for another hour. Before leaving, we got someone to take us a family picture in front of the Christmas tree that stood 79-feet tall.
“Ouu, there goes my favorite husband!” I attempted sweet taking Chris as he walked back in our bedroom of the suite from the twins.
“I better be yo only husband!” He joked while plopping down in the bed to me and placing my feet in his lap. “Now what do you want ole lovely wife of mine? I know you ain’t sweet taking me just because.”
“Weeellll, I was wondering if my fine ass husband would do me a favor a rub my feet?” I batted my lashes and poked out my lip so he could really have no other choice. “I been walking around all day and now they’re swollen.”
“Leelee, all you had to do was ask. You know I don’t mind doing anything for you.” He smiled, cause me to do the same. “Lemme go get some lotion.”
I swear it was little things like this that made me so happy.
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We had so much fun on our trip, especially me. I know the kids wore themselves out all five days we spent there. There was a few fans that asked for pics but nothing too bad and I was grateful for that. That time with my wife and kids are something that I will cherish forever.
Now it was time to go home and deal with cameras in our face for real. Leeyah and I talked about this interview and we decided to just do a Christmas special. They gonna film all the things we do to get ready for the holidays, then we’ll all sit down and have an interview.
“I hope they don’t ask us nothing too personal!” Leeyah said whole walking out the bathroom from doing her morning routine. “Do you think we should take this time to finally tell the world we’re having another baby?”
“It’s up to you babe. I know you private and don’t like people in our business too much but fuck them!” I exclaimed, causing her to laugh. “We married now girl, can’t nobody tell us shit!”
“You right babe! We’ll tell them at this interview since I’m almost 5 months now.” She looked down at her growing belly with a smile. “I still can’t believe we getting ready to have another rugrat!”
“Yeah, and I still can’t believe you wanna wait to find out the sex!” I said shaking my head.
“I think it’ll be more fun that way!” She smiled, walking over to sit next to me. “I don’t know if I told you yet but I decided to do a water birth.” I looked at her like she was crazy. I mean, she had to be right? Who the hell what’s to give birth in water?
“You crazy as hell!” I laughed. “Who bathtub you tryna have my child in?” I doubled over in laughed while she gave me her infamous side eye.
“I’m not about to play with you!” She attempted to get up and walk away but I grabbed her hand. “You always think something a joke!”
“Babe chill, you know I’m just playin with you!” I teased, giving her a peck on the lips. “I’m done for whatever you wanna do and you know this maaaaaan!” I said with a silly face causing her to smile. I love seeing her beautiful smile. “I love you.”
“I know you do!” She said matter of factly while walking out the door.
“Hey Chris, what are you doing here?” She asked after opening the door.
“Just wanted to check on you, see how you doing and what not.” I smiled over at her as I sat on the stool in her kitchen. She looked good, better than I expected to be honest. “You look good Lo.”
“Thanks Chris, that’s very nice of you.” She sighed. “I’m no where near as bad as the last time you saw me, thank god!” I didn’t tell Leeyah I was doing to see Logan but it wasn’t to be sneaky or anything. I just didn’t feel it was that important.
“That’s good…” I trailed off. “Ima get going but if you need to talk, you know where to reach me. I’ll let myself out.” She nodded then went back to what she was doing before I interrupted.
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otomelavenderhaze · 6 years
Let me see if I got it right:
The oracle went to sleep, knowing that Leiftan is out there, is a daemon and such. THE ORACULO JUST WENT TO SLEEP, WITHOUT NOT EVEN GIVING A TIP TO ERIKA WHO LEIFTAN REALLY IS? I guess she did said that Erika had the Daemon’s scent all over her, but only in Leif’s route?
Like, what probbably went through Oracle’s mind “aww, I’m SO WEEAK, I’m almost DYINGGG, Erika needs to do somethinggg, but maaaaaan, I’m so sleeepppppy after she restored whatever she did, I think that I will take a nap, will the really quickly, I swear, HOLD ON THAT THOUGHT ABOUT THE DEAMON” 
“Oh, no, he will be too busy trying to seduce Erika, I can sleep for a few months, I MEAN, ITS NOT LIKE MORE DEATHS AND CATASTROPHIES WOULD HAPPEN IN THAT TIME, RIGHT?” Now Erika is only wondering who the Daemon is, she don’t have any big clue about it. 
Omg, the oracle is dumb. Even more dumb than me, and look, I’m in love to Leiftan - and that is pretty dumb. 
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