#Just top three daily posts from my 3 favourites will put me at 9 posts
thefaestolemyname · 2 years
That was... A lot of posts.
I am sorry.
Sike! I'm not apologizing, get your dashes flooded! My taste is immaculate as Jesus's conception and I'm making it your problem
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chainofclovers · 4 years
@little-brisk tagged the entire internet a la livejournal, and I will do the same! Answer these if you wanna answer them. 
1. Name/Nicknames: off to a great start by refusing to put my real name here! however, my fandom nickname is CoC or just “coc” which makes me laugh
2. Gender: (cis) woman, lazy femme, lesbian
3. Star Sign: scorpio! i’m not scary but i am very much a scorpio
4. Height: 5′3″ (i’m actually a bit taller than 5′3″ but it sounds like I’m saying “I’m six and three-quarters years old!” to say I’m 5′3.5″. But I am between 5′3″ and 5′4″.
5. Time: 9:28 a.m. eastern time
6. Birthday: November 4. My birthday is pretty much always me being filled with election anxiety, recovering from election anxiety, or experiencing the day of a massive election. I do not recommend being born at the start of the month in which an unstable democracy re-ups itself!
7. Favourite Band: right now it’s The Weather Station!!!!!!
8. Favourite Solo Artist: Dusty Springfield
9. Song Stuck in My Head: hahahah “Black Rainbows” by Cut Copy because I used a line from the song to title a fic I wrote yesterday
10. Last Movie: watched I Care a Lot last weekend
11. Last Show: my wife and i are about to start watching season four of Dix Pour Cent (Call My Agent) on Netflix. it’s so good!
12. When I Created This Blog: summer 2014!
13. What I Post: feelings about fictional women and real women
14. Last Thing I Googled: “torrey peters” (I’m reading Detransition, Baby right now and it’s so good and I wanted to know a bit more about her!)
15. Other Blogs: I have a website and a tumblr under my real name. That tumblr gets no use anymore and hasn’t for years.
16. Do I get asks?: Not super often, but sometimes! I get asks when I request prompts or ask questions, and sometimes I get really lovely anon (or not anon!) asks out of the blue. I rarely get anything nasty.
17. Why I Chose My URL: because it’s the same as my (nearly) meaningless fic pseudonym
18. Following: 306
19. Followers: 1020
20. Average Hours of Sleep: probably about 7?
21. Lucky Number: 22
22. Instruments: lol, I used to play the clarinet and you should feel glad I don’t anymore. Haven’t since middle school!
23. What I Am Wearing: I am still wearing my pajamas, which are some olive green sweatpants and a brewery t-shirt and a grey sweatshirt
24. Dream Job: I don’t entirely know my answer to this question. My dream life is a writing life, and I have as close to that as I can without literally quitting my job in order to write only the things that I, specifically, want to write. And I don’t want to do that because my feelings about my day job exist on the spectrum of like to love pretty much daily. Even if I’m usually stressed out I am very, very privileged and blessed in my work.
25. Dream Trip: Mexico City but probably not until I’ve learned more Spanish. I’d love to go back to the UK at some point. And I want to explore more of Canada! Oooh and the plains here in the U.S. 
26. Favourite Food: homemade bread, by itself or with salted butter or with spicy peanut butter or with butter and radishes. i also love spicy food, especially thai curries, and vegetables (esp broccoli and broccoli rabe) roasted until they’re a little crisp, and lots of different potato-related foods, and the best thing I’ve cooked recently is salmon in a miso-maple glaze and the best thing my wife has cooked recently was this chickpea dish with greens and lots of cheese, omg
27. Nationality: american. womp womp
28. Favourite Song: "time (the revelator)” by Gillian Welch
29. Last Book I Read: the last book I finished was the care and feeding of waspish widows by Olivia Waite (fun book with a terrible cover, MAYBE IT’S JUST ME but if I’d written a book in which a fat forty-something woman is rightfully and happily an object of great sexual desire I’d be miffed if my book came out with a stock photo-style portrait of two thin women in their early thirties at most)
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in: 
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo because reading that book was like meeting new friend after new friend and I really missed them after the book was over! I gave the book to one of my aunts for Christmas and she told me she felt like she’d just met a bunch of new people, and it made me so happy that she had that reaction too.
I am not cut out for a life on the run but all the outdoor settings on the show Wanted are so beautiful so I would be willing to live there and aid and abet Chelsea and Lola if they needed help. I’d return to my own reality the second I met one of those massive Australian bugs, though.
I know I’d be so miserable but Battlestar Galactica was really, really immersive TV for me and I think I’m decent in a crisis and I guess if I lived in the world of BSG I’d find out for real.
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 1
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 1: Last night Boris called it, today we’re doing it. I had started working from home (wfh) yesterday as had most people at my work (RCI)..last week I had been preparing laptops as fast as poss for everyone. Even just today, the idea of going into work seems alien and dangerous. Now lockdown (ld) means that it would soon be illegal to do so unless utterly necessary.
Online, FaceBook (fb) especially, is awash with reaction…a lot of calling out people who are out and about in greater numbers than 2, which is against ld rules.
Day 2: Just trying to let work occupy my thoughts and time which is easy enough ‘cos everyone I support (IT engineer) is new to wfh and is having teething problems with all the new laptops. Meanwhile, I keep abreast of comings and goings online…actually socially interacting more than I might otherwise, weirdly
Day 3: Highlight of the day is an online quiz organised by a chap called Jay Flynn on fb…a bunch of us took it as individuals while chatting on Messenger while Jay streamed quiz over fb live and YouTube. It was a good crack and I had two cans of Coors Light which got me pissed!
Day 4: Work is still mad - so many people with IT issues wfh…it’s challenging trying resolve all these probelms remotely but I am rising to it. I actually enjoy it. It satisfies my want for problem-solving.
The ld is in full swing but it’s very early days. The news is dominated, obviously, by Covid-19 and the ever changing stats of infections and deaths. Today, for example, the USA took over, from China, as the country with the most infections. I know there will be an end to all this and I am determined to be there, going out, getting pissed down the pub, gigging, shaking hands with my mates, hugging anyone and everyone who’ll let me - it’ll be a proper party. But I am filled with a dread that it’s going to be a fucking long time coming.
This evening was spent virtually with Foggy, Ham and Andy P…doing a quiz - a rehearsal for Foggy in the hope of doing one to a wider audience next week. It was good fun and great to have a few beers chatting with everyone, Later I video called Fog and we drank ‘til gone midnight, putting the world to rights. I was well pissed.
Day 5: First non-work day of the ld. Housework, daily walk, out for supplies (drop a script order off…queuing outside boots for 15 minues!, bread, baccy and booze). This evening, I’m listening to the next album in NME list of 1985 albums I’m working through - Grace Jones Slave to the Rhythm…fucking pain in the arse ‘cos it’s not on Spotify so I am searching for each song, in order, on YouTube. Plus eating and drinking, of course. Quick video chat with karen and Grace, Dan in the background. I wanted a tin of kidney beans for chilli but Karen hasn’t got one ffs. Burger it is. They are all playing scrabble - I’d love to join in…
Day 6: A quiet day…housework, cooking, daily walk. Highlight was a half hour chinwag with dad who, as I would expect, despite his 84 years, is coping and doing just fine. Most other people with a dad that age would have, on top of their own concerns, something more to worry about during this crisis….for me, it feels like I’ve got someone to turn to, should I need to.
Day 7: Work is starting to feel more routine but it’s a long way off being in the office, which is never routine anyway. That may seem surprising since I do IT support but it’s a varied role, especially at the modern dinosaur of an organisation that is RCI. I try to be as disciplined as possible but I miss not dressing for work, not driving to work, not needing to actually prepare lunch (until lunchtime). I don’t actually need to shower every morning. I don’t think I have to ordinarily but do because I’m mixing with others in the office. I certainly don;t need to now. I only mix with me, so showering becomes a chore but I’m doing it every other morning in the name of the aforementioned discipline. I am worried how long RCI can keep going before laying staff off. I dread being out of work full stop, let alone during this ld, or even thereafter. I think the economies of the world will need time to recover so finding work will be tough à la 2008. I think, if lay-offs were to occur, I’d be in real danger. Last in first out and all that. But, I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.
Day 8: At work there was a large online meeting whereby the MD told us that RCI are going to furlough some staff. The UK, and Ireland staff will be consulted this coming Thursday and Friday (it’s Tuesday today). I shall be reading up on what the furlough arrangements are in the UK due to Covid-19. I know the government have set aside some money, I need to know what I might get paid and how to claim it. In the past, when I’ve been out of work, I’ve been entitled to jack shit other than JSA, This time around, should I be laid off as I expect, I might not have to eat into my savings, fingers crossed. Meanwhile, I have decided to knock up another blog with a photo of myself each day of the ld (from now on) - it’s a sister to this diary.
Day 9: Actually typing this on day 10. Yesterday was a strange day as I contemplate being furloughed (hope for the best, expect the worst)…I’d be paid 80% of my wage according to what the government have said to assist in the Covid-19 crisis…so, were that to be true, I’d be OK money-wise, although still earning way less than I want to prepared for retirement (I am currently still waiting for feedback on a pay increase request I put in at work last year!) I’m more worried about how I would fill my day if I wasn’t working. So, that being said, I flopped and moped about all yesterday evening after my daily walk and, without achieving much at all, didn’t find time to write this entry on the right day…so maybe I can fill my days without much effort!
Day 10: I was furloughed today, starting 5pm tomorrow (Friday 3rd April) and it’s fucked me off. I know it’s not personal but, actually, do I? They’re cutting back the Kettering Desktop team by one, redacted It seems obvious to do this by the ‘last in, first out’ maxim but what about money? others are on more than me (redacted). What about offering it voluntarily - others might go for 80% pay for fuck all - others have family at home to occupy the day  (redacted) . A little bit of me thinks it might be preferable furlough me  (redacted) …others seems to be a favourite and that annoys me. It annoys me because I think I shoot myself in the foot too often. I’m too vocal about some of the (redacted) decisions and practices at work, plus other reasons that I know but can’t be bothered to type. But, my point, is I don’t play the politically correct, corporate game and therefore forget to look out for my own best interests. FUCK.
So, as of tomorrrow evening, I’ve no work to do. The challenge will be to find a way to occupy my day. I’ve already registered to volunteer for the NHS during the ld…let’s see what becomes of that. And I’ve signed up for web development course. I’m going to get fucking pissed this w/e, starting early tomorrow evening.
Day 11: It’s day 12 as I am writing this entry…that might tell any reader, and remind me, that I did as I promised and got pretty drunk. I spent the day geting my work affairs in order i.e. clearing down support tickets assigned to me. I did a good job, nothing left to handover to the remaining team (Jim, Cristina and Mark) and onky one ticket put into the assigned pool. Some nice converstaions were had with associates, many of whom are, too, being furloughed. Nice words were said and Jim and Mark both were supportive in conversations and messages - they both know I don’t wnat this and, I think, they are both relieved it’s not happening to them. 5 pm arrives and I shutdown my work laptop for the last time for at least 12 weeks. After my daily walk, I video chat with Karen, crack open a beer, make Chinese chicken curry (fucking loads, fucking tasty), finish watching The National Theatre stream of One Man, Two Guvnors (really good, see twoinchreview) and the caught up with, and talked bollocks with Andy, Marc and Ham - we tried getting Rog in on it, no dice. I then watched The Heat (I fucking love that film), ate some more, smoked several single-skinners, drank, in total, three cans, seven bottles. I went to bed shortly after 4am. I felt resigned to my furlough and pleasantly wasted.
Day 12: A subdued day…didn’t wake until gone 1:30pm. Jaded but not really suffering. Mooched about, social media, listening to music, watching telly, farting about on the iPad. My daily walk, over the last fews days, has taken a twist…I am trying to run parts of it. Mainly short distances, 80-100m (I estimate) three, maybe four times. It’s fucking knackering me out. I used to run everywhere when I was a teen. Attempting to run now just makes me feel fucking old. Well, I am, so that’s about right.
Day 13: Another day like yesterday except I got up at 10:30 and didn’t feel jaded. The subdued feeling comes from the realsiation that the ld isn’t being treated as seriously as it should be across the board. The news and even posts by locals on FB (Oundle chatter group) suggest groups still meeting up. The weather this w/e has been a factor - 17°c today. I think a total ld will be enforced soon and that would fuck me off. My daily walk is pretty essential for me nowadays not least for the ‘good for your soul’ benefits that dad has always mentioned. Even today’s walk saw a car parked at the gates to the field on the way to Ashton and people on a blanket soaking up the sun, dogs off their leads and people (looked like a family) playing footy on South Road field. Individually they are not presenting any danger, what with the fact they are either living together or far away from others. But they are flaunting the rules and the more that happens the less likely they’ll carry on getting away with it, which will mean total ld for all! I finished the 50 1985 albums today. It mostly confirms to me that I only listened to two albums released that year (Kate Bush, The Waterboys) any other vinyl I spun would have already been in my collection pre-85.
The sausage casserole I made for tea was fucking lush - 4 birdeye chillies. I saw and spoke with Dan and Grace this morning, they were just coming back from a walk. I am pleased to fuck they are together and sorted out the issues they had earlier this year.
Day 14: My first day proper of furlough. Finished my two inch review of the NME 50 albums. Long chat with Rita, quick one with dad. Messaged Sam about Romiley’s present - she’s 10 on the 9th April (Thursday) - ordered some Lego thing from Amazon. Turned the car engine over (reminded myself the driver-side wing mirror is fucked) and moved it to another spot in the Co-op car park - bumped into Matt T. He’s struggling - no work coming in and he can’t claim any of the money on offer ‘cos he’s not being totally honest about his circumstances - made me realise I’m not that bad off…..but I feel depressed about it all, especially with the news that Boris has gone into intensive care.
Day 15: I began a diploma (?) course on web design with Shaw Academy (it was free). They have actual classes (which are recorded) which you schedule yourself. The first one was, I have to say, really interesting - I look forward to continuing. On my walk today, I saw a car parked at the gate to the field at the bottom of Riverside Close; it was branded with Cunninghams Estate Agent with a 01536 number. I am pretty sure I saw the driver walking her dog (unleashed) on the field. I took a photo and rang the number. Yes, I ratted the culprit out…fucking annoys me that I had to. Better than reporting to the police, all round. Hopefully her work will put a stop to her doing it and, the more people that adhere to the rules without the police getting wind of infractions, the more likely we’ll be able to continue to exercise away from home.
Day16: More online learning including checking out other sites (pluralsight) for more learning opportunities. Coded my first web page, basic but mine, in HTML and CSS. A few beers & smokes and watching White Boy Rick in the evening, interspersed with the usual social media / messaging shit, incuding this entry, of course!
Day 17: Typing this on Day 18. After a few beers last night while chatting with Fog (twice - the first chat ended with him ‘having’ to go to bed. Later, I noticed he was commenting on FB, so I video called him…round two of chatting!). I got quite fucking pissed. Bed around 4am.
Day18: Up at 1pm. Long walk today, 7 km. Anything over 40 minutes, I’ve realised, results in a hypo.
Day19: Well, having gone to bed at gone 5am I got up at nearly 1pm feeling far better than I should have. Breakfast followed by a walk, spoke with Karen (mowing her front lawn) and Dan. He and Grace have split up which is sad news but he seems OK. Went shopping (milk and sweets) and ended up with a shit load of booze, the post of which on FB was quite amusing. Homemade burgers for tea (they’re in the fridge as I type) - gonna try and make Five Guys…
Day20: The Five Guys burger attempt didn’t go as well as I wanted. I think less than 5% fat mince just doesn’t bind that well. However, I managed to get something resembling a burger into the bun and, with cheese, hot sauce and jalapeños, it was tasty enough. More of the same when I finish typing this entry. Strange Easter Day today, as I knew it would be. The best thing I saw today was a video Tom posted on FB of him and Molly doing a mashup of Starsailor and George Michael - Tom on guitar singing the former, Molly singing the latter. It was fucking fantatstic.
Day 21: Easter Monday. Surreal…it’s feeling very surreal now, this lockdown.
Two things that bother me right now:
i) The political point scoring on FB. I get it, I really do…people like to bring up ‘obvious’ failings in the party’s mistakes. For example, Marc posting comparisons between UK and Germany’s figures of cases and deaths due to Covid-19. I doesn’t make impressive reading for the government and it should be held accountable. But not fucking now!
ii) Will they introduce rotational furloughing at RCI? It’s only been a week, 11 to go. And, it bothers me that I was furloughed rather than Mark. Pathetic of me, I know! But, should it last the 12 week stretch, I want to go back to work and let someone else have the chance to have fuck all to do all day! That being said, I’m still learning web design through Shaw Academy. Even today, bank holiday, I revised Lesson 2.
Day22: Nice catchup with Dad today - he and Rita seem to be more than OK with lockdown. I actually cannot wait until we can meet up at The Farmers again!
Day 23: While I had a Corvee engineer come to the house today to do a gas safety check (I waited upstairs while he was here, self-isolation and all that), and had the fourth online web design lesson, had a trip to Boots to pick up insulin, got milk from Tesco’s, saw American Rachel and had a chat (while we both queued to get into Tesco’s) and had a very nice walk along a different route from the norm, in the pleasant sunshine and watched Contagion on Netflix - all today - I AM STILL BORED AS FUCK!
Day 24: I had plans for today - revise the last two lessons of Shaw Academy’s web design course, investigate a ethical hacking course, do some washing, clean upstairs (or at least the bathroom) plus all the usual stuff. Then, as a reward, have some beers. Well, guess what. I am not having beers this evening. I managed the laundry. Plus I manged to subtitle my YouTube perfect snabby video (something I have been meaning to do for a while, but, come on!) It took me fucking ages. But it is funny! So, a fucking far from fruitful day. Plus the government announced at least 3 more weeks of lockdown. There’ll be loads more, I reckon. Tomorrow…I promise I’ll be better tomorrow…
Day 25: I did do better! Firstly the Corveee man fucked the boiler which I only noticed late yesterday but still managed to get sorted today. I did some excellent revision and learning of HTML (tags) and CSS. I cleaned the bathroom and hall. And I discovered TikTok (fucking excellent dancing and funny vids) plus discovered a new FaceBook word game (Sam sent me an invite) called WordBlitz and I am pretty good. Having beers now (nearly 11pm).
Day 26: Today I found myself calling 111. I had a pain in my side last night, I thought it might be constipation! That not being the case (!), today I went to 111.nhs.uk and, following their questions, it recommended I seek out a GP straightaway. Once I let the website know that is not possible, it directed me to visit walk in centres. I spoke with Karen thereafter - for advice about whether it’s a good idea to enter such an establishment - I really don’t want to increase me chances of catching the Covid-19 virus. Karen recommended ringing 111 since the website does not take into account my diabetes (so bloody sensible a suggestion!)
After ringing and answering many questions, the lady said she’d get an OOHS GP to call. The doctor called soon after and it seems most likely I have a grumbling appendix (chronic appendicitis) and to ring again (well, 999) if the pain becomes unbearable.
I now have a bag at the ready for hospital which I really hope I don’t have to use. Today, I  have, therefore, done fuck all - not even a walk - but I am having a beer now (midnight) and shall attempt to sleep as well as possible and hope this pain subsides naturally…
It occurs to me that I turn to Karen when things become flumoxing - my excuse, this time, is she works at the surgery but that was mere convenience.
Day 27: My ‘appendicitis pain was the same when I woke up (10:20) but no worse. I managed to change bed clothes and clean my bedroom but didn’t risk a walk (in case something drastic happens when I’m in a fucking field).
People’s responses and questions online have been heartening (Rachel Harris, Susie Grange, Bethan, Jo, Tracey Weber, Debbie De Prisco and, not least Dan). As the day progresses, I feel better but not right. I spoke with Dad about it and, as I told him, I shall ring Oundle GP tomorrow. Meanwhile, I did Sam Clew’s FB Live quiz, which was good, and am now having a beer or two.
Day 28: The pain in my side has definitley diminished. I called the Oundle surgery today to talk about what treatment I should have for ‘grumbling appendicitis’. The reseptionist organised a call back from a GP - Dr. Cash. Basically, he said he didn’t believe the condition existed, that acute appendicitis doesn’t happen after the age of 35, and ‘his gut felling’ is it will all just clear up.
I shall seek a more sensible diagnosis after lockdown and hope it doesn’t flare up again before then.
Day 29: I sent an email to the team at work today (Jim, Mark, Cristina and Sueanne). I hadn’t heard from them and I wanted to check in and, also, make a point that I will be posing the ‘rotational furlough’ question to HR at some point. It was as I wrote the email that I realised it’s only been two weeks and two days of furlough, and that includes Easter! Seems so much fucking longer. Anyway, everyone replied and it was good to hear from them….Mark came off his bike and broke ribs and collarbone! Lesson 5 of the Web Design course with Shaw Academy. It’s becoming apparent that, if you don’t pay for the course ‘toolkit’ it’s all rather patchy! The instructor dives into lines of code (HTML, CSS and Java) with no explanation….I feel like I did on the ifrst lesson of further maths ate Stamford School! I shall soldier on and beef up the missing parts with W3Schools (a great website and learning aid for coding). Two quick points. I am no longer running any part of my daily walk; hurts too much. I am addicted to Wordblitz and TikTok. Day30: I am writing this on day 31, I just forgot yesterday! It was a non eventful day. I did watch Midnight Run (again!) and had a couple of midweek beers though.
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topfygad · 5 years
Top things to eat and drink in Key West Florida
One of the things I loved about the Florida Keys and Key West was the food. Oh the food! After driving down the beautiful chain of islands that make up the Florida Keys, we started our three-day stay in Key West by meeting up with Key West Food Tours.
They took us on their Southernmost food tour, essentially a crash-course in Key West’s culinary history. We took away so many foodie tips from our tour guide that by the end of the three hour walking tour, we had a wealth of information on where to find the best restaurants in Key West, which cultures have influenced the Key West cuisine and which signature dishes you need to try.
So as I like to share my travel tips, here are 13 of the top things to eat and drink in Key West, Florida.
13 Top things to eat and drink in Key West Florida
1. A Cuban sandwich from 5 Brothers
Florida was one of the first states in America to experience an influx of Cuban immigrants and a large portion of them settled in Miami and the Florida Keys – both places where you’ll find cafes and bakeries selling the classic Cuban sandwich.
It’s thought that the Cuban sandwich – also called the ‘Cubano Mixto’ – evolved from a lunchtime staple enjoyed by cigar factory workers. These days, it remains one of the top things to eat in Key West and you’ll find the best ones at 5 Brothers.
Located on 930 Southard Street in Old Town, this sandwich counter serves up these toasted delights filled with ham, pork, swiss cheese (and sometimes tomato, lettuce, onions or gherkins), flavoured with a slather of mustard and mayonnaise.
You’ll run shoulders with plenty of locals, all popping in for their daily coffee fix, newspaper and other authentic Cuban bites. The grocery store also stocks plenty of Cuban specialties which you can peruse while you wait.
  2. A Cuban coffee from Cuban Coffee Queen
The perfect accompaniment to any Cuban sandwich is of course, a Cuban coffee. And you’ll find heaps of places to try what many people dub ‘legal speed’ in Key West. El Siboney, one of the best Cuban restaurants in Key West, is a great place to pick up this super-strong beverage, while 5 Brothers (mentioned above) is also worth checking out.
If you want to join the cool crowds however, head to the Cuban Coffee Queen on Key Lime Square in Downtown or Margaret Street by Key West’s waterfront.
There are many different ways to order Cuban coffee, which we discovered during our Southernmost Food Tour. This includes the Cafecito or Café Cubano (served in a thimble-sized cup), a Café con leche (coffee with steamed milk), a Cortadito (served with a tiny splash of steamed milk) or the Bucci (a strong shot of espresso that’s served with cane sugar.) If there’s more than one of you, you can go with the tradition of ordering a Colada which is essentially an extra-large cup of the sweet Bucci, which you then share between several people in the thimble-sized cups.
Order some Pan Cubano (Cuban bread) and follow the tradition of dunking it in your cup.
sweet Bucci at El Siboney restaurant
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3. Puerco Asado from El Siboney
Aside from Cuban coffee, authentic Cuban food is one of the top things to eat in Key West. See if you can book a table at El Siboney, a no-frills Cuban diner which attracts both locals and tourists and has become something of an institution in Key West’s Old Town.
The menu features all sorts of chicken, seafood and beef dishes, but if you’re only visiting once, try the Puerco Asado, a Cuban classic. This slow-roasted pork is often marinated in various herbs, garlic, onions and lime. And it’s a great dish to try alongside typical Cuban staples such as Moro (rice and beans), sweet or green plantains, fried cassava and tamale (steamed corn husk).
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4. Empanadas & Arepas
We realised empanadas were big in Florida as soon as we got to Miami. You’ll find them dotted all around the city, especially in Little Havana. In Key West, these Latin American-style pasties are just as big, especially at breakfast time. In fact, empanadas and arepas (a corn meal dough filled with meat, cheese and other fillings) are among the most popular street food snacks in Key West.
Head to El Siboney, Bliss restaurant or Frita’s Cuban Burgers for some of the best empanadas and arepas. As the name suggests, the latter is also famous for its incredible Latin-inspired burgers.
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5. Burritos and Tacos from Badboy Burrito
As I mentioned in my post about the Southernmost Food Tour, the burritos and tacos from Badboy Burrito are legendary in Key West.
Try the fish tacos and you’ll be surprised at how fresh they taste – a delicious concoction of grilled fish topped with sour cream, radish, jalapenos and fragrant coriander. When we visited, ours were filled with succulent chunks of tile fish, one of the most sustainable types of fish you can eat in Key West.
Fun fact – Badboy Burrito featured on the Food Network. You’ll find a second shop further up the Keys in Islamorada too.
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6. Quesadillas from Bistro 245
Quesadillas are another South American street food that are vying for your taste buds in Key West. And to be honest, I hadn’t paid them much attention until I tried the incredible lobster quesadillas from Bistro 245 at the Margaritaville Resort.
We visited this waterfront restaurant for dinner one evening and their stylish take on the quesadilla – enhanced with tomato, caramelised onions, manchego cheese, mango salsa, cumin sour cream and juicy chunks of lobster – was one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. Don’t miss out!
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7. Key lime pie from Key West Old Town & Bahama Village
There are so many different ways to enjoy Key Lime Pie and I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to try them all as it’s not just one of the top things to eat in Key West, it’s also one of the most famous dishes you can eat in the whole of the Keys.
You’ll see Key Lime pies presented in various different ways across the region – some are presented with a meringue top (more traditional in Key West), some without; some are topped with whipped cream and most are baked on a graham cracker base. We even discovered chocolate-coated Key Lime Pie on a stick. (I know, amazing, right).
You can guarantee that whichever version you try, they’re going to be good.
The most famous Key Lime Pie shops in Key West include Key West Key Lime Pie Co, The Key Lime Bakery and Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe.
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You can also try these gorgeous mini Key Lime Pies (pictured) at the legendary Blue Heaven in Bahama Village. They are out of this world.
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8. Other Key Lime treats
From Key Lime cookies and Key Lime jelly beans to tea, chutney and taffy, the use of this citrus ingredient doesn’t stop at pie. Floridians have become quite inventive with its use and you’ll find a whole host of Key Lime-infused treats across Key West and Florida Keys.
Put aside some time to explore the various Key Lime shops across the Old Town. We found all sorts of delicious Key Lime hot sauces which you can try before you buy. And on the none-foodie front you’ll find scrubs and toiletries infused with this tangy ingredient).
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9. Conch – fritters, cracked, chowder and burgers
Key Westers (or Conchs as they nickname themselves) pride themselves on cooking with this locally-caught specialty. So whether these squidgy sea snails tempt you or not, you’ve got to try them at least once!
Ease yourself in by trying cracked conch (flash fried in tempura batter) or the conch fritter with your beer at Mangoes. Then if you like it, I can highly recommend the conch sandwich at Fishermans Café on the waterfront. It’s served on a Kaiser burger bun with lettuce, tomato and Key Lime tartare sauce and their sweet potato chips are excellent.
For the best conch salad in Key West, I hear that it’s Johnson’s Grocery, an unassuming shop in the heart of Bahama Village.
And finally, when it comes to conch chowder, try El Siboney, Willie T’s or the Conch Republic Seafood Company on the waterfront and you won’t be disappointed.
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10.  Hogfish sandwich from Geiger Key Marina
I don’t actually know what hogfish tastes like but I heard a lot of people talking about it while we were in Key West. And the hogfish sandwich – chunks of this white fish encased in soft Cuban bread with Swiss cheese and onions – is a favourite way to enjoy it here.
While not technically in Key West, the Hog Fish Bar on nearby Stock Island, is renowned for this Florida Keys staple. But Geiger Key Marina restaurant is probably one of the best places to try either hogfish, mahi-mahi or grouper sandwiches if you’re staying on Key West island. You’ll be asked whether you want your fish fried, grilled or ‘blackened’. If you go for the latter, the fish will be cooked in a spicy ‘blackening’ seasoning that’s used over the Keys.
Blackening seasoning made by Chef Bobby Stoky of Marker 88 restaurant
11. Rum Runner from the Speakeasy Inn & Rum Bar
When it’s time for a tipple, a rum runner is one of the top things to drink in Key West. It’s a mix of light and dark (or aged) rum, banana, blackberry, grenadine, pineapple juice, orange juice and Bacardi, lime juice or sours and was actually invented in Islamorada in the Upper Keys, as a nod to the rum runners of the prohibition era.
In Key West, you’ll get the best rum runner cocktail at The Speakeasy Inn & Rum Bar, a characterful place in the Old Town, on Duval Street. It was originally owned by Raul Vaquez of Key West’s Gato cigar factory and it stocks over 250 types of rum.
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12. Caribbean inspired cooking
Thanks to its proximity to the Caribbean islands and its strong Caribbean community, the food in Key West has many West Indian influences (which made me very happy).
On our first night in Key West, we dined at Blue Macaw Island Eats where you can order Caribbean-style dishes such as jerk rum glazed chicken with plantain, ‘island-style’ salads made with fresh papaya and mango and sandwiches made with authentic Cuban bread.
Over at Blue Heaven in Bahama Village, you’ll find a bounty of Caribbean-inspired curries on the menu with jerk spices and Red Stripe Beer making their way into the chef’s cook books.
Meanwhile, for no-frills Creole food that’s cooked from the heart, check out Mo’s, a Haitian restaurant where the servings are as big as the flavours.
Find authentic home cooking that’s transports you to the Caribbean
13. Stone crab, shrimp and spiny lobster
If you like seafood, you’ll be in your element in the Florida Keys. So once you’ve tried the local conch and lobster, you might like to try a few other types of locally-caught shellfish.
Shrimp here can be served in all sorts of ways. So look out for crispy tempura batter, the famed Floridian ‘blackening’ or jerk sauce. You’ll find it’s used in all sorts of Caribbean curries too.
The Caribbean spiny lobster here is served straight up in its shell (most commonly you’ll order the lobster tail), blackened, in a curry, or used inventively in Latin-inspired dishes such as tacos and quesadillas. I actually tried both the lobster and local shrimp together in a very indulgent fettuccine at Bistro 245 and it tasted incredible.
If crab’s more your thing, Key West and the rest of the Florida Keys are known for their stone crab. Try the popular Stoned Crab restaurant on North Roosevelt Boulevard for expertly-made dishes such as stone crab bisque and their famed ‘steamers’.
And you don’t have to wait for dinner to try Key West’s best seafood. Both shrimp and lobster make their way onto many breakfast menus here. Try the famed shrimp or lobster eggs benedict at Blue Heaven in the Bahama Village.
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Have I got you feeling hungry? What are your tips for the top things to eat and drink in Key West? Feel free to leave your comments.
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Some of my restaurant visits mentioned were hosted by The Florida Keys & Key West Tourist Board. All views here are my own.
from Cheapr Travels http://cheaprtravels.com/top-things-to-eat-and-drink-in-key-west-florida/ via http://cheaprtravels.com
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fuck-customers · 6 years
long rant-story thing ahead.
Autistic manager yet again. Been a while. I think the last time I posted I had just moved from Money Commander to the OTHER store with dollar in its name, though not a plant. The one for families.
And now, sadly, I'm unemployed again. It started because district forced me and the store manager to move to a store farther away than the one I was working at, which meant longer drive and longer hours. The store manager started giving me nothing but closing shifts despite my well-documented inability to drive in the dark, because I AM LEGALLY BLIND. That meant I wasn't getting home until after 11 pm, and driving on twisty cliff-side roads that do not have guardrails is harrowing in the day when you have perfect vision. At night when you can't see, it's terrifying. So that was a daily anxiety attack.
Then he started just...not...doing anything. He'd leave me lists of things that needed to be done that were a mile long, while he had done absolutely nothing on his shift. Things would be exactly as I had left them the night before when I'd come in at 2-3 pm the next day. I kept up as best I could, dividing things up between myself and my cashier so we could at least try to make things work out.
But then last week happened. I come in for a closing shift and am met by my store manager, who gives me a list for that night that is literally two days' worth of work for two people. It all had to be done that night, as apparently we were behind schedule for setting up holiday seasonal on the shelves. Nevermind that I still had to pack up all the summer stuff before I could even think of doing that, since he wasn't doing any of it. Then he just leaves. No waiting until my cashier comes in, he just leaves. Three hours earlier than what he was scheduled for.
We closed at 10. I started closing duties at 9, always. At 8 pm, before I've even gotten a chance to start recovering thanks to trying to get everything else done, in walks the district manager and the regional manager. Who proceed to rip me a new one because the Christmas isn't set yet, the back door is unlocked (I DIDN'T HAVE A KEY, THAT WAS ON THE STORE MANAGER), the bathrooms have no lights, and there are holiday toys sitting on overstock shelves along the back wall. I am told I have to get the Christmas display that goes up front, (NOT what was on the shelves) set that night, I have to find a way to lock the back door, I have to climb into the ceiling in the stock room and take down lights to put in the bathroom (please note that I am a 5 foot tall assigned-female, I have fibromyalgia, and a crippling fear of heights...and the ceilings in this store are 20 feet tall), I have to remove all of the toys from the overstock shelves AND take those shelves down (those shelves weigh half of what I do and they are 10 feet off the ground, I can't lift them), and oh, I have to have all of this done by the time the store closes, on top of my other list and normal closing duties. They want pictures.
So. They leave. I start crying and my cashier, bless his heart, warns me what he's doing, then grabs me and hugs me in an effort to make me feel better. But that was the last straw. I write a resignation letter, make copies, keep one copy and give one to my cashier, then email said resignation to the district manager. I text the store manager and tell him this is my last night. Then my phone starts blowing up from district and store manager both, trying to get me to stay. But I'm done. I finished out the night with my cashier...and made him cry unintentionally because apparently I was his favourite and he didn't want to see me go, on top of us being friends?, so I feel bad about that, but...I can't do this anymore. I left. So now I'm job-hunting AGAIN since the government keeps telling me I can't get disability because I can talk to people. Wish me luck, guys. I
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thelunarbond · 5 years
yay, I'm happy to see you posting here again! anyways, for the question meme: sweetest memory, who would they expect to save them if they were stranded on an island, how are they with children/do they want kids someday, three favorite colors, any daily rituals, what flowers if they had to wear a flower crown for everyone? (sorry about shortening them, I was worried the full questions wouldn't fit)
I’m glad you enjoy my posts!!! Sorry it’s been a while, I’ve lacked motivation recently… I’ll hopefully be posting more now!
What is your OC’s sweetest memory?
Yume: A long time ago when they were kids, Chase protected Yume from a group of bullies. Chase did end up getting hurt but was completely unfazed as he was happy Yume was okay. Yume took Chase to the nurse’s office and Chase told him he’d always protect him as that’s what a good friend does
Chase: When his brother built him a go-kart from scratch for his 9th birthday. Chase’s parents own a lot of land, meaning Chase spent all day driving around and didn’t come back inside until it was nighttime. One day, Chase wants to do something that special for his brother 
Lavender: When she won her first dance competition at age 7. All her family and relatives went out with her to the fanciest restaurant on the Isles to celebrate and she won a huge trophy, which she keeps at the top of her shelves. She was so happy to make her family proud
Minami: About 2 years ago, Minami went on a road trip with her sister around the country. They explored so many towns and got to spend a lot of time together, which was a rarity. Minami loved every second of it. She wants to go on a road trip with all of the Lunar Bond one day
Alexis: When a friend from school drew her a picture of her favourite game character for her birthday. Alexis’ family didn’t really do birthday presents or cards, so this drawing was the first birthday gift Alexis ever got. She still cherishes it to this day and keeps in in a frame in her room. She hasn’t seen this friend for years as Alexis dropped out of school a long time ago
Phoenix: When he made friends with the Lunar Bond. Phoenix’s childhood was very lonely as his parents were always busy before they died, and he never had any friends at school as he pushed them away. When he joined the Lunar Bond and they called him their friend he almost cried (and probably cried alone in his room about it). He feels very happy to be surrounded by people he cares about, and they care about him in return
Who would your OC expect to save them if they were stranded on a desert island?
Yume: Chase
Chase: He’d save himself
Lavender: Anyone from the Lunar Bond, but she’d bet it would be Minami
Minami: Someone actually trained to rescue people
Alexis: Nobody. She’ll accept her fate of living on the desert island
Phoenix: Would attempt to save himself, but would hope that Minami would help him
How good is your OC at handling children? Do they want their own children someday?
Yume: Amazing with children. He’s able to keep them entertained for hours. He has tonnes of games to play with children and there’s never a dull moment. He’d love to have his own children someday, he’d be the cool parent who lets them stay up late and have cookies
Chase: Hates children. Audibly sighs and rolls his eyes when children are screaming while he’s at work. Isn’t very good at talking to them either as he doesn’t change his tone, so he usually upsets them. Doesn’t want his own children in the future, he only wants to take care of his partner and a dog
Lavender: Is a child. Isn’t good at handling children because she is a children. Wouldn’t know what to do if the child gets upset so she would panic. Wouldn’t be very good at paying attention to them all the time. However, in the future she’d love to have her own children and dress them in cute clothes
Minami: The best babysitter ever. Brings all the best food and games to play and when they get tired she’ll put a film on so they can chill out. Children tend to gravitate towards Minami as she’s kind and lets them get away with stuff they can’t do normally at home. However, Minami wouldn’t want her own children as she feels she can’t look after them 24/7
Alexis: Would forget the child is there. She forgets to feed herself so she would definitely forget to feed someone else. Wouldn’t do anything with them either. If someone handed her a baby she’d probably drop it. Doesn’t want her own children as that’s too much responsibility (and it’s probably for the better, she needs to learn to look after herself before she can look after someone else)
Phoenix: Surprisingly good with children. Phoenix raised his brother Baxter virtually single-handedly from when he was a baby and Phoenix was 9. Is very good at telling what’s wrong when they’re upset and keeping them occupied. He’ll also read books aloud to them to help them relax and fall asleep. Despite this, he doesn’t want his own children because 1) he’s been a parent figure to Baxter for nearly half his life and feels that’s enough parenting and 2) he would worry about his own children all the time, just like he did with Baxter
Top 3 favourite colours
Yume: Dark blue, sunset orange, mint green
Chase: Maroon red, dark green, black
Lavender: Baby pink, lilac, powder blue
Minami: Sunshine yellow, dusty pink, turquoise
Alexis: Forest green, black, white
Phoenix: Sky blue, mustard yellow, dark purple
Any daily rituals?
(I’ll only put those who have rituals as not everyone has them!)
Yume: Practices mindfulness and meditates for 20 minutes a day, usually in the afternoon. It helps to keep him grounded and helps him relax
Chase: Will drink a cup of coffee at 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 10pm sharp every day. Also does a half an hour muscle workout every day, but the time of that depends on what time he gets home from work
Minami: Does yoga daily. If the weather is good in the summer she’ll find a secluded spot in the park to do it, but otherwise she just does it in her room
If your OC had to wear a flower crown, what would the flowers in the crown be?
Yume: Chrysanthemum and Gerbera daisies, symbolising optimism, joy and cheerfulness
Chase: Cala lily and white clover, meaning beauty and “think of me”
Lavender: Lavender (obviously) and rue, meaning devotion and grace
Minami: Pink rose and lotus, meaning happiness and regeneration
Alexis: Candytuft and peony, symbolising indifference and bashful
Phoenix: Morning glory and aster, symbolising affection and a symbol of love
0 notes
Finest Cardio Workout For Easy Fat Loss - Flaws You must Avoid!
Vibration machine fat loss There are generally few negatives by pursuing this method. I will probably present to you my best cardio exercise exercises at the stop of the article, although first Let me correct many comprehension regarding cardio routines routines.
Vibration machine fat loss
In a long run, low to medium level workouts with low nutrient may not be solely ineffective, but dangerous! Intended for example imagine a lady who have is just a rookie, heavy and never arrived in the gym previous to, substantial amount of cardio exercise may easily head to a mutual in addition to muscle injuries.
: Substantial intensity workout! The very best cardiovascular system workout to shed a lot more fat
High strength cardio exercise routine has proven to be the most practical method for quick fat damage. Inside low-intensity workout, typically the body will soon adapt for you to the workout, everywhere your own personal tempo will be sturdy and your body start off to spend less energy.
With other words, you will certainly burn off less calories as well as your metabolic rate will lessen. Another problem, when you actually decrease the calorie take in drastically and start to help follow a low-intensity exercise routine, it could bring about training to much. and your physique turns in order to catabolic.
Many research has revealed often the 30-65% lower caloric intake within with these people who all keep to daily low-intensity work out! You might primarily burn the actual energy over the fat safe-keeping when after the low-intensity regimen which can burn fat, even though the High depth workout routines burn energy primarily via carbohydrate stores. The sum unhealthy calories you burn are going to be a lot greater with high power training. You can feed on more and still you might burn more fat you consume.
- How significantly cardio exercises do I have to have to get ripped
Suppose, 20 min a morning really helps to keep your blood vessels pressure low avoiding different health problems like heart problems and vascular disease, but if you act like you want to lose excess fat effectively, I might suggest to complete at least 30 minute of aerobic exercise up to five instances a week.
In the event that you train far more, right now there is a risk regarding overtraining and also injuries. In the event you do a energy training together with cardio, several times per week really should be enough. Or if a person like, you could split your personal workouts. One example is strength exercising in the morning along with small 30min cardio with the evening. Which is the ideal exercise routine, mainly because it helps you recover the particular trained muscle tissues faster by the weight training early in the day and helps you to be able to burn fat speedier.
Although if you are closely fat and you include a slower rate of metabolism, in that case you should first ensure that, how much calories an individual eat and exactly how much physical exercises you will need for you to melt away more calories, consequently you will have a calorie deficit.
It is best to start available a little workout during a period until your body get started to be given the stress in addition to adapt to typically the training, you will then little by little enhance the workload and raise the life long workouts! Your own personal metabolism will improve as well as your body start to help burn up more calories, currently you really should look rear at your eating habits and also add more calorie consumption in the event necessary.
- Benefits involving aerobic and strength teaching
By dismissing the durability training from your once a week workout routine, it's including causing money on often the table! Seriously, blending exercise workouts with weight training will allow you to maximize the actual fat burning. If anyone are searching the ideal regime for quick extra fat loss, then you definately should surely include the resistance training routines into the routine!
Having aerobic exercise, you may burn fat over the exercise routine, which will decrease once you finish your work outs, while in strength schooling you will keep lose calories after the exercise.
It actually was proven with EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). EPOC represent the total of energy, which human body needs to normalize once the workout. That energy will likely be taken from fat hard drive, whilst the glucose in the particular blood be used to match the glycogen storages.
In case we take a appearance at the EPOC valuation from aerobic work out, typically the research will show, that will you will burn up 9-30 calories after the zero, 3-3 hours of training. But if we search at the muscle building, at this time there could be even 4-7% improve in your fat burning capacity for the next 1 day after strength training. To get example, in the event you normally shed 2500 kcal, you can burn additional 100-170 fat laden calories per day!
Now you actually will probably understand the gains of cardio along with toughness training. Every exercise, whether it is strength training or aerobic, are competent for fat decline if the value is way more or as much seeing that 6 MET-units (Metabolic equivalents). 6 MET-units means in which the body's metabolism will certainly gets six times bigger during the activity.
rapid Important things about interval cardio
That is fragrantly the finest workout method this raise your metabolism to often the roof top! Interval workouts change a bit more from a frequent aerobic. Each one session may be shorter compared to a new regular routine and the actual email address details are often better.
A new regular lifting weights combined together with interval cardio exercise routine adhering to a high intensity could result the extremely substantial EPOC principles in any short time. This practice can supercharge your metabolism perhaps for two time immediately after the workouts. This suggests, that one could achieve the many times of upper metabolic charge and burn considerably more fats than by following the amount of aerobic exercise.
When you are looking intended for best ways to conduct interval cardio workouts, I will recommend to run outdoor essentially into the constant. Another good strategies to do these exercises is a drinking juices machine or the pool. The effective exercise for easy fat lose are people, the place that the most muscles usually are stimulated at the identical time during the cardiovascular exercise exercise. The same tip will has effects on to some sort of strength training.
- Sort of the best cardio work out routine
-Warm up adequately before the training. In the event that you are performing the particular exercise routine outside, spend on least a few minutes by moving in a put using slow tempo is to do a new little stretching exercises to get the feet and mid-section of the system. An individual will make sure, typically the blood can stream in the target muscle groups.
-Each interval will normally takes three or more minutes to perform.
-Increase often the tempo as very much as you can from the first 60 seconds. Your personal pulse should be 90-95%/max after a tiny. Anyone should now feel a little bit pain in your muscular tissues.
-Don't go too tricky in the new. You actually should test your power initially and then adapt it on the appropriate strain.
-Now, number of years 2 a few minutes, decrease the level in close proximity to the normal amount, simply put heart rate will probably decrease into the 60%/max.
-This was the sort of just one of my favourite period of time.
-Repeat it 3-6 moments
-At the end connected with the workout, make light source exercises with slow-moving beat like in the heat for 5 minutes.
In the event this truly feel too considerably for you, you can certainly separated the 60 just a few seconds in a 50 percent in addition to do the same having 3 minutes, so each one length will be just one. 5 minutes.
instructions Length cardio workout routine
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katzuyas · 6 years
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as usual, I’m a terrible procrastinator (this time with good reason tho bc I’ve been dying bc of renovations for a good 4 months now jfc) but I found some time to finally do these so here’s the super longass chain of tags I’m very grateful for ❤️ thank you so much to all of you for thinking of me!! ❤️❤️❤️
tagged by @and-then-yoi-happened, @joeys-piano and @gabzjones -- thank you so much guys ❤️
📽 🎞 Post 10 gifs from your favorite movies without naming them and then tag 10 (or so) people. 📽 🎞 
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I had more trouble with this than I thought I would omg it seems I don’t like all that many movies??? unless we want to count each hp and potc movie separately  😂😂
I’ll be tagging @story-kat, @sweet-vitya, @estellie, @ilarual, and @katsudonski for it, but feel free to ignore me if you don’t want to do it ^u^)b
tagged by @story-kat, thank you for the tag kat!
fall/autumn preferences
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people
1. go apple picking vs go on a hay ride 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots 4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9. bake pie vs. bake cookies 10. rain vs. fog 11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown 14. go hiking vs. sleep in 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing 17. hot chocolate vs. tea  18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19. candy apples vs. caramel apples 20. blankets vs. pillows 21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22. coffee vs. apple cider  23. red leaves vs. orange leaves 24. braids vs. bows 25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie (neither is my thing tbqh) 27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters 29. beanies vs. berets  30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33. corn maze vs. haunted house (very much neither) 34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
I haven’t seen this one before so this was fun, thank you!
tagging @and-then-yoi-happened, @inlovewithyoi, @victuuritrash, @atesan, and @phichitschulanont
tagged by @dreaming-fireflies, thank you so much!! ❤️
Rules: answer the questions and tag 15 people you want to know better.
1) Relationship status: dating a really adorable boy ;3c
2) Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick bc lipstick always eats away so ugly and I can’t be bothered to reapply every time I lick my lips
3) three favourite foods: chicken fried rice, pepperoni pizza, pad thai
4) song stuck in your head: thunder and lightning by serayah
5) last movie you watched: jurassic world fallen kingdom
6) top three shows: game of thrones, rein, suits
7) book I am currently reading: nothing bc I’m just stuck to my pc writing all the time ;u;
8) last thing i googled: the link to the song above
9) time: 3:51 PM
10) dream trip: japan *u* but also harry potter studio tour bc first fandom always sticks with you *u*
11) anything you want: to be done with renovations, finally, and to deal with my teaching practice asap so I can go back to writing yrdcyhvgb
I won’t be tagging anyone for this, but it was still fun to do so if anyone wants to as well, feel yourself tagged!
tagged by @louciferish, and twice by @gabzjones omg gabz thank you ilu and I’m sorry I’m such a flake trfxcvujbkn /)u(\
7 Sentences
The rules are as follows: go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the 7th line, share 7 sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
Slowly, as if all his motion settings have been reset, Yuuri turns around. And Victor, the blessed man that he is, gives him a little polite smile that freezes Yuuri's brain and sets his heart on fire all in the span of one second.
Fuck, Yuuri thinks to himself again. Oh fuck.
"Hello," Victor says, a perfect smile on his perfect face that sits on his perfect head on his perfect neck on his perfect shoulders and his perfect chest and his–
"Hi," Phichit replies, a smile on his own face, too. "It's amazing to meet you. We're both big fans, but I guess everyone tells you that."
bc I’ve done nothing but write my victuri bang fic for about a month now, that’s what this is from! look forward to it in october ;3
I’ll tag the writers my mind instantly thought of, so @dreaming-fireflies, @belovedyuuri, @teekettle, @the-world-of-illyas-james, @kazul9, @stammiviktor, and @iwritebetterthanispeak!
tagged by @the-world-of-illyas-james, thank you!!
Ao3 Tag Game 
920344, which tbh I’m sure will go up after I post this bang fic I’m working on so??? kinda excited to hit 1mil ngl 
I definitely try to write every day but sometimes life gets too busy so I usually keep it to short headcanons and plot bunnies then but I will definitely get at least one to two sentences out there daily ^u^)b
sure do! I love setting up a scented candle to get the mood going, turn on some music or ambience and pop open an energy drink while I keep some sweets on hand to get my sugar levels up high. it works perfectly for me!
Kinks: oh boy... I’m very into soft and sensual, but hard voyeuristic frick frack involving fluffy tail buttplugs and pet play? count me tf in ;3c Tropes: soulmates, rivals, enemies to lovers, creature fic, hanahaki, Pairings: victuuri, the one and only 🙏
it’s definitely dazzle me with gold! but since it’s my fic with most kudos, I will talk about my second fav here, which is oh ye of so little faith, a miyusawa fic that I wrote for a bang once upon a time and which I put my very heart and soul into, and love to pieces even tho it’s been years
dazzle me with gold, my magnum opus, which I couldn’t be more proud of bc it’s all I love in a fic: historical setting, drama, werewolves, mystery and so much love it’s sickening ❤️
not really? tho recently I hate that I can’t seem to write short things anymore 😂😂😂
I think I’m fairly good at grasping the characters I’m writing, and I know for sure that my soft/sweet/floof levels are running VERY high, so I’m definitely proud of that!
I’ll tag @gabzjones, @louciferish, @saniika, @postingpebbles, @muttthecowcatridesagain, @yuliaplisetskaya, and @joeys-piano! 😘
tagged by @teekettle, thank you tati! ❤️
Favorite Character Tag Game 
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
victor nikiforov
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miyuki kazuya
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hinata shouyou
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aomine daiki
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uzumaki naruto (and his daddy bc I’m baking two pies in one oven and I need my best hubby here FOR REASONS)
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portgas d. ace
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grimmjow jaggerjack
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wow this got me so nostalgic for my lovely boys ❤️ I’m going to send @story-kat, @tetsya, @littorella, @accioharo, and @hentipie down the memory lane next, have fun~ 😘
hooo boy this was a lot to get through but it was fun! thanks again to everyone who tagged me, you guys rock and I’m a dick for procrastinating on this so hard I’m sowwie  (╥﹏╥)  I’m blessed to have such lovely friends like you, so once again: thank you for remembering about me (≧◡≦) ❤️
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nautilusopus · 6 years
Question game, tagged by @tofuthebold​ oh damn
1. What was your first CD/album/record? (assuming you have bought at least one) - Paula Abdul’s Forever Your Girl. I listened to that thing often enough to where it kind of looped around on itself and, much like anything Genesis puts out, I have a Pavlovian hate response associated with it now. Also, it took me a while to realise Paula Abdul kind of sucked. 
2. What kind of fictional characters you like the most, and give some examples here - Lol everyone knows I have a type, which I’m actually gonna copy/paste from a previous ask: “maladjusted child soldier screaming VALIDATE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from the top of the lightpole they climbed up to avoid their feelings, and they all deserve a good hug and a firm shove down a flight of stairs or two, in either order.” 
So, you got your Cloud Strifes, your Zukos, your Azulas, your Shinji Ikaris, and anyone else that decides to crawl out of the Bad Decisions Dumpster to poorly attempt this “making friends” business.
3. What kind of natural environment you enjoy the most? Beaches. Maybe that also comes with living in landlocked suburbia, and also because I’m always cold, and because there aren’t as many bugs at the beach. I’d say the woods or something, but if I spend more than three minutes anywhere near grass I am immediately swarmed by chiggers and mosquitos.  
4. Name something about yourself you genuinely like. I’m very, very good at talking. (Which I have to be. Commercials and all.) 
5. For you, what is the most important facet of a fictional world/concept in various media: the world’s social system building? the characters and their interactions? Or something else? Characters 1000%. You can carry the stupidest, most ill-conceived barebones nonsense of a story in the world if you have interesting, compelling characters. Just look at Overwatch, and how utterly convinced people are that it has a plot at all. 
And on the other hand, the reverse is true -- you can have a masterfully crafted literary epic, and no one will remotely care if the characters are unrelatable mouthpieces for plot to happen out of. Look at, like... basically any cosmic horror story every, where the author’s so busy wanking over their Kewl Badass Old God OC DO NOT STEAL and building an entire lore around it to emphasise how utterly alien it is that they forget the most fundamental piece of any horror, even the cosmic variety where human life ultimately does not matter, is the human element. What point is there in going, “Haha! Your struggles are all for naught against a universe you cannot truly fathom!” if we don’t even know what those struggles are in the first place? Why should we care about the ultimate pointlessness of everything if we don’t know what the characters so desperately want to have a point? Does insignificance in the grand scheme of things necessarily mean the same thing as pointlessness?
Any chucklefuck can slap tentacles onto something and call it cosmic horror, but the “horror” part of it only comes from the fear humans have of that uncaring cosmos in the first place. 
(Despite claiming to be a cosmic horror fan, I think I actually kind of hate almost all of it???)
6. Time travel, future or the past? And why? This question is fucking booby-trapped, that shit never ends well. If there even is one, I’d skip ahead to when space flight is a thing and we’ve finally found aliens. But honestly I’d probably go back to summer of 2016 when everyone was playing Pokemon and gay marriage had just been legalised and it looked like the world was actually slowly becoming a better place (HA).
7. What’s your favourite thing about your own culture? And why? I mean I’m really wary about claiming anything as “my culture” because every time I try someone goes and says “you’re not _____ enough to say you’re _____”, but it’s not like I’m white passing either so I don’t know what y’all want me to do. 
That said, Korean food is really fucking good. It’s easy to make, too -- the only issue with it is that it’s very labour-intensive, with like eight different ingredients per dish all needing to be prepped in advance. 
Tumblr media
See this? This is seolleongtang. It’s delicious. I’m also never, ever making it, because any recipe with the words “Day 2″ in it can fuck right off. 
8. If you have enough money, what kind of job you want to do most? why? I really want to get back into voiceover work, but the industry is extremely crowded. To that end I’m currently attempting to get back into college so I have extra qualifications that make me more hireable, but I’m having trouble getting a loan for several thousand dollars right now that I know I’d never make back. Commercials are where all the real money is (with video game voiceovers being one of the worst-paying acting jobs you can possibly take unless you’re John DiMaggio or Nolan North or Steve Blum or something), but if I was rich and didn’t have to worry about my livelihood, I’d try and aim for cartoons. 
9. Describe your ideal fashion aesthetic. Janelle Monae. All tuxedos all day every day. I would never wear anything else. 
10. Do you have a favourite cartoon? What’s that? I’d like you to share the memories with me. I mean it’s probably Avatar? I actually didn’t have cable growing up, and only ever watched shows “everyone has watched” starting from when I was sixteen and learned how to pirate shit. 
Prior to that, the only cartoons I’d ever watched were anything that aired on public access, which would have been Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry. And I liked Tom and Jerry more because it had animals in it, and the animation wasn’t as constrained by budget (not that I knew that at the time). 
I tag @cateringisalie, @terror-billie, @daily-kaley. I’m not sure how many people I’m supposed to be tagging, or even if you guys do these sort of posts. 
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Michi Headcanons
1. Mimi loves having her hair played with, so she gets Tai to braid it for her. He’s become quite good at French braids.
2. When Tai wants to apologise for something, he buys or makes her a bowl of popcorn (depending on how deep the apology needs to be, it will sometimes require lots of caramel). He also gets her popcorn if she’s feeling down.
3. They both love having the last word, which results in intense, but ridiculous fights sometimes.
4. Mimi is an early riser, whereas Tai loves a good lie in. He’d start work at noon if he could, while Mimi loves getting up at the crack of dawn to have a head start on her tasks for the day.
5. Sora is very close to both of them, so whenever they fight, she will hear two different versions of the same argument. Tai and Mimi often make up on their own, but when they don’t, they both try to win her over, and Sora tries hard to stay neutral each time.
6. Mimi once told Tai that she’d never felt like she was missing out on anything by not having siblings until she saw how close he and Kari are.
7. Although Tai’s fluent in English (having even spent a year studying in New York), he sometimes asks Mimi to proofread a text or e-mail for work.
8. Mimi often gets so distracted that she forgets to drink enough water, which is why Tai reminds her to do so (by placing a glass on her desk or putting a water bottle into her handbag before she heads out).
9. Out of their group of friends, they’re probably the couple showing the most PDA. This doesn’t mean that they make out all the time or get handsy. They just like holding hands, wrapping their arm around the other’s waist or shoulder and stealing the occassional, innocent peck (it’s not much different from when they were friends; they’re both just physical people).
10. When they first started dating, Mimi was shocked to find out that Tai was immune to her puppy eyes (just hers specifically, as he told her to her chagrin, “worked great when my ex did it…” She refused to sleep in his bed for a week after he said this). Having known her for half of his life, he’d learned (albeit with great effort) to resist her big innocent eyes and pouty lips. So, Mimi had to resort to other methods if she wants something, such as kissing the back of his neck, telling him to choose a movie or baking one of his favourite treats.
11. Mimi listens to a lot of music and frequently incorporates lyrics into their daily conversations. When Tai tells her to put two sugars into his coffee, she sings “Actually, I meant three.” He regularly complains about how none of his favourite films are ever on Netflix, to which she will chant, “Ohhh, tell me something I don’t already know.”
12. When Tai’s had a bad day, he’s quiet and broody for a while. When he opens up about it, he’s looking for advice. Mimi, on the other hand, likes to vent and complain and wants him to get angry with her.
13. Once they’ve said “I love you” for the first time (Mimi claims it was her; Tai obviously says it was him), they’re not shy to repeat it frequently.
14. Tai has four nicknames for her: “Mi” for when they’re with friends and family; “Mimi Choo” when she returns from an extensive shopping trip; “Your Majesty” for when she’s telling him to do something; and “sweetness” when he wants to turn her on.
15. He gives obscure compliments. He’ll tell her that “these pancakes taste delicious” often enough, but every now and then he’ll say stuff like “these pancakes taste like the only cloud in a blue sky on a summer’s day” and move on like nothing happened. “What?!” he’ll ask when Mimi can’t decide whether she wants to melt or laugh at him. “You’re a five-star-cook. You’ve heard every kind of praise there is. I’m breathing new life into this.”
16. Mimi’s a natural at video games. A few weeks into their relationship, Tai asked her if she wanted to join him, Matt and Izzy for a round of Mario Kart, and she agreed. She ended up winning against all of them, shrugged, said “Well, this was fun,” nonchalantly and left the three guys starring at the screen in disbelief.
17. When they can’t sleep, they’ll make up elaborate, over the top travel plans (such as riding an elephant to the Taj Mahal or taking a private jet to New Zealand).
18. Some nights when they get ready for bed, Tai will come into the bathroom as Mimi’s brushing her teeth, wrap his arms around her waist seductively and whisper the worst, corniest pick-up lines into her ear (Mimi’s favourite to date is “Are you an Instagram post? Because I want to double tap you all night”).
19. It’s not often that Mimi is sad, but when something upsets her, she’ll have an even harder time dealing with it. Tai will find her on the bed, arms wrapped around her knees and tears streaming down her face. He’ll come closer to test the waters, and she’ll usually let him comfort her. She’ll tell him what’s wrong  (she might miss her parents a lot, what with them living across the Pacific, or maybe she got told off at work or, even if it’s rare, she’s doubting herself). He’ll bring her popcorn or chocolate and a glass of water and then hug her, massaging soothing circles into her back. “It’s okay, Mi, I got you,” he’ll say, and that’s usually the thing to cheer her right up.
20. Just to rile him up, Mimi sits on his lap and starts seductively kissing his neck at the most inconvenient of times: when he’s watching an important football match; when he’s on the phone with someone from work; when he’s already running late for football practice; when they’re meeting their friends at their favourite bar. “Mimi,” he’ll warn. “Please, not now. We can’t be late again…” - “We can be quick though,” she’ll try to convince him.
21. Their go to karaoke song is “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
22. Mimi claims the best thing Tai’s ever said to her was when he came home drunk from a night out. He nuzzled into her neck and slurred, “You know I said One Direction’s fifth album wasn‘t that good? I lied, like, Love Me Goodbye is, uh, one of the saddest songs I‘ve ever heard and I made Matt listen to it so I’d have someone to, to talk to about it. Feels good to come clean. Night Mi!”
23. Mimi tries (and fails) to get ready for bed before Tai does, because he likes to lay in the middle of the bed with all four of his limbs outstretched so there is no space for her. “Will you fucking move!” she’ll say every other night, and he most likely will answer with a fake snore.
24. Since they’re both a bit full of themselves, they sometimes bet who can withhold from touching the other the longest. They keep score on a small blackboard in the kitchen.
25. They love travelling together, though they’re mostly low-budget trips because Mimi tries to go to New York at least once a year (Tai accompanies her sometimes). They go to New Zealand once (although not in a private jet) to go hiking, where they climb Ben Lomond and all Mimi’s doing is complain, ask how much further and when can they stop for food. Finally, Tai turns around and tells her hat she’s lucky he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, otherwise he’d leave her behind in the wilderness. She stops complaining after this.
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melimelo-ao3 · 4 years
Answers to the ask
So this is my answer to every ask of the “A Writer’s Ask Game” by agwitow that I reblogged just below.
Yes, I know, people are supposed to be the ones to send a number, and only then am I supposed to answer. But, since this blog has like, very, very limited interaction, and I had nothing to do, I answered them myself.
And I’m putting a time stamp on it: Wednesday 17/02/2021, because for some questions, in a week, it won’t be the same answer.
The Basics 1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
I do, yes. I have a couple of playlists with songs – I know some people enjoy listening to music while they write, but only without any kind of lyrics. I don’t care either way. Some days it’s pre-enregistered playlists, others random, and others just piano.
2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
I’m mostly a plotter. I’ve tried to go pantser on a couple of stories (Pretty Boy is the last example that comes to my mind), but I end up knowing what I’ll put in the next chapters in advance. Even if it’s just the main plot point / scene.
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
Computer. Except when I have writer block.
4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
I’ve never been published, and don’t plan on. I write my stories mostly for myself, and to me it’s a bit too over the top to, first, interest a publisher / editor, and then it would need lots of editing and… I don’t think I’m ready yet to see critics on my stories.
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
I have no idea xD I suppose I’m happy if I get 1.000 word a day, especially if it’s a day I only concentrate on writing. Sometimes it can be more, but sometimes it can also be nothing at all. On days I have other things to do, I’m happy if I can write one sentence more during the day :)
6.     Single or multiple POV?
At the same time? Single. In a story? It depends. Some stories I’ve written in a single POV all along, others I switched between chapters, and others within chapters, with a distinction between the “parts”.
7.     Standalone or series?
Um, series as in several “books”? If so, there’s this story I finished last year. At first, it was supposed to be one single book, but things progressed as they did and so I chose to cut the overall, finished epic into three books. So it’s supposedly a series now.
Other than this, I usually cram everything up in one story.
8.     Oldest WIP
Oldest oldest? I started a story called L’année scolaire (= School Year) when I was like 10. It’s unfinished, so I suppose I can consider it as a WIP. Other than that, if I’m talking about posted fic, it’s a Harry Potter time-travel fanfic called Une nouvelle chance de vivre (= A New Chance At Living). Same, the fic has maybe ten years now (damn, time flies) and has been untouched for… about ten years I believe xD
9.     Current WIP
I have several! On my AO3 profile, there’s Sunkissed (an Achilles x Patroclus Omegaverse ff), The Bravest Belief of All (Amandi) (a Peter Pan x Wendy Darling canon divergence from OUAT) and I Desire You (or worse) (which is an original work with original character that I’ve just started posting) that I update regularly.
There are more on my computer, much more than I can type here…
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
Not at all. Because I wouldn’t respect them, and it would make me stress.
 The Specifics 11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Victor Hugo is the main one that comes to my mind atm. I love the way he writes and what he writes about. There’s Emile Zola’s Au Bonheur des dames, too, which is amazing, one of the best books I know of. And, for the beauty of language and the sheer poetry literally pouring from every single word, Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand is. breathtaking. I don’t know if they influenced me, because it sounds a bit pretentious to say that one can find some of these authors in my stories if they look closely, but they definitely represent what I aspire to.
12.  Describe your perfect writing space
In a silent room, except there’s music (I know, it’s paradoxical). I have my computer and my head is resting (I mean, I don’t have anything urgent to do, it’s all done and behind me for the day) and I can concentrate on the scene I’ve been imagining for a couple of days / weeks / months / years (pick one).
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
Usually I have an idea, I play it in my head over and over again until I really like it and I have a couple of things found out (like, scenes or dialogues or narration – depends if the idea is about a story or just a single scene). Then, I write it. Admittedly, the polishing happens mostly when I play it over and over in my mind until it clicks or sticks.
14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
I usually listen to them, because it means there’s something that’s nagging me about a scene, a moment. So I go reread it, I think back on it – what can I change? How can I formulate it in a different way? – and I change it until I’m satisfied with it.
I experience a (lot) of self-doubt at the moment, with the first three chapters of IDY. I chose to post them, but I’m not entirely sure I’d be ready if people began to hate them or find horrible flaws with them. that makes me doubt whether it was a good idea or not, but I know that I can always delete them if it really goes downhill.
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
I stop writing. For a couple of days, usually, to let my brain the time to relax and focus on something else. Then, I sit back before my computer and I open another word document – like a blank page. I copy paste the scene I’m stuck on, and I rewrite it under, while using a couple of sentences I feel are good. I repeat the process until the words flow back again.
(This sounds a lot like a cooking recipe xD)
For the real, unbreachable writer’s block (like, if the above didn’t work), I try to focus on other stories. If that doesn’t help kick the inspiration back (like for No, but I do – even though the writer’s block was cemented by GOT’s last season but that’s another matter entirely), I push the story to the back of my mind and I give it up.
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
As many as necessary until I’m satisfied with myself. I can’t give a number.
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I imagine the scene beforehand, I listen to music, I write on computer… I can’t think of any other writing habit I have atm.
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
I don’t think I could collaborate with anyone, sorry - -’ When I have an idea for a story, I’m excited with writing every single part of it, so I don’t think it’s for me.
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
With the scenes I want to write.
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
At the moment (meaning the ones brewing in my mind): 11.
 The Favourites 21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
It depends with the story. I liked Weston in Pretty Boy (I like him too in I Desire You), and Wendy in Amandi.
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
Weston/Edmund. They’re my OTP for now.
23.  Favourite author
I don’t have a favourite author, I search for fics / stories mostly.
24.  Favourite genre to write and read
25.  Favourite part of writing
I love writing dialogues, especially when the characters continue to talk on their own and I’m just transcribing everything and the conversation ends up very different from what I imagined.
26.  Favourite writing program
None, I just write on Word.
27.  Favourite line/scene
That’s impossible to choose! xD
On a writing’s perspective only, I’ll say the end part of chapter 3 in I Desire You (or worse). When I reread it and I could feel what the character is feeling / does (I’m being vague on purpose because I haven’t posted it yet), I knew I had to post it somewhere. I don’t know, I’m just really proud of it (and have the most self-doubt over people’s reaction, which is – as always – very logical of me).
28.  Favourite side character
In I Desire You, I like Lucy.
29.  Favourite villain
I don’t think I’ve ever written many villains. Ah, yes, Peter Pan in my OUAT fic. He’s a villain, it works.
30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
I’ve been beginning a lot of WIP at the moment, precisely so I could start putting down all the ideas I wanted, so I don’t really know what to answer to that…
 The Dark 31.  Least favourite part of writing
Writing description of settings. I don’t really like how I write those.
32.  Most difficult character to write
Edmund. No hesitation.
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
No, and I never intend to. I want my characters to be happy and alive.
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
Chapter 3 of I Desire You? Or maybe the chapter 2.
Or the beginning of Amandi, which depicts the Peter / Fiona relation.
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Um, none at the moment :)
 The Fun 36.  Last sentence you wrote
I understand how he feels.
But I’ll probably change it. I’m not sure yet. It’s for IDY.
37.  First sentence of your current WIP
Well, I have three, so I’ll put the three.
A frustrated scream would have torn the eerie silence and thunderous sound of waves if Peter had any strength left in him to scream anymore. For Amandi
“Where’re y’all running to?” For IDY
Patroclus’ lip trembled when they pinned the crown to his hair. For Sunkissed.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
Oof, lots. I’ve often imagined confronting two versions of characters. Like, take characters, usually from period pieces or in mindsets that are very patriarchal, and make them see another version of themselves, usually in Omegaverse, in a sort of Harry Potter pensieve or television setting, like they just watch this alternate universe version of themselves as they go on their daily lives. And then I imagine all the ways this character would first be horrified / angered / dismissive of that version of themselves that they’d judge weaker because they’d be Omegas, and then, slowly, they see that they’re really badass and yk worthy of consideration, respect etc. Not just them, but all their mates etc. would too, as well. And then they would come out as this better person, who aren’t as prejudiced as they used to be.
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
I don’t know, I think it kind of overlap with the precedent question? Anyway, my characters are (only) plain, normal humans. Or, well, there was one time I had an idea to write a story with elves à la Tolkien, but it’s not really a weird character concept (or at all really xD)
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Well, all my characters’ important backstories end up being revealed, so I’m not gonna spoil anything here…
I’ll take Curly from Amandi. He grew up in an orphanage, a poor one, which didn’t have proper beds (hence why he calls them pockets, because they look like pockets). He has no memory of his parents because they separated before his birth and his mother died in birth. He comes from a magical land (since we’re talking about an OUAT AU).
 The Rest of It 41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
Write what you want to read.
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
I’m mixed. I’m not a fan of them, but I wrote one once, although it was a bit special because it looked like that: Person A is in love with Person B, and vice versa, Person C loves Person A and Person C (and the entire world) is convinced Person A is in love with them.
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
I just go with it. They know better than me xD
44.  How much research do you do?
A lot, but it’s mostly on little details. Like, not wars or political situation of the country at the time period, but more like were oil lamps still used for that class of population in said year, and can you snuff them out by turning the button (like in a slide sort of way, I’m not sure how to translate it precisely in English, but in my head it’s crystal clear).
45.  How much world building do you do?
I do a lot. When I write a story, I like to know every little detail I can.
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
Yes. That’s the main reason why I write them, to be true.
47.  Best way to procrastinate
By searching for aesthetic pics on Pinterest. That thing can take hours and you never see them fly. It’s incredible. Worse than Youtube. It takes you from picture to picture to picture without you noticing. Amazing.
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
I give a little bit of myself to every character I write about. Be it opinions, thoughts, childhood memory or taste. For example, Weston doesn’t like chocolate (he hates it with a passion) because I think chocolate has a disgusting taste (and because he never had the occasion of eating any as a kid).
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Weston, because he’s friendly and extraverted, and I wish I could be more of both, and I imagine that being his friend would make me mimic him in certain ways.
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jeffersonhairpie · 7 years
all of them
This was sitting in my inbox and tumblr did not tell me - rude. I assume this is for the ask meme yesterday so I’m gonna go ahead and stick all of these under a cut bc they are a LOT
1. things that inspire you
This is so vague and the answer is also vague - lots of things. Most of my ideas start out as small questions that spiral out into bigger concepts rather than starting from a concept and working backwards. Anything that gives me a Big Feel generally makes me want to write though
2. things that motivate you
The knowledge that I will have many more ideas and I will never write them all but if I write fast I will get more of them out
3. name three favorite writers
William Shakespeare, Barbara Kingsolver, Salman Rushdie 
4. name three authors that were influential to your work andtell why
William Nicholson - The Wind On Fire series is the single most underrated bunch of YA novels and they made me wanna write shit that no one else could have thought up
Michael Rosen - I have been at several of his talks by nature of being a person who grew up in Oxford when I did so he was one of the first authors that I had direct contact with
Tolkien - My mum is a massive Tolkienite and I got the full Middle Earth saga as bedtime stories as a kid in addition to stories my mum would make up to tell me which a) helped me realise how easy it was for a person to string a story together and b) I now totally realise was her trying to be like Tolkien. What a nerd. 
5. since how long do you write?
Since I knew how to make letters do things on a page
6. how did writing change you?
It helps me get shit unstuck from my brain. I wish I could say it made me more verbose but it decidedly has not
7. early influences on your writing
The Chronicles of Narnia were the first high fantasy thing I ever read and they got me good. Greek and Norse mythology had me enraptured as a kid. It’s hard to not put Harry Potter here when Philosopher’s Stone was the first chapter book I read all by myself as a kid
8. what time are you most productive?
Depends what for! My writing is better in the mornings and at a sweet post-dinner spot at night and I edit better in the late afternoon
9. do you set yourself deadlines?
No because I never  know how long it’s going to take me to reach the end of a story. I have a daily word quota though
10. how do you do your researches?
Typically in a rush when I realise there’s something I don’t know. Then I get sidetracked and spend a lot of time falling down an internet wormhole
11. do you listen to music when writing?
Absolutely not
12. favorite place to write
In a comfy chair in a room by myself
13. hardest character to write
I assume this means in fic? Probably Wade Wilson to my eternal irritation. I’m just not that kind of funny
14. easiest character to write
Kind of depends on the day. Bruce Wayne is delightfully easy though
15. hardest verse to write
I haven’t really tried any universe that really makes me work for it but my brief forays into Watchmen fic have been surprisingly difficult to do well
16. easiest verse to write
I’m really good at writing for Gorillaz
17. favorite AU to write
Anything sci-fi. Or anything that lets me do fairytale shit with characters
18. favorite pairing to write
Reeeeaaallly depends on the day and the kind of thing I am in the mood to write. BatJokes is probably the top OTP at the mo but that doesn’t mean it’s always what I wanna be writing 
19. favorite fandom to write
Again, depends on the day. 
20. favorite character to write
All these questions are so mood dependent!!!
21. least favorite character to write
I haven’t ever really hated the experience of writing a character
22. favorite story you’ve ever written
Oooooo this is hard. Obviously MFTJ is my baby but I also really like There Will Be Water, A World In Which, Chew Me Up Or Spit Me Out, Legend Has It, Through Dark Forbidding Waters, Out Of The Forest I Come, Up The Walls And Down Again and Equilibrium 
I like a lot of my stories. I’m my own favourite fic author. 
23. least favorite story you’ve ever written
I once wrote Supernatural incest. I have a dark past
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
I picked like ten fav fics - i woud struggle like hell to pick a single scene
25. favorite line you’ve ever written
AAAHHH!! Idk i don’t normally pick out individual lines? And lines that I do like really need full context to be cool so it feels mean to pull them apart and leave them all alone
26. story you’re most proud of
MFTJ for sure. Kinda wanna go back in time to this time last year and tell past me that that lil project they’ve just started is gonna turn full novel length and lead to many friendships and cool shit like woah
27. best review you ever got
I’VE GOTTEN A LOT OF REALLY LOVELY REVIEWS!!! I still get people telling me that Equilibrium helped them feel some measure of peace with their gender which never fails to get me choked up bc it’s so great that something I wrote entirely for my own gender demons speaks to other people. I’ve had people telling me that my stuff feels like an extension of canon, people comparing my work favourably to published fiction in the same genre, people telling me that my stuff is the best fic they’ve read in the fandom. I have gotten a lot of nice stuff, I’m lucky to have only had a handful of not nice comments. 
28. worst review you ever got
One time someone got angry with me for not killing off Thomas Jefferson in a Hamilton fic. 
It’s a Hamilton fic
It’s about a lot of dead Americans who were into slavery and misogyny and classism and racism and a whole other bunch of shit that manifested in ways that would be completely unacceptable now but were considered fine in the 1700s. 
And someone got angry that I kept Thomas Jefferson alive bc he was a slave owner as if most of the characters in the story were not also slave owners. Like if you have a problem with how Hamilton tells that side of the story you are very much justified by mayhaps don’t expect fic to be different???
29. favorite story/poem of another author
There are so many. I’m death. Like really and forreal I have a whole rec list and I would struggle to pick anything off it as being better than anything else so please go read the whole thing. 
30. hardest part of writing
Getting started
31. easiest part of writing
The hundred words before you get to a scene that you’ve been REALLY itching to write (but then inevitably you’ve been so excited about writing the scene that you can only struggle and fail to make it as good as you want it to be in your head)
32. alternate title for (insert story title)
There is no story suggested so I shall suggest Made For The Journey as Batman Americana
33. alternate ending for (insert story title)
Again, no suggested story so you can imagine A World In Which only Burr dies and Theo and Marte leave and Eliza is left miserable and alone
34. alternate pairing for (insert story title)
AGAIN nothing suggested so I will inform everyone that Trouble In Paradise was almost a YoonJin fic rather than a NamJin fic
35. single story or multi-part story?
No strong preference. I like the AO3 series function where you can come back to universes at your leisure though
36. one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
It depends on the story but in general oneshots are a lot less hassle
37. canon or AU?
Generally I’m a canon or canon divergence sort of person but that’s not a hard preference
38. do you reread your own stories?
All the time
39. do you want to be published some day?
Yeah and I really need to do more to make that happen
40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as amovie/series
Suga We’re Going Down would make a really great party comedy film I’m just saying here
41. one song that captures (insert story title)
Still no suggestion. Babe You Turn Me On by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds is an MFTJ song though and you cannot change my mind
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
I plan minimally. I daydream my way through stories but tbh that rarely has much bearing on where they’re going
43. would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
I’m gonna answer this for Rose Gold - hell fucking yeah and I plan to
44. do you write linear or do you write future scenes if youfeel like it?
Linnearly always
45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’tpublished yet
Hangover AU, DC comics, no capes. Bruce Wayne accidentally pays for his gf, her roomates and her roomate’s shitty bf to have a wild one in Vegas, fresh out of college
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
This is unedited so who knows how the scene will look when its published but: 
It’snot until he’s had his second cup of coffee and the sun has started its journeyto the other side of the world in earnest that Bruce puts on his suit and goesout to look for her. He finds her in the graveyard of Saint Michael’s, a relicfrom yesteryear that has hung on downtown long after everything else from itsera fled the scene. She’s instantly recognisable from the orange of herjumpsuit, the slack of her shoulders. Her hair is unstyled and ratty, the dirtyblonde she tries so hard to hide under her jester’s hat. Her shoulders shakeand it’s possible to hear her sobbing from half a block away, loud wails thatdon’t seem so out of place amongst the shriek of the emergency services dashinghopelessly from one end of the city to the next.
Inhis head, Bruce has already decided that he will pin her with force, tie her upand wait for the police to do the rest. If he stretches everyone thin enoughsoon enough someone will snap and then he can come by to pick up the slack.
Buthe flubs the landing, approaching slowly but not particularly quietly. Harleyglances over her shoulder when she sees him coming, eyes ringed red and mouthstretched wider than he’s ever seen it.
Bruceremembers a flower blooming amid razor sharp teeth and how it had beenbeautiful, if only for a moment. He stops a short way away from her.
Harleyshakes her head. “Please. Just lemme have this. I’ll come quietly, I just…”
Lookingpast her, Bruce sees a fragile wooden cross held together with string and thewords RIP Mr J scrawled across it in sharpie.
“Ijust…I mean…” Harley gulps down air at an alarming pace before bursting into arenewed round of sobs. “N-no one was gonna g-give him a proper funeral! And Idunno if they’ve even…if they’ve even buried him yet so I just c-c-c-came here.Because he used to like it, ya know? He thought it w-was creepy.”
“Youshouldn’t be here.” Bruce scolds her.
Harleynods, wiping her eyes. “That’s what Ivy said. It’s stupid, right? I haven’tbeen in love with him for years. But it’s not like anyone else cares, ‘ceptmaybe you, Mr B. Kinda feels like you have to care enough for everyone, don’tit?”
“No.”Bruce tells her. “I’m taking you back to Arkham.”
He gives her ten minutes before he makes thejourney to the asylum himself, Harley sat in the front seat, sobbing into heruncuffed hands.
47. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at thesame time?
I try really hard to keep this shit to a minimum but total ongoing projects rn is like four smh 
48. three spoilers for (insert story title)
Guess this has gotta be What Hath Dreams To Do With Sleep bc nothing else is really ongoing so
1. it takes place further into the lifetime of dream technology than Inception does
2. It will contain a wide array of characters (and if I were specific here that would be way too much of a spoiler)
3. Nothing about the real world in it is as presented in the comics or the Nolan films
49. writing advice
 - The best cure for writer’s block is to kick your own ass and make yourself write - If you can never stand to re-read your shit then your shit needs rewriting - You can’t be a good writer if you’re not reading good books. Read widely, don’t just read fic, think about what you like about stories and prose  - Write what you want to write. This includes going for themes and motifs that your audience doesn’t pick up on as much as it includes being self indulgent and coming up with stories that are tailor made for yourself. Believe that your writing can be as smart and profound as you want it to be and run with it. You will have more fun and like your writing more in the long run.  - That being said, if your audience consistently fails to pick up on things that you really want them to or are important to the understanding of the plot, that’s on you and you should work to correct that. Being too vague for people to understand what you need them to understand is not being clever.  - when in doubt, write the scene out in the most functional language possible to sketch the shape of it and jazz it up later - Remember that there will be good writing days and bad writing days and that writing takes practice and you may not be the writer you want to be yet but stick with it and you’ll get there
50. open question to the writer
This question is so open it doesn’t actually exist
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ALL QUESTIONS!! ALLLLL (except the one you said you were uncomfy answering ofc)
welcome to my daily essay procrastination (dw it is getting done I've just written like 1000 words and I need a break from literature type writing lol) 
1: Full name - Robin, not sharing the rest (like I said) 
2: Age - 21 
3: 3 Fears - Abandonment, clowns, sleep paralysis 
4: 3 things I love - Theatre, languages, my puppy 
5: 4 turns on - Being dominated, lip biting, gentle physical contact, increasing physical contact 
6: 4 turns off - I genuinely don't know rn can u tell its been a while since I got laid lol, so I guess, being a dick, using certain terms for body parts, 
7: My best friend - Char is prob my best friend!! we currently communicate exclusively through animal crossing post lol 
8: Sexual orientation - Right this is somewhat challenging still but I'm gonna go gay 
9: My best first date - Would you believe I've only really been on two? I can't remember the first one v well but I'd be inclined to say that because all that first love shit was great 
10: How tall am I - 5' 3" i think?? 
11: What do I miss - uni 
12: What time were I born - I actually don't know exactly but it was definitely the afternoon 
13: Favourite color - Baby blue 
14: Do I have a crush - Yup 
15: Favourite quote - "The universe is seeming really huge right now. I need something to hold on to." 
16: Favourite place - I've got a few, a corner in the orchard at Hom, the nook under my window in my room, the bench up on the hill where I walk the dog 
17: Favourite food - Stir fry 
18: Do I use sarcasm - I think I was fluent in sarcasm before I was in English tbh 
19: What am I listening to right now - Right technically I cheated bc I just skipped a couple songs, but Bad Habit by Ben Platt and the puppy's snores 
20: First thing I notice in new person - Smile or voice 
21: Shoe size - 4 i think 
 22: Eye color - blue 
23: Hair color - a literal rainbow 
24: Favourite style of clothing - uhhh does generally gay count?? 
25: Ever done a prank call? - nope 
27: Meaning behind my URL - one of my friends once called me the shakespeare of nicknames as my other friend called my such a slytherin so i mashed them up 
28: Favourite movie - Moana atm, non animated either Let It Snow or Pitch Perfect 
29: Favourite song - Obv this changes a lot but the last few days, Wonderland by Taylor Swift 
30: Favourite band - Stornoway 
31: How I feel right now - Too damn warm and a lil sleepy 
32: Someone I love - my sister 
33: My current relationship status - furiously single 
34: My relationship with my parents - good 
35: Favourite holiday - when my friend and i went to austria at the end of year 13 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have - zero 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - I want a few transition tattoos, a dodie lyric, something in russian, something watercolour 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - Originally because it was 2013 and my friends and I were v much the typical tumblr demographic, this one to vent feelings about some shitty situations 
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - Pretty sure they both hate me, I don't hate them, but I hate how things worked out 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - Sometimes yeah 
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - Nope 
42: When did I last hold hands? - Probably when I last went clubbing? 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Depends, I have to put T on, once i'm actually out of bed probably 15 minutes 
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? - nope 
45: Where am I right now? - on my sofa in my kitchen 
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - depends where i am, home city it'd be katherine, clubbing in cam, jules probably or char, drinking just in cam, umme or porters 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable 
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - usually mostly with mum, currently exclusively with dad because quarantine 
49: Am I excited for anything? - getting this damn essay done and sleeping 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - yep 
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - not that often i don't think, but i am very good at hiding my emotions if i decide to 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - like 6 hours ago? 
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - not at all unexpected tbh 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - not at the moment, i think i've managed to stop trusting the person who would've fit this category 
55: What is something I disliked about today? - my sister got super stressed and cried and i just wanted to make everything okay 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - ben platt 
57: What do I think about most? - rn animal crossing or work 
58: What’s my strangest talent? - i don't think i have one 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - nope 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - both, i love taking photos and i love having photos of me at important times 
61: What was the last lie I told? - god probably something dumb like no i absolutely did not just steal your cup of tea 
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? video chatting 
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - no, yes 
64: Do I believe in magic? - no 
65: Do I believe in luck? - yes 
66: What’s the weather like right now? - decent I think?? it's like 2 am so idk 
67: What was the last book I’ve read? - What Is to Be Done? by Chernyshevsky 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Fuck no 
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Bob, Bobbin, Robs, Rob, Stink, Little'un 
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? - that would probably be me getting a fish hook stuck in my thumb lollll 
71: Do I spend money or save it? - both 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - the fact that this said a tongue and not my tongue is... unsettling.. but yes 
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - yes 
74: Favourite animal? - elephant 
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - writing the essay lol 
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - morningstar i watch too much lucifer lol 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - rain by ben platt 
78: How can you win my heart? - hug me when i'm sad, send me things that make you think of me 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - he was there for me 
80: What is my favorite word? - mousse 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - okay so i have five blogs and am so tempted to just list those but sewing-and-showtunes, aeternumregina, oneoveroneisone, ballym, xx-thedarklord-xx 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - STAY THE FUCK INDOORS 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - no 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - shapeshifting 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - do i like myself 
86: What is my current desktop picture? - hamilton and laurens lol 8
7: Had sex? - yes
88: Bought condoms? - yes 
89: Gotten pregnant? - no 
90: Failed a class? - yes 
91: Kissed a boy? - yes 
92: Kissed a girl? - yes 
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - yes 
94: Had job? - yes 
95: Left the house without my wallet? - yes 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - no 
97: Had sex in public? - yes 
98: Played on a sports team? - yes 
99: Smoked weed? - yes 
100: Did drugs? - no 
101: Smoked cigarettes? - yes 
102: Drank alcohol? - yes 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - no 
104: Been overweight? - no 
105: Been underweight? - no 
 106: Been to a wedding? - no 
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - yes 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - yes 
109: Been outside my home country? - yes 
110: Gotten my heart broken? - yes 
111: Been to a professional sports game? - no 
112: Broken a bone? - no 
113: Cut myself? - yes 
114: Been to prom? - no 
115: Been in airplane? - yes 
116: Fly by helicopter? - no 
117: What concerts have I been to? - dodie, stornoway, show of hands 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - yes 
119: Learned another language? - yes 
120: Wore make up? - yes 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - yes 
122: Had oral sex? - yes 
123: Dyed my hair? - yes 
124: Voted in a presidential election? - i'm british 
125: Rode in an ambulance? - yes 
126: Had a surgery? - not unless my fish hook extraction counts 
127: Met someone famous? - yes 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - yes 
129: Peed outside? - yes 
131: Helped with charity? - yes 
132: Been rejected by a crush? - yes 
133: Broken a mirror? - no 
134: What do I want for birthday? - a boyfriend lol, or tbh for quarantine to be over 
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? - oh lord who knows, i like the name scottie and archie for girls 
136: Was I named after anyone? - my middle name is after my gran 
137: Do I like my handwriting? - ehhhh 
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? - my teddy bear 
139: Favourite Tv Show? - Crazy Ex Girlfriend 
140: Where do I want to live when older? - Berlin, Cambridge or London 
141: Play any musical instrument? - used to play the violin v poorly 
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? - fish hook or pets 
143: Favourite pizza topping? - pepperoni 
144: Am I afraid of the dark? - no 
145: Am I afraid of heights? - sort of 
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - don't think so 
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - yes 
148: What I’m really bad at - currently? being motivated 
149: What my greatest achievements are - getting into my uni, finally finding an antidepressant that works, coming out 
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - oh yikes it's way too late at night to open that can of worms 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery - pay for my damn top surgery 
152: What do I like about myself - I'm empathetic 
153: My closest Tumblr friend - @oneoveroneisone 
154: Something I fantasise about - going to pride abroad 
155: Any question you’d like? - I'm gonna pass this to the anons, ask me questions?
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memekingjrsupreme · 7 years
Ask Away Anonymously Or Not.                        (◕‿◕✿) All My Asks I Answered On My Blog Deleted, So I Decided To Make An Ask Meme Thingyy.
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? Closed, ain't no monster gonna get these feets.
(2) Do You Have Freckles? No, but most of my family does.
(3) Can You Whistle? Hell yeah, my only talent. I can whistle in and out too, I do a bomb ambulance impression.
(4) Last Song You Listened To. Brown Eyes by Lady Gaga I think.
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? Blue, Green, Orange. I don’t really like red or yellow, the rest are just okay.
(6) Relationship Status. Single but not wanting to mingle ;)
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? Cold? Like 68 degrees maybe (Fahrenheit because America is the only real country)?
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? Waking up makes me cranky, but I’m also sick so probably.
(9) How Many Followers? Only 204 rn, I don’t post content so whatchu expect (shoutout to all those pornbots following me).
(10) Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? Bluey-green
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? I have some vitamin c chew things, but they kinda make me gag.
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? If people aren’t home, or I can close all doors to ensure they can’t hear me.
(14) What Books Are You Reading? I can’t read.
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. I don’t have any books other than my yearbooks in my room.
(16) Favourite Anime? I’ve only seen one, so it’d have to be Cory in the House.
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? My dogs? I don’t really cry unless I’m thinking about stuff late at night so.
(18) Do You Collect Anything? I really like figures like of any kind so like I’m one of the only people I feel that likes Funko Pop.
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? Nothing, I woke up at like 12pm and I can’t cook well.
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? Not really, I sing though (I can’t drive so its only with other people).
(21) Favourite Animal? I literally would love to meet any animal ever, but I’ve always had a special place for dogs and elephants.
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? Whom?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? 2 am is the max I really do anymore, usually around midnight.
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? Full face obviously (jk).
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I don’t swim, but probably ocean since there’s some good sea boys up in there.
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? You’re all my friends and babies, but Otterlycrete since I tagged her ;) (how can you pick favorites though)
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? Bottled unless I can have it from a filter.
(28) What Makes You Happy? Animals, family, friends, memes, graphic design (its my passion).
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. Too lazy.
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With, otherwise I space out and don’t do anything.
(31) Dogs Or Cats? All animals are good, but I really love doggos.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Black. It’s dependable and adds structure to pictures.
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. No. I really only use my computer.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? This feels very similar to the other question, but lake or ocean to see swimmy animal bois.
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yes, as well as life after love.
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? Black
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yeah
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Hnnnng, spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Mmyes, the merch of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? I only really get obsessed over music and albums, right now I’ve been listening to things like “The Fame” (as a good throwback), “Rainbow”, and “Poppy.Computer”.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Yes.
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, I definitely second guess things if someone says something but I’m usually strong in my decisions.
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? I had a dream about being in kindergarten and playing with penguins and an elephant last night.
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don’t like the idea of them, but I’m fine with being on them.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Hidden Figures or Selena, both are ones I watched/rewatched recently.
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Lana Del Rey, Marina and the Diamonds, Poppy, Katy Perry (again), pretty much anyone except T*ylor Sw*ft.
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? I don’t eat meat so yes I suppose.
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Kind of, things wake me up but I usually don’t care enough to stay awake.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Love storms
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? Depends on what I’m reading, I like the idea of writing but not actually doing it because it makes me feel self conscious.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah, as long as I’m not bothering people.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Probably carve pumpkins because I suck at wrapping stuff.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Body Electric by Lana Del Rey (issa bop)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Winter (the best season).
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? Nothing? Maybe the tofu from this one place (it's amazing), but idk.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Too Lazy (again).
(58) What Is Your Gender? I’m boy
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Both, those are my two favorite drinks how dare you pit them against each other.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? Yes. I gotta make some posters for a digital design class, but will I? No.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m not really into anyone in a very sexual way, I’d say I’m asexual. I’d rather be in a relationship with a guy though.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? No, its easier to get back into once I’ve decided I don’t want to face the realities of the modern world if I don’t make it.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Arcanine? Charizard? Sceptile? Gardevoir? I love a LOT of them.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Twitter cause its like I’m friends with celebrities ;)
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I don’t use Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick? If I’m away for a little sure, I’m living at home before I go off to school so.
(67) Are You A Virgin? If you’re asking if I have a virgen de guadalupe candle, then yes.
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Some random stuff, it smells dank though.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? I’d go sleep in a car rn, idk why but I actually really don’t mind it. Maybe it's the cold or something.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yep.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Coco, it looks great :)
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? WHOMST’VE?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “Pushing my ex husband off of his own balcony has been the highlight of my day.” - Joanne the Scammer
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Not really that they’re sexy but I like blue eyes, brown eyes, idk they’re all nice.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I could take it or leave it both now and then.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Soup and salad.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Only Magikarp Jump and ACPC.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? Who would just watch and let someone die…. What kind of question is this.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Of course, I’m a hooligan.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Not really, maybe a person I thought was familiar and wanted to verify.
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Not really, unless its someone I’ve heard of beforehand.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. No, they give me anxiety (what if I lose them).
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? 100% always closed, I’m not trying to have someone watch me while I sleep.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? Classwork, listened to music, played video games (lazy day).
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and shorts (I can’t wear long pants and I’d never sleep without some type of clothing).
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m ugly, what are those.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night, its way more calm.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. Oh honey…. To many to name (my favorites are Overwatch, WoW, Smite, BattleRite, etc).
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I once dreamed I was in an 8-bit arcade game a few years ago, nothing topped that one.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Dr. Pepper?
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I don’t understand this, but like animals and music I guess.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Sweats, jeans remind me too much of where I live.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? A mess, sis.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Family (sometimes, friends (sometimes), animals, games, music, rain, snow, nighttime.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? A lyric/quote from the song “Spaceship” by Kesha. “Nothing is real, love is everything, and I know nothing.” or some variation of that.
(96) Favourite YouTuber? EthosLab, Xisumavoid (even though I don’t really care about playing minecraft), I also really like Jaymes Mansfield.
If any of you wanna do this, feel free :)
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bubblykaitlin · 7 years
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?Closed, I don't fuck with closet monsters(2) Do You Have Freckles?No but I wish I did (3) Can You Whistle?Yeah like really well(4) Last Song You Listened To.The Cure - Lady Gaga(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?Purple 💜(6) Relationship Status?Engaged(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?87° according to Snapchat(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?No but I usually do(9) How Many Followers?390 (10) Zodiac Sign.Gemini(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?Brown(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? Cranberry pills(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? All the time, them acoustics(14) What Books Are You Reading?Nothing right now (15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.Literally no books near me, I'm at work(16) Favourite Anime?Ouran High School Host Club for anime but Fruits Basket for manga(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? Probs Josie(18) Do You Collect Anything?The square tab on the end of a bag of bread(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?Chipotle(20) Do You Dance In The Car?I perform (21) Favourite Animal?Jellyfish(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?I try!!(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?Midnight(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?Nope, I try not to wear a bunch to work(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I prefer being in the ocean but literally swimming is better in the pool (26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?Snorlaxatives or baybert(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?Bottled or filtered (28) What Makes You Happy?Vine compilation videos(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.*insert gif of chicken stripping*(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With music(31) Dogs Or Cats?Por que no los dos? (32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Idk like Wisteria (33) PlayStation Or Xbox.Anything Nintendo(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? Ocean(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yeah(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?Pink tank top under my blue work smock (37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yes (38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Pretend to spend, secretly save (39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? My hair and shirt and my special pen (40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? Vitamin Water? It's all I drink(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? No but now I want to(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Yeah, I'm a pretty sensitive empath(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? All the time!! (44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I enjoy traveling but I didn't enjoy my last couple of flights(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Dear Zachary (46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Sunflower seeds(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?Lady Gaga(48) Are You A Picky Eater? No way, food is food (NOT PEAS)(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? I've been training myself to not panic at every noise(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Thunder and me don't get along(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?I love writing and reading(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah I'm gonna ruin my hearing lmao (53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins (54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?Maria by Blondie(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)Summer(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? Affection(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.Too much work(58) What Is Your Gender?Female(59) Coffee Or Tea?Tea(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?I hope I never have homework again(61) What Is Your Sexuality?Bisexual(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?No I make it right before bed(63) Favourite Pokemon?Lapras (64) Favourite Social Media?Tumblr or Snapchat(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?Ehhhh(66) Do You Get Homesick?Everyday (67) Are You A Virgin?Lmao(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?Suave Coconut Shampoo/Conditioner(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?If I budgeted to spend the night, crappy room. (70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yes unfortunately(71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Something good(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?Yes and no. He sucks but I love him(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?"Do you feel weird in your.... privates?"(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? All the eye colors(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? YES SWINGING WAS THE BEST(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Chipotle. I think I answered this?(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?HopHopHop, Spikes, Pokémon Go, Harvest Moon, Bowmasters, Ballz, Word Cookie, MyVEGAS, minesweeper, slither.io, and paper.io(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?I would because holy crap that's a person(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? LMAO LMAO LMAO I've skyped someone for well over 12 hours straight(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? What no who told you that(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Yes!! I'm an anxious social butterfly (82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.*insert pic of engagement ring* I would like to wear more and be a Ring Lesbian(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?Closed. Again, I don't fuck with bedtime monsters(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? I woke up, showed up to work, and made my manager laugh so hard she cried(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? Big tshirt and panties or tank top and shorts(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.Dollar store makeup and splat color conditioner (87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?Night time (88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.I just DID THIS (89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.Last night I dreamt a tarantula crawled out of my toilet (90) Favourite Soda Drink?Pepsi, ginger ale, sprite, Dr Pepper (91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?Twinkle sounds(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?Jeans(93) How Do You Look Right Now?Bor d(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.Bath time (95) What Tattoo Do You Want?- Jellyfish on leg- Quote from "Interlude" by Anthony Amorim (@jerkidiot) - Triple moon- Mermaid and fairy on my thigh- Purple flower(s) on my back/shoulder(96) Favourite YouTuber?Starkid I guess?
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pixelrender · 5 years
Board Games Wishlist
Next year, I plan to leave video games for a while. Also, I’m a big board game enthusiast. Yet I haven’t bought a single board game in maybe 10 years. I would like to change that and dedicate a shelf in my life to a small library. I have some boards and cards left from my teen years, but only 3 of them are good enough to make it.
One reason I’m writing this post right now is because there’s no reasonable way for me to keep a wishlist. The other one is that it’s always possible I won’t start buying board games as I might not want to cluster my space. Money might be a reason too as I’d rather spend $100 on something else than a heavy box. This also a key to how I ordered the list. Cheap small games, which are easy to get out and play are top priority. The second category are games with esoteric qualities such as great artwork. I think that a game with reasonable production is more likely to get played with non-geeks than a space opera. The third category are reasonably priced big boxes with swift gameplay. This game features Reiner Knizia and several other clever designs. The last category are games, which float over me in my wet dreams. Boxes full of shiny components, power fantasy and overblown artwork.
Accessibility in my region is also a quality I consider. Some games are surprisingly affordable in local distribution.
All pictures in this article are sourced from Board Game Geek if not stated otherwise.
Good games I already own
I own more than three games but only three qualify as games I would like to put on table again. These three games are:
1. König der Elfen - 20 years old design, which  is quite straightforward and enjoyable. While staying simple, it offers enough space for strategy. I quite enjoy the artwork too.
2. The Hobbit Adventure Boardgame - a very old design from 1993. I like this one purely for nostalgia. It’s one of these adventure games you never finish as a children because you enjoy your time with the game and you can’t really grasp boss fight rules.
3. Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers - I picked this one back when it was the only alternative version of Carcassonne. The box included more than the vanilla. I kind of regret the decision as I think that the original themes suits this classic better. 
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Small Light Investitions
This category is simple. Mostly well regarded games under 20 bucks in small boxes. I’m really likely to get most of these. Also, It’s easy to put take one or more of them on the go. This makes them more likely to be played and therefore even more worth their small pricetag.
4. Citadels - This is a classic a played and enjoyed many times. I’m interested to see how it holds up. It’s been a while after all. 
5. Bang! The Dice Game - I played Bang! at least hundred times and I wouldn’t be against returning to it. This seems to be a better option plus a great introduction to dice games.
6. Age of War - Another small game using dice. I want to store some time ago to buy it, but they managed to sell it out super fast. Hopefully, there’s a second edition or something. This game seems to really pack a punch for its size.
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7.  Artifacts Inc. - A slightly bigger game, less of a classic, but one with glowing reviews and magnificent art. Ryan Laukat created a beautiful universe with his games and this one’s universally highly regarded. An alternative might be Roam, if it turns out well. The latter game’s currently on Kickstarter. It might prove more difficult to bring this to the table, but I would like to have it for its pleasant look only.
8. Biblios - I listened to a podcast recently and it praised Biblios. Given its a cheap game with a likable theme (I can imagine many of my almost cynical friends attracted by it), this is a must have. The dice looks nice too.
9.  Sunset Over Water - I’m certain you will like this slightly kitsch game too,  if you check out this article. Daily Worker Placement’s my favourite board gaming website and their reviews are often visual experiences, which make you see a game from an entirely different angle. The game’s supposed to be easy going and relaxing. Also I like it, when cards are used as tiles. I just love that space element of board games over traditional card games. The other exciting thing are meeples in this game. They show how much chill Sunset Over Water is.
10. Targi - I heard this is an ultimate worker player experience for two players. I’m hyped to try it. The table presence of this game is great and mechanics are really easy to grasp. I think the theme is quite strong and original too. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for me to get Targi  locally right now.
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Osprey Games
Ok, this might sound like a dumb category. But look at them! I want all of Osprey productions. They’re neat little packages with excellent graphic design, interesting themes and mostly well regarded games. The only downside is, that I’ll have to order them from England as the one I crave the most for isn’t available here. I can’t live without Cryptid.
11. Cryptid - The game’s a piece of art. I have a massive boner for the way it is both abstract and concrete. The theme of searching for something is simple enough for normal people to enjoy it and to appreciate the game. I really want to own and play Cryptid.
12. The Lost Expedition - Read the review Daily Worker Placement published and tell me it doesn’t make you excited about this little (solo) experience. Again, the production is on spot, the theme is great and the gameplay leaves space for imagination, micro stories created by situations.
13. London - When you take a look at Martin Wallace’s portfolio, it’s a wild ride. I currently own one of his designs, Runebound, and it’s a game too long and complicated to be played. It simulates computer RPGs better than more popular games such as Talisman, but it can’t be played in the same casual fashion. London’s hopefully a different case. The theme’s less embarrassing and it offers real economical challenge.  That’s something my friends are likely to appreciate.
14. Agamemnon - Again, I love the production and it feels like an actual ancient games. Drive Thru Reviews’ episode on the game hooked me on mechanics as well. He compares it to Samurai, which is a famous game from Dr. Knizia. The comparison favours Agamemnon as a tighter cousin of the bigger game.
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Reasonably Sized Boxes
This category are games usually more expensive than games in first 2 categories. I usually want them for a reason. I watched and read reviews on most and they hyped me on their original mechanics or perfect implementation of traditional ones. Also, you might follow dominant themes in this category. One of them are designers. Dr. Knizia’s games in general are good examples of games, which belong in this category. They’re usually light on mechanics. He is able to work with little to create a perfect puzzle.
15. The Quest for El Dorado - I’m super hyped about this one right now. Many videos recommend Dominion as a good starting point for deck building games. El Dorado is better in my humble opinion. Deck building mechanism is a simple one and well tied with movement. This a swift racing game, which is about planning ahead and player interaction. The two videos got me hooked more than anything else. Shut Up and Sit Down’s review and especially Game Night’s session with the game. Last fifteen minutes provide some really good analysis.
16. Mombasa - For some reason, the local distribution of Mombasa is extremely affordable. I like the theme better than other Pfister’s games too. It’s not a light game and choices in this game are more complicated and I’m not sure it’s really a good choice, but it’s a steal. And I want to make my liberal friends feel bad about exploitation.
17. Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn - This game’s more elegant than Mombasa but nowhere near El Dorado or ather Knizia’s gems. I’m a civilization sucker, tho. A New Dawn managed to cut down enough to make the length of an official civ board game reasonable. It features a very attractive mechanic. The later you use an action, the stronger it becomes. I don’t mind it being less meaty than most civ games.
18. Rise of Tribes - I dislike the cover of this one. Other than that it looks like a perfect game for me. It’s fast, especially combat, and it features an interesting choose your action mechanic. I feel like this is a tight design, which might become even tighter after you play Rise of Tribes several times. It feels like a great game to play multiple times in a row. Together with A New Down, they should be great starting points, when coming with your own design for a civilization themed light board game. The picture is courtesy of  Henry Chinaski
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Outlandish Furniture
It’s not likely that I’ll ever own more than one of games in this category (Concordia). I would love to have them all. They’re big, finely produced and full of inspiring moments. I need funds and space for normal furniture, which clashes with these boxes. They’re a dangerous turning point too. If I ever get more of these, I’m neck deep in collecting. There’s no way I’d play more of them regularly. I
19. 878 Vikings - Price tag of Vikings is too big. The game isn’t heavy or long, but plastic minis make it more expensive and big than it should be. The design is intriguing otherwise. It’s a fairly simple and very thinky are control game, which could be considered a good entry point for wargaming too.
20. Concordia - The peak of eurogames? Shut Up and Sit Down’s review doesn’t sell this one short and it makes me willing to invest in it. Unfortunately, the latest edition (Venus) is more expensive than I find reasonable atm. Owning Concordia is a goal to have, but I have to get there, have a group to play it with and allocated space for its box.
21.-25. Food Chain Magnate, Nusfjord, Quantum, Santa Maria
26. PARKS - This game isn’t expensive or big. It was kickstarted recently and it’s difficult to predict its availability. It has an attractive theme and art style. Mechanics seem to be quite laid back and that’s something I like too. It ought to be more of an experience than a battle or a race.
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